3-Day GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator

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Are You a Leader or Change Agent?

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What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There! Goldzone’s 33 Dynamics of Leadership Could Be the Edge You Are Looking for!


GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator

AVAILABLE DATES: May 16 to 18, 2020 – Singapore September 12 to 14, 2020 – Singapore

Your Accelerator includes 12-Months of implementation support and a community of like-minded leaders to assist you with your execution.


Dear Leader & Change Agent, If you are ambitious, success-minded, action-oriented, and planning to accelerate your results over the next 12-months, now is the ideal time to get an edge! Join us for a 3-Day Weekend for leaders and change agents to accelerate projects, inspire teams, handle challenges, and create new possibilities. Discover new ways to add value, master success, leadership, and influence strategies to and become the best leader you can be while inspiring, motivating and bringing out the best in other people.

Dierent People Need Dierent Leadership. You will learn about the different types of people; how to lead, influence, communicate, and succeed with them. You will understand why they behave the way they do. Apply this to team dynamics, and your results will accelerate.

GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com


2. Relationships

3. Health

Mastery of your finances includes monetizing your passion, building your wealth, assets that grow on their own and cash flow to do all the things you want to do. Never worry about money again.

The quality of your life comes down to the quality of your relationships. Transcend power struggles and your ideal relationships full of love, intimacy, connection and a partnership of equals.

Vibrant and regenerative health is your birthright. Living as long as you can in optimal physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Abundant energy and resilience to sustain you all day.

4. Business

5. Career

6. Self-Expression

Owning and investing in businesses offers the greatest upside leverage while minimizing the downside. Add value, monetize, scale your passion into a money-making machine that works without you.

Work is more than earning a living, it should be a profitable vehicle to express our passions, creativity, and self-expression. Since we spend more than 42% of our time working, it should meet our spiritual needs.

Discover who you are on the inside, your unique voice and bring this person out and shining to express your natural gifts to the world. Authenticity, art, creativity. Your lifestyle is a reflection of you.


7. Leadership It is all about leading yourself. Influencing others to take the action you want, galvanizing around a shared vision and inspiring others to step up to the leadership challenge.


You Will Learn Core Competencies You will learn core competencies and a system that will help you to make small, simple steps that will have an enormous impact on your bottom line, where it matters most! Small, one degree shifts in how you say something could make the difference between a client, partner, or teammate saying; “No way” or “Yes, I would love to!” Over time, these small changes add up to a huge difference.

To succeed in life, career, business, and relationships requires an understanding of people and the core competency of cooperation, influence, and communication. You will fast-track your results by learning what to do and what not to do to get what you want!

GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

Get Your MOJO Back at the Accelerator! Have you ever started a new project or goal with anticipation and excitement for the future, only to have one thing or another go wrong, leading to a series of failures? With each successive failure, we feel less and less enthusiastic and eventually avoid risk and even new projects altogether. This leads to more security-based thinking, conservative actions, and smaller goals.

As we age we get older, we experience more failures and because most people avoid talking about them, we never truly integrate their lessons in a way that allows us to continue to expand!

During the Accelerator, we will integrate these lessons of failure to recover our confidence and re-engage with exciting, profitable, projects and opportunities.

You Will Feel More Confident!

Return to Innocence We have lost our childlike innocence, our joy, our playful self. The hardships of life have made us hard, and we no longer feel the enthusiasm for new experiences. Reclaim your inner child and return to the innocence of youth with the wisdom of age. This is what most people say after they spend three days with us at the Goldzone Accelerator. We carefully curate a small group environment. Your senses are evoked with aesthetic, scent, lighting, color, and music. Profound concepts come to life via an educational system that delivers knowledge in a fun way - so that you never forget it.

You will become more creative!

