TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S LE T TER FROM THE A C A D E M I C V I C E P R E S I D E N T ....................................... 4
I. PUBLISHED ARTICLES , BOOKS , C H A P T E R S , M U S I C , C R E AT I V E W R I T I N G ......................................................................................... 5
I I . P U B L I S H E D R E V I E W S .............................................2 0
III. PUBLISHED ARTICLES AND B O O K S ( N O N - R E F E R E E D ) ...............................2 2
I V . F O R M A L P R E S E N TAT I O N S ...............................2 5 V. J U R I E D A N D N O N -J U R I E D S H O W S ..............................................4 3
V I I . E X T E R N A L G R A N T S ....................................................5 0
VIII. E X TERNAL TE ACHING AND S C H O L A R LY R E C O G N I T I O N S / E X T E R N A L S C H O L A R LY F E L L O W S H I P S .....................................................................5 3
LE T TER FROM THE AC ADEMIC VICE PRESIDENT Inquiring, understanding, exploring, creating, relating, growing and committing are profoundly human activities. They require courage born of a fascination that overcomes fear, resilience arising from the lure of big questions, and selftranscendence emerging from a capacity for delight. Skilled educators know this. Minds, bodies, and hearts may be distinguished, but they cannot be separated. Recognizing this basic insight about learning and becoming fully human, Gonzaga professors are committed to accompanying students on their educational journeys. Professors facilitate students’ growth and development in a particular field, and as reflective, morally committed human beings. Gonzaga’s faculty wants nothing less than to create a rich environment that increases the odds that all students will have a powerfully transformative experience. In this aspiration and in their practice of accompanying students, Gonzaga professors continue a nearly 500-year tradition of Jesuit education. Fundamental to creating a rich educational context, an “exemplary learning community,” as the mission statement puts it, is professors’ commitment to their own on-going practice of inquiry, understanding, exploration, and creativity. This publication recognizes and celebrates that commitment by presenting the scholarly, professional, technical and artistic work of Gonzaga’s faculty for the period June 1, 2015, through May 31, 2016. I invite you to peruse this publication and consider how the broad array of disciplines and professions represented among our faculty contributes to Gonzaga as an environment for students. Contemplate the breadth of the questions, problems and possibilities that Gonzaga professors pursue. Get a glimpse of why our graduates depart able to do so much more than they imagined possible when they came. And consider the impact on our students when professors invite them into their research and professional projects. Unquestionably, the scholarly, artistic, professional, and technical activity of our faculty is an irreplaceable asset of the university. Read and take pleasure in the accomplishments of Gonzaga’s talented and dedicated faculty, whose influence extends far beyond our campus, and whose commitment to accompanying students is unfailing. Sincerely,
Patricia O’Connell Killen, Ph.D. Academic Vice President
Beckstead, J. (2016). In collaboration with Trevor Davis. Mycelial Growth Rate and Toxin Production in the Seed Pathogen Pyrenophora semeniperda: Resource Trade-offs and Temporally Varying Selection. Plant Pathology: 6 4: 1450-1460. Beckstead, J. (2015). In collaboration with Connor W. Barth. Modeling temperature and water potential effects on conidial germination and mycelial growth for a fungal seed pathogen using hydrothermal time. Fungal Biology: 119: 720-730. Bollig, C. (2015). Is College Worth It? Arguing for Composition’s Value with the Citizen-Worker. College Composition and Communication: 67.2: 150-172. http:// www.ncte.org/library/NCTEFiles/Resources/Journals/ CCC/0672-dec2015/CCC0672College.pdf. Boose, D. L. (2016). In collaboration with Pat Hutchings. The scholarship of teaching and learning as a subversive activity. Teaching and Learning Inquiry: 4.1: 1-15. http:// dx.doi.org/10.20343/teachlearninqu.4.1.6.
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Addis, E. A. (2015). Rapid molecular evolution across amniotes of the IIS/TOR network. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, 7055-7060. Arpin, S. (2016). In collaboration with C. Mohr, C. McCabe, & S. Haverly. Capitalization and alcohol use: A moderated mediation model of relationship status, positive-event disclosure, drinking motives and alcohol consumption, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 35.4, 301-321. 10.1521/jscp.2016.35.4.301. Aver, E. (2015). The effects of He I λ10830 on helium abundance determinations. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 7.11, 23. http://iopscience.iop.org/ article/10.1088/1475-7516/2015/07/011. Axon, L. (2015). TT-functionals and Martin-Löf randomness for Bernoulli measures. Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences: 27.1 80-86. https://projecteuclid.org/euclid. mjms/1449161370. Axon, L. (2015). Martin-Löf randomness in spaces of closed sets. Journal of Symbolic Logic: 80.2: 359-383. http://dx.doi. org/10.1017/jsl.2014.76. Beckstead, J. (2016). Exotic brome grasses in arid and semiarid ecosystems of the western US: causes, consequences, and management implications. Community Ecology of Fungal Pathogens on Bromus tectorum, ed. M. Germino, J. Chambers, and C. Brown, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing: 193-223. Beckstead, J. (2016). In collaboration with Kelsey M. McEvoy, Toby S. Ishizuka. Lack of Host Specialization on Winter Annual Grasses in the Seed Bank Pathogen Pyrenophora semeniperda. PLoS ONE: 11.3: e0151058.
Boose, D. L. (2015). In collaboration with Pat Hutchings. Bridging faculty development and organizational development: A faculty learning community on the scholarship of teaching and learning. Learning Communities Journal: 7: 25-42. Bucciferro, C. (2016). Introduction; Chapter 15: Mutancy, Otherness and Empathy in the X-Men; Epilogue (coauthored), in The X-Men Films: A Cultural Analysis. ed. Claudia Bucciferro. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Rowman & Littlefield: ix-xxii (Introduction); 207-220 (Chapter 15); 221-228 (Epilogue). https://rowman.com/ ISBN/9781442265332/The-X-Men-Films-A-Cultural-Analysis. Burch, N. (2015). Computing the Exit-time for a Finiterange Symmetric Jump Process. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications: 223.14: 3257-3271. Ciasullo, A. M. (2015). In collaboration with David E. Magill. This is What I’ve Always Wanted: Bromance and the Evolution of Male Intimacy in the Jump Street Films. Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture: 303-321. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/ contentone/intellect/iscc/2015/00000006/00000003/ art00004;jsessionid,5to0g2s8gmgrf.alexandra. Ciesla, M. (2016). Whoever You Say You Are. Lilac City Fairytales: 2: 161-163. Clark, E. S. (2016). Moorish Science Temple, in America in the World, 1776 to the Present: A Supplement to the Dictionary of American History, ed. Ed Blum, Charles Scribner’s Sons: 699-701. Cooley, B. (2016). All We Can Hold (poetry anthology), in Turtle Eggs, ed. Gwinn, E. and Gregory, E., Spokane: Sage Hill Press: 42-43. Cooley, B. (2015). Sestina: Fire Snow Thrall Easter Sunday (poems). Cascadia Review: cascadiareview.org. Cooley, B. (2015). Waiting Words Waking Dogs (poems), Mapping Back (creative non-fiction). The Longleaf Pine: 17, 23, 19-21. http://www.blurb.com/books/6322866-thelongleaf-pine.
Cooley, B. (2015). Colville-Montgomery (creative non-fiction). Mid-American Review: 36.1: 47-56. Cooley, B. (2015). Driving Home (flash fiction). The Binnacle: 5. Coufal, V. (2015). In collaboration with Erica Flapan, et al. Knots, Molecules, and the Universe: An Introduction to Topology. American Mathematical Society. Coufal, V. (2016). In collaboration with Brandon Reeves, Enrique Alvarado, Joel Pereira, Kaia Hlavacek, Steven Beres. Klein Links and Related Torus Links. Involve: 9.2: 347-359. http://msp.org/involve/2016/9-2/index.xhtml. Coufal, V. (2015). Orbispaces and Their Mapping Spaces via Groupoids: A Categorical Approach. Contemporary Mathematics: Women in Topology: Collaborations in Homotopy Theory: 641: 135-166. Cremeens, M. (2016). In collaboration with S.C. Schneider, T.C. Brown, J.D. Gonzalez, N.S. Levonyak, L.A. Rush. C and 31P NMR studies of tachykinin and MSH neuropeptides in SDS and DPC micelles. Journal of Molecular Structure: 1106: 108-113. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/ pii/S0022286015303598. Dichone, B. (2015). On the Use of Blocked 2-Level Main Effects Plans Having Blocks of Different Sizes. Statistics and Probability Letter: 107: 362-368. Dunn, S. (2015). Myth or Method? Religious Ethics, MacIntyre’s Modernity, and the Question of Power. Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal: 98.3: 233-259. Dunn, S. (2015). Islamophobia, Hateful Speech, and the Need to Practice Democratic Virtues. Journal of Hate Studies: 11.1: 29-49. Dunn, S. (2016). Experience, Authority, and Social Critique: Comparing the Work of John Dewey and Margaret Farley. Journal of Feminist Theology: 24.2: 171-186. Fritsch, A. (2016). One-dimensionality in atomic nuclei: a candidate for linear-chain α clustering in 14C. Physics Review C: 93.1: 014321. http://journals.aps.org/prc/abstract/10.1103/ PhysRevC.93.014321. Gidofalvi, G. (2016). Large-Scale Variational Two-Electron Reduced-Density-Matrix-Driven Complete Active Space Self-Consistent Field Methods. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs. jctc.6b00190. Goldman, A. L. (2016). Sinope Ancient Kale Excavations 2015: towards a new model of mobile fishing communities and incipient trade in the Black Sea. Antiquity Project Gallery: 1-7. http://antiquity.ac.uk/antplus/projgall. Goldstein, E. W. (2015). Impurity and Gender in the Hebrew Bible. Lanham: Lexington. Gonzales, M. I. (2015). Voces femeninas trascendentes en la novella de Marcela Serrano, ed. Elid Brindis Gómez. Fondo Editorial de la UNMSM. http://www.unmsm.edu.pe/noticias/ ver/novedaded-fondo-editorial. Grey, G. (2016). How to Marry a Monster (fiction). Marry a Monster: Lilac City Fairytales Anthology: 2.1.
Grey, G. (2016). For the man who suggested the existence of irrational numbers (poetry). Event Horizon: 8 http://www. eventhorizonmag.com/. Grey, G. (2015). MAC: One Year Later. Showcasing the Best of CIWIC/DMAC: 1.1 http://www.dmacinstitute.com/showcase/ issues/no1. Gumbhir, V. (2016). In collaboration with Michael Aiello. Change and Reform in Law Enforcement: Old and New Efforts from Across the Globe. In Police Web Presence: Engaging with the Digital Frontier, eds. Scott W. Phillips and Dilip K. Das. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. https://www.crcpress.com/Change-and-Reform-in-LawEnforcement-Old-and-New-Efforts-from-Across-the/PhillipsDas/9781498741682. Hamlin, P. (2015). I got the job! Now what do I do? Utah Music Educators Association Journal: 61.1. http://umea.us/journal.php. Haydock, J. (2016). In collaboration with Walter D. Koenig and Eric L. Walters. Cooperative Breeding in Vertebrates. Helping at the nest, polygynandry, and dependence on a variable acorn crop, eds. Walter Koenig and Janis Dickinson, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 379/353-372. Henning, B. G. (2015). Recovering the Adventure of ideas: In Defense of metaphysics as Revisable, Systematic, Speculative Philosophy, Journal of Speculative Philosophy: 29.4: 437-456. Henning, B. G. (2015). The Ethics of Food, Feed, and Fuel. Invited article in special issue of Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Science: 144.4: 90-98. Henning, B. G. (2015). Stewardship and the Roots of the Ecological Crisis: Reflections on Laudato Si’, in For Our Common Home: Process-Relational Responses to Laudato Si’. eds. John B. Cobb, Jr. and Ignacio Castuera. Process Century Press: 41-51. Henning, B. G. (2015). Philosophy in the Age Fascism: Reflections on the Presidential Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, 1931-1940, in Historical Essays in Twentieth Century American Philosophy, ed. Richard Hull. Charlottesville, Virginia: Philosophy Documentation Center, American Philosophical Association Presidential Addresses: 11. Isacoff, J. B. (2015). On the Historical Imagination of International Relations: The Case for a ’Deweyan Reconstruction, in Historical International Relations, eds. Halvard Leira and Benjamin de Carvalho. SAGE: 1.3. https:// us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/historical-international-relations/ book243542#contents. Isacoff, J. B. (2015). Why International Relations Needs Deweyan Pragmatism. Perspectives on Political Science: 44.1: 26-33. https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/historicalinternational-relations/book243542#description. Kincanon, E. A. (2016). Problems in inverse scattering of approximate reflection coefficient measurements. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research: 5.2: 1-3.
Kries, D. (2016). Forward to Leo Strauss and the Recovery of Medieval Political Philosophy, by Joshua Parens. Rochester: University of Rochester Press. Lassiter, C. (2016). Aristotle and Distributed Language: Capacity, Matter, Structure, and Languaging. Language Sciences: 53.A: 8-20. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ article/pii/S0388000115000674. Lefcort, H. G. (2015). In collaboration with D.A. Cleary, A.M. Marble, M.V. Phillips, T.J. Stoddard, L.M. Tuthill, J.R. Winslow. Snails from heavy-metal polluted environments have reduced sensitivity to carbon dioxide-induced acidity. Springer Plus: 4: 1-9. Leigland, S. M. (2015). The Language of Ontology is the Subject Matter of Behavioral Science. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science: 4: 231-234. www.journals.elsevier.com/ journal-of-contextual-behavioral-science/. Maccarone, E. M. (2015). Microcredit; and National Programme for Food Security (U.N.) in Sage Encyclopedia of Food Issues, ed. Ken Albala, Sage. Publication Awarded Library Journal Best Reference Title 2015. Marquis, R. (2015). Confessing Diaspora from Within: Transgression and Afro-Brazilian Identity in Helena Parente Cunha’s Mulher no Espelho. Brasil/Brazil: A Journal of Brazilian Literature: 51.28: 24-39. http://www.seer.ufrgs.br/ brasilbrazil/article/view/61474. Maucione, J. L. (2016). Violence Against Black and Brown Bodies, in The Revelatory Racial Politics of Influential and Critically Acclaimed Television Series: Black and Brown Bodies as Props and Backdrop to the Normalization of Whiteness, ed. Sandra Weissinger, New York and London: Routledge. McCormick, P. T. (2016). Living With(out) Borders: Catholic Theological Ethics on the Migration of Peoples, in Practicing Hospitality and Keeping the Sabbath in a Foreign Land, eds. Agnes M. Brazal & Maria Teresa Davila, New York: Maryknoll: 162-172.
Norasakkunkit, V. (2015). In collaboration with Yukiko Uchida. The NEET and Hikikomori spectrum: Assessing the risks and consequences of becoming culturally marginalized. Frontiers in Psychology: 6.1117: doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01117. http://journal.frontiersin.org/ article/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01117/full. Norasakkunkit, V. (2015). In collaboration with Michael Boiger and Yukiko Uchida. Protecting autonomy, protecting relatedness: Appraisal patterns of daily anger and shame in the United States and Japan. Japanese Psychological Research: 58: 28-41. O’Connor, K. C. (2015). The History of the Baltic States. Second Edition. Greenwood. http://www.abc-clio.com/ABCCLIOGreenwood/product.aspx?pc,A4542C. Overbay, S. (2015). In collaboration with Thomas McKenzie. Book Thickness of Planar Zero Divisor Graphs. The Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences: 27.1: 2-9. Pepiton, C. (2016). In collaboration with Shechem Press. Editor of A Story of America Goes Walking (Poetry/ Printmaking). Shechem Press: 50. www.shechempress.com. Pepiton, C. (2016). In collaboration with Shechem Press. Editor of Now at the Uncertain Hour (Play script). Shechem Press: 52. www.shechempress.com. Poxleitner, M. (2016). Phage Discovery Guide. Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Prindle, R. (2016). Experiential Learning in Public Relations Through Student-Conducted Research Assignments. Journal of School Public Relations: 36.2: 131-154. Rindge, M. S. (2016). Profane Parables: Film and the American Dream. Waco: Baylor University Press: 191. http://www. amazon.com/dp/1481304291 / http://baylorpress.com/ Book/467/Profane_Parables.html.
McCormick, P. T. (2015). Beauty and Our Biblical Calling to Peace, Justice and Sustainability. Catholic Social Justice Series: 77: 4-32.
Rindge, M. S. (2015). The Rhetorical Power of Death and Possessions in Luke’s Gospel. Review & Expositor: 112.4: 555-572. http://rae.sagepub.com/content/112/4/555.abstract.
McKenzie, T. (2015). In collaboration with Shannon Overbay. Book Thickness of Planar Zero Divisor Graphs. Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences: 27.1: 2-9.
Ross, E. (2016). Metal ion binding to phospholipid bilayers evaluated by microaffinity chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ article/pii/S0021967316305842.
Mudd, J. C. (2016). Grace and Friendship: Theological Essays in Honor of Fred Lawrence, from his grateful students, in Conversation as Communion: Prayer and Theological Foundations, eds. Jeremy Wilkins and M. Shawn Copeland, Milwaukee: Marquette University Press: 166-189. Nedderman, S. E. (2016). Ecocritical Approaches to Italian Culture and Literature. in Il bosco degli urogalli. A Lieu de Mémoire, ed. Pasquale Verdicchio, Lexington Press: Chapter 6. Nord, G. (2016). Solution to problem #5363. School Science and Mathematics: 116.1: 7. Nord, G. (2016). Solution to problem #5361. School Science and Mathematics: 116.1: 2.
Nord, G. (2016). Solution to problem #5364. School Science and Mathematics: 116.1: 10.
Schmidt, E. (2016). Knowing Fictions: Metalepsis and the Cognitive Value of Fiction. Res Philosophica: 93.2: 483-506. Schmidt, E. (2016). Crossing Over: Rauschenberg, Kafka, and the Boundaries of Imagination. Aesthetic Investigations: 2: 59-72. http://aestheticinvestigations.eu/index.php/journal. Sheveland, J. N. (2015). Accepting Acceptance. The Expository Times: 126.5: 233-35. Sheveland, J. N. (2015). For all the Saints. The Expository Times: 127.1: 25-26.
Silvestri, L. (2015). Friended at the Front: Social Media in the American War Zone. Kansas: University Press. https://kuecprd.ku.edu/~upress/cgi-bin/subjects/historymilitary/978-0-7006-2136-1.html. Staub, N. (2016). The Age of Plethodontid Salamanders: A short review on longevity. Copeia: 104:118-123. Staub, N. (2016). Age, Sexual Dimorphism, and Growth Rates in the Black Salamander, Aneides flavipunctatus (Plethodontidae). Copeia: 104: 52-59. Starbuck, S. R.A. (2015). Lexham Bible Dictionary, in Old Testament Sacrificial System, eds. John D. Barry, Lazarus Wentz, Douglas Mangum, Carrie Sinclair-Wolcott, Rachel Klippenstein, David Bomar, Elliot Ritzema, Wendy Widder, and Derek R. Brown, Bellingham: Lexham Press, web. http:// www.lexhampress.com/products/lexham-bible-dictionary. Starbuck, S. R.A. (2015). To sleep-perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub: 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14, Psalm 111; 34:9-14, Ephesians 5:15-20. Expository Times: 126.9: 494-496. http:// ext.sagepub.com/content/by/year/2015. Starbuck, S. R.A. (2015). With the Name of the Lord: 1 Samuel 17:1a, 4-11, 19-23, 32-39; Psalm 9:9-20; Job 38:1-11; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-4, 1. Expository Times: 126.8: 396-398. http://ext.sagepub.com/content/by/year/2015. Starbuck, S. R.A. (2015). Recording of As the Deer Pants for the Water (Psalm 42-43). Austin Christian A Cappella Music: Austin, TX Compact Disc TP-605 and Book-Shaped Note Edition TP-608. Swanson, B. (2016). In collaboration with M.R. Mills, R.S. Nemri, E.A. Carlson, W. Wilde, H. Gotoh, L.C. Lavine. Functional mechanics of beetle mandibles: Honest signaling in a sexually selected system. Journal of Experimental Zoology: 325A: 3-12. Tagnani, D. (2016). New Materialism, Ecomysticism, and the Resolution of Paradox in Edward Abbey. Western American Literature: 50.4: 317-346. http://www.westernlit.org/ about-wal/. Terry, P. (2015). Assessment: Learning by Doing. Assessment Update: Progress, Trends, and Practices in Higher Education: 27.4: 1-2, 16. Tritten, T. (2016). What is Called Free Thinking? Revelation as the Object of Speculative Philosophy. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses: 92.1. Tritten, T. (2015). Christ as Copula: On the Incarnation and the Possibility of Religious Exclusivism. Analecta Hermeneutica: 6. Wand, J. (2016). In collaboration with Vyjayanthi Chari, Peri Shereen, R. Venkatesh, A Steinberg type decomposition theorem for higher level Demazure modules. Journal of Algebra: 455: 314-346. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ journal/00218693/455.
