July 2008

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Kulinarika in srečanja / Cuisine and Meetings Srečanja pri slovenskih vinarjih / Meetings at Slovenian Winemakers

Intervju / Interwiev: Zoran Janković, župan Ljubljane / Zoran Janković, the Mayor of Ljubljana


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Kongres - 2008

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restavracija restaurant

Cafe Tlačan - zabave Cafe Tlačan - after party

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Kongres - 2008

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Rezervacije/ Booking: (00386 – 4 -) 579 – 44 – 00; events@vgs-bled.si 30.6.2008 16:25:34


Kongres - 2008

Kolofon / Colophon

Napovednik / Content


Intervju: Zoran Janković, župan Ljubljane - Ljubljana je najlepše mesto na svetu /

Glavni in odgovorni urednik / Editor-in-Chief: Gorazd Čad

Interwiev: Zoran Janković, the Mayor of Ljubljana Ljubljana is the most Beautiful City in the World

Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor: Jakica Jesih Pomočnica urednika / Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief: Danaja Besnard Uredniški odbor / Editorial Board: Christer Carlsson, Tony Carey, Gorazd Čad, Petra Čuk, Anuša Gaši, Miha Kovačič, Tina Možina, Srečo Peterlič, Tatjana Radovič, Darja Slivnjak, Mirjana Sušec, Maja Vidergar

Lektoriranje / Proofreading: Alkemist d.o.o., Jakica Jesih Tisk / Printing: Collegium Graphicum d.o.o., Ljubljana Naklada / Circulation: 5.000 izvodov / 5.000 copies ISSN Številka / ISSN Number: 1854-9292 Revija izhaja 5x letno / Magazine issued in: Januar; april; julij; september; november January; April; July; September; November Izdajatelj, produkcija in trženje / Publisher, Production and Marketing: GO®Mice d.o.o., Štihova 4 SI-1000 Ljubljana T: +386 (0)1 430 51 03 F: +386 (0)1 430 51 04 E: kongres@go-mice.eu Datum izida / Issue date: Julij 2008 / July 2008 Cena / Price: 3,50 EUR Za reproduciranje vsebine je potrebno pisno soglasje uredništva. / For the content reproduction it is required to get the written editorial consigment.

Druženje je duša vsakega kongresa / Socialising is the Soul of Every Convention

O načrtih in razvoju kongresnega produkta smo se pogovarjali s karizmatičnim županom Ljubljane Zoranom Jankovićem. Zaupal nam je načrte za lepšo in kongresnim gostom še bolj prijazno Ljubljano. Prepričan je, da se Ljubljana lahko uvrsti na lestvico prvih desetih kongresnih mest v svetu.. We talked to the charismatic mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković, about the plans and development of a congress product. He told us about the plans for a Ljubljana that is more beautiful and friendlier to congress guests. He is certain that Ljubljana can rank among the top ten congress cities in the world.


Oblikovanje / Design: Tatjana Hladnik Zupan, Propagarna d.o.o. Prevod / Translation: Alkemist d.o.o.

Uvodnik / Editorial

Kulinarika in srečanja / Cuisine and


Ni ga dogodka v vsakodnevnem življenju, tako zasebnem kot poslovnem, ki ga ne bi spremljal prigrizek, osvežilna pijača, kosilo, ali pa kar sprejemi v različnih oblikah in z različnimi nameni. Zato je zelo pomembno, kdaj in kje pripravimo in ponudimo določeno vrsto pogostitve, da ne zmotimo namena srečanja, ampak mu s kulinariko še dvignemo vrednost. There is no event in everyday life, both private and in business, which is not accompanied by a snack, refreshing drink, lunch or even a reception, in various forms and for different purposes. For this reason, it is very important when and where a catering event is prepared and implemented, so as not to interfere with the event’s aim but even to increase its value by way of the cuisine.

36 Srečanja pri slovenskih vinarjih / Meetings at Slovenian Winemakers

Kadar gostu oziroma turistu predstavljamo vinogradniško Slovenijo, pogosto začnemo stereotipno. Naštejemo, kako veliki ali majhni smo. Poudarjamo dolgoletno zgodovino in tradicijo pridelave vina, kar nas še bolj pogosto zapelje v idilično prikazovanje panoge. Morda je še najbolje narediti tako, da vinorodne okoliše predstavimo z najbolj aktualnimi dogodki ali vsebinami, ki kažejo na to, da razumemo razmere na mednarodnem vinskem trgu in jih znamo prikazati skozi lastna vina. When a guest or a tourist is being introduced to the wine-growing regions of Slovenia, we often start in a stereotypical manner. We list how big or small we are, stress our many years of history and talk of our tradition of wine production. It may be best to represent the wine-growing regions with their current events, or contents that indicate we are aware of the situation on the international wine market, and that we know how to depict it through our own wines.


I like to eat well. I like to cook too, and I am even convinced of being

Preprosto? Vedno znova se srečujem z naročniki, ki tako kot jaz radi dobro jedo in popijejo kozarec dobrega vina in so seveda prepričani, da so sposobni organizirati kulinarične dogodke na svojih kongresih, ali pa vsaj izbrati primerno hrano in pijačo. Pa se zelo motijo. To je delo za strokovnjake in kulinarične umetnike, ki pa se morajo dobro spoznati tudi na logistiko v najširšem pomenu besede.

Simple? I constantly meet clients who, the same as me, like to eat well and drink a glass of good wine and are of course convinced that they are able to organise culinary events at their conventions, or at least choose appropriate food and drinks. However, they are profoundly mistaken. This is a job for experts and culinary artists, who at the same time also need to have strong skills in logistics, in the broadest sense of the word.

Zakaj je danes kulinarika pri organizaciji kongresnih dogodkov tako pomembna? Kaj pravzaprav ljudi pripravi do tega, da gredo na kongres, ko pa tehnologija omogoča strokovno komuniciranje na daljavo? Druženje seveda. In kaj si udeleženci po kongresu najbolj zapomnijo? Poglejmo:

So, why is catering so important these days in organising conventions? What makes people go to conventions, when technology offers us the possibility of expert distance communication? Socialising, of course. And what do the participants remember the most about congresses? Let’s see:

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ad dobro jem. Kuham tudi rad, prepričan sem celo, da znam dobro kuhati. Prijatelji in znanci moje kulinarične dosežke običajno pohvalijo. Nekoliko se spoznam na vina in ostale pijače. Ali to pomeni, da sem sposoben organizirati pogostitve na kongresnih dogodkih? Nekoč sem gostil znanega slovenskega gostinca – vodilnega mojstra cateringa. Seveda je mojo »umetnino« pohvalil. Ko sva se pogovarjala o organizaciji kulinaričnih dogodkov na večjih kongresih in sem ga vprašal, kako zmorejo organizacijo in izvedbo družabnega srečanja za 10.000 ljudi, mi je odgovoril: enostavno, svoje recepte za štiri osebe pomnoži z 2.500.

če je organizacija dobra, je nihče ne opazi, če ni, je vse narobe; če je tehnična podpora brezhibna, je nihče ne opazi, če ni, je katastrofa; logistika (prevozi) mora delovati v skladu z urnikom in seveda tega nihče ne opazi, dokler ne gre kaj narobe; in kulinarika? Udeleženci kongresov si v glavnem zapomnijo družabne dogodke. Če je družabni dogodek dober, originalen in kvalitetno izveden, bodo udeleženci imeli kongres v lepem spominu tudi, če je šlo kaj drugega narobe.

Kulinarika na kongresnih prireditvah je stroka, znanost in umetnost, česar pa se še vedno premalo zavedamo. Upam, da bo izvod revije, ki ga imate v rokah, vsaj nekoliko pripomogel k zavedanju, da je družabni dogodek duša vsakega kongresa, in da je za izvedbo potrebnega zelo veliko znanja.

a good cook. My friends and acquaintances usually commend my culinary achievements. I know something about wines and other beverages. Does this mean that I am able to organise catering at conventions? I once entertained a famous Slovenian restaurateur – the leading master of catering. He of course commended my “masterpiece”. When we talked about organising culinary events for bigger conventions and I asked him how they manage to organise and implement a social gathering for 10,000 people he said: “It’s simple. Multiply your recipes for four by 2,500.”

if the organisation is good, nobody notices it, if it is not, everything is wrong; if the technical support is impeccable, nobody notices it, if it is not, we’re dealing with a disaster; the logistics (transfers) need to operate in accordance with the schedule, and of course nobody notices this until something goes wrong; and the catering? Convention participants mostly remember the social events. If the social event is good, original and of high quality, the participants will have a good memory of the convention even if something else went wrong.

Catering at conventions is a line of business, a science and an art which, however, we do net yet fully understand. I hope that the current issue of this magazine will at least partially contribute to the realisation that a social event is the soul of every convention, and that a lot of knowledge is needed for its implementation.

Srečo Peterlič Predsednik Sveta Zavoda Kongresnoturistični urad (2006-2008) sreco.peterlic@auditoria.si

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Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Srečo Peterlič President of the Board of the Slovenian Convention Bureau (2006-2008) sreco.peterlic@auditoria.si

Intervju: Zoran Janković, župan Mestne občine Ljubljana

Ljubljana je najlepše mesto na svetu

Ljubljana že vrsto let krepko vodi na kongresnem zemljevidu Slovenije, saj v Ljubljani po podatkih Kongresnega urada Slovenije poteka preko 60 % slovenskih kongresnih prireditev oziroma preko 5000 kongresnih dogodkov z več kot 72 % vseh kongresnih udeležencev (520.000) in približno 40.000 ustvarjenimi hotelskimi nočitvami. Ljubljana pa se je prebila tudi v ligo najboljših kongresnih mest po statistiki mednarodnega združenja ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association), saj se je uvrstila na 48. mesto na svetu. Na lestvici Ljubljana vsako leto vztrajno napreduje za nekaj mest, kar kaže, da je kongresni turizem v razvojnem zagonu, ki je enega od vrhuncev dosegel tudi v času predsedovanja Slovenije EU. Kako ocenjujete pomen kongresnega turizma za Ljubljano? Ljubljana je zame najlepše mesto na svetu in kot tako ima zelo dobro izhodišče, ker smo dobri organizatorji in ponujamo izjemno prijaznost, srčnost in toleranco, ter lahko organiziramo kongrese na najvišji ravni. Glede na svojo lego v Evropi in dostopnost do letališča je Ljubljana kongresno zelo pomembna. Tudi v času predsedovanja je v Ljubljani potekala vrsta mednarodnih projektov, med drugim WDR Europa Forum ali podelitev medijskih oskarjev s prisotnostjo najvišjih evropskih funkcionarjev, med drugimi predsednika Evropske komisije Jose Manuela Barrose in predsednika evropskega parlamenta dr. Hansa Gerta Pötteringa. Predsednik parlamenta je v odmevnih medijskih izjavah pred večmilijonsko publiko poudaril, da je Ljubljana najlepše mesto na svetu. Po eni strani smo majhni po številu prebivalcev, po drugi pa imamo vse, kar imajo največja mesta, tako da bomo kongresno dejavnost kot zelo pomembno zagotovo še naprej razvijali. Ljubljani primanjkuje hotelskih kapacitet, predvsem pa mednarodni kongresni organizatorji pogrešajo hotele višje kategorije, posebej petih zvezdic ter prisotnost mednarodnih hotelskih verig. Kakšne novosti se obetajo na tem področju v prihodnosti? Ljubljana potrebuje vseh vrst hotelov, saj imamo trenutno nezadostno ponudbo, čeprav so obstoječi hoteli kakovostni. Predsednik vlade je z odločitvijo, da Ljubljano izloči iz predsedovanja EU, storil tako nam kot državi neizmerno krivico, tako da so redki ministri prihajali v Ljubljano in se je vse dogajalo na relaciji Brnik – Brdo – Bled. Ljubljana ima kakovostne hotele s posebno ponudbo v stari Ljubljani. Obetajo se številni novi projekti. Veliko pričakujem od Bellevuja in hotela na južnem trgu. V bližnji prihodnosti torej pričakujem v Ljubljani kar nekaj novih hotelov kategorije od treh do petih zvezdic. Kako vidite možnost dodatne okrepitve ugleda Ljubljane kot kongresne destinacije na mednarodnem kongresnem trgu?


Obstajata samo dva modela. Prvi je tržni z uporabo vseh orodij trženja in izkoriščanja prednosti Ljubljane. V primerjavi z npr. Dunajem smo manjše mesto z dobro dostopnostjo, varnejši, enako čisti, v medkulturnem dialogu pa smo na najvišji ravni. Drugo pa je dobra izpeljava kongresov, tako strokovnega kot družabnega dela. Pri tem je zagotovo najboljša promocija tista, ki gre od ust do ust. Kako ocenjujete raven kongresne ponudbe v Ljubljani? Ali morda kaj pogrešate? Včasih je težko dobiti pravo velikost prostora za večje kongrese z več kot 1000 udeleženci. V takšnih primerih je tudi težava z namestitvijo v enem hotelu. Sicer pa smo pogosto presenečeni, kako nas tujci hvalijo. Center mesta je za udeležence obvladljiv peš in obiskovalec nima nobene potrebe po avtomobilu. Imamo Cankarjev dom, dobili bomo Kolizej s koncertno dvorano z 2300 sedeži. Menim, da gremo v pravo smer. Kakšno vlogo imata v kongresni ponudbi Ljubljane dva največja kongresna centra Cankarjev dom in Gospodarsko razstavišče? Kakšna je vloga ostalih nosilnih podjetij? Mitja Rotovnik je bil prvi, ki je dojel, da je potrebno povezati kulturno in komercialno znanje. Njegov naslednik je Darko Brlek, ki je predsednik Evropskega združenja festivalov. Ne smemo pozabiti, da imamo Grand Hotel Union, da je tu Gospodarsko razstavišče, da imamo tudi Hotel Mons, ki se pojavlja na obrobju ob ljubljanski obvoznici in ima svoje prednosti. Pomembno je, da morajo nosilna podjetja združiti svoje moči v trženju najprej Ljubljane, potem pa bo prišlo do neposredne konkurence med posameznimi ponudniki, da bodo povpraševalcem dali tisto, kar najbolj obvladajo. Tu mora biti zdrava konkurenca. Sodelovanje med ponudniki je potrebno še okrepiti.

Foto: Robert Lupše

O načrtih in razvoju kongresnega produkta smo se pogovarjali s karizmatičnim županom Ljubljane Zoranom Jankovićem. Zaupal nam je načrte za lepšo in kongresnim gostom še bolj prijazno Ljubljano. Prepričan je, da se Ljubljana lahko uvrsti na lestvico prvih desetih kongresnih mest v svetu. O razlogih za optimizem preberite v nadaljevanju.

Ali lahko pričakujemo, da bo v Ljubljani kot blagovna znamka začel delovati Kongresni urad Ljubljane, ki sicer že deluje pod okriljem Zavoda za turizem Ljubljana, a kot blagovna znamka še ni razvit? Imamo novo blagovno znamko Ljubljane. Zavod za turizem je predvsem dolžan pripraviti in izvesti dogodke. Lani smo imeli v Ljubljani 14.000 dogodkov. Ključno je, da bomo v letošnjem letu začeli z brendiranjem Ljubljane. Če je neko mesto iz Avstralije prvo na lestvici, ne vidim razloga, zakaj ne bi bila na lestvici tudi Ljubljana v prvi deseterici. Želimo brendirati Ljubljano, da se bo vedelo, da je Ljubljana mesto, ki sodi med prvih deset mest na svetu. Kolegica, ki se bo s tem ukvarjala, je že določena. To bo omogočilo vsem lažje delo v turizmu, še posebej pa v kongresnem turizmu.

»Ljubljana je zame najlepše mesto na svetu in kot tako ima zelo dobro izhodišče, ker smo dobri organizatorji in ponujamo izjemno prijaznost, srčnost in toleranco, ter lahko organiziramo kongrese na najvišji ravni.« Ali vidite možnosti, da se Ljubljana na evropskem zemljevidu ponovno pozicionira kot sejemsko mesto? Pomemben faktor v preteklosti so bili sejmi, organizirani za

Kongres - 2008

področje celotne bivše Jugoslavije s preko 20 milijonskim trgom. Po osamosvojitvi je bilo Celje zelo aktivno in je prevzelo določene funkcije, menim pa, da se Gospodarsko razstavišče ponovno vrača. Pa ne samo oni, temveč tudi drugi organizatorji, ki na Gospodarskem razstavišču organizirajo sejme. Z novimi logističnimi možnostmi v okviru Emonike, kjer bo preko 3000 parkirnih mest, in z drugimi spremembami v Ljubljani, bo Ljubljana postala privlačna za organizatorje sejmov. Smisel sejma je, da se pokažeš največjemu možnemu številu ljudi in to Ljubljana omogoča. V zadnjem času je pomembna konkurenčna prednost kongresnih destinacij dobro razvit transportni sistem, ki prispeva k trajnostnemu razvoju. Kako se bo v prihodnosti spremenila prometna ureditev Ljubljane in kako bo to vplivalo na kongresni turizem? Novo prometno ureditev sprejemajo gostje in Ljubljančani kot pozitivno. Končna rešitev je, da bo stari del mesta obdan s tremi garažnimi hišami – pod Kongresnim trgom, Ljubljansko tržnico in pod Arhivom Slovenije. Od Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice do Zmajskega mostu bo nastalo območje za pešce. Načrtujemo električna prevozna sredstva in taksi službo, prilagojeno tudi starejšim osebam in osebam s posebnimi potrebami.


Dodaten projekt je hitra železnica do letališča Brnik. Na vseh mestnih vpadnicah bodo vzpostavljena parkirišča po sistemu park&ride. Mestne vpadnice Dunajsko, Celovško, Tržaško in Šmartinsko cesto bomo razširili v šestpasovnice in naredili vse, da bo javni promet potekal hitreje in bolj učinkovito. Razmišljamo o zaračunavanju vstopa v Ljubljano za vse, ki nimajo ljubljanske registrske tablice. Če zmanjšamo pritisk 130.000 avtomobilov, ki vsak dan prihajajo v Ljubljano iz okolice, je to velika razbremenitev in če uvedemo takso, dobimo fond za izgradnjo cestnega omrežja. Potrebno je še vedeti, da bomo imeli v Stožicah že čez dve leti 1300 parkirnih mest v garaži ob velikem zunanjem parkirišču. Tuji strokovnjaki takšen model razvoja ocenjujejo kot optimalen, poleg tega pa je Ljubljana mesto, ki je v vrhu Evrope po odstotku zelenih površin. Katero mesto v Evropi omogoča dostop do narave iz kateregakoli konca v petih minutah? Glede na javnomnenjske analize med kongresnimi in sejemskimi gosti se v Ljubljani pričakujejo nove kongresne kapacitete. Ali se na območju Gospodarskega razstavišča ali drugje v Ljubljani obetajo kakšne nove investicije na področju sejemske dejavnosti in kongresnega turizma? Gospodarsko razstavišče ostaja na obstoječi lokaciji. Če bi razmišljali

Kongres - 2008

Interview: Zoran Janković, the Mayor of the City of Ljubljana

Ljubljana is the most Beautiful City in the World We talked to the charismatic mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković, about the plans and development of a congress product. He told us about the plans for a Ljubljana that is more beautiful and friendlier to congress guests. He is certain that Ljubljana can rank among the top ten congress cities in the world. Read all about the reasons for optimism. For several years now, Ljubljana has held a strong leading position on the congress map of Slovenia. According to the Slovenian Convention Bureau, over 60 % of Slovenian congress events or over 5000 congress events take place in Ljubljana, with more than 72 % of all congress participants (520,000) and approximately 40,000 hotel overnight stays. According to the statistics of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), Ljubljana also broke through to the league of the best congress cities, ranking 48th in the world. Each year, Ljubljana steadily progresses by a few places, which indicates that congress tourism is in a development élan that reached one of its peaks during Slovenia’s EU presidency. What is your assessment of the significance of congress tourism for Ljubljana?

o širitvi, bi to dejavnost najprej selili na izvoz na obvoznici pri Rakovi Jelši. Sicer pa ponudbo širi novi stadion v Stožicah s 16.000 sedeži, primeren za vse vrste prireditev ter nova večnamenska športna dvorana z 12.000 sedeži. Ko boste organizatorji določili raven, ki jo želite, boste imeli dovolj izbire med ekskluzivnimi in drugimi lokacijami. Koliko prostora bo v novih objektih namenjenega kongresni dejavnosti? V novih objektih bo šport samo ena od dejavnosti, ki pa bo vsekakor imela prednost. Preostali čas bodo nove dvorane namenjene komercialni dejavnosti.

Ali bo Mestna občina Ljubljana subvencionirala pridobivanje večjih mednarodnih kongresov po vzoru npr. Graza?

Zagotovo 30.06.2010, saj nam datum jamči bančna garancija v višini 25 milijonov evrov. Kakšen bo nadaljnji razvoj turistične ponudbe ljubljanskega gradu, ki je že zdaj pomemben kongresni in protokolarni ponudnik?

Gorazd Čad gorazd.cad@go-mice.eu


Ljubljana requires all kinds of hotels, as our current offer is inadequate, even though the existing hotels are of high quality. With his decision to eliminate Ljubljana from the EU presidency,

Dajte nam še leto dni časa. Ljubljanski grad bo do konca prihodnjega leta popolnoma prenovljen. Smo sredi razpisa za dokončanje del. Vse lokale bomo prenovili in dali v najem. Po prenovi bo na voljo vrhunska ponudba. Sprejemi se bodo lahko organizirali brez potrebe po cateringu. Ključni problem je, ali bomo dobili soglasje vseh odgovornih oseb za pokritje dvorišča v primeru dežja ali močnega sonca. Že sedaj pa je Grad vrhunska kongresna lokacija. Ne pomnim tolikih pohval, kot smo jih dobili za organizacijo WDR Europa Forum, ki je potekal na gradu.

V Ljubljani tega še nimamo in tudi ne obljubljamo. Vsa sredstva, ki jih imamo, je potrebno najprej vložiti v infrastrukturo. Ponudniki bi se morali znati sami organizirati in sodelovati pri trženju. Razumeti morajo, da bodo tako morda na kratki rok manj zaslužili, na dolgo pa ustvarili več dobička.

Kdaj bo otvoritev novega stadiona?

To me, Ljubljana is the most beautiful city in the world. As such, it has a very good starting point, for we are good organisers and offer exceptional friendliness, fortitude and tolerance. Thus, we can organise congresses at the highest level. In view of its position in Europe and accessibility to the airport, Ljubljana is very important in terms of congresses. During the presidency, a number of international projects also took place in Ljubljana, including the WDR Europa Forum or the media Oscars in the presence of the top European officials, among them the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and the President of the European Parliament, Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering. In his resounding media statements before an audience of several million people, the President of the Parliament emphasized that Ljubljana is the most beautiful city in the world. On the one hand, we are very small in terms of the population. On the other hand, we have everything the largest cities have and we will therefore certainly continue to develop congress activity as something of great importance. Ljubljana lacks hotel capacities. Above all, international congress organisers miss higher category hotels, especially those with 5 stars, and the presence of international hotel chains. What novelties are expected in this area in the future?

Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

the Prime Minister did us, as well as the state, a great injustice. The ministers scarcely came to Ljubljana and everything happened on the Brnik-Brdo-Bled route. Ljubljana has quality hotels with a special offer in its old part. Numerous new projects are also expected. I expect a lot from the Bellevue Hotel and the hotel in the southern square. In the near future, I therefore expect quite a few new hotels with 3 to 5 stars in Ljubljana.

»To me, Ljubljana is the most beautiful city in the world. As such, it has a very good starting point, for we are good organisers and offer exceptional friendliness, fortitude and tolerance. Thus, we can organise congresses at the highest level.« What is your view of the possibility of strengthening Ljubljana’s image as a congress destination in the international congress market? Only two models exist. The first one is the marketing model using all the tools of marketing and utilizing Ljubljana’s strengths. In comparison to Vienna, for example, we are a smaller city with good accessibility, we are safer and we are just as clean. In terms of intercultural dialogue, however, we are at the highest level. The second model represents a successful implementation of congresses of the professional type as well as of the social. Here, the best possible promotion is mouth to mouth. How do you estimate the level of the congress offer in Ljubljana? Do you perhaps miss anything? Sometimes it is difficult to get a space that is the right size for larger congresses with more than 1000 participants. In such cases, difficulties also arise with accommodation at a single hotel as well. Otherwise, we are often surprised by how much foreign guests praise us. For participants, the city centre is manageable on foot and they have no need for cars. We have the Cankarjev dom and we will get Kolizej with a concert hall of 2300 seats. I believe we are headed in the right direction.

fair city on the European map? In the past, trade fairs organized for the territory of the entire former Yugoslavia with a market of over 20 million people were an important factor. After independence was attained, Celje was very active and assumed certain functions. I, however, believe that the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre is making a comeback, as well as others organising trade fairs there. With new logistic possibilities within the Emonika complex, where there will be over 3000 parking spaces, and other changes, this city will become attractive to trade fair organisers. The point of a trade fair is to show oneself off to the maximum number of people and Ljubljana allows that. Lately, a well developed transport system is a very important competitive advantage of congress destinations, something that contributes to sustainable development. How will the transport arrangement of Ljubljana change in the future and how will this affect congress tourism?

will have 1300 parking spaces in Stožice, in a garage by the large outdoor parking area. Foreign experts estimate this development model to be optimal. In addition, Ljubljana is a city at the European top with regard to the percentage of green spaces. What city in Europe enables access to nature from whichever end within five minutes?

The stadium definitely opens on June 30, 2010, as this date is guaranteed by a bank guarantee in the amount of 25 million EUR.

According to public opinion analyses among congress and trade fair guests, new congress capacities are anticipated in Ljubljana. Are there any prospects of new investments in the area of trade fair activity and congress tourism in the area of the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre or anywhere else in Ljubljana?

Give us one more year. By the end of next year, the Ljubljana Castle will be completely renovated. We are in the middle of a tender for the completion of the work. All premises will be renovated and rented out. After renovation, a top-level offer will be available. It will be possible to organize receptions without the need for catering. The key problem is whether we will obtain consent from all the persons responsible for covering the courtyard in case of rain or strong sunlight. The Castle is already a top-level congress venue. I can’t remember us ever receiving as many compliments as for the organization of the WDR Europa Forum, which took place there.

The Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre will remain at its current location. If we were to think of expansion, we would first move this activity to the bypass exit at Rakova Jelša. The offer is expanded with the new stadium in Stožice with 16,000 seats, which is suitable for all kinds of events, and with the new multi-purpose sports hall with 12,000 seats. When the organisers determine their desired level, they will have enough choice among the exclusive and other locations.

Both the guests and the people of Ljubljana accept the new transport arrangement as positive. The final solution is that the old part of the city will be surrounded by three garage houses under the Congress Square, the Ljubljana Market and the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia. A pedestrian area will be created from the National and University Library to the Dragon Bridge. We also plan electric transport and a taxi service adjusted for the elderly and for people with special needs. An additional project is the fast railway to the Brnik Airport. There will be a park & ride system on all roads entering the city. The city entry roads Dunajska, Celovška, Tržaška and Šmartinska cesta will be expanded into six-lane roads and we will do everything necessary to allow public transport to run faster and more effectively. We are thinking about charging an entrance fee into Ljubljana for everyone without a Ljubljana number plate. If we decrease the pressure of 130,000 cars coming into Ljubljana every day from the surrounding areas, this represents a great disburdening. Also, if we introduce this fee, we acquire a fund to help the construction of the road network. It is also necessary to know that, in just two years, we

How much space in the new facilities will be intended for congress activity? At the new facilities, sport will be only one of the activities taking place but it will certainly have precedence. For the remaining time, the new halls will be intended for commercial activities.

What will further development of the Ljubljana Castle tourist offer, already an important congress and protocol provider, be like?

Will the Municipality of Ljubljana subsidize the acquirement of larger congresses like Graz, for example? We don’t have that in Ljubljana yet and we are not making any promises about it. We must first invest all the available resources in infrastructure. Providers should have to be able to organise themselves and cooperate in marketing. They must understand that they might earn less in the short-term, but their profit will be greater in the long-run. Gorazd Čad gorazd.cad@go-mice.eu

When is the new stadium opening?

What is the role of the two largest congress centres, Cankarjev dom and the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre in the congress offer of Ljubljana? What is the role of other carrying companies? Mitja Rotovnik was the first to understand that it is necessary to combine cultural and commercial knowledge. His successor is Darko Brlek, President of the European Festival Association. We must not forget that we have the Grand Hotel Union and the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, as well as the Mons Hotel at the edge of the Ljubljana bypass, which has its own advantages. It is important for the carrying companies to unite their strengths in marketing Ljubljana first. Then there will be direct competition between the individual providers in order to give their customers what they are best at. Healthy competition must exist here. Cooperation between providers must be strengthened. Can we expect that a Ljubljana Convention Bureau will start working as a trademark? It already functions under the wing of the Ljubljana Tourist Board, but is not developed as a trademark yet.

Photo: Robert Lupše

We have a new trademark for Ljubljana. The Ljubljana Tourist Board is mainly obliged to prepare and implement events. Last year, we had 14,000 events in Ljubljana. This year, it is of key importance for us to start branding Ljubljana. If some Australian city is ranked first, I see no reason why Ljubljana couldn’t be among the top ten. We wish to brand Ljubljana so that it will be known that this is a city that belongs among the top ten cities in the world. A colleague has already been appointed to work on this. This will enable easier work in tourism for all, especially in congress tourism. Do you see possibilities of Ljubljana repositioning itself as a trade


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Kongres - 2008

Kratke novice

ICCA objavila lestvico dvajsetih najboljših držav in mest

17 18 19 20 21

Že tretje leto zapored so bile ZDA proglašene za najboljšo državo

Že od leta 2005 Dunaj zaseda prvo mesto najpopularnejših mest, tokrat s še večjim številom srečanj kot prejšnja leta. Berlin je izboljšal položaj za štiri mesta in je zdaj na drugem, Singapur pa je ostal na tretjem mestu. Pariz je na 4. mestu, Barcelona na petem, Budimpešta ostaja na šestem in ga deli z Lizbono. Peking je nov na lestvici najboljših deset, v letu 2006 je bil na trinajstem, zdaj pa se je povzpel na osmo mesto. Amsterdam je izboljšal položaj in je na 9. mestu. Madrid, 19. leta 2006, je sedaj na 10. mestu. Taipei je omembe vreden novinec na lestvici najboljših 20, saj je bil leta 2006 šele štirideseti.

in Dunaj za najboljše mesto. ICCA v ocenjevanje vključuje redna srečanja, ki jih organizirajo mednarodna združenja in rotirajo med najmanj tremi državami. Podatki predstavljajo pregled kvalificiranih dogodkov v ICCA podatkovni bazi združenj (stanje na dan 14. april 2008). Letos so ICCA raziskovalci sporočili, da se je v letu 2007 zgodilo več kot 6.500 dogodkov, kar je približno 800 dogodkov več kot v letu 2006. Zahvala gre na račun močnega trga in rekordnega števila članov združenja ICCA, ki jim pošiljajo svoje informacije o dogodkih in jim tako pomagajo, da lahko identificirajo nove dogodke. Tabela 1: ICCA – država in mesto, rangirana po številu organiziranih srečanj v letu 2007 Rang 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Država ZDA Nemčija Španija Velika Britanija Francija Italija Japonska Brazilija Avstrija Kanada Nizozemska Kitajska Avstralija Švica Portugalska Švedska Belgija Finska Singapur Republika Koreja

Število dogodkov 467 429 303 281 255 250 215 209 204 197 195 195 194 175 153 137 124 122 120 120

Rang 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Mesto Dunaj Berlin Singapur Pariz Barcelona Budimpešta Lizbona Peking Amsterdam Madrid Copenhagen Praga Hong Kong Seul Stockholm Bangkok

Število dogodkov 154 123 120 115 106 90 90 87 82 77 76 72 72 70 70 70


London Taipei Kuala Lumpur Istanbul Bruselj

69 97 66 66 66

Popolna statistika za leto 2007 je bila objavljena v začetku junija. Celotno desetletno poročilo (od leta 1998 do 2007) pa bo objavljeno v začetku julija. www.icca.com

Prijava slovenskih vabljenih gostov za EIBTM V

abimo vas, da se pridružite slovenski skupini vabljenih kupcev, ki bo obiskala borzo EIBTM 2008, ki bo potekala v Barceloni od 2. do 4. decembra 2008. Program za vabljene kupce vključuje brezplačne lete, lokalne transferje (letališče – hotel – EIBTM), hotelsko namestitev v hotelu s 4* ali 5*, izobraževalne programe, vnaprej dogovorjene sestanke in priložnosti za druženje in spoznavanje. Več informacij o dogodku lahko najdete na: www.eibtm.com, prijave in dodatne informacije: danaja.besnard@go-mice.eu

Kratke novice

Portoroški hotel Palace bo upravljala in vodila hotelska veriga Kempinski Družbi Istrabenz hoteli Portorož, d. o. o. in Kempinski Hotels S.A. sta sklenili pogodbo, s katero hotelska veriga Kempinski za obdobje dvajsetih let prevzema vodenje in upravljanje hotela Palace v Portorožu. S prvim slovenskim luksuznim hotelom postaja Portorož ponovno turistična destinacija tudi za najzahtevnejše mednarodne goste.

Hotel Palace se v svetovno verigo luksuznih hotelov Kempinski vključuje v zaključni fazi prenove, ki jo vodi njegova lastnica, družba Istrabenz hoteli Portorož. S pogodbo o upravljanju, sklenjeno z družbo Kempinski Hotels S.A., je znameniti hotel pridobil pravico do uporabe imena in blagovne znamke Kempinski ter vstopa v trženjski sistem družbe Kempinski. Prenovljeni hotel se bo tako imenoval Kempinski Palace Hotel. S 185 sobami in suitami bo združil najboljšo turistično tradicijo Portoroža s ponudbo sodobnih luksuznih hotelov. Reto Wittwer, predsednik in glavni izvršni direktor verige Kempinski o partnerskem sodelovanju: »Prenovljeni hotel Palace je prvi luksuzni hotel v Sloveniji, s čimer daje pečat tako destinaciji kot hotelirstvu nasploh. Zelo smo ponosni, da svoji verigi lahko dodamo ta historični dragulj. Hotel Palace pooseblja ugledno preteklost Portoroža z začetkov 20. stoletja in prepričani smo, da bo s prenovo tega hotela Portorož spet postal ena od najbolj zaželenih destinacij za zahtevnejše popotnike.« www.lifeclass.net

Nov hotel za zahtevne goste V

oazi miru in dobrega počutja, na samem robu Triglavskega narodnega parka, raste najsodobnejši Bohinj Park Hotel. S kar osmimi različno velikimi (26 – 220 m2) in najmoderneje opremljenimi konferenčnimi dvoranami bo tako nadvse primeren za vse vrste poslovnih srečanj in seminarjev. Zahteve vodilnih managerjev bo razveselila tudi t.i. Hotelska rezidenca, ki zavzema celotno luksuzno najvišje hotelsko nadstropje. Rezidenca obsega večsobne apartmaje in sobe za spremljajoče osebje, kot tudi bazen za zaprte družbe in ekskluziven wellnes, kjer se bodo izbrani gostje lahko predajali užitkom in posebni pozornosti.

SIMEX bo prerastel v CONVENTO Organizatorji poslovne borze SIMEX so se na pobudo razstavljavcev

in vabljenih gostov odločili za širitev poslovne borze na celotno področje JV Evrope. Poslovna borza CONVENTA je nadaljevanje projekta SIMEX, ki jo je Zavod-Kongresnoturistični urad do sedaj organiziral dvakrat in predstavlja najpomembnejšo prireditev na področju kongresnega in poslovnega turizma pri nas. Borza CONVENTA bo združila preko 120 ponudnikov kongresnih storitev iz JV Evrope in preko 150 organizatorjev dogodkov iz cele Evrope. Največja poslovna borza v JV Evropi bo potekala 22. in 23. januarja 2009 na Gospodarskem razstavišču v Ljubljani. Domači partnerji borze so Slovenska turistična organizacija, Zavod za turizem Ljubljana in Gospodarsko razstavišče. Mednarodni partnerji borze pa so Helms Briscoe International, Reed Exhibitions – EIBTM, Kongresni urad Hrvaške, Kongresni urad Srbije, Kongresni urad Črne Gore in MPI – Meeting Professionals International. www.conventa.eu

Cona Monte Mulini postaja vodilno kongresno središče v regiji Maistra daje v svoji poslovni strategiji razvoju turizma izjemno

velik pomen, kar potrjuje z velikimi vlaganji v razvoj vrhunskih hotelskih zmogljivosti ter intenzivnimi prodajnimi in marketinškimi akcijami. Pomen kongresne turistične dejavnosti je še toliko večji, če upoštevamo dejstvo, da so ta potovanja običajno vezana na obdobja nizke sezone in so t. i. leisure potovanja (potovanja v prostem času), kar pomeni, da so ključnega pomena za celoletno turistično poslovanje. Prav zato Maistra v svoji poslovni strategiji posveča razvoju turizma MICE zelo veliko pozornost. To potrjujejo velika vlaganja v razvoj vrhunskih hotelskih zmogljivosti ter obsežne prodajne in marketinške akcije, usmerjene v ta tržni segment. Javnosti je že znano, da je Maistra zadnja leta v hrvaškem turizmu prevzela vlogo vodilnega investitorja z vlaganji v višini dveh in pol milijarde kun v obdobju med letoma 2005 in 2009. Manj znano pa je,

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da je žarišče tega strateškega investicijskega cikla razvoj vrhunskih hotelov in dodatne ponudbe, in to zlasti tiste, ki je neposredno vezana na segment MICE. Že zaključeni investicijski projekti v hotelih Istra in Eden so občutno dvignili kakovost kongresnih zmogljivosti Maistre, ki poleg teh dveh hotelov razpolaga tudi z zelo atraktivnimi kongresnimi zmogljivostmi v hotelu Park. Vendar pa bo pri razvoju Maistrine MICE ponudbe ključnega pomena vlaganje v hotelski kompleks Monte Mulini. Kongresni center Monte Mulini kot osrednji Maistrin MICE produkt ter najboljše in najbolje opremljeno kongresno središče v regiji bo po zaključku projekta obsegal štiri hotele – hotel Lone, hotel Monte Mulini, hotel Eden in hotel Park. Otvoritev hotela Monte Mulini načrtujejo poleti 2008, medtem ko bo hotel Lone, ki je hkrati tudi osrednji hotel kongresnega središča, odprt leta 2009. V celotnem kongresnem središču bo tedaj na voljo 30 dvoran, med katerimi bo največja sprejela 700 udeležencev, skupno pa bo v njih prostora za skoraj 2000 obiskovalcev. Številne zelo raznovrstne dvorane različnih velikosti z najsodobnejšo opremo bodo ob vrhunskih storitvah zagotavljale pogoje za popolno organizacijo še tako zahtevnih kongresov in konferenc. Dodatno kakovost v kongresni ponudbi Maistre poleg kongresnega središča Monte Mulini nudita tudi druga Maistrina hotela, ki prav tako ponujata tovrstne storitve – hotel Istra v Rovinju in hotel Pineta v Vrsarju.


Združitev družb Congrex Sweden in SKD Euroconf Pred dvema letoma je Congrex Sweden AB pripojil družbo SKD

Euroconf AB. Zdaj se bosta podjetji v skladu s strateškim načrtom za pripojitev združili v vsestransko podjetje za organizacijo poslovnih srečanj, konferenc in dogodkov. Za generalnega direktorja novega podjetja je bil imenovan Antonio Gozzo, ki je trenutno generalni direktor družbe Congrex Sweden AB. Generalna direktorica družbe SKD Euroconf Christina Tannlund bo na voljo za zagotavljanje nemotenega poslovanja v prihajajočih mesecih. ≈Biti del ustvarjanja enega najuspešnejših švedskih podjetij za organizacijo poslovnih srečanj in dogodkov je bilo resnično razburljivo potovanje. Po tridesetih letih pri družbi SKD Euroconf je prišel čas, da Antoniu Gozzu predam vodenje načrtovane širitve v

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Evropo in svet,« je oznanila Christina Tannlund. ≈V novi organizaciji vidimo velik potencial in načrtujemo nadaljnjo rast, da bi v prihodnosti zadostili povpraševanju po ustvarjalnih in učinkovitih rešitvah za poslovna srečanja. Zelo se veselim razvoja največjega švedskega igralca v industriji poslovnih srečanj in dviga poslov na višjo raven,« je dejal Antonio Gozzo. Skupni promet družb Congrex Sweden in SKD Euroconf znaša 48 milijonov evrov (2007).

Kratke novice

Kratke novice

v standardih slovenskega kongresnega urada za profesionalne kongresne organizatorje. Ekipa je obiskala vse pomembnejše ponudnike kongresnih storitev v Lizboni, med katerimi sta bila posebne pozornosti deležna Kongresni in kulturni center Belem ter Kongresni center Lizbona. www.cd-cc.si

Gospodarsko razstavišče v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za kmetijstvo, Slovensko turistično organizacijo in Turističnim združenjem Slovenije. Sejem TIP se je pridružil sedemnajstim najbolj prestižnim sejmom na trgu te industrije. Nekateri od njih so World Travel Market (London), TUR (Gothenburg), EIBTM (Barcelona) in MITT (Moskva). www.gr-sejem.si

Nova turistična agencija Panoramic travel Pred osemnajstimi leti je Tone Matjašič na slovenskem trgu videl

priložnost, da ustanovi turistično agencijo, ki se je iz avtobusnega agenta hitro prelevila v eno od pomembnejših receptivnih turističnih agencij v Sloveniji, Promet T&T. V teh letih je agencija postala prepoznavna predvsem kot odličen organizator avtobusnih potovanj na področju centralne in jugovzhodne Evrope. Agencija deluje z novim imenom, s pomlajeno ekipo in v novih poslovnih prostorih. Specializirana je za azijska tržišča, predvsem Japonsko, ter trge Izraela in Amerike. Booking oddelek in avtobusni prevozi prav tako predstavljajo močno operativno mrežo, prepleteno po destinacijah celotne Evrope. Agencija Panoramic Travel je članica Združenja turističnih agencij Slovenije (ZTAS) in članica japonskega združenja JATA. tone.matjasic@panoramic-travel.si

Ljubljana – nov izziv za Clickair S

1. julijem letos Clickair uvaja novo letalsko progo Ljubljana– Barcelona. Mesti povezujejo dvakrat na teden, najugodnejše cene pa znašajo 55 evrov za enosmerno potovanje. Povezava glavnemu mestu Slovenije odpira vrata Barcelone, saj obljublja kar 8.000 potovalnih mest, ki so že na voljo na spletni strani www.clickair. com ter v turističnih agencijah. Neposredna povezava Ljubljane z Barcelono zagotavlja, s storitvijo Multireservas, tudi povezavo z Ibizo, Menorco in Alicantom. Več: Carlos Lareau: +34 600 560 480: carlos.lareau@clickair.com; Ana Fernández:+34 670 269 719: ana. fernandez@clickair.com

Ekipa Cankarjevega doma na strokovnem potovanju v Lizboni Po lanskoletnem obisku Barcelone Cankarjev dom nadaljuje z izobraževanjem svojega kadra, ki znanja ne črpa le na domačih tleh, ampak na terenu in na mednarodno uveljavljenih kongresnih destinacijah. S tem Cankarjev dom izpolnjuje tudi pogoj, ki je zapisan


posebne potrebe tistih, katerih sestavni del življenja predstavlja nekoliko prilagojeno bivanjsko okolje. City hotel na tem področju ni le pionir med ljubljanskimi hoteli, je tudi edini v Sloveniji s srebrnim znakom. Certifikat mu je podelil ŠENT – Slovensko združenje za duševno zdravje.

Največja dogodka v Cankarjevem domu

Osebje hotela z direktorico Sašo Zupan je prepričano, da bo ta razširitev ponudbe hotelskega gostoljubja povečala prepoznavnost hotela in obogatila turistično ponudbo Ljubljane. www.cityhotel.si

Cankarjev dom (CD) je v dneh od 21. do 24. aprila gostil 2. evropsko

Nov hotel v Ljubljani

konferenco o raziskavah na področju cest in prometa (TRA 2008). Za potrebe konference so bile rezervirane vse dvorane, izjemno obsežna je bila tudi razstava, ki je potekala v Veliki sprejemni dvorani ter Prvem in Drugem preddverju. Na ploščadi pred CD je stal šotor, ki je bil v celoti namenjen razstavljavcem. Prav tako so v CD izpeljali večino družabnega programa. Konferenco je obiskalo 1400 udeležencev. Gostje konference so bili visoki uradniki Evropske komisije, med njimi tudi dr. Janez Potočnik, komisar za znanost in razvoj. V sredini junija (16. – 19. junij) so gostili 17. svetovni kongres entetrostomalne terapije (WCET 2008). Ekipa kongresno komercialne dejavnosti je ponosna, da je tudi ta kongres potekal uspešno in da bo odlična referenca za CD, Ljubljano in Slovenijo. www.cd-cc.si

City hotel v Ljubljani – prvi hotel s srebrnim znakom »Invalidom prijazno« Pred dnevi je City hotel prejel srebrni znak – certifikat blagovne

znamke »Invalidom prijazno«. Ob prenovi hotela in s kasnejšimi dodelavami je s svojo zunanjo in notranjo zasnovo upošteval

Kongres - 2008


hotel je nov hotel s tremi zvezdicami v Ljubljani. V obliki in filozofiji združuje sodoben in tradicionalen stil, ki sta povezana v ravnotežje udobnosti in domačnosti, kar je za hotel bistvenega pomena. Ahotel se nahaja streljaj iz strogega mestnega jedra, kar gostom omogoča, da so dovolj blizu mestnemu vrvežu in obenem dovolj oddaljeni, da si lahko privoščijo miren in trden spanec. V hotelu je na voljo 26 prostornih sob z velikimi in udobnimi posteljami, vsaka soba pa ima tudi delovni prostor, kar bo zagotovo prišlo prav predvsem poslovnežem, ki se bodo zaradi delovnih obveznosti mudili v Ljubljani. Vse sobe so nekadilske in opremljene s sodobnimi napravami, celovitost ponudbe pa dopolnjujejo tudi brezplačna parkirna mesta, Lounge bar, poletna terasa, izposoja vozil in koles, izposoja prenosnega računalnika in okusen zajtrk s kavo in svežim pecivom brez doplačila. www.ahotel.si

Evropska konferenca mednarodnega združenja MPI Letošnja evropska konferenca mednarodnega združenja MPI

(Meetings Professional International), ki je potekala od 18. do 20. aprila 2008 v kongresnem centru ExCel v Londonu, je bila največja evropska izobraževalna konferenca za strokovnjake na področju industrije srečanj. Udeležilo se je je rekordno število gostov – nekaj manj kot 600 predstavnikov iz 34 držav. Evropska konferenca je bila prva v Veliki Britaniji, ki je izvedla in dosegla trajnostni standard BS8901 Sustainable Standard s prvo in drugo dokončano fazo. V prvo, načrtovalno fazo, so bili vključeni razvojni trajnostni cilji ter izobraževanja dobaviteljev. V drugi, implementacijski fazi, pa je sodeloval team, ki je nadzoroval in meril porabo vode, elektrike in hrane. Več kot 24 ur prostovoljnega dela je bilo opravljenega pri projektu na farmi v Newhamu. www.mpiweb.org

Uspešno izvedena borza IMEX 2008 K

ombinacija večjega števila čezoceanski vabljenih gostov, večjega števila nemških obiskovalcev in najširšega izobraževalnega programa doslej je zaznamovala letošnji IMEX. Na večkrat nagrajeni borzi je bilo poskrbljeno za vznemirljivo poslovno vzdušje, saj je bilo prisotnih 3500 razstavljavcev in 3600 vabljenih gostov iz več kot 50 svetovnih trgov. Z mednarodno raznolikostjo in s poudarkom na temah industrije srečanj je IMEX znak kakovosti na svetovni ravni, saj zadovoljuje potrebe kupcev in dobaviteljev, ki delajo v industriji srečanj. IMEX 2008 je bila najbolj ‘zelena’ borza doslej. Uporabljali so hidro-električno zeleno energijo, papir, hrano in ostale izdelke, ki jih je mogoče reciklirati, ter priponke in vrečke, ki so bili izdelani iz razgradljivih materialov. Vse to je doprineslo, da je bil sejem IMEX okolju prijazen dogodek. www.imex-frankfurt.com

Slovenija nova članica ITTFA

EIBTM – večje število vabljenih gostov

ITTFA, mednarodno združenje turističnih sejmov (International

Organizatorji letošnjega sejma EIBTM, ki bo potekal od 2. do

Tourism Trade Fairs Association), je pozdravilo najnovejšega člana, in sicer slovenski sejem Turizem in prosti čas (TIP), ki vsako leto v januarju poteka na Gospodarskem razstavišču v Ljubljani in traja štiri dni. Ta sejem je relativno nov, letos so ga organizirali tretjič. Na 9500 m2 razstavnih površin se je predstavilo več kot 200 razstavljavcev iz 21 držav. Sočasno je potekala tudi razstava čolnov. Turizem in prosti čas je ključni dogodek potovalne industrije v Sloveniji. Organizira ga


4. decembra v Barceloni, napovedujejo največje število vabljenih gostov doslej, ki se bodo udeležili borze v okviru 300 organiziranih skupin vabljenih gostov. Razširjen je tudi program pokongresnih tur in izletov. Selekcija vabljenih gostov bo v primerjavi s prejšnjimi leti še zahtevnejša, s ciljem zagotavljanja visoke kvalitete dogodka. Na borzi se pričakuje preko 43.000 organiziranih sestankov med vabljenimi gosti in razstavljavci. www.eibtm.com

Kongres - 2008

Short News

Short News

Prenovljeni hotel Lucija prijazen družinam

Panoramic Travel – A new Tourist Agency

Two major events in Cankarjev dom


18 years ago, Mr Tone Matjašič saw that the Slovenian market

From April 21-24, Cankarjev dom hosted the second European

otelsko turistično podjetje Metropol Group d.d., pod katerega spadajo Grand hotel Metropol 5*, hotel Roža 4*, hotel Barbara 3* ter hotel Lucija 3*, je 10. junija 2008 slavnostno otvoril prenovljeni hotel Lucija 3*. Hotel Lucija je v zadnjih letih beležili visoko stopnjo zasedenosti kapacitet, kar je bil poleg zastarelosti objekta in hotelskega produkta ključni razlog za odločitev o prenovi hotela, povečanje hotelskih zmogljivosti in posodobitev hotelske ponudbe, pri čemer je poudarek v funkcionalnem smislu interiera namenjen predvsem družinam. Hotel se nahaja tik ob portoroški promenadi (v smeri proti Luciji) v bližini plaže in je obdan z enim od najlepših parkov v Portorožu. Hotelski objekt je bil grajen leta 1963. V tem obdobju je bila v letu 1993 prenovljena le recepcija ter delno kopalnice. Prenova hotela je obsegala izgradnjo novih nastanitvenih kapacitet, pokritega bazenskega kompleksa z ogrevano morsko vodo s savnami, restavracijo z lastno kuhinjo ter prenovo starega dela hotela Lucija z recepcijo, hotelskim barom in nastanitvenimi kapacitetami. Novo odprti hotel Lucija bo gostom tudi v vročem poletnem času nudil ugodno bivanje, saj bo edini hotel katogorije 3 zvezdic v Portorožu, ki bo v celoti klimatiziran. V okviru omenjene investicije je najpomembnejša pridobitev na strani nastanitvenih kapacitet, in sicer večje število družinskih sob. Hotel bo skupaj z vso dodatno hotelsko ponudbo zagotovo prvi družinam prijazen hotel v turistični destinaciji Portorož. Vrednost investicije je ocenjena na 14,5 mio evrov, projekt je delno sofinanciran s pomočjo EU – Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj (ESRR) in Republike Slovenije v skupnem znesku 2.941.415,00 evrov. alen.milosevic@ metropolgroup.si

Na ZTL lansirali novo spletno mesto Na Zavodu za turizem Ljubljana so z lansiranjem novega spletnega mesta uspešno zaključili implementacijo Turistične destinacije Ljubljana. Na novem spletnem mestu www.visitljubljana.si se lahko virtualno sprehodimo iz Ljubljane v eno od 23 bližnjih in malo bolj oddaljenih zanimivih okoliških občin (»Mesto za odkrivanje Slovenije«). Ali pa si zamislimo dogodivščine v Ljubljani ter jih spravimo v »osebno košarico« (»Mesto doživetij«). Obstaja pa tudi zavihek namenjen organizatorjem srečanj. Stvar je uporabna, zato veliko zabave. Za predstavnike v tujini je pomembna tudi informacija, da portal deluje v petih jezikih – poleg slovenščine še v angleščini, nemščini, italijanščini in francoščini. V kratkem bo na voljo tudi e-newsletter, ki bo olajšal brskanje po novostih v Ljubljani, čeprav to novo spletno mesto z »Aktualno« pri zavihku »novinarji & organizatorji potovanj« že nekoliko olajšuje. Na Zavodu za turizem Ljubljana so spremenili tudi e- naslove, zdaj jim lahko pišemo na: ime.priimek@visitljubljana.si. Nekaj časa bo še delovala preusmeritev iz ime.priimek@ljubljana-tourism.si, tako da ni bojazni, da elektronske pošte, poslane na stari naslov, ne bi prejeli.


offered an opportunity to set up a tourist agency. This quickly transformed from being a coach tour operator to one of the most important receptive tourist agencies in Slovenia – Promet T&T. Over the years, the agency has become recognised as an excellent organiser of coach tours in Central and South Eastern Europe. The agency is now operating under a new name, with a rejuvenated team and at new business premises. The agency specialises in Asian markets, notably Japan, but also works regularly with Israel and America. Thanks to its booking department and coach tours, the agency also operates a strong transport network, linking destinations across Europe. The PANORAMIC TRAVEL tourist agency is a member of the Association of Slovenian Travel Agencies (ZTAS) and of the Japan Association of Travel Agents JATA. Additional information: tone.matjasic@panoramic-travel.si

Ljubljana – New challenge for Clickair On the 1 of July this year, Clickair is introducing a new Ljubljana–

Barcelona route. The planes will fly twice weekly, with oneway tickets available from 55 euros. The route opens the doors between Barcelona and the Slovenian capital, with 8,000 places already available for reservation on the website www.clickair.com or via tourist agencies. With the Multireservas service, the direct connection of Ljubljana to Barcelona also allows connection to Ibiza, Menorca and Alicante. Additional information: Carlos Lareau: +34 600 560 480; carlos.lareau@clickair.com Ana Fernández: +34 670 269 719: ana.fernandez@clickair.com

Road Transport Research Arena (TRA 2008). All halls were booked out for the conference, with an extensive exhibition held in the Grand Reception Hall, the First and the Second Foyer Halls. The major part of the social programme was also organised in Cankarjev dom. The conference was visited by 1,400 participants with guests being high-level European Commission officials, including the European Commissioner for Science and Research, Dr Janez Potočnik. In mid June (16-19), we will host the 17th World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET 2008). Today, we already have over 1,200 registered visitors, and anticipate that this number will continue to grow. The congress and commercial programme team believe this will be another successful convention and an excellent reference for Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana and Slovenia. www.cd-cc.si


last year’s visit to Barcelona, Cankarjev dom is continuing with the education of its staff, who acquire knowledge not only at home, but also in the field and at internationally acclaimed convention destinations. In doing so, Cankarjev dom is meeting one of the conditions set forth in the Standards of the Slovenian Convention Bureau for convention organisers. The team have visited all major providers of convention services, paying special attention to the Belem Cultural Centre and the Lisbon Congress Centre.www.cd-cc.si

Kongres - 2008

welcomed its newest member, the Slovenian Tourism and Leisure Fair. The exhibition is held over four days in January at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, and is still relatively new, being organised for its third time this year. 9,500 square metres of exhibition space featured over 200 exhibitors from 21 countries. At the same time, the Boat Salon was organised. Tourism and Leisure is the key event for the Slovenian travel industry. It is organised by the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, the Slovenian Tourist Board and the National Tourist Association. The Tourism and Leisure Fair has joined the 17 most prestigious fairs of the industry, such as the World Travel Market (London), TUR (Gothenburg), EIBTM (Barcelona) and MITT (Moscow). For more information about the Tourism and Leisure Fair, please visit www.gr-sejem.si

MPI’s European meetings and events conference

Ljubljana’s City hotel – The first in Slovenia with the ≈disability friendly« silver label

This year’s European Meetings and Events Conference organised


couple of days ago, the City Hotel received the silver label, the certificate of the “Disability-Friendly” trademark. Recently renovated, the hotel's exterior and interior design reveals the consideration given to the special needs of people whose everyday life calls for an assisted living environment. The City Hotel is the first silver-label certified hotel, not only among hotels in Ljubljana, but the whole of Slovenia. The certificate was awarded by ŠENT, the Slovenian National Association for Mental Health.

