reection s on ble ssings
502 e. boone ave., spokane, washington 99258-0070 university relations 509.313.5995 admissions office 509.313.6572 alumni office 509.313.5999
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table of contents :::
Reflec tions c an be a photogr apher’ s Friend or foe .
report of the president 20 07-20 0 8
president ’s Message
Enriching the world
Our best and brightest
THE Year in review
Honor roll
I knew I wanted to catch reflections of St. Aloysius
Church, but I needed the right day — one that was clear and bright, after a rain the night before. The morning I shot these images, I spent an hour or so walking the campus looking for the right puddle, studying each one from different angles. People walking past must have thought I was crazy. q Jennifer Raudebaugh, photographer
The Report of the President and Honor Roll 2007-08 is produced by Gonzaga’s Marketing and Communications office. Marny Lombard, editor; Pat Skattum, designer. Photos by Jennifer Raudebaugh, Matthew Gollnick and Kirk Hirota. Editorial team includes Margot Stanfield, vice president for university relations; Chuck Leonhardt, assistant vice president for marketing and communications; Pat Reese, associate director of development; Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship; and Dale Goodwin, director of public relations.
P r e s i d e n t ’ s
road map for the future :::
By Father Robert J. Spit zer , S.J., Gonz ag a Univer sit y President
I. The Foundation
Gonzaga University has completed a nineyear plan to build a foundation for our future.
reflections on blessings
With this accomplished, we are working to
“…over the past 10 years we have grown in
bring to fruition the Strategic Plan embraced
undergraduate population from approximately
by all our major constituencies. Let us start by
2,800 to almost 4,500…”
reflecting on the blessings of our foundation. The first of eight steps concerned enrollments. We were convinced that there were many prospective students who would benefit from a Gonzaga education, but had never heard of us, and so we hired a New York marketing firm to “get the word out.” We converted to a quantitative, data-base oriented financial aid program and substantially increased our financial aid. Next, we quadrupled our visit program, which is truly a secret weapon. And then came God’s providence: our remarkable basketball team. As a result, over the past 10 years we have grown in undergraduate population from approximately 2,800 to almost 4,500 and in total population (including graduate and law) from 4,500 to 7,250. As well, our freshman retention rate increased from 87 percent to 91 percent and our graduation rate grew from 63 percent to 80 percent. The average SAT rose from 1160 to 1185 and the cumulative GPA moved from 3.54 to 3.70. Part two of our foundational plan was to initiate a capital campaign. As most of you know we met our $119 million goal with pledges of $150 million. This enabled us to build several facilities and increase our endowments for scholarships and academic programs. Your remarkable generosity was precisely the “shot in the arm” we needed. 2
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Third, we used revenues from new enrollments and unrestricted gifts to better achieve a system for long-term financial stability. We replenished our depleted reserves, paid down our internal debt, built a predictive budgeting system, increased our cash flow and increased our endowments through the capital campaign. Our investment committee now consistently achieves top quartile performance for our endowments. As a result, we can plan our future with greater precision, and also plan for significant improvements in the delivery of academics, our Jesuit mission and student-life experience.
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We also built six residence halls: Dillon, Goller, Twohy, Corkery Apts., Kennedy Apts. I, Kennedy Apts. II, and are currently constructing a freshman residence hall. We tripled the size of the Cataldo Globe Room and revamped two Boone Avenue buildings into a choral hall and broadcast media center and added two faculty office buildings in Rebmann and Robinson. We are totally renovating the theater (to be named the Harry and Colleen Magnuson Theatre). All this, and we were careful not to give away our precious green space and river views.
II. The Oper ation al Pl an
Fifth in our plan came enrichment of our academic programs. We hired 43 tenure-track professors, 43 fixedterm professors and significantly increased our academic support staff. We put state-of-the-art technology in most every classroom and initiated a significant undergraduate research program. Our average class size remains 24 and our student-teacher ratio 11-to-1, which encourages truly personal and interactive learning.
(1) To commit every area of the University to the reflective engagement of her Jesuit, Catholic and humanistic Mission ideals, (2) To educate and transform quality students in an enriched, academic environment, (3) To deepen the engagement of the entire University in the development of the whole person, (4) To increase diversity and affirm the value of human difference, (5) To develop men and women for a more just and humane global community, (6) To secure the financial future of the University, and (7) To foster the tradition of lifelong relationships with alumni, friends and the broader community.
Three final steps followed: improvements in student life programming, technology and facilities; improvements in athletics (intramurals received additional programming, Mulligan field revamp, new Jundt field and new equipment; while our externally capitalized Division I program gained additional coaches, scholarships, and recruiting and programming funds); and creation of a marketing division and marketing plan for the University.
The University administration undertook a broad-based consultation with its major constituencies to develop an operational plan that will achieve the seven goals in our Strategic Plan:
We have identified the necessary revenues (from growth, academic grants, annual giving and the upcoming endowment campaign) to implement this operational plan over the next eight years. It constitutes our road map for the future.
“Generous donations to the College of Arts and Sciences in its 120th anniversary year enabled the Dean’s Office to award funds to faculty from across the disciplines to carry out special projects that bring valuable research opportunities to undergraduates.” q Dean Marc Manganaro college of art s & sciences:
Fourth, we built 17 much-needed facilities which not only helped us to be competitive, but also to be absolutely excellent. We built six new academic facilities: the Law School, the addition to the Jepson Center for the School of Business Administration, the addition to the Hughes Science Building, the PACCAR Center for Applied Science, the Tilford Center and the new Florence Building. We also thoroughly renovated the Administration Building (now “College Hall”), the older section of the Hughes Science Building and the Herak Engineering Building. We built four athletic facilities: the McCarthey Athletic Center, the Patterson Baseball Complex, the Rudolf Fitness Center and the soccer stadium. p r e s i d e n t
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P r e s i d e n t ’ s
Merit-Based Scholarships — Gonzaga supports a considerable number of high-merit students. Every year National Merit Scholars, high school valedictorians and other nationally recognized merit winners join our ranks. Most enter one of our special academic programs such as the Honors Program, the Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, the Ignatian Leaders Scholars and the Comprehensive Leadership Program. Many receive additional special scholarships for study in engineering and applied science. These students contribute significantly to our academic atmosphere by sharing their intellectual gifts and leadership skills with the entire learning community. Yet, as the above-mentioned demographic challenge emerges, competition for these students will increase. Other institutions will increase their merit-based scholarships. If we do not do likewise, we will see a precipitous decrease in our entering GPA and SAT/ACT scores. This will affect the quality of our academic experience and the perceived value of our education, with highly undesirable results. This challenge cannot be met by increasing our tuition for the reasons mentioned above, and so we must increase our endowment through our upcoming endowment campaign. We have already received generous contributions, giving us confidence that our efforts will succeed.
III. The Future
Gonzaga’s ambitious building program will continue with the impending construction of a 160,000-square-foot student center, a new
reflections on blessings
science building, residence halls and a four-
“These students share their intellectual gifts and
level parking structure. In approximately eight
leadership skills…”
years, we will build an academic building on the West Boone Avenue Mall. Important as these facilities will be, they are not the central focus of our eight-year future plan. Gonzaga has reached a point at which it must leverage its excellent academic, mission and student-life reputation, while meeting a demographic challenge facing all U.S. educational institutions. This requires investments in need and merit scholarships, in academic programs, centers and professorships, in faculty support and undergraduate research, in mission and student-life excellence, and in technology. These investments, in turn, require a significantly increased endowment to assure that they will continue to increase in perpetuity. And so, the University is preparing to launch an endowment campaign. In coming months you will learn more about the campaign itself. But now I want to more fully describe the challenges before us. 4
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Faculty Support and Educational Excellence — Gonzaga’s academic experience is grounded in its student-oriented faculty. Our faculty need and deserve increased opportunities for professional development and research (e.g., increased
M e s s a g e
research sabbaticals, travel for professional conferences and development, and research support). This will not only support our current faculty, but also attract the best new faculty to our ranks. We also need to increase the diversity of our faculty and staff and will create a fund to support recruitment and retention. Other ways to improve our academic experience emerged through consultation with faculty and staff. Five current “areas of strength” can be enhanced through added resources: (1) our advising system (and Center for Teaching and Advising), (2) Core Curriculum (which is the heart and soul of the Gonzaga educational experience in Arts and Sciences as well as Business, Engineering, Education, and Professional Studies), (3) Academic Assessment Program (which will enable an even more systematic evaluation and enhancement of our academic programs), (4) Undergraduate Research Program (which enables juniors and seniors to become involved in real faculty research, allowing them to receive credit in prestigious journals and to enhance their qualifications for graduate study), and (5) a graduate school advising program (which will help our students prepare for graduate study earlier in their undergraduate careers and help qualified students to earn prestigious scholarships such as Rhodes, Marshall, Mellon, Truman, Fulbright and the National Science Foundation). We intend to increase our library collection through books and periodicals as well as heightened access to electronic collections and databases.
“After years of planning, we are truly blessed with an amazing new facility, the PACCAR Center for Applied Science. Its labs, offices and classrooms will help us to offer our students the very best academic experiences in engineering and computer science, and lead to new collaborative ventures between the sciences and our engineering programs.” q Dean Dennis Horn School of Engineering and applied science:
Need-Based Scholarships — Higher education in the United States faces a two-pronged demographic challenge: (1) a decline in the number of college-age students, and (2) a decrease in the affluence of college-eligible students. This challenge must be met by providing more scholarship support for Gonzaga students over the next 10 years. Currently, 94 percent of our students receive financial aid. This percentage will increase, and more importantly, the amount of support per student will significantly increase. This challenge presents a remarkable opportunity, because we consider the support of high-need students to be an integral part of our mission. We cannot do this by increasing tuition, as that would tax the very students we are trying to help; hence, we must increase our endowment for needbased scholarships. And so… we will again ask for your generosity to help us with this challenge, or perhaps better, opportunity.
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P r e s i d e n t ’ s
With respect to justice, Gonzaga has long supported an associate vice president’s position in diversity and intercultural communication which oversees Unity House and 14 justice-oriented programs. Among these is one of the strongest programs for Native Americans: (1) the Gonzaga Indian Education Outreach Program which, through the College of Arts and Sciences, allows our students to teach at the reservations and brings Native American students to our campus for “mini-Gonzaga experiences,” (2) the Johnston Indian Entrepreneurial Program in the School of Business which teaches graduate courses in entrepreneurship to Native American students who wish to contribute back to their reservations, and (3) the Indian Law Program. These programs enjoy strong momentum, but could be significantly enhanced through additional resources.
Academic Centers, Programs and Professorships — Gonzaga has developed several areas of academic excellence which we believe can be leveraged to full potential through the development of six academic centers: (1) Global Engagement (dedicated to assisting with international poverty), (2) Undergraduate Leadership, (3) School of Education’s Center for Northwest Catholic Secondary Education, (4) School of Law’s Center for Commercial Law, (5) School of Engineering’s Center for Design, and (6) School of Professional Studies’ Center on Aging. We intend to enhance six already successful programs: (1) the Honors Program, (2) the Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, (3) the Law and Justice Clinic, (4) the Indian Law Program, (5) programs in the College of Arts and Sciences (e.g., pre-med), and (6) the Faculty Exchange Program. There is significant interest in two new programs: (1) the Magis Program (a Jesuit-oriented cluster within the Core Curriculum), and (2) a summer robotics program. Professorships (which accentuate not only research but teaching) are integral to our plan. We launched this effort with the Pigott Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies and intend to solicit interest in two professors of law, a professor of sustainable design (engineering), two business professors and two professors in the College of Arts and Sciences. We believe that these efforts will not only enhance academic opportunities and ethos at Gonzaga, but also attract and retain the very best tenure-track faculty who have an interest in Gonzaga’s mission. 6
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With respect to ethics, we teach a Core Curriculum course in ethics, however, in today’s world of ever-increasing complexity, more is needed. We are responding to this need through Ethics Across the Curriculum (enabling non-ethics professors – say, in accounting or engineering – to present brief ethical modules as issues arise in their classes). This integrates the content of ethics courses with “real life” issues. Furthermore, we sponsor a chair of ethics, lectures in ethics and a graduate specialization in professional ethics in the School of Business. Again, significant enhancements of these programs could emerge through endowments.
reflections on blessings “…we look forward to becoming the best Jesuit mission-oriented University in the nation…”
As can be seen, we take our four Jesuit mission areas very seriously and look forward to becoming the best Jesuit mission-oriented University in the nation through our endowment campaign.
M e s s a g e
Enhanced Student Experience — Gonzaga’s student experience is one of the best in the country. Alumni have experienced the incredible spirit, care, fun, development and “friendships for life” that characterize life at Gonzaga. Yet we believe that this experience can be further enhanced through endowments for diversity retention, healthy and safe community, outdoor programs and a center for mind, body and spirit. Excellence in Technology — We have made considerable investments in technology. In addition to our 32 servers, new campus-wide infrastructure and backup system, and a completely wireless campus, we plan to make investments in eight new technologies: (1) document imaging, (2) self-service tools, (3) University Relations support tools, (4) a data warehouse, (5) data portal, (6) CAPP software improvements, (7) enrollment management software, and (8) disaster recovery enhancements. This will allow our faculty and students access to the best data bases, academic services, and academic computing software currently available and will also allow our departments of University Relations, accounting, administration, library and athletics the greatest efficiencies and data which can be reasonably provided. As you can see, you have made Gonzaga’s blessings exceedingly strong. Your continued generosity will lead to an absolutely stellar future. I thank you for your vision, commitment, prayers and love.
Mission Excellence — Gonzaga is exceptionally proud of its four special areas of Jesuit mission: faith, service, justice and ethics. With respect to faith, we believe that we have one of the highest records of attendance at Mass (and other religious services) of any Catholic university in the nation. We also believe we have one of the finest retreat programs in the nation. Yet this could be enhanced significantly through an endowment for University Ministry as well as endowments for centers in faith and reason, Catholic studies and the Jesuit intellectual tradition. Gonzaga enjoys one of the largest service programs of any Catholic school in the nation, sponsoring and organizing over 114,000 student volunteer service hours through 32 programs led by students. We believe the momentum for service is so strong that we could double our service hours and programs through a service endowment, not only leading to new programs, but enhancing well-known programs such as Campus Kids, Mission Possible and April’s Angels.
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Im p a c t
enriching the world :::
This is the impac t of a Gonz ag a educ ation
o f
G o n z a g a
Service to other s
S h aring wisdom
Gonzaga has always ranked highly among its
Here is a sampling of books and scholarly
peers for graduates participating in the Peace
articles published by Gonzaga’s faculty in
Corps, Jesuit Volunteer Corps and similar
organizations. The Class of 2008 deepened
Vikas Gumbhir, assistant professor of sociology and criminology, authored But is it Racial Profiling? Policing, Pretext Stops, and the Color of Suspicion, published by LFB Scholarly.
this tradition of service: • At least 19 graduates have committed to Teach for America. • At least 21 graduates are serving in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. • At
least 17 graduates applied to serve in the Peace Corps.
• At
least 14 graduates are serving in the Army or Navy.
• At least 24 other graduates are volunteering fulltime for such organizations as the D.C. Teaching Fellows in Washington, D.C., Volunteers for Peace in South Korea and Sir Arthur’s Charity in Glasgow, Scotland.
Pur suing knowledge
Gonzaga’s most recent graduates are pursuing advanced degrees in international law, aerospace engineering, Greek and Latin, medicine and many other fields. Members of the Class of 2008 will study at the
• University
of Philadelphia
• University
of Texas, Austin
• University
of Texas, Southwestern Medical
• University
of Washington, School of Medicine
• Vanderbilt
• Willamette
• American
Thousands of lives are transformed, enriched.
University of Paris
University of America
• Johns
• Mayo • New
“Last spring, the law faculty adopted a new curriculum that will go into effect in 2009-10. The new program will devote more credit hours to skills training to better prepare our graduates for the actual practice of law and for the first time will include credits for professionalism training, addressing such topics as honesty, integrity, civility and respect for others.” q Dean Earl Martin
School of L aw:
emerges for many Gonzaga students. In the end,
School of Economics
students and faculty alike contribute to the
great human endeavors.
York Law School
• Thomas
Linda Tredennick, assistant professor of English, wrote the essay A Metaphorical Jew: the Carnal, the Literal, and the Miltonic, which appears in Milton and the Jews, published by Cambridge University Press.
study and many professions. A calling for service
Law Center
Hopkins University
• London
David Cleary, professor of chemistry, co-authored Inorganic Materials Synthesis and Fabrication, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Young people commit themselves to further
University, School of Medicine
• Georgetown
Sheri Engelken, assistant professor of law, wrote Majoritarian Democracy in a Federalist System: The Late Chief Justice Rehnquist and the First Amendment, which appeared in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy.
reflections on blessings
• Creighton
of Notre Dame
following universities: • Catholic
• University
E d u c a t i o n
Jefferson School of Law
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alex maxwell :::
b e s t
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b r i g h t e s t
ignatian le ader s schol ar
“I have friends in Africa. Who would have thought?” he said. Maxwell traveled to Benin in summer 2007 along with students from several disciplines including engineering, nursing and ESL, or teaching English as a second language. Maxwell helped with the Gonzaga water-fi ltration project that gives villagers access to safe local drinking water. His experience in Benin was life-changing. “I really learned a lot while I was there about how health and environment in a community affect each other. How beautiful it was! You should have seen it. And how amazing to be part of it.”
ign atian le ader s schol ar
Civil engineering student Alex Maxwell is amazed at a lot of things in his life. He’s amazed at the level of support he receives from his professors at Gonzaga. He’s amazed at the loveliness of the Pacific Northwest – a natural enough reaction for a young man from Kennebunkport, Maine. As he entered his senior year, Maxwell was thankful for the fi nancial support he has received, which made possible his studies at Gonzaga. “My scholarships and fi nancial aid have allowed me to grow into a well-educated, well-rounded person, and to fi nd my passion and prepare for my life after Gonzaga,” Maxwell said. “Never would I have imagined, only a few years ago, that I would soon be on my way to graduating from a civil engineering program.” He’s also amazed at the opportunities he’s gained outside the classroom.
This past summer he flew to Zambia where he laid groundwork for future students to expand the water-fi ltration program. He brought home memories and stories to last a lifetime. Hydrology will play an ongoing role in Maxwell’s life. He’s seeking a graduate school where he can combine interests in environmental engineering and health. Beyond graduate school, he wants to work and live in a vibrant community, where his skills help to ensure a healthy environment. “I want to be the person to relate engineering to health. I just think that’s so important,” Maxwell said. Finally, he makes a point of thanking those whose generosity literally changed his life. “I am ever thankful for the fi nancial support I have received. I have grown so much through my experiences at Gonzaga.”
Hydrology environmental engineering and health
reflec tions on blessings
“I cannot thank you enough. You have given me a chance to make my dreams come true.”
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anna-sophia zingarelli :::
b e s t
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trustees schol ar , M arY stuart roger s schol ar
trus tees schol ar , M arY s tuart roger s schol ar
Anna-Sophia Zingarelli is that 21st century rara avis, a serious student of classical civilizations. She won praise and honors for her work, even before her graduation this December. Growing up in the Bay Area, Zingarelli was homeschooled. Museums were “a wonderful way to introduce me to ideas and cultural icons that you simply can’t get out of a textbook.” At 13, Zingarelli visited the National Gallery of Art and there discovered medieval Italian paintings. “I completely fell in love with them and knew that I wanted to be behind the scenes, up close and personal with them rather than just reading and writing about them.” This life-changing experience – plus her Trustees Scholarship and, later, a Mary Stuart Rogers scholarship – set her on the path to Gonzaga. The scholarships were crucial. “Without them, there is no way I could have come here. To say that I’m grateful doesn’t begin to express my thanks.”
Zingarelli’s professors praise her work. “A real star,” said Associate Professor Andrew Goldman, chair of classical civilizations. “She is an excellent student, and I am not just saying this. She is outstanding,” wrote Father Patrick Hartin, professor of religious studies and classical civilizations. Not only did Zingarelli win the inaugural Fredric W. Schlatter, S.J., Classics Book Award in April, but her work was named best undergraduate paper at the American Academy of Religion regional conference at George Fox University in Oregon. Her topic? Hildegard von Bingen, a medieval figure of luminous visions and extraordinary talent. Contemporary scholars believe that Hildegard’s visions were caused by migraines. Zingarelli studied Hildegard’s light-fi lled visions in the context of the theological thinking of the time, in which light was seen as a symbol of divine intercession. Remarkably, Zingarelli, who was a double major, developed that paper largely on her own, on top of her senior history thesis and classical civilizations thesis. Zingarelli hopes to attend Cambridge University or Princeton for her graduate degree and is working toward a career as a museum curator.
Classics scholar and museum curator
reflec tions on blessings
“The most meaningful aspect of being a scholarship recipient for me has been meeting the other recipients. Their achievements and dedication to both scholarship and service has been, in all cases, inspiring, and to see myself in such company is exciting and makes me want to continue to excel.” 12
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februarY : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
april : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Former U.S. poet laureate and winner of the National Book Award Robert Hass reads from his work at the University’s popular Visiting Writers Series. On display is Treasures of the Vault, a collection of volumes from the Foley Center Rare Books Collection. A team from Phi Beta Kappa makes an exploratory visit to help determine if the University will be admitted to the nation’s oldest honorary society. A decision is expected in fall 2009.
Forty-one teams participate in Gonzaga’s seventh
Jane Elliott, internationally known teacher, diversity
Gonzaga ranks the No. 2 best value in the West among its peers in U.S. News & World Report’s 2008 rankings. The 120th anniversary of the College of Arts and Sciences sparks a yearlong celebration and a focus on the College’s accomplishments and needs.
The Nethercutt Room, is dedicated in the Foley
The School of Engineering and Applied Science
launches power transmission and distribution coursework. Arabic language and ‘green chemistry’ courses are piloted.
Center Library and will contain former U.S. Rep. George Nethercutt’s congressional papers. Gonzaga ranks among the top 15 percent of colleges and universities according to the Princeton Review. Students participate in Take Back the Night, an annual event raising awareness of sexual assault. deceMber : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Spike, the Gonzaga Bulldog, a children’s book
oc tober : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Unveiling of the bronze bulldog that now guards the McCarthey Athletic Center is the highlight of Reunion Weekend. The Class of 2007 and others made the gift possible. One of the United States’ leading commentators on issues of religion and public life, George Weigel, speaks on campus about The Courage to be Catholic: John Paul II’s Challenge. Twenty-plus lecture series throughout the year bring scores of speakers to campus on topics ranging from Guantanamo detainees to indigenous learning styles, compassionate capitalism to the New York Times and the First Amendment.
Fall family weekend finds campus brimming with parents and family members at one of the prettiest times of year. The Bulldog Battalion and its ROTC cadets win their 14th Ranger Challenge in 15 years.
written by English Associate Professor Michael Pringle, is published in poetic verse for Gonzaga students past, present and future. JanuarY : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Father Pat Lee, S.J., former vice president of Mission, travels to Rome for the 35th General Congregation at which Jesuits elect Father General Adolfo Nicolas. The Mark Pigott family gifts $1.5 million to establish the Pigott Professor for Entrepreneurship, the fi rst in a $20 million campaign to create new endowed professorships for the University. A $202,000 grant from Washington State Mentors allows an increase in and research of mentoring programs that connect Gonzaga students with local at-risk elementary students.
The Administration Building is renamed and dedicated as College Hall, giving the College of Arts and Sciences its own home. Plans are announced for a new student center that will be larger than College Hall and will replace the COG. r e p o r t
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noveMber : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
thank you
sep teMber : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
trainer and recipient of the National Mental Health Association Award for Excellence in Education, speaks about prejudice and bigotry as representing an irrational class system. Elliott founded the ground-breaking experiment on racism using blue-eyed and brown-eyed individuals.
M arch : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
The men’s basketball team makes its 10th consecutive and 11th overall trip to the NCAA Tournament. The women’s team has captured its fourth straight West Coast Conference season championship. Internationally acclaimed violinist Kyung Sun Lee performs with the Gonzaga Symphony Orchestra at its fi rst spring concert. Guest lecturers in March range from Constancio Pinto, the East Timorese charge d’affaires to the United States, to John Sage, founder of Pura Vida Coffee, and Stan Deetz, international expert on communications. First Annual Tomorrow Made Possible event thanks donors for their generosity and raises Gonzaga students’ awareness about the importance of giving back to GU.
annual Relay for Life, raising $30,000 for cancer research. GU’s debate team ends its season as a top-10 ranked team nationwide, largely due to stellar performances by Grace Saez and Nick Bormann.
top ten
gu welcomes 1,046 freshmen, the largest class in the university’s history
r e v i e w
the Ye ar in re view
i n
A bronze monument of St. Ignatius highlighting the main entrance of campus is dedicated; Gonzaga’s Jesuit community is honored at the inaugural St. Ignatius Gala. Fulbright Awards are announced for Christi Ann Hofl and and Kathleen Wood, making a total of five Fulbrights for Gonzaga students in four years. Exemplary Faculty Awards honor Wayne Pomerleau, philosophy; David Cleary, chemistry; Mia Bertagnolli, biology; Brian Clayton, philosophy; and Pat McCormick, religious studies. Honored junior faculty include: Kirk Besmer, philosophy; Andrew Goldman, history; Heather Easterling, English; John Villalpando, math; William Hayes, sociology and criminal justice.
115th commencement
2007-2008 :::
Y e a r
M aY : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Gonzaga’s 115th Commencement sees a total of 1,839 students don caps and gowns, the largest commencement in history. The University announces that its six-year graduation rate has risen to 80 percent.
students amass 114,000 hours of volunteer service this year
governance :::
fi nance :::
adMinis tr ation and board
endowMents and annuities fund bal ances
(The recorded value of gifts, including net investment gains, listing by name those accounts greater than $20,000) as of May 31, 2008 and 2007 at Fair Market Value.
adMinistration chief operating officers Robert J. Spitzer, S.J.
perManent endowMents
Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J.
Arts and Sciences Faculty Enrichment
Joan Allbery
Interim Vice President for Administration & Planning
Rick Ganz, S.J.
Interim Vice President for Mission
Thayne M. McCulloh
Interim Academic Vice President
Charles J. Murphy
Vice President for Finance
Harry H. Sladich
Vice President
Margot J. Stanfield
Vice President for University Relations
Gerard V. and Debora Centioli Faculty Fellowship for Excellence in Business Education 124,193
Sue D. Weitz
Vice President for Student Life
Susan Margaret Charlton Faculty Development
Gerald M. Berger (’57)
Choir Tour
Martin P. Blum
Michael Casey
2008 $
Lou Barbieri
John Luger Vice Chair Harry H. Sladich Secretary Timothy Barnard Paul W. Brajcich Fred A. Brown Gerri Craves Donald Curran John P. Fitzgibbons, S.J. Elizabeth Hanson Donald H. Herak Joseph W. Koterski, S.J. David Joseph Leigh, S.J. Rita Liebelt Harry F. Magnuson Shannon McCambridge Jack McCann Philip G. McCarthey Kevin D. McQuilkin Scott Morris Michael A. Patterson Joseph Rossi, S.J. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. Peter F. Stanton John M. Stone Edward Taylor Robert H. Tomlinson Kevin Waters, S.J. Alvin J. (Fritz) Wolff, Jr.
trustees eMeriti John Andrew James F. Aylward William Burch John Clute Walter J. Conn Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J. Luino Dell’Osso Sherwood L. Fawcett Thomas Greenan John G. Hayes William E. Hayes, S.J. Bobbie Huguenin Jim Jundt Duff Kennedy W.P. Laughlin John B. Maughan Angelo R. Mozilo Carl R. Pohlad David A. Sabey Harry H. Sladich Thomas B. Tilford Patrick J. West
Robert J. Day Vice President Peter Allison Richard F. Angotti Peter Arkison Janelle Axtell Anthony Bonanzino Mark S. Britton Robert L. Burke Nancy S. Burnett Sharon Cade Rebecca A. Cates Gerard V. Centioli Tim Clancy, S.J. Craig T. Clifford Joseph A. Columbus Walter F. Conn, Jr. Va Lena Curran Barbara Daniels Kevin D. Daniels Angel M. Diez Richard Eymann Mary Fairhurst Al Falkner William Geary Theresa Gee Dale Goodwin Donald Hackney Robert J. Hamacher John E. Heath, III John Hemmingson Mary Herche Lorelei Herres Kelley Hickey Christine M. Hogan
Stanton K. Hooper Gregory Huckabee Marcus Jundt Margel F. Kaufman James Kubacki Michael D. Lucarelli Lita Luvera John Madri Kathleen Magnuson Sheppard Simon Manning Robert McCambridge Dan McCann Thomas K. McCarthey Colleen Meighan Joanne Mencarini William Mick John P. Moynier Molly Murphy Susan Norwood John J. Parente Mary Jane Patterson Richard Powers William Quigg Edward Ralph Gary Randall Jeffrey Reed Michael D. Reilly Irene Ringwood Norman L. Roberts Karen L. Sayre Reed Schifferman James Schumacher Mary Shanahan Shivang Sharma David R. Shea Richard J. Shinder Bishop William Skylstad Patricia Smith Jacob Spears Albert A. Stadtmueller Richard Taylor
James S. Thompson Thatcher Thompson Timothy Thompson Michele Tiesse Diane Timberlake John C. Timm Michael Tobin Michael F. Tucci Kurt Walsdorf Kevin P. West Fritz H. Wolff James J. Workland John L. Worthing William Wrigglesworth, Jr. Irving Zakheim regents eMeriti Anne Aram Joseph P. Delay Thomas A. Driscoll Earl J. Gilmartin, Jr. Judith Gilmartin George A. Grant Josef E. Gray Donald R. Kayser John Kelly Bernard Levernier Wilfrid G. Loeken Claire McDonald Robert McDonald James H. Prince Philip M. Raekes Philip L. Reinig James P. Seabeck Charles H. Steilen David J. Taylor
Lawrence D. Acre
206,599 190,770
216,015 199,358
Business Administration Faculty Enrichment
Cardoner Retreat
Geraldine F. Arnold*
Cataldo Operations/Sodexho
Robert B. Bargen, S.J.
Christine Bozarth*
board of regents advisory board to the president and trustees Gregory A. Hubert President
Henry and Lucy Anderson Anthony’s Apregan Family
Kenneth Baugh
Bayer Corporation
Class of ‘64
Bonanzino Family
Class of 1999 Diversity
Erma A. Bonge
Frank and Sharon Bouten
Helen Brach Foundation
John H. Collins
board of trustees university’s policy-Making body Donald P. Nelles Chair
restricted endowMents, scholarships 2008
Fred E. and Venora E. Bigelow Loan Fund
Corporation Counsel
John W. Dunne, S.J. Arthur L. Dussault, S.J. Foundation* Otto J. Eckel 1 Lt. Forrest P. Ewens Award Gonzaga-in-Florence Gonzaga-in-Florence Traveling Fund Don and Carol Herak Engineering Faculty Development
Conrad N. Hilton Community Service
Hogan Program General
Rhoady and Jean Marie Lee
Tony Lehmann, S.J. Scholarship/Discretionary Fund
Loeken Faculty/Staff Recognition
Daniel G. Brajcich
Jim Bresnahan
Brian Brett Memorial
Mike (’52) and Marj Brewer Family
Fred L. and Olivia C. Briggs
Herb, Margaret, Greg, and Evelyn (Edsall) Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Hervy Brulotte
Fr. Bruno Segatta
Carl A. and Carla M. Buck Memorial
Christopher and Mary Ann Bulger Family
Bob and Stevie Burke
Mary Fahay Busch
Molly and Stewart Butler
Michael J. Byrne and Richard Spils Memorial
25,225 82,645
Robert V. Lyons, Yvonne E. Lyons, Eileen E. Lyons, and Robert V. Lyons, Jr., S.J. Jesuit Academic and Administrative Services Fund
Joseph F. & Sharon M. Cade (’76)
Dennis A. and Peggy M. Calfee
E. Thomas Martin Gonzaga in Florence
McCarthey Athletic Compensation
Callahan-Zeller Foundation
Mentoring Programs
John E. Cannon, Sr.
Eleanor Miller/Welch Foundation
C. Pat Carroll, S.J. Opportunity
Clifford A. Carroll, S.J.
Mission Endowment - Faith
Leslie M. Carroll
Ken Norrie Faculty Development
Colleen Randall Women’s Golf Enhancement
Leonard and Evelyn Riley Jake Schiffner
Marguerite M. and Henry J. Casey Joseph M. Cataldo, S.J.*
Alma and Gill A. Centioli
Henri P. Charvet, S.J.
Dallas E. Stroschein Memorial
Harry E. Chisholm
Jacob Triesch
Class of ‘79
Class of 1998
Coca-Cola Foundation
Anonymous/Other Law School Foundation Gonzaga Center for Law and Justice Fund
William and Virginia Clemens/ Del Skillingstad, S.J.
Law Faculty Loan Fund
S. Earl Cochran Memorial
Linden Cup
James E. Collins, Jr.
