Week 1
Forces defined by direction, sense and magnitude
Knowledge Map ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
• Tension o external load pulls on a structural member! o particles move apart and undergo tension! o stretch and elongate the material! • Compression! o opposite effect of a tension force! o external load pushes on a structural member! o particles of the material compact together! o result in the shortening of the material!
Materials • Melbourne – bluestone (basalt) Victoria volcanoes Dark colouring • Sydney - sandstone • Perth - clay for brick, limestone
Tutorial Activity! ! Bricks are acting as dead loads (CHING: 02 The Building 2.08), vertically downward on a structure. Our pyramid shape tower allows the load on the top to be dispersed in the next lower level. We place the bricks vertically as a column supporting each level. However, our wall is at the same width from the bottom to the top. When the tower is built higher, it becomes less stiff. Materials Materials we used are MDF (stands for Medium Density Fibreboard). They are made from wood fibre under heat and pressure. They are cheap and easy to manufacture. !
"#$%$&'()#*'+!,-(.-!/$0&! 12324567!
Load path The load path is simply the direction in which each consecutive load will pass through connected members. The sequence commences at the highest point of the structure working all the way down to the footing system, ultimately transferring the total load of the structure to the foundation.
Construction system The lowest level is the foundation. As it goes higher, Vertical bricks’ (footing) load path flows down through to the foundation. The first floor load path flows down to the footing then the foundation. Then another layer of vertical bricks’ load path flows to the first floor then to the footing then the foundation.
Comparison with other groups ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Load Path This group’s tower’s bottom is narrower than ours. The bricks are piled up tightly like a standing cuboid; therefore it is more stable than our tower’s thin wall.
"#$%$&'()#*'+!,-(.-!/$0&! 12324567! !
! !
Since the upper part of this tower is at a same width, the loads are directly transferred to the lower part then split into two directions then to the ground. Compared to our pyramid shape tower, this group’s tower is more likely to be built higher. However, when its ratio between width and height approaches a certain level, it collapses.
Week 2 Knowledge map
Theatre session Strategies to increase the load capacity (Water tank, straws)
Studio session Cut the balsa wood provided into fine strips and build a tower! We started building our tower with a triangular shape as a foundation because triangulation is stable. We used sticky tapes to as joints. Therefore the joint becomes a fixed joint which restricts vertical movement, horizontal movement, or rotation of balsa strips. We used three single strips as footings to transfer upper loads directly to the foundation. In order to increase the load capacity we tried to build a bracing between posts. Considering that building another triangle wastes material, our bracing was built as shown in the photo on the right hand side. "#$%$&'()#*'+!,-(.-!/$0&! 672324567! !
The top load splits into three directions then straight down through footings to the ground. (Shown as blue arrows in the right)
"#$%$&'()#*'+!,-(.-!/$0&! 672324567! ! !
Our tower is not stable because 1. A few footings to transfer loads. If added another vertical strip to support the red point, it can share some loads. 2. All joints are fixed joints. Bending and deflection occur. To improve we can put pin joints in the 4 green spots shown on the right. As it’s a triangular structure, rotation is not happening anyway, at least pin joints somehow will decrease the risk of bending and deflection. 3. Small surface area contacts with the ground. Easy to fall down. To improve we can make the foundation triangle larger and add some bracings between posts. 4. Materials used are balsa woods which are very light. Also we cut them too thin so they became more fragile.
Comparison with other group’s tower This group’s tower is stable and high enough to reach the ceiling. For the lower part, the triangulation and the bracing between strips help with the stability. Footings are not too long therefore decrease the danger of swaying. Strips and sticky tapes form fixed joints. As there are many bracings, there are many fixed joints so deflection or bending is not likely to happen. For the upper part there’s a smaller triangle shape to support a single long stick on the top. The load flows from the top point to the three footings of a small triangle, then to another three footings of a larger triangle, then to the triangular prism which has many bracings allowing the load to be splitted and transferred to the foundation. "#$%$&'()#*'+!,-(.-!/$0&! 672324567! ! !
Fixed joints
Bracings between posts
Short footings
Week 3 !"#$%&'$!($))*+,!-!.%)$!)&/012!"#$!3+,0+,!45167*8!(&%0*/6!
