December 2009

Page 1


Morala in etika medicinskih kongresov in izobraževanj / The Morals and Ethics of Medical Conferences and Education Pregled izobraževalnih programov za področje kongresnega turizma / An Overview of Education Programmes in the Field of Meetngs Industry Nova knjiga Roka Klančnik: »Krizni menedžment, upravljanje nevarnosti in krizno komuniciranje v turizmu« / New Book by Rok Klančnik: “Crisis Management, Risk Management and Crisis Communication in Tourism”

Kolumne / Columns: Rok V. Klančnik, Rohit Talwar

Sejmi in razstave / Exhibitions and Trade Fairs


Kako želite, da zveni How do you wish vaš dogodek? your event to sound?

Allegro veselo

DJ Tiesto 2009 at GR

Festival Saeta Equina with Lorenzo at GR



Vino Ljubljana, the oldest international wine competition in the world

Diners Black Card Event 2008 with Al Gore at GR





Na GR uglasimo vse zvoke! At GR we harmonize all sounds!

GR največji prireditveni center v Sloveniji The largest Exhibition and Convention Centre in Slovenia Gospodarsko razstavišče d.o.o. Dunajska cesta 18, SI - 1001 Ljubljana, p.p. 3517, Slovenia T: +386/1/300 26 00; F: +386/1/300 26 49; E:


Have a cup of coffee with us! CONVENTA 2010

21 AND 22 JANUARY 2010


Kolofon / Colophon

Napovednik / Contents

REVIJA KONGRES - 1. REVIJA INDUSTRIJE SREČANJA JUGOVZHODNE EVROPE / KONGRES - 1ST SOUTHEAST EUROPE MEETINGS INDUSTRY MAGAZINE Glavni in odgovorni urednik / Editor-in-Chief: Gorazd Čad Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor: Jakica Jesih Pomočnica urednika / Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief: Danaja Besnard Uredniški odbor / Editorial Board: Renata Balažic, Gorazd Čad, Petra Čuk, Anuša Gaši, Miha Kovačič, Tina Možina, Srečo Peterlič, Tatjana Radovič, Darja Slivnjak, Mirjana Sušec, Maja Vidergar Oblikovanje / Design: Propagarna d.o.o.

Rohit Talwar: Industrija srečanj v letu 2010 / Meetings industry in 2010


Pregled izobraževalnih programov za področje kongresnega turizma / An Overview of Education Programmes in the Field of Meetngs Industry

AD: Darja Brečko Poženel Prelom / DTP and prepress: Miha Jerovec Prevod / Translation: Alkemist d.o.o. Lektoriranje / Proofreading: Alkemist d.o.o., Jakica Jesih

Morala in etika medicinskih kongresov in izobraževanj /The Morals and Ethics of Medical Conferences and Education

Tisk / Printing: Collegium Graphicum d.o.o., Ljubljana Naklada / Circulation: 5.000 izvodov / 5.000 Copies ISSN Številka / ISSN Number: 1854-9292 Revija Kongres je vpisana v razvid medijev pod zaporedno številko 1423. / The Kongres magazine is entered into the media register under sequence number 1423. Revija izhaja 5x letno / Magazine issued in: Januar; april; julij; oktober; december January; April; July; October; December Izdajatelj, produkcija in trženje / Publisher, Production and Marketing: GO®Mice d.o.o., Štihova 4 SI-1000 Ljubljana T: +386 (0)1 430 51 03 F: +386 (0)1 430 51 04 E:



Kongresna osebnost - Sandra Rakovec / Meetings and Incentives Personality – Sandra Rakovec


Sejmi in razstave /Exhibitions and Trade Fairs


Datum izida / Issue date: December 2009 Cena / Price: 6,70 EUR / Slovenia 18,00 EUR / Other Countries Za reproduciranje vsebine je potrebno pisno soglasje uredništva. / For the content reproduction it is required to get the written editorial consigment. Na podlagi zakona o davku na dodano vrednost se od revije obračunava davek na dodano vrednost po 8,5-odstotni stopnji. Za kvalificirane organizatorje dogodkov je revija brezplačna. / On the basis of the Value Added Tax Act, VAT is levied at a 8.5 per cent rate for the magazine. The magazine is free-of-charge for qualified event organisers.


Meet in Southeast Europe

Southeast Europe Meeting Guide 2009 / 2010


Gorazd Čad, urednik in izdajatelj revije Kongres / Editor and Publisher of Kongres magazine,

Zaradi železne zavese je bila Evropa skoraj petdeset let razdeljena na dva svetova. Simbolika padca berlinskega zidu je tudi simbolika kongresnega turizma, ki jo še danes izžarevajo sivi megalomanski socialistični kongresni centri od Poljske do Bolgarije. Skoraj vsaka država »vzhodnega bloka« ima kakšen ostanek z različnimi zveličavnimi imeni, npr. National Palace of Culture. Jugoslavija je v tej zgodbi predstavljala tamponsko cono, motor kongresne industrije pa so bili megalomanski kongresi Zveze komunistov v Sava centru. Svet in Evropa so se v vmesnem času temeljito spremenili v okviru ideje Evropske unije kot medija in okvira združevanja. Na kongresu ICCA v Firencah je na enem od prijetnih sprejemov odmevalo »CEC« (ICCA Central European Chapter), katerega del smo poleg srednje in vzhodnoevropskih držav tudi predstavniki JV Evrope. Ob navijanju za svoje moštvo sem začutil mešanico čustev sreče, veselja in upanja. Začutil sem, da danes predstavljamo enega najvitalnejših delov evropske kongresne industrije. Po letih strahu in hrepenenja ter želje po svobodi je danes kongresni turizem v vzponu povsod po regiji JV Evrope. Niti gospodarska kriza ni zaustavila hitrega razvoja. Druži nas ugotovitev, da se na zahodu ne cedita samo med in mleko, temveč da smo vsi odvisni od znanja, dela in prepoznavnosti, ki jih razvijamo znotraj posameznih destinacij. Vzhodna Evropa in znotraj nje JV Evropa smo resen in vitalen del evropske kongresne industrije. Da bomo o svoji energiji znali prepričati ključne odločevalce, pa tudi zaradi nenehnih sprememb na trgu, moramo preko sistematičnega merjenja učinkov prepričati tudi politike in druge odločevalce. Odločevalci moramo izobraževati in jim omogočiti razumevanje multiplikativnih učinkov dodane vrednosti. Da nam bodo verjeli, da naš del Evrope ponuja nekaj več v smislu dobre hrane, zabave, energije ljudi, hotelov – pa bo potrebno prestrukturirati način komuniciranja. Upam, da kmalu dočakamo dan, ko bo ICCA podelila prvo marketinško nagrado ponudnikom iz JV Evrope. Morda se pojavi nova regionalna organizacija, ki bo prevzela naloge, ki jih na nacionalni ravni nismo sposobni prevzeti.

Urednikova beseda / A Word from the Editor On account of the Iron Curtain, Europe was divided in two for almost fifty years. The symbolism of the fall of the Berlin wall was also the symbolism of MICE tourism, which is still radiated today from the grey imposing socialist congress centres in countries stretching from Poland to Bulgaria. Almost every Eastern Bloc country has a relic from this age with a high-sounding name, e.g. the National Palace of Culture. In this story, Yugoslavia played the role of a buffer zone and the MICE industry was driven by the megalomaniac congresses of the Communist Union at the Sava Centre. In the meantime, the world and Europe went through profound changes in terms of the idea of a European Union as the agent and framework of unification. At the ICCA congress in Florence, one of the catchwords at the pleasant reception was “CEC” (ICCA Central European Chapter), which, besides Central and Eastern European countries, also includes countries from SE Europe. As I rooted for my team, I felt mixed feelings of happiness, joy and hope. I felt that today we present one of the most vigorous parts of the European MICE industry. After years of fearing and yearning for freedom, the meetings industry is on the up all across the SE European region. Not even the economic crisis could halt its fast development. We are united by the realisation that the West is not just a land of milk and honey, but that we all depend on knowledge, hard work and visibility, which are developed within our individual destinations. Eastern Europe, and SE Europe within that, is a vital part of the European meetings industry and a force to be reckoned with. In order to convince key decision-makers of our energy, as well as to handle the constant changes in the market, we first have to make systematic efficiency measurements to convince those politicians and other decision-makers. We must educate them and help them understand the multiplicative effect of added value. But to make them believe that our part of Europe offers something more in terms of good food, entertainment, people's energy, hotels – it will me necessary to restructure our way of communication. I hope the day is near when the ICCA awards the first marketing prize to providers from SE Europe. Perhaps a new regional organisation will turn up to take over the tasks that we are unable to tackle at a national level.

V prihodnjem letu vas čakata ločeni mednarodna in slovenska izdaja, revijo bomo obogatili z dodatnimi vsebinami, najpomembnejše pa je zagotovo naše zastopstvo za spletni portal Meetings Review ( Revija Kongres je postala regionalni medijski partner globalnega digitalnega informacijskega portala in preko nas boste svoje novosti in informacije na nov in inovativen način predstavili največji spletni skupnosti kongresne industrije v jeziku in na način, ki ga razumejo načrtovalci srečanj.

The editorial board of Kongres Magazine is ready to do its bit. We share a passion and goal to improve the quality of the magazine with every issue. It has so far seen three years or fourteen issues and five supplements. As the premier magazine of SE Europe, we are always considering ways to increase the efficiency of your presentations in our magazine, improving the bases of target groups that receive the magazine and making the medium more personalised and interactive. We are heading for 2010 with optimism and also plan to achieve our goals with the help of an expanded international editorial board. In the next year, there will be a separate international and Slovenian issue and the magazine will be richer for new content, but the crucial factor is sure to be our representation in the Meetings Review web portal ( Kongres Magazine is to become the regional medium partner of this global digital information portal, which will allow you to post your news and information in a new and innovative way through us to the largest web community in the meetings industry in a language and style that is understood by meetings planners.

Revija Kongres bo dodajala vrednost kongresni borzi Conventa kot glavni medijski partner in skrbela za sklop medijskih aktivnosti, ki bodo prispevale k pozitivni medijski podobi dogodka in sodelujočih razstavljavcev.

Kongres Magazine will add value to the Conventa meetings and travel show as its chief media partner and will be in charge of a set of publicity activities to help create a positive image of the event and its participating exhibitors in the media.

Vse to in še več, vse s ciljem, da postanemo zmagovalci nove kongresne Evrope.

All this and more, with the overriding aim of becoming winners in the new MICE Europe.

Prihodnost pripada JV Evropi!

The future belongs to SE Europe!

Svoj del pa bomo prispevali tudi v uredništvu revije Kongres. Druži nas strast in cilj, da je kvaliteta revije iz številke v številko boljša. Izdali smo tri letnike revije, štirinajst izdanih številk in pet tematskih prilog. Ves čas razmišljamo, kako kot prva revija v JV Evropi povečati učinke vaših predstavitev v reviji, izboljšati baze ciljnih skupin, ki revijo prejemajo in doseči večjo personalizacijo ter interaktivnost medija. Optimistično vstopamo v leto 2010, cilje pa bomo dosegli tudi s pomočjo razširjenega mednarodnega uredniškega odbora.


Kratke novice

Poslovno kosilo pri vrhunskem kuharskem mojstru, Andreju Kuharju V Hotelu Golf na Bledu lahko poslovnemu kosilu dodate poseben pečat. V restavraciji Veranda vas bo z jesenskimi dobrotami razvajal vrhunski kuharski mojster Andrej Kuhar, prvi Slovenec, odlikovan s prestižno Michelinovo zvezdico. Vsem, ki bodo rezervirali omizje za poslovno kosilo ali večerjo v restavraciji Veranda, pa v Hotelu Golf nudijo tudi posebne predpraznične ugodnosti pri najemu vrhunsko opremljenega poslovnega apartmaja z edinstvenim pogledom na Blejsko jezero in Julijske Alpe.

Predsedniškem salonu GHT sestali člani slovenskega Ustavnega sodišča s predstavniki Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice. Evropsko delegacijo, ki je bivala v GHT, je vodil predsednik Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice Jean-Paul Costa. Isti mesec so na kosilu v restavraciji Grand gostili delegacijo iz Albanije na čelu s predsednikom Albanije Bamirjem Topijem. GHT torej nadaljuje svojo tradicijo in ostaja elitna lokacija ob Blejskem jezeru, s katero se slovenski gostitelji visokih meddržavnih srečanj vedno radi pohvalijo.

Kompas My Way Kompas My Way, ki se na trgu predstavlja s sloganom “Izberite sami”, je vodilna blagovna znamka unikatnih potovanj po meri, naj bo osebnih ali poslovnih.

Vrhunska uvrstitev blejskega barmana na svetovnem prvenstvu

Blagovna znamka se je razvila iz oddelka Kompas FIT (Free Independent Travel) in je odgovor na vse pogostejšo potrebno po osebnem in celovitem svetovalnem servisu.

Miro Petrevčič, barman iz Grand Hotela Toplice, je avgusta letos zastopal Slovenijo na 35. svetovnem prvenstvu World Cocktail Competition, ki je potekalo v Berlinu, v kategoriji Classic. Osvojil ,

Po meri in želji naročnika Kompas My Way organizira celotno potovanje ali posamezne turistične storitve: rezervacije letalskih vozovnic, nastanitev, inovativne itinererje, vstopnice za prireditve, obiske sejmov, druge oblike prevozov ...

Muzejski vlak Iz podjetja ABC rent-a-car sporočajo, da so zaključili dokaj uspešno sezono izletov z muzejskim vlakom. Zadnja, tako imenovana »Martinova vožnja« v Goriška Brda, je potekala 7. novembra. Odgovorni z veseljem ugotavljajo, da se poleg zvestih slovenskih gostov vračajo tudi tuji, ki vidno presenečeni nad pestro ponudbo in lepo pokrajino, širijo dober glas širom po svetu. Vsem tistim, ki se izleta v letu 2009 niso mogli udeležiti, pa še manjši namig: vožnje za leto 2010 je že mogoče rezervirati. Prva vožnja v novi sezoni bo v soboto, 24. aprila 2010.

je drugo mesto za Slovakom Vladimirjem Banakom in tako postal svetovni podprvak v pripravi koktajlov. Svoj uspeh je dopolnil oktobra v Mariboru, ko je na 56. GTZ osvojil zlato medaljo.

Grand Hotel Toplice na Bledu gostil vrsto uglednih gostov Tudi v preteklih nekaj mesecih je blejski Grand Hotel Toplice (GHT) gostil kar nekaj uglednih gostov iz mednarodnih političnih krogov. Konec meseca septembra, v času tradicionalnega Strateškega foruma (Bled Strategic Forum 2009), je v GHT bival predsednik vlade Republike Makedonije Nikolo Gruevski. . V oktobru so se v


Sloveniji peto mesto med najprivlačnejšimi turističnimi destinacijami na svetu

Mednarodni dogodki industrije srečanj po svetu EIBTM Fira Gran Via Barcelona, Španija 1. – 3. december 2009

National Geographic Traveller je objavil že šesto poročilo, v katerem je na podlagi različnih kriterijev razvrščenih 133 turističnih destinacij širom sveta. Slovenija je zasedla zavidljivo peto mesto, ki si ga deli še s štirimi svetovno znanimi destinacijami – avstralskim nacionalnim parkom Kakadu, japonskim mestom Kyoto, španskima mestoma Granado in Alhambro ter ameriško zvezno državo Vermont.

4th EFAPCO Congress Bruselj, Belgija 7. – 9. januar 2010

437 strokovnjakov z različnih področij je destinacije ocenjevalo na podlagi šestih kriterijev: okoljska in ekološka kakovost; družbena in kulturna celovitost, ohranjenost zgodovinskih zgradb in arheoloških najdišč, naravne lepote, kakovost turistične ponudbe in možnost razvoja destinacije v prihodnje.

CONVENTA Gospodarsko razstavišče Ljubljana, Slovenia 21. – 22. januar 2010

Rezultati poročila bodo obširno predstavljeni v naslednji številki revije National Geographic Traveller.

MPI’s Meet Different 2010 Cancun, Mehika 20. – 23. februar 2010

Evropa z nove perspektive: predstavitve prenovljenega portala

International CONFEX Earls Court, London, Velika Britanija 23. – 25. februar 2010 EMIF (European Meetings Industry Fair) 2010 Bruselj, Belgija 17. - 18. marec 2010

Nova verzija portala Evropske potovalne komisije (ETC) www., ki promovira Evropo kot turistično destinacijo v svetu, je bila s strani predsednika ETC Arthurja Oberascherja lansirana 14. oktobra na jesenskem srečanju predstavnikov ETC v Budvi v Črni Gori. Arthur Oberascher in Predrag Nenezić, minister za turizem Črne Gore, sta s pritiskom na gumb ob točno 11.20 uri zagnala prenovljeni portal, kar je 39 držav članic ETC pozdravilo z zdravico.

MPI's European Meetings & Events Conference 2010 Malaga, Španija 28. februar – 2. marec, 2010 AIME 2010 Melbourne, Avstralija 2. – 3. marec 2010

ETC je odločitev o prenovi portala sprejela z namenom vključitve novih spletnih tehnologij in socialnih omrežij na portal. Cilj novega portala je prikazati »Evropo kot celoto« 500 milijonom gostov, ki vsako leto obiščejo Evropo.

IMEX 2010 Dvorana 8, Frankfurtski sejem, Nemčija 25. – 27. maj 2010 100 95BTC

International Palacongressi Rimini, Italija 751. - 2. julij 2010

25 5 0

Oglas Albatros SLO Angl 83-5 55 sept 09 22. september 2009 16:53:22


Kratke novice

Slovenija predsedujoča Komisiji za Evropo pri UNWTO Na zasedanju Komisije za Evropo v okviru Generalne skupščine Svetovne turistične organizacije (UNWTO), ki je oktobra potekalo v Astani v Kazahstanu, je bila Slovenija izvoljena za predsedujočo Komisiji za Evropo za obdobje 2009-2011. Komisija pomeni najširšo evropsko raven povezanosti držav članic UNWTO. Direktorat za turizem na Ministrstvu za gospodarstvo se je na kandidaturo intenzivno pripravljal. V okviru te kandidature so na Ministrstvu za gospodarstvo pripravili program dela predsedujoče za dveletno obdobje, v katerem so izpostavili nekatere pomembne teme, na katerih bo Slovenija kot predsedujoča sodelovala s Komisijo za Evropo in vsemi članicami. Predlagali so tudi nekatere tehnične izboljšave, zlasti na področju odprtega komuniciranja s članicami in večjo vključitvijo vseh članic pri odločanju o pomembnih prioritetah na področju evropskega turizma. Vsem državam članicam je Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo poslalo predlog programa dela.,

EFAPCO z novim zavedanjem pomena trajnosti Evropska federacija združenj profesionalnih kongresnih organizatorjev je za svoj četrti kongres, ki bo potekal v »glavnem mestu« Evrope od 7. do 9. januarja 2010, pripravila izjemno ambiciozen izobraževalni program. To bo ena prvih velikih mednarodnih konferenc, ki bodo potekale v novem kongresnem centru Square v Bruslju. Gre za prizorišče, ki predstavlja prihodnost Evrope v industriji srečanj. Na kongresu se bodo lotili dveh najbolj vročih izzivov, s katerimi se trenutno spopada prihodnost industrije srečanj: »trajnost in konkurenčnost v industriji srečanj«.

Borza bo potekala v strateškem partnerstvu z združenjem MPI ter ob skupni podpori predstavnikov industrije srečanj. Potekala bo kot del prireditev skupine IMEX in se bo kot taka osredotočala na poslovanje, mednarodne programe vabljenih kupcev in na sodelovanje v celotni industriji srečanj. Za več informacij in ogled spletne oddaje s tiskovno konferenco obiščite

Indeks turističnega zaupanja 2009 Šesto poročilo indeksa turističnega zaupanja (ITZ) za Slovenijo zaradi daljše časovne serije meritev ITZ-ja prinaša drugačne grafične prikaze, ki boljše prikazujejo gibanje zaupanja ter omogočajo primerjave ocen in napovedi. Poročilo podrobneje obravnava tudi vplive gospodarske krize na dejanske poslovne rezultate v Sloveniji. Slovenski turistični sektor je v obdobju maj – avgust 2009 posloval boljše, kot je bilo pričakovano, saj je ocena višja od napovedi. V preteklih krogih anketiranja so bile napovedi vedno bolj optimistične od ocen. Slovenski turistični managerji so bili torej pri napovedih premalo pesimistični. Šesti krog anketiranja pa kaže drugačno sliko, saj so ocene prvič višje od napovedi. Kljub temu, da ocene še vedno niso nad mejo normalnega poslovanja (100), je razviden manjši vpliv krize, kot je bil pričakovan. Napoved poslovanja za obdobje september – december 2009 v šestem krogu anketiranja je tudi višja kot ocena za obdobje maj – avgust 2009 ter tudi kot napoved za to obdobje v petem krogu anketiranja. To dodatno potrjuje izboljšanje gospodarske klime v sektorju turizma. Do celotnega poročila lahko pridete preko spletne strani revije Kongres:

Donosnost naložbe poslovnih potovanj

Poslovna borza IMEX predstavila novo ameriško poslovno borzo, IMEX America V Las Vegasu je Ray Bloom, predsednik poslovne borze IMEX, 28. oktobra 2009 napovedal novo poslovno borzo za ameriško industrijo srečanj. Novo poslovno borzo IMEX America za motivacijska potovanja, srečanja in dogodke so skupaj napovedali Ray Bloom, Bruce MacMillan, izvršni direktor združenja MPI, ki je strateški partner poslovne borze IMEX America, in Chris Meyer, podpredsednik LVCVA (Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority). Nova borza bo na sporedu od 11. do 13. oktobra 2011 v kongresnem centru Sands Expo Convention Center v hotelu Venetian/Palazzo.


Ključna sporočila raziskave Oxford Economics USA: 1. Raziskava je pokazala, da poslovna potovanja prinašajo dohodke in rast dobička. Pri družbi Oxford Economics so ugotovili, da podjetja za vsak dolar, ki ga vložijo v poslovna potovanja, v povprečju dobijo 12,50 dolarjev povišanih dohodkov in 3,80 dolarjev novega dobička. Omejitev poslovnih potovanj lahko zmanjša dobiček podjetja za več let. 2. Komuniciranje iz oči v oči krepi gospodarstvo. Tako direktorji kot poslovni potniki menijo, da bi brez osebnih sestankov izgubili 28 odstotkov sedanjih poslov. 3. Sestanki in spodbude so nepogrešljivi pri razvijanju človeškega kapitala. • Direktorji menijo, da bi morala podjetja skupna osnovna sredstva vsakega zaposlenega zvišati za 8,5 odstotka, če želijo doseči enak spodbuden učinek, kot ga imajo potovanja. • Za večino poslovnih potnikov so potovanja med podružnicami podjetja ključna za poklicni razvoj, storilnost in moralo. 4. Gospodarstvo ZDA je odvisno od poslovnih potovanj. Poslovna potovanja v ZDA so zaslužna za 246 milijard dolarjev

porabe in 2,3 milijona služb v Ameriki. Od tega je 100 milijard dolarjev porabe in skoraj en milijon služb neposredno povezanih s sestanki in prireditvami.

Adria Airways postaja polnopravna članica Star Alliance Adria Airways je regionalna članica mreže Star Alliance od leta 2004. Združenje Star Alliance se je glede na svoje trenutne širitvene načrte – oktobra in decembra 2009 se mu bosta pridružila Continental Airlines oziroma Brussels Airlines, prihodnje leto pa še Aegean Airlines (Grčija), Air India in TAM (Brazilija) – ter obenem zaradi spreminjajočih se potreb prevoznikov članov pred kratkim odločilo za uvedbo nove strukture delovanja, s katero bo januarja 2010 sedanja kategorija regionalnega članstva odpravljena.

Nova brošura za organizatorje srečanj v Ljubljani Zavod za turizem Ljubljana je nedavno izdal novi brošuri. Prva se imenuje A Key to Ljubljana for Travel Trade Professionals in je namenjena organizatorjem potovanj, potovalnim agentom ter novinarjem. Ponuja celovit pregled Ljubljane in njenih turističnih izdelkov, primernih posebej za omenjene ciljne skupine. Brošura A Key to Ljubljana for Meeting Planners pa je zasnovana predvsem za organizatorje kongresov in dogodkov. Glavno mesto Slovenije, Ljubljano, predstavlja kot idealen kraj za tovrstna srečanja, saj se v njej na edinstven način prepletajo pretok komunikacije, znanje, razvnetost, življenje, ustvarjalnost in energija. Brošura v angleškem jeziku na 80 straneh podaja dejstva o Ljubljani, njenem značaju in vsem, kar mesto ponuja organizatorjem srečanj. Vsebuje splošen pregled destinacije, podrobne informacije o glavnih konferenčnih zmogljivostih, posebnih prizoriščih, pa tudi nasvete za kakovostno preživljanje prostega časa pred kongresom in po njem. Skupaj z brošuro Ljubljana Tips for Incentives, ki so jo izdali konec leta 2008, nova izdaja podaja celotno sliko mesta za srečanja in motivacijske programe z vrsto možnosti in praktičnih nasvetov.

Omeniti pa moramo še eno publikacijo, tj. Ljubljana Invites, uporabno orodje, ki predstavlja standardizirano ponudbo destinacij, ki se potegujejo za organizacijo mednarodnih konferenc in drugih dogodkov. Tiskovina združuje vnaprej določeno vsebino, v kateri so podane prednosti Ljubljane kot potencialne gostiteljice srečanj in drugih dogodkov, ter prilagodljiva poglavja, ki se prilagajajo vsaki posamezni kandidaturi. Kot zanimivost: prva različica in kopija te tiskovine je bila uporabljena pri kandidaturi za organizacijo 16. evropskega veteranskega prvenstva v atletiki, ki je nato dejansko potekalo v Ljubljani, in sicer julija 2008. Proizvodnjo novih materialov, ki bodo pripomogli k trženju našega mesta med strokovnjaki industrije srečanj, je s subvencijami sofinancirala Evropska unija v okviru javnega razpisa, ki ga je objavil Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj (ERDF).

Vroče hotelske novice Prenovljene konferenčne zmogljivosti in sladke sanje v Hotelu Slon Štirizvezdični Best Western Premier Hotel Slon se od letošnjega poletja ponaša s sodobnimi in večjimi konferenčnimi zmogljivostmi. To je najnovejši izid investicijskega cikla, ki se je pričel leta 2008 in je samo v letošnjem letu znašal milijon evrov. Večnamenski prireditveni center sestavlja pet prilagodljivih dvoran v kino postavitvi za največ 200 udeležencev. Posteljni koncept Sweet Dreams je še ena od novosti. V vseh sobah so nove vzmetnice, pregrinjala in vzglavniki. V sobah in apartmajih Deluxe je posteljnina iz razkošnega 400-krat tkanega svilnato mehkega bombaža, v sobah Comfort in Economy pa iz 250-krat tkanega hrustljavo mehkega bombaža. Gostje lahko izbirajo tudi med različnimi vzglavniki, ki jih lahko v sobah višjega razreda obogatijo še z meglico za vzglavnike. Nedavno so odprli tudi nov poslovni center, ki gostom ponuja v celoti opremljene pisarne z delovnimi površinami, dostopom do interneta, telefonom, faksom, kopirnim strojem in optičnim čitalnikom. Tako gostje kot tudi zunanji obiskovalci lahko uporabljajo tajniške usluge ter usluge virtualne recepcije, začasne ali trajne pisarniške prostore ter popolno podporo podjetju v obliki pisarniškega materiala, prevajanja in tolmačenja ter osebnega asistenta.

Obe publikaciji sta na voljo tako v tiskani kot elektronski obliki. Slednja predstavlja privlačno in interaktivno nadgradnjo tiskane različice. Lahko ju prelistate ali snamete z elektronskega naslova

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10/21/09 1:55:22 PM


Kratke novice

Pri petinštiridesetih letih še vedno odličnega videza – Hotel Lev Petzvezdični Hotel Lev letos praznuje svoj 45. rojstni dan in to je bil preprosto najboljši razlog za delno obnovo hotela in rojstnodnevno zabavo, ki so jo pripravili v začetku novembra 2009. V celoti so prenovili največjo kongresno dvorano Karantanija, ki omogoča razdelitev na več manjših delov in zagotavlja prostor za do 380 udeležencev. Dvorana je po načelih sodobnega notranjega oblikovanja zasijala v svežih, sodobnih materialih in barvah. Nova restavracija à la carte Pri Levu je s svojo kuhinjo in občasnimi gostovanji znanih kuharskih mojstrov iz tujine začela razvajati ljubitelje dobre hrane. Odprtje restavracije je zaznamoval izjemen kulinarični dogodek v sodelovanju s svetovno znano restavracijo Gundel iz Budimpešte. V celoti so prenovili kar 34 sob (v dveh nadstropjih) in štiri apartmaje executive suite. Izbrana oprema in blago sobam dajeta sodoben in eleganten videz. Vrednost do sedaj zaključenih investicij v prenovo znaša 1,5 milijona evrov.

Nove uniforme hotelskega osebja bodo predstavili jeseni 2009. In koga so najeli za njihovo oblikovanje? V Zagrebu rojenega umetnika, ki živi v Ljubljani; genija, ki ga privlačijo veliki izzivi; ustvarjalnega umetnika, ki ne oblikuje samo za gledališče, temveč tudi za cirkus (a ne navaden cirkus – temveč sam Cirque du Soleil!) … To je samo nekaj besed, s katerimi lahko opišemo Alana Hranitelja, ki je zasnoval nove uniforme za Grand Hotel Union. Zamisel za nov videz se je porodila na proslavi ob 100. obletnici hotela, na kateri je bilo osebje oblečeno v zgodovinske uniforme z začetka 20. stoletja. Uprava hotela se je nato odločila, da v celoti prenovi uniforme osebja, in ta razburljiv projekt zaupala Alanu Hranitelju. Uniforme je navdihnil slog art nouveau in jih lahko opišemo kot preprosta, vendar izjemno elegantna oblačila z značilnimi podrobnostmi in najkakovostnejšimi materiali.

Prenovljena in elegantna oprema v hotelu Grand Hotel Union Beseda »oprema« ima pri novostih v največjem kongresnem hotelu v Ljubljani, ki še posebej slovi po svoji elegantni in zgodovinski Unionski dvorani, dvojni pomen. Z novo opremo se namreč ponašajo tako sobe kot osebje hotela. Prva faza štiri milijone evrov vredne investicije, ki se je najprej osredotočila na prenovo sob v hotelu Grand Hotel Union Business, je zaključena. Svoje prve goste je pozdravilo sedemdeset elegantnih in udobnih sob, opremljenih posebej za potrebe poslovnih gostov. Druga faza investicije, ki bo zajela še preostalih triinšestdeset sob in skupnih površin, se bo predvidoma nadaljevala v začetku leta 2010, sledila pa ji bo nekoliko manj obsežna prenova hotela Grand Hotel Union Executive.


Poslovni paketi, poslovni zajtrk in jazz v Hotelu Mons Štirizvezdični Hotel Mons, ki ga zaznamujeta sodobna zasnova in večnamenski kongresni center, je pripravil številne privlačne ponudbe. Dva poslovna paketa za dogodke s 15 – 40 udeleženci vključujeta prenočišče z zajtrkom, najem kongresne dvorane z osnovno tehnično opremo in LCD-projektorjem, vodo, odmorom za kavo in kosilom. Cene od 129 evrov na osebo. Naslednja zanimiva ponudba je poslovni zajtrk. Glede na to, da se Hotel Mons nahaja ob obvoznici in zagotavlja veliko brezplačnega parkirnega prostora, predstavlja odlično izbiro za srečanja s poslovnimi partnerji. Za ceno 12 evrov je gostom na voljo bogat samopostrežni zajtrk, ki vključuje brezplačno uporabo brezžičnega interneta.

Kongresna industrija pomembno prispeva h kanadskemu gospodarstvu

Nove sobe za posebne dogodke na Ljubljanskem gradu

Združenje MPI je pred kratkim objavilo dopolnjene rezultate študije o vplivu kongresne industrije na gospodarstvo Kanade, ki je bila prvič narejena leta 2006. Rezultati kažejo, da kongresna industrija ustvarja delovna mesta, generira milijarde davčnih prihodkov in prispeva k rasti kanadskega gospodarstva.

Hotel Mons dobro poznajo tudi ljubitelji jazza, ki v koncertni sezoni abonmaja Jazz klub Mons obiskujejo številne koncerte. V sezoni 2009/10 bodo kupci abonmajskih vstopnic šest sobotnih večerov lahko preživeli v družbi Big Banda RTV Slovenije in odličnih gostujočih solistov.

Novi sobi za posebne dogodke, Friderik 1 in 2, v bližini najbolj prepoznavnih prizorišč gradu, tj. palače Palacij in Stanovske dvorane, lahko preprosto opišemo z besedami »majhno je lepo«. Nedavno prenovljeni sobi v postavitvi kina sprejmeta 30 in 35 udeležencev. Dokumenti iz 15. stoletja navajajo, da so omenjeni majhni dnevni sobi, ki ju je povezovalo stopnišče, zasnovali v stolpu, in ker sta bili ogrevani, ju je uporabljala grajska gospodarica. Friderikovi sobi še vedno odražata sled svojega srednjeveškega izvora, medtem ko je stopnišče ohranjeno v celoti.

Manjša prenova hotela Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana

Poslovna srečanja in dogodki vplivajo praktično na celotno gospodarstvo preko prihodkov v kanadsko davčno blagajno. Posodobitev raziskave CEIS 2007 - 2008 je upoštevala povezavo med ekonomskimi kazalci, uradnimi turističnimi statistikami in primerjavo z rezultati raziskave iz leta 2006. Primerjava je pokazala, da so učinki kongresne industrije ob koncu leta 2008 nekoliko višji, kljub gospodarskim spremembam v tem časovnem obdobju. Joe Nishi, predsednik sveta kanadske fundacije MPI je pojasnil, da se dogodkov in kongresov v Kanadi udeleži letno dvakratno število kanadskih prebivalcev (op.ur.: število prebivalcev Kanade je 33 milijonov). To nedvomno dokazuje, da je kongresna industrija izjemno pomembna za ustvarjanje stikov, ki so generator poslovnega razvoja Kanade. »V zadnjih treh letih smo priča relativno stabilnemu številu udeležencev, kar pomeni, da pomen srečanj raste za udeležence in organizatorje« je povedal Ken Ross, višji znanstveni sodelavec družbe Maritz Research.

Hotel je pet let po svoji otvoritvi doživel manjšo prenovo, s katero so osvežili njegov že sicer sodoben videz. Poseben poudarek so dali kongresnemu centru, ki lahko sprejme do 400 gostov v kino postavitvi. Položili so nov parket in z opleskom osvežili stene. Popolnoma so spremenili strop in posodobili ter nadgradili tehnično opremo.

Kongresno industrijo je v zadnji polovici leta 2008 prizadela gospodarska recesija. Podatki kažejo, da se je število dogodkov leta 2008 v primerjavi z letom 2007 zmanjšalo za 3,4 %, v primerjavi z letom 2006 pa še vedno izkazuje manjšo rast v višini 3 %. Podobni so rezultati na področju prihodkov, ki so se leta 2008 zmanjšali za 1,3 % v primerjavi z letom 2007 in ostali na enaki ravni z letom 2006.

Nov oplesk so dobile vse sobe, delno pa so prenovili tudi restavracijo, ki je zdaj v celoti obsijana z dnevno svetlobo. Tako gostje kot obiskovalci lahko uživajo v poslovnih kosilih, kjer strežejo sezonske specialitete, v večerih koktajlov, v centru Sense Spa in igralnici.

Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da kongresna industrija ni popolnoma odporna na recesijo, kljub temu pa ostaja vitalen del kanadskega gospodarstva, z veliko dodano vrednostjo.

Največji kongresi v letih 2009 in 2010 Največji letošnji kongres v Ljubljani (in Sloveniji nasploh), 35. letno srečanje mednarodnega združenja za pediatrični in adolescentni diabetes ISPAD, je potekal od 2. do 5. septembra v Kulturnem in kongresnem centru Cankarjev dom. Privabil je 1.300 udeležencev iz 65 držav. Kongres, ki na področju adolescentnega diabetesa velja za eno največjih znanstvenih srečanj na svetu, se je v Ljubljano vrnil po točno dvajsetih letih.

Kopijo poročila si lahko naložite na spletni strani

Kongresna industrija Kanade generira več kot 71 miljard USD prihodkov letno Generira več kot 673.000 srečanj letno s povprečno 70 miljoni udeležencev

Generira preko 14 miljard USD davčnih prihodkov letno

Kongresna industrija Kanade ustvarja preko 550.000 delovnih mest

Največji kongres, načrtovan za leto 2010, pa bo potekal od 5. do 9. maja 2010 na Gospodarskem razstavišču v Ljubljani. Pričakuje se, da bo – gre za 7. mednarodni kongres o avtoimunosti – v glavno mesto Slovenije pritegnil tudi do 1.500 udeležencev.;


Short News September, during the Bled Strategic Forum 2009, the Grand Hotel Toplice was home to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski. In October, members of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia met with representatives of the European Court of Human Rights in the hotel’s Presidential Lounge. The European delegation, which stayed at the Grand Hotel Toplice, was led by Jean-Paul Costa, President of the European Court of Human Rights. In the same month, the Grand restaurant hosted a delegation from Albania led by the President of Albania Bamir Topi. Grand Hotel Toplice is thus continuing its tradition as an elite location alongside Bled Lake, which the Slovenian hosts of international meetings of the highest level always like to show off.

Kompas My Way Kompas My Way, which is presenting itself on the market with the “Choose yourself” slogan, is the leading brand of unique tailormade programmes, both personal and business.

A Business Lunch with TopNotch Chef Andrej Kuhar You can add a special touch to your business lunch in the Hotel Golf in Bled. Come to the Veranda restaurant and let the first Slovenian chef to receive a Michelin star, Andrej Kuhar, pamper you with autumn delicacies.

The brand evolved from Kompas FIT (Free Independent Travel) and represents an answer to the growing need for a personal and comprehensive consultancy service. Kompas My Way organises either the entire trip or individual tourist services (booking flight tickets, accommodation, innovative itineraries, event tickets, fair visits, other forms of transportation) according to the requirements of the client.,

If you book your table for a business lunch or dinner at the Veranda restaurant, the Hotel Golf offers special pre-holiday benefits for renting an exquisitely equipped business suite overlooking the breathtaking Bled Lake and the Julian Alps.

Excellent Result from Bled’s Barman in the World Championship The Grand Hotel Toplice’s barman Miro Petrevčič represented Slovenia in the Classic Category of this year’s 35th World Cocktail Competition taking place in Berlin. He came in second after the Slovak Vladimir Benak and thus became the world vice-champion in mixing cocktails. He completed his success in October in Maribor, when he won the gold medal at the 56th GTZ.

The Grand Hotel Toplice Hosted Numerous VIP Guests in Bled In the past few months, the Grand Hotel Toplice from Bled again hosted quite a few VIP guests from international politics. At the end of


Steam Train The ABC rent-a-car company reports that it has rather successfully concluded the season of rides on a steam train. The last ride was to the St. Martin Wine Festival in Goriška Brda on 7 November. They are pleased that it is not just the Slovenian guests who are faithful to the train but that many foreign guests return and are visibly taken by the diverse offer and beauty of the country and promote Slovenia’s reputation across the world. And a tip to everyone who was unable to come aboard the train in 2009: you can already book tickets for 2010. The first ride of the new season will take place on Saturday, 24 April 2010

Slovenia is the World's Fifth Most Attractive Tourist Destination

International Meetings Industry Trade Fairs Worldwide

National Geographic Traveller published its sixth report classifying 133 tourist destinations across the world on the basis of various criteria. Slovenia came in at an enviable fifth place, which it shares with four other renowned destinations – the Kakadu National Park Australia, Kyoto in Japan, the Spanish cities of Granada and Alhambra and the US state of Vermont.

EIBTM Fira Gran Via Barcelona, Spain 1 – 3 December 2009 4th EFAPCO Congress Brussels, Belgium 7 – 9 January 2010

The rating was given by 437 experts from various fields on the basis of six different criteria: ecological and environmental quality, social and cultural integrity, the quality of the historical buildings and archaeological sites, aesthetic attractiveness, the quality of tourism management and future prospects.

CONVENTA GR – Ljubljana Exhibition & Convention Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia 21 – 22 January 2010

The results of the report will be presented in detail in the next issue of National Geographic Traveller.

MPI’s Meet Different 2010 Cancun, Mexico 20 – 23 February 2010

Europe from a New Perspective: A Presentation of the New Online Portal

International CONFEX Earls Court, London, UK 23 – 25 February 2010

The new version of the European Travel Commission’s www. web portal, which promotes Europe as a tourist destination across the globe, was launched by ETC President Arthur Oberascher on 14 October at ETC’s autumn General Meeting in Budva, Montenegro. Arthur Oberascher, joined by the Montenegrin Minister for Tourism, Mr Predrag Nenezić, pushed the button at exactly 11.20 a.m. to begin the switchover to the new site, which was celebrated with a toast by the thirty-nine member countries of the European Travel Commission (ETC).

EMIF (European Meetings Industry Fair) 2010 Brussels, Belgium 17 - 18 March 2010 MPI's European Meetings & Events Conference 2010 Malaga, Spain 28 February – 02 March, 2010

The ETC’s decision to redevelop the consumer portal was spurred on by the need to incorporate new developments in online technologies and social networking. The aim of the new site is to portray ‘Europe as a whole’ to the ca. 500 million guests that visit Europe each year.

AIME 2010 Melbourne, Australia 2 – 3 March 2010

IMEX 2010 Hall 8, Messe Frankfurt, Germany 25 – 27 May 2010 95 100


BTC International Palacongressi Rimini, Italy 1 - 2 July 2010 25 5 0

15 Oglas Albatros SLO Angl 83-5 55 sept 09 22. september 2009 16:53:22

Short News

Slovenia Elected Chair of the UNWTO Commission for Europe

broad coalition of industry support. It will be run as part of the IMEX Group of exhibitions and, as such, will be characterized by an uncompromising focus on business, international hosted buyer programs and industry-wide collaboration.

At the session of the Commission for Europe held in October as part of the UNWTO General Assembly in the city of Astana in Kazakhstan, Slovenia was elected as the new chairing country of the UNWTO Commission for Europe for the 2009–2011 period. The Commission for Europe implies the broadest UNWTO interconnectedness of member states at European level.

Slovenian Tourism Confidence Index 2009-03

The Slovenian Directorate for Tourism made extensive preparations for its candidacy. As part of the candidacy, the Ministry of the Economy prepared a working programme for a period of two years, in which emphasis was placed on individual important subjects that Slovenia, as the chair, will work on together with the UNWTO Commission for Europe and all members. They also proposed individual technical improvements, especially in the field of open communication with members and greater inclusion of all the members in making decisions about important priorities from the field of European tourism. The Ministry of the Economy sent a proposal for the working programme to all the member states.,

EFAPCO Drives New Sustainability Awareness The European Federation of the Associations of PCOs has compiled an ambitious educational programme for its fourth Congress, which takes place in Europe’s “Capital City” from 7 to 9 January, 2010. It will be one of the first major international conference events to take place in the brand new SQUARE in Brussels Palais des Congres, a venue showcasing Europe’s future in the meetings business. The Congress is set to tackle two of the hottest challenges currently facing the future of the events sector: “Sustainability and Competitiveness in the Meetings Industry”.

IMEX Launches a New US Show - IMEX America A brand new trade show for the US meetings industry was announced in Las Vegas on October 28th, 2009 by Ray Bloom, Chairman of the IMEX Group. Bloom was joined by Bruce MacMillan, CEO of Meeting Professionals International (MPI), IMEX America's strategic partner, and Chris Meyer, Vice President of Sales for the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA), in announcing the launch of IMEX America - America’s worldwide exhibition for incentive travel, meetings and events. The new show will take place in the Sands Expo Convention Center at the Venetian/Palazzo from 11 – 13 October 2011 and will benefit from a strategic partnership with MPI, as well as a


For more information and to view a webcast of the press conference visit

Growth in tourism confidence - Slovenian Tourism Confidence Index forecasts recovery, but at a lower rate than UNWTO Tourism Confidence Index . Sixth report of tourism confidence index for Slovenia due to longer time series of measurements brings different graphical displays to better show the shift in confidence and enable comparisons of evaluations and prospects. The report also addresses the impact of economic crisis on business results in Slovenia. Slovenian tourism sector has operated better than expected in the period May – August 2009; the evaluation is higher than the prospects. In previous rounds of the survey prospects were always more optimistic than the evaluation; Slovenian tourism managers had been too optimistic in their forecasts. The sixth round of the survey shows a different picture, since the evaluation is higher than the prospects for the first time. Although evaluation is still not above the limit of normal business operations (100) it shows lesser impact of the crisis than expected. The full report can be accessed via Kongres magazine website:

The Return on Investment of Business Travel Key Messages in the research of Oxford Economics, USA 1. The Study Proves that Business Travel Drives Revenue and Profit Growth For every dollar invested in business travel, Oxford Economics determined that businesses experience an average of $12.50 in increased revenue and $3.80 in new profits. Curbing business travel can reduce a company’s profits for years. 2. Face-to-Face Interaction Strengthens the Economy Both executives and business travellers estimate that 28 percent of current business would be lost without in-person meetings. 3. Meetings and Incentives are Essential to the Development of Human Capital • Companies would need to increase an employee’s total base compensation by 8.5 percent in order to achieve the same effect as incentive travel, according to executives. • The majority of corporate travellers identified internal company travel as key to professional development, job performance and morale. 4. The U.S. Economy Depends on Business Travel U.S. business travel is responsible for $246 billion in spending and 2.3 million American jobs; $100 billion of this spending and nearly 1 million American jobs are directly linked to meetings and events.

Conference Packages, Business Breakfast & Jazz at the Mons Hotel The 4-star Mons Hotel, distinguished by its modern design and multifunctional congress centre, has created several attractive proposals. Two conference package offers, tailored for events with 15 to 40 delegates, comprise an overnight with breakfast, the rental of a meeting room with the essential technical equipment and an LCD projector, water, a coffee break and lunch. Prices start from € 129 per person. Another interesting offer is the Business breakfast. As the Mons Hotel is located by the ring road and offers a spacious and free parking area, it is a convenient spot for setting up a meeting with a business partner. The breakfast rate, which is €12, includes a rich buffet and free use of the wireless Internet. The Mons Hotel is also well known to jazz fans attending its season ticket programme concerts. The 2009/2010 season features a set of six Saturday evenings in the company of the RTV Slovenia Big Band and excellent guest soloists.