The congress and commercial programme team on a professional trip in Lisbon

ITTFA welcomed Slovenia as a member ITTFA, the International Tourism Trade Fairs Association, has

by Meetings Professional International (MPI) at the ExCel Convention Centre in London from the 18-20 of April was the biggest European educational conference for professionals from the meetings industry. A record number of buyers attended – with just under 600 attendees representing 34 countries. The conference was the first event in the UK to implement and reach the BS8901 Sustainable Standard with both phase 1 and 2 completed. Phase 1, the planning stage, included developing sustainability objectives and educating suppliers. The implementation stage, phase 2, included a sustainable team on site monitoring and measuring usage of water, electricity and food waste. Over 24 hours of volunteering was given to the local community through a volunteer project at Newham Farm. www.mpiweb.org

The hotel staff, with director Saša Zupan at the forefront, believe that this expansion of the hotel’s hospitality will boost its recognition and enrich Ljubljana's tourism offer. www.cityhotel.si

A successful IMEX 2008 exhibition

A new hotel in Ljubljana

This year’s IMEX was characterised by a greater number of hosted

The Ahotel is Ljubljana’s new three-star hotel. It combines modern

and traditional styles, in both form and philosophy, with a balance of comfort and homeliness – essential for a hotel. Ahotel is situated just on the outskirts of the very centre of Ljubljana, enabling guests to be close enough to the hustle and bustle of city life, yet far enough away to secure them a quiet and sound sleep. 26 spacious rooms with large comfortable beds are available. Each room has a work area, especially welcomed by businesspeople staying in Ljubljana. All rooms are non-smoking and equipped with modern devices. The hotel’s comprehensive facilities are supplemented with free parking space, the Lounge Bar, a summer terrace, vehicle and bicycle rent, laptop rent and a delicious breakfast with coffee and fresh pastries, all at no additional surcharge. www.ahotel.si


buyers from overseas, a greater number of German visitors and the broadest educational programme so far.

The award-winning exhibition provided an exciting business atmosphere with 3,500 exhibitors and 3,600 hosted buyers from over 50 world markets. The international diversity and the focus on the subject matters concerning the meetings industry, make IMEX a quality label on a world-wide scale, satisfying the needs of the buyers and suppliers operating in the meetings industry. IMEX 2008 was the “greenest” exhibition yet with innovations such as the use of hydroelectric green power, paper, food and other recyclable material along with the recyclable plastic badges and bags. All this contributed to IMEX being an environmentally friendly event. www.imex-frankfurt.com Kongres - 2008

Short News

EIBTM – increased number of hosted buyers The organisers of this year’s EIBTM exhibition, being held be-

tween the 2-4 of December in Barcelona, are predicting the biggest number of hosted buyers ever attending the exhibition, as part of the 300 organised groups of hosted buyers. The post event tours programme has also been expanded. The selection of hosted buyers will be even more demanding compared to previous years, all with the intent of guaranteeing the event’s high level. Over 43,000 pre-scheduled appointments between hosted buyers and exhibitors will be organised. www.eibtm.com

ICCA publishes top 20 country and city rankings U

SA and Vienna ranked top country and city respectively for the third year in a row. The ICCA rankings cover meetings organised by international associations which rotate between a minimum of three countries. The data represents a “snapshot” of qualifying events in the ICCA Association Database as sampled on April 14 2008. This year, ICCA researchers have identified over 6,500 events which took place in 2007, a rise of approximately 800 over 2006. Partly this reflects the strength of the market and partly it is thanks to a record number of ICCA members sending in their calendar information to help identify new events.

Table 1: ICCA country and city ranking measured by number of meetings organised in 2007 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Country USA Germany Spain Great Britain France Italy Japan Brazil Austria Canada The Netherlands China Avstralia Switzerland Portugal Sweden Belgium Finland Singapore Republic of Korea

No. events 467 429 303 281 255 250 215 209 204 197 195 195 194 175 153 137 124 122 120 120

Rank 1 2 3

Town Vienna Berlin Singapore

No. events 154 123 120


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Paris Barcelona Budapest Lisbon Beijing Amsterdam Madrid Copenhagen Prague Hong Kong Seoul Stockholm Bangkok London Taipei Kuala Lumpur Istanbul Brussels

115 106 90 90 87 82 77 76 72 72 70 70 70 69 97 66 66 66

Since 2005, Vienna has topped the charts as the most popular city, with its first place becoming even stronger compared to the previous years. Berlin jumps four places to number two and Singapore remains third. Paris and Barcelona are fourth and fifth and Budapest remains sixth, but is now sharing this place with Lisbon. Beijing is a newcomer in the top 10 and climbs from thirteenth place in 2006 to eighth in 2007, followed by Amsterdam, which climbs three places to ninth. Madrid, nineteenth in 2006, completes the top 10. Taipei is a remarkable newcomer in the top 20 as it took the fortieth place in 2006.

Short News

The Kempinski Hotel Chain has Taken Over the Management of the Portorose Palace Hotel

The Monte Mulini Zone Becomes the Leading Congress Center in the Region

The companies Istrabenz hoteli Portorož, d. o. o. and Kempinski

In its business strategy, Maistra places great importance on the

Hotels S.A. have completed a contract agreement, under which the Kempinski hotel chain has assumed the management and governance of the Palace hotel in Portorose for a period of 20 years. The first Slovenian luxury hotel has again made Portorose into a tourist destination for high-end international guests. Palace is joining the international chain of Kempinski luxury hotels during its final stage of renovation, led by its owner Istrabenz hoteli Portorož. Under the management contract agreed with Kempinski Hotels S.A., the renowned hotel has been awarded the right to use the Kempinski name and trademark and to enter the marketing system of the Kempinski company. The renovated hotel will thus be named Kempinski Palace Hotel. With 185 rooms and suites, the hotel will combine the finest tourist tradition of Portorose with luxury hotel offers. Reto Wittwer, Chairman and main Executive Director of the Kempinski chain, on the partnership: “The renovated Palace hotel is the first luxury hotel in Slovenia, and is in effect putting its mark on the map and representing the hotel industry in general. We are extremely proud to be able to add this historical pearl to our chain. The Palace personifies the reputable past of Portorose from the early 20th century. We are convinced that with the renovation of the hotel, Portorose will again become one of the most desired destinations for more demanding travellers.”

The full ICCA statistics report for 2007 will be released in early June. The 10 Year statistics report covering 1998-2007 will be published in early July. www.icca.com

Registration of Slovenian hosted buyers for EIBTM You are welcome to join the Slovenian group of hosted buyers attending the EIBTM 2008 exhibition in Barcelona from the 2-4 of December 2008. The hosted buyers programme includes: • free flights • local transfers (airport – hotel –EIBTM) • hotel accommodation at a 4* or 5* hotel • education programmes • pre-scheduled appointments • opportunity to socialise and meet new people

SIMEX will grow into CONVENTA On the initiative of exhibitors and invited guests, the organizers of

More information about the event can be found at: http://www.eibtm.com/ Registration and additional information: danaja.besnard@go-mice.eu

Kongres - 2008

development of congress tourism, which is proven by powerful investment into the development of superb hotel facilities and intensive sales and marketing activities. The importance of the meetings industry in tourism is even greater when one bears in mind the fact that these travels mainly take place in the low seasons of leisure travels, which means they are of key importance for yearround tourist business. This is why Maistra places great importance on the development of MICE tourism in its business strategy, which is proven by intensive investments in the development of top-level hotel facilities and strong sales and marketing activities aimed at this market segment. It is already well-known publicly that, in recent years, Maistra has taken the role of the leading investor into Croatian tourism with HRK 2.5 billion in investments in the period from 2005 to 2009. However, it is less well-known that the focus of this strategic investment cycle is the development of top quality hotels and complementary facilities, especially ones directly and indirectly related to MICE. Investment undertakings already realised in the Istra and the Eden hotels have significantly raised the quality of Maistra's congress capacities, which alongside these two hotels, also has attractive congress capacities in the Park hotel at its disposal. However, the key step in the development of the MICE offer of Maistra will take place upon the finalisation of the investments in the Monte Mulini zone. As the central MICE product of Maistra and the finest and the best equipped congress centre in the region, the Monte Mulini congress centre will consist of 4 hotels – the Lone hotel, the Monte Mulini hotel, the Eden and the Park. The opening of the Monte Mulini hotel is planned for the summer of 2008, while the Lone hotel (the central hotel of the congress centre) will be opened in 2009. The entire congress centre will then comprise 30 halls, the largest of which will be suitable for 700 participants. The total capacity of all the halls will be almost 2,000 participants. A wide range of multipurpose halls of various sizes, in combination with top-quality service and cutting-edge equipment, will provide conditions for the flawless organisation of even the most demanding congresses and conferences. Other Maistra hotels offering congress facilities – the Istra hotel in Rovinj and the Pineta hotel in Vrsar – provide additional quality to Maistra's congress services, alongside the Monte Mulini congress centre.

the SIMEX Exchange decided to expand the business exchange to the entire area of SE Europe. The CONVENTA Business Exchange is a continuation of the SIMEX project, which has been organized twice so far by the Slovenian Convention Bureau and represents the most important event in the area of congress and business tourism in Slovenia. The CONVENTA Exchange will unite over 120 providers of congress services from SE Europe and over 150 event organisers from all over Europe. The largest business exchange in SE Europe will take


Kongres - 2008

place on January 22 and 23, 2009 at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. The national partners of the Exchange are the Slovenian Tourist Board, the Ljubljana Tourist Board and the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. The international partners of the Exchange are Helms Briscoe International, Reed Exhibitions – EIBTM, The Croatian Convention Bureau, The Serbia Convention Bureau, The Montenegro Convention Bureau and MPI – Meeting Professionals International. More at: www.conventa.eu

Congrex Sweden and SKD Euroconf Merge Two years ago, Congrex Sweden AB acquired SKD Euroconf AB.

In line with the strategic plan set for the acquisition, the companies will now merge to form a comprehensive meeting, conference and events company. The appointed Managing Director will be Mr Antonio Gozzo, currently Managing Director of Congrex Sweden AB. Managing Director of SKD Euroconf, Mrs Christina Tannlund, will continue to be available to secure a smooth operation during the coming months. “To be part of the creation of one of Sweden’s most successful meeting and events companies has been a truly exciting journey. After 30 years with SKD Euroconf, the time has come to hand over to Antonio Gozzo to lead the planned expansion into Europe and globally” announces Christina Tannlund. “We see great potential in the new organisation and are planning to continue this growth to meet the demand for creative and efficient meeting solutions in the future. To develop Sweden’s largest player in the meeting industry and take the business to the next level is something I am very much looking forward to” says Antonio Gozzo. The total turnover of Congrex Sweden and SKD Euroconf is 48M€ (2007).

accommodation capacities, an indoor swimming complex featuring heated seawater and saunas, a restaurant with its own kitchen and the renovation of the old part of the Lucija hotel including the reception desk, hotel bar and accommodation. The newly opened Lucija hotel will offer a pleasant stay for guests during the hot summer as it will be the only 3-star hotel in Portorož providing full air-conditioning. The most important acquisition within the scope of the investment will be the increase in the number of family rooms. With its additional range of hotel services, this will certainly be the first family-friendly hotel in the Portorož tourist destination. The investment is estimated to be worth EUR 14.5 million, a part of which will be financed by the EU – the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) – and the Republic of Slovenia, which will together provide EUR 2,941,415.00. alen.milosevic@ metropolgroup.si

A New Hotel for Demanding Guests In an oasis of tranquillity and wellbeing, on the very edge of the

Triglav National Park, the top-level Bohinj Park Hotel is growing. With as many as eight variously sized (26-220 m2) conference halls equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, it will be perfectly suited to all types of business gatherings and seminars. The requirements of the leading managers will also be met by the so-called Hotel Residence, which takes up the entire luxury top floor of the hotel. The Residence comprises multi-room apartments and rooms for accompanying staff, a pool for private groups and an exclusive wellness facility where eminent guests can let themselves go to pleasure and special attention.

The Ljubljana Tourist Board Launches New Website W

The Renovated FamilyFriendly Hotel Lucija The Metropol Group, d. d. hotel and tourist company that also

operates the Grand hotel Metropol 5*, the Roža 4* hotel and the Barbara 3* hotel, held a ceremonious opening of the renovated Lucija 3* hotel on 10 June 2008. The Lucija hotel has recorded a high level of occupancy in recent years and this, in addition to the obsoleteness of the building and the hotel tourist product, was the key reason behind the decision to renovate the hotel, increase accommodation capacities and modernise the hotel offer, whereby the emphasis was placed on a functionality of the interior suitable for families. The hotel is located in the immediate vicinity of the Portorož (Portorose) promenade (in the direction of Lucija) and close to the beach. The hotel is surrounded by one of the most beautiful parks in Portorož. The hotel facility was built in 1963 and only the reception desk and, in part, the bathrooms had been renovated since. The hotel renovation encompassed the construction of new


ith the launch of the new website, the Ljubljana Tourist Board has successfully concluded the implementation of the Ljubljana Tourist Destination. On the new www.visitljubljana.si website, you can take a virtual tour of 23 interesting nearby or slightly more remote surrounding municipalities (“A Place for Exploring Slovenia”). Or you can contrive your own adventures in Ljubljana and save them in a “personal basket” (“City of delights”). There is also a section designated for Meeting Planners. The content is very useful, so have fun. Important information for representatives abroad is that the portal operates in five languages – in English, German, Italian and French in addition to Slovenian. Soon, the e-newsletter facilitating browsing for novelties in Ljubljana will be available though the new website with the section In the Spotlight under the Journalists and Travel Professionals tab already somewhat facilitates this. The Ljubljana Tourist Board has also changed its email addresses. Now, they are available at: name.surname@visitljubljana.si. The redirection from name. surname@ljubljana-tourism.si will be operational for some time so there is no risk of them not receiving email sent to the old address. Kongres - 2008

Via Kvaliteta d.o.o.,

Storitev skrivnostnih nakupov za korak pred konkurenco S storitvami skrivnostnih nakupov zagotavljamo nenehen nadzor nad aktivnostmi zaposlenih in ugotavljamo odstopanja od zadanih ciljev in usmeritev. S pomočjo preverjanj konkurence pa vas primerjamo z drugimi podjetji in ugotavljamo položaj podjetja na trgu. Pridobljeni rezultati služijo za izvajanje izboljšav in sprememb na področju organizacije dela in usposabljanj na področju dela z zaposlenimi.

Premiki Olivera Vaupotič se je v mesecu juniju 2008 pridružila ekipi City hotela v Ljubljani.

Grega Fenko je od maja strokovni sodelavec za poslovno odličnost (EFQM) v ekipi City hotela v Ljubljani.

Matjaž Konda v družbi Turizem Kras d.d. od 5. maja 2008 vodi gostinsko dejavnost in prireditveno dejavnost. Mira Milavec odhaja ne delovno mesto organizatorke vodniške službe.

On the move Olivera Vaupotič joined the team of Ljubljana’s City Hotel in June 2008. Since May, Grega Fenko has been the technical assistant for business excellence (EFQM) of the City Hotel Ljubljana team.

Via Kvaliteta d.o.o. Tržaška cesta 2, Ljubljana, PE, Kapucinski trg 2, Škofja Loka, 040 933536, info@viaq.si

Since 5 May 2008, Matjaž Konda has been managing catering and MICE programmes at Turizem Kras d.d. as

Mira Milavec is leaving to become the organiser of the

Secret purchases service for one step ahead of the competition

tourist guide service.

Our secret shopping services provide constant supervision of the activities of employees and the establishment of deviations from the set objectives and guidelines. Checking the competitors enables us to compare ourselves to other companies and establish the company’s market position. The results obtained serve for the implementation of improvements and changes in the areas of work organisation and training in the area of employee management. Via Kvaliteta d.o.o. Tržaška cesta 2, Ljubljana , BU, Kapucinski trg 2, Škofja Loka , 040 933536 , info@viaq.si

Via Kvaliteta d.o.o., Tržaška cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana tel: 040 933 536 e-mail: denis.hilcer@viaq.si


Kongres - 2008

Kratke novice

Novice ZavodaKongresnoturistični urad 4. letno srečanje Kongresnega urada

Kongresni urad je 27. in 28. marca 2008 izvedel svojo četrto letno

srečanje v HIT Casinóju in hotelu Perla v Novi Gorici. HIT d.d. je nastopil kot glavni pokrovitelj dogodka, ki se ga je udeležilo 62 predstavnikov turističnega gospodarstva. Med udeleženci smo pozdravili tudi mag. Marjana Hribarja, direktorja Direktorata za turizem na Ministrstvu za gospodarstvo. Na srečanju je bila uradno predstavljena podelitev statusa Kongresnemu uradu s strani MG, izveden podpis pogodbe o sofinanciranju Zavoda s strani MG, podelitev standardov za kongresno dejavnost, potrjeno povečanje članov Sveta Zavoda, izvedene volitve za nove člane Sveta Zavoda, predstavljeno je bilo delo in aktivnosti urada leta 2007in 2008. Večerni družabni dogodek se je odvijal v Goriških Brdih z ogledom in pogostitvijo Vinske kleti Goriška Brda. V petek, 28. marca, se je po otvoritvi Borze HIT srečanje nadaljevalo z »viharjem možganov« na aktualne teme v kongresni dejavnosti in zelo zanimivo predstavitvijo tujega predavatelja Iana Quatermaina na temo Web 2.0, socialne mreže in kako izkoristiti internet za trženje. Po kosilu smo na vodenem ogledu spoznali, kako sta mesti Nova Gorica in italijanska Gorica s preko tisoč let staro zgodovino med seboj prepleteni.

Podelitev statusa in podpis pogodbe z MG


avod-Kongresnoturistični urad je na 4. letnem srečanju in skupščini Zavoda, ki je potekalo 27. marca 2008 v hotelu Perla v Novi Gorici, podpisal pogodbo o sofinanciranju delovanja Kongresnega urada za leto 2008. Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo je Kongresnemu uradu 27. februarja 2008 podelilo status pravne osebe, ki deluje v javnem interesu na področju spodbujanja razvoja turizma na nacionalni ravni. Podelitev statusa po štirih letih delovanja urada potrjuje njegovo pravilno usmerjenost, vlogo pri razvoju kongresnega turizma in povezovanju ponudnikov.

Podelitev standardov za kongresno dejavnost


a 4. letnem srečanju Zavoda-Kongresnoturistični urad so bili podeljeni prvi certifikati ponudnikom kongresnoturističnih storitev. Po uvodnem nagovoru predsednika strokovnega sveta Zavoda Matjaža Žnidaršiča je bilo s pomočjo igralca Gora Osojnika podeljenih 69 certifikatov.


Kategorije članov in število ponudnikov, ki so prejeli posamezni certifikat: Kategorija A: Nacionalni, regionalni ali lokalni kongresni urad (2) Kategorija B: Profesionalni kongresni organizator (3) Kategorija C: DMC agencija (6) Kategorija D: Agencija za organizacijo dogodkov (4) Kategorija E: Kongresni in razstaviščni center (2) Kategorija F: Kongresni hotel (5) Kategorija G: Hotel s konferenčnimi zmogljivostmi (28) Kategorija H: Ponudnik drugih kongresnih storitev (13) Kategorija I: Prizorišče za posebne dogodke (4) Kategorija J: Ostala prizorišča (2) Zavod-Kongresnoturistični urad je na letošnji razpis Sejalec (priznanje STO za ustvarjalne in inovativne dosežke v turizmu, ki prispevajo k večji prepoznavnosti turistične ponudbe Slovenije) prijavil projekt Standardi kongresno-turistične ponudbe. Več na: http://btpsinsejalec.blogspot.com/2008/05/standardi-kongresnoturistine-ponudbe.html

Volitve Sveta Zavoda


a skupščini 27. marca 2008 so člani izglasovali povečanje sedemčlanskega sveta. Po novem bo Svet Zavoda sestavljen iz devetih članov. Povečanje Sveta Zavoda bo omogočalo boljšo zastopanost članov, saj Kongresni urad šteje že preko šestdeset članov. Izvedene so bile volitve za nove člane Sveta Zavoda, katerim je potekel dvoletni mandat. Nov Svet Zavoda za odbobje 2008 – 2010 predstavljajo naslednji predstavniki članov, ki so navedeni po abecednem redu: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Balažic Renata (Grand hotel Union d.d.) Čad Gorazd (Go®Mice d.o.o.) Križan Franci (Hit d.d.) Mlekuž Alen (Adria Airways d.d) Možina Tina (Kompas d.d.) Peterlič Srečo (Auditoria d.o.o.) Radovič Tatjana (Zavod za turizem Ljubljana) Zajec Jernej (Slovenska turistična organizacija) Zidanski Majda (Albatros d.o.o.)

Renati Balažič (Grand Hotel Union d.d.) dvoletni mandat poteče leta 2009. Jernej Zajec je kot predstavnik Slovenske turistične organizacije, ki je strateški partner Zavoda-Kongresnoturistični urad, stalni član Sveta Zavoda. Novi člani: Kongresni urad je med svoje nove člane pozdravil naslednje ponudnike: 1. Suite hotel Klass, Kranjska gora, www.hotelklass.si, vrsta članstva: hotel s konferenčnimi zmogljivostmi, 4* 2. Terme Krka d.o.o., Novo mesto, www.terme-krka.si, vrsta članstva: zdravilišče 3. Prevajalska agencija Alkemist, Anton Krašovec s.p., Šentvid pri Stični, www.alkemist.si, vrsta članstva: prevajalska agencija 4. Zavod za kulturo Bled, Bled, www.zavod-za-kulturo-bled.si, vrsta članstva: prireditvena dvorana (Festivalna dvorana Bled in Blejski grad) 5. SIQ – Slovenski inštitut za kakovost in meroslovje, Ljubljana, www.siq.si, vrsta članstva: organizatorji prireditev, dogodkov, izobraževanj. Kongres - 2008

V fazi včlanitve so naslednji ponudniki: 1. Maya športni turizem Borut Nikolaš s.p., Tolmin, www.maya. si, vrsta članstva: incentive in teambuilding dogodki 2. Agencija Eventus d.o.o., Kranj, www.agencija-eventus.si, vrsta članstva: organizatorji prireditev in dogodkov 3. OMEGA IC, izobraževalni center d.o.o., Radovljica, www. omegaic.net, vrsta članstva: ponudniki tehničnih in servisnih storitev 4. Terme Dobrna, Dobrna, www.terme-dobrna.si, vrsta članstva: zdravilišča

IMEX 2008, Frankfurt, Nemčija, 22. – 24. april 2008

Poslovna borza IMEX spada med glavne evropske poslovne borze.

V sodelovanju s Kongresnim uradom se je dogodka udeležilo 19 podjetij. Borza je bila uspešna, s strani tujih obiskovalcev smo opazili vedno večje in kvalitetnejše zanimanje za Slovenijo kot novo, mlado in privlačno destinacijo za poslovna in incentive potovanja. Številne prednosti, kot so ugodna geografska lega, raznolikost pokrajine in ponudbe, kakovost storitev ter cenovna dostopnost, vplivajo na vedno večje povpraševanje po kongresni in incentive ponudbi Slovenije. Dogajanje na stojnici je bilo obogateno z izvirno animacijo mojstra Janeza, ki se je predstavil v vlogi Primoža Trubarja, saj se ravno letos praznuje 500-letnica njegovega rojstva. Obiskovalce je animiral z izdelavo čokoladnih kovancev za 1 evro.

v 850.000 izvodih. Slovenska turistična organizacija je v sklopu promocije pripravila skupaj z revijo National Geographic Traveler tudi dva posebna predstavitvena dogodka – predstavitev sodobne in izvirne slovenske glasbene ustvarjalnosti ter slovenske kulinarike in vin, ki sta se tudi odvijala 30. in 31. maja 2008 v New Yorku.

Workshop v Milanu


avod-Kongresnoturistični urad je v sodelovanju s Slovensko turistično organizacijo, njenim predstavništvom v Milanu, Zavodom za turizem Ljubljana in trinajstimi člani urada 10. junija 2008 izvedel prvi workshop za kongresni in incentive turizem na italijanskem tržišču. Workshop je potekal v prestižnem 5* hotelu Principe di Savoia v centru Milana. Dogodka se je udeležilo preko 50 italijanskih organizatorjev dogodkov – od katerih večina Slovenije kot kongresne in incentive destinacije ni poznala. Za okusno kulinarično popestritev večera je poskrbel slovenski catering Vivo d.o.o., gostje pa so lahko pokušali tudi vrhunska slovenska vina iz Goriških Brd, rumeno rebulo Ferdinand in veliko rdeče Movia. Predstavitev Slovenije kot kongresne destinacije je bila obogatena z glasbenim nastopom mladega kitarskega dua, organiziranega s strani Tartini Festivala. Med italijanskimi gosti so bili izžrebani dobitniki petih bogatih nagrad, ki so jih darovali slovenski udeleženci workshopa: Best Western hoteli Ljubljana/Bled, Hotel Sava Rogaška, LifeClass Hotels & Spa Portorož, Hotel Bernardin Portorož in Terme Maribor.

Študijski obisk Srbije

Strokovna usposabljanja



urad je v sodelovanju s Slovensko turistično organizacijo pod vodstvom mednarodnega strokovnjaka na področju marketinga in hotelirstva Boba Gilberta organiziral strokovno predavanje z naslovom Marketing destinacij. Predavanje je potekalo 29. maja v Cankarjevem dom. Udeležilo se ga je 40 predstavnikov slovenskega turističnega gospodarstva, lokalnih in regionalnih turističnih organizacij ter Slovenske turistične organizacije.

avod-Kongresnoturistični urad je v sodelovanju s Srbskim Kongresnim uradom od 20. do 22. junija 2008 izvedel študijski obisk Srbije kot kongresne destinacije. Program je predvidel ogled kongresnih zmogljivosti Beograda in Novega Sada ter srečanje s predstavniki srbskega turističnega gospodarstva s področja kongresne dejavnosti. Poleg seznanitve s srbsko kongresno ponudbo in spoznavanjem s predstavniki turističnega gospodarstva je predvidena tudi vzpostavitev sodelovanja na področju kongresne dejavnosti med obema državama.

Workshop v Rotterdamu

Adria Airways in Kongresni urad


strateška partnerja

maja 2008 se je Kongresni urad v sodelovanju s predstavništvom Slovenske turistične organizacije v Bruslju udeležil workshopa v Rotterdamu na Nizozemskem. Zanimiv workshop je pripravilo Združenje tujih turističnih predstavništev (Antor), saj je potekal na ladji, ki je plula po Rotterdamu. Ugotavljamo, da Slovenija postaja vedno bolj zanimiva destinacija za nizozemske organizatorje dogodkov.

Workshop v New Yorku


lovenski letalski prevoznik Adria Airways in ZavodKongresnoturistični urad sta podpisala poslovni dogovor o strateškem partnerstvu. S tem bosta Adria Airways in Kongresni urad še bolje izkoristila vse možne sinergije za povečanje prihoda tujih poslovnih gostov in udeležencev dogodkov v Slovenijo. Sodelovanje se bo poglobilo tako na strateškem kot tudi na operativnem nivoju.


ongresni urad je 30. in 31. maja 2008 predstavil kongresno in incentive ponudbo med izbranimi ameriškimi TO/TA v okviru promocije Slovenske turistične organizacije in revije National Geographic Traveler v New Yorku. To je bila prva predstavitev kongresne in incentive ponudbe izven Evrope. Dogodek je bil organiziran v sklopu izdaje posebne priloge o Sloveniji v reviji National Geographic Traveler, ki je bila izdana maja / junija 2008


Kongres - 2008

Short News

Slovenian Convention Bureau News

Žnidaršič, President of the Expert Council of the Slovenian Convention Bureau, 69 certificates were awarded with the help of actor Goro Osojnik. Categories of the members and the number of providers who received individual certificates:

The 4th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Convention Bureau


n March 27 and 28, 2008, the Slovenian Convention Bureau carried out its fourth annual meeting at HIT Casinó and the Perla Hotel in Nova Gorica. HIT d.d. appeared as the main sponsor of the event, which was attended by 62 representatives of the tourist economy. Among the participants, we also greeted Marjan Hribar, MSc, Director of the Directorate for Tourism at the Ministry of the Economy. At the meeting, the awarding of the status to the Slovenian Convention Bureau by the ME was officially presented, the contract on co-financing the Slovenian Convention Bureau by the ME was signed and the standards for convention activity were awarded. In addition, the increase in the number of members of the Council of the Slovenian Convention Bureau was confirmed, elections for new members of the Council of the Slovenian Convention Bureau were carried out and the work and activities of the Bureau in 2007 and 2008 were presented. The evening social gathering took place in Goriška Brda with a tour and entertainment at the Goriška Brda Wine Cellar. On Friday, March 28, after the opening of the HIT Workshop, the meeting continued with »brainstorming« of current convention activity topics and a very interesting presentation by foreign lecturer Ian Quatermaine about Web 2.0, social networks and how to use the Internet for marketing purposes. On a guided tour after lunch we got to know how the towns of Nova Gorica and the Italian Gorizia are interconnected through a thousand-year old history.

The Granting of Status and the Signing of the Contract with the ME

At the fourth annual meeting and Slovenian Convention Bureau

assembly, which took place on March 27, 2008, at the Perla Hotel in Nova Gorica, the Slovenian Convention Bureau signed a contract on the co-financing of its work for 2008. On February 27, 2008, the Ministry of the Economy granted the Slovenian Convention Bureau the status of a legal entity functioning in the public interest in the area of stimulating the development of tourism at a national level. The granting of the status after four years of work confirms the direction the Bureau is taking and its role in the development of congress tourism and connecting with providers.

The Awarding of Standards for Convention Activity

At the fourth annual meeting of the Slovenian Convention Bureau, the first certificates were awarded to the providers of convention and tourist services. Following the introductory address of Matjaž


Category A: National, regional or local convention bureau (2) Category B: Professional congress organiser (3) Category C: DMC agency (6) Category D: Event agency (4) Category E: Congress and exhibition centre (2) Category F: Convention hotel (5) Category G: Hotel with conference facilities (28) Category H: Provider of other congress services (13) Category I: Special venues (4) Category J: Other venues (2) With the Standards of the Congress Tourist Offer project, the Slovenian Convention Bureau applied to this year’s tender for the Sejalec (Sower) award (award given by the Slovenian Tourist Board for creative and innovative achievements in tourism, which contributes to the greater recognisability of the tourist offer in Slovenia). More at: http://btpsinsejalec.blogspot.com/2008/05/standardi-kongresnoturistine-ponudbe.html

The Election of the Council of the Slovenian Convention Bureau

At the assembly on March 27, 2008, members voted in favour

of increasing the seven-member Council. Now, the Council of the Bureau will consist of nine people. The increase of the Council of the Bureau will enable better representation of the members, as the Slovenian Convention Bureau already consists of more than 60 members. Elections were carried out for the new members of the Council of the Slovenian Convention Bureau, whose two-year mandate had expired. The new Council of the Slovenian Convention Bureau for the 2008-2010 period consists of the following member representatives in alphabetical order: 1. Balažic Renata (Grand hotel Union d.d.) 2. Čad Gorazd (Go®Mice d.o.o.) 3. Križan Franci (Hit d.d.) 4. Mlekuž Alen (Adria Airways d.d) 5. Možina Tina (Kompas d.d.) 6. Peterlič Srečo (Auditoria d.o.o.) 7. Radovič Tatjana (Ljubljana Tourist Board) 8. Zajec Jernej (Slovenian Tourist Board) 9. Zidanski Majda (Albatros d.o.o.) The two-year mandate of Renata Balažic (Grand Hotel Union d.d.) expires in 2009. Jernej Zajec, the representative of the Slovenian Tourist Board, the Slovenian Convention Bureau’s strategic partner, is a permanent member of the Council of the Slovenian Convention Bureau. New members: The Slovenian Convention Bureau greeted the following providers among its new members: 1. Suite Hotel Klass, Kranjska gora, www.hotelklass.si, membership type: hotel with conference facilities, 4* 2. Terme Krka d.o.o., Novo mesto, www.terme-krka.si, membership type: health resort 3. Alkemist Translation Agency, Anton Krašovec s.p., Šentvid pri Stični, www.alkemist.si, membership type: translation agency 4. Zavod za kulturo Bled, Bled, www.zavod-za-kulturo-bled.si,

Kongres - 2008

membership type: event hall (Festival Hall Bled and the Bled Castle) 5. SIQ – The Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology, Ljubljana, www.siq.si, membership type: event and training organisers The following providers are in the process of acquiring membership: 1. Maya športni turizem Borut Nikolaš s.p., Tolmin, www.maya. si, membership type: incentive and teambuilding events 2. Agencija Eventus d.o.o., Kranj, www.agencija-eventus.si, membership type: event organisers 3. OMEGA IC, izobraževalni center d.o.o., Radovljica, www.omegaic. net, membership type: providers of technical and repair services 4. Terme Dobrna, Dobrna, www.terme-dobrna.si, membership type: health resort

IMEX 2008, Frankfurt, Germany,

incentive offering among the select American TO/TAs within the promotion of the Slovenian Tourist Board and the National Geographic Traveler Magazine in New York on May 30 and 31, 2008. This was the first presentation of the Slovenian congress and incentive offer outside Europe. The event was organised alongside the issue of a special supplement on Slovenia in the National Geographic Traveler Magazine, which came out in May / June 2008 in 850,000 copies. Within the promotional activities, the Slovenian Tourist Board also prepared two special presentation events together with the National Geographic Traveler Magazine – a presentation of contemporary and original Slovenian musical creativity and of Slovenian cuisine and wines, which took place in New York on May 30 and 31, 2008.

Workshop in Milan


he IMEX Business Exchange is one of the leading European business exchanges. In cooperation with the Slovenian Convention Bureau, the event was attended by 19 companies. The exchange was successful for Slovenia, as we saw an increasing interest on the part of foreign visitors in Slovenia as a new, young and attractive destination for business and incentive travel. Numerous advantages, such as a favourable geographic position, the diversity of the landscape and offers, the quality of services and affordable prices influence the ever increasing demand for the congress and incentive offer of Slovenia. Events at the stand were enriched by the original animation activities of Master Janez, who presented himself in the role of Primož Trubar, as we are celebrating the quincentenary of his birth this year. He enlivened the visitors by making chocolate 1 Euro coins.

n cooperation with the Slovenian Tourist Board, its representatives in Milan, the Ljubljana Tourist Board and 13 Convention Bureau members, the Slovenian Convention Bureau prepared the first congress and incentive tourism workshop in the Italian market on June 10, 2008. The workshop took place at the prestigious fivestar Principe di Savoia Hotel in the centre of Milan. The event was attended by more than 50 Italian event organisers – most of them unfamiliar with Slovenia as a congress and incentive destination. The Slovenian catering company Vivo d.o.o. provided a delicious culinary entertainment for the evening and guests could also sample top-level Slovenian wines from the Goriška Brda region, Ferdinand Ribolla Gialla and Movia Veliko rdeče red wine. The presentation of Slovenia as a congress destination was enriched by a musical performance by a young guitar duet, organised by the Tartini Festival. Among the Italian guests, lots were drawn for five rich prizes donated by the Slovenian workshop participants: the Best Western hotels Ljubljana/ Bled, Hotel Sava Rogaška, LifeClass Hotels & Spa Portorož, Hotel Bernardin Portorož and Terme Maribor.

Professional Training

Excursion to Serbia

April 22-24, 2008


Under the guidance of the international expert in the area of

marketing and the hotel industry Bob Gilbert and in cooperation with the Slovenian Tourist Board, the Slovenian Convention Bureau organised a specialist lecture entitled Destination Marketing. The lecture took place on May 29 in Cankarjev dom. It was attended by 40 representatives of the Slovenian tourist economy, local and regional tourist organisations and the Slovenian Tourist Board.

Workshop in Rotterdam


n May 27, 2008, the Slovenian Convention Bureau, in cooperation with the representatives of the Slovenian Tourist Board in Brussels, attended a workshop in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. The Association of National Tourist Office Representatives (ANTOR) prepared an interesting workshop, as it took place on a boat sailing through Rotterdam. We find that Slovenia is becoming an increasingly interesting destination for the Dutch event organisers.

Workshop in New York

The Slovenian Convention Bureau presented the congress and 27


n cooperation with the Serbia Convention Bureau, the Slovenian Convention Bureau organized an excursion to Serbia as a congress destination from June 20 to June 22, 2008. According to the programme, there was a tour of the congress facilities in Belgrade and Novi Sad, as well as a meeting with representatives of the Serbian tourist economy from the area of congress activity. In addition to familiarisation with the Serbian congress offer and getting to know the representatives of the tourist economy, the establishment of cooperation in the area of congress activity between the states is also foreseen.

Adria Airways and the Slovenian Convention Bureau become Strategic Partners


he Slovenian air carrier Adria Airways and the Slovenian Convention Bureau signed a business agreement on a strategic partnership. Thus, Adria Airways and the Slovenian Convention Bureau will now utilize even better all the possible synergies in order to increase the number of arrivals of foreign business guests and event participants to in Slovenia. The cooperation will deepen improve at the strategic, as well as at the operational levels. Kongres - 2008

Kolumna: Tony Carey

Column: Tony Carey

Izkušnja prehranjevanja

The Experience of Eating

be expected to pander to every fashionable diet or slimming fad, they should be able to offer diabetic specials, and imaginative vegetarian dishes. The medics tell us that food allergies are increasing and that intolerance to gluten, nuts, dairy products and shellfish now affects tens of thousands of people. There is also a general fear of illness caused by eating uncooked or badly prepared food and, for the conference organiser, the concomitant fear of being sued – a health risk in itself.

Hrana je tema, o kateri ima vsakdo svoje mnenje – kar ne preseneča, saj vsi jemo – in glede na to, da ljudje v razvitem svetu zmeraj pogosteje jemo v restavracijah, naše bogate in raznolike kulinarične izkušnje lahko vodijo do vedno višjih pričakovanj. Hkrati je televizija predstavila svet kuhanja množicam in nas poučila o tehnikah in sestavinah. Hrana je pomemben vidik organizacije dogodkov; če jo organizator zanemarja, ogromno tvega. Kako se torej spreminja naš odnos do hrane in pijače in kateri dejavniki vplivajo na našo izbiro hrane?

preobčutljivosti na gluten, oreške, mlečne izdelke in školjke danes pestijo več deset tisoč ljudi. Potem je tu še splošni strah pred boleznijo, ki bi jo povzročila surova ali neustrezno pripravljena hrana, za organizatorja dogodka pa s tem povezan strah pred tožbo – kar je že samo po sebi zdravstveno tveganje! Vedno več ljudi se odloča za vegetarijanstvo, najvidnejši pa je premik proti organsko pridelani hrani. V zadnjih petih letih se je uživanje organskih živil v Evropi povečevalo za približno 20 % letno. Torej ljudi danes zanima, od kod prihaja njihova hrana, pa tudi njena kakovost. Družbena revolucija

Globalizacija Za sodobne udeležence dogodkov je značilno dobro poznavanje hrane in jedi, ki ni več regionalno ali nacionalno, pač pa globalno, zato so pričakovanja visoka. Poskusili so hrano iz gromozanskih samopostrežnih bifejev na križarjenjih, ločijo med gazpachom in marsejsko ribjo juho bouillabaisse ter med sušijem in njoki. Kuharske televizijske oddaje in nekateri kuharji, ki so postali že prave zvezde, so nam pokazali, kaj vse je mogoče, tudi z omejenim proračunom. Vemo, kdaj so sezone različnih sestavin. Mnogim od nas je kuhanje konjiček. Vedno več nas zahteva ustvarjalno ponudbo in postrežbo hrane. Na srečo je ena poglavitnih privlačnosti Slovenije prav kulinarika. Dežela uživa blagoslov obilja svežih domačih sestavin, ki so začinjene s kulinaričnimi vplivi sosednjih držav, vse pa v loncu meša nova generacija ustvarjalnih kuharjev, zato ni presenetljivo, da pri obiskovalcih hrana pusti vtis. Jaz pa bi vendarle rad spregovoril o nečem drugem. Večje število mednarodnih udeležencev dogodkov zahteva prevetritev jedilnikov. Organizatorji morajo spoštovati kulturne potrebe judov, muslimanov in hindujcev ter upoštevati različne okuse, denimo, Američanov in Japoncev. Vemo tudi, da vsa naša hrana ne prihaja vedno iz najbolj etičnih ali zdravih virov. Trenutno največ skrbi vzbuja kava z afriških plantaž z otroško delovno silo ter pašteta iz mastnih jeter (foie gras) iz Strasbourga. Pa tudi mnogim Britancem se upira jesti nekaj, kar imajo Slovenci očitno zelo radi – konjsko meso! Zdravstvena ozaveščenost Sodobni ljudje se bolje zavedajo učinka hrane na zdravje in poskušajo nadzirati, kaj uživajo. Čeprav nihče ne pričakuje od ponudnikov hrane za dogodke, da se bodo uklonili vsaki modni dieti ali shujševalni muhi, pa bi morali biti sposobni ponuditi jedilnike za diabetike ter domiselne vegetarijanske jedi. Zdravniki pravijo, da se število alergij na hrano povečuje in da


Posledica demokracije je tudi, da se lahko vsi svobodno izražamo. Danes imamo vsi pravico odločati, kaj bomo jedli ali pili ter – sicer do manjše mere – kje in kdaj bomo to počeli. Pojavlja pa se še en trend, ki se ga morajo zavedati ponudniki hrane: doživljajsko prehranjevanje. Ljudje zdaj gredo ven, da bi doživeli obrok. Torej danes ne gre več samo za hrano ali pa celo dobro postrežbo in prijetno atmosfero. Ljudje pričakujejo še več. Ustvarjalno vodenje restavracije si prizadeva ugoditi vsem čutom, ne zgolj okušanju. In – mimogrede – mislim, da sem v Sloveniji zasledil več restavracij kot kjerkoli v Evropi, kjer se ravnajo po tem čudovito celostnem pristopu h gostinstvu. Povzetek Očitno je, da obstaja neskladje med interesi udeleženca, organizatorja in ponudnika storitev. • Organizatorji si prizadevajo najti načine, kako nahraniti udeležence in ne biti preveč radodarni – in se hkrati ne zdeti preveč skopuški – pri tem pa se držati še urnika. • •

Ponudniki hrane na prizoriščih dogodkov so pod močnim pritiskom, da morajo biti kreativni navkljub nižjim proračunom – hkrati pa bi radi videli (iz logističnih razlogov), da bi vsi jedli iste jedi. Udeleženci pa zahtevajo kulinarično doživetje, ki vključuje širok nabor zdravih in ustvarjalnih jedi iz etičnih in organsko pridelanih (po možnosti lokalnih) sestavin, ter postrežbo v neformalnem okolju.

Food is a subject about which everyone has an opinion – which isn’t surprising since we all eat – and, as people in the developed world dine out more and more, so our many and varied ‘culinary experiences’ lead to rising expectations.

More and more people are becoming ‘veggies’, but the biggest move is toward organic food. In the last 5 years consumption of organic produce in Europe has risen by more than 20% each year. So people today are concerned about the provenance of their food as well as its quality.

Meanwhile, TV has brought cooking to the masses and taught us about techniques and ingredients. Food is an aspect of event management that planners ignore at their peril. So what are the changes taking place in our attitudes to F&B and what dynamics are influencing our choice of food?

It is a corollary of democracy that we all enjoy freedom of choice. Today, it is everyone’s right to choose what they shell eat or drink, and – to a lesser extent – when and where they do it. But there is another trend that caterers must be aware of: Experiential eating. People go out to experience a meal. It is no longer just food – or even good service and a pleasant ambience that they want. They expect more. A creative restaurateur aims to satisfy all the senses, not just the sense of taste. And, incidentally, I have encountered more restaurants in Slovenia that adopt this wonderfully holistic approach to hospitality than anywhere else in Europe.

Globalisation The delegates’ personal knowledge of food and dishes is no longer regional or national – it is global, so their expectations are high. They have sampled wall-to-wall buffets on cruise ships, they know their gazpacho from their bouillabaisse and their sushi from their gnocci. TV food programmes and celebrity chefs have shown us what is possible, even on limited budgets. We know what ingredients are in season. Many of us cook as a hobby. More and more, we are demanding creative catering. Fortunately, one of Slovenia’s major selling points is its cuisine. Blessed by an abundance of fresh local ingredients, flavoured by influences from its neighbours, all stirred into the pot by a new generation of creative chefs – no wonder visitors remark on the food, but I digress. An increase in international delegates at events has demanded a fresh look at menus. Organisers must take into account the cultural requirements of Jews, Muslims and Hindus, and appreciate the differing tastes of, say, the Americans and the Japanese. Also, we are aware that not all our food comes from the most ethical or wholesome sources. Current concerns include coffee from child farms in Africa and pate de foie gras from Strasbourg. And many Brits refuse to eat that Slovenian favourite, horse. Health Awareness People today are more aware of the effect of food on their health and try to monitor what they consume and, while caterers cannot

Social Revolution

Summary There is obviously a disparity between the delegate, the organiser and the provider: •

Organisers are looking for ways to nourish delegates without being over generous or appearing mean, all while adhering to the timetable.

Venue caterers are under intense pressure to be creative with smaller budgets – but (for logistical reasons) want everyone to have the same dishes.

Delegates are demanding a culinary experience, which includes a wide choice of healthy, creative dishes from ethical and organic sources (preferably local), all served in an informal environment.

I think that this conflict can only be solved by improved communication ... but isn’t that what meetings are all about? Tony Carey, CMP, CMM Tony is a freelance writer and consultant to the international meetings industry. www.tonycarey.info

Menim, da bomo to navzkrižje lahko rešili le, če se bomo naučili boljšega sporazumevanja. Sicer pa, ni mar to tudi bistvo srečanj? Tony Carey, CMP, CMM. Tony je samostojen pisec ter svetovalec v mednarodni industriji srečanj. www.tonycarey.info

Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Column: Rob Davidson

Kolumna: Rob Davidson

Spreminjanje kulinaričnih trendov na konferencah

Changing Trends in Conference Catering

Ena od najpomembnejših odločitev, ki jih mora sprejeti organizator konference, je, kakšno hrano in pijačo ponuditi delegatom. Največ pritožb s strani udeležencev konferenc se nanaša na postrežbo – na vrsto, količino in kakovost hrane.

jedi, ki vsebujejo veliko svežega sadja in zelenjave. Splošno je tudi znano, da takšna hrana ne koristi le telesu, ampak tudi umu. Mastna hrana potrebuje dalj časa, da se prebavi, zato postanemo zaspani in nismo pripravljeni zaznavati idej in informacij govorcev na konferencah. Danes naprednejši organizatorji konferenc ponujajo delegatom »hrano za možgane« - solate in drugo zdravo hrano ter sadne sokove in mineralno vodo namesto kave, kave, kave …

Postrežba na konferencah je v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih doživela korenite spremembe. Pred petdesetimi leti je bilo kosilo na kateri koli konferenci visoke ravni sestavljeno iz štirih ali petih jedi, h katerim so postregli različne vrste vina. Najobilnejši del kosila, ki je vključeval velike količine mesnih jedi, se je zaključil s cigarami in kozarcem portovca oziroma česa močnejšega.