Norman and Rita Roberts
Dr. James R. and Bridget Condon
Carrie Welch Loan Fund
Francis W. Conn, S.J. Memorial
Anonymous/Other Total General Support Endowments
$ 11,795,483
$ 11,008,619
Walter J. and Donna F. Conn Daryl and Michele Connell
*See also Quasi-Endowment
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F i n a n c e
F i n a n c e
restricted ENDOWMENTs, scholarships 2008 Lawrence F. (’27, ’29) and Kathleen Connolly
Teresita Coombes Trinity
George and Pearl Corkery
restricted ENDOWMENTs, scholarships 2008
Dorothy E. Guild
Joseph L. McCarthy
Roger K. Guise Memorial
Lawrence H. and Florence (Olivet) McCormack
Larry L. Guthrie/Gertrude O. Guthrie
Helen C. McDonald
Joseph T. and Patricia P. Hall
Ivah M. McDonnell
COSTCO Opportunity
Hamel-Dussault Families Memorial
Dr. James G. McGivern
Coughlin Family
Bob and Donna Hanson Family
Paul Corkery, S.J. and Francis Corkery, S.J. (’26)
Mark and Barbara Ray
Regents Nucleus
Edward J. and Bunny (Suva) Renouard
Edward J. and Bunny (Suva) Renouard (Engineering)
James Francis Cardinal McIntyre
Margaret S. Richards Memorial
335,712 74,564
C. Pat and Jean Craigen
Erik W. Hanson Memorial
Denver and Mary McLeod Memorial
Richardson Family
Colonel John F. Crandall
Fred L. and Elizabeth J. Hanson
John R. ( Jack) and Rose C. Meersman
Aleck M. and Mary M. Ripple Memorial
James and Elizabeth Cummins
William Randolph Hearst
Alvera Brown Meighan
Norman and Dorita Roberts Family
Charles Henry Davis
Carol L. Herak
Eleanor J. Mele
Roche Family
Dean’s Business Forum
Joseph C. Metcalfe Memorial
Jim and Jean Roeber Family
Richard DeBlieck
Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrand
John and Catherine Michels
Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation
Dell ‘Osso Family
Conrad N. Hilton
Patrick T. Mick (’06)
Hooker Creek Ranch
Jack D. Miklos
David and Maureen Rorick Joseph Merton and Jessie Rosauer Family
Richard W. Dillman Memorial William R. and Kathleen A. (McFarland) Dobner
Stan Hooper Family
Theodore Dreyer Memorial
Judge Bert Horrigan Memorial
Lawrence E. Duffy
Walter W. Duncan Memorial
John (’26) and Isabel d’Urbal
Eric A. Johnston
William Earl Edmonds
Ina H. Johnston
Kaiser Aluminum Fabricated Products
Albert A. Kelly Memorial
Driessel Family
Durkan Family
John Wiltsie Epton, Jr. Mary Olson Fairhurst Memorial
W. Brooks and Martha Fields Charles C. Finucane John and Mary Ann Firkins Memorial
586,206 99,650
Don and Betty Miller Memorial
Lyle W. Moore
Rudisile Family
Taka Moriyasu
Kermit (’51) and Frances Rudolf (Athletic)
J “n” M
Tatsuo “Tex” Moriyasu Memorial
Kermit (’51) and Frances Rudolf (Law)
Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Jennings Memorial
John and Melinda Moynier
Donald R. and Kathleen P. Ryan Memorial
Madeleine St. Marie
Murphy Family: Thomas, Katherine, Monica, and Bill (’32)
Frances A. and Sam R. Salla Memorial
Timothy J. Sarbaugh
Patrick H. and Fran Murphy
Bernard A. Schons
W. P. Ilgen
Roy J. Johnson Memorial
Duff and Dorothy Kennedy Memorial
Angelo R. Mozilo Family
Clarence and Della Murray Jack G. and Katherine E. Neupert Memorial
Henry and Margaret Kinzer
Frank A. and Margaret M. Nigro Family
Violet and Roy Knott
John W. and Francis (Fagan) Nitkey
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Konlock
Dr. Benjamin C. Koreski
Monica and William L. O’Connell, Jr. Memorial
Jacob J. and Anna Clara (Voggenthaler) Kuch
Charlie and Doris O’Connor
A.O. and Evelyn Foster
Judge Albert I. Kulzer Memorial
Timothy J. O’Leary, S.J.
Richard and Orlanta Franck
Milton F., Leona G. (Kuch) and Milton J. Langlois (’60) Family
Donald and Joan Olson
108 Club Montana
Louie H. and Donna M. Lapke
Richard J. O’Neill Family
Charles and Margaret Larson
Michael J. Ornellas (’66) Memorial
Ossello Family
Joe P. and Joan L. Gagliardi Family
Maurice Gales
John A. Galligan & William F. Donnelly
Law School
Garco Athletic
Padre Lehmann/Regimbal, S.J.
Stanley J. Padden
Garco Civil Engineering
Tony Lehmann, S.J.
Robert (Eddie) Page
J. W. Garrity Athletic
Frank and Ethel Lenzie
Robert and Carol Palencar
Dr. and Mrs. Otto J. Penna
General Memorial
Bernard and Mafalda Levernier
Dr. Terry Gieber
C. Maya Lit Lena and Nancy Longo
Gilbert Family Robert J. Gillingham, S.J. Gonzaga University Music Department
Pearson Family
Perko Family
Elizabeth A. Lynn
Matthew Madison
Megan Therese Piper (’92) Memorial
31,237 252,672
R. Michael and Mary (Owens) Shanahan
Malcolm C. and Elizabeth M. Sharp, Sr. and Malcolm C. Sharp, Jr. Mary Katherine Shaw Memorial Ivan A. Shirk
65,517 155,939
Catherine Filene Shouse
Dr. Robert G. Skok
Harry H. and Marguerite Sladich
Robert A. and Celeste Smith
Frost and Margaret Snyder
Blanche H. Spitzer
John F. Stepich Memorial Donald L. Stoner Frank X. Suttey
George and Marianne Grant (Engineering)
Michael C. Mathis Memorial
Richard E. Powers Memorial
Josef and Stephany Gray
Virginia Maughan
Robert K. and Ann J. Powers
Mary and Ray “Doc” Mauro
Anton F., Katherine and Kathryn Ann Mautz
Edward and Helen Prevol and Arlene Prevol-Koeferl
Toepel Family Memorial
Marty Pujolar
Ernest H. and Greta M. Toll
96,769 1,259,112
J. Francis Gubbins, S.J. (Native American)
Philip G. McCarthey
Portland Area
81,737 141,514
51,341 215,928
George and Marianne Grant (Basketball)
71,937 126,555
49,315 225,948
Paul B. Shorett Memorial
C. Dan Martin and C.Y. Martin*
Polich Family
42,557 106,231
Harry F. and Colleen B. Magnuson Family
Stephen N. Pope
41,125 104,512
Joseph M. Shabaz
Megan M. (Taylor) Schindler (’02) & Sarah J. (Taylor) Schwering (’04)
J. Francis Gubbins, S.J.
William H. Schumaker
George and Anita Grismer
609,855 1,610,230
Mary L. Schons
Michael C. Mathis (’65)
617,644 1,540,384
Sachtjen Family
Graduate School of Business
John and Alvin Gordon
33,113 381,023
Patrick J. Ford, S.J.
Roger and Marian Fruci
31,685 346,967
Joseph R. Keys
Catherine (Crosby) and Robert L. Ferguson/ Andrew Dufner, S.J.
Roothaan Achievement
Colonel Ernest E. Tabscott
Richard B. Taylor, II Family
Charles A. and Helen Tilford
John and Ann Timm
Michael and Annie Tobin Family
*See also Quasi-Endowment
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F i n a n c e
F i n a n c e
restricted ENDOWMENTs, scholarships 2008
Art Museum Museum Exhibition
Townsend Memorial
Fredrick and Genevieve Schlatter
Trinity Trusts: Alphonse A. and Geraldine F. Arnold Distinguished Professorship Fund Alphonse A. and Geraldine F. Arnold Scholarship Fund** Alphonse A. and Geraldine F. Arnold President’s Fund
42,944 347,379
Library William N. Bischoff, S.J. (History)
Tucci Family Florence
Frank B. Costello, S.J. (Political Science)
Tucci Family/NAPA
Joseph P. Delay (Law)
Christine Bozarth**
Susan M. Rauenhorst Turner
Foley (Crosby) Library (General)
Patrick J. Cavanaugh Faculty Enrichment Fund
Union Pacific Foundation V-12
$ 21,042,897
$ 20,987,001
Total Quasi-Endowments
$ 31,277,764
$ 31,528,675
annuities and similar fund
Harry L. (Bing) Crosby
Dr. John B. and Lorraine H. Adams
Arthur L. Dussault, S.J.**
William and Nancy Burnett
John H. Taylor, S.J. Memorial (Classical Languages and Patristics)
Dr. Robert Joseph and Thelma Rose Bartoletti Casey
Charles J. Walsh, S.J. Memorial (Law)
Frank McMahon John W. Murphy
Beverly J. Clegg
Marie M. Crabtree
Thomas and Helen Greenan (Law)
Law Library
Paul Voell Memorial
Anthony T. Wadden/Michael B. Herzog
Wallace Foundation
Prentice and Virginia Warner
Carrie Welch
Wellpinit and Nespelem
Total Restricted Endowments
Jeanne Wiest
$ 7,149,654
Christopher M. West Memorial
$ 6,837,901
Steele-Reese Foundation (Humanities)
Anthony P. Via, S.J.
Helen and Joe Welty
34,628 139,675
Robert Wark
125,981 1,747,719
Frank Walter (Two Honest Friars)
33,119 140,995
Vogelheim Family
112,183 1,671,541
William L. Van Sistine
Parents’ Library (Periodicals)
Tom and Camilla Tilford
Richard E. Twohy, S.J.
Kinsey M. Robinson, Chair of Business Administration**
John Tubbs Memorial
Peter M. Tripp Memorial
Law School Foundation Harvey and Harriet Clarke (Law Ethics)
Professorships College of Arts and Sciences Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J.
Maud O. Flannery **
Law School Foundation Quasi Endowment Fund Total General Support Endowments
$ 3,396,966
$ 3,392,019
Kreielsheimer Foundation, Chair of Fine Arts 1,864,018
Timothy J. O’Leary, S.J., Chair of Chemistry*
Joseph M. Cataldo, S.J.
131,980 1,041,906
Name Withheld by Request
restricted ENDOWMENTs, scholArships
Milo P. and Maud O. Flannery, Chair of Theology
William A.† and Tasia Davenport
139,033 1,063,698
Joseph and Edna Deichl
William R.† and Ruby Eddleman
Marcella Farrington
Jim and Maxine Finlen
Maurice Gales
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chastek**
Gary Glen
Comstock Foundation
Name Withheld by Request
Sperry H. Goodman
Charles E. and Barbara Hennessey, Jr.
Phillip and Lorelei Herres
John J. and Nancy L. Lee
Robert K. and Ann J. Powers, Chair of Humanities
Ed and Euretta James
John and Elizabeth† Leonard
Dr. Scholl Foundation, Chair of Chemistry
Arlene E. and Arthur L. LaMasters
Robert A.† and Glennavon Loosmore
Jack and Mary McCann
Joseph L. McCarthy
Pigott Professor of Entrepreneurship
Fred L. and Elizabeth J. Hanson (Athletic) Kathyrn A. Jacklin Memorial
Law School Foundation Action for Diversity Awareness
School of Business John L. Aram*, Chair of Business Ethics
NCAA Athletic Academic Enhancement
Bronze Tile
Dr. Erwin Graue, Chair of Economics*
John Prange, S.J./Ignatian Leaders
James R. Jundt, Chair of Economics*
Roach Family
Dr. Joseph and Clara Monks
Kinsey M. Robinson, Chair of Business Administration*
Mary F. Simkins
Joseph C.† and Muriel E. Murphy
Peter and Carol Welk
William R. Ogle
Edward E. and Yvonne† Ralph
David Wollersheim Anonymous/Other
Kenneth Butler Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chastek* Class Reunion (Law)
John and Mary Jo Costello
Marcus Kelly Family
Nora Garvin Kommers
Law Faculty Student
Lita and Paul Luvera
Thomas More
Joseph C. and Muriel E. Murphy
Nuxoll Family Memorial
Lloyd Meeds Memorial
Lewis H. Orland
C. Y. Martin Foundation**
Law School Foundation Frederick N. and Barbara T. Curley, Chair for Commercial Law
J. Donald and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran, Faculty Chair
Smithmoore P. Myers, Dean’s Chair
Other Edith L. Anderson
Name Withheld Upon Request
John L. Aram**
Lucille A. Rooney
Horace C. Bozarth
205,259 1,252,007
School of Business Educational Enrichment College Science Research
Lectures Van F. Christoph, S.J. Memorial
Don and Carol Herak Engineering Equipment 1,197,438
William Lyle Davis, S.J. Memorial
Hildebrand-Pease Law Library
International Cultural Center
Dr. Erwin Graue, Chair of Economics**
Law School Foundation Paul N. and Lita T. Barnett Luvera
Name Withheld Upon Request
Virginia Schurra
Charles and Diane Steilen
Bartholomew M. and Sarah Stevens
Ivan and Marlene Stewart
Stephen B. and Mary E. Shinn
George† and Margaret Tiesse
Name Withheld Upon Request
Name Withheld Upon Request
Harry L. Williams
Lee and Barbara Wright
Barbara Helen Perrey Memorial
Jesuit Mission Trust
Drew Corley Pierson Memorial
Total Restricted Endowments
$ 97,789,690
$ 98,312,318
James R. Jundt, Chair of Economics**
Philip M. and Mary Raekes
Total Permanent Endowments
$ 109,320,936
Judge Willard J. Roe Memorial
Law School Restricted
John T. Yeats
Mission Trust
Lee M. Solomon
Mosque Operations
Carrie Welch
Timothy J. O’Leary, S.J., Chair of Chemistry**
Coletta W. O’Meara
Sylvia Ann Thomas
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Total Annuities and Similar Funds
$ 12,142,724
$ 12,043,602
Total Endowments and Annuities
**See also Permanent Endowments
*See also Quasi-Endowment
Erwin J. Toner, S.J.
Walter A. Toly Memorial
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f i n a n c e
unrestric ted oper ating e Xpenses 20 07 — 20 0 8 Student Services 4%
Libraries 3%
fi nance :::
statistic al and financial highlights
Plant Operations 5% Auxiliary Enterprises 9%
Instructional 29%
Other 11%
20 07- 0 8
20 0 6 - 07
20 05- 0 6
20 0 4- 05
20 03 - 0 4
Undergraduate Graduate Law
4,681 1,283 574
4,546 1,176 563
4,414 1,087 578
4,382 866 614
4,185 767 627
Total full-time equivalent enrollment
996 672 162
895 517 177
885 457 185
931 465 204
793 429 175
1,184 3.69
1,195 3.72
1,191 3.63
1,175 3.63
1,182 3.66
Faculty Staff
352 645
327 607
325 598
313 560
306 540
Total full-time employees
11,796 73,643 2,269 21,877 31,278 12,143
$ 11,008 75,270 2,411 20,631 31,529 12,044
9,346 63,010 2,103 18,129 27,295 12,753
$ 8,481 54,643 1,893 16,594 23,674 11,668
$ 8,180 49,951 1,774 16,003 21,761 11,554
s tatis tic s Student Aid 27%
General Administration & Institutional 12%
full-t iMe equiva len t enroll Men t (fa ll)
degree s conferred
unrestric ted oper ating revenues 20 07 — 20 0 8
Undergraduate Graduate Law Other 3%
Total degrees conferred en t ering fre shMen cl a ss aver age s
Gifts 1%
Auxiliary Enterprises 12%
Combined SAT scores GPA full-t iMe eMploYee s
Tuition and Fees 84%
fin ancial end owMen t a nd siMil a r funds ( t hous a nds)
fundr aising 20 05 — 20 0 8 unrestric ted oper ating e Xpense total s 20 05 — 20 0 8
11,301 donors $15,400,000
$99,128,000 $107,619,000
Total endowment and similar funds
$ 153,006<1>
s t uden t a id ( t hous a nds)
11,855 donors
University programs Federal/state grant programs Student loans
51,331 5,080 52,417
$ 47,203 4,678 46,919
$ 42,433 4,434 40,627
$ 40,025 4,197 39,660
$ 36,433 4,094 35,787
Total student aid
$ 108,828
$ 98,800
$ 87,494
$ 83,882
$ 76,314
Land & improvements Buildings Equipment, furniture, library books Plant under construction Total gross physical plant Accumulated depreciation
$ 53,586 148,802 47,969 1,294 251,651 <75,520>
$ 49,876 123,219 45,269 6,837 225,201 <68,347>
$ 47,884 124,553 40,028 1,107 213,572 <62,397>
$ 25,161 95,250 35,968 38,501 194,880 <57,285>
Total physical plant, net
$ 197,979
$ 176,131
ph Ysic a l pl a n ( t hous a nds)
11,690 donors $15,824,000
General Support Endowments Scholarship Endowments Library Endowments Professorships/Lectureships Quasi-Endowments Annuities & Life Income
11,589 donors
55,107 150,815 51,725 23,433 281,080 <83,101>
$16,942,000 Includes Gonzaga University Law Foundation, totaling $5,386,786 in 2003-2004, $6,260,095 in 2004-2005, $6,904,103 in 2005-2006, $8,219,058 in 2006-07, and $8,357,742 in 2007-08.
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h o n o r
h o n o r
r o l l
r o l l
“there are layers of support here. the financial support to make this possible is one layer. and then you’re on campus, and faculty and staff support you so well. people here care about each other, and you can tell.” kaitlin vadla (’08) ::: soldotna, alaska ::: hogan program for entrepreneurial leadership
Major Benefactors lifetiMe contributors Gonzaga University proudly recognizes and honors these major contributors whose outstanding generosity and spirit of lifetime giving demonstrate a commitment to ensuring the finest level of higher education available.
honor roll
†= Deceased
$5,000,000 and Above-------------------------(Cumulative) Duet Technologies
Jesuit Community of Gonzaga University
20 07-20 08
Jim and Joann Jundt Fritz and Jeanie Wolff
Kreielsheimer Foundation
The Steele-Reese Foundation
Jack D. Miklos Estate
Tom Martin† and Noreen Hobbs Martin
John and Suzi Stone
Aloysius and Jody Mullally
Coleman Foundation
Frank X. Suttey Estate
Dan Murphy Foundation
Daryl and Michele Connell
Jack and Mary McCann
John and Betty Tubbs†
John† and Margie Murphy
CPM Development Corporation
Jane McCarthey Family
Union Pacific Railroad
Next IT Corporation
Gerri and Bob Craves
Joseph L. McCarthy Estate
Elizabeth Van Sistine Estate
The Odell Fund
Bob and Bev Cross
Microsoft Corporation
Washington Trust Bank
Oregon Province Society of Jesus
Kevin and Mary Jean Daniels
Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo
Carrie Welch Trust Estate
Guy and Madeline Ossello
Bill† and Tasia Davenport
Charlie and Doris O’Connor
Helen Welty Estate
Mike and Emma Patterson
E.B. “Pete” and Daisy DeFeyter† Family
E. L. Wiegand Foundation
Terry and Pat Payne
Ted Druffel Estate
$250,000 - $499,999-----------------------------
Hubie Randall
Walter Duncan Estate
Frances Salla Estate
William Eddleman†
John and Elizabeth Rudolf Rudolf Family Foundation Dave and Sandy Sabey Sodexho Marriott Services Hazel Toly Estate
Comstock Foundation M. O. Flannery Estate Charles Gillingham Estate Don and Carol† Herak The Hogan Family Foundation, Inc. Independent Colleges of Washington Bob and Alice Jepson Duff and Dorothy† Kennedy Charlotte Y. Martin Estate Charlotte Y. Martin Foundation Phil and Sandy McCarthey Tom and Mary McCarthey Bob and Claire McDonald M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Oracle Corporation PACCAR Inc Carl R. Pohlad
he 2008 Honor Roll truly is a work of inspiration. This past
The Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family Foundation J. Merton† and Jessie Rosauer
Mary E. Stuart Estate
Ernst & Young Foundation Farmers Insurance Group
Bank of America Foundation Boise
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Francis A. Feider Estate
Mike and Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci
Brooks† and Lucy Fields
Allegro Investments, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Bolker
Union Pacific Foundation
Dr. Howard and Maxine Floan†
Avista Corporation
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
John† and Lyla Fluke
Fred E. Bigelow Estate
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation
Mary Jewett Gaiser†
Horace and Christine Bozarth†
John E. Cannon, Sr.†
The Vogelheim Family
Maurice Gales
Fred and Leslie Brown
Iris & B. Gerald† Cantor Foundation
Pat and Carol West Geraldine Wynkoop Estate
William Gaylor Estate
$100,000 - $249,999------------------------------
Bud and Judy Gilmartin
Bill and Virginia† Clemens
Comshare, Inc.
John and Nancy Clute
Costco Wholesale
Walter and Donna Conn
Daniels Fund
Harry L. (Bing) Crosby†
Henry L. Day Estate
Don and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran
Joe and Edna Deichl
Leon (Bob) and Petronella Davis Estate
Joseph and Helen Delay
Bud W. Driessel Estate
Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso, Jr.
Tim and Mary Barnard Dauna Leigh Bauer Foundation The Boeing Company
sparks creativity.
Bill and Nancy Burnett
why Gonzaga University continues on such a successful course. We thank you and salute you, our generous benefactors, for inspiring our students
Cadre Technologies, Inc. Henry J. Casey† Marguerite M. Casey† Dr. Patrick J. Cavanaugh Estate Chester and Catherine J. Chastek†
through your faithful support.
Harriet Cheney Cowles Foundation Fred and Barbara Curley† Bernard and Marsha Daines Sperry H. Goodman Estate The Theodore R. & Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship Foundation
o f
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
(Cumulative) Dr.† and Mrs. John B. Adams Alcoa Foundation
Global Credit Union Gonzaga University Alumni Association Burgess Gordon Estate
Altera Corporation
Margaret S. Gose†
Dr. Mansoor Al-Turki
Joe and Stephany Gray
Peter H. Arkison
Herschel and Betty Gustafson
Arrowhead General Insurance Agency, Inc.
Robert and Roberta Halliday
Larry L. Guthrie
Anna Fahey Estate
Lawrence E. Duffy Estate
Athletic Round Table, Inc.
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Daniel P. Harbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hennessey, Jr.
Daniel E. Bandmann Estate
George Hardgrove Foundation
Herak Foundation
Fluke Corporation
Hewlett-Packard Company
Orlanta Franck†
Intel Corporation Johnston-Hanson Foundation W. M. Keck Foundation Joseph R. Keys†
The Kresge Foundation
describe humanity’s creative impulse, and also the divine action which
r e p o r t
Centioli Family, LLC
$1,000,000 - $1,999,999---------------------
Your generosity, your loyalty, your response to that creative impulse, is
Dr. Robert J. and Thelma Rose Casey
Tom and Camilla Tilford
to mean suggestion or prompting. Since then, ‘inspiration’ has come to
Gerard Centioli Ben B. Cheney Foundation
mission inspired you to give your support, and that support in
breathe. Inspirare: “inspire, infl ame, blow into.” Dante used inspirazione
Emerson Quiet Kool Corporation
Gertrude K. Sully Estate
Patrick J. and Stephanie Kilkenny
(Cumulative) Louis† and Kathryn Barbieri
Frost & Margaret Snyder Foundation
John† and Anne Aram
Sterling Software
The word ‘inspiration’ comes from the Latin verb, spirare, which means to
Stephen B. and Mary E. Shinn
Bank of America Corporation
Betty S. Wheeler
year, thanks to you, we raised a record $16,941,742. Gonzaga’s
turn inspires young men and women to reach their highest potential.
John and Jewel Andrew
United Way of King County
$500,000 - $999,999----------------------------$2,000,000-$4,999,999-----------------------(Cumulative)
(Cumulative) Alphonse and Geraldine Arnold Estate
(Cumulative) Theodore B. Albi Estate
Craig and Georganna Clifford
KnowledgeWare, Inc. Henry Luce Foundation John and Donna Luger Paul and Lita (Barnett) Luvera Harry and Colleen Magnuson Esther A. McCoy Estate Dr. Earl Miller Estate The Mozilo Family Foundation Robert and Carol (Smail) Palencar
Garco Construction Gonzaga University Law Adjunct Faculty George and Marianne† Grant Jerry and Helen Greenan Carl and Lori Grether Jo and Patsy Hall† Carl M. Hansen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanson Ellen Healy Estate William Randolph Hearst Foundations Lorelei and Phil Herres Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Mr.† and Mrs. Dan Hogan, Jr. Hooker Creek Ranch
Robert and Ann Powers†
IBM Corporation
Ed and Yvonne† Ralph Rational Software Corporation Norm and Rita Roberts Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation Mark and Katherine Ryland Sabey Corporation Dr. Scholl Foundation r e p o r t
o f
Euretta James Estate George F. Jewett Foundation Johnston Foundation Dr. Charles† and Margaret K. Larson Harry† and Harriet Leppek Wil and Pat Loeken Jennifer Vertetis McCann t h e
p r e s i d e n t
Don Barbieri
Hecla Mining Company
Heather Barbieri
John and Deborah Holleran
Dr. Anne Baruch†
Stan and Shirley Hooper
Battelle Memorial Institute
Horrigan Foundation
Gerald Berger
Greg and Teresa Hubert
Erma A. Bonge Estate
Bill and Susana Huston
Frank and Sharon Bouten
Inland Northwest Community Foundation
Helen Brach Foundation Aileen Connolly Bratton
Interleaf, Inc.
Zeke and Meghan Brown
Doyle and Kathy (Graham)† Jacklin
Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Bulger
Duane and Susan Jacklin
Bill and Gloria Burch
Jacklin Investments, L.P.
Bob and Stevie (Cada) Burke
Jack and Kitty Jacobs
Edward L. Burke Estate
Jerome and Vicki Jager
Josh Burrows
Don and Marilyn Jans
Stewart and Molly Butler
Helen John Foundation
William and Judy Carlin
Ina Johnston†
B.J. Carney Company
The Johnston-Fix Foundation
Robert M. Carroll Estate
Herbert B. Jones Foundation
Holly Louise Caudill Estate
George and Shari Kain
Mr. and Mrs. Gill Centioli†
Kaiser Aluminum Fabricated Products
Harry E. Chisholm†
Don and Mary Kayser
Citigroup Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.
KC Auto Paint and Supplies, Inc.
Beverly Clegg
Klaue Family Foundation
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
William V. Kelley†
h o n o r
Major Benefactors lifetiMe contributors Roy and Violet† Knott Stanton and Jeanie Kramer Gregory Kunz Dwayne and Rosemary (Dempsey) Lane John and Carrie Lapke Bernie and Mafalda Levernier David M. Lincoln Mike and Reneé Lucarelli Elizabeth A. Lynn Foundation Bob and Yvonne Lyons John and Phyllis MacKenzie Thomas and Jean Malott† John E. Manders Foundation Douglas and Kathrine Mantyla Esther Mark Estate Marsh Maryknoll Korea Region John and Alice Maughan Helen McDonald† Frank A. McMahon† Dr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Meighan Larry Miller Moloney & O’Neill, Inc. Eugene A. Monaco Moss Adams Foundation Moss Adams LLP Dan and Joyce Murphy Joseph† and Muriel Murphy
h o n o r
r o l l
Donald Rockstrom
Basic Resources, Inc.
Neal† and Helen Fosseen
Joseph M. Lynch
John and Mary Roche
Jim and Beverly Rogers
Foster Foundation
Virginia Maughan Estate
David and Maureen Rorick†
Lucille Rooney Estate
Black Rock Realty, Marshall Chesrown and Roger Nelson
Rick and Joan Fox
Mary M. Mauro†
Dr. James and Mrs. Marilyn Sachtjen
Kerm† and Fran Rudolf
Tony and Mary Lou Bonanzino
Barbara and Jay Fritz Foundation
Edmund F. Maxwell Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Lester R. Sauvage
James and Lillian Ryan†
Paul and Colleen Brajcich
Joe and Joan Gagliardi
Robert and Shannon McCambridge
SBC Foundation
Major Benefactors annual contributors
r o l l
KC Auto Paint and Supplies, Inc.
The benefactors listed below represent a distinguished group of individuals who made a gift of $1,000 or more from June 1, 2007 to May 31, 2008. Their outstanding generosity demonstrates a commitment to the tradition of yesterday and the vision of tomorrow.
Gregory Kunz
Jim and Margel Gallagher
Bob and Sandy McConkey
Irene Schumaker Estate
John and Sherry Gilbert
Robert McCormick Estate
Virginia Schurra
The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
Hervy and Florence Brulotte Estate
Rev. Thomas J. Meersman Trust
Mary Schweitzer
Bruce and Judy Butler
Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. William Gillingham
Merck Company Foundation
Jim and Novia† Seabeck
Jerry and Sue Schwalbach
Dennis and Peggy (Morton) Calfee
Gonzaga University Faculty
Merrill Lynch
Seabury and Smith Marsh
The Seattle Foundation
Rebecca Cates
Kenneth and Beryl Goodchild
John and Guelda Messina
Bill and Hilda Shanks
Joseph M. Shabaz Estate
Chevron U.S.A., Inc.
James W. Grant
Mike and Mary Moloney
Thomas N. Sharp
Mike and Mary (Owens) Shanahan
Norton Clapp†
Greater Gonzaga Guild
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Monks
Jay and Janet Shaw
David and Linda Shea
Harriet Clarke Estate
Bob and Denise Greco
Tatsuo Moriyasu†
Katherine Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith, Sr.†
John† and Mary Close
Greg and Shannon Green
John and Melinda Moynier
Dick and Thalia Shorett
SprayCool, Inc.
Coca-Cola Foundation
Greg Green Foundation
Bill Murphy Estate
Penn and Nancy Siegel
Mary Constance Stanton Estate
Harold W. Coffin†
Mark and Mary Griffin
Timothy Murphy
Chuck and Rojean Siljeg
$250,000 - $499,999-------------------------------
Chuck and Diane Steilen
Bill and Norma Grismer
Tom and Joyce Murphy
Edward T. Simkins Estate
Don and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran
Bart and Sarah Stevens
Thomas and Katherine F. (Huhtanen) Connors
Dorothy E. Guild Estate
Gene and Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda
Jack and Mary McCann
Jim and Liz Stewart
Reanette Cook Estate
Della Murray†
Don and Sherie Hackney
Coopers & Lybrand
Jim† and Margaret Solan
Charles H. Stolz†
Alberta Corkery†
Douglas and Karen Sonneborn
$100,000 - $249,999-------------------------------
Irene Strachen Charitable Trust
Edmund, Blanche, and Flora Hamel Estate
Smithmoore Myers and Sandy Sandulo-Myers National Asphalt Paving Association
Dauna Leigh Bauer Foundation
Fred and Leslie Brown
Stuart Foundations
George Corkery†
Dave and Susan Hamer
Spokane Food Services, Inc.
NetManage, Inc.
Gerald Berger
Robert L. and Katie Ferguson
William Brown
Spokane Machinery Company
Zeke and Meghan Brown
Maxine Floan Estate
Bill and Nancy Burnett
Chester and Catherine J. Chastek† Leon (Bob) and Petronella Davis Estate
Gonzaga University Law Adjunct Faculty
Stewart and Molly Butler
The Odell Fund
Bank of America
Washington Trust Bank
†= Deceased *= Annual Fund Contributor
$500,000 and Above------------------------------PACCAR Inc* Fritz and Jeanie Wolff
Bank of Whitman
$25,000 - $49,999------------------------------------
Kathryn K. Barbieri
The Boeing Company*
Tim and Mary Barnard*
Tony and Mary Lou Bonanzino
Jason and Kristen Bay
Bob and Stevie (Cada) Burke
Benefax, Inc.
Iris & B. Gerald† Cantor Foundation
John and Ann Beutler
John and Nancy Clute Coeur d’Alene Mines Corporation
Black Rock Realty, Marshall Chesrown and Roger Nelson
Coleman Foundation
James and Catherine Boyer*
Kevin and Mary Jean Daniels*
Paul and Colleen Brajcich
Jonas and Cheryl Stutzman
Albert and June Corrado†
Harry J. Hanley Estate
Katherine Neupert
Emmett J. Corrigan Estate
George and Debbie Hansen
Al and Lois Stadtmueller
Sunbelt Communications Company
Margaret M. Nigro†
Dick and Barbara Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Coughlin† and Family
Harold and Mary Anne† Hartinger
Pete and Denise Stanton
Nike, Inc.
Marie Crabtree
Stephen Haskell
Philip and Margretta Stanton
Northern Quest Casino
Garco Construction
Daniel P. Harbaugh*
Tektronix, Inc.
Rebecca Cates*
Jack and Lisa Heath
Northwest Area Foundation
Carl and Lori Grether
Jack and Lisa Heath
John and Julie Thomas
Pat and Jean Craigen†
Sterling Savings Bank
Century 21 - Beutler & Associates
John Heily
Robert and Maureen A. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanson
Stan and Shirley Hooper
Charles A. and Helen Tilford†
Cypress Advantage
Ivan and Marlene Stewart
Cerium Networks LLC
TourneySport U.S.A.
DAA Northwest
Hildebrand-Pease Estates
Patrick and Diane Sullivan
James F. and Sharon O’Connell
Lorelei and Phil Herres* The Hogan Family Foundation, Inc.
Inland Northwest Community Foundation*
William Charlton
The Hon. and Mrs. Dennis Sweeney
Independent Colleges of Washington*
Verizon Foundation
Walter and Denise Day
Edward and Marie Hughes†
Teck Cominco American, Inc.
Dean Lewis H. Orland
Intel Corporation*
Sam and Emily Volpentest†
Delay, Curran, Thompson & Pontarolo, PS
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Ilgen
Telect, Inc.
Pacific Security
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.
John and Frances Nitkey
The Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso Family Foundation
Terry and Molly Thompson
The Theodore R. & Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship Foundation
John and Janis Parente
Alice Tietgen Estate
Johnston-Hanson Foundation
George and Shari Kain
Mike and Linda Jensen
Wes and Mary Lee (Toepel) Nuxoll
Frank and Maureen Johnson
John and Ann (Bramstedt) Timm
Patrick J. and Stephanie Kilkenny
Dwayne and Rosemary (Dempsey) Lane
The Welch Foundation, Inc.
Alan Dernbach and Rose Higgins
PEMCO Foundation, Inc.
William and Monica O’Connell†
Joseph Family Foundation
Ernest and Greta Toll†
John and Donna Luger
John and Carrie Lapke*
Peter and Carol Welk
Bob† and Evelyn Dieringer
Thomas and Cece Perko
Bill and Betty† Ogle
Michael and Lynn Joseph
Terry and T.J. Tombari
Harry and Colleen Magnuson*
Paul and Lita (Barnett) Luvera
Patrick Wilson Estate
Billy and Joan Dinsdale
Dr. Arnold G. Peterson
William and Kathleen (McFarland) Dobner
Jim and Rosemary Peterson
Jim and Sheryl Tomlinson
Charlotte Y. Martin Foundation
Mike and Stephanie Lyons
Olivetti North America, Inc.
Jim and Joyce Workland
Richard and Margaret O’Neill†
John and Peggy Worthing
R. E. “Eddie” Page†
Thomas Wynecoop
Ruth Patchen Estate
John T. Yeats
Harlan and Maxine Douglass
$50,000 - $99,999----------------------------------- Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation (Cumulative) Acme Materials & Construction Company Lawrence D. Acre Estate
David and Joan Traylor
Phil and Sandy McCarthey
Daniel and Marlyn Madison
Eugene A. Monaco
Noreen Hobbs Martin
John and Pat Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Triesch Estate
Mike and Betty (Onley) Pontarolo
Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo
Bob and Claire McDonald
Key Tronic Corporation
Dick and Patricia Twiss
David and Teri Pool
The Mozilo Family Foundation
Larry Miller
Dr. Ferdinand and Dorothy Knechtel†
The United Way of the Bay Area
Charles and Nancy Porter
KPFF Consulting Engineers
The Unova Foundation
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust*
Jim and Marilyn Prince
KPMG Foundation
Albert Unrecht†
Bill Ogle
Procter & Gamble Fund
Terry and Pat Payne
Stephen N. Pope Estate
George I. Alden Trust
Ed and Helen Prevol†
American Express Foundation
Bill and Carol Quigg
Tom Anderl
Qwest Foundation
Edith L. Anderson Estate
Rauenhorst Family Foundation
Henry R. and Lucy Anderson†
Mark and Barbara Ray
Ted and Elisabeth Angell
Red Lion Hotels
Gene and Carol Annis
Jeff and Margaret Reed
Patricia Anselmi
John P. Egger Empire Health Services Jim and Billie Etter Evans, Craven & Lackie, P.S. FAB Ventures, LLC George and Janet Fague
John and Dee Fery
ARCO Foundation Joey and Norma August†
Doug and Kathleen Rivard
Gilbert W. Baker Estate
Bill Roach Estate
r e p o r t
o f
William Miller Mike and Mary Moloney John and Melinda Moynier Michael and Jadine Murphy Mike and Muffy Murphy* Timothy Murphy Mike Myers and Carole Rolando Don and Jeanette Nelles* Northern Quest Casino Charlie and Doris O’Connor* Pete and Wilma Olsen Foundation* Alvin and Georgina† Ornellas Thomas and Cece Perko Jim and Rosemary Peterson Charles and Nancy Porter Procter & Gamble Fund* Puryear Group, Inc. Ron and Georgia Lee Puryear Bill and Carol Quigg RAD, Inc. Chris and Dianna Randall Phil and Bev Reinig* DonnaMarie and Matt Reno Research Corporation Renee R. Reuther* Helen B. Ripple
Fred and Mary Dore Charitable Foundation
Norm and Rita Roberts
Moloney & O’Neill, Inc.