Waters, Fr. K. In collaboration with Paul Grove (guitar), Kevin Hekmatpanah (cello) and Gonzaga faculty members, performance and recording of Riffs, Echoes, and Rhapsodes. Chamber work score purchased by special request of the Royal Northern College of Music Library collection, Manchester, England. Weatherby, G. A. (2016). In collaboration with Katie A. Fredericks & Rima E. McComas. White Collar Crime: Recidivism, Deterrence, and Social Impact. Forensic Research & Criminology International Journal: 2.1: 1-11. medcrave.com. Weatherby, G. A. (2015). Going Against the Grain: The Power of Women in Italian Renaissance Art, Greek and Roman Mythology, and the Modern Day Middle East. International Journal for Research in Social Science and Humanities: 1.2: 34-40. internationaljournalsforresearch.com/. Weidel, T. A. (2015). The ‘Ugliness’ of Economic Efficiency: Technology, Species-Being, and Global Poverty. Ethics and Global Politics: 8: 1-20. http://www.ethicsandglobalpolitics. net/index.php/egp/article/view/29226. Weidel, T. A. (2016). Ideology and the Harms of Self-Deception: Why We Should Act to End Poverty. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. Westerhaus, T. (2016). In collaboration with: Celeste Johnson (reader), Gonzaga University Concert Choir (62 students), Incendo Music Ensemble. Recording of Beyond Walls Berliner Messe, by Arvo Pärt. Soundwaves. Seattle, WA.
Chen, J. C., Hsu, L., Chen, S., & Chiu, M. (2015). Determinants of successful online transactions – effects of transaction assurance seal and reputation rating affecting trust and purchase intention of consumers. Human Systems Management, 34 (2), 105-118, doi: 10.3233. Dupler, A., Crogan, N., & Beqiri, M. S. (2015). Medication Assistant-Certification program in Washington State: Barriers to implementation. Geriatric Nursing. Finkle, T. A. (2016). A current look at salaries and faculty demand within the field of entrepreneurship. Journal of Applied Management & Entrepreneurship. Finkle, T. A. (2016). An Examination of Job Opportunities, Candidates, and Salaries in the Field of Entrepreneurship. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship. Finkle, T. A. (2016). Salaries of entrepreneurship faculty within higher education. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE). Finkle, T. A. (2015). Andrew Mason & Groupon, Inc. Reprint in Launching New Ventures: An Entrepreneurial Approach 7th edition, 502-510. Cengage. Finkle, T. A. (2015). AdRoll: A Case Study of Entrepreneurial Growth. Reprint in Launching New Ventures: An Entrepreneurial Approach 7th Edition, 454-458. Cengage.
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Beqiri, M. S. (2015). Delivering quantitative courses online vs. face-to-face: Insights and reactions. International Journal of Science, Innovation, & New technology, 1 (13), 19-25. Bolt-Lee, C. & Kern, S. (2015). Highlights of Forensic Accounting Research. Journal of Accountancy. Bozman, C. S., Patil, V. H., Kurpis, L. V., & Lehman, K. (2016). Community Sport Social Benefits: A Basis for Continuous Improvement. Athens Journal of Sports, 10, 129-142.
Finkle, T. & Shrader, M. J. (2015). Creativity Exercises in the Field of Entrepreneurship. Experiential Entrepreneurship Exercises Journal, 1 (3), 35-41. Fizel, J. L. & Bennett, R. W. (2016). College Sports. The Structure of American Industry. Waveland Press [D], 297-322.
Brajcich, A. M. & Friesner, D. (2015). Using Maximum Entropy Outlier Analysis to Identify Multinational Corporation Tax Havens. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 15 (3), 11-26.
Hackney, D. D., Friesner, D., & Johnson, E. (2016). What is the Actual Prevalence of Medical Bankruptcies? International Journal of Social Economics, 43(12), 1284-1299.
Brajcich, A. M., Friesner, D., & Schibik, T. (2015). Do US pharmaceutical companies strategically shift income to international affiliates? Multinational Business Review.
Henrickson, K. E. (2016). Online Lectures as a Complement for On-Campus Classes. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 8 (1), 119-130.
Brody, R., Cox, V., & Kern, S. (2015). Gender Equity in the Accounting Profession: Progress or Good Marketing. Accounting Educator’s Journal, 25 (Dec), 131-147.
Henrickson, K. E. & Wilson, W. (2015). Agricultural Transportation by Rail: Consolidation, Competition and Fuel Prices. Choices, 30(3), 1-7.
Bull Schaefer, R. A. (2015). Face-to-face teacher-student performance appraisals. OBTC Conference (Teaching Society for Management Educators).
Kimbro, M. & Xu, D. (2015). Shareholders Have a Say On Executive Compensation: Evidence from Say-On-Pay in the United States. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 35(1), 19-42.
Chen, J. C. (2015). Investigating consumers; adoption intention of wearable devices from the perspective of consumer perception. International Conference on Information Management.
Finkle, T. A. (2015). Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Silicon Valley: The Case of Google, Inc. Reprint in Launching New Ventures: An Entrepreneurial Approach 7th Edition, 481-502. Cengage.
Korkeamaki, T. & Xu, D. (2015). Institutional Investors and Foreign Exchange Risk. Quarterly Journal of Finance, http:// dx.doi.org/10.1142/S2010139215500135.
Kurpis, L. V., Helgeson, J. G., Ekici, A., & Supphellen, M. (2016). Consumers’ Use of Country-of-Manufacture Information: Turkey versus the U.S.A. Proceedings of the Allied Academies Spring International Conference, New Orleans, LA. March 30-April 1, Allied Academies, 9-15. Law, D. W. & Patil, V. H. (2015). An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Exhaustion and Social Support on Business Students’ Persistence. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 19 (3), 187-193. Law, D. W. & Patil, V. H. (2015). An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Exhaustion and Social Support on Business Students’ Persistence. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 19 (3), 187-193. Morscheck, J. D. (2015). Share Repurchases and Wealth Transfer Among Shareholders. Financial Management Association. Patil, V. H. (2015). Gender and Publication Activity in Top Marketing Journals. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, w19 (3).
SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Flanagan, D. P., & Alfonso, V. C. (Eds.) (2016). WJ IV clinical use and interpretation: Scientist-practitioner perspectives. San Diego, CA: Elsevier. Ding, Y., & Alfonso, V. C. (2016). Overview of the WoodcockJohnson IV: Organization, content, and psychometric properties. In D. P. Flanagan & V. C. Alfonso (Eds.), WJ IV clinical use and interpretation: Scientist-practitioner perspectives (pp. 1-30). San Diego, CA: Elsevier. Bennett, E. D., Davari, J., Perales, J., Perales, A., Sumner, B., Gill, G., & Mak, T. W. (2016). Five counseling techniques for increasing attachment, intimacy, and sexual functioning in couples. Vistas. 2016. Retrieved from http://www.counseling.org/docs/default-source/ vistas/article_13d3bf24f16116603abcacff0000bee5e7. pdf?sfvrsn=4. Grundmanis, K., & Wissel, A. (2015). Solution-focused dreams: the Disney approach to school counseling. VISTAS, 1-8.
Patil, V. H. (2015). Gender and Publication Activity in Top Marketing Journals. Trey Carland (Ed.), Proceedings of Allied Academies International Internet Conference, 17(1), Allied Academies.
Radmer, E. M., & Darragh, J. J. (2016). An experimental study of the impact of culturally responsive young adult literature on middle school students’ reading comprehension. Sage Research Methods Cases, http://dx.doi. org/10.4135/9781473958302.
Pepper, M. B. (2015). Bringing Mission to the Classroom. Conversations in Jesuit Higher Education Magazine, 52.
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Anderson, E., Barretto, A., McLaughlin, T. F., & McQuaid, T. (in press). Effects of functional communication training with and without delays to decrease aberrant behavior in a child with autism spectrum disorder. Journal on Developmental Disabilities 22(2), 12-21. Beaudet-Dommer, K., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., McLaughlin, T. F., & Barretto, A. (2016). Effects of systematic desensitization with a phobic 15-year-old male with autism: A case study with measures of generalization. International Journal of Academic Research and Development, 1(4), 30-35. Retrieved from http://www.newresearchjournal.com/ academic/archives/?year=2016&vol=1&issue=4. Ahrens, W., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Robison, M. (2016). Teaching a non-vocal student with autism to use picture exchange communication systems (PECS): Effects of various prompting and item placement strategies. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(4), 57-61. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/ issue%204/pdf/11a.2.pdf. Aoyama, M., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., Donica, D., & Knokey, M. (2016). The effects of “Handwriting without Tears®” with consequences on the handwriting skills of appropriate size, form, and tool for a five year-old student with a developmental delay. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(4), 1-8. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/ issue%204/pdf/30.1.pdf. McCall, J., Derby, K. M., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2016). The effects of matching sensory profile results to functional analysis and preference assessment for the in home treatment of aberrant behaviors in two children with autism spectrum disorders. International Journal of English and Education, 5(2), 368-390. Retrieved from http://ijee.org/yahoo_site_admin/ assets/docs/tim_1.9931040.pdf. O’Flaherty, C., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Weber, D. (2016). The effects of direct instruction flashcards and copy, cover, compare on sight word skills of two elementary students in a parochial school setting: A replication. International Journal of English and Education, 5(2), 403-416. Retrieved from http://ijee.org/yahoo_site_admin/assets/ docs/tim_3.9931218.pdf. Schnagl, L., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Chadduck, S. (2016). An analysis of DI flashcards and reading racetracks with and without a lotto game to teach letter names: A failure to replicate reading racetracks with preschoolers. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(3), 53-63. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd. com/vol%202/issue%203/issue%203.html. Beiers, K., Derby, K. M., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2016). Increasing social interactions using prompts and rewards for adolescents with ASD in an ice hockey practice context. Educational Research Quarterly, 38(3), 40-56.
Breach, C., McLaughlin, T. F., & Derby, K. M. (2015-2016). An evaluation of copy cover and compare spelling intervention for an elementary student with learning disabilities: A replication. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 9(3), 1-10. Retrieved from http:// www.imanagerpublications.com/Author/ArticleHTML. aspx?articleID=3770&issueid=723. Craig, B., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Clark, A. (2016). The effects of using a modified direct instruction flashcard system and errorless learning to teach sorting by shape and shape identification: A case study. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(2), 17-22. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/issue%202/ issue%202.html. Thompson, L., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M. & Antcliff, C. (2016). The delayed and differential effects of direct instruction flashcards and the reading mastery program to teach letter sounds to a six-year-old girl with PDDNOS. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 53-58. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd. com/vol%202/issue%201/issue%201.html. Volwiler, S. M., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Everson, M. (2016). The effects of repeated reading and SAFMED cards with a 10-year-old elementary school student with learning disabilities. International Journal of English and Education 5(1), 260-267. Retrieved from http://www.ijee.org. Wakeman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Neyman, J., Weber, K. P., & Hoenike, R. (2016). The effects of DI flashcards with a cover and compare, a passage reading procedure, and rewards to increase sight word skills 12-year-old middle school student with learning disabilities. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 12-20. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd. com/vol%202/issue%201/issue%201.html. Babin, H., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Cartmell, H. (2016). An examination of a break card intervention with and without a token economy for a child with autism. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 1-5. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/ issue%201/issue%201.html. Heric, K., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., & Everson, M. (2016). The delayed effects of repeated reading and direct instruction flashcards for a 10-year-old elementary school student with learning disabilities. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 6-11. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/ issue%201/pdf/24.3.pdf. Harris, M., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Clark, A. (2015). Using DI flashcards with and without a prompt to increase social questions for a preschool student with autism with measures of generalization across school personnel. International Journal of Applied Research, 1(11), 59-65. Retrieved from http://www.allresearchjournal.com/ archives/?year=2015&vol=1&issue=11&part=N.
Corn, S., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., & McKenzie, M. (2015). The effects of Handwriting without Tears® and fading prompts on the handwriting of a preschooler with developmental delays. International Journal of Applied Research, 1(3), 59-65. Retrieved from http://www.allresearchjournal.com/archives/2015/ vol1issue12/PartB/1-11-142.pdf. Meyers, C., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., & Robison, M. (2015). The effects of “Handwriting without Tears®” on the handwriting skills of appropriate size, form, and tool for a four year-old boy with a developmental delay. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship, 4(2), 1-12. Retrieved from http://josea.info/archives/vol4no2/ vol4no2-1-FT.pdf. Thomas, R., McLaughlin, T. F., & Derby, K. M. (2015). Employing direct instruction flashcards to teach academic skills to students with high incidence disabilities: A review. International Journal of English and Education, 4(4), 404-421. Retrieved from http://www.ijee.org. Erickson, J., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Fuehrer, K. (2015). An evaluation of Read Naturally® on increasing reading fluency for three primary students with learning disabilities. Educational Research Quarterly, 39(1), 3-21. Watson, T., McLaughlin, T. F., & Derby, K. M. (2015). Communication training for children with autism spectrum disorder in the community environment: A brief review. International Journal of English and Education, 4(4), 422-438. Wingeard-Ptolemy, W., McLaughlin, T. F., & Heath, W. (2016). Using direct instruction flashcards on the development and maintenance of word recognition skills for two elementary students with severe behavioral/emotional disorders. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(6), 7-16. Retrieved from: http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/ issue%206/issue6.html. Troup, D., Chung, P., Neyman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Schuler, H. (2016). The use of behavior specific praise and a token economy system to improve on-task behavior for a male with Asperger’s Syndrome (as) and ADHD. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2(6), 17-25. Retrieved from: http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/ issue%206/issue6.html. Rich, E., McLaughlin, T. F., Weber, K. P., & Love, D. (2016). The effects of direct instruction flashcards to increase sight-word reading ability and cover, copy, and compare for spelling for a fifth grade student with specified learning disabilities. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 1(2), 1-6. Retrieved from http://www. newresearchjournal.com/scientific/archives/2016/vol1/ issue2.
Aasen, K., McLaughlin, T. F., & Mortensen, S. (2016). The use of consequences and self-monitoring to increase time in seat and the number of correct responses to name for a preschooler with developmental delays. International Journal for Research in Social Science and Humanities Research, 2(4), 1-24. Retrieved from http:// internationaljournalsforresearch.com/. Beaudet-Dommer, K., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., McLaughlin, T. F., & Barretto, A. (2016). Effects of systematic desensitization with a phobic 15-year-old male with autism: A case study with measures of generalization. International Journal of Academic Research and Development, 1(4), 30-35. Retrieved from http://www.newresearchjournal.com/ academic/archives/?year=2016&vol=1&issue=4. Ahrens, W., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Robison, M. (2016). Teaching a non-vocal student with autism to use picture exchange communication systems (PECS): Effects of various prompting and item placement strategies. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(4), 57-61. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/ issue%204/pdf/11a.2.pdf. Aoyama, M., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., Donica, D., & Knokey, M. (2016). The effects of “Handwriting without Tears®” with consequences on the handwriting skills of appropriate size, form, and tool for a five year-old student with a developmental delay. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(4), 1-8. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/ issue%204/pdf/30.1.pdf.
Beiers, K., Derby, K. M., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2016). Increasing social interactions using prompts and rewards for adolescents with ASD in an ice hockey practice context. Educational Research Quarterly, 38(3), 40-56. Breach, C., McLaughlin, T. F., & Derby, K. M. (2015-2016). An evaluation of copy cover and compare spelling intervention for an elementary student with learning disabilities: A replication. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 9(3), 1-10. Retrieved from http:// www.imanagerpublications.com/Author/ArticleHTML. aspx?articleID=3770&issueid=723. Poff, B., Villar, K., Barretto, A., Muniz, A., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2016). The assessment of communication modalities during functional communication training: A replication. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(3), 9-12. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/ issue%203/issue%203.html. Wilson, C., McLaughlin, T. F., & Bennett, A. (2016). Using DI flashcards with a count-by series procedure with a fourth grade student with ADHD and learning issues in a resource room setting math facts with an evaluation of generalization to new math facts. Asian Education Studies, 1(1), 23-31. Retrieved from http://journal.julypress.com/ index.php/aes/issue/view/2. McCall, J., Derby, K. M., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2016). The effects of matching sensory profile results to functional analysis and preference assessment for the in home treatment of aberrant behaviors in two children with autism spectrum disorders. International Journal of English and Education, 5(2), 368-390. Retrieved from http://ijee.org/yahoo_site_admin/ assets/docs/tim_1.9931040.pdf.
Craig, B., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Clark, A. (2016). The effects of using a modified direct instruction flashcard system and errorless learning to teach sorting by shape and shape identification: A case study. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(2), 17-22. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/issue%202/ issue%202.html.
Helling, J., McLaughlin, T. F., Weber, K. P., Dolliver, M., & Slotvig, P. (2016). The effects of direct instruction procedures with a place value chart and model-lead-test error correction procedure to teach regrouping with threedigit subtraction accuracy: A case study. International Journal of English and Education, 5(2), 391-402. Retrieved from http://ijee.org/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/ tim_2.9931144.pdf.
Bagdon, K., McLaughlin, T. F., Weber, K. P., & Blecher, J. (2016). Effects of a modified DI flashcards for number recognition 1 through 10 for a preschool child with developmental delays. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 59-65.
O’Flaherty, C., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Weber, D. (2016). The effects of direct instruction flashcards and copy, cover, compare on sight word skills of two elementary students in a parochial school setting: A replication. International Journal of English and Education, 5(2), 403-416. Retrieved from http://ijee.org/yahoo_site_admin/assets/ docs/tim_3.9931218.pdf. Schnagl, L., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Chadduck, S. (2016). An analysis of DI flashcards and reading racetracks with and without a lotto game to teach letter names: A failure to replicate reading racetracks with preschoolers. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(3), 53-63. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd. com/vol%202/issue%203/issue%203.html.
Thompson, L., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M. & Antcliff, C. (2016). The delayed and differential effects of direct instruction flashcards and the reading mastery program to teach letter sounds to a six-year-old girl with PDDNOS. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 53-58. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd. com/vol%202/issue%201/issue%201.html. Seines, A., Neyman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Madden, R. (2016). The effects of copy cover compare on handwriting skills for a second grade student with severe behavioral issues. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 48-52. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/ issue%201/issue%201.html. Brinegar, K., McLaughlin, T. F., & Love, D. (2016). A replication of the use of direct instruction flashcards to teach a fourth grade student with learning disabilities math facts: A case report. International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 4(3), 9-17. Retrieved from http://insikapub.com/Vol-04/ No-03/02IJBAS(4)(3).pdf.
Volwiler, S. M., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Everson, M. (2016). The effects of repeated reading and SAFMED cards with a 10-year-old elementary school student with learning disabilities. International Journal of English and Education 5(1), 260-267. Retrieved from http://www.ijee.org. Brushwein, L., Barretto, A., Poff, B., McLaughlin, T. F., Pierce, K., & Pierce, C. (2016). A multi-function communication analysis with a child with autism using Skype® to assess treatment and generalization. International Journal of English and Education, 5(1), 321-338. Retrieved from http://www.ijee.org. Connor-Boyle, S., Harvey, M., Neyman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., & Hoenike, R. (2016). The differential effects of the DI flashcard procedure on multiplication facts with a 13-yearold middle school student with learning disabilities. International Journal of English and Education, 5(1), 268-277. Retrieved from http://www.ijee.org. Wakeman, J., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Neyman, J., Weber, K. P., & Hoenike, R. (2016). The effects of DI flashcards with a cover and compare, a passage reading procedure, and rewards to increase sight word skills 12-year-old middle school student with learning disabilities. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 12-20. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd. com/vol%202/issue%201/issue%201.html. Babin, H., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Cartmell, H. (2016). An examination of a break card intervention with and without a token economy for a child with autism. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 1-5. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/ issue%201/issue%201.html. Heric, K., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., & Everson, M. (2016). The delayed effects of repeated reading and direct instruction flashcards for a 10-year-old elementary school student with learning disabilities. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(1), 6-11. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd.com/vol%202/ issue%201/pdf/24.3.pdf. Lapke, M., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2015). The effects of direct instruction flashcards to increase number recognition for a five-year-old general education ell student. World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 1(6), 6-11. Retrieved from http://wwjmrd.com/vol%201/ issue%206/issue%206.html. Harris, M., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Clark, A. (2015). Using DI flashcards with and without a prompt to increase social questions for a preschool student with autism with measures of generalization across school personnel. International Journal of Applied Research, 1(11), 59-65. Retrieved from http://www.allresearchjournal.com/ archives/?year=2015&vol=1&issue=11&part=N.