Hrana in mreženje

V 21. stoletju se organizatorji konferenc zavedajo, da takšno kosilo ni več primerno za njihove delegate. Pravzaprav nikoli ni bilo primerno: po takšnem obedu in zaužitju alkohola delegati niso več pripravljeni poslušati in vsrkavati informacij. V angleščini za čas takoj po kosilu uporabljajo izraz ‘pokopališki čas’; čeprav so delegati fizično prisotni v konferenčni sobi, so psihično »mrtvi«, zaradi tega, kar so pojedli za kosilo! Danes so na srečo jedi, postrežene na konferencah, drugačne: bolj zdrave, lažje in ne vključujejo toliko alkohola. V tem članku bom raziskal vzroke za te spremembe. Več žensk Ena od največjih sprememb v zadnjih petdesetih letih je hitro povečanje števila delegatk na konferencah. Vse več je namreč žensk, ki zasedajo vodilne položaje v poslovnem svetu in v poklicih. Ženske bolj skrbijo za svoje zdravje in izgled, zato jih manj privlači postrežba težke in mastne hrane. Z namenom, da bi jim ugodili, organizatorji zdaj v ponudbo vključujejo več solatnih in vegetarijanskih jedi.

What to offer delegates in terms of food and drink is one of the most important decisions for any conference organiser. Most complaints from conference delegates are about the catering – the type of food, the amount of food, the quality of the food – and so on.

expanding fast, as more women enter management-level positions in business and the professions. Women care more about their health and their shape, and are not so interested in large servings of heavy, fatty food. More salads and vegetable-base dishes have appeared, to satisfy this type of delegate. More Health-Consciousness Men and women understand that well-balanced, satisfying food is part of healthy living, so most people these days like variety in their food, with much more emphasis on fresh fruit and vegetables. It is also widely understood that such food is not only beneficial for the body but also for the mind. Fatty foods take longer to digest, and this makes us sleepy and unreceptive to ideas and information from conference speakers. These days, progressive conference organisers offer ‘brain food’ to delegates – salads and other healthy food and more fruit juices and sparkling water, rather than coffee, coffee, coffee … Food and Networking

Obedi na konferencah so za delegate priložnost za sklepanje medsebojnih mrež v sproščenem družabnem okolju. Zato je bolj priljubljen samopostrežni izbor jedi in poljuben sedežni red, kot pa uradno kosilo, postreženo pri mizi. Samopostrežni bife omogoča delegatom, da izberejo, kar želijo, in da pogosto zamenjajo mesto, kjer sedijo, ter se tako srečajo s čim več udeleženci.

Conference catering has changed almost beyond recognition in the past few decades. 50 years ago, lunch at any high-profile conference would have consisted of four or five courses, each with a different type of wine. The heavy meal (including large servings of meat-based dishes) would have finished with cigars and a glass of port, or something stronger.

Conference meals are an opportunity for delegates to network with each other in a relaxed, social setting. So buffet meals and flexible seating arrangements are preferred to sit-down, formal meals. Buffet meals give all delegates the opportunity to choose what they want and to frequently change their seating place in order to meet as many others delegates as possible.

Nacionalne jedi

In the 21st century, conference organisers understand that that kind of meal is no longer appropriate for their delegates. In fact, it never was appropriate: after such a meal and such a consumption of alcohol, no delegate is capable of listening and absorbing information. In English, we have an expression for the slot just after lunch: ‘the graveyard slot’, which means that, although the delegates are physically in the conference room, they are mentally ‘dead’, just like cadavers – because of what they have consumed at lunch!

National Dishes

Na mednarodnih konferencah je postrežba hrane priložnost, kjer lahko predstavimo bogastvo in raznolikost nacionalne kuhinje določene destinacije, in mnogi organizatorji konferenc to izkoristijo. Pred petdesetimi leti je bila hrana na mednarodnih konferencah izredno nezanimiva – npr. trdo piščančje meso v navadni omaki. Zdaj pa lahko mednarodni delegati na konferencah odkrivajo nacionalno kuhinjo, kar tudi pripomore, da dogodek še dolgo ostane v spominu. Časi se hitro spreminjajo v vseh pogledih organizacije konferenc in to velja tudi za postrežbo hrane in pijače. Rob Davidson davidsr@westminster.ac.uk

These days, thankfully, conference food is very different: healthier, lighter and without so much alcohol. In this article, I will explore the reasons for these changes.

For international conferences, the catering is an opportunity to demonstrate the richness and variety of the national cuisine of the destination, and many conference organisers use it in this way. 50 years ago, international conference food was extremely bland – rubbery chicken in a nondescript sauce, for example. Now, international delegates can discover the national cuisine at conferences, which is part of what makes the event a memorable occasion. Times are changing fast, in all aspects of conference organising, and conference food and beverage is no exception.

More Woman

Rob Davidson davidsr@westminster.ac.uk

One of the biggest changes in the past 50 years has been the rapid growth in the number of female delegates attending conferences –

Več osveščenosti Moški in ženske vedo, da je dobro uravnotežena in okusna hrana del zdravega načina življenja, zato ima danes večina ljudi rada raznolike

Rob Davidson je višji predavatelj poslovnega

Rob Davidson is a Senior Lecturer in Business Travel

potovanja in turizma na Univerzi Westminster v

and Tourism at the University of Westminster in

Londonu. Poglavitni področji, s katerima se ukvarja,

London. His main areas of expertise are conference

sta konference in poslovna potovanja, o čemer je v

and business travel, and over the last ten years he has

zadnjih desetih letih tudi mnogo napisal. Njegovo

written widely on these themes. His latest book was

zadnje delo z naslovom Marketinške destinacije

published in 2006: Marketing Destinations and Venues

in prostori za konference, konvencije in poslovne

for Conferences, Conventions and Business Events,

dogodke (Marketing Destinations and Venues for Conferences, Conventions and Business Events, soavtor Tony Rogers iz organizacije British Association of Conference Destinations) je bilo izdano leta 2006. Vodi tudi svojo posvetovalno dejavnost in je avtor raziskav

co-written with Tony Rogers of the British Association of Conference Destinations. Rob also runs his own consultancy business, and has carried out research for a number of conference organisations in the UK and overseas.

za številne organizacije konferenc v Veliki Britaniji in drugje po svetu. 30

Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Kolumna / Column: Paul Kennedy

Prejšnji teden sem dobil nalogo, da ocenim vpliv kreditne krize v nekaterih zahodnih državah na globalno industrijo srečanj. Če bi natanko vedel, kaj se bo zgodilo in kje, bi postal milijonar kar čez noč. Trenutna kreditna kriza je zajela hipoteke mobilnih domov v ZDA in pošteno presenetila veliko ekonomskih strokovnjakov. Kakšno metodologijo bi torej lahko uporabili v industriji srečanj? Naj zmanjšamo stroške, ker pričakujemo manjšo količino dela, ali pa naj iz istega razloga raje znižamo cene? Dejstvo je, da imamo sedaj še premalo informacij, na podlagi katerih bi lahko ocenili, kako močno bo prizadeta industrija srečanj in katero področje bo najbolj na udaru. Raziskave pa ugotavljajo, da so trgi, kot je Srednji vzhod in Azija, zelo uspešni. V hotelskem sektorju je družba Starwood Hotels pravkar oznanila več milijard dolarjev vredno investicijo v približno sto njihovih hotelov v ZDA. Profesionalno združenje za prireditveni menedžment (PCMA) na svojem 17. vsakoletnem zborovanju marca 2008 še ni imelo oprijemljivih podatkov o večjem upadu poslovanja. Kljub pomanjkanju podatkov o dejanskem upadu poslovanja ali pa mogoče zaradi opaznega zatišja v poslovanju industrije srečanj so se pojavili nekateri nezanesljivi dokazi. Ti dokazi namigujejo, da nekatere družbe (v nasprotju z vlado in s sektorji neprofitnih organizacij in združenj) zmanjšujejo število svojih prireditev in proračune srečanj ali pa hranijo investicije samo za določena srečanja v primeru, da se bodo okoliščine poslabšale. Kaj torej predlagam? • Ohranjajte marketinške proračune in razvijajte svoje poslovanje. • Še naprej aktivno sodelujte v industriji – na konferencah, dogodkih, predstavitvah itd. • Če ponujate popuste pri plačilih, da bi obdržali stare stranke ali pridobili nove, se prepričajte, ali boste še vedno ohranili svoj standard kakovosti. • Ne povzročajte panike! V prihodnjih mesecih bomo tako ali tako dobili več informacij in podatkov. Vesel bom vaših komentarjev.


Ali globalna kreditna kriza ogroža industrijo srečanj? / The Global Credit Crisis – a Crisis for the Meetings Industry? Last week I was asked to assess the impact of the credit crisis occurring in some western economies on the global meetings industry. If I knew exactly what was going to happen and where, I would become a millionaire overnight! Given that the current credit crisis can be traced to mortgages for residential caravans in the USA and caught many economic forecasters by surprise, what methodology can possibly be used for the meetings industry? Do we cut our costs now in the expectation of reduced business, do we cut our prices for the same reason? The reality is that there is as yet insufficient data to know how far the meetings industry will be affected and where the impact will be felt the most. What is clear from an array of research studies is that markets such as the Middle East & Asia are enjoying major growth. In the hotel sector Starwood Hotels have recently announced a multi-billion dollar investment in some 100 of its US hotels. As recently as March 2008, in its 17th annual Convention Study, PCMA did not have compelling data about any major decline in business. Despite this lack of data regarding an ACTUAL decline in business, or perhaps a marked slowdown in meetings business, some anecdotal evidence is emerging. This evidence suggests that some corporations (as opposed to the government, not-for-profit and associations sectors) are reducing event and meeting budgets, or are holding back funding for some meetings as a contingency against worsening conditions. So, what do I suggest? • Maintain marketing budgets and business development activity. • Remain active in the industry – at conferences, events, trade shows etc. • If you offer price incentives in order to retain - or indeed, gain - new business, make sure that you maintain your quality standards. • Don’t panic! Inevitably more information and data will be revealed over the coming months. I welcome your views and input.

Paul Kennedy MBE, direktor srečanj in dogodkov, Reed Travel Exhibitions Paul.Kennedy@reedexpo.co.uk


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Paul Kennedy Group Exhibition Director, Meetings & Incentive Events, Reed Travel Exhibitions Paul.Kennedy@reedexpo.co.uk Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

=diZa E^gVb^YV Ja^XV ]Zgd_V aVcYgV &% '%%% BVg^Wdg IZa#/ (-+ %' '( )) )%% e^gVb^YV5iZgbZbW#h^

Letter from Brussels

Pismo iz Bruslja

From: Rok V. KlanËnik Subject: Kongres gre skozi želodec Date: 20. junij 2008 To: Kongres Najprej na kratko opravimo z dvema neumnostima, ki sta v turizmu že odločno predolgo predmet pogovora ljudi, ki o turizmu ne vedo kaj dosti. Najprej, češ da je »gost kralj«. Gost ni kralj, ampak dobrodošel prišlek od drugod, ki ima prav toliko pravice do prijaznosti (nikakor pa do ponižnosti), kot jo imajo gostitelji, vse do študentke, ki hodi fotokopirat referate. Druga neslanost je ta, da »naj se gost počuti kot doma«. Prav to ni res. Gost, še posebej tako izkušeni in vsega lepega in hudega vajeni, kot je udeleženec mednarodnih srečanj, se v destinaciji še sploh ne želi počutiti kot doma, temveč … drugače. Nekaj pa je res: kongresi, konvencije, seminarji in motivacijska potovanja gredo – tako kot ljubezen – skozi želodec. Kar se hrane in »tekočih dodatkov« tiče, je sploh križ. Organizatorji srečanj s tem prepogosto pretiravajo in mislijo, da je udeležence treba pitati kot pujske za zakol, zgodi pa se tudi to, da udeleženci preprosto ne vedo, kam naj bi se šli podpret, da bodo lažje preživeli predavanja in debate. Skratka, opraviti imamo z dvema skrajnostima, pri katerih je srednja pot resnično najboljša. Oglejmo si primera dveh destinacij, ki sta svoje mesto na zemljevidu evropskih srečanj zgradili na kulinariki: gre za Baskijo in Alzacijo. Baskija je tista čudovita zelena dežela v kotičkih Španije in Francije, za katero slišimo zgolj, če njihovi borci za samostojnost nastavijo kakšno bombo. Med poznavalci pa je tudi znano, da ima San Sebastian (bask. Donostia) skorajda toliko restavracij z Michelinovimi zvezdicami kot New York. »Cuisine nouvelle basque« so si izmislili pred približno tridesetimi leti, in sicer v moških političnih krožkih z imenom »txokos« (slo. čokos). Ko so se menili o »pravičnem boju za samostojno ‘euskal herria’«, so zraven radi kaj dobrega pojedli in popili šilce patxarana (pačaran, značilen liker iz Navarre iz brinovih jagod in divje slive) oziroma kislega vina txakoli (čakoli). Bolj kot so se sanje o samostojni Baskiji razblinjale, bolj mamljivo so dišale jedi, kot so marmitako, bacalao al pil-pil,

From: Rok V. Klancnik Subject: The Way to the Heart of a Congress is Through the Stomach Date: June 20, 2008 To: Kongres

polenovka á la Donostia, jagnjetina iz Goiherrija, in podobne, ob katerih si človek najprej zlomi jezik, nato pa … preprosto preide v stanje zen. Karlos Arguiñano, Luis Irizal, Maurice Isabal, André Darraidou, Juan Mari Arzak in Martín Berasategui so ljudje, ki spijo z Michelinovimi zvezdicami pod blazino, sicer pa edini pravi borci za baskovsko samobitnost. Nova baskovska kuhinja je dejansko postala eden od bistvenih adutov industrije srečanj v biskajskem zalivu. Tradicionalna se je umaknila novim trikom. Vsakemu Johnu, Francoisu, Klausu in Janezu se bodo pocedile sline ob vabilu na kongres v San Sebastian ali Bilbao. Že ob misli na pintxos (po špansko tapas, mali prigrizki). Zrcalno nasprotna je slika v Alzaciji. Tudi Strasbourg je ena od evropskih kongresnih Mek. Ni čudno, da je alzaško glavno mesto tudi dom Sveta Evrope, pa na pol Evropskega parlamenta in nekaterih vplivnih korporacij. A ko človek takole, lačen, zavije v kakšno gostilnico v ozkih srednjeveških ulicah, mu zadišijo »flammekueche« (nekakšna pica, a brez paradižnikove omake), pa »choucroute« (meso svinjskega kralja živali in kislo zelje), »baeckaoffe« (enolončnica iz različnih mesnin) in kougelhopf (pecivo s češnjevim žganjem kirsch). Naj še omenimo, da je prav Strasbourg od leta 1780 dom mastnih jeter na silo pitanih gosi (foie gras). Vse to je kajpak izdatno zalito z dišečim, domačim tramincem. Alzacija se torej drži preverjenih jedi, ki so se dušile, pekle ali mesile že v časih pred najstarejšimi babicami. Resda so danes postrežene z obilo protokola, v nekoliko manjših porcijah in v prestižnem porcelanu, a recepti so od zdavnaj. Glede na strateško lokacijo Alzacije, na meji med romanskim in germanskim svetom, je prav kulinarika tisti ključ, ki odpira mnoga vrata, zato se nemškim Francozom za dober posel ni treba bati. Kakor koli že, tako inovativna baskovska gastronomija, kot alzaško priseganje na dobre stare čase, pomenita ključno tržno prednost pri kandidiranju za kongrese oziroma epikurejska motivacijska potovanja. Zavedajmo pa se, da so sestavni del kulinarike tudi ljudje s kuhalnico v roki in njihovi kolegi, ki z nasmehom zadevo prinesejo gostu na mizo. Slovenija se iz obeh primerov lahko marsičesa nauči. Predvsem pa preprostega dejstva, da gost torej ni niti kralj, niti nekdo, ki drugod išče svoj dom. Gost je človek, ki nekje drugod želi kaj dobrega pojesti in isto splakniti s čim vrhunskim. Le tak bo zadovoljen, le zadovoljni ljudje pa naredijo kongres odličen in koristen. Rok V. Klančnik Slovenski turistični urad, Benelux rok.klancnik@slovenia.info

Kompas Corporate

First, let us briefly deal with two nonsensical notions which have been the subject of conversation among people who do not know much about tourism. The first is that “The guest is king”. The guest is not a king, but a welcome newcomer from a different place, who has the same right to being treated kindly (but not humbly) as the hosts do, all the way down to the intern photocopying the presentations. The other absurdity is “To make the guest feel at home”. This is definitely not true. A guest, especially an experienced participant of international congresses who has seen the good and the bad does not wish to feel at home, but …different. But one thing is true: the way to the heart of a congress, convention, seminar and incentive holiday is – the same as to a man’s – through the stomach. The food and the “liquid additions” are often a problem, since event organisers often overdo it, believing that participants need to be fed like piglets waiting for slaughter, or the participants simply do not know where to find some refreshments to help them get through the lectures and discussions. We are dealing with two extremes, where the middle way is truly the best. Let us take a look at two destinations which have guaranteed themselves their spot on the map of European events with culinary delights: the Basque Region and Alsace. The Basque Region is that wonderful green land in the corners of Spain and France which you hear about only if their freedom fighters plant a bomb. A connoisseur, however, also knows that San Sebastian (in Basque, Donostia) has almost as many Michelin star restaurants as New York. The “Cuisine nouvelle Basque” was invented about thirty years ago in male political societies called “txokos”. While they were discussing the “just fight for an independent ‘euskal herria’” they liked to have a nice meal and a shot of patxaran (characteristic Navarra liqueur made from sloe berries and wild plum) or the slightly sour txakoli wine. The more the dreams of an independent Basque Country melted away, the better the dishes tasted, such as marmitako, bacalao al pil-pil, stockfish á la Donostia, lamb from Goiherri and similar dishes, which first twist your tongue trying to pronounce them and then

slowly push you into the Zen state. Karlos Arguiñano, Luis Irizal, Maurice Isabal, André Darraidou, Juan Mari Arzak and Martín Berasategui are people sleeping with Michelin stars under their pillows, and the only true fighters for Basque independence. The new Basque cuisine has actually turned into one of the key trumps of the meetings industry in the Bay of Biscay. The traditional cuisine has made room for new tricks. An invitation to a congress in San Sebastian or Bilbao will make the mouth of each John, Francois, Klaus and Janez water merely from thinking about pintxos (Spanish tapas, appetizers). A inverse mirror image can be found in Alsace. Strasbourg is a European convention Mecca. It is no wonder that the Alsatian capital is home to the Council of Europe and also halfway to the European Parliament and some influential corporations. When a hungry person is in a small inn in one of the narrow medieval streets, he finds himself craving flammekueche (resembling a pizza, but without the tomato sauce), choucroute (pork and sauerkraut), baeckaoffe (casserole from various kinds of meat) and kougelhopf (cake with cherry brandy). Let us also mention that since 1780, Strasbourg has been the home of goose liver specially fattened by gavage (foie gras). Of course, all of this is abundantly washed down with home-made Traminer. Alsace is therefore sticking to the established dishes which have been stewed, baked or kneaded since before the time of the oldest grandmothers. Today, they serve them with a lot of protocol in somewhat smaller portions and in prestigious porcelain, but the recipes are ancient. Considering Alsace’s strategic location on the border between the Romanic and the Germanic world, the cuisine is the key to several doors and so the German French do not need to fear for their good business. Both the innovative Basque cuisine and the Alsatians swearing by the old times are a key market advantage in the running for congresses or epicurean incentive travel. We need to be aware that the people rattling those pots and pans and their colleagues who serve the guests with smiling faces are constituent parts of the cuisine. Slovenia can learn a lot from the two examples. Especially the simple fact that the guest is neither king, nor someone looking for a home away from home. A guest is someone who wants to eat something tasty and have a sip of high quality wine in a place that is not home. This is the only way to satisfy them and only satisfied people make a congress excellent and useful. Rok V. Klančnik Slovenian Tourist office in Brussels rok.klancnik@slovenia.info

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Kongres - 2008

Ni ga dogodka v vsakodnevnem življenju, tako zasebnem kot poslovnem, ki ga ne bi spremljal prigrizek, osvežilna pijača, kosilo, ali pa kar sprejemi v različnih oblikah in z različnimi nameni. Zato je zelo pomembno, kdaj in kje pripravimo in ponudimo določeno vrsto pogostitve, da ne zmotimo namena srečanja, ampak mu s kulinariko še dvignemo vrednost. Našo deželo predstavlja del Sredozemlja, notranjski gozdovi in planote, razteza se v osrednjo Slovenijo do Alpskega sveta na severnem delu in prekmurskih ravnic na vzhodnem. S pestro in raznoliko pokrajino je povezana prav takšna gastronomija, ki s svojimi bogatimi različicami tvori celoto slovenske kulinarike. Vplivi sodobnih trendov na pripravo narodnih jedi omogočajo modifikacijo starih receptur in njihovo ponovno oživljanje po meri našega časa. Ob mednarodnih srečanjih je še kako pomembna kulinarika domače dežele, saj se prav z njo predstavimo in pokažemo lastno identiteto. S slovensko kulinariko se lahko postavimo ob bok svetovnim trendom, imamo pa še to prednost (ki se je žal premalo zavedamo), da so naša živila tako rekoč domače pridelave. Globalizacija je naredila svoje in vedno redkejša je identiteta živil domačega porekla. Kot majhna dežela z malim trgom imamo srečo, da nam razen McDonald’s-a in kitajskih restavracij ponudbe prehrane še niso množično preplavile restavracije hitro pripravljene hrane. Kam in kako nas bo pot vodila v prihodnje, nam bo narekoval tempo življenja, dolgoročno pa zagotovo ne bomo ostali izjema in nas bo vrtinec časa in ponudbe zajel tudi na tem področju.

Kulinarika in srečanja

Cuisine and Meetings

Tudi posel gre skozi želodec

Business Goes through the Stomach, as Well

S slovensko kulinariko se lahko postavimo ob bok svetovnim trendom, imamo pa še to prednost (ki se je žal premalo zavedamo), da so naša živila tako rekoč domače pridelave. ali morskimi sadeži, naloženimi na popečeni kruhek. Zaključna (običajno večerna) prireditev daje piko na i celotnemu dogodku, zanjo potrebujemo zgodbo s scenarijem, ki se mora odigrati po določenem zaporedju dejanj, kot predstava na odru. Najprej prihod gostov in sprejem, morda krajši pozdrav in predstavitev vsebine dogodka; udeležence je treba voditi skozi čas, ne sme se jih omejevati, vzpodbuja se sproščene odzive in gibanje v prostoru. Pomemben del dogodka je priprava hrane in če je predstavljena na primeren način, je lahko zanimiv del animacije. Dobrodošel del celotne ponudbe je vključitev etno folklore, ki udeležence odtegne od hrane in pijače, da v ritmu zazibajo svoje telo, ali pa občudujejo veščine rokodelstva (in se morda v njih celo sami preizkusijo). Ker na koncu vedno pride sladica, je potrebno tudi sam sprejem zaključiti v tem duhu; zakaj ne kar kulinarično, na primer z atraktivnim flambiranjem s tako modnim tekočim dušikom, ki se dimi okoli posode? Udeležencem se še uradno zahvalimo in jim prepustimo čas za sprostitev, ob določeni uri pa zaključimo prireditev. Srečko Koklič Svetovalec pri Turistično gostinski zbornici, GZS srecko.koklic@gzs.s

There is no event in everyday life, both private and in business, which is not accompanied by a snack, refreshing drink, lunch or even a reception, in various forms and for different purposes. For this reason, it is very important when and where a catering event is prepared and implemented, so as not to interfere with the event’s aim but even to increase its value by way of the cuisine. Our country is represented by a part of the Mediterranean, the woods and plateaus of Notranjska, which stretches across to Central Slovenia with the Alpine world to the North and the Prekmurje plains to the East. The diversified and manifold landscape corresponds to the country’s gastronomy, forming the ensemble of Slovenian cuisine with its rich varieties. The influences of modern trends on the preparation of national dishes enable old recipes to be modified and revived in accordance with our time. The cuisine of the host country is especially important at international meetings, as it represents and shows the country’s identity. Slovenian cuisine keeps abreast with world trends and we have an additional advantage (one of which we are unfortunately not sufficiently aware) in that our food products are virtually homemade. Globalisation has taken its toll, and foodstuffs identified by their national origin are increasingly scarce. As a small country with a small market, we are lucky that with the exception of Mc Donald’s and Chinese restaurants, our gastronomic selection has not yet been infested with fast food restaurants. Where and how the future takes us depends on the tempo of life, while in the

Kaj ponuditi ob določeni uri in namenu? Morda smo včasih premalo izvirni in kreativni, prehitro se zadovoljimo z mislijo, da je hrana pač hrana, ki jo ljudje pojedo, da lahko nadaljujejo z delom. Odmori s kavo, voda, sok in seveda dogovorjena cena ... kaj pa, če bi vodo zložili ob ledeni skulpturi in jo primerno osvetlili? Ali pa bi jo postavili v ogromno posodo z ledom in osvetlili s posebnimi svetlobnimi efekti, ki ne oddajajo toplote? Zakaj bi se ob vsej paleti različnih vod zadovoljili z eno, ko pa lahko predstavimo raznovrstno ponudbo mineralnih, naravnih vod in naravnih vod z okusi? Ob kavi radi pozabljamo na čaj. Danes vedno več ljudi pije čaje, katerih izbor in primeren način postrežbe dodata sproščeno noto umirjenosti.

Slovenian cuisine keeps abreast with world trends and we have an additional advantage (one of which we are unfortunately not sufficiently aware) in that our food products are virtually homemade. long run we will certainly not remain an exception and will also be caught up by the whirl of time and possibilities in this field. What to Offer at a Specific Time and with a Specific Purpose Maybe we are sometimes not original and creative enough, and we are easily content to believe that food is just food, which people eat in order to be able to continue with their work. Coffee breaks, water, juices and of course, the set price. What if we place the water next to an ice sculpture and give it appropriate lighting? Or maybe we could put it in a huge bowl of ice and illuminate it with special light effects that do not emit heat? With the wide range of available kinds of water, why should we be content with only one if we can present a diverse assortment of mineral, natural and flavoured natural water? In offering coffee, we tend to forget about tea. Today, a growing number of people drink tea, and the appropriate choice and manner of serving it add a relaxed note of calmness to the ambiance. Why not offer a basket of apples at the event, so that the participants can enjoy them at any time? A working lunch needs to be easily digestible and refreshing, so as not to make the participants weary and barely able to follow their afternoon engagements. It needs to be served quickly. The work tempo limits the implementation of the planned meal, for which one needs to take time and set the table appropriately. Consequently, combinations of cold and warm buffets or snacks to replace light morning meals or lunches are on the way. All dishes are prepared to be eaten standing up and without cutlery, needing only a plate and a paper napkin. Even though it might sound like a sandwich lunch, these snacks are prepared with exceptional ingenuity and taste. They consist of variously-shaped canapés that are made of different kinds of dough and topped with fresh or grilled vegetables, roasted meat or seafood. The closing (usually evening) event rounds off the entire event. It requires a story and a scenario being performed, following a defined sequence of acts like a stage performance. First, the arrival of the guests and the reception, perhaps a short welcome speech and a presentation of the event. The participants need to be taken through time and not limited; relaxed responses and movement in space are encouraged. An important part of the event is the food preparation, which can be an interesting part of the animation if presented in the appropriate way. One greatly appreciated option is to include ethnic folklore, which distracts the participants from food and drink and makes them move with the rhythm or admire handicraft skills (and perhaps even try their hand at it). As dessert is always served last, why not finish the reception in this spirit – in a culinary manner with an attractive flambée using fashionable liquid nitrogen to create a smoking effect around the dish? Finally, we officially thank the participants, leaving them time to relax, and close the event at a defined time.

Zakaj ne bi v času dogodka ponudili košare jabolk, po kateri bi obiskovalci lahko posegli v vsakem trenutku? Delovno kosilo mora biti lahko prebavljivo in osvežilno, da nam udeleženci po njem ne obsedijo oziroma utrujeni od hrane komaj sledijo popoldanskim obveznostim. Mora biti časovno hitro postreženo. Tempo dela nam omejuje izvedbo predvidenega obroka, za katerega si je potrebno vzeti čas in temu primerno pripraviti tudi mizo. Tako so na pohodu kombinacije hladno-toplih lahkih obedov ali prigrizkov (snacksov), ki zamenjujejo malico in kosila. Vse jedi so pripravljene v obliki, ki omogoča, da jih lahko zaužijemo stoje in brez pribora, potrebujemo le krožnik in papirnato servieto. Čeravno se morda sliši kot »sendvič kosilo«, pa so ti prigrizki lahko pripravljeni izredno domiselno in okusno. Osnova zanj so kruhki različnih oblik in test, v kombinaciji s svežo in popečeno zelenjavo, pečenim mesom

Srečko Koklič Consultant to the Tourism, Hotels and Restaurants Association, the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry srecko.koklic@gzs.si Foto: Vivo catering


Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Kulinarika in srečanja Nikar »muzejev gastronomije« na krožnikih!

Okusiti kongres Leta 2006 je bila po naročilu Slovenske turistične organizacije izdelana Strategija gastronomije Slovenije, ki je začrtala razvoj tega pomembnega segmenta ne le turistične ponudbe, ampak pomembnega dela celovite razpoznavnosti Slovenije doma in v svetu. Iz Strategije izhajata najprej slogan in znak »Okusiti Slovenijo« (»Taste Slovenia«, »Slowenien, wahrhaft köstlich«, »Gustate la Slovenia«, »Les saveurs de la Slovénie«), poleg njiju pa še nekaj oprijemljivih »izdelkov«, in sicer promocijski katalog, igrani 70-minutni DVD film, oboje v več tujih jezikih, ter knjiga Okusiti Slovenijo, ki je v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku izšla kot publikacija National Geographic-a. Krajša, bolj promocijska verzija knjige je izšla še v zbirki Prisrčnica. Seveda je to le del sistematičnega načrta, ki izhaja iz Strategije in vključuje tudi druge oblike dejavnosti, od izobraževanja, trženja, do vloge gastronomije Slovenije na prireditvah, kongresih in srečanjih. Prav kongresna kulinarična scena, če uporabim to žargonsko poimenovanje, je lahko pomembna sooblikovalka splošnega gastronomskega prizadevanja naše države. Pogled na to sceno pokaže dokaj pestro sliko, bolje rečeno pestrost različnih slik, tako po vsebini, videzu in seveda predvsem tudi okusu. Razen svetlih izjem na tem področju (npr. Hiša kulinarike Jezeršek), ki v celoti razumejo filozofijo in strategijo kulinaričnih vsebin v kongresnih dogajanjih, lahko ugotovim, da smo na prvi stopnici razvoja. Predvsem je število ponudnikov storitev zelo veliko, velika večina pa še vedno ne razume temeljnega pregovora, ki pravi, da je manj več! Pahljače narezkov in do onemoglosti zložene jedi v ogretih posodah pogosto spominjajo na sprejeme v azijskih državah, kjer se s hrano oblikujejo skladovnice in stolpi. Seveda je to povezano z njihovimi lokalnimi kulturami in gastronomsko razpoznavnostjo.

jedi in dekoracijo prostora) še veliko manjka. To pa je povezano z dejstvom, da za ta pomembna področja še nimamo ustrezno šolanih kadrov in jih tudi ne šolamo. Pred dobrim letom sem obiskal enega najbolj znanih ameriških cateringov v New Yorku (med drugim pripravljajo tudi sprejeme za Belo hišo) in lahko na lastne oči naredil primerjave z nami. V primerjavi z njimi smo na Slovenskem pravi svetovni prvaki glede same priprave jedi, kakovosti osnovnih (ali kot pri nas pravimo, »vhodnih«) surovin in predvsem čistoče v delovnem postopku. Močno pa zaostajamo na področju dekoracije jedi in priprave ambientov, kjer se odvijajo pogostitve.

Projekt Okusiti Slovenijo torej ponuja paleto možnosti, tako glede naših izjemnih jedi, kot tudi glede načina njihovega ponujanja in predstavljanja. Jedi, ki so bile še včeraj odslikava nizke življenjske ravni, so postale danes zelo zanimive, zlasti še za tujino oz. tuje goste. Ena največjih napak, ki jih delajo organizatorji kongresov in srečanj v Sloveniji je v tem, da vrednotijo predlagane jedilnike skozi svoje oči in svoje jedilne navade, češ, tega pa jaz ne jem in zato tega ne bomo dali na jedilnik! Druga pomembna pomanjkljivost je, da ne poznamo t.i. zgodb o naših jedeh ali pa jih obremenjujemo s stereotipi o tipičnosti, pra-starosti ipd. Strategija gastronomije in tudi projekt Okusiti Slovenijo gradita na 24 gastronomskih regijah Slovenije, v katerih je 176 razpoznavnih, značilnih oz. promotivno tipičnih jedi. Seveda je znotraj posameznih jedi še cela vrsta lokalnih in regionalnih različic. Predvsem pa vseh teh 176 jedi predstavlja izziv za najrazličnejše sodobne nadgraditve in interpretacije. Projekt in knjiga Okusiti Slovenijo sta dala osnovo, temelj, in, če hočete, red! Sedaj pa je treba iz tega graditi naprej. Torej ne potrebujemo »muzejev gastronomije« na krožnikih, ampak na teh bogastvih grajene ustvarjalnosti, seveda z naravnimi sestavinami in predvsem letnim časom primerno. Ne bodimo kot najbolj nerazviti v svetu, ki se npr. v času zime postavljajo s češnjami ali jagodami. Tudi pri nas radi pravimo, da je bila taka ponudba ob kongresu »in«, vendar je to kaj slaba usluga našim prizadevanjem za vstop gastronomije Slovenije na višjo svetovno stopnico. Ne pozabimo na zgodbe Gastronomska strategija namenja pozornost tudi tekočemu delu gastronomije, torej alkoholnim in nealkoholnim pijačam. Ena največjih napak sodobne ob-kongresne gastronomske ponudbe je ponujanje penin in šampanjcev ob začetku posameznih dogodkov. To je postal že pravi avtomatizem in priznati moram, da se pogosto kar s strahom odpravim na kakšno kongresno srečanje, češ, spet me bodo prijazni natakarji napadli z mehurčki. To pišem zato, ker je paleta možnosti zelo velika, ponujanje penečih se vin pa je seveda tudi svojevrstna podoba marketinga vina, zlasti še penečega. Ob penečih in drugih vinih, ki jih ponujamo na srečanjih, se pogosto

dogaja, da natakarji sploh ne vedo, katero vino ponujajo. Torej spet pademo na »zgodbah«. Strategija gastronomije še posebej poudarja izvirna (avtohtona) vina in druženje vin z jedmi v obliki t.i. gastronomskih dvojic. Pogostitve ob kongresih in drugih srečanjih se tudi vedno bolj tematizirajo. Vedno več je pogostitev na določeno temo ali ob določenem dogodku. Ob proslavljanjih Trubarja si organizatorji zaželijo tudi pogostitev, skladnih z njegovim časom, kar je vsekakor dobrodošlo in pozitivno. Med pogostitvami so tudi druge tematike, npr. grajska večerja ali kosilo, pa pojedina v povezavi z martinovanjem, srednjeveški večer, jedi določene pokrajine, kmečke jedi in podobno. Seveda vse te in druge tematike zahtevajo temeljite strokovne razmisleke, ki vključujejo prostore, vrsto ponudbe, dekoracijo, spremljajoče dogodke (npr. glasbena kulisa), seveda načine strežbe in drugo. Predvsem premalo gradimo tudi na jedilnih listih, ki jih seveda gostje na stoječih sprejemih ne bodo prebirali, zato pa so lahko odlično darilo ob odhodu, kot spomin na prijetno doživetje širših kulturnih razsežnosti ob določeni hrani. Pri t.i. hladno toplih (nekateri jim pravijo tudi ruski) bifejih je zelo pomembno, da so vse jedi primerno predstavljene, torej najmanj z napisi, ki morajo glede na naravo kongresnega dogodka upoštevati večjezičnost. Posebno pomembno vlogo ima tudi dekoracija jedi in celotnega prostora. Tu seveda vse bližnjice odpadejo, prav tako tudi razne kuharske intervencije s posebej oblikovanim kruhom, pretiravanja s skulpturami iz ledu ipd. Spominjam se nekega sprejema v jesenskem času, ko je organizator pogostitve vse mize okrasil z jesenskim listjem. Jasno – iz gozda v košare (ali vreče) in potem na mize. Prav zanimivo je bilo opazovati najrazličnejšo gomazečo golazen (izraz povzemam po Valvasorju), ki je ustvarjala »življenje« med jedmi na pladnjih in krožnikih. Tudi ta primer dokazuje, da je načrtovanje pogostitev ob kongresih izredno odgovorno, predvsem pa strokovno početje. Z vključevanjem palete gastronomije Slovenije bomo zagotovili našo razpoznavnost, drugačnost, predvsem pa ponudili alternativo vsemu svetovnemu avtomatizmu na tako pomembnem področju, kot ga predstavlja druženje ljudi z dobrimi jedmi. To slednje pomeni seveda najboljši način medsebojnega spoznavanja in odkrivanja vsakdanjikov ter praznikov. Jemo zato, da živimo, vendar ne živimo zato, da bi le jedli! Prof. dr. Janez Bogataj janez.bogataj@guest.arnes.si

Prof. dr. Janez Bogataj Avtorjevo zanimanje in raziskovanje gastronomije je povezano z njegovo vedo, t.j. etnologijo. Na to področje njegovega strokovnega usmerjanja je v veliki meri

Pri dekoraciji zaostajamo

vplivalo družinsko okolje, v času študija pa tudi njegov


mentor, sedaj že pokojni prof. dr. Vilko Novak, ki je prvi doktoriral s področja prehrane, in sicer v Prekmurju. Nadaljnje avtorjevo izpopolnjevanje je povezano s številnimi stiki s tujimi strokovnjaki in strokovnimi združenji s področja gastronomije. V Sloveniji je bil prvi, ki je uvedel novo zvrst pisanja jedilnih listov in menijev. Danes sodeluje s številnimi organizatorji pri pripravi pogostitev ob kongresih in drugih srečanjih. Prof. dr. Janez Bogataj je pisec številnih knjig, znanstvenih in strokovnih razprav, med njimi tudi s področja gastronomije, turizma ter poslovnih in protokolarnih Foto: arhiv STO

V Sloveniji se ukvarja s ponudbo jedi na kongresih in drugih prireditvah že skoraj vsak, ki sicer pripravlja jedi in pice v svojem gostinskem lokalu ali reže zrezke v mesariji. Med ponudniki t.i. cateringa je namreč tudi kar nekaj mesarjev (!). Paleti ponudnikov sledi paleta ponudbe, paleta ponudbe pa je povezana s paleto dekoracije itn. Vendar moram, resnici na ljubo, le zapisati, da je bila v Sloveniji cela vrsta izjemnih kongresnih prireditev, ki so pomembno sooblikovale védenje o gastronomiji Slovenije in so bile zlasti za tuje udeležence več kot pozitivno presenečenje. Vendar napredek gradimo tudi s popravljanjem negativnih primerov. Prav v teh dneh berem v medijih, kako so kuharji »inovativno« (!) okrasili ponudbo jedi s postavitvijo kozolca in menda potem še blejskega čolna »pletne« na nekih kongresnih pogostitvah. Take zadeve so lahko le slab vzor in predvsem zelo negativna oblika simbioze s pričevanji kulturne dediščine. Po tej logiki bi lahko za dekoracijo jedi uporabili tudi pluge, pa lojtrne vozove in še kaj iz t.i. zakladnice dediščine. Ob tem pa nihče na pomisli na branjevske vozičke, značilne za Ljubljano, ki so s prehrano najbolj neposredno povezani. Prav ta primer s kozolcem in čolnom je lahko dobra šola in predvsem dokaz, da nam na področju končnega videza gostinske ponudbe na kongresih (pri tem mislim na dekoracijo

daril. Je tudi avtor knjige o slovenskih jedeh, ki jo bo v kratkem izdala ugledna angleška založba Anness Publishing.

Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Cuisine and Meetings at congresses and other events. Namely, among the so- called catering providers we can also found a number of butchers (!). A range of leads to a range of offers, and the range of offers is in turn connected to a range of decorations, and so on. It is true, however, that there have been numerous extraordinary congress events in Slovenia which have largely contributed to the recognition of Slovenian gastronomy and were more than just a positive surprise, especially for foreign participants. Yet progress can also be made by improving on negative examples from the past. Recently I have read in the media that cooks decorated dishes in an »innovative« (!) way by setting up a »kozolec« (a freestanding vertical drying rack typical of Slovenia) and a typical boat from Bled called »pletna« at a certain congress. These events can only serve as bad examples and, most of all, they present a very negative form of symbiosis with testimonies of cultural heritage. According to this idea ploughs, hay carts and other elements from the so-called treasury of our heritage could also be used for the ornamentation of dishes. But nobody thought of costermongers’ carts, typical of Ljubljana, which are very closely linked to nutrition. Thus, it is this example with the kozolec and the boat which can be used as an experience, and mostly as proof that in terms of the final impression at congresses (by which I mean the presentation of dishes and venue decor), we still have a lot to learn. This is also due to the fact that in this domain we do not have adequately educated staff and we are not training people in this field. A year ago I visited one of the bestknown American catering companies in New York (among other activities, they also provide catering services for the White House) and I was able to draw comparisons with the situation at home. In comparison to them we, the Slovenes, are world champions in terms of food preparation, the quality of basic (or as we call it »starter«) ingredients and especially the hygiene of the work process. However, we are seriously lagging behind in the field of the presentation of dishes and venue decor for receptions.

Taste a Congress The Slovenian gastronomic strategy was set up in 2006 on the initiative of the Slovenian Tourist Organisation. It has fostered the development of this important segment for recognition of Slovenia, not only by tourists but also in general, both at home and abroad. Growing out of this strategy we have a slogan and a symbol - »Taste Slovenia« (»Okusiti Slovenijo«, »Slowenien, wahrhaft köstlich«, »Gustate la Slovenia«, »Les saveurs de la Slovénie«) - and some other interesting products such as a promotional catalogue, a 70-minute long DVD in foreign languages and a book entitled Taste Slovenia which was published in Slovenian and English by National Geographic. A shorter, promotional version of the book was published in the Prisrčnica series.

Of course, this is only part of the systematic plan stemming from the strategy, which also includes other forms of activities; from education and marketing to the role of Slovenian gastronomy during events, congresses and meetings. It is the congress culinary scene, if we use a slang expression, which can be an important coarchitect of Slovenia’s general efforts in the field of gastronomy. This domain reveals a rather picturesque view, various images having different content, form, and of course taste. Regarding the development of this field, we could conclude that apart from exceptional examples (such as Hiša kulinarike Jezeršek), which fully understand the philosophy and the strategy of culinary contents at congress events, we have reached the first step. The number of service providers is huge but the majority of them still do not understand the basic proverb: less is better than more! Abundant deli trays and enormous amounts of food served in food warmers often make us think of receptions in Asian countries, where food is piled up in the form of towers and stacks. This of course relates to their local culture and gastronomic recognition. We Lag Behind in Our Decor In Slovenia, almost all those who usually prepare dishes and bake pizzas in their own restaurants provide culinary services

»Gastronomy Museums« on Plates Should be Avoided! The Taste Slovenia project thus offers us a great variety of possibilities concerning our excellent dishes and the way in which they are served and presented. Dishes which only recently reflected a low standard of living have now become very interesting, especially for guests from abroad. One of the biggest mistakes made by the organisers of congresses and meetings in Slovenia is that they evaluate the suggested menus according to their own taste and habits, and therefore exclude dishes they personally dislike! Another significant drawback is that we are not familiar with the so-called national dishes, or we associate them with stereotypes of typical, ancient dishes etc. The gastronomic strategy and the Taste Slovenia project include 24 gastronomic Slovenian regions which have 176 recognised, typical and promotional dishes. Of couse, each dish comes in a range of local and regional versions. All 176 of them represent a challenge for various kinds of modernisation and contemporary interpretations. The project and the book Taste Slovenia are offering us a basis, a foundation - or, if you wish, they are imposing some order! This must now be used as a basis for further development. Therefore, we do not need »gastronomy museums« on plates, but rather creativity grounded in this wealth, together with natural ingredients typical of individual seasons. We should not act as those the least developed which for example brag about cherries or strawberries in wintertime. We also like to say that this kind of offer is top-notch, but we are not doing a favour to our efforts to bring Slovenian gastronomy to a higher level on the world list.

Photo: STO Archive Kongres - 2008

Prof. dr. Janez Bogataj janez.bogataj@guest.arnes.si

Prof. dr. Janez Bogataj The author’s interest in gastronomy and his research work are related to his speciality - ethnology. His expert work in this field was largely influenced by his family environment, and while studying with his mentor, Prof. Vilko Novak, PhD, who was the first to obtain a doctoral degree in the field of nutrition in the Prekmurje region. The author has also gained knowledge from his numerous colleagues from abroad and from expert associations in the field of gastronomy. He was the first in Slovenia to introduce a new way of writing menus. Nowadays he is cooperating with various organisers in preparing receptions at congresses and

We Should not Forget the Stories


guests sparkling wine is of course also a unique form of marketing wine, especially sparkling wine. It often occurs at meetings that the waiters do not even know which wine they are serving. So once again we fail in the field of »stories«. The gastronomic strategy is especially emphasising local wines and the combination of wine and dishes in the form of so-called “gastronomic pairs.” Receptions at congresses and other meetings are more and more often thematic. They have a theme or they take place during a specific event. When an event is dedicated to Slovenian reformist Primož Trubar, the organisers want to have a reception reflecting the period in which he lived - always a welcome and positive gesture. Other themes that appear are, for example, courtly lunches or dinners, St. Martin’s Feast, medieval evenings, specific regional dishes, farmers' dishes etc. All these and other themes must of course include careful preparation of locations, gastronomic selection, decor, and accompanying events (for example, musical events) as well as the level of service etc. We are not elaborating enough on the menus, which of course will not be used at all types of receptions but can serve as perfect parting gifts, as souvenirs of a pleasant event of broader cultural dimension at which the food was served. At a so-called warm and cold (Russian) buffet it is very important that all the dishes be appropriately described, at least with names, and when necessary in different languages. The presentation of dishes and venue decor also play a significant role. Of course, all short-cuts should be omitted, as well as various cooking interventions with specially-shaped bread, exaggerated ice sculptures etc. I recall a reception which took place in autumn when the organiser decorated the tables with tree leaves. Of course, in a forest they were put in baskets (or sacks) and then they were placed on the tables. It was really interesting to observe all kinds of crawling vermin (I am using Valvasor’s expression) which were creating »life« between the food on trays and plates. This example also shows that planning of receptions at congresses is an extremely responsible activity based on expert knowledge. By introducing Slovenian gastronomic variety we will ensure our recognisability, uniqueness and most of all we will offer an alternative solution to the entire world’s automatism in an important field such as socialising and superior gastronomic selection. The latter is the best opportunity to learn about each other and to explore the habits and rituals of ordinary days and holidays. We eat in order to live, but we do not live only in order to eat!

The gastronomic strategy is also paying attention to the part of gastronomy that includes alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. One of the biggest mistakes concerning the contemporary gastronomic selection at congresses is serving sparkling wine and champagne at the beginning of individual events. This has now became a real habit, and I must admit that before attending a congress I am often afraid that I will be once again served “bubbly” by kind waiters. I am saying this because the range of possibilities is wide and offering


other meetings. Prof. Janez Bogataj, PhD, is the author of numerous books, expert discussions in the field of gastronomy, tourism and business and protocol gifts. He is also the author of a book about Slovenian cuisine, which will soon be published by the British publishing company Anness Publishing. Kongres - 2008

Kolumna: Jerneja Kamnikar

Column: Jerneja Kamnikar

Bodimo ponosni na to, kar znamo in imamo!

Let Us Be Proud of What We Know and What We Have!

Za vsakim dobro izvedenim cateringom stoji ekipa požrtvovalnih organizatorjev, asistentov, kuharjev in natakarjev. Njihova pogostitev je oplemenitena s prefinjenim občutkom za simfonijo okusov, barv in oblik v skladnosti občutkov, izvirnosti ali inovacij. Slovenci moramo biti ponosni na to, kar znamo in imamo! Nekateri si catering zmotno zamišljajo zgolj kot kulinarično oskrbo na dogodkih. Vendar pa gre pri sodobnem cateringu na prireditvah za veliko bolj celostno in harmonično pripravo dogodka, za sporočilo doživetja in izkušenj, kjer prvega vtisa ne moremo več popraviti, saj se trdno zasidra v spomin gosta. Za organizacijo in izvedbo kvalitetne pogostitve je potrebna skupina uigranih sodelavcev, ki se pri svojem delu dopolnjujejo, so strokovnjaki in v prvi vrsti s srcem in dušo pri delu. Zato ni naključje, da smo si v Vivo cateringu za naš moto izbrali slogan »Kuhamo z ljubeznijo in strežemo z dušo«. Pri izvedbi tematskih catering pogostitev bi tokrat želela izpostaviti dve, zame nepogrešljivi kategoriji. Prva je izvedba cateringa na pogostitvah z visoko strokovnimi standardi. Izbira izvajalca, povezana s ponujeno najnižjo ceno jedi na osebo, je v tem primeru absolutno nerelevantna. Druga, velikokrat spregledana profesionalen team sodelavcev.



Obstaja bistvena razlika med profesionalno catering ekipo ter posamezniki, ki se na željo naročnika odločijo – poleg svoje à la carte ponudbe v restavraciji – občasno izpeljati kakšen catering enostavnejših ali zahtevnejših oblik. Vrednote ter osnovna vedenja so lahko enaka, pristopi, organizacija, oprema, usposobljenost kadrov pa zelo različni. V tej točki pogosto uporabim prispodobo, da sta si zdravnik kirurg in zdravnik pediater v vsem naštetem tako različna kot dober kuhar v catering hiši in dober kuhar v restavraciji – čeprav sta oba zdravnika oziroma kuharja. Profesionalna catering hiša že ob samem snovanju dogodka naročniku naniza številne ideje, opozori na pasti, zbere želje ter zasnuje plan, v katerem so predvidene vse, še tako na videz nepomembne podrobnosti, ki pri izvedbi prevesijo jeziček na tehtnici in dajo celotnemu srečanju piko na i. Na splošno lahko rečemo, da sodoben catering dandanes presega zgolj postrežbo hrane in pijače. Bistvo razvoja v cateringu na prireditvah je v novih znanjih in idejah, za kar je potrebno neprestano strokovno izobraževanje in sledenje trendom, ki se pojavljajo v različnih segmentih.V Sloveniji uspešno sledimo razvoju in trendom cateringa na prireditvah, kar uspešno dokazujemo z organizacijo in izvedbo storitev v Sloveniji ter vse pogosteje tudi v preostalih državah članicah EU. Jerneja Kamnikar Direktorica Vivo d.o.o. catering@vivo.si


Jerneja Kamnikar je direktorica in ustanoviteljica podjetja Vivo catering, ki deluje že petnajst let. Velik pomen namenja ljudem, kadrom ter visokim strokovnim standardom, ki so v storitveni dejavnosti še kako pomembni. Je zagovornica trendov in razvoja v organizaciji in izvedbi prireditev in pogostitev. Diplomirala je iz managementa prireditev. Deluje kot mentorica in sogovornica številnim diplomantom strokovnih šol. Veliko sodeluje s srednjimi strokovnimi šolami pri praktičnem usposabljanju dijakov ter štipendiranju. Zamisli in ideje si nabira z ogledi izbranih nagrajenih lokalov po svetu, kjer proučuje navade različnih narodov in smernice razvoja stroke. Pri tem veliko pozornost posveča tudi na videz nepomembnim podrobnostim. Deveto leto je predsednica sekcije F&B managerjev Slovenije v okviru Društva gostinskih delavcev pri Turistično gostinski zbornici Slovenije. Je članica organizacijskega odbora Gostinsko turističnega zbora Slovenije in vodja tekmovanja v poznavanju priprave in postrežbe kave.

Behind every well-implemented catering event there is a team of devoted organisers, assistants, chefs and waiters. Their catering is ennobled by a refined sense for the symphony of tastes, colours and shapes in a harmony of sensations, originalities or innovations. Slovenians need to be proud of what we know and what we have! Some wrongly conceive that catering is merely the provision of culinary services at events. In modern catering events, we are however dealing with a much more comprehensive and harmonious preparation of an event, for a message of adventure and experience where the first impression cannot be corrected as it is firmly embedded in the guest’s memory. For the organisation and implementation of a quality catering event, a group of wellattuned staff is needed who complete themselves in their work, being experts and, first and foremost, putting their heart and soul into their work. This is why it is no coincidence that we at Vivo Catering chose the slogan, “We cook with love and serve with our soul” as our motto. In the implementation of theme catering events, I would like to expose two categories, which to me seem indispensable. The first is catering at events with high expert standards. The choice of the organiser offering the lowest price of food per person is absolutely irrelevant in this case. The second and often overlooked category is the indispensable professional team of co-workers.

