Within 4 to 5 years of Menopause, 80% of women will be devoid of symptoms or have mild symptoms, while 20% may have symptoms for up to ten years or longer.A former President of the International Menopause Society and a Certified Menopause Practitioner, Dr Steven R. Goldstein is a Menopause Specialist in NYC who works with menopausal women to help them understand the changes in their bodies and use strategies to best cope with the symptoms of Menopause.
Skin and hair symptoms often receive less attention than other menopausal symptoms. In a survey of 87 women attending a menopause clinic, 64% reported skin problems and around half indicated that the menopause had caused skin changes, with dry skin being the main symptom.Additionally, in a survey from 2018 in 1287 French women, 72% reported they noticed changes in their skin at perimenopause/menopause, while 50% felt they had been insufficiently informed about these symptoms, highlighting the need for educating women and healthcare professionals on the impact of menopause on the skin. The visible signs of dryness, wrinkles and sagging, especially on the face, contribute to an increased perception of aging and decreased attractiveness with a significant impact on quality of life (QoL). Furthermore, a woman is frequently judged, particularly in westernized societies, by the quality of her skin and hair (including hair color), both of which are seen to
reflect health and well-being, and may cause a great psychological burden.
Furthermore, Dr Goldstein, a Menopause Doctor in NYC, points out that Skin atrophy due to collagen loss is more pronounced in menopausal women. In early menopause, skin collagen levels decrease fairly rapidly with a collagen reduction of approximately 30% in the first 5 years, followed by a further decline of 2% per year for the next 15 years.Asteady depletion of collagen and reduced skin thickness with yearly reductions of 2.1% and 1.1%, respectively, was observed in menopausal women. Hair issues at menopause include reduced scalp hair but increased (unwanted) hair growth in certain areas on the face.
Dr Steven R. Goldstein is also a Hormone Specialist in NYC, and co author of the book “The EstrogenAlternative”. He uses hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to help menopausal women to cope with all the symptoms of menopause including effects on the skin and hair.
If you are a woman suffering through Menopause and experiencing its symptoms, particularly in the skin and hair, then a consultation with Dr Goldstein in NYC may be appropriate.