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Tir ac Eiddo Land and Property

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Bwriad y prosiect hwn yn gwella capasiti'r porthladd trwy adfer tir (creu tir newydd o'r môr) yn yr harbwr. Wrth wneud hyn, y nod yw sicrhau bod y porthladd yn gallu cwrdd â gofynion cynyddol ymweliadau busnes a thwristiaeth.

Mae'r porthladd yn un o'r llwybrau trafnidiaeth prysuraf rhwng y DU ac Iwerddon. Fel ail borthladd prysuraf y DU mae'n gyswllt trafnidiaeth pwysig rhwng y ddwy wlad.

This project will enhance the port’s capacity through land reclamation (creating new land from the sea) within the harbour. In doing this,the aim is to ensure the port can meet the increasing demands of both business and tourism visits to the region.

The port is one of the most used transport routes between the UK and Ireland. As the UK’s second busiest port it is an important transport link between both countries.

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