A Restyled & Chic Outfit for the Grand Hotel Union

A New Function Space at the Ljubljana Castle

The word “outfit” has a double meaning when referring to novelties at the largest convention hotel in Ljubljana, known for its elegant and historic Grand Union Hall. Both the guest rooms and the staff proudly wear a new, chic outfit.

»Small is beautiful« is a most suitable phrase to describe two new function rooms, Friedrick 1 and 2, set between two of the castle's most representative event spaces - the Palatium and the Estates halls. Recently refurbished, they have a capacity of 30 and 35 theatre-style seats, respectively.

The first stage of an investment worth € 4 million, initially focusing on the refurbishment of the guest rooms at the Grand Hotel Union Business, has been concluded. Seventy stylish and comfortable rooms with amenities tailored to the needs of business travellers have welcomed their first guests. The second stage, comprising the remaining sixty three rooms and the public areas, will proceed in early 2010, followed by a soft refurbishment of the guest rooms in the historic Grand Hotel Union Executive.

Records from the 15th century state that two small living rooms with a connecting staircase were developed in the tower and, as they were heated, the castle landlady was using them. The Friedrick rooms still reflect a tinge of their medieval origin and the staircase has been fully preserved.

Concurrently, the launch of new “signature” uniforms for the Hotel’s staff was announced in autumn 2009. And what an artist has been commissioned! A resident of Ljubljana, born in Zagreb, a genius who is attracted to complex challenges, a creative spirit who, apart from theatre, also designs costumes for the circus (but what a circus – the Cirque du Soleil!). These are just a few words to describe Alan Hranitelj, who has created the new uniforms for the Grand Hotel Union. The idea for the “new look” was born during the ceremony marking 100 years of the hotel, when the employees were dressed in historic, early 20th century uniforms. The hotel management then made the decision to completely restyle the staff uniforms and assigned this exciting project to Alan Hranitelj. The uniforms are inspired by the Art Nouveau style and can be described as simple, yet very chic clothes with marked details and top quality materials.


Short News

Adria Airways is on its way to full Membership in Star Alliance Adria Airways has been a regional member of the Star Alliance network since 2004. In view of Star Alliance's current plans for expansion – it will be joined by Continental Airlines or Brussels Airlines in December 2009 and, next year, by Aegean Airlines (Greece), Air India and TAM (Brazil) – and also on account of the changing needs of its member carriers, it has recently decided to introduce a new structure of operations that will do away with the existing category of regional membership in January 2010.

A New Meeting Planners’ Guide to Ljubljana Ljubljana Tourism has recently launched a new set of publications intended for professionals. A Key to Ljubljana for Travel Trade Professionals, created for tour operators, travel agents and journalists, provides a comprehensive overview of the destination and its tourist products suited to the above target groups. A Key to Ljubljana for Meeting Planners, specially tailored for congress and event organisers, is specially designated to pinpoint the Slovenian capital as an ideal city for meetings. Ljubljana is a city where flows of communication, knowledge, passion, life, creativity and energy intertwine in a unique way. The brochure, which is available in English, presents 80 pages of facts about the city, its character and everything it offers to Meeting Planners. It includes a general overview of the destination, detailed data on the main conference facilities, special venues and tips on what to do in the free time, including tips for pre- and post-congress tours. Together with Ljubljana Tips for Incentives, which was published in late 2008, this new edition gives a full picture of the meetings & incentives range, featuring an array of possibilities and practical ideas. The two publications have been released in both printed and digital form, the latter being an attractive and interactive upgrade of the printed version. You can flip through or download them from Last, but not least, another publication deserves to be mentioned: Ljubljana Invites is a helpful tool for presenting standardised destination bids to attract international conferences and other events. The concept combines fixed content sections highlighting the qualities of Ljubljana as a potential host city for meetings and other events with flexible content chapters that are adapted and personalised to each individual bid. As a curiosity, the very first version and copy of the Ljubljana bid book was used to invite the 16th European Veterans Athletic Championship Stadia, which actually took place in July 2008. The production of these new materials, which will enhance the marketing of our destination to professionals, was co-financed by the European Union by means of grants within a tender of the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF.


Hot Hotel News Revamped meeting facilities and Sweet Dreams at the Slon Hotel The 4-star Best Western Premier Hotel Slon has proudly displayed stylish and expanded conference facilities since this summer. This is the latest result of an investment cycle begun in 2008, worth € 1 million in the current year alone. The multi-functional conference area comprises five flexible units with a maximum plenary capacity for 200 delegates, theatre-style. The Sweet Dreams bed concept is another novelty. All the guest rooms now feature new mattresses, duvets and pillows. The bed linens are made from luxurious 400-thread-count silky cotton in the Deluxe rooms and suites, or 250-thread-count crispy cotton in the Comfort and Economy rooms. Guests can also choose from an extensive pillow menu, complemented by a pillow mist in the higher-end room range. A new Business Centre has also been recently opened, offering clients fully-equipped offices with working areas, Internet access, telephone, fax, copy machine and scanner. Both hotel guests and external visitors can use secretarial services and the services of a virtual reception desk, temporary or permanent offices and full company support in the form of office accessories, translation and interpretation services, and the services of a personal assistant.

A Small Makeover for the Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana Five years after its opening, this Hotel has received a mini facelift to freshen up its already modern looks. Emphasis was placed on the conference centre, which welcomes up to 400 guests in plenary seating. A new parquet floor has been laid and the walls freshly painted; the ceiling has been completely changed and the technical equipment has been modernised and upgraded. All the guestrooms have been painted anew and the restaurant has been partly restyled, allowing daylight into the entire space. Business lunches featuring seasonal specialities, cocktail evenings, the Sense Spa and the Casino delight both hotel guests and visitors alike.

Forty Five Years Old, but Still Looking So Good The Lev Hotel The 5-star Lev Hotel is turning 45 this year: there could be no better reason to give the property a partial facelift and throw a birthday party in early November 2009. The largest conference room − the Karantanija Hall, providing flexible setups and a maximum seating for 380 delegates theatrestyle – has been fully refurbished. It shines in fresh, trendy fabrics and colours aligned with modern interior design. At the same time, the new “Pri Levu” à la carte restaurant has started delighting fine food fans with its own cuisine and occasional “guest appearances” by renowned restaurant chefs from abroad. Its opening was marked by a gourmet culinary event run by the legendary Gundel Restaurant from Budapest.

Business Meetings and Events are a Significant Contributor to Canadian Economy Meeting Professionals International Foundation recently commissioned an update to its groundbreaking 2006 Canadian Economic Impact Study (CEIS). The 2007‐2008 CEIS Update study demonstrates that the meeting industry continues to provide and create jobs, generate billions in tax revenue and grow the Canadian economy. Business meetings and events impact virtually every industry while providing key contributions to the Canadian tax base. The 2007 ‐ 2008 CEIS Update utilized linkages between economic data, official tourism statistics and the benchmark CEIS (2006) results. The CEIS Update demonstrates that the economic contributions of meetings and events activity in Canada at the end of 2008 was slightly higher than the 2006 figures released in the original study in spite of the change in economic conditions over this period of time. “Nearly double Canada’s population attends meetings annually,” said Joe Nishi, MPI Foundation Canadian Council Chairman. “The CEIS unequivocally proves that the meeting industry is paramount to the face‐to‐face interactions that drive business success throughout Canada.” “The fact that we see relatively stable attendance figures, over a three‐year period, speaks to the continuing importance of meetings activity, for both participants and the businesses that hold meetings,” said Ken Ross, senior research associate for Maritz Research.

Last, but not least: two floors feature extensively refurbished superior rooms (34 in total) and 4 executive suites. The selected furnishings and fabrics give the guest rooms a trendy and elegant look. The investment value of the refurbishment performed so far amounts to € 1.5 million.

The meeting industry was affected by the growing economic recession in the latter part of 2008. The data shows that the number of meetings shrank in 2008 by 3.4 percent versus 2007, but this still represented minor growth (3 percent) over 2006 activity. There were similar results when measuring the total Industry Output; 2008 was down 1.3 percent versus 2007, but 2008 was equal to 2006. The CEIS Update concludes that the meeting industry is not recession‐proof but remains a vital industry that contributes greatly to the overall Canadian economy. For a copy of the full report, go to:

The Largest Congresses of 2009 and 2010 This year’s largest congress in Ljubljana (and Slovenia) – the 35th Annual meeting of ISPAD – took place from 2 to 5 September at the Cankarjev dom Cultural and Congress Centre, attracting 1,300 delegates from 65 countries. This congress, regarded as one of the biggest scientific events in the world in the field of adolescent diabetes, has returned to Ljubljana after precisely twenty years. The largest congress scheduled for 2010 will take place from 5 to 9 May at the GR - Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. The 7th International Congress on Autoimmunity is expected to attract up to 1,500 delegates to the Slovenian capital.

Kongresna industrija Kanade generira več kot 71 miljard USD prihodkov letno Generira več kot 673.000 srečanj letno s povprečno 70 miljoni udeležencev

Generira preko 14 miljard USD davčnih prihodkov letno

Kongresna industrija Kanade ustvarja preko 550.000 delovnih mest;


Novice Zavoda-Kongresnoturistični urad

Mednarodna poslovna borza BTC Rim T

udi v letošnjem letu se je Kongresni urad v sodelovanju s Slovensko turistično organizacijo ter petimi svojimi člani predstavil na največji italijanski mednarodni poslovni borzi BTC v Rimu, ki je potekala 5. in 6. novembra. Borza je tretjič zaporedoma potekala na Fiera di Roma v Rimu, medtem ko je bila v preteklosti v Firencah. Udeleženci so imeli priložnost sklepanja sestankov z organizatorji dogodkov iz celotne Evrope, pred samim dogodkom. Slovensko stojnico je obiskalo preko 50 različnih organizatorjev dogodkov iz celotne Evrope, ki so imeli posamezne sestanke s predstavniki turističnega gospodarstva. Največji interes je bil izkazan za ključne destinacije Ljubljano, Bled, Portorož in Maribor, pa tudi za slovensko wellness ponudbo ter incentive programe, s poudarkom na kulturi, hrani in vinih ter športnih aktivnostih Slovenije.

Premiki Paul Kennedy MBE je postal izvršni direktor družbe Meetings Review Ltd, ki so lastniki digitalne televizije in informativnega kanala za načrtovalce globalnih dogodkov, srečanj in motivacijskih potovanj. S Paulom Kennedyjem lahko stopite v stik na naslovu paul.

Sandra Rakovec je v novembru 2009 zaključila kariero v podjetju Hit Alpinea. Z novim letom nadaljuje pot v lastnem družinskem podjetju. Zaenkrat je dosegljiva na e-mail

On the Move Paul Kennedy MBE has been appointed Executive Chairman of Meetings Review Ltd, proprietors of the digital TV and information channel for global event, meeting and incentive travel planners. Paul Kennedy can be contacted at paul.kennedy@kennedyconsult.

In November 2009, Sandra Rakovec concluded her career in Hit Alpinea. Come the new year, she is moving on in her own family business. You can reach her at


Organizatorji borze so se odločili, da bodo borzo naslednje leto preselili v Rimini, potekala bo 1. in 2. julija v Palazzo dei Congressi di Rimini.

Miha Kovačič, direktor Zavoda – Kongresnoturistični urad, je postal član Strokovnega sveta Slovenske turistične organizacije.

48. kongres mednarodnega združenja ICCA V Firencah v Italiji je med 7. in 11. novembrom potekal 48. letni

kongres in generalna skupščina združenja ICCA (The International Congress and Convention Association), katere član je Kongresni urad. Iz Slovenije se je kongresa udeležilo sedem udeležencev, kar je največje število doslej. Bogat izobraževalni program je bil sestavljen iz predavanj, workshopov, forumov, priložnosti prijave na poslovno izmenjavo primerov organizacije mednarodnih kongresov in večernih sprejemov, ki so bili idealna priložnost za mreženje med udeleženci. Nekaj od tematik, obravnavanih v sklopu programa: uspešen marketing in prodaja; kaj bo vplivalo na prihodnost dogodkov; prihodnost kongresnih centrov; prihodnost mednarodnih korporacijskih srečanj; razvoj kongresnih destinacij; zelena srečanja; ICCA data workshop in številna druga. Poleg izobraževanj so potekale razprave posameznih združenj po regijah in srečanja po sektorjih. Med kongresom je bila udeležencem na voljo izmenjava komercialnih informacij, kot tudi dobrodelna tiha avkcija, ki jo je organizirala ICCA. Bedouk Meetings & Events Media je sponzoriral marketinško nagrado (Best Marketing Award), ki jo je tokrat prejel Norway Convention Bureau s promocijsko kampanjo »Norway for natural reasons«. V finalni izbor sta se uvrstila tudi m:con Congress Center Rosengarten iz Nemčije in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malezija. Članom so na intranetu na voljo prezentacije, ki so bile predstavljene v sklopu kongresa.

Napovedujemo mednarodno poslovno borzo EIBTM v Barceloni T

udi letos se bo Slovenija predstavila na poslovni borzi EIBTM, eni najpomembnejših mednarodnih poslovnih borz na svetu, ki jo bo od 1. do 3. decembra gostila Barcelona. Kongresni urad in dvanajst ponudnikov kongresnih storitev se bo pod okriljem Slovenske turistične organizacije predstavilo v družbi preko stotih držav in tri tisoč ponudnikov iz celega sveta. Conventa, poslovna borza JV Evrope, se bo tudi drugič predstavila na borzi EIBTM z namenom pritegniti mednarodno pozornost na ponudbo JV Evrope kot nove, atraktivne kongresno-incentive destinacije, ki bo povečala konkurenčnost vseh vključenih destinacij v evropskem, pa tudi mednarodnem prostoru.

Priprave na Convento so v polnem razmahu D

ruga poslovna borza Conventa bo potekala na Gospodarskem razstavišču v Ljubljani od 21. do 22. januarja 2010 v okviru sejma Turizem in prosti čas. Poleg Kongresnega urada Slovenije pri organizaciji borze sodelujejo Slovenska turistična organizacija, Zavod za turizem Ljubljana, Gospodarsko razstavišče, revija Kongres in ugledna mednarodna strokovna združenja MPI, SITE in HelmsBriscoe. Pomemben mednarodni partner je tudi EIBTM – Reed Travel Exhibitions. Tehnični organizator dogodka je podjetje Gormice iz Ljubljane. Priprave na 2. poslovno borzo Conventa so v polnem zagonu. Trenutno je prijavljenih preko 60 razstavljavcev iz celotne regije JV Evrope in izkazan velik interes potencialnih organizatorjev dogodkov iz evropskega in mednarodnega prostora, ki jih zanima regija JV Evrope. Regija JV Evrope so bo tako že drugič predstavila organizatorjem srečanj, dogodkov in motivacijskih programov. JV Evropa na mednarodnem trgu kongresne dejavnosti še nima ustrezne prepoznavnosti. Z uspešno izvedbo prve mednarodne poslovne borze v Ljubljani januarja 2009 je bilo potrjeno, da je regija zelo zanimiva za evropske organizatorje dogodkov. Skupen nastop ponudnikov omogoča boljšo trženjsko prepoznavnost na evropskem / mednarodnem tržišču in omogoča znižanje stroškov pri promociji na tujih trgih. Organizatorji dogodkov iz Evrope in širšega prostora te regije še ne poznajo. Hkrati je JV Evropa za tuje organizatorje dogodkov zelo zanimiva, saj jo med drugim poimenujejo tudi »eksotična« Evropa. Na tem delu se razprostira deset držav, ki so si med seboj zelo različne, hkrati pa imajo vse nekaj skupnega. To je prijaznost, kakršne v mnogih delih Evrope ni več.

Strokovni svet ZavodaKongresnoturistični urad V

četrtek, 26. novembra 2009, je v Hiši Kulinarike Jezeršek v Sori pri Medvodah potekal Strokovni svet članov ZavodaKongresnoturistični urad. Na strokovnem delu dogodka so bila iz prve roke predstavljena znanstveno-strokovna srečanja. Prof. dr. Dušan Keber, zdravnik, bivši strokovni direktor UKC Ljubljana, bivši minister za zdravje in organizator številnih odmevnih mednarodnih strokovnih kongresov, je podal svoj pogled na možnosti Slovenije na področju organizacije dogodkov in predstavil, kako je naša medicinska stroka vpeta v mednarodne povezave. Člani so imeli tudi možnost zastavljanja vprašanj. V okviru Strokovnega sveta je bila izvedena tudi okrogla miza na temo »Znanstveno-strokovni kongresi in vključenost farmacevtskih podjetij v organizacijo in finančno podporo«. Na njej so bili tudi sogovorniki s področja farmacije, kar je naredilo dogodek zanimiv in poučen. Okroglo mizo je moderiral Srečo Peterlič, s svojim vprašanji pa so se lahko vključili vsi člani. Sogovorniki na okrogli mizi so bili: Marjan Hren, komisija za preprečevanje korupcije, Gregor Makuc, generalni sekretar Mednarodnega foruma znanstveno raziskovalnih farmacevtskih družb in prof. dr. Dušan Keber.


Novice Zavoda-Kongresnoturistični urad

Prednovoletna zabava Zavoda-Kongresnoturistični urad

Dnevi slovenskega turizma v Zagrebu

Po strokovni seji Kongresnega urada je bila v Moto klubu Medvode

turizma. Od 10. do 20. ure se je slovenski turizem predstavljal na stojnicah na Trgu Bana Jelačiča, dogodek pa so popestrili nastopi slovenskih izvajalcev. V okviru dogodka se je workshopa z namenom predstavitve slovenskega kongresnega turizma udeležil tudi Miha Kovačič. Turistično delavnico, ki je bila namenjen hrvaškim klientom, je organizirala STO v hotel Westin.

Workshop v Frankfurtu, 7. oktober

Združenje Star Alliance uvedlo globalno storitev za organiziranje sestankov

organizirana prednovoletna zabava za člane Kongresnega urada. Za pogostitev je poskrbela Hiša Kulinarike Jezeršek. Pokrovitelj večera je bila Conventa, 2 mednarodna poslovna borza JV Evrope. Člani so imeli priložnost druženja v sproščenem okolju.


urad je na podlagi pridobitve nepovratnih sredstev v okviru »Javnega razpisa za pridobitev sredstev evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj – ESRR, za dodatno promocijo turistične ponudbe Slovenije v letu 2009« izvedel workshop za nemške organizatorje dogodkov v Frankfurtu. Workshop je bil organiziran v sodelovanju z marketinško agencijo TMF iz Nemčije. Poleg Kongresnega urada se ga je udeležilo 12 podjetij, predstavnikov turističnega gospodarstva ter preko 40 nemških organizatorjev dogodkov, za katere bi Slovenija predstavljala potencial za organizacijo dogodkov na področju korporacijskih in znanstvenih dogodkov ter motivacijskih potovanj.

Predstavitev Convente v Dubrovniku, Budvi in Sofiji Obisk vseh treh destinacij je bil narejen z namenom osebne

predstavitve borze Conventa dubrovniškemu, črnogorskemu in bolgarskemu turističnemu gospodarstvu. Na povabilo kongresnega urada Dubrovniško-neretvanske regije je bila 26. oktobra v Dubrovniku izvedena predstavitev Convente. Dogodka se je udeležila večina ponudnikov kongresnih storitev iz Dubrovnika in bližnje okolice. Zanimanje za borzo je bilo tudi s strani kongresnih agencij (DMC). Dubrovnik velja za uveljavljeno kongresno destinacijo, ki namerava to ponudbo še povečati in izboljšati. Na povabilo organizatorja 6. foruma EASE (Asociacija sajmova jugoistočne Evrope) na temo »Vpliv industrije srečanj na gospodarski razvoj in promocijo destinacije« je bila predstavljena Conventa kot primer dobre prakse promocije destinacije JV Evrope. Dogodek se je 6. novembra odvijal v črnogorski Budvi. Združenja EASE je ustanovljeno z namenom povezovanja in promocije razstaviščnih prostorov in organizatorjev JV Evrope. V sodelovanju s Kongresnim uradom mesta Sofije je bila 3. novembra 2009 izvedena predstavitev Convente bolgarskemu turističnemu gospodarstvu. Zanimanje za borzo s strani gospodarstva obstaja.


VZagrebu so se 15. in 16. oktobra odvijali Dnevi slovenskega

Združenje Star Alliance je 2. septembra uvedlo globalno storitev

za organiziranje sestankov, imenovano Meetings Plus. Podjetja, načrtovalci sestankov in agencije za organizacijo dogodkov, ki organizirajo srečanja, na katerih sodelujejo udeleženci iz različnih držav, imajo zdaj dostop do celotne mreže Star Alliance tako, da vse v zvezi s svojimi potovalnimi potrebami uredijo prek enega samega letalskega prevoznika, člana združenja Star Alliance. »Pri storitvi Meetings Plus gre za to, da izdelek svojega združenja ponujamo nekemu novemu segmentu trga. Prepričani smo, da bodo naše stranke, ki bodo uporabljale storitev Meetings Plus, cenile izkušnje in strokovno znanje, ki jim ga lahko ponudimo in ki v veliki meri temelji na znanju, pridobljenem na podlagi več kot osemletnega zagotavljanja naše storitve za organiziranje konvencij,« je povedal Christopher Korenke, podpredsednik za komercialno področje pri Star Alliance. Storitev Meetings Plus je mogoče uporabljati za večino sestankov s 50 ali več udeleženci, pri čemer morajo ti prihajati iz najmanj treh različnih držav. Zainteresirani organizatorji sestankov pošljejo spletni zahtevek za ponudbo prek spletnega mesta, nato pa z njimi stopi v stik prevoznik – član združenja Star Alliance, določen za obravnavo potovalnih zahtev v zvezi z zadevnim dogodkom. Rezervacije se bodo opravile prek potovalne agencije, ki jo določi organizator. Prevozniki, člani združenja Star Alliance, ponujajo od 10- do 20-odstotne popuste na objavljeno prevoznino za potovanje v poslovnem ali ekonomskem razredu.



Zato veliko pozornost posveËamo poslovnemu delu, namestitvi, kulinariki in sprostitvi, kar z logistiko, dobro organizacijo in s posluhom za priËakovanja gostov povežemo v kakovostno celoto, ki zagotavlja uspeh za poslovna sreËanja. For this reason, we pay most attention to business management, accommodation, gastronomy and relaxation, which we combine with logistics, good organisation and the ability to meet the expectations of our guests, thus making an overall, good-quality offer which guarantees success for business events.

hoteli HABAKUK, BELLEVUE in PIRAMIDA The HABAKUK, BELLEVUE and PIRAMIDA hotels • velika kongresna dvorana za 500 udeležencev z najsodobnejšo avdio vizualno opremo, veË manjπih tehniËno sodobno opremljenih dvoran, klubski prostori • wellness centri, bazeni s termalno vodo, ... • organizacija posebnih dogodkov, družabnih sreËanj in dogodivšËin na prostem • The large congress hall, which seats 500 people, fitted with the most up-to-date audio and visual equipment, a number of smaller halls fitted with up-to-date technical equipment, private lounges … • Wellness centres, swimming pools with thermal water etc. • Coordination of special events, social gatherings, and outdoor events

Terme Maribor. Naravno okolje za poslovna sreËanja. Terme Maribor. A natural environment for business events. Hotel Habakuk Pohorska ulica 59 2000 Maribor Tel.: +386 02 30 08 100

Hotel Bellevue Na Slemenu 35 2208 Pohorje Tel.: +386 02 60 75 100

Hotel Piramida Ulica heroja Šlandra 10 2000 Maribor Tel.: +386 02 23 44 400


Slovenian Convention Bureau News

BTC International Trade Show in Rome T

his year, the Slovenian Convention Bureau, in collaboration with the Slovenian Tourist Board and five members of the Convention Bureau, presented itself at the largest Italian international exhibition, the BTC Trade Show, organised on 5 and 6 November in Rome. The exhibition was held at Fierra do Roma in Rome for the third consecutive year, after being previously organised in Florence. Prior the event, the visitors had the change to arrange meetings with event organisers from all over Europe. The Slovenian stand was visited by more than 50 different event organisers from all over Europe, who held individual meetings with representatives of the tourism economy. The greatest attention was given to the key destinations of Ljubljana, Bled, Portorož and Maribor, and also for the Slovenian wellness range and incentive programmes, with an emphasis on culture, food, wines and sporting activities in Slovenia. The organisers of the trade show decided to move the show to Rimini next year, therefore it will take place on 1 and 2 July at the Palazzo dei Congressi di Rimini.

48. Congress of the ICCA International Association From 7 to 11 November Florence, Italy hosted the 48th annual

congress and general assembly of the ICCA Association (The International Congress and Convention Association), of which the Slovenian Convention Bureau is a member. Slovenia provided seven participants at the congress, the highest number so far. The rich educational programme comprised lectures, workshops, forums, opportunities to apply for the business exchange of examples of the international congress organisation and evening receptions, serving as an ideal opportunity for networking between participants. A few of the themes dealt with in the programme: Successful marketing and sales; influences on the future of events; the future of congress centres; the future of international corporate meetings; the development of congress destinations; green meetings; the ICCA data workshop and many more. In addition to the education courses, discussions took place given by individual associations organised by region and meetings organised by sector. During the congress, participants could exchange commercial information and the ICCA organised a charitable silent auction. Bedouk Meetings & Events Media sponsored the marketing award (Best Marketing Award), this year given to the Norway Convention Bureau for their promotional campaign »Norway for natural reasons«. The final selection also included m:con Congress Center Rosengarten from Germany and the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre from Malaysia. The presentations given at the congress are available to members on the intranet.


Announcement of the International Business Exhibition EIBTM in Barcelona I

n 2009, Slovenia will again take part in the EIBTM business event, one of the most important international business exhibitions in the world, held from 1 to 3 December in Barcelona. The Slovenian Convention Bureau and twelve providers of convention and conference services, supported by the Slovenian Tourist Board, will participate in the exhibition together with over 100 countries and 3000 providers from all over the world. Conventa, the business exhibition for Southeast Europe, will take part in the EIBTM event for the second time with the intention of drawing international attention to SE Europe as a new and attractive destination for meetings and incentives that will increase the competition for all participating European and other destinations.

Preparations for Conventa are in Full Swing T

he second Conventa trade show will take place at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre from 21 to 22 January 2010 within the Tourism and Leisure Show. Apart from the Slovenian Convention Bureau, the organisation of the trade show also includes the Slovenian Tourist Board, the Ljubljana Tourist Board, the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, the Kongres Magazine and the prominent international professional associations MPI, SITE and HelmsBriscoe. An important international partner is also EIBTM Reed Travel Exhibitions. The technical organiser of the event is the Gormice company from Ljubljana. The preparations for the 2nd Conventa trade show are at full stretch. Currently, more than 60 exhibitors have applied from the entire region of South East Europe and a great deal of interest has been shown from potential event organisers in the European and international environment, interested in the region of SE Europe. Thus this region will present itself to the organisers of meetings, events and motivational programmes for the second time. SE Europe has not yet gained proper recognition on the international congress activities market. With the successful execution of the first international trade show in Ljubljana in January 2009, the region proved extremely interesting for European event organisers. The joint participation of tenderers enables better marketing recognition on the European / international market and also lowers the costs of promotion on foreign markets. Event organisers from Europe and other parts of the world are not yet familiar with this region. At the same time, SE Europe is very interesting to foreign event organisers as it is also referred to as the “exotic” Europe. This area covers ten countries, which are very different from each other, but also have a few things in common. One of them is kindness, which can no longer be found in many parts of Europe.

Miha Kovačič, Director of the Slovenian Convention Bureau, became a member of the Expert Council of the Slovenian Tourist Board.

The Slovenian Convention Bureau Expert Council O

n Thursday, 26 November 2009, the Expert Council of Slovenian Convention Centre members took place at the Jezeršek Culinary House in Sora pri Medvodah. The business part of the event included a first-hand presentation of Scientific and Professional Meetings. A doctor, former Medical Director of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana, former Minister for Health and organiser of numerous notable international expert congresses, Prof. Dr Dušan Keber expressed his opinion on Slovenia’s possibilities in the field of event organisation and presented the ways that our medical profession is involved in international connections. Members could also pose questions. Within the Expert Council, a round table was held on the subject of “Scientific and Professional Congresses and the involvement of pharmaceutical companies in their organisation and financial support.” The round table included speakers from the pharmaceutical area, which made the event interesting and instructive. It was moderated by Srečo Peterlič and all members could get involved with their questions. The round table included the following speakers: Marjan Hren, the Anti-Corruption Commission, Gregor Makuc, Secretary General of the Forum of International Research and Development in Pharmaceutical Companies and Prof. Dr Dušan Keber.

The Pre-New Year’s Party of the Slovenian Convention Bureau After the Expert Council of the Slovenian Convention Bureau,

a pre-new year’s party was held at the Medvode Moto Club for members of the Convention Bureau. The Jezeršek Culinary House provided refreshments. The sponsor of the evening was Conventa, the international trade show of SE Europe. The members had the opportunity to socialise in a relaxed atmosphere.

attended by 12 companies representing the tourist economy and over 40 German event organisers, for which Slovenia would present its potential for event organising in the field of corporate and scientific events and motivational travel.

The Presentation of Conventa in Dubrovnik, Budva and Sofia Visits to all three destinations were performed in order to

personally present the Conventa trade show to the tourist economy of Dubrovnik, Montenegro and Bulgaria. At the invitation of the Convention Bureau of the Dubrovnik – Neretva Region, the presentation of Conventa was held in Dubrovnik on 26 October. The event was attended by most of the tenderers of congress services from Dubrovnik and near surroundings. The DMC congress agencies showed an interest in the trade show as well. Dubrovnik is known as an established congress destination, with the intent of increasing and improving this offer even further. At the invitation of the organiser of the 6th EASE (Exhibition Association of South East Europe) forum on the theme “The Influence of the Meeting Industry on the Economic Development and Promotion of the Destination”, Conventa was presented as an example of good practice in the promotion of SE Europe. The event took place on 6 November in Budva (Montenegro). The EASE Association was established to connect and promote exhibition areas and organisers in SE Europe. In collaboration with the Sofia Convention Bureau, a presentation of Conventa to the Bulgarian tourist economy was carried out on 3 November 2009. The economy showed interest in the trade show.

Days of Slovenian Tourism in Zagreb Zagreb hosted the Days of Slovenian Tourism on 15 and 16 October.

From 10.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Slovenian tourism was presented on the stands in the Trg Bana Jelačiča Square and the event was enriched with appearances by Slovenian performers. As part of the event, Miha Kovačič attended the workshop in order to present Slovenian congress tourism. The STO organised a workshop on tourism at the Westin hotel, targeted at Croatian clients.

Workshop in Frankfurt, 7 October T

he Slovenian Convention Bureau carried out a workshop for German event organisers in Frankfurt on the basis of a grant obtained in the framework of “Invitation to tender for obtaining funds from the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF, for the additional promotion of the Slovenia tourist offer in 2009”. The workshop was organised in cooperation with the TMF marketing agency in Germany. Apart from the Convention Bureau, it was

Odkrivaj. Spoznavaj. Ustvarjaj.


Slovenian Convention Bureau News

The Star Alliance Association Introduced a Global Service for the Organisation of Meetings T

he Star Alliance association introduced a global service for the organisation of meetings on 2 September, called Meetings Plus. The companies, meeting planners and event agencies that organise meetings with participants from different countries now have access to the complete Star Alliance network, so they can arrange all matters connected to their travel needs through a single air carrier, a member of the Star Alliance association. “The Meetings Plus service is about offering the product of our association to a certain new segment of the market. We are convinced that our customers who use our Meetings Plus service will appreciate the experience and expert knowledge that we can offer them, which is largely based on knowledge obtained through more than eight years of ensuring our service for the organisation of conventions,� explained Christopher Korenke, Vice-President, Commercial at Star Alliance.

The Meetings Plus service can be used for the majority of meetings with 50 or more participants coming from at least three different countries. Interested event organisers can send an online Proposal Request on the webpage They will be contacted by a transport provider - a member of the Star Alliance association, appointed to deal with travel requests regarding the event in question. A travel agency, appointed by the organiser performs the reservation. Transport providers, members of the Star Alliance association, offer discounts of 10 to 20 percent off the published fare for travelling in business or economy class.

Make your meetings and events more profitable It has never been more important to maximise the value of your events. The one-day European Event ROI Institute course: Event Planning and Evaluation Using the ROI Methodology, held at various locations across Europe, will show you how to measure the return on investment of your meetings and events – and make them more effective. Find out more and sign up for a course at

The European Event ROI Institute was founded in 2005 with the mission to help companies improve the value of their meetings and events.


Novice iz JV Evrope

Hotel Regent Esplanade Zagreb najboljši hotel v celinski Hrvaški Kot zmagovalec in prejemnik nagrade Turistični cvet – kakovost

za Hrvaško 2009 je hotel Regent Esplanade Zagreb postal najboljši hotel s petimi zvezdicami v celinski Hrvaški in s tem ponovno dokazal svojo kakovost v hotelski industriji in turizmu. Nagrado mu je v okviru prireditve Dnevi hrvaškega turizma, ki jih v sodelovanju s hrvaško turistično organizacijo in drugimi soorganizatorji organizira hrvaško ministrstvo za turizem, podelila Hrvaška gospodarska zbornica in državna televizija. Bralci prestižnega časopisa Conde Nast Traveler so že tretje leto zapored Regent Esplanade Zagreb uvrstili v vodnik najboljših hotelov na svetu. Več kot 25 tisoč bralcev – kolikor jih je sodelovalo v anketi – je ocenjevalo namestitev, lokacijo, zasnovo, kakovost storitev ter hrano in pijačo. Tako je Regent Esplanade Zagreb med stotimi najboljšimi hoteli južne Evrope zasedel 45. mesto. Hotel Esplanade, ki danes posluje v sklopu mednarodne verige hotelov Regent, je bil zgrajen leta 1925, in sicer za potnike legendarnega vlaka Orient Express (vozil je na relaciji Istanbul– Pariz). Hotel ima pet zvezdic in je eden od simbolov zagrebške hotelske industrije; znan pa je tudi po kakovosti svojih storitev. V njem so bivale številne znane osebe, npr. Josephine Baker, Charles Lindbergh, Orson Wells, Liv Ulman, Louis Armstrong, Woody Allen in mnogi drugi.

Mednarodni kongres zobozdravstva v hotelu Amfora na Hvaru O

d 10. do 12. junija 2010 bo hrvaška zobozdravniška zbornica v sodelovanju z družbo Oral Dent in ob pomoči treh mednarodnih združenj – DGZI (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahnärztliche Implantologie), IADFE (The International Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics) in ESCD (European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry) – na otoku Hvar organizirala srečanje strokovnjakov te stroke z vsega sveta. Celoten dogodek bo potekal v čudovitem obalnem hotelu Amfora, največjem hotelu na otoku Hvar, ki se lahko pohvali z izjemnimi kongresnimi zmogljivostmi. Kongresa se bo udeležilo več kot 40 predavateljev iz Evrope, Združenih držav Amerike in Bližnjega vzhoda. Organizatorji so napovedali programe za zobozdravnike in zobozdravstvene tehnike, številne delavnice, simpozij o uporabi laserjev v zobozdravstvu in veliko mednarodno razstavo. Izobraževalni program bo spremljal bogat zabavni program, namenjen druženju, ki ga bodo v treh dneh – kolikor bo kongres trajal – popestrili s številnimi presenečenji. Pomembno je omeniti, da je hrvaška zobozdravniška zbornica ta kongres ocenila z najvišjim možnim številom točk (tj. z 12 točkami), kar pomeni, da se ta uvršča med največje dogodke svoje vrste, ki jih bo Hrvaška gostila v letu 2010.

Odkrivaj. Spoznavaj. Ustvarjaj.


Novice iz JV Evrope

Le Meridien Lav osvojil štiri nagrade WTA Na letošnji podelitvi prestižnih turističnih nagrad World Travel

Awards (WTA) za evropsko regijo je hrvaški hotel Le Meridien Lav osvojil štiri nagrade, in sicer za vodilni evropski kongresni hotel, vodilni evropski casino resort, vodilni hrvaški hotel in vodilni hrvaški spa hotel. Letos so priznanja World Travel awards podelili že šestnajstič. Svoje glasove je oddalo več kot 167.000 predstavnikov turističnih agencij iz stotih držav, s čimer si nagrade WTA zagotovo z vso pravico lastijo laskav naslov »Oskarji potovalne industrije«.

Enako kot leta 2008, ko je hotel Le Meridien Lav osvojil tri nagrade, je omenjeni hotel tudi letos zmagal v zelo močni konkurenci vrhunskih evropskih kongresnih hotelov, kot so Evian Royal Resort, Grand Hotel Stockholm, Gothia Towers s Švedske, Okura Amsterdam, Ritz-Carlton Berlin, Sheraton Hotel & Convention Centre Ankara in Sheraton Roma Hotel & Conference Center.

Uspešna kongresna sezona v hotelu Croatia C

avtatski hotel Croatia je tako na hrvaškem kot mednarodnem tržišču poznana destinacija kongresnega in dopustniškega turizma. Hotel že vse od svojega odprtja leta 1973 razvija lastno poslovno kulturo in podobo. Znano je, da je vsak tretji gost hotela hkrati udeleženec enega od številnih kongresov. V nenehnem prizadevanju za dvig kakovosti svojih hotelskih storitev so v hotelu Croatia že lani v celoti prenovili namestitvene zmogljivosti, svojo kakovost pa so potrdili tudi s standardoma ISO 9001:2000 in ISO 22000. Do konca leta 2009 bo hotel Croatia gostil več kot 60 uglednih mednarodnih kongresov, kar potrjuje tudi struktura njihovih gostov – kongresni gostje namreč predstavljajo kar 40 odstotkov vseh gostov hotela. Glede na trenutno stanje rezervacij uprava hotela ocenjuje, da bo ta sektor ostal stabilen tako v letu 2010 kot tudi v naslednjih nekaj letih. Samo kot primer – vsi termini za kongrese v maju 2010 so že zasedeni, prav tako pa bo omenjeni hotel gostil šest velikih mednarodnih srečanj.

Hotel za popoln poslovni in ekskluzivni dogodek

Kongres CORESTA v Rovinju

Valamar Riviera Hotel & Residence je ime novega hotela z

V Maistrinem hotelu Eden v Rovinju je Hrvaška od 4. do 9.

romantičnimi apartmaji, ki na obrežju starega mestnega jedra Poreča svoja vrata odpira v juniju 2010. Gre za popolnoma prenovljen nekdanji hotel Neptun z depandanso Parentino, ki bo s to investicijo postal hotel s štirimi zvezdicami in tako že 13. objekt blagovne znamke turistične skupine Valamar na Hrvaškem.

V hotelu bo 96 sob in devet apartmajev, v ločenem delu – Residence – pa se bo nahajalo še osem luksuznih apartmajev. Sobe bodo urejene v sredozemskem slogu, v hotelski restavraciji à la carte pa bodo svoje goste razvajali z bogato ponudbo sredozemskih specialitet. V hotelu bodo trije bari, kozmetični salon, fitnes in dvorana za sestanke, ki lahko sprejme do 80 oseb.

oktobra prvič gostila kongres CORESTA, ki se ga udeležujejo največji proizvajalci in znanstveniki iz tobačne industrije. Kongres agronomske in fitopatološke raziskovalne skupine je v okviru svetovnega združenja proizvajalcev tobačnih proizvodov in znanstvenikov iz tobačne industrije največji kongres svoje vrste na svetu in združuje strokovnjake z vseh celin. V Rovinju je kongres CORESTA tako združil približno 120 strokovnjakov iz 20 držav. V času trajanja kongresa so organizirali delavnice in predavanja s področja tobačne industrije in tako izmenjali izkušnje glede zaščite rastlin ter mnenja o rezultatih raziskav o vzgoji rastlin, o snoveh za boljšo vzgojo rastlin, novih vrstah tobaka in podobno.

V bližini hotela Valamar Riviera se kot del njegove ponudbe nahaja prenovljena Villa Polesini iz 17. stoletja, ki je še posebej primerna za organizacijo ekskluzivnih dogodkov (gala večerij, slavnostnih banketov, porok, različnih proslav ...). Pohvali se lahko s štirimi dvoranami za sestanke (za 20, 30 in 100 oseb), teraso za 80 ljudi s čudovitim vrtom in pogledom na morje ter teraso za poslovne in ekskluzivne dogodke za 300 povabljencev.

Letos so Hrvaško za gostiteljico kongresa izbrali zaradi njene bogate kulturne in zgodovinske dediščine, pa tudi ker je »dom« šestega največjega proizvajalca tobačnih izdelkov v Evropi. Kongres je potekal v Rovinju, enem od najlepših mest na hrvaški obali, kjer pa je hkrati tudi sedež podjetja TDR, vodilnega proizvajalca tobačnih izdelkov v jugovzhodni Evropi. Gostitelji kongresa so tako bili TDR, družba Hrvatski duhani (kot vodilni proizvajalec kakovostnega tobaka), mesto Rovinj in hotelska družba Maistra.


Novice iz JV Evrope

Kongresni urad Srbije ima novo spletno stran Kongresni urad Srbije je oktobra dobil novo spletno stran,

ki deluje kot pomoč načrtovalcem dogodkov, saj lahko na njej najdejo vse informacije o Srbiji kot destinaciji za srečanja in motivacijske programe. Struktura spletne strani obiskovalcem omogoča, da zlahka poiščejo vse potrebne informacije. Članom Kongresnega urada Srbije pa nova spletna stran med drugim omogoča, da kar na spletu uredijo svoje podatke ali podatke o svojih izdelkih, obenem pa omogoča tudi mreženje s pomočjo integriranega sistema intranet.

Oddelek za geografijo, turizem in hotelirstvo, Fakulteta za družbene vede Univerze v Novem Sadu Oddelek za turizem na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerze v Novem Sadu se je leta 1992 razvil iz oddelka za geografijo. Osredotoča se na okolju prijazen in trajnostni turizem s posebnim poudarkom na poslovnem turizmu. Cilj modula Poslovni turizem je teženje kongresov in srečanj k temu, da so okolju prijazni ter uporabljajo reciklirane izdelke in materiale. Omenjeni del turizma v učni načrt vključujemo že od leta 2008. Teoretični del modula predstavljajo predavanja gostujočih profesorjev s tega področja (tako iz javnega kot zasebnega sektorja); raziskave, ki so povezane s specifičnimi nalogami; teme, povezane z upravljanjem z dogodki; raziskave kongresnega tržišča v različnih delih sveta s posebnim poudarkom na jugovzhodni Evropi in tehnike profesionalnih organizatorjev kongresov. Del modula Poslovni turizem je tudi določanje pričakovanega rezultata, ki je predpogoj za oblikovanje in prodajo posameznega izdelka na tem področju. Ena od glavnih zamisli Oddelka za geografijo, turizem in hotelirstvo je združiti teoretično in praktično znanje in spretnosti. Tako je stik študentov z dejanskim tržiščem pomemben del tega modula in učnega načrta.

M e e t A d r i A d M C

G r o u p

w w w. m e e t a d r i a . n e t


News from South-Eastern Europe

The Regent Esplanade Zagreb is the Best 5* Hotel in Continental Croatia

International Dental Congress in the Hotel Amfora, Hvar

By winning the prestigious acknowledgement and award of the

cooperation with the Oral Dent Company and supported by three international associations (DGZI – the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Zahnarzliche Implantologie e.V., IADFE – the International Academy fur Dental Facial Esthetics and ESCD – the European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry) will be organising an extraordinary assembly of experts from all over the world on the island of Hvar, Croatia. The whole event will be held in Amfora, Hvar’s grand beach resort and the biggest hotel on the island, offering extraordinary conference facilities.

Once again, The Regent Esplanade Zagreb Hotel has stood out among the numerous competitors and confirmed its quality and recognisability by winning this prestigious award and acknowledgement.

More than 40 lecturers from Europe, USA and the Middle East will give lectures during the Hvar congress. Organizers announce programs for dentists and dental technicians, many workshops, a Laser Symposium and a big international exhibition. Along with the educational programme, interesting and entertaining social programs will take place with numerous surprises during all three congress days.

“Tourist flower – quality for Croatia 2009”, The Regent Esplanade Zagreb has once again proven its quality in the tourist and hotel industry. This significant honour was awarded by the Croatian Chamber of Economy and the Croatian National Television at the glamorous yearly event »Days of Croatian Tourism«, organised by the Croatian Ministry of Tourism in cooperation with the National Tourist Board and other co-organizers.

For the third year in a row, readers of the prestigious Conde Nast Traveler Magazine have chosen the eminent Regent Esplanade Zagreb Hotel as one of the best hotels in the World. More then 25 thousand readers were polled, assessing the accommodation, location, design, quality of service, food and drinks and they ranked the Regent Esplanade Zagreb 45th out of the 100 best hotels in Southern Europe. The Hotel Esplanade, operating today under the international Regent hotel chain, was originally built in 1925 for travellers on the legendary Orient Express, travelling from Istanbul to Paris. This five-star hotel is one of the symbols of the Zagreb hotel industry and is well known for the high quality service that it provides. Many famous figures have stayed here, such as Josephine Baker, Charles Lindbergh, Orson Wells, Liv Ulman, Louis Armstrong, Woody Allen and many others.

From June 10-12 2010, the HKS – Croatian Dental Chamber – in

It is important to mention that the Croatian Dental Chamber rated this Congress with the maximum 12 points, which ranks it among the best events of its kind in Croatia in 2010.

The Croatian Le Meridien Lav Hotel Wins 4 World Travel Awards T

he Le Meridien Lav hotel has scooped four awards at this year’s World Travel Awards regional ceremony – Europe’s Leading Conference Hotel, Europe’s Leading Casino Resort, Croatia’s Leading Hotel and Croatia’s Leading Spa Resort. These represent the 16th World Travel Awards to be won. Votes were cast by over 167,000 travel professionals from 100 countries, which rightly gives the World Travel Awards the nickname of the Oscars of the Travel and Tourism Industry. As in 2008, when Le Meridien Lav won 3 awards, the nominees included top-notch European hotels – Evian Royal Resort, the Grand Hotel Stockholm, the Gothia Towers from Sweden, the Okura Amsterdam, the Ritz-Carlton Berlin, the Sheraton Hotel & Convention Centre Ankara and the Sheraton Roma Hotel & Conference Centre.


