LE T TER FROM THE A C A D E M I C V I C E P R E S I D E N T ........ P A G E
PUBLISHED ARTICLES , BOOKS , C H A P T E R S , M U S I C , C R E AT I V E W R I T I N G ............................................................... P A G E
P U B L I S H E D R E V I E W S ............................ P A G E
PUBLISHED ARTICLES AND BOOKS ( N O N - R E F E R E E D ) ....................................... P A G E
F O R M A L P R E S E N TAT I O N S ................ P A G E
J U R I E D A N D N O N -J U R I E D S H O W S .................................................................... P A G E
PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, L E A D E R S H I P, A N D C O N S U LT I N G ................................................... P A G E
E X T E R N A L G R A N T S ................................. P A G E
E X T E R N A L S C H O L A R LY F E L L O W S H I P S ................................................. P A G E
LE T TER FROM THE AC ADEMIC VICE PRESIDENT Intellectual work is the most powerful and long-lasting work done in a university, and it is mostly invisible. We glimpse hints of its power in a classroom charged with the dynamic energy that flows from engaging issues of substance. We may sense it during a conversation where all parties are grasped by a question. Generally, though, we don’t see thinking as it is happening, be that in close reading, interpretation, critical analysis, discovery, creative imagination, or innovation. Rather, intellectual work becomes visible in its fruits, the scholarly publications, public performances, artistic objects, and influence on wider systems and institutions that are its effects. This publication celebrates the intellectual accomplishments of Gonzaga’s faculty by presenting their scholarly and artistic creations and professional engagements from June 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015. A perusal of these pages will introduce you to the expertise and excellence of Gonzaga’s faculty. You will see how, across a diverse range of fields, members of Gonzaga’s faculty are actively contributing to the development of disciplinary knowledge and understanding, artistic creativity, and professional practice. Faculty scholarly work is vital to the mission of Gonzaga University. It is integral to making good on the claim that Gonzaga is an exemplary learning community. It is critical to professors’ ability to challenge, support, and accompany students to become men and women for others – courageous, creative, skilled thinkers and actors who embrace challenge with relish and turn their critical acumen to the big problems and questions of our time on behalf of communities beyond themselves. And, faculty scholarly work is essential to bringing the university’s explicitly academic, professional expertise to bear on serious challenges and opportunities in our local, regional, and global contexts. All of these are fundamental to the Jesuit, Catholic, humanistic vision of higher education for our time and into the 22nd century. I invite you to read and take pleasure in the work of Gonzaga’s faculty, dedicated individuals who are, as former Father General, Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J., stated clearly, “at the heart of the university.” Sincerely,
Dr. Patricia O’Connell Killen, ’74 Academic Vice President
“We Can Do Better – Unlocking the Club House Through Our Classroom Practices.” Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 30/1 (Oct. 2014): 173-175. Claudia A. Bucciferro. “Latinas in the United States: Articulating discourses of identity and difference.” In Critical Articulations of Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation, edited by Sheena Howard. Lexington Books. (2014): Chapter 6. “Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile: A moving portrait.” In Women in Politics and Media: Perspectives from Nations in Transition. Edited by Maria Raicheva-Stover and Elza Ibroscheva. Bloomsbury Academic Press. (2014): Chapter 14. Nathaniel Burch. “The Exit-time Problem for a Markov Jump Process.” European Physical Journal Special Topics 223/14 (Dec. 15, 2014): 3257-3271. (http://link.springer.com/ journal/11734). Daniel Butterworth. The Clouds of Lucca. Lost Horse Press. (Sept. 2014): 96. Richard Cangelosi. In collaboration with Bonni J. KealyDichone. “Vegetative Rhombic Pattern Formation Driven by Root Suction for an Interaction-Diffusion Plant-Ground Water Model System in an Arid Flat Environment.” American Journal of Plant Sciences 6/8 (May 28, 2015): 1278-1300. (http://dx.doi. org/10.4236/ajps.2015.68129).
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Elizabeth Addis. “Exogenous application of estradiol to eggs unexpectedly induces male development in two turtle species with temperature-dependent sex determination.” Generagy & Comparative Endocrinology 206 (2014). 16-23. “Temperature has species-specific effects on corticosterone in alligator lizards.” Generagy & Comparative Endocrinology 206 (2014): 184-192. Kirk Anders. “Whole genome comparison of a large collection of mycobacteriophages reveals a continuum of phage genetic diversity.” eLIFE 4 (2015): e06416. “Comparative genomics of Cluster O mycobacteriophages.” PLoS One 10/3 (2015): e0118725. Monica Bartlett. “Warm Thanks: Gratitude Expression Facilitates Social Affiliation in New Relationships via Warmth.” Emotion 15 (Feb. 2015): 1-5. Julie Beckstead. “Does Fusarium-caused Seed Mortality Contribute to Bromus tectorum Stand Failure in the Great Basin?” Weed Research 54 (2014): 511-519. Barbara Boyer. Teacher/Student Manuals to Camus’ L’Etranger. Merlot, ed. California State University. (2014): 170 x2 volumes. Robert Bryant. “The Impact of Computing Courses for NonMajors.” Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 30/1 (Oct. 2014): 176-177.
In collaboration with Bonni J. Kealy-Dichone. “Rhombic Analysis Extension of a Plant-Surface Water InteractionDiffusion Model for Hexagonal Pattern Formation in an Arid Flat Environment.” American Journal of Plant Sciences 6/8 (May 27, 2015): 1256-1277. (http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ ajps.2015.68128). Ann Ciasullo. “The Lighter-and Weightier-Side of ‘Mad’; or, Everything I Needed to Know about Gender and Sexuality I Learned from Dave Berg.” Studies in American Humor Vol. 3, no. 30 (2014): 77-94. “Strained Sisterhood: Lesbianism, Feminism, and the U.S. Women’s Liberation Movement.” In Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought, edited by Susan Bordo, Cristina Alcade, and Ellen Rosenman. University of California Press (2015): 292-300. Emily Clark. “New World, New Jerusalem, New Orleans: The Apocalyptic Art of Sister Gertrude Morgan.” Louisiana History: The Journal of the Louisiana Historical Association 55/4 (Dec. 2014): 432-459. Elizabeth Cooley. “Bat Flight.” Third Wednesday (Summer 2014): 27. “Magnavox.” Poetry Quarterly (Fall 2014): 14. “Manito.” and “Seasonal.” Rail Town Almanac (2014): 26-27.
“Not Always Fun.” Spokesman Review (July 23, 2014). (http:// spokesmanreview.com). “Of a Different Color.” Lilac City Fairly Tales (2014): 117-119. Bonni Dichone. “On the E-optimality of Blocked Main Effect Plans When n = 2 (mod 4).” Sankhya B: 77 (May 2015): 165-174. “On the Type I Optimality of Blocked 2-Level Main Effects Plans Having Different Sizes.” Statistics and Probability Letters 98 (Mar. 2015): 39-43. “On the Joint Use of the Foldover and Partial Confounding for the Construction of Follow-up Two-level Blocked Fractional Factorial Designs.” The Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 9 (July 2014): 436-462. “Nonlinear Stability Analyses of Turing Patterns for a MusselAlgae Model.” Journal of Mathematical Biology 70 (May 2014): 1249-1294. Jeffrey Dodd. “Monroe Street: Route 24.” and “Our Daughter’s City.” Railtown Almanac 1 (Oct. 2014) 155-158. Railtown Almanac: A Spokane Poetry Anthology, edited by Jeffrey G. Dodd and Thom Caraway. Sage Hill Press: 2014. William F. Ettinger. “Analyzing Anaphylaxis: Bees, Latex, and Peanuts: Watch Out for a Severe Allergic Reaction.” Ski Patrol 32/2 (2015): 69-72. (http://nsp.org/press/SPM/SPM_W15.pdf). Genebank Accession: In collaboration with Cote,D., Daigle,Z., Borges,K.M., Adams,S.D., Alvey,R.M.,Barekzi,N., Beal,Z.N., Briggs,L.A., Brown,T., Coomans,R.J., D’Elia,T., Doss,J.H., Ellsworth,J.A., Ettinger,W.F.,Fox,D.J., Gauthier,D.T., Andriolo,J.M., Grubb,S., Gugssa,A.H., Hauser,C.R., Hull,A.K., Jackson,N., Kart,M.U.,Korey,C.A., Makemson,J., McKinney,A.L., Nelson,P.R., Newman,R.H., Powell,G., Rodriguez-Lanetty,M., Royer,D., Sabila,M.H., Sadana,R., Saha,S., Sangster,N., Slowan-Pomeroy,T., Urbinati,C.R., Ward,R.E.,Warner,M., Williamson,B., Biederman,B., Cresawn,S.G., Bowman,C.A., Russell,D.A., Pope,W.H., JacobsSera,D., Hendrix,R.W. and Hatfull,G.H. “Mycobacterium phage Sheen, complete genome 52927 bp Linear DNA.” Genbank Accession KP273225. (2015). (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ nuccore/746946997). David Fague. Record CD with Hot Club of Spokane honoring the music of Spokane Jazz Musicians. Gergely Gidofalvi. “Wave function analysis with Shavitt graph density in the graphically contracted function method.” Theroretical Chemistry Accounts 133 (July 15, 2014): 1512.
“The multifacet graphically contracted function method I: formulation and implementation.” Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (Aug. 8, 2014): 064105. (http://dx.doi. org/10.1063/1.4890734). “The multifacet graphically contracted function method II: a general procedure for the parameterization of orthogonal matrices and its application to arc factors.” Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (Aug. 8, 2014): 064106. (http://dx.doi. org/10.1063/1.4890735). Andrew J. Goldman. “The octagonal gemstones from Gordion.” Anatolian Studies Vol. 64 (July 4, 2014): 163-197. Vikas Gumbhir. “From Students to Scholars: Undergraduate Research and the Importance of Regional Conferences.” The American Sociologist 45/2-3 (2014): 298-300. Peter Hamlin. “Fostering Effective Practice.” Florida Music Director 68/4. (Nov. 2014): 19-22.
Kathleen Jeffs. “The Phoenix of Madrid: Calderón’s No hay burlas con el amor Reborn in Bath.” In Remaking the Comedia: Spanish Classical Theater in Adaptation, edited by Harley Erdman and Susan Paun de García. (London: Tamesis, 2015): 133-141. Eric Kincanon. “Characteristics of Regionally Reflectionless Potentials.” International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research Vol. 4, no. 1. (Feb. 2015): 150-152. Hugh Lefcort. “Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) seeds are still viable after laundry cycle.” Natural Areas Journal 34 (Dec. 2014): 505-508. Tod T. Marshall. Bugle. Canarium Books. (Dec. 2014): 64. (http://www.canarium.org/). Jessica L. Maucione. “Locating the Limits and Possibilities of Place.” Reconstruction: Special Issue Vol. 14, no. 3. Spatial Literary Studies. (2014). (http://reconstruction.eserver.org/ Issues/143/Maucione.shtml). “Competing Mythologies of Inevitability and Leslie Marmon Silko’s ‘Almanac of the Dead’.” In Howling for Justice: Critical Perspectives on Leslie Marmon Silko’s Almanac of the Dead, edited by Rebecca Tillett. University of Arizona Press: 2014: 81-100.
Brian Henning. Riders in the storm: Ethics in an Age of Climate Change. Anselm Academic: 2015.
Thomas McKenzie. In collaboration with Robert Ray and Shannon Overbay. “Jordan Forms and Nth Order Linear Recurrences.” Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences Vol. 26, no. 2 (Fall 2014): 122-133. (http://projecteuclid.org/euclid. mjms/1418931954).
Thinking with Whitehead and the American Pragmatists: Experience and reality. Co-edited with William Myers and Joseph John. Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield: 2015.
Colleen McMahon. In collaboration with Ron Prindle. Speech Writing and Delivery for Public Relations. Kendall-Hunt Publishers. (2015).
Creative Love: Eros and Agape in Whitehead and Peirce. Thinking with Whitehead and the American Pragmatists, edited by Brian Henning and John Myers. Lexington Books: (2015): 149–164.
Shannon Overbay. “Embedding Graphs in Cylinder and Torus Books.” The Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 91 (Nov. 2014): 299-313. (http:// www.combinatorialmath.ca/jcmcc/jcmcc91.html).
“Hierarchy without Anthroparchy.” In Beyond the Bifurcation of Nature: A Common World for Animals and the Environment, edited by Brianne Donaldson. Cambridge Scholars Press (2014): 106–116. “Following Lucretius’ Dart.” In Thinking About It, edited by Sarah Demeuse and Manuela Moscoso. Archive Books (2014): 89-101. Jon Isacoff. “Why IR Needs Deweyan Pragmatism.” Perspectives on Political Science Vol. 44, no. 1 (2015): 26-33. “Achieving what Political Science is for.” Journal of Political Science Education Vol. 10, no. 4 (2014): 414-423. “On the Historical Imagination of IR: The Case for a ‘Deweyan Reconstruction’.” Millennium: Journal of International Studies Vol. 31, no. 3 (Dec. 2002): 603-626. Reprinted in Historical International Relations, edited by Halvard Leira and Benjamin de Carvalho. SAGE Library of International Affairs Collection. Sage Publications Vol. 1 of 4 (2015).
Charles Pepiton. Editor of Refractions by Stephen C. Behrendt. Shechem Press (2014). (http://www.shechempress.com). John N. Sheveland. “Restoring Intimacy: Christian-Buddhist resources toward solidarity.” Studies in Interreligious Dialogue 25/2 (2014): 152-170. “Toward a Fuller Catholicity: the promise of Asian theological method.” Louvain Studies 38/2 (2014): 184-197. Robert Spittal. Composition commissions for Quest for Band (Concordia University), Night Song and Morning Dance for Band (River Valley New Music Consortium), Prelude and Flight for Violin and Band (King Kekaulike High School), and Murmurations for Flute Choir (Ohio State University).
Publication of Celestial Song (Boosey & Hawkes publisher) – performance by VanderCook School of Music Wind Ensemble. Scott Starbuck. “Psalm 46.” Christian Acapella Music, edited by R. Mark Shipp. (2015): 25. Georgie Ann Weatherby. In collaboration with Benjamin Ferguson and Ryan Odegard. “Concealed Carry Permits: Catalyst or Deterrent? A State-by-State Look into How a Change From No-Issue to Shall-Issue Affects Crime Rates.” Journal of Law and Criminal Justice Vol. 2, no. 1 (Spring 2014): 241-272. In collaboration with David Gerstenberger and Keanan Beatty. “Factors Influencing Fatal Officer-Involved Shootings.” Journal of Law and Criminal Justice Vol. 2, no. 1 (Spring 2014): 273-298. In collaboration with Randall Fichte and Amanda Guerrero, “Hand-to-Hand Combat: Educational Programs Battle Recidivism Rates.” Journal of Law and Criminal Justice Vol. 2, no. 1 (Spring 2014): 213-239. Maya Zeller. In collaboration with Brian Cooney. “Naming: First Poem for You.” Floating Bridge Review No. 7 (Fall 2014): 161- 162. “Another Dream for Jessica.” & “Margaux Magnolia.” Crab Orchard Review Vol. 19, no. 2 (Summer 2014): 211-214. “Plums in the Dark.” & “View from a Bedroom Window.” The Chattahoochee Review Vol. 33, no. 1 (Spring/Summer2014): 41-44. “Monroe Street: Route 24.” and “Our Daughter's City.” Railtown Almanac: 1 (Oct. 2014): 155-158. “Half-Sonnet with Magpie.” Pleiades 34/2 (Summer 2014): 88. Maya Zeller. In collaboration with Beth Cooley. “Herman Hesse Says the River is Everywhere at Once.”, “Jan. 9, 1493: Columbus Mistakes Manatees for Mermaids.”, “Ordinary White Room.”, “When a Mind Becomes Conscious.”, “When They Scanned My Brain for Love.” Lilac City Fairy Tales: 1 (Sept. 2014): 102-111.
“College of Arts and Sciences faculty are outstanding teachers, caring mentors, nationally recognized scholars and artists, and successful grant writers. Our faculty’s involvement in their disciplines directly benefits students who participate in transformational learning experiences as well as meaningful research activities that prepare them for life.” – ELISABETH MERMANN-JOZWIAK, PH.D., DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION John H. Beck, Hackney, J., Matthew Q. McPherson. “Regional differences in Chapter 13 filings: Southern legal culture or religion?” Review of Social Economy, 72 (June 2014): 186-208. Mirjeta Beqiri, Borici, A., Begani, A. & Dergjini, A. “An empirical study of service quality factors impacting tourist satisfaction and loyalty: Velipoja tourist destination.” TMC Academic Journal 8/2, (2014): 36-48. G. Eddy Birrer. “GASB Statement 68 on pensions: A solution to the public pension crisis?” Journal of Government Financial Management 63/3 (2014). Scott Bozman, Friesner, D., McPherson, M., & Chase, N. “Intangible and tangible value: Brand equity benefits associated with collegiate athletics.” The International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship 16/4 (2014). Slocum, J., Lei, D. & Paul F. Buller. “Executing business strategies through human resource management practices.” Organizational Dynamics 43 (2014): 73-87. Kadadevaramath, R.S., Chou-Hong Jason Chen, & Sangli, M.R. “Attitude of small and medium enterprises towards implementation and use of information technology in India- An empirical study.” International Journal of Business and Systems Research 9/2 (2015) (Indexed with SCOPUS). Kao, T.Y, Chen, J., Wu, J., & Yang, M. “Poverty reduction through empowerment: A proactive strategy of corporate social responsibility,” Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 21/4 (2014): DOI: 10.1002/ csr.1365.
