LoanStar Marketing Matters Newsletter

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UNLEASH THE DRAGON Database Marketing Breathes Fire Into Your Business inside Best Practices What’ s New Weekly Features

APRIL 7 | 2014


A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)


M a r k et i n g Ma tt e rs i s pr ov id ed t o eve ry on e a t L o an S t ar H o m e L end i n g to u s e, sh a r e a n d l au nc h . Th e s t aff w e lc o me s c o m me n ts a nd i d e as a nd a l t ho ug h we s tr i v e fo r p er fe c t io n , w e ar e we l l a w a re t h a t we c an ’ t p le a s e e ve ry on e. B u t , we t ry ! CONTACTS

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Kenn Bartley

| SVP Marketing & Business Development |

Mikayla Morgan

| Regional Marketing Manager


Nick Long

| CRM Manager


Kayla Bowker

| Marketing Administration


Sheri Kramer

| Marketing Administration


Database Marketing Breathes Fire Into Your Business


DRAGON by Kenn Bartley, SVP Marketing & Business Development

Database marketing is, has and always will be the best form of activity any originator can do to create a longterm, sustainable business. Keeping “ top-of-mind”to everyone you know –forever –is what it’ s all about. At LoanStar, originators get foundational database marketing provided for them. As long as the database provided to the marketing department is solid (see “ What is a Database” ), the 25 annual drip system will churn out repeat business and referrals month after month. We also provide foundational database marketing to our referral partners. As badly as originators need turn-key support, so do our Realtor® and builder associates. WHY DATABASE MARKETING Everyone you know –your family, your friends, your alumni, network groups, Facebook friends, LinkedIn contacts, doctors, lawyers, accountants –and of course your past clients and more all will need or know someone that will need your services sometime before you retire. And as much as you would like to think they will contact you when that need arises, chances are they will have forgotten what you do, where you do it, or if you are still doing it –unless you constantly and consistently remind them that you are in the industry and how to contact you. The National Association of Realtors® 2013 survey found that 84% of home buyers would use their agent again. That’ s fantastic! However, only 12% did use the same agent as the time before. Why? Because agents, like loan officers, have not been consistently and constantly dripping on their database. Couple that with another statistic –the average time between home purchases has increased from six years in 2006 to nine years in 2013, and now you can see why agents, and likely the loan officers, has been forgotten and they go with the first referral that comes to them.

WHAT IS A DATABASE Originators, Realtors® and builders should be engaging in a foundational database marketing program and never stop. But just who are the contacts that should be engaged into a campaign? It’ s as simple as this: If you call a contact and they answer “ Hi, how are you!”then that is a person to keep your name and contact information in front of for the rest of time. Conversely, if they answer “ Who is this?”then that contact is simply an opt-out waiting to happen. So add more of the former and never the latter and over time you’ ll have a great shot at more business. Occasionally - no often really - originators and agents will say to me that they don’ t have a database. My challenge to that is to look around. Do you have family? Of course you do and they should get a loan from you, but will they remember that you are in the business and where you work many years from now if you don’ t constantly let them know? Besides family you likely have friends, classmates, former co-workers, and networking groups that you can add to your database. Professionals you use in your daily lives should know what you do so add your dentist, doctor, attorney, accountant, financial planner, mechanic, pet groomer - you get the point –all these people need or know someone that needs you, you just don’ t know when so keep in front of them always! SHINEY NEW TECHNOLOGY GAGETS What about blogs, apps, rate blasts, market watch, MBS tickers, videos, and the latest technology du jour? Yes and no, but for the most part these can be effective but add to - not replace - database marketing. So unleash the dragon! Get your database contacts engaged with LoanStar marketing systems today.

BEST PRACTICES If you have a sales or marketing program that is producing results, let us know so we can share with other Loan Stars!


Mark Eastburn

LoanStar’ s current top producer, Mark Eastburn, credits his consistent business performance to his dedication to database marketing. Although he spends five figures a month on radio advertising, it ’ s his constant an d consistent annual database marketing plan that bu tters his bread.


M o n t h l y D i re c t M a i l N ew s le tte r “ I’ ve mailed the same newsletter for over 16 years. I’ m not stopping – ever!”

M o n t h l y E m a i l B l a st “ Most people delete my email, so I don’ t care so much about what is in it but each time they delete me they have to think about me and what my team and I do, every single month.”

A n n u a l M o r t g ag e Re v ie w “ I started doing this recently and the personal contact –at least once a year –is powerful.”