Location "#$!45167*8!(&%0*/6! *)!)*&$0!+,!%!0*%6+,0)#%7$0!*)5%,0!<$&:$$,! &:+!$J*)&*,=! :%&$':%1)>!5+8%&$0! :*&#*,!&#$!)+/&#$',! )$8&*+,!+9!&#$!,$:! 45167*8!K%';?!
Structure "#$!)&'/8&/'$!*)! 8+67+)$0!+9!&:+!7%'&)2! %,!$55*7&*8%5!)/,;$,! 8+,8'$&$!<+:5!</*5&!*,&+! &#$!='+/,0! %88+66+0%&*,=!&#$! 5+:$'!)$%&*,=!'+:)>!%,0! %,!*,0$7$,0$,&! )&'/8&/'$!8+67'*)*,=! &#$!/77$'!&*$')!%,0!'++9>! :#*8#!*)!%!&$67+'%'1! 8+,)&'/8&*+,?!@-)#%7$0! )&$$5!)/77+'&)!%8&!%)! <'%8*,=!%)!:$55!%)! 8%''1*,=!&#$!)&$$5!&'/))! )&'/8&/'$!&#%&!9+'6)!%! 8+67'$))*+,!'*,=?!A! 8%<5$!8+,)&'/8&*+,!#+50)! &#$!5*=#&:$*=#&!'++9! 6$6<'%,$!)$8&*+,)?!!
Sustainability "#$!6%*,!(&%0*/6!)&'/8&/'$!:%)!</*5&!:*&#!B/)&!+C$'!DE>EEE! &+,$)!+9!)&$$5>!8+67%'$0!&+!F!&+!DE!&*6$)!&#%&!9+'!%!&17*8%5! )&%0*/6!+9!&#%&!)*G$?!3$))!6%&$'*%5)!:$'$!/)$0!%,0!'$8185$0! 6%&$'*%5)!:$'$!/)$0?!":+!&#*'0)!+9!&#$!)&$$5!/)$0!*,!&#$! )&%0*/6H)!$,&*'$!'++9!*)!'$8185$0?!I&!#%)!&#$!5+:$)&!8%'<+,! 9++&7'*,&!9+'!%,1!6%B+'!)&%0*/6!+9!&#$!)%6$!)8%5$?!
! I))/$!P2!QR%&$S! Knowledge Map
!"#$%"$#&'&(&)&*"+, (&'/&!-!%!8+67'$))*+,!$5$6$,&!T%!)5$,0$'! $5$6$,&!8%''*$)!5+%0!7%'%55$5!&+!*&)!5+,=! %J*)?UV "*$!W!&$,)*+,!$5$6$,&!T%!)5$,0$'!$5$6$,&! 8%''*$)!5+%0!7%'%55$5!&+!*&)!5+,=!%J*)?UV X$%6!W!&+7!7%'&!*)!8+67'$))*+,>!<+Y+6!*)! &$,)*+,!T8%''1!C$'&*8%5!5+%0!/)*,=!*&)! <$,0*,=!'$)*)&%,8$UV (5%<L75%&$!W!&'%,)9$'!5+%0)!*,!&:+! 0*'$8&*+,)V K%,$5)!T%!0$$7!C$'&*8%5!$5$6$,&!0$)*=,$0! &+!8%''1!C$'&*8%5!+'!#+'*G+,&%5!5+%0UV
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Masonry \$9$')! &+! </*50*,=! :*&#! /,*&)! +9! C%'*+/)! ,%&/'%5! +'! 6%,/9%8&/'$0! 7'+0/8&)>! /)/%551! :*&#!&#$!/)$!+9!6+'&%'!%)!%!<+,0*,=!%=$,&?!"#$! /,*&)!&+=$&#$'!%8&!%)!%!6+,+5*&#*8!:#+5$?! !