David F. Elloy, and Huang H. “The moderated relationship between job burnout and organization cynicism.” Management Decision 52/3 (2014): 482-504. Todd A. Finkle. “Andrew Mason & Groupon, Inc.” Journal of the International Academy of Case Studies 20/1 (2014): 1-14. Finkle, T.A. & Masters, E. “Do MOOCs pose a threat to higher education?” Research in Higher Education Journal 26 (2014). Mallin, M., Ragland, C., & Finkle, T.A. “The proactive behavior of younger salespeople: Antecedents and outcomes.” Journal of Marketing Channels 21/4 (2014): 1-21. Donald D. Hackney., Friesner, D., Andrew M. Brajcich. “Using maximum entropy outlier analysis to identify multinational corporation tax havens.” Journal of Accounting and Finance 15/3 (2015). Hackney, D., Brajcich, A., Friesner, D., & Hickman, L. “The effects of IRS collection activities on consumer bankruptcy filings.” Journal of Accounting and Finance 14/5 (2014): 24-41 . Hackney, D., Brajcich, A., Friesner, D., & McPherson, M. “Bankruptcy and intra-district legal culture,” Journal of Applied Business and Economics 16/2 (2014): 11-26. Hackney, D., Friesner, D., & Matthew Q. McPherson. “A simple model of financial epidemiology.” International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development 5/1 (2014): 47-56. Hackney, D., Friesner, D., McPherson, M., & Corriea, C. “On the social costs of bankruptcy: Does filing Under Chapter 13 really lead to significant creditor repayment?” International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development 5/1 (2014): 57-89. James G. Helgeson & Patil, V. “Assessment of outcomes: The effect of incentives on student participation rates and performance levels,” Journal of the Academy of Business Education 15 (Fall 2014): 41-55. Kevin E. Henrickson. “A classroom experiment on education, wage and employment determination with statistical discrimination.” Journal of Education for Business 89/7 (2014): 352-360. Henrickson, K. & Wilson, W. Prices and costs in transportation: A case study of railroad pricing of corn shipments under partial deregulation and competitive alternatives. The Business of Transportation Vol. 1 edited by Darren Prokop, Praeger Publishers: 176-198. (2014). Kent A. Hickman, Hickman, L., & Byrd, J. “The location of mission-driven businesses: An examination of B-Corporations.” Journal of Corporate Citizenship 55 (2014): 13-25.
Orchard, L. & Matthew Hoag. “Revenue process internal control for manufacturers: An evaluation tool for independent auditors and managers.” Journal of Business & Economics Research 12/2 (2014): 137-144. Henrickson, K. & Erica H. Johnson. “Jesuit values, environmental sustainability and business core curriculum.” Journal of Jesuit Business Education 6/1 (2015). Daniel W. Law. “A successive, comprehensive exercise useful for learning introductory financial accounting.” Journal of International Business Education 9 (2014): 101-124. Lin, T. & Law, D. “The effects of the credit crisis on the Shanghai Composite Index using the Hilbert-Huang Transformation.” International Journal of Statistics and Economics 13/1 (2014): 1-18. Peggy Sue Loroz & Braig, B. “Consumer attachment to human brands: The ‘Oprah Effect’.” Psychology & Marketing 32/7 (2015): 751-763. JD Morscheck, Nofsinger, J. & DeLisle, J. “Share repurchases and institutional demand.” Journal of Corporate Finance 27 (2014): 216-230. Vivek H. Patil. “Identification of influential marketing scholars and their institutions using social network analysis.” Journal of Marketing Analytics 2/4 (2014): 239-249. Patil, V., Loroz, P., & Liu, R. “Outcomes assessment for mission: Measuring the impact of Jesuit education.” Journal of Jesuit Business Education 5 (Summer 2014): 15-34. Patil, V. & Ruiz Gabernet, A. “Build a shiny application to analyze #Bluemix Sentiment using the Bluemix R Custom Buildpack.” IBM developerWorks, URL: http://www.ibm.com/ developerworks/library/ba-rtwitter-app/index.html. (2014). Patil, V. “Data mining modern languages.” KD Nuggets, URL: http://www.kdnuggets.com/2014/05/data-mining-modernlanguages.html. (2014). Hoover, K. F. & Molly Pepper. “How did they say that: Ethics statements at best companies to work for.” Journal of Business Ethics, DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2255-z. (2014). Mark J. Shrader & Finkle, T. “Creative achievement & intelligence among student entrepreneurs.” Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 1 (2015): 1-17. Annie Voy. “Sector-Specific variations in the effect of trade on child labor.” Economics Bulletin 34/1 (2014): 385-394. Danielle Xu & Korkeamaki, T. “Institutional investors and foreign exchange risk.” The Quarterly Journal of Finance, DOI: 10.1142/S2010139215500135. (2014).
SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Vincent Alfonso. Floyd, R. G., Shands, E. I., Alfonso, V. C., Phillips, J., Autry, B. K., Mosteller, J. A., Skinner, M., & Irby, S. M. (2015). A systematic review and psychometric evaluation of adaptive behavior scales and recommendations for practice. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 31: 83-113. Vincent Alfonso. Flanagan, D. P., Alfonso, V. C., & Dixon, S., (2014). “Cross-battery assessment of executive functions.” Edited by S. Goldstein & J. Naglier. Handbook of executive functioning. (New York: Springer), 379-409. Mascolo, J. T., Alfonso, V. C., & Flanagan, D. P., eds. Essentials of planning, selecting, and tailoring interventions for unique learners. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2014. Anny Case. (2015) “Beyond the language barrier: Opening spaces for ELL/Non-ELL interaction.” Research in the Teaching of English, 49(4). Suzann Girtz. (2014). “Ignatian pedagogy and its alignment with the new teacher bar exam (edTPA) and action research frameworks.” Jesuit Higher Education, 3(1): 75-80. Salina, C., Girtz, S., Eppinga, J., Martinez, D., Blumer Kilian, D., Lozano, E., Shines, T. (2014). “All hands on deck: A comprehensive, results-driven counseling model.” Professional School Counseling, 17(1): 63-75. Goodman, A., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Everson, M. (2015). “The effects of a modified cover, copy, compare on spelling and writing skills for students with specific learning disabilities.” Educational Research Quarterly, 38(3): 3-31. Harvey, M. N., Conner-Boyle, S., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., & Sanders, L. (2015). “Employing copy, cover, compare to teach a middle school student with ADHD handwriting with appropriate form and spacing: A case report.” International Journal of Applied Research, 1(4): 82-86. Retrieved from: http://www.allresearchjournal.com/vol1issue4/PartB/ issue/vol1issue4.html. S. Roger Park. (2014). “Approach of CHAID Decision Tree Model to Sport Market: A case study on an Arena Football League franchise.” International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies, 1(1): 8-14. Kim, J., Park, S. R., Han, P., & Shin, J. (2014). “A cross-cultural study of relationships among competing values leadership, team cohesion, intrinsic motivation, and team performance between South Korean and American intercollegiate athletes.” International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies, 1(1): 34-51. Adams, E. J., Charles Salina & Eppinga, J. (2015). ”An examination of servant-leadership characteristics displayed by Edmund Rice Christian Brothers.” International Journal of Servant-Leadership, 15(1). Adriana Wissel & Grundmanis, K. (2015). “Solution-focused dreams: the Disney approach to school counseling.” VISTAS. American Counseling Association.
Paul De Palma. “Probabilistic Methods in Automatic Speech Recognition.” In M. Khosrow-Pour ed., Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2014. VanDam, M., De Palma, P. “Fundamental Frequency of ChildDirected Speech Using Automatic Speech Recognition.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and the 15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, Kitakyushu, Japan, Dec., 2014. Patrick Ferro with students: H. Wentz, S. Oyen, M. Viger, C. Frager, K. Mulvaney, S. Lira, M. Rawson. “Imagining the Hydrogen Economy of 2050,” Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, 2014, (http://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral). Patrick Ferro with students: M. Phillips, K. McLaughlin, D. Ojeda, E. Luna, M. Burke, P. Cruz, K. Featherstone, E. Petersen. “Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of Hydrogenexposed 304 Stainless Bending Fatigue Samples,” MS&T2014 (Pittsburgh) Conference Proceedings, Fatigue of Materials III: Advances and Emergences in Understanding, T. S. Srivatsan, M. Ashraf Imam, Raghavan Srinivasan. John Wiley & Sons: 2014.
Mark R. Muszynski, Olson, Scott M., Hashash, Youssef M. A., and Phillips, Camilo. “Repeatability of Centrifuge Tests Containing a Large, Rigid Foundation Subjected to Lateral Spreading,” ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 37(6), 10021015, doi:10.1520/GTJ20130093. ISSN 0149-6115. 2014.
T. McPhillips, Shawn Bowers, Belhajjame, B. Ludaescher. “Retrospective Provenance Without a Runtime Provenance Recorder.” In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance, 2015.
K. Lindsay, J. Bradford, Stephen Silliman, N. Yalo, and M. Boukari. “Seismic imaging to help understand and manage water quality in coastal Benin, West Africa.” Geophysics, 80(3). 2015.
Chen, M., S. Yu., P. Kianmajd, N. Franz, Shawn Bowers & B. Ludäscher. “Provenance for explaining taxonomy alignments.” In Proceedings of the 5th International. “Provenance and Annotation Workshop,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8628: 258-260 (Revised, Selected Papers), 2015.
J.H. Bradford, K. Lindsay, S. Silliman, N. Yalo, and M. Boukari. “Urban seismology for groundwater characterization in a developing country: Challenges and rewards.” The Leading Edge, 33(12), 1336-1340. 2014.
S. Dey, S. Koehler, S. Bowers, B. Ludaescher. “Computing Location-Based Lineage from Workflow Specifications to Optimize Provenance Queries.” In Proceedings of the 5th International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol 8628: 180-193 (Revised, Selected Papers), 2015. N. Franz, M. Chen, S. Yu, P. Kianma, S. Bowers, B. Ludaescher. “Reasoning over Taxonomic Change: Exploring Alignments for the Perelleschus Use Case.” PLoS One 10(2): e0118247, 2015. T. Song, S. Dey, S. Bowers, B. Ludaescher. “Improving Workflow Design Using Abstract Provenance Graphs.” In Proceedings of the 5th International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol 8628: 226-228 (Revised, Selected Papers), 2015. Tailian Chen. “Capillary Force-Driven Fluid Flow in Open Grooves with Difference Sizes,” Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Ahead of Print: pp. 1-8 (doi: 10.2514/1.T4313). McGah, P., and Massimo Capobianchi. “A Modification of Murray’s Law for Shear-Thinning Rheology,” Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 137 (May 2015) pp. 054503-1–054503-6.
C. Rodak, S.E. Silliman, and D. Bolster. “Time-dependent health risk from contaminated groundwater including use of reliability, resilience, and vulnerability measures.” Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 50(1). 2014. Claudio Talarico, G. Agarwal, J. Wang and H. Lashgari. ”Design Optimization of a Transimpedance Amplifier for a Fiber Optic Receiver,” Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing Journal, Springer, ISSN 0278-081X. Yanqing Ji, Fangyang Shen, See Yan Lau, John Tran. “A Multi-Agent System for Reporting Suspected Adverse Drug Reactions.” Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, Vol. 6, no. 3, (Dec. 2014). Yanqing Ji, Yun Tian, Fangyang Shen, John Tran. “HighPerformance Biomedical Association Mining with MapReduce,” 12th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2015), 6 pages, Las Vegas, Nevada, Apr. 1315, 2015. Kathie Yerion. “An Introductory Course in the Computational Modeling of Nature.” Procedia Computer Science 51, (2015): 1967-1976.
Dickerson, M., Yerion, K. “Tutorial: Modeling, Simulation, and NetLogo in the Introductory Computer Science Curriculum.” The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 30, (1), (2014): 206-208. Coufal, V., Ray R., Villalpando, J., Yerion, K. “The Cardinality of the image of L(2,1)- Colorings and Irreducible L(2,1)Colorings,” Congressus Numerantium 220 (2014): 97-108.
SCHOOL OF LAW Scott Burnham. Drafting and Analyzing Contracts. 4th ed. LexisNexis, (Spring 2015). “Recent Developments: Revised Article 1 Enactments,” in the ABA Commercial Law Newsletter (Spring 2015). “Does the ECOA Apply to Guarantors?” in volume 5 of The Transactional Lawyer (Feb. 2015). CALI lessons on “Rescission,” “Installment Contracts,” and “Covenants, Warranties, Representations, and Conditions,” and revised numerous other lessons. Questions & Answers: Contracts (LexisNexis, 2d ed. 2015). Drafting and Analyzing Contracts (LexisNexis, 4th ed. 2015). “Does the ECOA Apply to Guarantors?” The Transactional Lawyer, (Feb. 2015). Patrick Charles. “Sifting Through the Dustbin of Legal Research History.” Spectrum (June 2014): 22-25. George Critchlow and Brooks Holland. “The Call for Lawyers Committed to Social Justice to Champion Accessible Legal Services through Innovative Legal Education.” Nevada Law Journal. Lynn Daggett. “Reasonable Supervision of Special Students: The Impact of Disability on School Liability for Student Injury.” Journal of Law and Education 43 (2014). Gail Hammer. “TransParent: When Legal Fictions and Judicial Imagination Make Facts Disappear, They Enforce Transphobic Discrimination.” Columbia Journal of Gender and Law. “Qualitative Research on Legal Education: Studying Outstanding Law Teachers.” Alberta Law Review 51, no. 4 (2014): 925-40. Brooks Holland. “The Two-Sided Speedy Trial Problem.” Washington Law Review Online 90 (2015): 31. Learning Professional Responsibility: From the Classroom to the Practice of Law. West Academic Publishing: 2014 (co-authored with Leah Christensen). “One Fish, Two Fish … 72 Red Grouper Fish: Is a Fish Just a Fish or Is It also a ‘Tangible Object’ under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?”. Supreme Court Preview Vol. 42 (2014). “Criminal Procedure in the October 2013 Term: Cell Phones and Some Other Stuff.” Supreme Court Preview Vol. 41 (2014). Waters and Water Rights Treatise (several chapters) (2015).
Kevin Michels. New Jersey Attorney Ethics (Gann 2015). “Managing the Wealth of Nations: What America and China May Have to Teach Each Other about Corporate Governance,” in a symposium issue of the SMU Law Review honoring the late Professor Alan Bromberg. “The Riddle of Shareholder Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility.” Brooklyn Law Review 80, no. 2 (2015): 353-96. Ann Murphy. “Taxation,” Washington Community Property Deskbook, ed. Thomas Andrews & Karen Boxx. 5th ed. Washington State Bar Association: 2015. Federal Tax Practice and Procedure. Revised ed. LexisNexis: 2015. Kim Pearson. “Racial Anxieties in Adoption: A Response to ‘In the Name of the Child: Race, Gender, and Economics in Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl.’ ” Florida Law Review Forum. Stephen Sepinuck. “Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Personal Property Secured Transactions.” The Business Lawyer Vol. 69/no. 4 (2014): 1227-1250 (co-authored with Steve Weise). “Sales and Leases: A Problem Solving Approach,” West Academic, Spring 2015. “Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Personal Property Secured Transactions.” The Business Lawyer Vol. 69. “Drafting a Merger Clause for an Integrated Transaction,” December 2014.
“Protecting the ‘Pick-Your-Partner’ Principle,” June 2014. “When to Contract for Remedies,” Business Law Today, July 2014. Problems and Materials on Secured Transactions, 3rd Edition, (Thomson/West, 2014). (with co-author Linda J. Rusch). “Collateralizing What the Debtor Does Not Own,” The Transactional Lawyer, Feb. 2015. “Waiving Suretyship Defenses,” The Transactional Lawyer, Apr. 2015. “Drafting a Merger Clause for an Integrated Transaction,” The Transactional Lawyer, Dec. 2014. “Term Sheets, Letters of Intent, and Preliminary Agreements: Ensuring Recovery of Expenses.” The Transactional Lawyer, Oct. 2014. “How Not to Describe the Collateral.” The Transactional Lawyer, Aug. 2014. “The Riddle of Shareholder Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility.” Brooklyn Law Review 80, no. 2 (2015): 353-96.
SCHOOL OF NURSING & HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Marcia London, Ladewig, P., Davidson, M., Ball, J., Bindler, R., & Cowen K., Maternal & Child Nursing Care. (5th ed). Prentice Hall: 2017. Neva Crogan. (2014). “Dysphagia and malnutrition.” In K. Mack (Ed.), Gerontological nursing competencies for practice, 3rd ed. (pp. 620-646). Jones & Bartlett Publishers. (2015). “Relieving Drug-Induced Xerostomia with Sorbet.” Annals of Long-Term Care, 23(2), 17-21. Doneen, A.L., Dupler, A.E., & Crogan, N.L. (2015). “Why the RDH is a critical member of the health-care team.” RDH (Feb. 2015). Dupler, A.E., Crogan, N.L., & Beqiri, M. (2015). “Medication Assistant-Certification Program in Washington State: Barriers to implementation.” Geriatric Nursing, 36(4), 322-326. Dupler, A.E., Crogan, N.L., & Beqiri, M. (2015). “Quality improvement within an academic-community partnership.” SM Journal of Nursing, 1(1), 1002. Fallon, S., A. Belcoe, C. Shawcross, A. May, C. Monteverde, and Dan J. McCann. “Ventilatory compensation to decreased inspired O2 during the Wingate test.” Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (Dec. 2014) DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2014.983448.
SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Joann D. Barbour, F. English, R. Papa, eds. Sage guide: Educational leadership and management. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 2015.
Carolyn C. Cunningham, Heather M. Crandall. “Social media for social justice: Technofeminism in the digital village.” In Feminist community engagement: Achieving praxis, edited by Susan Iverson and Jennifer James. Palgrave Macmillan: 2014. Carolyn C. Cunningham. “Identity technologies: Constructing the self online.” Biography 37/4 (2014): 791-795. “Women’s Centers.” In The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, edited by J. Michael Ryan. WileyBlackwell: 2014. “Men are like Bluetooth, Women are like Wi-Fi”: What feminist technology studies can add to the study of ICTs. Journal of the Northwest Communication Association, 43/1 (2015): 7-21. Carolyn C. Cunningham, Heather M. Crandall. “Social media for social justice: Cyberfeminism in the Digital Village.” In Susan V. Iverson & Jennifer H. James (eds)., (pp. 75-92). New York: Palgrave, 2015. Shann Ferch, Larry Spears, Mary McFarland, Michael Carey. Conversations on Servant Leadership: Insights on Human Courage in Life and Work. New York: State University of New York Press, 2014. Shann Ferch. “Takes Enemy.” In Narrative Magazine, location http://www.narrativemagazine.com/issues/fall-2014/takesenemy-shann-ray. San Francisco, CA: Narrative Magazine Inc., 2015. “Wife Psalm 2.” Ruminate Magazine (2015), 43. “Hell Roaring Plateau.” Talking River Review, (2014), 47-63. “Mountain Men.” High Desert Journal, (2014).http://www. highdesertjournal.com/#!shann-ray/c4nv. “The inheritance of water.” Big Sky Journal: Fly-Fishing Issue, (2014), 82-83. S. Smith, W. Hill, Chris Francovich, M. Morris, B. Robbins, L. Robins, A. Turner. “Diagnostic Reasoning Across the Medical Education Continuum.” Healthcare, 2 (2014), 253-271. M. Stahl, Kem M. Gambrell. “The Human Touch: A Phenomenological Study of Health Care Workers in the Hospital Setting.” Journal of Human Resource Management and Labor Studies, Vol. 2(2) (2014), 1-24. Michael Hazel, J. Keaten, L. Kelly. “The relationship of temperament, communication reticence and fear of negative evaluation.” Communication Research Reports, 2014.