News from South-Eastern Europe

A Hotel for an Ideal Business or Exclusive Event T

he Valamar Riviera Hotel & Residence is a new yachting hotel with romantic suites that will be opening its doors in June 2010 in the very heart of the old town of Poreč, directly on the waterfront. The completely refurbished old Neptun hotel and the Parentino annexe have been upgraded from three to four stars and the Valamar Riviera hotel will become the 13th branded facility of the Valamar group in Croatia. The hotel will offer its guests 96 rooms and 9 suites and the separate Residence part will accommodate an additional 8 luxurious suites. The rooms and suites will be furnished in a Mediterranean style and the hotel’s à la carte restaurant will serve a diverse range of Mediterranean dishes. The hotel will also have three bars, a beauty parlour, a fitness room and a meeting room for up to 80 participants. The fully refurbished 17th century Villa Polesini, located in the immediate vicinity of the Valamar Riviera hotel and part of the hotel’s offer, is the perfect spot to organise exclusive events (gala dinners, ceremonial banquets, weddings, various celebrations, etc.), with its 4 meeting rooms (for 20, 30 and 100 participants), a terrace for 80 people and the wonderful garden overlooking the sea that is itself suited for business and exclusive events for 300 guests.

A Successful Season of Meetings at the Hotel Croatia The Hotel Croatia in Cavtat is a renowned destination for

convention and holiday tourism, both in Croatia and abroad. Since it opened its doors in 1973, the hotel has been developing its own business culture and image, while every third guest of the Hotel Croatia is a participant in one of its numerous congresses. In its constant aspirations to raise the quality of its offer, the Hotel Croatia completely refurbished its accommodation facilities last year and confirmed its quality with the ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 22000 standards. By the end of 2009, the Hotel Croatia will have hosted over 60 renowned international conferences, which is confirmed by the share of about 40% of congress guests in the hotel’s guest structure. Considering the current bookings, the hotel’s management believes that stability in this sector will continue through 2010 and into later years. Just as an example, congresses for May 2010 are booked out and 6 larger international assemblies have been confirmed as well.

The CORESTA Congress in Rovinj F

rom 4 to 9 October, Croatia hosted the CORESTA congress for the first time, hosting the biggest manufacturers and scientists in the tobacco industry. The CORESTA congress was held at Maistra’s Eden hotel in Rovinj, attracting over 120 professionals from 20 different countries.

The congress of the Agronomy and Phytopathology Group of the International Association of the Tobacco Industry (CORESTA) is the biggest congress of its kind in the world and unites professionals from all across the globe. Throughout the duration of the congress, various workshops and lectures in the field of the tobacco industry were organised to exchange experiences on plant protection, research into growing plants, agents for a better cultivation, new tobacco types and similar things. This year, Croatia was chosen as the host country because of its rich cultural and historical heritage but also because it is home to Europe's sixths largest tobacco manufacturer. The congress took place in Rovinj, one of the most beautiful towns on the Croatian coast and home of TDR, the leading tobacco manufacturer in Southeast Europe. Apart from TDR, other hosts of the congress were the leading tobacco manufacturer in terms of quality, the Hrvatski duhani company, the town of Rovinj itself and the Maistra hotel company.

New Web Site of the Serbia Convention Bureau T

he Serbia Convention Bureau launched their new website in October. The new website serves meeting planers as a platform where they can find all the information about Serbia as a meeting and incentive destination. The structure of the site allows visitors to easily find what they are looking for. The site also provides members of the SCB with an opportunity to edit its details and products online or to network through an integrated intranet system.

Department for Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management. Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad Originally developed from the grounds of Geography in 1992, the Tourism department at the Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, naturally emphasizes Eco and Sustainable tourism with a particular focus on Business Tourism. The approach to the Business Toruism module is that conferences and meetings tend to have green labels, they tend to have recycled segments and materials. All of those segments have been incorporated into a curricula since 2008. The theoretical approach is defined by a set of sessions with visiting professors from the industry, public and private sector, research linked with the specific tasks, topics from event management, conference market research in various parts of the world with a specific focus on South East Europe, professional conference organizer techniques, marketing and sales. The next step of the Business Tourism module is defining the target, which is necessary to create and sell a specific product in this field. One of the main ideas at the Department for Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management is to combine theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, so industry exposure for students is another important segment of the module and curricula.


Nominirani so kandidati za nagrado eibtm EasyHotel odpira svoj prvi hotel v Bolgariji s ceno nočitve samo 10 evrov Nizkocenovna blagovna znamka easyHotel širi svojo ponudbo hotelov in od 15. oktobra dalje že sprejema rezervacije za svoj prvi hotel v Sofiji. Hotel se nahaja v središču prestolnice in bo odprl svoja vrata januarja 2010. Otvoritvene cene se bodo začele od 10 evrov na sobo na noč. V okviru potrfelja hotelov easyHotel je to enajsti hotel in hkrati prvi, ki je zgrajen na novo. Ponujal bo 57 klimatiziranih sob, ki jih boste lahko rezervirali preko spletne strani po principu nižjega plačila ob zgodnji rezervaciji in nižjih cen v nizki sezoni. Koncept hotela je enostaven in temelji na transparentnem zaračunavanju storitev in cenovni politiki. Izhodišče je poštena cena, dostop do interneta, TV in dodatne brisače pa bodo na voljo za manjše doplačilo. Komercialni direktor easyHotel Calum Russel je ob tem povedal: »Zelo smo navdušeni nad širitvijo blagovne znamke v Sofiji. Sofija je očarljivo mesto, v katerem se prepletata staro in novo in je dobro dostopna s številnimi nizkocenovnimi letalskimi linijami. Naše cenovno dostopne sobe bodo omogočile prihod številnih novih gostov v to hitro rastoče mesto.«

Objavljen je bil ožji seznam nominirancev za letošnje nagrade EIBTM »Meetings and Incentive Industry Awards. Sedem nagrad se podeli za izjemen prispevek k ustvarjalnosti in predanosti svetovnih načrtovalcev in organizatorjev srečanj. Letošnji nominiranci so: •

Najboljši posebni dogodki Global Events (Španija) HAGAN INVENT GmbH & Co. Kg (Nemčija) Ingsgluck Gesellschaft fur (Nemčija) Tapahtumatekijat Oy (Finska)

Najboljša konferenca za več kot 250 udeležencev Face to Face GmbH (Nemčija) Global Events (Španija) Inspiration (Švedska) Torino Convention Bureau (Italija)

Najboljša konferenca za manj kot 250 udeležencev Face to Face Gmbh (Nemčija) The Event Company (Nemčija) Investments Employee Conference VOKDAMS Nemčija)

Najboljša produktna predstavitev VOKDAMS (Nemčija) Global Events (Španija) Extraordinary Events (USA) Apple Tree Communication (Španija)

Najboljši incetive program Grupo Pacifico (Španija) EVT Marketing Group (Avstralija) Harith Productions (USA) timm-events (Nemčija)

Najboljša družbeno odgovorna pobuda World Events (Velika Britanija) Adelaide Convention Bureau (Avstralija) Sydney Convention Bureau (Avstralija) Tourismus & Congres GmbH (Nemčija)

Najboljša destinacijska marketinška kampanja Sarawak Convention Bureau (Malezija) Tourism Australia (Avstralija) Tourisme Montréal (Kanada)

Zmagovalci bodo razglašeni in predstavljeni na VIP slovesnosti v Barceloni v sredo, 2. decembra 2009 ob 11.45 na razstavnem prostoru Turespaña Events Lounge (stojnica N700). Vodja komisije za izbor Jeremy Garbett, ustanovitelj agencije Deeper Blue, je ocenil, da število prijavljenih del narašča, še posebej pa je razveseljivo naraščanje števila prijavljenih del v kategoriji družbene odgovornosti.


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Easy Hotel expands into Bulgaria with rooms from just €10

EIBTM Meetings and Incentive Industry Awards The short list for this year’s EIBTM (www.eibtm. com) 2009 Meetings and Incentive Industry Awards has been announced. The seven Awards recognise the contribution, creativity and dedication of the world’s event creators and planners.

Super budget brand easyHotel is further expanding its hotel offering as it announces its taking reservations from the 15th October for its newest property, in Sofia, Bulgaria. Located in the bustling heart of the capital, the hotel will open its doors in January 2010 with an opening offer on prices starting from just €10 (euros) per room per night. The latest addition to the easyHotel portfolio is the 11th property to be opened by the brand and their first new build hotel. Offering 57 air conditioned rooms easyHotels Sofia is bookable on their website at where rooms are priced on the basis of the earlier you book, the less you pay and periods of high demand cost more than less popular periods. Renowned for its simple ‘no frills’ approach easyHotel is completely transparent on its services and pricing structure and in keeping with the easyHotel concept of value for money, services such as TV, internet access and extra towels will be available for a small extra charge to guests who require them. Calum Russell, Commercial Director: “We are very excited by the continued growth of the easyHotel brand and our expansion into the capital of Bulgaria. Sofia is a stunning city, where old and new merge seamlessly and is well served from across Europe by a number of low cost airlines. Our affordable, value for money rooms will allow us to leverage value from the growing number of visitors to this developing city.“

The seven categories and those shortlisted are: •

Best Special Event Global Events (Spain) HAGAN INVENT GmbH & Co. Kg (Germany) Ingsgluck Gesellschaft fur (Germany) Tapahtumatekijat Oy (Finland)

Best Conference for more than 250 people Face to Face GmbH (Germany) Global Events (Madrid) Inspiration (Sweden) Torino Convention Bureau (Italy)

Best Conference for less than 250 people Face to Face Gmbh (Germany) The Event Company (Germany) Investments Employee Conference VOKDAMS (Germany)

Best Product Launch VOKDAMS (Germany) Global Events (Spain) Extraordinary Events (America) Apple Tree Communication (Spain)

Best Incentive Programme Grupo Pacifico (Spain) EVT Marketing Group (Australia) Harith Productions (US) timm-events (Germany)

Sustainable Initiative of the Year World Events (UK) Adelaide Convention Bureau (Australia) Sydney Convention Bureau (Australia) Tourismus & Congres GmbH (Germany)

Best Destination Marketing Campaign Sarawak Convention Bureau (Malaysia) Tourism Australia (Australia) Tourisme Montréal (Canada)

The 2009 winners will be announced and presented at a VIP ceremony at EIBTM in Barcelona at 11.45 on Wednesday 2nd December 2009 on the Turespaña Events Lounge (stand N700). Commenting on this year’s shortlist Chair of judges Jeremy Garbett, Founding Director, Deeper Blue, said: “Year on year the EIBTM Awards attract a greater number of entries. What is particularly noticeable this year is the number of submissions reaching the final short list from Germany and the quality of those in the new category of Sustainable Initiative of the Year proving that the industry is taking sustainability to heart.”


ICCA kongres z rekordno udeležbo

ICCA Congress Attracts Record Attendance

Svetovni kongres in razstava ICCA, ki je potekala od 7. do 11. novembra v Firencah, je potekal z rekordno udeležbo. Udeležilo se ga je 847 delegatov iz 66 držav. Do sedaj najštevilčnejša udeležba je bila na kongresu na Tajskem leta 2007, ko se je ICCA kongresa udeležilo 814 delegatov.

The 2009 annual ICCA Congress & Exhibition taking place from November 7 to 11 in Florence, Italy, officially broke the record for the number of registered attendees. A record-breaking 847 delegates from 66 countries have been booked to attend this year’s event. The previous record was 814 delegates for the 2007 ICCA Congress in Thailand.

»Kongres 2009 je ponudil do sedaj največji in najboljši izbor strokovnih predavanj. Izobraževalni program ICCA je vsako leto drugače zasnovan in vključuje kombinacijo vrhunskih načrtovalcev srečanj iz korporacij in združenj, profesionalnih predavateljev izven kongresne industrije ter tudi nekaterih izkušenih članov ICCA. Predavatelji prihajajo iz vseh regij sveta in predstavljajo globalne interese svojih članov. Vsako leto vlagamo več v predavatelje in si prizadevamo ustvariti svež, inovativen, strateško usmerjen program, ki ponuja nove ideje za izboljšanje učinkovitosti posameznikov in podjetij,« je pojasnil direktor ICCA Martin Sirk. »Strateško smo pozicionirali združenje ICCA kot združenje specializiranih strokovnjakov za trg združenj. Kot rezultat beležimo rast članstva navkljub gospodarski recesiji. V letu 2009 se je v združenje ICCA včlanilo 85 novih podjetij. Eden od razlogov je zagotovo tudi prepričanje, da je potrebno trg združenj obravnavati bolj resno,« je dodal.

“The 2009 Congress will feature our biggest and best choice of sessions ever. The ICCA Congress education programme is custom-designed every year, and features a mix of speakers including top corporate and association meetings clients, expert business speakers from outside the meetings industry, and of course a selection of some of the most experienced ICCA members. Our speakers are drawn from all regions of the world, matching the global mix and interests of our delegates. Each year we invest more and more in our speakers, and strive to create a programme that will be fresh, thought-provoking, strategically-oriented, and packed with new ideas for improving your personal performance and your organisation's bottom line,” ICCA CEO, Martin Sirk, said. “We have strategically positioned ICCA as the specialist expert association for the association meetings market, and as a result have seen membership growth continue over recent months despite all the turmoil in world markets - 85 companies joined ICCA so far in 2009. We believe the main reason for this performance is that more and more suppliers have realised they need to take the international association meetings market more seriously," he added.

Kongresni center qncc osvojil nagrado mima

Qncc Wins Gold At The Mima Awards

Najnovejši kongresni in razstavni center na Bližnjem vzhodu se je z nagrado Meetings Industry Marketing Awards (MIMA) 2009 že zapisal v zgodovino.

The Middle East’s newest convention and exhibition centre has already made its mark in history by winning the gold at the coveted 2009 Meetings Industry Marketing Awards (MIMA) in London.


Na predstavitveni večerji so objavili, da je katarski kongresni center Qatar National Convention Centre zasedel prvo mesto v kategoriji »Najboljša akcija v tiskanih medijih« in bil med finalisti kategorije »Najboljša akcija trženja blagovne znamke«. Generalni direktor kongresnega centra QNCC Paul D'Arcy je ob tej priložnosti povedal, da je takšna pohvala s strani stanovskih kolegov v predotvoritveni fazi priznanje vsem, ki sodelujejo na tem projektu, še posebej njenemu veličanstvu šejki Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, predsednici sklada Qatar Foundation, za njeno podporo pri izbiri osnove za blagovno znamko, ki pooseblja posebno zasnovo centra in njegove izjemnosti svetovnih razsežnosti. Za prvotno zasnovo razvoja blagovne znamke kongresnega centra QNCC je bilo zadolženo večdisciplinarno svetovalno podjetje FITCH Qatar, s sedežem v izobraževalnem centru Education City v glavnem mestu Katarja, Dohi. »Izjemno srečni smo, da je vodilni japonski arhitekt Arata Isozaki predvidel in predlagal ikonsko zasnovo stavbe, saj je ta navdihnila kreativne direktorje družbe FITCH, ki so oblikovali celotni razvoj blagovne znamke in izvedbo naše akcije v tiskanih medijih,« je dodal D'Arcy. Blagovno znamka QNCC so kot osnovo celotne komunikacije zasnovali tako, da združuje dediščino in sodobnost v edinstveno celoto. Razpoznavni vhod v kongresni center QNCC krasijo prepletene veje drevesa Ziziphus spina-christi, tipičnega in priljubljenega katarskega drevesa. Še posebej ga cenijo beduini, ki se zbirajo pod njegovimi vejami, kjer izmenjujejo in delijo svoje znanje. Tako logotip kot tudi grafično podobo kongresnega centra QNCC prepletajo veje omenjenega drevesa. QNCC je zmagal v skupini izjemno uveljavljenih mednarodnih prizorišč in podjetij, kot je na primer njegovo sestrsko prizorišče, kongresni center v Kuala Lumpurju (KLCC). Kongresni center KLCC je dobil nagrado v kategoriji »Najboljša akcija trženja blagovne znamke«, upravljajo pa ga strokovnjaki za prizorišča iz družbe AEG Ogden. »Prvo mesto v tako močni konkurenci je dokaz moči naše ekipe za trženje, ki jo vodita direktorica trženja Sue Hocking in Rochelle Uechtritz z oddelka za trženje pri AEG Ogden. »Naj bo nagrada MIMA 2009 prva izmed mnogih na naši poti do odprtja centra leta 2011,« je zaključil D'Arcy. Nagrade MIMA (Meetings Industry Marketing Awards) so luč sveta ugledale leta 2002 z namenom zviševanja standardov trženja v industriji srečanj in dogodkov – in kot priznanje tržnikom. Vse vloge pregleda neodvisna komisija strokovnjakov s področja industrije srečanj in predstavniki vodilnih kupcev. Ocenjevalni kriteriji obsegajo jasnost ciljev, strategijo akcije, ustvarjalnost, izvedbo akcije, uporabo proračuna in donosnost naložbe. Več informacij: Paul D’Arcy, generalni direktor, Qatar National Convention Centre, Doha, Qatar,

Kongresni center QNCC, ki bo svoja vrata odprl leta 2011 in bo stal približno 1,2 milijarde dolarjev, je član sklada Qatar Foundation. V kongresnem centru bodo večnamenska dvorana za 4.000 udeležencev ob kino postavitvi, trinadstropni avditorij ter dodatnih 57 prilagodljivih konferenčnih dvoran za različne dogodke. Na 40.000 kvadratnih metrih razstavnega prostora se razprostira devet dvoran, ki lahko sprejmejo do 10.000 udeležencev kongresa ali banketa. Kongresni center QNCC upravlja AEG Ogden, eden največjih strokovnjakov za upravljanje s kongresnimi zmogljivostmi.

Announced at a presentation dinner, the Qatar National Convention Centre won the gold in the category for Best Print Advertising Campaign and was finalist for Best Brand Marketing Campaign. On accepting the award, QNCC’s General Manager, Paul D’Arcy said that to achieve such accolades from our industry peers in our pre-opening phase is a credit to all concerned and especially to Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, Chairperson of the Qatar Foundation, for her support in selecting a brand platform that typifies the Centre’s landmark design and worldclass features. The initial concept of the QNCC’s brand development was led by the multidisciplinary design consultancy FITCH Qatar based at Doha’s Education City. “We are blessed with the incredible foresight of leading Japanese architect Arata Isozaki, who has proposed such an iconic building design that inspired FITCH’s creative directors to craft the overall brand development and realisation of our print media campaign,” D’Arcy added. The QNCC brand, the platform for all communication, was developed by combining heritage and modernity into a unique identity. QNCC’s signature entrance features the intertwined branches of the Sidra tree, a beloved icon in Qatari culture. It is treasured by the Bedouins, who gathered beneath its branches to discuss and impart knowledge. The QNCC’s logo and brand graphics are also symbolic of sidra branches. The QNCC was surrounded by a pool of well-established international venues and companies such as QNCC’s sister venue, the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC). The KLCC won Best Brand Marketing Campaign and is also managed by international venue specialist, AEG Ogden. “To win gold amongst such an impressive field is testament to the strength of our marketing team led by our Director of Sales, Sue Hocking and AEG Ogden Convention Centres Group Marketing, Rochelle Uechtritz. “Let this 2009 MIMA Award be known as the first of many in the lead up to our opening in 2011,” D’Arcy summed up. The Meetings Industry Marketing Awards (MIMA) was launched in 2002 to raise the standards of marketing in the meetings and events industry and to recognise the marketeers. All entries are reviewed by an independent judging panel made up of meetings industry experts and leading buyers. Scoring criteria includes the clarity of objectives, campaign strategy, creativity, campaign execution, the use of budget and return on investment.

For further information, please contact: Mr Paul D’Arcy, General Manager ,, Qatar National Convention Centre, Doha, Qatar ,

A member of the Qatar Foundation and opening in 2011, at a cost in the region of USD1.2 billion, the QNCC will feature a multi-purpose hall for 4,000 seated theatre style, a 2,300-seat lyric style three tiered auditorium and an additional 57 flexible meetings rooms to accommodate a wide range of events. Plus 40,000 m2 of exhibition space over nine halls, which will be adaptable to seat 10,000 for a conference or banquet. The QNCC is proudly managed by AEG Ogden, one of the largest facility and entertainment management specialists in the world.,,


Nova knjiga Roka Klančnika

New Book by Rok Klančnik

Krizni menedžment

Crisis Management

»Ne vprašajte, ali bi šlo v slovenskem turizmu kaj tudi narobe. Raje se vprašajte – kdaj in kje se bo to zgodilo.«

“Don’t ask yourself if something might go wrong in Slovenian tourism. Ask yourself when and where it will go wrong.”

Eden največjih zajcev (beri: problemov) slovenskega turizma je skrit prav v tem grmu: prepričani smo, da živimo v eni najbolj varnih držav na svetu in da je razvoj turizma povezan izključno z gospodarsko konjunkturo. Nevarnost terorizma, ki smo ji po vsem svetu priča od septembra 2001, pa zdravstvene pandemije, torej nastanek novih bolezni, naravne nesreče kot so požari, potresi, poplave …

One of the biggest difficulties (or problems) with Slovenian tourism lies precisely in the fact that we are convinced that we live in one of the safest countries in the world and that the development of tourism is related exclusively to economic conditions. Terrorist threats, which the world has been facing since September 2001, pandemics of new diseases, natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes and floods – we are only aware of these in the general social context and almost never link them to (national) tourism.

Vsega tega se zavedamo izključno v splošno-družbenem kontekstu in jih skorajda nikoli ne povezujemo z (nacionalnim) turizmom. Kot da se nas ne tičejo. Škoda. Če bi se knjiga »Krizni menedžment, upravljanje nevarnosti in krizno komuniciranje v turizmu« pojavila že pred nekaj leti, bi danes lahko mnogo bolje ravnali z učinki mednarodne gospodarske krize na slovenski turizem, pa tudi virus nove gripe A (H1N1) bi nas mnogo manj skrbel. In vedeli bi, da niti nova gripa, niti padci borznih indeksov še zdaleč niso tako nevarni za turistično prihodnost kot klimatske spremembe. Globalni turistični razvoj – s tem pa tudi slovenski turizem – je v zadnjem desetletju, obdobju, ki ga naposled tudi v Sloveniji prvič poimenujemo kot »nova normalnost« – odločno prerasel okvir gospodarskega sektorja. Turizem ni zgolj delovanje hotelov, organizatorjev potovanj in turističnih organizacij, temveč posega na skorajda vse ravni družbenega in celo tudi političnega življenja. Kakor koli že, vsaka stvar potrebuje svoj čas, da se razvije in zaživi. Enako je s prvo knjigo v Sloveniji, ki se ukvarja s kriznim menedžmentom in kriznim komuniciranjem v turizmu. Obravnava mednarodne krizne situacije, najboljše prakse reševanja težav, vendar pa je njen namen osvetliti predvsem specifiko turističnega razvoja v Sloveniji in bližnji okolici. Knjiga je izšla v trenutku, ko že vemo, kako se bo rešila mednarodna gospodarska kriza in ko nam je že jasno, kakšne učinke bo pustila nova gripa. Zdaj je med nami – vzemite jo v roko in od avtorja čez kakšno leto zahtevajte, da naj jo osveži in izda z novimi izkušnjami. Knjiga je namenjena vsakomur, ki se zaveda, da turizem ni zgolj poležavanje na plaži in štetje novcev za en dan smučanja v Kranjski gori. Predvsem pa vsem avtorjevim kolegom, ki jim ni vseeno. Stara kitajska beseda za krizo je namreč sestavljena iz dveh pismenk: nevarnost in priložnost.

It is as though they have nothing to do with us. That’s too bad. If Crisis Management, Risk Management and Crisis Communication in Tourism had been published some years ago, we would be much better at handling the effects of the international economic crisis on Slovenian tourism and we would also be much less worried about the new H1N1 virus. And we would also know that neither the new flu nor the plunging of the stock exchange indices are nearly as dangerous for the future of tourism as climate changes are. In the period of the last ten years, which is at last being called the “new normality” in Slovenia as well, the global development of tourism (and thus also Slovenian tourism) has decisively outgrown the framework of the economic sector. Tourism is not just the operation of hotels, travel organisers and tourist organisations but extends to almost all levels of social and even political life. Anyway, all things need some time to develop and come to life. It is the same with the first book in Slovenia to deal with crisis management and crisis communication in tourism. It deals with international crisis situations and best practices in problem solving while its main purpose is to shed light on the specifics of tourism development in Slovenia and its surroundings. The book was published at a time when it has become clear how the global economic crisis will be solved and when it is also clear what effects the new flu will have. It is here now – pick it up and, a year later, ask the author to freshen it up and publish it again in the light of new experiences. This book is for everyone who is aware that tourism is not merely lying on the beach and counting dimes for a day of skiing in Kranjska Gora. It is above all for all of the author’s colleagues who care. The ancient Chinese word for crisis is composed of two symbols: danger and opportunity.



Zelena srečanja / Green Events

Izračun ogljičnega odtisa za okolju prijazne dogodke v Nemčiji

Co2 Calculator for Climate-Friendly Events in Germany

Lutz P. Vogt, generalni direktor GCB:

Lutz P. Vogt , Managing Director of the GCB:

»Nemčija ima najboljše možnosti, da se uveljavi po vsem svetu kot vodilna destinacija za zelena srečanja«

“Germany has the best chances to establish itself world-wide among the leading destinations for green events.”

Nemški kongresni urad (GCB) in družba CO2OL, ki je ponudnik rešitev za okolju prijazna srečanja sta lansirala kalkulator za izračun ogljičnega odtisa kongresov in dogodkov. Kalkulator si lahko naložite na spletni strani in je na voljo vsem načrtovalcem dogodkov za izračun CO2 emisij in vplivov njihovega dogodka na podnebje.

The GCB German Convention Bureau and CO2OL, the solutions provider for climate-friendly meetings and events, are launching a calculator that identifies the carbon footprint of conventions, meetings and events. You will find a link to the CO2 Calculator on the GCB's website where it can be used by all meeting and event planners to calculate the CO2 emissions and climate impacts of their event.

Poleg izračuna ponuja še nasvete, kako zmanjšati emisije CO2. Emisije, ki se jim ne moremo izogniti, se lahko zmanjšajo s podporo certificiranim okoljskim projektom s ciljem, da bo vaš projekt klimatsko nevtralen. Istočasno je bila ustanovljena delovna skupina za oblikovanje smernic in navodil za zeleno kongresno industrijo Nemčije. Iniciativa GREEN MEETINGS & EVENTS je bila sprožena s strani kongresnega centra WorldCCBonn v času prvega nemškega simpozija. Združenje EVVC (European Association of Conference Centres) bo dogovorno za izvajanje projekta skupaj z Nemškim kongresnim uradom, Centrom za okoljske komunikacije in Nemško okoljevarstveno fundacijo ter številnimi neodvisnimi strokovnjaki.

Apart from calculating carbon footprints CO2OL offers detailed advice on how to reduce CO2 emissions. Unavoidable remaining emissions can be offset by certified climate protection projects in order to make your event »climateneutral«. At the same time, a new task force has been established to formulate new green guidelines for the meetings industry in Germany. ‘Green Meetings & Events’ was initiated by the WorldCCBonn after the first GreenMeetings Germany symposium. EVVC (the European Association of Conference Centres) will be responsible for implementation, working with the GCB and aided by the Centre for Environmental Communication and the German Environment Foundation as well as other independent experts.



Izzivalno / Tempting

Jih že imate? / Have You Already Got One? Vam dovolj pogosto pade sekira v med? Izdelek Sekira v medu predstavlja znan slovenski pregovor »Naj ti sekira pade v med«. V kozarec medu je potopljena sekira iz čebeljega voska, kozarec pa je vložen v tulec, ki predstavlja imitacijo drevesnega debla, kjer so čebele nabrale med. Izdelku je priložena knjižica Zgodba o medu v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Izdelek je zelo primerno darilo za vse, ki jim želimo nekaj dobrega.

Does Your Axe Fall in Honey Often Enough? The Axe in Honey product represents a famous Slovenian saying: “May your axe fall in honey” (luck and happiness should find you in your private and business life as often as possible). An axe made of bee wax is submerged in a glass jar of honey and the jar is housed in a case representing an imitation of the tree from which the bees gathered the honey. The product is completed by the Story of Honey booklet in Slovenian and English. This is an appropriate present for wishing someone all the best.

Dogodek od A do Ž

Events from A to Z

Avtorji: Žiga Novak, Edi Bubnič, Maša Budnar, Marjeta Erjavec, Boštjan Grešak, Viktorija Hodža Frelih, Jadranka Jezeršek Turnes, Alma Lisec, Mateja Markič, Petra Mlakar, Maja Prebil, Darja Remic, Miran Vršec, Borut Zajc

Authors: Žiga Novak, Edi Bubnič, Maša Budnar, Marjeta Erjavec, Boštjan Grešak, Viktorija Hodža Frelih, Jadranka Jezeršek Turnes, Alma Lisec, Mateja Markič, Petra Mlakar, Maja Prebil, Darja Remic, Miran Vršec, Borut Zajc

Ali ste vedeli, da: • so poslovni dogodki najučinkovitejša metoda za prepričevanje (takoj za osebno prodajo)? • so najpogostejši dogodki komercialni in korporativni dogodki, njihovo število pa se bo še večalo? • zavarovalnice povrnejo škodo zaradi padavin le, če je v pogodbi o zavarovanju natančno opredeljena količina padavin in če dejanske padavine dosežejo to količino? • so mediji bolj naklonjeni športnim in kulturnim dogodkom, ki nimajo neposrednega motiva po ustvarjanju dobička? • so knjigo Dogodek od A do Ž napisali najvidnejši slovenski strokovnjaki za teorijo in prakso dogodkov, uredili in izdali pa so jo v podjetju, ki vsako leto pripravi več kot 300 dogodkov za različne ciljne skupine?

Did you know that: • business events are the most efficient method of persuasion (second only to personal sale)? • the most common types of events are commercial and corporative events and their numbers are expected to grow? • insurance houses only reimburse damages due to atmospheric precipitation if the insurance contract exactly determines the quantity of precipitation and if the actual precipitation reaches this quantity? • the media is more inclined towards sports and cultural events that do not have the direct motive of generating profit? • the book Events from A to Z was written by the most prominent Slovenian experts in the theory and practice of events and it was edited and published by a company that each year puts on over 300 events for different target groups?

Biblija za vse profesionalne in ljubiteljske organizatorje! php?page=shop&iid=1748


The Bible for all professional and hobby organisers! php?page=shop&iid=1748

Vas mika sanjsko potovanje? Iščete pustolovščine? Našli jih boste na lovu na bele medvede na Aljaski ali na trekingu po Nepalu. Vas bolj mika razkošje? Vkrcajte se na Orient Express in potujte od Benetk do Londona v velikem slogu. Želite pretakanje adrenalina? Spustite se po najdaljši smučarski progi na svetu nad Chamonixom. Se počutite duhovno osvobojeni? Sledite Jacku Kerouacu in prepotujte od enega konca Združenih držav do drugega. Vabljeni na kulinarična in vinska potovanja, od nabiranja tartufov v Italiji do nakupovanja sestavin za suši na Japonskem. In če hrepenite po kulturi, jo odkrijte v starodavnem Egiptu, antični Grčiji, mavrski Španiji ali renesančni Italiji.

Are You Tempted by Journeys of a Lifetime? Looking for adventure? Find it on an Alaskan polar bear safari or trekking in the mountains of Nepal. Fancy a bit of luxury? Travel from Venice to London in grand style on the Orient Express. For an adrenaline rush, zoom down the world’s longest ski run in Chamonix. Feeling spiritually liberated? Follow Jack Kerouac's American journey. Experience culinary and wine journeys, from picking truffles in Italy to buying sushi ingredients in Japan. If you crave culture, unearth the secrets of ancient Egypt or classical Greece, Moorish Spain or Renaissance Italy.

Garmin nüvi 1250 With its enhanced pedestrian navigation capabilities, the Garmin nüvi 1250 is the perfect travel companion for getting around town. Download optional cityXplorer™ content to help you plan and navigate your route. These routes include public transport options like the tramway, bus, metro and even suburban railways. The Garmin nüvi 1250 comes with preinstalled maps of Europe, a Slovenian menu and voice guidance. Use the EcoRoute function and save fuel and money. The Garmin nüvi 1250 comes with a twoyear guarantee.

Garmin nüvi 1250 Navigator za osebna vozila je idealen za navigacijo pešcev preko opcijskih »CityXplorer« kart, ki omogočajo načrtovanje in uporabo načrtovane poti. Vključujejo tudi možnosti uporabe javnega prevoza – avtobusa, metroja, tramvaja in predmestnih železniških sistemov. Prednaložena je cestna kartografija Evrope, slovenski meniji in govorno usmerjanje. EcoRoute funkcija omogoča prihranek goriva in denarja. Dve leti garancije.


Kolumna: Rok V. Klančnik

Pogled v kristalno kroglo Letos smo doživeli turistični »blood, sweat and tears«, kot bi dejal Churchill. Kar pa nas kolumniste revije – hej! – »Kongres« najbolj boli, je dejstvo, da mednarodna gospodarska kriza najbolj žre svoje najbolj pridne otroke: turistični segment organizatorjev srečanj in motivacijskih potovanj. Toda zdaj gremo lahko naprej. Industrijska proizvodnja in rast bruto domačega proizvoda v Evropi so se že prebarvali iz rdečih številk v črne. Spet lahko malo zadihamo, saj so kratkoročne napovedi, ki so jih na pravkar minuli londonski Svetovni turistični borzi predstavili predstavniki Svetovne turistične organizacije, pa Euromonitorja, WTTC in še nekaj manj uglednih poznavalcev, pozitivne. Najboljši približek resnici vseh teh, z dobrim denarjem in nameni podprtih raziskav, je tisti, ki nastane takrat, ko vse njihove podatke vržeš v en lonec, dodaš »grano salis« (zrno soli oziroma v našem primeru malo dvoma) in dobiš okusno enolončnico. Skupno vsem predstavljenim napovedim je, da je imela kriza obliko črke V (v nasprotju z U-jem ali celo W-jem) in da smo na dobri poti ozdravitve. Vendar pa je bil udarec hud in stanje se bo povrnilo na predkrizno raven šele leta 2013. Ozdravitev v turistično razvitih državah bo še dolga in boleča, prav tako to velja za industrijo srečanj. Mnogo hitreje pa bodo rasli kazalci v destinacijah v razvoju. Slovenija je … nekje vmes – med novinci v turizmu in zrelimi (lepša beseda za »ostarele«) destinacijami. Slednja si še nekaj časa ne želimo biti. Ker se je v zadnjem desetletju v turizem prelilo toliko sveže krvi (destinacije v vzhodni Evropi, zlasti pa v Aziji, na Bližnjem vzhodu in Afriki), je množični turizem španskega, italijanskega, francoskega, britanskega tipa resno zbolel in je na smrtni postelji. Ekskluzivni, pa tudi turizem srečanj, sta postala široko dostopna, vendar pa zahtevata spoštovanje trajnostnih meril. Naj spomnim na mantro: varovanje okolja, ohranitev lokalnih kultur in medčloveško spoštovanje (socialni odnosi). Čestitke Slovenski turistični organizaciji, ki je to temo postavila v središče svojega letošnjega Foruma, ki je dejansko konvencija naše turistične industrije. To je naš majhen, a pomemben odgovor na Kopenhagensko konferenco OZN o klimatskih spremembah. Pozitivne napovedi predvidevajo tudi prilagodljivost turističnih sektorjev – zlasti hotelov in organizatorjev potovanj ter kongresov – na dokaj nizko potrošniško zaupanje, še več možnosti za izgubo službe (te nevarnosti konec krize ni odpravil), večanje javnega dolga v vsem razvitem svetu in s tem višje davke, pa staranje prebivalstva in tako naprej. Turistični ponudniki se morajo torej zavedati, da bo hotel turist imeti še več za svoj denar. Mislili smo, da bo taisti turist z uvedbo nizko cenovnih letalskih linij zadovóljen in zadovoljén. Figo. On(a) hoče še več in bo to tudi dobil(a), če ne pri nas, pa kje drugje. V svetu še nikoli ni bilo toliko turističnih destinacij, za lenuharjenje, smučanje ali za kongres.


Še več: ponekod, zlasti tam, kjer je delovna sila poceni, si danes že »čisto navaden« turist lahko privošči luksuzni turistični proizvod. Tisti, ki smo jih nekdaj poznali kot »bogate« (affluent) turiste, se poslej imenujejo »über-rich« in pravzaprav ne iščejo več tradicionalnih prestižnih proizvodov, temveč avtentične, čustvene, čiste in skrite pred očmi preštevilnih. Prilagodljivost v novih razmerah seže celo do oblikovanja novih tipov hotelirstva. Taki so na primer »instant hoteli« (pop-up hotels), ki jih čez noč zgradijo tam, kjer je to zanimivo in jih takrat, ko ne služijo nikomur več, preprosto podrejo in zgradijo kje drugje. Če smo že pred nekaj leti govorili o segmentu »money-rich, time-poor«, o ljudeh, ki imajo denar, toda nič časa, pa imamo zdaj opravka tudi z ljudmi, ki pa so »money-poor, time-rich«. Na prvi pogled nas ti res ne zanimajo, toda pozor!, gre za ljudi, ki so izgubili nemara dobro plačano službo, so zdaj – ne brezposelni, toda »between the jobs« in jo bodo kmalu spet imeli. V tem času pa bi se radi nekje, toda ne doma, malo spočili in si nabrali svežih moči. V Ameriki temu pravijo »funemployment«. Dobra novica je tako imenovan »učinek stisnjenih ustnic«, ki je viden tudi pri nas: kljub gospodarski krizi in novi gripi se obisk golf igrišč in naravnih zdravilišč ter centrov dobrega počutja še povečuje. Še nekaj trendov: dame in gospodje, predstavljam vam – prvič v Sloveniji – strokovno besedo »glamping«. Gre za kampiranje, toda ne kakršno koli, temveč luksuzno. Prava stvar za nas, tudi za motivacijska potovanja. Hudo zanimive so tudi dolge počitnice, celo mesec ali več mesecev (staycations); podobna so tudi študijska potovanja (»sabbaticals«, tudi »hiatus«) in pa nano-počitnice, ki so seveda še krajše od kratkih počitnic. Kdor samo prebere in o prečitanem tudi malo ne razmisli, naj gre raje reševat križanko. Avtor se tudi opravičujem, ker sem uporabil toliko angleških besed, toda … mnogih v mojem materinem jeziku še ni. Skratka, življenje se je nekoliko spremenilo in z njim naša industrija. Kristalna krogla se lepo sveti. Pozitivne napovedi pa bodo torej veljale samo v primeru, če smo se iz kriznih razmer kaj naučili. Če bomo še naprej kot noj tiščali glavo v pesek … bo slabo. Tem priporočam novo knjigo – ki jo je izdal izdajatelj Kongresa – pod naslovom Krizni menedžment, upravljanje nevarnosti in krizno komuniciranje v turizmu.

Column: Rok V. Klančnik

A Look into the Crystal Ball This year, tourism faced “blood, sweat and tears” as Churchill would say. What the Kongres magazine columnists are upset about most is the fact that the global economic crisis is eating its most diligent children: the tourist segment of meetings and incentive organisers. But now we can move on. Figures for industrial production and the growth of domestic production in Europe have already turned from red to black. We can start breathing again, as the short-term predictions that representatives of the World Tourism Organisation, Euromonitor, WTTC and other less known experts presented at the recently concluded World Travel Market, are positive. The best approximation to the truth of all these research studies, all been supported by good money and intentions, can be found if we throw all the information into one pot, add some “grano salis” (a grain of salt or, in our case, some doubt) and you have a tasty stew. All the predictions agree that the crisis was shaped like a V (and not a U or even a W) and that we are on the way to recovery. The blow was however hard and the situation will not return to the pre-crisis level until 2013. In countries with a developed tourism and meetings industry, the recovery will be long and painful. Indexes will grow much faster in developing destinations. Slovenia is somewhere in between – in tourism we are somewhere between the novices and the mature (a friendlier word for the aged) destinations. We do not wish to be the latter for quite some time. With so much new blood coming to tourism in the last decade (destinations in Eastern Europe, and especially in Asia, the Middle East and Africa), the mass tourism of the Spanish, Italian, French and British type caught a serious illness and is now on its deathbed. Exclusive tourism and the meetings industry have become widely available but they also require the observation of sustainability criteria. Allow us to remind you of the mantra: environmental protection, the preservation of local culture and interpersonal respect (social relations). Congratulations to the Slovenian Tourist Board, which positioned this topic at the centre of this year's Tourism Forum, which is in itself a convention of our tourism. This is our small but important answer to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. These positive predictions also foresee the adaptability of the tourist sectors, especially hotels and trip and congress organisers, to a relatively low consumer trust, even more possibilities of losing one’s job (this is a danger that the end of the crisis has not eliminated), an increase in public debt throughout the developed world and consequently higher taxes, the aging of the population and similar things. Providers of tourist services must therefore be aware that the tourist will want to receive even more for his money. We believed that this same tourist would be pleased and satisfied with low cost airlines. Not a bit. He wants even more and he will get even more – if not from us then from someone else. There have

never been so many tourist destinations for lazing around in, skiing or organising congresses. There is more. In places with a cheap workforce, a "regular" tourist can afford a luxurious tourist product. Those who used to be known as affluent tourists are now called “über-rich” and are not even searching for traditional prestigious products anymore but for those that are authentic, emotional, pure and hidden from the eyes of the masses. Adaptability to these new circumstances even reaches as far as the formation of new hotel types – such as the pop-up hotels, which are built overnight when needed and, when they have served their purpose, they are simply taken down and constructed somewhere else. If, years ago, we talked about money-rich and time-poor people, we are now dealing with money-poor and time-rich ones. Maybe we are not interested in these people at first glance, but beware! These are people who lost a (probably) well-paid job and are now not unemployed but between jobs and will soon have a new one. During this time, they would like to rest and gather their strength somewhere other than home. In America, they call this funemployment. The good news is the so-called “squeezed lips effect”, which is also evident in Slovenia: despite the economic crisis and the new flu, golf courses, spas and wellness centres are increasing their number of guests. Let me even give you some more trends: ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce – for the first time in Slovenia – the professional word glamping. This is camping but not just any kind of camping – this is luxurious camping. This is a thing for us and also for incentive programmes. Another interesting fact are long vacations lasting for a month or even months (staycations), study trips (sabbaticals or hiatus) and nano-breaks, which are even shorter than breaks. Those who only read this without giving it some though would do better to go and solve a crossword puzzle. I apologize for using so many English terms in the Slovenian text but many of these words have not yet entered my mother tongue. In short, life has changed and our industry has changed with it. The crystal ball shines brightly. These positive predictions will, however, only hold water if we have learned something from the latest crisis. If we continue to bury our heads in the sand, things aren’t looking good. To all these, I recommend a new book published by the publisher of the Kongres magazine – Crisis Management, Risk Management and Crisis Communication in Tourism. Rok V. Klančnik Slovenski turistični urad Benelux Slovenian Tourist office in Brussels


Industrija srečanj v letu 2010 zasesti zmogljivosti azijskih letalskih prevoznikov in hitrorastočih letališč. Azijska podjetja bodo prav tako iskala priložnost pritegniti dogodke, lastnike in načrtovalce dogodkov ter kongresne centre iz razvitih tržišč.

