2 minute read
Iread something the other day that was so simple and resonated with me.
Ladies’ tees.
What an outmoded thing they are. Ladies’ tees have got to go.
How chauvinistic/disrespectful and old-fashioned is it to suggest that women should have a tee of their own forward of the men. Plenty of women out there who can outgun most blokes. It’s like a ski field allocating a ladies’ slope and making it easier -- suggesting that the fairer sex needs this patronising sort of help.
I think a clever way of approaching it is to totally forget the old-fashioned blue/yellow/ red system and men’s and women’s cards.
Simply rename the tees A, B, C, D, E or Roman numerals or whatever (as progressive clubs are doing). It would be great eventually if the new identification system of the tees became universal. But it’s not imperative as long as there is a selection and no ladies’ tees or vets’ tees or juniors’ tees.
You play off the tee that is appropriate for your driving distance/skill level. I personally think a key point is that when anyone plays golf they want the opportunity to land their good drives where the course architect designed them to land; to have an opportunity on a par five to either reach the designated layup zone or, if you’ve got the ability, have a go at reaching the green in two (if the hole allows such a risk/reward shot).
And a very important point is (provided we have played a good drive or in the case of par five a good second) all golfers deserve the opportunity to play a shot into the green, the same as a top player would play. For example, if a top player is firing into the green with say an eight iron and it allows it to have sufficient height to hold the green that same opportunity should be afforded the higher handicapper.
The higher handicapper isn’t playing golf if he/she is approaching the hole in question (ie that the top players are sticking eight irons into) if they are coming in with a long iron or hybrid wood.
I want to be able to play golf when I go out onto a golf course. Not some sort of longrange hit-and-hope game where I haven’t got a chance in hell of reaching greens in regulation or after a decent drive having to then play long irons or metal woods into greens that top player is hitting short irons into. Fair Is fair.
The game must be about enjoyment. Like any sport, if it’s too tough and steeped in archaic rules and protocol people will give up.
Golf should be a sport for the people. If people want to experience the longer tees, by all means play the longer tees some time. I’ll bet you’ll soon be back on the tees that allow you to play the course the way it’s designed to be played. Why? Because above all else we want to enjoy our sporting outings.
When I go snow skiing I don’t go on the black runs or the double diamond macho killer because it’s too tough and not enjoyable. Besides I could kill myself.
Golf is no different. If I’m not capable, for whatever reason, of driving 250 metres plus why would I want to play off the macho killer back tees and not clear the lake. I mightn’t risk literally killing myself but I definitely kill off any chance whatsoever of playing the course the way it’s designed to be played and I’ll probably hate the round.
Stick me forward and give me a shot at the course and I’m a far happier camper. Less lost balls, faster round, more enjoyable therefore more fun. And I’ll keep coming back. Keep making me play off crazy tees and you’ll kill my spirit and I won’t be back.
Bryce Taylor Auckland