Photo: Vivo catering

Jerneja Kamnikar is the director and co-founder of Vivo Catering, which she set up fifteen years ago. She puts great emphasis on the people, staff and high professional standards, which are exceedingly

There is a big difference between a professional catering team and individuals who, in addition to their à la carte offer of the restaurant and following the wish of the client, decide for simple or more demanding catering. The values and general knowledge might be the same but the approaches, organisation, equipment and qualifications of the staff differ extensively. In relation to this point, I often use the simile of a surgeon and a paediatrician being as different in all the above stated points as a good chef in a catering house and a good chef in a restaurant – even though they are both either doctors or chefs.

important in any service activity. She is an advocate

Already upon planning the event, a professional catering house provides the client numerous ideas, points out the pitfalls, accumulates the ideas and elaborates a plan including even the seemingly insignificant details, which upon implementation tip the scales and give the entire event its icing on the cake.

her concepts and ideas in visiting selected awarded

In general, we can say that modern-day catering exceeds the mere serving of food and drinks. The essence of the development of event catering is in new knowledge and ideas, which requires constant professional education and the following of trends that appear in various sectors. In Slovenia, we are successfully following the development and trends of event catering, which we are successfully proving with the organisation and implementation of services in Slovenia and increasingly in other EU countries as well.

the seemingly unimportant details.

Jerneja Kamnikar Director of Vivo d.o.o. catering@vivo.si

of trends and development in the organisation and implementation of events and catering. She graduated in Events Management and operates as a mentor and dialogue partner for numerous vocational school graduates. She cooperates extensively with vocational secondary schools in the practical training of students and scholarship programmes. She finds restaurants around the world, studying the habits of various nations and the guidelines of the industry’s development. In doing so, she pays great attention to She has been the President of the Food and Beverages Managers Section operating within the framework of the Association of Catering Employees with the Catering and Tourism Association for the ninth year running. She is a member of the Organising Committee for the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Assembly and head of the competition on the preparation and serving of coffee.

Foto: Vivo catering


Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Kulinarika in srečanja odprtimi steklenicami, kupujejo jih na pol legalno (gotovina) in na podoben način prodajajo. Ob tem jim ni treba poznati vin in njihovih specifik, ni jim treba znati odpreti steklenice in jo po potrebi dekantirati. Gosti tega tudi ne pričakujejo, saj drugačnega ravnanja niti ne poznajo – in vsi so zadovoljni. Po drugi strani pa tisti, ki strežejo buteljke, ponavadi na njihove cene dajejo divje marže. Zato ima povprečen gost pred buteljkami v gostilnah pravo fobijo in jih ne bo naročil. Čisto drugače je v vinorodnih deželah, recimo v Španiji in Italiji, kjer so steklenice v gostilnah le nekaj evrov dražje od cene v kleti. Tam vedo, da če bodo imeli spodobno maržo, bodo prodali več steklenic in vsi bodo zaslužili. Pri nas pa to filozofijo razume pet, morda deset gostiln.

Kdaj je gostilna ali restavracija res dobra? »Temu bi lahko rekel »vprašanje za milijon dolarjev.« Najprej si je treba biti na jasnem, kaj je za nekoga sploh dobro. Oziroma bolje – kakšni okusi komu prijajo. Če je nekdo ljubitelj tradicionalnih slovenskih jedi, bo imel precej težav z dojemanjem japonske ali francoske kulinarike. Če pa je človek odprtega svetonazora, če želi okušati različne dobrote, če ga to res zanima, je odgovor zelo preprost: harmonija krožnika in kozarca. Vsi najboljši kuharji stremijo k temu, da so njihove jedi, pa naj bodo še tako preproste ali komplicirane, harmonične. Da se sicer vse sestavine čutijo, pa vendar ena ne preglasi druge in da skupaj v ustih dajo novo kvaliteto. Z vini je podobno.« O dobrotah in pasteh slovenske kulinarike in o tem, zakaj Slovenci še lep čas ne bomo imeli svojih Michelinovih zvezdic, smo se pogovarjali z velikim kulinarčnim poznavalcem in dobrojedcem Tomažem Sršenom. Minimalni standardi so sveže in zelo kvalitetne sestavine, originalnost recepture, podoba krožnika, prava vinska spremljava, dobra in poučna postrežba in zmerna cena. Kot sem rekel, tako pač ne gledajo vsi in tudi jaz ne pravim, da je moje mišljenje izključno tisto pravo. Za veliko ljudi še vedno veljajo večni aksiomi slovenske gastronomije: 1. porcija mora biti velika; 2. jed mora biti postrežena hitro; 3. kosilo mora biti poceni. Žal je to realnost, saj si veliko ljudi (tudi če bi želeli) obeda v restavracijah višjega razreda enostavno ne more privoščiti. Je pa veliko takšnih gostiln, ki morda niso v prvi ligi, so pa dobre in cenovno bolj ugodne. Tukaj pa pride do izraza svetonazor gosta, če bo uspel preseči tiste tradicionalne in zakoreninjene okuse in navade. Da ne bo nesporazumov – tudi tradicionalne slovenske gostilne so lahko več kot odlične, vendar človek ne more venomer jesti enako. Kongresni urad je za svoje člane uvedel standarde. Kaj pa standardi v gostinstvu? Zdi se, da najbolj štejejo ocene strokovnjakov v revijah? Prav gotovo. Če želimo neko dejavnost ocenjevati, je treba imeti standarde, po katerih se orientiramo. Pri kongresih je verjetno treba paziti na množico stvari, ki determinirajo kvaliteto določene storitve, pri kulinariki prav tako. Zato smo pisci in ocenjevalci pred zahtevno in odgovorno nalogo, saj moramo hudičevo paziti, da komu ne naredimo krivice. Se pa seveda najdejo takšni, ki mislijo, da so najboljši in nezmotljivi in da smo vsi nepoznavalci. Vse do takrat, ko dobijo dobro oceno. Potem smo »prijatelji«, hehe. Enogastronomija je svetovni trend. Tudi pri nas, čeprav v medijih tega niti ni videti. Skoraj vsi časopisi sicer tej temi namenijo stran ali dve, kompletne publikacije pa ni. Ocene restavracij v revijah in v časopisih so v tujini prisotne že vsaj


petdeset let. Pri nas je to na površju dobrih deset let, v trendu in učinkovito (da se določenemu gostincu res pozna pri obisku) pa slabih pet let. Se pravi, da smo najprej vsaj pet let orali ledino in zdaj je učinek tukaj.

Kvalitetno predstavitev vin pri nas nudi kar precej gostiln, saj je šolanih sommelierjev vedno več. Zanimivo pa je, da je izšolanih sommelierjev, ki niso v gostinskem poklicu, skoraj polovica. Zato dostikrat pridemo do absurdne situacije, da je gost dosti bolj izobražen o vinih kot tisti, ki mu jih streže.

Mediji, še posebej tiskani, so kot naročeni za tovrstne teme. Seveda mora tudi pisanje imeti težo, biti mora objektivno in mora spoštovati določene standarde. Zato sem jaz pri svojih ocenah te osnove še malo bolj dodelal. Pet sončkov neke ribje gostilne seveda ni enako petim sončkom kitajske restavracije, saj ima vsaka od njih svoje determinante. Zato sem gostilne najprej razdelil v kategorije: domača, klasična, tuja, ribja, nadstandardna in vrhunska. Ocene, ki sledijo, veljajo za kategorijo, kamor gostilno umestim. Žal pa mi veliko ljudi pravi, da večina bralcev te ocene bere površno, da se pridušajo, kako lahko neka domača gostilna dobi pet sončkov, če nima prestižnih vin in podobno. Ljudje moje ocene berejo površno in najprej pogledajo število sončkov. Veliko jih bere samo tekste gostiln s štirimi sončki in več.

Pri kongresnih dogodkih se organizatorji poslužujemo predvsem storitve cateringa. Se vam zdi, da lahko catering konkurira restavracijam? Catering nikoli ne bo mogel konkurirati restavracijam, se pa jim lahko kar dobro približa. Najboljši mojstri slovenskega cateringa posekajo marsikatero gostilno, ki ima o sebi (pre)dobro mnenje. Priporočilo vsem, ki sanjajo Michelinove zvezdice ...

Se lahko postavite v kožo tujega gosta? Je slovenska kulinarika prepoznavna za tujce? Pri svojem delu velikokrat po Sloveniji vodim različne goste, od novinarjev do protokola. In na koncu so vedno navdušeni. »Zakaj prej nisem prišel v Slovenijo? Naslednjič pridem z ženo! Zakaj vaših vin ne morem kupiti v naši državi?« in podobna so večna vprašanja na koncu poti. Slovenska kulinarika je lahko zelo prepoznavna in tudi poznavalci so praviloma več kot navdušeni. Jaz vidim težavo drugje – institucije, ki se ukvarjajo s promocijo Slovenije (in s tem kulinarike in vin) vsaj v tujini delujejo po sloganu »bisere svinjam«. Žal moram določene aktivnosti označiti tako. Prestavljajte si akcijo, ko na glavni trg nekega nemškega mesta pripelje kamion – gostilna in potem delijo naše najboljše prehrambene izdelke in izbrana vina mimoidočim? In to naj bi bila promocija? Mi rabimo ljudi z zavestjo, ki vedo, kaj je dobro. To je nišni trg, ne pa masovka. Ljudje, ki cenijo te stvari in so zanje brez težav tudi pripravljeni odšteti več, so izobraženi in kulturni. Razvitost in kulturo neke dežele zelo očitno determinira kulinarika. Če so nekje v večini mesne jedi z žara, tudi kultura ni preveč razvita. Če pa so tukaj nadgradnje in iskrivost novih receptur, je očitno, da je družba bolj zrela. Iskanje takšnih kultur je svetovni trend, saj ponavadi ne gre samo za gostilne, pač pa tudi za zgodovino, arhitekturo, umetnost in drugo. Kajti nekdo k nam ne bo prišel samo jest, ampak si bo želel ogledati še druge reči. In da se vrnem nazaj, h gostom, ki jih želimo – ciljali naj bi na višji sloj zahodnega Evropejca. Te pa bo težko prepričati, da pridejo k nam, ker kot država (še) nimamo spoštljive podobe. Mi se brez težav in predsodkov na tovrstne počitnice odpravimo v Francijo ali Italijo. Če pa bi nam kdo predlagal, da naj se podamo na vinsko kulinarično potovanje na Češko, bi mu posel propadel, čeprav imajo Čehi odlično kulinariko. Žal tovrstno še niso prepoznavni in nimajo javne podobe kot visoko razvita kulinarična dežela. Tako mi je čisto jasno, zakaj bomo težko dobili npr. Francoze, ki so povrhu vsega še hudičevo naduti in šovinistični, saj mislijo, da so najboljši na svetu. Naši ciljni trgi za tovrstne goste so brez dvoma Skandinavija, Beneluks in Velika Britanija. Tudi Američani so zanimiva publika, vendar moramo poiskati nišo niše; se pravi tiste, ki so se že najedli vrhunskih dobrot in iščejo posebnosti. Ljudje iz novih evropskih dežel, ki imajo denar, ga gredo raje zapravljat tja, kjer je to znano že stoletja – v Francijo in Italijo, v zadnjem času tudi v Baskijo (Španija). Kongres - 2008

Tomaž Sršen Od leta 1979 do 1988 piše o glasbi za revijo Stop, naslednjih osem let preživi kot glasbeni redaktor in urednik na RGL, vmes pa igra bas kitaro v skupinah Martin Krpan in Rdeči Baron; vsega skupaj posname pet albumov, med drugim tudi zdaj že legendarnega Od višine se zvrti. Leta 1994 prične s s projektom Epikurejske zgodbe (predstavitve gostiln za Kanal A, revijo Jana in RGL). Leta 1998 prične ocenjevati gostilne za Nedelo in istega leta izda prvo knjigo z naslovom 111 najboljših gostiln v Sloveniji, ki ji leta 2000 in 2002 sledita še dve. Leta 2002 izda še knjigo The Wines from Slovenia. Leta 2006 za AMZS izda knjigo z naslovom 120 namigov za dobrojedce, ki jo dobi v roke 140.000 Slovencev, članov AMZS. Potuje po svetu, obiskuje vinske in kulinarične dežele ter piše za Nedelo. S svojim podjetjem veliko sodeluje z Ministrstvom za kmetijstvo pri promociji slovenske hrane in vin v tujini. Letos je za potrebe MKGP naredil multimedijski CD o slovenskih vinih v angleškem in francoskem jeziku. tomaz.srsen@siol.net Slovenci se radi pohvalimo z našimi vini. Jih znajo gostinci prav predstaviti in ponuditi?

Brez panike, v Sloveniji jih še nekaj časa ne bo. Poznam odgovorne in vsakič, ko se srečamo, jih mučim s tem vprašanjem. Prvi razlog je, da smo kot država premajhni za samostojno edicijo Michelinovega vodnika. Če bi že bila, bi knjižica imela največ dvajset strani. Vedeti je treba, da v teh vodnikih niso samo gostilne z zvezdicami, pač pa so z različnimi simboli opisane vse, tudi vaške gostilne in okrepčevalnice. Zdaj pa primerjajte neko okrepčevalnico v Franciji (brasserie) in našo okrepčevalnico. Ali pa slovensko vaško gostilno, kjer se preživljajo s prodajo malic in jedi iz friteze in italijansko domačo gostilno, kjer vse testenine in omake delajo sami, ob letnih časih menjavajo jedilnike in imajo po nekaj deset različnih vinskih etiket vedno na zalogi. Pri nas pa sta tukaj janževec in litrski refošk. Primerjave enostavno ne zdržimo. Velik pomen ima kultura nekega naroda in njegova ljubezen do hrane. Pri nas ni bilo nikoli toliko bogastva, da bi ljudje na splošno uživali v hrani, zato te tradicije ni in je še lep čas ne bo. Nismo imeli plemstva in jedi, ki jih zdaj označujemo za tradicionalne, so se jedle le ob največjih praznikih. V hipotetični Michelinov vodnik po Sloveniji bi po mojem mnenju spravili kakšnih trideset gostiln; od tega bi jih brez dvoma vsaj osem dobilo po minimalno eno zvezdico. No, tudi treh verjetno nihče ne bi dobil. Michelin je stvar prestiža. Sam sem velikokrat okušal jedi v teh restavracijah in moram reči, da razen tistih sedmih s po tremi zvezdicami, kjer sem bil – si jih veliko ne zasluži niti ene! V takšni restavraciji mora gosta do mize pripeljati en natakar, naročilo pobirata vodja strežbe in prvi sommelier, jedi prinesejo natakarji in nižji sommelierji. Zaradi kompleksnosti jedi je v kuhinji najmanj po petnajst kuharjev. Vinska karta mora biti obsežna in mora imeti vse najbolj prestižne Francoze, katerih starana steklenica mora biti vredna več kot 5.000 evrov. Siri morajo biti večinoma francoski, tla v restavraciji pa iz takšnih materialov, da se natakarja ne sliši ... To so samo nekatere zahteve, da o opremljenosti (pohištvo, pribor, kozarci) ne govorimo. Pri nas si tega nihče ne more privoščiti. Če pa bi si, bi obedi stali okrog 200 evrov, kolikor v restavracijah s po tremi zvezdicami v tujini tudi stanejo. Mi ljudi, ki bi bili pripravljeni toliko plačati, enostavno nimamo. Ali pa so in je njihova prehranska kultura tako nizka, da raje jedo jagenjčka na žaru s cvičkom in milijone evrov porabijo kako drugače. Vendar ni vse tako črno. Morda bo nekega dne izšel Michelinov vodnik po Centralni Evropi in tam bo prostor tudi za nas.

V večini primerov žal ne. Tukaj smo spet pri v začetku omenjenih kategorijah gostiln. V večini gostinci ponujajo raje t.i. »hišna oz. odprta vina«. Kupijo jih po zares smešno nizkih cenah (bela so okrog 1,50 € za liter, prodajajo pa jih po 10 €). Nimajo težav z na pol


Gorazd Čad gorazd.cad@go-mice.eu Kongres - 2008

Cuisine and Meetings

When is a Restaurant Considered Really Good? “I call this a million dollar question.” First, it must be clear what ‘good’ means to any individual. Or rather, what kind of taste they have. If somebody likes traditional Slovenian dishes they may have trouble understanding Japanese or French cuisine. If a person is open-minded, wants to try out various specialties, and is genuinely really interested in food, the answer is quite simple: the harmony of a plate and a glass. All the best cooks strive to prepare harmonious meals no matter how simple or complex they may be. All ingredients must be distinguishable, with the taste of one ingredient not overpowering another. Together they must form a new taste of quality. The same goes for wine. We discussed with culinary expert and gourmet Tomaž Sršen, the specialties and traps of traditional Slovenian cuisine and the reasons why Slovenes may not have their own Michelin stars for a long time to come.

even though the media do not promote it. Almost all newspapers presented one or two pages on the subject but there is no publication entirely dedicated to it. The marks of restaurants have been published in foreign newspapers for at least fifty years. Here in Slovenia they started to appear ten years ago and they have only recently, not more than five years, become effective – and started to cause an increase in the number of guests in certain restaurants. This means that it took us five years to break the ice and only now are we seeing the effect. The media, especially written media, are perfect for this subject. Of course the writing itself must be meaningful, objective and satisfy certain standards. This is why I have further defined these bases in my work. Five suns awarded to a fish restaurant doesn’t mean the same as five suns to a Chinese restaurant because both of them have their own determinants. This is why I have divided ‘inns’ into the following categories: domestic, classical, foreign, fish, above standard and top-level. Marks that follow are valid for individual categories. Unfortunately I hear comments from many people who do not read the reviews carefully and then feel surprised about the fact that a domestic inn received five suns even though it does not have a prestigious wine collection etc. People just glance through my comments and check the number of suns awarded. A lot of them only read the text about restaurants which receive four or more suns.

The minimum standards include fresh, high-quality ingredients, an original recipe, the presentation of the plate, selection of wines, good and informative service and moderate prices. As I stated, this is not necessarily a broadly held opinion and my point of view may not be the only one that holds true. The majority of people still follow the everlasting axioms of Slovenian gastronomy: 1. a portion of food must be huge; 2. food must be served fast; 3. lunch should not be expensive. Unfortunately this is a reality, because a lot of people who would like to eat in high-profile restaurants cannot afford to (even if they wanted to). However, there are many restaurants which may not be classified A-league but do seem to be both good and affordable. Here we can see whether a guest is open-minded because they would be able to go beyond their traditional, deep-rooted tastes and habits. Of course it is also true that traditional Slovenian restaurants can be more than excellent, but one cannot always eat the same type of food.

During my work I often guide different guests across Slovenia, from journalists to the protocol members. At the end they always show a lot of enthusiasm and ask questions such us: “Why haven’t I visited Slovenia before? Next time I’m bringing my wife with me! Why is it not possible to buy your wine in our country?” etc. Slovenian culinary tradition can be easily recognised and in general people are more than excited about it. I believe that the real problem lies with the institutions dealing with the promotion of Slovenia (including culinary tradition and wine) which function abroad according to the slogan “Pearls to swine”. Unfortunately this is how I see certain activities. Can you imagine the main square of a German town with a food van selling Slovenia’s best products and selected wines to anyone who happens to be passing by? This is what they call promotion? We need people who know what ‘good’ is. This is a niche market, not a massive gathering. People who know how to appreciate these things are willing to pay more for them, they are educated and cultured. Development and culture of a certain country are obviously defined by its culinary tradition. If an offer mainly includes grilled food the culture is not very well developed. If there are upgraded and secret recipes then it is obvious that a society is more mature. The search for this kind of cultures is a world trend because usually this does not only include restaurants but also history, architecture, art and more. A guest would not only want to eat but also see other things. Our target group would be western Europeans from an upper-social class. It may be difficult to convince them to visit us, since the image of our country is not (yet) respected. We would choose to go on this kind of vacation to France or Italy without a second thought. If someone suggested for us to take a culinary trip to the Czech Republic, their business would likely collapse, even though the Czechs have an excellent culinary tradition. They unfortunately are not yet recognisable or perceived as a developed culinary country. Therefore I am perfectly aware of the fact that Slovenia

The Convention Bureau has introduced certain standards for its members. What are the standards in the catering industry? It seems as though the critique of experts in magazines is of most importance? That is for sure. If we want to assess a certain activity then we have to have standards for its direction. At a congress there are a great number of details determining the quality of a service for which we must pay attention. The same goes for culinary events. The critics therefore represent a demanding and responsible task and we must pay a lot of attention not to do the wrong thing by someone. Of course there are always individuals who believe they are the best and unmistakable and that we are all ‘lay-people’. At least until they receive a good mark. Then we are all friends, he-he. Enogastronomy is a world trend. It is also popular here in Slovenia


Can you look at the situation from the point of view of a foreign guest? Is Slovenian culinary tradition well-known by foreigners?

Kongres - 2008

will have difficulties with catching up to the French who are, in addition, presumptuous and chauvinistic because they believe themselves to be the best in the world. Our target markets should most certainly be the Scandinavian countries, Benelux and Great Britain. The Americans are also very interested but we have to find the niche of the niche; those people who have already tasted toplevel food and are now looking for something special. People from the new European countries who are rich prefer to spend money in countries with century-long traditions - in France and Italy, and lately also in the Basque country (Spain). The Slovenes are proud of their wines. Do the inn owners know how to present and offer them? Unfortunately in the majority of cases they don’t. Here we are back to the category of restaurants that I mentioned earlier. The majority of restaurant staff prefer to offer so called “house” or “open wines.” They buy them at ridiculously cheap prices (white wines at € 1, 50 per litre and they sell them at € 10). They don’t end up with problems from half opened bottles, they can buy them illegally (in cash) and they sell them in a similar way. They do not have to know the wines, their characteristics, how to open a bottle or even how to store it if necessary. The guests do not expect that from them because this is the only kind of service they are familiar with, so everybody is happy. On the other hand, those who serve bottled wine usually introduce enormous profit margins. An ordinary guest may feel afraid of a bottled wine and therefore does not decide to order one. The situation is completely different in wine-producing countries such as Spain and Italy, where bottled wine is only a few euros more expensive than the wine stored in the basement. They know that if a profit margin is not exaggerated they will sell more bottles and everybody will benefit from that. In Slovenia there are currently only five, or maybe ten restaurants who understand this philosophy. A quality presentation of wines is offered by many Slovenian restaurants because there is a growing number of sommeliers. However, it is interesting that almost half of the educated sommeliers are not employed in the catering industry. Therefore we often experience the absurd situation where a guest is much more educated about wines than the one who is serving them.

receive three stars. Michelin is a matter of prestige. I have tasted the food in these restaurants and I have to say that, apart from those seven with three stars, the majority of them do not even deserve one star. In this style of restaurant, a guest is taken to the table by one waiter, the orders are taken by the chef of the service and by the first sommelier, and the food is delivered by waiters and lower-rank sommeliers. Due to the complexity of dishes, at least fifteen cooks should work in the kitchen. The wine list must be long and include all of the most prestigious French wines with at least one bottle worth in excess of € 5.000. The cheese must be (mostly) French and the restaurant floor made of a material which enables the waiters to move by in silence … These are only some of the requirements without even mentioning the design features (furniture, cutlery, glasses). In Slovenia no-one could afford to eat there. The meals would cost around € 200, equivalent to a three-star restaurant abroad. We do not have the guests who would be willing to pay. For those who can afford it, their food culture is so low they would prefer to eat grilled lamb with cviček and spend their millions of euros on something else. Of course, everything is not so black and white. Maybe one day a Michelin guide for Central Europe will be published and there may also be a place for us. Gorazd Čad gorazd.cad@go-mice.eu

Tomaž Sršen - short biography Tomaz wrote for Stop magazine from 1979 to 1988 and the following eight years was a music editor at

At congresses the organisers usually decide to use catering services. Do you believe that catering can compete with restaurants? Catering will never be able to compete with restaurants but it can follow them closely. The best Slovenian catering services are better than many restaurants which think highly of themselves.

radio station RGL. He also played bass guitar in the groups Martin Krpan and Rdeči Baron. He recorded five albums, among which was also the legendary Od višine se zvrti. In 1994, he started a project named the Epicurean stories (presentations of restaurants for TV station Kanal A, magazine Jana and RGL). In

A suggestion for those who dream about Michelin stars …

1998, he started assessing restaurants for newspaper

Do not panic, although they will not appear in Slovenia anytime soon. I know those who are responsible for this and I am always asking them the question. The first reason is that our country is too small for an independent edition of a Michelin guide. If a booklet existed it would contain a maximum of twenty pages. We should know that these guides do not only include the restaurants with the stars but also local inns and bars that are marked with various other symbols. Try to compare a local bar in France (brasserie) with one of our local bars. Or better, a Slovenian village inn that makes ends meet by selling fried snacks and food with an Italian domestic inn that not only offers home-made pasta and sauce but has different menus for different seasons, and ten different wine labels which are always in stock. We have Janževec and Refošk. The comparisons are simply not possible. The culture of a nation and its love of food are of major importance. Our nation was never so rich that we could simply enjoy food generally, we do not have this kind of tradition and we will not have it for quite some time. We did not have the nobility, and the food we are now calling traditional was eaten only on important holidays. I believe that a hypothetical Michelin guide in Slovenia would manage to include around thirty inns and I am sure that at least eight of them would receive only one star. Probably no-one would


Nedelo and in the same year published his first book entitled 111 Best Inns in Slovenia, followed by two more books in 2000 and 2002. In 2002, he published ‘The Wines’ from Slovenia. In 2006, AMZS published his book ‘120 Hints for Gourmets’ which was given to 14.000 Slovenians, members of AMZS. Tomaz has been travelling around the world, visiting wine-producing countries and those with rich culinary traditions, and has been writing for Nedelo. His company has often been in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture in the promotion of Slovenian food and wine abroad. This year he has produced a multi-media CD for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food about Slovenian wines in the English and French languages. tomaz.srsen@siol.net Kongres - 2008

Franc Jezeršek, Hiša kulinarike Jezeršek

Slovenska kulinarika je zakladnica dobrih jedi »Odlična hrana in vrhunska postrežba sta vstopnica v catering, brez njiju se catering ne more niti začeti.,« pove Franc Jezeršek, starosta slovenskega cateringa. Kot nepogrešljiva dejavnost pri organizaciji dogodkov se je skupaj z razcvetom kongresnega turizma v zadnjih letih močno razvil tudi on. Predstavljamo dva najuspešnejša slovenska ponudnika, Francija Jezerška iz Hiše Kulinarike Jezeršek in Jernejo Kamnikar iz cateringa Vivo. Kratek pregled zgodovine vašega podjetja. Kako in kdaj ste se začeli ukvarjati s cateringom? Z gostinstvom sem se začel ukvarjati kot samostojni podjetnik leta 1981. V začetku smo pripravljali tople obroke za potrebe družbene prehrane. Kmalu smo ugotovili, da obstaja tržna niša na področju cateringa. Naše prve prireditve so bili pikniki. Že leta 1983 smo organizirali piknik za delavce Iskre, na katerem je bilo 13.500 gostov. Dve leti kasneje smo na pikniku postregli že 16.500 gostom. Leta 1985 smo pripravili prvi hladno topli bife v Cankarjevem domu in naslednje leto zelo odmeven sprejem (sedečo pogostitev v obliki hladno toplega bifeja) za 650 gostov v Križankah. Novost se je na našem tržišču hitro prijela. Največ pogostitev je bilo v Cankarjevem domu, odkrivali pa smo tudi druge lokacije. Vsaka prireditev je bila nov izziv. Ko smo sami nabirali izkušnje, smo hkrati izobraževali tudi naše goste in naročnike. Dolgo smo bili tako rekoč edini ponudnik catering storitev v Sloveniji. Leta 1996 smo zgradili Hišo kulinarike Jezeršek, ki je še vedno edini objekt, namensko zgrajen za potrebe cateringa.

veliko ljubezni pri pripravi jedi. Tradicionalne jedi zahtevajo tudi razlago. Gostu moramo jed predstaviti. Pojasniti mu moramo, kako je jed nastala, kako smo jo pripravljali. Znati jo moramo tudi servirati. Tradicionalne jedi pa moramo pripravljati na sodoben način, s sodobno tehnologijo. Zdrav način priprave je pomemben. Kaj je po vašem mnenju najprimernejša popestritev kulinaričnih dogodkov? Priprava jedi pred gosti je vedno zanimiv dogodek. Gostje se radi pogovarjajo o hrani. Pogovor o hrani je kot pogovor o nogometu. Skoraj vsi mislijo, da se na hrano spoznajo. Tržnica dobre (slovenske) hrane, ki jo pogosto organiziramo v sklopu večjih kongresov, je le eden od načinov, kako gostom pokazati bogastvo naše kulinarične dediščine. Kulinarične dogodke lahko popestrimo s kulinaričnim spominkom. Loški ali dražgoški kruhek, mini potičke, kozarček slovenskega medu, malica v obliki cule ...

Ko stroka zaide v težave, se vrne h koreninam. Storimo to tudi gostinci – izvajalci cateringa in kongresni organizatorji. Kakšen nasvet bi dali vsem, ki se začenjajo ukvarjati z dejavnostjo cateringa? Spoštujte stroko. Ne izmišljajte si neumnosti in ne eksperimentirajte. Uporabljajte najsodobnejšo tehnologijo. Upoštevajte standarde, ki v svetu veljajo. Catering je najlepši posel na svetu. Je pa tudi najtežji. Sestavljen je iz dveh debelih skorij in le ene sredice. Skorji sta trdi, sredica pa lepa in nežna.

Naše storitve tržimo sami, ali pa s posredovanjem kongresnih organizatorjev in agencij. Vsako leto pripravimo približno 1500 dogodkov. Organiziramo pogostitve na domu, v poslovnih prostorih naših naročnikov, v Hiši kulinarike Jezeršek, v muzejih, galerijah, na gradovih, na ladjah, na vlaku, pa tudi v šotorih in na prostem. Naša največja prireditev, po številu udeležencev, je srečanje delavcev Mercatorja s 30.000 gosti. Problem, ki se pojavlja pri trženju, je vse krajši čas za pripravo dogodka. Pogosto se podatki spreminjajo do zadnjega trenutka. Naročniki postajajo vse zahtevnejši. Tudi velike dogodke moramo pripraviti tako rekoč »čez noč«. Kako vidite prihodnost slovenskega cateringa in gostinstva? Gostinstvo in turizem je ena redkih panog, ki jih globalizacija ne bo dosegla. Pri tem mislim, da dejavnosti ne bomo selili na trge, kjer je delovna sila cenejša. Gostinstvo ima v Evropi že dolgo tradicijo, naši gostje so ljudje s celega sveta. Žal pa v Sloveniji odpiramo kitajske, indijske, japonske, italjanske restavracije, ne pa tudi slovenskih s tradicionalno slovensko kulinariko. Kot da nas je sram pokazati svetu, kaj imamo doma in na kaj smo, ali pa bi morali biti, ponosni. Slovensko gostinstvo ima prihodnost. Ne sme nas biti sram, da delamo to, kar delamo in na način, kot delamo. Prepričan sem, da smo dobri organizatorji in izvajalci dogodkov. V letošnjem letu, ko Slovenija predseduje EU, smo v Hiši kulinarike Jezeršek organizirali za udeležence dogodkov, vezanih na predsedovanje, več kot 100 pogostitev. Do danes nismo prejeli nobene kritike. Gostje so bili zadovoljni. V večini primerov smo ponudili naše tradicionalne jedi in postregli naša vina. Sodelovali smo tudi pri pripravi knjige prof. dr. Janeza Bogataja Okusiti Slovenijo. Za fotografiranje smo pripravili več kot 160 slovenskih jedi. STO je založila prospekt Okusiti Slovenijo v petih jezikih. Slike jedi in kratki opisi nam omogočajo spoznavanje bogastva slovenske kulinarike. Gostje so navdušeni. Mi sami pa smo tisti, ki potrebujemo več samozavesti in več strokovnega znanja. Danaja Besnard danaja.besnard@go-mice.eu

Katere so vaše najljubše lokacije za izvajanje cateringa?

S cateringom pomagamo naročniku doseči njegov cilj. Odlična hrana in vrhunska postrežba sta vstopnica v catering, brez njiju se catering ne more niti začeti. Vsak dogodek je edinstven, saj se odvija na specifični lokaciji, spreminja se število gostov, način postrežbe, izbor jedi in pijač, dekoracija, ambient itd. Catering je vedno le sestavni del nekega drugega dogodka. Smo le kamenček v mozaiku osnovnega dogodka. Res pa je, da je naš kamenček zelo pomemben del mozaika. Kako je s kulinarično prepoznavnostjo Slovenije v Evropi? Slovenija je kulinarično bogata dežela. Ločimo alpski, panonski, mediteranski svet in osrednjo Slovenijo. Različni vplivi so sooblikovali načine priprave jedi. Popotniki, trgovci, plemiči in duhovščina so prinašali vedno nova živila, začimbe, prehranske navade, različno posodje in načine postrežbe. Slovenija je bila v evropskem prostoru prepoznavna in takšna ostaja tudi sedaj. Številni turisti jo raziskujejo in jo vedno znova spoznavajo.

Vsaka lokacija je poseben izziv. Radi delamo na gradovih (Jable, Podsreda, Ljubljanski grad, grad Miramar ...), v muzejih (Narodni muzej, Bistra, Železničarski muzej), v atriju Pošte, v novem delu Narodne galerije, v SNG Maribor, na ladji Prince of Venice, na muzejskem vlaku in še marsikje. Kako rešujete problematiko kadrov v slovenskem gostinstvu? Veliko večino sodelavcev smo vzgojili sami. Med učenci, ki so bili pri nas na strokovni praksi, smo izbrali najboljše in jih zaposlili. Izobražujemo jih ob delu in jih pošiljamo na dodatna izobraževanja. Glede na njihove sposobnosti in prizadevanja jim omogočimo napredovanje. Kadrovanje in izobraževanje je v naši hiši stalna naloga. Vsak vodja oddelka si sam sestavlja svojo ekipo sodelavcev in tudi skrbi za njihovo rast. Pomembni so seveda tudi medsebojni odnosi in primerno nagrajevanje. V Hiši kulinarike Jezeršek imamo odlične sodelavce in smo nanje zelo ponosni. Pohvalimo se lahko, da s kadri nimamo težav.

Kakšen je vaš odnos do tradicionalne slovenske kulinarike?

Kakšno je stanje na področju trženja cateringa? Kakšne so vaše izkušnje?

Slovenska kulinarika je prava zakladnica dobrih jedi. Nekdo je dejal: »Ko je stroka (katera koli) v krizi, se vedno vrne h koreninam.« Tako je tudi v kulinariki. Res pa je, da zahteva tradicionalna kulinarika

V Hiši kulinarike Jezeršek s trženjem nimamo težav. V slovenskem prostoru imamo, po podatkih iBona, nekaj več kot 15% tržni delež. Z veseljem ugotavljamo, da se nam promet vsako leto povečuje.


Kongres - 2008

Foto: Arhiv Hiša kulinarike Jezeršek

Kakšna je vaša definicija kakovostnega cateringa?


Kongres - 2008

Franc Jezeršek, The Jezeršek House of Culinary Art

Slovenian cuisine is a veritable treasure-trove of good ideas

A brief overview of your company’s history: how and when did you start your catering business? I was an independent entrepreneur when I ventured into the food industry in 1981. At the beginning, we were providing warm meals to ‘public eateries’. We soon realised there existed a niche market in the field of catering. We started off by providing food for picnics and barbecues held by various companies. As early as 1983, we organised such an event for the workers of the company Iskra serving 13,500 guests. Two years later, we were able to serve no less than 16,500 guests at a picnic and barbecue event. In 1985, we prepared our first buffet reception with warm and cold dishes held at the Cankarjev dom Cultural and Congress Centre. The following year, we provided the catering (the food was served as a buffet, while the 650 guests were seated at tables) for a reception, which was held at the Križanke open-air theatre and was met with a positive response. This novelty service quickly became a success in the Slovenian market. Most receptions took place at Cankarjev dom, but we were also discovering new locations. Each event presented a special challenge. As we were earning experience ourselves, we were also educating our guests and clients. For a long time, we were virtually the only providers of event catering services in Slovenia. In 1996, we built the Jezeršek House of Culinary Art, which to this day remains the only purpose-built structure for catering needs. How would you define good quality catering? Our catering services help our clients achieve their goals. Excellent food and top quality service are the prerequisites for catering; without these, we cannot even speak of proper catering. Each event is unique: they are held at specific locations, the numbers of guests vary greatly, and so does the type of service, the selection of dishes and beverages, the décor, the ambience, etc. Catering is always a mere constituent part of a certain event. We are but a fragment in the big picture of the basic event, although it is true that our fragment is a very important part of the big picture. What are the culinary characteristics of Slovenia that set it apart from the rest of Europe? Slovenia is a very rich country in terms of cuisine. We distinguish between the Alpine, Pannonian and Mediterranean regions and central Slovenia. Various influences have contributed to the way food is prepared. Travellers, merchants, nobles and clerics were introducing new ingredients, condiments, eating habits, various


types of pots, pans and crockery, as well as ways of serving food. Slovenia has always been recognisable within Europe and it remains so to this day. Many tourists explore it and keep rediscovering its many secrets. What is your attitude towards traditional Slovenian cuisine? Slovenian cuisine is a veritable treasure-trove of good ideas. Someone once said: “When the professionals (in any field) reach a dead-end, they always return to the roots.” This also applies to culinary art. It is also true however that traditional cuisine demands a lot of love in the preparation of food. Traditional dishes also require some explanations. We need to present the dish to the guest. We need to explain how it was first created and how we made it. We also need to know how to serve it. We must prepare traditional dishes in a modern way with the help of modern technology. A healthy way of preparing the food is of great importance.

When the professionals reach a dead-end, they go back to their roots. This is what caterers and organisers of congresses should do, as well.

Where do you see the future for event catering and the catering industry in general in Slovenia?

What is the situation in the field of catering service marketing? What is your experience?

Slovenian catering has a future. We should not be ashamed to do what we do and our ways of doing things. I am convinced that we are good organisers of events and good service providers. This year, as Slovenia is presiding over the EU, we at the Jezeršek House of Culinary Art have organised over one hundred banquets for participants at Presidency-related events. To this day we have not had any complaints – apparently the guests are happy. In most cases, we served traditional Slovenian dishes accompanied by Slovenian wines. We also took part in the drafting of the book by Professor Janez Bogataj Okusiti Slovenijo (‘Taste Slovenia’). We prepared over 160 Slovenian dishes that were then photographed to feature in the book. The Slovenian Tourist Board has published a brochure named Taste Slovenia in five languages. The pictures and short descriptions allow us to get to know better the wealth of Slovenian culinary traditions. The guests love it. And as for us, we are the ones needing more self-esteem and even greater professional knowledge.

At the Jezeršek House of Culinary Art, we have no problems when it comes to marketing. According to the iBon business register, we hold slightly more than 15 percent of the market share. We are glad to find that our turnover is still increasing by the year. We market our services ourselves or use congress organisers and agencies as intermediaries. Each year, we prepare for approximately 1,500 events. We organise banquets at people’s homes; at our clients’ offices; at the Jezeršek House of Culinary Art; at museums, art galleries and castles; on boats and trains; but also under marquees and in the open air. Our biggest event in terms of size and the number of guests was a gathering of 30,000 workers from the company Mercator. A major problem related to marketing is an ever-shorter time for the preparation of an event. It often happens that details keep changing until the very last minute. Clients are becoming increasingly demanding. And even the most demanding of events must be prepared overnight, so to speak.

Catering and tourism are two of those rare industries that will not be affected by globalisation. What I mean to say is that our industry will not move its production to the markets with cheaper labour. Catering boasts a long tradition in Europe and our guests are people from all around the world. Here in Slovenia, many Chinese, Indian, Japanese and Italian restaurants have opened recently; unfortunately, there is no such trend when it comes to Slovenian restaurants offering traditional Slovenian cuisine. As if we were ashamed to show the world what we have at home and what we are – or should be – proud of.

Danaja Besnard danaja.besnard@go-mice.eu

In your opinion, what is the most appropriate way to make culinary events more interesting? Preparing food in front of the guests always turns out to be an interesting event. Guests like to talk about food. A conversation about food is like a conversation about football: almost everyone thinks they know all about food. Organising a market offering good [Slovenian] food – as we often do as part of major congress events – is just one way of showing the guests the wealth of our culinary heritage. We can also make culinary events even more interesting by including some sort of a culinary souvenir: either Loka or Dražgoše – types of gingerbread, miniature potica rolls, a jar of Slovenian honey, or a snack or lunch packed in a cloth sack… What advice would you give to someone who is just starting a catering business? Respect the trade. Forget about silly extravagant ideas and do not experiment. Use the latest technology. Act according to internationally accepted standards. Catering is the best business in the world. It is also the hardest. Like bread, it consists of two thick crusts and only one crumb. The crusts are hard and the crumb is nice and tender.

Photo: The Jezeršek House of Culinary Art Archive

“Excellent food and a top-level service are the ticket to catering. Without them catering can’t even begin,” says Franc Jezeršek, the doyen of Slovenian catering. Together with the upswing of convention tourism in recent years, catering developed as an indispensible activity in the organisation of events. We are presenting two most successful Slovenian providers: Franci Jezeršek from the Hiša Kulinarike Jezeršek and Jerneja Kamnikar from Vivo Catering.

school students who worked in the company as part of their practical work curriculum, we selected the very best and offered them jobs. We perfect their knowledge while they work for us and send them away for further training. Based on their capabilities and efforts we offer them promotions. Looking for human and resources and training our staff are constant tasks in our company. Each Department Manager composes his or her own team of colleagues and is also responsible for their progress. Also of importance are good personal relations and appropriate rewards for good work. I can say that the Jezeršek House of Culinary Art is very proud of its excellent staff. We are also proud of the fact that we have no trouble with employees.

Which are your favourite venues for catering services? Each location is a challenge unto itself. We love working at castles (such as: Jable, Podsreda, Ljubljana Castle, Miramare...), at museums (the National Museum, [the Museum of Technology at] Bistra, the Railway Museum), the courtyard of [Ljubljana’s former Main] Post Office, the modern wing of the National Gallery, at the SNG [theatre in] Maribor, the Prince of Venice catamaran, on steam trains and at many other places. How do you deal with the problems related to human resources in the Slovenian catering industry? Most of our staff have been trained by us. Among the secondary Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Jerneja Kamnikar, Vivo catering Kako rešujete problematiko kadrov v slovenskem gostinstvu?

Kuhamo z ljubeznijo in strežemo z dušo Kratek pregled zgodovine vašega podjetja. Kako in kdaj ste se začeli ukvarjati s cateringom? Letošnje leto je za Vivo catering praznično. Praznujemo 15. obletnico delovanja in na to smo zelo ponosni. Hkrati pa je to odgovornost za razvoj podjetja v prihodnosti. Že od samega začetka je bila prisotna ambicija soustvarjati prepoznavno kulinariko, na višji kakovostni ravni, povezano z nitjo vsebine dogodka. Začetki Viva so povezani s kulturo in kongresno dejavnostjo, ki jo nadgrajujemo in razvijamo vse do danes. Svoje delovanje smo pričeli, ko je Ljubljana postala prestolnica Slovenije. Takrat so se potrebe po catering storitvah razširile na raven protokolarnih dogodkov, ambasad in domačih podjetij, kjer je podjetje Vivo prepoznalo svoj izziv in začelo razvijati catering za razne oblike pogostitev na prireditvah, kar je še danes osnovna dejavnost podjetja. Začeli smo slediti sodobnim trendom v kulinariki in v naslednjih letih je Vivo postal pomemben ponudnik cateringa na prepoznavni, visoko kakovostni ravni. V letu 2003 se je sedež podjetja s poslovnimi prostori preselil v renesančni grad Fužine. Kakšna je vaša definicija kakovostnega cateringa? Ustvariti nepozaben dogodek, ki ne bo ostal zgolj povprečen, ob različnih priložnostih z različno tematiko pogostitev, je v večini pravo mojstrstvo. Zato smo v Vivo cateringu zelo pozorni, da je vsebina pogostitve zelo učinkovita, primerna ozračju dogodka ter prav tako kulturni ravni gosta.

načinu življenja tretjega tisočletja. Kaj je po vašem mnenju najprimernejša popestritev kulinaričnih dogodkov? V Vivu izvajamo pogostitev z animacijsko vsebino. Po vnaprejšnjem dogovoru z naročnikom na temo dogodka prireditve pripravimo vsebino za izbor pogostitve. Izbranim jedem izberemo primerno servirno posodo, barvo in tip omizij, dekoracijo, svetlobo in nenazadnje tudi garderobo osebja, ki je vs skladu s tematiko pogostitve. Izvedba posamezne jedi pred gosti je del animacje na pogostitvi. Sama priprava jedi pred gosti je odvisna od posameznega prireditvenega prostora. Pri storitvi je pomembno, da je primerna kakovostni ravni, tako je tudi s catering dejavnostjo.

Zahtevnost izvedbe je v cateringu Vivo previsoka, da bi lahko kadre dopolnjevali z mimoidočimi in nestrokovnimi osebami. Odkar sem ustanovila Vivo, izbrane kadre štipendiramo, izobražujemo in znanja nadgrajujemo skupaj s strokovnimi, srednjimi in višjimi šolami. Ob zelo pomembnih kvalitetnih strokovnih kadrih je zelo pomembna skladnost in dopolnjevanje tima. Bistvo uspeha je v ljudeh. Nepogrešljivo je, da zaposleni osvojijo filozofijo, kar je predvsem pomembno v kritičnih trenutkih, da se znaš usmeriti v pravo smer. In tu je razlika med profesionalno catering ekipo in ekipo, katera ta dela opravlja občasno. Izobraževanje na področju stroke in načina komunikacije, kamor prištevam izgled, vedenje, izražanje, srčno kulturo, pomeni eno od ključnih točk našega delovanja. Med Vivovci se pogosto sliši misel: »To ni služba, to je način življenja«, kar gotovo največ pove o sami zahtevnosti storitve in pripadnosti podjetju. »Kuhamo z ljubeznijo in strežemo z dušo« je slogan, s katerim je Vivo začel svojo pot in je naše vodilo še danes.

Catering je vedno bolj razpoznavna dejavnost tudi v Sloveniji, kar posledično pomeni, da je trženje vse pomembnejše. Poleg klasičnih oblik trženja pa je pri cateringu zelo pomembno, da se zavedamo pomena blagovnih znamk in da se ista blagovna znamka težko pojavlja na svečanih prireditvah in pri pripravi malic. Danes ni dovolj le to, da dobro skuhaš in postrežeš. To je le pogoj za izvajanje dejavnosti, kar pa je premalo za njeno razpoznavnost. Kako vidite prihodnost slovenskega cateringa in gostinstva? Če se ozrem nazaj, smo pred desetletjem ugotavljali, da v slovenski turistični ponudbi primanjkuje pravljičnih opisov in vsebin, vezanih na posamezen kraj, jed ... Za današnji čas pa bi rekla, da je neprepoznavnih individualnih zgodb, brez ustrezne promocije in brez celovite strategije na področju prepoznavnosti Slovenije, preveč. V Vivo cateringu se usmerjamo k ciljnemu gostu, v specializirano ponudbo pri različnih ciljnih skupinah. Kongresna dejavnost je za nas zelo pomemben segment. V razvoju kongresnega turizma vidi Vivo catering velik izziv in priložnost za razvoj svojega delovanja v prihodnosti.

Kakšno je stanje na področju trženja cateringa? Kakšne so vaše izkušnje?

Danaja Besnard danaja.besnard@go-mice.eu

Jerneja Kamnikar, Vivo Catering

Kakšen nasvet bi dali vsem, ki se začenjajo ukvarjati z dejavnostjo cateringa? Pogumno na delo. Pridružila bi se misli »ne delaj določene stvari za denar, delaj jo zase in uspeh se bo pričel«. V prvi vrsti gre za dobre organizacijske sposobnosti in kreativni duh, ki jim sledi prepoznavanje strokovnega področja, timsko delo in fleksibilnost. Dobro organizirana pogostitev je pogoj za uspešno izvedbo. Dobro izdelan načrt pogostitve in najprimernejša izbira načina pogostitve sta osnova za dobro organizirano pogostitev. Poudariti je potrebno tudi vlogo promocije, vodenja in organizacijskih planov.

Kako je s kulinarično prepoznavnostjo Slovenije v Evropi?

Katere so vaše najljubše lokacije za izvajanje cateringa?

Vivo catering je v času predsedovanja izpeljal veliko pogostitev s slovensko tematiko doma in v tujini, kar je gotovo vplivalo na večjo prepoznavnost slovenske kulinarike. Ta je zelo dobro sprejeta med Evropejci, večina je presenečenih nad pestrostjo in kvaliteto naših nacionalnih jedi. Sozvočje mediteranske, alpske in panonske kulture, ki se zelo intenzivno izraža v kulinariki, daje pestrost slovenski ponudbi. Kongresna dejavnost je eden od pomembnih dejavnikov za širitev in prepoznavanje slovenske kulture. Avtentičnost in varnost sta slovenski konkurenčni prednosti.

So primernejše in manj primerne lokacije, kar je povezano s težavnostjo izvedbe pogostitve, kajti pri cateringu ne smemo pozabiti, da so pred nami velikokrat stopnice, nadstropja in podobne ovire, mimo katerih ne gre. Sam prostor za nas ni tako pomemben, pomembnejša je vsebina dogodka. Vsak letni čas prinese svoje izzive. V prihajajočem letnem času smo v pričakovanju dogodkov na prostem, med cvetjem, v parkih, grajskih vrtovih ...

We Cook with Love and Serve with our Soul right up to the present day. We began our operations when Ljubljana became the capital of Slovenia and the needs for catering services expanded at the level of protocol events, embassies and other domestic companies, where Vivo saw its challenge and began developing catering for various events – and this is still the company’s main activity. We began following modern trends in catering, and in the years that followed Vivo became an important catering provider renowned for its top quality. In 2003, the company’s headquarters and business premises relocated to the Renaissance-era Fužine Castle. How would you define good quality catering? To create memorable events, ones that will not simply be average, on various occasions and with different catering themes is usually a true masterpiece. This is why we at Vivo Catering are very attentive to make sure that the content of the catering is efficient, appropriate for the event’s atmosphere and at the cultural level of the guests.

Zahtevnost izvedbe je v cateringu Vivo previsoka, da bi lahko kadre dopolnjevali z mimoidočimi in nestrokovnimi osebami. Kakšen je vaš odnos do tradicionalne slovenske kulinarike?

What are the culinary characteristics of Slovenia that set it apart from the rest of Europe?

To so naše korenine, naše bistvo, naša identiteta. Bistveno je, da dobro poznaš kulinariko in kulturo okolja, iz katerega izhajaš, preden se začneš srečevati z drugimi kulturami in kulinaričnimi posebnostmi. Menim, da moramo biti ponosni na pestrost slovenske kulinarike in slediti ljudskemu izročilu. Nikakor ne smemo pozabiti kuhinje naših babic, vonja našega doma. To je zelo občutljivo poslanstvo, ki ga moramo prenesti naslednjim rodovom, še posebno v dobi informacijske družbe. Upoštevati moramo trende in tradicionalne slovenske jedi ponuditi v sozvočju časa. Našim gostom jedi pripravljamo na različne načine. Pri pripravi jedem dodajamo solni cvet, zelišča, začimbe, oljčno olje ... Vsekakor pa ne smemo pozabiti modificirati posameznih jedi nacionalne kuhinje, kajti način življenja se menja, menjajo se potrebe in prehranjevalne navade. Naša naloga je, da slovenske narodne jedi prilagodimo

A brief overview of your company’s history: how and when did you start your catering business?