! I))/$!P2!QR%&$S! Knowledge Map
Footings and foundation ]+/,0%&*+,! )1)&$6V ]++&*,=!(1)&$6V
($Y5$6$,&V \$&%*,*,=!:%55)! %,0!9+/,0%&*+,! :%55)V
Z A!)/<)&'/8&/'$!+9!&#$!</*50*,=!8+,)&'/8&$0!7%'&51!+'!:#+551!<$5+:!&#$!='+/,0!*,!+'0$'!&+!)/77+'&! &#$!)/7$')&'/8&/'V Z "#$*'!9/,8&*+,!*)!&+!)%9$51!&'%,)9$'!%55!5+%0)!%8&*,=!+,!&#$!</*50*,=!)&'/8&/'$!&+!&#$!='+/,0V
Z 3+%0)!9'+6!%!)/7$')&'/8&/'$!,$$0!&+!<$!&'%,)9$''$0!*,&+!%!9++&*,=!)1)&$6!:#*8#!0+$),H&!$J8$$0!&#$! <$%'*,=!8%7%8*&1!+9!&#$!)+*5V Z "#$!0$)*=,!+9!&#$!9++&*,=!)1)&$6!6/)&!'$)7+,0!&+!&#$!)#%7$>!&#$!:$*=#&>!&#$!6%&$'*%5)!+9!&#$! )/7$')&'/8&/'$V
Z "#$!='%0/%5!)/<)*0*,=!+9!%!)&'/8&/'$!%)!&#$!)+*5!<$,$%&#!*&)!9+/,0%&*+,!8+,)+5*0%&$)!/,0$'!5+%0*,=!V
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6*+7&#! Mo = F x d = 2m X 5kN = 10 kNm
-.$/(/0#/$)' A state of balance or rest resulting from the equal action of opposing forces ! V = 0, ! H = 0, ! M = 0
12)&*"'23'4'32#%&' The tendency to make an object or a point rotate
! I))/$!P2!QR%&$S! Tutorial Activity: site visit
Site visit The University of Melbourne
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Union House West The structure is a suspension structure. Material used for stairs is galvanized steel. Suspension strips are acting as ties, which are tension elements. The joint of ties and beams are pin joints. They allow rotations because the structure may take dynamic impacts such as wind and humans activities.
! I))/$!P2!QR%&$S! Tutorial Activity: site visit
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(+50*$'! .+/')$! bJ7%,)*+,! c+*,&! (&'$&8#$'! .+/')$!
! I))/$!P2!QR%&$S! Tutorial Activity: site visit
Oval Pavilion Redevelopment
"#$!7%C*5*+,!*)!%!#$'*&%=$!</*50*,=!</*5&!9'+6!DdME?! "+!'$0$C$5+7!&#$!</*50*,=>!&#$!9+/,0%&*+,!,$$0)!&+! <$!$J&$,0$0?!!
450!=$+5+=1!#%)!%!)&$$5!9'%6*,=!)1)&$6?!3+%0!+9! &#$!'++9!&'%,)9$')!&#'+/=#!)&$$5!8+5/6,)!&+!&#$! ='+/,0?!X'*8;)!%'$!7%'&!+9!&#$!$,85+)/'$!)1)&$6!)+!
The beam is made from steel, and the plate is made from wood. The selection of material wood is to create an atmosphere of nature. Joints are mostly fixed joints and pin joints.
Week 4 Knowledge map
Concrete Fluid and shapeless before it hardens. Reinforcement - Steels, which are very strong in tension, are used to improve its structural performance.
Precast VS. In Situ Precast: Fabricated in a controlled environment Faster speed of construction Reduced labour Aesthetic outcome In situ: Not limited in size/transport Changes are easy to incorporate
Issue [Date] The #: Pantheon
Dolor Sit Amet
View of the Pantheon from side Picture retrieved from: https://www.bluffton.edu/~sullivanm/romanpantheon/pa ntheon.html
The Pantheon is a building in Rome, Italy. It is a roman temple dedicated to all the gods of pagan Rome. The structure consists of 3 parts: 1. Portico – made of 16 granite columns 2. Drum – brick based concrete 3. Dome - concrete
The Oval Pavilion – floor plan page Legend
Drawing content
Title block 2
Issue #: Oval [Date]Pavilion The
Dolor Sit Amet
The elevation drawing shows a more completed building. The perspective is from west side and presented 2dimensional. The drawing only shows the surface where whether the building is far or close and not be determined. The one observed on site is still in construction therefore some of the foundation is exposed.
