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Third club championship win for 14-year-old

Cooper Moore completed a rare feat in winning the senior club championship at the Waitikiri Golf Club in Christchurch for the third time at the age of just 14.

While the statistic of three in succession may not be rare, to win it in fields including Canterbury representatives at the ages of 12, 13 and 14 is.


When he first won he was the youngest player to have won the trophy since its inception in 1939.

The championship began with two qualifying rounds where Moore shot 67 then a course record equaling 64 to be the top seed for the 16 player knockout matchplay.

He comfortably won his first two matches before being fully tested in the semi-final. Moore eventually prevailed 2 and 1 against Canterbury masters representative Brett Turner.

The final was a 36-hole affair and Moore’s opponent was Canterbury masters No 1 Woo Bong Kim.

A consistent first 18 holes saw Moore four up and four under par. In the afternoon they halved the first two holes before Moore had a great up and down to win the third hole.

Then a birdie on No 4 saw the lead jump out to six up. After that Moore played very smart golf con-

By Neville Idour

May 21 passed recently and rekindled memories of that golden day in 1993 when four New Zealand golfers won an event on their various world PGA golf tours. This writer can certainly not remember another day when