“During the 2015-16 academic year, the School of Education faculty authored 9 books, and 87 publications such as chapters, sections and journal articles. In addition, they made 61 local, regional, national, and international presentations, and 46 students presented their work with faculty at these various conferences. Clearly, this was a very productive year for our faculty and students! We encourage, value, and support scholarly activity and thus have made it one of the five pillars of our strategic plan.” – VINCENT ALFONSO, PH.D., DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION
Corn, S., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., & McKenzie, M. (2015). The effects of Handwriting without Tears® and fading prompts on the handwriting of a preschooler with developmental delays. International Journal of Applied Research, 1(3), 59-65. Retrieved from http://www.allresearchjournal.com/archives/2015/ vol1issue12/PartB/1-11-142.pdf. Meyers, C., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., Weber, K. P., & Robison, M. (2015). The effects of “Handwriting without Tears®” on the handwriting skills of appropriate size, form, and tool for a four year-old boy with a developmental delay. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship, 4(2), 1-12. Retrieved from http://josea.info/archives/vol4no2/ vol4no2-1-FT.pdf. Edwards, A., Finn, T., Neyman, J., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2015). The gradual effects of implementing model-lead-test and child selected rewards in the home to assist a preschool student with basic rote counting. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2(10), 458-461. Retrieved from: www.allsubjectjournal.com/archives/ download?id=1420&refnum=39. Thomas, R., McLaughlin, T. F., & Derby, K. M. (2015). Employing direct instruction flashcards to teach academic skills to students with high incidence disabilities: A review. International Journal of English and Education, 4(4), 404-421. Retrieved from http://www.ijee.org. Erickson, J., McLaughlin, T. F., Derby, K. M., & Fuehrer, K. (2015). An evaluation of Read Naturally® on increasing reading fluency for three primary students with learning disabilities. Educational Research Quarterly, 39(1), 3-21. Striton, G., McLaughlin, T. F., & Jack, M. (2015). The effects of cover, copy, compare with timing for teaching spelling to a fourth grade student with learning disabilities: A case report and replication. International Journal of English and Education, 4(4), 439-448. Retrieved from http://www.ijee. org/current_issue.
Morgan, S., McLaughlin, T. F., Weber, K. P., & Bolich, B. (in press). Increasing reading fluency using Read Naturally® with two third grade students with specific learning disabilities: A replication of Erickson et al., 2015. Educational Research Quarterly. Smith, J. (2015). An examination of sport management faculty journal publications and conference presentations in the United States and Canada. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management, 2, 1-17. Smith, J., & Washington, M. (2015). The antecedents and consequences of intercollegiate athletic associational reclassification: A multiple case study perspective. International Journal of Sport Management, 16, 1-20. Smith, J., Soebbing, B. P., & Washington, M. (2015). Motivations for changing athletic associations: An athletic department’s perspective. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 9(2), 117132. Case, A. F. (2016). Let social interaction flourish. Educational Leadership, 73(5), 51-55. Case, A. F. (2015). Beyond the language barrier: Opening spaces for ELL/Non-ELL interaction. Research in the Teaching of English, 49(4), 361-382. Girtz, S., & Lambert, K. (2016). Edited by Carter, J. & Lochte, H. Teacher performance assessment and accountability reforms: The impacts of edTPA. London, England: Palgrave McMillan Publishing.
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SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE Baumgardner, M. E. et. al. (2015). Combustion of Lignocellulosic Biomass Based Oxygenated Components in a Compression Ignition Engine. Energy&Fuels, 29(11), 73177326. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b01595. Bowers, S., Maccarone, E., Besmer, K., Ricco, G. (2016). On the Integration of Ethical, Legal, and Societal Issues into a Computer Science Senior Design Capstone Program. ASEE Conference. URL: https://www.asee.org/public/ conferences/64/papers/15871/view. McPhillips, T., Bowers, S., Belhajjame, K., Ludaescher, B. (2015) Retrospective Provenance Without a Runtime Provenance Recorder. Proceedings of the 7th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP).
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Saha, P., Ahmed, M., & Young, R. (2015). Safety Effectiveness of Variable Speed Limit Systems in Adverse Weather Conditions on Challenging Roadway Geometry. Transportation Research Record 2521, 45-53. DOI: 10.3141/2521-05. Niezgoda, S. L., Muszynski, M., & Navickis-Brasch, A. (2016). A critical review of permeable asphalt behavior and performance to guide application to arterial streets in cold climates. Proceedings of the ASCE World Water and Environmental Resources Congress. West Palm Beach, FL, May 23-27, 2016. doi: http://dx.doi. org/10.1061/9780784479865. Tadrous, J., & Eryilmaz, A. (2015). On optimal proactive caching for mobile networks with demand uncertainties. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 24(5), 2715-2727. Tadrous, J., Eryilmaz, A., & El Gamal, H. (2015). Joint smart pricing and proactive content caching for mobile services. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 24(4), 2357-2371. Tadrous. J., & Sabharwal, A. (2016). Interactive smart-phone app traffic: an action-based model and data driven analysis. The 14th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks, 1-8. Muppirisetty, L. S., Tadrous, J., Eryilmaz, A., & Wymeersch H. (2015). On Proactive Caching with Demand and Channel Uncertainties. 3rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 1174-1181. Zhang, X., & Tadrous, J., & Everett, E., & Xue, F., & Sabharwal., A. (2015). Angle of arrival based beamforming schemes for massive MIMO FDD systems. The 49th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR), 704-708. Due, X., Tadrous, J., Dick, C., & Sabharwal., A. (2015). MUMIMO beamforming with full-duplex open-loop training. IEEE 16th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 301-305. Santora, M. J., & Savage, D. (2015). Exhaust Noise Reduction in Two-Stroke Snowmobile: Development of a Mechanically Active Quarter Wave Resonator. SAE Technical Paper, No. 2015-01-2211. Schroeder, D. A. & Keefe, D. F. (2015). Visualization-bySketching: An Artist’s Interface for Creating Multivariate Time-Varying Data Visualizations. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 22(1), 877-885. http:// dx.doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2015.2467153. Talarico, C., D’amato, G., Coviello, G., & Avitabile, G. (2015). A high precision phase control unit for DDS-based PLLs for 2.4-GHz ISM band applications. 2015 IEEE 58th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 1-4. doi:10.1109/mwscas.2015.7282033.
D’Amato, G., Talarico, C., Avitabile, G., & Coviello, G. (2015). A beam steering unit for active phased-array antennas based on FPGA synthesized delay-lines and PLLs. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 2015, 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/ SMACD.2015.7301709. Talarico, C., Agrawal, G., Wang-Roveda, J., & Lashgari, H. (2015). Design Optimization of a Transimpedance Amplifier for a Fiber Optic Receiver. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 34(9), 2785-2800. doi:10.1007/s00034-0150002-z. Sun, J., Talarico, C., Gupta, P., & Roveda, J. (2015). A New Uncertainty Budgeting-Based Method for Robust Analog/Mixed-Signal Design. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 21(1), 1-25. doi:10.1145/2778959. Worobec, B., & Bryant, R. (December 2016). Using SharePoint as a limited learning management system. The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 32(2), 11-18. Coufal, V., Fogel, K., Higgins, W., Ray, R. Villalpando, J., & Yerion, K. (2016). Trees for Given Values of the Span, Caps, and Icaps for L(2,1)-Colorings. Congressus Numerantium, 227, 139-155.
SCHOOL OF LAW Burnham, S. (2016). A Transactional Lawyer Looks at the Rules of Tournament Poker, 20 GAMING L. REV. AND ECON. 9. Critchlow, G. (2015). Beyond Elitism: Legal Education for the Public Good, 46 U. TOL. L. REV. 311. Daggett, L. & Pauken, P. (2015). School Governance Chapter, Y.B. EDUC. L. Hammer, G. (2015). TransParent: When Legal Fictions and Judicial Imagination Make Facts Disappear, They Enforce Transphobic Discrimination, 30 COLUM. J. GENDER & L. 119. Hess, G. Et. Al. (2015). Civil Procedure: A Context and Practice Casebook. Holland, B. (2016). Teaching Miranda at Its 50th Anniversary, 80 J. SOC. ED. 20. Holland, B. (2015). Miranda v. Arizona: 50 Years of Judicial Regulation of Police Interrogation, 16 INSIGHTS ON L. & SOC’Y 4. Holland, B. (2015). When Is an Extortion Victim also a Partner in Crime? Defining the Scope of Hobbs Act Conspiratorial Liability, 43 Preview 27. Holland, B., Critchlow, G. & Duhart, O. (2015). The Call for Lawyers Committed to Social Justice to Champion Accessible Legal Services through Innovative Legal Education, 16 NEV. L. J. 251. Kiser, J. (2016). Brands as Copyright, 61 VILL. L. REV. 45. Pearson, K. H. (2016). Innate Religious Identity, 84 UMKC L. REV. 803. Treuthart, M. P. (2016). Feminist-in-Chief? Examining President Obama’s Executive Orders on Women’s Rights Issues, 91 CHI. KENT L. REV. 171. Weise, S. and Sepinuck, S. (2016). Uniform Commercial Code: Personal Property Secured Transactions, 71 BUS. LAW. 1323.
SCHOOL OF NURSING & HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Soltwisch, M., & Beckham, N. (2016). Reducing the inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics for rhinosinusitis. Consultant, 56(2), 127-132. Hudson, M. D., & Crogan, N. L. (2016). Efficacy of ondansetron as a prophylactic anti-hypotensive pharmacologic intervention among obese parturients undergoing spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery. Twin Oaks Anesthesia. Hudson, M. D., Crogan, N. L., Bilsky, E. J. (2016). Efficacy of ondansetron as a prophylactic antihypotensive pharmacologic intervention for obese parturients undergoing spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery. Anesthesia eJournal, 4(1). Brotto, M., Isaacson, J, & Abreu, E. (2016). The muscle-bone connection. In G. Duque & D. P. Kiel (Eds.), Osteoporosis in older persons: Advances in pathophysiology and therapeutic approaches (pp. 59-92). Base, Swotzerland: Springer Publishing. Murphy, L. (2015). Becoming an authentic nurse leader. OR Nurse, 9(4), 12-15.
Ramirez, J. (2016). Suicide across the life span. Nursing Clinics of North America, 51, 275-286. doi:.org/10.1016/j. cnur.2016.01.010029.6465/16$.
Crandall, H. M., (2016). Locating community action outreach projects in the scholarship of media literacy pedagogy. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 8(2), 110-121.
Senger, B. (2016). Mitochondrial disease (section in Alterations in endocrine function). In J. Ball, R. Bindler, K. Cowen, & M. Shaw, M. (Eds.), Principles of pediatric nursing: Caring for children (7th ed., pp. 894-895). New York, NY: Pearson.
Cunningham, C. (2015). Computers for youth: Teaching Latino/a youth digital literacy. Texas Speech Communication Journal, 6-18.
Senger, B. (2016). Mitochondrial disease (section in The Child with alterations in endocrine function. In M. London, P. Ladewig, M. Davidson, J. Ball, R. Bindler, & K. Cowen (Eds.), Maternal & child nursing care (5th ed., pp. 1429-1431). New York, NY: Pearson. Smith, C. S., Gerrish, W., Nash, M., Fisher, A., Brotman, A., Smith, D & Dreffin, M. (2015). Professional equipoise: Getting beyond dominant discourses in an interprofessional team. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29, 603-609.
SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Caputo, J. S. (2016). Peacebuilding through dialogue in Northern Ireland. In Roy. S. & Shaw, S.S. (Eds.), Communicating differences: Culture, media, peace and conflict negotiation. London: Palgrave: Macmillan. Crandall, H. M., & Cunningham, C. (2016). Media ecology and hashtag activism: #Kaleidoscope. Explorations in Media Ecology, 15(1), 17-28. DOI: 10.1386/eme.15.1.17_1.
“Many of the achievements of the faculty in the School of Nursing and Human Physiology are highlighted in this publication, but these do not begin to tell the complete story of their dedication to excellence in scientific inquiry, clinical practice, teaching, mentoring of students, and leadership and service to their disciplines. In addition to conducting their own research, faculty in Human Physiology spend countless hours mentoring their students in their senior research projects with many of them culminating in presentations at professional meetings. Mentored over the course of several semesters by Nursing faculty, the Doctor of Nursing Practice students engage in completing scholarly projects that are focused on addressing complex issues in clinical practice. Several are resulting in joint student-faculty publications and presentations. In addition, many of the faculty provide leadership and service within their disciplines and actively engage in clinical practice knowing that these endeavors are important to making them more grounded and effective teachers, scholars, and clinicians.” – LIN MURPHY, PH.D., RN, INTERIM DEAN, SCHOOL OF NURSING AND HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY
Cunningham, C. (2016). She designs therefore she is?: Evolving understandings of girls and videogame design. L. Jensen & K. Valentine (Eds.). Examining the Evolution of Gaming and its Impact on Social, Cultural, and Political Perspectives. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 147-169. Cunningham, C. (2015). Digital citizenship: Communication capabilities and technological literacy. In E. Brown (Ed). E-Learning & Social Media: Education and Citizenship for the Digital 21st Century. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 249-269. Ferch, S. R. (2015). Conversations on Servant Leadership: Insights on Human Courage in Life and Work. Eds. Ferch, S.R., Spears, L., McFarland, M., and Carey, M.. New York: SUNY Press. Ferch, S. R. (2015). American Copper: A Novel. Lakewood, CO: Unbridled Books. Winner: Western Writers of America Spur Award. Ferch, S. R. (2016). Mountain Men. An essay in High Desert Journal, 37-45. Ferch, S. R. (2016). Love, Light, and Basketball on the Reservation. An essay in LitHub, 1-9. Ferch, S. R. (2016). Dark Horse Bright Field i-vi. Poems in Southern Humanities Review, 30-32. Ferch, S. R. (2016). Dark Horse Bright Field vii-xxi. Poems in South Dakota Review, 47-54. Ferch, S. R. (2016). Honeybush, and For Jennifer. Poems in Lilac City Anthology, 27-28. Ferch, S. R. (2016). Montana Lake Sequence. Poems in Past Simple, 4-7. Ferch, S. R. (2016). Her Voice, and Fire. Poems in Verde Que Te Quiero Verde: After Federico Garcia Lorca, 61-63. Ferch, S. R. (2016). Wilderness. A poem in Big Sky Journal, 85. Ferch, S. R. (2016). Three Oceans Plateau, Beartooth Range, Montana. A poem in Railtown Almanac, 43. Gambrell, K. M., & Topuzova, L. N. (2016). Creating a decolonized alliance: American Indian and Alaska Native Doctoral leadership program. In P. Blessinger & D. Stockley (eds.) Emerging directions in Doctoral education (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Volume 6) (pp.129147). Emerald Group Publishing. doi:10.1108/S2055364120160000006014. Sholssberg, P., & Cunningham, C. (2016). Diversity, instructional research, and online education. Communication Education, 65(2), 229-232. Shlossberg, P. (2015). Crafting identity: Transnational Indian arts and the politics of race in central Mexico. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Axon, L. (February 2016). Review of Beyond Rogers’ nonconstructively computable function, by John Case and Michael Ralston. MathSciNet. http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/search/ publdoc.html?pg1=MR&s1=3102003&loc=fromrevtext. Clark, E. S. (2015). Review of Rough Country: How Texas Became America’s Most Powerful Bible-Belt State by Robert Wuthnow. The Common Reader: A Journal of the Essay, Washington University. https://commonreader.wustl.edu/c/rough-andreligious/. Donnelly, R. C. (Winter 2015). Review of Bootleggers and Borders: The Paradox of Prohibition on a Canada-U.S. Borderland, Stephen T. Moore. Oregon Historical Quarterly: 116.4. Oregon Historical Society 540-541. Dunn, S. (2015). Review of Striving in the Path of God: Jihad and Martyrdom in Islamic Thought by Asma Afsaruddin. Journal of the American Academy of Religion: 83.3. Oxford University Press 2. Gordon, G. (Spring 2016). Review of Black Hills Forestry: A History, by John F. Freeman. Boulder: University of Colorado Press, 2014. Agricultural History: 90.2. Gordon, G. (April 2016). Review of Chinese in the Woods: Logging and Lumbering in the American West, by Sue Fawn Chung. University of Illinois Press, 2015. H-Net.
Nitz, T. A. (2015). Nitz on Naranch and Eley. Review of German Colonialism in a Global Age, eds. Bradley Naranch, Geoff Eley. H-Diplo. H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online. https://networks.h-net.org/node/5293/discussions/76853/reviewnitz-naranch-and-eley-german-colonialism-global-age-h-diplo. O’Connor, K. C. (2015). Review of The Making and Breaking of Soviet Lithuania by Violeta Davoliute. Slavic Review: 74.2 Slavic Review: 2. Schearing, L. (2015). Review of Rediscovering Eve: Ancient Israelite Women in Context by Carol Meyers. Review of Biblical Literature. Society of Biblical Literature. http://www. bookreviews.org. Sheveland, J. N. (2015). Review of Understanding Interreligious Relations by Cheetham, Pratt, Thomas. Theological Studies: 76.1 Sage: 219-20. Tkacz, M. W. (2015). Ocasionalismo y analogia del constructor aplicada por Agustin a la creacion. Revista Augustinus: 60: 313-320. Tkacz, M. W. (2015). Review of Metaphysics from a Biological Point of View, by Stephen Boulter. Studia Neoaristotelica: 12: 72-77. Tritten, T. (2015). Review of Spinoza and German Idealism, by Eckart Förster and Yitzhak Y. Melamed. Schelling-Studien: 3.
Gordon, G. (Spring 2016). Review of Money Trees: The Douglas Fir and American Forestry, 1900-1944, by Emily K. Brock. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 2015. Western Historical Quarterly.
Bagley, C. A. (2016). Untitled. [Review of FRBR, before and after: A look at our bibliographic models by Karen Coyle]. Catholic Library World, 86(3), 214.
Gordon, G. (Winter 2015). Review of Peaks, Politics, & Passion: Grand Teton National Park Comes of Age by Robert Righter. Moose, WY: Grand Teton Association. Environmental History.
“Foley Library is a focal point for the Gonzaga community. It is evolving to meet the changing needs of students and scholars in an increasinglydigital era and looks forward to launching new initiatives to enhance the academic life of the campus.”
Hayes, W. (2015). Review of Politics and the Democratization of South Korea, by Youngtae Shin. Pacific Affairs: web http:// www.pacificaffairs.ubc.ca/book-reviews/book-reviews-2/ forthcoming-book-reviews/. Kearney, M. (April 2016). Review of Creating Symmetry: The Artful Mathematics of Wallpaper Patterns, Frank Farris. Math Horizons: 23.4: 1. http://www.maa.org/press/periodicals/mathhorizons/math-horizons-contents-april-2016. Kries, D. (2015). Review of A Commentary on Thomas Aquinas’s Treatise on Law, by J. Budziszewski. Claremont Review of Books: 15.4, 74-75. Lassiter, C. (2015). Cognition Beyond the Brain. Review of Cognition Beyond the Brain: Computation, Interactivity,and Human Artiface by Stephen J. Cowley & Frederic ValleeTourangeau, Philosophical Psychology: 28.7-8: 1245. McCormick, P. T. (2015). Review of Human Dignity in Contemporary Ethics by David Kirchhoffer. Theological Studies: 76.4, 895-896. McCruden, K. B. (March 2016). Review of Resisting Empire: Rethinking the Purpose of the Letter to the Hebrews by Jason A. Whitlark. Religious Studies Review: 42.1): 1.
– PAUL J. BRACKE, PH.D., DEAN OF LIBRARY SERVICES SCHOOL OF LAW Charles, P. & co-author. (2016). Reviewed Idaho Legal Research 2d. in Law Library Journal. Charles, P. & Sundin, A. (2016) Keeping Up with New Legal Titles: Idaho Legal Research, Second Edition, 108 L. LIB. J. 455 (book review).
SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Crandall, H. M. (2016). Review of Interrogating the Theory and Practice of Communication for Social Change: The Basis For a Renewal by By Pradip Ninan Thomas and Elske van de Fliert, Communication Research Trends, 35(2), 34-36. Crandall, H. M. (2015). Review of Rethinking Relationships by Steve Duck, Communication Research Trends, 34(1), 30-31. Cunningham, C. (2016). This is why we can’t have nice things: Mapping the relationship between online trolling and mainstream culture. Feminist Media Studies, 15(5), 933-934. GONZAGA UNIVERSITY | FACULTY ACHIEVEMENTS
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Goodrich, R. J. (2015). A Readers Greek New Testament. Third Edition. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. Goodrich, R. J. (2016). Sulpicius Sevens: Complete Works. New York: Paulist Press. Grey, G. (2016). Voyager I, Voyager II, Dear Aliens, and HD 162826 (poetry). Terrain: terrain.org. Grey, G. (2016). HD 162826 (poetry). Spokesman Review. spokesman.com. Halliday, J. (2015). Out Where Everyone Can See. Spokesman Review: Summer Stories: D1. www.spokesmanreview.com. Halliday, J. (2015). He’s a Tough Kid: Confessions of a Football Mom. Sports Illustrated Online. http://www.si.com/author/ jessica-halliday. Halliday, J. (2015). DMAC: One Year Later. Showcasing the Best of CIWIC/DMAC: 1.1 http://www.dmacinstitute.com/ showcase/issues/no1. Hamlin, P. (2016). Teaching for understanding: Tips for improving your ensemble rehearsals. Bluegrass Music News: 67.2. https://www.kmea.org/bgmn/. Hamlin, P. (2015). Facilitating Effective Practice. Arizona Music News: 60.1. http://www.azmea.org/AMEA/index. php/resources/amn. Hartin, P. J. (2015). A Window into the Spirituality of Paul. Collegeville: Liturgical Press. McMahon, C. A., & Prindle, R. (2015). Speech Writing and Delivery for Public Relations. Kendall Hunt. http://www. kendallhunt.com/mcmahon_prindle/. Thorne, G. L. (2015). A User’s Guide to Basic Statistics. selfpublished.
SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Thurber, M. R., & Weber, K. P. (2016). The neurodevelopmental drawing series: Foundational skills, books 1-3. Spokane, WA: Sketch for Schools. Weber, K. P., Thurber, M. R. & Dietzel, C. (2016). The neurodevelopmental drawing series: Draw to read, books 1 & 2. Spokane, WA: Sketch for Schools.
SCHOOL OF LAW Kelley, A., ed. (March 2016). Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Water Law Newsletter. Kelley, A., ed. (2016). Water and Water Rights Treatise. Murphy, A. (2016). A Sea Change in Court Analysis of Treasury Regulations: How the Treasury Department Won the Battle but Lost the War, 35 A.B.A. SEC. TAX TIMES 21. Murphy, A., ET AL. (2016). FEDERAL TAX PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE (Matthew Bender, Rev. Ed.). Murphy, A. (2015). Two Cases – Derek Vernon Medina (The Facebook Killer) and Lesiba Simon Matsoake (Are Tears ‘Communication’) Make for Interesting Class Discussions, ASS’N. OF AM. L. SCH. EVID. SEC. NEWSL. Sepinuck, S. (June 2015). Managing the Risk of Legal Error in Arbitration, 5 TRANS. LAW. 1. Sepinuck, S. (August 2015). Contracting with Multiple Parties, 5 TRANS. LAW. 2. Sepinuck, S. (October 2015). Liquidated Damages, Alternative Performance, and Ensuring the Enforceability of Contingent Charges and Fees, 5 TRANS. LAW. 3. Sepinuck, S. (December 2015). Beware of Constructive Trusts When Establishing the Borrowing Base, 5 TRANS. LAW. 1. Sepinuck, S. (February 2016). Sometimes a Declaration Is Better Than a Covenant, 6 TRANS. LAW. 4. Sepinuck, S. (February 2016). Restricting Amendment of a Debtor’s LLC Operating Agreement, 6 TRANS. LAW. 1. Sepinuck, S. (April 2016). Federal Circuit Decision Might Obstruct Secured Transactions, 6 TRANS. LAW. 3. Sepinuck, S. (November 2015). The Virtue of ‘Represents and Warrants’: Another View, BUS. LAW. TODAY 1. Sepinuck, S. (Spring 2016). Spotlight, COM. L. NEWSL. (A.B.A. U.C.C. and Com. Fin. Comm.), 7.
SCHOOL OF NURSING & HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Anderson, S., Chamberlain, M., Musgrove, S., Partusch, A., Tice, K., & Thorp, D. B. (2016). Is VO2 suppressed during non-apnoeic facial submersion. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, 41 (11), 1171-1176.
SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Armstrong, J. (2015). The Practice of Accompaniment. Gonzaga Magazine, Spring, 50-51.
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Addis, E. (January 2016). Is there physiological variation between urban and rural dwelling marmots (Marmota flaviventris)? Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR. Anders, K. (November 2015). In collaboration with Anne MacKenzie. Investigating the basis for an unstable aneuploid phenotype in yeast. Twenty-fourth Regional Conference on Undergraduate Research of the Murdock College Science Research Program, Vancouver, WA.
Arpin, S. (January 2016). Work-family-school balance: A mixed methods examination of the effects of daily demands on moods. 17th Annual Conference for the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.
Anders, K. (January 2016). In collaboration with Nancy Staub, Pribbenow, Leslie Jaworski, David Lopatto. Scaling Up: Adapting a Phage-hunting Course to Increase Earlier Participation of Students in Research. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, West Palm Beach, FL.
Aver, E. (May 2015). Self-Consistent Primordial Helium Abundance Determinations. American Physical SocietyNorthwest Section-Annual Meeting, Pullman, WA.
Anders, K. (June 2015). In collaboration with Blake E. Henley, Anthony L. Bernicchi, Michael J. Fangman, Alex Murphy, Luke R. Wilde, Elizabeth V. Young, Marianne Poxleitner. Investigating Cluster O promoters at Gonzaga University. 7th Annual SEA-PHAGES Symposium, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA.
Bartlett, M. (March 2016). Thank you to third parties: Affiliative outcomes of expressing gratitude. Society for Affective Science Pre-conference, Chicago, IL.
Anders, K. (May 2015). What causes aneuploid phenotypes? A search for gene dose imbalances in yeast. Biology Department Seminar Series, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA. Anders, K. (October 2015). In collaboration with Anne MacKenzie. Investigating the basis for an unstable aneuploid phenotype in yeast. 12th Annual Poster Session of the Gonzaga Science Research Program, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Anders, K. (October 2015). In collaboration with Elisa Wilson. Evaluating aneuploidy: detecting the cellular effects of an extra chromosome. 12th Annual Poster Session of the Gonzaga Science Research Program. Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Arnold, L. (April 2016). Creating Institutional Space for Native American and Indigenous Studies: A Workshop. Pacific Northwest American Studies Association, Walla Walla, WA. Arnold, L. (October 2015). Grant Seeking to Support Your Research and Teaching Endeavors: Thresholds, Walls, and Bridges. Western History Association, Portland, OR. Arnold, L. (October 2015). Bridging the Gap from Graduation to Employment: Thresholds, Walls, and Bridges. Western History Association, Portland, OR. Arnold, L. (February 2016). Indigenous Communities Protecting the Columbia River: Designing the Columbia River Treaty to Serve Peoples and Places of the Columbia River. American Indian Studies Association, Tempe, AZ. Arnold, L. (November 2015). Native American Women in Documents: A Working Roundtable Discussion. American Society for Ethnohistory, Las Vegas, NV. Arpin, S. (January 2016). The Dark Side of Capitalization: Emotional costs associated with unsupportive capitalization processes. 17th Annual Conference for the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.
Arpin, S. (January 2016). Experimental investigation of loneliness and the perceived provision and receipt of responsive behavior within capitalization interactions. 17th Annual Conference for the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.
Bartlett, M. (January 2016). In collaboration with Ornelas, M. and Valdesolo, P. When Power Increases Gratitude. Convention for Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.
Bertotti Metoyer, A. (March 2016). Constructing ‘Risk’ in Gynecology Textbooks. Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Oakland, CA. Boose, D. (November 2015). Starting and Sustaining Faculty Development Programs at Small Colleges: Theory and Practice. Professional and Organizational Network in Higher Education (POD) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Boyer, B. (April 2016). La problématique spatiale de l’exil dans Topographie idéale pour une agression caractérisée de Rachid Boudjedra. The Many Facets of Migration and Identity Construction in French and Francophone Spaces. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (KFLC), Lexington, KY. Bradley, D. (Spring 2016). The Icon and the Cross of Cong: Mediterranean Painting, Irish Metal Work, and the Phenomenology of Sacred Art. The Challenge of God: Continental Philosophy and the Catholic Intellectual Heritage, Chicago, IL. Bradley, D. (Fall 2015). Sacrifice as Sacrament in Gran Torino: Parenting as Revelation of the Divine. From Home Alone to Interstellar: Parent and Child in Popular Film. Faith, Film, and Philosophy Conference Gonzaga Faith and Reason Institute, Spokane, WA. Brooke, G. (June 2015). Occhio e orecchio che diventano lingua. Silvana La Spina’s creative Interpretation of History in Quando Marte e’ in Capricorno. Literature, Fact and Fiction: Negotiating truth in History, Literature and Cinema. Canadian Society for Italian Studies, Campania, Sorrento, Italy. Bucciferro, C. (February 2016). Connected by Technology but Separated by Borders: Exploring the future of Mexico and undocumented immigrants through film. Colloquium on Mexico, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA. Bucciferro, C. (November 2015). Intercultural Readings of the X-Men Film Series. NCA Annual Convention, National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Bucciferro, C. (November 2015). Mutancy, Otherness, and Belonging in the X-World. NCA Annual Convention. National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV. Bucciferro, C. (March 2016). Empowering Katniss: Portrayals of Youth and Femininity in The Hunger Games. Popular Culture/American Culture Association National Conference, Seattle, WA. Burch, N. (December 2015). Connecting Fractional Derivatives, Di. Spokane Regional Math Colloquium, Spokane, WA. Burch, N. (June 2015). Using R in the Classroom. Inland Northwest R Users Group, Spokane, WA. Calhoun, D. (October 2015). Failed Film Fathers: Goodwill, SelfLove, and Practical Wisdom in Paternal Formation. From Home Alone to Interstellar: Parent and Child in Popular Film. 2015 Faith, Film, and Philosophy Conference. Gonzaga Faith and Reason Institute, Spokane, WA. Calhoun, D. (January 2016). How Films Can Argue, and Even Evangelize: The Case of Terrence Malick. Defend the Faith. School of Apologetics, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA. Calhoun, D. (April 2016). The Ascent of Eros in Terrence Malick’s “To the Wonder”. The Thought of Terrence Malick. Gettysburg College Philosophy and Film Seminar, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA. Calhoun, D. (November 2015). Freedom and the Human Practice of Giving Reasons. For Freedom Set Free, Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture Fall Conference, South Bend, IN. Calhoun, D. (November 2015). The Encouragement of Spectators: The ‘Cloud of Witnesses’ in Hebrews 12. The Spirit of Sports: 2015 Baylor Symposium on Faith and Culture. Institute for Faith and Learning, Baylor University, Waco, TX. Ciasullo, A. (November 2015). I Love You, Man: Hollywood’s Romance with the Bromance. Spokane Community College, Spokane, WA. Ciasullo, A. (April 2016). This is What I’ve Always Wanted’: Bromance and the Evolution of Male Intimacy in the Jump Street Films.’ National Pop Culture/American Culture Association, Seattle, WA. Ciesla, M. (October 2015). Uncovering Ruth Hall’s Patrilineal Dependence. Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Association, Santa Fe, NM. Clark, E. (November 2015). Black Bodies, Bright Spirits: Afrocreole Spiritualism and Race. American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Clark, E. (November 2015). Marian Apparitions. American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Cooley, E. (October 2015). Old Fashioned Cowboy Trappings’: Performing Gender and Genre in The Hearts of Horses and The Orchardist. Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association National Conference, Sante Fe, NM. Cooley, E. (October 2015). Creating Characters. NaNoWriMo conference. Spokane Public Library, Moran Prairie Library, Spokane, WA.
Coufal, V. (January 2016). Guided Inquiry in Calculus II. Joint Math Meetings Mathematical Association of America, Seattle, WA. Coufal, V. (April 2016). Experiences in POGIL-ish Calculus. Project NExT Meeting, Corvallis, OR. Cremeens, M. (June 2015). Oxirane Ring-openings and Predicting Non-statistical Reaction Dynamics? Gordon Research Conference: Physical Organic Chemistry, Holderness, NH. DeAragon, R. (September 2015). A Place at the Table?: Elite Women in Norman and Angevin England. Beyond Exceptionalism Conference. The Ohio State University, Madison, OH. Dichone, B. (August 2015). A Model for Soil-Plant-Surface Water Relationships in Arid Flat Environments. MathFest, Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC. Dunn, S. (November 2015). Institutionalism and Embodiment American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Dunn, S. (October 2015). The Necessity of Courage for Democracy: the Promise and the Limits of an Aristotelian Approach. University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA. Easterling R, H. (March 2016). Cockle-shells and chicken’s feathers: Jonson’s Bartholomew Fair, the Lord Mayor’s Show, and Re-interpreting City Space. Shakespeare Association of America, New Orleans, LA. Eliason, J. (June 2015). In collaboration with Mary Jeannot. Whose Incompetence? Whose Incomprehensibility? Overcoming Monolingual Bias in U.S. College Writing Pedagogy. International Society for Language Studies Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Garcia-Torvisco, L. (July 2015). La lente social del cine: sobre ETA, cambios y La Movida. (Social Lens in the movies – ETA, Changes, and the ‘Movida’). Congreso Intercontinental XXV Asamblea de ALDEEU. ALDEEU (Spanish Professionals in America), Segovia, Spain. Goldstein, E. (October 2015). Jewish Literature: The Flood Story. Series on Jewish Culture. Spokane Public Library, Spokane, WA. Goldstein, E. (December 2015). Theological Constructions of the Female Person in Contemporary Discourse on Purity. Association of Jewish Studies, Boston, MA. Goldstein, E. (November 2015). Thoughts on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. National Association of Women’s Studies, Milwaukee, WI. Goodrich, R. (November 2015). Tell Me Lies: John Cassian and Augustine on Lying Saint John Cassian and the Monastic Tradition between East and West. Saints Cyril and Methodius Institute for Postgraduate Studies, Moscow, Russia. Gordon, G. (September 2015). When Money Grew on Trees: How Industrial Capitalism Transformed the Ecology of the Western Forests. Kinnikinnick Native Plant Society, Sandpoint, ID. Eliason, J. (February 2016). In collaboration with Sandra Bancroft-Billings and Mary Jeannot. Engaging Students with Interdisciplinary Learning Exchanges. Spokane Regional ESL Conference, Fort Wright Mukogawa Institute, Spokane, WA. Eliason, J. (July 2015). In collaboration with Mary Jeannot. WPA Partnering with ESL Faculty and International Students: A Quest for Sustainability. Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference, Boise, ID. Fritsch, A. (October 2015). 3-Body Decay of Cluster States in 14C. Fall Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics. American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics, Santa Fe, NM. Fritsch, A. (April 2016). Search fora-Cluster Structure in Exotic Nuclei with the Prototype Active-Target Time-Projection Chamber. American Physical Society April Meeting. American Physical Society, Salt Lake City, UT. Fritsch, A. (April 2016). Secrets of the Atomic Nucleus. GU Neighborhood Café, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Garcia-Torvisco, L. (July 2015). La transición como melodrama en El desencanto (Jaime Chávarri, 1976) (Democratic Transition as Melodrama in El desencanto Jaime Chávarri, 1976). Congreso Intercontinental XXV Asamblea de ALDEEU. ALDEEU (Spanish Professionals in America), Segovia, Spain. Garcia-Torvisco, L. (July 2015). La Movida madrileña como fantasma mítico en Todos están muertos, de Beatriz Sanchís (2014) [The Movida madrileña as Mythical Ghost in Todos están muertos (Beatriz Sanchís, 2014)]. III Congreso Internacional Historia, Literatura y Arte en el Cine en español y en portugués. University of Salamanca (Spain), Salamanca, Spain.
Gordon, G. (September 2015). Who was A. B. Hammond and why you should care. Montana Book Festival, Missoula, MT. Gordon, G. (April 2016). Coyotes and Knapweed: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Urban Rewidling. Association of Environmental History, Seattle, WA. Gordon, G. (March 2016). Blue is the New Green. Spokane River Forum, Coeur d’Alene, ID. Gordon, G. (July 2015). Donkeys, Debt, and Fire: The Rise of Industrial Capitalism and the Transformation of the Forest Ecology of the Pacific Northwest. International Association for Landscape Ecology World Congress, Portland, OR. Grey, G. (January 2016). Technology in the Humanities: Where to Start and How to Succeed. Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education International Conference, Honolulu, HI. Gumbhir, V. (April 2016). The Western District Way: Reconsidering The Wire in a Post-Freddie Gray America. Pacific Sociological Association Annual Conference, Oakland, CA. Halliday, J. (January 2016). Technology in the Humanities: Where to Start and How to Succeed. University of Hawai, Honolulu, HI. Hamlin, P. (September 2015). Deliberate Practice of High School Instrumentalists. International Symposium on Performance Science. Ryukoku University. Japan and The Royal College of Music, London, Kyoto, Japan. Hamlin, P. (September 2015). Motivation of Musical Practice. International Symposium on Performance Science. Ryukoku University. Japan and The Royal College of Music, London, Kyoto, Japan.
Hamlin, P. (January 2016). Rehearsal Tips for the Instrumental Classroom. Alaska Music Educators Association Conference, Anchorage, AK. Hamlin, P. (January 2016). Facilitating Effective Practice. Alaska Music Educators Association Conference, Anchorage, AK. Hamlin, P. (January 2016). Using Assessments as Instructional Tools. Alaska Music Educators Association Conference, Anchorage, AK. Hamlin, P. (January 2016). Developing Effective Practice Habits. Colorado Music Educators Association Conference, Colorado Springs, CO. Hamlin, P. (March 2016). A Model of Metacognition, Achievement Goal Orientation, Learning Style, and Self-Efficacy. NAfME 2016 Music Research and Teacher Education National Conference, Atlanta, GA. Hamlin, P. (March 2016). Teacher Evaluation in the State of Washington and Its Impact on Assessment in Secondary Music Classrooms. NAfME 2016 Music Research and Teacher Education National Conference, Atlanta, GA. Hamlin, P. (March 2016). Cooperating Teachers’ Perceptions of Facilitating Student Teacher Capstone Assessments. NAfME 2016 Music Research and Teacher Education National Conference, Atlanta, GA. Hamlin, P. (September 2015). Embedding Assessment Training into Current Music Education Coursework. Symposium for Music Teacher Education. Society for Music Teacher Education, Greensboro, NC. Hamlin, P. (September 2015). Integrating Technology Competencies into Current Music Education Coursework. Symposium for Music Teacher Education. Society for Music Teacher Education, Greensboro, NC. Hamlin, P. (January 2016). Simple Steps to Improve Your Clarinet Section. Oregon Music Educators Association Conference, Eugene, OR. Hamlin, P. (February 2016). The Practice of Effective Practice. Washington Music Educators Association Conference, Yakima, WA. Hayes, S. (March 2016). Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) Reproduction, Distribution, and Migration in the Pend Oreille River Basin: Proposed Research. Swan Festival. Kalispel Tribe, Usk, WA. Hayes, W. (March 2016). Enter Stranger, but Take Heed: The Case for Teaching Potter. Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Oakland, CA. Henning, B. G. (March 2016). Towards 2050: The Projected Costs and Possible Alternatives to Industrial Livestock Production. Intersectional Justice: Toward a Whole-Earth Community Conference. Whidbey Institute, Whidbey Island, WA. Henning, B. G. (February 2016). Sustainability and Curriculum: Reflections on “Laudato Si’ ” and our Jesuit Educational Mission. American Jesuit Colleges and Universities Honors Programs Conference, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA.
Henning, B. G. (January-February 2016). Washington Wildfires: Is this the New Normal? Community Conversations Hosted by Spokane County Library District and sponsored by Humanities Washington, Fairfield, WA; Airway Heights, WA; Deer Park, WA; Medical Lake, WA. Henning, B. G. (November 2015). On the Need for a New Ontology of Individuality, Exeter University, England. Henning, B. G. (September 2015). Beyond Sustainability and the Anthropocene. The Future of Nature, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada. Henning, B. G. (March 2016). On the Trail of Whitehead: Discussion of the Whitehead Edition. Society for the Study of Process Philosophies at the Metaphysical Society of America, Annapolis, MD. Henning, B. G. (June 2015). Towards 2050: The Projected Costs and Possible Alternatives to Industrial Livestock Production. 10th International Whitehead Conference, Claremont, CA. Henning, B. G. (June 2015). Conceiving of Alternatives Worth Seizing. 10th International Whitehead Conference, Claremont, CA. Henning, B. G. (May 2015). Blumberg Dialogues on Astrobiology. Kluge Center’s Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Astrobiology Program. Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Moderated discussion. Hughes, A. (November 2015). Shifting Conceptions of Kingship in Medieval China: A Reexamination of the Canonical and Apocryphal Maitreya Scriptures. American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Jeffs, K. (October 2015). The Force of Habit: Spanish Golden Age Performance. Department of Theatre Arts, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA. Johnston, J. (August 2015). Failing Urban Schools?: Urban District Isolation and Charter School Policy Divergence. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Johnston, J. (March 2016). Navigating and Negotiating Teaching, Research, and Service as First-Year Faculty. Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Oakland, CA. Johnston, J. (March 2016). How Integration Matters: An Alternative Vision for Urban Education in an Era of the Market. Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Oakland, CA. Kearney, M. K. (February 2016). Coloring Book Mathematics. Spokane Regional Mathematics Colloquium., Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Kearney, M. K. (April 2016). An Obstruction to Knots Bounding Mobius Bands in B^4. Pacific Northwest Mathematical Association of America Meeting, Corvallis, OR. Kearney, M. K. (January 2016). Stable Concordance Genus of Knots. American Mathematical Society-Mathematical Association of America Joint Math Meetings, Seattle, WA. Kries, D. (June 2015). Leo Strauss’s Critique of Modern Political Philosophy and Ernest Fortin’s Critique of Modern ’Catholic Social Teaching.’ Leo Strauss and his Catholic Readers. Assumption College, Worcester, MA.
Kries, D. (September 2015). ‘By Savoring, Not By Reasoning’? The Paradoxes of Halevi’s Assessment of Philosophy and Judaism in the Kuzari. American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA.
Medina, A. (April 2016). In collaboration with Joseph Peanasky and Tasia Schanbeck. Does Personality Affect Overconfidence Bias and Availability Heuristic? Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Kries, D. (November 2015). Albert the Great’s Reading of Aristotle’s Political Philosophy. Northeastern Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Medina, A. (April 2016). In collaboration with Monica Clarke and Gary Thorne. Disgust and Short-term Memory. Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Lassiter, C. (September 2015). Sense-Saturated Coordination and Reasons-Responsiveness. Joint Meeting of the 7th Distributed Thinking Symposium and the 3rd Centre for Human Interactivity Annual Symposium, Odense, Denmark. Leigland, S. (May 2015). pR: Volition, agency, and the fiveterm operant contingency. Association for Behavior Analysis International Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.
