About Hemorrhagic Cysts

In his practice Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD, a top gynecologist in New York, who uses transvaginal ultrasounds and Sonohysterograms liberally in the diagnosis of gynecologic conditions. Some patients present with pelvic pain, or have been told they have a Functional Cyst (also known as a corpeus luteum), or a hemmorhagic cyst. These cysts are common, and harmless most of the time. So just what are they and should we be concerned about them.
A Corpuls Luteum (CL), is formed as a result of ovulation and responsible for the production of progesterone, hence the name “functional cyst”.A functional cyst is responsible for regulating menses and for maintaining pregnancy until it develops its own ability to make progesterone. If a pregnancy does not occur, the functional cyst breaks down. It can, on occasion, undergo internal hemorrhage and develop into a hemorrhagic cysts. If it continues to produce progesterone, it is termed a hemorrhagic corpus luteum. If progesterone synthesis ceases, but the cyst persists, then it is considered a hemorrhagic cyst.
Hemorrhagic cysts can enlarge up to 5 centimeters or more, causing pain and may occasionally rupture resulting in the presence of blood in the space between the inner lining of the abdominal wall and the internal abdominal organs. The pain typically resolves within a few days, whereas the cyst may take 1 to 3 months to regress.
Patients with hemorrhagic cysts usually present with pelvic pain. Using non-invasive transvaginal ultrasounds, Dr Goldstein evaluates the patient and can diagnose, using color flow Doppler whether a hemorrhagic cyst, is responsible for the pain.
Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD is a leading NYC Gynecologist and a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School Of Medicine. He is also a Past Chairman of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, New York section, Past President American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine and a former Director of Gynecologic Ultrasound at NYU Langone Medical Center.
Dr Goldstein personally performs all Vaginal Sonograms, diagnoses the condition and then discusses treatment options with the patient. He is one of the most highly recognized and regarded individuals in the field of vaginal probe ultrasounds and an internationally recognized expert in the field of gynaecological ultrasound and imaging.
If you are experiencing pelvic pain or have been told that you have a Functional Cyst or Hemorrhaic cyst, then an appointment with Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD, a NYC Gyn will be appropriate.