Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Gynecologist in NYC for Menopausal Bleeding
Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD is the best Obgyn in NYC for menopausal bleeding. In practice for over 25 years, Dr. Goldstein has helped thousands of women suffering from the effects of menopause and perimenopause. Dr. Goldstein is a Certified Menopause Practitioner, North American Medical Society (NAMS), a Past President, North American Menopause Society and President of
the International Menopause Society. He is regarded as a top New York City Gynecologist In menopause, by definition, the ovaries are no longer functioning and, therefore, not making any estrogen or progesterone. Thus, there is no stimulation of the endometrial lining and there should be absolutely no further bleeding. Any bleeding in a menopausal patient, even staining, regardless of how slight or short in duration must be evaluated. Even third year medical students know that any menopausal bleeding is “uterine cancer until proven otherwise.”
However, do not be overly alarmed. Studies show that only about 3-7% of women with menopausal bleeding will actually have cancer. However, in medicine, that is a relatively large number and all women with any menopausal bleeding must have an evaluation of their
uterus. In years gone by, this was often a D&C (dilatation and curettage) and for many years a simple uterine biopsy was the standard of care. This has recently changed, based much on Dr. Goldstein’s research, and such an evaluation can begin with a vaginal sonogram. Here are just two of the significant contributions Dr Goldstein, a top New York City Gynecologist, has made to the field of gynecology.
In 1991, Dr. Goldstein was the first to suggest that a thin, distinct endometrial echo on transvaginal ultrasound in postmenopausal bleeding did not indicate the need for a biopsy. This was finally adopted as the standard of care by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) in 2009.
In 1989, he was the first to suggest that simple cysts of postmenopausal ovaries were benign and did not require surgical intervention. In 2009 that, too, became the standard of care.
Dr. Goldstein is is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School Of Medicine. He is also a Past Chairman of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, New York section, Past President American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine and is currently the Director of Gynecologic Ultrasound at NYU Langone Medical Center.
Dr Goldstein is highly regarded as the best Obgyn in NYC, Dr. Goldstein is committed to providing individualized care to his patients and is the only medical personnel you will see on your visit from beginning to end. Visit his website at www.goldsteinmd.com
Contact Us
Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Gynecologist in NYC for Menopausal Bleeding
530 First Avenue Suite 10N, New York - 10016 United States of America Call: 212.263.7416 Website: www.goldsteinmd.com Follow Us