“The School of Professional Studies (SPS) continues to grow in reach, success and connections. The Western States Communications Conference—hosted by the Communication and Leadership Studies Department— was held for the first time here in Spokane, February 20-24. This annual conference included over 600 participants from universities up and down the west coast and proved to be a great success. On March 27-28, the SPS hosted the 3rd annual Leadership Studies Student Research Symposium which was a true collaboration by all faculty and staff from our school. With over 100 participants, the symposium was a great opportunity for faculty and students to present research and ideas relevant to the field of leadership.” – JOE ALBERT, PH.D., ACTING DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES
Michael Hazel, Heather M. Crandall, John S. Caputo. “Perceptions of teacher misbehaviors in distance graduate education.” Southern Communication Journal. (2014). Kris Morehouse, Heather M. Crandall. “Virtual Grief. Technology, Rhetoric, and Cultural Change: Walter J. Ong, S. J. in the Age of Google, Facebook, and Twitter.” Communication Research Trends, 33(1) (2014): 26-28 Pavel Shlossberg. Crafting Identity: Transnational Indian Arts and the Politics of Race in Central Mexico. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2015.
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Laurie Arnold. Review of Coming Full Circle: Spirituality and Wellness among Native Communities in the Pacific Northwest, by Suzanne Crawford O’Brien. Western Historical Quarterly. Utah State University Press. (Winter 2014): 467-468. Review of Tulalip From My Heart: An Autobiographical Account of a Reservation Community, by Harriette Shelton Dover. Montana: The Magazine of Western History. Montana Historical Society. (Autumn 2014): 71-73. Review of A Misplaced Massacre: Struggling over the Memory of Sand Creek, by Ari Kelman. The Public Historian. University of California Press. (Spring 2015): 123-124. Brian Henning. Review of The Dimensions of Consequentialism: Ethics, Equality, and Risk by Martin Peterson. Ethics (Apr. 2015): 900–905. Douglas Kries. Review of Reorientation: Leo Strauss in the 1930s. ed. Martin D. Yaffe and Richard S. Ruderman. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly (Spring 2015): 359-62. Review of Thin Description: Ethnography and the African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem by John L. Jackson. Communal Studies (2014): 109-111. Review of Mr. Cao Goes to Washington: The Downfall of an Idealist in the Face of Partisanship. Journal of Hate Studies Vol. 11/1 (2014). Kevin B. McCruden. Review of The Epistle to the Hebrews: The New International Commentary on the New Testament by Gareth Lee Cockerill. Review of Biblical Literature (Aug. 23, 2014). Review of Philippians, Colossians, Philemon by Dennis Hamm, S.J. Theological Studies (2014): 902-03. Jeffrey Miller. Review of Prophets of the Posthuman: American Fiction, Biotechnology, and the Ethics of Personhood, by Christina Bieber Lake. Choice Reviews 52/03 (Nov. 2014): 445-446. Review of A Family Sketch and Other Private Writings, by Mark Twain, Livy Clemens, and Susy Clemens. Choice Reviews 52/08 (Apr. 2015): 1315-1316. Review of The Dream of the Great American Novel, by Lawrence Buell. Choice Reviews 51/12 (Aug. 2014): 2178. Review of Fredric Jameson: The Project of Dialectical Criticism, by Robert T. Tally. Choice Reviews 52/06 (Feb. 2015): 969. Review of The Other Blacklist: The African American Literary and Cultural Left of the 1950s, by Mary Helen Washington. Choice Reviews 52/02 (Oct. 2014): 259-260. Review of The American Novel, 1870-1940, eds. Priscilla Wald and Michael A. Elliott. Choice Reviews 52/01 (Sept. 2014): 72-73. Review of American Blood: The Ends of Family in American Literature 1850-1900, by Holly Jackson. Choice Reviews 51/10 (June 2014): 1802. Review of Artistic Liberties: American Literary Realism and Graphic Illustration 1880-1905, by Adam Sonstegard. Choice Reviews 52/07 (Mar. 2015): 1147-1148.
Ann M. Ostendorf. Review of Untold Stories and Songs of America’s First Immigrants, by Joanna Brooks. Register of the Kentucky Historical Society (2014): 495-497. John N. Sheveland. Review of Ways of Meeting and the Theology of Religions by David Cheetham. Religious Studies Review (2014): 21. Review of The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Inter-religious Dialogue by Catherine Cornille. Religious Studies Review. Wiley-Blackwell. (2014): 83. Review of Understanding Interreligious Relations by Cheetham, Pratt, and Thomas. Theological Studies. Sage (2015): 219-220. Review of Fragile Identities: Towards a Theology of Interreligious Hospitality by Marianne Moyaert. Religious Studies Review. Wiley-Blackwell. (2014): 25-26. Review of Christ and Reconciliation. Volume 1. A Constructive Christian Theology for the Pluralistic World by Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen. Horizons (2014): 298-300. Lisa B. Silvestri. Review of Memes in Digital Culture by Limor Shifman. Taylor and Francis. Popular Communication: International Journal of Media and Culture (2014): 198-200.
Review of The Global Film Book by Stafford, Roy. Centre for the Study of Communication & Culture. Communication Research Trends (Mar. 1, 2015): 36-38. Kristina J. Morehouse. Review of Working the Story by Douglas P. Starr & Deborah W. Dunsford. Centre for the Study of Communication & Culture. Communication Research Trends (2015): 34. (http://cscc.scu.edu/trends/chron7.html).
SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Vincent Alfonso, Wissel, A., & Lorimer, L. (2014). Review of the Developmental Test of Visual Perception, Third Edition. The Twentieth MentalMeasurements Yearbook.
Kevin O’Connor. Review of The Making and Breaking of Soviet Lithuania, by Violeta Davoliûté. Slavic Review 1 (Summer 2015): 384-385.
Dan Morrissey. “Democracy in Danger,” America, Nov. 17, 2014, 43. (A book review of Justice John Paul Stevens’ book Six Amendments).
Review of The Village and the Class War: The Anti-Kulak Campaign in Estonia, by Anu Mai Kõll. Slavic Review 1 (Fall 2014): 668-669.
Mary Pat Treuthart. Review of What The Best Law Teachers Do, Asian Journal of Legal Education 1, no. 2 (2014): 158-162.
Review of Rethinking the Weimar Republic: Authority and Authoritarianism, 1916-1936, by Anthony McElligott. Choice Magazine 52/7 (Mar. 2015).
Heather M. Crandall. Review of Creativity and Advertising: Affect, Events and Processes by Andrew McStay. Communication Research Trends, 33(3) (2014).
Albert A. Osborne. Review of Language, Culture, and Society: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology by Salzmann, Zdenek, Stanlaw, James, & Nobuko, Adachi. Centre for the Study of Communication and Culture. Communication Research Trends (Dec. 2014): 33-34. Review of The Global Film Book by Stafford, Roy. Centre for the Study of Communication & Culture. Communication Research Trends (Mar. 1, 2015): 36-38.
Review of Digital Anthropology by Heather A. Horst and Daniel Miller. Sage. Mobile Media and Communication (2014): 372-374. (http://mmc.sagepub.com/content/2/3/372.full.pdf html).
Review of Television Studies by Jonathan Gray and Amanda D. Lotz. Communication Research Trends, 33(1) (2014).
Raymond W. Rast. “Forty Acres: Historian’s Report.” Historic American Buildings Survey (National Park Service). (July 2014).
Mortensen, S., Mark K. Derby, & T. F. “Tim” McLaughlin, (2015). “Teaching leisure skills to developmental disabled children and facilitating interaction with typically developing peers through playing hockey.” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 106-117. Retrieved from: http://allsubjectjournal.com/vol2/issue1/ PartB/issue1.html.
John N. Sheveland. “Listening Church, Humbled Church.” The Expository Times 125/11 (Aug. 2014): 549-551. Accepting Acceptance.” The Expository Times 126/5 (Feb. 2015): 233-235. Scott Starbuck. “With the Name of the Lord: 1 Samuel 17:1a, 4-11, 19-23, 32-39; Psalm 9:9-20; Job 38:1-11; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13.” The Expository Times 126/8 (May 2015): 396-398. (http://ext.sagepub.com/content/by/year/2015). “To sleep–perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub: 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14; Psalm 111: 34:9-14.” The Expository Times 126/9 (June 2015). (http://ext.sagepub.com/content/by/ year/2015). Georgie Ann Weatherby. “Daring to be Different: The Impact of Positive Deviance on the Global Stage.” Voyages: Rethinking Nature and its Expressions. Gonzaga in Florence (Summer 2014). (http://www.voyagesjournal.net/Essay_Weatherby.html). Nicole Willms. “Cheering for Our Team: Coverage of Women’s Basketball in a Japanese-American Community Newspaper.” In Asian Americans in Sport and Society. Edited by C. Richard King. New York: Routledge. (Nov. 13, 2014): 67-85. (http://www. routledge.com/books/details/9780415874915/).
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Vivek H. Patil. Word, comparison, and commonality clouds of two categories. [Software Application.] URL: http://bit.ly/ guwordclouds. (2014). Degrees of choice: Modification of WSJ graphic. [Web Log Post] Retrieved from http://patilv.com/WSJMod/. (Sept. 30, 2014). Data manipulation using dplyr. [Web Log Post] Retrieved from http://patilv.com/dplyr/. (Sept. 30, 2014). Using great circles and ggplot2 to map arrival/departure of 2014 US Open tennis players. [Web Log Post] Retrieved from http://patilv.com/USOpenCountries/. (Sept. 17, 2014). Mortality rate of children Under 5 and gender differences. [Web Log Post] Retrieved from http://patilv.com/ MortalityUnder5/. (Sept. 17, 2014). Playing with Anscombe’s Quartet in an interactive shiny ggvis environment. [Web Log Post] Retrieved from http://patilv.com/ Interactive- Anscombe-Viz/. (June 10, 2014).
“We continue to live our values of excel, engage, and inspire. A USA Today ‘Top Ten’ ranking, our research roundtable work with the School of Nursing and Human Physiology and the greater Spokane health community, and a recent faculty-led study abroad trip to China are some of the notable accomplishments of the past academic year.” – KENNETH S. ANDERSON, PH.D., DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
Klee, I., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Kimberly Weber, Donica, D., & Kalb, G. (2015). “Using Handwriting Without Tears® and a modified copy, cover, compare through chaining to teach name writing to a preschooler with developmental delays to write his name.” International Journal of Applied Research, 1(3), 59-65. Retrieved from: http://www. allresearchjournal.com/vol1issue3/PartB/issue/vol1issue3. html. Theobald, C., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., & Christensen, M. (2015). “The effectiveness of a delayed modellead-test and a break card on the rational counting ability for a preschool student with developmental delays.” International Journal of English and Education, 4(2), 553-576. Retrieved from: http://www.ijee.org/current_issue. Watson, T., McLaughlin, T. F., & Derby, K. M. (2014). “Communication training for children with autism spectrum disorder in the community environment: A brief review.” International Journal of English and Education, 3(4), 457-474. Retrieved from: http://www.ijee.org/current_issue. Hillier, K. R., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Scarborough, S. (2014). “The effects of direct instruction flashcards and a color racetrack to see basic colors to three preschool students: A failure to replicate for two participants.” International Journal of English and Education, 3(4), 387-397. Retrieved from: http:// www.ijee.org/current_issue. Hoot, K., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Dolliver, M., & Johnson, R. (2014). “Using model, cover, copy, compare, a token economy program, and discrete trial match to sample training for teaching functional life skills for a 13-year-old middle school student with moderate disabilities.” Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(4), 79-91. Retrieved from: http:// www.apjmr.com/archives/. Womschall, J., Weber, K., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Waco, T. (2014). “The effects of the model, lead, test error correction procedures with flashcards for teaching a student with learning disabilities first grade sight words.” International Journal of English and Education, 3(3), 541-556. Retrieved from: http://www.ijee.org/current_issue. Nelson, B., McLaughlin, T. F., & Derby, K. M. (2014). “The effects of using direct instruction reading and model, lead and test with four young adults with developmental disabilities.” International Journal of English and Education, 3(3), 579-590. Retrieved from: http://www.ijee.org/current_issue.
Bishop, L., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Wuesthoff, K. (2014). “Using direct instruction error correction and a match to sample procedure to teach three kindergarten students with developmental delays number identification.” International Journal of English and Education, 3(4), 399-407. Retrieved from: http://www.ijee.org/current_issue. Barberio-Kitts, C., McLaughlin, T. F., Jennifer Neyman, Worcester, L., & Cartmell, H. (2015). “The effects of a modified cover, copy, compare on spelling third grade core words for a student with autism.”Global Journal of Human Social Sciences. 14(2), 1-15. Retrieved from: http://globaljournals.us/index. php?option=com_content&view=article&id=89&Itemid=73. Manfred, A., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Everson, M. (2015). “The effects of a modified cover, copy, compare on spelling and writing skills for students with specific learning disabilities.” Educational Research Quarterly, 38(3), 3-31. Retrieved from: http://www.allresearchjournal.com/ vol1issue4/PartB/issue/vol1issue4.html. Harvey, M. N., Conner-Boyle, S., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., & Sanders, L. (2015). “Employing copy, cover, compare to teach a middle school student with ADHD handwriting with appropriate form and spacing: A case report.” International Journal of Applied Research, 1(4), 82-86. Retrieved from: http://www.allresearchjournal.com/vol1issue4/PartB/ issue/vol1issue4.html. Harris, M., Helling, J., Thompson, L., Neyman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., Hatch, K., & Jack, M. (2015). “The effects of a direct instruction flashcard system to teach two students with disabilities multiplication facts.” International Journal of Applied Research, 1(3), 59-65. Retrieved from: http://www. allresearchjournal.com/vol1issue3/PartB/issue/vol1issue3. html. Brinegar, K., Armstrong, G., Neyman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Johnson, B. (2015). “The effects of copy, cover, compare on spelling word for a high school student with intellectual disabilities.” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 106-117. Retrieved from: http:// allsubjectjournal.com/vol2/issue1/PartB/issue1.html. Kane, C., McLaughlin, T. F., & Mortensen, S. (2015). “The effects of DI flashcards with and without match to sample with edibles on number recognition using reduced set size and DI discrimination training: A case report.” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 208-215. Retrieved from: http://allsubjectjournal.com/vol2/issue1/ PartB/issue1.html. Thompson-Olmstead, S., McLaughlin, T. F., Neyman, J., & Urlacher, S. (2015). “The differential effects of see/say/write procedure combined with di flashcards on basic multiplication fact fluency and accuracy for a 10-year-old student with an intellectual disability and a 10-year-old student with autism.” International Journal of English and Education, 4(1), 539-552. Retrieved from: http://www.ijee.org/current_issue.
Troup, D., McLaughlin, T. F., Neyman, J., & Schuler, H. (2014). “The use of online typing programs in combination with public posting with and without consequences to increase the typing fluency and accuracy for seven high school students with severe behavior disorders.” Journal of Education and Human Development, 3(2), 181-201 . Lykken, A., Wakeman, J., Neyman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Zumwalt, K. (2014). “Effects of employing the SRA Decoding Strategies text on the word recognition for a high school student with learning disabilities.” i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 7(4), 19-24. Retrieved from: http:// www.imanagerpublications.com/Archives.aspx. Worcester, L., McLaughlin, T. F., Neyman, J., & Blecher, J. (2015). “Use of a functional behavior assessment to address tantrum behavior with a preschooler with developmental delays.” International Journal of English and Education, 4(1), 522538. Retrieved from: http://www.ijee.org/current_issue. Mullaney, L., Baker, M., Rutherford, K., Neyman, J., & Stookey, S. (2014). “Effects of direct instruction rewards® program strategies to teach separation of complex words to two high school students with disabilities.” i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 7(4), 12-18. Retrieved from: http:// www.imanagerpublications.com/Archives.aspx. LeBrun, C., Jones, S., Neyman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Schuler, H. (2014). “The effects of a modified direct instruction flashcard system on a 14 year-old-student with learning behavioral issues enrolled in a behavior intervention classroom.” International Journal of Undergraduate Education and Creative Activities, 6, Article 5, 1-9. Retrieved from: http:// commons.pacificu.edu/ijurca/.
Kerby, A., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2014). “The current state of differential reinforcement: A brief review and analysis.” International Journal of English and Education, 3(4), 420-428. Retrieved from: http://www.ijee.org/current_issue.
Stephen Sepinuck. Published two editions of “Spotlight,” his regular column in the joint newsletter of the UCC and Commercial Finance Committees of the ABA Business Law Section, in which he critiqued four poorly reasoned commercial law cases.
Bjordahl, M., Talboy, R., Neyman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Hoenike, R. (2014). “The effect of a direct instruction flashcard system for increasing performance of basic division facts for a middle school student with ADD/OHI.” i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 8(2), 11-17. Retrieved from: http:// www.imanagerpublications.com/Archives.aspx. Altharwa, H., Neyman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Johnson, G. (2014). “An evaluation of the effectiveness of implementing a DI flashcard procedure to teach basic multiplication facts with an elementary private school student with learning disabilities.” International Journal of Innovation and Research in Educational Sciences, 1(1), 24-27. Retrieved from: http:// ijires.org/administrator/components/com_jresearch/files/ publications/IJIRES_07_Final.pdf.
Scott Burnham. “Choice of Law Statutes That Dispense with a ‘Reasonable Relation’”In the ABA’s Commercial Law Newsletter, (Summer 2014). “Recent Developments: Revised Article 1 Enactments.” Commercial Law Newsletter, (Spring 2015).