Mark started his mortgage career in the early ‘ 90’ s and has been a top originator in the Pacific Northwest ever since. A former executive at ADT Security Systems, he brought the then commercial security alarm company into the residential market and transformed the face of the company forever. “ Going direct to the consumer was a game-changer,” says Mark, “ And the lessons I learned along the way helped me immensely once I got into the mortgage industry.” The ADT marketing and sales team building experience helped Mark gain traction quickly in the mortgage world. “ I knew I had to put a marketing plan in place. Just relying on the next transaction to feed my family was not going to work beyond the next pay-check. So I devised a constant and consistent marketing plan and have never stopped.” Evidence of the system’ s success is as recent as the first week of April, 2014, when two people that Mark contacts through this database marketing called. “ Both referenced my newsletter when they called. I would hope they would have called me even if I didn’ t mail and email to them every month, but I don’ t and won’ t rely on ‘ hope’ to make me a success,”explained Mark. “ I recommend committing to our database marketing system and keep adding contacts to it as often as you can. It will pay off for as long as you are in the business,”says Mark.

The number of LoanStar Originators as of April 1, 2014. Goal for Open House cobranded financing fliers is one per LO per week.

The number of Open House fliers ordered for the weekend of April 5, 2014.

Order Open House Financing Fliers every week from Normal turn-time is 24 hours for a .pdf, 72 hours for printed copies at your desk.

Following are samples of marketing that has been created and you can order for your personal brand. As new marketing is produced it will be included in subsequent editions of Marketing Matters.

HOW TO ORDER Send your request for personalization to Include your name, branch, and this is important, when you need it completed and ready to launch (usually not the same day, give us a chance!).

I WANT SOMETHING ELSE! Okay, call marketing and we’ ll discuss what you need and how and when we can deliver it to you. Make sure you have a goal in mind along with your request, we get plenty of practice designing cool marketing stuff already!

CAMPAIGN “ Springstakes!” WHAT Now until June 30, 2014, you can use this “ Enter to Win” sweepstakes to gather contact and mortgage or real estate needs at events. Use at Open Houses, Home Shows, Buyer Seminars, and if you are a year past your initial Re-engagement Campaign, you could elect to do a new give-away promotion. HOW To order contact marketing at COST No charge for the iPad or small quantity printing but expensive if you don’ t use it! Postage and vendor printing, if any, will be charged to LO.

CAMPAIGN Documentation Checklist (V1.0) WHAT This simple, easy to follow Documentation Checklist is perfect in helping your clients understand and manage everything they need to work through the process. Send this out with your initial disclosures to help alleviate the stress of needing important documentation at the last minute! This is our first version of this marketing piece, so look for an updated version in the weeks to come. Feel free to send Mikayla input or suggestions on how to make it better! HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge for the flyer. Printing and postage costs may apply.

CAMPAIGN “ General Products Flyer� WHAT Our Products Flyer is an easy way to show Realtors, builders and clients what programs we have to offer. Look for specific Product Flyers in the upcoming weeks that will highlight each product category. Use them in a series of meetings with referral partners. HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge for the flyer. Printing and postage costs may apply.

CAMPAIGN “ Meet the Team� WHAT At LoanStar you have the support of an awesome group and you should show them off! Use this flyer to let your business partners and clients know who will be helping them with what, and who to call if they have questions. This can eliminate a lot of the headaches of miscommunication! Promoting your team shows your strength in numbers!

HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge for the flyer. Printing and postage costs may apply.

CAMPAIGN “ Rate Increase”Flyer WHAT A lot of people don’ t know how much an increase in rate can affect their buying power. Use this flyer to demonstrate exactly how crucial locking in their rate can be –now - and how a refinance can drastically change their home loan! This flyer will be tailored per region to account for average loan amounts. HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge for the flyer. Printing and postage costs may apply.

CAMPAIGN “ I’ ve Moved”Email/Flyer WHAT Let your clients and business partners know you’ ve moved to LoanStar! This marketing piece can be blasted out via email, snail mail, or handed out to all of your clients and Realtors as an initial marketing piece to generate business. HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge to you!

CAMPAIGN “ Affordability Options” WHAT Many people, especially first time home buyers, don’ t know how affordable homeownership really is. Utilize this flyer to help clients realize how they could be saving money by owning a home vs rent! HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge to you! Normal charges for printing and postage, if any, may apply.

CAMPAIGN “ Let us Move You!� WHAT Our moving promotion is a great added value that can help you not only get more clients, but also help build stronger relationships with Realtor partners. Use this email blast alone, or partner with your Realtors(R) or builder to promote this awesome promotion to everyone! HOW Email Mikayla at to order yours today! COST No charge to you!

