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Digidol Digital Connectivity

#4 - Yr Ychydig % Olaf

Er bod gweddill y DU wedi elwa o well cysylltedd yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, mae rhannau o Ogledd Cymru yn dal i fod heb wasanaeth band eang cyson, sydd wedi effeithio ar gymunedau, busnesau a'r economi ehangach.

Bydd y prosiect hwn yn mynd i'r afael â'r y 'bwlch digidol' (y gwahaniaeth mewn ansawdd cysylltedd rhwng trefi a chymunedau gwledig) ac yn ystyried sut all cysylltedd gyrraedd llefydd sydd heb fand eang cyflym iawn (30 megabits yr eiliad).

#4 - The Last Few %

Despite the rest of the UK benefiting from improved connectivity in recent years, parts of North Wales still lack consistent broadband coverage, which has impacted communities, businesses and the wider economy.

This project will address the 'digital divide' (the difference in connectivity quality between towns and rural communities) and consider how connectivity can reach the last of the region’s premises currently without superfast (30 megabits per second) broadband.

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