Foto: Vivo catering


Kongres - 2008

This year is a festive year for Vivo Catering. We are celebrating our 15th anniversary and are very proud of that fact. At the same time, this event entails taking responsibility for the company’s future development. Right from the beginning, we had the ambition to help create a recognisable selection of culinary delicacies of the highest quality linked to the main idea of the event. The beginnings of Vivo are connected to our cultural and conventionrelated activities, which we have been upgrading and developing


During the Slovenian Presidency of the EU, Vivo Catering has carried out several catering projects with a Slovenian theme, both at home and abroad, which have undoubtedly led to greater recognition of what Slovenian cuisine has to offer. Our cuisine is well accepted among Europeans, and the majority of them are surprised at the variety and quality of our national dishes. The harmonising of the Mediterranean, Alpine and Pannonian cultures, which is intensively reflected in our selection of dishes, enables Slovenian chefs to offer great variety. Convention activity is one of the most important factors for the expansion and recognition of Slovenian culture. Its authenticity and security are Slovenia’s competitive advantage. Kongres - 2008

What is your attitude towards traditional Slovenian cuisine? These are our roots, our essence and our identity. It is essential to be acquainted with the traditional cuisine and the culture of the environment you come from before you are confronted with other cultures and culinary characteristics. I believe we need to be proud of the variety of Slovenian culinary specialities and to follow folk traditions. We must not forget the dishes our grandmothers prepared and the smell of our home. This is a very delicate mission which we need to pass on to future generations – especially now, in the information age. We must consider the trends and offer traditional Slovenian dishes that are in harmony with the time. We prepare food for our guests in many ways. During preparation, salt, flour, herbs, spices, olive oil, etc. are added to food. However, we must not forget to modify particular dishes of our national cuisine, since people’s way of life is changing along with their needs and nutritional habits. It is our job to adapt Slovenian national dishes to the way of life in the third millennium. In your opinion, what is the most appropriate way to make culinary events more interesting? We at Vivo offer catering with an animated content. Once an agreement with the client has been reached, we match the catering content to the subject matter of the event. The dishes that have been chosen are served with appropriate tableware, and with the colour and type of tables, the decorations, the lighting and the personnel wardrobe that correspond to the theme of the catering event. The presentation of an individual dish in front of the guests is part of the animation at the catering event. However, preparation of a dish in front of the guests depends on the individual location of the event. In providing any service, it is important to ensure the appropriate level of quality – and the same applies to catering. What advice would you give to someone who is just starting a catering business? Be brave and get to work. I agree with the saying “Don’t do it for the money, do it for yourself and success will set in!” Firstly, you need to have good organisational skills and a creative spirit, followed by recognition from experts in the field, teamwork and flexibility. A well-organised catering event is the condition for successful implementation. Having a well-elaborated plan for the catering event and choosing the most appropriate manner for carrying it out are the basis for a well-organised event. It needs to be stressed that promotion, management and organisational planning do play a big part.

this is the difference between a professional catering team and a team that does this only occasionally. Education from the field of the industry and ways of communication, which for me include appearance, behaviour, manner of expression and the culture of the heart, are the key points of our operation. You can often hear employees of Vivo Catering saying: “This is not a job. It’s a way of life”, which undoubtedly says it all in terms of the demanding nature of the service and the staff’s affiliation with the company. “We cook with love and serve with our soul” – such is the slogan with which Vivo began, and which remains our guiding principle to this day. What is the situation in the field of catering service marketing? What is your experience? Catering is becoming an increasingly widely recognised activity in Slovenia, as well as elsewhere, which consequently means that marketing is gaining in importance. In addition to the classical marketing forms, in catering we need to be aware of the importance of brands and it is difficult for the same brand to appear at formal events and in the preparation of snacks. Today, it is not enough to cook and serve well. This is only the condition for you to be able to perform the activity – it is not enough for it to be recognised.

Our demands for the implementation of an event here at Vivo Catering are too high for us to be able to increase the ranks of our staff with temporary and unskilled personnel. Where do you see the future for event catering and the catering industry in general in Slovenia? If I look back to about a decade ago, Slovenia’s tourism options lacked fairytale descriptions and content, insofar as individual locations, dishes, etc. were concerned. Today, I would say there are too many unrecognised individual stories with no appropriate promotion or comprehensive strategy relating to Slovenia’s recognition. We at Vivo Catering are oriented towards the target guest, towards presenting a special offer for various target groups. For us, convention activity is an important segment. Vivo Catering sees a big challenge and a great opportunity for its future activities in the development of convention tourism. Danaja Besnard danaja.besnard@go-mice.eu

Which are your favourite venues for catering services? Locations have varying degrees of suitability for catering, which relates to the difficulty of exercising the catering profession, as we must not forget that in catering we are often faced with stairs, floors and similar obstacles that we cannot overcome. The facility itself is not that important, it is much more about the content of the event. Each season brings new challenges. In the upcoming season, we are faced with the pleasant anticipation of open-air events surrounded by flowers in parks, castle gardens, etc. How do you deal with the problems related to human resources in the Slovenian catering industry? Our demands for the implementation of an event here at Vivo Catering are too high for us to be able to increase the ranks of our staff with temporary and unskilled personnel. Ever since I set up Vivo, chosen staff members have been given scholarships and educated. Their knowledge is upgraded at vocational secondary and higher schools. In addition to having expert personnel of topquality, the harmony and completion of the team are of the utmost importance. The essence of success is the people. It is indispensible for employees to adopt the company philosophy, which is especially important at critical times so that you know which way to turn. And Photo: Vivo Catering


Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Srečanja pri slovenskih vinarjih

Kongresno vino

ali pa resna kot tista, ki se pridela s pomočjo gruzijskih amfor. Lahko je penina ali pa najvišji predikat – vino iz sušenega grozdja. Nekdanji tokaj se je preimenoval v sauvignonasse ali zeleni sauvignon. Da v okolišu domujejo znani slovenski vinogradniki, pa ve skoraj vsak.

Izkušnje povedo, da bi bilo zato pri kongresnih dejavnostih in prostočasnih vsebinah bolje ponuditi

že takoj po degustaciji »proda« prvemu sogovorniku, ki pride mimo. Še vedno je res, da smo ljudje najbolj zadovoljni takrat, ko opazimo, da se nam znanje in vednost o neki stvari povečuje. Besede je seveda potrebno uporabiti preudarno, raje skromno kot pa gostobesedno in jih cepiti na publiko. Nima smisla praviti vsebin, ki za določeno javnost niso zanimive. Tudi zato se včasih zgodi, da je način podajanja pomembnejši od vina. Dopolnilne vsebine lahko okus vina še bolj umestijo v spomin vinoljubke in vinoljubca.

manjše kot večje število vin.

Kadar gostu oziroma turistu predstavljamo vinogradniško Slovenijo, pogosto začnemo stereotipno. Naštejemo, kako veliki ali majhni smo. Poudarjamo dolgoletno zgodovino in tradicijo pridelave vina, kar nas še bolj pogosto zapelje v idilično prikazovanje panoge. Tudi ko opisujemo vina ne gre drugače. Spet začnemo na zelo klasičen način, saj omenimo sorto, pojasnimo pomen porekla in letnika, dodamo vsebnost etanola in sladkorja in se premalo sprašujemo o tem, kaj smo sploh povedali in koliko od vsega naštetega si bo gost zapomnil. Morda je še bolj nejasno, kaj bo gost od tega imel in ali mu bo to omogočilo, da se bo ob obisku neke druge države spomnil na slovensko vino. Ne glede na to pa moramo narediti nekakšen uvod, s katerim podamo osnovne informacije. Morda je še najbolje narediti tako, da vinorodne okoliše predstavimo z najbolj aktualnimi dogodki ali vsebinami, ki kažejo na to, da razumemo razmere na mednarodnem vinskem trgu in jih znamo prikazati skozi lastna vina.

Bizeljsko Sremič Skoraj četrtino vinogradov tukaj pokrije žametovka, ki botruje prijetnim, lahnim, rdečim vinom. Okoliš se je že izkazal z odličnim peničarjem, z rumenim plavcem, ki mu pripisujemo avtohtonost, dogaja pa se tudi prenova sloga, ki na trg prinaša zelo suha bela vina, ki jih išče gostinstvo. Prekmurje

Je največji okoliš po združitvi prejšnjih okolišev, saj imamo sedaj v Podravju namesto sedmih okolišev le dva, Štajersko Slovenijo in Prekmurje. Z združitvijo bivših okolišev, ki so sedaj postali podokoliši, se je povezalo več kot 9600 ha vinogradov (cela Slovenija okoli 24000), ki dajo vino z zaščitenim poreklom. Imenitnost belih vin (najbolj razširjena sorta je laški rizling) je bila že velikokrat dokazana. V zadnjih letih se je prenovil slog belih vin v prid primarnih arom, ki spominjajo na grozdje ter poudarjajo sortne značilnosti, zato ni čudno, da je Združenje novozelandskih vinogradnikov v svojem letnem poročilu izpostavilo Slovenijo kot tekmico njihovemu znamenitemu sauvignonu iz Marlborougha. Decanterjeve medalje in šampioni z domačih ocenjevanj le potrdijo verodostojnost dogajanj.

Običajno najprej izberemo hrano in šele potem sledi vino. Lahko pa bi enkrat naredili tudi obratno. Ali bi

Kras Kar v treh četrtinah vinogradov vlada refošk, iz katerega je pridelan teran PTP, drugi slovenski posebnež, ki si je prislužil zveste pivce. Teranu podobnih vin na svetu ni obilo. Celo zvrsti iz merlota in caberneta ter refoška lahko posežejo po šampionskih naslovih. V kratkem se bomo srečali z novim slogom žilavih belih vin, ki bodo utrdila dejstvo, da je Slovenija sila raznovrstna vinorodna država. Bela Krajina S 650 ha je okoliš najmanjši v Sloveniji. Metliška črnina PTP, ki je najbolj prepoznavna, daje celemu okolišu značilno podobo. Portugalka se je tu udomačila kot prvo mlado rdeče vino v Sloveniji. Rumeni muškat, ki ga nekoč niso smeli niti saditi, pa sedaj navdušuje »aromatične« pivce.

ki je vino s priznanim tradicionalnim poreklom (PTP). Seveda ima tudi Dolenjska zanimiva bela vina, a je cviček tolikšna nacionalna posebnost, da smo jo dolžni predstaviti vsakemu gostu. S cvičkom ne bomo navduševali izbirčnežev, zato pa bomo na najbolj jasen način povedali, da se je vince obdržalo prav zaradi dostopnosti. Francozi bi rekli, da je to lojalno vino – ne skriva napak in se ne hvali s tistim, česar nima. Vipavska dolina Tretji okoliš po velikosti se lahko pobaha z mednarodnim izborom belih in rdečih sort, kot so merlot, ki je najbolj razširjena sorta, ter cabernet sauvignon ali chardonnay, poleg tega pa ponudi še zelen, klarnico ali pinelo, kot stare, udomačene oziroma avtohtone sorte. Gre za prelepo dolino, ki bi jo lahko primerjali z Napo v Kaliforniji, čeprav takšne primerjave niso najbolj hvaležne. Slovenska Istra

ne bilo zanimivo?

Refošk je tu kralj in kraljica, saj pokrije polovico vinogradov. Bližina morja naredi topla bela in rdeča vina za vse okuse. Modni sorti sta dve: shiraz že dlje časa, cipro pa šele vstopa na modno pot.

Dolenjska Drugi okoliš po velikosti je zaznamovan z žametovko, ki pokrije 41 odstotkov vseh vinogradov v okolišu, ki pa ga ne bi bilo brez cvička,


Dušan Brejc Vinska družba Slovenije, d.o.o. dusan.brejc@vinskadruzba.si

Kar 42 odstotkov vinogradov zavzame laški rizling. Pa tudi krepki in sortno čisti chardonnay se najde. Visoki predikati niso nobena izjema, čeprav obilica ne preveč zanimivih polsladkih belih vin pokvari pravo sliko o skritih kakovostnih potencialih.

Vinorodni okoliši in aktualni dogodki Štajerska Slovenija

Izkušnje povedo, da bi bilo zato pri kongresnih dejavnostih in prostočasnih vsebinah bolje ponuditi manjše kot večje število vin. Šest vzorcev, v treh parih, z jasnim konceptom, kar ne vzame več kot slabo uro, je ravno dovolj za tistega, ki mu je vino všeč, a morda ni pripravljen na filozofski traktat. Vinarji in gostinci včasih pozabimo, da je prav zmernih, a rednih pivcev največ. Kulturno uživanje vina prinese temeljno sporočilo: vino je najbolj družabna pijača na svetu.

Goriška Brda Skoraj četrtino vinogradov zasede rebula, ki je lahko sveža in pitka Kongres - 2008

Če bi ves sortni sestav v Sloveniji poenostavili na pet sort, bi po razprostranjenosti postavili sledeč padajoči vrstni red: laški rizling, refošk, chardonnay, sauvignon, merlot. Po tej logiki bi bilo prav, da bi tem sortam namenili največ pozornosti, četudi bi bila vina lahko zelo različna, tako glede kategorije, kot sloga ali cene.

Kako k vinu pritegniti kongresnika? Poskusimo pristopiti na nenavaden način. Običajno najprej izberemo hrano in šele potem sledi vino. Lahko pa bi enkrat naredili tudi obratno. Ali bi ne bilo zanimivo? Še bolj do pivca prijazen način bi bil, če bi mu dali možnost, da bi vina izbiral po polnosti ali lahkosti, vsebnosti kisline ali tanina in aromatskih značilnostih. Nekomu je ljubši sauvignon, ki diši po pokošeni travi, drugemu tisti, ki spominja na ribez, tretjemu je najbolj všečen takšen, ki diši kot bezeg. Seveda je treba takšne razlike prikazati na pregleden in jasen način in nikakor ne tako, da se pivca odvrne, češ, le kdo se bo ukvarjal s tako zapleteno pijačo. Še večkrat bi kazalo poslušati, kaj imajo ljubitelji za povedati, namesto da vinarji neutrudljivo pripovedujejo o svojih vinih. Še bolj pomembno je, da pivcu predstavimo vino skozi primerjavo, saj ta pove in nauči največ in na najlažji način. Če želimo nekomu predstaviti malvazijo, odprimo tri različne steklenice tega vina in razlike se bodo v precejšnji meri pokazale prav vsakemu, ki ima povprečno razvit okušalni aparat. Za podrobnosti pa naj bo potrebna kratka razlaga, a le kot pomožno orodje. Kongresnika naj pritegne verodostojna zgodba: ena sama zanimivost pri vsakem vinu in samo toliko znanja, kot ga lahko


Dušan Brejc se z vinom ukvarja že petindvajset let. Prvo polovico tega obdobja enološko, s podiplomsko specializacijo v Franciji, drugo marketinško – od Tokia, New Yorka in Londona do Ljubljane, kjer si je nabiral bogate mednarodne izkušnje v trženju različnih vin, žganih in brezalkoholnih pijač. Napisal je na stotine poljudnih in strokovnih člankov o vinu v domačih tiskanih medijih in imel vrsto predavanj za domače in tuje slušatelje. Dušan Brejc je mednarodni degustator in direktor Vinske družbe Slovenije.

Kongres - 2008

Meetings at Slovenian Winemakers

Convention Wine When a guest or a tourist is being introduced to the wine-growing regions of Slovenia, we often start in a stereotypical manner. We list how big or small we are, stress our many years of history and talk of our tradition of wine production. This often misleads us to an idyllic representation of the branch. Things are no different when describing wines. We again begin in a classic manner, mentioning the variety, explaining the meaning of the origin and the vintage, adding something about the ethanol and sugar content and not deliberating on what we actually said or how much of the listed information will remain in the guest’s memory. Maybe it is even more unclear what the guest actually gains from all this, and whether it will enable them to even remember Slovenian wine upon visiting another country. Regardless, we need an introduction which provides basic information. It may be best to represent the wine-growing regions with their current events, or contents that indicate we are aware of the situation on the international wine market, and that we know how to depict it through our own wines.

Wine-Growing Regions and Current Events The Štajerska Slovenija Region This is the biggest region since the former regions united. Now, the Podravje Region has only two regions instead of seven – the Štajerska Slovenija Region and the Prekmurje Region. With the merger, over 9,600 hectares of vineyards united; giving wine with certified and controlled geographic origin (Slovenia has a total of about 24,000 ha of vineyards). The prominence of white wines has been proven numerous times, with the most popular variety being the Italian Riesling. In the last few years, the style of white wines modernised in favour of primary aromas reminiscent of grapes and stressing the style’s characteristics. It is no wonder that the New Zealand Wine-growers Association in their Annual Report mentioned Slovenia as a rival to their renowned Sauvignon from Marlborough. The Decanter medals and champions from home wine testings additionally verify the authenticity of the activities.

Usually, we first choose the food and then the wine. Maybe we could try changing the order just once. Wouldn’t that be interesting? The Dolenjska (Lower Carniola) Region The second largest wine-growing region in size is characterised by the Žametna Črnina, taking up 41 percent of all of the region’s vineyards. The Dolenjska Region however, does not exist without its Cviček with the recognised traditional denomination (PTP). Of course, the Dolenjska Region has interesting white wines, but Cviček is such a national peculiarity that we are obliged to represent

it to every guest. Cviček will not enrapture the fastidious guest, but we will a make a clear statement on how the wine kept itself precisely due to its affordability. The French would say Cviček is a loyal wine – it does not hide its faults nor does it brag with what it lacks. The Vipava Valley Region The third biggest region boasts an international selection of white and red varieties, such as Merlot – the most popular variety, and Cabernet Sauvignon or Chardonnay, while it also offers Zelen, Klarnica and Pinela as the old autochthonous varieties. It is a beautiful valley which might be compared to the Napa Valley in California, even though such comparisons are never too rewarding. The Slovenian Part of Istria Here, the Refošk is the king and queen as it encompasses half of the vineyards. The vicinity of the sea grows warm white and red wines for all tastes. There are two fashionable varieties: Shiraz, for quite some time and Cipro, only now entering the fashionable path. The Goriška Brda Region Almost a quarter of the vineyards are taken up by Ribolla, fresh and easy to drink, or serious like the one produced with the help of Georgian amphorae. It can be a sparkling wine or the highest predicate – a selection of dried berries. The former Tokay has been renamed into Sauvignonasse or Sauvignon Vert. That the region is the home to famous Slovenian wine-growers is general knowledge to all. The Bizeljsko-Sremič Region Almost a quarter of the vineyards are taken up by the Žametovka, leading the way in pleasant, light red wines. The region has already asserted itself with the Rumeni Plavec being ascribed an autochthonous character. It is renewing its style by bringing the market very dry white wines, looked for by the catering industry. The Prekmurje Region As much as 42 percent of the vineyards are occupied by the Italian Riesling. There is also the strong and pure varietal Chardonnay to be found. High accolades are no exception, even though the abundance of not-so-interesting, semi-sweet white wines ruins the true picture of the hidden quality and potential.

and Merlot. Following this logic, it would be only right to dedicate the biggest attention to these varieties even though the wines might be very different, in relation to both the category and style, or price.

How to draw the convention participant to the wine? Let us try with an unusual approach. Normally we would first choose the food and then the wine. Maybe we could change the order once. Wouldn’t that be interesting? An even more drinker-friendly way would be to give him the opportunity to choose the wines according to their fullness or lightness, acid or tannin content, and aromatic characteristics. One prefers a Sauvignon with the smell of mown grass, while the other reminiscent of currants and the third a Sauvignon with the smell of elder flowers. Such differences, of course need to be shown in a clear and distinct manner, and by no means dissuading the drinker as if to say: “Who is going to deal with such a complicated drink?” It would often be good to hear what the wine lovers have to say, instead of the winemakers tirelessly talking about their wines. It is even more important to represent the wine to the drinker by using a comparison, as this says and teaches the most in the easiest way. If we wish to present Malvasia, let us open three different bottles. The differences will be notable to anyone with average developed taste buds. A short explanation is needed for details but only as an auxiliary tool. The convention participant needs to be attracted by the credible story: one interesting point about each wine, and only that amount of knowledge which he can pass on after the wine tasting has finished. The fact remains that people are most pleased when they can notice their knowledge and expertise of a matter growing. Words need to be used with deliberation, better modestly than loquaciously, and divided among the public. It makes no sense to talk about contents which aren’t interesting to the audience. Consequently, it often happens that the manner of presenting is more important than the wines themselves. Supplementary contents can position the wine even deeper in the memory of the wine lover. Experience teaches us that it is better to offer a smaller rather than a bigger number of wines at convention and leisure activities. Six samples in three pairs, with a distinct concept not taking up more than one hour, is just enough for someone who likes wine but might not be prepared for a philosophical treatise. The winemakers and caterers like to forget that the moderate but regular drinkers come in the biggest numbers. A cultural consumption of wine brings the fundamental message: wine is the most sociable drink in the world. Dušan Brejc Slovenian Wine Society d.o.o. dusan.brejc@vinskadruzba.si

The Kras Region As much as three quarters of the vineyards are ruled by the Refošk used in the production of the Teran PTP (recognised traditional denomination), the second Slovenian original wine which has earned its faithful drinkers. There are not many wines in the world which could be compared to the Teran. Sorts made of Merlot and Cabernet and Refošk can reach for Champion titles. Soon, we will be met by a new style of tough white wines, confirming that Slovenia is a remarkably diverse wine-growing country. The Bela Krajina District

If the entire varietal composition in Slovenia were simplified to only five varieties, according to prevalence, the following descending order could be set: Italian Riesling, Refošk, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Kongres - 2008

now. He spent the first half of this period studying wine, with a postgraduate specialisation in France, and the rest in marketing – from Tokyo, New York, London

With its 650 ha, this is the smallest Slovenian wine-growing region. The typical wine of the region is the Metliška črnina (PTP), giving the region its characteristic image. The Portugais Bleu found its place as the first young red wine in Slovenia, while the Muscatel Giallo, which was once not even allowed to be planted, is now filling the “aromatic” drinkers with enthusiasm.


Dušan Brejc has been in the wine business for 25 years


to Ljubljana, where he gathered rich international experience in marketing various wines, spirits and nonalcoholic beverages. He has written a large number of popular and professional articles on wine in the local press and held a number of lectures for home and foreign audiences. Dušan Brejc is an international taster and the Director of the Slovenian Wine Society.

Kongres - 2008

Srečanja pri slovenskih vinarjih

Srečanja pri slovenskih vinarjih

Istenič, proizvodnja vin in prodaja

Dveri-Pax, Samo Simonič

Kratek opis ponudnika

Kratek opis ponudnika

Podatki o vinarju/vinogradniku

Smo pridelovalci penin po klasični metodi. Leta 1968 je mag. Janez Istenič kupil vinograd na Bizeljskem, ki je že stoletja znano po odličnih vinih. Bizeljsko vino je vino ljubeznivega vonja ter prijetnega in polnega okusa z izraženo plemenito kislostjo, zaradi česar so bizeljska vina nadvse primerna za proizvodnjo penin.

Dveri – Pax je ena najsodobnejših vinskih kleti v Sloveniji. Pridelujemo sveža, sortno značilna vina, ki jih prodajamo že v 15 državah po svetu.

Obseg vinogradov: 68 ha Vina sortna: Sauvignon, Renski rizling, Traminec, Šipon, Sivi Pinot, Modri pinot, Modra frankinja, Chardonnay Vina zvrsti: Janez, Benedict Sobe za namestitev gostov: ne Oprema za namestitev gostov: ne Druga ponudba (opis): vodeni ogledi kleti, vodene pokušine vin, organizacija raznih kulturnih dogodkov Kulinarične posebnosti: domači narezki Dostopnost (oddaljenost od glavne ceste): 4 km, zelo dobra dostopnost Kapaciteta notranjih prostorov: -kongres (kino postavitev): 120 oseb -stoječi sprejem: 120 oseb Kapaciteta zunanjih prostorov (vrt/terasa) -sedeča večerja/kosilo: 200 oseb Odprto za goste: 365 dni

Naše posestvo ima v Stari vasi odlične pogoje za pridelavo vrhunskih penin. Nadmorska višina niha s svojimi strmimi pobočji od 170 do 350m. Posebnost so tla s svojimi kremenčevimi naplavinami, ker je semkaj pred milijoni let segalo Panonsko morje. Ustrezna klima s primerno vlago in dobro uravnovešenim razmerjem sončnih dni ter hladnih noči omogoča idealno razmerje sladkorja in umirjenih kislin. Z našim dodatnim trudom in izbiro vinskih sort kot so chardonnay, beli, sivi in modri pinot pa je zagotovljena prava skladnost in kakovost penin. Obiskovalcu pokrajina prevzame srce in prepričani smo, da se bo vrnil večkrat. Ponujamo vam mnogo lepega za duha in telo. Zadovoljimo lahko potrebe najbolj izbirčnih in jih razvajamo z degustacijami ter vrhunsko gurmansko ponudbo, radovednim se za dodatek razkrije še pokrajina. Pri nas namenjamo posebno pozornost kulturi pitja penin. Degustacijska soba prejme do 80 obiskovalcev, tako da se večje družbe ne branimo. Želimo si izobraziti čim več ljudi in dvigniti vinsko kulturo na slovenskem. Ljubitelji naših penin se lahko včlanite tudi v Klub ljubiteljev penin.

Vinorodno področje: SLOVENIJA ŠTAJERSKA Dveri-Pax, Samo Simonič, Polički vrh 1, 2221 Jarenina, Slovenija T: 02/ 644 00 82, F:02/644 00 83 office@dveri-pax.com, www.dveri-pax.com

Podatki o vinarju/vinogradniku Obseg vinogradov: 9 ha Vina sortna: Sauvignon, Modri duet, Bizeljčan rdeči Vina zvrsti: penine: Barbara, Miha, Covee Princesse, Desiree, Golf, Gurment brut, Gurment rose, Michelle, No.1, Prestige brut, Prestige brut nature Sobe za namestitev gostov: da Oprema za namestitev gostov: postelja, wc, tv, klima, mini bar Druga ponudba (opis): ogledi kleti, degustacije, kulinarične ponudbe, poslovni seminarji Kulinarične posebnosti: jedi iz tredicionalne bizeljske in nove bizeljske kuhinje ali francoske kuhinje pod vodstvom Erica Rauscherja Kapaciteta notranjih prostorov: -kongres (kino postavitev): konferenčna soba za 40 oseb -sedeča večerja/kosilo: degustacijska soba za 80 oseb -stoječi sprejem: da Kapaciteta zunanjih prostorov (vrt/terasa) -sedeča večerja/kosilo Namestitvene kapacitete: -8 vrhunsko klimatiziranih dvoposteljnih sob Odprto za goste: 365 dni

Vina Koper Kratek opis ponudnika

Podatki o vinarju/vinogradniku

S 670-imi hektarji lastnih vinogradov je klet Vinakoper po velikosti na prvem mestu med slovenskimi proizvajalci vina. Na različnih legah, ki segajo tako od Jadrana do istrskega zaledja, zelo uspešno gojimo avtohtone sorte refošk, malvazijo ter rumeni muškat, ki so značilne prav za to področje. Zavidljivo kakovost dosegamo tudi z mednarodnimi sortami, kakršne so chardonnay, sivi pinot, merlot, cabernet sauvignon in shiraz.

Obseg vinogradov: 670 ha Vina sortna: Refošk, Malvazija, Rumeni muškat, Cabernet Sauvinon Vina zvrsti: Plemenito belo Capris, Plemenito rdeče Capris Sobe za namestitev gostov: ne Oprema za namestitev gostov: ne Druga ponudba (opis): dnevi odprtih kantin in oljarn (maj, november), martinovanje Vina Koper Dostopnost (oddaljenost od glavne ceste): ob glavni cesti Kapaciteta notranjih prostorov: -kongres (kino p.): 70 oseb Hiša refoška in 30 oseb Hram - sede -sedeča večerja/kosilo: 70 oseb Hiša refoška in 50 oseb Hram -stoječi sprejem: 150 oseb Hiša refoška in 100 oseb Hram Kapaciteta zunanjih prostorov (vrt/terasa): -stoječi sprejem: 200 oseb -sedeča večerja/kosilo: 70 oseb Odprto za goste: 365 dni

Vinorodno področje: BIZELJSKO Istenič d.o.o., Celovška c. 72, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T: 01/515 78 85, F: 01/515 78 80 office@istenic.si, www.istenic.si

Vinorodno področje: PRIMORSKA Vina Koper d.o.o., Šmarska cesta 1, 6000 Koper, Slovenija T: 05/633 01 00, F: 05/633 01 36 hisa.refoska@vinakoper.si, www.vinakoper.si 60

Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Srečanja pri slovenskih vinarjih

Srečanja pri slovenskih vinarjih

Kmetija Batič

Kmetija Četrtič

Kratek opis ponudnika

Kratek opis ponudnika

Kmetija Batič leži 140 km desno od Benetk v najbolj zahodnem delu Slovenije - Vipavski dolini. Posestvo obsega osemnajst ha vinogradov. Zadnja generacija družine Batič nadaljuje staro tradicijo pridelovanja vina po klasični vipavski metodi, ki je danes zaradi sodobne tehnologije skoraj povsod v pozabi. Slednja nudi naravna in zdrava vina, in vino govori zgodbo o kraju, kjer je grozdje zorelo. Vipavska dolina leži na stičišču mediteranskega in alpskega podnebja. Ključnega pomena so stalne suhe in tople sapice, ki pihajo po gričih navzgor in ščitijo vinograde pred boleznimi. Največjo pozornost posvečamo vinogradom in njegovemu negovanju, kajti veliko vino se rodi na trti in ne v kleti. Vinogradi ležijo na opoki, ki jo od jutra do večera obdaja sonce. Sajeni so z gostoto tudi nad 11.500 trt / ha.. S spoštovanjem narave, vinograde obdelujemo na enak način kot pred več sto leti. Veliko pozornost posvečamo luninim mesecem. V poletnih dneh opravljamo redčenje grozdja. Trgatev pričnemo, ko grozdje dozori do popolnosti. Trgamo le v popoldanskem času. Od trte jemljemo malo, toda le najslajše. Kot je navada v Vipavi mareceriramo bele in rdeče srote vina pri nekontrolirani temperaturi. Naša vina fermentirajo le z lastnimi kvasovkami. Nato vino zori brez dodatkov enoloških sredstev v lesenih sodih, kjer fermentira in napravi razskis. Po zorenju vino, v primerni luni in letnem času vstekleničimo. Vina Batič so Vam ponujena le ob letinah, ki dosegajo hišni standard kvalitete. Vsako vino in vsak letnik so si med seboj različni, vseeno pa vsako steklenico vina Batič druži ena velika podobnost, v vseh živi duša Narave.

Goriška Brda so rodovitna pokrajina med reko Sočo in Furlansko nižino. Na severu prehajajo v hribovito območje, ki se razteza v Alpe, na jugu, vzhodu in zahodu pa se preko meje spuščajo v Collio, znano vinorodno pokrajino v Italiji. Naša kmetija se nahaja v vasi Kojsko in je le dva kilometra oddaljena od državne meje. Območje je zelo primerno za pridelavo belih vin visoke kakovosti. Naši vinogradi ležijo na severnem obrobju Brd na nadmorski višini od 150 do 300 metrov. Bližina štirideset kilometrov oddaljenih Alp in trideset kilometrov oddaljenega morja ustvarja izjemno ugodne klimatske razmere. Poleti so dnevi topli, noči pa razmeroma hladne in prav ta temperaturna nihanja odlično vplivajo na dozorevanje grozdja. Vina so polna, harmonična in sadna obenem. Opočna zemlja daje vinu mineralnost, nadmorska višina pa lepo kislost, kar napravi vina všečna, pitna in zelo trajna. Obdelujemo 7,5 hektarjev vinogradov. Vsi so na terasah in so večinoma obrnjeni proti jugovzhodu. Veliko pozornost namenjamo vinogradništvu, saj je le iz najboljšega grozdja mogoče pridelati velika vina. Z redčenjem grozdja odstranimo tudi do 50 % pridelka že pred dozorevanjem, zato je donosnost naših vinogradov od 4.000 do 6.000 kg grozdja na hektar. Ker smo biološko usmerjena vinograndiško-vinarska kmetija, naše grozdje in vina pridelujemo na naravi prijazen način. Dobrodošli v naši vinski kleti na srečanjih z vašimi poslovnimi partnerji na drugačen in bolj sproščen način.

Vinorodni okoliš: BRDA Kmetija Četrtič Kojsko 5c, 5211 Kojsko, Slovenia T: +386 5 304 36 00, F: +386 5 304 36 01, GSM: +386 41 621 494 info@ferdinand.si, www.ferdinand.si

Vina Koper A Short Description of the Supplier

Details of the Winemaker/Winegrower

670 hectares of our own vineyards makes Vinakoper the largest Slovenian winegrower. In various vineyards ranging from the Adriatic Sea to the hinterlands of Istria, autochthonous varieties of refošk, malvazija and rumeni muškat (which are typical for this region) are produced very successfully. We also offer premium quality international varieties such as chardonnay, pinot gris, merlot, cabernet sauvignon and shiraz.

Size of vineyards: 670 ha Wine variety: Refosco, Malmseys, Muscatel Giallo, Cabernet Sauvignon Wine types: Noble white wine Capris, Noble red wine Capris Accommodation possible: no Guest accommodation equipment: no Other offerings (description): the wine cellar and oil mill open door days (May, November), the Vinakoper Martinmas Accessibility (distance to main road): by the main road Internal room capacities: - conferences (video presentations): 70 people (Hiša refoška) and 30 people (Hram – seated) - seated dinner/lunch: 70 people (Hiša refoška) and 50 people (Hram) - standing reception: 150 people (Hiša refoška) and 100 people (Hram) External room capacities (garden/terrace): - standing reception: 200 people - seated dinner/lunch: 70 people Open for business: 365 days

Winegrowing region: THE SLOVENIAN LITTORAL REGION Vina Koper, d. o. o., Šmarska cesta 1, 6000 Koper, Slovenia

Vinorodno področje: VIPAVSKA DOLINA Kmetija Batič d.o.o, Šempas 130 T: 00386 5 3088 676, F: 00386 5 3078529

T: +386 (0)5/633 01 00, F: +386 (0)5/633 01 36 hisa.refoska@vinakoper.si, www.vinakoper.si


Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Meetings at Slovenian Winemakers

Meetings at Slovenian Winemakers

IsteniÄ?, Production and Sale of Wine A Short Description of the Supplier We make sparkling wines using the classic method. In 1968, Janez IsteniÄ?, MSc, bought a vineyard in Bizeljsko, which has been known for its excellent wines for centuries. The wine from Bizeljsko has a kindly aroma and a pleasant and full taste with a pronounced noble sourness, which makes these wines particularly suitable for producing sparkling wine.

7 J O T L B E S V ä C B 4 M P W F O J K F E P P

Our estate in Stara vas has excellent conditions to produce first-rate sparkling wine. With many steep slopes, the altitude varies between 170 and 350 metres. Millennia ago, this land used to be a part of the Pannonian Sea and this means that the soil is rich in siliceous deposits. The ideal ratio between the sugar content and the settled acids is made possible by the appropriate climate, with appropriate humidity and a good balance of sunny days and cool nights. With additional effort and the selection of wine varieties such as chardonnay, pinot blanc, pinot gris and pinot noir, we achieve the desired harmony and quality in our sparkling wines. The landscape will charm any visitor and we are sure that they will keep coming back. We have a lot to offer – for both body and soul. We can cater for the most particular tastes and spoil them with wine tastings and exquisite gourmet cuisine, and the curious have the beautiful surrounding nature to discover, too. We pay special attention to sparkling wine drinking culture. There’s room for up to 80 people in our tasting room, so larger parties are not a problem. We want to educate as many people as possible and elevate wine culture in Slovenia. Those who love our sparkling wines can also join our Sparkling wine amateurs' club.


Details of the Winemaker/Winegrower


Size of the vineyards: 9 ha Wine varieties: Sauvignon, Modri duet, BizeljÄ?an rdeÄ?i Wine types: sparkling wine: Barbara, Miha, Covee Princesse, Desiree, Golf, Gurment brut, Gurment rose, Michelle, No.1, Prestige brut, Prestige brut nature. Accommodation possible: yes Guest accommodation equipment: bed, toilet, TV, air conditioning, mini bar Other offerings (description): wine cellar tours, wine tastings, culinary offerings, corporate seminars Culinary highlights: traditional Bizeljsko and new Bizeljsko cuisine dishes or French cuisine dishes by the chef Eric Rauscher Internal room capacities: - conferences (video presentations): a conference room for 40 people - seated dinner/lunch: a tasting room for 80 people - standing reception External room capacities (garden/terrace): - seated dinner/lunch Accommodation Capacities: -8 premium air conditioned double bed rooms Open for business: 365 days

Winegrowing region: BIZELJSKO IsteniÄ?, d. o. o., CelovĹĄka c. 72, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia T: +386 (0)1/515 78 85, F: +386 (0)1/515 78 80 office@istenic.si, www.istenic.si 64

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Kongres - 2008

Meetings at Slovenian Winemakers

Meetings at Slovenian Winemakers

Dveri-Pax, Samo Simonič

Kmetija Batič

A Short Description of the Supplier

Details of the Winemaker/Winegrower

Dveri-Pax is one of the most modern wine cellars in Slovenia. We sell our fresh wines with typical characteristics of their varieties in 15 countries.

Size of vineyards: 68 ha Wine varieties: Sauvignon, Riesling, Traminer, Furmint, Pinot gris, Pinot noir, Blue Franconian, Chardonnay Wine types: Janez, Benedict Accommodation possible: no Guest accommodation equipment: no Other offerings (description): guided wine cellar tours, guided wine tastings, the organisation of various cultural events Culinary highlights: homemade cold cuts Accessibility (distance from main road): 4 km, very good accessibility Internal room capacities: - conferences (video presentations): 120 people - standing reception: 120 people External room capacities (garden/terrace): - seated dinner/lunch: 200 people Open for business: 365 days

Winegrowing region: THE ŠTAJERSKA SLOVENIJA REGION Dveri-Pax, Samo Simonič, Polički vrh 1, 2221 Jarenina, Slovenia T: +386 (0)2/ 644 00 82, F: +386 (0)2/644 00 83 office@dueri-pax.com, www.dveri-pax.com

Kmetija Četrtič A Short Description of the Supplier Brda is a winegrowing region extending between the Soca river and the Friulian lowlands. On the north it passes into a mountainous area stretching into the Alps, while on the south, east and west it descends across the border into Collio, a well-known wine-making region in Italy. Our winery is located in the village Kojsko, only two kilometres from the state border. The area is very suitable for the production of high-quality white wines. Our vineyards lie on the northern margin of Brda at 150 to 300 metres above sea level. The proximity of the Alps, which are forty kilometres away, and the sea thirty kilometres away create extremely favourable climatic conditions. During the summer, the days are hot and the nights relatively cold. It is these temperature fluctuations that have a superb impact on the ripening of the grapes. The wines are full bodied, balanced and with a fruity note at the same time. Marl soil gives the wine a mineral value, while thanks to the location above sea level the wine is nicely crisp and therefore agreeable, drinkable and very durable. We cultivate 7,5 hectares of vineyards. All are located on terraces and mostly facing south-east. We devote much attention to wine growing, since only the best grapes give great wines. By thinning the grapes the crop is decreased by up to 50% already before ripening, so our vineyards yield from 4,000 to 6,000 kg of grapes per hectare. We produce nature and healthy wines because we are a biologicaly run estate. We would be proud to welcome you in our winery and have your meetings with your partners in a different and more pleasent way.

Winegrowing region: BRDA Kmetija Četrtič Kojsko 5c, 5211 Kojsko, Slovenia T: +386 5 304 36 00, F: +386 5 304 36 01 GSM: +386 41 621 494 info@ferdinand.si, www.ferdinand.si 66

Kongres - 2008

Meetings at Slovenian Winemakers Brief description of the provider The Kmetija Batič farm lies 140 km east of Venice, in the westernmost part of Slovenia - in the Vipava Valley. The estate comprises 18 hectares of vineyards. The latest generation of the Batič family is continuing the old tradition of winemaking according to the classic Vipava method, which has almost been forgotten now thanks to modern technology. The method enables the production of natural and healthy wines, which tell a story about the place where the grapes ripened. The Vipava Valley lies at the meeting point of the Mediterranean and Alpine climates. The constant dry and warm breezes blowing up the hills and protecting the vineyards from diseases are of key importance. Most attention is given to the vineyards and their cultivation, as a great wine is born on the vine and not in the cellar. The vineyards grow on oceanic flysch (opoka) that is irradiated by the sun from dawn till dusk. The rearing density is more than 11,500 vines per hectare. With great respect for nature, we cultivate the vineyards in the same way that people did more than a hundred years ago. A lot of attention is paid to the lunar months as well. We thin the grapes in the summer months and begin harvesting them when they ripen to perfection. We only harvest them in the afternoon. We only take a little from the vine, and only the sweetest part. As is customary in Vipava, we macerate the white and red types of wine at an uncontrolled temperature. Our wines ferment only with their own yeast cultures. Then, without oenological additives, the wines are matured in wooden barrels, where they ferment and deacidify. After the wine has matured, we bottle it during the appropriate phase of the moon and season. We only offer those Batič wine vintages that meet the house quality standards. Every wine and vintage differs but, despite this, every bottle of Batič wine is characterised by one great characteristic, namely they are all home to the soul of Nature.

Winegrowing region: VIPAVA VALLEY Kmetija Batič, d. o. o, Sempas 130 T: 00386 5 3088 676, F: 00386 5 3078529 67

Kongres - 2008

Oglasno sporočilo

Hit Holidays Kranjska Gora - pobeg od mestnega vrveža Hit Holidays Kranjska Gora - a natural refuge from the hustle and bustle of the big city

Kreativno v belem in zelenem

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Info: t +386 4 588 44 77 f +386 4 588 44 79


events@hitholidays-kg.si booking@hitholidays-kg.si

Družba Terme Maribor d.d. si odličnost poslovnih dogodkov in konkurenčno prednost na trgu dejavnosti srečanj utira tudi z izvirno in predvsem odlično kulinariko. Upoštevaje zadnje svetovne trende molekularne kuhinje (ang. molecular gastronomy) kuharski mojster Slaviša Amidžić v svojem kuhinjskem »laboratoriju« hotela Habakuk vedno znova na preizkušnjo postavlja številne kuharske zapovedi in trike naših babic.

www.hitholidays-kg.si 68

Kongres - 2008

ikre, kapesante z imitacijo špagetov ter mnoga druga presenečenja, ki v svoji osnovi ne izgubijo prehranske vrednosti, navdušijo pa še tako zahtevne hedoniste. Intenzivna uporaba vseh petih čutil je ob tem zajamčena! Med številnimi organizatorji poslovnih dogodkov, ki jih gostijo v hotelu Habakuk, skrbno izbirajo, komu in ob kateri priložnosti ponuditi meni molekularne kuhinje. To veselje delijo s strankami, ki znajo ceniti dolgotrajno inovativno delo in vloženi trud, da bi na ta način svoj uradni poslovno-delovni program zaokrožili v nepozabno doživetje in presežke pričakovanj. Nobena redkost ni, da udeleženci poslovnih srečanj v Termah Maribor odidejo zadovoljnih, od ugodnega presenečenja odprtih ust ter velikih oči! www.termemb.si

»Esigflajšu« v družbo ponuja peteršiljevo olje, božični šarkelj pripravi v ledeni obliki – in tako molekularna gastronomija izkazuje tudi trud in veselje kuharskih mojstrov, ki raziskujejo načine, kako z različnimi metodami kuhanja privesti do boljše strukture, izvirnejšega okusa, najbolj zanimive barvne kombinacije in boljšega izkoristka vonja posameznih živil. Tako v Habakuku vsega vajenim gurmejem in nejevernim Tomažem na ogled in preizkus postavijo do tedaj njim nesprejemljive kombinacije živil, med katere lahko uvrstimo tudi že velikokrat uporabljeni sladoled iz bučnega olja in semenk ali morda fižolov sladoled. Za razliko od vsake tradicionalne kuharice slastno pečenko pripravijo z večurnim nizkotemperaturnim pečenjem mesa, v raviole ovijejo slastno grahovo sredico, kaviar pripravijo kar iz melone, za nameček pa redek jagodni sirup, v prvotno tekočem stanju, s hlajenjem v tekočem dušiku pred očmi gostov privedejo v obliko strnjenega sladoleda. Rezultat inovativne in vztrajne priprave so lahko chardonnayeve


Kongres - 2008

MOLECULAR DE-COMPOSITION AT BUSINESS EVENTS The Terme Maribor d.d. Company ensures the excellence of its business events and a competitive edge on the market with original, and above all, excellent cuisine. Inspired by the latest trends of the so-called molecular gastronomy, chef Slaviša Amidžić, in his kitchen ‘laboratory’ at the Habakuk Hotel, continues to put the numerous rules and tricks of cooking we learnt from our grandmothers, to the test.

The result of such innovative and patient preparation can be Chardonnay roe, scallops with an imitation of spaghetti and many other surprises, which do not lose their basic nutritional value, but will at the same time be loved by the most demanding of hedonists. An intense use of all five senses is guaranteed! Among the numerous business events hosted by the Habakuk Hotel, the hotel carefully chooses the clients and occasions for which a molecular gastronomy menu can be proposed. They share their joy with clients who know how to appreciate the lengthy, innovative work and the efforts made, to enable them to round off their business and work schedule with an unforgettable experience exceeding all expectations. And it more than often happens, that the participants at business meetings held at Terme Maribor leave very happy - with their mouths and eyes wide open from the pleasant surprises they have been offered. www.termemb.si

Advertising feature

He will accompany pickled beef with parsley oil, prepare the Christmas Kugelhupf in a frozen form – molecular gastronomy expresses the efforts and the joy of chefs by exploring different methods of food preparation to obtain a better structure, a more original flavour, the most interesting colour combination and a better efficiency of the aromas of individual ingredients. For the experienced gourmet, as well as the odd doubting Thomas or two,

the Habakuk puts forward that previously untested combinations of ingredients, such as (the now relatively well known) pumpkin seed oil ice cream or perhaps bean ice cream. Contrary to every traditional method, they make a very succulent roast by slowly roasting the meat at lower temperatures, they fill their ravioli with tasty green pea paste, they make caviar from melon, and to top it all off, they turn a thin strawberry syrup into solid sorbet with liquid nitrogen, in front of the guests.


Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Kongresna dejavnost in trajnostni turizem

Trajnostni turizem – naša prioriteta, prednost in nujnost Turizem je perspektivna in obsežna gospodarska dejavnost, ki v Sloveniji po zadnjih podatkih predstavlja 7,7 % BDP in zagotavlja 55.000 delovnih mest, v Evropi pa kar 10 % BDP in 20 milijonov delovnih mest ter je na eni strani velik uporabnik prostora in na drugi strani močno odvisen od njegove kakovosti. Medtem, ko lahko pretiran in slabo načrtovan turizem zelo obremeni okolje in celo uniči njegove raznolikosti in posebnosti, lahko trajnostno naravnan turizem poskrbi za njegovo ohranjanje in oplemenitenje. Razvoj trajnostnega turizma je zagotovo naša prioriteta. Evropa že nekaj časa stopa po poti, katere cilj je trajnostni razvoj. Tako Strategija EU za trajnostni razvoj kot Lizbonska strategija EU za rast in delovna mesta navajata, da je potrebno gospodarske, družbene in okoljske cilje zasledovati skupaj, saj je pomembno, da se ne izločajo, temveč medsebojno krepijo. Najnovejši strateški dokument s področja turizma, ki ga je pripravila Evropska komisija in ga je novembra lani sprejel Svet EU, je Agenda za trajnostni in konkurenčen evropski turizem. Dokument je usmerjen k oblikovanju več in boljših delovnih mest v turizmu, spoštovanju trajnostnih razvojnih usmeritev, večanju konkurenčnosti evropskega turističnega gospodarstva in ohranitvi primarne pozicije Evrope kot turistične destinacije na globalnem turističnem trgu.

Ne želimo si razvoja masovnega turizma, ki bi izčrpal naše resurse, temveč razvoja kakovostne in odgovorne ponudbe. Odgovorno tudi v Sloveniji Tudi v Sloveniji smo aktivno pristopili k implementaciji Agende 21 za turizem, ti koraki pa zagotovo niso naši prvi na poti trajnostnega razvoja. Konceptu odgovornega turizma sledi Zakon o spodbujanju razvoja turizma, ki izhaja iz načel Strategije razvoja Slovenije, v kateri je trajnostni razvoj ena od petih ključnih razvojnih prioritet. Tudi Razvojni načrt in usmeritve slovenskega turizma 2007-2011 (RNUST), temeljni strateški dokument na področju turizma, je skladen s temeljnimi razvojnimi usmeritvami vseh strateških razvojnih dokumentov EU. Verjetno ni več veliko tistih, ki se ne zavedajo, da so okoljske spremembe tu in da se verjetno v najhujši obliki še niso pokazale. To pa vpliva tudi na to, da se vse več turističnih podjetij in tudi turistov, zaveda pomena odgovornega in sonaravnega turizma. Na Ministrstvu za gospodarstvo, Direktoratu za turizem, trajnostnemu turizmu posvečamo veliko pozornosti, v naše aktivnosti pa vpenjamo vse akterje v turizmu – od lokalnih skupnosti, turističnega gospodarstva in predstavnikov nacionalnega nivoja – z željo, da naše težnje ne bi odzvanjale zgolj na načeli ravni, temveč da bi se tudi udejanile v drugačnem, trajnostnem razmišljanju in delovanju. Svojo zavezo trajnostnemu turizmu uresničujemo tako z vpetostjo načel trajnostnega turizma v vsa področja našega delovanja kot tudi z večimi pomembnimi projekti in dogodki na temo spodbujanja razvoja trajnostnega turizma. Eden od takšnih projektov je zagotovo


sta potekali tudi dve zelo odmevni konferenci: »Predstavitev aktivnosti za trajnostni evropski turizem«, 15. aprila v Lipici in »Agenda za trajnostni in konkurenčen evropski turizem in centralizirani EU finančni instrumenti za podporo turizmu«, 10. junija v Portorožu. Z omenjenimi projekti želimo trajnostnemu razvoju turizma na vseh nivojih dati nov zagon. Slovenija je država z izjemnimi naravnimi in kulturnimi potenciali, ki jih želimo s turizmom samo še oplemenititi. Ne želimo si razvoja masovnega turizma, ki bi izčrpal naše resurse, temveč razvoja kakovostne in odgovorne ponudbe. To je naša prioriteta. Glede na to, da je vse več ozaveščenih turistov, ki s svojim oddihom ne želijo obremenjevati okolja in izbirajo destinacije in ponudnike, ki jim to lahko omogočijo, verjamemo, da v varovanju naših danosti, tako okolja kot ljudi, leži tudi naša konkurenčna prednost. In ker si želimo ugodnega vpliva turizma, ki bo ljudem in okolju v dobrobit, tudi nujnost. Mag. Mateja Tomin Vučković MG, Direktorat za turizem mateja.vuckovic@gov.si

Mag. Mateja Tomin Vučković

Congress Activity and Sustainable Tourism EU marjetica je od leta 2003 uradni znak Evropske unije za okolju prijazne turistične namestitve projekt »Evropska destinacija odličnosti«. Naziv in znak »Evropska destinacija odličnosti« je bil letos v Sloveniji podeljen prvič, prejela pa ga je Dolina Soče. Za razvoj kakovostne ponudbe Aktivno spodbujamo tudi uvajanje ekološkega managementa nastanitvenih zmogljivosti in uvajanje ekoloških standardov storitev in infrastrukture v slovenske hotele. Na tem področju smo izvedli številne aktivnosti, na podlagi katerih je bila v februarju podeljena prva EU marjetica v Sloveniji (znak EU za okolje za turistične namestitve), ki jo je pridobilo podjetje Terme Snovik. Z namenom spodbujanja ekološkega managementa tudi v ostalih turistično nastanitvenih podjetjih pa je objavljen javni razpis za spodbujanje implementacije znaka EU marjetice, v okviru katerega bo prijaviteljem sofinanciranih do 80 % upravičenih stroškov implementacije znaka. V organizaciji Ministrstva za gospodarstvo, Direktorata za turizem,

Sustainable Tourism – Our Priority, Advantage and Necessity Tourism is a promising and extensive economic activity, which, according to the latest data represents 7.7% of Slovenia’s GDP and ensures 55,000 jobs. In Europe, it generates as much as 10% of the GDP and 20 million jobs, which on the one hand make it a great user of space but on the other, greatly dependent on its quality. While exaggerated and badly planned tourism can put enormous strains on the environment and even destroy its diversity and characteristics, sustainable tourism can provide for its preservation and ennoblement. The development of sustainable tourism is undoubtedly our priority.

being our first on the path to sustainable tourism. The concept of responsible tourism is followed by the promotion of the Tourism Development Act, which originated from the principles of the Development Strategy of Slovenia in which sustainable development is one of the five key development priorities. The Development Plan and Policies of Slovenian Tourism 2007 – 2011, the fundamental strategic document in the field of tourism, is also in accordance with the fundamental development guidelines of all EU strategic development documents. There are probably not many people left who are not aware that environmental changes are happening and that they have probably not yet demonstrated themselves in their worst form. This influences the increasing number of tourist companies and tourists that are aware of responsible and sustainable tourism. At the Directorate for Tourism with the Ministry of the Economy, we pay a lot of attention to sustainable tourism and include all the players in the field – from local communities and the tourist economy to

For quite some time, Europe has been moving towards the objective of sustainable tourism. Both the EU Sustainable Development Strategy and the Lisbon Growth and Jobs Strategy recognise that economic, social and environmental objectives should be pursued together, as it is important that they do not exclude but reinforce each other. The newest strategic document from the field of tourism prepared by the European Commission and adopted last year by the Council of the European Union is the Agenda for a Sustainable and Competitive European Tourism. The document is directed towards generating more and better workplaces in tourism, respecting sustainable development guidelines, increasing the competitiveness of the European tourist economy and maintaining the primary position of Europe as a tourist destination in the global tourist market. V organizaciji Ministrstva za gospodarstvo sta potekali tudi dve zelo odmevni konferenci - Predstavitev aktivnosti za trajnostni evropski turizem in Agenda za trajnostni in konkurenčen evropski turizem in centralizirani EU finančni instrumenti za podporo turizmu. Kongres - 2008

Slovenia is Also Being Responsible In Slovenia, we have also actively joined in the implementation of the Agenda 21 for Tourism, with these steps definitively not


At the Activities for a Sustainable European Tourism conference the guests were served Teran ice cream from frozen jugs that bore the ‘I feel Slovenia’ text. Kongres - 2008

representatives from the national level – in our activities, with the desire of our aspirations not being heard merely on the principal level but to materialise themselves in a different, sustainable consideration and operation.

to the Terme Snovik thermal spa. Aimed at facilitating ecological management in other companies providing tourist accommodation, a call for tenders for the facilitation of the implementation of the EU Daisy label has been published with co-financing of up to 80% of all justifiable expenses of the label’s implementation costs.

