Gbs newsletter march 2018

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March 2018 Meeting this Sunday 18th, West End Hall Castlemaine from 11am

Founded 2001 Incorporated 2002

Presidents Notes

Paul Showell President. 54 705545 Helen Wheeler Secretary 54 762286 David Rojo Treasurer 0458 811 205 Newsletter– GoldfieldsBonsaiSociety GBS Facebook page

Hello Members, I hope this finds you all well. Summer has gone, well almost. The nights are getting cooler and the trees are showing signs of changing into the beautiful Autumn colourings. Well last month we held our AGM and it was great to see such a large turnout of Members on the day. It was good to catch up with everyone after an absence for most since our Xmas breakup in November or longer. After plenty of chat we went onto the formalities of the day. David gave us a rundown of the financials after breaking fairly even on the exhibition, Helen gave a summary of the years events and I thanked everyone for their participation and continued support. The positions were declared open and then the three of us pretty much were asked to continue in the same positions for another year. We followed with a quick meeting and put together most of the program for the year. See later in the newsletter. This month we have a general workshop to start the day and then Diederik will be giving us a demonstration on undercutting branches to develop the aged appearance on your advanced bonsai. It should be a interesting talk with no doubt plenty of Diederik’s fabulous trees for inspiration. That’s enough from me, I hope to see you on Sunday for another enjoyable day. Paul A Tale of two Cedars There is a lovely Box tree Nursery in Trentham run by a quirky lady called Phyllis. I called past one day and she had two cedar “Atlantica" in pots so I made an inquiry about them. She told a tale of planting one when her first born son came into the world (he is now 53 apparently) and did the same for her second son (who is now 48). They have always been in pots and, as you can imagine, are very pot bound. I asked her if she would sell one, to which she refused. I went back a couple of times and catching her in a generous mood she sold me the youngest tree but bluntly refused the second, older tree. Who knows why she sold one but I purchased it for 150 dollars. I tried to buy the older tree several times but she always refused. That was 14 years ago! Driving through Trentham a week or so ago I called in on the off chance the Nursery was still around and, lo and behold, there she was pruning away. I stopped, went in and said Hi, (Continued on page 2)

The younger tree purchased 14 years ago

but pretty sure she did not remember me. Walking around the Nursery which is very beautiful with its very old trees all planted by Phyllis (it is worth a visit). I came across the older Cedar planted in a larger pot but still inside the older plastic one, after chatting about how she was getting old and cannot keep up, I asked her if the Cedar was for sale. She replied that “yes, regrettably, everything must go as the property will go on the market in a few years�. She was sad talking about it but i guess that is life as we all get older. I bought the tree for 220 dollars and I don't know why i did, i just did. I will see if i can do something with it, but it is interesting the difference between the two tree's when one has been worked on and looked after. Regards Diederik. The new acquisition, looking a bit pot bound

February Meeting AGM

Some snaps of the day, Left is the re-elected committee discussing finances. Right is my wire holder which cost me $2. Below Right is our visitor from Blackwood. Snuck a lift with Ron and Denise.

GBS Members Out and About Trevor and I went to see the bonsai display at the Art Gallery of Ballarat last weekend. The exhibition was set up by Jeff Barry from CHOJO Feature Trees. There were twenty five mature trees ranging from 30cm to nearly 1 metre in height, and a variety of styles and species. Some of the azaleas planted in the root on rock were impressive. Helen

Simon has done some lovely detailed upgrades to his Penjing landscape.

Robert has been cleaning up trees, preparing for the colder months

Goldfields Bonsai Society Program 2018 March 18th—Diederik Demonstration - Undercutting branches April 15th—still to be finalised May 20th—Gerard Schoofs talk on Natives as bonsai June 17th—Possible exhibition in Daylesford July 15th—Making muck, matching trees to pots August 19th—David group planting demonstration September 16th—Visit a members collection—Warren’s in Bendigo and nursery visit October 21st—David talk on Azaleas. Preparing trees for the exhibition. November 3rd + 4th—Exhibition. November 18th—Christmas Breakup

Mauro Stemberger Tour 2018 (BFA) June 23rd and 24th Senior Citizen Hall, Golden Square, Bendigo

31st AABC National Bonsai Convention in Melbourne This event will be hosted by Bonsai Northwest 20 – 23 July 2018 at Mantra Bell City, Melbourne, in partnership with Association of Australian Bonsai Clubs Ltd. The true highlight of the convention will be our headline international bonsai artist, Bjorn Bjorholm. Registration and payment close 1 July 2018. For more information go to Bonsai Northwest.

Meeting this Sunday 18th Hall open from 11am.

Bring Lunch. Bring some Colour or interest for the display table. Make sure you bring a tree or two to work on. Diederik will be giving us a talk on undercutting a branch to pull down closer to the trunk at 12:30pm

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