Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Early Pregnancy Monitoring Doctor in New York
Doctor Steven R. Goldstein MD is Obstetrician and Gynecologist in practice for over 25 years in New York City. Dr Goldstein is one of the early pregnancy monitoring doctors in New York who uses painless, non-invasive Transvaginal Ultrasounds to monitor pregnancies. Early pregnancy follows very classic milestones of development and by following a pregnancy with Transvaginal Ultrasound a physician can tell if a pregnancy is meeting its milestones. Miscarriages usually take place one to four weeks after the pregnancy loses its viability. So for instance if a woman had a miscarriage in week nine, she could not have had a normal eight week six day ultrasound the day before she miscarried. By seeing patients very early in their pregnancy and following them at regular intervals with ultrasound, it is easy to see if the pregnancy is meeting its milestones.
If a pregnancy were to fail, an elective Dilation and Curettage (D&C) will be performed to remove pregnancy tissue before spontaneous miscarriage sends the woman to the Emergency Room. In addition this provides the opportunity to examine the pregnancy tissue to see if there are any abnormalities of the chromosomes which will explain why the pregnancy failed and possibly prevent recurrent miscarriages. In addition to being a top gynecologist in New York in practice for over 25 years, the author of over 7 books and textbooks, and a sought after lecturer, Dr Steven R Goldstein is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York School of Medicine, serves as Director of Gynecologic Ultrasound at New York University Medical Center and is President of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. He is available for consultation.
Doctor Goldstein believes in individualized care for his patients and that each woman has unique needs. He personally sees all patients, takes all information, exams patients and performs all procedures himself. If you are pregnant and need to visit one of the early pregnancy monitoring doctors in New York then contact the office of Dr Steven R Goldstein MD for an appointment. All appointments are tailored to the patients and Dr Goldstein is the only medical specialist a patient will see. You may visit his website at www.goldsteinmd.com.
Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Early Pregnancy Monitoring Doctor in New York