We implement our commitment to sustainable tourism both by including the principles of sustainable tourism in all areas of our operation and with the bigger important projects and events relating to the facilitation of the development of sustainable tourism. One of such events is undoubtedly the European Destination of Excellence project. This year, Slovenia received the European Destination of Excellence title and logo for the first time, which was awarded to the SoÄ?a Valley.

The Directorate for Tourism with the Ministry of the Economy organised two much-noticed conferences: the Presentation of Activities for a Sustainable European Tourism held on the 15 April in Lipica and the Agenda for a Sustainable and Competitive European Tourism and Centralised Financial Instruments of the EU for Tourism Support, which will be held on the 10 June in PortoroĹž. The mentioned projects are aimed at giving new impetus to the sustainable development of tourism at all levels. Slovenia is a country with a remarkable natural and cultural potential with the desire to ennoble them even further with tourism. We do not wish for mass tourism to develop and exhaust our natural resources but the development of a quality and responsible offer. This is our priority. With regard to the increasing number of environment-conscious tourists not wishing to put any strains on the environment, and who thus choose destinations and providers enabling them to do that, we believe that our competitive advantage lies in protecting our natural resources, both the environment and the people. And as we wish for a favourable effect of tourism for the good of the people and the environment, this is also a necessity.

We do not wish for mass tourism to develop and exhaust our natural resources but the development of a quality and responsible offer. For the Development of a Quality Offer We are actively stimulating the implementation of the ecological management of accommodation facilities and the implementation of ecological standards of services and infrastructure into Slovenian hotels. In this field, numerous activities have been carried out, which resulted in Slovenia this February receiving its first EU Daisy (the EU eco-label for tourist accommodation), which was awarded

Mateja Tomin VuÄ?ković MSc. Ministry of the Economy The Directorate for Tourism mateja.vuckovic@gov.si





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Kongres - 2008




Kongres - 2008

Kongresna dejavnost in trajnostni turizem

Congress Activity and Sustainable Tourism

Je ekološka osveščenost prednost ali zahteva?

Is Ecological Consciousness Still an Advantage or Already a Requirement?

Ljudje vedno bolj ugotavljamo, da je predvsem od našega odnosa do okolja odvisno, kako bomo in kako bodo naši zanamci živeli na tem planetu. Turizem kot ena od največjih gospodarskih panog je od okolja zelo odvisen. Pri trajnostnem turizmu pa ne govorimo samo o odnosu do okolja. Govorimo tudi o odnosu do kulturne dediščine, uravnoteženi rabi razpoložljivih virov in upoštevanju družbe. Vse te komponente postajajo sestavni del uspešnega turističnega proizvoda in s tem podjetij, ki nudijo te storitve. Razumljivo, da so taki produkti rentabilni samo na srednji in daljši rok. Tega se zaveda Evropska skupnost in tudi slovenska turistična politika, ki je pogoje trajnostnega turizma zapisala tudi v svojih strateških dokumentih. Kongresni turizem, ki velja za smetano turizma, se pogojev trajnostnega turizma zelo dobro zaveda. Kongresna dejavnost niso samo veliki kongresi z več sto ali tisoč udeleženci. Pod tem terminom razumemo tudi konference z dvajsetimi delegati ali incentive z osemdesetimi gosti. Vsaka zaključena skupina, ki se zbere na prizorišču, ustvarja obremenitev za okolje. Upoštevajoč navedena dejstva je mednarodna kongresna dejavnost naredila odločne korake z namenom zagotovitve ekonomske prosperitete, socialne enakosti in varovanja naravnega in kulturnega okolja. Trajnostno tudi po svetu Velika Britanija je z vzpostavitvijo standarda BS 8901 naredila pionirsko delo na tem področju. Standard navaja zahteve pri pripravi in izvedbi trajnostnih dogodkov vseh vrst in velikosti. Od poročne zabave, kongresa, pa celo do dogodkov, kot je naša Planica. V Avstraliji so zgradili prvi kongresni in razstaviščni center, upoštevajoč tako zahtevna trajnostna merila, da je postavil nove svetovne standarde na področju gradnje kongresnih centrov. V Ameriki so lani izvedli prvi množični kongres, kjer so reciklirali preko 90 % odpadkov. Da je dogodek trajnosten, se morajo tako obnašati vsi akterji v verigi. Od organizatorja dogodka, prizorišča, pa dobavitelji in seveda tudi udeleženci. V večini primerov prilagajanje novim normam zahteva dodatne stroške. Trajnostni dogodki in turizem prinašajo že kratkoročne pozitivne finančne učinke.

Slovenija ima vse pogoje, da nadgradi svoj “zeleni” predznak, ki ga ima v očeh domačih in tujih turistov in naredi korak v smeri trajnostnih dogodkov in turizma. standarde BS 8901. V sporočilu so nas opozorili na naslednje: zagotoviti moramo, da so vsa promocijska gradiva in morebitna darila proizvedena upoštevajoč trajnostna merila; minimizirati obseg predstavljenega promocijskega materiala, z namenom zmanjšanja odpadkov; v največji meri uporabiti lokalne resurse in proizvajalce, ki upoštevajo trajnostna merila. Spodbudili so nas tudi k ločevanju odpadkov na samem dogodku. Povprašali so nas, kako pridemo v London – kateri dan in na kakšen način. Tako so lažje načrtovali in organizirali prevoz do prizorišča dogodka, ob tem pa izračunali, koliko je konferenca proizvedla izpusta toplogrednih plinov v ozračje. Na koncu dogodka smo lahko vrnili kongresne torbe, ki so se uporabile za druge namene oz. predelale. Vrnili smo tudi priponke, ki so se reciklirale. Pijačo so nam nudili izključno v steklenih oziroma papirnatih kozarcih. To je bilo prvo sporočilo s tako vsebino, ki sem ga do sedaj v življenju prejel pred odhodom na konferenco. Tak kratek mail da človeku misliti – in če so stvari na sami konferenci dobro pripravljene, je uspeh zagotovljen. Pri tem smo udeleženci pripomogli k zmanjšani obremenitvi okolja in družbe, obenem pa je organizator privarčeval pri različnih stroških. Slovenci sledimo ali utiramo pot? Z veseljem ugotavljam, da imamo v Sloveniji pozitiven odnos do okolja in trajnostnega turizma. In to ne samo v primerjavi z Ameriko, ampak tudi s staro celino. Slovenija ima vse pogoje, da nadgradi svoj “zeleni” predznak, ki ga ima v očeh domačih in tujih turistov in naredi korak v smeri trajnostnih dogodkov in turizma. Kongresni standardi, ki smo jih nedavno uvedli, navajajo tudi neobvezne ekološke pogoje za ponudnike kongresnih storitev. Glede na vedno večji pomen tega področja jih bomo še v letošnjem letu dopolnili. Vsi se zavedamo, kako težko je doseči sodelovanje vseh. Toda začetek je najtežji in začeti mora posameznik. Prej, ko bomo zbrali kritično število, prej se bo tehtnica prevesila na drugo stran. K temu bodo še najbolj pripomogle stranke, ki bodo vse bolj ekološko občutljive. Zaenkrat kupci še ne zahtevajo trajnostnih dogodkov v svojih zahtevkih, jih pa z veseljem navedejo kot prednost ponudnika. Seveda so to ponudniki že ugotovili in vedno pogosteje se že sedaj – in se bo tudi v prihodnje – oglaševalo in privabljalo kupce na to prednost. Samo vprašanje časa pa je, do kdaj bo ekološka osveščenost še prednost in kdaj bo postala zahteva stranke. Miha Kovačič Direktor Zavoda-Kongresnoturistični urad miha.kovacic@slovenia-convention.com

Ekološko osveščena konferenca v Londonu Pred kratkim sem se udeležil mednarodne konference s področja kongresne dejavnosti v Londonu. Pred odhodom na konferenco nam je organizator borze poslal elektronsko sporočilo, s katerim so nas želeli opozoriti na trajnostne ukrepe, ki so jih predvideli v sklopu te konference in ki bodo vplivali na okolje, družbo in gospodarstvo. Pri pripravi ukrepov so v popolnosti implementirali


People are becoming increasingly aware that our life and the life of our posterity on this planet greatly depend on our relation to the environment. As one of the biggest branches of the economy, tourism strongly depends on the environment. In sustainable tourism, there is more than just the relation to the environment, but also the relation to cultural heritage, a balanced use of the available resources and a consideration of society. All these components are becoming integral parts of a successful tourist product and thus also of companies providing these services. It is understandable that such products are profitable only in the medium- and long-term. Both the European Community and the Slovenian tourist policy take account of this, including conditions for sustainable tourism in their strategic documents. Convention tourism as the cream of tourism is well aware of the conditions of sustainable tourism. Convention activity is, however, not merely conventions with a hundred or more participants. This term includes also conferences with twenty participants or an incentive with eighty guests. Each group at a venue puts a burden on the environment. Considering the mentioned facts, international convention activity has taken some decisive steps to ensure economic prosperity, social equality and the protection of the natural and cultural environment. Sustainable Across the World By introducing the BS 8901 Standard, Great Britain is a pioneer in this field. The standard provides requirements for planning and managing sustainable events of all sizes and types, from a wedding party to a convention, and even to events like our Planica. In Australia, they built the first convention and exhibition centre with such strict sustainable criteria that it set new world standards in the field of erecting convention centres. Last year, America was the home to the first mass convention where over 90% of generated waste was recycled. In order for an event to be sustainable, all players in the chain need to participate, from the event organiser and the venue itself, to the suppliers and, of course, the participants. In most cases, adapting to new standards requires additional costs, but sustainable events and tourism are already generating short-term positive financial effects.

the environment, society and the economy. In preparing these measures, they fully implemented the BS 8901 Standard. Their e-mail pointed out the following: all promotional material and any eventual gifts need to be prepared with regard to sustainable criteria; the quantity of promotional material needs to be minimised to reduce waste; local resources and manufacturers observing sustainable criteria need to be used to the greatest possible extent. We were encouraged to separate waste when attending the event. The organisers enquired about when and how we were arriving in London, so that it was easier for them to plan and organise the transfer to the venue, while at the same time being able to calculate the event’s CO2 emissions. At the end of the event, we were able to return the convention bags, which were used for other purposes or processed. We also returned the name badges, which were to be recycled. They offered drinks exclusively in glasses or paper cups. This was the first e-mail of its type that I have received prior to setting off to a convention. A short e-mail like this makes you think, and if everything is well prepared at the convention itself, success is guaranteed. The participants helped decrease burdens on the environment and society, while the organisers saved on various costs.

Each group at a venue represents a burden on the environment. It is only a matter of time until ecological consciousness is an advantage before it becomes a requirement. Are Slovenians Following or Paving the Way? We are pleased to see that in Slovenia we have a positive relation to the environment and sustainable tourism, not only compared to the United States, but also to the Old Continent. Slovenia has all the conditions to upgrade the green image that it has in the eyes of domestic and foreign tourists and take a step forward in the direction of sustainable events and tourism. The convention standards implemented recently list non-binding ecological conditions for providers of convention services. Considering the growing importance of this segment, we intend to complement them already this year. We are all aware how difficult it is to get everybody to cooperate. But each beginning is hard and each individual has to make a start. The sooner we achieve critical mass, the sooner the scales will tip to the other side. A growing ecological sensitivity among clients will certainly be the greatest contributor. So far, clients are not requesting sustainable events, but gladly list them as one of the advantages of the provider. The providers are aware of this and are already advertising this advantage and will continue to do so as a means of attracting clients. It is only a matter of time until ecological consciousness is an advantage before it becomes a requirement.

An Ecologically Conscious Conference in London

Miha Kovačič Director of Slovenian Convention Bureau miha.kovacic@slovenia-convention.com

I recently attended an international conference on convention activity in London. Prior to our departure for the conference, the organiser sent us an e-mail pointing out the sustainable measures foreseen for this convention and which would influence Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Predsedovanje EU

Slovenia’s EU Presidency

Kompas vodi in vozi za potrebe predsedovanja

Kompas – Transfers and Guide Services for Slovenia’s EU Presidency

S profesionalnimi storitvami in ugledom je Kompasu uspelo pridobiti glavne agencijske logistične posle, ki jih prinaša slovensko predsedovanje EU. Generalni sekretariat Vlade RS za predsedovanje EU je turističnemu podjetju Kompas, ki že od nekdaj prisega na najvišjo raven storitev, zaupala vodenje in prevoz gostov ter obiskovalcev za dogodke, ki se odvijajo v okviru predsedovanja.

25 avtobusov (20 velikih in 5 malih) ter 20 turističnih vodnikov (10 angleško govorečih in 10 francosko govorečih). Avtobusi so kategorizirani kot visoko turistični avtobusi, opremljeni z najsodobnejšo opremo in tehnologijo in niso starejši od treh let. Kompas je v sodelovanju s Uradom vlade za komuniciranje v celoti opremil dva velika avtobusa ter en mali avtobus z atributi celostne grafične podobe predsedovanja Slovenije EU. Na omenjenih avtobusih lahko v Ljubljani ali drugod po Sloveniji vidimo povečan in dobro viden logotip predsedovanja. Ko omenjamo najsodobnejšo opremo v avtobusih, je potrebno poudariti, da je Kompas za potrebe prevozov novinarjev ter ostalega spremstva delegacij iz cele Evrope, s pomočjo svojih partnerjev (družbe Mobitel) tri avtobuse opremil z brezžičnim dostopom do interneta (t.i. wireless dostop).

Generalni sekretariat Vlade RS za predsedovanje EU je za potrebe dogodkov, povezanih s predsedovanjem Slovenije Evropski uniji, na podlagi javnega razpisa izbral turistično podjetje Kompas d.d. za uradnega organizatorja turističnih vodenj in prevozov z avtobusi ter mini-busi. Pogodbeno sodelovanje traja od 1.11.2007 do 30.6.2008. Dogodki se odvijajo na različnih protokolarnih ravneh, od spremljevalnih dogodkov ob delovnih srečanjih sekretarjev, pa vse do uradnih obiskov na najvišji državni protokolarni ravni.

Za vse vodnike so v Kompasu jeseni 2007 organizirali seminar s ciljem dodatnega izobraževanja vodnikov o pravilih dela in vodenja protokolarnih dogodkov. Seminar se je izvajal v sodelovanju z Zavodom za turizem Ljubljana ter Protokolom RS. Vsem vodnikom je Kompas skladno s celostno grafično podobo predsedovanja zagotovil tudi protokolarna oblačila, kar kaže na pomembno vlogo izvajanja turističnih in prevoznih storitev v okviru slovenskega predsedovanja, pa tudi predanost Kompasa storitvam, ki jih izvaja že vse od leta 1951.

Kompas se je na izvedbo naročenih storitev prevoza ter organiziranja profesionalnih vodstev zelo dobro pripravil, saj želi zagotoviti kvalitetno izvedbo. Predvideno število naročil avtobusov je namreč kar 1.400, predvideno število vodenj pa 600. Za razmeroma kratko obdobje pomeni tako veliko število naročil veliko odgovornost. Prav zato so bili pogoji razpisa zelo striktni in obsežni.

V podjetju Kompas so ponosni, da so prva slovenska turistična agencija, tako za turistična potovanja, kot tudi za podporo v logistiki pri najzahtevnejših poslovnih in protokolarnih dogodkih. www.kompas.si

Za potrebe dogodkov predsedovanja je tako Kompas namenil

Thanks to its professional services and good business reputation, Kompas has succeeded in becoming the main provider of ground agent logistics services related to Slovenia’s EU Presidency. The Presidency Secretariat (the Secretariat-General of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia) has entrusted Kompas Travel & Tourism Company – which has always placed great importance on the extremely high level of its services – with providing transfer and guide services for the guests and visitors of the events taking place during the Presidency.

In order to cover the events held during the Presidency, Kompas has allocated 25 coaches (20 standard coaches and 5 smaller coaches or vans) and 20 tourist guides (10 English-speaking and 10 francophone guides). The coaches used for the transfers belong to the top class of tourist coaches; they feature the latest technological equipment and were all built less than three years ago. In cooperation with the Government Communication Office, Kompas has equipped two large coaches and one mini-bus with the elements of the design concepts identifying Slovenia’s EU Presidency. These vehicles, which can be seen in Ljubljana and elsewhere in Slovenia, feature a large-sized Presidency logo. As for the state-of-the-art technological equipment of the vehicles, one should mention that Kompas, in cooperation with its partners (the GSM service provider Mobitel) has equipped three coaches - which will be used to carry journalists and other personnel accompanying the delegates from across Europe - with wireless internet access points.

Based on a public tender, the Presidency Secretariat of the Slovenian Government has selected Kompas Travel & Tourism Company to be the official provider of guide services and transfers with coaches and mini-buses. A cooperation agreement has been signed for the period from 1 November 2007 to 30 June 2008. Events will be held at various levels of protocol, ranging from events to accompany the working sessions of dignitaries to official visits at the top levels of state protocol.

In the autumn of 2007, a seminar for the guides was held with the purpose of providing the guides with additional information regarding the specific approach to guiding and handling the events for the protocol. The seminar was organised in association with the Ljubljana Tourist Board and the Protocol of the Republic of Slovenia. Kompas has also provided all of its guides with clothing (overcoats) matching the design of Slovenia’s Presidency, the purpose of which is to underline the importance of transfer and tourist services during Slovenia’s Presidency, as well to attest to Kompas’ dedication to the services in question, which have been its core activity since its foundation in 1951.

Kompas is well-prepared for its task of organising transfers and providing professional guide services, as its main objective is to offer high-quality services. The envisaged number of transfers is 1,600, together with some 600 guided tours. Given the relatively short period of time, this considerable volume of services means great responsibility. This is also why the terms and conditions of the tender were very strict and extensive.

Kompas is proud of the fact that they provide support for the logistics of top-level business and protocol events, which places them firmly ahead of other Slovenian travel & tourism agencies. www.kompas.si


Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Roko Palmić, Hotel Regent Esplanade Zagreb

Regionalno trženje je smiselna in pametna ideja Glede na seznam najboljših hotelov na svetu, ki ga je objavila internetna turistična agencija Expedia (Expedia Annual Insiders' Select Ranking), je hotel Regent Esplanade Zagreb edini, poleg hotela Hilton v Dubrovniku, ki se mu je uspelo uvrstiti v sam vrh. S 95 točkami je osvojil 52. mesto. Kateri je glavni dejavnik, ki vas uvršča tako visoko na lestvici in kaj svetujete drugim hotelirjem, ki se niso uspeli uvrstiti na lestvico? Poudariti moram, da se je hrvaški hotel Regent Esplanade Zagreb po izboru bralcev revije Conde Nast Traveler Magazine uvrstil na 34. mesto med najboljšimi hoteli v Evropi in je tudi na seznamu Conde Nast Traveler Magazine Gold List. Verjamemo, da za uspeh ni zaslužen le en ključni dejavnik, ampak je potrebno vsak dan doseči več ciljev. Naša misija je sestavljena iz naslednje kombinacije ciljev: najprej, naš posel opravljamo v skladu z našimi standardi. Vsak hotel Regent, torej tudi naš, mora zadovoljevati že uveljavljena pravila. Tako imenovani “hardware standardi” zagotavljajo, da je hotel v reprezentativni zgradbi (ponavadi zgodovinsko pomembni) in na najboljši lokaciji, pa tudi notranjost in zunanjost sta stilno oblikovani. “Software standardi” pa zagotavljajo kakovost storitev. Medtem ko je “hardware standarde” nekoliko lažje izpolniti, pa nam “software standardi” in s tem edinstvene storitve, ki jih nudimo, pomagajo, da si pridobimo konkurenčno prednost. Gostom nudimo storitve po meri, popolnoma prilagojene osebnim potrebam, ki jih nudi dobro izobraženo osebje. V hotelih Regent imamo posebno filozofijo storitev, ki ji pravimo Regentova tao filozofija – streči drugim je kot streči sebi; slišati, brez da bi bilo potrebno kaj reči, videti, brez da bi bilo potrebno kaj pokazati, vedeti, brez da bi bilo potrebno vprašati. Naše poslanstvo je, kot vidite, nuditi popolno storitev našemu gostu. Lepota hotela samega, skupaj z brezhibnimi, posamezniku prilagojenimi storitvami in različnimi ponudbami po meri za naše stranke, nam zagotavljajo konkurenčno prednost in uspeh. Naj omenim le nekaj storitev, prilagojenih gostom, ki jih nudimo. Osebni nakupovalec in stilist, možnost udobnega nakupovanja s pomočjo strokovnjaka, ki gosta obravnava kot VIP osebo; različne kopeli, ki jih gostu pripravi strežaj za kopeli; pasji meni – posebej sestavljen meni in program za pse naših gostov; ogledi Zagreba na nov, trenden način z osebnim transporterjem Segway. Svojim kolegom v industriji bi svetoval, naj dosledno izpolnjujejo “hardware in software standarde”, naj spremljajo trende, ne zato, da bi izpolnjevali želje gostov, ampak da bodo vedno korak pred njihovimi potrebami in željami. Z drugimi besedami, poskušajo naj brati njihove misli in jim nuditi tisto, kar jih bo presenetilo in zaradi česar se bodo ponovno vrnili. Predlagal bi tudi, naj poskušajo biti prvi in edini, ki nudijo storitve, ki jih imajo.

Zato že lahko pozdravljamo cele skupine gostov iz Skandinavije. Kakšni so investicijski načrti skupine Rezidor v tej regiji za prihodnost? Ponosen sem, da lahko naznanim odprtje letovišča Sun garden v Dubrovniku. To bo edinstven hotelski kompleks, ki bo vključeval hotela Regent in Radisson, oba sta zaščitna znamka skupine Rezidor Hotel Group. Hotel Regent bo prve goste sprejel proti koncu leta 2010, Radisson pa v začetku leta 2009. Rezidor Hotel Group prav tako načrtuje odprtje hotela pod znamko Radisson v Splitu. Na Hrvaškem pa imamo v načrtu še kar nekaj drugih investicijskih projektov v bližnji prihodnosti, zato lahko rečem, da bo Rezidor Hotel Group ena od največjih hotelskih verig v hrvaškem turizmu. Kaj menite o sodelovanju jugovzhodnih evropskih destinacij?

Hotel Regent Esplanade Zagreb Bomo imeli več možnosti, če bomo sodelovali? Mislim, da bi nekateri skupni marketinški projekti več jugovzhodnih evropskih destinacij lahko pripomogli k temu. Ta regija ima še vedno veliko za povedati svetu, saj je velikemu številu turistov še dokaj neznana. Sodelovanje bi bilo zato lahko uspešno, saj bi v to regijo pritegnilo turiste in pozornost. Potem, ko bi turisti ugotovili potencial te regije in bi se zanjo začeli zanimati, smo na vrsti mi, vsaka država posebej, da se promovira na najboljši možen način in turistom ponudi, kar morajo obiskati in videti v tej državi, ali morda celo, zakaj bi jo raje obiskali kot druge. Na splošno je regionalno trženje kar smiselna in pametna ideja. Pozneje, po skupnem regionalnem sodelovanju, pa lahko vsaka država oziroma mesto uporabijo svojo tržno strategijo. Kar se tiče Zagreba, moram reči, da je mesto z veliko potenciala, ki še ni odkrit. Z ustrezno tržno strategijo bi lahko postal nova počitniška in poslovno-turistična destinacija na evropskem zemljevidu. Kdo so najuspešnejši ponudniki v industriji srečanj na Hrvaškem? O tem lahko govorim le iz vidika hotela Regent Esplanade Zagreb. Vedno smo dobro sodelovali z naslednjimi turističnimi agencijami: Event, O Tours, Dubrovnik Travel, Penta, Venevent, Kompas DMC in Atlas. Kakšno je vaše sodelovanje z zagrebškim kongresnim uradom? Je ponudba mesta Zagreb primerna?

Dostopnost kot letalska destinacija je eden od ključnih pogojev za razvoj industrije srečanj. Ali pričakujete, da se bo glede tega v Zagrebu v prihodnosti kaj spremenilo? Mislim, da bo v prihodnosti Zagreb postal še lažje dostopna letalska destinacija. Vedno več letalskih družb Zagreb izbira za svojo destinacijo, kar je pozitivno za naše dnevne posle. Skandinavska družba SAS je nedavno začela s poleti med Stockholmom in Zagrebom, najprej dvakrat na teden in pozneje celo trikrat na teden.


Roko Palmić Kongres - 2008

S Kongresnim uradom Zagreb zelo dobro sodelujemo. Za naročnike mednarodne industrije srečanj redno organiziramo študijske obiske, kjer se seznanijo z našim produktom, urad pa nas pri tem podpira na več načinov, v tem segmentu je naš partner. Turistična organizacija Zagreb želi Zagreb uveljaviti kot destinacijo za mestne počitnice (City Break) in srečanja, zato mislim, da so na pravi poti.


Izziv je še vedno pogostost letalskih letov, saj je pri industriji srečanj problem to, da si poslovne delegacije ne morejo privoščiti nekaj dni, da dočakajo svoj povratni let po srečanju v Zagrebu. Frekvenca poletov je vsekakor področje, kjer so še mogoče izboljšave. Tudi obratovalni čas storitvene industrije je izziv, saj je sedaj mogoče opaziti skupine počitniških turistov (trg počitniškega turizma), ki se med vikendom sprehajajo po Zagrebu in poskušajo ugotoviti, katera (če sploh katera) restavracija, muzej, gledališče itd. je odprta. Naj zaključim. Zagreb je, po besedah nekaterih, nova Praga, Budimpešta ali Dunaj. Ima veliko potenciala in če bi lahko odstranili nekaj zaprek, bi rekel, da lahko Zagreb postane sveža destinacija za mednarodna srečanja MICE in počitniška destinacija na evropskem zemljevidu. Ta številka je posvečena kulinarični umetnosti in vinu. Kako pomembna je restavracija à la carte v vašem hotelu? Popolnoma samoumevno je to zelo pomemben, pravzaprav odločilen del naše ponudbe hrane in pijače. S ponosom lahko povem, da obe naši restavraciji – Le Bistro in Zinfandel’s, ki delujeta pod vodstvom našega glavnega kuharja Marca Fontenella (prejel je že številne nagrade) – naše goste presenečata ne samo s sezonskimi meniji à la carte, ampak tudi s tedenskimi in dvotedenskimi meniji. Naša ponudba hrane in pijače se hitro prilagaja trendom in letnim časom. Junija bomo poleg novega sezonskega menija à la carte nudili številne jedi, ki jih bodo v restavracijah Le Bistro in Zinfandel’s pripravili iz rabarbare; proslavili bomo poletje na naši terasi Oleander, kjer bomo stregli različne latinsko-ameriške jedi in koktajle. Ta kreativnost in raznolikost izbire, ne samo iz ponudbe hrane in pijače, ampak celega hotela, je ena od ključnih sestavin našega uspeha in razlog da imamo toliko gostov, ki se radi vrnejo v naš hotel. www.regenthotels.com Kongres - 2008

Roko Palmić, Hotel Regent Esplanade Zagreb

Regional Marketing is a Good Idea According to Expedia (Expedia Annual Insiders' Select Ranking) hotel Regent Esplanade Zagreb is the only one, besides the Hilton hotel in Dubrovnik, which has made it to the top of the list. With its 95 points it ranks 52nd on the scale. What is the key factor that has brought you so high up on the scale, and what do you suggest to other hoteliers who have not made it to the scale? I also have to emphasise that The Regent Esplanade Zagreb has been announced as the 34th best hotel in Europe by Condé Nast Traveller Magazine Readers’ Choice Award and is included on the Condé Nast Traveller Magazine Gold List. We believe that there is no single key success factor, but rather several goals that have to be achieved on a daily basis. This combination of goals constitutes our mission. First of all: we do our business according to our standards. Every Regent hotel, and therefore, ours as well, has to follow established standards. First, the so-called “hardware standards” ensure that the hotel is located in a representative building (usually one of some historical significance) and at the best location, and also that the interior and exterior are decorated by a known designer. Secondly, the socalled “software standards” guarantee service quality. Whereas the “hardware standards” are somewhat easier to achieve, the “software standards” – the unique service that we offer – helps us gain a competitive advantage. We provide our guests with tailormade, highly personalised services, provided by specially trained staff. We at Regent Hotels operate according to a special service philosophy called “the Tao of the Regent”: To serve others is to serve oneself, to hear without being told, to see without being shown, to know without being asked. As you can see, it is our mission to provide the guest with perfect service. The beauty of the hotel premises, combined with the impeccable highly personalized service and various tailor-made offers for our clients, are there to ensure our competitive advantage and our success. Just to mention a couple of the tailor-made services that we offer: Personal shopper & stylist, a combination of the ease of shopping with topclass VIP treatment assisted by a shopping expert; our Bath Menu, a variety of baths prepared by the guests' Bath Butler; our Dog Menu, a specially created menu and treatment programme for our guests ’dogs; Segway City Tour, tailor-made tours of Zagreb in a new, trendy way, at Segway. My suggestion to colleagues from the industry would be to follow their “hardware and software standards” consistently, to follow the trends and not just keep up with the guests’ needs, but to try to be ahead of guests’ needs and wishes. In other words, to try to “read their mind” and come up with initiatives that will astonish them and make them repeat their visit. I would also suggest that they try to be the first and only ones to have the particular services they offer. Accessibility by air is one of the key conditions for the development of the meetings industry. In future, do you expect any changes to occur in this field in Zagreb? I believe that Zagreb will become an increasingly reachable flight


destination in future. More and more airlines are choosing Zagreb as their flight destination, which has a positive effect on our dayto-day business. Just as an example, SAS recently started to fly Stockholm – Zagreb, twice a week at first, and then even three times a week. As a consequence, we are already welcoming groups from Scandinavia. What are the future investment plans of Rezidor Group for this region? I’m proud to announce the opening of the Sun Garden Resort in Dubrovnik. This will be a unique hotel complex, including a Regent Hotel and a Radisson Hotel, both Rezidor Hotel Group brands. The Regent will welcome its first guests in late 2010 and the Radisson – in early 2009. In addition, Rezidor Hotel Group is planning to open a hotel in Split, under the Radisson brand. There are also several other investment projects taking place in Croatia, in the near future, so I can say that Rezidor Hotel Group may be viewed as one of the largest hotel groups in Croatian tourism. What is your opinion on the cooperation of south-east European destinations? Will we have more options if we co-operate? I think that joint marketing projects for several south-east European destinations may help all parties involved. This region still has so much to say to the rest of the world, it is still rather unknown to many tourists and so this kind of cooperation might be successful in attracting tourists to this part of the world, as it would draw attention to the region.

right track. Flight connections are still a challenge – the frequency of flights because, if we consider the MICE industry, the business community cannot afford to wait a couple of days for their return flight after their meeting in Zagreb. The frequency of flights is definitely an area for improvement. The service industry operating hours are also a challenge, because you can see groups of leisure tourists (the city break market) wandering through Zagreb on the weekend trying to find which (if any) restaurants, museums, theatres, etc are open. To conclude, as some like to say, Zagreb is the new Prague, Budapest or Vienna. It has a lot of potential and if several obstacles are overcome, I would say that Zagreb can be a fresh MICE and city break destination on the map of Europe. This issue is dedicated to culinary art and wine. How important is the à la carte restaurant in your hotel’s offer? It goes without saying that this is a very important aspect of our F&B offer – actually, a crucial one. I’m proud to say that, under the guidance of our award-winning Executive Chef, Marc Fontenelle, both of our restaurants, Le Bistro and Zinfandel’s surprise our guests not only with seasonal à la carte menus, but also with monthly and bi-weekly menus. Our F&B offer reacts to trends and seasons very quickly. For instance, in addition to the new seasonal à la carte menu in June, we will be promoting numerous meals prepared with rhubarb in Le Bistro and Zinfandel’s and we will celebrate the summer on our Oleander Terrace with various Latin American dishes and cocktails. This creativity and variety of choices – not only of our F&B offer but of the entire hotel - is one of the key components of our success. and also the reason why we attract so many guests who like to return to our hotels.

Zinfandels Restaurant


Afterwards, once tourists have realized the potential of this region, when they get interested in it, it is up to us – up to each country – to promote itself as best it can and to let tourists know why they should visit that particular country, and maybe even prefer it to others. In general, in terms of regional marketing, this is a good idea. Later on, after mutual, regional cooperation, every country and city shall initiate its marketing strategy independently. Regarding Zagreb, I have to say that this is a city with a lot of potential. It is as yet undiscovered. With suitable marketing efforts it is possible to place it as the new leisure and business tourism spot on the map of Europe. Who are the most successful meetings industry suppliers in Croatia? I can only speak from The Regent Esplanade Zagreb standpoint. We have always had very good cooperation with Event, O Tours, Dubrovnik Travel, Penta, Venevent, Kompas DMC and Atlas Travel Agency. How do you cooperate with Zagreb Convention Bureau? Is what the city of Zagreb has to offer suitable? We have very good cooperation with Zagreb Convention Bureau. We organise Familiarisation and Education trips on a regular basis for the members of the international MICE industry, and the Bureau supports us in several ways. We consider them our partners in this field. The Zagreb Tourist Board is positioning Zagreb as a city break and MICE destination, and I would say that they are on the Kongres - 2008

Presidential Suite


Kongres - 2008



Lizbona versus Ljubljana

Lisbon versus Ljubljana

Običajno Ljubljano primerjamo s srednjeevropskimi prestolnicami, zelo drzna pa je primerjava z Lizbono. Ekipa kongresno-komercialne dejavnosti Cankarjevega doma se je odločila biti drzna in obiskati to prečudovito prestolnico ob reki Tejo, ki ima poleg prve črke v imenu še to skupno lastnost z Ljubljano, da je že predsedovala Evropski uniji.

Natančne informacije o posameznem središču si lahko ogledate na spletni strani www.visitlisboa.com. Mi smo si podrobneje ogledali Kulturni center Belem (pravzaprav Cankarjev dom v Lizboni) in Kongresni center Lizbona, ki ju po karakteristikah lahko primerjamo s Cankarjevim domom. Ker so nas povsod sprejeli tudi pravi sogovorniki, smo se lahko v razpravi konkretno osredotočili na izhodišča, s katerimi se očitno srečujemo prav vsi organizatorji kongresnih prireditev in ponudniki storitev.

Vsi poudarjajo, da je trženje destinacije ključni

Za začetek nekaj statističnih podatkov za boljšo primerjavo:

Detailed information about individual centres is available at www. visitlisboa.com. We took a closer look at the Belem Cultural Centre (actually Cankarjev dom in Lisbon) and the Lisbon Congress Centre which, in light of their characteristics, can be compared to Cankarjev dom. As everywhere we went, we were received by the right dialogue partners, we were able to focus specifically on the starting points which obviously face all organisers of congressional events and service providers.

The Lisbon Convention Bureau has a substantially

element za pridobitev posla.


Vsi poudarjajo, da je trženje destinacije ključni element za pridobitev posla. To nalogo za Lizbono opravlja mestni kongresni urad Lisboa Convention Bureau, ki deluje v okviru lizbonskega turističnega urada. Ta je vpet v državno turistično organizacijo, v okviru katere deluje državni kongresni urad, ki določa smernice trženja in primarne trge, ki so za Portugalsko naslednji: ZDA, Velika Britanija, Španija, Francija, Nemčija in Italija. Lisboa Convention Bureau nato samostojno izvaja svoj program dela (usklajen z državnimi smernicami), ki je najprej usmerjen na trženje destinacije:

Kratek pregled zmogljivosti Največja zmogljivost Gledališče Razred Sprejem Banket

Atlantic Pavillion – Atlantski paviljon Belem Cultural Centre – Kulturni center Belem Culturgest FIL – International Fair of Lisboa (razstavišče) Lisboa Congress Centre – Kongresni center Lizbona






Lisboa Oceanarium











19 7

1500 618

120 36

2000 -

1500 -






• • • • •

higher budget at its disposal than our national

Let us begin with some statistical data enabling us to make a better comparison.

Trženje destinacije

Št. prebivalcev 564.657 274.433 Št. večjih kon. centrov 6 2 Mesto na ICCA lestvici 6 56 Št. kongresnih dogodkov, 90 23 ki ustrezajo normativom statistike ICCA Mestni kongresni urad da da Št. zaposlenih v mestnem 5 1 kongresnem uradu

Št. dvoran

We usually compare Ljubljana to Central European capitals, and so the comparison with Lisbon is very bold. The team from the congress and commercial programme of Cankarjev dom has decided to be bold and to visit this wonderful capital, situated on the Tagus River, which has another common point with Ljubljana apart from its first initial – it has already presided over the European Union.

udeležba na ključnih mednarodnih kongresnih borzah, organizacija uglednih obiskov in študijskih potovanj, izvedba delavnic na ciljnih trgih, izvedba obiskov od vrat do vrat, delo na bazi ICCA.

Lizbon Convention Bureau članstvo uravnava na podlagi standardov, ki jim mora ponudnik zadoščati. Plačilo članarine je obvezno. Lizbona večji proračun kot Slovenija Za konec lahko povemo, da ima Kongresni urad Lizbone za svoje aktivnosti na voljo krepko večji proračun kot naš državni Kongresni urad. Urad je pobudnik promocijskih aktivnosti, ki jih mora v celoti podpreti in financirati lokalno gospodarstvo. Zavedajo se, da imajo strateške prednosti, kot so podoba, lega (bližina morja), bogata dediščina in razvita infrastruktura. Tudi letalske povezave, ki za marsikatero smer niso idealne, niso ovira. Pomanjkljivosti Portugalci nadomestijo z očarljivostjo in sentimentalnostjo – kaj nas lahko v Lizboni bolj prepriča kot kozarec porta in fado?


Number of inhabitants 564.657 274.433 Number of big congress centres 6 2 Position on the ICCA list 6 56 Number of congressional events 90 23 meeting the norms of the ICCA statistics City Convention Bureau yes yes Number of employees 5 1 at the City Convention Bureau

Convention Bureau. Marketing the Destination Everybody stresses that marketing a destination is the key element of obtaining the order. For Lisbon, this task is being performed by the Lisbon Convention Bureau, operating as part of the Lisbon Tourist Office which in turn is part of the National Tourist Board that establishes marketing guidelines and the primary markets for Portugal – the USA, Great Britain, Spain, France, Germany and Italy. The Lisbon Convention Bureau then independently implements its programme (brought in line with the national guidelines) which is primarily oriented towards marketing the destination:

Brief review of capacities Number of halls Greatest capacity Theatre Class Reception Banquet Atlantic Pavilion Belem Cultural Centre Culturgest FIL – International Fair of Lisboa Lisboa Congress Centre

7 19 7

12.500 1500 618

2500 120 36

7000 2000 -

4000 1500 -

13 54

450 3500

200 650

10.000 3000

8000 3500

Lisboa Oceanarium






• • • • •

participation at key international convention exhibitions, organisation of renown visits and study trips, implementation of workshops on target markets, implementation of door-to-door visits, work on the ICCA basis.

The Lisbon Convention Bureau regulates its membership based on the standards the provider needs to meet. Payment of a membership fee is obligatory. Lisbon with a Bigger Budget than Slovenia Let us conclude by saying that the Lisbon Convention Bureau has a substantially higher budget at its disposal than does our National Convention Bureau. The Bureau is the initiator of promotional activities which the local economy needs to fully support and finance. They are aware of the strategic advantages brought by the image, location (vicinity of the sea), rich heritage and developed infrastructure. The airline connections, which are not ideal for all directions, do not pose a problem. The Portuguese compensate for this deficiency with charm and sentimentality – what could convince you more in Lisbon than a glass of Port and fado?

Maja Vidergar Cankarjev dom maja.vidergar@cd-cc.si

Maja Vidergar Cankarjev dom maja.vidergar@cd-cc.si


Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Ljubljanski cukrčki

Ljubljana Candies

Zmajeva šifra - domiseln in zabaven teambuilding program po Ljubljani

The Dragon Code – An Imaginative and Entertaining Teambuilding Programme in Ljubljana

Zmajeva šifra je avanturističen ogled mesta, ki popelje obiskovalce v skrivnostni svet domišljije in simbolike, saj je njihova naloga odstrniti tančico strogo varovane skrivnosti … Dogodivščina je zavita v tančico starodavne modrosti, izhaja pa iz legende o skrivni bratovščini Kazamate, ki je skozi stoletja varovala starodavno znanje. Tisti, ki poznajo skrivnost, imajo ključ do sreče, harmonije ter blagostanja mesta in njegovih prebivalcev. Bratovščina je modrost skrila v Zmajevo šifro, da bi jo obvarovala pred tistimi, ki bi jo lahko izrabili v sebične namene.

The Dragon Code is an adventure tour of the city taking participants into the mysterious world of imagination and symbolism, as their task is to unveil a greatly-treasured secret … The scenario is based on a legend about the secret brotherhood of Kazamate, who for centuries have kept alive and protected a piece of ancient wisdom. Those who know their secret have the key to the happiness, harmony and well-being of the city and its residents. To protect it from selfish misuse, the brotherhood encrypted it into the Dragon Code.

Education Europe Conference in El Escoril (Spain) in front of an audience of 80 experts and was very positively rated, as it is far from being a simple city treasure hunt. With the intention of making this attractive programme available to smaller groups or individuals, the authors have adapted a shorter version for the regularly scheduled city tours organised by the Ljubljana Tourist Board. The tour is available from June to September on Wednesdays from 18:00 to 19:30, and on Saturdays from 10:00 to 11:30 and from 18.00 to 19:30, requiring a minimum of 5 people. Further details on booking and prices are available from the website www.visitljubljana.si or via the Tourist Information Centre, Tel. +386 1 306 12 15, e-mail: tic@visitljubljana.si.

Experience-based learning about the city's art, architecture, sights and ancient legends actively brings participants to the heart and soul of Ljubljana. This includes disclosing the secrets behind the city's façades and reviving stories from its past. Their task is to decipher the Code and discover the piece of wisdom contained within. Helped by the brotherhood's mysterious hints, participants have to solve a range of peculiar mysteries and riddles in order to pass their test. Once the mystery of the Dragon Code is revealed, it is easy to realise that Ljubljana has the most to offer to those who are able to look with their hearts …

Izkustveno doživljanje umetnosti, arhitekture, mestnih znamenitosti in starodavnih legend udeležence vodi v srce in dušo Ljubljane, na poti pa morajo odstirati tančice z mestnih pročelij in oživljati zgodbe iz preteklosti. Njihova naloga je, da razvozlajo Zmajevo šifro in razkrijejo starodavno modrost, seveda s pomočjo skrivnostnih namigov bratovščine, ki jih vodijo skozi nenavadne preizkušnje in zagonetke. Ko se prebijejo do zadnje zadane naloge, se vsem razkrije skrivnost Zmajeve šifre, s katero preprosto spoznajo, da Ljubljana skriva in lahko ponudi mnogo več tistim, ki znajo gledati s srcem.

This unique tour, which takes about 3 hours, has been created and is operated by S.O.L. Institute (Slovenian Outdoor Learning Institute, www.solinstitut.com). Several DMCs have included it in incentive programmes for foreign clients, who have really enjoyed the experience. At the moment, the Dragon Code tour can be taken in English, French and Slovenian. The programme was recently presented at the Experiential

Avtor in izvajalec tega domiselnega programa v trajanju največ treh ur je S.O.L. (Institut za promocijo izkustvenega učenja, www. solinstitut.com). Kar nekaj domačih naročnikov in specializiranih agencij, ki so Zmajevo šifro vključile v program motivacijskih potovanj za tuje goste, je bilo z izkušnjo nadvse zadovoljnih. Zaenkrat se lahko program izvaja v slovenskem, angleškem in francoskem jeziku.

Ko se prebijejo do zadnje zadane naloge, se vsem razkrije skrivnost Zmajeve šifre, s katero preprosto spoznajo, da Ljubljana skriva in lahko ponudi mnogo več tistim, ki znajo gledati s srcem. Program je bil pred kratkim uspešno predstavljen na konferenci EEE – izkustvenega učenja v Evropi, v španskem El Escorilu, kjer je osemdeset strokovnjakov Zmajevo šifro zelo visoko ocenilo, saj daleč presega običajen program mestnega lova na zaklad. Z namenom, da se ta originalen način odkrivanja mesta ponudi manjšim skupinam in celo posameznikom, so avtorji ustvarili krajšo in prilagojeno različico, ki je uvrščena v ponudbo rednih ogledov Ljubljane v organizaciji Zavoda za turizem Ljubljana. Program je na voljo od junija do septembra ob sredah od 18. do 19.30 ure, ter v dveh sobotnih terminih, in sicer med 10. in 11.30 uro in 18. do 19.30 uro. Pogoj za realizacijo programa je vsaj pet udeležencev, nadaljnje informacije o ceni in prijavi pa so objavljene na www.visitljubljana. si, lahko pa vam jih posreduje tudi Turistični informacijski center Ljubljana, tel. 01 306 12 15, e-pošta: tic@visitljubljana.si.


Foto: S.O.L. Institut za promocijo izkustvenega učenja

Kongres - 2008

Photo: Slovenian Outdoor Learning Institute


Kongres - 2008

Ljubljanski cukrčki

Ljubljana Candies

Mestni muzej Ljubljana - več kot le muzej

The City Museum of Ljubljana - More than Just a Museum

Le streljaj od nabrežja Ljubljanice v starem mestnem jedru sodobno prenovljena renesančna Turjaška palača postaja vse bolj priljubljeno posebno prizorišče za prirejanje svečanih sprejemov, poslovnih dogodkov, manjših konferenc oziroma seminarjev, kakor tudi kulturnih in drugih prireditev. Prostor atrija, ki je srce palače, odlikujeta čista eleganca in funkcionalnost, poudarek pa mu dajejo ambient belega marmorja, zastekljene galerije ter masivni kamniti stebri in oboki, ki odpirajo pogled na odprto notranje dvorišče, kjer osvetljeni arkadni hodniki palače uokvirjajo nebo. Zmogljivost atrija je največ 200 udeležencev za stoječ sprejem in 80 za sedeč banket. Stavba Mestnega muzeja se ponaša še z drugimi prostori, ki so

zanimivi za izvedbo prireditev. Projekcijska dvorana je manjša in sodobna konferenčna dvorana z 81 sedeži, primerna za organizacijo predavanj, okroglih miz, projekcij, novinarskih konferenc, simpozijev in raznih predstavitev. Reprezentančna dvorana Mestnega muzeja, imenovana tudi Županova soba (do 60 stojišč / do 45 sedišč), je namenjena organizaciji protokolarnih sprejemov, podelitvam nagrad in svečanim srečanjem. Goste očara s svojim žlahtnim rdeče-zlatim žarom in izborom najdragocenejših mestnih insignij. Muzejska kavarna stoji na izvirnih tleh iz 15. stoletja in skozi zastekljeni zavoj nudi pogled na muzejsko dvorišče in muzejsko klet z izvirno rimsko cesto. V ambientu vrhunskega stika starega in novega, kjer se lahko postavi do 60 sedišč, je možno organizirati manjše sprejeme, novinarske konference ali koncerte. Vsak dogodek v Mestnem muzeju Ljubljana pa lahko naročniki obogatijo tudi z vodenim ogledom po palači in stalni zbirki. www.mestnimuzej.si (povezava »Obiščite nas« in naprej »Oddaja prostorov«)

Just a few steps away from the Ljubljanica riverbanks in the Old Town, the modern renovations to Auersperg Palace are becoming an increasingly popular venue for hosting receptions, banquets, small conferences and seminars, as well as cultural and other events. The atrium of the Museum is the heart of the renaissance palace, distinguished for its pure elegance and functionality. The white marble, glass galleries and solid stone columns and arches offer a view of the open inner courtyard. This creates a special atmosphere providing a perfect frame for various social functions. The atrium can welcome up to 200 guests at receptions and up to 80 guests for a banquet or seated dinner. The Museum's premises also offer other function areas, including the 81-seater Projection room, suitable for smaller conferences, lectures, panels, round tables presentations, etc. The so-called Mayor's Room is most suited for protocol receptions, award-giving ceremonies and formal social functions, with space for 60 guests standing or up to 45 seated. It captures the visitors' hearts with its red and golden glow, as well as a selection of the most precious symbols of the city's insignia. Last, but not least, the museum cafe stands on a 15th century floor. Through a glass bend, this section offers an original view of the courtyard and cellar with an ancient, in situ Roman road. In this amazing atmosphere, where the present blends with the distant past, small, intimate receptions, press conferences, concerts or poetry and prose readings can be organised – the capacity being 60 seats. An event at the City Museum of Ljubljana can be further enhanced by a guided tour of the palace and the permanent collection. www.mestnimuzej.si (link to »Visit us« and »Renting space«)


Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Vesna Slapernik, Toyota Adria d.o.o., odnosi z javnostmi

Vesna Slapernik, Toyota Adria d.o.o., Public Relations

Naročnik in organizator naj tesno in enakovredno sodelujeta

The Client and the Organiser Should Act in a Close and Equal Co-operation

sodelovala kot svetovalka in agencije osebno nisem izbirala. Že popoldanska generalka je bila precej površno izvedena, saj tehnik ni preveril tako imenovane „umetne dežne zavese” in usmerjenosti dinamičnih snopov luči na oder. Tako se je na večernem dogodku zgodilo, da zaradi dežnega naliva gostje sploh niso slišali glavnih govorcev. Skoraj tekli smo med gosti do predstavnika agencije in trajalo je kar nekaj časa, da so izključili dežno zaveso. Med glasbenim vložkom so luči bezljale vsepovsod, medtem pa je bila pevka v temi. Na srečo je bil ostali del programa zanimiv, tako da so gostom ostali lepši spomini.