Mermann-Jozwiak, E. (May 2015). In the Corazon of the Capitol: Globalization and Urban Design in Cisneros Caramelo. American Literature Association Conference, Boston, MA.
Maccarone, E. M. (April 2016). Community Food Security and Its Role in Human Flourishing. D.B. Rinehart Leadership in Ethics Food Ethics Conference, La Crosse, WI.
Milos, J. (October 2016). Teresa of Avila: It’s a Dangerous Thing for a Woman to Tell her own Story. 500th Anniversary Celebration of Teresa of Avila. Carmelite Sisters, Spokane, WA.
Maucione, J. (April 2016). Creating Institutional Space for Native American and Indigenous Studies. Pacific Northwest American Studies Association, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA. Maucione, J. (February 2016). Naming Modern Racism: Beyond Colorblindness. Peace and Economic Justice Action League Conference, Spokane, WA. Maucione, J. (November 2015). Representations of Black Masculinity. Gender and Popular Culture Series. Women’s and Gender Studies, Spokane, WA. Marquis, R. (June 2015). Riding the Chariot: Dulcinea encantada, Merkabah, and the Trope of Return. 17th International Research Conference of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association, Miami, FL. Marquis, R. (November 2015). Finding Judaism in Latin American Jewish Literature. South Central Modern Languages Association, Nashville, TN. McCormick, P. (July 2015). Biblical Roots of Catholic Social Thought. Social Action Summer Institute, US Catholic Bishops Conference, Portland, OR. McCruden, K. (November 2015). Heavenly Realities and Habits of the Heart: Apocalyptic and the Cultivation of Common Life in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, GA. McKenzie, T. (January 2016). The book thickness of zero divisor graphs with genus at most one. The Joint Mathematics Meetings of the American Mathematical Society, Seattle, WA. Medina, A. (May 2016). In collaboration with Emalise Luzzo and Nathan Knox. Stress and Cognitive Flexibility under Quiet versus Noisy Conditions. Association for Psychological Science Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. Medina, A. (April 2016). In collaboration with Zach Oxford. Perfectionism, Perceived Ineffectiveness and Eating Disorder Symptoms Among College Students. Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Mermann-Jozwiak, E. (September 2015). Transnational Cityscapes. American Literature Association Symposium, The City in American Literature, New Orleans, LA.
Morehouse, K. (February 2016). My Research Has Got Me Down: A collaborative discussion on the importance of considering the emotional impact of research in reflexivity. Western States Communication Association Conference, San Diego, CA. Morehouse, K. (April 2016). In-class reflection. Northwest Communication Association Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID. Morehouse, K. (April 2016). Shareable Moments: G.I.F.T.S. Enacted: Storytelling. Northwest Communication Association Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID. Morehouse, K. (December 2015). Social Media and the Culture of Anonymity. Gonzaga Student Body Association, Spokane, WA. Morlock, N. (April 2016). Navigating and Negotiating Teaching, Research, and Service as First-Year Faculty Members. Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Oakland, CA. Nelson, M. (April 2016). Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity is associated with hippocampal volume reduction: A meta-analytic study. Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY. Nitz, T. (April 2016). Populism, Radicalism, and Politics: National Socialism and the Weimar Republic. 2016 Art & Craft of History, Jundt Auditorium, Spokane, WA. Norasakkunkit, V. (August 2016). Cultural-Clinical Psychology: New Research on Emotional Distress. 23rd International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology Meeting. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Aichi, Nagoya, Japan. Norasakkunkit, V. (August 2016). Perceived cultural change, interpersonal relationships and well-being in South Korea. 23rd International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology Meeting. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Aichi, Nagoya, Japan.
Norasakkunkit, V. (August 2016). Cultural Bases of Moral Ethics: Perceptions of Morality in Japan and in the United States. 23rd International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology Meeting. International Association of CrossCultural Psychology, Aichi, Nagoya, Japan. Norasakkunkit, V. (July 2016). The recent advances in studies on Taijin-kyofusho. The 31st International Congress of Psychology. International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan. Norasakkunkit, V. (April 2016). Demotivated to Align Self with Culture: Psychological Consequences of Youth Marginalization. Annual Association of Asian Studies Conference, Seattle, WA. Nord, G. (November 2015). In collaboration with Min Deng (Maryville University), Heather Ames Lewis (Nazareth College), Dipa Sarka-Dey (Loyola University Maryland), and Kathy Zhong (University of Detroit Mercy). Pioneers and Mathematicians. ADVANCE Grant All Participants Meeting, National Science Foundation, Seattle, WA. Oosterhuis, D. (March 2016). Veni, Vidi, Vicipaedia: Using the Latin Wikipedia in an Advanced Latin Classroom. 45th Annual Meeting of Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest, Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA. Orcutt, J. (March 2016). Pouched & placental predators, past & present. Vertebrate Paleontology Lunch Seminar University of California, Berkeley, CA. Orcutt, J. (October 2015). Ecomorphology of Australian carnivore guilds. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX. Orcutt, J. (January 2016). Pouched and placental predators past and present: the evolution of carnivore guilds. Society of Integrative & Comparative Biology, Portland, OR. Ostersmith, S. (March 2016). Dance and Community Panel Discussion. American College Dance Association North West Conference, Laramie, WY. Ostersmith, S. (April 2016). Strategies for Dance Instruction through Community Engagement Programs. Community Engagement Institute, Inland Northwest Service-Learning Partnership, Spokane, WA. Overbay, S. (April 2016). Hamiltonian Properties of Toroidal Zero Divisor Graphs. Pacific Northwest Mathematical Association of America, Corvallis, OR. Overbay, S. (August 2015). Book Thickness of Zero-Divisor Graphs of Commutative Rings. MathFest. Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC. Parker, S. (February 2016). Electronic Portfolio Projects in the Art History Survey. College Art Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Pepiton, C. (May 2016). Freud’s Last Session. Post show Discussion with Philosopher Dr. Peter Rollins (UK-Belfast), Wayland Baptist University, Lubbock, TX. Pepiton, C. (February 2016). Via Negativa: Resistance Training for the Performer. Kennedy Center / American College Theatre Festival, Denver, CO. Pepiton, C. (November 2015). Laura, or Scenes from a Common World. Post Screening Discussion with Actor Alexandra Kazazou (Studio Matejka-Poland), Photographer Karol Jarek (Studio Matejka-Poland), Costume Designer Leslie Stamoolis (GU Theatre & Dance). Square Top Theatre / GU Theatre & Dance. Magnuson Theatre, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Pepiton, C. (October 2015). Introduction to College Level Acting Inland Northwest Theatre Arts Festival, Mead, WA. Petruska, K. (March 2016). Financing the Fete: The History of Televised Media Award Programs. Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Atlanta, GA. Poxleitner, M. (June 2015). Phage Discovery. Phage Discovery Workshop A and B. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Baltimore, MD. Prindle, R. (October 2015). A Unique Approach: Did We Really Do This?! Dean’s Research/Creativity Forum, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA.
Parker, S. (April 2016). Cain and the Critics: The Reception of the Prehistoric in 19th c. French Art. Midwest Art History Society Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Ranum Herrman, I. (October 2015). Tackling Reluctant Students in a Core Literature Course with Sports Literature. Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference, Santa Fe, NM.
Parker, S. (April 2016). Enhancing Student Learning through Community Mural Projects. Intercollegiate Community Engagement Institute, Spokane, WA.
Ray, R. (April 2016). G-Sets and Sequences Associated with nth Order Linear Recurrences Modulo Primes. Pacific Northwest Mathematical Association of America, Corvallis, OR.
Sheveland, J. (September 2015). Existential Poverty, Christian and Hindu: Karl Barth in Dialogue with Vedanta Desika. Karl Barth und die Religion (en): Erkundungen in der Weltreligionen und in der Ökumene – Internationale, interdisziplinäre wissenschaftliche Fachtagung. University of Bonn, Bonn, North Rhine Westphalia, Germany. Sheveland, J. (October 2015). In collaboration with Prabha Duneja. Remembering Swami Vivekananda for 2015: A Catholic Theological Appreciation. Parliament of the World’s Religions, Salt Lake City, UT. Sheveland, J. (May 2015). Ties that Bind: Toward a PoliticalTheological Reading of Nostra Aetate. Vatican II – Remembering the Future. Georgetown University / Ecclesiological Investigations Network, Washington, DC. Sheveland, J. (January 2016). Laudato Si: Rhetorical Strategies and the Politics of Religious Discourse. Laudato Si’: On Care of Our Common Home A Year of Engagement and Response at Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Shultis, K. (October 2015). Equidecomposability of Polygons. Concordia University Math Club, Irvine, CA. Shultis, K. (October 2015). Systems of parameters of modules and the Cohen-Macaulay Property. American Mathematical Society Western Sectional Meeting, Fullerton, CA. Rindge, M. (February 2016). Profane Parables: Religion, Film, and the American Dream. 8th Annual Leonard Oakland Film Festival, Whitworth University, Spokane, WA.
Shultis, K. (April 2016). Systems of parameters and the Cohen-Macaulay property. Pacific Northwest Mathematical Association of America Section Meeting, Corvallis, OR.
Rindge, M. (April 2016). Film and Faith. GU Coffee Talk, Spokane FAVS (Faith and Values), Spokane, WA.
Shultis, K. (April 2016). Experiences in POGIL-ish Calculus. Pacific Northwest Mathematical Association of America Section Meeting, Corvallis, OR.
Rindge, M. (July 2015). Lament in Film and Film as Lament: Terrence Malick’s Tree of Life and To The Wonder. International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Rindge, M. (June 2015). Violent Love: Violence as an Instrument of Justice in the Bible and Popular Culture. Gonzaga-inFlorence Proseminar, Florence/Tuscany, Firenze, Italy. Rude, M. (March 2016). Norborigama Firing. National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) Preconference, Lawrence, KS. Rude, M. (April 2016). Sacred Spaces. Washington State University Fine Arts Center, Ellensburg, WA. Schmidt, E. (April 2016). Thinking Through Shakespeare: Finding a model for philosophical literary criticism. James A. Grunenbaum Lecture. Buffalo State University of New York, Buffalo, NY. Schlimgen, V. (August 2015). Roundtable: Remembering Forgotten Pasts: New Directions in Filipino/a Histories. Annual Meeting of American Historical Association-Pacific Coast Branch, Sacramento, CA. Sheveland, J. (May 2015). Panel Review of: James Fredericks and Tracy Tiemeier, eds., Interreligious Friendships. College Theology Society, Portland, OR. Sheveland, J. (May 2015). Seeing into the radicalized?: lessons from the psychology of hate. American Academy of Religion Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, OR.
Silvestri, L. (December 2015). Friended at the Front. 92nd Street Y. Lecture and Book Signing, New York, NY. Silvestri, L. (March 2016). Friended at the Front. Auntie’s Bookstore. Reading and Book Signing, Spokane, WA. Silvestri, L. (May 2015). Socially Mediated Acts of Kindness: Exploring the Potential of Online Charity Memes. International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Silvestri, L. (February 2016). Why the Selfie ‘Makes Sense’ to Your Followers But Not Your Neighbor. Western States Communication Association, San Diego, CA. Smieja, J. (November 2015). Family-friendly Institutional Policies at Undergraduate Institutions. Transforming STEM Higher Education conference. American Association of Colleges & Universities/Project Kaleidoscope, Seattle, WA. Smieja, J. (November 2015). Using small group, peer mentoring to support faculty development and career advancement. Transforming STEM Higher Education conference. American Association of Colleges & Universities/Project Kaleidoscope, Seattle, WA. Smieja, J. (August 2015). Traditional versus inverted delivery of general chemistry content: Does it make a difference? 250th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, MA.
Smieja, J. (May 2016). The influence of small-group peer mentoring of STEM female faculty from undergraduate institutions on the participants’ career trajectories, the participants’ institutions, and the broader STEM community. ADVANCE/GSE Program Workshop: Research, Interventions, Impact. Association for Women in Science, Baltimore, MD. Smieja, J. (May 2016). Institutional Policies for Work/Life Balance at Undergraduate Institutions. ADVANCE/GSE Program Workshop: Research, Interventions, Impact. Association for Women in Science, Baltimore, MD. Smieja, J. (May 2016). STEM Women Faculty in Small Group Peer Mentoring: Findings and Experience. ADVANCE/GSE Program Workshop: Research, Interventions, Impact. Association for Women in Science, Baltimore, MD. Smith, C. (May 2016). Developing and Presenting a Design and Tech Portfolio. Kennedy Center / American College Theatre Festival, Denver, CO. Smith, C. (February 2016). Next Step Auditions and Tech Interviews. Kennedy Center / American College Theatre Festival, Denver, CO. Starbuck, S. (2015). Disrobing an Isaianic Metaphor: ◌עִ יל צְ דָ קָה ְ as power-transfer in Isaiah 61:10. Pacific Northwest Regional American Academy of Religion/SBL. Hebrew Bible Research Group on Clothing 2014-2016, Portland, OR. Staub, N. (January 2016). Scaling Up: Adapting a Phagehunting Course to Increase Participation of First-year Students in Research. Annual conference for the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR. Staub, N. (January 2016). In collaboration with Robert Rollins. The presence of dorsal and ventral courtship glands in both male and female Desmognathus brimleyorum (Amphibia: Plethodontidae). Annual conference for the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR. Stoke, J. (August 2015). Electro-optical properties of transparent conducting oxide cadmium stannate thin films. 4th International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics – working on small scales. North Sea Conference and Journal, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Thorne, G. (May 2015). Fill-in Handouts Improve Retention as Much as Classroom Notes. Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, New York, NY. Tkacz, M. (October 2015). The Cologne Legacy: Natural Philosophy in Seminary Education. Committee on Philosophy in Priestly Formation. American Catholic Philosophical Association. Boston College, Boston, MA. Tkacz, M. (October 2015). Certitude and the Development of the Logica Inventionis from Albertus Magnus to Galileo. Society for Thomistic Natural Philosophy. Boston College, Boston, MA. Treleaven, M. (November 2015). Differences & Likenesses in the Canadian & American systems of Government. Legislative Academy & Economic Leadership Winter Meeting, Pacific Northwest Economic Region, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada.
Tritten, T. (July 2015). Necessity as a Modality of Contingency: On Contradiction as the Essence of Reason. Notwendigkeit, Kontingenz, Vernunft: Variationen im Umkreis Schellings. Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, Munich, Germany. Tritten, T. (September 2015). On the Status of Matter: Schelling’s Anti-Neoplatonic Reading of Plato’s Timaeus. North American Schelling Society, St. John’s Bay, Newfoundland, Canada. Tritten, T. (October 2015). After Facticity: Arguing Against Meillassoux for a Belated Necessity. Society of Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Atlanta, GA. Tritten, T. (September 2015). Thoughts Concerning the Demise of the Principle of Like Causes Like. Pacific Association for the Continental Tradition. Seattle University, Seattle, WA. Wand, J. (April 2016). A Game of Twos. Pacific Northwest Mathematical Association of America Section Meeting, Corvallis, OR. Weidel, T. (October 2016). Moving Towards a Capability for Meaningful Labor. Northwest Philosophy Conference, North Idaho College, Coeur d’Alene, ID. Weidel, T. (April 2016). Laudato Si, Marx, and a Human Relationship without Environment. Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference, Washington State University/ University of Idaho, Pullman, WA. Willms, N. (November 2015). A men’s ‘sport’ and a women’s ‘extracurricular activity’: Doing power in the discourse of women’s basketball. North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) Annual Meetings, Santa Fe, NM. Willms, N. (March 2016). Easier, less stressful, and better results: Sociology and Criminal Justice Majors Experience of Library Research before and after Library Instruction. Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Oakland, CA. Willms, N. (October 2015). Teaching-Focused University Careers. The Graduate School, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
“Together, College of Arts and Sciences faculty and students work on meaningful, real-world research projects throughout the year. As well, College faculty distinguish themselves through their participation in their disciplinary organizations and publication outlets, authoring books and articles – all along keeping in mind that at a Jesuit institution, we also have a responsibility to public scholarship, that is, to sharing the results of our work with the various communities that we serve.” – ELISABETH MERMANN-JOZWIAK, PH.D., DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES
Herzog, R. W. (2015-2016). Using FRED to Make Macroeconomics Current. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Professors Conference, St. Louis, MO. Hoag, M. L. (2015-2016). Evaluating the PCAOB’s proposed other information auditing standard: the audit expectations gap, professional skepticism and related academic literature. American Accounting Association-Western Region, Seattle, WA. Hoag, M. L. (2015-2016). Evaluating the PCAOB’s proposed other information auditing standard: the audit expectations gap, professional skepticism and related academic literature. Northwest Accounting Research Group, Leavenworth, WA. Kern, S., Dow, K., & Watson, M. (May 2015-2016). A Case of Purchasing Fraud. American Accounting Association Western Regional Meeting, Seattle, WA. Kern, S., Dow, K., & Watson, M. (March 2015-2016). A Case of Purchasing Fraud. American Accounting AssociationForensic Section mid-year meeting, Charlotte, NC. Kimbro, M. B. & Xu, D. (2015-2016). The Accounting Treatment of Goodwill, Idiosyncratic Risk and Market Pricing. International Finance and Banking Society 2015 Conference, Hangzhou, China.
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Beqiri, M. S., Bishka, A., & Borici, A. (2015-2016). Delivering Quantitative Course Online vs. Face-Face. Proceedings of the 6th Conference on International Systems and TEchnology Innovation: Inducting Modern Business Solutions, Tirana, Albania. Bull Schaefer, R. A. (June 2015-2016). Face-to-face teacherstudent performance appraisals. OBTC Conference (Teaching Society for Management Educators), La Verne, CA. Chuang, T., Nakatani, K., & Chen, T. (2015-2016). An Exploratory Study of Expected Business Value of Cloud Computing. IACIS 2015 International Conference, Clearwater, FL. Evans, M., Stewart, D., Williamson, I. O., Colbourne, R., & Mainprize, B. (2015-2016). Indigenous Management Education and the Management Academy. Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC. Finkle, T. A. (2015-2016). Salaries of entrepreneurship faculty within higher education. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), San Diego, CA. Finkle, T. A. & Shrader, M. (March 2015-2016). Stimulating creativity within the field of entrepreneurship. Western Academy of Management, Kauai, HI. Gladstone, J. & Stewart, D. (2015-2016). Self-Determination and Indigenous Governance: The Native and Indigenous People’s Caucus. Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC. Hackney, D. D., Friesner, D. L., & Johnson, E. (2015-2016). Did the Affordable Care Act Noticeably Impact Consumer Bankruptcy Filings? MBAA Conference, Chicago, IL. Herzog, R. W. (2015-2016). Using Data to Macroeconomics Current. EconED-Worth Publishers, San Antonio, TX.
Kurpis, L. V., Helgeson, J. G., Ekici, A., & Supphellen, M. (20152016). Consumers’ Use of Country-of-Manufacture Information: Turkey versus the U.S.A. Allied Academies Spring International Conference March 30-April 1, New Orleans, LA. Kurpis, L. V. & Hunter, J. (2015-2016). Developing Students’ Cultural Intelligence through an Experiential Learning Activity. Palouse Language and Culture Symposium, University of Idaho, on April 16, 2016, Moscow, ID.
“We continue to be driven by our values of excel, engage, and inspire. Our commitment to these values can be seen in the AACSB's recent decisions to re-accredit our business and accounting programs. Worldwide, there are approximately 800 business schools that have earned AACSB accreditation and only 186 of them have earned accreditation in both areas. We are in elite company!” – KEN ANDERSON, PH.D., DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
Olsen, T. J. (2015-2016). Growth of the Crowdsourcing Industry. Massolution Conference, New York, NY. Pepper, M. B. & Buller, P. F. (July 2015-2016). Getting Out of the Mission Business. Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE) Conference, Syracuse, NY. Pepper, M. B. & Buller, P. F. (July 2015-2016). Getting Out of the Mission Business. Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE) Conference, Syracuse, NY. Verbos, A., Stewart, D., Birmingham, C., & Black, S. (20152016). Being Native American in Business: Identity and Leadership in Modern American Indian Enterprises. Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC. Verbos, A., Kennedy, D., & Stewart, D. (2015-2016). Indigenous Perspectives on the UN Declaration and the PRME. Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC. Verbos, A., Stewart, D., Birmingham, C., Black, S., & Gladstone, J. (2015-2016). Social Entrepreneurship in Indian Country USA: Lessons from Tribal Enterprises. Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Alfonso, V. C., & Flanagan, D. P. (February 2016). Utility of WISC-V, WIAT-III, and KTEA-3 for SLD identification. Miniskills workshop presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA. Flanagan, D. P., Alfonso, V. C., & McDonough, E. (February 2016). Use of WJ IV in a PSW approach for SLD identification. Mini-skills workshop presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA. Davari, J., & Alfonso, V. C. (February 2016). Moving from adverse to advantageous childhood experiences. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA. Alfonso, V. C. (May 2016). Working together, cross-battery assessment, pattern of strengths and weaknesses, and X-BASS for specific learning disability identification. Presentation given to the Pasco School District, Pasco, WA. Alfonso, V. C. (May 2016). Cross-battery assessment, pattern of strengths and weaknesses, and X-BASS for specific learning disability identification. Presentation given to the San Diego County Association of School Psychologists, San Diego, CA. Alfonso, V. C. (March 2016). Cross-battery assessment for specific learning disability identification and intervention for school psychologists and speech-language pathologists. Presentation given at the 2016 General & Special Education Conference, Seattle, WA. Bennett, E. D., Davari, J., Perales, A., Perales, J., Gill, G. Sumner, B., Garn, P., & Mak, T. (April 2016). Treating sexual dysfunction through the lens of attachment. Presentation given at the American Counseling Association/Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Joint Annual Convention, Montreal, QC.