Mary Dore
Jessie Rosauer
Moss Adams LLP
Harlan and Maxine Douglass
Roseco LLC
Dan and Joyce Murphy*
Environmental West Exploration, Inc.
Ron and Shelley Rosenberger
Dan Murphy Foundation
Ernst & Young Foundation*
Barry and Linda Rowan
Jim and Billie Etter
Lance and Melissa Sadler
The Land Company, LLC
Bill Roach Estate
Robert W. and Maureen A. O’Brien
The Hon. and Mrs. Philip M. Raekes
Bob and Diane Waitt
Guy and Madeline Ossello
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ewell
Ron and Mary† (Meighan) Sagerson
Dwayne Lane’s Chrysler Plymouth
Donald Rockstrom
Don and Darlene Raftis
Nicholas and Karen (Lindsay) Warrick
William and Dara Paine
Eric Sandberg
Milton J. Langlois
Jim and Beverly Rogers
Chris and Dianna Randall
Washington Mutual Foundation
Foster Foundation
Steve and Tresa Schmautz
Bill Laughlin
Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation
Dr. Carlos A. Prietto
Les and Clara Randall†
Washington Mutual Savings Bank
Jeff and Margaret Reed
Gary and Tracy Gerard
Mary Schweitzer
Frank and Ethel Lenzie Estate
John and Elizabeth Rudolf
Laurent Regimbal†
Rudolf Family Foundation
Norma and Wendell Reed Foundation
Global Credit Union
The Seattle Foundation
Sunbelt Communications Company
John and Mary Roche
Kenneth and Beryl Goodchild*
Seattle University
United Way of King County
Richard and Garldine Rudisile
Bob and Denise Greco
Katherine Shaw
S.E.R.E. Solutions, Inc.
James and Louisa Guise
Chuck and Rojean Siljeg
Tim and Jackie Welsh
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.
Mike and Mary (Owens) Shanahan*
Dave and Susan Hamer*
Spokane Melting Pot, Inc.
Kenneth Wenham
E. L. Wiegand Foundation
Frost & Margaret Snyder Foundation
Spokane Produce
Mildred Weston Estate
Carl M. Hansen Foundation
John T. Yeats*
Douglas and Karen Sonneborn
Robert Hanson
Steve and Genene Staats
Norman and Denise Wells, Jr.
Keene and Barbara Little
Dennis and Kathryn (Cullen) Richardson, Sr.
Wells Fargo
George and Nancy Lobisser Lena Longo Pauline M. Love and Michael Love
Gordon Ripple Robbins Company
Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc.
p r e s i d e n t
Alan Dernbach and Rose Higgins
Bill and JoAnn Mick Microsoft Corporation*
Hubie Randall
thank you
t h e
Armand and Joy DeFelice
Pamela S. McKinzie Debbie and Kevin McQuilkin*
Paul and Mary Vogelheim
Wollenberg Foundation
thank you
DAA Northwest Dick and Vickie Davis
Bob and Sandy McConkey Chris and Renee McGahan
Clare (Kolloch) Rice Estate
First Interstate Bank
Gary and Alea Culpepper
The Rocco and Barbara Martino Foundation
Qwest Communications
Ed and Bunny (Suva) Renouard
James and Frances Flanagan†
Gerri and Bob Craves
Simon and Darcy Manning Rocco and Barbara Martino
Arlene E. LaMasters Estate
Jack and Betty† Leonard
Marion Finucane Estate
Jim and Terry Coombes
Kevin and Christine Malone
Annemarie Lambert Estate
Levernier-Shea Construction Company
Jim Finlen, Jr.
Phil and Bev Reinig Research Corporation
Walter and Donna Conn Daryl and Michele Connell
Harriet Leppek David M. Lincoln
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Washington Trust Bank Financial Corporation
Roger A. Felice Robert and Katie Ferguson
John Condon and Kaye Condon
Herbert B. Jones Foundation
Bonita Polich
Isabel d’Urbal†
Comcast Spotlight
Jacklin Investments, L.P.
David and Dorothy Pierce Trust
Tom and Karen Driscoll
Club USA Limited Partnership
Duane and Susan Jacklin
The Joyce Foundation
Phil and Mary Dolan
Josh Burrows
Doyle Jacklin
Dan and Margaret† Keefe
Patrick† and Leonore Doody
Pfi zer
Avista Foundation
Mike and Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci
Coletta O’Meara Estate
Tony Arguinchona*
John and Suzi Stone
Mike and Mimi Tucci
Dr.† and Mrs. Otto J. Penna
The Anderson Foundation*
Sodexho Services
Swig Foundation
Joseph† and Alice Peirone
Tom Anderl
The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
Pete and Wilma Olsen Foundation
Ruth H. Pearson
David and Vickie Abel
Mike and Marj Brewer
Household International
Ethel Peasley Estate
Abbott Laboratories Fund*
James and Helen Brown
Greg and Susan Huckabee
John C. Nevin Trust
Lewis and Sarah Lee
Safeco Insurance Companies
Harry† and Dorothy Dano
Don and Jeanette Nelles
$10,000 - $24,999-------------------------------------
Michael and Carol Schimmels
Robert J. and Raeceil A. Day
Tim and Denny† Murphy
Klaue Family Foundation The Land Company, LLC
Moss Adams Foundation
Dorothea B. Townsend Estate
Mike and Muffy Murphy
Zak Designs Irv and Angela Zakheim
Jesuit Community of Gonzaga University
thank you
thank you you thank you
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Dave Wollersheim Women Helping Women Fund Bill and Liz (Curry) Wrigglesworth Lee and Barbara Wright John and Jane Zanol George and Mary Zeller†
$50,000 - $99,999-----------------------------------Gilbert W. Baker Estate Costco Wholesale* Bob and Bev Cross Daniels Fund Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund* Greg and Teresa Hubert Bob and Alice Jepson r e p o r t
o f
Pete and Denise Stanton*
Doug and Tracy Hauff
Steffens Foundation
Terry and Molly Thompson
Don and Carol† Herak*
Patrick and Diane Sullivan
Mike and Mimi Tucci
Herak Foundation*
Dick and Barbara Taylor
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
John and Deborah Holleran
Teagle Foundation
The Vogelheim Family
Itron Don and Marilyn Jans
Rick and Diane Thomas
Bill and Judi Williams
Lon and Becky Jasper
George and Gina Thompson
John and Peggy Worthing
Helen John Foundation*
Tom and Camilla Tilford
Norman and Denise Wells, Jr.
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Telect, Inc.
h o n o r
h o n o r
r o l l
“one of the great things about undergraduate research here at gonzaga is the relationships we are able to develop with students. because there is funding for research, the students are really able to focus on and immerse themselves in their projects instead of just participating on their free time. this has allowed me to spend significant time with them and really get to know some of these students not only as a mentor, but as a friend.” brook swanson ::: assistant professor, biology
Major Benefactors annual contributors
David and Jill (Legel) Christiansen
Bob and Ginny Kane
Terry and T.J. Tombari
Citigroup Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.* Connected Giving
Carolyn S. Kelly*
Consumer Auto Liquidators
Kevin Kenneally*
David and Melody Coombs
Duff Kennedy
TourneySport U.S.A. David and Joan Traylor Timothy and Barbara Tucci Tucci & Sons, Inc. Univar Foundation* Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Vehrs, Inc. Joan Wahlman Washington State Mentoring Partnership Charlie and Kathy Watson Steve and Dawn Watts Fred and Martha Weiss Wells Fargo Dave Wollersheim Women Helping Women Fund Jim and Joyce Workland
Melvin Kays
Jim and Harvelyn (Cornwell) Cooney*
King Beverage, Inc.
Michael and Rebecca Costello*
KPFF Consulting Engineers
Patrick and Paula Costello
KPMG Foundation
Dr. Barbara Daniels*
Dave and Lori Largent
Brad and Pam (McNally) DeCounter
Dave Largent Homes, Inc.
The Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso Family Foundation*
Thomas and Melody Lavagetto Lee & Hayes, PLLC
Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso, Jr.* Paul Denning and Margie Hoffmann* Armond and Kitty D’Inverno DiPietro Family Foundation* Victor DiPietro and Diana Ribera DiPietro* Peter and Patricia (Gilmore) Dito* John and Margie Donoghue* Bud W. Driessel Estate
$5,000 - $9,999-----------------------------------------
Tom and Karen Driscoll*
Accenture Foundation, Inc.*
Ecolite Manufacturing Company
ACUMG-BCA Partnership
Edge Construction Supply
Jay and Amanda Affleck
John P. Egger
A.M. Landshaper, Inc.
Walter and Kathy Egger
Gregory and Carol Anderson*
James and Edna Ehleringer
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott Anderson The Harlan E. Anderson Foundation*
Employee’s Community Fund of The Boeing Company*
Lawrence and Lucille (Lemieux) Angell Estate
Evans, Craven & Lackie, P.S.
Richard and Marjorie Ettinger
Tom and Catherine (Ford) Black
Kenneth and Linda Leyde
Burton Sheppard and Kathleen Magnuson Sheppard
Mike and Sherry Blair
Wil and Pat Loeken* Michael and Dana (Sells) Love
Skip Smyser
Joseph M. Lynch*
Spokane Food Services, Inc.
John and Phyllis MacKenzie
Sprint - Nextel Communications
Michael Mallea and Kim Lynch*
Michael Stebbins
John E. Manders Foundation
Sterling Savings Bank
Earl F. Martin
Stevens, Clay, and Manix P.S.
Richard and Cheri Mast
The Swinging Doors
Robert and Barbara Materne, Jr.
Michael and Shari Thompson
Robert and Shannon McCambridge*
Timothy and Mary Kay Thompson
Bruce and Janice McCaw*
Thompson Smitch Consulting Group, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Meighan*
John and Ann (Bramstedt) Timm*
Michael and Joely Meighan*
Michael and Annie Tobin
Metropolitan Life Foundation
Toillion Pediatric Dentistry
Lawrence and Mary Miller
Jeff Turner and Susan Rauenhorst Turner
Marie M. Miller Trust
George and Janet Fague*
Ray and Shirley (Duffner) Murphy
Craig and Patricia (Whitehead) Apregan
Rick and Joan Fox
Patrick and Debbi Murray*
James and Becky Freer
MW Consulting Engineers
Archdiocese of Seattle
Clark H. Gemmill*
Kevin and Carol Neary*
Peter H. Arkison
Global Impact*
Cajer and Jamie Neely
Avista Corporation
Gonzaga University Faculty
Northern Trust Bank
Bank of America Foundation*
Budd and Kathy Gould*
Wes and Mary Lee (Toepel) Nuxoll
Jack Beaudoin
Joe and Stephany Gray*
James and Sharon O’Connell*
Richard and Stephanie (Farrell) Bechtolt, Jr.
Mark and Mary Griffi n
Donald and Joan Olson*
APEX Foundation
Don Barbieri Heather Barbieri James and Beth Rivard Stephen Barbieri James and Jean Roeber Tom and Eileen Barbieri Sahlin Foundation* Barbieri Charitable Foundation St. Joseph’s Ambulance Service, Inc. Barbieri Family Foundation, Inc. Frank and Michelle Sample* Barnard Construction Company, Inc. Dick and Karen Sayre* James and Barbara Barry Schaake Family Charitable Foundation* David and Ann (Barbieri) Bell Michael and Carol Schimmels* Rick and Diane Betts Schutjer Bogar LLC Benjamin and Karen Bianco* Jerry and Sue Schwalbach Thomas and Elaine Bigley* Dale Sebo Craig Bishopp David and Beverly Shaw Robert and Margret Bishopp Jay and Janet Shaw
Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.*
Gene and Carol Annis*
Doug and Kathleen Rivard
Tom Lewis
John and Janet† Moffitt
Stephen and Sheryl Anthony
JS Turner Family Foundation
Mary Jo Moore
The Hon. and Mrs. Richard P. Guy
Catherine O’Neill
Fred and Paula Bevegni*
Don and Sherie Hackney
Frank and Barbara O’Neill
John and Kristianne Blake
Thomas Hammer Coffee
Fred Owen and Joanne Pottier
UBS* Edward Van Vliet Sam and Mary Volpentest* Shelley† and Ginger Walsh Nicholas and Karen (Lindsay) Warrick Washington Mutual Foundation* Washington Women in Need Fredrick O. Watson Foundation Richard D. Weigand, D.D.S., P.S. Robert and Michele Wendel Pat and Carol West Myrtle Woldson Bill and Liz (Curry) Wrigglesworth*
Gregg and Jane Blodgett Dr. and Mrs. James Brasch* Mark and LuAnn Bray Jim and Pauline Bresnahan* Bobby and Cathleen Brett BSC Engineered Systems Joe and Mary Ann (Schultheis) Busch* Bruce and Judy Butler Cameron Contracting Chris and Janet Camp The Capital Trust Company of Delaware Brian Carney Wade Carpenter Mark and Kathy (Evoy) Casey* Centre Builders, Inc. Click Management, Inc. Craig and Georganna Clifford* Jeffry and Susan Colliton Community-Minded Enterprises John and Wanda Condon Rita M. Cooney F. Daniel and Susan (Pomerleau) Corkery Cornerstone Property Advisors, LLC Davidson Companies* Sam and Elizabeth Davidson William and Sharon Davis Henry L. Day Estate* Dominic S.N. and Denise DeCaro* Evelyn Dieringer*
Kevin Blanchat
Thomas and Thomasin Hammer
Pearson Packaging Systems
Chadwick Bogar
Patrick and Marilyn Hanley
Pepsico Foundation*
Patton Boggs Foundation
Thomas and Patricia Hanrahan
Dr. Arnold G. Peterson
$2,500 - $4,999-----------------------------------------
John and Allison Durkin
Frank and Sharon Bouten*
George Hardgrove Foundation
David and Dorothy Pierce Trust
Tim E. Bruya
Harold Hartinger
Mark and Cindy Pigott
EaglePointe Construction & Management, Inc.*
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation*
James Hasson*
Brad and Tonyia Pinney
John and Mary Heath, Jr.
Jim and Marilyn Prince*
Tom and Mary Herche
Rainbow Racing System Inc.
Kevin and Jill (Rankin) Heringer*
Mark and Barbara Ray
Bill and Susana Huston*
Raytheon Company*
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Ilgen
Diehl and Anne Rettig
Inland Orthopaedics of Spokane, PS
Scott and Mary (Snelson) Richards*
Jensen Distribution Services
Irene Ringwood
Mike and Linda Jensen
The Hon. and Mrs. J. Justin Ripley*
Elinor Alfano and Mary Alfano Keller and Kathy Allen Allen & McLane, P.S. Aluminum Products, Inc. Greg Anacker and Lora Bennett* Greg and Lori Arpin* Associated General Contractors of America AT&T Foundation Stephen and Margo Balzarini* Banner Bank* David and Leah Barbieri
Byrd Real Estate Group, LLC CAD of Spokane, Inc. Edward and Toni Caferro Ronald and Theresa Caferro John and Mary Lee Calihan Center for Student Opportunity, Inc. George Chalich 28
Judicial Mediation Group
r e p o r t
o f
t h e
Victor and Doreen Zannis*
p r e s i d e n t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Angel and Kathleen (Bonck) Diez* Theophilus M. Dolle*
Tammy A. Erickson Joseph† and Joyce A. Esposito* Robert Evans Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing, and we would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please direct your inquiries to Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 800.463.6925 or
r o l l
ExxonMobil Foundation*
Tony and Kelly (Judge) Lucarelli
R.N. Roccanova, D.D.S., P.L.L.C.
Wendy’s Hamburgers BAR NZ, Inc.
Susan M. Fandel
David and Cyndi Lucke
Howard and Amy Ruddell
Kevin and Jennifer (Prince) West*
Ben Bridge Jewelers*
Dennis M. Fazzari*
Lydig Construction Company
Lowell and Kathleen Ruen
West Valley School District 363
Jim and Yvette Bendickson
Felice Law Offices
Mackin & Little, Inc.
Ned and Nancy Rumpeltes
Paul Wham*
Cindy S. Benson
Roger A. Felice
George and Barb Maffeo
Runners Soul, Inc.
The Wham Charitable Trust 2*
Gail Marie S. Beran
Ken and Eileen Bell-Garrison
The Field Check Group
Lee and Vicki Mankin
Ryan and Lee Ann Saccomanno
Betty S. Wheeler
Dan and Charlotte Berryman*
Brian and Carol Finegan
Dick and Jan Manning
Robert and Carla Sanders*
Rich Fisher
Mapleton Communications, LLC
The William Saroyn Foundation
Wings International Investment Corporation
The Berwick Degel Family Foundation*
James J. and Sharon (McMaster) Flynn
Carroll and Patricia Martell
Dr. and Mrs. Lester R. Sauvage*
Jason and Heather (Kampp) Wolff
Bevan Cellars
Eric Frank and Molly Murphy
Prof. John Maurice
Frank and Kim Scarsella
Zabala Ranches
BHd Partners Professional Staffing
Freeport-McMoran Copper & Gold Foundation
Dee McGonigle
John and Diane Scelfo
Nick and Stephanie Zaharias
Bielec, Inc.
Tom and Cheré (Byrd) McKeirnan
Stephen and Diana Schiro*
Stu Zimmerman
Robbi Bielec
Roger Fruci and Sharon (Vinson) Murphy Ernest and Carol Fullmer, Jr.* Daniel J. Galligan George Garber Dale and Lisa (Desimone) Garrett Paul and Georgia Gauron Jim and Dodie Gerding* Bud and Judy Gilmartin Gary and Nancy Gossett Peter and Cheryl Grabicki George and Marianne† Grant Greater Gonzaga Guild*
Jack and Margaret Zinkgraf
David Bertsch
Merrill Lynch*
Jim and Novia† Seabeck*
Metals Fabrication Company
Bill and Hilda Shanks*
Ronald and Debby Miciak*
David and Linda Shea*
Shawn Abbs
Blades Hair Design
Mary Milla*
Garry and Mary Shea
Absolute Engineering, LLC
Skip and Diane Blodnick
Ronald and Annamaria Miller*
Mike and Mary Shields
Academy of Little Bears, Inc.
Wade Bodlovic
Penn and Nancy Siegel
Richard Adatto
Mark Boling
John and Lori Moloney, Jr.
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
John and Katherine Akstin*
Bret and LeAnne Bonham
MongoNet, Inc.
Gene and Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda*
Tom and Raelene Albinson
Richard and Margaret Bossi*
Jesse and Lani Moore*
Daniel and Christine Smith
Steve and Joan Allbery
Frank Bourbeau*
Morris & Morris, P.S.
Jim Snow
Ray and Helen Allen*
Bouten Family LLC
Scott and Lizbeth (Tomich) Morris
Mark and Valerie Sonderen*
Alliance Title & Escrow Corporation
Violet Boyer*
Chuck and Linda Murphy*
Christopher and Amy Spring
Gail and Karen Allwine*
Bozarth Investment Management, Inc.
$1,000 - $2,499
Laurie A. Bigej Eddy and TerryKay Birrer
Tom and Joyce Murphy
Al and Lois Stadtmueller*
Alpha Sigma Nu, Inc.
Scott and Mary Bozman
James and Mary Haake
Kathleen A. Murray and Ronald I. Apfelbaum*
Albert A. Stadtmueller & Company PS
Dan and Anne Alsaker
Robert and Dixie Bradshaw
Michael and Michelle Hair
Philip and Margretta Stanton
ALSC Architects
Dan Brajcich, Jr.
Dan Nagy
Dave and Kelly Hamad*
Mr. Jeffrey R. Steffan*
Brakebush Brothers, Inc.
Michael and Kathy Nibarger
Gary M. Alworth*
Richard W. Hardan
Chuck and Diane Steilen*
Mike and Teri Ambach
Marshall Bratton
Michael and Susan Nienstedt
Henningsen Cold Storage Company
Tom and Gail Stevenson Stockland Livestock Exchange*
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Allen Brecke
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Nisley*
Jerry and Helen Greenan*
Dick and Anita Herdener
Nordstrom, Inc.*
David and Allison Highmark
Richard and Madeleine Strahl*
American Express Foundation*
North Park Racquet Club
Dr. D. Michael and Mrs. Geraldine (O’Melveny) Strong
American Pacific Construction, Inc.
Greg and Susan Huckabee
Northwest Industrial Services
Paul Hughes IBM Corporation*
Northwestern Mutual Insurance Company
Megan L. Isenhower
Jim and Kieran (Murphy) Ohman
Robert Sullivan
Jack and Dan Enterprises, Inc.
Daniel and Sharon Olson
Mary Jo (Pilat) Anderson
Steven and Linda Swartley
Scott and Meghan Anderson
Matt and Eleanor Andersen
Daniel and Gina Stubbs
Anderson Bros CPA’s, PA
Cecilia Stuckart
Dave and Deanna Anderson
Dave and Jan Jacobsen
Daniel J. Olson Construction
Tim Swartout
JBCM Foundation
The Oregon Community Foundation
Kevin and Michelle Andres
John Swendseid*
Cathy Jeney
William and Teresa O’Rourke*
Timothy and Leslie Ansett
Al and Victoria Symington
Dr. Spencer S. and Jane E. (Holm) Jilek*
Jack and Kathy Ossello
John and Betzi Antich
Thatcher and Jill (Bethel) Thompson*
Frank and Maureen Johnson
Jerry and Becky Oswald
The Apartment Broker
360 Consulting Group
Richard and Janet Johnson
Pacwest Home Corporation
Arby’s Roast Beef
Michael Johnstone
Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation*
Paras Construction, Inc.
Dr. Diane (Ballard) Timberlake and Todd Timberlake*
Daniel L. Jones
John and Janis Parente*
Timmco Insurance Company*
Stephen C. Arredondo
Dennis and Katharine Jorgensen*
Dave and Theresa (Craven) Parks
James and Tenley Tobin
Chris and Christine Ashnbrener
Margel Foote Kaufman*
Parks Medical Corporation
Frank and Kathleen (Zenner) Tomsick*
Auto Rain, Inc.
Don and Mary Kayser
Permobil, Inc.
John Tonani
Carol Durkin Kearns
James and Debbie Topliff
Baker Construction & Development, Inc.
Dan Keefe
Mark Poe
Totem Ocean Trailer Express, Inc.*
Barry Baker
John and Terri Kelleher
Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc.
United Way of Spokane County*
Damon and Debbie Ballantyne
John and Pat Kelly
Mike and Betty (Onley) Pontarolo*
The UPS Foundation
Robert J. Bankard
Charles and Linda Keturakat
Bill and Debbie Poppy
Vandervert Construction, Inc.
Bill and Carol (Shea) Barber
William W. Kilworth Charitable Foundation
Jim and Klaire (Fulton) Powers
Anthony Vetre
Rod and Trish Barnett
John Preston
Via Yoga
Bob and Shonna Bartlett
Kim Hotstart Manufacturing Company
Principal Financial Group
Paul and Lisa Vogelheim
Esther Louise Barton*
Kimmel Athletic Supply
Professional Services Company
Bruce and Pam Walker
Edward J. Barulich
Patrick and Maureen Kirby
James Psomas
David and Joyce Walsh*
John and Nancy (Scott) Battilega*
Gary and Joyce Kirchner
John and Gail Quigg*
James and Kathleen Walsh
Carole Baumgartner
Richard and Stacy Kuhling
The Hon. and Mrs. Philip M. Raekes*
Joe Ward
David and Nancy Bayley
Milton J. Langlois
Don F. and Darlene Raftis*
Rusty Warwick
Klaus and Rita Liebelt
Rapid Refill Ink
Washington State Bar Association
Michael and Kimberly (Dickson) Bayley*
Jim and Jan Linardos*
Duane Regehr
Donna Weber
Charles and Carol Bean
Bill and Suzanne Lindberg
Thomas and Katha Reuss*
Clifford and Karen Webster
Ernie Becker
Karl Lohmann
Riener Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation*
Jim and Pam Becker
Tim and Jackie Welsh
James and Maria Beebe
Wendle Ford, Inc.
Bruce and Sheila L. (Cornish) Bell
Mark and Carol (Stone) Lokey Pauline M. Love and Michael Love
Richard N. Roccanova and Deborah Gaebe Roccanova r e p o r t
o f
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p r e s i d e n t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Gonzaga University is proud to announce the new Leadership Circle, which recognizes those committed donors who annually support the University at leadership levels. When members of the Leadership Circle join together in support of Gonzaga, their gifts help to achieve larger goals – preparing men and women who will embrace a global responsibility to ensure justice, protect the dignity of every individual, and serve the greater good. President’s Executive Council $100,000 and up Chancellor’s Associates $50,000 to $99,999 Cataldo Society $25,000 to $49,999 Dussault Society $10,000 to $24,999 Gonzaga Investors $5,000 to $9,999 1887 Associates $2,500 to $4,999 President’s Council $1,500 to $2,499
h o n o r
Major Benefactors annual contributors Joseph and Peggy Brennan* Dean and Mary (Thiebes) Brett Mike and Marj Brewer Robert C. Brewster, Jr. Tim and Megan Brinson Mark and Brigid Britton Michael A. Brochu Jeffrey and Loriann (Zent) Brown Dr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Brown Roger G. Brown Lisa A. Browne Shan and Kim Brus Edward and Katy (Jacobson) Bruya Buggy Barn, Inc. David and Bridget Bulger
h o n o r
r o l l
r o l l
Paul Clay
Ken and Dolores M. Desserault
Marcial M. Felice
Thomas Halvorson
Integrus Architecture, P.S.
Bill and Carol Lampson
Jack and Carol McElroy
Bart Murphy*
Marty Parola
John and Carol Clemency*
James and Gayle (Neumann) Dever*
Mark Fenter
The Hamway Family Trust
Scott and Jeannie Isaak
Gary and Cora LaPlante*
Pat and Trish McFarland
Daniel and Ann (Tillery) Murphy
Phillip and Cheryl (Harris) Parrish
Ryan and Beth Clements
Patrick and Carol Dever
Ferguson Enterprises, Inc.
George and Debbie Hansen*
James and Sandy Ivers
Jim LaPointe
David and Barbara McGann
Daniel and Marchand Murphy
Michael and Diane Parrott
Nathaniel and Margie Clinton*
Dale and Christy (Smith) de Viveiros*
Jonathan Ferraiuolo
James and Dianne Hanson
Mark Iverson and Michaele Dietzel
Alex and Karen Laughlin
Daniel and Nancy (Wells) McGee
The Hon. and Mrs. James M. Murphy
David and Karen Parsons
David and Janice Colclough
Pat and Valerie DeVoe*
John and Dee Fery*
Ron Hanson
Darrell and Ruth Jackson
Law Offices of Dawson & Meade
Jim McGee
Murphy, Bantz & Bury, P.S.
Prof. J. Scott Patnode
The Cold Heading Foundation*
David J. DeVolve
I.S. & Emily C. Fetterman Foundation*
Jim and Eileen Hargrove
Marcus and Teresa Jackson
Bill Lawson
Shane McGinn
Elaine (Morris) Myers
Paul and Mary Jane (Hidaka) Patterson*
Collector’s Zone
Ray and Joanie Dezember
Brooks† and Lucy Fields
Dennis and Stacy Harrington
Jack and Veronica Jacobs
Richard and Roberta (Scott) League
Felix and Debra McGowan
Susan M. (Cunningham) Nadon*
Dr. Donald R. Paugh*
Joe and Gena Columbus*
William and Diane (Kakuschka) Diamond*
Fifth & Browne Pharmacy
Fred and Meralyn Harris
Jager Law Office PLLC
Norm and Sherry Leatha
Felix M. McGowan
Donald Nadvornick
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pavlik*
Nancy L. Fike
Harris/Dean Insurance
Steven Jager
Dr. Anna M. Ledgerwood*
Morgan and Judith (Ziegler) McGrath
David and Judy Nail
James and Pat Peaper*
Craig A. Dickson
Jim Finlen, Jr.*
Richard and Linda Harrison
Mike and Lisa (Millison) Janicki
Daniel Leifer
Ray and Stacy McGriff
Joe Nappi, Jr. and Mary Nappi
James and Anne Pearson
Robert and Cathy (Busch) Comfort, Jr.
Dr. James P. Diestel, Jr.*
Shaun and Sascha (Elloy) Flanigan
William and Karen Harrison*
Frank Janosick
Norma LeMieux-Foubert Estate*
Michael McGuigan
Doug Dietrich
Dan and Karen Flynn
Jeffrey and Diana Hartnett
John and Elizabeth Jenkins
Dan and Theresa Lennon
Ryan and Liz McIntyre
National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation*
Richard and Esther Pearson*
Communication Management Partners Richard and Janette Compton*
Michael J. Dinnen
Zeke Fogal
Michael and Karen Harwood
Johnson Flora, PLLC
Gerald Lenocker and Sally Stickney*
Nancy A. McKay
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Pat Naughton
Ronald D. Pelton
Daniel and Judy Foley*
Stephen Haskell
Michael and Debra Leslie
Scott and Nicole (Annis) McKay
Melvin and Karen Neil
Paul and Wendi Pennington
Patrick Lettenmaier
Dr. John and Molly (Parry) McKenna*
Tom and Teresa Newbury
John Perko*
The Hon. Jerome and Mary Jo Leveque
Kathryn Rae McKinley
Tran and Hongnga Nguyen
Mark K. Perko
James and Norah (Flannery) Comerford*
Jeffrey D. Condill
Walt Disney Company Foundation*
Stephen and Mari Connolly
William and Melissa Dixon
John and Bridget Ford*
Stephen Haskell Law Offices, PLLC
Mary Lou Johnson and Daniel Schaffer
Robert and Linda Connor
Gary Dmoch
Peter Forsyth and Kathryn Genteman
Ron Hawkins
Shirley J. Johnson
Gary J. Dmoch & Associates*
Bob Frank
Jason and Amy (Jensen) Hawthorne
Tina U. Johnson*
John and Helen Lindseth
John and Maureen McKinnon
Richard J. Niederegger
Wade and Beth Perrow
Dan Fratini
James and Ann Hayes*
William and Jennifer Johnson
Marc and Kathleen (Moran) Lipsker
Ted and Colleen Niedermeyer
Cathy and Clarence Perry
Dr. Richard F. Noble*
Gregory R. Peterson
Pat and Everilda Nolan*
Jeffrey and Ronda Petruso Kurt A. Phillips*
Thomas and Katherine F. (Huhtanen) Connors*
Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Bulger*
Conoverbond, LLC
William and Kathleen (McFarland) Dobner*
Paul and Pattie Buller*
Robert and Barbara Cooney*
Timothy and Katherine Donaldson
Bill and Gloria Burch
Jeff and Mary (Coil) Cooper
Joseph and Mary (Kinzer) Doohan
Dr. Francis Burke*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Corbett
Steve and Jennifer Doolittle
Loren and Janell Burke
Cornerstone Homes, Inc.
Mark W. Doran
Thomas and Marguerite Burke*
Robert and Stacy Cossey
Gavin Doree and Katie King Doree
Tim and Kathy Burns
Dr. and Mrs. Coral W. Cotterell*
Dorian Studios, Inc.*
Lees and Gayle Burrows
Jack Couch
Peter and Claire Doubleday
Brian and Corinne (Coombs) Burton*
Jack B. Couch, Inc.
James Dougherty
John and Rosemary (Walsh) Bury
Larry and Rosemary Coulson
Alan and Karen Douglas
Michael and Marguerite (Kuder) Busch
William and Paula Cowley*
Downtown Toyota
Douglas and Karen Byrd
Donn and Tania Cox*
Terry and Denise Doyle
Gregory and Kareena Byrd
CPM Development Corporation
Kevin and Jackie Driscoll
Guy and Shawna Byrd
Michael and Vicki Craigen
Matthew J. Byrd
Roger and Roxie Cramer
Thomas and Heidi (Wohlschlegel) Drynan
Daniel and Colleen Byrne
Joseph Crimmins
Arthur and Katherine Dugoni
Eric Byrnes
Francis and Lori Crouch
Robert Dung and Christine Ng*
Judy Byrnes
Clayton Crow
Joe and Ellie Dunn*
Joe and Sharon Cade
Mitch Crowe
Terrence Dunne
Jay and Jackie Caferro
Gene and Alice Cunneely*
Da Cam Duong
George Cain
Jack and Margaret Cunningham*
DuPree Building Specialties
Kevin and Marie Caldwell
Michael and Linda Cunningham
Rich Dworkis and Heidi Cook
Jim Cameron
Dwyer Schraff Meyer Grant & Green
Randy Cameron
Reagan and Catherine (Hannity) Cunningham
Drs. John and Sharon Cannon
Colleen Curtis
Eaton Corporation
Capital One Services, Inc.
Cypress Advantage
Genevieve Edmonds
Angela and Joseph Dailey*
Educational Service District 101
Michael T. Hayes
Doug and Ann (Arthur) Johnston
Matthew and Karen Little*
Blaine and Pamela French
Jud and Beverly Heathcote
Robert M. Johnston
Charles Lloyd and Mary E. Wahl, M.D.*
Roy and Patricia McLaren*
Marjorie L. (Cochran) Frett
Denny and Paula (Fruci) Heck
The Johnston-Fix Foundation*
John and Mary Jo Lollis, Jr.
Donald and Joyce McLean
The Norcliffe Foundation
Eric and Margo Frimodt
Hein Family Foundation
Dr. Jeffrey P. Jones*
Lena Longo
Daniel and Julia (Verhey) McNeal, II
Martin and Lori (Allen) Fritz
Jerry and Patricia Hein
Todd and Wendy Jones
Mrs. Robert A. Loosmore*
Casey McNellis and Sara Larson
North Spokane Physical & Sports Therapy
Scott E. Frost
Doug and Jane (Manning) Heiskell
Jerold Juliano*
Daniel and Victoria (Olson) Lord
Bryce McPhee
Northern Technologies
Ken and Connie Fuher
William and Connie Hemmings
K & N Electric Motors, Inc.