Brezplačno ali fantastično Rohit Talwar, futurist svetovnega merila in strateg industrije srečanj, je pripravil deset napovedi za industrijo srečanj v letu 2010. 1. Eksplozija novih izdelkov Priča bomo izjemnemu povečanju števila različno velikih, novih dogodkov v različnih sektorjih. Zamisli, ki smo jih v letu 2009 potisnili na stran, bodo našle svojo pot na tržišče. Kongresni centri, prizorišča in večji načrtovalci dogodkov lahko področje s svojimi javnimi in specializiranimi dogodki zelo dobro preverijo. 2. Poglobitev Dogodke, ki potekajo v živo, bodo popestrile številne nove tehnologije, ki bodo še poglobile izkušnje delegatov. Prodajalci in inovatorji z veseljem razkazujejo svojo ponudbo in tako cena tehnologij, ki jih lahko vključimo v dogodke, pogosto pada. Primeri takšnih tehnologij so virtualna resničnost, 3D-televizija, 4D-izkušnje in hologrami, ki se jih lahko dotikamo. V obliki obiskovalcev, ki zagotavljajo vizualno prekrivanje dodatnih informacij z resničnimi objekti, kot so govorci in razstavni predmeti, se bo pojavila tudi nadgrajena resničnost. 3. Zmigaj se ali pa umri Učinki gospodarske krize bodo postali občutni. Veliki dogodki, načrtovani za leto 2010, ki so bili odpovedani zaradi recesije, ne bodo nadomeščeni in neodločne stranke bi lahko še naprej vplivale na padanje cen. V verigi vrednosti bomo priča valu opustitev poslovanja, združitev in prevzemov, ko se bo industrija pričela krčiti na zdravo jedro. 4. Več, krajše, ceneje in hitreje Medtem ko upanje na popolno gospodarsko okrevanje raste, se povečujejo tudi pričakovanja prihodnjih težav. Podjetja bodo nemirna in se bodo obrnila na dohodke – kot gonilno silo za nove priložnosti. Pričakujemo veliko več krajših korporativnih dogodkov, s čimer se bo zmanjšala odsotnost delegatov z delovnega mesta. Lahko se zgodi, da bodo takšni dogodki imeli tudi nižje proračune, saj oddelki za trženje poskušajo kar najbolj raztegniti svoja sredstva. Najverjetneje bodo tudi obvestila o takšnih dogodkih prihajala vedno kasneje, saj se bodo pojavljali obupani poskusi v zadnjem trenutku doseči četrtletne cilje. 5. Izgubljeni in morda pozabljeni Leto 2009 je bilo priča odpovedi vrste dogodkov in razstav – pogosto tik pred zdajci. Kljub upanju, da se bodo ti dogodki vrnili v letu 2010, pa se v večini primerov to ne bo zgodilo. Tisti, ki so del vrednostne verige teh odpovedanih dogodkov, bodo morali poiskati alternativne priložnosti za uporabo neizkoriščenega človeškega potenciala in prostorskih zmogljivosti. 6. Azija v lovu na zlato Leto 2010 bo priča številnim azijskim dogodkom, ki se bodo razširili in ciljali na mednarodne obiskovalce. Vlade bodo zagotovile znatno pomoč in pomagale pritegniti večje število mednarodnih gostov,


7. Skupni dogodki Medsebojno nekonkurenčna podjetja in združenja bi lahko pogosteje začela skupaj pripravljati dogodke. Tako bi se na primer združila IT in farmacevtsko podjetje, ki bi lahko svojo konferenco vzporedno organizirala na istem prizorišču. S sodelovanjem se na tak način zniža cena prizorišča. Stojnice s hrano in pijačo bi lahko bile skupne (s porazdeljenimi premori in časi za kosilo), kar bi olajšalo pripravo in hkrati znižalo stroške. Znižajo se lahko tudi stroški avdio- in vizualne opreme. Podjetja lahko najamejo enega ponudnika z isto postavitvijo, lahko pa celo organizirajo skupne predstavitve in programe poučevanja veščin, s čimer lahko zmanjšajo stroške govornikov. 8. Umik javnega sektorja Skupni državni dolg držav G6 bo v letu 2010 najverjetneje presegel 100 % njihovega skupnega BDP-ja. Nižanje stroškov v javnem sektorju je neizogibno. Udarec, ki ga bo to nižanje povzročilo dogodkom v javnem sektorju, bi lahko bil ogromen. Vendar pa se lahko še pred zaključkom letošnjega poslovnega leta pojavi kratkoročno divje trošenje, saj se bodo organizacije v javnem sektorju pri neporabljenih sredstvih iz proračuna soočile z izbiro »porabi ali izgubi«. 9. Načrtovalci pod pritiskom V času krize so številne korporacije in agencije za dogodke odpustile svoje zaposlene in na tržišču se je posledično pojavilo veliko samozaposlenih načrtovalcev dogodkov, ki se borijo za svoj delež posla. To bo še dodatno obremenilo cene. Prav tako bodo številni kongresni centri poskušali okrepiti svoje ekipe za načrtovanje dogodkov, saj bodo tako lahko ponudili celovitejšo storitev. Mnogi se bodo razširili in tako neposredno tekmovali z načrtovalci dogodkov ter poskušali pridobiti dogodek neposredno s strani končnega kupca – in ne bodo čakali na prošnjo načrtovalca za predračun. 10. Brezplačno ali fantastično Brezplačna orodja promocije dogodkov na spletu so pomagala izjemno povečati število dogodkov v ponudbi. Večina jih poteka zvečer, pogosto na poceni ali celo brezplačnih prizoriščih, ki jih podarijo sponzorji. Podobno kot se je zgodilo s spletnimi ponudniki vsebin, konkurenca in izbira kupcev ceno za te dogodke zbija proti ničli. Edina možnost je, da ponudite resnično fantastično vsebino, ki so jo kupci pripravljeni plačati. Namesto tega dogodki postajajo orodje za razvoj blagovne znamke, promocijo podjetja in ustvarjanje stikov. Nekaj srečnih bo morda le našlo sponzorje. Rohit Talwar Fast Future, izvršni direktor

Rohit Talwar je futurist svetovnega merila in izvršni direktor družbe Fast Future Research. Njegova posebnost so raziskave, svetovanje in predavanja o prihodnosti potovanj, turizma in industrije srečanj. Pravkar je zaključil študijo o potovanjih v letu 2015 in trenutno izvaja velik raziskovalni projekt o kongresnih centrih v letu 2020. Predaval, svetoval in raziskoval je v več kot štiridesetih državah in za svoja predavanja prejel že številne nagrade.

Meetings industry in 2010

Free or Fantastic Rohit Talwar, a global futurist and meetings industry strategist outlines his top 10 forecasts for the industry in 2010. 1. New Product Explosion – We will see a massive expansion in new event launches of varying sizes across multiple sectors. Ideas put on hold in 2009 are now being brought to the market. Convention centres, venues and larger meeting planners could increasingly test the water by creating their own public and specialist events. 2. Immerse Me – A number of exciting technological developments will make their way into live events to help create a more immersive delegate experience. Vendors and innovators are keen to showcase their offerings and therefore the price of bringing such technologies into an event is falling in many cases. Examples include virtual reality, 3D television, 4D experiences and touchable holograms. Augmented reality will also hit the street in the form of visors that provide a visual overlay of additional information on top of real world objects such as speakers and exhibition displays. 3. Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying – The effects of the downturn will begin to bite. Big events for 2010 that were cancelled during the downturn may not be replaced and hesitant customers could continue to exert a downward pressure on price. We will see a wave of closures, mergers and acquisitions across the value chain as the industry landscape begins a shake out. 4. More, Shorter, Cheaper and Faster – While hopes for a full economic recovery are rising, expectations for further turbulence are also increasing. Businesses will be nervous and will look to events to drive opportunities. We expect to see a lot more shorterduration corporate events being run to reduce the time attendees spend away from their desks. There could be lower budgets for each event like this as marketing departments seek to stretch their resources. The notice period for these events is also likely to get ever-shorter as desperate last minute attempts are made to hit quarterly targets. 5. Gone and Maybe Forgotten – 2009 saw a rash of events and exhibition cancellations – often at short notice. Despite hopes to the contrary, many will not return in 2010. Those involved in the value chain for these cancelled events will need to seek alternative opportunities to occupy unused human or physical capacity. 6. Asia Goes for Gold – 2010 will see a number of Asian events expand their scale and target a more global visitor base. Governments will provide strong backing to help increase international visitor numbers and to fill the capacity of Asian airlines and the rapidly expanding airports that serve them. Asian businesses will also be on the lookout to acquire events, event owners, planners and convention centres in more developed markets. 7. Shared Events – Non-competing corporations and associations could increasingly partner for their events. E.g. a pharmaceutical and IT company joining together to run their internal conferences

Rohit Talwar is a global futurist and the CEO of Fast Future Research – he specialises in researching, consulting on and speaking about the future of travel, tourism and the meetings industry. He has just completed a study on 2015 travel and is currently running a major research programme on the 2020 Convention Centres. He has spoken, consulted and undertaken research in over 40 countries and is an award winning keynote speaker. in parallel at the same venue. Working together, they can drive down rates for the venue. Food and beverage stations can be shared with staggered break and meal times to reduce set-up and take down costs. They may also reduce AV costs by having a single supplier with the same staging, and share keynote sessions and some skills training breakouts in order to cut speaker costs. 8. Public Sector Retreat – The accumulated national debt of the G6 economies is expected to rise above 100% of their collective GDP in 2010. Cuts in public sector budgets are inevitable in many economies. The knock on effects for public sector events could be immense. However, there may be a short term spending frenzy before the current financial year ends as public sector organisations face the choice of ‘use it or lose it’ on any unspent budgets. 9. Planners Under Pressure – With many corporations and events agencies making event planning staff redundant in the downturn, there are a number of new self-employed planners on the market competing for business. This will put further pressure on the rates. In addition, many convention centres will look to build up their in-house planning teams so they can offer a broader service to win events business. Many will increase their efforts to compete directly with planners to secure an event from the end client, rather than hope for the planner’s request for a quotation. 10. Free or Fantastic – Free online event promotion tools have helped drive a massive explosion in the number of events on offer. Most are run in the evenings, often hosted in cheap or no cost alternative ‘venues’ donated by sponsors. Much like what happened to content providers on the web, competition and customer choice drives the price down towards zero for these events unless you can provide truly ‘fantastic’ content that customers are willing to pay for. Instead, the events become a tool for brand building, business promotion and contact generation. The lucky few may find sponsors. Rohit Talwar Fast Future, CEO


Conventa 2010

Priznanje Akademije Conventa –

izkoristite priložnost! Vas zanima organizacija dogodkov, konferenc, kongresov ali motivacijskih dogodkov? Iščete priložnost za začetek svoje poklicne poti na področju kongresnega turizma? Komaj čakate, da bi lahko pokazali svojo kreativnost in nadarjenost? Priznanje Akademije Conventa študentom ponuja dragocen vpogled v načrtovanje dogodkov, konferenc, kongresov ali motivacijskih dogodkov in jih tako spodbuja, da vstopijo na področje kongresnega turizma. Ponuja znanje in možnosti mreženja, s čimer študentom olajša njihov začetek dela v kongresni dejavnosti.

Ali ste oziroma še boste v letu 2009 izpeljali drzen in inovativen projekt s področja kongresne dejavnosti? Priznanje Akademije Conventa išče odgovor na vprašanje: »Katera je najuspešnejša rešitev, izviren koncept ali kreativna ideja, uresničena na področju kongresne dejavnosti v jugovzhodni Evropi v letu 2009?« Priznanje Akademije Conventa išče najboljšo inovacijo s področja kongresne dejavnosti, ki predstavlja del strategije, kako povečati prepoznavnost kongresne ponudbe destinacije.

Kongresna inovacija Ciljna skupina: ponudniki kongresnih storitev in produktov

Kreativni predlog Ciljna skupina: študenti iz jugovzhodne Evrope med 18. in 26. letom starosti. Predmet natečaja: priprava ponudbe za organizacijo družabnega dogodka.

Predmet natečaja: inovacija s področja kongresne dejavnosti v letu 2009 Rok za prijavo: 29. november 2009 Sponzor natečaja:

Rok za prijavo: 29. november 2009. Sponzor natečaja:

Za več informacij obiščite akademija-conventa/priznanje-akademije-conventa/


Za napredek v kongresni industriji

Združujemo strokovnjake, vodstvene kadre ter izvajalce v kongresni dejavnosti z namenom, da delijo znanje, izkušnje in dobre prakse. Tako želimo prispevati k profesionalizaciji in nadaljnjemu razvoju dejavnosti v regiji. Poleg tega, da spodbujamo pretok znanja znotraj kongresnega trga z izobraževalnimi seminarji, želimo vanj privabiti tudi nove, ambiciozne kadre z nagradnim natečajem »Priznanje Akademije Conventa«.

Le skupaj lahko postanemo kongresna destinacija »per se«!

For Progress in the Meetings Industry

The Conventa Academy unites professionals, executives and providers from the meetings industry with the aim of sharing their knowledge, experiences and good practice examples. This will be the Conventa Academy’s contribution to the professionalisation and further development of activity in the region. The Academy facilitates the flow of knowledge within the meetings industry and also wishes to attract new and ambitious people with the Academy Conventa Award.

Only together we can become a meetings destination per se! 49

Conventa 2010

The Academy Conventa Award -

Seize The Opportunity! Are you interested in organizing events, conferences, congresses or incentives?

Are you a meetings industry professional with a bold and inventive project?

Cannot wait to show your creativity and prove your talent?

The Academy Conventa Award seeks to recognize outstanding innovation in the area of the meetings industry involving a strategy for promoting a respective destination. The Conventa Award Academy is searching for an answer to the question: “Which is the most successful solution, exceptional concept or creative idea developed in the meetings industry of SouthEast Europe in 2009?�

Are you looking for an opportunity to start your career in the meetings industry? The Academy Conventa Award provides students with a valuable insight into planning events, conferences, congresses or incentives and thus encourages them to enter the meetings industry. It offers knowledge and networking opportunities to facilitate the start of their professional career in the industry.

Creative bid Target audience: Students of South-East Europe from 18 to 26 years of age

Meetings industry innovation Target audience: Meetings industry professionals Subject: Innovation in the meetings industry in 2009 Closing date for application submissions: 29 November 2009 Awards sponsor:

Task: Bid for a social event Closing date for application submissions: 29 November 2009 Awards sponsor:

For more information, please visit academy-conventa/academy-conventa-award/


Boasting a renovated conference and event hall, new Superior line rooms and a new a la carte restaurant (opening in October), Hotel Lev is becoming an important destination for business and conference guests.

Hotel Lev s prenovljeno veliko kongresnoprireditveno dvorano, novimi superior sobami in oktobra na novo odprto à la carte restavracijo postaja pomembno zbirališče poslovnih in kongresnih gostov.

Guests staying in Superior rooms can choose the firmness of their mattress and pillow, enjoy views of the town or the park and attend to their work in comfortable working chairs and large desks featuring the latest in multimedia technology and wireless internet.

V superior sobah in apartmajih lahko izbirate med različnimi trdotami ležišča in vzglavnika, uživate v razgledih na mesto ali park, lažje opravljate poslovna opravila v udobnem naslanjaču in ob velikem delovnem pultu z najnaprednejšo multimedijsko opremo in brezžičnim internetom.

Guests in Superior rooms are also in for VIP treatment, the deluxe breakfast in the new restaurant, free transfert around town and many other benefits...

Poleg tega boste v superior sobah deležni posebne VIP-obravnave, nadstandardnega zajtrka v novi restavraciji, brezplačnih prevozov po mestu Ljubljana in še marsičesa …

Keep an eye out for promotional packages on the hotel’s website.

Spremljajte promocijske pakete na spletni strani hotela.

Hotel Lev d.d., Vošnjakova ulica 1, SI - 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, T: +386 1 433 21 55, E:,


Conventa 2010

Conventa – priložnost za kongresno dejavnost jugovzhodne Evrope “Večina organizatorjev dogodkov ne zna postaviti Slovenije na zemljevid, kaj šele Črne Gore. Ne poznajo niti imen sedaj samostojnih držav niti njihovih prestolnic. Tako se tudi ne zavedajo, kaj vse jugovzhodna Evropa nudi,” pojasnjuje Paul Kennedy, MBE, bivši direktor srečanj in dogodkov pri Reed Travel Exhibitions. Druga borza Conventa je torej pravi odgovor na največji izziv, s katerim se sooča naša regija. Največji poznavalci kongresne dejavnosti v jugovzhodni Evropi menijo, da le-ta predstavlja priložnost za gospodarstva in povečanje prepoznavnosti ter konkurenčnosti posameznih držav in s tem celotne regije. Zavod-kongresnoturistični urad je zato lani prevzel pobudo pri povezovanju nacionalnih in mestnih kongresnih uradov iz regije. Številne destinacije so namreč premajhne, da bi lahko same nosile breme stroškov pridobivanja novih poslov, zato vzpostavljajo partnerski model s sorodnimi destinacijami. »Povezovanje ni le koristno, temveč nujno potrebno,« pritrjuje Janez Pergar, nekdanji predsednik uprave družbe Kompas.

Organizator: Kontaktna oseba: Miha Kovačič, Soorganizatorji in mednarodni partnerji: Slovenska turistična organizacija, Zavod za turizem Ljubljana, Gospodarsko razstavišče, HelmsBriscoe, EIBTM - Reed Travel Exhibitions, MPI, ICCA Regionalni partnerji: Hrvaški kongresni urad, Kongresni urad Črne Gore, Kongresni urad Srbije, Turistični urad mesta Opatija, Turistični urad mesta Reka, Turistični urad mesta Zagreb, Turistični urad mesta Dubrovnik in Neretvanske županije, Turistična organizacija mesta Beograd, Zavod za turizem Maribor Tehnični organizator: Go.Mice Medijski partnerji: BBT Online, CAT Publications, Ediman, Kongres, Meetings International, Turizam Info, TW Media

Borza Conventa, ki se uveljavlja kot najpomembnejša poslovna prireditev na področju kongresnega turizma v jugovzhodni Evropi, bo v letu 2010 ponovno združila preko 80 ponudnikov kongresnih storitev iz te regije in 150 izbranih organizatorjev dogodkov iz cele Evrope. Le-ti bodo navezovali poslovne stike na vnaprej dogovorjenih individualnih sestankih, namenjenih spoznavanju ponudbe in povpraševanja. Tako “borza Conventa odpira nove promocijske, trženjske in prodajne poti za kongresne produkte te regije,” pravi Barbara Vajda, direktorica Zavoda za turizem Ljubljana. Z naraščajočim zavedanjem priložnosti, ki jih prinaša kongresna dejavnost, se je število kongresnih centrov, hotelov, profesionalnih kongresnih organizatorjev, DMC agencij ter nacionalnih in mestnih kongresnih uradov, gospodarski krizi navkljub, precej povečalo, kar dokazuje število do oktobra prijavljenih razstavljavcev. Pomembni novosti Convente 2010 sta Mesto kongresnih storitev in izobraževalni program Akademije Conventa. Prva, ki je odgovor na naraščajoč pomen tehnologije in razvoja vedno novih pristopov pri organizaciji učinkovitih in donosnih dogodkov, bo predstavila ponudnike tehnološke opreme, kongresnih in promocijskih materialov, informacijske tehnologije in sistemov, marketinga in produkcije dogodkov. Druga - Akademija Conventa, se s sklopom izobraževalnih seminarjev osredotoča na profesionalizacijo in nadaljnji razvoj kongresne dejavnosti s spodbujanjem pretoka znanja in izkušenj. Nagradni natečaj »Priznanje Akademije Conventa« želi privabiti nove, ambiciozne kadre in jim nudi priložnost, da s svežim pristopom soustvarijo mednarodno prepoznaven kongresni produkt regije jugovzhodne Evrope in s tem povečajo njen tržni delež.


Odkrivaj. Spoznavaj. Ustvarjaj.

An Opportunity for the Meetings Activity of Southeast Europe “The majority of event organisers do not know where to find Slovenia on the map and even less know how to find Montenegro. They do not even know the names of the now independent countries or their capitals. They are also not aware of what Southeast Europe has to offer,” says Paul Kennedy, MBE, former meetings and events director of Reed Travel Exhibitions. The second Conventa exhibition is therefore the right answer to the biggest challenge our region has to face. Connoisseurs of the meetings activity in Southeast Europe say that the region represents an opportunity for its economies and to increase the recognition and competitiveness of individual countries and, consequently, of the entire region. Last year, the Slovenian Convention Bureau took the initiative and united the region’s national and local convention bureaus. Numerous destinations are too small to carry the costs of acquiring new business deals on their own so a partnership model with related destinations is being established. “These ties are not only useful but also necessary,” says Janez Pergar, former Kompas chairman of the board.

Organiser: The Slovenian Convention Bureau Contact person: Miha Kovačič, Co-organisers and international partners: the Slovenian Tourist Board, the Ljubljana Tourist Board, the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, HelmsBriscoe, EIBTM – Reed Travel Exhibitions, MPI, ICCA. Regional partners: the Croatian Convention Bureau, the Montenegro Convention Bureau, the Serbia Convention Bureau, the Opatija Tourist Board, the Rijeka Tourist Board, the Zagreb Tourist Board, the Dubrovnik and Neretva County Tourist Board, the Belgrade Tourist Board, the Maribor Tourist Board. Technical organiser: Go.Mice. Media partners: BBT Online, CAT Publications, Ediman, Kongres, Meetings International, Turizam Info, TW Media.

The Conventa exhibition, which is establishing itself as the most important business event in the meetings industry in Southeast Europe, will again unite over 80 of the region’s providers of meetings services and 150 select event organisers from across Europe. They will form business contacts as pre-scheduled individual appointments aimed at getting to know supply and demand. “The Conventa exhibition is thus opening new promotional, marketing and sales channels for the region’s meetings offer,” says director of the Ljubljana Tourist Board, Barbara Vajda. Despite the economic crisis, the increasing awareness of the opportunities generated by the meetings activity has substantially increased the number of congress centres, hotels, PCOs, DMCs and national and local convention bureaus that had registered for the exhibition by October. Important novelties of the Conventa 2010 exhibition are the Meetings Services Spot and the Academy Conventa educational programme. The first is an answer to the growing importance of technology and the development of new approaches in the organisation and efficiency of profitable events. It will present providers of technological equipment and IT, congress and promotional materials and the marketing and production of events. The second, the Academy Conventa with its educational seminars, focuses on the professionalisation and further development of the meetings activity by facilitating the flow of knowledge and experiences. The Academy Conventa Award seeks to attract new and ambitious individuals and to offer them an opportunity to bring a fresh approach to help shape an internationally recognised congress product out of Southeast Europe’s meetings industry, thus increasing its market share.


Upravljanje s srečanji

Vseživljenjska zakladnica znanja Trenutno smo v industriji srečanj, poslovnih dogodkov ter našem poklicu priča velikim premikom. Ne samo, da se povsod po svetu soočamo z neverjetnim razvojem infrastrukture, namenjene srečanjem in dogodkom, temveč se veča tudi samo njihovo število. Obenem pa se naše področje sooča s strožjimi predpisi (npr. TARP). Vsi ti dejavniki skupaj ustvarjajo potrebo po usposobljeni delovni sili, ki lahko pokaže in izrazi vrednost srečanj. Žal pa v industriji srečanj in poslovnih dogodkov nimamo prave zakladnice znanj, v katero bi lahko vgradili spretnosti in sposobnosti, ki jih strokovnjaki s tega področja potrebujejo na svoji poklicni poti. Kot največja globalna skupnost v omenjeni industriji si je združenje MPI zadalo nalogo vzpostaviti splošno sprejeto zakladnico znanj, ki bo natančno opredelila zahtevane spretnosti in sposobnosti. V svojih 35-ih letih delovanja v izobraževanju in raziskovanju industrije srečanj je združenje MPI pridobilo veliko izkušenj, ki jih uvrščamo v t. i. zakladnico znanja. Namen omenjenega združenja je strokovnjakom industrije srečanj pripraviti celostni načrt pridobivanja znanja, tj. načrt vseživljenjskega učenja in razvoja v vseh obdobjih poklicne poti – ne glede na to, ali srečanja načrtujejo na lokalni, državni ali mednarodni ravni. Tako se je združenje MPI še posebej osredotočilo na razvoj spretnosti in sposobnosti ter začelo z izvajanjem programa MPI Global Training. Program ponuja jasno smer poklicne poti in razvoja, od osnovnega razumevanja organizacije srečanj do programov za vodilne delavce. S certifikati in potrdili postavlja globalni standard, ki zagotavlja prenosljivost, zaposljivost in večji zaslužek. Z namenom olajšati dostop do programov usposabljanja se je združenje MPI povezalo s svetovno priznanimi poslovnimi šolami, univerzami in lokalnimi partnerji povsod po svetu in za program MPI Global Training vzpostavilo izobraževalne centre. Trenutno se omenjeni centri nahajajo v Franciji (CERAM Business School), Hong Kongu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Katarju (QMDI), Kanadi (Ryerson University) in Združenih državah Amerike (San Diego State University); v bližnji prihodnosti pa se jim bo pridružilo še več partnerjev. Joyce Dogniez, CMM direktorica programa Global Training Practice Meeting Professionals International (MPI)


Meeting Management

A Body of Knowledge We are currently experiencing a major shift in the meeting and business events industry and in our profession. Not only are we witnessing a massive development of meeting and event infrastructure all around the globe, we also see an increase in the number of meetings and events. At the same time, we are facing tighter regulation of our industry (e.g. TARP). The convergence of these factors is creating a strong need for a trained and skilled work force that can demonstrate and articulate the value of meetings. Unfortunately, the meeting and business events industry is lacking a true body of knowledge to map the skills and competencies that meeting professionals need to progress through their career. As the largest meeting and business events global community, MPI has undertaken the task of establishing a globally accepted body of knowledge, which will define those skills and competencies. With a history of over 35 years in education and industry research, MPI has a wealth of knowledge available and, combining this with a body of knowledge, is now mapping this out in a comprehensive knowledge plan, providing meeting professionals with a lifelong learning and development plan at all stages of their career, whether planning meetings locally, nationally or on a global level. Focusing specifically on skills and competencies development, MPI has launched MPI Global Training. MPI Global Training offers a clear career and development path from a basic understanding of organizing meetings up to the executive leadership program. It delivers a global standard through certificates and certifications providing transferability, employability and increased compensation. This personal training and development plan will not only fast-track the meeting professionals’ education, but also their career. To facilitate access to the training programs, MPI has partnered with globally recognized business schools, universities and local partners all over the globe setting up MPI Global Training Centres. The current MPI Global Training Centres are the CERAM Business School (France), the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong), QMDI (Qatar), Ryerson University (Canada) and San Diego State University (US), with more partners being added in the near future. Joyce Dogniez, CMM Director Global Training Practice Meeting Professionals International (MPI)

Tudi v času krize je podjetje lahko dober zaposlovalec. idrijska čipka, izdelana v Čipkarski šoli Idrija

Sodelujte v nacionalnem izboru Zlata nit 2009! Zlata nit je medijsko-raziskovalni projekt časopisne družbe Dnevnik, katerega cilj je s promocijo podjetniške inovativnosti, kakovosti delovnih mest in primerov dobrih praks na področju zaposlovanja njihove nosilce uveljaviti kot zgled in navdih v slovenskem poslovnem okolju. V dveh letih nam je zaupalo več kot dvesto podjetij.

Prijavite se do konca novembra, na

p ar t ner ji



Kako do izobrazbe za poklice v kongresni industriji? Predstavljamo dodiplomske in podiplomske izobraževalne programe, ki so v regiji na voljo za področje kongresnega turizma. S tremi vprašanji smo se obrnili na šole, ki izobražujejo tudi za potrebe kongresnega turizma. Kako je v programe vaše šole vključen kongresni turizem? Turistica: Kongresni turizem je specifična dejavnost, ki jo na Turistici proučujemo v okviru samostojnega predmeta Kongresna dejavnost. S tem dajemo študentom priložnost, da spoznajo to dejavnost mnogo širše in bolj specifično. Ekonomska fakulteta v Ljubljani: Na Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani ni posebnega predmeta kongresni turizem, ker struktura študija temelji bolj na znanstvenih disciplinah in ne na vrstah turizma. Je pa kongresni turizem predmet obravnave pri več turističnih predmetih, z vidika posamezne discipline. Na dodiplomskem študiju na univerzitetni in visoki šoli izvajamo ekonomske in poslovne programe. Na smeri za turizem študentje pridobijo znanja s področja osnov turistične dejavnosti, managementa, trajnostnega turizma, trženja, informatike v turizmu ipd. Poslovni primeri in predstavitve v sodelovanju s poslovno prakso vključujejo tudi študij praktičnih primerov s področja kongresnega turizma. Na podiplomskem programu študentje nadgradijo poslovna in analitična turistična znanja, kongresni turizem pa je ponovno obravnavan kot vrsta turizma, ki ima svoje specifičnosti, tako podjetniško kot tudi narodnogospodarsko. Ponujamo tudi skupni mednarodni podiplomski študij turizma EMTM (European Master in Tourism Management), ki poteka v treh evropskih državah in študente vzgaja v sodobne, trajnostno naravnane turistične managerje. Možna je poglobitev znanj s področja kongresnega turizma v obliki enosemestrske raziskave za magistrsko delo. Kongresni turizem je lahko tudi predmet doktorske raziskave. VSŠGT Bled: V letu 2007 smo prenovili programe v skladu z bolonjsko deklaracijo, torej so kreditno vrednoteni, modularno sestavljeni in omogočajo precejšnjo izbirnost. S pomočjo turističnega gospodarstva smo pripravili poklicne standarde, ki so bili osnova za pripravo programov. Med njimi je bil tudi poklicni standard organizator / organizatorka kongresnih prireditev, ki je bil podlaga za pripravo izbirnega modula Kongresni turizem. Modul sestavljajo predmeti osnove kongresne dejavnosti, tehnični standardi v kongresnem turizmu in organizacija kongresov. Za ta izbirni modul se je v študijskem letu odločilo 25 študentov. Izvajamo ga prvič. Pri tem sodelujemo s Kongresnim uradom Slovenije. UTILUS: Celotni študijski program naše Visoke poslovne šole je osredotočen na poslovni turizem. TMEF Sofia: Poslovni turizem ni vključen posamezno v naš magistrski program, temveč je integriran v druge discipline, na


primer v turistični management, korporativne stranke, marketing rezervacijskih sistemov itd.

V čem vidite prednosti študija na vaši šoli? Turistica: V okviru predmeta se poleg teoretičnih izhodišč študenti seznanijo s praktičnimi primeri organizacije in izvedbe kongresov, ki jih posredujejo priznani strokovnjaki iz prakse. Obenem študentje pod vodstvom mentorja v okviru Encuentros centra (fakultetni center za dogodke in kongrese) organizirajo manjši kongres in tako na praktičnem primeru spoznavajo različne vidike organizacije takšnih dogodkov. V času njihovega študija fakulteta organizira tudi obisk in praktične vaje v slovenskih kongresnih centrih. Omenim naj še redna mesečna srečanja pod imenom FuTuristica, ki v razpravi združujejo študente, znanost in turistično gospodarstvo, kjer se študentje seznanijo z aktualnimi dogodki in pridobijo vpogled v prakso iz prve roke. Ekonomska fakulteta v Ljubljani: Prednosti študija turizma na Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani so v univerzalni usmerjenosti v poslovne in ekonomske kompetence, ki so podprte s specifičnimi poslovno-ekonomskimi znanji s področja turizma. Programi ustrezajo sodobnim trendom na področju stroke, znanosti in relevantnosti za prakso, kar dokazujejo dobljene akreditacije, med drugim tudi akreditacija za turistično kakovost TEDQUAL. Program EMTM pa je v letu 2009 Evropska komisija ocenila kot drugi najboljši magistrski skupni program v Evropi. Sicer je leta 2006 Ekonomska fakulteta prejela akreditacijo EQUIS, to je najpomembnejši mednarodni certifikat kakovosti na področju visokošolskega izobraževanja. S tem se je fakulteta uvrstila med 115 najboljših šol na svetu. V tem trenutku je tudi v zadnji fazi pridobivanja ameriške akreditacije AACSB, v marcu 2010 jo bo obiskala akreditacijska komisija, temu obisku sledi odločitev o pridobitvi akreditacije. Izgledi so optimistični in če fakulteti uspe poleg EQUIS akreditacije pridobiti še AACSB, se bo pridružila 35 šolam na svetu, ki imajo oba certifikata. To bi bil izjemen uspeh, ki bi potrjeval kakovost vseh izvajanih dejavnosti po kriteriju dveh najzahtevnejših mednarodnih institucij, ki preverjata kakovost. Diplomi, ki ju potrjuje že vsaj eden od teh dveh certifikatov, vrednost v primerjavi z ostalimi šolami naraste, možnost zaposlitve, predvsem na mednarodnem trgu dela, pa je takoj večja. Naše programe odlikujejo velika izbirnost vsebin, moderne, učinkovite in praktično usmerjene metode dela, primerljivost z najboljšimi mednarodnimi poslovnimi šolami, izvajanje velikega števila predmetov v angleškem jeziku, možnost mednarodne izmenjave (fakulteta omogoči izmenjavo preko 400 študentom letno), povezovanje s prakso (fakulteta gosti veliko število uglednih strokovnjakov iz prakse, v študijskem procesu se obravnava mnogo konkretnih, praktičnih primerov, organizirajo se ekskurzije v podjetja, itd.). VSŠGT Bled: Prednost študija na naši šoli je povezava z gospodarstvom. Velik del praktičnega izobraževanja se izvaja v podjetjih in ustanovah. Sodelujemo pri organizaciji in izvedbi prireditev in konferenc. Posebne dogovore imamo za sodelovanje

z JGZ Brdo ter raznimi ministrstvi. Aktivno smo sodelovali pri izvedbi predsedovanja Evropski uniji. Tudi za prihodnje leto smo se dogovorili za sodelovanje pri organizaciji ministrske konference ministrov za izobraževanje. V okviru študija pa si študentje ogledajo tudi kongresne objekte doma in v tujini. UTILUS: Prednosti študija na naši šoli izhajajo predvsem iz kakovostnega študijskega načrta in programa, ki je pripravljen v skladu s kriteriji EU in UNWTO. Naši predavatelji so strokovnjaki, ki so dejavni na svojih področjih turizma, sodelujejo pa tudi s predavatelji iz drugih domačih in tujih fakultet kot tudi s turističnega in hotelirskega področja. Prednost je tudi učenje jezikov v skladu z najsodobnejšimi programi učenja angleškega in nemškega jezika po kriterijih EU. TMEF Sofia: Naš program je splošen, zato se posebej ne osredotoča na poslovni turizem in kongresne dejavnosti.

Kakšnih kadri prihajajo po študiju iz vaše šole?

znanji. Naši kadri so zaposleni na vodilnih delovnih mestih v Sloveniji. Pred kratkim predstavljena analiza zaposljivosti kaže, da so za področje poslovnih in upravnih ved najbolj zaposljivi študenti EF UL, saj je verjetnost za zaposlitev po diplomi čez 60 odstotna. VSŠGT Bled: Prednost naših diplomantov je predvsem v kompetenčni usposobljenosti, ki jo pridobijo s praktičnim izobraževanjem. Usposobljeni so na nivoju srednjega menedžmenta, saj menimo, da brez obvladanja posebnih storitev in komunikacijskih, jezikovnih in tehničnih znanj ne morejo dovolj kvalitetno opravljati zahtevanih nalog. UTILUS: Diplomiranci po triletnem študiju dosežejo 180 kreditnih točk in naziv »baccalaures ekonomije« oziroma diplomirani ekonomist na področju turističnega in hotelskega managementa. TMEF Sofia: Diplomiranci postanejo ekonomisti/menedžerji in sčasoma tudi del poslovnega turizma. Kar nekaj študentov je dejavnih MICE menedžerjev v nekaterih vodilnih mednarodnih hotelskih verigah v državi.

Turistica: Študij na Turistici je multidisciplinaren, zato imajo študentje, ki zaključijo študij na fakulteti, znanja z različnih področij turizma, vendar se lahko v času študija usmerijo v specifične dejavnosti. Ena izmed njih je tudi kongresna dejavnost. Ekonomska fakulteta v Ljubljani: Iz naše fakultete prihajajo diplomanti, magistri in doktorji s poslovnimi in ekonomskimi

Opisi programov Turistica – Fakulteta za turistične študije Študijski program omogoča študentom, da spoznajo vlogo in značilnosti kongresne dejavnosti kot pomembnega motivatorja za prihod poslovnih turistov v destinacijo. Študenti razumejo pomen povezljivosti kongresnega turizma s počitniškim turizmom. Poleg tega spoznajo poslovanje profesionalnega kongresnega organizatorja in kongresnega urada na destinaciji. Seznanijo se tudi s problematiko in dobrimi praksami kongresne dejavnosti v Sloveniji in tujini. V okviru programa pridobijo kompetence tudi s področja poslovnega komuniciranja in timskega dela.

Ekonomska fakulteta v Ljubljani Skupni podiplomski program turizma EMTM (European Master in Tourism Management), ki ga izvajamo v sodelovanju z Univerzo v Gironi in Univerzo na južnem Danskem, je Evropska unija ocenila kot najboljši novi podiplomski program, v kategoriji »vsi programi« pa je zasedel drugo mesto med skoraj 200 skupnimi evropskimi magistrskimi programi. S tem si je pridobil prestižno znamko Erasmus Mundus. Temeljni namen študijskega programa je prispevati k razvoju znanj in sposobnosti, potrebnih za uspešno in učinkovito ravnanje projektov in programov za uspešno vodenje pretežno ali deloma turističnih podjetij in organizacij, ki delujejo na lokalnem, regionalnem in državnem nivoju. Cilj študija je ponuditi vpisanim slušateljem možnost nadgradnje oziroma zaokroženo znanje s področja managementa v turizmu, s področja trajnostnega razvoja turizma, kar bi omogočilo strokovno in profesionalno vodenje turističnih podjetij, projektov in razvoja na tem področju. Vsem diplomantom EMTM programa so izdane diplome, ki so enakovredne v vseh državah partnericah. Diplome se podeljujejo ob zaključku študija na vseh treh univerzah partnericah. Več informacij o programu lahko najdete na spletnem naslovu

Višja strokovna šola za gostinstvo in turizem Bled Izvajamo dvoletne višješolske študijske programe s področja gostinstva in turizma in ekonomije na nivoju kratkih terciarnih programov. Število študentov se giblje od 500 do 600.

UTILUS – Visoka poslovna šola za turistični in hotelski menedžment, Zagreb Poleg osnovnih ekonomskih predmetov (poslovna ekonomija, mednarodna ekonomija, gospodarska matematika, statistika) študenti poslušajo izključno strokovne turistične predmete: načela turizma, turistično geografijo, ekologijo v turizmu, promocijo turizma, turistično politiko in razvoj, raziskovanje turističnega tržišča, marketing v turizmu, prodajo in recepcijsko poslovanje, turizem MICE, poslovanje turističnih agencij, računovodstvo v turističnih podjetjih, kulturno dediščino v turizmu itd. Vsi predmeti trajajo en semester, razen matematike (dva semestra) in jezika, ki ga študenti poslušajo vsa tri leta študija. Študij zaključijo z diplomskim delom in z ustnim zagovorom.

Turistični management in ekonomija na Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Sofiji (TMEF Sofija) Fakulteta St. Kliment Ohridski v Sofiji je prva višješolska izobraževalna institucija v Bolgariji, ustanovljena leta 1888. Danes velja za največjo in najprestižnejšo izobraževalno in znanstveno institucijo v državi.



How to Get an Education for Working as a Professional in the Congress Industry? We present the graduate and postgraduate educational programmes in the field of congress tourism that are available in the region. By asking three questions, we turned to schools that offer education in the field of congress education. In what way is congress tourism incorporated into the programmes of your school? Turistica: Congress tourism is a specific industry that is taught at Turistica (Faculty of Tourism Studies) within the scope of an independent subject called the Congress Industry. In this way, we give our students the opportunity to get to know this industry in a wider sense and in greater detail. Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana: The Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana does not organise a special subject focussing on congress tourism, since the structure of the studies is based on more scientific disciplines rather than on types of tourism. Congress tourism, however, is a subject for discussion within the scopes of several tourism-oriented subjects and from the point of view of each individual discipline. We organise economic and business programmes within the scope of the undergraduate studies at university and college. The tourism-oriented studies offer students expertise in the field of the tourism industry basics, management, sustainable tourism, marketing, IT in tourism etc. Business cases and presentations in cooperation with business practice also include case studies in the field of congress tourism. The postgraduate programme allows students to upgrade their business and analytical knowledge in the tourism industry; congress tourism is treated as a type of tourism with its own specific features from the point of view of entrepreneurship and the national economy. We also offer joint international postgraduate tourism studies called the EMTM (European Master in Tourism Management), which take place in three European countries and educate students to become modern, sustainability-oriented tourism managers. Students can also take their knowledge in the field of congress tourism to a greater level in the form of research for a master’s thesis that lasts for one semester. Congress tourism can also be the topic of a PhD dissertation. VSŠGT Bled: In 2007, we modernised our programmes in accordance with the Bologna Declaration so they are evaluated with credits, composed in the form of modules and enable quite a wide selectivity. With the support of the tourism economy, we prepared vocational standards that present the basis for the programmes. One such vocational standard was: meetings and events organiser, which was the basis for preparing the Congress Tourism selection module. This module is composed of the following subjects: The Basics of the Congress Industry, Technical Standards in Congress Tourism and Congress Organisation. 25 students decided to take this module in the study year. This module was performed for the first time. We have cooperated with the Slovenian Congress and Convention Association. UTILUS: The entire study programme of our Business School is oriented towards business tourism.


TMEF Sofia: Business tourism is not included separately in our master’s programme, but is integrated into various disciplines, for example: Tourism management, Corporate clients, Marketing CRM etc.

What are the advantages of studying at your school? Turistica: Within the scope of the subject, students learn about theoretical starting points and practical cases of organising and performing congresses, which are delivered by renowned professionals on the basis of their experience. At the same time, students, led by their mentor within the scope of the Encuentros centre (the faculty centre for events and conventions), organise a small congress, which enables them to experience a practical case and learn about the various aspects of organising such events. During the course of the studies, our faculty also organises visits and practical exercises in Slovenian congress centres. I should also mention regular monthly meetings entitled FuTuristica where students, science and the tourism economy are joined together to discuss and debate; students learn about current events and get an insight into practice at first hand. Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana: The advantages of studying tourism at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ljubljana lie in the universal focus on business and economic competences, supported by specific business and economic expertise in the field of tourism. All programmes apply to contemporary trends in this profession, science and relevance to practice, which are proven by approved accreditations, including the accreditation for TEDQUAL tourism quality. The EMTM programme was evaluated by the European Commission in 2009 as the second best master’s programme in Europe. In 2006, the Faculty of Economics received the EQUIS accreditation, which is the most significant international quality certificate in the field of higher education. With this certificate, the faculty joined the 115 best schools in the world. Currently, the faculty is in the process of receiving the American AACSB accreditation; in March 2010 we will be visited by the accreditation commission, which will be followed by the decision on the receipt of accreditation. The prospects are optimistic and, if the faculty achieves the AACSB accreditation as well as the EQUIS accreditation, it will join the 35 schools in the world that hold both certificates. This would be an enormous success confirming the quality of all activities, performed according to the criteria set by the two most demanding international quality assurance institutions. The value of a diploma confirmed by even one of these two certificates is rising in comparison to other schools so the possibility for employment, especially in the international labour market, is immediately higher. Our programmes are distinguished by a wide range of content, modern, effective and practice-focused work methods, comparability to other international business schools, the execution of a large number of subjects in the English language, the possibility of international exchange (the faculty enables exchanges for more than 400 students per year), relation to practice (the faculty hosts a great number of renowned experts, several specific, practical cases are discussed in the study process, various excursions to companies are organised etc.).

VSŠGT Bled: The advantage of studying at our school is connected to the economy. A great part of practical education is performed in companies and institutions. We cooperate in the organisation and implementation of events and conferences. We have concluded special agreements with HGZ Brdo and various ministries. We have actively participated in the implementation of the EU presidency. We have also agreed to cooperate in the organisation of the ministerial conference of ministers of education, which will take place next year. Within the scope of the studies, students can also see congress buildings and facilities in Slovenia and abroad.

activities during the course of their studies. One such activity is the congress industry. Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana: Our faculty produces graduates, masters of science and doctors of science who possess business and economic expertise. They occupy leading working posts in Slovenia. A recently presented employment analysis has shown that students who study at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana achieve the highest employability rate in the area of business and administrative sciences, since the probability for employment after graduation is higher than 60 per cent.

UTILUS: The advantages of studying at our school lie mostly in the quality of our study plan and programme, prepared in accordance with the EU and UNWTO criteria. Our lecturers are experts who also practice what they preach in their disciplines and they cooperate with lecturers from other local and foreign faculties, as well as from the tourism and hotel industry. The advantage also lies in learning foreign languages via contemporary programmes of English and German in accordance with the EU criteria.

VSŠGT Bled: The advantage of our graduates lies mostly in their competitive expertise, which they acquire on the basis of practical education. They are trained on the middle management level, since we believe that, without having the knowledge to manage special services and without communication, language and technical skills, they cannot perform their tasks with quality.

TMEF Sofia: Our programme is more generalised and does not focus specifically on the MICE business tourism industry alone.

What kinds of professionals arise from your school? Turistica: The study at Turistica is multidisciplinary, so students who conclude their studies at the faculty have knowledge from various areas of tourism. However, they can focus on specific

UTILUS: After our three-year study program, graduate students receive 180 ECTS points and a title of Baccalaures of Economy (Bachelor of Economy) in the field of tourism and hotel management. TMEF Sofia: Graduates become Economists/managers and eventually also a part of business tourism. I have several students working as MICE managers in some of the leading international hotel chains in the country.

Programme Descriptions Turistica – Faculty of Tourism Studies Our study programme enables students to learn about the role and features of the congress industry, which is an important motivator for business tourists to arrive at a certain destination. Students understand the interconnectivity of congress tourism and vacation tourism. They also learn about the operations of a professional congress organiser and the congress office at a destination. They are acquainted with problems and good practice in the congress industry in Slovenia and abroad. Within the programme, they also acquire competences in the field of business communications and team work.

Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana The EU has evaluated our joint EMTM (European Master in Tourism Management) postgraduate tourism programme, which is implemented in cooperation with the University of Girona and the University of South Denmark as the best new postgraduate programme, which has taken second place in the “all programmes” category among almost 200 joint European master programmes. This has resulted in acquiring the Erasmus Mundus prestigious label. The basic purpose of the study programme is to contribute to the development of expertise and skills, required for a successful and effective management of projects and programmes and for managing tourism oriented companies and organisations, operating on a local, regional and state level. The objective of the studies is to offer students the possibility to upgrade or round up their knowledge in the field of tourism management, sustainable development of tourism, which would enable professional management of tourism companies, projects and development in this area. All EMTM graduates receive diplomas that are equal to diplomas received in all partner countries. Diplomas are granted after the

conclusion of studies at all three partner universities. You can find more information at

Professional College for Hospitality Industry and Tourism Bled We organise two-year college study programmes in the field of hospitality industry and tourism, and economy on the level of short tertiary programmes. There are 500 to 600 students attending our school.

UTILUS – Business School for Tourism and Hotel Management, Zagreb Students attend basic economic subjects (business economy, international economy, economic mathematics, statistics) and exclusively expert tourism subjects: tourism principles, tourism geography, ecology in tourism, tourism promotion, tourism policy and development, research of tourism markets, marketing in tourism, sales and reception desk operations, MICE tourism, tourist agencies operations, accountancy in tourism companies, cultural heritage in tourism etc. All subjects last for one semester except mathematics (2 semesters) and language, which is lectured for the entire three years of studies. The study is concluded with a written thesis and oral argumentation.

Tourism Management and Economics at Faculty of Business Administration at Sofia University (TMEF Sofia) The Faculty of St. Kliment Ohridski in Sofia is the first higher education institution in Bulgaria, established in 1888. Today, this is the largest and most prestigious educational and scientific institution in the state.


Skupna raziskava IMEX in ICCA

Trg združenj še naprej ostaja močan Prvi rezultati raziskave med vodstvi mednarodnih združenj, ki je bila opravljena v zadnjih tednih, vzbujajo optimizem.

Ali je gospodarska kriza vplivala na vaše združenje? Has the economic downturn had any impact on your association? Odgovori Answer Options

Odstotek odgovorov Response Percent

Število odgovorov Response Count


64,9 %



35,1 %

34 DA Yes

Manj kot tretjina vprašanih v letu 2009 beleži upad števila udeležencev kongresov, samo eden od desetih pa je upad označil kot pomemben. Četrtina vprašanih opaža rast števila udeležencev, 9 % pa rast ocenjuje kot pomembno.