Field, T., Ghoston, M., Wissel, A., Davari, J., & Carey, E. (April 2016). Autism spectrum disorders: A counselor’s guide to family-focused intervention. Presented at the American Counseling Association/Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Joint Annual Convention, Montreal, QC. Ghoston, L., Ghoston, M., & Adame, S. (April 2016). Assessing potential violence: A review of neighboring countries. Presented at the American Counseling Association/ Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Joint Annual Convention, Montreal, QC. Wissel, A., Ghoston, M., & Alwahibah, S. (November 2015). Defining and engaging culturally rich experiences. Presented at the Washington Counseling Association, Seattle, WA. Shepard, J. & Johnson, C. (October 2015). Interactive bridges that cross time and space. Poster presented at the International Leadership Association, Barcelona, Spain. Girtz, S., Lambert, K. & Johnson, C. (December 2015). Advocacy about edTPA: Engaging to inform policy and practice. Presented at the Learning Forward 2015 Annual Conference, Washington, DC. Johnson, C., & Girtz, S. (December 2015). An online program: Unexpected success. Presented at the Learning Forward 2015 Annual Conference, Washington, DC. Johnson, C., & Mahoney, D. J. (July 2015). Relationship-building in on-line P-12 leadership programs. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Professional Conference of the Association of Leadership Educators, Washington, DC. Mahoney, D. J. (February 2016). The ethics of Ignatian pedagogy in K-12 leadership. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Reston, VA. Johnson, C., & Mahoney, D. J. (July 2015). Relationship-building in on-line P-12 leadership programs. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Professional Conference of the Association of Leadership Educators, Washington, DC. An, I., O’Donnell, E., Nisco, M., & Neyman, J. (April 2016). Comparison of direct instruction flashcards and racetracks on multiplication facts. Poster presented at the Spokane Intercollegiate Research Conference, Spokane, WA. Barbeau, J., Nickolaus, C., Verducci, A., & Neyman, J. (April 2016). The effects of implementing a direct instruction flashcard procedure for sight words on two 12-year-old students. Poster presented at the Spokane Intercollegiate Research Conference, Spokane, WA. Hallett, R., & Neyman, J. (April 2016). The effects of a direct instruction model, lead, test counting procedure on mastery of rote counting. Poster presented at the Spokane Intercollegiate Research Conference, Spokane, WA.
Moorhouse, J., Carroll, M., & Neyman, J. (April 2016). The effects of a functional communication training intervention on a 4-year-old girl with autism. Poster presented at the Spokane Intercollegiate Research Conference, Spokane, WA.
Cox, J., Nitta, K., & Salina, C. (June 2015). Higher education: Changing roles in reform. Paper presented at the Northwest Association of Teacher Educators Conference, Pullman, WA.
Moorhouse, J., Trapp, S., & Neyman, J. (April 2016). The effects of a social story with a reward to decrease off-task and disruptive behaviors on a sixth-grader with autism. Poster presented at the Spokane Intercollegiate Research Conference, Spokane, WA.
Nordstrom, H. (April 2016). Sport psychology strategies for youth sport coaches. Presentation at SHAPE America National Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Case, A. F., & Nitta, K. (February 2016). Intensive field experiences as living curriculum: Uncovering hope in “tough classrooms”. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, Las Vegas, NV. Case, A. F. (November 2015). More than our words: The possibility for mutually responsive ELL/Non-ELL interaction. Presentation at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Minneapolis, MN. Cox, J. (January 2016). Current issues in education: How the factory model and teacher accountability impact the teacher shortage. Presented at the Eastern Washington Legislative Conference, Spokane, WA. Cox, J. (October 2015). The children of incarcerated parents: Meeting their needs. Paper presented at the Young Child Expo and Conference, Spokane, WA. Cox, J., & Salina, C. (June 2015). The forgotten theory: Why educational reform continues to fail. Paper presented at the annual conference of The Northwest Association of Teacher Educators, Pullman, WA. Cox, J., Nitta, K., & Salina, C. (June 2015). Higher education: Changing roles in reform. Paper presented at the annual conference of The Northwest Association of Teacher Educators, Pullman, WA. Girtz, S., Salina, C. & Eppinga, J. (May 2016). Together we will. Presentation at the Washington Association of Educational Grant Managers State Conference, Yakima, WA. Girtz, S., & Salina, C. (2015). OSPI graduation: A team effort summit meetings. Presentation at OSPI, Olympia, WA. Girtz, S., Salina, C., & Eppinga, J. (2015). Powerless to Powerful. Book reading at Auntie’s Bookstore, Spokane, WA. Girtz, S., & Salina, C. (2015). Developing a statewide framework/ model that supports increased high school graduation rates. Presentation at Graduation Success Summit 2 GATEs – OSPI, Olympia, WA. Nieding, D. (February 2016). ZAGTalk: The Power of Risk. Presentation at Gonzaga Day 2016, Seattle, WA. Case, A., & Nitta, K. (February 2016). Intensive field experiences as living curriculum: Uncovering hope in “tough classrooms”. Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Conference, Las Vegas, NV. Nitta, K. (October 2015). APPlying technology: Supporting preservice teachers’ integration of digital tools in elementary science lessons. Paper presented at the TechnologyEnhanced Curricula in Higher Education Conference, Pullman, WA. 36
Nordstrom, H., & Keiper, P. (November 2015). Using social media to ignite social causes. Presentation at the North America Society for the Sociology of Sport National Conference, Santa Fe, NM. Nordstrom, H., & Rickel, K. (August 2015). Going online: Moving from campus to the virtual world. Presentation at the National Technology and Social Sciences Conference, Portland, OR. Nordstrom, H., & Rickel, K. (October 2015). Transitioning a master’s program to the virtual world: A faculty perspective. Poster presented at the Technology-Enhanced Curricula in Higher Education Conference, Pullman, WA. Nordstrom, H., & Rickel, K. (August 2015). Going online: Moving from campus to the virtual world. Paper presented at the National Technology and Social Sciences Conference, Portland, OR. Nordstrom, H., & Rickel, K. (October 2015). Transitioning a master’s program to the virtual world: A faculty perspective. Poster presented at the Technology-Enhanced Curricula in Higher Education Conference, Pullman, WA. Darragh, J. J., & Radmer, E. M. (February 2016). Holy sh*T! This kid looks like me!: Culturally related literature and reading achievement. Paper presented at the International Globalization, Diversity and Education Conference, Spokane, WA. Rickel, K. (May 2016). Finding their wheelhouse-using a wellness and sport lens to connect with people. Paper presented at the Pacific Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences, San Mateo, CA. Shepard, J. & Johnson, C. (October 2015) Interactive bridges that cross time and space. Poster presented at the International Leadership Association, Barcelona, Spain. Smith, J. (April 2016). Understanding sport ministry from a management perspective. Presented at the 2016 Reach Gathering Conference, Memphis, TN. Smith, J. (February 2016). An examination of sport management faculty journal publications and conference presentations in the U.S. and Canada. Commission on Sport Management Accreditation Conference, Tampa, FL. Traynor, J. E. (April 2016). Identity crisis: Faculty member or community organizer? Paper presented at Intercollegiate Community Engagement Institute, Spokane, WA. Traynor, J. E. (March 2016). Case study and success story: The stories of priority Spokane and the Hillyard Youth Collaborative – Partnerships for community good. Presentation at the Inland Northwest Partners 2016 Spring Meeting, Hayden Lake, ID.
Wissel, A., Traynor, J. E. (March 2016). Community partnerships: An adventure in understanding context and discovering potential. Paper presented at Washington School Counselor Association Conference, Seattle WA.
Young, M. A., Garn, P., & Ngo, K. (November 2015). Emotion is the most powerful thing in the room. Presented at the Washington Counseling Association Annual Conference, Spokane, WA.
Babin, H., Weber, K. P., & Neyman, J. (May 2016). Effects of a token system, functional communication training, and supportive communication with a 3½-year-old, non-vocal/ verbal boy. Poster presented at the 42nd Annual Convention for the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL.
Young, M. A. & Mak, T. W. (October 2015). Infusing live supervision into experiential pedagogy and practice. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Thurber, M. R., & Weber, K. P. (April 2016). The developmental process in learning to draw in preparation for reading utilizing neuroscience through the "Draw to Read" program. Presentation at the Young Child Expo and Conference, New York, NY. Weber, K. P., & Thurber, M. R. (October 2015). The developmental process in learning to draw and read utilizing neuroscience applying the “Draw to Read” and the “Neurodevelopmental Drawing Series” programs. Presentation at the Young Child Expo and Conference, Spokane, WA. McLaughlin, T. F., Rich, T., Weber, K. P., Derby, K. M., & Love, D. (May 2015). The effects of Direct Instruction flashcards to increase sight-word reading ability with a first grader and Copy Cover Compare for spelling for a 5th grade student with LD. Poster presented at the 41st Annual Convention for the Association for Behavior Analysis International, San Antonio, TX. Field, T., Ghoston, M., Wissel, A., Davari, J., & Clary, E. (April 2016). Autism spectrum disorders: A counselor’s guide to familyfocused intervention. Presented at the American Counseling Association/Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Joint Annual Convention, Montreal, Canada. Wissel, A., Clary, E., Pazevic, A., Wysuph, C., & Martinson, N. (March 2016). Good vibes only: Selfcare habits to implement into your daily routine and school. Presented at the Washington School Counselor Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. Wissel, A., Lindberg, S., Koelzer, K., Pierson, M., & Tabish, D. (March 2016). Tweet away the toxicity: How to overcome peer pressure on social media. Presented at the Washington School Counselor Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. Wissel, A., Traynor, J., Jones, T., Treick, S., Mullin, T., Gross, A., & Lyon, S. (March 2016). Community partnerships: An adventure in understanding context and discovering potential. Presented at the Washington School Counselor Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. Wissel, A., Ghoston M., & Alwahibah, S. (November 2015). Defining and engaging in culturally rich experiences. Presented at the Washington Counseling Association Annual Conference, Spokane, WA. Young, M. A., Barrett, S., Sewell, G., Sendelbach, L., & Baksis, C. (November 2015). Accessible and responsive: Two keys to creating secure relationships. Presented at the Washington Counseling Association Annual Conference, Spokane, WA.
Reilly, B. & Young, M. A., (October 2015). BITE to the rescue! A supervisory training tool to assist counselor educators with today’s fast paced educational environment. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
CENTER FOR GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT Green, B. (2015). “Vocabulary Acquisition, I See What You Mean: or Lexical Visualization Brain research to build academic vocabulary.” Tri-TESOL Conference – Transcending Boundaries and Interweaving Perspectives, Des Moines, WA. Hunter, J. (2015). “Let’s Get SIRIous! Voice Recognition in Language 2015 Conference – Transcending Boundaries and Interweaving Perspectives, Des Moines, WA. Hunter, J. (2015). “Delayed Corrective Feedback for Speaking – Research Results.” Tri-TESOL 2015 Conference – Transcending Boundaries and Interweaving Perspectives, Des Moines, WA. Hunter, J., & Heid, M. (2016). “Speed Geeking – Find the Right Technology for Your Classroom.” Spokane Regional ESL Conference, Spokane, WA. Savage, M. M. (2016). “Giving Effective Feedback in Academic Writing.” Spokane Regional ESL Conference, Spokane, WA. Savage, M. M. (2015). “Using the Academic Word List (AWL) to Promote Academic Writing.” Tri-TESOL 2015 Conference, Des Moines, WA. Savage, M. M. (2015). “MTSL Programs in the Tri-State Area and BC, Canada.” Panel member. Tri-TESOL 2015 Conference – Transcending Boundaries and Interweaving Perspectives, Des Moines, WA.
“The faculty who teach and engage in scholarly activities around second language learning are extraordinarily dedicated. Their academic acumen is sharp, and their commitment to our students – and our global community in Spokane – is inspirational. I am honored to work with these faculty who are known for the outstanding classroom experiences they orchestrate.” – JOSEPH KINSELLA, PH.D., ASST. ACADEMIC VICE PRESIDENT, CENTER FOR GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT
FOLEY LIBRARY Bagley, C. A., Tardiff, A., & Mertens, A. (April 2016). “New Spaces, New Technology: Adapting to a Library Renovation.” Paper presented at Building Bridges: Washington State Higher Education Technology Conference, Spokane, WA. Willms, N. & O’Brien-Jenks, K. (March 2016). “ ‘Easier, less stressful, and better results’ : Sociology and Criminal Justice Majors Experience of Library Research Before and after Library Instruction.” Paper presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Oakland, CA.
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE Baumgardner, M.E., et al. (March 2016). Assessing the Effect of Increased Levels of Biomass Based Oxygenated Components in a Diesel Engine. Spring Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Seattle, WA. Chen, T. (May-June 2016). Heat Transfer to Wetting and NonWetting liquid Droplets Deposited onto a Heated Microgroove Surface. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm), Las Vegas, NV. De Palma, P. (June 2016). Pre-Literates in Silicon Valley. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association, Bologna, Italy. De Palma, P. (2016). Our Changing Ideas About Privacy in the Current Digital Age: 30-minute interview on social media and the work of Walter J. Ong, S.J. Thinking Aloud, WBYU/ SIRIUSXM. Broadcast three times beginning 11/2/16. http://www.classical89.org/thinkingaloud/archive/ episode/?id=11/2/2015. VanDam, M., De Palma, P., & Silber, N. (May 2016). Fidelity of Automatically Coded Family Speech of Mothers, Fathers, and 30 month-old Children with and without Hearing Loss. Paper Symposium: Studying Language Development through Human and Automated Annotation of Infants in Natural Auditory Environments at 2016 International Conference on Infant Studies. New Orleans, LA. VanDam, M., Strong, W., & De Palma, P. (November 2015). Characteristics of Fathers’ Prosody When Talking With Young Children. Poster presented at the American SpeechLanguage Hearing Association Convention, Denver, CO. Ferro, P. (September 2016). Hydrogen Embrittlement in Titanium Alloys. Spokane Advanced Manufacturing Expo (AM EXPO 2016). Spokane Valley, WA. Ferro, P., Miresmaeili, R., Anderson, A., Petersen, E., Tatka, T., & Van Til, H. (October 2016). Mechanical Testing of 304 Stainless Under a Range of Hydrogen Exposure Conditions. Conference Proceedings of the International Hydrogen Conference. Jackson Hole, WY. Ji, Y., Ying, H., Tran, J., Dews, P., & Massanari, R. M. (November 2015). Integrating association mining into relevance feedback for biomedical literature search. Paper presented at the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Washington D.C.
Tian, Y., Xu, B., Ji, Y., & Scholer, J. (June-July 2015). Cloud Tree: A Library to Extend Cloud Services for Trees. Paper presented at the 2015 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, Santa Clara, CA. Niezgoda, S.L., Muszynski, M.R., & Navickis-Brasch, A. (2016). A Critical Review of Permeable Asphalt Behavior and Performance to Guide Application to Arterial Streets in Cold Climates. Presented at World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2016, West Palm Beach, FL. DOI: 10.1061/9780784479865.008. Niezgoda, S.L., Muszynski, M.R., & Navickis-Brasch. (June 2016). Sharp Avenue Porous Asphalt Monitoring System Design Phase II – Sharp Avenue Monitoring Study Final Report. Gonzaga University, Spokane WA, Submitted to The City of Spokane, Capital Improvements Management, 30pp. Niezgoda, S.L., Muszynski, M., & Navickis-Brasch, A. (May 2016). A critical review of permeable asphalt behavior and performance to guide application to arterial streets in cold climates. Presentation at the ASCE World Water and Environmental Resources Congress. West Palm Beach, FL. Niezgoda, S.L. (July 2015). Applied Watershed Restoration Field Course. 5-day professional short course in the Portland State University, Environmental Professional Program, Stream Restoration Certificate Program, Facilitator and Instructor, Ridgefield, WA, (40 PDH’s). Niezgoda, S.L. (March 2016). Hydrology, Hydraulics and Modeling Modules. Three, 2-hour modules in the Portland State University, Environmental Professional Program, Stream Restoration Certificate Program, Physical Processes Short Course. Co-Facilitator and Instructor, Portland, OR, (6 PDHs). Schroeder, D. A. & Keefe, D. F. (2015). Visualization-bySketching: An Artist’s Interface for Creating Multivariate TimeVarying Data Visualizations. IEEE Scientific Visualization. Talarico, C., & Villamizar, D. (2015). Design and Optimization of a 300 MSamples/s Track and Hold Architecture for a 5-bit Flash ADC in 180nm CMOS Technology. 2015 IEEE 19th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), Zakynthos, Greece. Coufal, V., Fogel, K., Higgins, W., Ray, R. Villalpando, J., & Yerion, K. (March 2016). Trees for Given Values of the Span, Caps, and Icaps for L(2,1)-Colorings. Forty Seventh Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graphs Theory, and Computing, Boca Raton, FL. Young, R. (August 2016). The Future of Resource Documents. Focus Panel the Institute of Transportation Engineers International Meeting, Anaheim, CA. Young, R. (July 2016). Connected Vehicles and Rural Road Weather Management. USDOT Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office Talking Technology and Transportation (T3) Webinar.
Hammit, B., Ahmed, M., & Young, R. (January 2016). Feasibility of Using Connected Vehicle Data for Rural Roadway Weather Conditions in Wyoming. Proceedings from the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. Young, R. (January 2016). Feasibility of Using Connected Vehicle Data for Rural Roadway Weather Conditions in Wyoming. Presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. Young, R. (August 2015). A Connected Vehicle Road Weather Data Collection System. Presented at the National Rural Intelligent Transportation System (NRITS) Conference, Snowbird, UT.
SCHOOL OF LAW Bradley, L. (March 2016). Renewing Our Spirit in 2016 and Beyond. Presentation at Rocky Mountain Legal Writing Conference at the University of Arizona Law School. Bradley, L. (September-October 2016). Innovative Methods to Pursue Social Justice through Classroom Curriculum and Clinical Experience. Presentation at SALT Teaching Conference. Bradley, L. (July 2016). Incorporating Social Justice into the Legal Writing Curriculum. Presentation at 17th LWI Biennial Conference. Bradley, L. (July 2016). Critiquing Workshop. Presentation at 17th LWI Biennial Conference. Critchlow, G. (October 2015). Clinical Legal Education: Past, Present, and Future. Presentation at the Northwest Clinical Conference. Gellner, J. (December 2015). Basic Collection Issues. Panelist at Annual LITC Conference. Gellner, J. (February 2016). The LITC Program. Presentation to Gonzaga Faculty. Gellner, J. (February 2016). Palomares, The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Case. Presentation to Gonzaga Faculty. Gillmer, J. (February 2016). Civil Rights in Washington: The Post-Maxey Era. Panelist at Gonzaga University School of Law. Gillmer, J. (January 2016). Lawyers and Slaves in Galveston, Texas. Presentation as part of the Circum-Atlantic Studies Seminar at Vanderbilt University. Gillmer, J. (March 2016). Slavery and Freedom in Texas. Presentation at Faculty Speaker Series at Seattle University. Hammer, G., Laurent, I., & Mann, G. (October 2015). How to Teach Reflection to Students and Practice it Ourselves. Presentation at Northwest Clinical Law Conference. Holland, B. (October 2015). Three Perspectives on Limited License Legal Technicians. Presentation at Lewis & Clark Law School Faculty Colloquium. Holland, B. (April 2016). Chaired the Clarke Prize Legal Ethics Conference at Gonzaga University School of Law with the program theme, The Three Hardest Questions: Advocacy, Confidentiality & Loyalty. GONZAGA UNIVERSITY | FACULTY ACHIEVEMENTS
Holland, B. (October 2015). Three Perspectives on Limited License Legal Technicians. Presentation at Gonzaga University School of Law Faculty Colloquium. Holland, B. (April 2016). What Are the Limits to the Duty of Confidentiality? Presentation at the Clarke Prize Legal Ethics Conference at Gonzaga University School of Law. Holland, B. (January 2016). The Ethics of Mobile Computing and Social Media in Criminal Practice. Presentation at the New York County Defender Services. Holland, B. (November 2015). Panelist at the WSBA Ethical Dilemmas Seminar. Holland, B. (September 2015). Ethical Issues Relating to Prospective IP Clients. Co-presentation at the Gonzaga Intellectual Property Merit Scholarship CLE. Holland, B. (September 2015). The Ethics of Working with Trusts and Trustees. Presentation at the WSBA Elder Law Conference. Holland, B. (July 2015). Ethics and Technology for the Solo Practitioner. Presentation at the 10th Annual WSBA Solo and Small-Firm Conference. Holland, B., Mann, G., Hammer, G., & Critchlow, G. (February 2016). Why Ordinary People Frequently Can’t Obtain Legal Assistance and What Legal Educators Can Do about It. Presentation at the Poverty Law: Academic Activism Symposium sponsored by Seattle University School of Law. Holland, B. (January 2016). A Critical Look at Lawyer Advocacy, Gender, and Anticipatory Self-Defense Claims. Presentation at the AALS Annual Conference in New York. Holland, B. (January 2016). A Critical Look at Lawyer Advocacy, Gender, and Anticipatory Self-Defense Claims. Presentation for Punishing Violence Against Women: Seeking the Right Balance at the Texas Tech. University Law Review Symposium. Holland, B. (March 2016). A Critical Look at Lawyer Advocacy and gender in Anticipatory Self-Defense Cases. Presentation at Gonzaga University School of Law Faculty Colloquium. Kelley, A. (September 2015). Presentation at the Federal Bar Conference for Eastern Washington and Idaho. Kiser, J. (May 2016). Finding a Place for Brands. Presentation at the Seventh Annual INTA Trademark Scholarship Symposium. Kiser, J. (February 2016). Market Responsiveness to Trademark Litigation. Presentation at the 2016 Works-in-Progress Intellectual Property Colloquium at the University of Washington School of Law. Kiser, J. (October 2015). Brands as Copyright. Presentation at Inaugural Texas A&M Intellectual Property Scholars Roundtable. Kiser, J. (September 2015). Growing Your IP Business: Ethical Risks Posed by Prospective, Current and Former Clients. Presentation at the Inaugural Gonzaga Intellectual Property Merit Scholarship CLE.
