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Golf Course Cart Etiquette
Most of this publication is devoted to golf carts that rarely or never see a golf course. But many of you own golf carts for, well, golfing. Golf is a game of etiquette, and that includes the use of carts on the course. Bad etiquette can cause disruptions and damage if not used properly. Here are some tips for practicing good golf cart etiquette on the course.
Drive safely and responsibly - Golf carts can be a lot of fun to drive, but they're not meant for joyriding. Keep your speed under control and avoid sudden stops and turns. Be aware of your surroundings and keep a safe distance from other golfers and obstacles.
Share carts when possible - If you're playing in a group, try to share a golf cart with another player. Not only does this reduce the number of carts on the course, but it can also save you money on cart rental fees.
Avoid distractions - If you're a passenger in a golf cart avoid distracting the driver with loud music or conversation. Let them focus on driving and navigating the course. If you need to make a phone call or check your email, wait until you're off the course.
Respect other golfers - Be mindful of other golfers on the course and avoid disrupting their game. Don't drive too close to them or make noise that could distract them. And if you accidentally hit someone else's ball, apologize and offer to replace it.
Keep the course in good condition - Golf carts can cause damage to the course if not driven carefully. Stay on the designated cart path whenever possible and avoid driving on wet or soft ground. And never drive a cart near a green or bunker, as this can cause damage to the turf.
Clean up after yourself - When you're finished with your round, be sure to clean out the golf cart and return it to the designated area. Throw away any trash and remove any personal belongings. And if you notice any damage to the cart, report it to the course staff.
By practicing good golf cart etiquette, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable round of golf for yourself and others on the course. Remember to always follow the rules of the course, drive safely and responsibly, share carts when possible, avoid distractions, respect other golfers, keep the course in good condition, and clean up after yourself. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to being a courteous and considerate golfer.
We hope you enjoy this June 2023 issue of Golf Carting Magazine.
Trevor Rose Senior Editor Trevor@golfcarting.com
GOLF CARTING // Issue 37 // June 2023
Publisher: GC Media Group, LLC
Senior Editor: Trevor Rose - trevor@golfcarting.com
Creative Director: Troy Merrifield - troy@golfcarting.com
Graphic Designer: Tanner Merrifield
Production Director: Christian Amico - chris@golfcarting.com
Staff Writer: Kelly Madden
Staff Writer: Josh Delsota
Staff Writer / Social Media: Tony Benjamin
Golf Carting® is published monthly by GC Media Group, LLC. Reprinting in whole or by any means- electronic, graphic or mechanical, including photocopying or information storage and retrieval systems is forbidden without written permission from the publisher.
Advertising opportunities and inquiries to: chris@golfcarting.com
Editorial contributions are welcomed, but editors recommend that contributors contact us first. Contribution must be accompanied by return postage, and we assume no responsibility for damage or loss of material. Manuscripts must be typewritten, and all photos have to have captions. Photo model releases of all people in photos must accompany manuscript. GOLF CARTING reserves the right to use material, and we reserve the right to edit material to meet publication requirements. E-mail contributions or inquiries to: trevor@golfcarting.com
WARNING: Certain action photographs depicted in this magazine are potentially dangerous. The drivers and vehicle occupants seen in our photos are experienced professionals. Do not attempt to duplicate any stunts. Wear a helmet and safety restraints while operating a Golf Cart, and never drive beyond your capabilities. Do not drink and drive while operating a Golf Cart. We also encourage you to “Tread Lightly” while respecting the outdoors and other outdoor enthusiasts.
Use your head and enjoy the ride!
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