Overall, it’s very common to miss your period at the time of Perimenopause, a transitional phase into menopause. This transitional known as Perimenopause, is usually accompanied by bleeding irregularities and changes in the menstrual cycle.
Dr Steven R. Goldstein is a Perimenopause Specialist in NYC who has worked with numerous women to help them cope with the symptoms of Perimenopause. In private practice for over 25 years, Dr goldstein is the co-author of the book “Could it be…..Perimenopause?”. He is also a past President of the International Menopause Society, past President of the North American Menopause Society, and a Certified Menopause Practitioner.
One of the most noticeable physical symptoms of perimenopause is the irregularity of theperiod.Shorter periods.Longerperiods.Light periods.Heavyperiods.Two or three periods in a month and then…..a missing period.
A missed period during perimenopause, which usually hits women in their forties but could begin even in the late thirties, is often the first sign of anovulation, a condition when a woman doesn’t release an egg during a menstrual cycle. Missing a period during Perimenopause is not dangerous to you and nothing to be alarmed about. Have you been having symptoms as that usually signal the beginning of your period, such as tender breasts or bloating or acne? If you have and these went away, it’s possible that
your hormone levels were not enough in sync during your cycle to cause ovulation, or they may have fallen off somewhere in the middle of the cycle.
There are two instances to be noticed. First if no “follicle” develops, the uterine lining is not thickened and not sloughed off. Therefore, you get no period. Secondly, if you do not ovulate and make progesterone, and your estrogen level stays relatively constant, the lining will thicken but won’t slough off. So, no period as well.
In any case, there are tests your doctor can perform, notably a test for progesterone to see if you’ve ovulated. An ultrasound at the right time of the month can give you absolute assurance.
If you are a woman in your late thirties or forties and having irregular periods and/or irregular bleeding then perhaps a consultation with a Perimenopause Specialist in NYC, may be in order. Dr Goldstein specializes in the use of transvaginal ultrasounds and sononysterograms to examine the uterine lining. This is important because the uterine lining tells a “story”. It doesn’t just tell of the physiology of the uterus, but of its function and can help provide more information on the gynecological health of perimenopausal women.