What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There! The Accelerator uses a revolutionary system that produces measurable results across the 33 Dynamics of Leadership. You will know where you are vs. where you want to be and will develop a workable plan to get there. In addition to feeling motivated, entertained and educated you will receive tools, information, and systems that you can take home with you and use on an ongoing basis. Together, we will explore the OPTIMA Zones of Peak Performance, and identify your personal Key Leverage Points to give you the maximum return for the minimum risk, time, and effort. Success, personal, and professional development becomes fun, predictable, and systematic.

GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

Your results are created by your actions. Over time, these actions form patterns of behaviour that we don’t even notice. We often can’t explain why do we do what we do. We are motivated on an unconscious level to meet our deep-seated needs that remain unfulfilled from our childhood. Once you identify what these core need drivers are, you can provide them to yourself and take charge of your life!

During the Accelerator, we identify these needs and create strategies to fulfill them.

We Invested $10 million, so You Don’t Have to! After working with more than 100,000 leaders and change agents over the past 30 years and investing $10 million in full-time research and development we have created a unique Leadership body of knowledge and condensed it into a one-of-a-kind experience. We have combined the very best leadership, tools, know-how, strategies, education, and entertainment to deliver a leadership transformation. You won’t just have an inspiring experience, you will take home a treasure trove of usable tools and resources. Do you have 30 years to invest as we have? With a small investment of time and money, you can leverage our expertise and benefit for a lifetime! You can access our knowledge, tips, tools, and accelerated services to save you time, money, and heartache. Not only that, your organization, teams, partners, and loved ones will thank you too.

GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com


Develop Your Personal Capital Plan Free yourself from the cares and struggles of the work-a-day world by transforming your primary income source from labour to capital. There are 8 different types of capital. Most people have no awareness of anything other than physical labour, physical capital, and financial capital. You will develop a plan to invest your time and resources to harness the freedom of all 8 forms of capital so you can never "work" another day in your life!

What Makes Exceptional Leaders Different? What makes the truly exceptional leader different from everyone else? Why do the companies they lead experience dramatic growth, year after year, while others struggle to stay afloat? What is the difference that makes the difference? We have committed the past 30 years to research the philosophies, performance secrets, strategies and winning formulas of the world’s most successful leaders and fastest growing companies.

It’s All About EXECUTION More than 23 years ago we invested $825,000 (in today's value) in hiring a preeminent business growth consultant to teach our clients and us their best money-making, hyper-growth ideas, concepts, and strategies. Fifteen years later, that investment grew into a value of $50 million.

Knowledge is POWER We learned a long time ago that knowledge is power, and that if you absorb like a sponge and actually apply what you learn it can be the best investment you can make. Yes, it is true, many people learn a lot and never implement it. Sad really. Don’t be one of those people.

Your Accelerator includes 12-Months of implementation support and a community of like-minded leaders to assist you with your execution. GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

Master your STRESS

Money is Only One Measure of Success. What good is all the money in the world if you have terrible relationships? If you are a greedy, nasty, selfish person, who will do anything for the money? What good is success to you, if your health is failing? The most important aspects of life are the freedom to do what makes your heart sing every day and to spend quality time with the people you care about the most. Today, most people are over-scheduled, over-worked, and under-nurtured. We are too busy to feel anything. It takes a crisis for us to wake up, stop, and smell the roses.

Reduce Your Negative Stress and Replace it with Positive Eustress! Imagine for a moment that you could leave the cares, stresses, and concerns of everyday life, and transport yourself to another reality for three days. Where your senses come back to life, stress melts away, you smile and laugh again. You feel infused with new hope, enthusiasm, and are optimistic about your future. You look like you dropped ten years, got your glow back, gained further clarity, reengaged with your purpose, and feel a sense of confidence that you have never felt before. Money worries and considerations have been replaced with certainty that you know how to create your life - precisely the way you want.

Get Your GLOW Back at the Accelerator! GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

Optimal Performance, Requires Optimal Health. How many times have we heard of the super-successful people, in their prime, with no apparent symptoms, dropping dead of a heart-attack? Or how about the quietly suffering diabetic who is running on empty after lunch, and can barely make it through the day. Don’t let this be you.

