There are several reasons for infertility in women. Dr Steven R. Goldstein is a New York City Gynecologist in private practice for over twenty-five years. He has encountered patients who have a hard time conceiving and looking for answers as to why and possible resolutions. Dr Goldstein uses painless Sonohysterograms and transvaginal ultrasounds as his main tool to look for some of the main reasons for infertility.
A source of decreased fertility in women is submucosal myomas. These are a type of fibroid that grow in the uterus, under the uterine lining. These submucosal myomas are not rampant. These submucosal myomas are also indicative of an increased risk for pregnancy loss.
Another reason is “oligo ovulation”, a condition which leads to irregular or infrequent ovulation. When a woman does not ovulate, she makes no progesterone. If she does not ovulate and the estrogen level remains fairly constant, she will not bleed at all, and no egg will be released for fertilization.
Another indication of infertility problems in women are Endometrial polyps. These are small and soft growths in a woman’s uterus or womb. The sizes of these polyps vary from very small (almost seed sized) to large, at times the size of a golf ball.
Another reason for infertility is Endometriosis, a common cause of infertility which occurs when endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus. Painful periods, intestinal pain and chronic lower back pain are symptoms of endometriosis.
By using fluid enhanced Sonohysterograms, Dr Goldstein can tell if any of these conditions are present in women and differentiate between them. It can also consistently diagnoseintra and pericavitary lesions in infertile women. In addition, this saline infused sonoysterography is widely used to diagnose the shape of the uterine cavity in cases of suspected uterine malformation.
Dr Goldstein, leading Gynecologist in NYC also uses transvaginal ultrasounds. A vaginal sonogram (transvaginal ultrasound) doesn’t only tell you about the anatomy of theuterus,ovariesand fallopiantubes,butalsotheirphysiology(thatis,theirfunction). The ovary goes through a cyclical change every month and the hormone that it makes (or in some cases fails to make) will be reflected by the changes in the uterine lining. Thus, vaginal sonograms not only tell about normal anatomy (lack on any tumors, fibroids, ovarian cysts) but also whether the hormonal function is, in fact, normal.
Sonohysterograms and Transvaginal Ultrasounds are a non-invasive, painless, less expensive way of diagnosing conditions and possible reasons for infertility in women and take only a few minutes in the office of Dr Goldstein. Dr Goldstein, has long favoured painless, non-invasive methods of diagnosis instead of painful biopsies and surgeries. He is one of the most highly recognized and regarded individuals in the field of vaginal probe ultrasounds. He is an expert in Sonohysterography, which can be used in female patients experiencing infertility problems or are at an increased risk for pregnancy loss.
Dr Goldstein has been in practice for over 25 years and is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School Of Medicine. He is also a Past Chairman of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, New York section, Past President American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine and a former Director of Gynecologic Ultrasound at NYU Langone Medical Center.
If you are a woman suffering from infertility problems then a consultation with Dr Steven R. Goldstein, a NYC Gyn may be in order.