Kiser, J. (July 2015). Undercover Copyright: Brand Theory and the Evolution of Trademarks. Presentation at the Junior Scholars Virtual Colloquium at the Louis D. Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville. Kiser, J. (July 2015). Undercover Copyright: Brand Theory and the Evolution of Trademarks. Presentation at the Inland Northwest Scholars Workshop at the University of Idaho School of Law. Laurent, I. (April-May 2016). Concurrent Sessions: Externships, Scholarship, Faculty Governance, Case Rounds. Presentation at the AALS Clinical Law Conference. Laurent, I. (April-May 2016). Preparing Lawyers for Community Engagement: Using Externships to Teach Students How to Collaborate, Communicate, and Be Catalysts for Change. Presentation at the AALS Clinical Law Conference. Laurent, I. (May 2016). New Clinicians Session I: Introduction and Orientation. Presentation at the Externships 8 Conference at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. Laurent, I. (May 2016). The Craft of Teaching and Me: A MiniWorkshop on Facing Down our Classroom Teaching Challenges. Presentation at the Externships 8 Conference at ClevelandMarshall College of Law. Laurent, I. (May 2016). Stead Work: Exploring Values in an Externship Seminar. Presentation at the Externships 8 Conference at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. Laurent, I. (February 2016). Moving Our Smart Justice Vision through Smart Hiring and the Spokane Regional Law & Justice Council. Presentation at the Peace and Economic Justice Action Conference. Laurent, I. (February 2016). Love & Outrage: Finding and Honoring You Voice of Poetic Justice. Presentation at the Peace and Economic Justice Action Conference. Laurent, I. (February 2016). Naming Modern Racism – Beyond Color Blindness. Presentation at the Peace and Economic Justice Action Conference). Morrissey, D. (February 2016). Income Equality in Utopia. Presentation as part of McGeorge Law School’s Utopia500 Series. Morrissey, D. (October 2015). The Future of Securities Arbitration. Presentation at the Annual Securities Law Conference hosted by Loyola Law School. Pearson, K. H. (August 2015). Innate Religious Identity. Presentation at the Inland Northwest Scholars Workshop hosted by the University of Idaho School of Law. Pearson, K. H. (July 2015). Racial Anxieties in Adoption: A Response to ‘In the Name of the Child: Race, Gender, and Economics in Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl’ by Bethan Berger. Presentation at the AALS Family Law Mid-Year Workshop. Pearson, K. H. (January 2016). Identity Building. Presentation at the 21st Mid-Atlantic People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference at American University Washington College of Law.
Sepinuck, S. (March 2016). Transactional Skills: How to Document and Structure a Deal. Presentation at the Financial Lawyers Conference.
McCulloch, R., & Mente, P. (2016). Permeability of articular cartilage. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Sepinuck, S. (December 2015). Commercial Law Developments. Presentation at Lane Powell.
Zimny, K., Carino, B., Tice, B., Wallace, B., & McCulloch, R. (2016). Relative muscle contributions during a simulated single arm rock climbing hold exercise. American College of Sports Medicine-Northwest Chapter (ACSM-NW) Annual Conference, Tacoma, WA.
Simpson, S. (April 2016). Organizer, Institute for Law Teaching and Learning: Best Practices in Outcomes Assessment. Treuthart, M. P. (June 2015). Feminism Across the Generations. Facilitated at the Center for Women and Democracy Food for Thought. Treuthart, M. P. (February 2016). Panelist at 40 Years of Activism for Peace and Justice, hosted by the Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane. Treuthart, M. P. (April 2016). Viewpoints on the Death Penalty in America. Co-presentation for the Gonzaga Federalist Society and the International Law Society. Treuthart, M. P. (July 2015). Evaporating Borders: Justice Education and Refugees, and Street Law: Teaching about Law & Justice to Refugees and Immigrants in the U.S. Presentation at the Global Alliance for Justice Education 8th International Conference. Treuthart, M. P. (October 2015). Introduction and provided post-film commentary on three documentaries for Open Your Mind, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill.
SCHOOL OF NURSING & HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Higginson, B. (2016). Military ergonomics and biomechanics: Making the battlefield a safer place. Army Research Lab – Human Performance Division, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Higginson, B. (2016). The future of shooting research: From olympic gold, to putting food on the table and surviving modern conflicts. Northwest American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Bend, OR. Bell, D., Dominguez, I., Fijalka, A., Woodworth, K., & Higginson, B. (2016). Effects of various inclines on muscle activation while walking with a constant load. Northwest American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Tacoma, WA. Sander, S., Taisey, C., Sander, K., Cary, J., Hamer., & Higginson, B. (2016). Does indirect self-myofascial release and static stretching have an additive effect on hip range of motion? Northwest American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Tacoma, WA. Wimer, V., Higgins, A., Cherry, T., LaVigne, S., & Higginson, B. (2016). The quantified measurement of backpack instability using improperly fit straps. Northwest American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Tacoma, WA. Kottwitz, C. (2016). Implementing leadership education in a public sector psychiatric setting. Sigma Theta Tau International Delta Chi Chapter-at-Large Research Meeting and Induction, Spokane, WA (Poster). Kottwitz, C., & Ramirez, J. (2016). Evaluating an evidenced based practice on-line suicide assessment competency for psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner students. Sigma Theta Tau International Delta Chi Chapter-at-Large Research Meeting and Induction, Spokane, WA (Poster).
Chamberlain, M., Anderson, S., Clay, S., Musgrove, S., Sanburg, J., & McCulloch, R. (2016). The effects of suspension exercise on knee stabilization in females. 2016 American College of Sports Medicine-Northwest Chapter (ACSM-NW) Annual Conference, Tacoma, WA. Partusch, A., Coad, B., Cummins, A., Nelson, K., & McCulloch, R. (2016). Effect of isolated hamstring strengthening on unanticipated drop-landing knee kinematics in females. American College of Sports Medicine-Northwest Chapter (ACSM-NW) Annual Conference, Tacoma, WA. Sander, K. F., Sander, S. A., Cherry, T. E., Wimer, V. A., Higgins, A. K., LaVigne, S. W., & McKenzie, J. M. (2016). Does caffeine have ergogenic effects on wall sit duration in college-aged males?? American College of Sports Medicine’s Northwest Chapter Annual Meeting. Tacoma, WA (Poster). Bell, D., Dominguez, I., Fijalka, A., Wallace, B., Woodworth, K., Zimney, M., McKenzie, J. M. (2016). Effects of selfselected, varying tempo music on performance and perceived exertion in collegiate rowers. American College of Sports Medicine’s Northwest Chapter Annual Meeting, Tacoma, WA (Poster). Owens, J. Sigma Theta Tau International Delta Chi Chapter-atLarge Research Meeting and Induction. Spokane, WA (Poster). Senger, B., Barboasa-Leiker, C., & Ward, L. (2016). Parent experience of caring for a child with mitochondrial disease. Sigma Theta Tau International Delta Chi Chapter-at-Large Research Meeting and Induction, Spokane, WA (Poster). Senger, B., Barboasa-Leiker, C., & Ward, L. (2016). Parent experience of caring for a child with mitochondrial disease. United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation’s Mitochondrial Medicine Conference, Seattle, WA (Poster). Smith, D. (May 2016). Creation and validation of an interprofessional 360 degree clinic evaluation. Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting, Hollywood, FL. Anderson, S., Chamberlain, M., Musgrove, S., Partusch, A., Tice, K., & Thorp, D. B. (2016). Is VO2 suppressed during non-apnoeic facial submersion. American College of Sports Medicine Northwest Annual Meeting, Tacoma, WA (Poster). Cummins, A. L., Clay, S. M., Coad, B. A., Nelson, K. R., Cariño, B. A., & Thorp, D. B. (2016). Studying while exercising: The effect of moderate exercise on long-term memory. American College of Sports Medicine Northwest Annual Meeting, Tacoma, WA (Poster).
SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Armstrong, J., Cartwright, C. & Werner L. (October 2015). Exploring the Role Assessment Plays in Developing Intercultural Leaders. Presentation at the International Leadership Association (ILA) Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Armstrong, J., Getz, C., Werner, L., & Wildermuth, C. (October 2015). The Role of Disequilibrium in Preparing Leaders who can Lead Across Boundaries and Generations. Presentation at International Leadership Association (ILA) Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Bryant, R., Crandall, H. M., & Cunningham C. (November 2015). Gender Differences in Learning and Using Technology – Why It Matters. Professional and Organizational Development (POD) conference. Caputo, J. S. (April 2016). Interpersonal communication: A comparative approach. A public lecture. Discussant, Giovanni Ciofalo, Ricercatore in Sociologia dei Processi Culturali e Communicativi, Dipartimento Di Communicazione e Ricerca Sociale, at Sapienza Universita Di Roma, Italia. Caputo, J. S. (May 2016). The Rhetoric of McDoanldiazation: Social, communicative and semiotic perspectives. A public lecture. Discussant, Erica Antonini, Ricercatore in Sociologia Generale, Dipartimento Di Communicazione e Ricerca Sociale, Sapienza Universita Di Roma, Italia. Caputo, J. S. (May 2016). Peacebuilding through dialogue in Northern Ireland. A Doctoral seminar and public lecture. Discussant, Erica Antonini, Ricercatore in Sociologia Generale, Dipartimento Di Communicazione e Ricerca Sociale, Sapienza Universita Di Rome, Italia. Caputo, J. S. (November 2015). Embracing opportunities: Building and strengthening entrepreneurial partnerships between academic and outside organizations in the realm of peace and conflict communication. Presenter. National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV. Caputo, J. S., & Crandall, H. M. (February 2016). Ethical and Memory: Repeating Cultural Stories with our Student. Western States Communication Association. Caputo, J. S., & Crandall, H. M. (November 2015). Peace Tourism versus Peace Work. National Communication Association. Crandall, H. M., & Cunningham, C. (June 2015). Top Paper Award for Media Ecology and Hashtag Activism: #Kaleidoscope. Media Ecology Association. Crandall, H. M., & Cunningham, C. (February 2016). Emerging Trends in the Communication Discipline. Western States Communication Association. Crandall, H. M. (2015). Panel on Can Women in Corporate America Lean in to Succeed? Organization for Research on Women and Communication Interest Group. Listen Closely to this story: narrative Coherence in Lean In. Cunningham, C., & Crandall, H. M. (November 2015). Padfield. What’s Democracy Got To Do With It? National Communication Association.
Cunningham, C. (November 2015). Embracing opportunities of MOOCs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association. Las Vegas, NV. Cunningham C., & Shlossberg P. (November 2015). Facilitating white privilege in the online classroom. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV. Keller, H., & Hazel, M. (November 2015). You like me: Social media use in non-profit organizational communication. Manuscript presented to Organizational Communication Division. National Communication Association. Las Vegas, NV. Shlossberg, P. (March 2016). Folklore, cultural production, and the erasure of the drug war in Michoacan. Invited paper in From cold wars to drug wars. Symposium conducted at University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Shlossberg, P. (November 2015). Danzas, differential belonging, and cultural citizenship from above and below in rural Michoacan, Paper presented at the National Communication Association Convention, Las Vegas, NV. Shlossberg, P. (October 2015). Indigenous danzas, cultural citizenship, transnational cultural production, and coloniality in Michoacan, Mexico. Paper presented at the Global Fusion Conference, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
“In addition to their far-reaching work as teachers, advisors, and scholars, the faculty in the School of Professional Studies also developed and implemented two new academic programs. Thanks to their collective creativity and commitment to our students, undergraduates in the Comprehensive Leadership program are now able to earn a minor in Leadership Studies. Students in the Master of Organizational Leadership program can further enrich their academic experience with a Global Studies concentration through which students will engage in meaningful work abroad in the form of immersions and internships. The School’s efforts in leadership training manifest in a number of leadership events, including the inaugural Women and Leadership Conference which took place in Seattle and will also be offered in Spokane. The event provides our Northwest-based alumni and professionals with an opportunity to reconnect with Gonzaga on an academic and professional level.” – JOLANTA WEBER, PH.D., ACTING DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Ciesla, M. (April 2016). “Gonzaga Reads Visiting Writers Series.” Wolff Auditorium, Spokane, WA. Farrell, M. (2015). In collaboration with Morse Clary. 2 person show. The Art Spirit Gallery, Coeur d’Alene, ID. Farrell, M. (2015). Form & Structure, 12x16 Gallery, Portland, OR. Farrell, M. (2016). PAN Members Show, Mayer GalleryMarlyhurst University, Portland. Farrell, M. (2016). Print Together. P.E.A.R Gallery. Portland, OR. Farrell, M. (2016). Short Stories. Vino Gallery-Solo Show, Spokane, WA. Farrell, M. (2015). Print Related (Invitational), Spokane Art School Gallery, Spokane, WA. Farrell, M. (2015). 5th Biennial FootPrint International Exhibition-Juried. Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT. Farrell, M. (2016). 5th Biennial FootPrint International Exhibition-Juried, Julie Valdez Studio, New York, NY. Farrell, M. (2016). 3 Annual Drawn Exhibition-Juried, Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, OH. rd
Farrell, M. (2015). Paper West-Regional Works on Paper-Juried Exhibition, Gittens Gallery-University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. Farrell, M. (2015). Mid-America Print Council Juried Members Exhibition-Juried, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, IL. Farrell, M. (2015). Think Square, Think Shop, Newport, KY. Farrell, M. (2015). Expatriates-Juried, Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, OH. Farrell, M. (2015). East/West Portfolio (Invited), College of the Sequoias Fine Art Gallery, Visalia, CA. Hekmatpanah, K. (September 2015-May 2016). Spokane Symphony Orchestra. Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox, Spokane, WA. Hekmatpanah, K. (September 2015-May 2016). Project Joy Orchestra, Spokane, WA. Hekmatpanah, K. (February 2016). Eastern Washington Music Educators Association Large Group Festival. Rogers High School, Spokane, WA. Hekmatpanah, K. (August 2015). Oregon East Symphony. Pendleton, OR. Hekmatpanah, K. (February 2016). District 6 Oregon Music Educators Association Solo & Ensemble Adjudication. East Oregon University, LaGrande, OR. Hekmatpanah, K. (March 2016). Eastern Washington University Concerto Competition. Adjudicator. Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA. Jeffs, K. (October-November 2015). The Force of Habit, translated by Kathleen Jeffs. University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA.
Jeffs, K. (September 2015). In collaboration with Native American Studies. Guest Artist Kimberly Norris Guerrero, Theatre and Dance. Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. McCracken, A. (April 2016). In collaboration with Abigail Glenn, Alisha Insensee, Claire Farrington, Morehouse, Kristina. “Memorable Health Messages.” Whitworth University, Spokane, WA. McCracken, A. (February 2016). In collaboration with Women and Gender Studies, English, Global Studies, Professional Studies, College of Arts and Sciences. “Stories of Suffering, Transformation and Peace,” Spokane, WA. Ostersmith, S. (September 2015). In collaboration with Mark Morris Dance/PD Program. Capturing Grace, Film, Magnuson Theatre. Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Ostersmith, S. (September 2015). In collaboration with Mark Morris Dance/D Program. Dance for Parkinson’s Training. Theatre/Dance Studio, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Ostersmith, S. (January 2016). In collaboration with Tim Westerhaus, Music Department. Dido and Aeneas. Hemmingson Ballroom, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Ostersmith, S. (Throughout the 2015-2016 academic year). In collaboration with students: Diana Fisher, Katie Burns, Lindsey Gaardsmoe, Miranda Heckman. Dancing Spokane River Tour, Spokane Elementary Schools. Ostersmith, S. (February 2016). In collaboration with Linda Schearing, Religious Studies Dept. and Robert Spittal Music Dept. Weaving Our Sisters’ Voices. Whitworth University Chapel, Spokane, WA. Ostersmith, S. (October 2015). In collaboration with Linda Schearing and Robert Spittal, Theatre and Dance Department Design (set and costume) Faculty and Staff. Weaving Our Sisters’Voices, Main Stage Production. Magnuson Theatre, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Ostersmith, S. (April 2016). In collaboration with Theatre and Dance Department, Faculty and Staff. Spring Dance Concert. Magnuson Theatre, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Ostersmith, S. (April 2016). Student Choreography Concert. Magnuson Theatre, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Pepiton, C. (May 2016). In collaboration with Square Top Theatre. Laura, or Scenes from a Common World (Film). Art Video Film Festival (AVIFF), Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France. Pepiton, C. (March 2016). In collaboration with Wayland Baptist University. Freud’s Last Session. Harral Theatre, Plainview/Lubbock, TX. Pepiton, C. (February 2016). Book of Hours. Magnuson Theatre, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Pepiton, C. (November 2015). In collaboration with Square Top Theatre. Laura, or Scenes from a Common World (Film). Magnuson Theatre, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Rude, M. (November-December 2015). Winterfest 2015, Baltimore Clay Works, Baltimore, MD.
Rude, M. (June 2016). In collaboration with Artists-InviteArtists Residency, Red Lodge Clay Center, Artists-InviteArtists Preview Exhibition, Red Lodge Clay Center, Red Lodge, MT. Rude, M. (September 2015-March 2016). Living With Pots, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, Iowa City, IA. Rude, M. (October-November 2015).The Intimate Object XI, Charlie Cummings Gallery, Gainesville, FL. Rude, M. (October 2015). Wichita Falls Empty Bowls Invitational, Wichita Falls Museum of Art, Wichita Falls, TX. Rude, M. (May-August 2016). Yunomi 20156 Invitational, Akar Gallery, Iowa City, IA. Rude, M. (September-Octover 2015). Starbrick Clay National Cup Exhibition, Juror David Hiltner, Starbrick Gallery, Nelsonville, OH. Rude, M. (March 2016). In collaboration with National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, There to Here, NCECA Concurrent Exhibition Space, Kansas City, MO. Schearing, L. (February 2016). In collaboration with Theatre/ Dance and Music Departments. Weaving Our Sisters’ Voices (playwright). Whitworth College, Spokane, WA. Schearing, L. (October 2015). In collaboration with Theatre/ Dance and Music Departments. Weaving Our Sisters’ Voices (playwright). Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. (7 performances). Schlimgen, V. In collaboration with Gregory Fiorina (as supervising faculty). “Tell All Hello”: A Web of Communication During WWII. Spokane, WA. https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.knightlab.com/ storymapjs/173b4a170ee7ca55d53ee7d52ed5839d/ fr-egan/draft.html,on-line publication (semi-private). Smith, C. (May 2016). These Shining Lives. Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA. Smith, C. (February 2016). In collaboration with Charles Pepiton. Book of Hours. Magnuson Theatre, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Smith, C. (May 2016). The Monster. Southwark Playhouse, London, UK.
Spittal, R. (April 2016). Cantando Festival. Whistler Mountain Convention Center. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Guest Artist. Spittal, R. (December 2015). Saigon Wind Ensemble performs “Consort for Ten Winds.” Ho Chi Min City Conservatory of Music. Saigon, Vietnam. Composer. Spittal, R. (May 2016). North West Wind Ensemble performs “Pacem – A Hymn for Peace.” Sydney Conservatorium. University of Sydney. Sydney, Australia. Composer. Spittal, R. (April 2016). Washington State University Chamber Ensemble performs “Consort for Ten Winds.” Washington State University. Pullman, WA. Composer. Spittal, R. (December 2015). Clarion Brass. Kroc Center for Performing Arts. Coeur d’Alene, ID. Conductor.
Spittal, R. (July 2015). Holzblaser Ensemble performs “Consort for Ten Winds.” Fiori Castle, Milan, Italy. Composer.
Spittal, R. (February 2016). Idaho State University performs “Scherzo: Cate and Mouse.” State of Idaho Music Teachers Conference. Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID. Composer.
Spittal, R. (September 2015). Fanfarones Ensemble performs “Mockingbird Rag.” Bathurst Center for the Arts, Toronto, Canada. Composer.