“Evidence that the extra dose of ACT1 causes slow growth in an aneuploid strain disomic for chromosome VI through a dosage imbalance with COF1.” 11th Annual Poster Session of the Gonzaga Science Research Program. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA 2014. (Poster). “Mutations that suppress an aneuploid phenotype in yeast.” 11th Annual Poster Session of the Gonzaga Science Research Program. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA 2014. (Poster). “Adventures with ACT1: a search for dosage partners in aneuploid yeast.” Third Annual Gonzaga Science Research Program Summer Research Symposium. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA 2014. (Lecture). Laurie Arnold. “Re-framing the Narrative or, How Plateau Tribes Put U.S. Federal Indian Policies on Display at the Northwest Indian Congress.” The West and the World. Western History Association. Newport Beach, CA, Oct. 2014. (Paper). “Indian Gaming, American Anxiety.” University of Nevada Las Vegas Libraries. Las Vegas, NV Mar. 2015. (Research presentation/Lecture).
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Kirk Anders. “Expansion of Gonzaga University’s phage research program.” Science Education Alliance Sixth Annual Symposium. HHMI Science Education Alliance. Ashburn, VA 2014. (Poster). “A seven-institution collaboration to develop novel coursebased research experiences for undergraduates.” Council on Undergraduate Research Conference 2014. Washington, DC 2014. (Panel presentation). “Evidence that many phages isolated at room temperature are different than those isolated at 37 degrees C.” Science Education Alliance Sixth Annual Symposium. HHMI Science Education Alliance. Ashburn, VA 2014. (Poster).
“Directors of Native American Studies/American Indian Studies/Indigenous Studies Roundtable” Native American and Indigenous Studies Association. Austin, TX May 2014. (CoChair discussion panel). “Native American Studies in the Homeland: Gonzaga, the Jesuits, and Columbia Plateau Communities.” Christ and Cascadia Conference. Seattle, WA Sept. 2014. (Paper). “Tribes on the Columbia Plateau.” Quincy Valley Middle School. History Classroom. Quincy, WA May 1, 2015. (Lecture). “The 1925 Northwest Indian Congress as Cultural and Political Exchange.” American Historical Association Pacific. Portland, OR Aug. 2014. (Paper). Monica Bartlett. “Beyond Polite: Saying Thank You Builds New Relationships.” Society for Affective Sciences. Oakland,CA Apr. 2015.
“Evidence that the extra dose of ACT1 causes slow growth in an aneuploid strain disomic for chromosome VI through a dosage imbalance with COF1.” Yeast Genetics Meeting. Genetics Society of America. Seattle, WA 2014. (Poster).
Julie Beckstead. “Pathogen-caused seed mortality among a suite of annual weeds is influenced by seed dormancy and inoculum load but not host specificity.” Botanical Society of America Annual Meeting. Botanical Society of America. Boise, ID July 26-30, 2014. (Lecture).
“Mutations that suppress an aneuploid phenotype in yeast.” Twenty-third Regional Conference on Undergraduate Research of the Murdock College Science Research Program. Murdock Trust. Vancouver, WA 2014. (Poster).
“NGSS beyond K-12: Freshman College Biology ‘Gets Real’ at Gonzaga University.” Washington Science Teacher Association Meeting. Science Teacher Association Meeting. Spokane, WA Oct. 17-19, 2014. (Lecture).
“DNA: Who are you, really?” Spokane County Public Library. Spokane, WA 2014 (Lecture).
David L. Boose. “Starting & Sustaining Faculty Development Programs at Small Colleges: Theory & Practice.” Annual Conference. Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education. Dallas, TX Nov. 6, 2015. (Interactive workshop).
“Creating communities of practice around the core curriculum – collective learning for sustainable change.” General Education 2015. Association of American Colleges & Universities. Kansas City, MO Feb. 21, 2015. (Interactive workshop). Barbara Boyer. “Structure titrologique et fracture identitaire dans la littérature française sur l’immigration maghrébine.” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (KFLC). University of Lexington. Lexington, KY Apr. 2014. (Paper). “Banlieusardes dans tous leurs états: Conflit générationnel et lutte de pouvoir dans la littérature française d’origine maghrébine.” Congrès du Conseil International d’Études Francophones (CIEF). UCSF. San Francisco,CA July 2014. (Paper). Robert Bryant. “Addressing the Computer Science Skills Gap.” Computer Science Roundtable. Washington STEM. Spokane Valley Tech. Spokane Valley, WA Nov. 30, 2014. (Panel). Claudia A. Bucciferro. “Teaching the basic course: Building safe spaces to foster creativity and improve performance.” National Communication Association Annual Convention (NCA). Chicago, IL Nov. 20-23, 2014. (Panel presenter). In collaboration with Nicole Willms. “Romance, fantasy, and gender in Twilight.” Gender and Pop Culture Lecture Series. Gonzaga University Women's & Gender Studies. Spokane, WA Oct. 28, 2014. (Public lecture). “Productive discomfort and intercultural communication.” Annual Conference of Western States Communication Association. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Feb. 21-24, 2015. (Panel Chair & presenter). “Little things add up: Microaggression and identity threats.” Globalization, Diversity and Education Conference. Washington State University. Airway Heights, WA Feb. 26-27, 2015. (Panel Chair & presenter). Nathaniel Burch. “The Second-order Lanczos Derivative and a Nonlocal Flux.” MAA Mathfest. Mathematical Association of America. Portland, OR Aug. 2014. (Research contribution). Richard Cangelosi. “Implementing and Conducting Successful Undergraduate Research.” MAA Meeting of the Pacific Northwest-Project NeXT. Mathematical Association of America. Tacoma, WA Apr. 11, 2015. (Panelist). Meagan Ciesla. “Get Lit!” Inland Northwest Faculty Reading. Spokane, WA Apr. 26, 2015. Beth Cooley. “Selected Poems.” Tiny Reading. RiverLit Magazine. Auntie's Bookstore. Spokane, WA July 7, 2014. (Poetry reading).
“True Crime.” Spokane Shorties Reading. Auntie's Bookstore. Spokane, WA Aug. 14, 2014. (Short story reading). “Secrets of Deep Revision in Fiction.” Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators Inland Northwest Regional Conference. SCBWI. Spokane Club. Spokane, WA Sept. 20, 2014. (Craft talk/Roundtable discussion). "Reading like a Writer." Nobel Middle School. Wilmington, NC Oct. 17, 2014. (School discussion). “Literary London, Place as Text, and the Clockwork of Active Learning.” Hawaii University Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education International Conference. Hawaii University International Conference. Honolulu, HI Jan. 2-7, 2015. (Panel presentation). Vesta Coufal. “A different way to begin.” Joint Mathematics Meetings Session: Perspectives and Experiences on Mentoring Undergraduate Students in Research. Mathematical Association of America. San Antonio, TX Jan. 10, 2015. (Lecture). “Diversity and NSF ADVANCE Grants.” Pacific Northwest Section NExT Meeting. University of Washington. Tacoma, WA Apr. 10, 2015. (Lecture). “On Writing Effective Recommendation Letters.” Pacific Northwest Section NExT Meeting. University of Montana. Missoula, MT June 26, 2014. (Panel discussion). “Orbifolds: V-manifolds to groupoids.” Pacific Northwest Section MAA Meeting. Mathematical Association of America. University of Montana. Missoula, MT June 27, 2014. (Research lecture). “From Manifolds to Orbifolds.” Spokane Regional Math Colloquium. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Apr. 1, 2015. (Research lecture). Sara P. Diaz. “Policing the Scientific Body: Roger Arliner Young and Chien-Shiung Wu.” National Women Studies Association Annual Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Nov. 2014. (Paper). “Academic Transgressions II: Negotiating Research, Teaching and Service as Junior Faculty.” National Women Studies Association Annual Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Nov. 2014. (Roundtable discussion). “Transgressing Catholic Spaces: Feminist Labors of Love?” National Women Studies Association Annual Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Nov. 2014. (Roundtable discussion). “Negotiating Shifting Borders and New Marginalities: Talking about Women of Color and Reproductive Justice in Jesuit Women’s and Gender Studies Classrooms.” National Race and Pedagogy Conference. University of Puget Sound. Tacoma, WA. Sept. 2014. (Paper).
Bonni Dichone. “A Model for Soil-Plant-Surface Water Relationships in Arid Flat Environments.” MAA Meeting of the Pacific Northwest. Mathematical Association of America. Missoula, MT June 2014. (Lecture). “Vegetative Rhombic Pattern Formation Driven by Root Suction for an Interaction-Diffusion Plant-Ground Water Model System in an Arid Flat Environment.” Annual Meeting of the Northwest Section of the American Physical Society. The American Physical Society. Pullman, WA May 2015. (Lecture). “Vegetative Rhombic Pattern Formation Driven by Root Suction for an Interaction-Diffusion Plant-Ground Water Model System in an Arid Flat Environment.” WSU Academic Showcase. Washington State University. Pullman, WA Mar. 2015. (Poster). Jeffrey Dodd. “Verbatim: A Text/Art Collaboration.” Spokane, WA Oct. 4, 2014. “Railtown Almanac Readings.” Spokane, WA Nov. 2014- Apr. 2015. Robert C. Donnelly. “Teamster Boss: Dave Beck.” North American Labor History Conference. Wayne State University. Detroit, MI Oct. 2014. (Research presentation). John K. Eliason. "Overcoming Mono-lingualism and Monoculturalism on a College Campus." Palouse Language Symposium. University of Idaho. Moscow, ID Apr. 11, 2015. (Partnered lecture). William F. Ettinger. In collaboration with J. Manning, P.O. Tennican, C. Hayworth. “Unique method for high level disinfection and protection of catheter ports - eradicating Bacillus cereus spores and other bacterial species causing CLABSI.” National Conference of Undergraduate Research. Eastern Washington University. Cheney, WA Apr. 16-18, 2015. (Poster).
Luis Garcia-Torvisco. “Revisión histórica y nostalgia de los 80 en La ceremonia de la confusión, de María Velasco (2013)” (“Historical Revision and Nostalgia of the 80’s in María Velasco’s Ceremonia de la confusión (2013)”). XV Congreso Internacional de Literatura Hispánica (XV International Congress in Hispanic Literature). Lock Haven University (Pennsylvania). Lock Haven University. La Antigua, Guatemala Mar. 4-6, 2015. “Viaje al mito a través de los géneros en El muerto y ser feliz (Javier Rebollo, 2012)” (“Journey to Myth Through Cinematic Genres in El muerto y ser feliz”). Cine-Lit VIII. An International Conference on Hispanic Film & Fiction. Portland State University, Oregon State University, and Northwest Film Center. Portland State University. Portland, OR Feb. 19-21, 2015. “Docuficción en España / Docufiction in Spain” Cine-Lit VIII. An International Conference on Hispanic Film and Fiction. Portland State University, Oregon State University, and Northwest Film Center. Portland State University. Portland, OR Feb. 19-21, 2015. (Panel Moderator). Gergely Gidofalvi. “Wave function analysis with Shavitt graph density in the graphically contracted function method.” 248th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. American Chemical Society. San Francisco, CA Aug. 13, 2014. (Lecture). Andrew J. Goldman. “From Phyrgian Capital to Roman Fort: Recent Excavations at Gordion (Turkey).” AIA National Lecture Tour 2014- 15. Archaeological Institute of America. University of Texas, Austin. Austin, TX Nov. 12, 2014. (Lecture). “From Phyrgian Capital to Roman Fort: Recent Excavations at Gordion (Turkey).” AIA National Lecture Tour 2014- 15. Archaeological Institute of America. College of Charleston. Charleston, SC Nov. 13, 2014. (Lecture).
In collaboration with J. Manning and B. Nelson. “Web repair behavior of Nephila fenestrate in Northern Zambia.” Gonzaga Science Research Program, 11th Annual Poster Session. Spokane, WA Oct. 25, 2014. (Poster).
“Meaning and Interpretation among a New Corpus of Late Roman Octagonal Intaglios.” 115th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America. Archaeological Institute of America. New Orleans, LA Jan. 9, 2015. (Conference presentation).
In collaboration with B. Mishler and K. Thomas. "Bioacoustic analysis of chimpanzee vocalizations in Chimfunshi, Zambia." Gonzaga Science Research Program, 11th Annual Poster Session. Spokane, WA Oct. 25, 2014. (Poster).
“Roman Fineware Production and Circulation in Central Turkey.” 44th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest. Reed College. Portland, OR Mar. 21, 2015. (Conference presentation).
In collaboration with M. Yates, J. Hanson, and T. LeMaster. “Selection of tree host by epiphytic orchids in Zambia.” Gonzaga Science Research Program, 11th Annual Poster Session. Spokane, WA Oct. 25, 2014. (Poster).
Greg Gordon. “Sowing Seeds: An academic-corporate collaboration to bring ‘real food’ to campus.” Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference. Portland, OR Oct. 26-28, 2014. (Poster).
Patsy Fowler. “Transgressing Catholic Spaces: Feminist Labors of Love?” National Women's Studies Association Annual Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Nov. 2014. (Roundtable participant).
"Economic Phoenix: A. B. Hammond, the Panic of 1893, and the Astoria and Columbia River Railroad." History Pub: Oregon Historical Society. Portland, OR Oct. 27, 2014.
“Building Missoula” Montana History Conference. Helena, MT Sept. 18, 2014. (Paper).
“Urbanite—Spokane’s accidental urban ecology.” Pacific Northwest American Studies Association Conference. Olympia, WA Apr. 2015. (Paper). “When Money Grew on Trees: How Industrial Capitalism Transformed the Ecology of the Western Forests.” Washington Native Plant Society. Spokane, WA Nov. 20, 2014. “Robber Barons and the Structure of Capitalism.” Dean’s Research and Creative Activity Forum. Spokane, WA Nov. 13, 2014. Vikas Gumbhir. “Cop Movies as Crime Porn: Cultural Criminology and the Illicit Business of Justice Entertainment.” American Society of Criminology Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA 2014. “From Students to Scholars: Undergraduate Research and the Importance of Regional Conferences.” Pacific Sociological Association Annual Conference. Long Beach, CA 2015. Torunn Haaland. “No place for Rebirth? Wandering Voices, Spatio-Temporal Leveling and Nomadic Writing in Se io fossi fuoco arderei Firenze (2011).” Transnational Florence Conference. Gonzaga in Florence. Florence, Italy Feb. 2015. “La verità e il potere della parola: i segni del nuovo realismo in Gomorra (2006).” AAIS Conference. Zurich, Switzerland May 2014. Peter Hamlin. “Practice Habits and Self-Regulation of College Freshman Instrumentalists.” South Central Regional Conference. College Music Society. Northeastern State University. Tahlequa, OK Mar. 13, 2015. (Paper).
“Blumberg Dialogues on Astrobiology.” Kluge Center ongoing Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Astrobiology Program. Library of Congress. Washington, D.C. May 2015. (Moderated discussion).
“The Development of a Theoretical Model of Deliberate Practice.” Pacific Northwest Regional Conference. College Music Society. University of Puget Sound. Tacoma, WA Mar. 21, 2015. (Paper).
“A Land Ethic for the River.” Ethics and the Columbia River Treaty: Righting Past Wrongs. Gonzaga University. May 2014. (Invited presentation). (https://vimeo.com/96632516). Event coverage: “Leaders document damage by dams to Columbia River.” The Fig Tree http://bit.ly/1zF3eY6).
Presentation at Workshop at the College Music Society South Central Regional Conference and Session Chair (Tahlequah, OK).
“Riders in the Storm: Ethics in an Age of Climate Change.” Auntie’s Bookstore. Spokane, WA Feb. 2015.
Brian Henning. “Whitehead's Land Ethic: On the Need for an Environmental Metaphysics of Morals.” European Summer School in Process Thought. Düsseldorf, Germany Aug. 2014. (Invited keynote). In collaboration with Kathy Morefield. “Repairers of the Breach: Spirituality and the Environment.” Gonzaga in Florence. Florence, Italy Oct. 2014. “Dying for a Hamburger: The Ethics of Eating Animals on a Small Planet.” Gonzaga in Florence. Florence, Italy Oct. 2014. “Towards 2050: The Projected Costs and Possible Alternatives to Industrial Livestock Production.” 10th International Whitehead Conference. Claremont, CA June 2015. “Decision Making in the Ethics of Creativity.” 10th International Whitehead Conference. Claremont, CA June 2015.
“In Defense of Systematic, Speculative Philosophy.” Gonzaga Philosophy Department Colloquium. Spokane, WA Feb. 2015. “Wolves in the Pacific Northwest: A Discussion Panel.” National Endowment for the Arts. Spokane County Library District and Humanities Washington. Spokane, WA Feb. 2015. (http://youtube/32fSqWXSALw.). “Ethics in an Age of Climate Change.” Dean’s Forum, Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Mar. 2015. Ingrid Kristine Ranum Herrman. “Teaching Victorian Literature in London: London and the Victorian Literary Imagination.” Hawaii University Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education International Conference. Hawaii University International Conference. Honolulu, HI Jan. 3, 2015. (Conference paper).
Sam Leigland. “What does relational frame theory have to contribute to mainstream cognitive science, and vice versa?” WorldCon. Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. Minneapolis, MN June 21, 2014. “A Science of Verbal Behavior: Visions, Divisions, and Possible Integrations.” Association for Behavior Analysis Annual Convention. Chicago, IL May 21, 2014. “Perspective on Ontology in Functional Contexualism.” Association for Contextual Behavioral Science Annual Convention. Minneapolis, MN June 20, 2014. Tod T. Marshall. Midwest Poetry Reading. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN Apr. 11, 2015. Colloquium Lecturer. Bethel College. Newton, KS Mar. 16, 2015. (Lecture). Brookline Bookstore. Boston, MA Mar. 13, 2015. (Poetry reading). Amherst Books. Amherst, MA Mar. 12, 2015. (Poetry reading). Buffalo Street Books. Ithaca, NY Mar. 11, 2015. (Poetry reading). Bookcourt Bookstore. Brooklyn, NY Mar. 8, 2015. (Poetry reading). Hatchet Job Reading Series. Brooklyn Art Gallery. Brooklyn, NY Mar. 5, 2015. (Poetry reading). “Exploding the Future: Rebecca West, Lee Edelman, and the End of The Return of the Soldier.” Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies. Las Vegas, NV Mar. 8, 2015. (Conference paper). April Dawn Hughes. “Apocalyptic Concepts in Imperial Legitimation.” Empire and Media of Religion. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Los Angeles, CA May 22, 2015. (Paper presentation). “Chinese Visions of the End.” Prospects for the Study of Dunhuang. International Liaison Committee. Princeton University. Princeton, NJ Sept. 7, 2015. (Paper presentation).