Maureen A. Lyden
James and Dana (Reding) McPhee
Jodi Wardian Funk
Lloyd and Linda Herman
Robert Kaatz
John† and Christine Lynch
Ed and Betty McWilliams*
Northwest Orthopaedic Associates, PLLC*
Joe and Joan Gagliardi
Jared and Kara (Svennungsen) Hertz
Kassi Kain
M & D Jacobson Properties Ltd.
Meridian Construction Management
Jeffrey and Susan Galbraith*
Steve and Victoria (Swain) Hertz
Lawrence and Elizabeth Kazan
Matt Mabus
Ward and Donna Merkeley
Kevin Galvin
John and Judith Heusner
Milburn and Bethine Kenworthy*
Bruce and Barbara MacIntyre
Jo L. Merwin*
Doris Ganz
John Hiatt
Daniel Keppler and Meagan Flynn
Tim Mackin and The Hon. Tari Eitzen
Bill Meyer, III
Garland Vision Source, Inc.
Kent and Virginia Hickman
Betty L. Kiemle
William A. Maddigan*
Stephen and Pamela Meyer
Gates Foundation*
Joanne Hidaka and Ben Niedermeyer*
Kiemle & Hagood Company
Stephen C. Maher
Mgmt Services LLC
Rodger and Ann Marie Gazelle
John and Debbie Hieber
Kermit and Patty Kilcup
Michael Mainer
Rich and Patricia Miailovich*
William and Severina Malcolm*
John and Norma Michels
General Electric Foundation*
Mark and Marsha Hierbaum* Denny and Joann Higgins
Todd and Debra Kilpatrick Seong-Hoon Kim
Peter and Marianne (Mesenko) Malen, Sr.
Milford’s Fish House
General Fire Equipment
Rob and Barbara Higgins Gary and Lin Higley
Glenn Malubay and Jeanne Freeman-Malubay*
Robert and Rose Milhem
Gifford Investment
James and Mary Anne (Metcalfe) King*
John and Sherry Gilbert
Tony and Cindy Higley
Kevin and Mary Jo King
John Mang Chung and Virginia Tsoi*
Miller Engineering
Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. William Gillingham
Dr. and Mrs. Kenji Higuchi
Curt Kinghorn
John and Carol Manix
Miller Nash LLP*
Kirk and Sallie Hill
Richard and Kathleen Kirkendall*
John and Victoria (Rangan) Mantello
Charles and Bonnie Millham
Gerald and Marietta Gilmore
Mike and Joni Hirst
Paul and Kris Kirkpatrick
Marine View Beverage - Sumner
William and Meredith Moe*
Dick and Kathleen Glassburn*
John and Lisa Hjaltalin
Terry Kissane*
Gregory and Maisie Marshall*
Dr. Jason Moffitt
Global Star Design, Inc.
Mr. Warren M. F. Ho* Hoffman Contractors
K - L Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Richard and Sue Masson
Moffitt Children’s Dentistry
James and Vicki Knapp*
Mike and Barbara Masterson*
Joe Monaco and Debbie Cline-Monaco
Alan and Eileen Hogan
Lawry and Wendy (Brown) Knopp
Arnie and Katie Mondloch*
Willy and Michelle Geary
Michael E. Easter*
James and Cynthia Cappello
Freedom Financial LLC
John and Margaret Ann (Fairhurst) McLane
Thomas A. Glubrecht Estate
Kurt and Deborah Carlson
Paul and Kelley Damon
Egger Good Meats, Inc.
Cornelius Hogan*
Thomas and Ellen Komadina
The Hon. Craig Matheson and Ms. Sandra Matheson
Benson and Deanna Carpenter
Garth Dano
Engineered Control Systems
Edward and Candy (Jones) Gormley*
Dan† and Holly Hogan
Thomas G. Komadina, M.D. Ltd.
Howard and Theresa Matthews*
Christopher and Melissa Carpenter
Garth Dano & Associates
Robert and Katherine Erickson*
Monroe Cleaning, Inc.
Tom and Cathy Kopitnik*
Marshall and Tisha Mattingly
Davenport Hotel
Gregory and Dana Erigero
Edward and LeeAnn (Hudspeth) Gottfried*
Mike and Annemarie Hogan
Carr Sales Company
Don and Deanna Monson
Dale and Mary Hoisington*
David P. Kopp
Jason and Barbara Maughan
Lyle and Linda Morehouse
Mark Monroe
Daniel and Patricia Carr
Lew and Patricia Davis, Jr.*
Benjamin Estes
Tom and Lillian Gould*
Robyn Holder
Koret Foundation
Scott and Glorilyn (Kimokeo) Maw*
Cascade Mental Health, P.S.
Stuart and Dorothy Davis*
Loren Etengoff
Morgan Stanley*
Kevin M. Holland
Gregory and Roberta Kraus*
Dr. Dennis O. Mayer*
Tim and Haley Morin*
Jack and Marilyn Kronenberg*
John McAllister
Jeff and Julia Morris*
Brooke C. Kuhl
Tom and Mary McCarthey
Patrick S. Morris†
Catholic Community Foundation*
Walter and Betty Davis
Bill Etter
Lawrence and Rosanne (Rubatino) Goulet
CDA Vacation LLC
Edward Dawson and Marcia Meade
Frank and Patricia Etter
Michael and Michelle Grabicki
James and Patricia (Graham) Hollingsworth
Gerard Centioli
Robert J. and Raeceil A. Day*
Europa Pizzaria
Ed and Jane Gray*
Hollister-Stier Laboratories, LLC
Kathleen McChesney*
DCI Engineers
Hugh Evans
Green Diamond Resource Company*
Shelly Kuney
Timothy and Barbara Cerny*
Homestreet Bank
Daniel and Mary Beth Morrissey
Dr. Michael D. McCormack*
Tim and Barb Cerny Foundation*
Seymour and Diane Dear*
Jeffrey and Julie (Bobbett) Evans
Harry and Jann Green
Dr. Daniel and Mary (Brajcich) Kunkel
Charles Hoppel*
Clayton Mortensen
Mark McCoskey
Deer Park Tire, Inc.
Kevin and Kimberly Evans*
Michael R. Green
Ken and Nancy Chadderdon
Gary and Barbara Hordemann
Scott and Camille Mortensen
L&M Truck Sales, Inc.
Carl E. Hueber
Arleen Morton*
Thomas LaLone
Julie A. (Lopach) and Thayne M. McCulloh*
Daniel and Mary Hughes
Matthew and Carol (Solberg) LaMotte
McDirmid, Mikkelsen & Secrest, P.S.
William A. Lampe
Michael and Donna McDonnell*
Challenger Pipe & Steel, LLC
Don DeFeyter*
Peter Evans and Kathleen Orr*
William and Maureen Green
Champion Concrete Pumping, Inc.
David DeFoe*
Evco Sound & Electronics, Inc.
Guardian Life Insurance Company
Mike and Margaret Hughes Randy and Julie Hurst
Dick and Margaret Chastek
Wade and Stacie DeGeest
Stuart and Mary Evey
Michael and Gail (Reid) Gurian
Patrick Chastek
Megan (Jagelski) Ewens
Michael and Samantha Guthrie
Chevrolet Motor Division
James A. Degel and Jeanne E. Berwick*
Ewing Anderson, P.S.
Haase’s Greenhouse, Inc.
Richard and Nancy Hydzik*
Corey T. Christensen
Jennifer Deger*
Scott and Teresa Ewing*
Jack and Helen Hafner
John and Monica (Menotti) Hyland
Craig and Scotta Christlieb
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Salvatore Faggiano
David and Barbara Haid*
John J. Hyland IV, Inc.
David and Denise Christy
Johan Delport
The Hon. Mary E. Fairhurst
William and Lori Ann Hale
Andrea Hyndman
Jay R. Clark, DDS
Dr. and Mrs. John Demakas
Kristi Falco
Susan Hales
ICM Asset Management, Inc.
Robert and Ramona Clavel*
Mark and Mary Ann Derr
Peter Feldenheimer
Stephen and Marie Hall
Thomas Illich
Byde Clawson and Patricia Conolly*
The Hon. and Mrs. Paul M. De Silva
James Felice
Duane Halliday
Inland Northwest Bank
r e p o r t
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p r e s i d e n t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Northwest Orthopaedic Specialists, PS
Gregory S. Miller
John Goldman and Roslyn Bakst Goldman
Ruth H. Pearson
Tom P. Mulcahy Robert and Bonnie Mulvey
LeRoy and Brenda Nosbaum Paul and Teruko Noto* Noxon, Inc. John C. O’Brien, Jr.* J.F. O’Connell & Associates* Pat and Joan O’Connor Mark P. O’Donnell* Jack and Margaret Oehlke Mark and Catherine Ohlstrom* Neil and Heather O’Keefe Wes and Rian Oliver Chris Olson and Denise Vill-Olson Tom O’Neil* Clement O’Neill* Shane O’Neill and Patricia Codd-O’Neill Carol Oreskovich John Orr OTA Management LLC Dale and JoAnn Overfield* Connolly and Michelle Oyler* P & O, Inc. Pacific Gas & Electric Company Jack R. Padon, Jr.
Pip Printing Piper Jaffray Companies Foundation Pizza Pipeline Rob Pluid Joe Poss* Gary L. Powdrill Mike Power* Richard and Diane Powers, Jr.* Thomas and Cheryl Powers* Premera Blue Cross Thomas and Erin Price* The Prudential Foundation* Quarry Tile Company Thomas R. Quigley John R. Quinlan Tim and Wanda Quinn Tim Quirk and Sally Bulger Quirk* David J. Rahmer* Janet Ramble* Ramey Construction Clay and Carol Randall James and Maggie Randall Stewart Randall Robert and Judy Rangitsch Paul and Barbara Redmond* Samuel and Shelby (Ratto) Reed* Paul and Julie (Bourne) Rehberger* D. Michael and Petrea Reilly* Michael Reilly
Benjamin J. Page*
Mike and Judy (Yeend) Reilly*
Paine Hamblen Coffin Brooke & Miller LLP
David and Cathleen Reisenauer*
Fred and Lucy Reinel*
Mike Paioni
George and Lisa Renner
Jason S. Pankow*
Timothy and Patricia (Parker) Renouard
Regina Paolucci
Bette Lou Ressa
Pape Material Handling, Inc.
J. B. Reynolds Foundation*
Ken and Barbara Parkes
Kerry Riccardi
Craig and Kathy Parks
Richard J. Richard
“Our M.B.A. in American Indian Entrepreneurship Program graduated four students in May 2008 and hosted 24 students on campus this summer – the largest group yet. This program exemplifies Gonzaga’s mission at work and provides an invaluable service to the students it educates, as well as to the native communities in which they work.” q Dean Clarence Barnes
school of business adMinis tr ation:
r e p o r t
o f
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
h o n o r
Major Benefactors annual contributors
h o n o r
r o l l
Bo Severson
Ed and Amy (Botsford) Walker*
Michael and Sheila (Whetstone) Shaler*
Systems Transport
Louis and Kay (Jans) Walker
T & A Supply Company
Walker Construction, Inc.*
Dr. Thomas Tachovsky and Dr. Lynn Baird*
Marc and Nancy Wallace
Bob and Carol Sharp Dennis and Marie Sheehan
Emily Talley*
Lundy Wantland*
William and Catherine Sheil, Jr.*
Lai Boon Tang*
Scott Warnica
Norman and Jodi Shepherd
Taurus Industries, Inc.
Washington Mutual Financial Group
Steve Shrader
Jack Tawney
Washington Outpatient Rehab
John E. Roberts*
Margaret (O’Brien) Shute and Rodger P. Shute*
Paul R. Taylor
Kevin and Mary (Wilkins) Roberts
Hobart Teneff*
Washington State Auto Dealers Services, Inc.
Ted R. Siekerman
Jeremy Robinson
Doug and Theresa Tesarik*
Curtis G. and Colleen Wasson
Sean and Sandy Sieveke
Rich and Christine Robinson
Gaetano and Melissa Testini
David A. Watt
Dick and Connie Silk
Gary and Cathi Weber
John and Mary Pat Rickman* Elizabeth and Clyde Ries* Sandy Riggs Patrick and Laura (Martin) Riley* Jim and Gloria Ringwood, Sr. RJ Rentals LLC Bill Roberts*
Rick and Vicky (Hooper) Shanaman
Kurt and Tami Walsdorf
Rick and Marilyn Robinson
Silk and Associates
The Hon. and Mrs. Joseph A. Thibodeau
Steven and Lori Robinson
Bill Simer and Renee Rolando
John and Patricia Thiel*
Harold and Carolyn Roehrig
Martin and Jane Weber
Ron and Carol Sims
Grace Thielman*
The Hon. and Mrs. Michael P. Roewe*
Steven and Shelly Wee
Darrell and Patricia Siria
Jeff and Margaret (Weinand) Thomas
Mark Roff
Weiand & Weiand DDS, PS
Peter Skolnik and Nikki Smith
Jeff and Regina Thomas
R. C. and Connie Roland
Markus K. Weickenmeier*
Harry and Marguerite Sladich*
Brian James Thompson
Roger and Sharon (Rusing) Roman*
Bob and Maureen (Dever) Weisbeck
Joseph and Joanne Smatlan*
Brian and Kyra (Knight) Thompson*
Bruce and Evanell Wellings*
Jim Weber*
Kevin Rooney and Rachael Spencer*
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Smead*
Jack Thompson
Dave Rorick, III*
Rich and Diane Wells
Bill and Patricia (Eakin) Smith*
Jim and Karen Thompson*
Robin and Sally Rosauer
Stan and Gina Welsh*
Dale Smith
The Hon. and Mrs. Phil Thompson
Jim and Lin Roscoe
Paul Wert
Gregory and Susan Smith*
Robert J. Thorson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Rosler*
Deborah Lang Westwood
Ronald and Marijke Smith*
Thrifty Car Rental
Rotary Community Services, Inc.
Wheat and Associates, Inc.
Steve and Reesie Smith
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans*
Brian Roth
Wheatland Bank
John Snedden
Eric Thun
Mike and Linda Roth
Russell White and Judith Qualy-White
Scott Snider
Mrs. George E. Tiesse*
Widmer Brothers Brewing
Ray and Joely (Jepson) Round
Snohomish Cascade
Paul M. Tiesse
RSM McGladrey, Inc.
Robert and Barbara (McNulty) Wiest*
James and Ellen Sokolis
Richard C. Tilzey
Thomas F. Rukavina*
Wild Rose Country, Inc.
Ron and Pam Soliday
Donald and Nancy Timm
S&S Coatings, Inc.
Cary M. Williams
Sonderen Packaging Company
Hazel Toly Estate
Eric and Jennifer Sachtjen
Dennis Williams
David and Dori (Senger) Sonntag*
Jerry and Cathy Tombari
Dr. James and Mrs. Marilyn Sachtjen
Guy Williams
Specialty Home Products
Tombari Structural Products, Inc.
Sadir Khan Grotto Humanitarian Fund
Josh and Carole Williams
Scott and Kelley (Cunningham) Spink
William Tonani
Williams & Webster PLLC
Angela and Larry Splater*
Cindy Tortorelli
Bruce Willoughby
Spokane Athletic Supply Spokane Ditch & Cable, Inc.
Prof. Mary Pat Treuthart and Mr. Dan Webster
Spokane Hardware Supply, Inc.
James and Jeanne Tribbett
Spokane Recycling Products, Inc.
Triple S Investments, LLC Bill and Barbara Trudeau
Katharine Witter Brindley and Ralph Brindley Women’s Law Caucus
Eric and Julie Tucker
Eddie and Joy Wood
Robert and Gail Sadler Safeco Insurance Company of Spokane Safeway Stores of Spokane John and Cathy Sage* St. Cecilia’s Parish Salina Sanger & Gauper
Spokane River Rowing Association (SRRA)
Ward and Jacqueline Sandberg
Spokane Roofing Company
Diane Tunnell
Judy and Paul Wood
Sandro and Jeannie (McDonald) Sangiacomo*
Spokane Urology PS
Turner, Stoeve & Gagliardi, P.S.
Philip Wood and Patricia Jolin
Thomas and Ann Spratt*
Bob Turnley*
Jeff and Nancy Woodworth*
Jay and Janice Staebell
U-District Physical Therapy
Dan and Sarah Workland
Dr. and Mrs. John Staeheli*
Rich and Barbara Umbdenstock
Taylor Wright*
Antoine and Heather Sarkis Glenn and Corinne Sather Sayre & Sayre P.S.* Michael and Mima Scarpelli Megan L. Schaffner Mark and Molly Schemmel Reed and Robin Schifferman Bruce and Kendra Schmitt Donald and Anne Schmutz Ted and Chris Schnug Dick and Beth Schomburg Robert and Anne Schrempp The Hon. and Mrs. Richard J. Schroeder Bryan and Sharmon Schubert John A. and Catherine Schultheis* John and Penny Schultz Mark and Sarah Schultz Otto and Diana Schumacher Science Applications International* John and Kimberly Seefried Michael and Patti Seely Bob and Liz (Davis) Sestero, Sr. 32
Tim and Lisa Winslett Maureen (Reidy) Witt*
Gerald R. Stahl*
Unicep Packaging, Inc.
Justin M. Wylie
Chris and Julie (Haigh) Standiford
Union Bank of California Foundation
Yoke’s Washington Foods, Inc.
Margot J. Stanfield*
U.S. Bank of Minnesota
Darren and Susie Young
State Bank Northwest
University Appliance
John and Jane Zanol*
State Farm Companies Foundation*
Prof. James M. Vache
John and Cynthia Zapotocky*
Christopher Stelzer
Dr. James Valentine, Jr.*
Stephen Zimmer*
John H. Stockton
Jerry and Georgi Valley*
Vinny A. Zito
Bryan Stone
Valley Transformer, Inc.
Bill and Carole Zuppe*
Jim Stone and Patricia Hastings-Stone
Vandermeer Forest Products
Lawrence Stone
Russ and Carole VanderWilde
Michael D. Stone
Cyrus Vaughn, III
Brady L. Strahl
Eric and Deborah Stucky
Dr. George J. Velis
Jonas and Cheryl Stutzman*
Jerry and Donna Vermillion*
Joseph and Parker Sullivan*
Paul A. Verret
Paul and Julianne Sullivan
Darren and Timannie (Ames) Volland
Summit Electric
Dr. Loren and Mrs. Marie Vorlicky*
Suntoya Corporation
Wagstaff Engineering, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Sweeny
Bob and Diane Waitt
Pat and Julie Sweeny*
Robert and Deloris Waldron, Jr.*
r e f l e c t i o n s
o f
“Gonzaga has opened my mind and helped me become a better person.” Stephanie Winward (’09) National Merit Scholar engineering major
qqqqqqqqq b l e s s i n g s
Heritage planned giving The Heritage Society was founded in 1980 to establish a legacy of giving at Gonzaga and honor alumni and friends who have made a commitment to the University through an estate gift. Estate gifts to Gonzaga are made in many forms, including bequests, charitable remainder unitrusts or gift annuities, lead trusts, gifts of life insurance or gifts of retirement assets. The individuals listed below and others who wish to remain anonymous comprise this group of benefactors. †= Deceased Scott A. Ables
r o l l
“i have learned so much and grown so much as a person. competing in the ignatian leaders scholarship program made me realize that gonzaga was the right school for me, and i have loved being a part of it ever since.” scott griffith (’09) ::: colbert, washington ::: ignatian leaders scholar
Fred E. Bigelow†
John P. Collins, Sr.†
Theresa Dunne†
Venora Bigelow†
Lawrence F. Connolly†
Michael Durand
James P. Green† Juliette P. Green
Christopher Blackburn
Dr. John P.† and Flo Ann Connors
Mrs. Isabel d’Urbal†
George and Florence Grismer
Shirley J. Johnson
Katherine Blum†
Reanette Cook†
Martin and Lorraine Durkan, Sr.†
Dorothy E. Guild†
William F. Johnson†
George F. Jewett, Jr.† Hugh C. Johnson†
Anthony Boccaccio
Thomas and Mary Corcoran†
William Eddleman†
Herschel and Betty Gustafson
Ina Johnston†
Chadwick O. Bogar
George Corkery†
Genevieve Edmonds
The Hon. and Mrs. Richard P. Guy
Emma H. Jones†
Erma A. Bonge†
Norman G.† and Armarant M. (Kanzler) Cormier
John P. Egger
Karin Hagel†
Dr. Robert L. Kalez, M.D.
Carol Bonino
Bridget Ehorn†
Earl J. Hall†
Melvin Kays
Veronica Boos†
Dr. Albert G. Corrado†
Dr. Richard E. Ellis, JD
Joseph T. and Patsy Hall†
Gary Keister
Frank and Sharon Bouten
Emmett J. Corrigan†
Kathryn Epton†
Susanne (Kraft) Hall
Dorothy Kelly
Lawrence D. Acre†
Horace Bozarth†
Donald J. Coughlin†
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erickson
Edmund, Blanche, and Flore Hamel†
John and Pat Kelly
Dr.† and Mrs. John B. Adams
Joseph Bradley†
Marie Crabtree
Gregory and Dana Erigero
Dave and Susan Hamer
Kevin Kenneally
Douglas J. and Helen A. Brajcich
C. Patrick and Jean Craigen†
Joan and Eugene Eugene†
Frederick and Diane (Kelly) Hamm
Duff and Dorothy† Kennedy
Theodore B. Albi† Carol J. Albright†
Joseph and Peggy Brennan
Gerri and Bob Craves
Bob and Bobbie Evanson
Bruce and Connie Hankins
Helen Kepl†
Catherine Almquist†
Mr. and Mrs. James Bresnahan
Lily B. Critzer†
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ewell
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hanlen
Joseph R. Keys† Adolph G. Kijowski†
Glen E. Alps†
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brewer
Harry L. (Bing) Crosby†
Megan (Jagelski) Ewens
Harry J. Hanley†
Gary M. Alworth
Fred L. and Olivia Briggs†
James and Carol Crowe
Kay and Thomas Ewing
Cecil and Molly Hannan
Dale L. Kingman
Edith L. Anderson†
Leo and Mary Brockman†
Mary T. Cullen†
Anna Fahey†
John C. Hanrahan
Dorothy Knechtel† Roy and Violet† Knott
Harry E. Anderson†
Marie I. Brown†
William J. Cummings†
Sonja Nordbye Fair
Robert and Donna† Hanson
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson
Roger G. Brown
James and Eloise Cummins
Stella Falkner†
Grayce Schade Harris†
Rick Koch
Lucy Anderson†
Hervy and Florence Brulotte†
Frederick and Barbara Curley†
Helen Keilbach Farrar†
Robert P. Harris†
Dr. John† and Gayle (Keenan) Kohls
Ronald E. Anderson†
Joseph W. Brunner†
J. Donald and Va Lena Curran
William W.† and Marcella Farrington
Suzanne M. Harris
Nora G. Kommers†
Valerie Anderson
Alfred Bucheli
Kevin and Mary Daniels
Francis A. Feider†
Edna D. Hartman†
Margaret S. Konlock†
John and Jewel Andrew
John Bucher, Jr.
Mr.† and Mrs. William A. Davenport
Laura Cooper Fenimore
Kathryn E. Harty
Benjamin Koreski†
Gayle M. Andrews†
Carla M. Buck†
Vern G. Davidson
Jim Finlen, Jr.
Shane and Morgan Hatcher
Donald Kramer†
Lawrence and Lucille (Lemieux) Angell†
Eric Buckley
Leon (Bob) and Petronella Davis†
James A. and Frances Flanagan†
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hauth
Sarah Marie Kranz† Larry E. Krueger
Paul Anselmi†
Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Bulger
Mary E. Davis†
Maud O. Flannery†
G. Donald and Nga Hawker
John† and Anne C. Aram
Edward L. Burke†
Henry L. Day†
Dr. Howard R. and Maxine Floan†
Frank J. Hawley
George Kulzer†
Joe and Jammie Arbanas
William and Nancy Burnett
John T. Day†
Myles F. and Henrietta A. Flood†
Dr. Terry L. Haws
Arlene E. LaMasters† Annemarie Lambert†
Peter H. Arkison
Josh Burrows
Joseph W. Day
Nick Fluge and Elizabeth Logsdon
Ellen Healy†
Alphonse and Geraldine Arnold†
Michael T. Busch†
Robert E. and Margaret Day†
Gordon S. Fowlds†
Laurence A. Heininger†
Dr. H. John Lane
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Aylward
Bruce and Judy Butler
Robert J. and Raeceil A. Day
Edward N. Foxton†
Charles and Barbara Hennessey, Jr.
Michael Patrick Lang
Dr. Robert D. Backer†
Joe and Sharon Cade
Joe and Edna Deichl
Orlanta Franck†
Horton† and Mazie Herman
Dr. Raymond J. Langenbach†
Gilbert W. Baker†
Ron and Theresa Caferro
Henry Delfeld†
Mary Margaret Frew†
Phil and Lorelei Herres
Milton J. Langlois
Charles Balas and Cindy L Runger Balas
Elizabeth G. Caley†
Dr. and Mrs. John Demakas
Esther A. Frost†
Tony and Cindy Higley
Henrietta Larkin†
Tom A. Calpin†
Jayne (Stanich) Dempsey
Maurice Gales
Margaret K. Larson
Daniel E. Bandmann†
John Hildebrand and Bird Hildebrand-Pease†
John E. Cannon, Sr.†
Fred O. Dennis†
Julia Garrison†
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bangert
Fran Cardle
John and Mary Dentone
John W. Garrity†
Hugh and Rita Bargion†
Robert M. and Elaine Carroll†
Rev. C. Depiere†
William M. Gaylor†
Mr. and Mrs. William Carsrud
Dale B. and Christy E. (Smith) de Viveiros
Frank and Dorothy Barich Lester Barnes†
Mark and Kathy (Evoy) Casey
Evalyn Barrington†
Dr. Robert J. and Thelma Rose Casey
Charles A. and Dolores A. Barry†
Holly L. Caudill†
Esther Louise Barton
Dr. Patrick J. Cavanaugh†
John A. and Nancy A. (Scott) Battilega
Stephen and Elaine Cavit
Dauna L. Bauer†
Frank L. Ceserani†
John Beck
Jason and Tania Chaffee
Joseph N. Behrens†
Susan† and W.W. “Chuck” Charlton
Elvira Berners†
Chester and Catherine Chastek†
Zita D. Berners†
Patrick Chastek
Jamie M. Berube
Harry E. Chisholm†
Joe and Sharon Betzendorfer
Scott and Patricia J. (Tiesse) Church
Mike and Sandi Beus
Barbara Clapp†
Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing, and we would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please direct your inquiries to Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 800.463.6925 or
Harriet Clarke† Beverly Clegg Robert H. and Mary G. (Champagne) Clemens† James E. Collins† John H. Collins†
Dennis DeVoto/David Schweitzer Bob† and Evelyn Dieringer Timothy G. Dieringer James and Joan DiJulio
Gary Geiss Archie and Mary George Rex R. Gerlach Barbara C. (Geary) Gianos Dr. Charles Gillingham†
Donna L. Hill† Peter Hill Daniel P. Hogan, Jr.† Edith A. Holmen Melanie A. Homan Stan and Shirley Hooper Blanche Hopkins† Margaret E. Hopkins†
Alexander M. Laughlin Dr. Lawrence R. Lawton John P. Leary, S.J.† Dr. and Mrs. Jack Lee Norma LeMieux-Foubert† Ernest Lennemann† Frank B. and Ethel M. Lenzie† Jack and Betty Leonard
Dr. Francis J. A. Ditter†
Lt. Col. and Mrs. William R. Gillingham
Gary and Barbara Hordemann
William R. and Kathleen A. (McFarland) Dobner
Patricia A. Gillis
John and Ellen Hough
Jim and Jan Linardos
Hal and Alice† Gilmore
Ruth E. Hovenden†
Herbert M. Lindholm†
June Donaldson
Maurice Glassy
Frances E. Howard†
Wil and Pat Loeken
Gary Glenn
Lt. Col. Gregory M. Huckabee
Robert† and Glennavon Loosmore
Thomas A. Glubrecht†
Edward and Marie Hughes†
Paula Lovas†
Beverly (Haines) Goddard
E.J. Hunt
Pauline M. (Herzig) Love
Mary E. Doneen† Robert J. Downey Bud W. Driessel† Dr. Jack and Maggie† Driscoll
Thelma Goler
Frederick W. Huppert†
Houston Putnam Lowry
Sperry H. Goodman†
Doyle and Kathy (Graham)† Jacklin
William A. and Earleen Lowry†
Burgess Gordon†
Willis E. and Euretta James†
Mike and Reneé Lucarelli
Margaret S. Gose†
Don and Marilyn Jans
Barbara J. Lund
Michele Graham
Donald H. Jans
Pat anad Christina Lynch
Marv and Anne Grassl
Joseph Jantsch†
Robert and Yvonne Lyons
Patrick J. and Nancy A. Gravine
Edward Jennings†
Dr. Edwin T. MacCamy
Dr. Thomas and Karen Driscoll Theodore F. Druffel† Thomas A. Drynan James P. and Ahnna Dudley, Jr. Lawrence E. Duffy† Walter W. Duncan† John E. Dunn r e p o r t
Dr. Robert Lewis and Marcia McGreevy-Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jepson, Jr. o f
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
h o n o r
Heritage planned giving James and Jane MacDonald Cheryl L. Mack Catherine MacPhee† Dan and Jan Madden John F. Madden† Mr. and Mrs. Harry Magnuson Bertha Mahoney† Beverly Mahrt Laurence and Delta Maillet Thomas M. Malott† Dick and Janet Manning Esther Mark† Greg Marshall Charlotte Y. Martin† E. Thomas Martin† Loretta A. Martin† Lawrence M. Massey Stanley and Linda Massey, Jr. John A. and Mary Stuart Masterson† Kylie Masterson† Guy Matthews† Mr. and Mrs. Steve Matule John and Virginia Maughan† Mary Ann and Ed May Veronica and Dave Mayo C. Alex McCabe† The Hon. Patrick McCabe† Christina McCale and Garry R. Osborn Jack and Mary McCann Joseph L. McCarthy† Pat and Kathy McCarthy Dr. and Mrs. Neil G. McCluskey Florence McCormack† Robert J. McCormick† Esther A. McCoy† Helen McDonald† Lowell H. McDonald† Robert and Claire McDonald Ivah M. McDonnell† Joseph P. McFarland† Gerald R. McFaul† Marge McFaul Leo J. McGavick† Mary McGrath Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. McGough Morgan T. and Judith A. (Ziegler) McGrath David P. McKibbin John D. McLaughlin† Mary McLeod† Ann T. McMahon John and Ann E. McMahon† Richard L. McMurdie† Dick and Mary Lou McWilliams Rev. Thomas J. Meersman† Donald L. Merrick Jo L. Merwin
Alumni donors
Linda L. Merwin
John J. and Ruth C. Pugh†
Mary C. Stanton†
Robert E. Wehmeir†
Jack D. Miklos†
Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Raftis
Jerry A. and Patricia Stebbins
Albert Weiser†
Dr. Earl Martin Miller†
Ed and Yvonne† Ralph
Veronica and Jeff Steffan
Carrie Welch†
Fred Mollerus
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Randall
Charles H. and Diane Steilen
Tim and Jackie Welsh
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Monks
Herbert Redfield†
Bart† and Sarah Stevens
Helen Welty†
Rev. John E. Moore†
Cynthia M. Reyes-Methvin
Ivan and Marlene Stewart
Kevin P. and Jennifer L. (Prince) West
Frank A. Morbeck†
Catherine Rhodes
Charles H. Stolz†
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. West
Andrew J. Morrison†
Clare Rice†
Daniel Stoner and Anne Santee-Stoner
Verna E. West†
Class of 1932------------------------------------------------------
David L. Morse†
Margaret S. Richards†
Brady Lee Strahl
Mildred Weston†
Dr. Francis G. Burke 27*
Joe Mostyn†
Wilfred A. Richmond†
John W. Strizich†
Harry L. Williams†
Class of 1933------------------------------------------------------
Shirley A. (Pemerl) Mulcahy
Doug and Kathleen Rivard
Mary E. Stuart†
Karen J. Williams†
Mrs. Robert A. Loosmore 46*
Tom P. Mulcahy
William P. Roach†
Patrick and Diane Sullivan
John A. G. Wilson†
Denny Murphy†
Jim and Jean Roeber
Dr. Robert W. Sullivan
The Hon.† and Mrs. John F. Wilson
John W. (Bill) Murphy†
Douglas W. Rohner
Gertrude K. Sully†
Patrick Wilson†
Joseph† and Muriel Murphy
Robert H. Rolfs†
Frank X. Suttey†
Ray and Shirley (Duffner) Murphy
James F. Rooney
Myron A. Nachbar, II Don and Jeanette Nelles Mr. and Mrs. James W. Nelsen John C. Nevin† Edward J. Nichols†
The numbers denote individual years of giving. †= Deceased *= Annual Fund Contributor
Allen McKimmey 26*
Thomas W. Sullivan† 10*
Mike Paioni 15
Thomas Moore 46*
Charles Swenson 20*
Guido Andreano 28*
Paul Sauber 35*
Dr. Raymond B. Myers 31*
Ivan Thomas 5*
Joan K. (Rowley) Bennett 35*
Robert Spurck 18*
Charlie O’Connor 40*
John Tracy 28*
Richard C. Bennett 35*
Hobart Teneff 35*
Robert Odom 29
Thomas Veleker 25*
William Bertrand 16*
Shunji Yuasa 47*
Bill Ogle 47
Edward Walsh 20*
T. Roger Billeter 20
Class of 1945------------------------------------------------------
William F. O’Rourke 11*
Frank Walter 31*
Mr. Michael J. Brewer 39
Jim Peplinski 45*
John Warn 23*
Barbara (Brown) Brundage 18*
Robert Probach*
Jim Weber 38*
Jerry Buckley 25*
Jake Quinn 32*
John Winkler 21*
Edward J. Dahy 19*
John E. Roberts 28*
Lee Wright 16*
Dr. Stuart A. Davis 12*
Class of 1951-------------------------------------------------------
Dr. James P. Diestel, Jr. 20*
Paul Greiwe 4* Albert Keno 22* Martin Miller 13 Walter Weeks† 9*
Class of 1936------------------------------------------------------ Class of 1946-----------------------------------------------------John Decker 44*
Ryan Rodney Wilson
Class of 1937------------------------------------------------------
Don and Carol† Herak 45*
Arthur D. Swanson†
Mary H. Winder†
Mrs. Louis L. Barbieri 38
Jack Kronenberg 26*
Lucille Rooney†
Robert† and Joan Taber
Alice G. Windsor†
Lester Madsen 37*
Ernest E. Tabscott†
Marie P. Wittman†
Bill Roberts 45*
David and Maureen Rorick† Ed Rosicky
Winston and Eloise Taggart†
James and Jackie Wolff
John W. Talmage†
David Wollersheim
Class of 1938------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Paul A. Carlson 21
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Rosler
Dr. Bernard John Drury 11
Herman J. Rossi, III
Tatsuo Tatsuuma†
Richard and Cathy Worner
George Karamatic 4*
Arthur A. Dugoni 38
Raymond J. Niehenke†
John and Elizabeth Rudolf
Dr. and Mrs. Howard E. Tennant
Kerm† and Fran Rudolf
Frances Thomas
Angela (Reisenauer) Wittman 35*
Larry Gerstenberger 5*
Frank and Margaret Nigro†
William J. and Elizabeth A. (Curry) Wrigglesworth, Jr.