Scales Site plan
Floor plan
Room plan
Detailed Section
Architectural drawing
Structural drawing
Focus more on general layout, floor plans, exterior wall details, and elevations. Legends indicate room uses, types of windows, doors and walls etc. Based on physical laws and knowledge of structural performance of different landscape and materials. It shows the foundation, structures hidden by walls. Legends indicate the material type and dimensions. Drawing contents include width of walls, depth of beams, joints details etc. 3
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Week 6 Theatre session
Property Development Buildings • Funded by government or an institution •
Private commercial sector– property development and investment projects
Roof and trusses
Issue #: [Date] Tutorial and knowledge map
Dolor Sit Amet
Ridge beam
Birdmouth Allow to sit on it Bird A king of roller joint
Double top plates = stronger joint Used in outside walls
Issue #: [Date] Tutorial and knowledge map
Dolor Sit Amet
Tiled roof A certain pitch allows water to flow. Should be constructed at pitches greater than 15. 3
Issue #: [Date] Tutorial and knowledge map
Dolor Sit Amet
Week 7 E-learning
Detailing for moisture
Issue #: [Date]
Dolor Sit Amet
Issue #: [Date]
Material property Type
Dolor Sit Amet
Rubber Natural rubber o Rubber tree o Seals o Gaskets and control joints o Flooring o Insulation o Hosing and piping Synthesized rubber o Laboratory o Plastic o EPDM o Neoprene o Silicon
Hardness Fragility Ductility Flexibility Permeability Density Conductivity Durability Reusability
Varied Low Varied High Waterproof 1.5 X water Poor High High
Sustainability Cost Damage
Varied Effective Exposed to weather
Plastic Thermoplastics o Mouldable when heated and become solid again o Can be recycled o PVC, polythelyne Thermosetting plastic o Can only be shaped once o Cannot be recycled o Polystyrene â&#x20AC;&#x201C; insulation Elastomers o Rubber Medium-low Low-medium High High Waterproof Low Very poor Varied High for thermoplastics, limited for thermosetting plastics Varied Effective Exposed to weather, expansion or contraction 3
Week 8 E-learning
Issue #: [Date]
Glass property Permeability Density Conductivity Hardness Fragility Ductility Flexibility Durability Reusability Sustainability Cost
Dolor Sit Amet
Waterproof Medium-high Transmits heat and light but not electricity High High Very low Very high when molten, very low when cooled Very high Very high High embodied energy and carbon footprnt Expensive
Water goes vertical along the cantilever and drops off. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a way to manage water penetrate the building by neutralizing the force. (Surface tension)
Issue #: [Date] Tutorial
Dolor Sit Amet
Activity A drawing of part of the oval pavilion is given. We are required to draw the detail of the part in 1:1 scale. Key points: •
Identified materials
In a larger scale
Dimensions Referring back to a larger scale, it is shown that section 7 is part of the base of a retaining wall. Therefore some waterproof techniques are used such as a weep hole and a shelf angle.
Standard concrete block dimension: 390 x 90 x 190 mm
Standard brick dimension 230 x 110 x76 mm
1:1 Scale • •
Standardized material dimension Shows joints
Week 9 Knowledge map
Construction detailing
Construction detailing is about how materials are put together
Knowledge map Issue #: [Date]
Dolor Sit Amet
Composite material
combination of materials remain bonded retain individual identities act together to provide improved synergistic characteristic
Tutorial activity Issue #: [Date]
Dolor Sit Amet
Site visit For tutorial activity, a site visit at 714 Queensbury Street has been done. The building is a residential apartment
A full concrete structure
Load path diagram
The wall of the structure consists of two parts. The inner part is the load-bearing concrete wall, and the outer part is a non-load-bearing concrete panel, which is actually a part of the enclosure system.
The load of roof itself is transferred through concrete columns to the second floor, which is also made up with concrete slabs. Then the load of everything above is all transferred through concrete columns to the ground. 3
Tutorial activity Issue #: [Date]
Dolor Sit Amet
Thermal mass When touched the surface of the concrete wall it felt very cold. Therefore it can be concluded that the wall is a thermal mass concrete wall. ‘Thermal mass is a term that describes the ability of a material to store heat.’ (Thermal Mass, 2009) Heavyweight concrete buildings stay cooler in summer by soaking up heat on warm days. It keeps heat and can reduce the energy needed during winter.