Northwind Reading Series. Port Townsend, WA Apr. 30, 2015. (Art gallery poetry reading). LIT FEST. Richland Public Library. Richland, WA Apr. 29, 2015. (Featured poetry reader). Writers at the Heartwood. Heartwood Hall. Sandpoint, ID Mar. 1, 2015. (Poetry reading). University of Idaho Visiting Writer. Bookpeople Bookstore. Moscow, ID Feb. 24, 2015. (Poetry reading).
James Hunter. “Delayed corrective feedback in the acquisition of oral fluency, accuracy, and complexity.” American Association for Applied Linguistics, Toronto, Canada. Mar. 2015.
Elliot Bay Bookstore. Seattle, WA Jan. 15, 2015. (Poetry reading).
“Designing Integrated Projects for Skills Development.” Congreso de Idiomas Extranjeros, Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (UTE), Ecudaor. Mar. 2015.
Shakespeare and Company Bookstore. Missoula, MT Dec. 12, 2014. (Poetry reading).
Kathleen Jeffs. “The Challenge of The Force of Habit: Identity and Renewal from ATHE Reading to University Production.” Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE). Scottsdale, AZ July 25, 2014. Douglas Kries. “Augustine's Appropriation of Plato's Understanding of Art and Politics.” Northeast Political Science Association. Boston, MA Nov. 13, 2014. (Paper presentation/ lecture).
IF NOT FOR KIDNAP Reading Series. Portland, OR May 1, 2015. (Coffee house poetry reading).
Visiting Writer. Seattle University. Seattle, WA Jan. 15, 2015. (Poetry reading).
King’s Books. Tacoma, WA Dec. 4, 2014. (Poetry reading). Visiting Writer. Walla Walla University. Walla Walla, WA Oct. 20, 2014. (Poetry reading). “Get Lit!” The Bartlett Poetry Salon. Spokane, WA Apr. 25, 2015. (Poetry reading). Beacon Hill Reading Series. Hagan Center for the Humanities. Spokane, WA Apr. 20, 2015. (Poetry reading).
English Endowed Reading Series. Whitworth College. Spokane, WA Mar. 18, 2015. (Poetry reading & classroom lectures). Boogie-Woogie Book launch. The Bartlett Poetry Salon. Spokane, WA Dec. 9, 2014. (Poetry reading). Humanities Washington Bedtime Stories. Spokane Club. Spokane, WA Oct. 17, 2014. (Poetry reading). Jessica L. Maucione. “Unearthing WWII Internment in Tony Ardizzone’s The Whale Chaser and Kerri Sakamoto’s The Electrical Field.” Modern Languages Association. Vancouver, BC Canada Jan. 2015.
Theodore A. Nitz. “The Persistent Hatred: Antisemitism in European History.” Holocaust Memorial Ceremony and Lecture 2015. Gonzaga University-Jundt Auditorium. Spokane, WA Apr. 16, 2015. (Lecture & panel discussion). Gail Nord. “Prisoner's Paradox.” MAA Meeting of the Pacific Northwest. Mathematical Association of America. University of Washington. Tacoma, WA Apr. 10, 2015. “Prisoner's Paradox.” Washington State Math Conference. Campbell's Conference Center. Chelan, WA May 2, 2015.
“How much beauty of another kind is here…!: Seeing Florence in the Victorian Imagination.” Gonzaga-in-Florence Interdisciplinary Conference. Gonzaga University Gonzaga-inFlorence. Florence, Italy Feb. 20, 2015. (Conference paper).
Kevin C. O’Connor. “An Urban Kaleidoscope: Encounter, Diversity, and Identity in Riga.” Contemporary History Institute Graduate Conference. Contemporary History Institute at Ohio University. Athens, OH Feb. 7, 2015.
“Racing Conclusions: The Racial Politics of Mad Men’s Final Season.” Popular Culture Association of the South (PCAS). New Orleans, LA Oct. 2014.
David Oosterhuis. “Dating the Catalepton: How Servius Misread Donatus and Created the Collection.” Joint Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies (SCS) and the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA). New Orleans, LA Jan. 10, 2015.
“Reclaiming and Revaluing the South in Edward P. Jones’ The Known World and Toni Morrison’s Home.” Multiethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS). Athens, GA, Apr.2015. Thomas McKenzie. “Zero-divisor Graphs of Commutative Rings.” 22nd Coast Combinatorics Conference. University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. King Kamehameha's Kona Beach Hotel. Kailua-Kona, HI Feb. 9-12, 2015. (Lecture). “Leadership Workshop.” MAA Meeting of the Pacific Northwest. Mathematical Association of America. University of Washington. Tacoma, WA Apr. 10-11, 2015. (Workshop). “Preparing for Leadership Positions.” MAA Meeting of the Pacific Northwest-Project NExT. Mathematical Association of America. University of Montana. Missoula, MT June 26-28, 2014. (Workshop). Colleen McMahon. “Embracing a Nightmare: Assessing Learning in a Hybrid Speech Communication Course.” International Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference. Quebec City, Quebec Canada. Oct. 2014. (Panel Chair/presenter). In collaboration with Fr. Robert V. Lyons. “Mission in Action in our Departments.” Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities Communication Conference. Fairfield University. Fairfield, CT July 2014. (Panel Chair/presenter). Kevin B. McCruden. “Jesus Christ Superstar.” Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Jan. 31, 2015. (Panelist). Kristina J. Morehouse. "What Manifesto?" Annual Conference of Western States Communication Association. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Feb. 23, 2015. (Panel). Stefania Nedderman. “"Il bosco degli urogalli." Il luogo della memoria.” Annual Conference of the AAIS. University of Colorado. Boulder, CO Mar. 28, 2015. (Paper).
“Failure to Find Meaning: Jeff Wayne’s Solipsistic Spartacus.” 111th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS). Boulder, CO Mar. 27, 2015. In collaboration with Danielle Layne. “What Can We Learn from Ancient Mythology?” Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Mar. 31, 2015. Albert A. Osborne. “The New Old Corporate Speak: Saying Nothing and Monetizing Everything.” 45th Annual Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA Apr. 2, 2015. “Spontaneity, Provocation, and Cinematic Truth in Classic Cinema Verite.” Film & History Annual Conference. Madison, WI Oct. 31, 2014. “Emotional Discomfort or Awkwardness as an Essential Moment in the Dialect of Confidence.” Annual Conference of Western States Communication Association. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Feb. 24, 2015. (Presentation). “Persuading the Media (Influence Tactics).” Avista Center for Entrepreneurship. Spokane Community College. Spokane, WA Apr. 20, 2015. (Presentation). Ann M. Ostendorf. “What a Pity We have Lost the Romance of the Gypsy Camp: Using Gypsies to Build a Nation.” Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference. PCA/ACA Conference. New Orleans, LA Apr. 2-3, 2015. (Conference presentation). “The War of the Quadrilles: Identity and the Music Culture of the Antebellum Lower Mississippi.” Music Department at the University of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, AL Apr. 9-11, 2015. (Invited lecturer).
Michael D. Nelson. “Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity is associated with hippocampal volume reduction: A meta-analytic study.” Association for Psychological Science – 27th Annual Convention. New York, NY May 21, 2015.
Suzanne Ostersmith. “Freedom through Choreographic Concepts.” Wild Heart Intuitive Painting and Expressive Arts Teacher Training. Mountain Home Ranch. Calistoga, CA Nov. 12, 2015. (Invited presenter).
“Workshop.” Monthly Artist Series. Trackside Gallery. Spokane, WA 2015. (Demonstrations).
“Giving Voice Through the Arts.” Wild Heart Intuitive Painting and Expressive Arts Teacher Training. Mountain Home Ranch. Calistoga, CA Feb. 18, 2015. (Invited presenter).
John N. Sheveland. “Feminist Analysis and Rehabilitation of Ashvagosa's Life of the Buddha.” Pacific Northwest Region American Academy of Religion. University of Calgary. Calgary, ON Canada May 2014.
“Musical Theatre Dance.” Regional American College Dance Festival. University of Northern Colorado. Greeley, CO Apr. 18, 2015. (Master classes). “Dance as Catalyst: the State of the Dance Art for our Region.” Spokane Art Salon. Luxe Community Meeting Space. Spokane, WA July 15, 2014. (Invited presenter). “Programming Dance for Parkinson’s.” Spokane Parkinson Resource Center Regional Power Summit. Northern Quest Casino. Airway Heights, WA Sept. 6, 2014. (Invited presenter). Shannon Overbay. “Book Embeddings of Zero-divisor Graphs.” 22nd Coast Combinatorics Conference. University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. King Kamehameha's Kona Beach Hotel. Kailua-Kona, HI Feb. 9-12, 2015. (Lecture). “Preparing for Leadership Positions.” MAA Meeting of the Pacific Northwest -Project NExT. Mathematical Association of America. University of Montana. Missoula, MT June 26-28, 2014. (Workshop). “Leadership Workshop.” MAA Meeting of the Pacific Northwest. Mathematical Association of America. University of Washington. Tacoma, WA Apr. 10-11, 2015. (Workshop). Charles Pepiton. “Via Negativa: Resistance Training for the Performer.” Kennedy Center/American College Theatre Festival. Central Washington University. Ellensburg, WA Feb. 17, 2015. (Workshop). Wayne Pomerleau. "Philosophy's Four Critical Questions.” Annual Northwest Philosophy Conference. Ellensburg, WA Nov. 8, 2014. (Paper / discussion). Ron Prindle. “Best Business Practices Idaho State ESGR.” Department of Defense Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Leadership Training Conference. Arlington, VA Aug. 2014. (Presenter). Raymond W. Rast. Latinos in Heritage Conservation. University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ May 2015. (Founding meeting – invited participant). Eric Ross. “New materials for the chromatographic analysis of ion interactions at phospholipid bilayers.” 248th National Meeting of American Chemical Society. San Francisco, CA Aug. 10, 2014. (Session discussion). Matthew Rude. “Visiting Artist.” Coconino Community College. Flagstaff, AZ 2015. (3-Day Workshop & Lectures). “Taboo-The Work of Chris Ricardo.” Young Patrons. The Art Spirit Gallery of Fine Art. Coeur d’Alene, ID 2015. (Gallery Lecture).
“Artist Journey.” Whitworth College Art Seminar. Whitworth College. Spokane, WA 2015. (Panel discussion).
“Karl Barth and Vedanta Desika: Anthropological Gleanings.” American Academy of Religion. San Diego Convention Center. San Diego, CA Nov. 2014. (Selected session). “Comparative Theology as Receptive: the Asian Bishops as Resource.” Receptive Ecumenism II: Receptive Ecumenism in International Perspective. Fairfield and Durham Universities. Fairfield University. Fairfield, CT June 2014. Lisa E. Silvestri. “Socially Mediated Acts of Kindness: Exploring the Potential of Online Charity Memes.” International Communication Association. Gonzaga University. San Juan, Puerto Rico May 2015. (Paper). “Selfie Shame: Social Gratification in Digital Culture.” National Communication Association. Chicago, IL Nov. 2014. (Paper). “Image Creation and Sharing: Practices vs. Policy.” South by Southwest Festival. Austin, TX Mar. 2015. (Invited lecture). “Mortars and Memes.” International Communication Association. Seattle, WA May 2014. (Paper). “Remembering Close Calls and Recuperating the Wounds of War.” Annual Conference of Western States Communication Association. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Feb. 2015. (Paper). Helen F. Smith. “Assessing an Undergraduate Research Experience.” National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Eastern Washington University. Cheney, WA Apr. 17, 2015. (Lecture). Robert Spittal. Presentations and Lectures at University of Montana, Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic (Chicago), National Flute Association (Chicago) and Mercer Island High School. Leslie Stamoolis. “Intro to Costume Design.” Medical Lake High School Drama Club. Medical Lake High School. Medical Lake, WA Feb. 11, 2015. (Lecture/discussion). Scott Starbuck. “Critical Review: “A People “Holy to YHWH”: High Priestly Regalia and the Israelite Vocation.” Pacific Northwest Regional American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature. Hebrew Bible Research Group on Clothing 2014-2016. Marylhurst University. Marylhurst, OR Mar. 28, 2015. (Paper).
“Disrobing an Isaianic Metaphor: ה ָק ָד ְצ לי ִע ְמas powertransfer in Isaiah 61:10.” Pacific Northwest Regional American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature. Hebrew Bible Research Group on Clothing 2014-2016. Marylhurst University. Marylhurst, OR Mar. 28, 2015. (Paper). Nancy Staub. “How do growth rates relate to patterns of sexual dimorphism in the Black salamander, Aneides flavipunctatus?” 6th Conference on the Biology of Plethodontid Salamanders. University of Tulsa. Tulsa, OK May 2014. (Lecture). Rebecca Stephanis. “‘El cuarto país de leyenda’: Alfredo Varela y la construcción de Misiones, Argentina” XI Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana. University of Costa Rica. San Jose, Costa Rica Aug. 4-8, 2014. (Paper). Patricia Terry. “Tradition, Change, and Improving the Core Curriculum.” Association for General and Liberal Studies Conference. Atlanta, GA Sept. 2014. (Paper). In collaboration with David Boose. “Creating Communities of Practice around the Core Curriculum: Collective Learning for Sustainable Change.” American Association of Colleges and Universities General Education and Assessment Conference. Kansas City, MO Feb. 2015. (Paper co-presenter). James D. Thayer. “Action at the Edge: Liminality and Other Ambiguities in The Dream of the Rood.” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Annual Convention. Boise, ID Oct. 2014. (Academic paper). Gary Thorne. “Fill-in Handouts Improve Retention as Much as Classroom Notes.” Association for Psychological Science Annual Conference. New York, NY May 22, 2015. Linda Tredennick. “Supper Strife and the Translated Utopia of the Imagination.” Rocky Mountain MLA Annual Conference. Boise, ID Oct. 2014. Michael Treleaven. “Canadian Studies & International Studies: Why the division?” Pacific Northwest Canadian Studies Consortium Annual Meeting. Canadian Consulate General of Seattle. Seattle, WA Feb. 6, 2015. Georgie Ann Weatherby. “Women and Power in the Florentine Renaissance.” Transnational Florence. Academia Museum. Florence, Italy Feb. 2015. (Featured speaker). Nicole Willms. “Mini-Stars: Japanese American Female Athletes.” North American Society for the Sociology of Sport 35th Annual Conference. Portland, OR Nov. 5-8, 2014. (Panelist).
“Romance, Fantasy, and Gendered Identities in Twilight.” The Gender and Pop Culture Speaker Series. Women’s and Gender Studies and English Departments. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Oct.28, 2014. (Lecture). Maya Zeller. "Six Words Does Not a Sestina Make." Centrum. Fort Worden, Port Townsend WA Apr. 2015. (Workshop minisession). “Writing Animals Into Your Work.” Centrum. Fort Worden, Port Townsend, WA Apr. 2015. (Workshop minisession). “Lilac City Fairy Tales.” Spokane, WA Sept. 25, 2014. “Railtown Almanac Roadshow.” Spokane, WA Dec. 5, 2014. “Get Lit! Reading.” Lost Horse Press. Spokane, WA Apr. 2015. “Looking Forward, Looking Back.” Stringtown Press Reading. Spokane, WA Jan. 2015. “Poetry & Fiction at the Heartwood.” Sandpoint, ID Mar. 1, 2015. “Floating Bridge Press Authors Reading.” Spokane, WA Nov. 15, 2014.
Hackney, D., Andrew M. Brajcich, Friesner, D., & Kent A. Hickman. “Effects of IRS collection activities on the determination to file bankruptcy.” MBAA Conference, Chicago, IL (2014). Hackney, D., Friesner, D., & Matthew Q. McPherson. “Do debtors have an obvious financial rationale for filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition?” MBAA Conference, Chicago, IL (2014). Hackney, D., Hackney, J., John H. Beck., & McPherson, M. “Regional differences in Chapter 13 filings: Southern legal culture or religion?” Utah Valley University Conference on Religious Faith and Social and Applied Sciences, Orem, UT (2014). Kevin E. Henrickson. “The impact of the top-two primary on voter participation.” Western Economics Association Annual Meetings, Denver, CO (2014). Matthew Hoag. “Federal awards audit case: Internal controls for compliance.” Conference for Teaching Learning and Assessment as part of the Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, Atlanta, GA (2014). Sara Kern. Experiential learning in accounting (panel). American Accounting Association, National Meeting, Chicago, IL (2015).
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Mirjeta Beqiri & Adriane Leithauser. “Service Learning for MBAs: Engaging graduate students with the University’s mission.” 17th Annual CJBE Conference, San Francisco, CA (2014). Paul F. Buller, P.F. & McEvoy, G.M. “Implementing a sustainability strategy through human resource management practices.” Western Academy of Management, Kauai, HI (2015). Chou-Hong Jason Chen, Chen, T., Hsiao, P., & Yang, M. “Investigating consumers’ adoption intention of wearable devices from the perspective of consumer perception.” International Conference on Information Management, Taipei, Taiwan. (2015). Chen, T., Ta-Tao Chuang, & Nakatani, K. “Business value of cloud computing: An explorative study.” Conference of Application, Security, and Audit Issues in Cloud Computing Service, Taipei, Taiwan. (2014). Simha, A., David F. Elloy, and Huang, T. “Burnout and demographic variables in nurses.” Midwest Academy of Management, Minneapolis, MN (2014). Donald D. Hackney., Friesner, D., & Underwood, D. “Diversity, solidarity and sustainable community economic development.” Association for Institutional Thought, Portland, OR (2015).
Why many audits still fail to detect fraud and how we can improve these outcomes? (panel). American Accounting Association, Forensic Accounting Section, Denver, CO (2015). “The Justice for Fraud Victims project: How to develop a forensic accounting class that investigates local cases of white collar crime.” 9th Seventh-day Adventist Business Teachers Conference, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI (2014). “Rules, regulations, and ethics training for CPAs in Washington.” Accounting and FinancialWomen’s Alliance 2014 Northwest Conference, Spokane, WA (2014). Honing the region: Reflections and future plans (panel). American Accounting Association, Western Regional Conference, Salt Lake City, UT (2014). Law, D. & Patil, V. “An exploratory study of the effects of exhaustion and social support on business students’ persistence.” Allied Academies Spring International Conference, New Orleans, LA (2015). Bull Schaefer, R.A., Molly Pepper, & Hendricks, N. “Teacher-tostudent feedback: How are we applying what we teach?” OBTC conference (Teaching Society for Management Educators), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN (2014). Rebecca Bull Schaefer. “Face-to-face teacher-student performance appraisals.” Annual OBTC conference (Teaching Society for Management Educators), University of La Verne, La Verne, CA (2015).
