Classroom Library Enhancement Grant

Creating high-quality classroom libraries is not accomplished through sporadically accumulating random books, but rather by intentionally curating a diverse collection of reading materials that offer students opportunities to see themselves and others, to dream and imagine, and to develop strong literacy knowledge, skills and dispositions.
The Classroom Library Enhancement (CLE) grant is $10,000 to be awarded to any ISD with the purpose of granting to one of their constituent Local Educational Agencies (LEA) to purchase highquality diverse texts for the model classroom library. The LEA shall reserve a portion of the funds to purchase second copies of the reading materials curated for the classroom to be added to the building’s library or media center. Awarded ISDs can reserve up to 10% of the grant award to be used for administrative costs related to implementation of the grant.
Grant funds are available to any ISD that applies and this is a great opportunity for ISDs and LEAs to build and work together.
The primary purpose of this grant is to appropriate a portion of 35a funds to meet the criteria of the Essentials Implementation Continuum Commitment #5 to the 1.0 standard and to provide grantees, Michigan’s 56 ISD Superintendents, a clear process by which to meet the criteria to the 2.0 standard. The grantee’s acknowledgement and acceptance of the assurances of this grant meet the criteria of the 1.0 standard. The completion of the project, with the assumption that all of the assurances were met, results in the grantee meeting the criteria to the 2.0 standard. Resources available to the grantee in the Additional Resources section provide tools and resources to enable grantees to meet the criteria to the 3.0 standard.
The secondary purpose of this grant is to provide a pragmatic, exemplary model for engaging, executing, and proliferating various instructional practices of the K-3 Literacy Essentials and the Organizational Practices in and throughout the grantees’ region.
The tertiary purpose of the grant is to offer an opportunity for grantees to establish a new or build upon an existing relationship with a LEA of their choice. The process laid out in the grant assurances by which the grantee creates and executes a regional plan to expand diverse classroom libraries, including the partnership required therein, exemplifies the role that ISDs play in Michigan to serve their constituent districts.
Acceptable Use of Funds
• Awarded ISDs shall use funds to purchase high-quality diverse texts for a designated constituent LEA classroom library.
• Awarded ISDs and their LEA designee(s) shall reserve a portion of the funds to purchase second copies of the reading materials selected for the classroom to be added to the building’s library or media center.
• Awarded ISDs can reserve up to 10% of the grant award to be used for administrative costs related to implementation of the grant.
• Awarded ISDs are not required to submit expenses.
Applying ISDs responded to the survey accepting the terms and assurances by August 31, 2023. To receive grant funds, awarded ISDs must submit their invoice by September 30, 2023.
Questions about invoicing should be directed toward Taylor Hoag,
This self-evaluation survey link will be sent to awarded ISDs to be shared with the LEA. It will contain instructions for taking inventory of the titles currently available in the library.
Be sure to take a “before” photo of the classroom library!
Review the diverse classroom libraries guidance document, “Diverse Classroom Libraries: Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors to Lifelong Literacy Learning,” created by the Michigan Department of Education, and complete the 4 “Classroom LIbraries” modules on EduPaths. Use the guidance and resources in these professional learning opportunities, in addition to the recommended texts list from the Diverse Text Set Project, to purchase news texts to enhance the classroom library.
Be sure to purchase a second copy of the titles and add them to the building library!
This self-evaluation survey link will be sent to awarded ISDs to be shared with the LEA. This survey will entail the same process as the pre-assessment survey and is meant to be completed after the new texts are purchased and incorporated into the library.
Be sure to take an “after” photo of the classroom library!
September 1-30, 2023
Invoice Submission
ISDs who applied by August 31, 2023 may submit an invoice for $10,000 during this time. Details regarding where to submit invoice will be included in an email confirming the ISD’s application was accepted.
October 31, 2023
Funds Disbursed; Deadline for Baseline Data: PRE-Assessment Survey
By this date, MAISA will disburse all funding to all accepted ISDs that submitted an invoice.
Grantees must:
• Submit their CLE Pre-Assessment Survey (Self-Evaluation) responses; and
• Submit a photo of the chosen LEA classroom library to enhance using CLE grant dollars (the “before” photo).
November 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024
Library Curation
During this period, grantees and designated LEA partner(s) are:
• Reviewing Diverse Classroom Libraries: Diverse Classroom Libraries: Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors to Lifelong Literacy Learning;
• Completing the 4 Classroom Libraries modules on EduPaths; and
• Curating the classroom and school libraries using the funds and the optional recommended book lists and officially incorporating the reading materials into the libraries.
May 31, 2024
Deadline for Final Data: POST-Assessment Survey
By this date, grantees must:
• Submit their CLE Post-Assessment Survey (Self-Evaluation) responses; and
• Submit the required photo of the completed LEA model classroom library showing the newly incorporated texts purchased with CLE grant award dollars (the “after” photo).
Diverse Classroom Libraries: Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors to Lifelong Literacy Learning
4 Classroom Libraries modules on EduPaths
Recommended Texts of the Diverse Text Set Project
Does the participating school building have to employ a certified librarian?
No, a certified librarian is not required.
Can this grant opportunity supplement libraries in multiple schools or classrooms?

Yes! However, please note the requirement to purchase duplicate titles for the building library that match those purchased for the classroom library.
Are we allowed to purchase texts outside of the recommended book lists?
Absolutely! The book lists provided in the grant narrative are neither exhaustive nor prohibitive. The guidance document written by MDE and the Classroom Library modules contain guidance and resources that will assist you with curation.
For questions relating to invoicing, payment status, and other business office questions, please contact Taylor Hoag,
For all other questions about the Classroom Library Enhancement grant, please contact Lisa Brown,
Does the district or building do the purchasing, or is it the ISD’s responsibility to order all the books?
This is really up to you and your ISD. The goal is for the district partners (teacher(s), para(s), librarian(s), etc.) to complete the inventory process and review the classroom library guidance document and modules to determine which texts to purchase. You and your ISD can determine whether the school does the purchasing and submits to the ISD for reimbursement or the ISD makes the purchase directly.
Will MAISA offer this grant opportunity again in the future?
MAISA is in the process of determining if and how it can offer this grant opportunity again in the future. Once we make a decision, we will communicate it with our membership.