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Provided to you Exclusively By Dion Mancia

For the week of Mar 17, 2014 | Vol. 12, Issue 11

Dion Mancia Sr. Loan Officer NMLS# 19061 The Mancia Group @ LoanStar Home Lending NMLS# 1094582 Office: (503) 597-6703 Cell: (503) 381-8900 E-Mail: Website:

In This Issue Last Week in Review: Several key economic reports were better than expected. How did home loan rates respond? Forecast for the Week: The calendar is filled with important housing, inflation, and manufacturing reports. View: Keep your identity safe with these easy smartphone tips.

CAMPAIGN “ MMG Weekly” WHAT Mortgage Market Guide (MMG) is a popular mortgage market update newsletter provided by Vantage Production that can be branded and personalized with your information. This specific one is the weekly update for MMG which includes a recap from last week, graphs, and much more! HOW Check out MMG’ s website ( and contact Nick Long ( for more details. EMAIL RECIPIENT Realtors COST $359 Per Year OR $39 on month-to-month, they also have a 14-day trial.

CAMPAIGN “ MMG Monthly” WHAT This is Mortgage Market Guide’ s (MMG) monthly email which is included in the membership listed on the previous page. HOW Check out MMG’ s website ( and contact Nick Long ( for more details. EMAIL RECIPIENT Clients COST $359 Per Year OR $39 on month-to-month, they also have a 14-day trial.

CAMPAIGN CAMPAIGN “ MBS Highway” “ MMG Monthly” WHAT WHAT MBS Highway is another example of a subscription service that loan This is Mortgage Market Guide’ s (MMG) monthly email which is included officers can subscribe to. We take what information they have given in the membership listed on the previous page. us on the articles and turn it into your branding with your name and photo on it. Marketing is willing to work with whatever subscription HOW service you want and try and provide that to your database. Check out MMG’ s website ( and contact Nick HOW Long ( for more details. Go to MBS Highway’ s website and contact Nick Long ( for more details EMAIL RECIPIENT Clients EMAIL RECIPIENT Weekly Realtors COST $359 Per Year OR $39 on month-to-month, they also have a 14-day trial. COST $499.95 a year OR $49.95 a month

CAMPAIGN “ MBS Highway” WHAT MBS Highway is another example of a subscription service that loan officers can subscribe to. We take what information they have given us on the articles and turn it into your branding with your name and photo on it. Marketing is willing to work with whatever subscription service you want and try and provide that to your database. HOW Go to MBS Highway’ s website and contact Nick Long ( for more details EMAIL RECIPIENT Weekly Realtors COST $499.95 a year OR $49.95 a month

CAMPAIGN “ Neighborhood Open House Flyer� WHAT This is an example of an open house email that was featured all the Open Houses in a neighborhood. The LO did all the leg work to get the agents on board, and now she has new referral partners and the event created leads for her and the agents! If you have a great idea for a flyer and/or have created your own let marketing know! HOW Marketing can create the flyer and contact Nick Long ( to get it emailed to your targeted database. EMAIL RECIPIENT Clients and Realtors COST Free

CAMPAIGN “ Home and Garden Show� WHAT This is another great example of a flyer you can tailor to a weekend event! This flyer used the coupon for an upcoming event that the LO and his agent had a booth at. The coupon was for an admission discount and invited all of their database to the event. They even included a prize for the event registrants at the show! Also, if you have ongoing flyer ideas shoot them to marketing! They would love to hear them! HOW Contact Nick Long to set up your own flyer in the CRM ( EMAIL RECIPIENT Clients and Realtors COST Free

CAMPAIGN “ USDA Benefits Extended� WHAT This USDA blast was part of the once-a-month email blast going out to clients. Each month will be a new featured flyer and will be emailed out to each of your client email lists provided. All of them will be personalized with photos and other information. HOW Keep adding to your client email lists and building that database so more of your clients will get these. If you need help with your lists or the CRM you can contact Nick Long ( EMAIL RECIPIENT Clients COST Free



WHAT This email is the upcoming monthly blasts to customers featuring the HARP program. Every Monthly blast will go out on the third Thursday of every month. HOW Keep adding to your client email lists and building that database so more of your clients will get these. If you need help with your lists or the CRM you can contact Nick Long ( EMAIL RECIPIENT Clients COST Free

calendar W1 W3 YR

Direct Mail Newsletter mailed the first week of every month

Email Blast launched the third Thursday of every month

Annual Mortgage Review mailed to everyone in a database once a year. dB is divided in 26 equal parts, mailed every-other week, with names and phone numbers sent to originators to call in between mailings.

Contact marketing for more details or to review your Annual Marketing Calendar.

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