Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Gynecologist in Manhattan for Ovarian and Cervical Cancer Screening
Doctor Steven R. Goldstein MD is a top Gynecologist in Manhattan with over 25 years of experience in practice, and is recognized as one the nation’s top gynaecologists. He is an internationally renowned expert in the field of Gynecologic ultrasounds.
Dr Goldstein screens patients for Ovarian and Cervical cancer. Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cancer among women according to the US Library of National Medicine.
Since the symptoms of ovarian cancer can be vague and misleading and lead to a late diagnosis, Dr Goldstein continues to press for ovarian cancer screening based on studies from Europe and the University of Kentucky which found that annual screenings identified 82 percent of the cancers in stage 1, making them more treatable. Doctor Goldstein recommends ovarian cancer screening every six months based on the patient’s medical history and risk factors. Doctor Goldstein, one of the best Gynecologists in Manhattan, recommends women have a Pap Smear exam done annually to help detect the presence of any cervical cancer cells early and prevent the need for aggressive treatment. This routine, painless examination performed by Dr Goldstein checks the changes in the cells of the cervix and is the best test for identifying abnormal, cancerous and pre-cancerous cells. WWW.GOLDSTEINMD.COM
It is important to note that not all pap smear abnormalities lead to cancer. At times changes in the menstrual cycle or a change in cervical cells caused by infection or inflammation can lead to abnormal results. In some cases precancerous or cancerous cells may be the cause. In these cases Dr Goldstein will carefully review your case and determine if further tests are needed or if necessary advise of the best available non-invasive treatment options available to you.
Doctor Steven R. Goldstein MD is a top Gynecologist in Manhattan and is a professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School of Medicine, and the Director for Gynecologic Ultrasound, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University Medical Center.
For more information on Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD or to schedule an appointment, visit his website at www.goldsteinmd.com WWW.GOLDSTEINMD.COM
Contact Us
Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD
Gynecologist in Manhattan
530 First Avenue Suite 10N, New York - 10016 United States of America Call: 212.263.7416
Website: www.goldsteinmd.com Follow Us