Thermal mass concrete
Steel studs Cold-formed Steel framing
‘Cold rolled steel is manufactured at temperatures below its recrystallization temperature, typically at around room temperature (Coldrolled, 2009).’ Cold-formed steel doesn't shrink, so walls tend to be straighter.
Concrete columns take loads from the structure above
Steel studs are used for interior wall installation. They are not load bearing in this case. Some wood noggins are used for additional support.
Steel studs take loads of the window
Tutorial activity Issue #: [Date]
Dolor Sit Amet
The basement of the building is made of concrete blocks, concrete columns and concrete panels.
Used to build a multiple-layer car park
The beam might perform a better strength if is vertically placed on the columns. But in this case, it is horizontally placed on the column. It is to give the clearance and make enough space for the basement car park.
The roof of the basement takes loads from everything above. Then the loads are transferred through the columns (in the right side of the picture, through the beam then to the columns), then to the concrete blocks and finally to the ground.
Week 10 E-learning
Tutorial Activity
Issue #: [Date]
Dolor Sit Amet
Waterproof detail: •
Vapour barrier: a plastic or foil sheet that resists diffusion of moisture through wall
Cavity flashing: to prevent the passage of water into a structure
Weep hole: a small opening left in the outer masonry wall to enable water inside to move outside and evaporate
Issue #: [Date]
Dolor Sit Amet
3D drawing
Glossary Compression
A force that occurs when the ends of an object are being pushed towards each other.
A force that occurs when the ends of an object are pulled away from its center
Walls that go past the roof
Load path
The direction in which each consecutive load will pass through connected members
Reaction force
Equal and opposite to the load path
The physical property of being inflexible and hard to bend
Buildings with units of various natural or manufactured products, usually with the use of mortar as a bonding agent
A horizontal row of masonry units
Point load
A point where a bearing or structural weight is intense and transferred to the foundation
Generally a horizontal element designed to carry vertical load using its bending resistance
A slender element design to carry load parallel to its long axis
A slender element design to carry load parallel to its long axis
A deep vertical element designed to carry vertical or horizontal load
Foundation system
A substructure of the building constructed partly or wholly below the ground in order to support the superstructure
Footing system
Loads from a superstructure need to be transferred into a footing system which doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t exceed the bearing capacity of the soil
The gradual subsiding of a structure as the soil beneath its foundation consolidates under loading
Centre of mass
The point about which an object is balanced
A state of balance or rest resulting from the equal action of opposing forces
The tendency to make an object or a point rotate
The distance measured between two structural supports
The repeating distance between a series of like or similar elements
A length of timber or steel supporting part of the structure, typically arranged in a parallel series to support a floor or celling
Main beam
In situ concrete Pre-cast concrete Formwork
Any concrete element that has been poured into formwork and cured on the building site Any concrete element that has been fabricated in a controlled environment and then transported to site for installation The term used for the temporary supports or moulds used to hold the liquid concrete in place until it becomes hard. During curing process, the formwork needs to be supported by using props and bracings
Steel decking
Corrugated to increase its stiffness and spanning capability
Grain direction
Determines the structural performance of wood
Carrying vertical loads
Horizontal element used in stud framing to prevent the long thin members from buckling
A horizontal beam above a door or window opening to support the load and allow the compressive stresses to flow around the opening to adjacent sections of the wall
Sudden lateral or torsional instability of a slender structural member induced by the action of an axial load before the yield stress of the material is reached
Axial load
The force acting along the lines of an axis of an object
A structural frame based on the geometric rigidity of the triangle and composed of linear members subject only to axial tension or compression
Gable roof
Characterized by a vertical, triangular section of wall at one or both ends of the roof
Metals contain iron
Other metals. More expensive, like active, superior working qualities
Combinations of two or more metals
Plate structure
Rigid, planar, usually monolithic structure that disperse applied loads in a multidirectional pattern (concrete slab)
Bottom edge of a roof
Underside protective covering under the eave
Curved structures for spanning an opening, designed to support a vertical load primarily by axial compression
Arched structures of stone, brick, or reinforced concrete, forming a ceiling or roof over a hall, room, or other wholly or partially enclosed space
A spherical surface structure having a circular plan and constructed of stacked blocks
Meridional forces
Forces acting along a vertical section cut through the surface of the dome
Thin, curved plate structure typically constructed of reinforced concrete
Thin continuous pieces of sheet metal or other impervious material installed to prevent the passage of water into a structure from an angle or joint
The fixed or movable framework of a window in which panes of glass are set
Jamb Sill
Moments of inertia
Either two side member of a window frame Horizontal member beneath a door or window opening, having an upper surface sloped to shed rainwater The sum of the products of each element of an area and the square of its distance from a coplanar axis of rotation. It is a geometric property that indicates how the cross-sectional area of a structural member is distributed and does not reflect the intrinsic physical property of material.
