Evidence Based Medicine in Gynecology

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Evidence Based Medicine in Gynecology

Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD is an obgyn in Manhattan who is considered to be one of the nation’s best doctors in Gynecology. Dr Goldstein practices “evidence-based medicine”.Evidencebasedmedicinetakesintoaccountthepatient’svalues,theclinical expertise and experience of the physician and the best available research from well conducted and properly designed studies. The combination of these three factors greatly aids decision making by the physician along with their patient.

DrGoldsteinusestheevidence-basedapproachinhispractice,consideringthepatient’s values, his clinical expertise and experience and best available research. Let’s begin with the research.

As a leading gynecologist and a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School of Medicine, Dr Goldstein is up to date on the very latest research on Obstetrics and Gynecology from his peers and other sources. Dr Goldstein also serves or has served on many medical boards and societies such as the International Menopause Society, the NorthAmerican Menopause Society, theAmerican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and others. Dr Goldstein has also contributed vast amounts of research in the field of Gynecology and ultrasounds, much of which was adopted as the standard of care by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. So when it comes to being up to date on the best available research in thefieldsofgynecology,menopauseandultrasoundtechnology,DrGoldsteinisalways up to date on the latest.

In private practice for over 25 years as one of the nation’s best gynecologists, a former

Director of Gynecologic ultrasound at NYU Langone Medical Center for 25 years, the author of textbooks on Gynecology, and a track record of helping thousands of women over the years, Dr Goldstein has enough clinical experience and expertise required for evidence based medicine.

When it comes totakingthepatient’svalues into account,Dr.Goldstein tailors thevisit of each patient to their needs. He gets to know his patients, their preferences, goals, values, and more, blocking out a significant amount of time to sit with each patient and personally take the patient’s medical history, medical complaints, symptoms and other pertinent details as he learns about the patient. He then brings his considerable knowledge and skills into the conversation to arrive at a mutually agreed upon course of effective treatment arrived at by shared decision making.

For instance, Dr Goldstein’s experience and research continually demonstrates that surgery is not always the best option and many diagnoses are effectively treated through continued monitoring with ultrasounds and less-invasive methods such as sonohysterography and transvaginal ultrasounds or medication rather than surgery.

The result of practicing evidence-based medicine is better outcomes.Acourse forward that is proven to improve a patient’s care. Evidence and communication between provider and patient is the best way forward. Make sure you have open communication with your gynecologist.

If you are interested in using a gynecologist who practices evidence-based medicine, then an appointment with Dr Steven R. Goldstein, a leading obgyn in Manhattan may be appropriate.

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