George Welch, Jr. 14*
Holly J. Norton
Agnes Russell†
George E.† and Margaret B. Tiesse
Lee and Barbara Wright
Class of 1939------------------------------------------------------
Karen Norum
Madeline St. Marie†
Alice Tietgen†
Geraldine Wynkoop†
Eric Anderson 32*
Luverne W. Nott†
Frances Salla†
Charles A. and Helen Tilford†
Lucy C. Young†
Jim Mathers, Jr. 22*
John C. O’Brien, Jr.
Barry W. Santana, Ph.D.
Tom and Camilla Tilford
Dominic J. and Lisa Zamora
Mrs. Gordon E. Merwin 44*
Robert W. and Maureen A. O’Brien
Michael Scaringella†
Hazel Toly†
Mary C. Zeller†
Class of 1940------------------------------------------------------
Mr. and Mrs. James F. O’Connell
Elizabeth Scheeland†
Francis and Dorothea Townsend†
Anthony F. Zeyen†
Dick O’Loughlin 2*
Mrs. Henry J. Diedesch† 28*
William and Monica O’Connell†
Steven Schenk and Gretchen Berning
Rev. Eugene A. Tracy
Stephen Zimmer
Mike O’Neil 21
Mrs. Howard R. Floan† 25
Richard M. O’Neill 14*
Msgr. Oakley F. O’Connor†
Reed Schifferman
Rosemary Triesch†
Dr. Bert P. Jacobson 30*
Mike Paioni 15
Bill Ogle
Gertrude Schmitt†
John and Betty Tubbs†
Mrs. Samuel Lamanna 42*
Pierce A. Rooney, Jr. 18
Mark and Cathy Ohlstrom
Bernard A. Schons†
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Tucci
Mrs. Otto J. Penna 41
Angelo Sangiacomo 5
Angeline O’Leary†
Herman and Hilda Schumacher†
Michael F. and Mimi Tucci
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Oliver
Irene Schumaker†
Effie Tucker†
Donald and Joan Olson
Virginia Schurra
Robert P. Turnley
Coletta O’Meara†
Dr. and Mrs. Lester J. Schwaegler
Dick and Patricia Twiss
Clement J. O’Neill
Lt. Col. Pequitte Schwerin
Marjorie Mauk Twohy
Maude O’Neill†
Patricia (Ardner) Scullary
Mary M. Twohy†
Richard and Margaret O’Neill†
Joseph M. Shabaz†
Bernard Tyrell, Sr.†
Clarence and Gladys Orndorff†
Elizabeth M. Sharp†
Albert Unrecht†
William Osborn†
Mary Katherine Shaw†
David and Karen Van Loan
Guy and Madeline Ossello
Fred Shelton†
Elizabeth Van Sistine†
Fred S. Owen and Joanne Pottier
Stephen and Martha Shepard
Steven† and Laurette C. Van Voorhis
Eddie Page†
Margaret M. Sheridan†
Jessie Vickrey†
Mike and Aileen† Paioni
William P. Sherman†
Mary L. Vingo†
Robert Parker†
Stephen and Mary Shinn
Leona T. Voell†
Ruth Patchen†
Charles Siljeg
Rupert Vogl†
Ethel Peasley†
Edward T. Simkins†
William J. and Kathleen K. Wagner
Gregory R. Peterson
Anne Simpson
Anna Waldron
Anthony Plager
Robert A. Smith, Sr.†
Robert J. Waldron, Jr.
Stephen N. Pope†
Petronella Sammis Sneider†
Arthur J. Waligura†
Louis Powell†
Mary E. Snodgrass†
Alexander Wallace, III†
Laurie A. Powers and Breean L. Beggs
Norma E. Solman†
Robert C. Wallace
Mark and Kim Powers
Lee M. Solomon†
Roger C. Walsh†
Robert and Ann Powers†
Mark and Valerie Sonderen
Robert G.† and Joan M. Wardian
Edward and Helen Prevol†
Carol J. Springer†
James P. Warner†
Sue-Lynn Price-Voigt
Judy A. Springer†
Florence Wasmer†
Emil A. Proulx†
Margot J. Stanfield
Ralph B. Way†
r e p o r t
o f
thank you
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p r e s i d e n t
qqqqqqqqq “Junior year for engineering is quite difficult, and getting my personal-best GPA was extremely satisfying. Without the scholarships and financial aid I received I would not be at Gonzaga. That I would be a different person is obvious, but I think I would also be a less fulfilled individual.” Mark de Chadenedes (’09) National Merit Scholar engineering major
“My greatest accomplishment so far has been working as news editor of the Gonzaga Bulletin. I have been given the chance to use my talents in new ways and in ways I never imagined when I fi rst entered Gonzaga.” Elizabeth Steinhaus (’09) Ignatian Leaders Scholar psychology and English double major
thank you
thank you you thank you
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Mrs. John E. Coyle 32
Dr. Edwin T. MacCamy 50*
thank you 34
h o n o r
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Edward Barulich 20
Paul Greiwe 4*
Mark A. Schuerman 34* Phillip Skok, Sr. 49*
Roy Allen† 11*
Mrs. George E. Tiesse 32*
Joseph Beckner 37*
Richard Unger 30*
Robert Blair 4*
Class of 1950-------------------------------------------------------
Aldo Brigante 33*
Ray Allen 41*
John Bryson 31*
Mrs. Leo J. Banasky 36*
William E. Burch 37
Robert P. Beard 26*
Mr. Donald L. Clarno 22*
Robert E. Brady 28*
Robert Comfort 29*
Mrs. Harold R. Clark 19*
Dr. Bernard M. Coolbaugh 11*
Dr. John F. Comfort 44*
Mrs. Joseph M. Cooney 34
Jack Hafner 10 William B. Hayden 5 Thomas P. Lacy 49* Martin Miller 13
Donald Conley 29*
Robert Doerr 29*
Jack Curran 39*
Richard J. Dolack 20*
Tony L. Delay 15
Leo Driscoll 22
John Dougherty 47*
Richard Ebel 48*
Bill Eng 47*
Thomas Fennessy 8*
The Hon. Richard J. Ennis 15
Art Fitzsimmons 15*
Bob Escure 47*
The Hon. Robert L. Fraser 4
Rich Evans 21*
Lt. Col. (Ret.) William Gillingham 45
James Felice 12
John Green 19*
Betty (Wipperfurth) Gallagher 22*
Harold T. Hartinger 43
Mrs. Bob Gallagher 22*
Mr. Elvin E. Hendrickson 6*
Class of 1947------------------------------------------------------
Dr. John F. Gatton 41*
Bill Hennessey 31
Harry Calbom, Jr. 15*
Dr. Ed W. Gray 45*
Richard Hire 48*
Arthur A. Dugoni 38
Fred Hare 23*
Dick Hoskins 22*
William Eldenburg 8*
Cy Harrington 50*
Dolly M. Ito 28*
Larry Gerstenberger 5*
Stan Hattrup 25*
Frank Hayes Johnson 28
Class of 1941------------------------------------------------------
Gerold Lamers 21*
Dorothy (Eggert) Heinecke 41*
Wilbur Johnson 15*
Phil Dolan 40
Mr. Lester R. Sauvage 47*
Dr. Donald H. Herbert 19*
Dr. Dennis W. Kelly 15*
Mrs. Robert A. Eugene 47*
Mrs. George J. Steeves 24*
Daniel P. Hogan, Jr.† 26
Jerald Kelly 26*
Bill Roach† 25 Gene Roberts† 24* William S. (Bill) Royce 45* Ralph Schlosser 37* Tom Zoeller 33*
Mrs. John F. Riordan 23 Michael Stepovich 10* Dr. Francis L. Van Veen 30*
Class of 1948-----------------------------------------------------Paul Gottschalk 22*
Norman Kilgore 26* Paul Klasen, Jr. 29
Earl Keaton 23
John Kriete 14*
Richard Kirkendall 36*
Mr. Meredith E. Madden 16*
Ed Korn 16*
Mrs. Albert B. Mann 33*
Lawrence Leaf 14*
James R. McCaughey 39*
John Magee 19*
Bob Hyatt 29*
Class of 1942------------------------------------------------------
Donald Kelley 25*
Dr. Robert J. Casey 37*
Thomas P. Lacy 49*
Mrs. John P. Connors 34*
John Lynch† 25
Dr. Clayton K. Gross 11*
Ed Ralph 46
Dr. William J. Hanley 34*
Mrs. Edmund J. Ripple 3*
Dennis P. Hayes 20*
Allan Toole 47
Tom Iwata 30*
Harry N. Wellhouser 47*
Joseph C. Tremblay 48*
Mrs. Jay R. Johnson 31* Dr. Thomas H. Jones 42*
Class of 1952-------------------------------------------------------
Martin Dolan 18* Frank J. Dorsey 17 Donald Ericson 20 Stanley Fairhurst 33* Margaret Feist 39* Herman J. Geiger 44* Phyllis (Fischbach) Geiger 44* Bud Gilmartin, Jr. 42 Bill Greiwe 31* Jim Hutton 27* Robert Johnson 37 James Jones 35* William Judge 20* Vaughn Keller 49* James Klise 26* Mr. Richard C. Knop 34* Dr. Robert G. Lancaster 33* William H. Milam 16* Budd Neumann 49* Thomas O’Neil 34* Joseph Panattoni 21 John Perko 24* Dang Tai Pham 14* Edward Quenemoen 12* Donald Rielly 45* Richard Rose 18* Donna (McMillan) Schuerman 8* James A. Simpson 31 Robert W. Speck 15 John Mang Chung Tsoi 14* Richard D. Turner 16* Sabina (Schweiger) Turner 16* Anthony Vetre 12 Lloyd Wardian 22* James Worley 41*
Michael McDonnell 20*
Lorenz F. Wustner 6*
Arthur Marsh 23*
Haruo H. Nagaoka 8*
Class of 1953-------------------------------------------------------
Louis Mastriani 10*
Mrs. James W. Nickolaus 29*
Dr. Edward W. Anderson 19
Frank McCauley 24*
Roy Okada 43*
Urban C. Bartholet 13*
George Migaki 27*
Austin O’Regan 17*
Sodelbia (Heade) Busch 38*
Class of 1949------------------------------------------------------
Class of 1943------------------------------------------------------
Pat Morris† 35
Gladys (Cerenzia) Peretti 42*
J. Gerard Cain 28
J. Bartholet 38*
Lou Conyard 43*
Mrs. Frank J. Morton 34*
Phil Reinig 32*
Dr. Victor V. Carnell 29
Jack Bennett 19
Jack Costello 14*
Armand M Nigro, S.J. 15
The Hon. Richard J. Richard 13
Donald Connell 13*
Ed Braune 9
Dr. Russell P. Esposito 45*
John O’Connor 42*
Fran Rudolf 42
Mr. Michael J. Cronin 40
Al Budig 20*
Tim Healey† 19*
Leon Olney 29
Thomas Savage 9*
Nancy A. (Paul) Dahy 19*
Dr. Coral W. Cotterell 23*
Ed McWilliams 27*
Jim Parker 35*
Donald Schmitt 32*
Frank J. Dever 11*
Robert Curran 16*
James Mitchell 2
Bill Preusse 27*
John Seymour 45*
Stew Eggers 17
Walter Deymonaz 40*
Dr. Chester E. Raun 29*
Lyle Smith Stephenson 5
Ray Enneking 30*
John Nitkey 39*
Helen K. Feldhausen 34*
Jack M. O’Brien, Jr. 33*
Mrs. G. David Robinson 25
John H. Stockton 14
Don Etten 35
Robert Flagan 44*
Kenneth T. Sauve 18*
William Stordahl 48*
Jim Finlen, Jr. 29* Kenneth J. Galbraith 8*
Tom Sifferman 43*
Clare Kiefer 17*
Lai Boon Tang 15*
Bill Schauble 23*
John Tracy, Jr. 35*
Deral Kurz 17*
Lewis Sciarillo 32*
Herbert Waggoner 18*
Ed Gordon 29*
Class of 1944------------------------------------------------------
Patrick Lettenmaier 7
Emmett Shearer 23*
Robert C. Weber 45*
June R. (Roslund) Gravengaard 31*
Alouez Linehan 10*
Pete Suden 50*
Mrs. Dick Wright 22
Ronald Hanson 15*
Mrs. Gerald R. McFaul 44
Dr. Henry J. Sudmeier 11*
John T. Yeats 42*
Mel Hartmeier 4*
Lawrence C. Angell† 13 Mrs. R. David Brown 8*
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“it has been my lifelong dream to present my work at oxford, in the midst of top legal scholars selected from all over the world. thank you for making this a reality.” georgie ann weatherby ::: associate professor, sociology and criminology
Alumni donors Cornelius Hogan 5* Bill Jacobs 46* Jim Kees 49* Joan M. (Treibel) Kilian 40* David Knight 3* Jim Krebsbach 40* Mary Lou (Douglas) Kuijper 18* Robert P. Lawrence 20* J. Donald Lemieux 12* Wil Loeken 42* Jim McGoffin 38* Don Meehan 29* Thomas Miller 7* Nancy Mullen Moore 22* Dr. Joseph J. Murphy 6* Raymond W. Murphy 43 Barbara A. (Redmond) Olson 30* Fred S. Owen 11 Louis Peinado, S.J. 2*
John Moynier 21
Joe Monaco 23
Denny Petek 10*
Jim Peterson 21
Dave Rorick, III 11*
Marilyn J. (Macnab) Murphy 32*
Delos Putz 35*
Michael Peterson 29*
Andy M. Rustemeyer 9
Gary Myers 26*
Elaine (Morris) Myers 20
Emmett Quinn 38*
Sally (Grant) Peterson 9*
Mr. Peter F. St. Denis 17*
Mrs. Duane D. Myers 26*
Gary L. Petesch 6*
The Hon. Philip M. Raekes 38*
John Quinlan 44
James Schmit 7*
Bill Myrhang 36*
Dr. Angelo Pizelo 13*
Paul Redmond 26*
Eleanor (Polutnik) Raschkow 26*
The Hon. John A. Schultheis 17*
Dr. Albert H. Nephew 24*
Cyril Portman 3*
Pete Rij 30*
Harold Rebenitsch 35*
Michael Seubert 37*
Daniel Nordmark 22*
Jim Quinn 22*
Edward A. Ring 37*
S. F. Rief 31*
B. M. (Arbuckle) Severtsen 12*
Albert Pasqualotto 12* Mollie (Comerford) Peters 3*
Charles Redmon 4
Norman L. Roberts 29
Charles E. Riley 11*
Michael D. Shaler 19*
Dr. Keith A. McDuffie 40*
William Ryan, S.J. 5
The Hon. Phil Thompson 27
David F. Tri 32
Jim Ringwood 41
Dr. Victor C. Robisch 27*
Dorita Roberts 8
Mary Jo (Peterkin) Shaw 17*
Ann M. (Allen) Porter 38*
Keith McGoffin 26
Rock Sassano 3*
Jerry Vermillion 24*
Phyllis M. (Champoux) Tri 32
Roger J. Roman 44*
Carl Roecks 12*
Edward Rosicky 29*
Jack Sheehan 21*
Robert and Ann Powers† 35
Robert J. McKanna 34
Virginia Swanson 12*
Loren N. Vorlicky 28*
Bob Turnley 10*
Edith J. (Rosman) Rustemeyer 9
Joan Eraerts Rolling 20*
Mr. Chuck Siljeg 46
Ted Sivalon 43*
Gene Quinn 38*
Roy McLaren 32*
Mrs. Raymond R. Tanksley, Jr. 23
Pete Walker 37*
Dr. Richard D. Twiss 27
Albert Schauble, Sr. 35
Sharon K. (Rusing) Roman 44*
Ed Smith 4*
Ronald H. Smith 18*
Ellen E. Reed 31*
John M. Michels 35
Dr. Frank Vedelago 23*
Cornelius Warren 28*
Robert K. Waitt 44
Dr. William M. Shanks 35*
Dr. Richard S. Rosler 41*
Cara M. (McCann) Snyder 5*
Nina Rose Snyder*
Kathleen L. Mauk Reid 12
Fred Mollerus 30*
Bill Via 29*
Marty Weber 46
Conrad Walla 19
Karl W. Speltz 32*
Laurence Ryan† 9
Bob Stach 35*
Pat Tierney 26*
Ronald E. Riel 24
Glen Morris 24*
Joseph Whelan 28*
Richard J. Weber 21*
Dr. Robert G. Weigand 30*
Jerry A. Stebbins 9*
Carolyn (Magee) Schauble 49*
Robert Stupfel 29*
Joyce M. (Duarte) Trask 25*
JoAnn L. (Salina) Roberts 25*
Geraldine Weller 41*
Class of 1958 – 50 th reunion
Wesley A. Nuxoll 39
Frank Windishar 33*
Mrs. Frederick J. Owens 15
Dr. Willard J. Wyman 46*
Patrick Riley 46*
Adonna H. (Nuxoll) Yuse 36*
Frank J. Ross, Sr. 5*
Jack Zinkgraf 17
Marilynn M. (Lievero) Russell 2* Lester Schwaegler, Jr. 43 Irvin Smith 18*
Tom Troy 38*
Barbara Anderson 3*
Bob Anselmo 28*
David Ayarra 4*
Gale Benoit 10*
William Barker 9
Joseph Betzendorfer, Jr. 20
Bill Barber 24
Ernie Becker 41
Frank Bouten 30*
Carol (Shea) Barber 24
Gerald Berger 2
Sherrel Bradford-Roshdy 19
Mary C. (Albo) Bishop 32*
Bonnie J. (Koltenbronn) Bosworth 30*
Gordon Brunette 29*
William D. Botch 9*
Frank Bourbeau 31*
Beverly (Rogers) Butorac 28*
Fran C. Cardle 29
Pat (Ellis) Busse 19*
Patricia L. Canty 8*
Dick Chastek 28
Robert Busse 19*
Katherine M. (Piedmont) Carr 22*
Mr. Richard L. Compton 34*
Jack Butorac 28*
Maurice Clark 33
Harold Van Riper 8* James Wu 18*
Raymond Anderson 31*
Mary Jo (Pilat) Anderson 52
Elvin Vandeberg 44 Jerry Wells 19*
Frank E. Adams 7*
Pat (Lyons) Ahern 11
Class of 1956------------------------------------------------------
Patricia L. (Prague) Thomas 23* John Troup 23
Class of 1957------------------------------------------------------
Lawrence Connors 26*
Ann (Ackerman) Cannan 14
Dick Cormier 17*
Ivan Stepan 17*
Harry Sladich 43*
Norb Trauba 10*
Michael A. Tucci 35
John Roche 9
Bob Sutcliffe 2*
Carol (Brolin) Speltz 32*
Glen Uhlenkott 23*
Diane M. Vanderzanden 24*
Paula M. (Mc Ardle) Rolleri 5*
Robert F. Thaden 29*
Elizabeth (Hurley) Standiford 32*
Barbara (Ross) Vermillion 30
Dennis Vermillion 30
Jacquelyne (Kopas) Ruckwardt 41*
Patrick Thiel 22*
Patrick Sullivan 18
Richard J. Vielbig 16*
Jerome Wasson 4
Jeannie (Niedermeyer) Santos 11*
Joe Thomas 32*
Marvin Thomas 18*
Kay D. ( Jans) Walker 14
Edward Torrison 27*
Tim Thornton 32*
Victor R. Weil 21*
Class of 1962------------------------------------------------------
David Van Loan 31*
Mary (Murphy) Tuss 30*
Ernie Vollmer 46*
Dick Vogel 19*
Class of 1961------------------------------------------------------
Peter G. Banulis 41*
Dave Walsh 30*
J. Michael Volk 34*
Donald Anderson, Jr. 26*
Andrea Beauchane 23*
Clara A. (Shaw) Weil 21*
Bill Warren 11*
Lawrence Atwell 19*
William Bond 26*
Bill Weldele 16*
Dave Wollersheim 5
Janet P. (Puccinelli) Wollersheim 18*
James Yeager 22*
Class of 1959------------------------------------------------------ Class of 1960-----------------------------------------------------Gene Annis 34*
John W. Armenia 39*
Nettie Balch Allen 31*
Robert P. Bourbeau 13*
Mike Bowers 22*
Robert Boyd 5*
Henry Buescher 21*
Elizabeth A. (Botch) Buchanan 14*
Mr. Ronald N. Caferro 24
The Hon. Frank Burgess 21
William W. Charlton 15
James B. Comerford 24*
Denny Codd 26*
John Schultz 27 Jerry Simurdak 17* Gerald Smith 11* Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci 35 Monda Van Hollebeke 14* Mary (Collins) Volpentest 15* Sam R. Volpentest 15* Richard K. Yorioka 22* Stephen Zimmer 2* Ray Zugel 25*
Harve Phipps, Jr. 31
Class of 1955------------------------------------------------------
John Croteau 9*
Patrick Casey 9
Mr. John H. Courtney 19*
Patricia A. Bell 19*
Shirley (Fazzari) Beaudry 22*
Ed Costello 10*
Jeffry D. Colliton 21
Class of 1963------------------------------------------------------
The Hon. Richard L. Pitt 28*
Paul B. Arnold 10*
Alice C. (Culler) Crowley 24*
The Hon. Harold Clarke, Jr. 6
Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran 39
William D. Bell 21*
Bill Boyd 40*
Ruth R. (Burke) Cox 27*
Norah (Flannery) Comerford 24*
Forrest Amsden 28*
John Rand 46*
Joseph Brennan 29*
Edward Dawson 20
Robert Clavel 25*
Eileen (Martin) Curtis 4*
John Byrne 10*
Gerald E. Bynum 5*
Roger Coyle 25*
Tom Correll 39*
Daniel S. Avey 9*
Armand DeFelice 29
Robert A. Coomes 13*
R. E. “Dick” Dadey 42*
Delpha J. (Stevens) Camp 31*
Judith M. (Petek) Camp 28*
David DeFoe 24*
Margaret (Thompson) Deason 6*
John Battilega 30*
Paul Riedl 19
Dr. F. Michael Busch 33*
Dr. James V. Rocca 18*
Lawrence Buse 33*
Gayle (Neumann) Dever 40*
Michael Davis 27*
Col. Bruce H. Davis 10*
Ed Charette 18*
Clara Y. (Potter) Campbell 15*
James DeGon 7*
Jeanne Cherie (Paradis) Dertinger 3*
Don Bodeau 37
Carol Peters Rooney 13*
Carl Canfield 11*
Patricia (Staunton) Etchart 35*
Michael A. Donlan 44*
Patricia L. (Alexander) Davis 3*
David G. Culver 25*
John Clute 45
William H. Destefano 7
Don Donaldson 8
Robert Brewin 3* Eric Buckley 3
Jim Rooney 45*
Darwin Delducco 45*
Emil Feczko 23
John Donoghue 19*
Patricia (Skahan) Donlan 44*
Mrs. David M. Ditter 6*
Don Curran 39
Richard Diven 16*
Charles Esposito 21*
Max Rumelhart 27*
Catharine (Hurd) Elliston 6*
George Fish 47*
The Hon. Robert J. Doran 43
Robert Earnest 21*
Karen M. (Pedersen) Driscoll 35*
Jayne (Stanich) Dempsey 5*
Ralph Ebersole 4*
Susan C. (Nugent) Feldmann 6*
Clay Bush 7*
Ruth L. (Fisher) Rumelhart 27*
Charles Goligoski 8
Maurice Fitzgerald 3*
Myra (McGillivrey) Farquhar 4
Gary Ebel 19*
Thomas A. Driscoll 35*
Charles V. D’Hondt 32*
Carson Eller 3
Ronald Frei 12*
Molly E. (Condon) Butler 32
James P. Ryan 4*
Robert Green† 15*
Eric Forner 23*
Lowell Freeman 10*
Betty A. (Reder) Ellis 33*
Ann C. (Capaccio) Duby 19*
Read E. English 3*
Michael Farley 20*
Gary Geiss 29*
Henry J. Charvet 26*
Thomas T. Sawai 22*
Helen (Shepard) Greenan 48*
Dr. R. Thomas Gardner 20
Dr. John J. Graham 30*
Cathy (Costello) Elting 23*
Jim Etter 33
Sylvia Friede 41*
Arny Forner 24
Thomas A. Glubrecht† 6
Joe Connors 14*
Ed Sheldon 11*
T. Jerry Greenan 48*
Robert Graham 14
Joe Grismer 23
Jim Elting 23*
Bob Fairbank 33*
Joan (Hively) Gagliardi 44
Lionel C. Greenwood 14
Michael Gross 4*
John Cooney 27
Gordon Simanton 28*
Dave Hamer 41*
Betty J. Harrington 37*
Roger Helms 19*
Jacklin A. (Walter) Frangi 13*
Brian Finegan 29
George Gerard 9*
Ray Haeg 10*
Mr. David L. Hattrick 7*
Peggy Dempsey 37*
Thomas L. State 41
Patrick Kenney 23*
Don Jans 45
Rol Herriges 23*
Josef E. Gray 29*
Leo Finnegan 48*
Nora W. Gutoski 19*
Frederick Halverson 20
Howard Herman 22
William R. Dobner 27*
Harold Winderl 20*
Bill Kerley 12
Bill Jobb 20*
Gary Hetherington 4*
Mr. John H. Hanson 42*
Duke Gaffney 18
Dr. Kathleen Whetstone Harte 38*
Pat A. (Girouard) Halverson 29*
Mary A. (Leonard) Holden 26*
James Ellison 13*
James R. Laudwein, S.J. 2*
Cecil Johnson† 11*
Leon Hill 19*
Sheila Caskey Holder 18*
Joseph P. Gagliardi 44
Jerry Haupt 29*
Robert M. Halverson 29*
Bob Hunt 21*
Ben Engle 22*
Norman Lehman 17*
Guy Johnston 26
The Hon. Richard M. Ishikawa 24
Del Hoover 29
Jim Garvey 39*
Bud Hazel 12*
Mr. John F. Hauer 4*
Clark Irwin 10*
Robert Erickson, S.J. 4*
Class of 1954-----------------------------------------------------Elinor Alfano 10 Richard Bauer 36* Cletus Beckman 22 Marilyn Jans Before 33 George Chalich 21 Lewis Davis, Jr. 32* Mark Derr 13 Robert L. Ferguson 29 David Gelb 21* John Goodrich 33 R. Dennis Goodwin 21 Lester Guske 20* Charles E Hennessey, Jr. 14 Dr. Robert L. Kalez 35* James Kelly 3* John Kelly 34* Margaret L. (Seubert) Lemieux 12* Max Leone 35* Donald L. Lewis 27* Mike Lynch 28* Benjamin McCoy* 36
r o l l
Robert L. Longman 18*
Bethine J. (Hess) Kenworthy 44*
Jerry Jager 24
Charles Ircink 26
Lt. Col. Robert H. Grassi 15*
Alex Herzog 44
William C. Hausmann, S.J.