Na področju sponzorstev slika ni tako rožnata. Samo 14 % vprašanih je imelo rast sponzorskih prihodkov, 46 % pa je doživelo upad, od tega 14 % znaten. Te številke se v veliki meri ujemajo z rezultati raziskave IMEX, ki je bila opravljena junija 2009. Anketiranci so odgovarjali tudi na vprašanje o pričakovanjih glede dogodkov v letu 2010. 44 % ne pričakuje nobenih sprememb v primerjavi z letom 2009, 39 % je optimističnih glede števila udeležencev in le 16 % jih pričakuje nadaljnji padec. Te rezultate je komentiral direktor ICCA Martin Sirk. »Rezultati raziskave se ujemajo s številnimi zgodbami članov in vodstev mednarodnih združenj. Gospodarska kriza je vplivala na rezultate, vendar je imela manj resne posledice kot v drugih sektorjih kongresne industrije. Dejstvo, da toliko združenj poroča o rasti števila udeležencev in prihodkov v tem obdobju dokazuje njihovo prilagodljivost skozi vrsto let. Prepričani smo, da se bodo destinacije in kongresni organizatorji, ki vključujejo v svoj trženjski »miks« tudi mednarodna združenja, lažje soočale z recesijo kot destinacije, specializirane za korporativni sektor.« Zadnja raziskava potrjuje ugotovitve prejšnjih, po katerih trg mednarodnih združenj ostaja stabilen in močan, večina pa pričakuje tudi uspešno leto 2010. Carina Bauer, direktorica marketinga IMEX-a je zato prepričana tudi v uspeh IMEX-a 2010, ki bo pritegnil številne pomembne kupce, kar je zelo pomembno tudi za razstavljavce.

Vir/Source: ICCA & IMEX Association Meetings Forecast and Trends 2010

Kakšna so vaša pričakovanja glede stroškov na destinaciji? Do you expect the overall costs at the destination - i.e. accommodation, transfers, speaker and social programme, etc (forecast or actual) for delegates attending your meetings to be: Odgovori Answer Options

Odstotek odgovorov Response Percent

Število odgovorov Response Count

VIŠJI KOT 2009 Up on 2009

23,7 %


NIŽJI KOT 2009 Down on 2009

36,1 %



40,2 %


VIŠJI KOT 2009 Up on 2009 NIŽJI KOT 2009 Down on 2009 BREZ SPREMEMBE No change

Vir/Source: ICCA & IMEX Association Meetings Forecast and Trends 2010


Joint Research by IMEX and ICCA Ali boste v letu 2010 organizirali več ali manj kongresov kot v letu 2009? Do you expect to hold more or less meetings in 2010 than you held in 2009? Možni odgovori Answer Options

Odstotek odgovorov Response Percent

Število odgovorov Response Count


16,2 %



12,1 %


ISTO/The same

71,7 %

71 VEČ More MANJ Less ISTO The same

Vir/Source: ICCA & IMEX Association Meetings Forecast and Trends 2010

Ali bodo vaša srečanja v letu 2010 krajša ali daljša kot v letu 2010? Are your meetings in 2010 going to be of shorter or longer duration than in 2009? Možni odgovori Answer Options

Odstotek odgovorov Response Percent

Število odgovorov Response Count


14,4 %



5,2 %


ISTA/The same

80,4 %

78 KRAJŠA Shorter DALJŠA Longer ISTA The same

Continued Strength of International Association Meetings Market Preliminary results from research conducted over the last few weeks amongst international association executives continue to provide the industry with much needed grounds for optimism. Questions about the performance of their main 2009 congresses indicated that fewer than a third of respondents experienced falling delegate numbers, with only one in ten saying this fall was “significant”, whilst a quarter saw their attendance climbing, with over 9 % saying this growth was “significant”. Sponsorship and exhibition revenue presented not quite such a rosy picture, with only 14 % reporting increases and 46 % reporting decreases, of which 14 % were “significant”, but another third saw no change to their financial picture. These figures are very much in line with results from research conducted amongst IMEX Association Day participants in June 2009, when the same questions were asked about actual and anticipated 2009 results. A new question was asked in this survey about expectations for their major events in 2010. Here the optimism was even more clear-cut: Whilst 44 % expected no change compared to 2009, 39 % anticipated higher attendance, and only 16 % were expecting a fall. Commenting on these results, ICCA CEO Martin Sirk said: “These latest quantitative results match up to the numerous anecdotal stories we are hearing from our members and from other international association executives. The economic downturn has had an impact, of course, but it has been far less serious than for other market sectors of the meetings industry. The fact that so many associations are experiencing rising delegate numbers and revenue during this period would be remarkable were it not for the case that international associations have been consistently demonstrating this resilience for many, many years. We are confident that those destinations and companies which have a strong mix that includes international association meetings in their business portfolios will always cope more easily with downturns than competitors who have put all their efforts into the corporate meetings market.” “This latest research reinforces the earlier messages we were hearing immediately after this year’s IMEX, that international association meetings have been holding up solidly in 2009 and that most of the planners are anticipating a very strong 2010. This makes us extremely confident that next year’s IMEX will attract even more of these vitally important buyers, which is great news for our exhibitors.”, said Carina Bauer, IMEX Marketing & Operations Director.

Vir/Source: ICCA & IMEX Association Meetings Forecast and Trends 2010


V žarišču

Morala in etika medicinskih kongresov in izobraževanj Kako bo afera Novartis vplivala na kongresno industrijo

V regiji močno odmeva afera Novartis. Podjetje naj bi z denarjem podkupovalo zdravstvene funkcionarje in zdravnike v Albaniji in Srbiji, z izletom v Dubrovnik pa tudi v Sloveniji. Novartis obtožb ne želi komentirati. Po besedah odvetnika Zorana Hajtnika obstaja utemeljen sum, da je Novartis podkupoval na področju celotne Evrope. »Menimo, da je bila zadeva vodena iz matičnega podjetja Novartis AG iz Švice. Zato nismo želeli, da se obravnavajo le določena dejanja, za katere imamo dokaze in listine, da so bila storjena v Sloveniji, na območju bivše Jugoslavije in v Albaniji.« Minister za zdravje Borut Miklavčič je napovedal ostre ukrepe v smislu prepovedi obiskov farmacevtov v ambulantah zdravnikov v rednem delovnem času. Medtem so predstavniki Evropske komisije v prostorih nekaterih farmacevtskih podjetij izvedli nenapovedane preiskave. V Bruslju podjetja sumijo omejevalnih poslovnih praks in zlorabe prevladujočega tržnega položaja. O imenih v Bruslju molčijo, sta pa preiskavo potrdila francoska družba Sanofi-Aventis in francoska podružnica nemške družbe Ratiopharm. Jedro zgodbe je v problematiziranju udeležbe zdravnikov na kongresih in organizacije kongresov nasploh. Kaj je pravzaprav bistvo organiziranja mednarodnih strokovnih kongresov? V prvi vrsti gre za strokovno izobraževanje, ki je na nivoju posameznika in družbe pomembno za ohranjanje mednarodnega nivoja znanja. To znanje se tudi vrednoti skozi različne sisteme točkovanja in certificiranja znanja. Stikom s farmacevtsko industrijo se zdravniki praktično ne morejo izogniti. Problem nastopi ob vprašanju financiranja udeležbe na kongresih. Najbolj izpostavljeno je področje farmacije, ki ima direkten interes za vplivanje na zdravnike. Ob tem pogosto pozabljamo, da je farmacija del medicine. Neodvisni farmacevti pa kljub številnim državnim uradom ne obstajajo. Del marketinga farmacevtskih družb so vabila zdravnikom na kongrese v zanimivih mestih po vsem svetu. Pri tem imajo prednost zdravniki z največjim vplivom na posameznih klinikah. Kaj je nauk celotne zgodbe za kongresno industrijo in kako bo afera vplivala na kongresno industrijo? Osebni interes zdravnikov ne sme biti nikoli interes organizatorjev kongresov. Iz prakse poznam kar nekaj primerov, ki so se končali negativno. Mejo predstavlja turizem. Takoj, ko turistični motiv prevlada nad željo po izobraževanju, smo na spolzkem terenu korupcije. Ostati moramo etični in moralno odgovorni do svojih naročnikov. Etično pa je predvsem ravnanje v interesu prenosa znanja, izobraževanja in transparentnosti. Najbolj preprosto to lahko dosežemo z odprto in transparentno politiko sponzorstva in pokroviteljstva. Slediti moramo primerom dobre prakse, ki jih narekujejo zdravniška združenja in tudi etični kriteriji za promocijo zdravil, ki jih je sprejela WHO (Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija). Ne nazadnje nam delovanje narekujejo različni sklepi Sveta EU, ki določajo, da je sponzoriranje udeležbe na kongresih možno samo za osebe, ki so kvalificirane za izdajanje zdravil. Spremljevalci


avtomatsko odpadejo. Etični standardi obstajajo praktično v vseh državah in bi jih morali poznati tudi organizatorji dogodkov. Menim, da mora profesionalni kongresni organizator poskrbeti za to, da se bo farmacevtska industrija kot sponzor pojavljala na mednarodnem kongresnem dogodku, ne da bi vplivala na strokovni program. Tu mora PCO prevzeti funkcijo svetovalca in strokovnim združenjem predlagati najboljše načine predstavitve in promocije sponzorjev, da bo kongres ohranil svojo identiteto. Pomembna je tudi vloga države. Kritje stroškov prevoza, prenočitve in dnevnice so oproščeni plačila dohodnine. V primeru plačila kotizacije pa so donatorji in sponzorji dolžni obračunati akontacijo dohodnine. Po interpretaciji DURS-a to velja takrat, kadar farmacevtska podjetja plačajo stroške neposredno organizatorju izobraževanja, pa tudi, če jih plačajo posredno, v obliki donatorskih sredstev. DURS je v konkretnem nadzoru ugotovil številne nepravilnosti, saj bi morali zdravniki in organizatorji dohodke napovedati v dohodninski napovedi. Gre torej za kompleksno področje organizacije dogodkov, o katerem bomo v prihodnje še pisali. Samo upamo pa lahko, da nas poleg recesije ne bo dodatno prizadel še negativen učinek afere. Za dodatno osvetlitev problematike objavljamo pogovor s predsednikom etične komisije Zdravniške zbornice, gospodom Tonetom Žakljem.

Kako bo po vašem mnenju afera Novartis vplivala na organizatorje kongresov in drugih strokovnih dogodkov? Najprej naj pojasnim, da je treba na področju medicine oz. zdravstva razlikovati dve vrsti kongresov, ali, na splošno, strokovnih srečanj: ena organizirajo zdravstvene ustanove ali zdravniška in sorodna strokovna združenja, druga pa prirejajo farmacevtska podjetja. Za prva si morajo organizatorji večinoma kar hudo prizadevati, da zberejo potrebni denar, navadno od cele vrste sponzorjev, razstavljavcev, donatorjev, od ustanov po razpisih za sofinanciranje tovrstnih dogodkov in iz kotizacij, druga pa navadno plačajo prireditelji v celoti in je tudi udeležba na njih brezplačna (brez kotizacije). Razumljivo in legitimno je, da so cilji prvih in drugih srečanj (lahko) drugačni, ene in druge pa bi morali doseči z legalnimi sredstvi. Skušnjava in verjetnost, da se dosežejo tudi s problematičnimi sredstvi, je gotovo večja pri »farmacevtskih« srečanjih. In eno takih je bilo, če prav vem, tudi »osebek« zadnje afere. Žal take afere vržejo senco dvoma na vsa, tudi finančno in etično povsem neoporečno organizirana srečanja. Njihova pozitivna plat pa je – vsaj upam – večanje pravno-finančne pravilnosti in etične primernosti organizacij in izvedb naslednjih srečanj, in to bolj s sprejemanjem, ozaveščanjem zahteve, da tako mora biti, kot pa z novimi administrativnimi, davčnimi in ne vem še kakšnimi predpisi in ukrepi.

Tone Žakelj, podpredsednik Državne komisije za etična vprašanja, sicer pa zaposlen na Inštitutu za klinično nevrofiziologijo v Kliničnem centru v Ljubljani, se že 25 let ukvarja z organizacijo simpozijev, konferenc in kongresov. V teh letih je uredil mnogo strokovnih zbornikov povzetkov in predavanj, pripravil programe kongresov in sodeloval v različnih strokovnih odborih in komisijah. Je odličen poznavalec problematike organizacije kongresov, tudi finančnega vidika.

Menim namreč, da so in da bodo tudi v prihodnje strokovna srečanja dragocen način prenašanja znanja in izmenjave izkušenj med strokovnjaki. Marsikaj se res da opraviti na daljavo z modernimi telekomunikacijskimi sredstvi, vendar pristnega osebnega stika ne morejo nadomestiti (in tudi telekonference ni mogoče organizirati brez denarja). Po 25 letih lastnih izkušenj iz sodelovanja pri organiziranju strokovnih srečanj – rednih letnih mednarodnih sestankov v (so)organizaciji oddelka, kjer sem zaposlen – lahko rečem, da so pogovori udeležencev ob strokovnem programu, v odmorih in v t.i. družabnem programu za napredek stroke najmanj tako pomembni kot so predavanja, prikazi, delavnice, okrogle mize in kar je še podobnega na uradnem programu. Morda ne toliko za napredek v svetovnem vrhu stroke, za lokalni napredek pa nedvomno. Zato sem prepričan, da potreba po organizaciji strokovnih sestankov ostaja, in upam, da organizatorjem ne bo zmanjkalo volje do dela ob večinoma nepravični in prepogosto s senzacionalizmom spodbujeni nenaklonjenosti in sumničavosti javnosti ter bolj ali manj nujnih administrativnih ovirah.

Kakšne so vaše izkušnje z vidika podpredsednika komisije za medicinsko etiko? Naloga državne komisije za medicinsko etiko (KME) je predvsem ocenjevati etičnost predlogov raziskav v medicini; za presojanje etičnosti poslovanja, torej tudi organiziranja strokovnih sestankov v zdravstvu, so zadolženi drugi. Ker pa je eno od meril etičnosti predloga kake raziskave tudi primernost denarnih nadomestil sodelujočim (bolnim ali zdravim) prostovoljcem in honorarjev raziskovalnega osebja, je KME dolžna poskrbeti, da nadomestilo prostovoljcem, ki se v pravnem jeziku imenuje odmena, ne pomeni neprimernega napeljevanja k sodelovanju v raziskavi, torej da se kdo ne bi podvrgel tveganju samo zato, ker je zanj (dovolj) plačan; honorarji raziskovalcem naj bi ne bili taki, da bi raziskovalci le zaradi njih ali predvsem zaradi njih v raziskave vključevali prostovoljce ali jih v njih zadrževali. Lahko rečem, da so odmene v Sloveniji v predlogih nenaročenih raziskav (torej tistih, za katere ustanove pridobijo namenski raziskovalni denar na državnih in mednarodnih razpisih) prej izjema kot pravilo in je sodelovanje bolnih ali zdravih prostovoljcev večinoma povsem prostovoljno in neplačano; če so predvidene, so prej prenizke kot previsoke (npr. 4–6 evrov za uro neprijetne preiskave). Odmene v naročenih raziskavah so zmerne, utemeljene, in jih KME še nikdar ni mogla oceniti kot neetične. Stroški naročenih raziskav (vključno z deležem za honorarje) so opredeljeni s pogodbami med naročnikom raziskave in ustanovo, kjer raziskava poteka. KME sodi, da honorarji niso previsoki, in praksa ji pritrjuje: za nekatere raziskovalce so celo nespodbudni in se naročenih raziskav ne lotevajo (več).

administrativni postopki tako zapleteni in dolgotrajni, da takih ustanov naročniki raziskav – večinoma so to farmacevtska podjetja – pozneje ne vabijo več k novemu sodelovanju. Ustanove s tem ne izgubljajo samo denarja, svojim raziskovalcem tudi odrekajo priložnost za raziskovalno delo, za pridobivanje izkušenj in za morebitni prispevek k novim spoznanjem, pacientom pa včasih tudi možnost, da bi brezplačno dobili uspešno zdravilo; raziskave in morebitni njihovi končni produkti – nova zdravila – pa s časovno in finančno zahtevnim administriranjem postajajo tudi vse dražji. Očitno je tudi na tem področju težko najti pravo mero.

Kje je meja za določitev nepodkupljivosti? Na ta vprašanja očitno nimajo učinkovitih odgovorov tudi strokovnjaki, ki so zanje poklicani, usposobljeni in plačani, sicer bi (si) jih več ne zastavljali, zato si sam - laični in prostovoljni član KME - tu res ne upam dajati nasvetov. Gotovo pa h količini korupcije nasploh, ne le v zdravstvu, veliko prispeva splošni družbeni pogled nanjo: kjer je prepoznana in obravnavana kot hud prestopek, če ne tudi kot kriminalno dejanje, je je tudi manj kot tam, kjer je tako rekoč sprejeta kot del poslovnega procesa. Menim, da se v Sloveniji družbena »sprejemljivost« koruptivnih dejanj manjša, kar je vsekakor dobro. V KME zaznavamo, da se naša farmacevtska podjetja, zastopstva in sorodne ustanove pri raziskavah kar najbolj izogibajo možnosti, da bi kakršno koli njihovo dejanje lahko bilo ocenjeno kot koruptivno in – če prav vem – so bili tudi dosedanji sumi v nekaterih konkretnih primerih s preiskavami ovrženi kot neutemeljeni.

Kako ocenjujete vpliv in moč farmacevtske industrije? Moč farmacevtske industrije je nedvomno velika in temelji na njenih izdelkih, zdravilih, ki so – posebej nova – kot plod najsodobnejših spoznanj in dragih tehnik tudi vse dražja, zato pa tudi vedno manj ali vsaj vse težje dosegljiva celo zdravstvenim sistemom, kaj šele posameznikom. Ekonomski interes farmacevtske industrije je legitimen, gotovo pa ga mora prilagoditi družbenim okoliščinam. In zdi se, da ga v Sloveniji tudi prilagaja, sicer vedno nova pogajanja o zniževanju cen nikakor ne bi bila uspešna. Žal pa je tako, da medicina in farmacija vesta, znata in zmoreta več, kot lahko tudi najbogatejša družba zagotovi svojim članom. Razumno in etično ravnanje z razpoložljivimi viri je zato vse pomembnejše. Gorazd Čad Urednik in izdajatelj revije Kongres

Za pravno-finančno pravilnost naročenih raziskav torej skrbijo ustrezne službe raziskovalnih ustanov. To je vsekakor dobro in nujno, žal pa v KME dobivamo tudi informacije, da so včasih


In Focus

The Morals and Ethics of Medical Congresses and Training How will the Novartis scandal affect the congress industry

The Novartis scandal has drawn a great deal of attention in the region. This company was supposedly bribing healthcare officials and doctors in Albania and Serbia with money, and those in Slovenia with an excursion to Dubrovnik. Novartis does not comment on the allegations. According to Zoran Hajtnik, attorney at law, there is reason to suspect that Novartis had given bribes across the entire Europe. “We believe that the matter was managed from the Novartis AG parent company in Switzerland. Therefore, we did not want only certain actions that, based on evidence and documents, were committed in Slovenia, in the area of former Yugoslavia and in Albania, to be considered.” Borut Miklavčič, Minister of Health, announced strong measures revolving around prohibiting pharmaceutists’ visiting MDs' outpatient clinics during regular working hours. In the meantime, the representatives of the European Commission implemented some unannounced investigations at the premises of several pharmaceutical companies. Some companies in Brussels are suspected of restrictive business practice and abuse of a dominating market position. Brussels does not want to comment on any names, though Sanofi-Avensis and the French subsidiary of the German Ratiopharm company confirmed that the investigation was implemented in their companies. The very heart of the matter lies in the problematisation of doctors participating in congresses and the organisation of congresses in general. What is actually the essence of organising international professional congresses? Firstly, this is professional training intended for individuals and companies, which are significant for maintaining the international level of expertise. This expertise is also evaluated by differentiated marking and knowledge certification systems. Doctors cannot practically avoid having contacts with the pharmaceutical industry. The problem emerges when you pointing out the financing of their participation in congresses. The most highlighted issue is the area of pharmaceuticals, which have a direct interest in influencing doctors. Here, we often forget that pharmaceuticals are a part of medicine. Independent pharmaceutists, however, do not exist despite numerous state authorities and bodies. Invitations to doctors to participate in congresses in interesting cities around the world present one part of marketing for pharmaceutical companies. The priority is often given to doctors with significant influence at individual clinics. What is the moral of the story for the congress industry and how will this scandal affect it? The personal interests of doctors should never be the interests of the congresses' organisers. I am familiar


Gorazd Čad Editor and Publisher of Kongres magazine

Tone Žakelj, vice-president of the Slovenian National Medical Ethics Committee, otherwise employed at the Institute for Clinical Neurophysiology at the University Medical Centre in Ljubljana, has been active in organising symposiums, conferences and congresses for 25 years. During this time, he has edited several professional collections of scientific abstracts and lectures; he has prepared programmes for congresses and cooperated in various professional committees and commissions. He is a true connoisseur of the problems and the financial aspects in the field of organising congresses.

with several cases from practice, which ended quite negatively. Tourism is the limit. When the motive for tourism prevails over the interest in education, we hit the ground of corruption. We need to remain ethically and morally responsible to our clients. Ethics mostly refers to handling in the interest of transmitting knowledge, education and transparency. This can be achieved by an open and transparent sponsorship and donation policy. We have to follow good practice cases, which are dictated by healthcare associations, and also ethical criteria for the promotion of medicines, which have been adopted by the WHO (World Health Organisation). Last but not least, our operations are dictated by various resolutions of the EU Council that determine that sponsoring participation in congresses is only relevant for persons qualified to issue medicines. All additional attenders are automatically eliminated. Ethical standards exist in all countries and all organisers of events should know these standards, as well. I believe that a professional congress organiser should guarantee that the pharmaceutical industry will emerge at an international congress event as a sponsor without influencing the professional programme. Here, the PCO has to take over the function of a consultant and make suggestions to expert associations on the best methods of presenting and promoting sponsors so that the congress retains its identity. The state’s role is also important. Transport, accommodation and daily allowance costs are income tax free. In the cases of attendance fees, donators and sponsors have to charge the prepayment of income taxes. According to Slovenia's Tax Administration this applies when pharmaceutical companies pay costs directly to training organisers and also if they pay those costs indirectly, in the form of a donation. In this specific review, the Tax Administration established several inconsistencies, because doctors and organisers should have declared this income in their income tax statements. Therefore, this is a complex field of events organisation, which will be discussed in the future. We can only hope that the negative effect of the scandal will not be an additional setback along with the recession. In order to highlight this problem, we are publishing the interview with Mr Tone Žakelj, the president of the National Medical Ethics Committee of the Medical Chamber of Slovenia.

In your opinion, how will the Novartis scandal affect the organisers of congresses and other professional events? Firstly, I should explain that we need to distinguish between two types of congresses or, in general, professional meetings in the field of medicine and healthcare: one type is organised by healthcare institutes or medical and similar professional associations, the other type is organised by the pharmaceutical companies. For the former type, the organisers need to try really hard to get the required financial funds, usually from a long line of sponsors, exhibitors, donators, institutions that publish tenders for co-financing such events and from attendance fees; the latter type of congress, however, is usually financed entirely by the organisers, so the attendance is free (no attendance fee is required). It is understandable and legitimate that the objectives of the former and latter types of meeting (can) differ; however, both should be achieved through legal means. The temptation and probability that these objectives are achieved using problematic means, is most certainly higher in the case of "pharmaceutical" meetings. One such meeting, if my source of information is right, was also the subject of this latest scandal. Unfortunately, such scandals cast a shadow of a doubt on all meetings, even financially and ethically completely faultlessly organised ones. Their positive side is – at least I hope so – an increase in legal and financial regularity and the ethical suitability of organisations and the implementation of future meetings by considering the adoption and realisation of the requirement that this is how it has to be more than with new administrative, taxation and other regulations and measures. I believe that professional meetings are and will be a valuable way to transmit knowledge and exchange experience among professionals. Many things can be done remotely, using modern telecommunications means, however, they cannot replace real personal contact (and teleconferences also cannot be organised without financial funds). After 25 years of personal experience in organising professional meetings – regular annual international meetings with /co/ organisation of the department where I am employed – I can honestly say that the discussion of those participating in professional programmes during breaks and the so-called social programmes for the progress of expertise are as significant as the lectures, presentations, workshops, round tables and similar events, determined in the official programme. Perhaps not so much for the progress of the top worldwide profession, but without a doubt, for local progress. That is why I am convinced that the necessity for organising professional meetings remains and I hope that the organisers will not lose the will to work despite the mostly unjustified averseness boosted by sensationalism and public suspicion, as well as the more or less necessary administrative obstacles.

What is your experience from the point of view of a vice-president of the Slovenian National Medical Ethics Committee? The main task of the Slovenian National Medical Ethics Committee (NMEC) is mostly to evaluate the ethics of medical research proposals and reviewing the ethics of operations. Organising professional meetings in the healthcare industry is mostly the subject matter for other institutions. Since one of the criteria for reviewing the ethics of a proposal for medical research is the suitability of the financial compensations for (ill or healthy) participating volunteers and fees of the research staff, the NMEC is obliged to guarantee that compensation for volunteers, which are officially called reimbursements, do not present inappropriate incitement to cooperation in the research, so no one would take a risk just because s/he is paid (a lot) for taking such a risk; researchers' fees should not be such that researchers would include volunteers in the research or keep them in the research just because of the fees or mostly because of the fees.

I can say that reimbursements in Slovenia in the proposals for unsolicited researches (researches for which institutions acquire dedicated research funds from state and international tenders) are an exception rather than a rule and the participation of ill or healthy volunteers is mostly voluntary and not paid; if research is anticipated, the reimbursements are more likely too low than too high (e.g. EUR 4-6 per hour of unpleasant examination). The reimbursements for commissioned research are moderate, justified and the NMEC has never evaluated any such research as unethical. The costs of commissioned research (including shares for fees) are defined in contracts concluded between the entity that orders the research and the institution, where the research takes place. The NMEC then establishes that the fees are not too high and that the practice agrees: for some researchers, fees do not present any stimulation, so they do not deal with commissioned researches (any more). The legal and financial regulation of commissioned research is therefore guaranteed by the competent bodies in charge of monitoring research institutions. This is most certainly positive and necessary; unfortunately the NMEC also receives information that administrative procedures are sometimes so complicated and time consuming that the entities that order the researches –mostly pharmaceutical companies – do not invite such institutions to cooperate any more. Not only do institutions lose money in this way, they also deny their researchers the opportunity for research work, for acquiring experience and possible contributions to new acknowledgements, and they deny patients the possibility of getting good medicines for free; researches and their possible final products - new medicine - are becoming more expensive due to time- and moneyconsuming administration processes. It is obvious that it is quite difficult to find an appropriate moderation in this area.

Where is the limit for defining incorruptibility? Obviously, even dedicated professionals who are paid and qualified for doing their jobs do not have effective answers to these questions, otherwise they would not pose such questions to themselves. That is why I myself – a laic and voluntary member of NMEC – do not dare to give advice on this issue. However, the extent of corruption in general, not only in the healthcare industry, is largely affected by the general social view of corruption: where corruption is acknowledged and treated as a major offence, if not a criminal act, the level of corruption is lower than where it is accepted as a part of the business process. I think that the social “acceptability” of corrupted actions in Slovenia is low, which is most certainly very good. The NMEC has established that our pharmaceutical companies, representative offices and similar institutions in research processes avoid the possibility that any of their acts could be estimated as corrupt and – if I have been well informed - suspicions in some specific cases so far have been ruled out as unfounded on the basis of investigations.

How do you evaluate the influence and power of the pharmaceutical industry? Without a doubt, the power of pharmaceutical industry is very strong and is based on their products and medicines, which are - especially the new ones - the result of most contemporary acknowledgments and expensive techniques becoming more and more expensive and consequently less attainable to healthcare systems, and even less attainable to individuals. The economic interest of the pharmaceutical industry is legitimate; however it should be adapted to social circumstances. And it seems that the interest in Slovenia is being adapted, otherwise the emerging negotiations on reducing prices would not be successful. Unfortunately, the medicine and pharmaceutical industry know and can do more than even the richest company can guarantee its members. The reasonable and ethical management of available sources is therefore gaining in importance.


Kongresne lokacije – Valamar Lacroma Resort

Za posel z užitkom!

Hotel Valamar Lacroma Resort ima 400 sob in apartmajev, kongresno dvorano za tisoč oseb, poslovni center z dodatnimi sedmimi dvoranami, velik Ragusa spa in wellness center ter vrhunsko ribjo restavracijo Langusto. Predlog DDR (Daily Delegate Rate) Od 42 evrov (dvorana z LCD projektorjem, tablo flip-chart, platnom, pisali in papirjem; jutranji in popoldanski odmor s kavo, čajem, sokovi in pecivom, delovno kosilo, dve 0,25 l steklenici vode na osebo). 24-urna namestitev (s prenočiščem): od 112 evrov.

Opis možnosti, ki jih lokacija nudi motivacijskim programom V srcu hotela se nahaja kongresni center, posebej primeren za organizacijo kongresov, predstavitev in razstav. Združite posel in zabavo ter uživajte v številnih aktivnostih, ki jih ponuja edinstvena okolica Dubrovnika. Uživajte v večerji na starodavnem mestnem obzidju, spoznajte čarobne ulice starega dela mesta, zaplujte s srednjeveško ladjo Karaka, raziščite čarobne Elafitske otoke …

Mnenje kupcev »Še enkrat najlepša hvala za vse. Naša uprava in udeleženci so bogatejši za odlično izkušnjo in zelo cenimo dodaten trud, ki so ga vložili vsi v hotelu.«


Cynthia Cortis; direktorica oddelka za kongrese in poslovne borze, Smith Bucklin Corp., ZDA.

Kontaktni podatki Valamar Lacroma Resort 4*, Conference & Spa Iva Dulčića 34 HR – 20000 Dubrovnik Tel.: +385 20 448 266 Fax: +385 20 448 444

Congress Locations – Valamar Lacroma Resort

For Business with Pleasure!

The Valamar Lacroma Resort offers its guests 400 rooms and suites, a congress hall holding 1,000 participants, a business centre with seven additional halls, the spacious Ragusa Spa and Wellness Centre and the exquisite Langusto fish restaurant. DDR (Daily Delegate Rate) From 42 euros (hall with LCD projector, flipchart, screen, pen and paper, morning and afternoon break with coffee, tea, juices and biscuits, working lunch and two 0.25l bottles of water per person). 24-hour accommodation rate (with overnight stay): from 112 euros.

A description of the incentive programme There is a congress centre right in the heart of the hotel, which is especially appropriate for organising congresses, presentations and exhibitions. Combine business and pleasure and enjoy the numerous activities offered by the unique surroundings of Dubrovnik. Enjoy a dinner on the ancient city walls, get to know the magical streets of the old town, set sail in the medieval Karaka boat, explore the magical Elafiti islands, etc.

Buyers’ Opinion “Thanks again for everything. Our board and attendees had a great experience and we appreciate all the extra efforts that everyone at the hotel put in.” Cynthia Cortis; Director, Convention & Tradeshow, Smith Bucklin Corp., USA.

Contact information Valamar Lacroma Resort 4*, Conference & Spa Iva Dulčića 34 HR – 20000 Dubrovnik Tel.: +385 20 448 266 Fax: +385 20 448 444


Kongresne lokacije – Avala Resort & Villas

Razkošje v centru Budve

Hotel Avala Resort & Villas 5* se nahaja samo petdeset metrov od starega mestnega jedra Budve. Ponuja prvovrstno in udobno namestitev v 274 sobah, apartmajih in vilah. Predlog DDR (Daily Delegate Rate) Izkoristite našo posebno paketno ponudbo v času od 1. 11. 2009 do 30. 4. 2010. Cena je 36 evrov na osebo in vključuje: • Stojnico s čajem/kavo dobrodošlice; • Celodnevni najem konferenčne sobe; • LCD, platno, table flip-chart, pisala in papirne bloke; • Navadno ali mineralno vodo (na mizi); • Jutranji odmor s kavo, čajem, sokom in pecivom; • Delovno kosilo – samopostrežni bife (meni s tremi hodi); • Popoldanski odmor s kavo, čajem, sadjem in pecivom.

Cene prenočišč: - enoposteljna soba: od 60 evrov na dan. - dvoposteljna soba: od 84 evrov na dan. Paketi veljajo za najmanj 15 udeležencev. Cena vključuje ddv. Cena ne vključuje turistične takse: 1,50 evra na osebo na dan.


Opis možnosti, ki jih lokacija nudi motivacijskim programom V hotelu je glavna kongresna dvorana, ki lahko sprejme do 236 udeležencev, in 10 sob za odmor – vsaka sprejme do 15 udeležencev. Na voljo pa je tudi dodatna večnamenska dvorana za največ 40 udeležencev in v celoti opremljen poslovni center.

Kontaktni podatki Marija Matana Glunćić Direktorica oddelka za kongresni turizem in skupine Adriastar Hotels & Resorts Tel.: +385 20 362 824

Congress Locations – Avala Resort & Villas

Luxury in the Centre of Budva The Avala Resort & Villas 5* is located just 50 meters from the Budva Old Town. It offers highclass comfortable and modern accommodation in 274 rooms, suites and villas. DDR (Daily Delegate Rate) Take advantage of our Special Daily Delegate package, valid 1 November 2009 – 30 April 2010. The cost is 33 euros per person and includes: • Welcome tea/coffee station; • Full day, conference room rental; • Lcd, screen, flipcharts, pens & notepads; • Still or mineral water on the table; • Morning caffee break; coffee, tea, juice, cakes; • Working lunch – buffet or three course set menu; • Afternoon coffee break; coffee, tea, fruit basket, biscuits.

Accommodation rates start from: Single room: 60 euros per day. Double room: 84 euros per day. Packages are valid for a minimum of 15 participants. VAT is included in the price. City tax is not included: 1.50 euros per person per day.

A description of the incentive programme The congress area is made up of the main congress hall with a capacity of up to 236 participants and 10 breakout rooms for up to 15 participants. There is an additional multifunctional room for up to 40 participants and a fully equipped business centre.

Contact information Marija Matana Gluncic Director of MICE and Group Department Adriastar Hotels & Resorts Tel.: +385 20 362 824


Kongresne lokacije – Kopaonik

Največje smučarsko središče v Srbiji

Gorsko letovišče MK se nahaja na gori Kopaonik, ki je 260 kilometrov oddaljena od glavnega mesta Srbije, Beograda. Kopaonik je ena od najrazburljivejših destinacij za šport in rekreacijo v regiji in največje smučarsko središče v Srbiji. Gorsko letovišče MK obiskovalcem ponuja namestitvene zmogljivosti hotela Grand Hotel 4*, hotela Suvo rudište 4* in apartmajskega naselja s tremi zvezdicami Konaci – sunčani vrhovi (vsi trije skupaj predstavljajo polovico namestitvenih zmogljivosti Kopaonika) ter kongresni center, ki se nahaja v samem središču turističnega centra Kopaonik in je eden od največjih tovrstnih centrov v Srbiji. Zagotavlja izjemno profesionalne storitve za organizacijo konferenc, srečanj, simpozijev, seminarjev, korporativnih dogodkov, predstavitev, programov t. i. teambuildinga in podobno. Sprejme lahko tudi do 800 ljudi, saj se razprostira na petih različnih nivojih s skoraj 1.000 kvadratnimi metri površine in petimi različno velikimi večnamenskimi konferenčnimi dvoranami. Kongresni center gorskega letovišča MK v Nacionalnem parku Kopaonik tako združuje rustikalno in gorsko arhitekturo ter zagotavlja resnično neponovljivo izkušnjo.


Gorsko letovišče MK Hotel Grand, Raška, Kopaonik, Srbija

Congress Locations – Kopaonik

The Biggest Ski Centre in Serbia

The MK Mountain Resort is located on the mountain of Kopaonik, 260 km from the capital Belgrade. Kopaonik represents one of the most exciting destinations for sport and recreation in the region, as well as the biggest ski centre in Serbia.

MK Mountain Resort Premises Hotel Grand, RaĹĄka 36356, Kopaonik, Serbia

Apart from the 4* Grand Hotel, the 4* Hotel Suvo Rudiste and the 3* apartment complex Konaci- Sunny Heights, which represent half of the total accommodation capacity of Kopaonik, the MK Mountain Resort offers the Convention Centre. It is located at the very heart of the Kopaonik tourist centre and represents one of the biggest centres of its kind in Serbia. The MK Mountain Resort Convention Centre offers unrivalled professional services for conferences, meetings, symposiums, seminars, corporate events, presentations and team building. It is located on five different levels, with almost 1000 m2 of space, 5 different sizes and multipurpose conference halls, and can accommodate up to 800 participants. Situated in the National Park of Kopaonik, combining rustic and mountain architecture, the MK Mountain Resort Convention Centre creates a truly memorable experience.


Ljubljanski cukrčki/ Ljubljana Candies

Razburljivo novo prizorišče – Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška

An Exciting New Venue – the Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture

Nedavno odprtje Centra urbane kulture Kino Šiška je v kulturno okolje Ljubljane prineslo nov val energije.

The recent opening of the Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture has injected a new wave of energy into Ljubljana’s cultural landscape.

Pred kratkim so v celoti obnovili nekoč izjemno priljubljen Kino Šiška, ki je svojo privlačnost izgubil s prihodom kinodvoran v večnamenskih centrih, in ga preoblikovali v center za sodobno in urbano ustvarjalnost. To edinstveno prizorišče je namenjeno predvsem glasbenim, gledališkim, plesnim in eksperimentalnim dogodkom, primerno pa je tudi za srečanja, konference in podobne dogodke. Z 2.468 kvadratnimi metri arhitekturnih in tehnoloških novosti se Kino Šiška uvršča med večje in tehnično najsodobnejše tovrstne objekte v Evropi.

Kino Šiška, once a popular cinema that lost its function with the arrival of multiplex halls, has been completely refurbished and transformed into a centre for contemporary and urban creativity. This unique venue is primarily dedicated to music, theatre, dance and experimental productions, while also being suitable for meetings, conferences and other related events. Featuring 2,468 square metres of architectural and technological innovations, Kino Šiška ranks among largest and technically most advanced venues of its kind in Europe.

Velika dvorana Katedrala premore 800 stojišč oziroma 450 sedišč, ki se lahko prilagajajo posameznim dogodkom – tudi konferencam in korporativnim dogodkom. V mali dvorani Komuna pa je 150 sedišč za bolj zasebne, pretežno eksperimentalne in debatne dogodke ali tiskovne konference. Po potrebi lahko odmori potekajo v prostorih bližnjega M hotela. Kino Šiška premore tudi razstavni prostor, poimenovan Kamera, in sodobno opremljeno kavarno Kralj.

The large Katedrala Hall can welcome up to 800 visitors standing or 450 seating in various set-ups adjusted to individual events, including conferences and corporate events. The small Komuna Hall features up to 150 seats for more intimate, mainly experimental events, discussions or press conferences. The nearby M Hotel can offer additional breakout rooms, if so required. The two halls are complemented by the Kamera exhibition space and by the Kralj Cafe, which reflects a modernist decor.

Od sredine septembra 2009, ko je Kino Šiška vstopil na lokalno sceno kulture in dogodkov, je prizorišče gostilo že vrsto odmevnih koncertov, modnih revij, predstavitev, okroglih miz in drugih dogodkov. V skladu z njihovim izjemno prožnim tržnim pristopom je možno najeti tako posamezne funkcijske sobe kot tudi celotno prizorišče, vključno s kavarno.

Since mid-September 2009, when Kino Šiška stepped into the local cultural and event scene, a host of resounding concerts, as well as fashion shows, presentations, round tables and other events have been staged there. Based on their flexible market approach, it possible to hire / privatise individual function rooms as well as the entire venue, including the café.


Come and take a closer look: Pivka Landscape.

slovenia FOR YoU Feel the presence of nature. Taste the harmony of diversity.


Kongresna osebnost – Sandra Rakovec

Še vedno velja: zadovoljen delavec, zadovoljen gost Sandra Rakovec, profesorica geografije in geologije, je turizmu zapisana že od študentskih let. Bogata kariera, ki se je na občini Kranjska Gora začela na mestu pripravnice, zadolžene za turizem, se zdaj po številnih uspešno opravljenih izzivih nadaljuje na mestu vodje sektorja za trženje v Hit Alpinei. Svoje odgovorne službene obveznosti uspešno združuje z udejstvovanjem v organizacijskih odborih nekaterih največjih kranjskogorskih športnih prireditev in z družinskim življenjem. Kako ste se znašli v kongresni industriji? Pot me je v kongresno industrijo zanesla v študentskih letih, ko sem kot hostesa delala v Festivalni dvorani Bled in Kompas kongresih Ljubljana. Na priporočila takratne vodje Festivalne dvorane Bled se mi je ponudila možnost, da sodelujem pri organizaciji Svetovnega letalskega kongresa na Bledu. Od takrat naprej sem v svojem prostem času (ker sem bila že redno zaposlena) sodelovala pri organizaciji in izvedbi številnih, predvsem športnih dogodkov, kot so Pokal Vitranc – svetovni pokal v alpskem smučanju za moške, finale svetovnega pokala v smučarskih skokih, evropsko mladinsko prvenstvo v golfu na Bledu, evropsko prvenstvo v spustu z gorskimi kolesi ... Profesionalno, kot vodja prodaje za kongresni turizem, sem se začela ukvarjati s kongresno dejavnostjo s prihodom v podjetje Hit Alpinea.

Kaj vas v življenju in osebni karieri najbolj navdušuje? Poleg družine, ki ne sme biti le obveznost, predvsem daljša potovanja in izleti po Sloveniji ter ukvarjanje s športom. Če bi čas dopuščal, za dušo, pa oblikovanje nakita in nenehno prenavljanje stanovanja.

Kakšno prihodnost napovedujete kongresni industriji? Glede na trenutno situacijo in napovedi, v gospodarstvu in javnem sektorju, v naslednjem letu stagnacijo, nato pa počasno rast. Prednost bodo imeli tisti ponudniki, ki bodo znali biti inovativni in ponuditi nekaj več, se postaviti predvsem v vlogo svetovalca in podrejeno, v vlogo prodajalca, znali prilagoditi ponudbo željam in zahtevam organizatorja ter pri izvedbi kar se da fleksibilni in prilagodljivi.

Vaše najljubše kongresne lokacije v regiji? Ne glede na to, da živim in delam v gorskih destinacijah, so mi še vedno najljubše kongresne lokacije v Julijskih Alpah (Bled,


Kranjska Gora, Bovec). Prednosti, ki jih vidim v gorskih destinacijah, so predvsem narava, odmik iz mestnega vrveža, možnosti za aktivnosti v naravi v vseh letnih časih ...

Kaj bi v karieri naredili drugače? Nekoliko več časa bi namenila osebni rasti in razvoju, nadgradnji znanja z dodatnimi izobraževanji in druženju (mreženju), tako v poslovnem svetu kot zasebno. Vse navedeno sem zaradi preobilice dela, želje, da vse naredim popolno, da nikoli ne rečem ne, ne bom – zanemarjala.

Kaj vas profesionalno najbolj moti in jezi? Da se uprave ne zavedajo, da je dobra organizacija dela, sistematičen pristop do dela, pretok informacij o stanju, načrtih podjetja, kolegialnost oz. profesionalen odnos do sodelavcev, vzpostavljanje dobrih teamov, osnova za zdravo, učinkovito poslovanje in doseganje zastavljenih ciljev. Že tako ali tako je preveč zunanjih dejavnikov, tako v turistični kot v drugih dejavnostih, na katere uprave in zaposleni ne moremo vplivati, a jih moramo premagati, da preživimo in sledimo viziji ter zastavljenim ciljem. Še vedno velja zadovoljen delavec, zadovoljen kupec/gost.

Kakšni so vaši načrti za prihodnost? Z novim letom nadaljujem kariero v lastnem manjšem družinskem podjetju s ciljem povečati prihodke iz naslova osnovne dejavnosti in se širiti na druge dejavnosti, za katere imam znanje in izkušnje. V obdobju petih let uresničiti svoje sanje, ki pa naj zaenkrat ostanejo še skrivnost.


Meetings and Incentives Personality – Sandra Rakovec

The Saying “A Satisfied Employee = a Satisfied Guest” Still Holds Sandra Rakovec, Professor of Geography and Geology, has been a part of tourism since she was a student. Her rich career began with an internship in the municipality of Kranjska Gora, where she was in charge of tourism and, after numerous successfully overcome challenges, she is continuing as the Head of the Sales and Marketing Department in Hit Alpinea. She has managed to successfully combine her responsibility-packed job with participation in the organisation committees of some of the biggest sports events in Kranjska Gora and with her family life. How did you find yourself in the meetings industry?

What are your favourite congress venues in the region?

My first contact with the meetings industry happened when I was a student working as a hostess at the Bled Festival Hall and with Kompas Kongresi Ljubljana. At the recommendation of the director of the Bled Festival Hall, I was offered the opportunity to participate in the organisation of the World Aviation Congress in Bled. Since them, I have always spent my free time (as I already held full-time employment) contributing to the organisation and implementation of numerous events, especially sporting ones, such as the Vitranc World Cup in alpine skiing for men, the World Cup Final in Ski Jumping, the European Junior Golf Championship in Bled, the European Mountain Bike Championship, etc. I became professionally involved with meetings activities as head of sales for the meetings industry when I came to HIT Alpinea.

Even though I live and work in alpine destinations, I still prefer the congress locations in the Julian Alps (Bled, Kranjska Gora, Bovec). Their main advantages are the nature, the sense of retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life, opportunities for outdoor activities throughout the year, etc.

What do you have the most enthusiasm for in life and in your career?

In your professional life, what is it that bothers and angers you the most?

In addition to my family, which one must never see as just an obligation, especially longer trips and tours of Slovenia and engaging in sporting activities. If time would allow it – jewellery design and constant renovations of our apartment.

That boards are unaware that good work organisation, a systematic approach to work, the flow of information about the situation and the plans of the company, comradeship or a professional relationship with your co-workers and establishing good teams are the basis for a healthy and efficient operation and attaining objectives. There are already too many external factors, both in tourism and other activities, which boards and employees cannot influence but we have to overcome them to survive and to follow our vision and set goals. The Saying “A satisfied employee = a satisfied buyer/guest” still holds.

In your opinion, what does the future hold for the meetings industry? With regard to the current situation and predictions for the economy and the public sector, I think it offers stagnation for the next year and then a slow growth. Providers who know how to be innovative and offer something more will have an advantage. They will have to take on the role of the advisor and a subordinate role along with the role of the seller. They will have to adapt their offer to the requirements and demands of the organisers and be as flexible and adaptable as possible in the implementation itself.