A large part of the Accelerator is dedicated to Health & Wellness. Together, we will explore the OPTIMA Zones of Health, and how you can ensure an abundance of energy for a long and productive life! We will explore the root causes, and what to do about it to transform your energy and your vitality. You will learn how to look good and feel good!

GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

The Accelerator doesn't change you - it reconnects you to your own genius - while giving you "how to do it" tools, a community, and a year of implementation support. This is exactly what most people say after they spend three days with us at the Accelerator. We carefully curate a small group environment that envelops your senses with aesthetic, scent, lighting, color, music, and an educational system that delivers the most profound information in a fun way - so that you never forget it. The Flagship is Always the Best! This program is Goldzone's flagship event, including the best of the best in a small intimate group with a dynamic presentation, interaction, music videos, inspiring, and engaging music and an environment that ignites your senses!

GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

Create Your Dream Vision During the Accelerator, we will work on the formation of your Ideal Dream Vision. Most people limit their vision to what they think is possible. Together, we will do a process that liberates your thinking from traditional limits - so you can create a compelling vision that magnetizes you - and your team into action!

You will Feel it, Touch it, Take it Home with You! You will discover emotions that you never knew you had and how vital your Emotional Health is to your wellbeing. You will develop a deeper understanding of the role emotions play in your success, happiness, and interactions at work and at home.

You Can’t Get This Anywhere Else – Guaranteed! How do we know? We created this program to be unique, one of a kind. We have evaluated the top sources of Global Leadership Education – and deliver what they are not doing! If you prove us wrong, we will pay you 133% of your investment with us! We are that confident.

GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

Successful at Work, but Miserable at Home? We all know that a problem at work causes problems at home and visa versa. You will learn how to succeed in both domains without sacrificing one area for another. You do not need to give up your personal or family life in order to excel at work.

Fulfillment & Self-Actualization No matter how successful you are today, higher levels of success and fulfillment are possible. Perhaps you have excelled in one area of life and are motivated to extend this success into all areas of life without compromise. During the Accelerator, we will explore how to build on a solid foundation of success, adding fulfillment, creative expression, and higher levels of self-actualization.

GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

Some of What You Will Learn How To: •

Establish, and maintain optimal performance as a leader, team, and organization.

Reduce your negative stress, while increasing your positive stress.

Remain optimistic, despite negative setbacks.

Handle personal, team, and organizational failure.

Successfully lead the 7 different types of people, know who to keep, who to develop, and who to let go.

Build a championship team, align them, and magnetize them into action with a shared vision.

Create a compelling vision, articulate it, and magnetize others into action.

Accelerate any project, identify gaps, and work key leverage points.

Use a simple communications formula that you can apply to any communication to get the results you want, when you want them.

Create a Dynamic Plan, set goals, measure results, resolve challenges, and execute on time and under budget.

Give anyone feedback that they listen to, take on board and act on.

Get into “the zone” personally, and as a team.

Apply a simple formula to optimize any area of life, career, or business.

Recognize opportunities and develop the courage and the confidence to pursue them.

Motivate people spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically, so they take action, make changes, and stay with it.

Work fewer hours and get more done.

Make simple changes to your nutrition program and feel more alive and vital!

Develop the 8 different types of capital while expanding your financial capital.

Infuse your life, career, business, and relationship with romance and beauty.

Discover your purpose, infuse your life and career with meaning, while monetizing your passion.

Apply the keys to create a partnership of equals.

Unlearn old ideas that no longer work, while efficiently absorbing new learning.

GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

Apply the 7 Levels of Money while moving yourself up.

Accurately determine which of the 7 Types of Leader you are.

Successfully lead all 7 Types of Followers.

Know with certainty which person is impossible to lead, and what to do with them.

Use leadership to increase your income in less time, with less effort!

Solve the toughest people challenges.

Get the entire team to own their SUCCESS!

Attract, retain and motivate the best people!

Overcome your fear of failure.

Diffuse any upset, and turn it into an opportunity!

Develop winning strategies, tactics, and successful implementation programs.

