Endowed Scholarship 2024

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* See also Quasi-Endowment

See also Quasi-Endowment

C and Elizabeth M Sharp, Sr.; Malcolm C Sharp, Jr.

Total Scholarships $268,777,917$243,484,211


Art Museum

Carol Albright $

Fredrick and Genevieve Schlatter



Battelle Science Library

John Beck (Finance and Economics)35,64832,998

William N. Bischoff, S.J. (History)

Classes of '83,'85,'86, and '87 Library Improvement

Frank B. Costello, S.J. (Political Science)

Joseph P. and Helen Delay (Law)

Foley Library (General)140,052129,641

Parents' Library (Periodicals)45,18241,823

George H. Sandy Foundation (General)28,33726,231

Steele-Reese Foundation (Humanities) 887,301821,346

John H. Taylor, S.J. Memorial (Classical Languages and Patristics)206,240190,910 J. Charles Walsh, S.J. Memorial (Law)119,104110,251 Anonymous/Other

Gonzaga Law School Foundation T. Jerry and Helen Greenan Library Fund186,082172,250 Law Library 80,96274,944


College of Arts and Sciences

Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J., Chair of Christian Philosophy$3,510,406$3,249,470

Milo P. and Maud O. Flannery, Chair of Theology3,096,0542,865,918

Kreielsheimer Foundation, Chair of Fine Arts2,833,2882,622,684

Timothy J. O'Leary, S.J., Chair of Chemistry *1,463,2951,352,102

Robert and Marion Oster, Chair in Dance2,004,6131,853,944

Robert K. and Ann J. Powers, Chair of Humanities2,488,8432,303,842

David and Cathleen Reisenauer Family Directorship of the Institute of Informatics and Applied Technology2,713,8362,258,816

Dr. Scholl Foundation, Chair of Chemistry2,820,1722,610,543

School of Business Administration

John L. Aram, Chair of Business Ethics *1,891,7481,751,130

Dr. Erwin Graue, Chair of Economics *2,620,7962,425,987

James R. Jundt, Chair of Economics *2,776,2432,534,644

Phyllis and Angelo Mozilo Chair for Business Administration1,195,8511,106,961

Pigott Professor of Entrepreneurship 3,239,3012,998,517

Jud Regis Chair of Accounting1,724,3951,596,218

Kinsey M. Robinson, Chair of Business Administration *2,822,9472,613,112

Gonzaga Law School Foundation

Frederick N. and Barbara T. Curley, Chair of Commercial Law3,768,5443,488,420

J. Donald and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran, Chair of Legal Ethics1,568,9641,462,481

John J. Hemmingson, Chair of Civil Liberties2,948,3392,729,183

Smithmoore P. Myers Chair 2,887,4262,673,280

Wilson/Hartje Professorship for Clinical Law 185,029170,309

* See also Quasi-Endowment

Alphonse A. and Geraldine F. Arnold Distinguished Professorship

Alphonse A. and Geraldine F. Arnold President's Fund

Alphonse A. and Geraldine F. Arnold Scholarship ** Total


L. Aram, Chair of Business Ethics **457,958423,917 Clarence H. Barnes Legacy Faculty Fellowship and Academic Enhancement **702,698650,465 Norman and Esther Bolker Collection147,273136,325

C. Bozarth 1,325,6531,227,114 Patrick J. Cavanaugh Faculty Enrichment 246,060227,770 Steve DeLong Student Athlete Health and Well-Being430,832398,807

Arthur L. Dussault, S.J. Fund ** 190,350176,201 Dr. Erwin Graue, Chair of Economics **282,281261,298 Don and Carol Herak Engineering Equipment 1,820,0951,684,803 Hildebrand-Pease

R. Jundt,

Grace Mozilo 744,342591,044 Muslim Prayer Spaces and Faith Activities120,048111,125

Mullally Retreat and Ministry 128,444118,897

NCAA Athletic Academic Enhancement 70,39965,166

Timothy J. O'Leary, S.J., Chair of Chemistry **205,877190,574 Alma and Reinhold Pearson 1,075,030995,121

Donald C. Pearson 1,343,7881,243,901

Kinsey M. Robinson, Chair of Business Administration **268,388248,438

Gonzaga Law School Foundation Clute Holleran Fund for Faculty Fellowships122,335113,242

Total Program Support $13,852,048$12,724,424 ** See also Permanent Endowment


Clarence H. Barnes Legacy ** $739,947$684,946

Joseph and Peggy Brennan 676,878626,565

Marguerite M. and Henry J. Casey **176,961163,807

Joseph M. Cataldo, S.J. ** 605,923560,883

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chastek **2,278,7852,109,398

Comstock Foundation **

DeFeyter Family **

Sperry H. Goodman


Donald and Pauline Hagan

Fred L. and Elizabeth J. Hanson Athletic

Horton and Mazie Herman 442,343409,463

Horton and Mazie Herman (Women's Golf) 372,328344,652 J 'n' M Legacy 279,127257,579

Kathryn A. Jacklin Memorial ** 90,07383,378

Ed and Euretta James 572,022529,502

Arlene E. and Arthur L. LaMasters 315,128291,704

C. Y. Martin Foundation ** 2,368,2382,505,367 Payne 3,864,2173,576,982

Robert G. Pedersen 123,673114,480 John Prange, S.J. Ignatian





Nettie Balch Allen $48,813$45,609

M. and Eleanor Ann Andersen115,435104,422 Lawrence J. and Anna M. Bennett 235,513214,090

John and Kristi Blake 1,066,569966,734

Frank (RIP) and Ilse Bourbeau 111,599101,526

Name Withheld by Request 1,018,641919,911

Alan and Ann Cawkwell 259,479228,166

Howard and Norma Crawford 965,643786,679

Name Withheld by Request 714,810632,170 J. Donald and Va Lena Curran 325,651299,059

Robert J. and Raeceil A. Day 159,721146,220

Joseph and Edna Deichl (RIP) 118,239134,469

Nancy C. Driscoll 3,412,5003,412,501

Name Withheld by Request 3,779,0043,451,140

Jim and Maxine (RIP) Finlen 52,48350,854

Michael and Mary Fox 250,0000

Allen D. Gillette 260,304239,906

Gary Glenn 17,39616,624

Name Withheld by Request 50,2540

James Michael Hasson (RIP) 1,436,8472,308,980

Charles E. (RIP) and Barbara Hennessey, Jr.345,081325,133

Phillip (RIP) and Lorelei Herres 120,442115,379

Richard and Nina Hofmeister 43,98139,742

Arthur E. Kennedy 41,13337,689

Nicholas and Katherine Lovrich 214,207196,545

The Hon. John J. Madden 22,53321,050

Jack and Mary (RIP) McCann 1,023,723992,750

Joseph L. McCarthy Trust 1,107,591967,789

Robert and Claire (RIP) McDonald 6,367,7675,787,383

Dennis and Diane McMinn 56,88852,222

Vernon Neland 82,44978,164

William R. Ogle (RIP) 276,200251,663

John H. and Mary Pat (RIP) Rickman 101,88193,815

RC and Connie Roland 239,355212,719

Roger and Sharon Roman 25,30123,029

** See also Permanent Endowment







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