What would you do differently in your career? I would dedicate more time to personal growth and development and to improving my knowledge with additional education and networking, both in the business world and personally. I have neglected all that due to excess work and the desire to do everything perfectly and to never say No, I will not.

What are your plans for the future? In the new year, I am planning to continue my career in a smaller family business with the aim of increasing the operating income from my main activity and expanding to other activities that I have the required knowledge and experience for. I wish to fulfil my dreams in five years; they should, however, remain a secret for now.

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Primeri dobre prakse

Lansiranje novega penečega vina Oceanus Naslov dogodka: Lansiranje novega penečega vina Oceanus Naročnik: Družinska kmetija Črnko Izvajalec: Agencija Promo d.o.o. Priznani slovenski vinar Silvo Črnko iz Jarenine pri Mariboru se je lotil pogumnega projekta. S popolnoma novo metodo negovanja vina v odlično peneče vino je steklenice takoj po polnitvi za šest mesecev shranil globoko v morske globine Piranskega zaliva. V sodelovanju z Ribogojnico Fonda, ki vzgaja znamenite Piranske brancine, so potop dragocenih steklenic realizirali kar pod bazeni v globini 20 m, na stalni temperaturi 13 stopinj Celzija. Po šestih mesecih, ko so 1. oktobra steklenice potegnili iz morja, je bil rezultat odličen. Peneče vino Oceanus je »brut de brut«, pridelan po »methode traditionele classique«. Je eno redkih ekstra suhih slovenskih penečih vin. Na steklenice so se prijeli razni morski organizmi in školjke, ki so v okameneli obliki formirali fantastično, unikatno podobo vsake steklenice.


Agencija Promo je dobila nalogo, da Oceanus predstavi širši javnosti. Za predstavitev smo se dogovorili kar v prezentacijskem prostoru na družinski kmetiji Črnko. Gre za ekskluziven proizvod, ki je namenjen poznavalcem in elitnim naročnikom. Povezali smo se s slovenskim predstavništvom v Bruslju, ki se je presenetljivo kvalitetno odzvalo in nas opremilo s kontakti urednikov najpomembnejših specializiranih vinskih publikacij v EU. Povabili smo slovenske medije in ob takšnem enkratnem dogodku tudi predsednika RS. Odziv je bil fantastičen, prisotnih je bilo dvanajst medijskih hiš iz Slovenije. Press informacije smo poslali dvajsetim urednikom evropskih vinskih medijev. Dogodka se je udeležil tudi ameriški vinski poznavalec in novinar Darrel Joseph, uradni ocenjevalec Decanterja. Ob tej priložnosti je napisal članek za angleški Harrpers Wine&Spirit. Slovesno odpiranje prve steklenice Oceanusa je opravil predsednik države dr. Danilo Türk. V naslednjih dneh so tako elektronski kot tiskani mediji obilno poročali o tem dogodku.

Good Practice Case Studies

The Launch of the New Oceanus Sparkling Wine Event Title: The launch of the new Oceanus sparkling wine Client: Črnko Family Farm Contractor: Agencija Promo d.o.o. The renowned Slovenian wine maker Silvo Črnko from Jarenina near Maribor has undertaken a bold project. Using a completely new manufacturing method for transforming wine into an excellent sparkling wine, he submerged the bottles immediately after bottling in the depths of Piran Bay for six months. In cooperation with the Fonda Fish Farm, which farms the famous Piran sea bass, the valuable bottles were submerged below the pools at a depth of 20 metres and at a constant temperature of 13 degrees Celsius. Six months later, on 1 October when the bottles were lifted from the sea, the results were exquisite. Oceanus sparkling wine is “brut de brut” manufactured according to the methode traditionele classique. It is one of the few Slovenian extra dry sparkling wines.

Various sea organisms and sea shells are attached to the bottles and their fossilised shapes forms a fantastic and unique image of each bottle. Agencija Promo was entrusted with the task of presenting Oceanus to the broader public. The presentation was arranged to take place in the presentation room at the Črnko Family Farm. This is an exclusive product for connoisseurs and elite buyers. We contacted the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union in Brussels, which provided surprisingly good input and gave us the contact information of the editors of the most important specialised wine publications in the European Union. We invited the Slovenian media and, as this was a truly unique event, also the President of the Republic of Slovenia. The response was fantastic and twelve media houses from Slovenia attended the event. Press information was sent to twenty editors of European wine media. Darel Joseph, American wine connoisseur and official judge of the Decanter, was among the guests attending this event. He took the opportunity to write an article for the British Harpers Wine & Spirit. The honour of the ceremonial opening of the first bottle of Oceanus fell to the hands of the President of Slovenia, Dr. Danilo Türk. The next day, electronic and printed media extensively reported about the event.


Primeri dobre prakse

Uspešen preplet team building in incentive programa Naslov dogodka: Ko se prepletata team building in incentive program ... Naročnik: Go®Mice d.o.o. Izvajalec: Maya team; Nikolaš Borut Na predhodnem krajšem sestanku smo skupaj z naročnikom določili smernice in cilje, ki smo jih želeli doseči z dvodnevnim izobraževanjem zaposlenih. Zato smo za podjetje Go®Mice sestavili program, ki je združil vse, kar mora vsebovati visoko kvaliteten in atraktiven team building ter incentive program. Upoštevali in prepletli smo vse elemente, ki se pričakujejo po evropskih in svetovnih standardih in tako dobili enkratno mešanico strokovnega izobraževanja, motivacije zaposlenih, naravnih lepot, vrhunske kulinarike in timskega dela. Osredotočili smo se na komunikacijo, motivacijo, organizacijo in zaupanje v timu. Program je bil izveden po modelu »Iz prakse v prakso«, ki smo ga razvili prav v našem podjetju. Potekal je v obliki interaktivne učne delavnice. Prvi dan smo v popoldanskem času izvedli predavanje na temo

Komunikacija in vodenje tima. Vsi udeleženci so bili aktivno vključeni pri teoretičnem delu, vajah in zastavljenih nalogah. S kombinacijo teorije in prakse smo aktivno pospeševali proces učenja v timu. Paralelna diskusija udeležencev, domiselne vaje in skupinsko reševanje zastavljenih problemov v novem in nepoznanem okolju so nam omogočili aktivno učenje komunikacijskih in vodstvenih veščin, ki smo jih povezali z delovnim okoljem udeležencev. Za zaključek delovnega in obenem zabavnega dne pa smo si privoščili specialitete slovenskih kuharjev in vinarjev. Drugi dan smo sejno sobo zamenjali za naravo, ki nas je obkrožala in je že sama po sebi napeljevala na sproščeno in kreativno vzdušje. S pomočjo koles smo odkrivali skrite tolminske kotičke, ki so nas pričakali z različno zahtevnimi nalogam in tudi lepimi presenečenji. Spopadli smo se s programom LRC. To je bila kombinacija psihičnih in fizičnih izzivov. Aktivnosti so nam nudile možnost treninga učinkovitega reševanja problemov na zabaven in duhovit način. Za analize posameznikov in celotnega tima smo uporabljali metodo FSNP (Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing). Po skupinskem povzetku izobraževalnega programa smo se vsi strinjali, da je program presegel vsa pričakovanja in izpolnil želje ter zastavljene cilje naročnika programa.


Good Practice Case Studies

The Successful Intertwining of Teambuilding and Incentives Event Title: When teambuilding and incentive events intertwine … Client: Go®Mice d.o.o. Contractor: Maya team; Nikolaš Borut At a brief meeting with the client, we decided together on the guidelines and objectives that we wish to achieve with the two-day staff training. This is why we prepared a special programme for Go®Mice, combining all the qualities of a top-level and attractive teambuilding and incentive programme. We considered and combined all the elements required by European and global standards and thus developed a unique blend of professional education, staff motivation, natural beauties, top-class cuisine and teamwork. We focused on communication, motivation, organisation and trust within the team. The programme was implemented following the in-house developed model From Theory to Practice in the form of an interactive study workshop.

On the first day, the afternoon was spent in a lecture on communication and team management. All the participants were actively involved in the theoretical part, exercises and set tasks. By combining theory and practice, we actively facilitated the study process within the team. The parallel discussion of the participants, resourceful exercises and group problem solving in a new and unfamiliar environment enabled us to actively learn communication and management skills, which we linked to the work environment of the participants. To end a busy yet fun day, we treated ourselves to the delicacies of Slovenian chefs and wine makers. On the second day, we exchanged the meeting room for the surrounding nature, which in itself encouraged a relaxed and creative atmosphere. We discovered the hidden corners of Tolmin on bikes and were met with tasks of various difficulty levels and also wonderful surprises. We tackled an LRC as a combination of psychological and physical challenges. These activities helped us learn efficient problem solving in a fun and witty way. We used the FSNP (Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing) method to analyse individuals and the whole team. After a group analysis of the programme, we all agreed that it had surpassed our expectations and met the requirements and objectives of the client.


Primeri dobre prakse

Odlični dogodki tudi v manjših kongresnih središčih Naslov dogodka: 45. obletnica podjetja FerroČrtalič Naročnik: FerroČrtalič d.o.o. Izvajalec: Kulturno kongresni center Dolenjske Toplice Podjetje FerroČrtalič je za številna leta uspešnega delovanja - še prav posebej uspešni so bili v zadnjem desetletju - prejelo kar nekaj priznanj kot hitro rastoče podjetje - med njimi tudi Gazeli za leti 2003 in 2004. Za obeležitev 45. obletnice svojega delovanja so izbrali Kulturno kongresni center Dolenjske Toplice, saj na svoji poti izbirajo le najboljše. Pričakovanja naročnika so bila velika. Dejstvo, da so se odločili za naš kongresni center in nam zaupali, smo vzeli kot velik izziv. Sodobni prostori, najsodobnejša tehnika, na drugi strani pa majhna ekipa, ki jo vodi izkušen vodja – ter mladi sodelavci, polni teoretičnih znanj in želje po dokazovanju. Vse to je omogočilo, da smo dosegli ali celo presegli pričakovanja naročnika.


Na prireditvi je bilo 250 povabljencev, med katerimi so bili tudi visoki gostje iz Slovenije in tujine. Protokolarna slovesnost je potekala v Veliki dvorani z uvodnim predstavitvenim filmom podjetja, s pozdravnimi govori gostov, med katerimi je bil tudi minister Gregor Golobič ter z zabavnim delom, v katerem je blestela Nuša Derenda. Sledila je pogostitev na platoju Kulturno kongresnega centra v čarobnem soju žarometov, za katerega je poskrbela agencija Event Design, odlično pripravljen in izveden catering Zavoda Okus, odlična vina vinarja Prusa, cigarni kotiček Cigar Corner … Naša ekipa je dogodek izpeljala na najvišjem nivoju in dokazala, da so takšni dogodki mogoči tudi v manjši kongresnih središčih, ki šele iščejo svoj prostor v tem segmentu ponudbe v Sloveniji.

Good Practice Case Studies

Excellent Events in Smaller Congress Centres as Well Event Title: The 45th anniversary of FerroČrtalič Client: FerroČrtalič d.o.o. Contractor: The Dolenjske Toplice Cultural and Congress Centre

desire to prove themselves. All this enabled us to meet or even exceed the client’s expectations.

Over the many years of their successful operation, and they have been especially successful in the last decade, the FerroČrtalič company has received numerous recognitions for fast growing companies, including the Gazela 2003 and 2004 awards.

The social part of the evening was enriched by the wonderful performance of Nuša Derenda. The catering part of the event was organised on the platform of the Cultural and Congress Centre under the magical glow of spotlights arranged by Event Design, Zavod Okus saw to the excellent catering, we served wines coming from the excellent wine maker Jože Prus, arranged a Cigar Corner, etc.

As they choose only the best on their path, they chose the Dolenjske Toplice Cultural and Congress Centre to mark their 45th anniversary. The expectations of the client were high. We took the fact that they chose our congress centre and put their trust in us as a great challenge. Modern rooms, state-of-the-art technology and, on the other hand, a small team lead by an experienced manager with young staff full of theoretical knowledge and the

There were 250 invited guests at the event, including some VIP guests from Slovenia and abroad. The protocolar part took place in the Grand Hall with a short film presenting the company and opening addresses by guests, including Minister Gregor Golobič.

Our team implemented the event at the highest possible level and has proven that such events can be organised in smaller congress centres, which are still searching for their position in this offer segment in Slovenia.


Primeri dobre prakse

Črnogorski izziv Naslov dogodka: Črnogorski izziv Naročnik: Banka Izvajalec: Talas-M DMC Letos smo imeli priložnost organizirati poseben motivacijski program za 130 gostov ugledne evropske banke. V času krize, ko se vsi soočamo s težavami, je bil namen tega potovanja udeležencem pokazati, kako pomembni so za svoje podjetje, in jih v čudovitem okolju spomniti na njihove prioritete in vrednote. Izbrali so Črno Goro, državo, polno naravnih in kulturnih nasprotij, robate pokrajine in gostoljubnih ljudi. Na svojem štiridnevnem obisku so udeleženci spoznali kulturo severnega dela države, z vlaka občudovali kanjon reke Morače, uživali v čudovitem hotelu Bianca Resort, izkusili adrenalinski rafting na reki Tari, z džipom in s pomočjo zemljevidov sami poiskali pot od severa na jug ter na Skadarskem jezeru pokušali odlično hrano in vina.


Na jugu države – v 2.500 let stari Budvi – je skupino sprejel hotel Avala Resort. Udeleženci so nato osvojili goro Lovčen in se spopadli v vaških viteških igrah. Sledila je razkošna večerja, ki je potekala v trdnjavi Citadela, okrašeni z etnografskimi elementi. Udeležence je pozdravila skupina pevcev a capella, za dobro vzdušje pozno v noč pa sta poskrbeli folklorna in etnografska skupina. Zadnji dan so morali gostje na trgu starega mesta Kotor, ki je na seznamu Unescove kulturne dediščine, pripraviti lokalne specialitete. To enkratno delavnico je odlično zaokrožil koncert pevskega zbora pravoslavne cerkve – odvijal se je v cerkvi sv. Nikole – in z njim povezana donacija za lokalno sirotišnico. »To potovanje je bilo izjemno uspešno in naši cilji so doseženi. Gostje so Črno Goro zapustili s čustvi, ki jih bodo za vedno nosili v svojih srcih,« je povedal predsednik družbe.

Good Practice Case Studies

Montenegro Challenge Event Title: Montenegro challenge Client: Bank Contractor: Talas-M DMC This year we had the opportunity to organize a very special incentive program for 130 guests of a reputable European bank. In this period of crisis when everyone faces difficult times, this trip had the objective of showing its participants how important they are to their company and to remind them of their priorities and values in a marvellous atmosphere. Montenegro, a country of natural and cultural contrasts, rough landscapes and hospitable people, was their choice. During a four-day stay, the group had the chance to encounter the culture of the northern region, to discover the canyon of the Moraca river by train, to enjoy the beautiful Bianca resort, to experience adrenalin rafting on the Tara River, to find the way from the North to the South in a self drive jeep ride with road maps spiced with a food and wine tasting on the Skadar Lake.

In the South, the group was welcomed in the Avala Resort, located in the 2500 year old town of Budva. Starting from sea level, the participants conquered the Lovcen Mountain and then crossed swords in Village knight’s games. The gala dinner took place in the Citadela fortress, refined with elements of ethnic decoration. The group was welcomed by a group of a cappella singers and animated by a folklore and an ethnic band until late in the evening. On the last day, the guests had the mission of preparing local specialties on a square in the UNESCO-protected Old town of Kotor. This unique workshop was crowned by a concert by an orthodox choir in St Nicola’s church and a donation to the local orphanage. “This trip was a great success and the goal was achieved. The guests left Montenegro with an emotion that will remain in their hearts forever,” said the president of the company.


Oglasno sporočilo

Poglejte ponovno in se odločite za Monte Carlo! Monte-Carlo SBM Resort upravlja z najznamenitejšimi objekti v Kraljevini Monako. Ti objekti so luksuzni hotel Hotel de Paris, dodatek znameniti monaški igralnici (182 sob in luksuznih apartmajev); izjemen hotel Hermitage – znamenit hotel iz leta 1900 (280 sob, apartmajev in ekskluzivnih apartmajev); šarmanten in nedavno prenovljen butični hotel Monte Carlo Beach z vzdušjem iz 30-ih let minulega stoletja (40 sob in apartmajev s pogledom na morje) in izjemno sodoben hotel Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort (334 sob in stanovanj duplex). Celotno letovišče ponuja kulturna prizorišča in prizorišča za prosti čas, ki vključujejo pet igralnic, operno hišo, bar z živo glasbo Moods, nočni klub Jimmy'z, golfklub in teniška igrišča. MonteCarlo SBM se prav tako lahko pohvali s 60 sobami za srečanja in banketnimi dvoranami, 30 bari in restavracijami, od katerih so kar tri v Michelinovi znameniti t. i. rdeči knjigi, ter termami Le Thermes Marins, ki sodijo med deset najboljših term na svetu. Nenazadnje vsi gostje ob prihodu prejmejo tudi zlato kartico, s katero imajo prost vstop v igralnico, brezplačen izmenični prevoz in 50-odstotni popust za golf in teniška igrišča.


Kljub splošnemu drugačnemu prepričanju objekti družbe MonteCarlo SBM ponujajo izjemno razmerje med kakovostjo in ceno, saj se cene prenočišč pričnejo že pri 175 evrih na noč (cene za skupine pod posebnimi pogoji). Ponudba družbe Monte-Carlo SBM je več kot odlična za srečanja, motivacijska potovanja in korporativne dogodke, njihovi objekti pa se nahajajo v eni od središčnih, najvarnejših in sončnih destinacij v Evropi. Več informacij o seminarjih in sprejemih:!-Take-a-second-look-!.html Direktor za razvoj poslovanja Ugo Delory:

Advertising Feature

Take a Second Look, go for Monte-Carlo! The Monte-Carlo SBM Resort operates the Principality of Monaco's most distinctive facilities. The hotels are the luxurious Hotel de Paris, a complement to the famed Casino of Monte-Carlo (182 rooms & exclusive suites); the exquisite Hotel Hermitage, a turn of the century landmark (280 rooms, suites & exclusive apartments); the charming and recently renovated Monte Carlo Beach boutique hotel with its 1930's ambiance (40 rooms & suites, all sea view) and the state-of-the-art Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort (334 rooms & duplex). A complete resort with cultural & leisure venues including five Casinos, the Opera House, the Moods Live Music Bar, the Jimmy'z night club, the Monte-Carlo Golf Club and the Monte-Carlo Country Club's tennis courts. Monte-Carlo SBM also boasts 60 meetings & banquets rooms, 30 bars & restaurants (three of which are featured in the Michelin Red Book) and Les Thermes Marins, which is one of the top-10 spas in the world. Last but not least, all the guests receive the Gold Card upon arrival, entitling them to free admission to the Casino, to the shuttle service and a 50% discount on golf & tennis fees.

Finally, contrary to popular belief, Monte-Carlo SBM properties offer top value & quality for money with accommodation rates starting from 175 EUR per night (group rates, conditions apply). Monte-Carlo SBM is the perfect offer for meetings, incentives & corporate events, located in one of the most secure, central & sunny destination in Europe! For more information about Seminars & Receptions:!-Take-a-second-look-!.html Business Development Manager, M. Ugo Delory:



Sejemska priloga / The Fairs Supplement



Kdo naj sejmu živeti dá? Nekaj tednov pred Clintonovim obiskom smo v Ljubljani srečni »izbranci« poslušali Nobelovega nagrajenca za ekonomijo Paula Krugmana in na koncu predavanja v dar dobili še njegovo knjigo z naslovom Vrnitev ekonomike depresije in kriza leta 2008. Ob tem se mi je nehote utrnila misel, da ima recesija, ki so jo napovedali in jo sedaj tudi analizirajo ekonomisti, pravzaprav nekakšno obliko pohotne hobotnice, ki nekontrolirano raste in steguje svoje nevidne lovke. Mi, ki plavamo v motni vodi gospodarstva in ekonomije, pa smo njen plen, ki se ji želi izmakniti, uiti, da ga ta ne izčrpa, izsesa ... Smo torej plen, ki se bori proti plenilcu, plen, ki se bori proti nevidnemu sovražniku, plen, ki se zaveda posledic in išče učinkovito formulo rešitve lastne in eksistence prihodnje generacije. Če na sejemsko dejavnost pogledamo kot na »pro-motor« gospodarstva, potem v bolj globalnem razmerju do omenjene dejavnosti samodejno vznikne misel, da bi ji nemara vplivni ljudje morali nameniti več pozornosti. Še več, dejavnost v regiji kliče po ureditvi razmer, morda po uvedbi »mojstrskih izpitov«, spričeval in licenc, ki nekomu omogočajo in dovolijo, da se s sejemsko dejavnostjo lahko ukvarja. Pri iskanju novih priložnosti se znova in znova pojavlja niz posameznikov, ki bi se ad hoc et nunc konstituirali in organizirali sejemske dogodke, četudi za to nimajo niti osnovnih, niti potrebnih znanj. Ne podcenjujem ljubiteljev in amaterjev. Prav nasprotno – v mnogih primerih je njihova sposobnost pri organiziranju dogodka, četudi ga poimenujejo bazar, sejem in podobno, presenetljivo iznajdljiva in inovativna. Večkrat je tak dogodek tudi uspešen in v mnogih primerih tudi donosen. Kritiziram tiste »vzhajajoče zvezde«, ki jim je mar le denar. Vsem tem, na dušo, sledečih pet točk pripenjam. Sejem je resen posel. Naj se novopečeni in samozvani organizatorji še tako močno trudijo, naj si na mnogo načinov prizadevajo omalovaževati in naj še, v svojih mejnih blodnjah skrajnosti, poskušajo izničiti tradicionalne prijeme, ki so nujni za realizacijo uspešne sejemske prireditve, bo na koncu zanje rezultat vedno isti. Potegnili bodo ta kratko. Karavana bo šla naprej, oni pa bodo krčevito hlipali za izgubljenim časom in finančnim vložkom, ki ni obrodil pričakovanega dobička. Opletali bodo z jezikom, oni bolj pismeni s peresom, drugi se bodo nemara sklicevali na zveze in poznanstva, prevaranti bodo uporabili zvijačo, bolj premožni bodo lobirali z denarjem in svoje pretekle usluge naperili v svoje marionete, poskušali bodo s tujo karizmo, z referencami. Prav nič ne bo pomagalo. Sejem je pošten posel. Dobro premišljeno, zavzeto in pošteno delo bo obrodilo sadove. Ljudje z izkušnjo v sejemski dejavnosti so sol in poper, suho zlato in formula uspešne sejemske industrije. Je teorija, je praksa in je tudi oboje hkrati. In ta, ki ve in zna, bo uspel na dolgi rok. Vsi drugi


pa ... mogoče res: en uspešen dogodek, morda dva in konec. Jok in stok in škripanje z zobmi ga čaka junca, saj pragmatični bog grehe odpušča, neumnosti ne. Sejem ni privilegij. Perspektiva stremljenja za uspehom je usodna. Zorni kot, ki ga obarva začetno navdušenje in pohlep po denarju, kmečka »zdrava pamet«, ki sledi poneumljenemu in intelektualno sterilnemu kalupu, ki mu rečemo tudi »hitri zaslužek«, je poguba začetnikov v tem poslu. Resnica se jim naglo odmika. Z oddaljenostjo od stvari, ki se na lepem prikažejo v naglavni podobi, bledí barvitost, počasní zagon, zavlada stagnacija. Projekt je obešen na klin, izbranci postanejo bojevniki miru in civilisti vojni veterani. Narobe svet. Ne, sejem ni nikogaršnji privilegij. Ni odlagališče zaslužnih državnih birokratov v počivališče in v lastništvo delovnega mesta. Je sprotno, vsakdanje potrjevanje posameznika v harmoničnem zborovskem petju, kjer izstopajo solisti s šolanim glasom in talentom. Njihov dirigent pa note pozna. Sejem je trdo delo. Pisanje zgodbe, vsebine in programa. To je sejem. Je jasno komuniciranje, brez ovinkov in balasta. Je administriranje, iskanje poslovnega modela, partnerskih odnosov, analiz trga, marketinških raziskav. Ni kič, ni umetnost, ni prostor za sprenevedanje, ni fantazijska utopija. Ni prostor za posipanje s pepelom. Je, kar je. Ta čudežni dogodek je podpis pogodbe, je človeški odnos, ki privede v sklenjen posel in zadovoljstvo obeh. Je druženje, veselje in radost uspešnih in korekcija, sprememba, napotek, morda nova smer, neusmiljen konkurenčni boj in opuščen program za manj uspešne. Je cesta, je boj in je preživetje. Sejem ni organiziran kaos. Kaos vidijo površneži in iskalci leska na manjvrednih dobrinah. Za tiste druge, redke ljudi, ki so se srečali z vsemi njegovimi pojavnimi oblikami in temeljnimi zakonitostmi, pa je povsem nekaj drugega. Je morda past, ki so jo nastavili razstavljavci obiskovalcem, bodočim kupcem? Morda orodje, ki dodaja le navidezno dodano vrednost tistim predmetom, ki bodo prišli na trg šele jutri? Prevara za lahkoverne? Lažna inovativnost? Vključuje trend, obliko, neprepoznavni mehanizem delovanja, ki je vsebovan v predmetu samem, a je še neviden, vse dokler ga ne spozna in sprejme večina mnenjskih voditeljev? Ključna presoja, ki je povezana z intuicijo? Zapeljani človeški čuti, sugestija, ki sili v dejanje nakupa? Je vse to in še več? Sejem je možnost izbire in preudarni to vedo in jim tega ni treba posebej povedati. Zato pridejo, zato je sejem lep, zato se srečujemo. Napnimo, dodajmo ji energijo, usmerimo sejemsko vzmet, ki proži gospodarstvo in posledično napredek. Končno nam ta dva, vsem nam, bivanje na tem svetu sploh omogočata in hkrati tudi zagotavljata. Sejem naj organizirajo profesionalci. Rastko Aleš, Gospodarsko razstavišče Ljubljana

The Fairs Supplement

Who Will Give Life to an Exhibition? A few weeks before Clinton visited Ljubljana, some fortunate “chosen ones” listened to Nobel Prize winner in economics Paul Krugman and were even given his book The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 at the end of the lecture. This unintentionally made me think of the predicted recession, which is now being analysed by economists, like a greedy octopus that is uncontrollably growing and spreading its invisible tentacles. All of us swimming in the turbid waters of economy are its prey, wishing to get away to avoid being worn out and sucked dry. We are a prey fighting a predator, a prey fighting an invisible enemy, a prey aware of the consequences and still searching for an efficient solution for our own existence and that of future generations. If we regard exhibition activity as the pro-engine of economy, a more global approach to this activity engenders the idea that influential people should probably pay more attention to it. Further more, in our region, this activity calls for the situation to be regulated, perhaps in the form of “master certificates”, degrees and licences that would allow an individual to be involved in the exhibition activity. In searching for new opportunities, there are continually a number of individuals who would like to constitute and organise exhibitions ad hoc et nunc, even if they have neither the basic nor the required knowledge. I do not underestimate enthusiasts and amateurs. Quite the contrary – in many cases their ability to organise an event, even if they call it a bazaar, fair or similar, is surprisingly resourceful and innovative. Often, such an event is successful and, in many cases, profitable as well. My critique is directed towards the “rising stars“ who care only about the money. The following five points are to be pinned on their souls. Exhibitions are a serious business. No matter how hard fledgling and self-proclaimed organisers try and no matter how much they endeavour to diminish and, if they take their delusions to the utmost extremes, try to quash the traditional approaches that are necessary to realise a successful exhibition, the final result on their part will ultimately always be the same. They are always going to get the short end of the stick. The caravan will move on and they will cry convulsively over lost time and financial input that did not result in the anticipated profit. They will mouth off, the more literate ones will use their pens, others will call upon relations and acquaintances. The swindlers will use tricks, the wealthy will lobby with money and direct their previous favours towards their marionettes, they will try to use other people’s charisma and references. Nothing will help. Exhibitions are a fair business. Well elaborated, zealous and fair work will come to fruition. In exhibition activities, people with experiences are the pepper and salt, pure gold and the formula for a successful exhibition industry. There is theory, there is practice and then there is both hand in hand. Those who know will succeed in the long-run. All others, maybe one successful event or two, but that’s it. Whining and gnashing teeth is all that awaits the nestlings, as the pragmatic god forgives sins but not stupidity.

Exhibitions are not a privilege. The perspective of striving for success can be fatal. The perspective tinged by initial enthusiasm and greed for money, the narrowminded common sense that follows a stultified and intellectually sterile mould, which can go by the name quick money, is the death of beginners in this field. Truth is quickly receding into the distance. With a distance from all things, which all of a sudden appear upside down, colourfulness grows pale, impetus is lagging and stagnation overcomes. The project is abandoned, the chosen ones become soldiers of peace and civilians become war veterans. The world is amiss. No, exhibitions are not anyone's privilege. They are not a disposal site for meritorious state bureaucrats for them to rest and hold a job. They are the continual and daily confirmation of each individual in a harmonic choir, where soloists with a schooled voice and talent stand out and where their choirmaster knows the notes. Exhibitions are hard work. Writing a story, content and programme. That’s an exhibition. It is clear communication – straightforward and ballast-free. It is administrating, searching for a business model, partner relations, market analyses and marketing research. It is not kitsch, not art, there is no room to play ignorant and it is no imaginary utopia. It is not a place to wear sackcloth and ashes. It is what it is. This miraculous event is the conclusion of a contract, an interpersonal relation that results in concluded business and the satisfaction of both parties. It is socialising, the joy and happiness of the successful ones and a correction, change, pointer, perhaps a new direction, a relentless competitive struggle and an abandoned programme for the less successful ones. It is a road, it is a struggle and it is survival. Exhibitions are not organised chaos. Only superficial people and those searching for lustre in substandard goods see chaos. For the few individuals, who have seen all of its manifestations and fundamental principles, it is something completely different. Could it be a trap set by exhibitors for the visitors or prospective buyers? Perhaps it is a tool that only virtually gives added value to products and services not being launched on the market until tomorrow? A deception for the gullible? False innovativeness? Does it incorporate a trend, shape or unrecognisable operating mechanism that is innate to the object but invisible until it is recognised and accepted by the majority of opinion leaders? A fundamental judgement related to intuition? Seduced human senses, a suggestion that forces purchase? Is it all this and more? An exhibition is an opportunity to choose and the prudent know that. They do not have to be specifically told that. This is why they come, this is why an exhibition is wonderful and this is why we meet. Let us apply tension to the exhibition spring, which triggers the economy and consequently progress as well, let us add energy to it and steer it in the right direction. It is precisely this economy and progress that enable and guarantee our existence in this world. Exhibitions should be organised by professionals. Rastko Aleš, Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre


Analiza sejemske dejavnosti v Sloveniji

Sejmi – dejavnik zaupanja v krizi Podjetja, ki načrtno vlagajo v osebne odnose s strankami, so v prednosti pred konkurenco, zato mnoga prav zdaj namenjajo še več denarja za sejme ali pa vsaj ne zmanjšujejo sejemskih proračunov. Ker pa se zaupanje ne zgradi prek noči, bodo tudi tokrat zmagovalke tiste države, ki – poleg drugih ukrepov – že leta načrtno podpirajo svoje izvoznike. Med njimi bo (spet) Avstrija, kjer se bo gospodarska rast znižala precej manj kot v Sloveniji (naš zaostanek za nekaterimi razvitimi državami se bo tako spet povečal), Nemčija pa je sredi leta namenila še dodatne štiri milijone evrov za podporo sejemskim nastopom, skupaj torej 42 milijonov za program na zvezni ravni (poleg sredstev iz programov posameznih dežel, združenj in zbornic). V prihodnjem letu naj bi na vseh ravneh za te programe namenili še več denarja. V Sloveniji smo namesto tega eno zbornico razbili, druga pa tako razburja s svojim ravnanjem, da nekatera podjetja zdaj pozivajo prvo, naj ustavi drugo … Podobno se ni zgodilo nič od pred enim letom napovedane reforme gospodarske diplomacije. Slovenija vse bolj zaostaja Podatkov o nastopih naših podjetij sicer nihče ne zbira, prvi vtis pa je, da se je prisotnost slovenskih podjetij na sejmih v tujini letos zmanjšala bolj kot iz mnogih drugih držav. V zadnjem času sicer opažam povečano zanimanje za sejme v prihodnjih letih (žal pogosto zaradi nuje), vendar mnogi pravijo, da se bodo prijavili samo, če bodo najprej dobili finančno podporo. Začaran krog.

Lani so me vsi spraševali, kako bo kriza vplivala na sejme. Večinoma sem odgovarjal, da bodo nekateri razstavljavci propadli, nadomestili pa jih bodo novi. Opozarjal sem tudi na od krize neodvisne trende, torej nadaljnje nazadovanje sejmov široke potrošnje in stabilno rast tehničnih sejmov. Rezultati, ki so jih v teh dneh objavili v Nemčiji, so napovedi potrdili. Za vodilno sejemsko velesilo na svetu bo leto 2009 po nizu zelo uspešnih let daleč najtežje (za dva odstotka manj razstavljavcev, za osem odstotkov manj obiskovalcev in za pet odstotkov manj prodanih razstavnih površin). Rezultati bi bili sicer v vsakem primeru nekoliko slabši, ker letos ni bilo na programu nekaterih pomembnih sejmov, ki so organizirani na dve leti ali več. Kljub temu so posamezne sejemske prireditve beležile tudi dvomestne stopnje rasti, na splošno pa poslovanje največjih organizatorjev ostaja stabilno. Vlaganje v osebne odnose s strankami Kriza je zelo načela zaupanje med podjetji, sejmi pa so zaradi neposrednih stikov med ljudmi odlično orodje za njegovo utrjevanje.


Pohvalno je sicer, da je Japti letos prvič (sicer bolj potiho) pozval podjetja, da oddajo načrte sejemskih nastopov za 2010 in 2011. Na tej podlagi naj bi pripravili načrt sofinaciranja sejemskih nastopov za prihodnji dve leti. Ker pa so roki prijav za večino pomembnih sejmov (predvsem v 2010, deloma pa tudi v 2011) že zaključeni, je pred nami skoraj zagotovo še eno zamujeno leto. In prihodnost? Sejmi so ogledalo gospodarstva. Kljub krizi smo na njih tudi v letu 2009 opazovali, kako so se drugi ukvarjali z razvojem, mi pa za svojim plotom brodili po blatu političnih spletk, afer in preteklosti. Prihodnost, kakor da nas ne zanima. Če nočemo ostati brez nje, bo treba korenito spremeniti miselnost v vsej družbi. To pomeni tudi sodelovanje in povezovanje na vseh ravneh namesto vrtičkarstva in nevoščljivosti. Ko je Düsseldorfski sejem letos iskal novega zastopnika za Slovenijo, nas je k sodelovanju povabil na priporočilo Frankfurtskega in Nürnberškega sejma, ki ju zastopamo že več kot deset let. Čeprav si vsa tri podjetja med seboj tudi konkurirajo, se zavedajo pomena mreženja za rast in razvoj. Andrej Prpič Andrej Prpič s.p. – APR Predstavništvo tujih sejmov

An Analysis of Exhibition Activity in Slovenia

Fairs – the Trust Factor in Times of Crisis Last year, everybody was asking me how the crisis was going to effect fairs. I usually said that some exhibitors will fail and others will appear in their place. I also warned about trends that were unrelated to the crisis – the continual decline of general consumption fairs and a stable growth of technical fairs. The recently published results in Germany have confirmed my predictions.

of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments) has, for the first time (even though quietly), called upon companies to submit their plans for fair attendance in 2010 and 2011. This is supposed to be used to prepare a plan of co-financing fair attendance for the next two years. As the application deadlines for the majority of important fairs (especially for 2010 and partially also for 2011) have already passed, we are almost certainly facing another lost year.

After a series of successful years, 2009 will be by far the most difficult year for the leading exhibition superpower (two percent less exhibitors, eight percent less visitors and five percent lower sales of exhibition space). The results would have been slightly worse in any event, as a few of the important fairs that have been organised for the last two years of more, did not take place this year. Even though individual fairs recorded two-digit growth, the operation of the largest organisers remains stable.

Fairs are the mirror of the economy. Despite the crisis, we spent 2009 behind our own fences paddling through the mud of political plots, affairs and the past – just watching how others dealt with development. It is as though we are not interested in the future. If we do not wish to be without a future, society’s manner of thinking requires a fundamental change. This means cooperation and collaboration on all levels instead of staying in our own garden areas being envious. When the Düsseldorf Fair was searching for a new representative for Slovenia this year, we were invited at the recommendation of the Frankfurt Fair and the Nürnberg Fair, which we have been representing for over ten years. Even though these three companies are each other's competition, they are aware of the importance of networking for growth and development.

Investments in Personal Relations with Clients The crisis has already taken its toll on trust and, as they provide direct contact among people, fairs are an excellent tool to reinforce this trust. Companies that are methodically investing in personal relations with clients have an advantage over the competition and this is why many of them are increasing their exhibition funds or at least not reducing the exhibition budget. As trust cannot be built overnight, the countries that have been methodically supporting their exporters for years, in addition to taking other measures, will eventually come out as the winners. Among them we will (again) find Austria, where economic growth is going to be reduced by much less than in Slovenia (our setback behind individual developed countries will again increase), and Germany allocated additional four million euros for support of fair appearances in the mid-year. This means a total of 42 million for the programme on the federal level (in addition to funds from individual states, associations and chambers). Next year, even more funds are planned to be allocated to these programmes on all levels.

What about the Future?

Andrej Prpič Andrej Prpič s.p. – APR Predstavništvo tujih sejmov

In Slovenia however, we broke up one chamber, while the other one is causing so much commotion with its actions that certain companies are now calling upon the first chamber to stop the second. Slovenia Lagging Behind Hardly anyone collects data on our companies’ attendance at fairs. On the first impression, it seems that the attendance of Slovenian companies at international fairs has reduced much more than the attendance of companies from other countries. Lately, we can see an increased interest in future fairs (unfortunately often because of necessity) but many say that they will only attend if they are first granted financial support. A magic circle. It is commendable that Japti (the Public Agency of the Republic


Gospodarsko razstavišče, Ljubljana

Ponujamo celotno izvedbo dogodka Pogovor z Antejem Madjarjem, direktorjem Gospodarskega razstavišča.

ki se ga bo udeležilo več kot tisoč ljudi. Tudi leta 2010 bodo z nami naši partnerji z vsakoletnimi prireditvami, od razstave psov v organizaciji Kinološke zveze Slovenije, nacionalne televizije s svojimi projekti (Slovenska popevka, izbor za Evrovizijo idr.), Plesne šole Urška z maturantskimi plesi in valetami ter plesnimi tekmovanji, do GR inženiringa s svojimi sejemskimi prireditvami in drugimi prireditvami naših partnerjev, kot so GastExpo, Elementum, Kapital, Promarket, Conventa, Space in drugimi. S kakšnimi poslovnimi izzivi ste se srečevali v preteklosti in s kakšnimi se srečujete danes?

Gospodarsko razstavišče je največji prireditveni center v Sloveniji. Z dvajsetimi multifunkcijskimi dvoranami v središču prestolnice je njegova največja prednost pred drugimi podobnimi centri prav v tem, da je njegove prostore mogoče poljubno urediti glede na velikost in namembnost dogodka. Tu se letno zvrsti petnajst sejemskih prireditev. Največja dva, sejem s področja gradnje (Dom) ter pohištveni sejem, obišče približno 50.000 ljudi na prireditev. Gospodarsko razstavišče je tudi pomembno konferenčno-kongresno središče z vsakodnevnimi manjšimi poslovnimi dogodki za do 200 udeležencev, pa tudi večjimi, mednarodnimi, z do 1500 in več udeleženci. V prvi polovici leta so na vseh svojih prireditvah zabeležili skoraj 200.000 obiskovalcev. Kako ste zadovoljni z rezultati družbe v tem letu in kakšno prihodnost napovedujete? Leta še ni konec, kljub temu pa lahko zaključimo, da bomo na Gospodarskem razstavišču poslovali v lanskih okvirih. Pričakujemo, da bodo prihodki iz dejavnosti celo nekoliko višji od lanskih. Glede na razmere v gospodarstvu in posledične ukrepe, v okviru katerih so se sredstva podjetij za marketing praviloma krčila, smo z rezultati zadovoljni. Tudi za leto 2010 imamo koledar lepo zapolnjen z našimi standardnimi dogodki – sejmi (Turizem in prosti čas, Salon plovil, Dom, Mednarodni festival starodobnega transporta, Narava-zdravje, Ambient Ljubljana – sejem pohištva) in tudi z dvema večjima mednarodnima kongresoma. Maja 2010 bo 7. mednarodni kongres Avtoimunost (Autoimmunity) s področja medicine, kjer pričakujemo približno 1500 udeležencev, septembra 2010 pa Apimondia, mednarodni kongres čebelarjev,


V preteklosti smo prodajali prostor, danes pa si prizadevamo prodajati kompleksno storitev – od ideje prek izpiljenega koncepta do kompletne izvedbe. Naročniku ponudimo paket; v njem je realizirana njegova želja. Seveda ne bi bili profesionalni, če bi dejali, da znamo vse čisto sami. Zato ima Gospodarsko razstavišče mrežo najboljših partnerjev, ki so vsak na svojem področju vodilni; od opremljevalcev – izdelovalcev stojnic, arhitektov, pa za kongresno dejavnost zelo pomembnega cateringa, vrhunske tehnike za osvetlitev, PCO storitev za kongresno dejavnost, floristov ipd. Skupaj z njimi lahko pripravimo resnično izvirno, vrhunsko in tehnično brezhibno prireditev. Če je bilo včasih dovolj ponuditi prostor in potencialni obisk, je danes za uspešen sejem najbolj pomemben izčiščen in dodelan koncept – takšen, da v bistvu že kar sam ponuja sejemskemu razstavljavcu rešitev, kako naj se pripravi na sejem, kje naj išče poudarke predstavitve, kakšna orodja vse naj uporabi. Danes tudi ni več mogoče trditi, da je sejem zgolj razstava. Sejem je postal dogajanje, sestavljeno iz razstave, animacij na odrih, vzporedne konference, druženja v obliki zabave, v naprej dogovorjenih sestankov v obliki poslovne borze, vzporednega dogajanja v medijih, na spletu ipd. Pomemben podatek o uspešnosti sejmov je stalna rast ter nadgrajevanje in dopolnjevanje sejemske ponudbe. Kako se sejemska dejavnost razvija pri vas? Sejemska dejavnost pozna vzpone in padce. Z osamosvojitvijo, ki je z novo državo spremenila tudi obseg in delovanje trga ter bazo proizvajalcev, so se stvari drastično spremenile – nekatere gospodarske dejavnosti so se skrčile, postale marginalne oziroma so postopno izginjale, druge so bile in nekatere so še vedno v porastu. Ta dinamika razvoja oziroma stagnacije različnih gospodarskih panog ima velik vpliv na sejemsko dejavnost, saj jedro vedno predstavljajo domači proizvajalci. Drug pomemben vpliv v zadnjih dvajsetih letih ima dejstvo, da je ponudba trgovin postala pestra, da je je veliko, po drugi strani pa zaposleni ljudje nimajo časa za obisk sejmov, kjer so razstavljene stvari, ki jih ne zanimajo v tistem trenutku. Zato imajo prednost specializirani sejmi in tisti, ki so namenjeni tudi ali izključno poslovnemu obisku. Vse to je vplivalo na razvoj sejemske dejavnosti tudi na Gospodarskem razstavišču. Seveda pa smo v zadnjih letih uvedli nove marketinške prijeme, kjer je, kot že povedano, bistveno to, da ima prireditev jasen koncept. Torej mora organizator sejma ta koncept izpiliti in ga ponuditi razstavljavcem na sprejemljiv način – le tako se kasneje obiskovalec sprehodi skozi prireditev, kjer je sporočilo jasno. Če poenostavimo: kaj je sporočilo, kako in komu ga bomo posredovali, je naše vodilo pri organizaciji vsake prireditve. Drugo pomembno področje pa je to, da poleg klasičnega oglaševanja, ki se intenzivno usmerja tudi v elektronske medije, dajemo večji poudarek PR vsebinam. Tako se širijo objektivne informacije o tistem, kar se je oziroma se bo dogajalo na prireditvi.

V katerih gospodarskih panogah je po vašem mnenju v Sloveniji zanimanje za sejemsko dejavnost največje? Pri nas je najbolj obiskana prireditev sejem Dom z vsebino gradnje in graditeljstva, sledi sejem s pohištvom, pa tudi prireditev z vsebino turizma (Turizem in prosti čas). Prireditev z vsebino ekološke zavednosti Narava-zdravje obišče v štirih dneh približno 20.000 obiskovalcev. Dejstvo je, da za sejem potrebuješ dobro zaledje domačih ponudnikov. Šele ko privabiš domače, si lahko drzneš povabiti tuje.

področju sejemske in kongresne dejavnosti – torej, da podpirata le tiste akterje in aktivnosti, ki so profesionalni. Veliko preveč je namreč v tej dejavnosti takšnih, ki imajo le začetniški zagon. Samo z njim pa se ne da narediti dobrega sejma ali kongresa. Nekakovostni dogodki škodijo dejavnosti in destinaciji. Kaj pogrešate na področju ponudbe turističnih kapacitet in infrastrukturne razvitosti regije, v kateri delujete?

Interaktivna udeležba obiskovalcev je glavni moto za obisk, zlasti pri mlajši publiki, ki je praviloma zahtevna publika. Seveda je tudi tematika, ki zanima mlajše, nekoliko drugačna. Recept, ki smo ga uporabili na Gospodarskem razstavišču, pa je enostaven: vključili smo mlade organizatorje sejmov, uporabili njihove ideje, njihovo percepcijo.

Na Gospodarskem razstavišču pogrešamo zlasti še eno veliko dvorano s parkirišči na lokaciji za Gospodarskim razstaviščem. Dvorano, ki bi jo v času naših največjih sejmov lahko uporabili kot sejemsko dvorano in se s tem izognili montažnim dvoranam na lastnem dvorišču, hkrati pa bi ta dvorana morala biti dovolj akustična in dovolj velika, da bi v njej lahko potekali zlasti glasbeni nastopi velikih umetnikov. Na koncu dvorišča Gospodarskega razstavišča – ob Dunajski cesti – na robu v smeri proti centru je bil, preden se je razbohotila recesija, planiran tudi hotel višje kategorije, ki bi pomenil dodatno veliko vzpodbudo zlasti naši kongresni dejavnosti.

