Insomnia: Types, Symptoms, Causes, and Remedies After a long hardworking time of the day, everyone deserves a good healthy sleep of at least 6 hours. In the case of insomnia, the person gets entirely sleep deprived, no matter how much they try to fall into sleep. This condition is extremely complicated which can arouse many other problems like stress, overthinking, restlessness and lot more. Let’s learn more about this complexity through in-depth analysis.
What is Insomnia? Insomnia, which is also called sleeplessness, is a complicated sleep disorder in which a person is deprived of sleeping entirely. Sleeplessness is typically followed by daytime sleepiness, low energy, irritability, and a depressed mood.
Causes of Insomnia
Types of Insomnia
1. Primary Causes
1. Acute Insomnia
2. Secondary Causes
2. Chronic Insomnia
Symptoms of Insomnia There are a few many symptoms of sleeplessness that are visible and detectable to the sufferer easily. ● Sleepiness during the day ● Tiredness all the time ● Irritability with no actual reason ● Problems with concentration or memory
Remedies for Insomnia 1. Follow Sleep Hygiene
2. Take Medications
Sleep hygiene is an aggregate of many habits and practices that are helpful in promoting good sleep.
The doctor whom you must be visiting for getting a cure to sleeplessness might prescribe sleep tablets or sedatives in an adequate dosage.
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