Perimenopause can occur in women in their late thirties to forties and last for four to seven years before menopause begins. When a woman doesn’t ovulate, no progesterone is produced. The presence of estrogen without progesterone to balance it out can cause a variety of symptoms unrelated to a woman’s menstrual cycle.
For instance, fairly constant estrogen levels without progesterone (due to the lack of ovulation in Perimenopause) in a woman will cause her not to bleed at all for weeks or months. Secondly, this condition of estrogen without progesterone to balance it (which occurs during Perimenopause) can result in these other symptoms as well such as Salt and Fluid retention, Low blood sugar levels, blood clotting, fibroid tumor enhancement, altered thyroid hormone function (leading to weight gain or feelings of exhaustion), increased production of body fat, feelings of sluggishness and low energy.
That’s not to say that if a woman is experiencing any of the above that Perimenopause is definitely the cause, but it should certainly be considered. Doctors need to see a “family” of symptoms that occur following a specific pattern of events in order to make a preliminary diagnosis. Dr. Goldstein, a top NYC Gyn for perimenopause, evaluates women with these symptoms to determine if
Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD is a leading gynecologist in NYC to see for perimenopause. He is the co-author of the book “Could it be….Perimenopause”.Perimenopause is responsible.
As a past President of the International Menopause Society, past President of the North American Menopause Society and a Certified Menopause Practitioner, Dr Goldstein, a Menopause Doctorin NYC, has helped thousands of women cope with the symptoms of menopause. He has also helped women cope with perimenopause, a period when some women, aged 35 to 50, who are too young for menopause experience forgetfulness, mood swings, insomnia, weight gain and other telltale signs of hormonal imbalance.
Perimenopause is a poorly chosen word for a transitional hormonal stage that may be temporary and may occur many years before true menopause. A scientific study showed that the range of normal for the duration of perimenopause varies from four to fifteen years. Certainly, a long period.
If you are a woman experiencing perimenopausal symptoms or would like more information or a consultation, then contact Dr Steven R. Goldstein’s office.