Patricia L. (Connor) James 25*
Joseph A. Esposito† 28*
Mildred L. (Wood) Lutge 29*
Bill Kite 5*
Dr. Bernard R. Johnson 18
George A. Kain 34
George Grismer 22*
Fred Hoene 24*
Ray Kelleher 46*
Helen (Pritchard) Joers 9*
Miguel Figueroa 5*
Loyal Marsh 3*
Dr. H. John Lane 37*
Kenneth Kinzer 22*
Terry Kelly† 10*
The Hon. Richard P. Guy 24
Gary Hordemann 25
David Lamey 21*
George Kleeman 37*
James Fischer 5
Dr. Charles B. McGough 18*
Patricia (Pierce) Lawrence 20*
Richard Leitch 10*
Pete King 18
Robert Hanson 30
Marilee (Beach) Hughes 22*
Carolyn Gale Louthian 34
Mike Klein 40*
Carl Fry 5*
Joseph McNabb 10*
Paul Le Blanc 31*
Dr. Thomas Little 21*
Gene Kosiancic 26*
Dr. John E. Hench 35*
Darrell W. Jesse 13*
Dorothy Wichmann Maas 32*
Joan M. (Vosholler) Knutson 13*
Catherine A. Geraghty 28*
Michael J. Mingo 12*
Leila (Roche) Lewis 3*
Joe Lynch 31*
E. June (Evans) Kruse 29*
Charles Hoppel 14*
The Hon. John M. Klobucher† 24
Susan (Allen) Manelli 20*
Claudia M. (Mathis) Kruger 25*
Jack Hamlin 25*
Joseph G. Monks 42*
Maurice D. Marsolais 9
Joseph Makse 11*
Rosemary (Dempsey) Lane 22
Terry Inman 34*
Mike Kobluk 26
Michael McKinnon 25*
George Kurka 26*
Bruce Hankins 26*
John Morford 9*
Helen Ferry McDuffie 41*
George N. McCabe 28
Joanne E. (Gray) Leitch 10*
Lavonda K. (Bodeau) Ircink 26*
Milton Langlois 13
Lawrence McNerthney 31*
Joann P. (Votava) Lewis 13*
Lorelei (Munroe) Herres 31*
Gerald Mullins 4*
Dr. Claude Merrill 18*
Donald L. Merrick 25*
Cora Lee Mack 21
Paul L. Ircink 26*
Peter F. Malen, Sr. 27
Robert Meighan 23*
Diane J. ( Johansing) Litchfield 34*
Phillip B. Herres 31*
Joyce M. (Boniface) Murphy 25
Shirley A. (Duffner) Murphy 43
Tom Mulcahy 23
Marianne T. (Mesenko) Malen 27
Melvin Kays 19
Mignon Manelli 23*
Sharlene S. (Sharpe) Miller 26*
Joseph Littlemore 3
Neil Hoitink 21*
Harold Myers 14*
Thomas R. Murphy 25
Donald Olson 47*
John McNett 43*
Maxine M. Kremensky 3*
J. Richard Manning 23
Allen Morris 9*
Noreen A. (Geiss) Littman 21*
Diane (Dinneen) Horn 6*
Mike Nestor 50*
Gerald T. Nuxoll 19*
Robert O’Rourke 17*
Dick McWilliams 42*
Tom Kubota 46*
Lynn (Willis) McAleer 18*
Jerome Olson 32*
Sally (Zongker) Mackey 20*
Mike Horwitz 4*
Sally (Kirkpatrick) Neumann 49*
Bob Popovich 13*
The Hon. Justin Quackenbush 24
Colleen (Kane) Meighan 47*
Mary Lou Lane 40*
Joan (Enders) Morgenstern 43*
Terence Peterson 10*
Larry Maillet 27*
Mr. William R. Hottell 25*
Richard F. Noble 19*
Harold Ripple 15*
Justin Ripley 17*
Jacob W. Meighan 47*
Pauline M. (Herzig) Love 25
Richard Murphy 4*
Col. Leland E. Prentice 29*
Patrick B. Maloney 4*
Dr. L. Michael Howell 31
Robert R. O’Connor 5*
Pat Schindele 29*
Richard Rudisile 15
Kenneth T. Miller 3*
Paul N. Luvera 46
Linnet (Ries) Murray 24*
James H. Prince 31*
Gerald A. Manfred 4*
John Humbert 11*
Mr. John J. Oien 6*
Tom Scott, Sr. 12*
Joseph J. Schauble 49*
Al Mousseau 29*
Mutsuo Nakanishi 6*
Marilyn C. (Zenner) Prince 31*
Robert Maruca 21*
Robert Johnston 9
Jill H. (Garland) Pendarvis 17*
Dr. Ronald P. Smith 25*
Gerald Shaw 42
Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing, and we would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please direct your inquiries to Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 800.463.6925 or
Donald P. Nelles 40*
Jeanette ( Jenny) Nelles 40*
Mike Pugh 7*
Thomas McAndrews 19*
Margel Foote Kaufman 27*
Don F. Raftis 40*
Mildred (Grow) Sprague 20*
Theodore Shepard 12*
Richard Rhodes 40*
Philip H. Stanton 31
Al Stadtmueller 36*
Helen B. Ripple 5
Paul Stroschein 30*
Jackie R. Stone 19*
Robert Rowles 13*
James Super 25*
Robert Tinnon 6*
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Robert W. O’Brien 12
Pat Nolan 31*
Mike Ramos 17*
Juliet (Raney) McCarthy 17*
Midge (McGreevy) Kuster 30*
Elizabeth L. (Traversi) Olszowy 11*
Guy Ossello 46
Elaine (Maccaferri) Reese 25*
Jeanne Murra McMillan 7*
Sandra L. (Perkins) Labadie 8*
Mr. Jerald J. Paukert 24*
Pat (Martin) Paulson 12*
Kathleen (Acher) Riel 24
Dr. Anthony J. Milan 21*
Anna M. Ledgerwood 28*
Bob Pedersen 25*
Dale Percy 18*
Ronald A. Roberts 25*
Ronald Moss 10*
Patrick R. Lenon 7*
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Alumni donors John P. Madden 31 Gail (Karas) Maloney 4* Elaine M. (Mrachek) Masso 27* Terrence Matz 26* Julia (Lane) McCahill 22* Col. Frank E. McCormick 16* Jack McElroy 34 Don McNall 10* Walt Merrick 10* Donald Nadvornick 21 James E. Piazzola 3* Gail (Fox) Pitchford 34* Larry Plews 23* Celeste (Leino) Quinlivan 12* John T. Quinlivan 14* Margaret S. Reagan 37* John Rickman 18* Ron Riechmann 5* Carl Ruckwardt 41* Thomas Rutter 4* Dr. John B. Ryan 17* The Hon. Richard Schroeder 39 Mary Anne (LeMay) Shine 28* D. Michael Strong 34 Dr. Tony M. Sutey 17* Richard R. Tausch 20* Howard E. Tennant 13* Sharon (Buckley) Tennant 13* John H. Thomson 14* Ray Vollert 6 Bette (Cappuccio) Weber 21* Bill Weigand, Jr. 26* Jim Wickwire 20* Col. Wendelin Winslow 5* Edward Wolf, Jr. 22* Anne M. (Rettinger) Zielsdorf 14*
Joan (Manning) Ensign 25*
Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda 42*
Susan (DeDonato) O’Hara 20
Connie J. Gonyou 35*
Class of 1967------------------------------------------------------
Dennis O. Mayer 40*
Gerry Davis 21*
Scott Patnode 32
Margan H. (Haley) Smith 35
Nick D. Papageorgiou 21*
Edward J. Gottfried 28*
Gary M. Alworth 27*
Sheila C. (McMenamin) McCanta 8*
John Demakas 25
Gregory R. Peterson 7
Joe Busch 31*
Larry Fasbender 8*
Maurice M. Smith, Jr. 35
Paul Petelin 24*
LeeAnn (Hudspeth) Gottfried 28*
Gayle M. Andrews† 21*
Terry McLaughlin 13*
Kitty (Seifert) Demakas 2*
Carla M. Phillips 27*
Jay Caferro 25
Michael Burgess 9*
Victoria Flower 17
John Sooy 22*
Dr. Andrew C. Peterson 31*
Mr. Larry L. Guthrie 7*
Eleanor R. (Britschgi) Bernstein 17*
Emil Mihelich 9*
Christy E. (Smith) de Viveiros 40*
William J. Pursley 18*
Terrance Callan 27*
Mr. William P. Foran 20*
Fred J. Stanaway 4*
Bill Poppy 13
Margaret A. ( Jansen) Hall 15
JoAnn M. (Turner) Brown 8*
Robert Milliken 8*
Dale de Viveiros 40*
Robert D. Rangitsch 30
Christian R. Casper 27*
Dr. Clarence Freeman, Jr. 17*
Geri (Lucchesini) Thibodeau 17
Mike Preston 32*
Molly (Roberts) Hannan 26*
Larry Brown, Jr. 26
Myron A. Nachbar, II 26*
Terry De Voto 26*
Kathleen M. (Murphy) Rasmussen 27*
Wayne Chabre 10*
Craig Gage 23*
John R. Thiel 21*
Dick Prior 10*
Bonny B. (Bryant) Hannigan 34*
Robert L. Burke 39
Michael Nelson 14*
Kathleen A. (Bonck) Diez 31*
Dr. Patrick J. Reagan 26*
Jim Clark 35*
Don Goligoski 14*
Patricia (Galitza) Thiel 21*
Michael J. Reilly 32*
Michele (Leitch) Harlow 9*
Marguerite (Kuder) Busch 13
Marlene (Wassmuth) Nickolson 19*
Eugene G. Dougherty 4*
Roberta (Wittman) Reisenauer 24*
Sheryl K. (McRae) Cooney 7 Thomas Cooney, Jr. 7
Roy Graham 2*
Rosemary (Dellwo) Toft 41*
Gary Riley 3*
Thomas Harney 5*
Michael J. Busch 13
Judith (Hoffman) Nikolaisen 13*
John E. Dougherty 27
Donna M. (Colee) Ryan 20*
The Hon. H. John Hall 15
Barbara J. (Schneider) Vadset 25*
Rosellen Ring-Easton 25*
Caroline (Schibig) Hathaway 23*
Patrick Cerutti 11
Robert Nikolaisen 13*
Nancy C. (Armstrong) Dunne 23*
Richard W. Sanger 12*
John L. Corrigan 10*
Mr. William C. Hamilton, Jr. 13*
Chuck Van Marter 19*
Lt. Col. Robert D. Rivers 35*
Thomas J. Havey 20*
Patricia Chong 10*
Tom Nollette, Sr. 39*
William Dunnigan 20*
Paul W. Schafer 28*
Janis (Macready) Dahlberg 24*
Katherine E. Hammer 6*
Dick Waitt 26*
Dennis Roberts 24*
Leland Henrichs 14*
Pat Codd 5*
Sue Rosselet Park 14*
Annette I. (McGinn) Erickson 32*
Susan K. (Phillips) Schimandle 18*
Douglas Denton*
Linda Laskey Hansen 15*
Terri (Huss) Warner 3*
Janice A. Roberts 25*
Gene Henry 35*
Maureen (Mansfield) Conlen 4*
Dr. Michael T. Petersen 27*
Robert Feulner 18*
Mike Schumacher 19*
Merrily (Roberts) Denton* Donna M. (Hansen) Dougherty 27
Thomas P. Hansen 29*
Marianne Broz Wassel 16*
Kevin Roddy 10*
Lloyd Herman 3
James Crum 9*
Archie Prieto 29*
Colleen (Eugene) Flynn 38*
Joseph Schwab 26*
Michael F. Harrington 16
Hans Weber 17*
Robin Rosauer 31
Michael B. Herzog 32
Peter Dang 3*
Mark Ray 16
Kathleen A. Franz 32*
Maureen Sheridan 28
Walter Egger 11
Suzi (Harootunian) Havey 20*
Robert Welch 5*
Mary (Meighan) Sagerson† 6
Doyle Jacklin 5
Dr. Cornelia E. Davis 22*
John L. Reichmann 29*
William M. Fraser 22*
Mike Shields 30
Sally (McCarthy) Epler 28*
William Haynes 19*
Mary K. (Erickson) Whelan 2*
Ron Sagerson 6
Bill Johnson 9*
Angel M. Diez 31*
Judy A. (Yeend) Reilly 32*
Joe Giampaolo 10*
Jo M. (Maierle) Smallwood 14*
Dr. Anthony J. Ewell 17
Carol (Brodeur) Hornby 10*
Marvin B. Williams 5*
Cathi (Shaw) Schafer 28
Don Jonas 7*
Patricia (Gilmore) Dito 20*
Terence M. Ryan 20*
Gregory Greyerbiehl 8*
Bill Snyder 4
Francine C. (Tomoso) Fernandez 19*
Mike Howson 29*
Jim Workland 22
Donald R. Schafer 28
Robert Kai 19*
Peter M. Dito 20*
Sue Ann (Pechtl) Schiele 29*
Dr. Karen Krebs Ireland 35*
Josephine C. (Fifi) Soublet 32*
M. J. Fitzpatrick, S.J.*
Class of 1965------------------------------------------------------
Roy L. Schiele 29*
The Hon. Thomas E. Kelly 17
Gerald Dolezal 23*
Elizabeth (Davis) Sestero 25
Patricia J. (Oaklund) Jacobs 27*
Mary F. (Antunes) Sparkman 10*
Paula J. (Forgy) Gessler 22* Timothy D. Gierke 16
Thomas C. Hufty 19* Patrick Hurley 12*
Norman R. Agostino 41*
John Keith 30*
John Ardner 13*
Michael Kennedy 34*
Patrick Barry 11*
Len Mills 12*
Janice (Anderson) Ashleman 12*
Jeanne M. (Ford) Nowlin 3*
The Hon. Paul A. Bastine 23
Gerry Noyen 3*
Nancy A. (Scott) Battilega 30*
Dr. James P. O’Connell 13
Robert J. Beaudry 22*
James Old 18*
Richard H. Beck 17*
Sharon L. O’Neil 11*
George Binczewski 29*
Richard Orfalea 4*
Jack Eugene Bippes*
Vaughn B. Overlie 9
Mary Jean (Witmeyer) Carmany 31*
Yvonne (Cloutier) Parenteau 8*
Larry Chatterton 11*
W. Murray Paterson 3*
Gary Cline 9*
Jim Peaper 26*
Dr. Joseph D. Codd 36*
Jerry Pederson 17*
Richard Coles 27*
Dr. Dennis E. Penna 22*
Cathy (Miller) Colver 5*
Dr. Howard L. Platter 27*
Frank Connelly 14*
Mike Power 28*
Katherine F. (Huhtanen) Connors 34*
John A. Rea 14*
Dr. Gerald William Cook 13*
Rosemary (Menzia) Rief 31*
Rita M. Cooney 15
Herman Rossi, III 32*
Gary C. Cooper 10
Jim Scarborough 16*
Tom Davis 27*
Sharon M. (May) Scarborough 16*
Dolores M. (Clarke) Desserault 17
Ron Schmidt 25*
Ken Desserault 20
Charles Schoenberg 26*
Patricia M. Dorgan 24*
Bill Schuler 9*
Virginia (MacIntyre) Dubuque 7
Sheila J. (Whetstone) Shaler 19*
Julia B. (Nicholson) Dugger 24*
Donald Sharp, S.J. 10
Dean Duncan 33*
Dianne M. Shiner 23*
Ronald Dupas 37*
William J. Shoemaker 23
Rick Egge 21
Kathleen A. Skeman 19* r e p o r t
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William Kranz 29*
Steve Druffel 29
Joseph P. Spielbauer 28*
Christine M. Katica 17*
Richard J. Standiford 32*
Michael Grainey 28* Judy M. (Thyfault) Grunow 27*
James Kester 17*
Carol (DeGeorge) Sterling 19*
Margaret A. (McGarry) Kester 17*
Dr. Gerald M. Stranik 30
Donald Hackney 31
David Sonnichsen 23*
Joseph F. Mark 11*
Dr. Dennis M. Freuen 12
Sonny Tangaro 24*
Jerome Kineen*
Bill Swanson 7*
Bernie Halloran 32*
Geraldine A. (O’Melveny) Strong 34
Janine M. (Daly) Martin 13*
Dr. Patrick F. Freuen 10*
Michael E. Thuot 27*
James B. King 27*
The Hon. Dennis Sweeney 31
Patricia (Fouts) Harkins 20
Carl Svoboda 38*
Patricia R. Maruca 28*
Mary (O’Donnell) Freund 32*
Virginia Trethewey 26*
Daniel Kinney, Jr. 11*
Judy K. (Winchel) Sweeney 31
Timothy J. Harkins 20
Linda ( Jasper) Tausch 20*
Dr. James J. McCarthy, Jr. 25*
Gary Gainer 12
Harry Turenchalk, Jr. 15*
Janet K. (Reinig) Kruger 6*
Dr. Thomas G. Tachovsky 18*
Bryan P. Harnetiaux 16*
Michael G. Taylor 33*
Larry J. McDonough 4*
Mr. Robert N. Greco 36
Sharon Rae (Longo) Unruh 14*
H. Terry Lackie 20
Bill Talkington 17*
Sue A. (St. Mary) Harnetiaux 16*
Gary Walsh 3*
Dennis McEwen 23*
Barbara Gregory*
Samuel Via† 4*
Patrick Laskey 19*
James Thielman 13*
Jeanne P. Harvey 19*
Edward Wolf 21*
Mary Alice McGinn 23*
Dave Halter 29*
Bob Waldron, Jr. 25*
Joan (Conlin) Leeds 25*
Chuck Thomas 10*
Albert Hayek 14*
Linda Yorba-Desch 28*
Ann T. (Marsh) McMahon 30*
James R. Harris 18*
Ken Wall 24*
Tom Lengowski 21*
Mary Jane (Bilsborrow) Thompson 24*
Bill Hensleigh 23*
Gloria L. (Allen) Gedrose 11*
Class of 1966------------------------------------------------------
Jeanne M. McMenamin 8*
Lynn K. ( Joyner) Harris 18*
Kathy A. (Plachta) Wehrly 30*
Gary Long 20
Ron Tierney 15
Lisa (Derosier) Hensleigh 6*
Richard Gedrose 11*
Elena J. (Cinelli) Agostino 41*
Don Miller, Jr. 23*
Douglas Head 12*
Mary W. (Wyman) Wolf 21*
Dan Madden 12*
David D. Traylor 22
Joseph H. Hermosillo 9*
Vicki B. (Beck) Murphy 32*
Class of 1968 – 40 reunion
The Hon. John J. Madden 30
Michael J. Wanderer 22*
Ann Hillman 13*
Mary F. (Kane) Nappi 26
Katharine D. (Carney) Hendrickson 20*
Bill Majerus 23*
John M. Ward 5*
Rosemary (Vacura) Hodges 3*
Richard J. Niederegger 19
Dennis Hierath 22*
Constance L. (Devlin) Makse 11*
John B. Whitcomb 2*
James L. Hollingsworth 14
Richard Nisley 13*
Richard G. Hofmeister 26*
Michael G. Mandick 26*
Richard Wieber 6*
Susan (Hupf) Holt 22*
Thomas Old 11*
The Hon. Tany Hong 29
Susan A. (Adamson) Manfred 4*
Karen (Sciarillo) Willis 26*
Merrily M. (Hartz) Hornell 12*
Jim Day 27* Diane A. DeFelice 22 Paul De Silva 14 Carol ( Jahn) Donnelly 19* Jerry Downey 7 Marilyn A. (Mischel) Elmquist 15* K. Nozaki Ewing 38* Thomas E. Gallagher 26*
Mike Glatt 29*
Karen (Edgett) Montecucco 24* Joseph Nappi, Jr. 26
Pat Gilmore 22*
David R. Shea 36*
Stephen V. Sundborg, S.J. 3*
Jim Miranda 4* Max Montecucco 24*
Carol J. (Muhich) Spear 18*
Kathleen (Bazz) Tangaro 24*
John E. Dugger 24*
Raymond Miller 7*
Robert C. Sparkman 10*
Al Jeremiah, Jr. 13
Carol I. (Kraft) Flynn 22*
Ronald Little 24*
Dr. Peter McGann 14*
Rick Jaggars 24*
James C. Singer 9*
Sally Ann (Winslow) Eaves 21*
Douglas Krier 36*
Patricia Martin 22*
Mike Shea 9*
Susan (Kesling) Dougherty 18*
Virginia (Rees) Low 9*
Dianne M. (Wald) Klein 40*
John Mares 2*
James Dougherty 6
Ronald Kofmehl 22*
Dr. Gerald B. MacDonald 15*
Terry Kissane 20*
James T. Linardos 9*
Sandra M. (Verzuh) Kennedy 6
David Shikany 24*
Chris Canwell 19*
Robert H. Leeds, Jr. 25*
Ted Schnug 20 Mike Shanks 24
Eugene D. Sloboda 42*
Gary Kirkland 6*
Odette Noble 17*
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Mary W. (Endom) Farinholt 14*
Class of 1964------------------------------------------------------
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Virginia E. (Lux) Alexander 19*
Lawrence R. Goulet 15
Colleen Flynn Anderson 8*
Albert J. Gyllenhammer 8*
Eileen M. (Murphy) Anderson 17*
Joanne (Herron) Hansen 14*
Joe Arbanas 9*
Beverly E. (Oswood) Harrington 16
Ann (Hartmann) Ardner 13*
Michael Hattrup 5
The Hon. Robert Austin 12*
Rita (Beaudoin) Hinde 7*
Ann K. (Manorgan) Avery 14*
Mr. Warren M. F. Ho 23*
Marianne (Petrini) Bales 31*
David Hornbecker, Jr. 18*
Janet E. (Harris) Bastine 23
Leila N. (Broz) Hufty 19*
Marilyn A. (Miller) Benson 38*
Patricia A. (Anderson) Hurt 18*
Paula G. (Gallagher) Blanchat 19*
John E. Keegan 31*
Barbara J. (Fagan) Blizzard 35
Aslam Khan 30*
Mary J. (Van Loan) Boden 18*
Gale E. (Svoboda) Kolbet 20*
Elizabeth Anne Brewer 29*
James A. Krueger 5*
Janet M. (Owens) Bubnis 14*
Cheryl L. Mack 26*
Janet (Gubanc) Buck 24*
Richard Mah, Jr. 9
Chris Bulger 37*
Yvonne (Koreis) Mark 11*
Stephanie A. (Cada) Burke 39
Tom Martin† 9
Michael Busk 26*
Terrance McDonald 16*
Jerry Coughlan 24*
Pat McFarland 32
John R. Curry, Jr. 19*
John McLachlan 16*
William Dahl 16*
Grant McLaughlin 18*
Kathleen A. (McFarland) Dobner 27*
Terry Meehan 27*
Susan (Paivine) Douglas 15*
Don Milligan 8*
Marianne (Wesely) Duffy 25*
Mary Ann (Luger) Montandon 28*
Mike Duffy 4*
Jim Muggli 26*
Denny Flaherty 17
Jeanette C. (LaShaw) Nicholson 21*
Charles C. Flower 17
Carol A. (Daus) Oberle 9*
Janice J. (Henderson) Gallagher 26*
Jim O’Connell 33*
Gary Garofano 2
Mark O’Donnell 23*
Clark Gemmill 25*
John O’Hara, Jr. 20
Mrs. Patricia J. Gilbert 10*
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Ann T. (Donihee) Parazin 36*
David J. Hughes 28*
Kenneth Perko 26*
Dr. William J. Hunter 15*
Neil Pettigrew 11
Kurt Hutton 6*
Alberta J. ( Jovick) Pilliod 23*
Dennis Jorgensen 16*
Carlos A. Prietto 12
Jerold Juliano 3*
Richard Pyne 3*
Dan Keefe 19
Dennis Rooney 30*
Gloria M. (Brown) Kittel 28*
Tim Ryan 12
Kjell Knudsen 15
Susan Sander 32*
Michael Koeferl 15*
Christine S. (Callihan) Schnug 20
Oliver M. LaJoie 9*
Rita (Gard) Seedorf 25*
Thomas LaLone 8
Patrick K. Shine 28*
Thomas Lavagetto 20
John Stone 20
John Leaming 13*
Denis Sullivan*
Karen G. (Ford) Liere 5
Teresa (Hart) Taylor 33*
Mr. James D. Logan 2
The Hon. Joseph A. Thibodeau 17
Karen M. Maloney 12*
Pete Thompson 24*
Connie A. (Savage) Malyevac 7*
Tom Tilford 30
Karen E. (Pattison) Mathis 25*
Mike Tobin 18
Robert M. Mathis 25*
Joe Albo 12* Mary Ault 4* Beverly J. (Cunningham) Austin 14 Ross Boehm 22* Phyllis J. Bongers 12* Dan Brajcich, Jr. 28 Gene Branson 12* Lauraine Brekke-Esparza 3 Mary T. (Thiebes) Brett 14 Gerald Broderhausen 18* Mary (Martin) Brown 29* Mary Ann (Schultheis) Busch 31* Bruce Butler 34 Judith Acher Butler 34 Dennis Calfee 14 Lance Campbell 17* Michael Carraher 2 Dee Ann (Leoni) Cerutti 11 John Coil 4*
Elizabeth A. (Welch) Wilson 16*
Gerald R. Hover 28*
Richard J. Zodrow 26*
Carmela (Granier) Hughes 28*
Margo Mazetier 2*
Class of 1969------------------------------------------------------
Michele (Boedecker) Hutton 3*
Charles McCanta 8* Nancy D. McDonald 38* Mary McDowell 8* Elizabeth F. (Fergus) Miller 5 Mary Whittier Moffitt 26* Eugene A. Monaco 4 Vikki P. (Lamb) Moormann 27* Lenna (Chester) Mulka 18* Linda C. Oaksford-Lorenz 29* Meredith (Dano) Olson 11* Margie Francisco Opitz 23* Jack Ossello 34 Kathleen D. (McLaughlin) Ossello 34
Brian Corcoran 9* Nancy L. (Zodrow) Cressey 28* Paul E. Dahlberg 24* Susan Dar*
Harley J. Unruh 14*
Carroll Martell 10 Mike Masterson 29*
Frances M. (Dal Broi) Owens 21* Richard Owens 21* Andrea (Losh) Papageorgiou 21*
Doug Anders 12* Dave Anderson 19 Raeann (Tavella) Arias 16* Thomas K. Baffney 30* Hollis Barnett 17 Patricia J. (Anderson) Barnett 17 Norris Barnhill 6 Frank Bartoletta 14 Robert A. Becker 29* Eddy Birrer 26 Jim Bitter 18* Steve Blaser 4* Jim Buck 31* Michael J. Buck 24* Chuck Burgess 17
Andrea Irwin 9* Marijane F. (Floyd) Johnsen 16* Shirley J. Johnson 9 Doug C. Johnston 20 Dennis A. Kamimura 37* Tom Kelly 25* Sheila Kern 5* Robert M. Koenig 17* Susan M. (Devlin) Koenig 17* Francis B. Ladenburg, Jr. 20 Sheila A. LaForest 4* Robert A. Lockrem 15* Judith (Imhoff) Long 19* Dr. Lee Paul Mankin 17 Robert McCarthy 14* Dr. Michael D. McCormack 27*
Jerry Valley 22* Margaret M. (Albi) Verhoef 23* Kathleen (Duffy) Ward 5* Mary P. (Mannino) Weber 17* Mary F. (Uhlenkott) Weeks 7* Gary Westerman 3*
“We have developed a growing partnership with Mukogawa Women’s University in Nishinomiya, Japan, and their Fort Wright campus faculty. This led to the International Symposium on Teacher Education in 2007 and in the future will increase Gonzaga students’ exposure to global teacher education programs and opportunities for student and faculty exchanges between the two universities.” q Dean Jon Sunderland school of educ ation:
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Alumni donors James McGourin 4* James S. McLean 26 Leo D. Mellon 36* Donald J. Migliuri 23 Mary E. (Kore) Mohr 25* Stan Moore 15 Patrick Morin 9* Peter Morse 16* Dan W. Murphy 20* Dr. Van B. Nakagawara 30* Pat Naughton 38 Carolyn A. Nesbitt 4* Mary Ellen (Stroebe) O’Donnell 28* Dennis O’Neill 20* Austin Pagnotta 5* Mary Jane (Hidaka) Patterson 24* Paul J. Patterson 24* Tiffanie T. (Taylor) Pearson 25* Mike Pontarolo 29* Brita (Wood) Posedel 22* Jay Posedel 22* Gary Powdrill 7 Arlene Prevol-Koeferl 2 Jack Regan 17* Diehl Rettig 17 Karen (Sudol) Rittenberg 7 Susan M. Roberts 17 Dale Schoenberger 5* Mary (Standish) Seltzer 32* Patrick Seltzer 32* Mike Shea 13* Steve Shepard 37* Margaret (O’Brien) Shute 32* Mary Kathryn (Kronenberg) Simmons 33* John Simonson 30* Robert Smee 5* Patricia (Eakin) Smith 36* Robert Sonntag, III 7* Joseph Staebell 7 John F. Sullivan 16* Rebecca E. Sullivan 27* Abigail (Woods) Tempel 22* Terry Thompson 10 Joan (Stetzner) Traylor 22 Gene Unger 17* Polly H. (Hudspeth) Venard 11* Joe Ward 3 Ronald Webster 15 Stanley Welsh 29* Bill Wilson 13* Tom Woodley 34* Arnold Young 6
Class of 1970-----------------------------------------------------Pamela Acuff 12* Paul Albright 29* Rod Barnett 14 William R. Becker 21* Mary Ann (Padden) Bennett 2 Leo Berry, Jr. 33* Marcia L. (Bloom) Bourget 21* William J. Braet 26* Pauline (Martin) Bresnahan 28* Diane (Van Driesche) Burke 11* 40
h o n o r
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Francis P. Burke 11*
Dorothy J. (Schaffers) Mellon 36*
Richard E. Fagnant 22*
James Taylor 14*
Claudia (Freer) Cahill 29*
Frank Monasterio 12
Signe M. Feeney 24
Douglas R. Tesarik 37*
Daniel M. Cahill 29*
William E. Morgan 21
Margaret E. (Davenport) Fischer 21
Jim Thompson 17*
Peggy (Morton) Calfee 14
David Muggli 23
W. Howard Fischer, Jr. 21
Patrick Thompson 5*
Michael Cannon 26*
Russell Niles 29*
Thomas Garrett 14*
Frank Tomsick 22*
Susan (Amato) Castagna 35
Sharon Olive 9*
Michele Graham 29
Kathleen J. (Zenner) Tomsick 22*
Mark Castner 27
Joseph W. Olson 4*
Dr. Victor R. Haburchak, Jr. 12*
Kevin Twohig 19*
Kieran A. Kennedy Chan 17*
Robert Paskuski 15*
Thomas Hardy 21*
Patty (Buck) Uffelman 29*
Janice C. (Devlin) Charles 13*
Bob Plachta 34*
Suzanne M. Harris 23*
Mary B. (Brennan) Cliby 17*
Kathleen J. (Bochsler) Polzin 18*
Tom Hattrup 32*
Deborah K. M. (Sadaoka) Vanairsdale 8*
Margaret A. Coffey 22*
Elizabeth (Onley) Pontarolo 29*
Gretchen Hayden 16*
William Wagner 17*
Linda E. (Chandler) Collins 28*
Pamela S. (Wheatley) Proud 19*
Mark Hennessy 34*
James Waite 8
Timothy M. Collins 28*
James B. Herbolich 4*
Lundy Wantland 19*
Robert Connor 5
Christine M. (Breitenbach) Quevedo 35*
Willy Herzog 18*
Paul J. Wasson 19
Richard Cook 25*
Ermel Quevedo 35*
Marjorie C. (Henry) Hodgson 23*
Margaret (Sudmeier) Webb 9*
Paula J. Cowley 24*
Kathy Quinn 14*
Janice C. Huttula 27*
Barbara J. (McNulty) Wiest 30*
William L. Cowley 24*
Sally (Bulger) Quirk 34*
Lt. Col. James A. Ingrassia 12*
John Wilcynski 12*
Mr. Richard E. Dolezal 25*
Timothy W. Quirk 34*
Jeffrey Jones 17*
Harold Winther
Patrick Dooney 30*
David Rahmer 24*
Kitt A. Jordan 6*
Cathy (Harrison) Worner 25*
Paul F.X. Dunigan 28*
Mary Scarpelli 36
William Kazda 26*
Class of 1972------------------------------------------------------
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“i was able to afford four years at gonzaga university because of your generosity… to this day i recall getting my award letter in the mail…this, my friend, felt like winning the lottery.” pedro romo (’05) ::: seattle, washington ::: presidential scholar
Dennis P. Hession 24
Sharon G. (Giles) Siegel 25*
Tony Halas 8*
Mark Poznanovich 8*
Jane M. (McFaul) Hession 24
Elisabeth (Herzog) Sloan 5*
Michelle (Werlinger) Hardwick 27*
David S. Radcliffe 17*
Hugh Evans 16
Dale O. Hoisington 27*
Ken Spiering 10*
Robert Hardwick, Jr. 27*
Wendell Reddinger 22*
John Evans 17*
Robert M. Edwards 8
Gail Holden 19
Steve Staats 6
James Hasson 6*
Mike Reding 12*
James Feldman 14
Gregory M. Huckabee 23
Spike Standifer 8*
Jane (Manning) Heiskell 10
Fred Reinel 16*
Mr. Stephen M. Fielding 8*
William G. Jones 14*
John R. Straughan 3*
James J. Helbling 13
Deborah L. (Gaebe) Roccanova 22
Margaret (Peters) Fox 29*
Joanne Joyce 7
Marilyn Talmage 4*
Donna T. (Agnew) Henderson 19*
Buzz Schaumberg, III 10
V. Robert Garcia†*
Kevin Kenneally 30*
David J. Taylor 31
Vince Herberholt 33*
Judy Scully 13*
Dwight C. Gill 31*
Walt Krueger 18*
Dave Tebow 14*
Gregg J. Hersholt 8
Cary Seidel 2
Jim Giudici 29*
Carol (Somerville) Lampson 25
Anne (Davidson) Tilley 26*
Joanne Hidaka 25*
Mary Beth (Esser) Shafer
Ann E. (McLaughlin) Gore 20*
William N. Lampson 25
John C. Timm 22*
Thomas Hillier, II 11
John Sherrick 19*
Kevin M. Griffi n 14*
Guy I. La Voie 25*
Chuck Titus, III 13*
Greg Hubert 19
Steve Shrader 13
Frederick W. Grothkopp 7*
Terrence Dunne 11
Robert L. Sexton 17
Kevin Keenan 32*
Judy Shaw 10*
Pep Albi, Jr. 30
Greg Lipsker 7
Larry Vance, Jr. 23
Mark R. Iraola 17
Darrell Siria 8
Michael Gruber 9*
Robert J. Erickson 31*
James M. Kilburg 8*
Michelle Lua 24*
Mr. Robert Wafstat 10*
Fred Johnson 20*
Barbara L. (Metz) Sluder 24*
Brad Gunther 6*
Steve Feider 26*
Alexander J. Shogan, Jr. 25
Greg Arpin 23*
Michael J. Killeen 26*
The Hon. Dan Maggs 26
Randall J. Watts 2*
Ann T. (McCarthy) Jones 14*
Alice L. Smethurst 28*
Jo Hathaway 6*
Roger A. Felice 20
Patricia M. (Taylor) Smith 16*
Lawrence J. Bennett 25
Larry Kimmel 29*
Catherine E. (Ford) Black 14
Stephanie A. Majoy 18*
Bruce Willoughby 10
Edward Joy 24
Mike Stepovich, Jr. 8*
Joseph Hollander 23* Kyra Maria (Clefton) Humphrey 14*
Toni (Morrow) Ferguson 21*
Patricia R. Sorenson 19*
Dawn Kuhlman 2*
Gary Bloom 22
John Makens 30*
Richard A. Worner 25*
Robert Keefe 16
Paul Timko 3
Antoinette Francisco 15*
Mary Jo (DiRocco) Spiering 11*
Dan Kuhlmann 21*
George A. Marlton 3
Sue Y. Yorioka 22
Bob Kelley 14
Ann (Bramstedt) Timm 22*
Thomas Illich 20
Patricia (Milligan) Fraser 22*
Mary M. (Shikany) Stachofsky 21*
Esther Bolker 6
Kathleen Lackie 20
Kathleen McChesney 3*
Arthur Toreson, Jr. 5
Michael Jones 20*
Denise A. (Durkin) Ladenburg 20
Jean M. (Clarke) McDonald 23*
Faye F. Fuchs 32*
Gary O. Steeves 14*
James H. Buller 30*
Class of 1973------------------------------------------------------
Veronica S. (Rzonca) Kelley 14
Candace Frasher 3*
Maureen A. ( Jones) Standifer 8*
Ellen (Corriea) Buller 30*
L. Royce Larsen 19*
John McDonough 10*
Marcia Limper Fulham 21*
The Hon. Richard A. Strophy 18
Mark Casey 32*
Gary Larson 22*
Catherine A. (Busch) Comfort 22
