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Take note of the foods which you should eat


People who have asthma are recommended to have a nutritious diet which can help in improving their condition as well as their overall health.

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Foods rich in beta carotene (which is a form of Vitamin A can be considered good for people who are suffering from asthma. Sources of beta carotene include carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, leafy green veggies, spinach and broccoli.

Vitamin D is an essential requirement among people who are suffering from asthma. Foods rich in Vitamin D can reduce incidence of asthmatic attacks in children. Milk, orange juice, eggs and salmon are good sources of vitamin D.


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Apples are good for people suffering from asthma as they improve functioning of lungs.


Magnesium is another mineral which required by people suffering from asthma. Dark chocolate, spinach, pumpkin seeds and salmon are all good sources of magnesium.

Read more about World Asthma Day


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