And much, much more!

Your Program Leader & Coach: Andrew John Harrison is Co-Founder of the Goldzone Group, Artist, Designer, Educator, and Entrepreneur. An innovative leader, creative thinker, visionary, entrepreneur, master-teacher, master-coach, creative writer, poet, and philosopher, Harrison's quest for the best that life has to offer has taken him to more than 500 cities in 54 countries. Harrison has captivated live audiences worldwide and is highly sought after for fresh ideas and simple solutions by CEO’s, leaders, investors, and high-performance individuals. Harrison is the co-creator of the Goldzone body of knowledge, creator of the OPTIMA Zones®, and author of the Goldzone Education Curriculum. GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

Goldzone Leadership Center is a member of the Goldzone Group, which operates across a diverse range of industries including; Health Care, Investment Management, Software, Publishing, Consulting, and Education.

Harrison’s vision, passion, and commitment to extraordinary standards of service excellence have become hallmarks of his career and defining characteristics of the Goldzone Group. For over twenty-five years, Harrison has met and hired many well-known leaders and developed a corporate client list that reads like a “Who is Who” of business, including many of the world’s top companies. With an extraordinary reputation for dramatically transforming overall results of leaders, high net-worth individuals and corporations, Harrison has personally advised CEO’s, entrepreneurs and investors on a wide range of strategic business dynamics including; vision, core values, ethics, board leadership, corporate compliance, personal and market leadership, personal paradigms, information technology, capital structure, raising capital, finance & accounting, expansion, systems, sales, marketing and human resources.

When Harrison speaks, people listen. A riveting, memorable public speaker and master communicator, Harrison has designed, produced and presented over 500 seminars, talks and engagements with live audiences up to 5,000. Besides founding more than twenty companies, Harrison is perhaps best known for his ability to articulate complex ideas, strategies, and concepts in a way that anyone can understand and implement. One of his unique gifts is to combine practical, real-world experience with the theoretical to produce dynamic, usable, breakthrough techniques and strategies. A demonstration of LOVE in action, Harrison believes that spiritual principles should be lived moment to moment and infused in everything we do. Often tough choices need to be made. These are all the easier with Harrison’s unique way of using humor and entertainment to make it easy and fun.

Now you can experience this extraordinary leader live and in person. You will be inspired, expanded and challenged to look at your life, career, and business in a whole new way. GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

Give Yourself a Quantum Leap! If you are looking for a quantum leap in your results or you, know that you have unrealized potential and you are willing to do whatever it takes (legal, ethical and moral) to improve your leadership, then you must join the Accelerator! If you are finding that no matter how many books you read, or seminars you attend, you just don't seem to be able to get the results you want, if you are tired of cookie-cutter training, large impersonal seminars, or ineffective coaching - then the Accelerator is for you!


May 16 to 18, 2020 – Singapore September 12 to 14, 2020 – Singapore

Here’s what’s included: • • •

• • • • • •

Comprehensive Personal Discovery, Pre-Program Questionnaire, and ZONE Analysis to begin your program and customize it. 3-Day Program (30 hours). Program Materials. Gourmet meals and refreshments. Full OPTIMA Zones of Peak Performance System. Private Facebook Group to learn, share, network, and connect. GOLDZONE Leaders Membership for a year, complete with hundreds of articles, videos, and learning. Mastery Series including 3 x 3-Hour Digital follow up sessions. Lifetime re-attendance for just $888. Certificate of Completion.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? • • • • • •

Leaders & Change Agents. People who want more success and fulfillment. Anyone interested in inspiring change in others. Professionals. Business Owners. CEO's and Executives.


$3,888 for one person. $3,333 each for partners. $2,500 each for groups of ten. $599 x 6 Easy Payments. Plus deposit of $599. $888 per person to re-attend. GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

REGISTER NOW: Your program begins the moment you register! goldzonestore.com

+1-888-995-2188 GOLDZONE Leadership Accelerator > +1-888-995-2188 > goldzoneleaders.com

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