John H. McLane 32
Roger Gence 15*
Carl Sturm 7*
Dr. Lawrence R. Lawton 8*
Mr. Michael S. McNeilly 7
Suzanne P. (Prendergast) Gierke 16
Mary Ellen (Prentice) Sullivan 16*
William D. Craze 5*
Linda J. (Anderson) Le Blanc 31*
Lucinda J. Menke 4*
Catharine M. (Marble) Glennon 19*
Theresa (Auer) Tesarik 37*
Elaine T. (Padgham) Cullen 17*
Dennis M. McDonald 34*
John Culver, M.D. 2*
Thomas A. Miller 11*
John Gonnella 8*
John E. Uffelman 29*
Michael T. McDonald 23*
Michael J. Vanairsdale 17*
Brian Dano 10
James W. Moore 4*
Candy ( Jones) Gormley 26*
Ronald McKay 21
Thomas M. Murphy 3*
Edward J. Gormley 26*
Fred VanValkenburg 2*
Bob Davis 22*
Cathy T. (Tobin) Miller 25*
Gary Nibler 14*
Dr. William Gromko, Jr. 23*
Christopher Venne 11*
J. Shirley (Draska) Davis 36*
Thomas P. Miller 25*
Rick Nicksic 3
Susanne (Kraft) Hall 22*
Francis Webb 9*
Alan S. Dernbach 20
Fritz Mondau 17*
Mary Carol Niland 31*
Diane (Kelly) Hamm 30*
Georgia R. Wilkinson 36*
Randy De Voto 26*
Ingrid M. (Bruton) Niles 29*
Rita Nolan 12*
Marlene Hapai 23*
Brian Williams 2*
Dr. Joseph E. Dziados 33*
Matthew Noonan 27
Dr. Linda Novak 2*
Dan Harbaugh 30*
Kevin J. Williams 11*
L. Kevin Evoy 25*
William O’Brien, III 13*
Mary (Richardson) Evoy 25*
Carla M. Nuxoll 24*
Dave Heinze 25*
Class of 1971------------------------------------------------------
Wayne M. Oien 2*
Theresa R. (Kolar) Faerber 23*
John C. O’Brien, Jr. 21*
James P. Hodgson 23*
Bill Barkas 36*
Steve Palmer 20*
John Faure 7*
Mary (Broderick) O’Brien 21*
Patricia G. (Graham) Hollingsworth 14
Steve Bombino 22*
Janis (Schmidt) Parente 28*
Dennis Fazzari 26*
Kris R. Olin 18*
Thomas Johnson 5*
Steve Bowser 23*
John J. Parente 28*
John M. Flaherty 10
Allison Patrick, Jr. 31*
Ann A. (Arthur) Johnston 20
Pete Breiten 34*
Timothy M. Pickett*
Joan B. (Bowen) Forni 15
Celeste C. Pentila 12*
Kelly (Florence) Jones 16*
Jim M. Bresnahan 28*
Gary Ponti 4*
Maryann E. Gaug 33*
Regina (Maag) Pontarolo 15*
Jean A. (Friedhoff) Kelly 8*
Thomas Budewitz 10*
Mark Powers 24*
Fred A. Greco*
Steve Pontarolo 15*
Kevin Kelly 8*
Donald Burke 19*
Martin J. Pujolar 25
Brian Green 17*
Charles H. Porter 24
Alan Kempen 13
Patrick Burke 28*
John Purcell 20*
Mark S. Gryziec 23*
Jimmy Primm 22*
Cheryl (DeMers) Kingen 18
John F. Bury 19
William D. Quigg 29
Nancy A. (Wagner) Gryziec 23*
Stewart Randall 5
Ann L. Kuder 21*
Francis J. Callan 14*
Mary Sue Redle 28*
Linda P. (Pixley) Hardman 26*
Robin A. Rego 16*
Alan Lamia 17
Suzanne M. (Lux) Callan 14*
Douglas L. Rehaume 21*
Kathleen R. Harkins 27*
Margaret E. Reh 25*
The Hon. Thomas P. Larkin 29
Michele H. (Hughes) Carpenter 23*
James Reisenauer 27*
Vernon W. Harkins 27*
Mark Rehberger 19*
Patricia A. (Collins) La Voie 25*
John Ceserani 12
Patricia C. Repikoff 6*
Pat Harrington 20*
Susan (Uhlenkott) Reinhardt 13*
Cathy I. (Graff) Layton 12*
Mary T. Clark-Kaiser 17*
Scott Rodakowski 3*
Patricia Hastings-Stone 9
Richard N. Roccanova 22
Roberta (Scott) League 19
Harold Cochran 30*
Ronald Roth 31*
Michael T. Hayes 25
Colleen (Wilson) Roe 17*
Robert Maddox 13*
Edward Coker, Jr. 10*
Ken Sammons 25*
Paula K. (Fruci) Heck 10
Mark F. Rotar 22*
John C. Mantello 13
Thomas Combs 9*
Dave Savage 8*
Jerry Hertel, II 22
Martin L. Salina 13
Victoria (Rangan) Mantello 13
Robert A. Comfort 22
Denise L. (Leppek) Schafer 28*
Steve Hertz 24
Rosemary D. (Wilking) Samuelson 26*
Robert Materne, Jr. 9
MaryKaye (Hurley) Dahmen 25*
Dick Schomburg 23
Victoria K. (Swain) Hertz 24
D. Kathleen (Gallagher) Savord 7*
Kathleen M. (Foley) McCarthy 28*
Marlene K. (Bauer) De Voto 26*
Stephen Shafer
Dr. John Paul McGahan 16*
Margaret A. ( Jones) Doering 11*
Mike Speer 26*
Michael McGinley 10*
John P. Egger 29
Lawrence J. Stuckart 25*
Dick McIntyre 32
Dennis Ellingson 4*
Mary Anne (Brown) Stuckart 25*
Kathleen (Koreis) McLean 26
John Eret 12*
Susanne Suksdorf 19*
Alan McNeil 26
Lawrence Evers 11*
Padraic J. Sweeny 20*
r e p o r t
o f
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing, and we would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please direct your inquiries to Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 800.463.6925 or
Joseph R. Schneider 15* Shyla (Asher) Schneider 15* Margaret (Kosse) Schwede 22* Darrell Scott 5 Elizabeth (Matulka) Scott 5 Patricia A. (Daly) Scott 25*
Bob Agostinelli 16* Jayne Miller Auld 13
Michael Kiely 17*
Jane (McNulty) Towle 6*
Michael Jonson 13
Mary Anne (Metcalfe) King 27*
Cheri Ann (Willsey) Weigand 18*
Carol Durkin Kearns 8
John H. Kingman*
Paul D. Werts 16*
Richard K. Keenan 14*
Gary P. Kirchner 20
The Hon. Richard Bell White 14
Carolyn S. Kelly 19*
Ticia R. Kohls 7
Randy Wiltgen 14*
Larry Kezele 24*
Chelsea Korte 11*
Joyce Ann (Fuchs) Yates 29*
Ellen (Pearson) Klohe 6*
Kristine A. Krebs-Gill 31*
Randall W. Yates 29*
Cathy (Parker) Krieger 24*
Marilyn (Godwin-Austin) Larkin 29
Jill S. (Souza) Zodrow 26*
Toni Valentine Kuder 23*
Class of 1974------------------------------------------------------
The Hon. Frank L. Kurtz 8
Teresa C. (Corn) Ballard 4* Tim Barnard 24* Sally (Solan) Barnes 14* Anne-Louise (Pacheco) Bennett 9* Barbara (Rugloski) Berry 32* Gerry Bischoff 18* Susan M. (Quigley) Bloom 22 Dennis Bogdan 29* Rebecca A. (Hughes) Bowles 4 Gary D. Brajcich 30
Mary Ann (Mitchell) Larrea 17* William Lindberg, Jr. 25
Mike Malone 9*
Mike Egerman 2*
Thomas J. Flynn 16*
Tony Maucione 24 Phil McCarthey, CLU 14
Mary McGrath 19*
M. Penny (Muus) Butts 4*
Jack McLaughlin 9*
Michael McGuigan
Nora Cain 2*
Josephine Calvo Mesa 4*
Jim P. McNally, Jr. 13*
Renee (Welch) Cantrick 20*
Mark Milversted 19*
Larry Meyers 30*
Charles Carroll 23
Barbara L. (Strong) Mitchell 11*
Pat Moore 24*
Joseph Columbus 9*
Joy Molina-Yacapin 10*
Edward L. Morrisroe 11*
David Condon 3
John Monahan 21
Chuck Murphy 24*
James A. Connolly 21*
Stu Morrill 4
The Hon. James M. Murphy 12
Harvelyn (Cornwell) Cooney 12*
Timothy Murphy 8
Sharon M. (Vinson) Murphy 16
James Cooney 12*
Susan M. (Cunningham) Nadon 20*
Rita Anne Nesel 9*
Debbie Coscorrosa 14*
Leonard J. Nelson, III 14
James R. Nickolaus 3
Nick L. Curalli 13
Daniel W. Newman 21*
Sheryl L. (Hoene) Nuxoll
Sharon S. (Stephens) Davidson 25*
Trish J. (Vonnegut) Newman 21*
Kevin O’Brien 21*
P.J. De Benedetti 18
James J. O’Connell 32*
Greg O’Keefe 24*
Carol S. (Stewart) De La Mater 22*
Kieran (Murphy) Ohman 2
Anne B. (Bader) O’Neil 20*
Mr. Bob Demory 4*
William J. O’Shaughnessy 19*
David Fontaine 14* John Ford 16* Rodger Gazelle 20
Barry O’Neil 11*
Dennis DeVoto 28*
Harold Osterman 6*
Jack Padon, Jr. 8
Diane M. (Kakuschka) Diamond 29*
Dianne (Rinzel) Ostrowski 5*
William A. Paine, III 14
William J. Diamond 29*
Rhonda G. (Gardner) Paver 18*
William J. Paver 18*
Catherine (Haupt) Doerr 6*
Terese K. (Pugh) Perez 5*
Patricia S. (Bushue) Pebles 19*
Terence Doherty 7*
Richard Powers, Jr. 15*
Patricia A. (Cloonan) Petersen 22*
Mary ( Joerg) Duffy 18*
Suzanne (Dunsworth) Radcliffe 4*
Steve Petersen 22*
Ann (Shelledy) Eckardt 23*
Daniel R. Reisenauer 15*
Michael Geraghty 26* Carla M. (Novak) Gish 29* Gonzaga-in-Florence Class of 1973 Anne (Gaskell) Grassl 31 Marv Grassl 31 Dave Greene 2* Dr. James D. Haigh 25* r e p o r t
o f
David R. Lucke 17 Steven MacDonald 4*
Myron Brixner 2
Marcia Stimatz Elchesen 22* Debbie N. (Niehus) Fagnant 22*
J. Michael Lovejoy 18 Kathleen (Moriarty) Lovejoy 18
Richard A. Bush 12*
Tom Cave 20*
Richard E. Driscoll 3*
Harry Leiferman 17* Edward C. Logue 24*
Thomas K. McCarthey 15
Kathy (Evoy) Casey 32*
Susan (Pheifer) Curalli 13
Mary Margaret (McLafferty) Brajcich 30
Mary Ann Laubacher 6*
Julie R. (Roberts) McEnroe 19*
Tony Carroll 25*
Mr. Michael B. Davidson-Maynard 8*
Andrew C. Bohrnsen 15
Glenn Malubay 25*
Karen (O’Leary) Carroll 25*
David Ceballos 15*
Kevin A. Blanchat 11
Dan Mallea 29
Earl Burt 16*
Wade Carpenter 16
Michael Albo 24*
Stan Mackin 2*
Christine J. (Hansen) Bryant 16*
Rick Cappello 23*
David A. Akana, Jr. 12
Paula R. (Rotar) Lynch 12
Jim Brilz 9
Mark Canales, Ph.D. 6*
Steven Adelstein 22
John A. Lollis 2
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
h o n o r
Alumni donors Steven F. Riordan 13* Richard R. Rocks 4* The Hon. Michael Roewe 18* Robert D. Schroeder 25 Geralyn M. (Yett) Schrom 25* Yvonne (Maier) Shimek 8* Diane (Glavich) Slaten 22* Judith A. (Green) Smith 23 Mary (Sauve) Smith 4* Michael Smith 4* Robert C. Smith 23 Gary S. Sogn 13* Jim Solan 25 Mark Sonderen 31* Valerie Sonderen 31* Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. 5* Robert Stephens 5* Jonas Stutzman 21* John Swendseid 29* Catherine S. (Schaefer) Thaden 13* John Tonani 9 Dick J. Triesch 10* Robert Tull 12 Patti (Godwin-Austen) Tyma 10* Richard Ulring 24* Dr. James Valentine, Jr. 5* George Waldref 2* Cindy Wall 30* Robert Walsh, S.J. 2* Curtis G. Wasson 26 Michael Weaver 28 Stanley Weisbeck 9* James J. Welsford 8* Frankie L. (Gage) White 12 James A. Wolfrom 2* Patrick W. Yung 11*
h o n o r
r o l l
Cathy (Smith) Connolly 21*
Paul Sherfey 19*
John Dwyer, Jr. 16*
Trina M. Radich 19*
Thomas G. Dunlop 20
Sharon L. (Abernathy) Scott 11*
James Horne 15*
Cindy E. (Hertel) Verschueren 3*
Robert H. Coon
Noel Shillito 11
Mark J. Egerman 24*
Julie (Bourne) Rehberger 16*
Lawrence Duyck 18*
John Sears 14
Jerome P. Jacobs 21
Charlie Vogelheim 30*
Tim Jensen 7*
Dr. James S. Corum 21*
Scott Simpson 10
Mary A. (North) Egerman 24*
Gary Riesen 4
William Eling 3
James Selden 5*
Wayne Jenner 20
Christine (Kelley) Vogelheim 30*
Michael M. Joy 12*
James Craven 15
Theresa A. Skok 12*
Curtis Erickson 4
Kenneth J. Rinehart 10
John Erickson 23
Frank Siderius 11
Jahn L. Johnson 2
Mike Vroman 5*
Anna Marie (Sangiacomo) Kane 19*
The Hon. Berkeley Smith 25
Pat Flaherty 8
Marsha A. Ripple 11*
Conrad Floeter 9*
Dan Sloughter 9*
Dorothy R. (Reisenauer) Katz 24*
Nancy Wainwright 8
Christine Kaufman 18*
James A. Degel 19*
Linda (Apple) Solan 25
Marian L. Fuchs 7
Mary Jo Robinson 8*
Neal Fouts 14*
Skip Smyser 14
M. Diane (Graybeal) Kelley 17*
Jack Weed 7*
Robert Kayser 3
Lita T. del Rosario-Swanson 17*
Ronald Steiger 10
Susan (Williams) Garvin 34
Susan M. Roe 19*
Dr. James W. Frier 4*
David T. Spangler 4*
Rick Koch 18*
Bruce Wellings 18*
Barbara J. Kertson 27
Lillian M. Deslauriers 2*
Sutton Stephens 19*
Gene C. Gerrard 13*
Lowell V. Ruen 26
Patricia E. Gamble 10*
Susan (Snelson) Spiegel 15*
Gregory R. Komp 10*
Marty Wilcox 13*
Bruce Kittredge 9*
James A. Dias*
Steven Swartley 19
Terri Lee Gililland 4
Carmen Santamaria 13
William Garvin 7*
James Spurgetis 10
Linda ( Johnson) Komp 10*
Loren J. Williams 11*
Catherine (Ferguson) Kolinski 14*
Maureen C. Dooney 18*
Dr. Karen M. Taylor 26*
Mark J. Gonia 22*
Nory C. (Cabrera) Sargeant, OSF 16
Joseph Gavinski
Richard Staub 9
Stephen M. Kraft 12
James Woods 14
Greg Kopra 15*
Jerome Dunn 12*
James Tobin 11
Stephen Hall 10
Barbara Savage 15
Eugene D. George 28*
Mike Stebbins 14
Cathy (Collins) Kramer 26*
Celeste E. Yen 16*
Jerry Lane 8*
David Eash 20
J. Timothy Viall 2
Michael Hamilton 13*
Dennis Sheehan 16
Kathleen (Roth) George 28*
Chuck Steilen 38*
Steven Kramer 3*
Robert Young 15
Teresa Langfitt 20
Class of 1979------------------------------------------------------
George W. England, III 10
Marc Wallace 20
Jeffrey Hartnett 27
Ron Shepherd 9
Colleen M. (Reilly) Gonia 22*
Patrick Sweeney 4
Brenda Lee Levesque 7*
Lawrence Finneran 18*
Kenneth D. Waterman 8*
Geraldine N. Hasegawa 14
Bill Simonson 16*
Craig Gordon 2
Leon Swerin 11
Howard Levine 18*
Sharon A. Fischer 22*
Thomas Weiler 6*
Gary Hebl 27
Teresa (Brown) Simonson 16*
Hedley W. Greene 7
Kathleen (Hedman) Taylor 31
Kathleen (Moran) Lipsker 15
Stephen Fong 18*
Robert P. Wiest 30*
Tony Higley 28
Shephard Smith 20
Lindon A. Greene 16*
Steven Thomsen 19
John M. Little 6
Mr. Jeffrey Freitas 12
The Hon. Donna L. (Kamps) Wilson 33*
Pete Holder 8*
Michael Spencer 4
Governor Christine Gregoire 10
Ty Thorpe 21*
Gerald Lui-Kwan 4*
Norbert Ganska, Jr. 7*
Deborah L. (Liddie) Holleran 27
Dr. John W. Staeheli 30*
Kathi L. Hand 21*
Joyce Turner 24*
Steven Lund 7*
Ramona S. (Hemphill) Griffi n 14*
Leo Winternitz 22*
John W. Holleran 27
Paul Stantus 25*
Wayne Hardesty 25*
Paul Vogelheim 18
Kevin Malone 17
William Harrington, III 15
Linda (Lane) Wrenn 8
Marian McDonnell Horton 29*
The Hon. Gregory D. Sypolt 9
Stephen Haskell 12
Terry (Nathaniel) Webb 11
Dr. Sabrina M. Mandich 20*
Christine M. (Mahoney) Helton 19*
Elizabeth Ann (Curry) Wrigglesworth 31*
Herbert Humphrey, III 8*
Michael Tracy 9
Art Hayashi 15
Clifford Webster 11
Christine (Ruddell) Maricich 17*
James L. Helton 19* Maureen (Cooney) Hersholt 8
William J. Wrigglesworth, Jr. 31* Linda M. Youngs 13
Gerald Horne 14
Allen Hunter 21
Robert A. Turner 24*
David Hazel 11
Louise (Conlon) Weed*
Patricia Anne (Naigle) Martin 26*
James Iles 21
Carol (Meyer) Twombly 4*
Kenneth R. Herold 15*
Lucinda Whaley 17
Shannon M. Marting 24*
Thomas Jacobs 6
Steven F. Unger 17
Theresa M. (Freeburg) Hollis 21*
Maureen (Reidy) Witt 21*
Michael E. McGregor 3*
Class of 1978 – 30 th reunion
Carl E. Hueber 20
Class of 1976------------------------------------------------------
David James
Ms. Victoria L. Vreeland 13
Mary (Kay) Humphrey 8*
Donald Jansen 18
Arch Ahern, Jr. 10
Jane E. (Holm) Jilek 15*
Larry Weiser 18
Spencer S. Jilek 15*
Richard Johnson 16
C. Matthew Andersen 17
Mrs. Mary (Brajcich) Kunkel 16
Ellen M. (Steeves) Weiss 7*
Bob Kane, Jr. 25
Rosemarie Kearns 7*
Patrick M. Andreotti 21
Stephen Kwock 6*
Maureen D. (Gallagher) Williams 9*
Lawrence Kazan 8
Susan E. (Marchi) Kellogg 25*
Susan A. (Atchison) Barisone 20*
Col. Thomas M. Leslie 10*
Mary Susan (Heringer) King 26*
David D. Kilpatrick 12*
Jeanne (Hewes) Barnum 17*
Marc Lipsker 15
Class of 1977------------------------------------------------------
Sheila Lang 13*
Thomas T. Bassett 19
Stephen Lock 18*
Larry Larson 18
David Bayley 28
The Hon. John P. Luster
Paul Larson 15
David Bischoff 13*
Donald Lyons 20*
Sherie T. Leadon 18*
Stephen Bobolia 20
George L. Maffeo 14
Connie (Ruddell) Lipsker 6*
Frank Boyle 6*
George Mastrodonato 22*
John G. Lyman 14*
Gary A. Bracht 7*
The Hon. Craig J. Matheson 21
Vicki S. (Snopkowski) Mac Donald 4*
Joseph F. Cade 32
Sheila (Tobin) McKannay 3*
Tim J. Mackin 17
Sharon M. (McDonald) Cade 32
James McKeon 6*
Michael Malone 31*
The Hon. Norman Callan 9
Christopher Mecca 18
Mr. Charles D. McClung 5
John C. Campion 14*
Gilbert Mendoza*
John Aiello 6
James McDevitt 10
John K. Caputo 3*
Jane Marie Morgan 16*
Dennis W. Anderson 6*
Edward McReynolds 26
David Carter 20
Michael W. Morrison 24
Dr. Jeffrey P. Arpin 21
Bill Meyer, III 11
Gerard Centioli 29
Janet M. Mueller 20*
John G. Barisone 20*
Cheri (Henderson) Morrisroe 11*
David P. Christiansen 24
Kathleen A. Murray 16*
Charles Bean 13
Michael P. Murphy 14
Patricia J. Chvatal 7
Marie C. (Dieter) Murray 15*
Fred E. Bevegni 16*
Paul Murphy 16*
Mitchel Cohen 3
Mary Murray 12
Drew Bodker 18
Kathleen (Allen) O’Connor 30*
Mr. Daniel T. Cooney 23*
Virginia B. (Baptiste) Murray 10*
Nancy G. (Kelley) Bracken 12*
Thomas M. O’Connor 30*
Robert Cooney 16*
Bruce Nelson 3
Philip S. Brooke, III 13*
Amy Jo Para 29*
Judith A. Corbin 28*
Michael Nienstedt 15
Debra M. (Anderson) Burke 9*
Donna ( Johnson) Pedersen 17
Tom G. Cordell 11
Catherine O’Neill 13
Francis Burke 8
Curtis Pintler 11
Daniel Corkery 14
Stephen Patterson 30*
John R. Burke 9
Jim Porter 13*
Brian Davenport 7
Dr. Frank L. Pavel, Jr. 7*
Michael J. Burke 9*
Mary C. (Bowden) Radford 17*
Mary Mikel D. (Wolfrom) DeLacy 8*
The Hon. Andrew Pearlstein 9
Patricia A. (Greany) Burke 9
Jeff Reed 17
Gary Dmoch 4
Joseph M. Pellicciotti 27
William Burke 7*
Karen G. (Griffi n) Reisenauer 15*
Kathleen E. Dooney Foster 19*
Mary M. (Olson) Peterson 20*
Judith Carl 4*
Rich Robinson 22
Arthur Dossey 4*
Marc Phillips 11
Cynthia (Burr) Christopher 21*
Bobbie (Bodensteiner) Salina 13
Terry Doyle 10
Kerry Pickett 7
William Coester 27*
Kimball Sargeant 16
Allison (Chow) Durkin 25
Virginia Pickett 7
Dr. Richard D. Cole 14*
Diane Schaub 5*
John J. Durkin 25
Steven J. Price 6*
thank you :::
Ruth L. Jarvis 4*
Pam (McNally) DeCounter 22
Class of 1975------------------------------------------------------
r o l l
r e p o r t
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thank you
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p r e s i d e n t
Ron Anderson† 22 James Bache 2* Brant J. Baker Michael Bauer 20 Mary Kay (Baricevic) Beaudoin 6* Todd Beese 13* Jacke Blair 13 Allen Brecke 18 Daniel Byrne 15 Mark Callen 4 Patricia M. Cavanaugh 6 Calvin E. Claughton 5* John Condon 5 Stephen Connolly 6 The Hon. Salvatore F. Cozza 29* Patrick Cronan 22 Michael Cronin 14 Virginia Croswhite 10* Grace Elaine Crunican 24* Christopher Damore 26* Suzanne (English) Damore 11* Dr. Barbara Daniels 30* Barry Davidson 2 Donald R. Davis 7 Ralph Dixon 9 John Donnelly 8 Thomas Doran 11 Sherri (Yaeger) Dow 28* Mary (Custer) Downs 30* Christine A. Dunlop 20
Thomas Knutsen 12 Richard Kuhling 13 Jeff Lair 7* Catherine L. Larson 8* William A. Larson 8* Catharine M. Liddicoat 21* John Liebert 14 Nancy L. (Maland) Lindgren 9* Dr. Patricia M. Locke 23* Mary Rose Loeken 27* Mark Loomis 18 Lita B. (Barnett) Luvera 46 Wesley S. Manaday 20* Maureen (MacKinnon) McQuarrie 2 Carol Mellinger* Robert Micheletti 19 Barbara Ann (Winston) Miller 22 Robert D. Miller, Jr. 12 Dr. Christopher A. Moreno 19 Edward Paul Morse Gary Norton 21 Valerie Ohlstrom 6* Eric Olson 6 Max E. Patterson 17 Tula M. (Wonnacott) Patterson 17 Ken Pedersen 17 Thomas Pfalzer 20 Tom Powers 22* Michael Quinn 31* Joseph Reha, O.S.F. 4 Paul Rehberger 16* Tom Reynolds 10
thank you
thank you you thank you
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Stewart Roll 18 Robert M. Rooney 18* Anthony A. Santorsola 12* Monica K. Sayler* Reed Schifferman 25 Christian Schlect 13
Harold Adams 2* Sharon Lee McCarthy Allen 17* Gary Amendola 9 Kathleen (Bartosz) Bache* Rowena L. Batungbacal 25*
Kerry H. (Harrington) Morrison 24
Sandra (May) Bieber 15* Paul W. Brajcich 23 Michael Branstetter 19 Dr. Patrick B. Brown 16* Mark Burns 16 Josh Burrows 12 Jim Callis 12* Dr. Joseph Caravalho, Jr. 21* Louis Cianni 15 Katherine (Lizza-Montague) Clark 6
Rosemarie A. (Luchino) Nepper 25* Jill A. Nickerson 14* Robert O’Connell 14 Patricia (Smith) Orizotti 15* Loretta A. ( Johnston) Parisot 11* Michael Parisot 11*
Anthony Bawyn 29*
John Parker*
Virginia A. (Cochran) Bell 24*
Frank Pietro, II 6
Linda S. (Freeburg) Bergam 18
Charles Plovanich 18
Mark J. Bergam 18
Richard Porter, Jr. 9*
Philip Brady 3 Dennis Brislawn, Jr. 4*
Laura L. (Greany) Post 15* Charles N. Pray 16*
Dr. J. David Burgess 7*
Dr. Ron Prindle 5*
Steve Burgess 5
Theodore Rasmussen 2
John Carlson 9 Susan (Hasson) Centorino 5* Joseph Chovanec, II Pete Craven 19*
Robyn S. Read* John M. Redenbaugh 22 Donald Reed 5 Diane S. (Schaeffer) Reeves 28*
Tim Cronin 19
Jo Reid 25*
Mrs. Mary Ann Cummins 13*
Warren Rheaume 11*
Craig B. Davis 7
John Richardson 11
Robert Dutton 6
Steven D. Robinson 14
David Erickson 5*
Shannon M. (Sheldon) Russell 13
Bill Etter 17 Patricia M. Evoy 23*
Robert Rutherford† 25* Jim Ryan, Jr. 11*
Mr. Thomas C. Feige 21
Scott Sage 27
Sue S. Flammia 24
Curtis Sasaki 7*
Victor Forni 10
Mitchell Seaver 4
Michael N. Gendelman 18 Allen Gillette 27* Laura M. (Morgan) Gingrich 18* Patricia Gorman 6* Colleen Guido 20* Lien Huong Ha 6* Sherie (Henderson) Hackney 31 Gregory F. Hamad 6 Patricia M. Haslach 11* Collette M. (Rouleau) Heffner 19* Peter Heinz 4*
Edmund Sheehy, Jr. 22 Richard Singleton, II 19 Jonathan Steeler 2 Major Henry J. Stein, III 8 Wendy V. (Vance) Stevenson 12* Mary E. (Mengert) Sullivan 25* Dr. Kevin D. Sweeny 22 Mary (Geraghty) Talevich 9* Glen Thorsted 3 Michele A. Tiesse-Gilb 24 Dr. Nancy C. Unger 29
Tim G. Hennessy 15* r e p o r t
Sheila L. (Cornish) Bell 9
Mr. M. Dan McLafferty 14*
John Aspebakken 22* Teresa J. (Pellicano) Barrett 8*
Michael Andrade 12*
Jeanne Medeiros-Williams 19* Thomas Michels 13*
Matthew Alice 9*
Ethan Abbott 12 Matt Anderton 23*
o f
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
Richard P. Collins 2* David Comeau 6 C. Scott Cregger 2 Jim Cunneely 14* Pat Dalton 18 Kevin Daniels 28* Sandra L. Dehle 6* Kurt Dehmer 21 Daniel Dieckgraeff 23 Ted Dolle 25* Abraham B. Dorsman, III 27 Kathleen (Renner) Douglas 3* Mary K. ( Judge) Emmick 21* Peter Erbland 10 Mr. Andrew Erstad 3* Robert Evans 4 Scott Ewing 24* The Hon. Mary E. Fairhurst 17 Timothy Fennessy 15 Katherine M. Fragnoli 6 Brigid (Curtin) Frein 11* Robert J. Frein 11* Kevin Galvin 17 Chris Gavin 23* Kathleen M. Georgetti 26* Cathleen (Williams) Goodrich 3* Virginia C. Gould 3* James R. Guise 3 Phillip Hanford, Jr. 21* Mary Rose (Wasson) Hawkins 11 Mary Kay (Quinn) Hayes 7* Laurie F. (Folden) Heinz 2* Rose (Winkler) Herold 15* Ellen (Holm) Higgins 6 Stephen J. Higgins 6 Michael Ho 4* Melvin Howry 8 The Hon. Cynthia Imbrogno 16 Pam Ingalls 8* Micki (Grady) Jacobs 18 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Kenneth Lebrato 15 Carol (Stone) Lokey 9 William P. Lyshak 14 Jennifer (Rudy) Lytle 14* Michael A. Maricich 17* Richard Mario Brian McDonnell 19* Daniel McNeal, II 15 Julia (Verhey) McNeal 15 Thomas Metzger 11 Robert Milhem 8 The Hon. Terri-Ann Miller 6 Wendy (Oligschlaeger) Miller 14* Rebecca (Garrett) Moak 23* John Moloney, Jr. 16 James Moody 7* Ronald Munson 6 Janis ( Jacobs) Nantz 23* Larry Nickell 19 John S. O’Keeffe 25* Kathleen M. (Noonan) O’Keeffe 25* Mike Ormsby 26 Dr. Donald R. Paugh 16* Mary (Haslach) Powers 9 Matthew F. Powers 9* Susan A. (Garber) Pray 16* Vincent Ragosta, Jr. 12 Chris Randall 5 Richard Relyea 12 Ross Rettenmier 14* Bill Rieger 22* John Riley, III 7 Julie Ann Rowland 15* Gary Salber 5 Sharon A. (Fitzgerald) Sanchez 11* Julie T. (Vann) Santorsola 10* John Craig Savage 15 Richard L. Sayre 25* Walter Seaman 3* Craig Short 4* Dr. Lawrence J. Sladich 22 Lawrence D. Smith* Lowry Snow 6 Dr. Christopher C. Staeheli 12* Doug Strickling 21* Carol M. Stumpf 20* Joan (Radich) Sullivan 7* John J. Sullivan 7* Robert Swann 13* Ann (Whelan) Thompson 7 Roy Thompson 6 Phillip Thorn 4 Gregory Timm 6 Leon Titus, III 15* Leo Trask 25* :::
h o n o r
h o n o r
r o l l
“i cannot even begin to express my gratitude for the donations that made our journey to the pacific sociological association meetings possible. for the nine undergraduates who presented their research, the experience opened up a world of possibilities.” vikas gumhbir ::: assistant professor, sociology and criminology
Alumni donors Kaihehau K. Uahinui 6 Paul Vogel, Jr. 8 Ross Wabeke 8 Dale Walls 22* DeeDee M. Wilson 8*
Mary Jo Commerford 3
John Sickel, Jr. 2
Charles Lloyd 23*
Paul Byorth 12*
David Payton 2*
Sheila (Seitz) Connolly 8
Nora R. (Stack) Simmons 10*
Anthony J. Lucarelli 21
Gregory J. Byrd 7
Miles Pellazar 13* Christopher Perry 2
Kent Cronquist 19
Mary Beth (Morehead) Smaldone 11*
Barbara Petersen Lynch 19*
Brigid Carey 2*
Gene Cunneely 30*
Kristine A. Snow 4*
Atsumi (Tsukimori) McCauley 7*
Kevin Casey 11*
Mark Perry 15*
Kevin Delaney 7*
Margaret (Arnold) Spiegelberg 5*
The Hon. Daniel J. McGee 6
Karen Lee (Zanck) Chuday 3*
Gerald Perryman† 4*
Daniel Destito 7*
Laura Spradley 22
Nancy (Wells) McGee 6
Mr. Barry Chun 2*
Maryann (Di Re) Philichi 14*
Mary M. Doran 3
Mr. Bernard Sturgulewski 15*
John I. McKenna 6*
Nancy Jo (Erle) Claussen 14*
Gregory Potter 10
Kevin Driscoll 15
Kirsten (Van Dyke) Taylor 20*
Molly (Parry) McKenna 6*
Ruthie H. Dearing 3
Merle P. Prater 10*
Catherine (Sutton) Hennessy 15*
Charles Schumacher 18
Sharon M. (McMaster) Flynn 16
Greg Schrag 2
John Dudley 11
Robert Thagard 7*
Margaret Ann (Fairhurst) McLane 32
Karen Darl (Felch) Dorsh 8
Anthony Puig 7*
Alfred Heydrich 12
Howard B. Segal 13
Doreen (Konen) Gavin 23*
George Schroeder 11
Robert Dung 13*
Mansur Tinsley 5
Kevin D. McQuilkin 22*
Jack Driscoll, Jr. 9
Karen Radella 15*
Christy Higgins 8*
Mary (Owens) Shanahan 18*
Fred Gillings 7
James Sedivy 3
Mark Edwards 8*
John Tracy 14*
Diana White-Messing 2*
Katherine Duarte 20
Ted Rehwald 7*
Paul Horsmann 5*
Russ Smoldon 11
Janice A. Grant 7
Joseph P. Sheppard 12*
The Hon. Tari Eitzen 17
Mr. John J. Tyner, III 3
Sanjiv V. More 10*
Kellie D. (Bubb) Durgan 10*
Clarissa R. (Altiveros) Reid 8*
Jeanne M. (McLeod) Hoversten 17*
Roberta J. (Schneider) Sobotka 16*
Jim Grant 2*
Robert Smith 2
Roberta (Stuckart) Elder 18*
Bruce A. Vincent 11*
The Hon. Maryann Moreno 6
Michael Easter 11*
Timothy Reilly 9*
Mary Catherine Hughes 11
Cam Sylvester 3*
Richard Greenstone 5
Thomas Smith 16*
Stephen French 12
Shavaun M. Wadsworth 25*
Joan C. Morningstar 20
Leonart E. Elias*
Cathleen T. (Conley) Reisenauer 20*
Jon Huizinga*
Robert R. Thomas 15*
Jean A. Hall 16
Gerald R. Stahl 27*
Dan Gillis 6*
Kathleen (Patterson) Webber 4*
Jed Morris 3
Charles John Estey 5*
Scott Rhodes 6*
Gary Hustad 16
Kyra Marie (Knight) Thompson 23*
Gene E. Hamilton 8
Mr. Jeffrey R. Steffan 25*
Therese (Smidt) Granfelt 4*
Rick Witt 12*
Matthew Murphy 20*
Brent Fery 18
Richard W. Rice 5*
Class of 1983 – 25 th reunion
Terese Neu Richmond 5
Class of 1980------------------------------------------------------
Bill Hyslop 19
Joanne S. (Swiecki) Tickner 11*
Joseph Harkrader 21
Joseph M. Sullivan 19*
Paul D. Greeley 21
Anne Marie (Kleinheinz) Andersen 14*
Steven J. Jager 24
Cathy Torlai 7*
Scott Hatcher 11
Parker (Emmons) Sullivan 19*
Michael Patrick Griffi n 5*
Lizabeth A. (Rowland) Anderson 9*
Tamara (Thornton) Jones 17*
Bruce Vadla 3
Jerry Herak 24*
Natalie Frances (Cosco) Telck 9*
Rick Hallett 16*
Patricia (Whitehead) Apregan 7
Warren Jones 8*
Frank Van Driesche 11*
Diane Hermanson 14
Nancy Jo (Erickson) Thomas 12
Teri S. (Shira) Hanby 20*
Raemarie C. Arrigotti 18*
Lt. Col. Patrick A. Kelleher, USMC 17
Kelly Varnes 21*
Linda A. Duda-Heydrich 12
Brian A. Thompson 27*
Kerry Harper 7*
James Bamberger, II 7
James W. Knowles 19
