Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD- Top New York City Gynecologist

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Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Top New York City Gynecologist When should your Daughter first visit the Gynecologist?

Dr. Steven R. Goldstein is a top New York City Gynecologist and the best obgyn in NYC. He has been

in private practice for over 25 years and has helped thousands of women with their gynecologic issues through his career. Dr. Goldstein offers the below on when your daughter should first visit the gynecologist. Your teenage daughter’s first visit to the gynecologist doesn’t have to be a traumatic experience. A positive first visit will ensure that she is not “ruined” as a gynecologic patient. Many of you have paid me the highest compliment by bringing your teenage daughters (some of whom I actually delivered)to see me.

I am often asked when a teenager should first come to the gynecologist. I feel that certainly prior to leaving for college they need to visit the gynecologist. You can explain that they are a woman now and it is time. If they are younger - seniors, juniors, even sophomores in high

school it depends on whether they are having any problems with frequency or severity of periods, are their periods interfering with school or sports, their level of maturity, and are they sexually active (although this may or may not be information shared with you). They must feel that their visit to me is private. Some moms stay in the consult room during the intake interview. If so, in the exam room I let them know that whatever they say is confidential, and if they want me to talk to their mom I will, but only with their permission. When they are in the exam room we talk about sexual activity, contraception, STDs etc. Let me assure all the parents out there that they young girls in my practice are very well informed about contraception, HIV, other STDs as well as very responsible.

Dr. Goldstein is a top New York City Gynecologist

who is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School of Medicine and Director of Gynecologic Ultrasound, NYU Langone Medical Center among many other positions.

As the best obgyn in NYC, each patient of Dr. Goldstein receives individualized care and Dr Goldstein is the only medical personnel you will see from the beginning to the end of your visit. Dr Goldstein personally performs all examinations and transvaginal ultrasounds and Sonohysterography. Visit his website at www.goldsteinmd.com for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Contact Us

Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Top New York City Gynecologist

530 First Avenue Suite 10N, New York - 10016 United States of America Call: 212.263.7416 Website: www.goldsteinmd.com Follow Us

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