In your eyes, what should an excellent event look like?

How do you measure the effectiveness of your events?

For an excellent event, the following are essential: an original location, top-class cuisine, Japanese minimalism and an exact tothe-minute programme. If all of this is understood by the agency that you preparing the event with, then the guests and the client's satisfaction is guaranteed.

If an event was pleasing and well organised, it is evident by a guest’s appreciative handshake at the conclusion of the programme. In the following days, an analysis and “kaizen” or “permanent improvement” is performed. Together with the partner agency, we revise each step in the programme's execution, discussing phases or options that could make it even better in the future.

Kako merite učinkovitost vaših dogodkov?

It is very important that the client “educates” the agency from the first meeting and in the true spirit of the company, especially if Japanese guests will be present. Past occurrences involved agencies with a ready-made programme. This included hostesses dressed up as geishas and a welcome speech in the Japanese language, which was not really very appropriate. Most of all, we wish to bring the agency to the Japanese business culture and meet their manner of communication. For example, we recognise the importance of the exchange of business cards and a bow. I never forget to stress the extreme accuracy required in the preparation and execution of a project, which is so characteristic of the Japanese people. Once, when organising a more demanding event, the organisation for the agency also included the setting up of a video conference with the parent corporation in Japan.

Da je bil dogodek všečen in dobro izpeljan, najprej pokažejo gostje z zahvalo in stiskom roke takoj po zaključku dogodka. V naslednjih dneh sledi analiza in tako imenovani „kaizen” (nenehno izboljševanje), kjer skupaj z agencijo pregledamo vse korake izvedbe programa in se pogovorimo, v katerih fazah in izvedbah bi bili lahko v prihodnje še boljši. Kakšen nasvet bi dali slovenskim organizatorjem dogodkov? Kako naj bi izgledal odličen dogodek v vaših očeh? Za naš odličen dogodek je zelo pomembna izvirna lokacija, vrhunska kulinarika, japonski minimalizem in do minute natančen program. Če vse to razume tudi agencija, s katero pripravljamo dogodek, je zadovoljstvo gostov in naročnika zagotovljeno.

Naročnik in organizator naj že od vsega začetka tesno in enakovredno sodelujeta z izmenjavo informacij in želja. Dober organizator naj bo iznajdljiv, pošten in tudi potrpežljiv. Po koncu dogodka naj naročniku pošlje zahvalno pismo za dobro poslovno sodelovanje.

What is your advice for Slovenian event organisers? The client and the organiser should, from the very beginning, act in a close and equal co-operation, with a complete exchange of information and wishes. A good organiser needs to be resourceful, honest and also patient. At the conclusion of the event, a letter of thanks for good business co-operation should always be sent to the client.

What are your standards in selecting the agency? An agency is represented by the individuals who come to a meeting and talk to the client. In my opinion, these representatives are the key factor in making decisions towards co-operation. It is not important how large an agency is, how many events they have organised previously, or how much technical equipment they may have. The most important aspect is the personal approach and communication abilities of the representative with whom you will execute the event. If they make an effort to understand the company, do not impose any ready-made or previously executed programmes, and if they can prepare an honest and transparent cost estimate, then we are not far from deciding in favour of the agency.

Kako lahko naročnik pomaga agenciji organizirati odlične dogodke? Kaj naj bo naloga agencije in kako lahko pomaga naročnik? Zelo pomembno je, da naročnik agencijo že od prvega sestanka „vzgaja” v duhu podjetja, še posebno, če bodo prisotni tudi japonski gostje. Zgodilo se je že, da so agencije prišle z vnaprej pripravljenim programom, v katerega so vključili hostese, oblečene v gejše in pozdravni nagovor v japonskem jeziku, kar pa ni bilo najbolj primerno. Agenciji želimo predvsem približati japonsko poslovno kulturo in način komunikacije; na primer, kako pomembna je izmenjava vizitk in priklon. Prav tako ne pozabim poudariti za Japonce značilne izjemne natančnosti v pripravi in izvedbi projekta. Pri bolj zahtevnem dogodku smo nekoč za agencijo organizirali tudi videokonferenco z matično korporacijo na Japonskem.

What is your worst experience in the field of event organisation?

Kakšna so vaša merila pri izboru agencije?

Sometimes, unpredictable and often trivial things may occur. The guests usually don't even notice but the agencies act upon them immediately in the majority of cases. I will never forget a lesson which I learnt from a major event. I was participating as an adviser and had not selected the agency personally. The afternoon rehearsal was performed carelessly, with a technician neglecting to check an artificial rain curtain or the orientation of lights towards the stage. During the evening event, the guests were unable to hear the main speakers at all due to the “rainshower”. We had to run between the guests to reach the agency representative, and it took quite some time until the rain curtain was able to be turned off. Adding to the evening’s mishap, during the musical interlude the lights illuminated everything except the singer. Fortunately, the main programme was interesting to the guests and they went home with pleasant memories.

Agencijo predstavljajo posamezniki, ki pridejo na pogovor z naročnikom, in ti so po mojem mnenju ključni za odločitev o sodelovanju. Ni pomembno, kako velika je agencija, koliko dogodkov so že organizirali in koliko tehnične opreme imajo v lasti, veliko pomembnejši je oseben pristop in komunikacija s predstavnikom, s katerim bomo dogodek izvedli. Če se potrudi razumeti podjetje in ne vsiljuje vnaprej narejenih, že izvedenih programov, zna pripraviti pošten in transparenten predračun stroškov, potem smo na dobri poti, da se odločimo za agencijo. Kaj je vaša najslabša izkušnja na področju organizacije dogodkov? Včasih se zgodijo kakšne nepredvidljive malenkosti, ki pa jih gostje niti ne opazijo, agencije pa v večini primerov takoj odreagirajo. Težko pa pozabim „lekcijo” z nekega velikega dogodka, pri katerem sem


How can a client help the agency in organising excellent events? What should be the agency's task and how can the client help?

Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Primeri dobre prakse

Naslov dogodka: Maturantski ples v Cankarjevem domu NaroÄ?nik: Srednja ĹĄola za farmacijo, kozmetiko in zdravstvo, Ljubljana Izvajalca: T4-2, d.o.o. in Cankarjev dom

Maturantski ples v Cankarjevem domu

High School Graduation Dance at Cankarjev Dom

prviÄ? v Ĺživljenju stopi na oder ... SimpatiÄ?no dokumentiranemu obdobju ĹĄolanja (projekcija, glasbeno scensko dogajanje) sledi ples Ä?etvorke. Takrat je na nogah celotna dvorana in starĹĄi navduĹĄeno ploskajo. Debi na odru je uspel in plesalci so nagrajeni.

Event Title: High School Graduation Dances at Cankarjev Dom Client: Secondary School for Pharmacy, Cosmetics and Healthcare, Ljubljana Contractors: T4-2, d.o.o. and Cankarjev dom

Sledita slavnostna veÄ?erja in ples. Za skoraj 1000 udeleĹžencev pripravimo dogodek v dveh nadstropjih, ki sta povezani, hkrati pa enoti vsaka zase.

Matura je ritual, ohranitev starih ĹĄeg ob prehodu v odraslo dobo. Zato so te prireditve izjemno slovesne in izpeljane z bliĹĄÄ?em. ZaÄ?etek pomeni slovesen prihod maturantov z druĹžino in prijatelji. Dekleta se sprehodijo skozi Veliko sprejemno dvorano v hodu slavnostnih oblek razliÄ?nih barv in krojev, fantje pa se bolj zadrĹžano gibljejo v suknjiÄ?ih in kravatah. Najbolj ponosni in z visoko dvignjenimi glavami stopajo starĹĄi. Vsi se zgrnejo v Gallusovo dvorano, eni na sediĹĄÄ?a, drugi na oder, ki je sicer namenjen svetovno uveljavljenim umetnikom. V tem veÄ?eru pa pripade maturantom, kar je nekaj edinstvenega in je mogoÄ?e samo v Cankarjevem domu. Za marsikoga pravi ognjeni krst, ko

Good Practise Case Studies

RdeÄ?a nit prireditve je dekoracija, saj so izbrane enotne barve in povezovalni elementi. Slavnostno opravljena omizja so razporejena v Veliki sprejemni dvorani in Drugem preddverju, v vsakem nadstropju sta na voljo plesiĹĄÄ?e in glasbena zasedba, ki gostom igra v Ĺživo. MeĹĄanju zvokov se izognemo s premiĹĄljeno tonsko nastavitvijo, z luÄ?nim dizajnom oblikujemo edinstven prostor, s projekcijami pa je dogajanju na odru mogoÄ?e slediti iz vsakega kotiÄ?ka dvorane. Posebno pozornost namenjamo tudi varnosti, za kar poskrbi skupina hiĹĄnih varnostnikov. Vsem gostom je na voljo hladno-topli bife, ki ga pripravlja podjetje Vivo catering, odgovorno za pripravo hrane. Kljub obseĹžnosti prireditve vse poteka tekoÄ?e in brez zapletov pod budnim oÄ?esom produktnega vodje. www.cd-cc.si


Graduating from high school is a ritual and a preservation of long-established customs at the transition to adulthood. This is why such events are exceptionally solemn, featuring a lot of splendour. The beginning is marked by the solemn arrival of the high school graduates with their family and friends. The girls stroll through the Grand Reception Hall in festive dresses of various colours and styles, while the boys are more reserved in their jackets and ties. The parents have the proudest walk of all, keeping their heads held high. They all come to the Gallus Hall, some taking their seats and the others coming to the stage, which is generally reserved for world-famous artists. This evening however, it belongs to the high school graduates – something which is unique and possible only in Cankarjev dom and which for many is a true baptism of fire, stepping onto a stage for the first time ‌ Commemorative documentation of the time spent at school (screenings, musical and scenic events) is followed by the quadrille. The entire hall is on its feet, with the parents applauding enthusiastically. The stage debut is a success and the dancers are rewarded. A festive dinner and dance follow. This event, organised for almost 1000 participants, is held on two floors which are connected but still each a unit unto itself. The unifying theme of the event is the decoration, as unified colours and linking elements are chosen. The festively prepared tables are arranged in the Great Reception Hall and in the Second Lobby, with each floor having a dance floor and a live band. We avoid mixing sounds by way of a well-considered tone setting, the lighting design the romm unique and the projections allow the activity on stage to be seen from any part of the hall. Special attention is paid to security, which is attended to by a group of our own security personnel. All guests have a cold and warm buffet at their disposal, prepared by Vivo Catering which is in charge of food design. Despite the considerable proportions of the event, everything runs smoothly and without any complications, all under the attentive eye of the product manager.





Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008 h_INS_LJU_Kongres_77,5x258 1

03.03.2008 18:08:46 Uhr

Primeri dobre prakse

Good Practise Case Studies

Očarani nad slovensko kulinariko

The Guests were Impressed by Slovenian Cuisine

V obdobju predsedovanja Slovenije EU se je Slovenija v Bruslju predstavila na Slovenskem večeru v Ekonomsko socialnem svetu EU z vrhunsko ponudbo slovenskih kulinaričnih dobrot. V Vivo cateringu smo pripravili nekaj deset slovenskih nacionalnih dobrot, s katerimi smo navdušili več kot 450 povabljenih gostov.

predstavitvijo slovenske kulinarike. Za evropsko javnost nam je uspelo pripraviti preplet kulinarike, kjer smo Slovenijo predstavili kot stičišče alpskega, panonskega in mediteranskega sveta. Poseben vtis na goste je napravila bučna juha s semeni, servirana v prekmurski buči, ki smo jo gostom ponudili v kruhovih skodelicah iz paljenega testa. Prekmurje bi težko predstavili brez domače prekmurske šunke v tunki in gibanice. Prav tako kot bi Gorenjsko težko predstavili brez zaščitene kranjske klobase in jedi iz ajde. Vonj po Mediteranu smo nadgradili s piranskim brancinom in kraškim pršutom. Dolenjski flancati, potica in belokranjska pogača pa so presegli vsa pričakovanja. Gostje Evropskega socialnega sveta v Bruslju so bili navdušeni nad kruhi, ki smo jih pripravili v treh oblikah modelov in so simbolizirali: srce – dušo, luna – zemljo in sonce – nebo naše prelepe Slovenije. Ajdov, bučni in mediteranski kruh so bili pripravljeni po recepturah Vivovih kulinaričnih mojstrov.

Goste smo navdušili že ob prihodu z barvitimi brezalkoholnimi koktajli iz naravnih Presadovih sokov. Očarani so bili tudi nad

V Vivu se zavedamo, da je kulinarika oblika dediščine in sredstvo za razkrivanje življenjskih slogov v določenih časovnih obdobjih. Kažejo nam kontinuiteto današnjega časa, ga s svojimi razsežnostmi bogatijo in dajejo motive za razmisleke o novih oblikah ustvarjalnosti. Pot odkrivanja in kreativnosti novih kulinaričnih bogastev nas je povezala z Evropo. www.vivo.si

Foto: Vivo catering

Foto: Vivo catering

usp eš

en tim

dobr a komun

Event Title: Slovenian Evening at the Seat of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels During the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Client: The European economic and social committee, Brussels, and the Slovenian Tourist Board Contractor: Vivo catering During the Slovenian Presidency of the EU, Slovenia represented itself in Brussels at the Slovenian evening at the seat of the European economic and social committee with Slovenian culinary delights of superb quality. We at Vivo catering prepared several dozen Slovenian national dishes, which enraptured the more than 450 invited guests. The guests were already thrilled upon arrival by being served colourful non-alcoholic cocktails made from Presad’s natural juices. The guests were delighted with the presentation of Slovenian cuisine. We prepared a wide range of culinary specialities for the European public, presenting Slovenia as the meeting point of the

Alpine, Pannonian and Mediterranean worlds. The guests were especially impressed by the pumpkin soup with seeds, made with pumpkins from Prekmurje and served to the guests in bread cups made of paljeno testo (a special kind of dough produced by pouring flour into boiling water with butter and stirring until the dough comes away from the pot). It would be difficult to represent Prekmurje without the dried ham of the Prekmurje region, which is dipped in lard (šunka v tunki) and the phyllo dough layer-pie (gibanica). It would be equally difficult to represent the Gorenjska region without the name protected Carniola Sausage (kranjska klobasa) and dishes made of buckwheat. We upgraded the flavour of the Mediterranean with sea bass from Piran and Karst Prosciutto. The flancati (deep-fried pastry) of the Dolenjska region, potica (nut rolls) and belokranjska pogača (flat cakes from Bela krajina) surpassed everybody’s expectations. The guests of the European economic and social committee in Brussels were thrilled with the bread, prepared in three different baking moulds symbolising the heart-soul, the moon-earth and the sun-sky of our beautiful Slovenia. The buckwheat, pumpkin and Mediterranean bread were prepared following the recipes of Vivo’s culinary masters. We at Vivo are aware that cuisine is a form of our heritage and a means of revealing the lifestyles of different time periods, while at the same time displaying the continuity of today, enriching it with its extensiveness and providing motives for deliberation on new forms of creativity. This path of unveiling and creating new culinary fortunes has linked us to Europe. www.vivo.si

r e m s a ikacija prav Photo: Vivo catering

Naslov dogodka: Slovenski večer v evropskem Ekonomsko socialnem odboru v Bruslju v obdobju predsedovanja Slovenije EU Naročnika: Evropski Ekonomsko socialni svet EU Bruselj in STO Izvajalec: Vivo catering

kongresi, poslovni dogodki, teambuilding, banketi Kongresni ured: tel. 051 710304, 710323 • kongresi@liburnia.hr • www.liburnia.hr


Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Advertising feature

Oglasno sporočilo

KOVAČEVA KOBILA NI VEDNO BOSA Podjetje Kompas d.d. je od svoje ustanovitve leta 1951 naredilo že veliko korakov naprej, tudi na področju industrije poslovnih srečanj. Kompas je tradicija in sodobnost. Predani kakovosti in odličnosti so si pridobili ugled z brezhibno pripravo in uspešno izvedbo številnih pomembnih in zahtevnih poslovnih srečanj in dogodkov ter konferenc. Pridobljene izkušnje in znanja, ki ga vedno nadgrajujejo, nudijo naročniku najboljše storitve. Strokoven in celosten pristop ter podpora osebja je zagotovilo za uspešnost poslovnega dogodka ali motivacijskega potovanja kakršne koli vrste in velikosti.

po drugih nujnih opravkih. Utrjevali smo vezi in se skoraj na novo spoznavali, saj je marsikdo že znanemu glasu dodal tudi stas, kot radi pravimo. Tudi tokrat smo potrdili že znano, da smo v turizmu veseli in družabni ljudje. Bilo je lepo, veselo in uspešno. Pohvale so nam dobro dele, saj smo se res zavzeto in srčno lotili zadeve. Z brezhibno pripravo in izvedbo dogodka, ki se ga je udeležilo nekaj več kot sto ljudi, smo prikazali tudi visoko kakovost naših storitev. Osnovni namen predstavitev novosti je bil dosežen in vzpostavljanje novih vezi s poslovnimi partnerji tudi. www.kompas.si

Tokrat smo bili sami svoj naročnik in smo znanje uporabili za predstavitev posodobljene in osvežene ponudbe destinacijskh storitev na obali. Toliko dela, truda in predvsem želje, da bi nam res uspelo pripraviti sijajen dogodek, je uspešno postavilo na laž rek, da je kovačeva kobila zmeraj nepodkovana. Povabili smo naše poslovne partnerje iz obalne regije in Kompasovce, ki se s tem ukvarjajo. Dogodek smo seveda organizirali in izvedli na obali in na morju na skrbno izbran nedeževen dan v mesecu aprilu. Kot se spodobi, smo za goste in domače organizirali prevoz do pomola v Izoli, kjer nas je poleg »Beneškega princa« pričakala tudi dobrodošlica jagod in penine. Katamaran Prince of Venice je z nami na krovu odplul proti Brionom in tako služil kot prizorišče dogodka in prevozno sredstvo obenem. Potovanje je hitro minevalo ob prigrizku, kratki predstavitvi naših storitev, namenjenih skupnim gostom in predvsem ob druženju in spoznavanju. Dogodek je popestril zanimiv voden ogled narodnega parka Brioni, bogatega z zgodovino in naravno lepoto. Plovba proti domu je po okusni večerji potekala v veselem in sproščenem vzdušju, kjer ni manjkalo plesa, petja in smeha. S poslovnimi partnerji se srečujemo ob redkih priložnostih in še redkeje nam uspe skupaj preživeti malce več uric. Tokrat nam je uspelo, mogoče tudi zato, ker smo imeli izlet in skupno prevozno sredstvo, s katerega ne moreš odhiteti


THE BLACKSMITHS MARE IS NOT NECESSARILY UNSHOD Since its establishment in 1951, Kompas d.d. has made several steps forward, including in the field of the meetings industry. Kompas is tradition and modernity. Dedicated to quality and excellence, they have gained their reputation through impeccable preparation and the successful implementation of numerous important and demanding business meetings, events and conventions. Their acquired experience and skills, which are constantly being upgraded, provide the client with the best services. A professional and comprehensive approach and staff support, are the guarantee for the success of a business event or incentive trip of any type or size.

neither dancing and singing nor laughter. We rarely meet with our business partners and it is even less often that we manage to spend a few hours together. This time we succeeded. Maybe this is because we were on a trip and had a joint means of transport from which no one could hurry off to other urgent engagements. We strengthened our relationship and almost got to know each other anew, as many of us were able to put a faces to familiar voices. We again confirmed the well established fact that tourism is a field of merry and sociable people. It was nice, joyful and successful. The praise did us well, as we really devoted ourselves to the project. The impeccable preparation and implementation of the event attended by a little over a hundred people demonstrated the high quality of our services. The main aim of presenting this novelty was achieved and new ties with business partners established. www.kompas.si

This time, we were our own client and used our knowledge for the presentation of an updated and refreshed offer of destinations along the coast. The great work, effort and above all desire to succeed in preparing an excellent event successfully refuted the saying that the blacksmiths mare is always unshod. We invited our business partners from the coastal region and the people at Kompas who deal with this field. The event was of course, organised and implemented on the coast and on the sea on a carefully chosen day in April when it was not raining. As appropriate, we organised a transfer to the Izola pier for both the guests and the home team and in addition to the Prince of Venice where we were greeted by strawberries and champagne. With all on board, the Prince of Venice catamaran set sail for Brioni serving both as a venue and a means of transport. With refreshments, a short presentation of our services for the guests and especially an opportunity for socialising and getting to know each other, our voyage quickly passed. The event was given variety with an interesting guided tour of the Brioni National Park, which is full of history and natural beauty. The voyage home included a tasteful dinner, followed by a merry and relaxed atmosphere lacking in Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

V reviji Kongres nadaljujemo s predstavitvijo uspešnih slovenskih kongresnih osebnosti. Tokrat predstavljamo Darjo Kovačević iz hotelov Bernardin in Matejo Kodermac Ovsenik, soustanoviteljico Agencije eventus. Kako ste vstopili v kongresni turizem? V bistvu sem se kar znašla notri. Ko sem 15. aprila 1976 prišla v hotele Bernardin, je bilo naselje eno samo, veliko gradbišče. Stroji so brneli še v maju, ko smo sprejeli prve goste, trušč je pojenjal šele tik pred otvoritvijo, 2. julija. Moje področje je bil tedaj domači turizem in tja je nekako spadalo tudi trženje dvorane (sedaj ji rečemo Asteria) v tedanjem hotelu Bernardin (sedaj Histrion). Prvi večji dogodek so bili 6. hematološki dnevi. Z organizatorjema, doc. dr. Dušanom Andoljškom in prof. dr. Petrom Černelčem se občasno srečujemo v Bernardinu in vedno znova ugotavljamo, kako smo bili mladi in kako čas nezadržno beži. Z odprtjem Grand hotela Emona (sedaj Bernardin), kjer sta bili še dve dvorani (danes Daphnia in Nautilus) ter mnogimi improviziranimi prostori, se je dejavnost za tedanji čas kar razmahnila. Strateška odločitev vodstva z mag. Čedomilom Vojničem na čelu, da postavi kongresno dejavnost za paradnega konja, je bila za Bernardin ena od pomembnejših, za mojo poslovno pot pa prav gotovo najpomembnejša prelomnica. Nepozaben trenutek v mojem življenju je bilo odprtje kongresnega centra s Smaragdno dvorano ter dvoranami Mediteranea, Adria in Pharos v septembru 1995. Solze sreče v očeh so se kmalu posušile, trepetanje srca je pojenjalo ... ostal pa je prav poseben zanos, ki traja še danes. Ko smo v aprilu 2004 dobili še dvorano Europa, je bila v nekem smislu dosežena popolnost.

Kongresna osebnost - Darja Kovačević

Meetings and Incentive Personality - Darja Kovačević

Nepopisne lepote je veliko

This Exceptional Beauty is Immense

Kaj vas v življenju in osebni karieri najbolj navdušuje? V življenju me najbolj navdušujejo vsi moji fantje: moj oče, moj partner, moj sin in moj vnuk Luka. Cela mala vojska in na čelu moja mama, ki povezuje (nadzoruje) vse niti naše družine. V osebni karieri pa me – brez pretiravanja – navdušuje prav vsak projekt, vsak dogodek posebej: obstaja namreč nek trenutek v procesu našega dela, kot se ti dogodek »odpre« kot knjiga, trenutek, v katerem se zaveš, da obvladaš vse in da so se drobci sestavili v čvrsto celoto. Ta trenutek je zame vedno znova nepopisno lep in če pomislite, da naredim več kot 150 dogodkov v enem letu, je te nepopisne lepote kar nekaj … Ali in kako delujete v smislu trajnostnega razvoja? Veliko premalo. Ozaveščenost na tem področju je še majhna, nepoznavanje veliko. Pomembno je, da se o tem vedno več govori in piše, da se navajajo primeri iz dobre prakse. Ti so včasih tako preprosti, da si rečeš: le kako se tega nisem takoj spomnil? Vendar se mi zdi še daleč dan, ko bosta odgovorno obnašanje do okolja in večja skrb za življenje prihodnjih rodov sama po sebi umevna in globoko v naši zavesti. Kaj bi v karieri naredili drugače? Če dobro premislim, pravzaprav ne bi naredila ničesar drugače. Nikoli se nisem v nobenem oziru prerivala v ospredje. Samopromocija mi je tuja. Ne čutim prav nobene potrebe po izpostavljanju lastne osebe – nasprotno – celo o tej predstavitvi sem kar dolgo razmišljala. V prvih vrstah sem bila vedno le tam, kjer je bilo delo. In moje delo me popolnoma izpolnjuje, kar kmalu začutijo tudi moji sodelavci in moje poslovne stranke. Ponosna sem na to in to mi zadostuje. V bistvu sem zelo srečen človek in velik del te sreče črpam prav iz svojega vsakodnevnega dela: vedno znova se veselim uspešno zaključenega dogodka, zadovoljnih udeležencev, novih projektov, izpolnitve planov ... Kaj vas profesionalno najbolj moti in jezi? Oh, kar veliko stvari me jezi! Pri svojih poslovnih strankah, če vse prepustijo zadnjemu trenutku, češ »se bomo že dogovorili, ko pridemo v hotel« (!). Pri šefih, če ne opazijo in ne znajo nagraditi dobro opravljenega dela in če ne prepoznajo »bleferjev«, če ne začutijo utripa ekipe. Pri sodelavcih, če niso dovolj profesionalni in predani, če ne razmišljajo vsaj približno tako kot jaz. Pri sebi, ker vsakemu vse navedeno vedno znova in brez olepševanja povem. Kakšno prihodnost napovedujete kongresni industriji? Trdno sem prepričana, da ima kongresna industrija kar svetlo prihodnost. Enako lahko rečem za kongresno dejavnost v Bernardinu, kjer je, čeprav zveni morda prepotentno – vtkan tudi en majhen delček mojega življenja in dela in neizmerno me veseli, da lahko štafeto predam maloštevilni, a skrbno izbrani ekipi – mojima Saši in Mojci, ki sta dobra garancija, da bo to delo še naprej zaznamovano z odličnostjo.


Kongres - 2008

At the Kongres magazine we are continuing with the presentation of successful Slovenian convention personalities. This time we are presenting Darja Kovačević from Hoteli Bernardin and Mateja Kodermac Ovsenik, co-founder of the Agencija Eventus agency. How did you enter the world of congress tourism?

Not as much as we could have. The awareness in this field is still weak; there is a lot people still don’t know about. The important thing is that these things are being increasingly written about, and best practice cases are being made known. The latter are sometimes so simple that you say to yourself “How come I didn’t think about it before?” But it will still be a very long time before responsible attitude towards nature and a greater care for the lives of future generations will be a matter of course and deeply implanted in our conscience.

I firmly believe that the MICE has quite a bright future

As a matter of fact, I was thrown into it before even realising. On the 15 of April 1976, when I started working for the Bernardin Hotel Company, the present-day resort was one big construction site. The machines were still buzzing in May when we welcomed our first guests, with the noise only calming down just before the official inauguration on the 2 of July. My field of work at the time - domestic tourism and the marketing of the congress hall (which is now known as Asteria) at the Bernardin Hotel (today renamed Histrion) – was in a way part of the job. The first major event was the 6th Days of Haematology. I remain in contact with the organisers of that event, Senior Lecturer Dušan Andoljšek, MD, and Professor Peter Černelč, MD, and when we meet occasionally at Bernardin, we always reflect on how young we were then and how irrepressibly time flies by. With the opening of the Grand Hotel Emona (today Bernardin), which featured two more halls (today known as Daphnia and Nautilus) and many improvised venues, the congress activity was in full swing, at least in terms of that period. The strategic decision of the management and the director Čedomil Vojnič, MSc – to make the organisation of congresses and events one of the principal activities of the Bernardin Hotel Company – was one of the more important decisions for the future of the company, and the most important turning point in my professional career. An event I will not forget, for as long as I live, was the inauguration ceremony of the Congress Centre with the main Emerald Hall and the Mediteranea, Adria and Pharos halls in September 1995. The tears of happiness have dried, the excitement of the heart has calmed …but what remains is the special passionate zeal. In April 2004, when the Europa Hall was added, in a sense, we reached perfection. What is it that makes you so enthusiastic in life and in your career? In my personal life, it is my boys that fill me with enthusiasm: my dad, my partner, my son and my grandson Luka. A little army, I could say, but fronted by my mother, who holds together the strings of our family. As for my professional career, I can say without exaggeration, that I am enraptured by each and every project, every single event. In our work, there is a moment when the whole event “opens up” like a book; a moment when you realise you have control over everything and that the pieces have been combined to shape a firm whole. I always find this moment exceptionally beautiful and if you take into account the fact that I am responsible for over 150 events per year, the amount of this exceptional beauty is considerable…

ahead of it. What would you do differently in your career? Come to think of it, I would not change a thing. Never have I in any way pushed myself to the front. Self-promotion is not my cup of tea. I feel no need to expose my own person, quite the opposite – as a matter of fact, I have been pondering for a long time over whether to do this interview or not. First and foremost, I have always been where my work took me. My work fulfils me completely, which is soon felt by my co-workers and my clients. I am proud of what I do and it is enough for me. I am a very happy person and a big part of my happiness comes from my everyday work. I rejoice each and every time an event is successfully concluded, when the participants are happy and I look forward to new projects, to fulfil the plans... In your professional life, what is it that bothers and angers you the most? Oh, there are quite a few things that make my angry! For instance, when my clients want to leave everything to the last minute, saying, “…Oh, we’ll arrange something when we get to the hotel…” And I’m angry with my bosses, when they do not notice and reward a job well done, when they do not see through “bluffers”, when they do not feel the pulse of the team... And with my co-workers, when they are not professional or dedicated enough, if they do not even remotely share my way of thinking. And with myself, because I tell everyone all of the above directly, without sugar-coating it. What is your prognosis for the future of the MICE industry? I firmly believe that the MICE has quite a bright future ahead of it. I can say the same for the congress and events sector at the Bernardin Hotels Company, which, although it might sound presumptuous to some, is interwoven with a small part of my life. I am extremely happy to pass the torch onto my team of few, yet carefully selected colleagues, my girls Saša and Mojca, whose dedication is a guarantee that the work of our sector will remain marked with excellence.

Do you operate in the sense of sustainable development, and if so in what way?


Kongres - 2008

Kongresna osebnost - Mateja Kodermac Ovsenik

Meetings and Incentive Personality - Mateja Kodermac Ovsenik

Rešitve, usmerjene k ohranjanju okolja

Solutions, Aimed at Preserving the Environment

Kako ste vstopili v kongresni turizem? Na področje kongresnega turizma sem vstopila leta 2002 kot vodja oddelka za dogodke. Danes ocenjujem, da sem na trg vstopila z veliko entuziazma, ki še kar traja. Dejavnost mi je ponujala veliko mero dinamičnosti, kreativne svobode in delovanja na različnih področjih, različnih lokacijah z različnimi ljudmi. Ker sem človek svobode, sem na tem področju zaznala možnost svoje profesionalne in osebne rasti. Z veseljem sem sprejela izzive naročnikovih projektov, najprej enostavne, obvladljive projekte, nato pa vedno zahtevnejše in moram reči, da se danes veselim prav slednjih: dogodkov z veliko neznankami, kompleksnimi vsebinami in velikimi pričakovanji naročnika. Kaj vas v življenju in osebni karieri najbolj navdušuje? Na področju profesionalne kariere me vsekakor najbolj navduši zanimiv poslovni kreativni izziv ter takoj zatem izpolnjeno pričakovanje naročnika dogodka. Če so cilji, ki si jih zastavimo pred realizacijo dogodka, izpolnjeni, sem navdušena in polna energije in elana za nove projekte. Agencija eventus se je maja preselila v nove poslovne prostore. Vesela sem, da niso tipični pisarniški prostori, saj je del poslovnih prostorov po zaslugi mojega tasta Alojza Ovsenika zasnovan kot likovna galerija Jožeta Tisnikarja. Galerijo postopoma pozicioniramo na zemljevid zanimivih destinacij kot kraj, namenjen ekskluzivnim poslovnim srečanjem. Na področju oblikovanja in spletnih rešitev odlično sodelujemo z agencijo Paradiž. V osebni karieri pa me najbolj navdušuje moja družina, jogging v naravi in seveda rock and roll.

Evropa in kako smo na tem področju v Sloveniji omejeni. Razlogi so predvsem v proračunih dogodkov, ki ponavadi ne dovoljujejo angažiranja izvajalcev iz drugih držav. So sicer svetle izjeme v zgodovini slovenskega event managementa, vendar res prej izjeme kot pravilo. Kakšno prihodnost napovedujete kongresni industriji? Kongresna industrija je preplet, usklajeno sodelovanje različnih dejavnosti. Če ocenjujem slovenski trg, je zagotovo v tem trenutku v fazi rasti in predstavlja zelo pomemben segment ponudbe slovenskega turizma. Kongresni industriji napovedujem vsekakor nadaljnjo rast. Ocenjujem, da je področje z veliko neizkoriščenega potenciala tudi športni prireditveni marketing. Menim, da je cenovna dostopnost Slovenije ena od ključnih prednosti, prav tako tudi zeleno pristno naravno okolje. Pogrešam seveda dobro in vrhunsko opremljeno dvorano oziroma odprto prizorišče za izvedbo koncertov ter lokacije, ki bi sprejele večje število udeležencev od 10.000 ljudi.

Ali in kako delujete v smislu trajnostnega razvoja? V prireditvenem marketingu iščemo ravnovesje med cilji in potrebami naročnika, kulturnim izročilom, znanjem ter naravnimi prednostmi. Zadovoljiti trenutne potrebe, ne da bi pri tem ogrožali zadovoljitev potreb prihodnjih generacij, je izziv celotne družbe in tega se zavedamo v veliki meri tudi v Agenciji eventus. V kolikor je le mogoče, naročnikom predlagamo rešitve, ki so usmerjene k ohranjanju okolja. Pohvalno je, da se tega v veliki meri zavedajo tudi hoteli kot pomemben člen v kongresni industriji, s katerimi veliko sodelujemo.

Ekonomsko fakulteto v Ljubljani. Aktivno govori

Ničesar ne bi v svoji karieri naredila drugače. Veliko resnice je v pregovoru »vsi ljudje so tvoji učitelji«. Tako jemljem tudi vse, kar se mi je doslej pozitivnega in negativnega zgodilo.

angleški in italijanski jezik ter pasivno francoski jezik.

Kaj vas profesionalno najbolj moti in jezi?

delovnih mestih: Ljubljanska borza d.d., strokovna

Profesionalno me najbolj moti pravno nedoročeno področje avtorskih pravic nad kreativnimi koncepti oziroma kreativno idejo. Kreativne rešitve zasnujemo za naročnika z namenom, da bo ta odkupljena oziroma izvedena v sodelovanju s predlaganimi izvajalci. Navsezadnje so kreativni koncepti plod dela, izkušenj, znanja in časa, pridobljenega skozi številne realizirane projekte. Slovenska oglaševalska zbornica je v Dokumentih dobre prakse za področje oglaševanja izpostavila tudi ta problem. Prav veselim se prebiranja tega gradiva! Prav tako sem bila ob vrnitvi z mednarodne konference World of Events razočarana ob dejstvu, koliko izvrstnih akterjev premore


I entered the world of convention tourism in 2002 as the head of the events department. Today I can say that I entered the market with a great deal of enthusiasm, which has persisted until today. The industry has provided me with great dynamics, creative freedom and operation in several fields and on various locations with different people. As I am a person who loves freedom, I saw this field as providing me a possibility for my professional and personal growth. I loved taking on the challenges of the clients’ projects, first the simple manageable projects and later increasingly demanding ones and I must say that today, the latter are the ones I am most looking forward to: events with numerous unknown factors, complex contents and great expectations on the part of the client. What enraptures you the most in both your professional career and personal life? In my professional career, I am of course most filled with enthusiasm by an interesting creative challenge, and immediately after that by the fulfilled expectations of a client. If the objectives set forth before an event are realised, I am thrilled and full of energy and momentum for new projects. In May, the Agencija Eventus agency relocated to new business premises. I am glad that they are not typical office premises: thanks to my father-in-law, Mr. Alojz Ovsenik, part of the building has been designed as the Jože Tisnikar Art Gallery. The Gallery is slowly being positioned as a location of interesting destinations and as a place for exclusive business meetings. In the field of design and web services, we have a great business relationship with the Paradiž Agency. Privately, I am enraptured with my family and enjoy going jogging in nature - and of course, rock ’n’ roll.

time accumulated through the realisation of numerous projects. The Slovenian Advertising Chamber has set forth this problem in the Good Practice Documents for the Advertising Field. I am looking forward to reading this material! Upon returning from the international World of Events fair, I was disappointed at seeing how many excellent players Europe has to offer and how limited we are in this field in Slovenia. The reasons lie above all in the budgets for events, which usually don’t allow providers from other countries to be included. There are some bright exceptions in the history of Slovenian event management, but they are really just exceptions to the rule. What is your prognosis for the future of the MICE industry? The convention industry is an intertwining and harmonised cooperation of various activities. If I were to judge the Slovenian market, currently it is undoubtedly in the growth phase and represents an important segment of Slovenia’s tourism industry. I definitively predict continued growth for the convention industry. I also see sports event marketing as a field with a lot of untapped potential. I believe Slovenia’s affordability to be one of the key advantages along with the green, genuine and natural environment. Of course, I do miss having a good hall or open-air facility with equipment of superior quality for holding concerts, as well as locations which could welcome a greater number of participants than 10,000 people.

Do you operate in the sense of sustainable development, and if so in what way?

Mateja Kodermac Ovsenik je leta 1996 zaključila

Kaj bi v karieri naredili drugače?

How did you enter the world of congress tourism?

Znanja in delovne izkušnje na področju odnosov z javnostmi in marketinga je pridobivala na naslednjih sodelavka na področju odnosov z javnostmi in marketinga od leta 1995 do 1999; Oglaševalska agencija Pan, vodja projektov od 1999 do 2003; Oglaševalska agencija Bebe Com d.o.o., vodja oddelka za prireditve od 2003 do 2005; Agencija eventus d.o.o., soustanoviteljica podjetja od leta 2005. Je mamica Filipa, Krištofa in Ave. mateja.ovsenik@agencija-eventus.si Kongres - 2008

In event marketing, we are searching for a balance between the objectives and needs of the client, cultural traditions, knowledge and natural advantages. Meeting our current needs without endangering the satisfaction of future generations’ needs is a challenge for society as a whole, and something that we at Agencija Eventus are greatly aware of. To the greatest possible extent, we recommend that our clients adopt solutions aimed at preserving the environment. It is commendable that hotels themselves, as an important link in the convention industry and one with which we work a lot, are largely aware of this fact.

Mateja Kodermac Ovsenik graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana in 1996. She is fluent in English and Italian and has a passive knowledge of French. She acquired her skills and work experience

What would you do differently in your career? I wouldn’t do anything differently. There is a lot of truth in the saying “All people are your teachers”. This is how I perceive everything that has happened to me so far, both the positive and the negative. What disturbs and annoys you the most professionally?

in PR and marketing with the following employers: Ljubljana Stock Exchange d.d., expert co-worker in the field of PR and marketing from 1995 to 1999; Pan Advertising Agency, head of projects from 1999 to 2003; Bebe Com d.o.o. advertising agency, head of

Professionally, I am most disturbed by the legally unsettled field of copyrights over creative concepts or ideas. Creative solutions are designed for a client in order for them to be bought or implemented in cooperation with the proposed providers. After all, creative concepts are the result of our work, experiences, knowledge and


the events department from 2003 to 2005; Agencija eventus d.o.o., the company’s co-founder since 2005. Mom to Filip, Krištof and Ava. mateja.ovsenik@agencija-eventus.si Kongres - 2008

Butični hoteli - Grad Otočec

Boutique hotels - Grad Otočec

Kulinarična doživetja na Gradu Otočec

Culinary Experiences at Grad Otočec

Naj vam predstavimo enega najprivlačnejših biserov grajske arhitekture v tem delu Evrope – Grad Otočec – ki s prečudovito lokacijo, hotelsko ponudbo najvišje kategorije, izvrstnimi kulinaričnimi doživetji ter osebnim pristopom združuje glavno vodilo – čarobno doživetje minulih časov ob popolnem udobju današnjih dni. Poseben čar grajskega doživetja omogočajo mogočni grajski zidovi, katerih začetki segajo v 13. stoletje, kot tudi edinstvena lega na majhnem otočku sredi reke Krke, ki povezuje grad z griči in vinogradi posejano dolenjsko pokrajino preko lesenih mostov ... Posebnost gradu Otočec poudarja tudi dejstvo, da je razglašen za kulturno znamenitost državnega pomena. V leto 2008 je grad Otočec stopil v novi preobleki, v duhu gotike in renesanse oz. najzgodnejših obdobij iz življenja gradu. Grajski prostor je priznani slovenski arhitekt domišljeno in z občutkom nadgradil z avtorskim grajskim pohištvom. V gradu je na voljo 16 sob najvišje kategorije, med njimi dva kraljeva apartmaja s sobama za sprejeme in posvetovanja ter salonom. Mojstri kulinarike na Otočcu postrežejo svoje stvaritve v grajskih restavracijah, v večji Viteški in manjši Lovski, ki pričara intimno


vzdušje ob kaminu. V poletnih mesecih vabi grajska terasa. Robi Gregorčič, vodja kuhinje v gradu: »V grajski restavraciji poskrbimo, da gosta razvajamo in skrbimo za njegovo počutje. Hrana mora imeti karakter in šarm. Trudimo se, da naši gostje uživajo v neponovljivem trojčku – naši prečudoviti okolici, vrhunski postrežbi z izbranimi vini in ob inovativnem kulinaričnem doživetju. Velik poudarek dajemo na izbor vrhunskih produktov znanega porekla, lokalnih specialitet in pestro ponudbo. Naš cilj je, da gost od nas ne odide ravnodušen, ampak z močnimi pozitivnimi vtisi. Za dosego slednjega pa mu prisluhnemo in se mu povsem posvetimo.« www.terme-krka.si/si/otocec/grad

Please allow us to introduce you to one of the most attractive gems of castle architecture in this part of Europe – the Grad Otočec Castle – which makes the most of its wonderful location, its hotel facilities of the highest category, exquisite culinary experiences and personal approach in order to combine the guiding principle of the magic experience of past times with the perfect comfort of today. The special charm of the castle experience is provided by the mighty castle walls that date back to the 13th century and its unique location on an islet in the midst of the Krka River, which connects the castle with the surrounding hilly landscape, full of vineyards, by way of wooden bridges. In addition, the special nature of Grad Otočec is heightened by the fact that it has been declared a cultural monument of national importance. The Grad Otočec Castle entered the year 2008 in a new disguise, one in the spirit of the Gothic and Renaissance periods, that is to

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say the earliest periods of the castle’s life. A renowned Slovenian architect upgraded the castle with authorial castle furniture, using great feeling and forethought. There are 16 rooms of the highest category available, including two Royal Suites with reception and conference rooms and a parlour. The culinary masters of the Grad Otočec Castle serve their masterpieces in the castle’s restaurants, the more spacious Knight’s Room and the smaller Hunter’s Room, and also in its intimate atmosphere alongside the fireplace. The Castle Terrace is open in the summer months. Robi Gregorčič, head chef of the castle restaurant: ≈Here at the castle restaurant, the guest is pampered and his well-being is taken care of. Food needs to have character and charm. We wish for our guests to fully enjoy the unforgettable trio – the wonderful surroundings, the top-level service with selected wines and the innovative culinary experience. We place great emphasis on choosing top-quality produce of known origin, local specialties and a diverse selection of dishes. It is our aim to have the guest leave us not indifferently, but rather with strong positive impressions. In order to achieve that, we listen to him and give him our fullest attention.« www.terme-krka.si/si/otocec/grad

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Dobra Vila Bovec je pravljični objekt v čarobnem kraju, s skrbnim osebjem in zgovornim jedilnikom. Namenjena je vsem tistim, ki iščejo nekaj več: razvajenim uživačem, avanturističnim popotnikom, državljanom sveta, intelektualnim lenobam, prešernim naravoljubcem, prisrčnim gospodom v letih in gospem v plesnih čeveljcih. Vsak varovanec Dobe Vile ima tisoč razlogov za doživetje zadovoljstva v najbolj pristni obliki.

Butični hoteli - Dobra Vila

Boutique Hotels - Dobra Vila

Dobra Vila - hotel z vsemi zvezdami

Dobra Vila – A Hotel with All the Stars

želite miru in tišine, ste na pravem naslovu. Če si zaželite aktivnih počitnic – vam bomo pomagali tudi pri organizaciji le teh. V našo vilo so vabljeni tudi vaši hišni ljubljenčki. www.dobra-vila-bovec.com Tel: +386 5 389 64 00

Odkrij brezpotja gorskega sveta, zdravilno moč lenobe in skrite čare nočnega neba. Poskusi žlikrofe, obrat v ledeno mrzli reki in konjak ob kaminu. Dovoli si uživati, dovoli si sanjati in dovoli si reči »hočem še«.

Na našem jedilniku boste našli predvsem sveže sestavine slovenskega porekla. Prisegamo na sezonske jedilnike, zato nas lahko obiščete tudi večkrat v letu in se vedno znova pustite presenetiti novim in svežim idejam. Pri nas bodo še posebej zadovoljni ljubitelji divjačine, ki jo s pridihom sodobnega časa pripravljamo po receptih naših prednikov. Po dobri večerji lahko posedite pri kaminu v knjižnici in se prepustite domišljiji v spremstvu številnih raznovrstnih knjig. V knjižnici najdete tudi pestro izbiro DVD-jev, ki si jih lahko ogledate kar v svoji sobi, saj je v vseh poskrbljeno tudi za filmske sladokusce. Če si

Bi želeli sobo št. 50? »50 je število ovinkov nadvse lepe ceste čez Vršič, ki so jo gradili in s svojimi življenji plačevali ruski vojni ujetniki, danes pa je prizorišče ekstremnih kolesarskih tekem, divjih sankaških podvigov in poetičnih avtomobilskih voženj.«

Dobra Vila (= Good Fairy/Villa – a wordplay for the word ‘vila’ in Slovene has two meanings) is a fairytale building in a magical place with an expressive menu. It caters for those who are looking for something more: the pampered hedonist, the adventurous traveller, the citizen of the world, the intellectual lazy-head, the joyful nature-lover, the sweet elderly gentleman and the lady in her dancing shoes. Each client of the Dobra Vila has a thousand reasons to experience pleasure at its purest. Browsing through our menu, you will find mostly fresh ingredients of Slovenian origin. We swear by seasonal specialties, so you may visit us several times a year and be surprised time and again by new and fresh ideas. The lovers of game dishes in particular will come to their own at Dobra Vila, for we prepare game according to the recipes of our ancestors, seasoned with a good pinch of modernity. After a delicious dinner, you may want to stay by the fireplace in the library, and surrender your imagination to the numerous books. In the library you will also find an interesting selection of


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DVD’s, which you may watch in your room as all of our rooms cater for film lovers. If you just want peace and quiet, you have come to the right place. Or if an active holiday is what you want, we can help you plan your activities. Our villa also welcomes pets. www.dobra-vila-bovec.com Tel: +386 5 389 64 00

Would you like room number 50? “50 is the number of hairpin bends in the scenic route over the Vršič Mountain Pass, built and paid for with their lives by Russian prisoners of war. Today, the route welcomes extreme bicycle races, wild descents on sledges and poetic car rides.” Discover the unbeaten trails of the mountain world, the healing power of laziness and the hidden charms of the night sky. Try our žlikrofi (a type of ravioli), an underwater turn in the ice-cold river or a glass of cognac by the fireplace. Allow yourself to enjoy, allow yourself to dream, allow yourself to say ‘I want more’!

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Butični hoteli - San Rocco

Boutique Hotels - San Rocco

Hotel | Restavracija | Wellness & SPA San Rocco

Hotel | Restaurant | Wellness & SPA San Rocco

Hotel San Rocco stoji na hribu, le pet kilometrov od morja, dvajset kilometrov od meje s Slovenijo in trideset kilometrov od italijanske meje, v umirjenem okolju slikovite tradicionalne vasi Brtonigla. V bližini hotela se nahajajo tudi nekateri najznamenitejši turistični kraji Istre. Izjemno pomembna vidika regije sta vinarstvo in bogato gastronomsko izročilo; v vasi Brtonigla pridelajo okoli deset odstotkov vina v vsej regiji in je edini kraj na Hrvaškem, ki je včlanjen v mednarodno zvezo Mesto vina. K hotelu spada tudi znamenita restavracija San Rocco. Imenitna restavracija, urejena v nekdanji vinski kleti, kjer so nekoč kletarili dobri domači sorti vina – malvazijo in teran – ponuja širok izbor gastronomskih užitkov. Jedilnik sestavljajo večinoma značilne istrske specialitete, sestavine pa se prilagajajo letnim časom. Na voljo so, na primer, sveže ulovljene ribe iz okoliških voda,


gomoljike (tartufi), gobe, pršut, divjačina in druge specialitete. K izbrani jedi se gotovo poda kakšno od izbranih vin iz obsežne hotelske vinoteke, ki ponuja tako domača kot mednarodna vina. Restavracija San Rocco je v ospredju med istrskimi in hrvaškimi ponudniki dobrot kuharske umetnosti; najdemo jo v hrvaških in mednarodnih vodnikih po najboljših restavracijah in vinskih kleteh, kot so Istra Gastro Top, Gault Millau in Wo isst Österreich, prejela pa je tudi številne nagrade in priznanja, med katerimi naj omenimo dve zvezdici znamenitega mednarodnega gastronomskega vodnika Veronelli. Ena najpomembnejših nagrad pa je gotovo tudi nagrada za najboljši mali hotel na Hrvaškem za leto 2007! Pod Hotel San Rocco spada še Vinoteka San Rocco v središču vasi, kjer lahko pokusite najboljša istrska vina, dobrote domače istrske kuhinje in jedi, pripravljene v pravi krušni peči. Seveda pa ne smemo pozabiti na hotelsko hišo dobrega počutja oziroma t. i. »Wellness Centre San Rocco«, kjer se lahko prepustite blagodejnemu razkošju. Edinstveno okolje, ki mu bogata zgodovina daje svojevrsten čar, je popoln kraj za sprostitev in umiritev duha. www.san-rocco.hr

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Hotel San Rocco is situated on a hill, just 5 km from the sea, 20km from the Slovenian border and 30 km from the Italian border, with the most famous tourist centres of the area nearby, immersed in the traditions and tranquillity of the picturesque rural village of Brtonigla. It is important to note that this area is rich in enogastronomic traditions: Brtonigla produces 10% of the entire region’s wine, and the town is the only one in Croatia that is a member of the international “City of Wine” association. The famous restaurant “San Rocco” is part of the hotel. This elegant restaurant, located in the places where the good family’s Malvasia and Terrano wines were once produced, offers a vast gastronomic array based mainly on typical seasonal specialties, such as fresh locally-caught fish, truffle, mushrooms, ham, game and other typical Istrian specialities. With your desired dish you


will have a vast choice of regional and international wines from the hotel's wine cellar. The restaurant “San Rocco” is number “one” in Croatian and Istrian gastronomy; it is also included in the best national and international enogastronomic guides like the TOP Istrian Gastro Gourmet, Gault Mileau and Wo ist Österreich, and has won innumerable prizes and great recognition as the second star in the famous international gastronomic guide “Veronelli”. One of the most important honours bestowed upon the hotel is certainly the title of Best Small Hotel in Croatia 2007! Apart from Hotel San Rocco, located in the centre of town, there's also “Vinoteca San Rocco” where you can enjoy the best Istrian wines, traditional Istrian cuisine and meals prepared in the woodfired oven. The San Rocco Wellness Centre is also worth mentioning: here you will find luxury at its best. In addition to being in a unique place, one rich in history and charm, this is simply the perfect spot for peace and tranquillity. www.san-rocco.hr

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Novice iz Jugovzhodne Evrope

Srbija – se že dogaja D

obra dva tedna velikih priprav sta za nami. Srbija in Beograd sta gostila 43 mednarodnih delegacij, več kot 2.500 akreditiranih novinarjev z vsega sveta in več kot 10.000 tujih obiskovalcev. V ta namen se je Sava center spremenil v enega največjih in najbolj organiziranih novinarskih centrov v zgodovini evrovizijske popevke. Celoten dogodek je bil popolnoma medijsko pokrit, od novinarskega središča do vaj, novinarskih konferenc in zabav v znanih beograjskih nočnih klubih in čolnarnah.Tekmovanje za evrovizijsko popevko leta je bila odlična priložnost, da Srbija mednarodni skupnosti pokaže, da je sposobna gostiti tako velik dogodek ter izpolniti vse zahteve in želje delegacij, obiskovalcev in seveda Eurovision Broadcast Union.

kongresni dvorani s kapaciteto 350 ljudi in možnostjo razdelitve na več manjših dvoran. Poleg večjih dvoran je na voljo še več manjših dvoran za sestanke velikosti od 10 do 40 udeležencev. www.suncanihvar.com

Srbija gostila City Break 2008 B

eograd je gostil City Break 2008, edini tovrstni dogodek na temo potovanj, ki je namenjen hitro rastočemu sektorju na področju »City Break« mestnega turizma. Približno 300 udeležencev (150 mednarodnih kupcev in 150 razstavljavcev) iz 30 svetovnih držav ter 70 članov Evropskega združenja za trženje mest (European City Marketing) je od 9. do 11. junija razpravljalo o novih priložnostih za svoja mesta in podjetja. Sistem vnaprej načrtovanih individualnih sestankov je kupcem omogočil, da najdejo nove destinacije in se srečajo z obstoječimi dobavitelji pod eno streho beograjskega sejma. Poleg srečanj je sejem ponujal tudi mnogo priložnosti za srečanja, vključno s sprejemom gostov v Kraljevi palači, ki ga je gostilo njegovo kraljevsko visočanstvo, srbski princ Aleksander II, ter dodatna kosila na posebej v ta namen urejenih lokacijah in večerje na beograjski trdnjavi Kalemegdan. City Break je bila edinstvena poslovna priložnost, ki je nikakor ne bi smeli zamuditi.