Mark J. Shrader & Todd A. Finkle. “Creative achievement & intelligence among student entrepreneurs.” Western Academy of Management, Kauai, HI (2015).
Alfonso, V. C. “Learning disabilities: Analyzing strengths and weaknesses.” Presentation given at the 2015 General & Special Education Conference, Seattle, WA Mar. 2015.
Mark J. Shrader, Kent A. Hickman, Danielle Xu, & Lawson, D. “The Forbes 400 and the Gates-Buffet giving pledge.” Finance, Risk and Accounting Perspectives Conference, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom. (2014).
Alfonso, V. C. “Learning disabilities: Tailoring interventions.” Presentation given at the 2015 General & Special Education Conference, Seattle, WA Mar. 2015.
Brian Steverson. “No really, there is such a thing as business ethics.” Spokane Annual ACFR Fraud Conference, Spokane, WA (2014). “Business as inherently ethical practice.” Salmon Creek/Falls Brand Symposium, Great Falls, MT (2014). “Companions in mission: The art of integrating ethics throughout business education or how you can be a business ethicist in 3 easy steps.” Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education, San Francisco, CA (2014).
Alfonso, V. C. “CHC theory, the cross-battery assessment method and software, SLD identification, assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse individuals, and X-BASS.” Presentation given to the Capistrano Unified School District, San Juan Capistrano, CA Feb. 2015. Alfonso, V. C. “CHC theory, the cross-battery assessment method and software, SLD identification, and assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse individuals.” Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Ventura County Association of School Psychologists, Ventura County, CA Oct. 2014.
Dan Stewart, & Verbos, A. “Engaging Voices in Native American Talking Circles.” Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, Nashville, TN (2014).
Alfonso, V. C. “Utility of cross-battery assessment and pattern of strengths and weaknesses in SLD identification.” Presentation given at the annual meeting of the California Association of School Psychologists, San Diego, CA Oct. 2014.
Alfonso, V. C. “The cross-battery approach: Overview and interpretation of results using the data management and interpretive assistant.” Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Oregon and Washington States Association of School Psychologists, Stevenson, WA Oct. 2014.
Vincent Alfonso & Flanagan, D. P. “WJ IV and WISC-V cross-battery assessments for intervention in SLD referrals.” Mini-skills workshop presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Orlando, FL Feb. 2015. Hynes, C. V., Alfonso, V. C., & Flanagan, D. P. “CHC constructs measured by new and revised ability tests.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Orlando, FL Feb. 2015. Flanagan, D. P., & Alfonso, V. C. “The SLD pattern of strengths and weaknesses and the WJ IV.” Mini-skills workshop presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Orlando, FL. Feb. 2015. Hynes, C. V., & Alfonso, V. C. “The Bronx project: A 16-year prevention and early intervention project.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Aug. 2014. Katsiotas, N., & Alfonso, V. C. “Is life satisfaction associated with access to social support for parents of children with special needs?” Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D. Aug. 2014. Alfonso, V. C. “CHC theory, the cross-battery assessment method and software, SLD identification, and X-BASS.” Presentation given to the Ventura County Association of School Psychologists, Ventura County, CA May 2015. Alfonso, V. C. “Learning disabilities: analyzing strengths and weaknesses and tailoring interventions.” Presentation given to the Chula Vista School District, Chula Vista, CA Mar. 2015.
Alfonso, V. C. “CHC theory, the cross-battery assessment method and software, SLD identification, and assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse individuals.” Presentation given to the Ventura County Association of School Psychologists, Camarillo, CA Oct. 2014. Elisabeth Bennett. Backlund, R., Backlund, M., Llaurado, A., & Bennett, “Get your clients in the groove: The use of dance as technique.” Presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL Mar. 2015. Bennett, E., Bennett, W., Cataldi, J., Reidy, J., Roth, A., Howells, R.., Poindexter, T., Vollrath, D., Davari, J., & Gill, G. “Neuroanatomy and psychopharmacology: Current medications, how they work, and the counselor’s supportive role.” Presented at the Learning Institute, American Counseling Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL Mar. 2015. Bennett, E., Brown, M., Reidy, H., Roth, A., Rugo, K., Pedlar, S., Price, P., Perales, J., Llaurado, A., Jeon, K., & Mak, T. “Grit, gratitude, and gumption: Developing “academic fitness.” Presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL Mar. 2015. Bennett, E., Beal, A., Cataldi, J., Rugo, K., Graydon, M., & Perales, A. “Sexual dysfunction: Best practice application grounded in attachment theory.” Presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL Mar. 2015.
Boe Burrus. Moscicki, B., Matthews, T., & Paolone, V. “The effect of acute L-carnitine and carbohydrate supplementation on exercise parameters.” Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine National Convention, San Diego, CA May 2015. Burrus, B., Moscicki, B., Matthews, T., & Paolone, V. “The effect of acute L-carnitine and carbohydrate supplementation on exercise parameters.” Presented at theAmerican College of Sports Medicine Northwest Conference, Bend, OR Feb. 2015. Farrell, K., Bruce, E., Stonecipher, L., & Burrus, B. “Wellness course influence on behaviors and attitudes of university students.” Presented at SHAPE America National Convention and Expo, Seattle, WA Mar. 2015. Anny Case & Dawson, C., Writing their way into teaching: “How high-stakes teacher performance assessments invite an argument for competency.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL Apr. 2015. Jonas Cox. “The children of incarcerated parents: Meeting their needs.” Paper presented at the Young Child Expo and Conference, Spokane, WA Oct. 2015. Cox, J., & Salina, C., “The forgotten theory: Why educational reform continues to fail.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of The Northwest Association of Teacher Educators, Pullman, WA June 2015. Cox, J., Nitta, K., & Salina, C., “Higher education: Changing roles in reform.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of The Northwest Association of Teacher Educators, Pullman, WA June 2015. Al Fein & Isaacson, N., “Echoes of Columbine: The emotion work of leadership in school shooting sites.” Presented at the 15th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI 2015. Michelle Ghoston. “Broaching- a necessary skill!” Presented at the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, May 2015. Field, T., Ghoston, M., & Price, P., “Crisis intervention strategies for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.” Presented at the American Counseling Association, Orlando, FL Mar. 2015. Ghoston, M., Ghoston, L., & Napier, L., “Can we do more in assessing potential violence?” Presented at the American Counseling Association, Orlando, FL Mar. 2015. Shepard, J., Ghoston, M., Reyes, R., & Dos Ramos, P., “Crossing borders: Local and global perspectives on teaching cultural diversity.” Presented at the International Globalization, Diversity & Education Conference, Spokane, WA Feb. 2015. Wissel, A., & Ghoston, M., “Supporting students with mental health needs in the classroom.” Presented at the Washington Counseling Association, Seattle, WA Nov. 2014.
Wissel, A., Ghoston, M., & Grundmanis, K., “What do you mean this is NOT a culturally diverse experience?” Presented at the Western Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Anaheim, CA Nov. 2014. Field, T., & Ghoston, M., “The impact of the affordable care act on counseling services: Surviving and thriving in an uncertain market.” Presented at the Western Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Anaheim, CA Nov. 2014. Suzann Girtz & Lambert, “Inquiry, advocacy, and partnership: The engagement of TPPs to address just practices connected to the edTPA.” Presented at the International Globalization, Diversity & Education Conference, Spokane, WA 2015. Silliman, S., Boggan, T., Labay, V., DePalma, P., Girtz, S., & Ricco, G., “Initial evaluation of a living learning center for engineering and computer science.” Presented at the KEEN Winter Conference, Tempe, AZ Jan. 2015. Cynthia Johnson & Girtz, S., “Shepherding new teachers between evaluation systems: From edTPA to TPEP.” WASA/ AWSP Summer Conference, Spokane, WA June 2015. Dan Mahoney. “Outcomes of ethics instruction for K-12 teachers and their students.” Presented at the Third Biennial Plato Conference, Seattle, WA June 2015. Mahoney, D.J.,“Ethics and educational leadership.” Presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Cost Mesa, CA Feb. 2015. Mahoney, D.J., “Outcomes of ethics education and educational leadership.” Presented at the 10th Annual Critical Questions in Education Conference, San Diego, CA Feb. 2015. T.F. “Tim” McLaughlin. Heric, K., Morgan, S., Jennifer Neyman, “A comparison of di flashcards and go talk application on an ipad for a high school student with Cri-du-Chat Syndrome.” Poster presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Cheney, WA Apr. 2015. Rivera, G., McNulty, M., Neyman, J., & McLaughlin, T. F., “The effects of direct instruction highlighting procedure on the reading comprehension of a ninth grade student with learning disabilities: A case report.” Poster presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Cheney, WA Feb. 2015. Heidi Nordstrom. “Gendered experiences of female football officials.” Paper presented at the National Technology and Social Sciences Conference, Las Vegas, NV Mar. 2015. Nordstrom, H., & Warner, “Suited for stripes: Experience of female football officials.” Paper presented at the North America Society for the Sociology of Sport National Conference, Portland, OR Nov. 2014. S. Roger Park. “Approach of CHAID Decision Tree Model to Sport Market: A case study on an Arena Football League franchise.” Presented at the Western Society for Kinesiology and Wellness Conference, Reno, NV Oct. 2014.
Elaine Radmer & Darragh, J., “The impact of culturally responsive young adult literature when teaching common core literacy standards.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL Apr. 2015. Radmer, E.M., & Gotch, C.M., “What do teachers need to know about assessment?” Presented at the annual meeting of the Washington Educational Research Association, Seatac, WA Dec. 2014. Heid, M., Laurent, I.N., & Radmer, E.M., Stories from the classroom. In M. Pepper & R. Reyes (Chairs), “Autopsy of a classroom discussion: Did I say the right thing?” Alternative Session presented at the International Globalization, Diversity and Education Conference, Spokane, WA Feb. 2015. Radmer, E.M., “Teachable moments about privilege.” Turning awkward classroom moments into positive learning experiences. Roundtable conducted at the annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association, Spokane, WA Feb. 2015. Martha Savage. Palouse Language and Culture Symposium. Paper presentation. Explicit methods to promote critical thinking. University of Idaho, Apr. 2015. Jerri Shepard & Reyes, R., “Local and global perspectives: Lessons learned from teaching Leadership in Zambia.” Presented at International Globalization, Diversity and Education Conference, Washington State University, Spokane, WA Feb. 2015. Shepard, J., Ghoston, M., Reyes, R., & Dos Ramos, P., “Crossing borders: Local and global perspectives on teaching cultural diversity.” Presented at the International Globalization, Diversity and Education Conference, Washington State University, Spokane, WA Feb. 2015. John Traynor. “Dr. John Traynor (Associate Professor of Teacher Education) and Gonzaga University: A parallel history with perspectives on K-12 education.” Paper presented to the Gonzaga in Florence Professional Seminar, Florence, Italy, Feb. 2015. Thomas Trotter. “School counselor self-advocacy – The key to survival.” Presented to the Washington School Counselor Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA Feb. 2015. “School counselor self-advocacy – The key to survival.” Presented to the Idaho School Counselor Association Annual Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID Oct. 2014. Adriana Wissel. Sotl, J., Spruill, K., Brown, J., & Spies, A., “Strategies to support students experiencing grief and loss.” Presented at the Washington School Counseling Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA Feb. 2015.
Mark Young. “What do the best counselor educators do?” Presented at the Idaho Counseling Association Annual Conference, Pocatello, ID Jan. 2015. Young, M.A, Reilly, B., & Garn, P., “Live supervision: Reflecting in action. Live! Part I.” Presented at the Idaho Counseling Association Annual Conference, Pocatello, ID Jan. 2015. Young, M.A, Reilly, B., & Garn, P., “Live supervision: Reflecting in action. Live! Part II.” Presented at the Idaho Counseling Association Annual Conference, Pocatello, ID Jan. 2015.
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE Paul De Palma, Strong, W., Kelly, E. “Child-Directed Speech to Preschoolers Who Are Hard-of-Hearing.” Poster, 89th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Portland, OR Jan. 2015. VanDam, M. De Palma, P., Strong, W., Kelly, E. “Child-Directed Speech of Fathers.” Poster, 89th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Portland, OR Jan. 2015. VanDam, M., De Palma, P., Strong, W. “Fundamental Frequency of Speech Directed to Children Who Have Hearing Loss.” Poster, 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA May 2015.
Wissel, A., Grundmanis, K., Ruddell, R., & Chamberlain, L., “Strategies to strengthen and promote a positive school climate.” Presented at the Washington School Counseling Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA Feb. 2015.
“Soft Lake Marl Considerations in Engineering Practice,” ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers), Fall Regional General Meeting, Spokane, WA. Aimee Navickis-Brasch, Noel Bormann, Sue Niezgoda, and Zarecor, M. “Expanding the Presence of Stormwater Management in Undergraduate Civil Engineering.” Proceedings of the 121st ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Indianapolis, IN, June 15-18, 2014. Sue Niezgoda. “Taking the Reigns: Setting the Vision for the Future of River Restoration Northwest.” Closing Speaker at 2015 Northwest Stream Restoration Symposium, River Restoration Northwest, Stevenson, WA Feb. 1-3, 2015. Niezgoda, S.L. “Hydrology, Hydraulics and Modeling Modules.” Three, 2-hour modules in the Portland State University, Environmental Professional Program, Stream Restoration Certificate Program Physical Processes Short Course. CoFacilitator and Instructor, Portland, OR Mar. 2015 (6 PDHs). 2015. Muller Price, J., and Niezgoda, S.L. “Get your feet wet!” – Experiential learning activities along Lost Creek. Proceedings of the 121st ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Indianapolis, IN June 15-18, 2014. 2014.
VanDam, M., De Palma, P., Strong, W. Fathers' “Use of Fundamental Frequency in Motherese.” Poster, 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA May 2015. Patrick Ferro. “Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Recommendations for Forged Designs,” and “Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Recommendations for Casting Designs,” seminars presentation at Haskins Steel, Spokane WA Oct. 2014. P. Ferro with students: E. Petersen, C. Trebilcock, E. Dawson. “Review of Interstitial Metal Hydride Alloys used in Contemporary Hydrogen Storage Applications,” National Conference for Undergraduate Research (NCUR), Cheney, WA Apr. 2015. P. Ferro with students: P. Cruz, M. Burke “Stress Amplitude (S) as a Function of Number of Cycles to Failure (Nf) for 304 Stainless,” poster at National Conference for Undergraduate Research (NCUR), Cheney WA Apr. 2015. Mark R. Muszynski and Hodek, R.J. “Change in Local Void Ratio Distribution of Sand as a Function of Aging Time,” 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 2014 (ICPMG 2014), Perth, Australia, 14-17 Jan. 2014, pp. 1267–1272, ISBN: 978-1-138-00152-7, DOI: 10.1201/b16200182. (2014). Muszynski, M. R. “Lateral Earth Pressure Fundamentals and Shearing Resistance of Soil; Is the friction angle really always 30degrees?”, ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers), Spring Conference of Inland Chapter, Spokane, WA.
Schwartz, J.S., and Niezgoda, S.L. “Urban Stream Restoration: A Monitoring and Assessment Framework.” 2015 Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, TN Apr. 1-3, 2015. Steve Schennum, B.Gravelle, C. Croskrey, J. Smock, and R.Conley. “Dual Feed Omni-directional Antenna for Adaptive Polarization and MIMO Transceivers,” presented at the 2015 Wireless Innovation Forum, San Diego, CA Mar. 25, 2015. Stephen Silliman, Toni Boggan, Vladimir Labay, George Ricco, and Suzann Girtz. “Characteristics of students self-selecting into a freshman living-learning community for engineers and computer scientists,” Proceedings, ASEE (American Society of Engineering Education) annual conference and exposition, Seattle, WA June 2015, Yun Tian, Yanqing Ji. “A Prototype Spatio-temporal Database Built on Top of Relational Database”, 12th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2015), 6 pages, Las Vegas, NV Apr. 13-15, 2015. Yanqing Ji, Hao Ying, John Tran, Peter Dews, Ayman Mansour, R. Michael Massanari. “A Temporal Interestingness Measure for Drug Interaction Signal Detection in Post-marketing Surveillance,” 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 2722 - 2725, Chicago, IL Aug. 26-30, 2014. Dickerson, M., Kathie Yerion. “Tutorial: Modeling, Simulation, and NetLogo in the Introductory Computer Science Curriculum,” Northwest Regional Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, Spokane, WA Oct. 2014.
SCHOOL OF LAW Megan Ballard. “J.D. or LL.M.? Understanding the Differences,” EducationUSA Law Conference in Seoul, South Korea, Apr.2015. Lisa Bradley and Kevin Shelley. “Beginners Need the Basics,” Rocky Mountain Legal Writing Conference at the New Mexico School of Law in Albuquerque, NM Mar. 2015. Scott Burnham and Stephen Sepinuck. “Recent Commercial Law Developments” at a CLE hosted by the law firm of Lane Powell in Seattle, WA in Dec. 2014. Patrick Charles. Interviewed by Professor Emeritus of Law at American University Patrick Kehoe for HeinOnline’s Oral History of Law Librarianship in the fall of 2014. The interview is posted on HeinOnline. “How Law Librarians Can Easily Get Articles on Legal Research Published,” Western Pacific Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries annual conference, Seattle, WA Oct. 2014. Lynn Daggett. “McCleary: A Case Study of Washington’s Educational Funding Responsibilities” at Gonzaga Law School in Spokane, WA Fall 2014. Mark DeForrest. “Across Borders: Leading in Advising Student Journals,” 2015 Northwest Regional Legal Writing Conference at the University of Oregon in Eugene, OR Apr. 2015. Jason Gillmer. “Lawyers and Slaves on Galveston Island,” Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, OR Feb. 2015. “An Enslaved Woman’s Story of Accessing Justice.” Access to Justice Conference, Texas A&M Law School, Fort Worth, TX May 2015. “Sex, Race, and Family on the Gulf Coast.” 2nd Annual Inland Northwest Scholars Workshop, University of Idaho School of Law, Moscow, ID July 2014. Jennifer Gellner. “Collection Due Process Hearings: Procedures and Strategies with the IRS and Review by the United States Tax Court,” Spokane County Bar Association, Solo and Small Practice Section Monthly CLE Brown Bag Lunch, Nov. 2014. “Pennies on the Dollar: An Overview of the IRS Offer in Compromise Program,” Washington Association of Accountants Monthly Meeting, Sept. 2014. Gail Hammer. “Using Case Rounds in Clinical Teaching,” Northwest Clinical Law Conference, Skamania, WA Oct. 2014. Gerry Hess. “Community of Teachers Project: Continuing Development as Teachers,” Dalhousie University Schulich School of Law in Canada, Feb. 2015. Brooks Holland. “Limited License Legal Technicians and Legal Education,” annual Society of American Law Teachers Conference, Loyola Law School in Chicago, IL Mar. 2015.