Kaj menite o ideji sodelovanja in povezovanja evropskih kongresnih in sejemskih destinacij?

Kaj je po vašem mnenju odločilno za dober obisk sejemskih prireditev?

Ideja bo s padanjem pomembnosti in nepropustnosti državnih meja in s čedalje krajšimi razdaljami zaradi transportnih možnosti prej ali slej zaživela. Sejemski in kongresni projekti, ki bodo imeli širše zaledje obiskovalcev in razstavljavcev, so prihodnost. Na ta vlak moramo sesti čim prej – seveda pa je tudi za ta vlak treba kupiti vstopnico. Takšni projekti so projekti prihodnosti, vstopnica pa je večji začetni vložek energije, znanja. Tipičen projekt, ki ni omejen z državno mejo, je Conventa – borza ponudbe in povpraševanja kongresnih storitev za JV Evropo, ki je nadgradila nacionalni dogodek.

Kakovost prireditve v preteklem letu; izvirne, kreativne PR in marketinške aktivnosti Gospodarskega razstavišča ter vsakega razstavljavca posebej, pa tudi daljša tradicija prireditve imajo pomemben učinek na obisk. Predvsem pa dober, jasen koncept. Kako se še izboljšati pri vsaki prireditvi, preverimo z anketo, narejeno med obiskovalci in med razstavljavci, in, seveda, rezultate vključimo pri razmišljanju o novi prireditvi.

Na kakšen način naredite sejme privlačnejše za mlajšo ciljno skupino?

Kakšno vlogo imajo pri promociji sejmov nacionalne turistične organizacije in kakšna je vloga zasebnega sektorja? Poslovni turizem, kamor sodi tudi sejemska dejavnost, je pomemben segment turizma, v katerem bi Slovenija lahko videla svoje priložnosti. Nacionalna turistična organizacija in tudi Zavod za turizem v Ljubljani bosta tej dejavnosti v prihodnje naklonjeni – o tem mislim, da ni dvoma. Z obema zgledno in konstruktivno sodelujemo pri sejemski prireditvi Turizem in prosti čas in pri poslovni borzi Conventa. Zadnji rezultat sodelovanja z STO je projekt Picture Slovenija, kjer se v okviru TIP-a iščejo najlepše fotografije Slovenije. Z ZTL redno dobro sodelujemo zlasti na področju pridobivanja novih mednarodnih kongresov. Poudariti pa je potrebno to, da bo naloga STO in ZTL zlasti v tem, da ločita zrno od plev – da podpreta profesionalne aktivnosti na

Katere novosti napovedujete leta 2009/2010? Turizem in prosti čas, skupaj s Salonom plovil in mednarodno borzo kongresnih storitev Conventa, bo januarja 2010 še večji poudarek kot lani namenil prostočasnim aktivnostim, tudi letos se bo predstavil projekt Na lepše in drugi turistični akterji. Ujemi me v svoj objektiv ter iskanje najlepših fotografij pa bo dogodek še dodatno popestrilo. Dom ostaja naša največja prireditev, tudi letos ji bomo dodali nove strokovne vsebine. Festival starodobnega transporta ter Antika in likovna umetnost tudi uradno postajata leta 2010 mednarodni dogodek. Narava–zdravje je bil že leta 2009 projekt, ki smo ga najbolj nadgradili, tudi leta 2010 bomo temu projektu posvetili veliko pozornosti. Ostajamo na sklopih wellnessa in gibanja, prehrane, eko doma ter okolja. Ambinet Ljubljana – sejem pohištva bo s prenovljenim imenom tudi prenovljen – vseboval bo več dejavnosti, več oblikovanja, več vzporednih aktivnosti.


Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre

We Offer the Complete Implementation of the Event An Interview with Ante Madjar, Director of the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre

The Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre is the biggest event centre in Slovenia. With its twenty multipurpose halls in the centre of the country’s capital, its biggest advantage over similar centres are precisely that its halls can adapt to the size and purpose of the event. Every year, it hosts fifteen fairs. The two biggest fairs, the Home Fair (Dom) and the Furniture Fair, each attract some 50,000 visitors. The Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre is also an important conference and congress centre with smaller daily business events of up to 200 participants and bigger international events with up to 1,500 or more participants. In the first six months of the year, their events attracted almost 200,000 visitors. How satisfied are you with the results of your company this year and what are your expectations for the future? The year has not ended yet but we can still say that the operation of the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre will be within the scope of last year. We even expect operating income to be slightly higher than last year. In light of the economic situation and corresponding measures, which resulted in companies cutting their marketing budgets, we are pleased with the results. The calendar for 2010 is also nicely filled with our standard events – fairs (Tourism and Leisure, The Boat Show, the Home Fair, the International Classic Cars Festival, Nature-Health and the Ambient Ljubljana – Furniture Fair) and also two bigger international congresses. In May 2010, the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre will host the 7th International Congress on Autoimmunity in the field of medicine, which is expected to attract approximately 1,500 visitors. In September 2010, we shall host the Apimondia international beekeepers’ congress with over 1,000 participants. The year 2010 will again be marked by our annual events and partners, such as the Dog Show organised by the Slovenian Kennel Club, the projects of the national TV station (the Slovenska popevka song contest, the national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest, etc.), the Urška Dance School with its farewell from school dances and dance competitions, GR inženiring with its fairs and other events organised by our partners such as GastExpo, Elementum, Kapital, ProMarket, Conventa, Space and others. What business challenges have you come across in the past and what are you facing now? In the past, we sold exhibition space and today we are trying to sell a complex service – from the idea to an elaborate concept to a complete implementation. We offer our clients a package materialising their wishes. It would of course be unprofessional to say that we can do everything on our own. This is why the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre has a network of the best partners, who are leaders of their field - from decorators (stand manufacturers) and architects to catering, which is of the utmost importance for the meetings industry, state-of-theart lighting, PCOs, florists, etc. Together, we can prepare really original and technically flawless events of the highest quality. If it used to be enough to just offer the space and potential visitors for a


successful fair, a refined and completed concept is required today. Such a concept must in itself provide the exhibitor with a solution for how to prepare for the fair, where to search for the highlights of his presentation and what tools to use. Today, we can no longer say that a fair is merely an exhibition. Fairs have become events comprised of an exhibition, activities on stages, parallel conferences, socialising in the form of entertainment, pre-scheduled appointments in the form of business exchanges, parallel media and online activities, etc. Constant growth, upgrades and additions are an important indication of a fair’s success. How do you develop the exhibition activity? Exhibition activities are no stranger to ups and downs. With the country’s independence, the extent and operation of the market and the base of producers changed. This resulted in drastic changes – individual economic activities receded, became marginalised or slowly faded away, while others have been, and some still are, rising. These dynamics of development or the stagnation of individual economic branches greatly influences the exhibition activity, as its core is always formed of domestic producers. Another important factor in the last twenty years has been the diversification and multiplication of the offer in stores, while people are busy and no longer have the time to visit fairs exhibiting things, which they are not interested in at the moment. This is why specialised fairs and fairs aimed also or exclusively at the business public have an advantage. All this has influenced the development of the exhibition activity of the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. In the last few years, we also introduced new marketing approaches, where, as said before, the clear concept of an event is of the utmost importance. The fair organiser must therefore perfect this concept and offer it to the exhibitors in an acceptable manner – this is the only way that a fair visitor can later see an event with a clear message. To simplify: our guiding star for organising each of the events is the message and how and to whom we will communicate it. Another important area is the increased importance of PR content in addition to conventional advertising, which is being directed intensively towards electronic media as well. This disseminates objective information on what did or will take place at an event. In your opinion, which economic branches in Slovenia are interested in exhibition activity? The Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre records the highest attendance numbers in the Home Fair of construction, the Furniture Fair and the Tourism and Leisure fair. Over four days, the Nature-Health fair promoting a nature-friendly life attracts some 20,000 visitors. It is a clear fact that you need good backing from domestic providers to put on a good fair. Only when you can attract the national providers can you dare to invite the international ones. How do you make the fairs more attractive to a younger target audience? The interactive participation of visitors is the main motto for attendance. This especially applies to the younger public, which is usually very demanding. The themes that appeal to the younger population are, of course, slightly different as well. The recipe

used by the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre is simple: we have included young fair organisers, used their ideas and their perception.

hotel planned to be constructed at the end of the premises along Dunjaska cesta in the direction of the city. This would have added additional stimulus to our meetings activity.

What is your opinion on the idea of cooperation and uniting European congress and fair destinations?

What do you see as the decisive factor for good attendance at fairs?

With the state borders becoming less and less important and increasingly permeable, along with the distances being cut due to transportation possibilities, this idea will eventually come to life. Exhibition and congress projects with broader support from visitors and exhibitors are the future. We need to get on that train as soon as possible. However, we first need to buy a ticket for that train. Such projects are projects of the future and the ticket is an initially larger input of energy and knowledge. A typical crossborder project is the Conventa exhibition of the supply and demand of the meetings industry of Southeast Europe, which has upgraded the national event.

The quality of the event in the previous year, the original and creative PR and marketing activities of the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre and each individual exhibitor, as well as a longer tradition behind the event all have an important effect on attendance numbers. Above all however, you need a good and clear concept. With each event, we take a poll among our visitors and exhibitors on how to improve ourselves and include these results in our deliberations on the next event.

In promoting fairs, what is the role of the national tourist organisation and the private sector? The exhibition activity is a part of business tourism, which is an important tourism segment where Slovenia could recognise its opportunities. In the future, the Slovenian Tourist Board and the Ljubljana Tourist Board will undoubtedly be inclined towards this activity. Our cooperation with both organisations in the Tourism and Leisure fair and the Conventa exhibition is exemplary and constructive. The latest result of our cooperation with the Slovenian Tourist Board is the Picture Slovenia project, which searches for the best photographs of Slovenia within the Tourism and Leisure fair. We have an ongoing and good cooperation with the Ljubljana Tourist Board in acquiring new international congresses. We need to stress that the role of the Slovenian Tourist Board and the Ljubljana Tourist Board will especially lie in separating the wheat from the chaff. They will have to support the professional activities in the exhibition and meetings industry and this means only those players and activities that are really professional. There are too many in this field of activity that only have the initial drive. This is not enough to prepare a quality fair or congress. Low quality events are detrimental to the activity and the destination.

What novelties can we expect in 2009/2010? In January 2010, the Tourism and Leisure fair, the Boat Show and the Conventa exhibition will place even more emphasis on leisure activities than last year. We will again present the Next Exit project and other tourist players on the market. Capture Me through Your Lens and searching for the most beautiful photos will bring even more variety to the event. The Home Fair remains the biggest event and this year we will again expand it with new professional content. The Classic Cars Festival and the Antiquity and Fine Art Exhibition are officially turning into an international event in 2010. In 2009, the Nature-Health fair was our most upgraded project and it will again receive special attention in 2010. We continue with the wellness and recreation, healthy dieting, nature friendly homes and environmental topics. Ambient Ljubljana – the Furniture Fair will receive not only a new name but also more activities, more design and a greater number of parallel activities.

What do you miss in the offer of tourist capacities and the development of the infrastructure in your region of operation? The Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre is missing another big hall with parking places located behind the Centre. We need a hall that could be used as an exhibition hall during our largest fairs, which would avoid using prefabricated halls on our premises. This hall would also have to have the acoustics and space to accommodate musical performances by great artists. Before the recession became rampant, there was a higher category


Celjski sejem d.d.

Bolj kot blišč je pomembna vsebina Na naša vprašanja odgovarja Franc Pangerl, direktor Celjskega sejma.

na njih, in dolgotrajna recesija sejmom zagotovo ne bo koristila. V Celjskem sejmu bodo po ocenah letošnji poslovni rezultati tudi zaradi izvedene racionalizacije na stroškovnem delu primerljivi s tistimi v letu 2007 (zaradi bienalne narave naših sejmov je primerjava smiselna med leti, ko se odvijajo enake sejemske prireditve). S kakšnimi poslovnimi izzivi ste se srečevali v preteklosti in s kakšnimi se srečujete danes? Sejemski nastop je poslovni projekt, ki ima svojo ceno. Če je projekt ustrezno pripravljen, je vedno upravičen in že kratkoročno prinese rezultate. V Celjskem sejmu se zelo dobro zavedamo resnosti krize, zavedamo se, da moramo pripraviti sejemsko prireditev, ki bo dovolj odmevna in strokovno predstavljena, takšno, ki bo odraz današnjega časa. Ko smo sejme pripravljali petnajst let nazaj, je bila predstavitev bistveno drugačna. Danes mora biti sejemska predstavitev natančna in vsebinsko bogata. To seveda predstavlja izziv tako za organizatorja sejma kot tudi za razstavljavce. Nikakor ni dovolj ponuditi zgolj razstavni prostor, pomembna je vsebina oz. celotna zgodba sejma kot dogodka. Pomemben podatek o uspešnosti sejmov je stalna rast ter nadgrajevanje in dopolnjevanje sejemske ponudbe. Kako se sejemska dejavnost razvija pri vas?

Mesto ob Savinji letno obiščejo številni tuji in domači gosti, ki v Celje pridejo prav zaradi številnih sejemskih prireditev, ki jih organizira družba Celjski sejem d.d. Sejme in druge prireditve Celjskega sejma letno obišče več kot 250.000 obiskovalcev, kar organizatorju daje mesto tudi na evropskem sejemskem zemljevidu, v Sloveniji pa Celjski sejem velja za največjo sejemsko hišo. Najdaljšo tradicijo med sejmi Celjskega sejma ima Mednarodni obrtni sejem (MOS), ki je tudi v letu 2009 kljub težkim gospodarskim časom zabeležil izjemne rezultate. Kako ste zadovoljni z rezultati družbe v tem letu in kakšno prihodnost napovedujete? Prve ocene rezultatov poslovanja v letu 2009 so dobre. Čeprav smo se že ob koncu lanskega leta zavedali, da bo zaradi svetovne gospodarske recesije leto 2009 tudi za sejemske hiše prinašalo številne izzive, so bili odzivi razstavljavcev in obiskovalcev pozitivni. Podjetja se po naši oceni zavedajo dejstva, da je v času krize še kako pomembno vztrajati na trgu. Seveda pa ne moremo mimo dejstva, da so sejmi odraz gospodarske dejavnosti, ki se predstavi


V Celjskem sejmu si podobno kot tudi drugi organizatorji sejmov prizadevamo sejemske vsebine vedno znova dopolnjevati in nadgrajevati. Dogajanje na razstavnih prostorih dopolnjujemo z obsejemskim strokovnim programom z aktualnimi vsebinami ter predstavitvijo novih trendov v panogah, ki se predstavljajo na sejmih. Pri tem aktivno sodelujemo s številnimi domačimi in tujimi partnerji, ki predstavljajo kompetentnega sogovornika strokovni in splošni javnosti konkretnega sejma. V katerih gospodarskih panogah je po vašem mnenju v Sloveniji zanimanje za sejemsko dejavnost največje? Sejemska prireditev je najboljši odraz razmer v določeni gospodarski panogi. V Celju najboljše rezultate beležimo na strokovnih sejmih, ki jih v prvi vrsti obišče poslovna, strokovna javnost. Tradicionalno pa je zelo dobro obiskan tudi MOS, ki je na prvi pogled najbolj splošen sejem, a s premišljeno vsebinsko razporeditvijo dejansko predstavlja odlično priložnost za predstavitev malih in srednje velikih podjetij in obrtnikov splošni in vse bolj tudi poslovni javnosti. Na sejmih so torej dobrodošli vsi, ki želijo predstaviti trende in novosti, po katerih bodo potrošniki v prihodnjih mesecih in letih najbolj povpraševali. Na kakšen način naredite sejme privlačnejše za mlajšo ciljno skupino? Kot organizator sejmov seveda posebno pozornost namenjamo tudi mlajši ciljni publiki, skupini, ki nenazadnje predstavlja bazo prihodnjih poslovnih in splošnih obiskovalcev. Na našem sejmišču praktično ni sejemske prireditve, kjer kot partner ne bi sodelovale

izobraževalne institucije. V sodelovanju z ustanovami od osnovnošolske do znanstvene ravni pripravljamo številne strokovne in zabavne vsebine, ki so v prvi vrsti namenjene mladim. Skupaj organiziramo tekmovanja, izobraževanja, praktične demonstracije in druge dogodke, kjer mladi dobivajo koristne informacije za nadaljnjo poklicno pot. Predavanja »Kako postati podjetnik«, ki ga zdaj že tradicionalno v okviru MOS-a pripravi Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije, se naenkrat udeleži več sto srednješolcev, ki aktivno sodelujejo v razpravi o priložnostih in pasteh podjetniške poti. V letu 2010 na področju dela z mladimi pripravljamo celo nov dogodek, in sicer bomo v januarju na sejmišču v sodelovanju s partnerji prvič pripravili Festival izobraževanja in zaposlovanja. Vstop na festival bo prost, na ostalih sejemskih prireditvah pa mladim ponujamo vstopnice po nižjih cenah. Kaj menite o ideji sodelovanja in povezovanja evropskih kongresnih in sejemskih destinacij? V poslovnem svetu obstaja veliko neformalnih povezav, tudi med organizatorji sejmov, ki običajno prinašajo celo več učinkov kot formalne povezave in so izjemno dragocene. Celjski sejem je sicer član CEFA, ki združuje sejemska razstavišča štirinajstih držav srednje in JV Evrope. Združenje skrbi za krepitev mednarodnega pomena sejmov na tem zemljepisnem območju, članice pa v okviru združenja izmenjujemo izkušnje in znanje na področju marketinga, informatike in infrastrukture. Kakšno vlogo imajo pri promociji sejmov nacionalne turistične organizacije in kakšna je vloga zasebnega sektorja? V Celjskem sejmu smo vsekakor prvenstveno odvisni od lastnih vlaganj v promocijo svojih sejemskih dogodkov. Žal je podpora nacionalnih institucij velikokrat bolj na deklarativni kot dejanski ravni. V letošnjem letu je npr. nacionalna turistična organizacija izpostavljala pomen domačega trga, a neposredni stik z več kot 168.000 obiskovalci MOS-a je npr. ni prepričal. Ugotavljamo, da vedno veliko energije porabimo za prepričevanje tistih institucij na nacionalni ravni, ki so po izkušnjah sejmarjev v tujini velikokrat celo pobudniki dogodkov. Premiki v zavedanju pomena sejmov sicer so prisotni, a se morda za potrebe sejemske dejavnosti in učinkovite podpore odvijajo veliko prepočasi. Kaj pogrešate na področju ponudbe turističnih kapacitet in infrastrukturne razvitosti regije, v kateri delujete? V Celjskem sejmu radi povemo, da se ponašamo z odlično geografsko lego, ki omogoča hitro dostopnost do sejmišča praktično z vseh delov Slovenije in preko avtocestnih povezav

tudi iz tujine. Kot organizator sejma bi si sicer želeli turistično infrastrukturo s poslovnimi hotelskimi zmogljivostmi neposredno na sejmišču po vzoru iz tujine, a se hkrati zavedamo majhnosti slovenskega trga. Samih hotelskih zmogljivosti v naši regiji je po naši oceni za sejemsko dejavnost sicer dovolj, a težava je v slabo razviti lokalni cestni infrastrukturi. Razdalje oz. transferji, ki so na sejmih v tujini nekaj povsem običajnega, pri nas predstavljajo pomembno pomanjkljivost oz. slabost. Kaj je po vašem mnenju odločilno za dober obisk sejemskih prireditev? Sejmi so prvenstveno namenjeni predstavljanju ponudbe oz. dejavnosti, navezovanju in utrjevanju stikov s kupci, poslovnimi partnerji, dobavitelji ter povečevanju ali utrjevanju ugleda organizacije. Bolj kot blišč je za dober obisk pomembna vsebina. Vsebina, ki jo skupaj oblikujejo razstavljavci in organizatorji dogodka.

Sejmi v letih 2009/2010 v Celju Sejemsko sezono v letu 2009 bomo v Celju zaključili z mednarodnim sejmom Erotika 69, ki bo potekal od 11. do 13. decembra. Sejem si je lani ogledalo več kot 12.000 obiskovalcev iz Slovenije in tujine, letos pa bomo skupaj s soorganizatorjem, Zavodom za kulturo pornografije 69, na sejmu gostili nove zvezde evropske industrije za odrasle. V letu 2010 bomo z dogodki začeli že 15. januarja, ko bomo na sejmišču pripravili nov dogodek, Festival izobraževanja in zaposlovanja. Že februarja sledita še dve novosti v našem sejemskem portfelju. Od 5. do 7. februarja 2010 bosta v Celju potekala strokovna sejma Frizerstvo in Kozmetika. V marcu (19. – 21. marec 2010) sledi spomladanski sejemski trojček Flora, Poroka in Altermed, ki se jim bo tradicionalno pridružil Državni čebelarski posvet z mednarodno prodajno razstavo. Aprila (15. – 18. april 2010) bodo na sejmišču potekali strokovni sejmi Avto in vzdrževanje, Moto boom, Logotrans in Razstava gospodarskih vozil, maja (18. – 21. maj 2010) pa specializirani strokovni sejmi Energetika, Terotech – Vzdrževanje, varjenje in rezanje ter prenovljen in vsebinsko nadgrajen sejem ekologije in varovanja okolja EKO, ki smo ga v preteklosti v Celju že organizirali. September pa bo znova v znamenju že 43. MOS-a, ki se bo odvijal od 8. do 15. septembra 2010.


Celjski sejem d.d.

Content is More Important than Splendour An Interview with Franc Pangerl, Director of Celjski sejem d.d.

Every year, numerous foreign and national visitors come to the town upon the Savinja River, visiting Celje precisely because of the numerous fairs organised by Celjski sejem d.d. Each year, more than 250,000 people come to the fairs and other events put on by Celjski sejem, positioning the organiser and the town on the European fair map and making Celjski sejem the largest fair company in Slovenia. Among the fairs organised by Celjski sejem, the longest tradition undoubtedly appertains to the International Trade Fair (MOS), which recorded exceptional results in 2009 despite the trying economic times. How satisfied are you with the results of your company this year and what are your expectations for the future? The initial estimations of the operating results for 2009 are good. Even though we were aware that 2009 and the global economic crisis would bring numerous challenges to fair companies even at the end of last year, the response of exhibitors and visitors was positive. We believe that the companies are aware that, in times of crisis, it is especially important to persist on the market. We cannot, of course, neglect the fact that fairs are the reflection of the economic activity that they present and a lasting recession will certainly not do the fairs any good. We believe that this year’s operating results of Celjski sejem will be comparable to those of 2007 due to the implemented cost rationalisations (due to the biennial nature of the majority of our fairs, it is only sensible to make a comparison between the years hosting the same fairs). What business challenges have you come across in the past and what are you facing now? Fair attendance is a business project that has its price. If the project is appropriately prepared, it is always justifiable and brings results even in the short-run. We at Celjski sejem are well aware of the severity of the crisis and that we have to prepare a high-profile fair with a professional presentation that will reflect today’s world. When we were preparing fairs fifteen years ago, the presentation was very different. Today, a fair presentation has to be exact and rich in content. This undoubtedly represents a challenge for both the organiser of the fair and the exhibitors. It is not enough to merely provide an exhibition space. The content or the whole story of the fair as an event is important. Constant growth, upgrades and additions are an important indication of a fair’s success. How do you develop the exhibition activity? Similarly to other organisers, we at Celjski sejem strive to continually complete and upgrade the fair content. We complement


the activity at exhibition stands with additional professional programmes with current content and a presentation of new trends in the fields presented at the fairs. This is done in active cooperation with numerous domestic and international partners, who represent a competent dialogue partner to the professional and general public of the individual fair. In your opinion, which economic branches in Slovenia are interested in exhibition activity? A fair is the best reflection of the conditions in an individual economic field. In Celje, we record the best results in the trade fairs, which are mostly visited by the business and professional public. Traditionally, MOS also records high numbers of visitors. At first glance, this is a general fair but its well thought out distribution of content actually represents an excellent opportunity to present small and medium-sized companies and trades to the general and, increasingly, to the business public. Fairs are thus open to everyone who wishes to present the trends and novelties that the consumers will mostly ask for in the months and years to come. How do you make the fairs more attractive to a younger target audience? As a fair organiser, we pay special attention to the younger target audience, which is the group that ultimately represents the base of future business and general visitors. There is practically not a single fair organised on our exhibition grounds where educational institutions are not ncluded as partners. We work with institutions ranging from primary schools to the scientific level and prepare various professional and entertaining content, which is primarily intended for the younger population. We co-organise competitions, educations, practical demonstrations and other events where the young population can get useful information for their career path. The traditional How to Become an Entrepreneur lectures, organised within the framework of the International Trade Fair, are prepared by the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia and they are attended by several hundred secondary school children who actively participate in the debate on the opportunities and traps of being an entrepreneur. In 2010, we are even preparing a new event for the young population as, in January, together with our partners, we are going to put on the Festival of Education and Employment. There will be no entrance fee for the Festival, while for other fairs, tickets for the younger generation are available at lower prices. What is your opinion on the idea of cooperation and uniting European congress and fair destinations? There are numerous informal connections in the business world, which usually have an even bigger effect than the formal connections and are, as such, very valuable. The same applies for fair organisers. Celjski sejem is a member of the Central European Fair Alliance CEFA uniting trade fair organisers from fourteen Central and South European countries. The alliance strengthens the international importance of fairs in this region, while its

members exchange experience and know how in marketing, information science and infrastructure. In promoting fairs, what is the role of the national tourist organisation and the private sector? Celjski sejem depends foremost on our own investments in the promotion of our fairs. Unfortunately, support from national institutions is often on more of a declarative than an actual level. This year, the national tourist organisation stressed the importance of the domestic market but was not convinced by MOS's direct contact with over 168,000 visitors. We find that a lot of energy still goes to convincing the same institutions on a national level, which are often even the initiators of events abroad. There are chanes in the awareness of the importance of fairs but for the needs of the exhibition activity and efficient support, things are progressing too slowly. What do you miss in the offer of tourist capacities and the development of infrastructure in your region of operation? We from Celjski sejem like to say that we pride ourselves on our excellent geographic location, which enables easy access to the exhibition grounds from all parts of Slovenia and with motorway connections from abroad as well. As a fair organiser, we would of course like to see tourist infrastructure with business hotel capacities located directly at the exhibition grounds, as is the case abroad but, at the same time, we are also aware of the small size of the Slovenian market. We believe that our region provides enough hotel capacities for the exhibition activity but the problem is in the poorly developed local road infrastructure. Distances or transfers, which are a normal matter abroad, are an important deficiency or weakness here.

What do you see as the decisive factor for good attendance at fairs? Fairs are primarily directed towards presenting an offer or activity to the public, towards establishing and strengthening contacts with buyers, business partners and suppliers and towards increasing or strengthening the organisation's reputation. For good attendance, content is more important than splendour. This is the content that is co-shaped by the exhibitors and event organisers.

Fairs in 2009/2010 in Celje Celje will conclude the 2009 fair season with the international Erotika 69 fair, taking place from 11 to 13 December. Last year, the fair was visited by over 12,000 visitors from Slovenia and abroad and this year we shall co-host together with the Institute for the Culture of Pornography 69, new stars of the European adult industry. In 2010, the first event will take place on 15 January with the Festival of Education and Employment. In February, we will introduce another two novelties to our fair portfolio. The Hairdressing Show will take place from 5 to 7 February 2010. In March (19 – 21 March 2010), we will witness the spring triplets of Flora, Wedding and Altermed, traditionally followed by the State Beekeepers’ Convention with an international sales exhibition. In April (15 – 18 April 2010), our exhibition grounds will host the Car and Maintenance trade fair, Moto Boom, Logotrans and Exhibition of Utility Vehicles. In May (18 – 21 May 2010), we will put on the Energetics and the Terotech-Maintenance trade fairs, along with the Welding and Cutting fair and the modernised and upgraded Ecology and Environment Protection ECO fair, which has already been organised in Celje before. September will again be characterised by the 43rd MOS International Trade Fair taking place from 8 to 15 September 2010.


Pomurski sejem, Gornja Radgona

Sejalci uspehov Pogovor z Janezom Erjavcem, direktorjem Pomurskega sejma.

stičišču štirih držav, vendar pa šibko zaledje in slabe prometne povezave, zato težko govorimo o velikih razvojnih načrtih. Ohranjanje obstoječih programov in dodajanje aktualnih vsebin je naša osnovna naloga in cilj. V katerih gospodarskih panogah je v Sloveniji po vašem mnenju zanimanje za sejemsko dejavnost največje? V Sloveniji kot majhnemu tržišču je tudi malo gospodarskih panog, v katerih bi bilo dovolj konkurence za ta trg. Še vedno pa je veliko možnosti za promocijo živilskih proizvodov, pohištva, avtomobilov, kmetijske tehnike in gradbeništva ter vsega, kar je povezano z energijo. Na kakšen način naredite sejme privlačnejše za mlajšo ciljno skupino?

Pomurski sejem in sejmišče s svojo lego v Gornji Radgoni, na stičišču Slovenije z Avstrijo, Hrvaško in Madžarsko, je odlično izhodišče za navezavo poslovnih vezi med državami Balkana, srednje in vzhodne Evrope. Dobro vpeljane in nenehno razvijajoče se programe vodita poslovna usmeritev in stroka. Sejme in strokovna ocenjevanja kakovosti organizira Pomurski sejem s posluhom za potrebe in želje vseh udeležencev, razstavljavcev ter skladno s pričakovanji obiskovalcev. Kako ste zadovoljni z rezultati družbe v tem letu in kakšno prihodnost napovedujete? Z rezultati družbe v tem letu smo zadovoljni in ustrezajo gospodarski situaciji v Sloveniji in Evropi. Sejmi bodo tudi v prihodnje zanimivi, predvsem tisti, ki bodo inovativni in ki bodo aktualni po vsebini razstav in spremljajočih dogodkov. S kakšnimi poslovnimi izzivi ste se srečevali v preteklosti in s kakšnimi se srečujete danes? V preteklosti je bilo veliko poslovnih izzivov, saj je bilo veliko vsebin, pri katerih je bila z dobrim delom skoraj zagotovljena uspešnost. Danes je veliko manj takšnih vsebin tudi v sejemski dejavnosti. Globalizacija je naredila veliko selekcijo in le najboljša podjetja in proizvodi so ostali konkurenčni v našem prostoru. Pomemben podatek o uspešnosti sejmov je stalna rast ter nadgrajevanje in dopolnjevanje sejemske ponudbe. Kako se sejemska dejavnost razvija pri vas? Sejemska dejavnost se mora prilagajati ponudbi in povpraševanju na tržišču, obenem pa mora biti dovolj inovativna, da pritegne tako razstavljavce kot obiskovalce ter seveda širšo javnost, da bi lahko upravičila svoj obstoj. Gornja Radgona ima zanimivo lokacijo na


Za mlajšo publiko je zelo težko najti ustrezne vsebine. Že nekaj let iščemo rešitve, pa mislim da jih nismo našli v ustrezni meri. Če nam uspe mlade pripeljati na sejem, je veliko verjetnosti, da bodo pozneje kot odrasli tudi zahajali na sejme. Kaj menite o ideji sodelovanja in povezovanja evropskih kongresnih in sejemskih destinacij? Ideja o povezovanju evropskih kongresnih in sejemskih destinacij je dobra, vendar bo koristila predvsem velikim. Mali pa bomo izgubljali. Kakšno vlogo imajo pri promociji sejmov nacionalne turistične organizacije in kakšna je vloga zasebnega sektorja? Nacionalne turistične organizacije bi morale imeti pomembno vlogo pri promociji sejmov, še posebej v Sloveniji, ki ima relativno razdrobljene turistične produkte in majhna podjetja, ki so slabo povezana. Zasebni sektor pa se same promocije premalo zaveda. Kaj pogrešate na področju ponudbe turističnih kapacitet in infrastrukturne razvitosti regije, v kateri delujete? Na področju turističnih kapacitet in infrastrukturne razvitosti regije pogrešam veliko. Turizem je najvišja oblika gospodarstva in za turizem ni dovolj zgraditi hotel in še kak bazen. Če hočemo imeti v neki regiji turizem, mora biti urejeno celotno gospodarstvo, od kmetijstva, še posebej velja to tudi za pokrajino, do industrije, politike in do ustreznega izobraževanja. Kaj je po vašem mnenju odločilno za dober obisk sejemskih prireditev? Za dober obisk sejma je odločilnih več stvari – dobre vsebine, tradicija in dobra promocija. Katere novosti napovedujete leta 2009/2010? Megra, mednarodni sejem gradbeništva in gradbenih materialov, bo pod geslom »Trajnostno perspektiven« poleg celovite

predstavitve gradbeništva še posebej izpostavil energetsko varčno, naravno in naravi prijazno gradnjo, gradnjo in kritine v luči klimatskih sprememb, kulturo bivanja s keramiko in sanitarno opremo, varovanje in zaščito objektov, nepremičninski trg, lokalno komunalo ter kadrovske potrebe v gradbeništvu. Obiskovalci bodo poleg neposrednega stika z novostmi in ponudniki deležni tudi brezplačnih energetskih svetovanj o smotrnem ravnanju in izrabi obnovljivih virov energije. Agra, mednarodni kmetijsko-živilski sejem, bo pod geslom »Naravnost na mizo« skupaj z več kot 1.600 razstavljavci iz skoraj trdesetih držav predstavil celoten spekter novosti za pridelavo, rejo, predelavo in postrežbo. Vabile bodo specializirana razstava Vino Slovenija Gornja Radgona, tržnice jedilnih olj, medu in izdelkov iz medu, kmečka tržnica ter eko – bio tržnica. Istočasno s sejmom Agra bo potekal Inpak, mednarodni sejem embalaže, tehnike pakiranja in logistike. Pod geslom »Povezujemo vsebine« bo pot od njiv v trgovine in na mize potrošnikov dopolnjeval s ponudbo različnih vrst embalaže, materialov, dodatkov, strojev in opreme za njeno izdelavo, pakirne in označevalne tehnologije, tehnike in sistemov, skladiščne tehnologije ter logistike. Ob skrbi sejma Agra za ohranjanje narave in zdravja ljudi, bo Inpak namenil temeljni poudarek povezavi eko prehrane in eko pridelave s trajnostnimi vidiki embalaže. Sobra, mednarodni bienalni sejem obrambe, varovanja, zaščite in reševanja, bo pod geslom »Zavezništvo sodelovanja« povezoval vse, ki skrbijo za nacionalno varnost, osebno varovanje in zaščito premoženja s tistimi, ki jim je ta skrb namenjena. Slovenska vojska bo na njem predstavila svoje dejavnosti, poslanstvo ter pridobivala nove kadre. Ker se bo sejem Sobra odslej bienalno izmenjaval z Dnevi zaščite in reševanja, bo že v letu 2010 na njem sodeloval celoten spekter varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami: poklicne in dolžnostne organizacije, gasilske enote, policija, reševalne službe ter službe in organi civilne zaščite. Tako bo poleg strateške varnosti še bolj zagotavljal tudi osebno varnost in varovanje premoženja.

Seznam sejmov Sejem Megra - 23. mednarodni sejem gradbeništva in gradbenih materialov, 23. – 27. marec 2010 (leta 2009: 460 razstavljavcev, 24.240 obiskovalcev). Lov – mednarodni sejem lovstva, ribištva, turizma in aktivnosti v naravi, 15. – 17. april 2011 – bienalni sejem (leta 2009: 140 razstavljavcev in 10.000 obiskovalcev). Agra – mednarodni kmetijsko-živilski sejem, 21. – 26. avgust 2010 (leta 2009: 1.680 razstavljavcev, 130.000 obiskovalcev). Inpak – mednarodni sejem embalaže, tehnike pakiranja in logistike, 21. – 26. avgust 2010 (leta 2008, skupaj s 46. mednarodnim kmetijsko-živilskim sejmom: 1.665 razstavljavcev, 135.000 obiskovalcev). Sobra – mednarodni sejem obrambe, varovanja, zaščite in reševanja, 23. – 25. september 2010 – bienalni sejem (2007: 130 razstavljavcev, 30.000 obiskovalcev). Mednarodna ocenjevanja kakovosti izdelkov: odprti natečaj Slovenski oskar za embalažo (bienalno ocenjevanje), mednarodna ocenjevanja: mesa in mesnih izdelkov, mleka in mlečnih izdelkov, sadnih sokov, brezalkoholnih pijač in embaliranih vod, medu, kmetijske mehanizacije in opreme; odprto državno ovenjevanje vin – Vino Slovenija Gornja Radgona.


The Pomurski sejem fair, Gornja Radgona

Sowers of Success In Interview with Janez Erjavec, Director of Pomurski sejem

Pomurski sejem and fairground, located in Gornja Radgona, at the junction of Slovenia, Austria, Croatia and Hungary, is the ideal starting point for establishing business connections between the Balkan countries, Central and East Europe. The well-established and continually developing programmes are guided by business orientation and trade. The Pomurski sejem fairs and professional quality assessments are organised with a sensibility for the needs and wishes of all participants and exhibitors and in keeping with the visitors’ expectations. Are you satisfied with the results the company achieved this year? What are your expectations for the future? We are satisfied with the company’s results this year; we feel they correspond with the current economic situation in Slovenia and in Europe. We plan to make our future trade fairs even more interesting. Some of them will also be more innovative, with topical exhibitions and accompanying events. What kind of business challenges did you come across in the past? Are they different than the business challenges you face today? There were plenty of business challenges in the past, because there were also many situations where hard work was virtually a guarantee for success. There are much fewer situations of that kind today, including in fair activities. Because of the natural selection, performed globalisation, only the best companies and products remained competitive in this area. The constant growth, upgrading and complementing of trade fair offer is an important indicator of the success of trade fairs. How do you develop your trade fair activities? In order to justify their existence, trade fair activities should adapt to the supply and demand in the market while remaining innovative enough to attract exhibitors as well as visitors and the general public. While Gornja Radgona is an attractive location at the junction of four countries, it also has relatively weak surroundings and poor transport links, so it is difficult to discuss any grand plans for development. Our basic mission and aim is to preserve existing programmes and add topical contents. In your experience, which industries in Slovenia show the biggest interest in trade fair activities? Slovenia is a small market; consequently, there are few industries providing enough competition for this market. However, there are still plenty of opportunities for the promotion of food products,


furniture, cars, farm technology, construction and anything connected to energy and power supply. How do you make your trade fairs more attractive to a younger target audience? It is very difficult to find suitable contents for younger audiences. We have been looking for possible solutions to this problem for several years but it still persists. If we manage to bring younger audiences to the trade fair, it is much more likely that they will continue to visit our fairs as adults. What is your opinion regarding the idea of cooperation and connections between European convention and trade fair destinations? I think the idea of connecting European convention and trade fair destinations is good, but it is likely to benefit only the larger destinations, while smaller ones like us will be at a disadvantage. What is the role of national tourist boards and the private sector in promoting trade fairs? National tourist boards should play a very important part in promoting trade fairs, particularly in Slovenia, where tourist products are relatively fragmented and there are many poorly connected small companies. I also think that the private sector is unaware of the importance of promotion. What do you miss in the fields of tourist capacities and infrastructural development of the region where you are based? There are a number of things missing in the fields of tourist capacities and infrastructural development of the region. Tourism is the highest form of economy; if we want to develop tourism, it is not enough to build another hotel and an extra pool somewhere. If we want to bring tourists to a particular region, the entire economy of that region must be well-managed, from farming to industry, politics and education. What do you see as the key factor for a well-attended trade fair event? There are several important factors contributing to the attendance of a trade fair – interesting and attractive contents, tradition and effective promotion. What new contents are you planning for the 2009/2010 season? This year’s Megra, the International Building and Building Materials Fair, will be held under the motto “Trend-setting Perspectives” and will include not only a comprehensive presentation of building, but also energy efficient, natural and environmentally friendly construction, construction and roof coverings in light of climate change, interior decoration (ceramics and bathroom equipment), security and protection of buildings, the property market, local

municipality services and human resource needs in construction. In addition to a direct contact with new features and providers, the visitors will also be able to attend free consultations on sound management of renewable energy sources and their use. At Agra, the International Agricultural-Food Fair with the motto “Straight onto the Table”, there will be over 1600 exhibitors from up to 30 countries. They will present the entire range of innovations in producing, rearing, processing and serving food. The most attractive features of the fair are the special exhibition of Vino Slovenija Gornja Radgona, the nutritional oils market, the honey and honey products market, the farmers’ market and the ecological and organic market. Inpak, the International Fair of Packaging, Packing Techniques and Logistics with the motto “Connecting Contents” will be held in conjunction with Agra, completing Agra’s presentation of the journey of food from the fields to the shops and on to the tables of consumers with the offer of various kinds of packaging, materials, accessories, machines and equipment for the manufacture of packaging, as well as packaging and labelling technologies, techniques and systems, storage technologies and logistics. In addition to Agra’s stress on protecting the environment and health, Inpak will focus mainly on connecting eco-food and food production with sustainable packaging.

Trade fair list Megra – 23rd International Building and Building Materials Fair, 23-27 March 2010 (in 2009: 460 exhibitors, 24,240 visitors). Lov – International Fair of Hunting, Fishing, Tourism and Outdoor Activities, 15-17 April 2011 – biannual fair (in 2009: 140 exhibitors and 10,000 visitors). Agra – International Agricultural-Food Fair, 21-26 August 2010 (in 2009: 1,680 exhibitors, 130,000 visitors). Inpak – International Fair of Packaging, Packaging Techniques and Logistics, 21-26 August 2010 (in 2008, in conjunction with the 46th International Agricultural-Food Fair: 1,665 exhibitors, 135,000 visitors). Sobra – International Fair of Defence, Security, Protection and Rescue, 23-25 September 2010 – biannual fair (in 2007: 130 exhibitors, 30,000 visitors) International Quality Assessments: Open competition Slovenian Oscar for packaging (biannual assessment); international quality assessments of meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, fruit juices, non-alcoholic beverages and bottled waters, honey, agricultural machines and accessories; Open state wine assessment – Vino Slovenija Gornja Radgona.

Sobra, the biannual International Fair of Defence, Security, Protection and Rescue with the motto “Alliance of Cooperation” will connect people who work in national security, personal protection and protection of property with the end users of these services. The Slovenian Armed Forces will present their activities and mission and sign up new human resources. Since Sobra is held biannually in turn with the Days of Protection and Rescue, the complete services for protection from natural and other disaster will take part in it in 2010: professional and duty-bound organisations, fire brigades, the Police, rescue services and Civil Protection Services. In addition to strategic security, the fair will also cover personal safety and property protection.


Primorski sejem

Naši sejmi so privlačni za obiskovalce vseh starosti Pogovor z Matjažem Turkom, direktorjem Primorskega sejma.

sejemsko prireditev GASTexpo & Sladoled. Še več – k temu smo uspešno priključili še sejem Vino; regionalni sejem Primorski sejem pa dvigniti na kvalitetnejši nivo. Sem trdno prepričan, da je kvalitetno organizirana sejemska prireditev učinkovit instrument v boju proti recesiji. S kakšnimi poslovnimi izzivi ste se srečevali v preteklosti in s kakšnimi se srečujete danes? Dolgoročna usmerjenost in profesionalnost nas vodita že od samega začetka. Tako v preteklosti kot danes nam največji izziv predstavlja nadgrajevanje obstoječe sejemske prireditve in vzpostavljanje novih. Na tem področju smo trenutno zelo uspešni. Pomemben podatek o uspešnosti sejmov je stalna rast ter nadgrajevanje in dopolnjevanje sejemske ponudbe. Kako se sejemska dejavnost razvija pri vas? Na tem področju smo kar uspešni, saj smo k obstoječim sejmom v Ljubljani uspeli priključiti še en nov sejem – sejem Vino. Naše sejme vsako leto vsebinsko dopolnjujemo in nadgrajujemo ter jih tako prilagajamo sprotnim tržnim razmeram. Pri nas se sejemska dejavnost razvija uspešno in želimo si, da bi se tudi naprej. V katerih gospodarskih panogah je po vašem mnenju v Sloveniji zanimanje za sejemsko dejavnost največje? Predvsem v tistih panogah, v katerih so nosilci manjši in srednji gospodarski subjekti, kajti na njih sloni družbeni gospodarski razvoj in sejemska dejavnost. To se kaže v panožnih specializiranih oz. strokovnih sejmih, ki jih je sicer v Sloveniji malo.

Začetki delovanja Primorskega sejma segajo v leto 1991. Številne uspešno izvedene marketinške aktivnosti so leta 1994 pripeljale do organizacije regionalnega sejma Primorski sejem, ki se je navkljub vsem preteklim kriznim razmeram, ki so vladale v svetovnem in domačem sejemskem prostoru in so posledično izbrisale marsikateri sejem v slovenskem prostoru, uspel uveljaviti. Danes predstavlja kakovostno sejemsko in gospodarsko prireditev v regiji. Izziv so nato poiskali še v Ljubljani in leta 2007 prvič organizirali sejem GASTexpo & Sladoled, ki danes predstavlja že uveljavljen in edini specializirani sejem s področja gostinstva in hotelirstva v Sloveniji. Letos so k sejmu uspešno priključili še sejem Vino. Kako ste zadovoljni z rezultati družbe v tem letu in kakšno prihodnost napovedujete? Z rezultati družbe sem zadovoljen, saj smo kljub recesiji uspeli v slovenskem sejemskem prostoru uveljaviti specializirano


Na kakšen način naredite sejme privlačnejše za mlajšo ciljno skupino? Naši sejmi so privlačni za obiskovalce vseh starosti. Posebej se sejmu sladoleda in obilnim degustacijam ne morejo upreti najmlajši obiskovalci. To skupino obiskovalcev obenem privabljamo pretežno s spremljajočimi strokovnimi programi, v sklopu katerih mladi najdejo koristne informacije za bodočo poslovno kariero. Kaj menite o ideji sodelovanja in povezovanja evropskih kongresnih in sejemskih destinacij? Vsekakor je to pozitivno razmišljanje, povezovanje prinaša zgolj sinergijske in multiplikativne učinke vseh vpletenih subjektov! Kakšno vlogo imajo pri promociji sejmov nacionalne turistične organizacije in kakšna je vloga zasebnega sektorja? Oba imata veliko vlogo. NTO ima seveda več možnosti in dolžnosti, saj je državna institucija, ki je med drugim zadolžena tudi za promocijo sejmov. Za sejme v naši organizaciji pa je zelo pomemben zasebni sektor, tu mislim na razstavljavce, ki pa že s samim nastopom na sejmu poleg sebe posredno promovirajo tudi

sejemsko dejavnost, seveda v primeru, da je prezentacija podjetja na ustreznem nivoju. Kaj pogrešate na področju ponudbe turističnih kapacitet in infrastrukturne razvitosti regije, v kateri delujete? Kot za sejme velja enako tudi za ponudnike turističnih kapacitet – uporabniku ponuditi kvalitetno storitev. Naši uporabniki, razstavljavci, sploh tuji, koristijo turistične in druge kapacitete, s katerimi so pretežno zadovoljni. Je pa potrebno te sproti kvalitetno dopolnjevati, kajti samo zadovoljen sejemski gost bo lahko širil naprej dober glas. Kaj je po vašem mnenju odločilno za dober obisk sejemskih prireditev?