Srbija gostila letno konferenco in generalno skupščino European cities Marketing Od 11. do 14. junija je Beograd gostil pomemben dogodek v

svojem novem EXPO XXI Beograd. Glavna tema letošnjega ECM letnega dogodka je bila Ključni indikatorji uspešnosti. Mednarodni udeleženci so razpravljali o pomembni vlogi ključnih indikatorjev uspešnosti, ter kako pravzaprav meriti uspeh v mestnih turističnih pisarnah in kongresno-turističnih uradih. Za vse udeležence, ki jih zanima prosti čas in poslovni turizem, je bila konferenca priložnost za izmenjavo znanja na operativnem nivoju, za nove poslovne kupčije in pa seveda priložnost za sprostitev v prijetnem okolju Ada Safarija na savskem otoku, v Beograjski utrdbi ali Viminacjumu.

Začel delovati Kongresni urad Opatije 2. junija 2008 je začel delovati Kongresi urad Opatije. Urad deluje

v sklopu Turistične skupnosti in bo opravljal predvsem funkcijo promocije Opatije kot kongresne destinacije. V Opatiji sicer potekajo številni dogodki, med drugimi Konferenca EAESP (www.easesp2008. com), Dnevi pooblaščenih inženirijev gradbeništva (www.hkaig.hr/ gradjevinari) in Mitteleuropa Abbazia (MEA) festival. Več: Goran Pavlović, Kongresni ured Grada Opatija, convention.bureau@opatija-tourism.hr, www.opatija-tourism.hr

Ponovno odprt hotel Excelsior V

Dubrovniškem hotelu Excelsior so v mesecu juniju zaključili prenovo starega krila hotela, ki po novem vključuje ekskluzivno predsedniško suito in štirinajst de-luxe suit. Celotna investicija v prenovo je bila vredna 22 milijonov evrov. Hotel poleg tega ponuja šest multifunkcijskih dvoran s kapaciteto od 15 do 650 udeležencev. Prenovljeni so še notranji bazen, recepcija in izboljšan welness center. Na področju gostinstva je novost sushi restavracija, ki je obogatila ponudbo ostalih treh restavracij. Po izboru časnika Sunday Times je hotel Excelisior eden najboljših hotelov v Mediteranu. www.hotel-excelsior.hr

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Odprt prenovljen hotel Amfora na Hvaru Po obnovi je bil ponovno odprt največji hotelski resort na otoku

Hvaru Amfora. Najnovejši dodatek k njihovi ponudbi je edinstven kaskadni bazen. V okviru prenovljenega hotela so tudi konferenčne kapacitete, primerne za organizacijo kongresov, teambuilding aktivnosti in posebnih dogodkov. Na ta način se bo sezona na Hvaru razširila na celo leto. Moderni kongresni center ima dve večji


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News from South-Eastern Europe

Serbia – it is Already Happening A

great two weeks of great organization has now ended. Serbia and Belgrade have hosted 43 international delegations, more that 2,500 accredited journalists from all over the world plus more than 10,000 foreign fans. For this purpose, the Sava Centre has been transformed into the biggest and most organized press and media centre in the history of the Eurovision song competition. The whole event was fully covered, from the press centre to rehearsals, press conferences and parties in Belgrade’s famous nightclubs and boat houses. The Eurovision Song Contest was good opportunity to show the international convention market that Serbia is capable of hosting such a big event and to fulfil all the requests and desires of the delegations, fans and, of course, the Eurovision Broadcast Union.

The Renovated Amfora Hotel on the Isle of Hvar is now Open Following renovation, the largest hotel resort on the isle of Hvar

– Amfora – was reopened. The latest addition to their offer is the unique cascade pool. The renovated hotel now features conference capacities suitable for organising congresses, teambuilding activities and special events. This will extend the tourist season on Hvar to cover the entire year. The modern congress centre has two larger halls with a capacity of 350 people and the option of dividing them into several smaller halls. In addition to the larger halls, there are several smaller ones intended for meetings of 10 to 40 participants. www.suncanihvar.com

Serbia Hosted City Break 2008

Beautiful and diverse landscape of Serbia gives excellent opportunity for all sort of activities: Rafting, Flying, Orienteering, Cycling, Golf and much more


elgrade has hosted City Break 2008, the only travel trade exhibition dedicated to the rapidly growing city break sector. Around 300 participants (150 international buyers and 150 exhibitors) from 30 countries worldwide and 70 European City Marketing members discussed and made arrangements for new city break opportunities for their cities and companies from 9-11 June. The system of pre-scheduled one-to-one appointments made it possible for buyers to source new destinations and meet with existing suppliers, all under one roof – that of Belgrade’s fair. Alongside the appointments, there was an array of networking opportunities including the welcome reception at Royal Palace, hosted by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander II of Serbia, complimentary lunches at specially arranged venues and dinners at Belgrade’s Kalemegdan fortress. City Break was an exclusive business opportunity not to be missed.

The Commencement of Operations of the Opatija Convention Bureau On 2 June 2008, the Opatija Convention Bureau began with

operations. The Bureau operates within the scope of the Opatija Tourist Board and will primarily be performing the function of promoting Opatija as a congress destination. Numerous events are held in Opatija, including the EAESP conference (www.easesp2008. com), Days of Chartered Civil Engineers (www.hkaig.hr/gradjevinari) and the Mitteleuropa Abbazia (MEA) festival. More information is available from: Goran Pavlović, Opatija Convention Bureau, convention.bureau@opatija-tourism.hr, www.opatija-tourism.hr

Serbia Organized the European Cities Marketing Annual Conference and General Assembly From 11-14 of June, Belgrade hosted this significant event in very

new EXPO XXI Belgrade. The overall theme of this year’s ECM Annual event was “Key Performance Indicators”. International delegates discussed the critical role of key performance indicators and how to measure success in the City Tourist Offices and Convention Bureaus. The conference has given parties interested in leisure and business tourism the opportunity to exchange knowledge and expertise on an operational level, to make business deals and to experience enjoyable events organized at very interesting places such as Ada Safari on Sava Island , the Belgrade Fortress and Viminacjum.


Serbia new destination, new incentives

Active experience Historic cites experience

Gastronomy experience Nature experience

Return to the age of gladiators and emperors Build the strong team spirit which defined the success of Roman Empire

Still unspoiled by mass tourism Serbia is ideal place for your team to relax and come up with fresh ideas.

The Excelsior Hotel Reopened A

t the Excelsior Hotel in Dubrovnik, the renovation of the old wing was completed in June and the facility now includes a presidential suite and FOURTEEN deluxe suites. The entire investment in the renovation was worth EUR 22 million. In addition to this, the hotel offers six multifunctional halls with a capacity of 15 to 650 participants. The renovation also covered the indoor pool, the reception desk and an improved wellness centre. The catering range now features a sushi restaurant, enhancing the offer of the other three restaurants. The Sunday Times has selected the Excelsior Hotel as one of the best hotels in the Mediterranean. www.hotel-excelsior.hr

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Try the wine served in “Titanic” and on the court of Maria Tereza - Wine that has stopped the war On the road you will find out what the word “Salaš” means and why the Serbs are proud with their cuisine.

Whatever your interests are, Serbia has it all!


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Analiza spletnih strani

Komentarji k spletnim predstavitvam

Spletna ponudba slovenskih kongresnih hotelov Prvi vtis je najpomembnejši – to velja tako za ljudi kot tudi za organizacije, še posebej na tako zahtevnem področju, kot je kongresni turizem. V primeru kongresnih hotelov je prvi stik, zlasti za tujce, pogosto storjen preko spleta. In kakšen vtis pustijo slovenski kongresni hoteli?

Grand Hotel Bernardin (www.h-bernardin.si) Vizualno zelo privlačna predstavitev, ki pa prav na ta račun izgubi nekaj uporabnosti. Drugi nivo menija je precej skrit, predstavitev je učinkovita le pri velikih ločljivostih zaslona, zmoti tudi glasba na uvodni strani. Vsebinsko je predstavitev solidna, manjka predvsem dopolnilna ponudba. Optimizacija za iskalnike: odlično!

največja slabost. Potencialna stranka lahko loči kongresne hotele le po lokaciji, ponujenih storitvah, kapacitetah in številu zvezdic, dobre lastnosti pa se skrijejo v opisovanju presežkov svoje ponudbe. Manjkajo osebni pristop, resnične izkušnje, iskreni komentarji obstoječih strank, prav tako nobeden od hotelov ni izkoristil brezplačne spletne promocije, ki jo ponujajo Youtube, Flickr, Facebook in drugi spletni servisi, ki jih uporabljajo predvsem tujci (in vedno bolj tudi Slovenci). Velika konkurenčna prednost torej čaka kongresni hotel, ki si bo upal drzneje in predvsem manj sterilno nastopiti na spletu.

Kongresni hoteli se, v primerjavi z PCO in DMC agencijami (glej članek v prejšnji številki revije Kongres), veliko bolj zavedajo pomembnosti dobrega nastopa na internetu. Ocenjene spletne predstavitve so skoraj brez izjeme dobro vsebinsko in oblikovno zasnovane z mislijo na potrebe svojih strank. Najdene so v spletnih iskalnikih in ponujajo vse osnovne informacije, ki jih potencialni kupec želi dobiti. Pravzaprav so si spletne predstavitve zelo podobne, zato jim manjka individualnosti, kar je tudi njihova

Grand Hotel Union (www.gh-union.si) Spletna predstavitev je zastarela, tako z vidika vsebinske kot oblikovne zasnove. Optimizacija za iskalnike ni bila narejena, pomanjkljiv je tudi kontakt. Veliko truda je bilo vloženega v oblikovanje strani, vendar žal na račun uporabnosti. Spletna predstavitev pusti ekskluziven priokus, vseeno pa priporočam čimprejšnjo prenovo.

V nadaljevanju sledi kratek pregled spletnega nastopa slovenskih kongresnih hotelov. Tipičen obiskovalec je slovenski ali tuji organizator dogodkov, ki išče pravo storitev za svojega naročnika. Ocenjene so lastnosti, ki so ključne za doseganje cilja kongresnega hotela – prodajo svojih kapacitet.

Hotel Habakuk (www.termemb.si) Vsebinsko zelo bogata spletna predstavitev, pomanjkljivosti pa kaže na oblikovnem področju, saj ni zasnovana za tolikšno količino vsebine in tako zahtevno navigacijo. Zelo dobro je narejeno povpraševanje preko spleta.

Andrej Šolinc, RS Klan andrej.solinc@rsklan.com

Merila za ocenjevanje spletnih predstavitev Merilo Komentar

Prispevek h končni oceni v %

1 Zasnova

Navigacija po spletni strani, primernost zasnove glede na obseg vsebine in ciljne obiskovalce.



Obseg, ažurnost in primernost vsebin za ciljne obiskovalce.


3 Iskalniki

Prisotnost tehničnih in vsebinskih delov, ki najbolj vplivajo na dobro najdenost v iskalnikih.


4 Oblika

Ocenjevana ni bila subjektivna všečnost, temveč upoštevanje oblikovalskih standardov za spletne strani, ki zagotavljajo dobro berljivost, preglednost in uporabnost spletne predstavitve.


Hotel Mons (www.hotel.mons.si) Zelo dobra predstavitev ponudbe, večji poudarek bi moral biti narejen še na kontaktu, ki je za učinkovitost spletne predstavitve bistvenega pomena. Zanimiv je audio in video uvod glavnega receptorja, ki pa lahko tudi zmoti obiskovalca, ki prav takrat posluša npr. glasbo preko računalnika.

Hotel Slovenija (www.lifeclass.net) Dobra grafična zasnova in razumljiva navigacija sta dve glavni prednosti te spletne predstavitve. Očitali bi ji lahko le odsotnost obrazca za povpraševanje in, v primerjavi s konkurenco, nekoliko bolj skromno vsebino.


Ocene spletnih predstavitev Kongresni hotel

Spletni naslov





Grand Hotel Bernardin www.h-bernardin.si






Grand Hotel Union







Hotel Habakuk







Hotel Mons







Hotel Slovenija








Kongres - 2008

Povprečna ocena

15 let

www.vivo.si tel.: 01 54 61 657 113

Kongres - 2008

Anlyses of Web Pages

Comments to the Web presentations

The Online Offer of Slovenian Congress Hotels The first impression is the most important – this applies both to people and organisations, especially in such a demanding industry as congress tourism. When it comes to congress hotels, the first impression - especially for foreigners - is often made over the Web. And what kind of an impression do the Slovenian congress hotels make?

Grand Hotel Bernardin (www.h-bernardin.si) A very attractive presentation visually, on account of which the site looses some of its usability. The second level of the menu is rather hidden, the presentation is only effective at higher screen resolutions and the music on the homepage is also distracting. The presentation is solid in terms of content, but primarily lacks a supplementary offer. Optimisation for search engines: excellent!

this is their greatest weakness. A potential customer can differentiate the congress hotels only by their location, the range of services on offer, the capacities and the number of stars, while the good characteristics are hidden in the descriptions of the superlatives of their offer. What is lacking is the personal touch – real experience and sincere comments by existing customers. Also, none of the hotels have taken advantage of the opportunity for free online promotion offered by Youtube, Flickr, Facebook and other online services that are primarily used by foreigners (and increasingly frequently by Slovenians). A great competitive advantage therefore awaits the congress hotel that dares to appear on the Web more boldly and, most of all, in a less sterile manner.

When compared to PCO and DMC agencies (see the article in the previous issue of the Kongres magazine), congress hotels are much more aware of the importance of a good appearance on the Internet. The Web presentations assessed are, almost without exception, substantively and graphically designed with the customers in mind. They were found using search engines and offer all the basic information that a potential customer would wish to obtain. Web presentations are actually very similar, which is why they lack individuality – and

Grand Hotel Union (www.gh-union.si) The Web presentation is outdated, both in terms of content and the design concept. The optimisation for search engines has not been made and the contact page is also deficient. A lot of effort went into the design of the site, unfortunately at the expense of usability. The Web presentation has an exclusive feel to it, but we nevertheless recommend an overhaul be made as soon as possible.

Below is a brief overview of the Web presentations of the Slovenian congress hotels. A typical visitor would be a Slovenian or foreign event organiser looking for the right service for its client. We assessed the characteristics that are key to achieving the objective of a congress hotel, i.e. the sale of their capacities.

Hotel Habakuk (www.termemb.si) A very rich Web presentation in terms of content but with deficiencies showing in the area of design, as it is not designed for such a large amount of content and such demanding navigation. The online inquiries page is implemented very well.

Andrej Šolinc, RS Klan andrej.solinc@rsklan.com

Criteria for the assessment of Web presentations Criterion Comment 1 Design

Navigation through the Web presentation, the suitability of the design with respect to the scope of the content and the target group of visitors



The scope, topicality and suitability of content for the target group of visitors


3 Iskalniki

The presence of technical and substantive parts that most affect the page rank in search engines


4 Oblika

The subjective appeal was not assessed, but the observance of design standards for Websites that ensure readability, transparency and the usability of the Web presentation



Hotel Mons (www.hotel.mons.si) A very good presentation of the offer though a greater emphasis should be made on the contact page, which is essential for the effectiveness of the Web presentation. The audio and video introduction from the main receptionist is interesting, but could distract the visitor who might be listening, for example, to music on the computer at the time.

Contribution to the final grade in %

Hotel Slovenija (www.lifeclass.net) A good graphic design and comprehensible navigation are the two main advantages of this Web presentation. The only reproach could be the absence of an inquiry form and, when we compare it with the competition, somewhat more modest content.

Web presentation grades Congress hotel

Web address

Kreativno v belem in zelenem Design




Grand Hotel Bernardin www.h-bernardin.si






Grand Hotel Union







Hotel Habakuk







Hotel Mons







Hotel Slovenija








Kongres - 2008

Nadgradite poslovna srečanja z novo dimenzijo brezmejnih možnosti športa, druženja in zabave v vseh letnih časih, na prostem ali v zato namenjenih prostorih.


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Kongres - 2008


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Naj prizorišča za pogostitve in sprejeme

Izbranih pet naj slovenskih prizorišč V uredništvu revije Kongres tudi letos nadaljujemo z izbiro petih najboljših prizorišč za organizacijo dogodkov. Tokrat smo v duhu poletne Kongresove kulinarične teme izbirali naj prizorišča za pogostitve in sprejeme. Pri izboru smo upoštevali naslednje kriterije: originalnost lokacije (zanimivost, izvirnost, vključitev zgodovinskih, naravnih in kulturnih znamenitosti) – prizorišče mora biti posebno tudi v mednarodnem merilu; kompleksnost ponudbe; tehnična opremljenost lokacije za izvedbo gostinskih dogodkov; emocionalni del, ki ga sproža lokacija; fleksibilnost ponudnika lokacije; možnosti, ki jih lokacija omogoča za inovativno izvedbo dogodkov; število izvedenih dogodkov v preteklosti ter ekološka osveščenost ponudnika. Člani uredniškega odbora smo izbrali pet naj prizorišč, ki jih na kratko predstavljamo v nadaljevanju.



Srednjeveški Ljubljanski grad je v preteklosti služil različnim namenom, saj je bil trdnjava, bivališče deželnega glavarja, vojašnica in celo zapor. V novejšem času je ena najbolj obiskanih turističnih znamenitost v Sloveniji ter dominanten simbol mesta. Ljubljanski grad ponuja sedem različnih notranjih prostorov, v največjem med njimi je mogoče prirediti stoječ sprejem za 400 gostov. Prostrano dvorišče, ki predstavlja dodatno možnost, je posebej privlačno v toplejših mesecih. Sprejme do 800 gostov za stoječo pogostitev, kar 1.000 sedežev pa je mogoče postaviti za glasbene ali druge prireditve, ki sicer na gradu potekajo praktično vse leto. Na gradu je tudi glavno prizorišče za sklenitev civilnih porok v Ljubljani. Festival Ljubljana je član Kongresnega urada Slovenije, Ljubljanski grad, s katerim upravlja, pa je certificirano prizorišče za posebne dogodke. www.ljubljanafestival.si



Postojnska jama je ena najlepših podzemeljskih jam na svetu in obsega skoraj 22 kilometrov zakopanih rovov, galerij in dvoran, ki jih je skozi tisočletja oblikovala narava. V lepo razsvetljeno in urejeno notranjost jame nas popelje edini podzemni vlakec na svetu, strokovno spremstvo pa skrbi za odlično počutje.


Kongres - 2008


V postojnskem jamskem sistemu organizirajo zabavne podzemne pustolovščine – jamski treking, iskanje zaklada, raziskovanje namišljenega umora in druge podzemne avanture. Postojnski jamski teambuilding je edini tovrstni teambuilding na svetu, ki pod strokovnim vodstvom izkušenih analitikov vključuje reševanje telesnih in logičnih miselnih nalog. V Postojnski jami je mogoče organizirati manjše koncerte, pogostitve s pijačo, krajše seminarje ter tudi ekskluzivne dogodke. Postojnska jama na leto gosti preko 170 posebnih dogodkov, ki se v največji meri prilagajajo željam naročnika, hkrati pa upoštevajo določila Zakona o varovanju naravne in kulturne dediščine, saj je varovanje naravnih in kulturnih znamenitosti njihovo poslanstvo. www.postojnska-jama.si



Od obrambnega obzidja z romanskim stolpom preko gostišča še iz časa Briksenskih škofov, domovanja blejskega upravi telja, prizorišča kmečkih uporov, oddajanja grajskih prostorov turistom in zaporov edinstvenega razgleda do zgodovinsko obarvanega muzeja domače zatohle grajske kleti, pravljične tiskarne iz prahu vstalega gostoljubnega blejskega grofa z osebjem pristne apoteke do popolnih kulinaričnih užitkov v Grajski restavraciji z nepozabnim razgledom. Kongres - 2008

Program Kulinarično popotovanje po grajskih kotičkih ponudi celovito občutenje vsebine, lokacije, edinstvenosti in je osnovan na ideji t.i. »gibljive večerje«, ko na določenih postojankah gostom ponudijo posamezen hod jedilnika, medtem pa ti spoznavajo bogato kulturno dediščino in znamenitosti Slovenije. Na Blejskem gradu sprejmejo goste v restavraciji z dvema prostoroma (2 x 70 oseb), na dveh terasah (2 x 200 oseb) in v Cafe Tlačanu, kjer se lahko zabava 40 oseb, na terasi pa 200.


Organizirajo poroke, teambuildinge, obletnice in druge dogodke s ciljem rojevanja novih idej (poslovne skupine). www.blejski-grad.si

KLUB CD Klub CD meri 492 m2 in sprejme do 300 obiskovalcev. Sproščena in gostoljubna postavitev sedežev z mizami omogoča pester in raznovrsten program z odprtim pogledom proti Grajskemu griču in parku Tivoli; prostor je idealen za koncerte, šansone, kabareje, kongresne prireditve, zabave, družabna srečanja, sprejeme in poslovna kosila. Popolnoma nov in moderno zasnovan ambient dopolnjujejo široka terasa, lastna garderoba in neposreden dostop z dvigalom iz Male Galerije. www.cd-cc.si



Srednjeveški Grad Otočec leži na edinstveni lokaciji na otoku sredi zelene Krke. V letošnje leto je grad vstopil z osveženo notranjo in zunanjo podobo. V gradu je na voljo šestnajst sob najvišje kategorije, med njimi dva kraljeva apartmaja s sobama za sprejeme in posvetovanja ter salonom. Mojstri kulinarike na Otočcu postrežejo svoje stvaritve v večji Grajski restavraciji, ki sprejme do 50 oseb, ter v manjših –Viteški in Lovski sobi, ki pričara intimno vzdušje ob kaminu. V poletnih mesecih na mamljive dobrote vabita dve lični terasi v osrčju grajskega oboda in ob izhodu na grajsko jaso. Na gradu se odvijajo različni dogodki: svečane pogostitve v objemu grajskega obzidja, romantične večerje v soju bakel in sveč na zadnji terasi gradu, srednjeveške pojedine s kuhanjem vpričo gostov, poročna slavja, vrhunski catering na različnih lokacijah, poslovna kosila in banketi, državniška srečanja. Prijaznost, diskretnost in vljudnost osebja poskrbijo, da naši gostje uživajo ob doživljanju pristnega grajskega okolja. Robi Gregorčič, vodja kuhinje v gradu: »Hrana mora imeti karakter in šarm. Trudimo se, da naši gostje uživajo v neponovljivem trisu – naši prečudoviti okolici, vrhunski postrežbi z izbranimi vini in ob inovativnem kulinaričnem doživetju. Naš cilj je, da gost ne odide ravnodušen, ampak z močnimi pozitivnimi vtisi. Za dosego slednjega pa mu prisluhnemo in se mu povsem posvetimo.« www.terme-krka.si/si/otocec/grad/

The Best Venue for Banquets and Receptions

Top 5 Slovenian Venues This year again, the editorial office of the Kongres magazine is continuing with the selection of the five best venues for event organisation. This time – in the spirit of the Kongres magazine’s culinary topic – we have selected the best venue for banquets and receptions. When making the selection, we considered the following criteria: the originality of the location (how interesting and original it is, the incorporation of historical, natural and cultural points of interest) – a venue must also be special on the international scene; complex in its offer; technically equipped for the implementation of catering events; the emotional charge of the location; the location provider’s flexibility; the possibilities offered for the innovative implementation of events; the number of implemented events in the past and the ecological awareness of the provider. The members of the editorial board have selected five best venues, which are described in brief below.




The medieval Ljubljana Castle has served to many different purposes in the past – it was first a fortress, then residence to the provincial governor, a barracks and even a prison. In newer times, we can add to its many roles that of a major tourist attraction and city landmark. The Castle features seven indoor function spaces, which can, for standing receptions, welcome a maximum of 400 guests in the largest one, while the spacious courtyard offers the capacity for up to 800 guests. There are many other contents that delight the numerous visitors – often connected to an array of cultural performances that run all year round, but are especially attractive during the warmer months. The courtyard allows for 1,000 seats on the occasion of cultural or other kinds of events. The Castle is also the main venue for civil wedding ceremonies in Ljubljana. Festival Ljubljana is a member of the Slovenian Convention Bureau; the Ljubljana Castle, which they manage, is a certified Special Event Venue. www.ljubljanafestival.si



The Postojna Cave is one of the most beautiful underground caves in the world, encompassing almost 22 kilometres of passages, galleries and chambers shaped by nature over millennia. We are taken to the beautifully illuminated and arranged interior of the cave by the only underground train in the world where expert guidance provides an excellent experience. The Postojna cave system features organised and fun subterranean adventures – cave trekking, treasure hunting, the investigation of an imaginary murder and other subterranean adventures. Postojna Cave teambuilding is the only teambuilding event in the world of this kind that includes solving physical and logical mental tasks under the expert guidance of experienced analysts. Even small-scale concerts can be organised in the cave, as well as banquets with beverages, shorter seminars and exclusive events. The Postojna Cave hosts more than 170 special events a year, which are for the most part adapted to the client’s needs while observing the provisions of the Natural and Historical Heritage Act, as their mission includes the protection of natural and historical sights. www.postojnska-jama.si Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008



From a defensive wall with a Roman tower, to an inn during the time of the Bishopric of Brixen, a residence of the Bled governor, the venue of the peasant uprisings, the letting of the castle premises to tourists and a prison with magnificent views through to the historically coloured museum of the domestic and stuffy castle cellar, a fairytale printer’s made from the dust of the resurrected hospitable Bled count with the staff of the authentic pharmacy, to the perfect culinary pleasures at the castle restaurant boasting unforgettable vistas. The Culinary Journey through the Nooks and Crannies of the Castle enables you to comprehensively experience the content, location and uniqueness of the place as it is based on the idea of the socalled »Moving Dinner«, where guests are offered individual courses on the menu at certain stops while getting to know the rich cultural heritage and attractions of Slovenia. The Bled Castle greets guests with a restaurant with two spaces (2 x 70 persons), on two terraces (2 x 200 persons) and at the Cafe Tlačan where up to 40 people can have fun and party.

The Mediaeval Grad Otočec castle lies in a unique location on an island in the midst of the green Krka River. The castle opened this year with a refreshed interior and exterior appearance.


They organise weddings, teambuilding events, anniversaries and other events, all with a view to generating new ideas (business groups). www.blejski-grad.si



The CD Club measures 492 m2 and admits up to 300 visitors. Featuring an open view of the Ljubljana Castle Hill and Tivoli Park, its range of relaxed and hospitable seat and table arrangements caters for all kinds of events. The Club is an ideal venue for concerts, chanson evenings, cabarets, congress or corporate events, parties, social gatherings, receptions as well as business lunches. Sporting a spacious terrace, cloakroom and a direct access from the CD Small Gallery, the Club has recently been completely renovated and innovatively refurbished, which has enhanced both atmosphere and comfort. www.cd-cc.si




The castle features 16 rooms of the highest category, including two royal suites with rooms for receptions and consultations and a salon. Masters of the culinary art at Otočec serve their creations in the larger Castle Restaurant (Grajska restavracija) seating up to 50 people, and the smaller Knightly (Viteška soba) and Hunting (Lovska soba) rooms, which conjure up an intimate atmosphere around a fireplace. Two well-appointed terraces in the heart of the castle perimeter at the exit to the castle clearing invite you to sample tempting delicacies during the summer months. Various events take place at the castle ranging from ceremonial banquets in the embrace of the castle walls, romantic dinners under the glare of torches and candles on the back terrace of the castle, mediaeval feasts with the cooking done in front of the guests, wedding festivities, top-level catering at various locations, business lunches and banquets as well as state functions. The friendliness, discretion and courtesy of the staff make it possible for our guests to enjoy experiencing an authentic castle environment. Robi Gregorčič, Chef de Cuisine at the castle: »Food must have character and charm. We do our best for the guests to enjoy an unparalleled trio – our beautiful surroundings, top-level service with select wines and an innovative culinary experience. Our goal is for the guest not to leave indifferent, but with strong positive impressions. And, in order to achieve this, we listen to them and give them our undivided attention.« www.terme-krka.si/si/otocec/grad/

Team Building

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email: sales@ilirijabiograd.com


Te l : + 3 8 5 2 3 3 8 3 5 5 6

Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Komunikacijski svetovalni kotiček Medije moramo razumeti kot ključne informacijske

Partnerstvo za mir Živimo v dobi množičnih medijev, v tako imenovani medijski resničnosti, kjer o svetu, v katerem živimo, izvemo pretežno iz medijev. Mnogi dogodki so pogosto opaženi šele, ko so medijsko zabeleženi. Sprejeti dejstvo, da smo vsi, ki s svojim delovanjem segamo onkraj naših intimnih in družinskih okolij, z mediji v specifičnem razmerju soodvisnosti, je prva dobra stvar, ki jo lahko storimo zase, če želimo z mediji gojiti učinkovit, dinamičen in dolgoročen odnos. Nekakšno partnerstvo za mir, če si za to potrebo izposodim izraz, ki so si ga izmislili spretni mojstri medijev za potrebe javne podpore novodobni vojaški nad-državi.

vprašanje, kaj je vredno medijske objave. To vprašanje je hkrati prvo vodilo in ključ do uspeha pri odnosih z mediji. Dogodek še ni novica, lahko pa to postane Kaj je dogodek (z zornega kota medijev): • vse, kar se zgodi, • vse, o čemer vemo, da se je zgodilo (bilo je opaženo), • vse, kar ni bilo načrtovano in se je zgodilo kot presenečenje in • vse, kar je zares pomembno za širšo javnost.

relevantne družbene akterje. • nekaj drugačnega in novega, • nekaj, kar se dogaja oziroma se je zgodilo pred kratkim (danes, včeraj), • nekaj, kar temelji na aktualnih in resničnih dejstvih, • nekaj, kar je pomembno za večjo skupino ljudi (več javnosti) in • nekaj, kar je dovolj zanimivo za kamero oziroma fotografski aparat. Novinarji praviloma iščejo zgodbe, ki so zanimive v aktualnem času in lokalnem prostoru, opisujejo zanimive, ganljive in pretresljive življenjske zgodbe, vsebujejo konflikt in nesrečne okoliščine, spremljajo znane osebnosti in kakorkoli odstopajo od povprečja. Vse to velja upoštevati, ko načrtujemo dejavnosti, pri katerih bi želeli pritegniti k sodelovanju tudi medije.

V naslednji številki: Kako organizirati odnose z mediji? Anuša Gaši TNT events anusa@tntevents.net

Poleg primarne informativne funkcije medije določajo še:

Communication Advice Box

Partnership for Peace

Odnosi z mediji niso naključni

Anuša Gaši, 1974, ima več kot desetletno prakso na področju odnosov z javnostmi. Med leti 1997 in

We live in an era dominated by the mass media, in what is known as media reality: we learn about the world we live in mostly from the media. Many events are often noticed only when they appear in the media. If we wish to maintain efficient, dynamic and long-term relations with the media, the best we can do is to accept the fact that all of us whose actions extend beyond our intimate environment and family life are linked to the media by a specific interdependence. A ‘Partnership for Peace’ of sorts, if I may borrow a term invented by proficient media experts to persuade the public to support the modern-day military super-state.

Tako kot pri vsakem partnerskem odnosu tudi pri odnosih z mediji velja, da je treba partnerja čim bolje spoznati, se poglobiti vanj, da bi lahko razumeli njegovo delovanje in se nanj tudi ustrezno odzivali. Mediji so, preprosto rečeno, organizacije oziroma podjetja, ki med drugim proizvajajo novice ali novinarske zgodbe. Novinarstvo je ena (ne pa edina!) medijska dejavnost. Druga pomembna dejavnost medijev je oglaševanje, ki se v nasprotju z novinarstvom ukvarja s plačljivimi informacijami oziroma zakupom medijskega prostora v korist specifičnih naročnikov.

okrilje Založbe Rokus in zatem v eno najuspešnejših

We would like to inaugurate this new rubric of Kongres magazine by explaining the terms heard every day in a business environment and setting forth a number of facts that make it possible to understand the media sphere and the paths leading towards it.

slovenskih oglaševalskih agencij, agencijo Imelda.

Media Relations are not Random

Novinarsko dejavnost bistveno opredeljuje njena funkcija, ki je v svojem izhodišču informativna, lahko tudi javnomnenjska in izobraževalna, vedno bolj pa tudi zabavna. Namen novinarskih zgodb je torej, da obveščajo, ozaveščajo, izobražujejo, kratkočasijo in zabavajo medijska občinstva. V tem kontekstu se presoja, izbira in oblikuje novica oziroma novinarska zgodba. Pri tem je temeljno

podjetju TNT events in se tako odločila preizkusiti tudi


Ob upoštevanju teh treh medijskih parametrov pa morajo organizacije v odnosih z mediji poznati zlasti odgovora na naslednji vprašanji: kdaj je rok za oddajo novinarskega prispevka (t. i. »deadline«) in koga poklicati za določeno novico oziroma novinarski prispevek.

Vendar pa dogodek še ni novica. Dogodek se zgodi in lahko postane novica, če se o njem poroča. Seveda morajo novinarji za dogodek najprej izvedeti. Dokončno pretvorbo dogodka v novico pa narekujejo nekateri novičarski kriteriji, pri katerih gre za:

Začetek nove svetovalne rubrike v reviji Kongres namenjamo pojasnilom pojmov, ki jih v poslovnem okolju slišimo vsak dan in dejstvom, ki omogočajo razumevanje medijskega prostora in poti, ki vodijo do njega.

Odnose z mediji tvorijo različne aktivnosti, s katerimi organizacije in njeni predstavniki komunicirajo z njimi, obveščajo, prepričujejo, razpravljajo in se pogovarjajo z novinarji, se odzivajo na novinarske objave ter prek medijev izvajajo javni pritisk na relevantne akterje in ustanove. Vendar zgolj enostransko pošiljanje obvestil medijem ali odklanjanje komunikacije v primeru neprijetnih medijskih vprašanj ne ustreza pravilnemu razumevanju odnosov z mediji. Odnosov z mediji še ne predstavlja vsaka naključna komunikacija z novinarjem. Odnosi z mediji se vzpostavijo šele v procesih izmenjave sporočil in novic ter nadaljnjega uspešnega sodelovanja ob upoštevanju skupnih ciljev, vzajemnih koristi, pa tudi nenapisanih in napisanih pravil igre. Kalijo pa se zlasti v obojestranskem partnerskem razumevanju, ki temelji na zaupanju, preteklih izkušnjah in tudi sposobnosti vživljanja v »partnerjev« položaj. Zato odnosi z mediji predpostavljajo odprt, dvosmeren, vzajemen tok informacij; načrtno, sistematično, učinkovito in odgovorno komuniciranje ter dolgoročen in dinamičen odnos.

komunikacijske kanale, pomembne javnosti in

• tehnologija (proces, specifičen za posamezen medij oziroma skupine medijev: radio, tisk, televizija, internet ...), • organizacija (uredniška struktura, pot, ki jo opravi novica do objave) in • ljudje (viri in usmerjevalci novinarskih zgodb znotraj posameznega uredništva, pa tudi zunanji »igralci«, ki součinkujejo v medijskem delovanju).

2000 je vodila odnose z javnostmi na Mestni občini Ljubljana, od javne uprave je za kratek čas odšla pod

V obdobju dela na Imeldi je sodelovala z mnogimi največjimi slovenskimi podjetji in vodila kompleksne komunikacijske projekte tudi izven Slovenije. Od leta 2005 do konca 2007 je bila samostojna svetovalka na področju odnosov z javnostmi, nato se je pridružila na področju organizacije dogodkov. Je prejemnica ene najuglednejših svetovnih nagrad na področju poslovnega komuniciranja, Zlato pero. Kongres - 2008

Media relations consist of many activities that allow various organisations and their representatives to communicate with the media; they inform, try to persuade and discuss matters with journalists, they react to reports that have been made public and use the media to exert public pressure on relevant stakeholders and institutions. However, one-sided notification of the media or refusing to communicate in the event of unpleasant media questions, does not fit with a correct understanding of media relations, nor could any random communication with a journalist be considered media relations. Media relations are established only in the process of exchanging messages and news, and successful cooperation


takes into account shared objectives and mutual benefits, as well as the unwritten and written rules of play. The partnership is then consolidated with a mutual understanding based on trust, past experience and the ability to put oneself in one’s “partner’s” shoes. Therefore, media relations represent an open, two-way and mutual flow of information; planned, systematic, efficient and responsible communication and a long-term dynamic relationship. As is the case with any form of partnership, media relations also require getting to know the partner as well as possible, concentrating on the partner in order to understand their actions and reacting appropriately. The media are, to put it simply, organisations or companies, which, among other things, produce news or reports by journalists. Journalism is one (and not the only!) media activity. Another important media activity is advertising which, in contrast to journalism, deals with paid information or the lease of media space for the benefit of specific clients.

Media should be viewed as key information channels, important public entities and relevant active members of society. The work of journalists is defined by its function, which is informative at its core, but it can also be related to public opinion, education and, increasingly, entertainment. In other words, the purpose of reports by journalists is to inform, raise awareness, educate and entertain. Reports or news are evaluated, selected and formulated within this framework. That being said, the fundamental question is what deserves to be published by the media. This question is at once the primary guideline and the key to success in media relations. An Event is Not Yet a News Item, but it Can Become One What is an event (from a media standpoint): • Anything that happens, • Everything that we know has happened (it has been witnessed),

Kongres - 2008

• Anything that had not been planned but happened as a surprise, and • Everything that is truly important for the general public.

J^[ D[m :_c[di_ed E\ 9ed]h[ii

And yet, an event is not automatically a news item. An event can happen and become a news item if it is covered by a report. Of course, journalists must be informed in advance of the event. The final transformation of an event into a news item is dictated by certain news criteria, which stipulate that the event is: • Something different and new, • Something that is happening or happened recently (today, yesterday), • Something based on actual and true facts, • Something important for a larger group of people (several public entities), and • Something that is interesting enough to be videotaped or photographed.

While keeping in mind the three above-mentioned media parameters, in order to achieve successful media results, it is of particular importance that organisations know the answers to the following two questions: what is the deadline within which the news item is to be submitted, and who to call in relation to certain news items or reports by journalists. In the next issue: How to organise media relations? Anuša Gaši TNT events anusa@tntevents.net

Anuša Gaši, b. 1974, has over ten years of experience




working in the field of public relations. Between 1997 and 2000, she was responsible for the PR department of the Municipality of Ljubljana. She left public

L`] c]q lg Yf ]n]flÉk km[[]kk da]k af l`] [`ga[] g^ \]klafYlagf$ `gl]d$ k]jna[] Yf\ [gehd]e]flYjq Y[lanala]k& @go lg ]fbgq o`ad] ogjcaf_7 Af gmj `gl]dk Jfc :fiXc!!!! $ e\n )''/# Jfc LdX^!!!! Xe[ Jfc >Xi[\e @jkiX!!!! ]n]jql`af_ ak hgkkaZd] Eg\]jf ]imahh]\ Yf\ \]ka_f]\ `Yddk @a_` l][`fgdg_q lg klY_] ]n]f l`] egkl [gehd]p g^ hj]k]flYlagfk O]ddf]kk Yf\ l]YeZmad\af_ hjg_jYek ^gj eYfY_]jk Yf\ Zmkaf]kk hYjlf]jk

administration and worked very briefly for the Rokus


Publishing Company; she was then hired by one of Slovenia’s most successful advertising agencies – Imelda. During this time, she worked with many of the


country’s biggest companies and was responsible for complex communication projects outside Slovenia. Between 2005 and late 2007, she was an independent PR counsellor, and she then joined the TNT Events

Jfc :fiXc

Jfc LdX^

Jfc >Xi[\e @jkiX

Company, deciding to try her hand at event management. For her work in the past, she received

+386 1 2006 400 congressesakompas.si www.kompas-online.net, www.kompas.si

one of the most prestigious international awards in the field of business communications – the Gold Quill Award. 124


Kongres - 2008 OGLAS revija kongres 77,5x258 ma1 1

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10.3.2008 11:18:29

Kongres - 2008

LdX^ Ó @jki`X Ó :ifXk`X

Generally speaking, journalists are looking for stories which are of interest at the time of reporting and in the local area; they describe interesting, moving and poignant life stories; stories that contain conflicts and unlucky circumstances; stories that are related to celebrities or in any way deviate from the norm. One must take into consideration all of the above criteria in the planning stage of activities carried out to attract media attention. In addition to the primary informative function, media are also determined by: • Technology (a specific process for the various types of media or media groups, such as: radio, print media, television, internet, etc.) • Organisation (editorial structure, the path travelled by a news item towards publication) and • People (sources and factors imposing the orientation of news stories within individual boards of editors, as well as outside ‘players’, who take an active part in the shaping of media action).

4. letno sreÄ?anje Kongresnega urada /

The 4th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Convention Bureau


Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

Soustanovitelji / Co-founders Podjetje / Company

Predstavnik / Representative

Adria Airways Agencija Promo Albatros Bled – Congress Service Albatros Bled Auditoria Austria Trend Hotel Avditorij Portorož Cankarjev dom – Cultural & Congress Centre Ljubljana City hotel Ljubljana Globtour Go®Mice Gospodarsko razstavišče – Ljubljana Exhibition & Convention Centre Grand hotel Union Hiša Kulinarike Jezeršek Intours Kompas Liberty incentives &congresses Slovenia LifeClass Hotels & SPA Lifetrek Garni hotel Pristan M Hotel Micro Cocktail Software Turizem Kras Prevajalska agencija Alkemist – Alkemist Translation Agency Robotrade RS Klan Sava Hoteli Bled St. Bernardin Terme Čatež Terme Maribor Terme Olimia Terme Radenci Terme Spa Rogaška TSE Turistica-Visoka šola za turizem Vivo Catering Zavod za turizem Ljubljana – Ljubljana Tourist Board / Convention Bureau Zdravilišče Laško Hit Alpinea

Naslov / Address





Alen Mlekuž Marko Križnik

Kuzmičeva 7 Mesarska 4d

1000 1000

Ljubljana Ljubljana

+386 (0)1 36 91 317 +386 (0)1 43 82 474

+386 (0)1 23 01 325 +386 (0)1 43 82 475

events@adria.si marko@promo-ag.si

www.adria-airways.com www.promo-ag.si

Majda Zidanski Srečo Peterlič Sandra Brajko Štefanija Pieruzzi

Ribenska 2 Malnarjeva 10 Dunajska cesta 154 Senčna pot 10

4260 1000 1000 6320

Bled Ljubljana Ljubljana Portorož

+386 (0)4 57 80 350 +386 (0)1 24 45 670 +386 (0)1 58 82 500 +386 (0)5 67 66 700

+386 (0)4 57 80 355 +386 (0)1 24 45 675 +386 (0)1 58 82 599 +386 (0)5 67 66 702

info@albatros-bled.com irena.jelen@auditoria.si ljubljana@austria-trend.at kongress.avditorij@siol.net

www.albatros-bled.com www.auditoria.si www.austria-trend.at/lju www.avditorij.com

Maja Vidergar Grega Fenko Vojko Bizjan Gorazd Čad

Prešernova cesta 10 Dalmatinova ulica 15 Jalnova ulica 70 Štihova 4

1000 1000 1000 1000

Ljubljana Ljubljana Ljubljana Ljubljana

+386 (0)1 24 17 122 +386 (0)1 23 90 000 +386 (0)1 23 64 400 +386 (0)1 43 05 103

+386 (0)1 24 17 296 +386 (0)1 23 00 001 +386 (0)1 23 64 410 +386 (0)1 43 05 104

congress@cd-cc.si info@cityhotel.si globtour@globtour.si info@go-mice.eu

www.cd-cc.si/congress www.cityhotel.si www.globtour.si www.go-mice.eu

Špela Terpin Renata Balažic Franc Jezeršek Tomaž Krušič Tina Možina

Dunajska cesta 18 Miklošičeva cesta 1 Sora 1a Dalmatinova ulica 3 Pražakova ulica 4

1000 1000 1215 1000 1514

Ljubljana Ljubljana Medvode Ljubljana Ljubljana

+386 (0)1 30 02 611 +386 (0)1 30 81 958 +386 (0)1 36 19 411 +386 (0)1 43 03 550 +386 (0)1 20 06 324

+386 (0)1 30 02 628 +386 (0)1 30 81 918 +386 (0)1 36 13 631 +386 (0)1 43 03 556 +386 (0)1 20 06 432

info@gr-sejem.si renata.balazic@gh-union.si info@jezersek.com tomaz.krusic@intours.si congresses@kompas.si

www.gr-sejem.si www.gh-union.si www.jezersek.com www.intours.si www.kompas-online.net

Boštjan Horjak Marko Lenček Ana Peskar Mojca Rojc Ervin Kazič Matej Cvikl Tamara Zalar

Robbova 2 Obala 33 Partizanska cesta 18 Ferrarska ul. 30 Derčeva ulica 4 Celovška 76 Jamska cesta 30

1000 6320 4000 6000 1000 1000 6230

Ljubljana Portorož Kranj Koper Ljubljana Ljubljana Postojna

+386 (0)1 23 21 171 +386 (0)1 23 21 172 +386 (0)5 69 29 030 +386 (0)5 69 69 003 +386 (0)4 20 14 875 +386 (0)4 20 14 878 +386 (0)5 61 44 000 +386 (0)5 61 44 040 +386 (0)1 51 37 000 +386 (0)1 51 37 090 +386 (0)1 51 42 930 +386 (0)1 51 95 655 +386 (0)5 70 00 100 +386 (0)5 70 00 130

info@liberty-slovenia.com sales@lifeclass.net info@lifetrek.si mojca.rojc@luka-kp.si info@m-hotel.si info@micro-cocktail.si events@postojnska-jama.si

www.liberty-incentive.net www.lifeclass.net www.zmagovalec.si www.pristan-koper.si www.m-hotel.si www.micro-cocktail.si www.postojnska-jama.si

Anton Krašovec Robert Omovšek Andrej Šolinc Petra Čuk Matjaž Žnidaršič Gregor Žibert Gregor Gorenc Alenka Brglez Miha Veberič Katarina Abraham Dare Stojan Aleksandra Brezovec Jerneja Kamnikar

Šentvid pri Stišni 64 Grajska cesta 18 Peruzzijeva 84b Cankarjeva 6 Obala 2 Topliška cesta 35 Pohorska ulica 59 Zdraviliška cesta 24 Zdraviliško naselje 12 Stritarjeva 1 Tržaška 126 Obala 29 Pot na Fužine 2

1296 4260 1000 4260 6320 8251 2000 3254 9252 3250 1000 6320 1000

Šentvid pri Stični Bled Ljubljana Bled Portorož Čatež ob Savi Maribor Podčetrtek Radenci Rogaška Slatina Ljubljana Portorož Ljubljana

+386 (0)1 78 00 188 +386 (0)1 78 00 234 +386 (0)4 57 65 000 +386 (0)4 57 65 001 +386 (0)1 28 07 770 +386 (0)1 28 07 779 +386 (0)4 57 91 600 +386 (0)4 57 91 602 +386 (0)5 69 50 000 +386 (0)5 67 46 410 +386 (0)7 49 36 759 +386 (0)7 49 35 005 +386 (0)2 30 08 100 +386 (0)2 30 08 128 +386 (0)3 82 97 000 +386 (0)3 58 29 009 +386 (0)2 52 01 000 +386 (0)2 52 02 723 +386 (0)3 81 12 000 +386 (0)1 24 25 400 +386 (0)1 42 37 190 +386 (0)5 61 77 000 +386 (0)5 61 77 020 +386 (0)1 54 61 657 +386 (0)1 54 61 659

info@alkemist.si info@robotrade.si info@rsklan.com info@hotelibled.com matjaz.znidarsic@h-bernardin.si gregor.zibert@terme-catez.si habakuk@termemb.si info@terme-olimia.com kongresi@terme-radenci.si marketing@terme-rogaska.si info@tse.si dekanat@turistica.si catering@vivo.si

www.alkemist.si www.robotrade.si www.rsklan.com www.hotelibled.com www.h-bernardin.si www.terme–catez.si www.termemb.si www.terme-olimia.com www.terme-radenci.si www.terme-rogaska.si www.tse.si www.turistica.si www.vivo.si

Tatjana Radovič Krekov trg 10 1000 Ljubljana +386 (0)1 30 64 583 +386 (0)1 30 64 594 tatjana.radovic@visitljubljana.si Mojca Leskovar Zdraviliška c. 4 3270 Laško +386 (0)3 73 45 111 +386 (0)3 73 45 298 tajnistvo@zdravilisce-lasko.si Sandra Rakovec Borovška cesra 99 4280 Kranjska Gora +386 (0)4 58 92 011 +386 (0)4 58 92 072 sandra.rakovec@hitholidays-kg.si 128

Kongres - 2008


Kongres - 2008

www.visitljubljana.si www.zdravilisce-lasko.si www.hitholidays-kg.si

Prevajanje v 80 jezikov

Translation services in 80 languages

Sodni tolmači

Court interpreters

Konferenčni tolmači

Conference interpreters

Simultano in konsekutivno tolmačenje vseh vrst dogodkov Simultaneous and consecutive interpretation for all types of events.

Profesionalna oprema za simultano tolmačenje (kabine, slušalke, ozvočenje…) Professional equipment for simultaneous interpretation (booths, headphones, receivers, sound system…)


250 prevajalcev in tolmačev

250 translators and interpreters

80 jezikovnih kombinacij 80 language combinations

080 777 777

/ / / Alkemist je odgovor na naše zahteve: zanesljiva, hitra in kakovostna storitev, konkurenčna cena in profesionalen odnos do strank.


Kongres - 2008

Vedno znova ugotovaljamo, da nudijo dobro in kvalitetno storitev za ugodno ceno.

Medvešek Pušnik

Družba za upravljanje d.d.

Z storitvami agencije Alkemist smo zadovoljni, odzivni čas je hiter, osebje prijazno.

... profesionalno izvedene storitve v preteklem obdobju. Simultani prevajalci s katerimi smo sodelovali ob večjih dogodkih so se izkazali kot popolni profesionalci.

Za vsak prevod kontaktiramo le njih. Odlikujeta jih profesionalnost, natančnost, kvaliteta zanesljivost. 131 Kongresin - 2008

Deležni smo bili dobre in kakovostne storitve. Pri Alkemistu pozdravljamo predvsem dopolnjevanje prevodov z lektoriranjem besedil.

meeting tings srecan ecanja Prijetna prestolnica za odlična srečanja

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A cool capital for great meetings





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