Spittal, R. (October 2015). Columbus State University Wind Ensemble performs “Consort for Ten Winds.” Schwob Center of the Arts, Columbus, GA. Composer.
Spittal, R. (August 2015). Wisconsin Wind Orchestra performs “Consort for Ten Winds.” Conservatorio di Musica Francesco Morlacchi Perugia, Perugia, Italy. Composer.
Spittal, R. (October 2015). Appalachian Winds perform “Consort for Ten Winds.” Schaefer Center for Performing Arts, Boone, NC. Composer.
Spittal, R. (September 2015). Studio Orchester Duisberg performs “Consort for Ten Winds.” Hamborn Abbey, Duisberg, Germany. Composer.
Spittal, R. (October 2015). Hodgson Winds perform “Consort for Ten Winds.” Hodgson Center for the Arts, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Composer.
Spittal, R. (September 2015). Composer: Studio Orchester Duisberg performs “Consort for Ten Winds.” Ruhrort Hall, Duisberg, Germany. Composer.
Spittal, R. (October 2015). University of North Carolina Charlotte performs “Pacem: A Hymn for Peace.” Belk Theatre, University of North Carolina-Charlotte, Charlotte, NC. Composer.
Spittal, R. (April 2016). Borealis and Monmouth Winds perform “Consort for Ten Winds.” Monmouth University Center for the Arts, Monmouth, NJ. Composer. Spittal, R. (November 2015). Kennesaw State University Chamber Ensemble performs “Consort for Ten Winds.” Kennesaw State Center for the Arts, Kennesaw, GA. Composer. Spittal, R. (December 2015). San Francisco Conservatory Brass Ensemble performs “Pacem: A Hymn for Peace.” San Francisco Conservatory of Music, San Francisco, CA. Composer. Spittal, R. (November 2015). Florida Gulf Coast Wind Ensemble performs “Pacem – A Hymn for Peace.” Carnegie Hall, New York, NY. Composer. Spittal, R. (May 2016). UCLA Chamber Winds perform “Consort for Ten Winds.” Herb Alpert School of Music. University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. Composer. Spittal, R. (November 2015). Gonzaga University Wind Symphony. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, Spokane, WA. Conductor. Spittal, R. (April 2016). Gonzaga University Wind Symphony and Chamber Winds. Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, Spokane, WA. Conductor. Spittal, R. (October 2015). In collaboration with Suzanne Ostersmith (Theatre), Linda Schearing (Religious Studies). Weaving Our Sisters’ Voices. Magnuson Theatre, Spokane, WA. Composer. Westerhaus, T. (November 2015). Mozart Requiem Mass: with San Francisco Conservatory Orchestra and multiple choirs. St. Ignatius Church, San Francisco, CA. Westerhaus, T. (October 2015). In collaboration with: Celeste Johnson (piano), Concert Choir (68 students), Jennifer Brummet (horn). A Wonderful World: Concert Choir Performance. St. Mary’s Cathedral. St. Aloysius. (multiple), Portland, OR. Westerhaus, T. (September 2015). In collaboration with: Celeste Johnson (piano), Concert Choir (68 students). St. Gertrude Spirituality & the Arts Series. St. Gertrude Monastery, Cottonwood, ID. Westerhaus, T. (October 2015). Bach Magnificat: Boise Ultimate Choral Experience (400 singers). Morrison Center for the Performing Arts, Boise, ID. Westerhaus, T. (October 2015). In collaboration with: Dr. Peter Hamlin, Men’s Chorus, Women’s Chorus (50 students). Fall Family Weekend Chapel Concert. Gonzaga University Chapel, Spokane, WA.
Westerhaus, T. (December 2015). In collaboration with: Celeste Johnson (piano),Concert Choir (68 students), Women’s Chorus (50 students), Dr. Peter Hamlin, Men’s Chorus, Dr. Robert Spittal, Wind Symphony Brass. Candlelight Christmas Concerts: “Witness to Majesty.” St. Aloysius Church, Spokane, WA. Westerhaus, T. (January 2016). In collaboration with: Chamber Chorus (28 students), Dance Company (6 students), Suzanne Ostersmith, Dance. Dido & Aeneas: A Baroque Dance Opera. Hemmingson Center Ballroom, Gonzaga University. (4 performances), Spokane, WA. Westerhaus, T. (April 2016). In collaboration with Amanda Howard-Philips (violin), Jason Bell (violin), Nick Carper (viola), Kim Plewniak (contrabass), Celeste Johnson (piano), Kaitrin Cunningham, alumna (’12), Women’s Chorus (41 students). Magnificat! St. John’s Cathedral, Spokane, WA. Westerhaus, T. (April 2016). In collaboration with: Amanda Howard-Philips (violin), Jason Bell (violin), Nick Carper (viola), Kim Plewniak (contrabass), Celeste Johnson (pianist/ poetry), Concert Choir (62 students). Estonian Voices: Pärt’s Berliner Messe and Kõrvits’s Kregi Vihik (Kreek’s Notebook). St. John’s Cathedral, Spokane, WA. Westerhaus, T. (May 2016). In collaboration with: Celeste Johnson (piano), Gonzaga University Chamber Chorus (28 Students). A Spring Serenade. Gonzaga University Chapel, Spokane, WA. Westerhaus, T. (October 2015). St. John’s Music Series: The Might of Bach: E major Violin Concerto; Cantatas 100 and 80 with Cathedral Collegium Orchestra, Kantorei Choir. St. John’s Cathedral, Spokane, WA. Westerhaus, T. (November 2015). St. John’s Music Series: Feast of St. Cecilia Handelian Ode. St. John’s Cathedral, Spokane, WA. Westerhaus, T. (December 2015). St. John’s Music Series: Charpentier’s Messe de Minuit pour Noël (Christmas Eve Midnight Baroque Mass). St. John’s Cathedral, Spokane, WA. Westerhaus, T. (March 2016). Arvo Pärt’s PASSIO with Cathedral Collegium Quartet and Kantorei Choir. St. John’s Cathedral, Spokane, WA. Westerhaus, T. (May 2016). Spring Eastertide Concert: Vaughan Williams’s Five Mystical Songs and Bach’s Easter Oratorio. St. John’s Cathedral, Spokane, WA.
SCHOOL OF LAW Bradley, L. Earned a two-year appointment to the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Status Task Force Committee for Legal Writing.
Niezgoda, S. L. American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) – Environmental Water Resources Institute. Sponsored Member of the Urban Water Resources Research Council (UWRRC). Vice-Chair of the Urban Streams Committee.
Charles, P. (July 2015). Appointed by the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) to be a member of the AALL Spectrum Article of the Year Award Jury.
Young, R. (2014-Present). Research Coordinator, Committee on Surface Transportation Weather (AH010), Transportation Research Board of the National Academies.
Holland, B. Appointed as the Board of Governors Executive Committee for the Society of American Law Teachers and the Co-Chair of the Society of American Law Teacher’s Access to Justice Committee.
Young, R. (January 2016-Present). Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Committee, Civil Module, National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES).
Holland, B. Appointed to the editorial board for the Washington Legal Ethics Deskbook for the updated second edition which will be published by the (Washington State Association) WSBA.
Young, R. (2007-Present). Transportation Education Council Executive Board, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE).
Holland, B. Began his second term as Chair of the WSBA Council on Public Defense.
Young, R. (August 2016). Innovation in Education Award. Institute of Transportation Engineers.
Kiser, J. Appointed to serve as a member of the Board of the Intellectual Property Section of the AALS. Murphy, A. (2016). Elected the Section Chair for the AALS Evidence Section. Murphy, A. and Treuthart, M.P., served as project reviewers for the Polish-Fulbright Commission, evaluating projects of Polish professors who are applicants for a Fulbright Senior Award for 2016-17. Sepinuck, S. (May 2016). Uniform Law Commission revision of the Model Tribal Secured Transactions Act. Sepinuck, S. Served as the American College of Commercial Finance Lawyers’ observer to the Uniform Law Commission drafting project for the Uniform Commercial Real Estate Receiverships Act.
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE Ferro, P. Member of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). Member of national-level Certification and Oversight Committee of SME. Muszynski, M. R. Committee member: Community Housing & Human Services, Spokane, WA. Muszynski, M. R. Committee member: Affordable Housing Committee, Spokane, WA. Muszynski, M. R. Past President, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Niezgoda, S. L. River Restoration Northwest Board of Directors (volunteer position). Member of the Board of Directors for River Restoration Northwest – a nonprofit scientific and educational organization whose mission is to advance the science and standards of practice of river restoration through an interdisciplinary, process-based approach.
“The School of Engineering and Applied Science takes great pride in our exceptional faculty and their accomplishments. Our newer faculty, in particular, are demonstrating the value that can be found when excellence in research meets excellence in engineering education. In summer 2016, for example, Dr. Marc Baumgardner (Mechanical Engineering) led two rising seniors through a project wherein they designed, built, and tested two different combustion (engine) experiments. Dr. Alex Maxwell (Civil Engineering) and a student worked with the Climate Change Planning Unit (CCPU) of the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat) to develop indicators and toolkits measuring the success of city climate action plans by piloting them in Glasgow, Scotland. These collaborative activities between our faculty and students, focused at the intersection of educational experience and applied research, are creating a unique atmosphere that rewards the student experience and advances the engineering and computer science professions.” – STEPHEN E. SILLIMAN, PH.D., DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE
SCHOOL OF NURSING & HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Crogan, N. (2016-Present). Honorable Editor, Nursing & Care Open Access Journal (NCOAJ). Crogan, N. Editorial Review Boards of Annals of Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care, Symbiosis Online Journal of Nursing & Health Care, SM Journal of Nursing. Crogan, N. (2016). Expert reviewer for the following journals (completed more than 10 reviews): Journal of Applied Gerontology, Research in Nursing & Health, Nursing Research, Applied Nursing Research, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, The Gerontologist, Ageing Research Reviews, American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, Geriatric Nursing, Annals of Long-Term Care, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. Crogan, N. (2016). Expert reviewer for the National Institutes of Health (reviewed applications). Kottwitz, C. (2015-2016). Member Temporary Leadership Committee, American Psychiatric Nurses Association. Member, Evaluation Committee, Washington State Suicide Prevention Training. Member, Planning Committee, Zero Suicide Conference. O’Shaughnessy, T., McCulloch, R., Bagchi, A., & Simmonds, K. (2016). Full Head Surrogate with Live Neurons for Helmet Testing and Evaluation. U.S. Patent 9,395,265, Dec 19, 2014. Murphy, L. Pro-tem member, Nursing Program Approval Panel, Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission. Owens, J. (2016). Elected Vice-President, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Delta Chi Chapterat-Large, Spokane, WA. Ramirez, J. Chair of the Content Expert Panel for Psychiatric Nurses Practitioners, American Nurses Credentialing Center. Member, Appointment Committee, American Nurses Credentialing Center (appoints ANCC Board of Directors and selects Content Expert Panel members and Item Writers for all ANCC panels). Member, Trauma Informed Care Steering Council, American Psychiatric Nurses Association. Smith, D., & Francovich, C. (2015). Trust/Dialogue Project Report presented to Boise VA Center of Excellence grant team.
SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Caputo, J. S., & Crandall, H.M. (2015-2016) Co-Directors, Northwest Alliance for Responsible Media in Partnership and the Center for Media Literacy Excellence with the University of Washington. Caputo, J. S. (February 2016). Committee Member, Time and Place Business and Planning Meeting. Western States Communication Association Annual Convention, San Diego, California.
Crandall, H. M. (2016 Elected). At-Large member of Executive Council of Western States Communication Association. Crandall, H. M. (2012-2015). Editor of the Journal of the Northwest Communication Association. Crandall, H. M. (2015 Elected). Program Planner of the Communication and Instruction Interest Group, Western States Communication Association. Crandall, H. M. (2012-2015 Elected). Academic Council – Gonzaga University. Subcommittee Chair-Graduate Programs Curriculum Committee. Hazel, M. Editorial Review Committee: Organizational and Technical Communication Division, 2016 Conference. Northwest Communication Association. Coeur d’Alene, ID. Hazel, M. (April 2016). Panel Respondent and Chair: Organizational and Technical Communication Division. Northwest Communication Association Conference. Coeur d’Alene, ID. Hazel, M. (April 2016). Symposium Steering Committee: Leadership Studies Student Research Symposium: School of Professional Studies, Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA. Hazel, M. (April 2016). Panel Moderator: Leadership Studies Student Research Symposium. School of Professional Studies, Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA. Popa, A. Chair, Editorial Advisory Board for Journal of Leadership Education (JOLE), a publication of the Association of Leadership Educators (ALE).
Crandall, H. M. (2011-Present). Editorial Review Board of the Western Journal of Communication.
COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Arpin, S. “European Association of Social Psychology Seedcorn Grant.” $630. Arpin, S. (August 2015). “Faculty Development Award for Research Support.” $735. European Association of Social Psychology. Beckstead, J. (July 2015). “Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative.” $18,047. Rocky Mountain Research Station with Brigham Young University and US Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture, Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. Birginal, D. (June 2015-2016). “McDonald Work Award.” $3,106. Robert & Claire McDonald. Bryant, R. “Computer Science Education.” $9,474. Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). Burch, N. (December 2015). “NCTM Travel Grant for ICME13,” $2,500. NCTM. Coufal, V. (2015-2016). “McDonald Work Award.” $1,066. Robert & Claire McDonald. Dichone, B. (Spring 2016). “Matching Grant.” $100. Pi Mu Epsilon. Evbuomwan, O. (March 2016). “Development of Zinc (II) Responsive MRI Agents for Early & Accurate Detection of Prostate Cancer.” $52,752. M.J. Murdock Trust. Gidofalvi, G. (2015-2016). “STTR Program: Parallel TwoElectron Reduced-Density Matrix Based Electronic Structure Software for Highly Correlated Molecules and Materials.” $34,629. Department of Defense/Army Research Office. Goldman, A. (November 2015-2016). “Spark Grant.” $7,000. Humanities Washington. Greer, A. (March 2016). “Fluke Equipment in-kind grant.” $1,120. Fluke Corp. Haydock, J. (2015-2017). “Collaborative Research: Evolution of Cooperation in Social Woodpecker.” $114,056. National Science Foundation.
Mermann-Jozwiak, E. and Mudd., J. “Theology Institute: Stewardship, Sustainability, and Moral Decision-Making.” $290,415. Lilly Endowment, Inc. (4 years). Overbay, S. (2015-2016). “McDonald Work Award.” $1,066. Robert & Claire McDonald. Pepiton, C. (2016). “NET/TEN Travel & Exchange Network.” $2,000. Network of Ensemble Theatres. Perz, U. (2015-2016). “McDonald Work Award.” $2,900. Robert & Claire McDonald. Schmidt, E. (2015-2016). “Ethics Bowl Support Grant.” $1,750. Independent Colleges Washington. Semple, B. (March 2016). “Startalk.” $89,822. National Foreign Language Center. University of Maryland.
Hayes, S. “Lake Roosevelt GRTS Sampling Design & Pike CPUE Estimation.” $10,856. Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife.
Swanson, B. Collaborative Research: “The Evolution of Extreme Trait Size.” $142,110. National Science. Foundation, Integrative Organismal Systems.
Henning, B. (2016). “Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Complete Works of Alfred North Whitehead transcription work.” $20,000. Chesed, Inc.
Terry, P. (June 2015-2016). “Educators for the 21st Century Professional Development.” $200,000. Washington Student Achievement Council.
Isacoff, J. (September 2015). “Co-Investigator G2015-P3Phase 1 Grant.” $15,000. (Noel Bormann, Principal Investigator). Environmental Protection Agency.
Katsushima, S. (Fall 2015-2016). “McDonald Work Award.” $3,107. Robert & Claire McDonald. Manoguerra, P. Fifty Master-Works Jundt Print Collection. $4,000. Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA).
Loroz, P. S. & Patil, V. H. (2015-2016). Mission-Related Outcomes Assessment at a Jesuit Catholic University, Principal Investigator, Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities. Patil, V. H. (2015-2016). Measuring mission-related outcomes, Co-Principal Investigator, Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities.
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE Bormann, N.E. (2015). Design Support for Green Building in the Wildland-Urban Interface to Enhance Sustainability and Fire Resistance. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2015/2016 P3 Grant Recipients – Phase I: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity, and the Planet, Grant Number: SU836125. Retrieved from https://cfpub.epa.gov/ncer_ abstracts/index.cfm/fuseaction/display.abstractDetail/ abstract/10531/report/0. Ji, Y. (2015). Amazon AWS Research Grant. $10,000. Gonzaga University: Amazon. Niezgoda, S. L. (2014-2015). Sharp Avenue Permeable Pavement Project Phase I. $60,802. Feasibility Study and Monitoring System Design for Sharp Avenue Permeable Pavement for the City of Spokane, Integrated Capital Management. Niezgoda, S. L. (2015-2016). Sharp Avenue Permeable Pavement Project Phase II, Havana Street Monitoring. $63,000. Construction, As-Built, Durability, Infiltration Capacity and Maintenance, and Water Quality Treatment monitoring of permeable asphalt bike lane and driving lane test strip along Havana Street. City of Spokane, Integrated Capital management. VanDam, M. (2015). (PI), Washington State University, De Palma, P (Consultant), Gonzaga University. National Science Foundation Award. $281,958. Collaborative Research: Enabling Access to and Analysis of Shared Daylong Child and Family Audio Data Award Number. Young, R. (2016). US Department of Transportation University Transportation Center (UTC) Program. Member of PacTrans Regional UTC. Total project budget $14 million over 5 years. Gonzaga share a minimum of $10,000 per year over 5 years. Funded December 2016. Young, R. (2016). U.S. Department of Transportation Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Project – Wyoming/ ICF. Phase I funding approved by USDOT for funding in September, 2015. Project Lead: ICF International. Total project budget $5.1 million. (PI Share: Phase I: $70,000; Phase 2 and 3: $90,000).
SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Armstrong, J. (2015). M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust, $29,500, 2014-2016. Shlossberg, P. (2015). First peoples: New directions in indigenous studies. Challenge grant (Book subvention). NEH/University of Arizona Press.
Beckstead, J. (June 2015). Inspiring Women in STEM Award from INSIGHT into Diversity of Higher Education.
Alfonso, V. C. (March 2016). President of Schools of Education Conference, Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU).
Cooley, E. (Fall 2015). 2015 Binnacle Ultra Short Story Prize. Coufal, V. (2016). Distinguished College or University Mathematics Teaching, Pacific Northwest Region of the Mathematical Association of America. Farrell, M. (2016). Kreielsheimer Chair Award. Goldman, A. (2015-2018). The Alphonse A. & Geraldine F. Arnold Distinguished Professorship. Grey, G. (Spring 2016). Event Horizon Science Poetry Contest/ Finalist. Grey, G. (Winter 2015). Terrain.org 6th Annual Poetry Contest/1st place. Marshall, T. (January 2016). Named Washington State Poet Laureate. Marshall, T. (Fall 2015). Washington Book Award for Bugle. Norasakkunkit, V. (July 2015). Distinguished Visiting Associate Professor at Kyoto University. Poxleitner, M. (May 2015-July 2016). Howard Hughes Medical Institute Education Fellowship. Shepherd, J. (2014-2017). Scholl Foundation Distinguished Chair of Chemistry. Shinn, J. (April 2016). Pacific Northwest Section NExT (New Experiences in Teaching) Fellow, Mathematical Association of America. Tritten, T. (January 2015-August 2016). Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg. Westerhaus, T. (September 2015). U.S. Conducting Fellow to South Korea, International Conductor Exchange Program. Residency July 2016.
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Finkle, T. A., & Bowers, S. (2015-2016). [Year 1 of 2]: Cross Fertilization of Entrepreneurship within School of Engineering and Applied Science, Co-Principal Investigator.
Girtz, S. (2015). Third place poster award. KEEN winter conference, Tempe, AZ.
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE De Palma, P. (2015-2016). Visiting Research Fellow, Walter J. Ong, S.J. Center for Language, Culture, and Media Studies, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO. Research: rhetoric and privacy. Schroeder, D. A., & Keefe, D. F. (2015). Best Paper at IEEE Visualization 2015 (SciVis track): Visualization-bySketching: An Artist's Interface for Creating Multivariate Time-Varying Data Visualizations. IEEE Scientific Visualization 2015. Awarded by program committee.
SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Caputo, J. S. (2016). Visiting Research Scholar-in-Residence. Dipartimento Di Communicazione e Ricerca Sociale, Sapienza Universita Di Rome, Italia. Crandall, H. M., & Cunningham, C. (June 2015). Top Paper Award for Media Ecology and Hashtag Activism: #Kaleidoscope. Media Ecology Association. Ferch, S. R. (2016). Visiting Scholar. Native American Race Relations Lecture Series. Billings, MT. Ferch, S. R. (2016). Visiting Writer. Seattle Pacific University. Seattle, WA. Ferch, S. R. (2016). Visiting Writer. Sterling College. Sterling, KS. Ferch, S. R. (2016). Visiting Writer. Pepperdine University. Malibu, CA.
SCHOOL OF LAW Laurent, I. Fulbright award for a year-long study of restorative justice system of Jamaica.
www.gonzaga.edu/avp OfďŹ ce of the Academic Vice President 509.313.6504 502 E. Boone Ave. Spokane, WA 99258-0099