Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Gynecologist in Manhattan for Diagnosing Endometriosis
Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD is a top Gynecologist in Manhattan who sees many patients with medical complaints related to: • painful periods (dysmenorrhea) • heavy periods (menorrhagia) and more. • These conditions may be related to Endometriosis.
As an internationally renowned expert in Gynecologic Ultrasounds, Dr Goldstein uses painless, non-invasive procedures such as Transvaginal Ultrasounds to examine and diagnose the causes of heavy bleeding and painful periods. These Transvaginal Ultrasounds produce high resolution images clear images of the:
uterus uterine lining the wall of the uterus fallopian tubes ovaries
All of the above are used to make an accurate diagnosis.
There is a medical condition call “dysmenorrhea,� which is Latin for painful periods. Thus, not all patients with severe period pain have endometriosis. Originally, laparoscopy (a surgical procedure to look inside the abdomen) was the gold standard for making a differentiation for pain that might be from endometriosis versus normal severe painful periods. WWW.GOLDSTEINMD.COM
Increasingly, the use of Transvaginal Ultrasound, something that Dr. Goldstein has pioneered, can help to make a strong enough presumptive diagnosis of endometriosis so that patients can be treated without the surgical procedure of laparoscopy. These transvaginal ultrasounds are painless non-invasive procedures that are performed in the comfort of Dr Goldstein’s office in a few minutes without anesthesia or the painful effects of surgery. WWW.GOLDSTEINMD.COM
Women experiencing painful periods or heavy bleeding during periods may schedule a consultation with Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD, a top ranked Gynecologist in Manhattan to determine whether their painful periods are a result of endometriosis.  At Dr Goldstein’s office, patient care is catered to the patient and Dr Goldstein is the only medical personnel you will see on your visit as he attends to you from beginning to end, personally performing all examinations and procedures.
Contact Us:
Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Gynecologist Manhattan 530 First Avenue, Suite 10N, New York -10016, United States Call: 212.263.7416 Visit Us: www.goldsteinmd.com