Seznam sejmov GASTexpo, 4. mednarodni strokovni sejem gastronomije, pijače, kave, slaščičarstva, pekarstva in gostinsko – hotelske opreme. Sladoled, 4. mednarodni strokovni sejem sladoleda Vino 2010, 2. mednarodni strokovni sejem vina Ljubljana – Gospodarsko razstavišče, 8. – 11. februar 2010 (leta 2009: 15.000 poslovnih obiskovalcev in 300 razstavljavcev). Primorski sejem: 17. mednarodni obrtno – podjetniški sejem, Koper, 3. – 6. junij 2010 (leta 2009: 25.000 obiskovalcev in 225 razstavljavcev).

Kvalitetna in ciljno usmerjena promocija, s katero organizator obiskovalcu že pred obiskom sejma korektno posreduje ustrezne informacije, kaj lahko od sejma pričakuje. K dobremu obisku pa vsekako pripomore tudi razstavljalci sami in obsejemski dogodki. Obiskovalec mora namreč sejem zapustiti zadovoljen! Katere novosti napovedujete leta 2009/2010? Naše poglavitne novosti se bodo odražale na strokovnih sejmih GASTexpo & Sladoled & Vino, kjer smo dodali nove vsebine trendovskim strokovnim obsejemskim dogajanjem, ki bodo pripomogle tako k večji promociji razstavljavcev kot tudi povečali zanimanje obiskovalcev. Prav poseben poudarek pa bomo posvetili organiziranim obiskom poslovnežev iz sosednjih držav.,


Primorski sejem

Our Fairs Appeal to Visitors of All Ages Interview with Matjaž Turk, director of Primorski sejem

The beginnings of Primorski sejem go back to 1991. Numerous successful marketing activities resulted in the organisation of the regional Primorski sejem fair in 1994 and, despite the critical circumstances surrounding the global and national exhibition activity in the past that have erased numerous fairs in Slovenia, Primorski sejem managed to ascertain itself. Today, Primorski sejem represents a high quality fair and economic event in the region. Their next challenge was Ljubljana, where they organised the first GASTexpo & Ice Cream fair in 2007. Today, this is already a renowned fair and the only specialised fair in the catering and hotel industry in Slovenia. In the 2009 edition, the Wine Fair was added to the GASTexpo and Ice Cream fair.

the specialised fairs for individual branches, which are however scarce in Slovenia. How do you make the fairs more attractive to a younger target audience? Our fairs are appealing to visitors of all ages. Our youngest visitors find it especially hard to resist the Ice Cream Fair and its abundant tastings. We attract this group of visitors with professional programmes enabling the younger population to find useful information concerning their future business career. What is your opinion on the idea of cooperation and uniting European congress and fair destinations? This is undoubtedly a positive way of thinking, as networking can only bring synergies and multiplicative effects to all of the parties involved.

How satisfied are you with the results of your company this year and what are your expectations for the future?

In promoting fairs, what is the role of the national tourist organisation and the private sector?

I am pleased with the company’s results, as we managed to assert the specialised GASTexpo & Ice Cream fair as part of the Slovenian exhibition activity despite the recession. We even managed to successfully include the Wine Fair and raise the regional Primorski sejem fair to a higher quality level. I am a strong believer that a quality fair is an efficient instrument in the struggle against the recession.

They both play an important role. Being a state institution, which is also responsible for the promotion of fairs, the national tourist organisation of course has more opportunities and obligations. As far as our fairs are concerned, the private sector is of the utmost importance. By that I mean the exhibitors who, simply by attending the fair, promote not only themselves but indirectly the fair as well, provided that the presentation of their company is at an appropriate level.

What business challenges have you come across in the past and what are you facing now? Long-term goals and a professional approach have been our guiding stars from the beginning. In the past and today, our greatest challenge has always been to upgrade the existing fair and to establish new fairs. This is a field in which we are currently very successful. Constant growth, upgrades and additions are an important indication of a fair’s success. How do you develop the exhibition activity? We are fairly successful in this field, as we managed to include a new fair, the Wine Fair, with the existent fairs in Ljubljana. We upgrade the content of our fairs every year and thus adapt them to the current market requirements. Our exhibition activity is developing successfully and we hope it will do so in the future as well. In your opinion, which economic branches in Slovenia are interested in exhibition activity?

What do you miss in the range of tourist capacities and the development of infrastructure in your region of operation? The same applies to both fairs and providers of tourist capacities – provide the client with a high quality service. Our clients or exhibitors, especially international ones, make use of tourist capacities and others and they are mostly satisfied with them. These however need to be constantly upgraded in terms of quality, as only a satisfied exhibition guest will be able to put in a good word for us. What do you see as the decisive factor for good attendance at fairs? A quality and goal-oriented promotion where the organiser correctly provides the visitor with the appropriate information about what to expect from the fair even before they actually visit it. The exhibitors themselves and the supporting programme undoubtedly contribute to good attendance numbers. The visitors must leave the fair satisfied! What novelties can we expect in 2009/2010?

It is especially the branches where the main pillars are smaller and medium-sized companies. They inspire social economic development and exhibition activities. This is especially evident in


Our main novelties will be seen in the specialised GASTexpo, Ice Cream & Wine fairs, where we have added new content to the

trendy supporting programme. This content will contribute to the better promotion of the exhibitors and increase the interest of our visitors. Special attention will be paid to organised visits by businessmen from abroad.,

A List of Fairs GASTexpo, the 4th International Specialised Fair for Gastronomy, Beverage, Coffee, Patisserie, Bakery, Hotel and Catering Equipment. Ice Cream Fair, the 4th International Ice Cream Fair Wine 2010, the 2nd International Wine Fair Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, 8 – 11 February 2010 (in 2009: 15,000 business visitors and 300 exhibitors). Primorski sejem: the 17th International Trade and Enterprise Fair, Koper 3 – 6 June 2010 (in 2009: 25,000 visitors and 225 exhibitors).


GR Inženiring d.o.o.

Javnost je odlično sprejela naše sejme Pogovor z Janezom Levcem, direktorjem GR Inženiringa.

slehernega obiskovalca – nekoga navduši bogata razstava, drugega spremljevalni program na odru, tretjega zanimivo predavanje ali ustvarjalna delavnica itd. Obiskovalci postajajo zahtevnejši in tako je tudi prav. V našem podjetju se trudimo prirejati sejme z aktualno tematiko in skušamo biti, kar se da, izvirni. Če ti uspe pridobiti publiko na svojo stran, potem je uspeh zagotovljen – in ker je javnost odlično sprejela naše sejme, sem z rezultati družbe v zadnjih letih zadovoljen. Na tem mestu moram omeniti, da smo edino podjetje v Sloveniji, ki pokriva tako organizacijo kot tehnično izvedbo sejemskega dogodka in obe naši dejavnosti sta v vzponu. Seveda pa se bomo morali iz leta v leto dokazovati, izboljševati in prilagajati razmeram v okolju. Našim sejmom in celotni sejemski dejavnosti napovedujem svetlo prihodnost. S kakšnimi poslovnimi izzivi ste se srečevali v preteklosti in s kakšnimi se srečujete danes?

Podjetje GR Inženiring se ukvarja s postavitvijo razstavnih prostorov in konstrukcij na sejemskih, izobraževalno-sejemskih, kongresnih, družabnih in drugih prireditvah doma in v tujini ter z zagotavljanjem popolne tehnične podpore, z organizacijo lastnih prireditev vseh vrst, s svetovanjem, pripravo in izvedbo prireditev po naročilu ter izposojo opreme za najrazličnejše dogodke. Z zagotavljanjem celovite tehnične podpore želijo olajšati priprave nastopajočim na posameznih prireditvah in zagotoviti primerno, prijetno in všečno prireditveno okolje. Kako ste zadovoljni z rezultati družbe v tem letu in kakšno prihodnost napovedujete? Kljub gospodarski krizi smo z letošnjimi rezultati zadovoljni: predvsem me veseli dejstvo, da smo veliko naredili na področju razvoja novih projektov in na področju razvoja kadrov. Glede izobraževalno-sejemskih dogodkov, ki jih organiziramo, moram poudariti, da jih gradimo postopno in se trudimo za dolgoročni uspeh. Razstavljavcem želimo vedno znova ponuditi odlične pogoje za njihov nastop na prireditvi, obiskovalcem pa predstaviti veliko novosti ter jim zagotoviti možnosti za odlične sejemske nakupe. Sejem mora namreč predstavljati posebno doživetje za


V preteklosti smo se ukvarjali le s tehnično podporo sejmom po Sloveniji in tujini – s postavitvijo sejemskih konstrukcij in razstavnih prostorov, izvedbo električnih, vodnih ter internetnih priključkov, izposojo sejemske opreme itd. Pred nekaj leti smo se odločili, da bi razvili in organizirali kakšen svoj sejem – izziv je bil velik, saj je bilo okolje zasičeno z raznoraznimi prireditvami. Vendar, ubrali smo pravo smer, razvijali povsem nove prireditve z novo vsebino, nekonkurenčno prireditvam na Gospodarskem razstavišču in na drugih slovenskih sejmiščih. Danes nam izziv predstavlja »lovljenje« večjih evropskih sejmov. Želimo se jim približati – tako po številu razstavljavcev in obiskovalcev kot po kakovosti ponujenih vsebin. Pomemben podatek o uspešnosti sejmov je stalna rast ter nadgrajevanje in dopolnjevanje sejemske ponudbe. Kako se sejemska dejavnost razvija pri vas? Kot sem že omenil, obiskovalcem in razstavljavcem je potrebno vsako leto ponuditi nekaj več – rast in nadgradnja morata biti tako kvantitativni kot kvalitativni. Pomembno je biti odprt za nove ideje, nova poslovna partnerstva, pa nekaj poguma je tudi potrebnega. Razvoj naših sejmov je zelo zadovoljiv. Trudimo se, da obiskovalci zapustijo naše prireditve s številnimi novimi znanji in izkušnjami, dobrimi nakupi in z občutkom, da so kakovostno preživeli dan na sejmu. Hkrati pa se zavedamo, da morajo tudi razstavljavci doseči dober poslovni rezultat. Šele takrat, ko so zadovoljni oboji, obiskovalci in razstavljavci, smo zadovoljni tudi mi. To je formula, s katero zagotavljamo rast sejemske dejavnosti v naši hiši. V katerih gospodarskih panogah je po vašem mnenju v Sloveniji zanimanje za sejemsko dejavnost največje? To je težko reči. Če sodimo po številu sodelujočih razstavljavcev ter po številu obiskovalcev posameznih sejmov, potem je odgovor avtomobilska industrija, pohištvena industrija, kmetijstvo ter živilska industrija itd.

Na kakšen način naredite sejme privlačnejše za mlajšo ciljno skupino? Kot veste, organiziramo največjo sejemsko-izobraževalno prireditev za otroke in družine v Sloveniji, Otroški bazar, in največjo sejemsko-izobraževalno prireditev za študente v Sloveniji, Študentsko areno. Posamezne prireditve se udeleži med 20 in 30 tisoč obiskovalcev. Kako nam uspeva? Zaposleni, celotna ekipa, se v času zagona projekta »odmaknemo« za nekaj dni od vsakodnevnih opravil in dodobra previharimo možgane. Postavimo se v vlogo potencialnega obiskovalca in si zastavimo številna vprašanja: kaj si želi videti na prireditvi, kaj kupiti, kaj novega spoznati, katero slavno osebo srečati, itd. Odgovori na takšna vprašanja tvorijo recept za dober sejem. Kaj menite o ideji sodelovanja in povezovanja evropskih kongresnih in sejemskih destinacij? Ideja se mi zdi dobra. Sami se povezujemo s sejemskimi hišami iz drugih držav in rezultati so že vidni. V naslednjih letih si želimo skleniti kar nekaj tovrstnih partnerstev po Evropi, pa tudi na območju nekdanje Jugoslavije. Kaj pogrešate na področju ponudbe turističnih kapacitet in infrastrukturne razvitosti regije, v kateri delujete? Ničesar ne pogrešam. Gospodarsko razstavišče, lokacija, kjer prirejamo večino naših sejmov, leži v centru glavnega mesta. Sejmišče se nahaja v neposredni bližini železniške ter avtobusne postaje in je le trideset minut oddaljeno od letališča. Morda bi si v prihodnosti želel kakšno parkirišče več. Hotelskih kapacitet je dovolj, skratka, stanje je zadovoljivo.

Seznam sejmov Informativa, 29. in 30. januar 2010, število razstavljavcev: 150, število obiskovalcev 20.000, Logistika '10, 3. in 4. februar 2010, sejemsko-konferenčna prireditev, število razstavljavcev: 25, število kotiziranih udeležencev: 150, Mednarodni sejem zbirateljstva COLLECTA, 26. – 28. marec 2010, število razstavljavcev: 200, število obiskovalcev 15.000, Transport in logistika, Dnevi prevoznikov, 14. in 15. maj 2010, sejemsko-konferenčna prireditev v BTC Logističnem centru, število razstavljavcev: 80, število kotiziranih udeležencev: 150, Auto Motor Show Ljubljana, 3. – 5. september 2010, število razstavljavcev: 200, število obiskovalcev 25.000, Otroški bazar, 9. – 12. september 2010, število razstavljavcev: 200, število obiskovalcev 35.000, Študentska arena, 19. – 21. oktober 2010, število razstavljavcev: 200, število obiskovalcev 20.000, Proizvodna logistika, 20. oktober 2010, konferenca, število kotiziranih udeležencev 150, Kariera '10, 1. in 2. december 2010, število razstavljavcev: 200, število obiskovalcev 12.000,

Kaj je po vašem mnenju odločilno za dober obisk sejemskih prireditev? Aktualna tematika in odlične vsebine. Katere novosti napovedujete leta 2009/2010? Novosti so velike poslovne skrivnosti! Spremljajte našo spletno stran in presenečeni boste – v kratkem!


GR Inženiring d.o.o.

Our Fairs Have Been Really Well Received by the Public Interview with Janez Levec, Director of GR Inženiring .

GR Inženiring provides the installation of exhibition stands and constructions at fairs, educational fairs, congresses, social events and other events both at home and abroad, complete technical support, the organisation of various types of its own events, consulting services, the preparation and implementation of requested events and the rental of equipment for different events. By providing complete technical support, they wish to facilitate the preparation of performers at individual events and ensure an appropriate, pleasant and pleasing event environment. How satisfied are you with the results of your company this year and what are your expectations for the future? Despite the economic crisis, we are pleased with this year’s results. I am especially pleased that we did so much in the area of developing new projects and in the human resources development. With regard to the educational fairs that we organise, I must point out that these are being set up slowly and aim for long-term success. We wish to continually offer the exhibitors excellent conditions for their presence at the event and present the visitors with a lot of novelties and give them an opportunity for excellent bargains at fairs. A fair must be a special experience for each and every visitor – some are enthusiastic about the rich exhibition content, others about the accompanying programme on the stage and someone else about an interesting lecture or creative workshop and so on. The visitors are becoming increasingly demanding and so they should be. We try to organise fairs with topical content and try to be as original as possible. If you succeed in winning over the audience, you will be successful and, as our fairs have been really well received by the public, I am pleased with the company’s results in the last years. I need to say that we are the only company in Slovenia covering both the organisation and technical implementation of a fair and both our activities are on the rise. We will, of course, have to continue proving ourselves from year to year and adapt to the situation in the environment. I predict a bright future for our fairs and for the entire exhibition industry. What business challenges have you come across in the past and what are you facing now? In the past, we were only involved in technical support for fairs in Slovenia and abroad – by installing constructions and exhibition stands for fairs, implementing electrical, water and internet connections, renting exhibition equipment, etc. A few years ago, we decided to develop and organise our own events. This was a great challenge, as the market was saturated with different events. We decided on the right direction and developed completely


new events with new content that were not competitive with the events at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre and other Slovenian exhibition grounds. Today, our challenge is to “catch” the bigger European fairs. We wish to come closer to them, both in the number of exhibitors and visitors and in the quality of the content offered. Constant growth, upgrades and additions are an important indication of a fair’s success. How do you develop the exhibition activity? As mentioned before, you need to offer the exhibitors and visitors something new every year – growth and upgrading has to relate to both quality and quantity. It is important to be open to new ideas, new business partnerships and you also need some courage. Our fairs are developing satisfactorily. We do our best to ensure that our visitors leave our events with new knowledge and experiences, a good purchase and with the feeling that their day at the fair was spent well. At the same time, we are also aware that the exhibitors have to achieve good business results. We are only satisfied when both are satisfied, the visitors and the exhibitors. This is the formula that guarantees the growth of the exhibition activity in our company. In your opinion, which economic branches in Slovenia are interested in exhibition activities? That’s hard to say. Judging from the number of participating exhibitors and the number of visitors to individual fairs, the answer would be the automotive industry, the furniture industry, agriculture, the food industry, etc. How do you make the fairs more attractive to a younger target audience? As you know, we organise the largest educational fair for children and families in Slovenia, the Children’s Bazaar, and the largest educational fair in Slovenia for students, the Student Arena. Individual events are attended by 20 to 30 thousand visitors. How do we do it? When we are launching the project, the employees, the whole team, get away from everyday work for a few days and do a lot of brainstorming. We put ourselves in the position of the potential visitor and ask ourselves numerous questions: what do we want to see at the event, what do we want to buy, what new things do we want to learn, which celebrity would we like to meet, etc. The answers to these questions are the recipe for a good fair. What is your opinion on the idea of cooperation and uniting European congress and fair destinations? I think this is a good idea. We cooperate with other fair companies from other countries and the results are already evident. In the next few years, we would like to enter into quite a few of this kind of partnerships in Europe and the territory of former Yugoslavia.

What do you miss in the range of tourist capacities and the development of infrastructure in your region of operation? I don’t miss anything. The Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, the location where we organise most of our fairs, is located in the centre of the country’s capital. The exhibition grounds are located in the direct vicinity of the railway and bus stations and just thirty minutes from the airport. Perhaps we would like to see more parking places. There is enough hotel accommodation and the situation is satisfactory. What do you see as the decisive factor for good attendance at fairs? Current themes and excellent content. What novelties can we expect in 2009/2010? Novelties are a big business secret! Follow our website regularly ( and you will soon be surprised!

A List of Fairs Informativa, 29 and 30 January 2010, number of exhibitors: 150, number of visitors: 20,000, Logistics ‘10, 3 and 4 February 2010, fair and conference event, number of exhibitors: 25, number of participants paying the participation fee: 150, The International Collectors Fair COLLECTA, 26 – 28 March 2010, number of exhibitors: 200, number of visitors: 15,000, Transport and Logistics, Days of Carriers, 14 and 15 May 2010, fair and conference event in BTC Ljubljana Logistic Centre, number of exhibitors: 80, number of participants paying the participation fee: 150, The Auto Motor Show Ljubljana, 3 – 5 September 2010, number of exhibitors: 200, number of visitors: 25,000, The Children’s Bazaar, 9 – 12 September 2010, number of exhibitors: 200, number of visitors: 35,000, The Student Arena, 19 – 21 October 2010, number of exhibitors: 200, number of visitors: 20,000, Production Logistics, 20 October 2010, conference, number of participants paying the participation fee: 150, Career ‘10, 1 and 2 December 2010, number of exhibitors: 200, number of visitors: 12,000,


Mladi prihajajo

The Young Are Coming

vzpostavljanje ravnovesja

It Is Important to Establish Balance

Pogovor z Martinom Šabcem, projektnim vodjo na Gospodarskem razstavišču Ljubljana.

An interview with Martin Šabec, project manager at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre.

S kakšnimi izkušnjami prihajate na Gospodarsko razstavišče?

What experiences do you bring to the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre?

Pomembno je

Kot organizator turizma sem si nabiral izkušnje v turističnih agencijah in hotelih, potem pa sem odšel na izobraževanje v Združene države Amerike. Pol leta sem preživel na Foridi in se kalil v hotelu Radison Suite Beach Resort na otoku Marco, kasneje pa še v novem Intercontinentalovem hotelu v Atlanti, kjer sem se podrobneje seznanil s tem, kako deluje hotel na vseh ravneh, specializiral pa sem se v oddelku Odnosi z gosti (Guest Relations), kjer sem skrbel za dobro počutje VIP gostov in upravljanje klubskega dela hotela. Po prihodu v Slovenijo sem nadaljeval delo v LifeClassovih hotelih v Portoržu. Leta 2008 sem sprejel izziv na Gospodarskem razstavišču, pri organizaciji sejemskih prireditev. Prva preizkušnja je bil sejem Turizem in prosti čas, kasneje Promarket (sejem in kongres marketinga), sejemsko prireditev Narava – zdravje (prireditev za sejemsko ponudbo izdelkov, dejavnosti in idej za zdravo življenje) pa sem leta 2009 izpeljal kot vodja prireditve.

I worked as a tourism organiser in various tourist agencies and hotels and then left to receive further education in the United States. I spent six months in Florida at the Radisson Suite Beach Resort on the island of Marco and later at InterContinental’s new hotel in Atlanta, where I learned how the hotel operated on all levels and in detail. I specialised in the Guest Relations department, where I saw to the wellbeing of VIP guests and the management of the hotel's club. Upon returning to Slovenia, I took on a job with LifeClass hotels in Portorož. In 2008, I accepted the challenge of organising fairs and exhibitions with the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. My first test was the Tourism and Leisure fair, followed by ProMarket (sales, marketing and advertising fair), while I was project manager of the Nature-Health fair in 2009 (event for exhibition of products, activities and ideas for healthy living).

Kaj je vaša glavna motivacija pri delu? Zakaj imate to delo radi?

What is your main motivation in your job? Why do you like it?

Delo v poslovnem turizmu nasploh, zdaj pa v kongresni in sejemski dejavnosti, me je od nekdaj privlačilo zaradi pestre dinamike dela ter stikov z ljudmi, ki prihajajo iz zelo različnih okolij. Pomembno se mi ne zdi le spoznavanje njihovih področij, pač pa tudi sama psihologija oz. umetnost uspešnega komuniciranja z njimi. Predvsem to je v mojem poklicu ključ do uspeha. Vodja projekta mora imeti jasno zasnovan cilj, stretegijo in organizacijo, kako bo svoje delo izpeljal, pri tem pa dovolj manevrskega prostora za uspešen osebni pristop do naročnika.

I have always found working in business tourism in general and now in meetings and exhibitions activities attractive due to the diverse work dynamics and contact with people from very different backgrounds. It is not only important to learn about their fields of operation but also the psychology or the art of successful communication with them. And in my job, this is the key to being successful. A project manager has to have a clear goal, strategy and organisation in order to do his or her job and also enough margin of manoeuvre for a successful personal approach to the client.

Kaj je za vas kot vodjo prireditve največji izziv?

What do you, as a project manager, find the most challenging?

Biti vodja prireditve je izziv že zaradi tega, ker je treba na eni strani zadovoljiti želje naročnika, po drugi strani pa splesti razvejano in močno mrežo med razstavljavci in obiskovalci ter tako poskrbeti za kakovost, prepoznavnost in odmevnost prireditve v okolju, ki mu je namenjena.

Being a project manager is already challenging simply because you have to satisfy the clients' wishes on one hand, while weaving a widely branched and strong network among exhibitors and visitors on the other, thus ensuring the quality, recognisability and appeal of the event in the environment for which it is organised.

Kaj počnete, ko zapustite službene prostore?

What do you do when you leave the work premises?

Ko se delovni dan konča, včasih prej, včasih pozno zvečer, grem najraje do telovadnice, da si napolnim baterije. Včasih se moram v to malce prisiliti, vendar pa sem po treningu vedno bolje razpoložen. Pomembno je vzpostavljanje ravnovesja v človeku. Tudi glasba je del mojega življenja. Ob vikendih uživam ob prepevanju v pevskem zboru. Rad se izobražujem in skrbim za svojo osebno rast. Tu in tam pa še vedno sodelujem kot moderator na lokalni radijski postaji.

When my workday comes to an end, sometimes sooner or sometimes late in the evening, I like to head out to the gym to recharge my batteries. Sometimes I have to force myself to do it but I always feel better after working out. It is important to establish a balance from within. Music is also a part of my life. During the weekends, I love singing in the choir. I love to educate myself and take care of my personal growth. Occasionally, I still like to work as a speaker on the local radio station.


Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre

Program sejmov 2010 2010 Exhibition Programme Turizem in prosti čas (TIP) / Tourism and Leisure 21. 1. – 24. 1. 2010 4. vodnik po turistični ponudbi, idejah za doživljanje Slovenije in spoznavanje sveta The 4th guide to holiday offers and ideas for experiencing Slovenia and getting to know the world

telephone cards, second-hand books, military paraphernalia and other collections from all over the world

Auto Motor Show 2010 3. 9. – 5. 9. 2010 Največja avto & moto prireditev v Sloveniji The biggest auto & moto show in Slovenia

Salon plovil / Boat Show

Otroški bazar / Children's Bazaar

21. 1. – 24. 1. 2010 6. salon manjših športnih in turističnih plovil z mednarodno udeležbo The 6th small sports and holiday boat show with international participation

9. 9. – 12. 9. 2010 5. bazar ponudbe izdelkov in storitev za otroke in mlade družine The 5th bazaar offering products and services for children and young families

Informativa 29. – 30. 1. 2010 Informativni dan o izobraževanju, štipendiranju in zaposlovanju Information day about education, scholarships and employment

Gast Expo & Sladoled / Gast Expo & Ice Cream 8. 2. – 11. 2. 2010 4. mednarodni sejem gastronomije in gostinsko–hotelske opreme ter mednarodni sejem sladoleda The 4th international fair of gastronomy and catering - hotel equipment

Vino 2010 / Wine 2010 8. 2. – 11. 2. 2010 2. mednarodni strokovni sejem The 2nd international Fair of Wine

Sejem Dom / Home Fair 2. 3. - 7. 3. 2010 49. mednarodni sejem ponudbe za dom: gradbeništvo in stavbno pohištvo, ogrevalna in hladilna tehnika, notranja oprema, varovanje ter urejanje okolice The 49th international fair of offers for the home, the building trade, doors and windows, heating and cooling engineering, interior fittings, security and landscaping

Promarket 17. 3. – 19. 3. 2010 Sejem in kongres prodaje, marketinga in oglaševanja Sales, marketing and advertising conference fair

Mednarodni festival starodobnih vozil ter Antika in likovna umetnost/ International Classic Cars Festival & Antiquity and Fine Art Exhibition 18. 9. – 19. 9. 2010 4. razstava starodobnih avtomobilov, motociklov in ostalih vozil The 4th festival of veteran cars will be devoted to old timers of all kinds

Narava – zdravje / Nature-Health 7. 10. - 10. 10. 2010 41. sejem ponudbe izdelkov, dejavnosti in idej za zdravo življenje The 41st fair offering products, activities and ideas for healthy living

Študentska arena / Student Arena 19. 10. – 21. 10. 2010 11. izobraževalno – sejemska prireditev za mlade The 11st educational/fair event for the young

Ambient Ljubljana – pohištveni sejem / Ambient Ljubljana – Furniture Fair 9. 11. – 14. 11. 2010 21. pohištveni sejem The 21st furniture fair

Festival kamping & karavaning / Camping & Caravanning Festival 25. 11. – 28. 11. 2010 8. salon celotne ponudbe počitniških vozil in opreme za kampiranje The 8th festival with a complete offer of holiday vehicles and camping equipment

Collecta 2009 26. 3. – 28. 3. 2010 Predstavitev zbirk filatelistov, numizmatikov, kartofilov, zbirateljev fosilov in mineralov, telefonskih kartic, antikvitet, militarij in drugih drobnih zbirk s celega sveta A presentation of philately, numismatics, cards, fossils, minerals,



Provokativna norveška promocija osvojila nagrado icca za najboljšo marketinško kampanjo 2009 Izvirna kampanja »Norway for natural reasons« je žirijo navdušila s fotografijo golega moškega sredi naravnih elementov Norveške. Nagrada, ki jo ICCA podeljuje od leta 1997, je priznanje za odličnost in izjemne dosežke na področju marketinga destinacij in produktov. Na predstavitvi kampanje žiriji in preko 900 udeležencem 48. kongresa ICCA v Firencah je direktorica urada Bente Holm Bratland pojasnila, da so se za goloto v oglasu odločili zavestno. Fotografija pa je, kot pravi v šali, direktorici prirasla k srcu že pred začetkom kampanje. Raziskava urada je pokazala, da je novo blagovno znamko kot pozitivno ocenilo 84 % anketiranih načrtovalcev srečanj na Norveškem. Vložek v razvoj nove blagovne znamke je znašal samo 150 evrov. Vrednost triletne marketinške kampanje je ocenjena na milijon evrov, generirala pa naj bi preko 93,6 milijonov evrov prihodkov kongresne industrije.

Ob podelitvi nagrade je Bente Bratland Holm povedla, da ima nagrada poseben pomen za Norveški kongresni urad in za celotno kongresno industrijo, saj nagrado podeljujejo kolegi iz industrije, ki so največji ambasadorji Norveške. Nagrada je motivacija za vse ključne partnerje na Norveškem, ki so pokazali, da delujejo kot tim. Hkrati je to motivacija za ostale manjše kongresne urade po svetu kot primer dobre prakse, kaj se lahko doseže s skromnimi sredstvi, če je le strategija prava. Norveški kongresni urad je poleg nagrade prejel promocijski paket v višini 10.000 evrov, ki ga je podelil sponzor nagrade Bedouk Meetings & Event Media in ICCA. Čestitke tudi letošnjima drugima finalistoma: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malezija in m:con kongresni center Rosengarten iz Nemčije.


Naked Norwegian Man Wins icca Best Marketing Award 2009 Norway Convention Bureau has won the ICCA Best Marketing Award 2009 for its “Norway for natural reasons” campaign, famous for depicting a rear view of a naked man enjoying the elements. The ICCA Best Marketing Award, established in 1997, recognises the excellence and outstanding achievements of organisations in their effort to market their destination or product. Presenting the campaign to a panel of judges and a record number of over 900 delegates at the 48th ICCA Congress & Exhibition, which took place last week in Florence Italy, Convention Director Bente Bratland Holm admitted the bureau took a calculated risk including nudity in the campaign. “This photo was actually a favourite of mine before we started the campaign,” she joked. It certainly proved popular, with a Norway Convention Bureau survey showing 84 per cent of polled meeting planners registered a positive approach to the brand. For only €150 in brand development costs, the three-year €1m marketing campaign

helped attract incoming international visitors worth €93.6m for the local economy. On winning the award, Bente Bratland Holm said:"Winning the ICCA BMA is extremely important to Norway Convention Bureau and we are so pleased to have received this recognition from our colleagues in the industry! As we said and believe: our colleagues can be our best ambassadors!” “It really gives a lot of motivation for our stakeholders in Norway to continue the work we have started as a team. I believe that it is also motivates other Convention Bureaus around the world to see that you can achieve great results from small budgets, - if the strategy is the right one. Thank you all for voting for Norway, and thank you ICCA!” Norway Convention Bureau will receive a valuable marketing package worth more than €10,000 offered by Best Marketing Award sponsor Bedouk Meetings & Events Media and ICCA. Congratulations also to this year’s other finalists: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia and m:con Congress Center Rosengarten, German

Nov Kongresni Center Wellness Park Laško (konec leta 2010) New Congress Centre Wellness Park Laško (by the end of 2010) Eden najmodernejših tovrstnih centrov, ki se bo nahajal v osrčju Slovenije. Načrtovan skupaj s stokovnjaki iz področja kongresnega turizma. Povezava kongresnega centra z 4* wellness hotelom. Vse dvorane z dnevno svetlobo, z možnostjo popolne zatemnitve. Vaše srečanje bomo popestrili z vrhunsko in raznoliko kulinariko ter z zanimviimi in atraktivnimi izleti.

One of the most modern conference centers, to be located in the very heart of Slovenia. Designed with the help of congress tourism experts. Congress Centre connected to the 4* wellness & spa hotel. Natural daylight in all seminar rooms. Complete darkness possible. To your meeting we will add a taste of excellent cuisine, interesting trips and attractive sightseeing.


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seminar rooms

Pridite v Laško! Come to Laško! Zdraviliška c. 6, 3270 Laško, Slovenia, +386 3 7345 624,,


Zadnja beseda / Last Word

Slovenija / Slovenia Smo tako majhna država, da nas mnogi še v Evropi ne poznajo, kaj šele iz drugih kontinentov. Je to slabost? Ali je to še ena izmed priložnosti? Vedno bolj se zavedam, da je okrog nas vedno več priložnosti! Tudi danes, ko se ubadamo z največjimi izzivi na svetu. Ne samo mi v Sloveniji, cela Evropa in še širše. Toda ali lahko en posameznik uspe? Odvisno, kaj hoče doseči. Če se malce ozremo na šport in iščemo podobnosti, jih bomo takoj našli. Atlet Primož Kozmus je v svoji razmeroma kratki karieri uspel praktično v vsem. Postal je svetovni prvak, osvojil zlato medaljo na olimpijskih igrah. Kako je v skupinskih športih? Slovenija se je uvrstila na svetovno prvenstvo v nogometu 2010. Na zadnjih kvalifikacijah je premagala največjo državo na svetu! Kaj ni kongresni turizem skupinski šport? Seveda uspešno ekipo sestavljajo vrhunski posamezniki, toda njegova skupna moč je tisto, kar je zmagovalna formula. Lep primer je nedavna zmaga Norveške za najboljšo marketinško nagrado, ki jo vsako leto podeli ICCA. Zaslužijo si pohvalo za izvirnost in pogum. Vsak posameznik bi rad uspel, dosegel začrtane rezultate, dobil pohvalo svojega nadrejenega, bil dobro sprejet v svoji družbi in cenjen doma. Za uspeh na kongresnem področju ne potrebujemo veliko. Vse sestavine uspeha imamo. Pomembno je, da jih najdemo pri sebi, da jih ne iščemo pri drugih ali jih prepričujemo, kaj morajo narediti, da bomo uspešni. Moramo si zaupati, brez tega uspešne ekipe ni! Bodimo pogumni, postavimo si visoke cilje in ne odnehajmo na prvih preprekah. Če tako majhna država, kot je Slovenija, dobiva zlate medalje na najprestižnejših dogodkih, se uvrsti na svetovno prvenstvo v nogometu, za katerega pravijo, da ni šport, temveč religija, potem ne bi smelo biti pretežko stopiti skupaj ključnim deležnikom in pridobiti najboljše dogodke v svojo destinacijo. Fantje in punce, stopimo skupaj! Miha Kovačič Direktor Zavoda-Kongresnoturistični urad


We are such a small country that even many people from Europe do not know about us, let alone those from other continents. Is this a weakness? Or another opportunity? With every passing day, I am more aware of the opportunities multiplying around us. Even today, as we deal with the toughest global challenges. Not just Slovenia, but the whole of Europe and wider. But can a person make it on one’s own? It depends on the goal. If we take a look at sports and search for parallels, they are easy to find. The athlete Primož Kozmus achieved it all in his relatively short career. He became a world champion and won the gold medal at the Olympics. What about team sports? Slovenia made it to the 2010 football world cup. It managed to beat the largest country in the world in the qualification match! MICE tourism is a team sport, is it not? Of course, a successful team is made up of top individuals, but it is its combined force that makes the winning formula. A good example is the recent victory of Norway in the annual ICCA competition for the best marketing award. They deserve praise for their originality and boldness. Every individual wants to make it, achieve the set goals, get a pat on the back from their boss, be accepted in his circle of friends and appreciated at home. We need little for success in the MICE area – we have all the ingredients. What is important is to find them within ourselves, not to look for them in others or tell them what they should do to help us make it. Mutual trust is what is necessary for a successful team! Let us be plucky, set high goals and not give up at the first obstacle. If such a small country as Slovenia can win gold medals in the most prestigious events and qualify for the world football cup, which is said to be a religion rather than a sport, then it should not be too hard to join forces with the key stakeholder and secure the best events for our destination. Girls and guys, join forces! Miha Kovačič Direktor Zavoda-Kongresnoturistični urad



Uredniški koledar 2010 ŠTEVILKA


Številka 1 Posebna izdaja – CONVENTA

CONVENTA - katalog razstavljavcev 2010 • Trendi in napoved za leto 2010 (Outlook 2010) • Intervjuji s ključnimi partnerji v regiji

Januar 2010


Številka 2 POMLAD


Marec 2010





Rok - prispevki: 18.12.2009 Rok - oglasi: 04.01.2010 Tisk: 15.01.2010







• KOLUMNE • LIFESTYLE • Inovativnosti vs protokol na vladnih srečanjih • SOBA S POGLEDOM • KAJ ŠTEJE V OČEH KUPCA • Javni razpisi in posebnosti EU razpisov • PRIMERI DOBRE PRAKSE • Sponzoriranje vladnih dogodkov • RAZVOJ IN RAZISKAVE • KONGRESNE OSEBNOSTI V ŽARIŠČU: • GADGETI • WEB 3.0 • NESPREGLEDANO • KREATIVNE MARKETINŠKE STRATEGIJE • RASTOČI TRGI Produktne predstavitve: • Državni kongresni centri • Protokolarni objekti • Gradovi in posebna prizorišča

DESTINACIJSKA PRILOGA: Regionalno: Bosna in Hercegovina

• Programi lojalnosti • Obvladovanje stroškov in ROI • Branding korporativnih dogodkov in vloga marketinških agencij • Organizacija internih/hišnih dogodkov V ŽARIŠČU: • ROI • PREDSTAVITEV NAGRAD AKADEMIJE • CONVENTA • ZIMSKE OLIMPIJSKE IGRE




Rok - prispevki: 20.02.2010 Rok - oglasi: 28.02.2010 Tisk: 26.03.2010


Produktne predstavitve: • Srečanja v malih butičnih hotelih • All-inclusive resorti • Križarjenja in srečanja Številka 3 POLETJE Junij 2010

INCENTIVI • Programi lojalnosti • Inovativnost • Vloga in pomen motivacijskih govorcev V ŽARIŠČU: • ZELENA SREČANJA • ANALIZA TRENDOV PO IMEX-u • ŠPORTNI DOGODKI • WOM (word of mouth)

VSEBINSKA PRILOGA: Vinarji in vinogradniki


Rok - prispevki: 31.05.2010 Rok - oglasi: 15.06.2009 Tisk: 25.06.2009


Rok - prispevki: 31.08.2010 Rok - oglasi: 15.09.2010 Tisk: 24.09.2010

Produktne predstavitve: • Golf incentivi • Spa incentivi • Gorski centri Številka 4 JESEN September 2010

DOGODKI ZDRUŽENJ • Ambasador programi in vloga CVB-jev pri pridobivanju projektov • Vloga farmacevtske industrije • Organizacija razstav kot pomembni sestavni del srečanj združenj • Nove velesile na trgu združenj: Indija in Kitajska V ŽARIŠČU: • MARKETING ZDRUŽENJ • SOCIALNA OMREŽJA KOT DEL MARKETINGA ZDRUŽENJ

VSEBINSKA PRILOGA: Regionalni sejmi


Produktne predstavitve: • Kongresni centri in njihove novosti • Univerzitetni kongresni centri • CVB-ji v regiji Številka 5 ZIMA November 2010

Posebna izdaja MEET IN SEE Oktober 2010



CONVENTA – katalog ponudnikov iz JV Evrope

VSEBINSKA PRILOGA: Mesta - Ljubljana



Rok - prispevki: 31.10.2010 Rok - oglasi: 15.11.2010 Tisk: 26.11.2010

Rok - vpisi: 31.09.2010 Rok - oglasi: 15.10.2010 Tisk: 26.10.2010

USMerJeNi V SVet Pot v družbi prijetnega sopotnika mine hitreje. od začetka do cilja vas v katerokoli od naših 24 rednih destinacij spremljamo varno, udobno in z nasmehom. da, dobra družba se najde tudi nad oblaki.

Svet je vedno bližje. odkrivajte ga z nami.

A View to the world A journey always goes by faster in the company of a friendly fellow passenger. At Adria, we accompany you safely and comfortably, and always with a smile, to each of our 24 regular destinations, from beginning to end. Yes, there’s also nice company to be found high above the clouds.

the world is getting closer. discover it with us. +386 (0)4 259 45 55 |

Home Above the Clouds.



Editorial Plan for 2010 ISSUE


Issue 1 Special Edition – CONVENTA

CONVENTA – 2010 Catalogue of exhibitors • Trends and outlooks for 2010 • Interviews with key partners in the region

January 2010


Issue 2 SPRING March 2010

CORPORATE MEETINGS • Loyalty programs • Cost management and ROI • The branding of corporate events and the role of marketing agencies • The organization of internal/in-house events IN FOCUS: • ROI • PRESENTATION OF THE ACADEMY • CONVENTA AWARDS • WINTER OLYMPIC GAMES






Deadline - articles: 18.12.2009 Deadline - advertising: 04.01.2010 Printing: 15.01.2010











Deadline - articles: 20.02.2010 Deadline - advertising: 28.02.2010 Printing: 26.03.2010


Product presentations: • Meetings in small boutique hotels • All-inclusive resorts • Cruises and meetings Issue 3 SUMMER June 2010

INCENTIVE MEETINGS • Loyalty programs • Innovations • The role and meaning of motivational speakers IN FOCUS: • GREEN MEETINGS • TRENDS ANALYSIS ACCORDING TO IMEX • SPORTING EVENTS • WOM (word of mouth)


Deadline - articles: 31.05.2010 Deadline - advertising: 15.06.2009 Printing: 25.06.2009

DESTINATION SUPPLEMENT: Regional: Republic of Serbia




Deadline - articles: 31.08.2010 Deadline - advertising: 15.09.2010 Printing: 24.09.2010

DESTINATION SUPPLEMENT: Regional: Bosnia and Herzegovina


PRODUCT SUPPLEMENT: Winemakers and winegrowers

Product presentations: • Golf incentives • Spa incentives • Alpine centres Issue 4 AUTUMN September 2010

ASSOCIATION MEETINGS • Ambassador programs and role of the CVBs in obtaining projects • The role of pharmaceutical industry • The organization of exhibitions as an important part of corporate meetings • New great powers on the association markets of India and China IN FOCUS: • ASSOCIATIONS MARKETING • SOCIAL NETWORKS AS A PART OF ASSOCIATION MARKETING


Product presentations: • Congress centres and their novelties • University congress centres • CVBs in the region Issue 5 WINTER November 2010

GOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS • Innovations vs. protocol at governmental meetings • Calls for tenders and the special characteristics of EU calls for tenders • The sponsorship of governmental events IN FOCUS: • WEB 3.0 • CREATIVE MARKETING STRATEGIES Product presentations: • National congress centres • Protocol facilities • Castles and special venues

Special Edition MEET IN SEE October 2010


CONVENTA – Catalogue of providers from SE Europe

PRODUCT SUPPLEMENT: Cities - Ljubljana



Deadline - articles: 31.10.2010 Deadline - advertising: 15.11.2010 Printing: 26.11.2010

Deadline - articles: 31.09.2010 Deadline - advertising: 15.10.2010 Printing: 26.10.2010

JB OGLAS 1 11/17/09 3:24 PM Page 1 C









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Go for Environmentally Friendly Solutions when Organising Congresses. Badges, lanyards, bags

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and promotional and other gifts made of environmentally friendly materials from Go®mice - Parthen`s official representative office for Southeast Europe!

- uradnem zastopniku podjetja Parthen za trg Jugovzhodne Evrope! 124

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Izberite sami.

Vse potovalne storitve na enem mestu, po vaši izbiri. KOMPAS MY WAY je vodilna blagovna znamka unikatnih potovanj po meri. Programi KOMPAS MY WAY so osebne, posebne in poslovne potovalne storitve. Pripravlja jih tim svetovalcev, ki nudijo profesionalen servis. ko se vaše želje srečajo z našimi predlogi, vam najkasneje v 24 urah pripravimo program po meri. KOMPAS MY WAY programe odlikujejo: • neomejene možnosti izbire • odlične ideje za tematska potovanja • svetovna ponudba počitnic čez celoleto • prilagodljivost v datumih odhodov in v dolžini potovanja • individualno, profesionalno svetovanje • možost rezervacije posameznih storitev: letalske vozovnice, vsi hoteli, transferji, velike prireditve in dogodki, zavarovanja, odmevne športne prireditve Zagotavljamo vam individualne in poslovne storitve: • informacije in rezervacije letalskih vozovnic za več kot 160 različnih letalskih prevoznikov • obisk poslovnih partnerjev v Sloveniji in po svetu • udeležba na kongresih in sejmih (latalski prevos, hotel, registracija kongresa, transferji ...) • organizacija team buildingov • zavarovanja, vizumi+- vstopnice za športne in kulturne prireditve

01 2006 318 | 01 2006 424 | | Oglas MyWay 171x258.indd 1


16.11.2009 14:02:39


Where The World Meets

The Global Meetings & Incentives Exhibition Fira Gran Via, Barcelona, Spain

1 - 3 December 2009 127


Knjigo Kongresna dejavnost - organizacija kongresov, avtorice Majde Zidanski (soustanoviteljica in solastnica kongresne agencije Albatros), smo predstavili skupaj ob

deseti obletnici Višje strokovne šole za gostinstvo in turizem Bled in dvajseti obletnici Kongresno - turistiène agencije Albatros Bled.

Knjiga je namenjena predvsem zaèetnikom v dejavnosti organizacije kongresov, služi pa tudi kot neprecenljiv pripomoèek za najbolj izkušene strokovnjake s tega podroèja.


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Podpis naroènika


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