Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cancer among women according to the US Library of National Medicine. Since the symptom of ovarian cancer can be vague and misleadingandleadtoalatediagnosis,DrStevenR.Goldstein,anobgyninManhattan, continues to press for ovarian cancer screening based on studies from Europe and the Universityof Kentucky which found thatannual screeningsidentified 82 percentof the cancers in stage 1, making them more treatable. Doctor Goldstein recommends ovarian cancer screening every six months based on the patient’s medical history and risk factors.
Regarding cervical cancer, Pap Smear exams help detect the presence of any cervical cancer cells early and prevent the need for aggressive treatment. This routine, painless examination performed by Dr Goldstein checks the changes in the cells of the cervix and is the best test for identifying abnormal, cancerous and pre-cancerous cells.
Forwomen whoneedtobescreenedforovarian cancer eitherbecauseoffamilyhistory or have had ovarian cancer, Dr Goldstein uses painless, non-invasive transvaginal ultrasounds to examine the ovaries thoroughly. Transvaginal ultrasounds utilize higher frequency ultrasound probes that are placed into the vagina and can image pelvic structures like the uterus and ovaries with greater magnification than old-fashioned ultrasound transducers placed on the abdomen, requiring a full bladder. Dr. Goldstein wrote the second book ever on vaginal sonograms. This technology opened the door to using ultrasound in gynecology rather than just obstetrics.
Avaginal sonogram (transvaginal ultrasound) doesn’t only tell you about the anatomy of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes, but also their physiology (that is their function). The ovary goes through a cyclical change every month and the hormone that it makes (or in some cases fails to make) will be reflected by the changes in the uterine lining. Thus, vaginal sonograms not only tell about normal anatomy (lack on any tumors, fibroids, ovarian cysts) but also whether the hormonal function is, in fact, normal.
Doctor Steven R. Goldstein MD is a Gynecologist in Manhattan with over 25 years of experience in private practice. He is recognized as one the nation’s top gynaecologists and an internationally renowned expert in the field of Gynecologic ultrasounds. He is also a professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School of Medicine,andaformerDirectorforGynecologicUltrasound,DepartmentofObstetrics and Gynecology at New York University Medical Center.
If you need to be screened for ovarian cancer or you have a history or family history of ovarian cancer, then a consultation with Dr Goldstein, a Gynecologist in Manhattan may be in order.