“Ethics and Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Waivers”, CLE program organized by the Federal Defender for the Eastern District of Washington, Spokane, WA Dec. 2014. “Preserving Records for Appeal,” Washington State Office of Public Defense CLE held in Spokane, WA Sept. 2014. “Confidentiality and Capital Case Mitigation,” Washington State Office of Public Defense Capital Defense Training Conference, Vancouver, WA Aug. 2014. Brooks Holland and George Critchlow. “Should Law Teachers Committed to Social Justice Champion the De-Structuring of the Legal Profession?”, SALT conference held at UNLV in Las Vegas, NV Oct. 2014. Amy Kelly. Co-presented “The Right to a Remedy, Access to Courts, and the Influence of Lord Coke’s Interpretation of the Magna Carta,” Annual appellate judge’s conference at Alderbrook, WA Mar. 2015. Jessica Kiser. “Quality Control, Naked Licensing, and Consumer Trademark Use,” Rocky Mountain Junior Scholars Forum, hosted by the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law, Salt Lake City, UT Nov. 2014. “Naked Licensing.” Junior Scholars Virtual Colloquium, Michigan State University College of Law, East Lansing, MI Aug. 2014. “Trademark’s Fans.” 2nd Annual Inland Northwest Scholars Workshop, University of Idaho School of Law, Moscow, ID July 2014. Inga Laurent. “Responding to the New ABA Standard 314 – Assessment in the Law School and in the Field: What We’re Doing and How We Can Do It Better,” AALS Clinical Conference in Rancho Mirage, CA May 2015.
“Gonzaga University School of Law just completed our 103rd year. This past year we recognized numerous outstanding faculty achievements including the publication of books and numerous and significant law review articles. In addition, two faculty members, Professor Ann Murphy and Associate Professor Inga Laurent were selected as a Fulbright Scholars. We also recognized Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Sandra Simpson, for her leadership with the Institute of Law Teaching and Learning. I am excited for the future of Gonzaga Law as we continue to provide a rigorous, yet practical legal education that prepares our graduates to have a great impact on the communities they serve.” – JANE KORN, J.D., DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF LAW
“Magna Carte: Symbol of Liberty under the Rule of Law,” Keynote Address, Law Day Program, Spokane, WA May 2015.
Dan Morrissey. “What is New in Blue Sky Land,” Securities Law Conference held at Loyola Law School in Chicago, ILOct. 2014.
“The U.S. Death Penalty: The Movement Toward Abolition,” at Shanghai University for Finance and Economics in Shanghai, China, in Nov. 2014.
Ann Murphy. “Common Law versus Civil Law” and “Taxation in the United States” Xinjiang Normal University, Xinjiang, PRC, Apr. 2015.
“Women’s Empowerment in Iceland,” Center for Women and Democracy, Seattle, WA Oct. 2014.
“Elements of Trial in the U.S.” and “The Confrontation Clause” Jinan University, Guangzhou, PRC, Apr. 2015. “Elements of a Trial in the United States” Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing PRC, Mar. 2015. “New Issues in Elder Abuse,” at Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ROC, and, later, National Taiwan University, ROC, May 2015. China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing, the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing, and the Southwest University of Political Science and Law in Chongqing, in the fall of 2014. Kim Pearson. Annual 2015 Neil Gotanda Lecture at UC Berkeley Law School, Feb. 2015. Co-presented "Gender, Race, and Ideal Parenthood in Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl", annual Law and Society Conference in Seattle, WA May 2015. “Teaching Identity in a Post-Identity Classroom,” at the annual SALT conference held at UNLV in Las Vegas, NV, in Oct. 2014. “Chemical Kids,” at the AALS Midyear meeting on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues, in Washington, D.C., in June 2014. “Baby Veronica.” 2nd Annual Inland Northwest Scholars Workshop, University of Idaho School of Law, Moscow, ID July 2014. Stephen Sepinuck. “Effective Skills Training: Is it More Than Practice?”, at a conference held at Emory University School of Law in Atlanta, GA June 2014. “Advanced Seminar on IP Traps in Secured Financing,” ACCFL in Chicago, IL Sept. 2014. “Secured Transaction Update” and “Ninth Circuit Update”, Eastern District Bankruptcy Conference in Sun Mountain, WA June 2014. Sandra Simpson. “Developing Solid Rubrics to Improve Student Performance,” Appalachian Law School, in Grundy, VA Mar. 2015. “The Institutional Assessment Cycle: How to Start Developing Institutional Learning Outcomes and be in Compliance with the ABA Standards.” Workshop, Concordia Law School, Boise, ID May 2015. Mary Pat Treuthart. “Presidential Directives and Women’s Rights,” annual AALS Academic Symposium in Washington, D.C. Jan. 2015. “Violence Against Women: International and Domestic Remedies,” Gonzaga Journal of International Law’s Annual International Law Symposium, Spokane, WA Feb. 2015.
“Two Current Capital Punishment Problems: Actual Innocence and Botched Executions,” Gonzaga Law School, Spokane, WA Aug. 2014. Larry Weiser. Municipal Administrative Procedures Act at the Northwest Administrative Law Institute, Vancouver, WA Sept. 2014.
SCHOOL OF NURSING & HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Molenaar, C.E., Tina Geithner, C.A., Henriksson, T., FjellmanWiklund, A. and Gilenstam, K. “The relative age effect in women’s ice hockey: International and positional comparisons.” ACSM annual meeting (2015). Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Also presented at ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3. Duermit, B., Van Wyck, D., O’Connor, I., Baker, J., Burk, A., Ziemann, A. and Brian Higginson, “Thigh muscle activation in rowers during single and linked dynamic ergometer trials.” ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3. Lindecker, P. and Higginson, B. “Contributions of an external load on shooting performance during a novel shooting task.” Northwest Biomechanics Symposium, Seattle, WA. Lindecker, P. and Higginson, B. “Validation of inertial sensors for use in shooting event detection.” Northwest Biomechanics Symposium, Seattle, WA. Travis, J., Lindecker, P., James, B., Stocker, G., Townsend, E., Sullivan, L., Reynolds, S. and Higginson, B. “Effects of external mass on restoring normal gait parameters during underwater treadmill walking.” ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3.
“The School of Nursing and Human Physiology seeks to make a difference through excellence in education and scholarly pursuits in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition. The faculty achievements presented here embody this pursuit of excellence through a demonstration of what an integration of theory and practice can achieve. We are committed to maintaining exemplary outcomes for such outcomes are proof of the dedication and perseverance we bring to our work and to our students.” – BRENDA STEVENSON MARSHALL, PH.D., MPH, MAE, DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF NURSING AND HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY
Yamamoto, M., Silva, M., Mason, N., Brost, T., Lowrimore, C., Chavez, R. and Higginson B. “The efficacy of bracing vs kinesiotape for ankle functionality of recent injuries.” ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3. Halliwill, J.R., E.A. Wehrwein, E.J. Henriksen, D.J. McCann and S. Dawson. “Teaching Symposium: What's Your Major? The Rise of the Undergraduate Physiology Degree.” Experimental Biology, Boston, MA Mar. 2015. Lowrimore, C., Mason, N., Brost, T., Ward, K., Balmelli, B., Sullivan, L., Phillips, A. and McCann, D.J. “Comparison of cold-water immersion and compression on post-exercise muscle recovery.” ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3. Dan J. McCann. “A Flipped Classroom Using Screen-Capture Video.” Poster Presentation, Experimental Biology. Newman, S., Hashimoto, K., Jarvie, R., Lane, K., Orr, M., Townsend, E., White, D and McCann, D.J., Boston, MA, Mar. 30, 2015. “Immediate effect of laughter on physiological stress responses in college-ages males.” ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3. Reynolds, S., Berkoe, H., Travis, J., Lebon, H., Van Wyck, D., Caudill, K., Lynde, C. and McCann, D.J. “Effects of beet juice on oxygen consumption between trained and untrained cyclists.” ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3. Timberlake C, Winchell B, Molenaar C, Caudill K, Orr M, Pollastro A, and Ryan McCulloch. “Taping Effects on Ankle Stability During a Simulated Sporting Event.” ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3. Ward, K., Balmelli, B., Fein, S., Gale, K., Lebon, H., O'Loughlin, C., Zuehlsdorff, A., and McCulloch, R. “Effects of Dynamic Stretching on Golf Performance and Fatigue.” ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3. White, D., Hashimoto, K., Jarvie, R., Phillips, A., Quigley, K., Berkoe, H., Newman, S. and McCulloch, R. “Effects of Bracing and Taping on EMG and 2-D Kinematics for a Uniplanar Throw.” ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3.
Lindecker, P., James, B., Winchell, B., Stocker, G., O’Loughlin, C., Molenaar, C., Quigley, K., Pollastro, A. and Thorp, D. “Ventilatory Responses to added external dead space with varying resistance during exercise.” ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3. O’Connor, I., Yamamoto, M., Silva, M., Chavez, R., Duermit, B., Timberlake, C., Allen, B. and Thorp, D. “The effects of prior high intensity exercise on the diving response.” ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3. Zuehlsdorff, A., Gale, K., Fein, D., Baker, J., Burk, A., Ziemann, A. and Thorp, D. “Effects of peripheral and chest weight on metabolic responses while walking.” ACSM Northwest annual meeting (2015). International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Abstract Submissions: Vol. 8: Iss. 3. Brenda Senger. “Parent experience of caring for a child with mitochondrial disease.” Podium Presentation at Society of Pediatric Nurses 25th Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA Apr. 2015.
McCulloch RS, Ashwell MS, Maltecca, C, O'Nan AT, Mente PL. “Progression of Gene Expression Changes following a Mechanical Injury to Articular Cartilage as a Model of Early Stage Osteoarthritis.” Arthritis. Nov. 2014. James McKenzie., Brammer, C.L., and Stager, J.M. (2015). “Water Temperature affects Perception of Thermal Comfort, but not Exertion during Immersed Cycling Exercise Tests.” ACSM annual meeting (2015). Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 47(5).
SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES John S. Caputo, Heather M. Crandall. “The changing faces of peace and conflict: opportunities and limitations in approaches to peace and conflict communication.” National Communication Association, Nov. 2014. Carolyn C. Cunningham. “Diversity in the Online Classroom.” National Communication Association (Chicago, IL), Nov. 20-23, 2014. Carolyn C. Cunningham, Heather M. Crandall, A. Padfield, A. Loc, A. Taylor, A. Chiulli. “Nonprofit Organizations and Social Media Use.” Northwest Communication Association, Apr. 2015. Heather M. Crandall, C. Lamont. “Global news coverage of high profile drone strikes.” Western States Communication Association, Feb. 2015. Heather M. Crandall, Rob Bryant, Carolyn C. Cunningham, Kathie Yerion. We Can Do Better- Unlocking the Club House through Our Classroom Practices. Northwest Regional Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, 2014. Heather M. Crandall. “Listen Closely to this story: narrative Coherence in Lean In.” Panel on Can Women in Corporate America Lean in To Succeed? Organization for Research on Women and Communication Interest Group, 2015. Panel on helping to change the world in 140 characters of less?! #hashtagactivism. Media Studies Interest Group. As the world trends: social change inside and out. Western States Communication Association, Feb. 2015. Carolyn C. Cunningham, Heather M. Crandall. “Performing graduate student: Impression management in online discussion forums.” International Communication Association, Summer 2014. Shann Ferch. “Literature, Leadership and the Post-Masculine.” Panel presentation, American Association of Writers and Writing ProgramsNational Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Apr. 5-8, 2015. “Why Men are Less-represented in Leadership Programs.” Panel presentation, International Leadership Association: Global Conference, San Diego, CA, Oct. 30-Nov. 2, 2014. Chris Francovich. “Knowledge and Understanding in the Academy – A Gadamerian effort toward a Transdisciplinary Methodology to ‘Break’ the Banking Concept of Education. International Society of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (ISISS). Vancouver, BC. June 7, 2014.
Michael Hazel, C. Hsu. “Understanding online writing apprehension: an examination of temperament, motivation, fear of negative evaluation, and self-perceived communication competence.” Communication Apprehension & Competence Division. National Communication Association. Chicago, IL 2014. Pavel Shlossberg. “Danzas, Differential Belonging, and Cultural Citizenship from Above and Below in Rural Michoacan, Mexico.” Communication Association Convention, Ethnography Division, Las Vegas, NV Nov. 2015. “Facilitating White Privilege in the Online Classroom” Panel, Theorizing Race in Communication and Instruction Research: A Multi-Paradigmatic Approach. National Communication Association Convention, Ethnography Division, Las Vegas, NV Nov. 2015. “Artesanos, Patrimonial Discourses, Heritage Practices, and Indigenismo in Contemporary Mexico.” Panel,The Persistence of Indigenismo as Denied Racism in Contemporary Mexico and Ecuador.” Latin American Studies Association Congress; Race, and Indigenous Peoples Section, San Juan, PR, May 2015. “The Indigenous Arts Field in the United States and the Production of Indigenous Mexican Vulnerability.” Scheduled for “Scholar to Scholar: Exploring the Communicative Space of Marginalized Others, the Field, and the Family.” National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL Nov. 2014. “Engaging with Privilege in the Online Diversity Course Diversity and the Online Classroom.” Panel, Diversity and the Online Classroom. National Communication Association Convention, Instructional Development Division, Chicago, IL Nov. 2014.
FOLEY LIBRARY C Bagley. “Research as Inquiry” Panelist, Inland Infolit Conference, Spokane, WA Nov. 10, 2014. “Rejecting the Digital Native, Embracing the Student” Washington State Higher Education Technology Conference, Spokane, WA Mar. 13, 2015 (Peer Reviewed). David Kingma. Society of American Archivists: “Access to Religious Archives Impacted by Clergy Sexual Misconduct Allegations: Litigation and Equality of Access.” Aug. 15, 2014.
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Mary Farrell. 5th Painting & Mixed Media Competition. Lessedra Gallery. Lessedra, Bulgaria 2014. Lessedra World Art Print Annual. Lessedra Gallery. Lessedra, Bulgaria 2015. 2014 Waves on the Grand River. 1st Tanhualin-Guanlan International Printmaking Invitational Exhibition. Wuhan, China 2014. Multnomah Arts Center Figurative Show. Multnomah Arts Center. Portland, OR 2015. Small Works Invitational Show. Art Spirit Gallery. Coeur d’Alene, ID 2014. PLU National Print Exhibition. Pacific Lutheran University. Tacoma, WA 2015. NWPC Memorial Portfolio. Sneider Museum of Art. Ashland, OR 2015. Pigment / Paper: Seattle Print Arts 2015 Exhibition. Kirkland Art Center Gallery. Bellevue College. Bellevue, WA 2015. Visionary Art by Print Arts Northwest. 510 Museum and Art Space. Lake Oswego, OR 2015. PAN Exhibit. Cannon Gallery. Western Oregon University. Monmouth, OR 2014. Robert Gilmore. Recent Paintings. Ink Art Space. Spokane, WA Dec. 2014. Suzanne Ostersmith. Jesus Christ Superstar. Director & Choreographer. Magnuson Theatre. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Jan. - Feb. 2015. Candlelight Vigil. Lutheran Services Raising Awareness: Human Trafficking. Invited artist. Spokane, WA Jan. 2015. Charles Pepiton. Much Ado About Nothing. Magnuson Theatre, Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA. Oct. 2014.Uncharted Territory. Terrain. Spokane, WA Mar. 2015. Mathew Rude. Yunomi 2015 Invitational. Akar Gallery. Iowa City, IA 2015. Lake Effect. Saugatuck Center for the Arts. Saugatuck, MI, 2014. Kansas City Clay Guild Teabowl 2014 (Juried). Kansas City, MO 2014. The Clay Cup: Vessel, Icon, Canvas (Juried). University of MissouriColumbia. Columbia, MO, 2014. Drink This! Workhouse International Ceramic Cup Exhibition (Juried). Workhouse Art Center. Lorton, VA, 2015. Stoked! Eutectic Contemporary Ceramics Gallery. Portland, OR 2015. 16th Annual Small Artworks Invitational. The Art Spirit Gallery of Fine Art. Coeur d’Alene, ID 2014. Cup of Joy. Trackside Gallery. Spokane, WA 2014. Recent Works: Mat Rude and Aubrey Purdy Rude. Trackside Gallery. Spokane, WA 2015. Leslie Stamoolis. Laura, or Scenes from a Common World Tromso, Norway. Mar. - June, 2015.
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Laurie Arnold. “Mythbusting! with Native American Studies.” Gonzaga University (Public lecture) Spokane, WA Jan. - Apr. 2015. Erik Aver. “Helium is Primordial.” Libby High School Science Dept. Libby High School. Libby, MT, May 13, 2014. “The Dark Side of the Universe.” Spokane Astronomical Society. Riverview Center Community Building. Spokane, WA May 2, 2014. Monica Bartlett.“Gratitude: Making the World a Little Better Place.” Gonzaga Guild. Spokane, WA Sept. 2014. “What We Know about the Experience of Gratitude.” Sierra Club. Spokane, WA May 2015. Claudia A. Bucciferro. Communication Studies Paper Sessions (#6 & #7). National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Eastern Washington University. Cheney, WA Apr. 1618, 2015. (Session moderator). Nathanial Burch. “Teaching and R.” Lunch and Learn. Center for Teaching and Advising. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Apr. 2014. (Invited lecture). David Fague. Guest Artist/Clinician for Spokane All-City Jazz Ensembles Summer Camp Final concert; Performance with Spokane Jazz Orchestra. Festival adjudicator and performer for EWU Jazz Dialogue and evening concert.
Abstract Reviewer for National Conference on Undergraduate Research.
EWMEA High School Solo and Ensemble Festival Adjudication.
Frequent speaker at TED and word cloud of talk titles. (Web Log Post) Retrieved fromhttp://patilv.com/Ted-Talks/. June 17, 2014.
Adjudication at Idaho High School Solo & Ensemble Festival.
Conducted choral clinic workshop with Prosser High School.
Clinic for La Grande High School Jazz Ensemble.
Session Moderator at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research.
Performance/Clinician at SFCC “Making Music Your Life.