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Reference List Cold Rolled Steel. (2009). Retrieved from http://www.capitalsteel.net/news/blog/hot-rolled-vs-cold-rolled-steel D.K Ching, F. (2008). Building Construction Illustrated (4th ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. Grose, M. [ENVS10003]. (2014, March 6). Melbourneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bluestone. Retrieved March 11, 2014, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGMA71_3H6o&feature=youtu.be Newton, C. [ENVS10003]. (2014, March 5). W01 s1 Load Path Diagrams. Retrieved March 8, 2014, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y__V15j3IX4&feature=youtu.be Newton, C. [ENVS10003]. (2014, March 5). W01 m1 Introduction to Materials. Retrieved March 8, 2014, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4CJ8o_lJbg&feature=youtu.be Newton, C. [ENVS10003]. (2014, March 5). W01 c1 Construction Overview. Retrieved March 8, 2014, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHqr-PyAphw&feature=youtu.be Newton, C. [ENVS10003]. (2014, March 9). W02 c1 Construction Systems. Retrieved March 11, 2014, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zTarEeGXOo&feature=youtu.be Newton, C. [ENVS10003]. (2014, March 9). ESD and Selecting Materials. Retrieved March 11, 2014, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luxirHHxjIY&feature=youtu.be
Newton, C. [ENVS10003]. (2014, March 25). W04_c1 FLOOR SYSTEMS. Retrieved March 26, 2014, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otKffehOWaw&feature=youtu.be" Newton, C. [ENVS10003]. (2014, April 30). W08_m1 GLASS. Retrieved May 2, 2014, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_I0Jqcrfcyk&feature=youtu.be Selenitsch, A. [ENVS10003]. (2014, March 9). Framework for Analysing Form. Retrieved March 11, 2014, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ97Whk1kGU&feature=youtu.be Thermal Mass. (2009). Retrieved from http://www.concretecentre.com/technical_information/performance_and_benefits/thermal_mass.aspx " "
2 1
Construction Workshop
Jiayi Gong
The University of Melbourne
MARCH 28, 2014
ACTIVITY: CONSTRUCTION PHASE $ A !0%;>$$ A0&#'*01$3'.3#'&*#%>$$ !.$+#%*,-$0-+$).-%&'()&$0$%&'()&('#$ &"0&$%30-%$?@@@448$A0:$"#*,"&$*%$ B@@448$$$
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The span of the structure is 1200mm, height is 140mm
The shape is basically a solid long strip
Good in compression
TASK Each group will place their completed structure in the tsting cradle. Record the progressive performance of the structures as the load increase. Determine the maximum load and deflection the structure can withstand before it experiences catastrophic failure.
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Collapse point Our structure collapses at the point when about 650kg load is applied. The maximum deflection is 4cm . Cracks appear on the pinewood. Knots may be defects. The structure has a relatively small deflection because according to Ching, doubling a beam s width reduces the bending stress. Halving a beam span might also reduce the bending stress but the span is not allowed to be less than 1000mm.
Working with actual materials requires more knowledge on material itself. Material s quality, stiffness and bearing capacity are considered. Comparing with scale model making materials, more joints are used to reinforce the connection.
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Comparison with other groups
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