Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD The Importance of out of network insurance Dr Steven R Goldstein MD is a top Gynecologist in Manhattan and one of the nation’s top doctors in gynecology in practice for over 25 years in New York City. He is a much sought after lecturer, has written several books and textbooks on gynecology, is the President of the International Menopause Society, former Director of Gynecologic Ultrasound at NYU Langone Medical Center and a pioneer in the filed of gynecologic ultrasound. Dr Goldstein is the gynecologist to whom other physicians and gynecologists refer their most difficult cases. At Dr Goldstein’s practice, individualized patient care is one of the fundamentals of the practice. Dr Goldstein personally sits with each patient from patient intake, to examination and again in the consultation room to go over the visit, answer questions, discuss treatment options and so on. There are no “physician assistants” or nurse extenders doing much of the work that the patient came to see the doctor for. In fact, the time spent with the physician in these practices is very short. Dr Goldstein also personally performs all transvaginal ultrasounds and any sonohysterography required. He does not use a technician or rely on a report. He performs the procedure himself and known as one of the most skilled operators in the world.
All of this takes time. Which is why most visits with Dr Goldstein last at least an hour. He is very thorough. This is a problem for HMO insurances and practices that accept HMOs. Managed care medicine and the use of HMOs requires volume in order to be successful. Out of financial necessity, more patients need to come through the door in order for the practice to be even mildly successful. More patients mean less time available to spend with you. Secondly, the physician in an HMO setting is constrained as to what procedures he or she can perform, what’s covered, what’s not covered, how many times the procedure can be performed etc. As a top Gynecologist in Manhattan, Dr Goldstein chooses not to practice medicine that way. He practices evidence-based medicine and wants to give each patient as much time as they need and the best gynecological care they need. Why is why Dr Goldstein urges each patient to maintain a Point of Service option in any insurance plan. With this option, Dr Goldstein can attempt to work with patients and their insurances so that he can be seen “out of network”. If you have gynecologic issues or looking for the best obgyn in NYC, then reach out to Dr Goldstein’s office at 212-717-5554 or visit his website at goldsteinmd.com **************************************EOD**************************************