Live radio show performance on KEWU. Led Bulldog Band to NCAA and WCC Tournaments. Patsy Fowler. Guest Editor of the Issue: New Approaches to Eliza Haywood: The Political Biography and Beyond. Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies: 144 (Fall 2014). Dan Garrity. KHQ-6 News interview: controversial release of Seth Rogan film “The Interview.” Spokane, WA Dec. 2014.
Andrea L. Fallenstein. “Addressing the Gender and Race Pay Gap.” (Press conference) City of Spokane. Spokane, WA Apr. 29, 2015. Kevin Hekmatpanah. Member of Spokane Symphony, Conductor of Project Joy Orchestra. Performances at Second Sunday Series, Central Washington University, Friday Musical and in Frederik, Colorado.
KREM-2 News interview: Gonzaga University online Broadcast Studies Alumni Reunion “GUTV Bracketology.” Spokane, WA Mar, 2015.
Clinician in twenty schools in the Tri-Cities at the Elementary and Secondary level.
KHQ-6 News interview: University of Virginia/Rolling Stone controversy. Spokane, WA Apr. 2015.
Internationally celebrated soloists with Gonzaga Symphony include Kurt Nikkanen, Sung-Won Yang, Paul Coletti and Gary Karr.
Eric Kincanon. “Is Time Travel Possible?” Fall Family Weekend, Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Oct. 2014. “Physics and Philosophy of Time Travel.” GEL Weekend, Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Apr. 2015. Peter Hamlin. Content Advisor for the Review of the Dance, Theater Arts, Choral Music and Instrumental Music WEST – E Teacher Certification Test Frameworks.
“Highlight from my annual report for 2014-2015: Eleven out of thirteen University-wide Distinguished Faculty Awards went to College faculty this year!” – ELISABETH MERMANN-JOZWIAK, PH.D., DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES
Leslie Stamoolis. “The Basics of Costume Design.” Medical Lake High School Drama Club. (Lecture/discussion) Medical Lake, WA Feb. 2015. Kevin C. O'Connor. “Russia and the Near Abroad.” Spokane Dinner Club. Spokane, WA Nov. 4, 2014. “Russia and the Post-Soviet States.” The Greater Gonzaga Guild. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Nov. 18, 2014. Scott Starbuck. “Hebrew Bible.” Pacific Northwest Regional American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature. Hebrew Bible Working Group. (Presiding Moderator) Marylhurst University. Marylhurst, OR Mar. 27, 2015. “Conflicting Truths in the Classroom.” Pacific Northwest Regional American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature Joint Sessions. (Presiding Moderator). Marylhurst University. Marylhurst, OR Mar. 27, 2015. Kevin Waters. Performances of “Let my prayer rise before you incense” for Cello and Piano (Holy Name Music Center, Spokane). Performance of “See Amid the Winter Snow” (performed by Festival Singers of Atlanta). Timothy Westerhaus. Took choir on West Coast Tour of WA OR andCA. Adjudication at EWMEA Large Group Festival. Adjudication at Idaho High School Solo & Ensemble Festival. Clinician for Great Falls High School Chamber Orchestra, Ferris High School Chamber Group and Sehome High School Chamber Orchestra Clinic. Kevin B. McCruden. “The Spirituality of Paul.” Gonzaga University Ministry Institute. Spokane, WA Nov. 12, 2014. “Job and the Prosperity Gospel.” St. John's Episcopal Cathedral. Spokane, WA Mar. 19, 2014. Andrea M. Bertotti Metoyer. “Body Image and Relationships.” Building Lasting Unique Esteem (BLUE) Student Dinner Series. (Lecture/discussion) Center for Cura Personalis. Gonzaga University Spokane, WA Oct. 2014. Gail Nord. “Mathematics for the Mind.” GEL Weekend. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Apr. 18, 2015. “Mathematics for the Mind.” Fall Family Weekend. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Oct. 26, 2014. Robert Spittal. Conducting engagements with River Valley New Music Consortium, MN. Concordia University Wind Ensemble, MN, Concordia University High School Honor Band, MN and Idaho State University Recording Session, ID. Adjudications at WSMTA Student Composition Competition and WMEA Band Solo and Ensemble Festivals (Seattle and Spokane).
Choral summer tour of Colombia, South America. Participation in ACDA convention in Salt Lake City, UT. David Oosterhuis. “Why Study Fakes? When ‘Virgil’ isn’t Really Virgil.” (Lecture) Fall Family Weekend. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Oct. 25, 2014. “Will the Real Hercules Stand Up?” (Lecture) Fall Family Weekend. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Oct. 25, 2014. Suzanne Ostersmith. “Being in the Present: Art and Breath in the Everyday.” (Invited presenter) Gonzaga Student Development Division Experiential Cura Personalis - Learning Lived workshop. Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Apr. 14, 2015. Ron Prindle. Gonzaga New Venture Lab Information Session. (Keynote speaker/panel member) Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA Oct. 2014.
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Rebecca Bull Schaefer. Presented three workshops at the annual NWFASA Conference (Northwest Filipino American Student Alliance Conference), Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA (2014).
SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Vincent Alfonso. Elected, Board of Educational Affairs, APA, Jan. 2015.
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE Grigore Braileanu. Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I: Regular Papers (6 Manuscripts). Massimo Capobianchi. Served on the scientific committee of the ASME/ATI/UIT 2015 Conference on Thermal Energy Systems: Production, Storage, Utilization and the Environment, (reviewed 16 submitted papers and attended the conference) Naples, Italy, May 17-20, 2015. Patrick Ferro. Chairman during calendar year 2015 of the local chapter of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). Also, member of the national Certification and Oversight Committee of SME. Andrea Hougen. Consultant, Structural Engineer, US Embassy in Turkmenistan. Mark R. Muszynski. External peer reviewer for a candidate for tenure and promotion at Lawrence Technological University (LTU), Dr. Luis Mata. Reviewer for Acta Geotechnica (1 Manuscript). Reviewer for Journal of Building Construction (1 Manuscript). Reviewer for Engineering Geology (1 Manuscript). Committee member: Community Housing & Human Services, Spokane, WA. Committee member: Affordable Housing Committee, Spokane, WA. President-elect, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Inland Empire Section. Sue Niezgoda. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) – Environmental Water Resources Institute, ASCE Hydraulics and Waterways Council. Chair of the Stream Restoration Educational Materials Task Committee. Member of the River Restoration Committee. Member of the Urban Stream Restoration Monitoring and Assessment Task Committee. Member of the Interdisciplinary River Restoration Symposium Task Committee. River Restoration Northwest Member of the Board of Directors. Steve Schennum. Consulting: City of Spokane, WA and City of Medina, WA, providing expert testimony regarding location of cell towers, Apr. 2015 – present. Stephen Silliman. Reviewer, multiple journals. Reviewer, faculty application for promotion at University of Portland. Kathie Yerion. 3 Guest Lectures on computational modeling with NetLogo for Terry Yeigh’s AP Computer Science class, Mead High School, May 2015.
SCHOOL OF LAW Patrick Charles. Appointed to the editorial board of Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing, an online legal research and writing journal published by Thomson-Reuters. George Critchlow. Appointed by Justice Gonzalez, on behalf of the Washington Supreme Court, to serve on the Work Group appointed to study and make recommendations concerning the reinstatement and mission of the Washington Practice of Law Board. The Group is exploring issues involving the Practice of Law Board’s dual role in promoting the expansion of affordable legal services and in investigating and preventing the unauthorized practice of law. Brooks Holland. Appointed to the Screening Committee for the American Bar Association Silver Gavel Awards for Media and the Arts. Brooks Holland. Served as a contributor to the Legal Ethics Forum, http://www.legalethicsforum.com/, in the Fall 2014. Program moderator at the Clarke Prize Legal Ethics Conference, Social Media and Legal Ethics, held at Gonzaga Law School, Apr. 2015. Appointed to the Alternative Licensure Committee for the National Organization of Bar Counsel. Appointed to the position of Chair of the WSBA Council on Public Defense for 2014-15.
Appointed Chair of the Washington State Office of Public Defense Capital Defense Training Conference, in Aug. 2014. Ethical Dilemmas seminar hosted by the WSBA in Seattle, WA Nov. 2014. Inga Laurent. Appointed to Governor’s Child Support Schedule Workgroup. Appointed to the Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Multicultural Affairs (MACMA), where she will serve as Chair to Subcommittee on Police Body Camera Policy and as a member of Subcommittee on Police Disproportionate Minority Contact. Stephen Sepinuck. Appointed as reporter for the Uniform Law Commission’s project to revise the Model Tribal\Secured Transactions Act in May 2015. Reappointed to the Editorial Board for The Business Lawyer, the peer-reviewed journal of the ABA Business Law Section. Kevin Michels. Spoke on a panel on Legal Ethics at a CLE hosted by the Morris County Bar Association in New Jersey in Nov. 2014. Ann Murphy. Interviewed and quoted in an article titled, “Dear Judge: Looking Happy on Facebook is a Lie,” for the Tampa Bay Times, Apr. 30, 2015. Kim Pearson. Organized the 2nd Annual Inland Northwest Scholars Workshop with Professor Richard Seamon of the University of Idaho, July 2014. Gerry Hess. Conducted the opening and closing plenary sessions for a conference on the subject of his book, What the Best Law Teachers Do (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013), held at Northwestern University School of Law, June 2014. Amy Kelly. Editor for volume 48 of the Water Law Newsletter, published by the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, Spring 2015.
SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES JoAnn Barbour. Editorial Board member, Journal of African Leadership Studies (Proposed journal); Advisory Board member, Academic Exchange Quarterly Journal; reviewer: Edward Elgar Publisher. 2014-2015. Reviewer, Journal of School Leadership. Heather M. Crandall. Co-Planner, Western States Communication Convention, Feb. 2015. Editor, Journal of the Northwest Communication Association, 2012-2015. Program Planner of the Communication and Instruction Interest Group, Western States Communication Association, 2015. Carolyn C. Cunningham. Reviewer, Journal of ComputerMediated Communication 2014. Shann Ferch. (2014). International Journal of Servant Leadership, Volume 10. New York: State University of New York Press. “Race and Literature.” Humanities Washington, Think and Drink Series, Spokane, WA, Mar. 5, 2015. Board member, The Robert K. Greenleaf Center for ServantLeadership, Greenleaf Scholars International Review Board, 2014-2015. Member, Executive Advisory Board, Center for Transformative Ethical Leadership (CTEL). Two-part speaking series, “Leadership, Race, and Reconciliation. “ Immanuel Church, Spokane, WA, 2014; two-part series, “Leadership, the Masculine and the Feminine,” Branches Church, Spokane, WA 2014; “On Love, Leadership, and Marriage,” Parish of the Holy Spirit, Tri-Cities, WA 2014. Leadership, Social Justice, and Meaning. Moderator, for panel presentation to the International Leadership Association: Global Conference, San Diego, CA, Oct. 30 – Nov. 2, 2014.
Mary Pat Treuthart. “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights,” Daughters of the American Revolution, Spokane, WA Dec. 2014.
Chris Francovich. Program Evaluator: Advancing the Careers of Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. NSF Project. Washington DC, Feb. 21 – 23, 2015.
Kem Gambrell. Secretary, Midwest Academy of Management, 2014.
Neva Crogan. Selected, Member of the American Nurses Credential Center (ANCC) Content Expert Registry for Adult/ Gerontological Nurse Practitioners, 2015.
Michael Hazel. Editorial Review Board, Communication Education, 2015. Editorial Review Board: Northwest Journal of Communication, 2013-present. Pavel Shlossberg. Ethnography Division. Critical/Cultural Studies Division. National Communication Association. Global Communication and Social Change Division. Ethnicity, Race in Communication (ERIC) Division, International Communication Association.
Andrew J. Goldman. Origins and Development of the Black Sea Colonia System: Excavations in the Early Greek Colony of Sinope, Turkey. National Endowment for the Humanities. 2015-2018, $275,000. Seiko Katsushima. McDonald Work Award. Robert and Claire McDonald. July 11, 2014, $2,854. Douglas Kries. Summer Institute for College Teachers: Medieval Political Philosophy: Islamic, Jewish, and Christian. National Endowment for the Humanities 2014-2015, $155,500. Shannon Overbay. McDonald Work Award. Bob and Claire McDonald. 2014-2015, $1,049. Rebecca Marquis. NEH Faculty Summer Seminar Award July 5, 2014. Eric Ross. RUI: Stationary Phase Development for Chromatographic Analysis of Solute Interactions with Phospholipid Membranes. National Science Foundation. Aug. 2012-2015, $241,494. Matthew Rude. MKM Pottery Tools Purchase Award. Fall 2014. Benjamin Semple. Startalk. NSA/National Foreign Language Center. Feb. 3, 2015, $89,380.
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Laurie Arnold. William R. Eadington Visiting Fellowship. University of Nevada Las Vegas 2015, $1,500. Phillips Fund Research Grant. American Philosophical Society. 2014-15, $3,000. Director Award. Sieben Foundation. 2014-15 $1,500. Erik Aver. Gonzaga Science Research Program Gonzaga University (partial funding from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust). 2014, $14,800. Helium Abundance Determinations from a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Analysis of the SloanDigital Sky Survey. National Science Foundation. 2014-2015, $36,276. Monica Bartlett. McDonald Work Award. McDonald Family 2014-2015, $1,049. Julie Beckstead. “Cheatgrass Stand Failure in the Great Basin: Fungal Pathogens, Litter Dynamics, and Fungistasis.” Great Basin. Landscape Conservation Cooperative. 2014-2016, $34,852.
Deborah Nieding. Supplemental Educational Support (SES) Grant 2014-2015, $88,500.00.
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE Paul DePalma. Co-PI Faculty Seed Grant, $15,000, College of Medical Sciences, Washington State University. Sue Niezgoda. Sharp Avenue Permeable Pavement Project. Feasibility Study and Monitoring System Design for Sharp Avenue Permeable Pavement Project, City of Spokane, Integrated Capital Management. $60,802. Sue Niezgoda. with students: Allen, L., Collins, C., Cupp, M., Fitterer, H., Hatfield, T., Ngan, C., Rivarola, L., and Muszynski, M., Bormann, N., London, M., Navickis-Brasch, A., Cleary, D., Carpenter, D. 2014. Sharp Avenue Permeable Pavement Feasibility Study Final Report. Gonzaga University, Spokane WA, Submitted to The City of Spokane, Capital Improvements Management, Aug. 2014.
Carla Bonilla. “College Research Program for Natural Sciences.” Murdock Charitable Trust. Apr. 2015 (3 years) $59,859.
Diane Birginal. McDonald Work Award. Robert and Claire McDonald. July 11, 2014, $2,854.
Awarded contract for $10,115 from Icon Fitness/Nordic Track for elliptical testing.
Vesta Coufal. McDonald Work Award. McDonald Family. July 11, 2014, 1,049.
Awarded contract for $1,500 from Mystery Ranch for load stability project.
Bonni Dichone. Pi Mu Epsilon Matching Grant. Pi Mu Epsilon. Feb. 2015, $100.
Brian Higginson. Awarded contract for $18,500 from Icon Fitness/Nordic Track for treadmill testing.
SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Dan Mahoney. 2015 Winner, Best Formal Paper on Pre-College Ethics Award, by the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics and the Squire Family Foundation.
SCHOOL OF NURSING & HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Neva Crogan. Selected, Fulbright Specialist Roster Candidate, 2015. Jennifer Miller. Promise of Nursing Washington Regional Faculty Fellowship, Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association, Inc. 2015.
SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Shann Ferch. (2015). Takes Enemy. Narrative Magazine, location http://www.narrativemagazine.com/issues/fall-2014/takesenemy-shann-ray. Award winning essay. San Francisco, CA: Narrative Magazine Inc. Michael Hazel. 2014 Top Four Paper Award: “Understanding online writing apprehension: an examination of temperament, motivation, fear of negative evaluation, and self-perceived communication competence.” Communication Apprehension and Competence Division, National Communication Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Susan English. Washington Newspaper Publishers Association Educator-in-Residence Fellowship. The Miner Newspaper Group Pend Oreille County, WA and Bonner County, ID June 2014.
Pavel Shlossberg. 2014 Book Completion Grant, New Directions in Indigenous Studies/University of Arizona Press (Underwritten by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation). 2014 Book subvention, Challenge Grant, NEH/University of Arizona Press.
Brian Henning. Ethics of Creativity. Voted one of the Top Ten Picks for University Press books by Foreword magazine. 2014. Tod T. Marshall. Washington State Poet Laureate. Humanities Washington Award Apr. 1, 2015. Maya Zeller. Finalist, Bellingham Review's Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction June 2014. Semifinalist, University of Wisconsin Press Brittingham & Felix Pollak Book Prizes Dec. 2014. Semifinalist, Missouri Review Editors' Award in Poetry Dec. 2014. Semifinalist, Ohio State University Press/The Journal's Poetry Book Prize Jan. 2015.
“During the 2014-2015 academic year, the School of Education faculty authored 72 publications such as book chapters, sections and journal articles. In addition, they made 67 local, regional, national, and international presentations. Dozens of students presented their work with faculty at these various conferences. Clearly, this was a very productive year for our faculty and students! We encourage, value, and support scholarly activity and thus have made it one of the five pillars of our strategic plan.” - VINCENT ALFONSO, PH.D., DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE Paul DePalma. Fellow, Walter J. Ong Center for Language, Culture and Media Studies, St. Louis University.
“The School of Engineering and Applied Science continues to take great pride in our exceptional faculty. Over the last year, 80% of our faculty were engaged in professional activities such as papers, conferences, professional societies, and serving as technical reviewers. We are excited to note the efforts of these faculty to integrate their professional activities with innovative opportunities for student engagement. Dr. Steven Schennum, for example, continues his exceptional work within the Smart Antennae and Radio Lab (SARL) that includes close interaction with industry partners, while also engaging our students directly in the SARL projects. This engagement has advanced to the point where the students now serve as coauthors on some of Dr. Schennum’s papers presented at international meetings. We look forward to continuing growth in our faculty, as well as even broader professional opportunities for our students through faculty/student collaborations.” - STEPHEN E. SILLIMAN, PH.D., DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE
C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N : OFFICE OF THE ACADEMIC VICE PRESIDENT 5 0 9. 3 1 3 . 6 5 0 4 5 0 2 E . B O O N E AV E . SPOK ANE, WA 99258 - 0 099 W W W.G O NZ AG A . ED U/AV P