How to Cure a Golf Slice – Amateur Golfers Nightmare The golf slice is one of the more detrimental problems of amateur golfers. Learning how to cure a golf slice can keep from making this nearly disastrous event from occurring. The slice is when the ball curves drastically from left to right while in midair. It is most often caused by the openness of the club when the ball is struck as well as the swing path itself.
When wanting to know how to cure a golf slice, the amateur golfer must look at how their club is angled. The ball will go in whichever direction the club is facing when it is hit. The spin on a ball during a slice is a result of the club glancing off of the ball instead of hitting it straight on. In order to determine why the club gave the ball a glancing blow, it is necessary for the golfer to examine the hand position or grip on the club. The next question a golfer should ask themselves if they were trying to hit the ball too hard. If it was a combination of any or all of the above then it is considered hacking. The next item to look into is the posture when it comes to knowing how to cure a golf slice. If the body is not in the correct positioning then this will cause the golf club to glance off of the ball and therefore create the spin that allows the ball to slice. This can occur because the body is turned too far to the left or the right. Making sure that the shoulders are squared and facing the target or goal is essential. This means that the forward-facing shoulder must be directed at the area in which the golfer