Bob Walker 4
Ed Hilfer 27
Timothy C. Thompson 6
Charles Hatcher 4*
Ferd Baricevic, Jr. 11*
Neil Korbas 10*
David Charles Weber 2
Mr. Hugh Henry Hobus 5*
Dr. Diane (Ballard) Timberlake 23*
Ralph L. Hetzel 3
Richard Bartheld 16
Charles W. Langfitt 20
Norman E. Wells, Jr. 3
Jonathan Jackel 9
Jerry Tombari 19
Raymond Burton Holland 6
Mr. J. Peter Baumgarten 17
The Hon. Vincent LeBlon 11
Arthur E. White, Jr. 8
Jack Jacobs 23
Dave Tomson 17
Gary Holmesmith 11*
Richard Bechtolt, Jr. 8
Linda Leonard 5
Sharon A. (Wilson) Willey 6*
Mike Janicki 20
James Topliff 11
Michael Hooks 3*
Stephanie M. (Farrell) Bechtolt 8
Dave Lincoln 27
Edward Wren 10*
Joseph Jones 9
Anne Tracy 13*
Lisa (Millison) Janicki 20
Mr. Mark S. Beggs 19
Michael LoCicero 14
Randy Zellmer 10
Michael Anthony Kirk
Tom Tracy 16
Kelly (Whitford) Koenen 9*
Susan Sockwell Bendlin 17
Houston Putnam Lowry 14
Andrew Urban, Jr. 17
Katharine M. Kumangai 5*
Dr. James Brasch 19*
Mr. Maurice P. Mason, Jr. 10
Class of 1981------------------------------------------------------
Dan Kocarnik 11 Mary C. (Mauren) Kocarnik 11
Robert M. Urban 11*
Mark A. Laiminger 5
Katherine M. Brown*
Joan McCarron 10*
Thomas Krentel 13*
Bill Vaubel 16*
Stephen Lamberson 12
Roger G. Brown 8
Jerome F. McDermott, Jr. 18*
Clayton N. Kubota 6
Susan E. (Lamb) Voss 5
Namhan Le 14
Thea (Gagner) Bruce 9
Kevin B. McGoffi n 10*
Gary Kunihiro 15
James R. Walsh 6
Steve Lentini 21*
Evelyn A. (Parker) Brush 5*
Judith (Ziegler) McGrath 9
Terry Leaf 5
Mark Weisbart 2
The Hon. Jerome Leveque 26
Kristine (Kelsch) Burgess 7*
Timothy McGreevey 25*
Mario Ledesma 2
Robert S. Weisbeck 12
Mary Jo Leveque 26
Shawn Cantrell 16*
Kathleen Knapp McKnight 8*
Donna (Steeves) Lenseigne 17*
Linda Marie Wicks 5*
Pat Lynch 18*
Mr. Paul S. Caver 4*
Alexander C. McQuarrie 11
Eric Leonard 9*
Dr. Richard G. Witter 23*
Jean Magladry 4
Jeffrey Chester 15*
Marcia M. Meade 20
Stanford Lum 25*
Cheryl (Nokes) Wolfe 20
Mary Jill Magri 20*
John R. Clark 21
Robert Moe 8*
Paul Mack 4
Edward Wolfe 20
John M. McBee 9*
Ann T. Cockrill 12
Janet (Anderson) Moffitt† 7
Teresa M. (Herriman) McCallion 5*
Dr. John M. Zanol 18*
Jane Boyd-McCracken 20*
Cynthia E. (Richardson) Coleman 18*
Lizbeth (Tomich) Morris 20
Isabelle K. A. Coleman† 4
Scott Morris 20
Margo Shrack Combs 24*
Steve Nantz 23*
Glenn Commons 6
Sarah E. (Fields) Nessan 13
Garth Dano 11
Tom Newbury 10
Mr. Joseph J. Davey, III 23*
Steven Nicholes 4
Pamela J. DeRusha 20
Anne Noris 11
Ken Anderson 20 Walter Ayers 13 Karen A. Hogan Bard 7* Marian Beaumier 4* Cheryl A. Beckett 7 Robert Berlin 14 Maureen Anne (Noonan) Bischof 13* George Boggs 6 Erin B. (Coughlin) Boyle 12* Mary Ann Brady 5 Drew Brooks 7 Julie J. (Schmitz) Bunsness 20* Pete Chase 4 Kevin Curtis 11 Michael D’Arienzo 13* Pamela (Whiteaker) D’Arienzo 13*
Matt Diette 5*
Patricia O’Connell 3*
Bradley Duda 16*
Mark A. Ohlstrom 26*
James E. Elder 18*
Stephen Olivet 11
Brian Ernst 8*
John Olk 4*
Loren Etengoff
Mr. Michael R. Osborn 9
Gary Farrell 20
Lauri L. (Stark) Overman-Sarff 17*
Marjorie Morris-Ferek 16*
Jean M. Parietti 18*
Edward Dawson 6* Donna M. De Lay 11* Bob Dellwo 17* Samuel Di Re 14*
Robert Ferek 16*
Cheryl A. (Harris) Parrish 17
Paul D. Ferguson 2*
Elizabeth A. (McCleave) Patterson 5*
Marjorie L. (Cochran) Frett 11
Mary P. (Kraus) Pragovich 21*
Dr. Jodi Wardian Funk 4
Ann Price 5
Joan E. Dolezal 12* Mary W. Dolliver 2* David E. Dorn 13* Timothy M. Dougherty 20 Gail Douglas 5 Marie F. Doyle 24* Robert Dunn 2 Nick Durgan 17*
Karen Raab 9
Joe Gonzalez, Esq. 6
Maria A. Ravarino 9*
Rosanne N. (Rubatino) Goulet 15
Greg Razo 10*
Joseph Dziwura 20* Barbara Williams Eckert 22* Pat Egger 10*
Patrick Gravine 5*
Judith A. Reha*
Martin Gronberg 20*
Steven Reich 17
Michael Gurian 3
Cindy M. Reopelle 19*
Marcella (Donovan) Hadeed 14*
Timothy Robinson
Barbara Harris 8*
Robert Rosier 8
Christine S. (Standaert) Heckert 11*
Marie N. (Dieringer) Fessenbecker 15*
Linda Louise Savio
Anne (Riordan) Flaherty 12
r e p o r t
Shannon K. (Kelly) McCambridge 25*
Craig Chapman 4
Monica (Harrison) Galeucia 15*
r o l l
Reif Erickson 9
o f
Gerard Falco 8 James Fausone 19
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
Marjorie McKisson 21* Thomas W. McLane 3 Stephen McLean 20 Mike Moloney 12 Terence J. Moloney 13* Chris Montgomery 18 Ramsey Moreau 5 Daniel C. Murphy 7 Ms. Teresa Murphy 8* Michael Myers 5* Doug Nessan 13 Craig Nichols 5 Mr. James R. O’Brien, Jr. 8* Lynn Oligschlaeger 9* Mark Parkins 5* Frank Pastizzo 19* Mark Pavlik 12* Bethine M. (Weber) Payne 15* Kevin Potter 25 Mick Quinlivan 20* D. Michael Reilly 20* Dwight P. Remick 12* Martin O. Riley, Jr. 5* Elaine J. (Tichenor) Roegge 9* Douglas W. Rohner 11* Joel Ryan* 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Class of 1982-----------------------------------------------------Anna Marie (Lowe) Aratani 10* Joann Auvil 16 Patricia Bartlett 9* Mike Becky 23 Shane Bengoechea 10 Rick G. Betts 5 Douglas Boe 23 Holly Brajcich 19* Gabriella Brooke 16* Cynthia A. (Mottau) Brown 4* Fred Brown 9 Daniel Bruce 9 Paul W. Burbank 14 Sandra Bush 4* Harry Calhoun 3* Vickie (Callahan) Callson 23* Rebecca A. Cates 26* Mary Pat (Theiler) Cheng 7* The Hon. Ellen (Kalama) K. Clark 21 Dennis J. Colleran 11 Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing, and we would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please direct your inquiries to Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 800.463.6925 or
Kathleen L. (Gerentser) McFadden 10* George McInnis 12* Christine M. (Altman) McMurdo 12* Daniel Mengert 6 Randolph Mitchell 17 Catherine M. (Shanahan) Monks 8* Paul Monks 6* Barbara Morrison 8* Kathleen (Greenan) Murphy 20* Mary Anne (Swoyer) Murphy 20* Mariane C. (Alao) Nichols 13* Brian C. O’Brien 6 Mark Paris 25* Matthew Philip 7* Dr. Cassandra Pietrok 17* Pamela (Pacheco) Piro 17* James Randall 5 David Reisenauer 20* Daniel Russo 3* John E. Sage 18* Douglas R. Sanders 23* James A. Sangiacomo 18* Richard Seubert 3 Teresa (Callero) Seubert 3 The Hon. Donna Shipps 8 Marta Shoemaker 23 Dr. John G. Shudy, Jr. 16
Mark Musgrove 8*
Eileen M. Flaherty 15*
Maureen Neeley 17*
Julie A. Foerster 15*
Irene Ringwood 17
Maureen S. O’Keefe 3*
Lisa (Desimone) Garrett 13
Christine M. Robisch 10*
Brian Ormsby 14*
Mary F. (O’Neill) Goodwin 24
Dr. Mark Lee Rodkey 9*
Sylvia K. Page 24*
Delaine H. (Hess) Gruber 7*
Dorothy G. Rollins 6*
Laura Esther Park 3*
Gail A. (Reid) Gurian 3
Michael F. Shields 5
Eileen (Brewer) Perkins 4
Lori A. Hanson 10*
Robert Shimane 16
Katherine L. (Asson) Peterson 23*
Michael B. Harrington 6
Stephen Signer 11*
Margaret (Hedman) Philip 7*
Tilman Hasche 16
Teri L. Stroschein 22*
Louis Anselmo 6* Joan L. Antonietti 5 Christine (Vargo) Barnhart 18* Michael Barnhart 18* Victoria (McVicker) Baskett 3 Dr. John Belknap 7* Jeff R. Brown 5 Janell S. Burke 19
Carey L. Polich 7
Matthew Hegewald, MD 13*
Julie (Snelson) Stuart 2*
Theresa Rambosek 7*
Thomas Hemesath 5*
Paul R. Taylor 17
Kerry C. (Cussen) Retzlaff 14*
Peter Herman 5
John Tessner 4
Thomas O. Rice 11
Harold T. Higgins
Laura (Stepovich) Tramonte 17*
Carole Rolando 12
Brenda Kay (Hoene) Hill 6*
Bill Trudeau 13
Mike Roth 22
Sean Hogan 12
Susan Rauenhorst Turner 18 Michele A. (Calley) Vallor 14*
Laura L. Young-Campbell 16* Guy Chan 6* Marcella R. (Mahre) Charters* Michael Charters 3* William Charters* Grace (Ivers) Cier 23* Steven Claussen 14* Casey S. Collins 3 Mark Cowan 14* William Culbertson 16* Francis Donnelly 4 Sheila Donovan 4*
Jeannie (McDonald) Sangiacomo*
Monty Hoppel 22*
Helen A. (Aspebakken) Scherer 25*
Barbara Daly Horell 4*
Joseph Waesche 7
John Schiemer 14*
Thomas Huston 7*
Mark Walatka 21*
Julie (Colby) Schiemer 14*
Ann Ikehara 9
Marcia Kaye Walker 5*
Roger Schlaefer*
Lynn M. Jones 4
Kurt Walsdorf 10
Lindalou (Cady) Shea 36*
Thomas Joyce
Gary R. Weber 18*
Karen Sonneborn 16
Amrit K. (Whitlock) Khalsa 16
Anne C. (Koenig) Werth 15*
Paul Storwick 8*
Nancy J. (Brown) King 11
Kathleen M. (McKenna) Wilson 6*
Scott Dorn 18* Peter Drakos 9 William W. Dunlap, Jr. 9* Christine A. (Bratton) Elias*
Jerry Sullivan 14*
Lori A. (Abraham) Lane 17
Steven Wittau 22*
Patricia (Baker) Sullivan 14*
Jacqueline J. Lang 4*
Katharine M. Witter Brindley 20
Class of 1985------------------------------------------------------
Brian Super 23*
Cecelia (Sabala) Larson 18*
John Trucco, Jr. 15
Carol (Dietrich) Larvick 7*
Polly E. (Fox) Urban 11*
Kimberly Ann Loranz 7*
Karen M. (Sly) Flynn 23 Norma LeMieux-Foubert† 11* Susan (Byorth) Fox 12* Bill Frenger 15*
Maureen A. Dever-Weisbeck 12
Timothy J. Lynes 20
John M. Welsh 5*
Mr. Michael V. Maronick 17*
Eric Westberg 15
Tim Marting 19*
Michelle M. (Durkin) Wetzel 4*
Joseph McDaniel, Jr. 8*
Michael Wood 9*
Leonard McDonnell 9*
Dale L. Garrett 13 Renee (Gallagher) Grandinetti 21* Daniel Thomas Green 5 Anna M. Greene 7 Shirley M. (Bjorge) Hanson 14* Robert J. Hensle 15*
Tom Wright 7
Michael G. McDonnell 23*
Karla A. (Vantosky) Wright Hayden 6*
Tracey McFadden 10*
Michael P. Yeend 17*
Pat McLafferty 10
Jill (Rankin) Heringer 5* Kevin G. Heringer 5*
Class of 1984------------------------------------------------------
Patrick Herriman 8*
Joseph Albert 3
Barbara A. (Golden) Hilbert 20*
Raelene (Caferro) Albinson 22
Elizabeth L. Hively 15
The Hon. John Antosz 11
Shirley Holcomb 4
Thomas J. Barbano, Jr. 17*
Cynthia (Batungbacal) Jank 4*
Laynette A. Baron 13*
Patricia J. (Schmitz) Job 6*
Donna L. Beck 2*
Paul Johnson 6*
Helen Benson 20
Colin Joy 5*
Joseph A. Berg, III 4*
Robert C. Keasal 17*
Kenneth Bieber 15*
William M. Kegley 12*
Bruce Blackmer 4*
Katie (Murray) Kleeman 19*
Charlotte M. (McDonnell) Bosold 4*
Wendy (Brown) Knopp 9
John S. Bowers, Jr. 20
Thomas Lampson 7
Paul Burglin 14
John Lapke 22*
Jack Burlison, Jr. 15*
r e p o r t
o f
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
Bryce McPhee 7 Michael Merritt 11* Thomas P. Michaels 11* Elizabeth A. (Kellard) Miller 10* Sarah S. (Simpson) Moloney 18* Thomas B. Moloney 18* Arnie E. Mondloch 20* Elaine (Mead) Moore 19* Pierce Murphy 20* Nancy Jean (Allen) Nelson 4* Jennifer O’Loughlin 3* James O’Riordan 3* Layne D. Owens 19* William J. Palmer 18 Imelda M. Patterson 26* 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Thomas Albinson 22 Laurel A. Andrechak 6* Diane (Dunsmore) Baldwin 4* Raymond Banasik 9 Anita Louise Beaman 2* Frank Braun 2* Mary E. (Maronick) Braunberger 11* Mary-Margaret (Dalton) Burgdorff 13 Doug Byrd 17 Keith Champeau 21* John Charters 9* Anne M. Dennis-Choi 12* Susan E. (O’Connor) Clark 3* Beth S. ( Jensen) Cocchiarella 14* Dave Cochran 13* Phillip John Collaer 7 Patricia M. (Hoban) Collins 17* Jac Cooper 13* Michael S. Crews 8* Mike De Benedetti 19* James Diehl 9 Joseph M. Doohan 15 Mary (Kinzer) Doohan 15 Chris Drake 10 Salvatore Faggiano 5 :::
h o n o r
Alumni donors Ann (Ouillette) Fitzmaurice 10 C. Peder Flaaen 6* Jeanne Flohr 7* Mary K. (LaBrie) Frederick 14* Chris Gill 2
Christopher Reisenauer 16*
Gregory Ircink 7
Joseph P. Wilson
Simon Manning 3
Keith Cleek 2*
Michael R. Snyder*
Anna J. Jesse 3*
Donna M. Williams 12*
Jeritt Kent 3*
Marci D. (Hull) Jaman 21*
Ray Wimberley 4
Peggy McDaniel 3*
Fr. Darrin D. Connall 8
Teresa J. (Smatlan) Stoddard 6
Kathy M. (Suchoski) Johns 15*
Mary Sue Wilson 10
Carol L. Kerley 8
Patricia P. Renouard 17
Kevin P. Jones 9*
Chris Wrolstad 15
Laura L. McGrory 10
Jacqueline R. Cook*
Leslie A. Swalley 3
John T. Joyce*
James G. Winger 10*
Patrice Kleinheinz 14*
Michael S. Ricks*
Meg (Reilly) Judge 12
Lisa Marie (Verstraete) Wrolstad 15
Jeri L. Self-Merritt 19*
Kathleen S. Crowner 4*
Michelle D. Dimond-Szambelan 16
Leslie E. Kemper 7
Jessie (McManigal) Wuerst 4*
William J. Kochevar 11
Class of 1987------------------------------------------------------
Matthew Komar 6*
Todd Ringwood 7
Stephen K. Kaaa 3*
David Rodriguez 10*
Fred Karau 16
Jeanne M. Rosenberger 11*
Roxy Kasman 16 Mr. Michael Kawamura 4
Patrick Sawyer 10*
Margaret M. Kearney 10*
Karen L. Sayre 25*
Paul Kelly 6
Mary Kay Schaefers 20*
Terinda Kay Kerley 8*
Michael Sclafani 18
Paul Kirkpatrick 10
Richard M. Seabrook
Brian K. Kuhta 17*
Susan Eliz (Bailey) Seabrook
Monica (Rosman) LaFever 7*
Gary F. Stadtmueller 10*
Mary E. Landers 17*
Craig P. Stephens 5
Caterina E. (Martinez) LaSome*
Theresa L. (Lampkin) Tamura 17*
James R. Lasswell 6*
Ronald Thomas 9*
Virginia Lee (Burns) Linwick 6*
John Tombari 13
Kelly ( Judge) Lucarelli 21
Mr. Joseph Tramuta, Jr. 9
Charles Maple 20*
David Trefry 2
Marshall Mattingly 17
Michael F. Tucci 20
Russelle M. (Poirier) Mazulo 5*
Gina Ghramm-Tveit 12*
Mary B. (Bucholz) McDougal 16*
Dave A. Wall 19
Jeralyn (Lewis) Mire 22*
Ann M. (Herriman) Waltier 19*
Brian Morin 4
Anthony Waltier 19*
Carol A. (Grell) Morris 15
Kevin P. West 21*
Richard Mount 3
Bruce W. Worobec 14
Michael Muirhead 20*
Mike Kubani 5*
Class of 1986------------------------------------------------------
Constance L. Mutton 2*
Michael P. Lau*
Lisa A. Alfieri 3*
Dale R. Grant 8 Patricia M. Greeley 10 Tim Greenan 5* Charles V. Hall 4* Dave Hamad 17* Patricia L. (DuBois) Harris 20* Sue Harwood 6 Dale Heberling 22* Mark Hendricksen 5 Stacy (Sprout) Herriman 8* Scott Hughes 3 Darrell Jackson 9 Rob Janicki 8 Jeffrey Jones 13* Joan M. (Tabaracci) Jones 14* Tracey J. (Walsh) Junkermier 19* John F. Kelly, Jr. 14* Patrick Kerley 8* Father Patrick Kerst 12* Kathleen C. Greene Kilcullen 10
Alexander Laughlin 14
Michael Barnett 8*
Karen (Schauble) Leaffer 12
Trine S. Beach 4*
Molly (Scott) Pellessier-Leithold 8*
LTC William L. Bialozor 5*
Deven M. LeTendre 2*
James W. Bolwerk 12*
Robert Lorence, Jr. 5
Linda (Hensle) Bowers 20
Mark Lorenz 6
Steve Rino Carbonari 2*
Michael Lynch 3
Jami Loreen Carlacio 7*
Charles E. Maduell 7
Regina Maria Carnazzo 9*
Dr. Kevin M. Maguire 12*
Cathleen Caruth 4*
Teresa R. Martinson 3*
Gino S. Cerchiai 13
Jeff Mason 9*
Jill (Legel) Christiansen 10
Joanne D. McCandless 15*
Leah M. Coleman 6*
Christopher McGahan 5
Jeff Condill 4
David Medeiros 2
Tim Cossette 13*
Steve Meneses 10*
Robert R. Cossey 9
Ed Merrick, Jr. 21*
Julianne Curtis 11
Tony Arguinchona 2* Jill (Wing) Armijo 4 Reed Armijo 4 William C. Arnold 2* Wendall Bauer 4* Todd D. Bayne 10 Sharon M. (Feldman) Bradley 10 Darice R. Brayton 14* Edward Caferro 7 Kevin Caldwell 3 Mary Sara (Pfeifer) Casey 11* Jody S. (Welsh) Degroot 2* James DeHart 2* Timothy Donaldson 10 Dan Dovey 10* S. Lynn Erwin 6* Patricia A. Etter 4 Jeffrey Evans 7 Julie L. (Bobbett) Evans 7 Dr. Mary Ann (Henneman) Evans 9* John Farver, Jr. 4 Jane M. Ferguson 7* Mary K. (Cooke) Franey 2*
Molly A. (Campbell) Nave 5*
Kaye M. (Tilton) Fry 8*
Joseph Onley 4 James Pearson 16 John Plock 14
Brian T. Gabert* Kathleen M. (O’Connor) Gallant 19* Pierre T. Gallant 19*
Rebecca L. (Hirschel) Prahl 4*
Timothy Geraghty 4
Laura Griffith-Rankin 12*
Joan (Hughes) Gianotti 13*
Edward Ratcliffe 16
Mr. John Z. Gibson 6*
Thomas F. Reuss 12*
Paula L. Haberman 14*
Mary K. (Snelson) Richards 15*
Mary (Guerrero) Halvorson 2*
Fred DeCaro 8* Paul Delay 14
Tom Mollerus 14*
Craig A. Dickson 4
Mary K. Moore 3*
Robert Downey 20 Scot C. Drapela*
Daniel R. Murphy 15
Kim T. (Taylor) Dunn 5*
Omar Mustafa 4*
Gregory J. Erigero 17
Michael D. Nantz 2*
Donald Fairburn, Jr. 2*
Jean M. (Guerrero) Nelson 5*
William J. Geary 13
Curtis M. Nickolaus 3
Nicholas George 2*
Jon Nuxoll 19*
Dale E. Goodwin 24
Maureen Ann O’Brien 10*
Susan M. (Elia) Gosline 23*
Carol (Bauman) Oeljen 3*
Joan C. (Forsberg) Grant 8
Jeffrey R. O’Neil*
Mark Griffin 19
Mary T. (Hodgson) Ortega 5*
Stephanie G. (Hanford) Groven 8
Larry Ota*
Patricia C. Gustaveson*
Mr. David T. Patrick 3*
Peter Hammer 7*
Laurence Perkins, Jr. 4
Colleen M. Harmon 4
Paul Perovich 15*
Rick Hendrickson 3*
Stephen Poepoe 4
C. Hogeboom, III 8
John Quesnel 15*
Timberly Hughes 8* o f
Caroline B. (Geiger) Wyatt 6*
Jay E. Knapp 15*
Catherine E. (Rosa) Mirkin 21*
Carol M. Dever 2
Regina Thomas 9
Susana M. (Barber) Knapp 15*
Class of 1990------------------------------------------------------
Jae Y. Moh 3*
Cathleen R. (Birgenheier) Dietrich 3*
Timothy D. Trageser 4
Sarah M. (Thomas) Koehler 12*
Lynn Marie Mounsey
Michaele E. Dietzel 11
The Hon. Philip Van de Veer 14
William Koehler, Jr. 11*
S. Ann (Tillery) Murphy 15
Karen E. (Parker) Dobson 2*
Damon Vickers 8*
Geraldine M. (Flaim) Lewis 8
Helene A. ( Jacoby) Myers 14*
Jeff Doering 7
Daniel Wack*
James B. Lewis 8
Kathleen O’Brien 5
Dale A. Elmenhurst 16*
John Walsh, Jr.*
Amy (Benson) Lofquist 11*
Marty O’Toole 18*
Charles Esposito 7*
Teresa M. (Briggs) Winger 10*
Bruce G. MacIntyre 13
Cece (Byorth) Padon 11*
Jacqueline (Michielli) Etter 12*
Christopher Young 12*
Jeanne M. Freeman-Malubay 8*
Benjamin J. Page 19*
Sheila M. Evans 3*
Joan M. Zook 7*
Melissa A. Marsh 2*
David Parker
Bob Finn 9
Gina M. (Hanson) Martin 10*
Jill (Perry) Payton 2*
Melquisedec Flores 3*
Class of 1989------------------------------------------------------
Debra Peterson 17*
Carl Frasure, II 4
Kurt A. Phillips 12*
Christopher Garza 8*
Jamieson N. Poe 10
Cass W. Gebbers 7*
Kevin Pratt 3*
Joan C. Geraghty 6
Craig Ramella 19*
Thomas Grey 15*
Tim Ramsey 11*
Kathleen R. Gumaer 3*
Debra Rappuchi 8*
Karen E. Harwood 20
Michael Reitcheck 8*
Meishelle L. Haverkamp 7
Renee R. Reuther 12*
Jack Heath, III 14
Jody (Hall) Richards 5*
Jeffrey Heimbigner*
Joy E. Richards 13
David Hellenthal 4
Harold Roehrig 5
Natalie J. Hunter 18*
Pamela H. (Hazelton) Rohr
Mark R. Iverson 11
Gina M. Romeo 10*
Paul G. Kaperick 6
Lisa A. (Allen) Rowan 17*
Joshua John Kelly 3*
Michael S. Rowan 17*
Jill D. Gibbon-Kiley 14*
Andrea (Anton) Schneider 8*
Seong-Hoon Kim 4
Kathleen M. Gardipee-Schur 14*
Carrine M. (VanDyke) Leahy 17*
Patricia Corr Seidensticker 9
Laura L. Konen-Lee 9*
Mike Sharpes 12*
Tom Leonard 3*
Mary (Milla) Sherrill*
Shane McClary 6
Nancy (Longo) Slattery 5
Michael J. Mendiola 5
Christopher Spring 17
Michelle A. (Mulick) Mings 11*
The Hon. Debra L. Stephens 18
Steve M. Mings 11*
Stacey Stockton 4
Margo A. (Hillestad) Nadler 3*
Dorinda L. Upham 8*
Mr. John E. Neirinckx, II 7
Michael J. Walters 6*
Mr. Michael Nibarger 3
Jennifer L. (Prince) West 21*
Mark W. O’Brien*
Allison E. (McKay) Williams 3*
Andrell M. (Ryder) Panconi 8*
Theresa (Cochran) Willy 6*
Michael Park
Mike Wnek 2*
Terressa L. Peterson
Levi Wylie*
Nevis A. (Delaveaga) Prieve 5*
Nick Zaharias 8
Tim J. Prieve 5*
Mr. Eric B. Zumstein 12*
Michelle K. (Daniels) Reitcheck 8*
Pamela L. (Frederickson) Kaperick 6
Class of 1988 – 20 th reunion
Nancy J. (MacDonald) Sanford 17*
Karalee L. (Dewey) Keefer 11*
Gregory Ahmann 3*
Joe Herzog 8 Katherine Anne Kane-Hipp*
Richard A. Root 3*
Kathleen (Hanifan) Hoke 4 Loretta M. Holthaus 19*
Anthony Rund 9
Joel Huppin 4
Michael Russell 8
John J. Hyland, IV 6 Monica (Menotti) Hyland 6 Greg Intinarelli 24
Jeff Schmitz 12*
William Isgrigg 4
Rick C. Shanaman 11
Donald H. Jans 14*
Vicky P. (Hooper) Shanaman 11
Marc J. Johnston 5
Natalie (Carlise) Sharpes 12*
Terrance Judge 12
James H. Small 9*
Charlotte E. (Doogan) Kair 17*
Steven Soos 13 Martin Stacey 16 Douglas R. Stewart 6* Robert Sullivan 7 Guy Lee Super* Theresa A. (Zielinski) Taaffe 18* Michael Thompson 15 Doan Minh Tran 6* Timothy Tucci 9 Daniel E. Velasquez 10* Dorothy (Cates) Wagsholm 21* Cherie A. (Riel) Wall 19 t h e
Kip ( Jordan) Kesgard 14*
Margaret M. (Weinand) Thomas 10
Joanne M. (Kiefel) Membrey 6*
Mark R. Roberts 20*
Steve Smith 12
William Tarnasky, Jr. 3
Mike Delay 8
Stephanie (Melchor) McIntyre 9*
Jean Herzog 32
Joan M. (Miraglia) Roberts 20*
Gregory R. Smith 5
Mr. Jeff Cummins 4
Cathy Simchuk 5*
Loryn P. (Hatch) Herrmann 6*
Randy Ridgway 16*
Robert J. Schmidlkofer 3*
Gloria Jo Mumma*
Darren Miller 2* Kevin S. Miller 4*
Leanne E. (Gonzales) Sipes 12*
Scott A. Richards 15*
Cheryl M. Sackrider 5*
Jamie (Hertz) Miron 7*
r e p o r t
Delores H. Alexander 6*
Christopher Roth 16*
Theresa (O’Toole) Mitchell 17
r o l l
Clara (Armstrong) Reisenauer 16*
Lori Kay St. Marie 8*
Brian G. Gosline 23*
h o n o r
r o l l
p r e s i d e n t
Lawrence D. Keefer 11*
Robin (Allen) Barnhart 18
Mrs. Brenda M. Kehoe 3*
Ken Bell-Garrison 5
Dana Kelley 2
Margaret (Bucholz) Birmingham 3*
Kathleen A. Kelly 8*
David G. Blohn 20*
Richard Kendall 13*
Susan M. (Kocvara) Blohn 20*
Robert Kitsmiller
Constance Jean (Peterson) Brady 5
Christine M. Kline 2*
Toby Brewer 20*
Timothy Kromholtz 3*
Randy L. Bronson 3*
Mark L. Lally 20*
Heidi M. (Robbins) Brown 5*
Allan J. Lang 4*
Steven Brown 4*
Anthony J. Lirette 6*
Mary K. (Fennerty) Burns 5*
Michael B. Love 16
Craig Charbonneau 17*
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Joan M. (Schafer) Schriner Lorraine L. Shank 9* Mike K. Sipes 12* Joan Grey Smith 7 Lura M. Smith 13
Cory (Leveque) Adams 15* Keller W. Allen 9 Thomas J. Barreras*
Stephen C. Arredondo 4 Perri Ann Babalis 12 Ronda L. Hain-Barcellos* Bethann (Berg) Barnes* Mrs. Amy D. Basche 3* Kimberly A. (Dickson) Bayley 11* Tanya (Taylor) Becker 3* Mark Bieter 8* Laurie A. Bigej 5
Toby Martinez 5*
Megan Slattery-Bottomley 3*
Thayne M. McCulloh 14*
Lisa A. Browne 3
Joe McDermott 9*
Carol A. (Korby) Anderson 6* Michael J. Bayley 11*
Steven Albert 15*
Nancy S. Burnett 15
Cyril McDonald 17*
Brendan M. Byrne 5
Dana M. (Reding) McPhee 5
Karen Ann Calder 12
James McPhee 5
Brenda Bodeau 13
John Caley, Jr. 3*
Stephen K. Meyer 9
Vicki L. Boren 6*
Sheila A. (Berschauer) Chilson 10*
Andrew Miller 3*
Sean C. Boyd 2*
Alison S. Clark 3*
Mary Jo Moltzen 19
Mark Britton 9 Paulita Rosario Lauzon Broderick 2 Roger Broughton 12* Christopher P. Brown 6 Kate A. ( Johns) Brown 6 Christina M. (Lundgren) Burnaby* Karen R. Byorth 12* Michael Candau 5
Mary E. Connolly 2*
Rebecca I. (Abbate) Morrisroe 7*
Mary D. (Coil) Cooper 6
Thaddeus Mosey 8*
Jeff M. Copper 6
Christopher J. Nettleton 8
Bradley P. Cossette 4
Martha A. (Kresek) Parent*
Donn K. Cox 6*
Michael A. Parent*
Lorne Dauenhauer 4*
Mary L. (Price) Pauly 8*
Patricia K. Davis 7
Sheryl Phillabaum 10
Erin L. (Uyechi) Denham 10*
Sarah Herres (Miller) Powers 11*
Keith Carpenter 4 Christine M. Castle 7* Kimberly (Benson) Christiansen 15* Walter Conn 10* Shannon M. (Kuster) Davis 9*
Clifton E. Foster 3* Pamela L. Gist 5
Marcella (Lazar) Shinder 18* Richard J. Shinder 18*
Marie Hauge† 14 Therese M. Hightower 11*
Kathryn M. (Wellman) Elmenhurst 16*
Jeri Simmons 6 Tracey Singer 12* Margot J. Stanfield 23* Theresa M. (Obradovich) Stankovik 9* Mr. Fred Tadrowski 11* Eric M. Thompson 6 Sean M. Thompson 12* Verlie J. (Hembree) Thompson 4* Paul A. Verret 9 Lewis Walde 19*
Chad G. Goelzer 19* Dana C. Hackett 12*
Dirk Edmiston*
Anthony L. Shouse 5*
Jean M. Lowry-Goderre 16 Colleen Goodwin 9*
Elizabeth (Smith) Dubois 7*
Cheryl Sharp
Michael Durbin 9*
Melissa K. (Cameron) Forman*
Clinton A. Dubois 7*
Peter M. Ruffatto 13*
Erica C. Duke 3*
Glen E. Eidson 5*
Thomas A. Drynan 11
Debbie Rufener 17*
Tracy L. (Sloboda) Detuerk 6*
Janet L. (Ingebritson) Esposito 7*
Heidi M. (Wohlschlegel) Drynan 9
Tracy Robinson-Honner 9
Christa A. (McLaughlin) Duggan 2*
Michael Earnest 17*
William B. Drury 3*
David C. Richardson 8*
Kimberly A. DesRoches 5* Gregory Detuerk 7*
Mark W. Doran 8
Lloyd Reitz 8*
Jennifer Deger 16* Joseph T. Destefano 3*
Jason Dinneen 7*
Kirsten H. (Larsen) Prud’homme 12
David Walters 19* Katherine (Beaton) Walters 19* Renee Wass 12* Christine A. (Cameron) Welch 9* Rick Wharf 6
John C. Hipp*
Thomas D. White 9
David A. Jacobs 2*
Elizabeth M. Essex 9 Joseph E. Ewers 5* Kelley M. Flatters 8* Polly A. Foley 5* Lori D. (Allen) Fritz 14 Thomas R. Fuchs 12* Nathan M. Giles 6* Sarah J. Gillies Nicholson 5 Mr. Lawrence J. Gist, II 5 Keith Glanzer 9 Julie (Raekes) Grewe, MD 8* Earl D. Hall 4* Emily J. Hall 9* Heidi ( Jeckle) Harrington 6 Keith A. Hoffman 6* Tina U. Johnson 18* Teresa A. (Davidson) Josten 13* Pola A. Kelley 2*
Eric J. Kufel 6 Richard Leland 5 Kathleen (Lowry) Lundy 17* Glorilyn M. (Kimokeo) Maw 16* Scott H. Maw 16* Heidi J. (Baum) McAllister 7* Mark W. McAllister 7* W. Osler McCarthy 2 Ray E. McGriff 4 Scott S. McKay 10 Richard M. Miailovich, Jr. 12 Alice (McDevitt) Millward 9* Susan Montgomery 18 Michael J. Mulick 10 Kathleen (Amick) Neary 14 William P. Nicholson 5 Colleen E. O’Connor 9 Matthew P. O’Donnell 17* Leanne J. (Reid) Oliver 2* Angela M. Ossello Delaney 6* Sandra M. (Wells) Paine* Michael Patterson 3* Corey D. Peterson 10* Laura (Williamson) Popovich Michael Popovich John T. Prud’homme, Jr. 12 Elizabeth A. (Miller) Rogers 2* Scott D. Rogers 2* Christina M. Rosman 2* Kevin M. Roy 3 Mark E. Ruckwardt 2* Lance R. Sadler 3 Holly D. (Porath) Sanders 14* Catherine A. (O’Toole) Shedd 5* Therese L. (Hedgecoth) Snyder* Robert S. Spencer 3* Debra K. (Schroeder) Spray 2* Amy Still 15* Jack Stone 12 Michael D. Stone 6 Byron A. Stout 3* Clinton Summerfield 6 Timothy E. Szambelan 16 Michael Szybnski 3* Colleen S. (McCambridge) Thompson 6 Teresa J. Tombari 9 Captain Andrew W. Trout 3* Timannie J. (Ames) Volland 4 Dr. Thomas G. Walsh 12 Lisa M. (Wallace) Wardian 3 Nancy J. (Katus) White 3* Brian P. Wilkins 2* George Cliff Yochum 2
“Our faculty, graduate and undergraduate students bring back to our Gonzaga home community many international experiences. From Afghanistan to Benin and Zambia, we support Gonzaga’s mission with education for women, clean drinking water and small-scale entrepreneurial projects. Add in our distance learning and our programs are truly able to span the globe.” q Dean Mary McFarland
school of professional s tudies:
r e p o r t
o f
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
h o n o r
Alumni donors Class of 1991-----------------------------------------------------Susan Alexander 5 Anthony Alfieri 2* Andrea L. Allison 8* Maile A. (Arensdorf) Atay 13* Barbie M. (Ward) Bailey 6* Gregory Baker 3* Amber (Myrick) Belew 6* Eileen Bell-Garrison 5 David P. Berry 8 Christian P. Birrer 2* Toni K. Blackwell* Carol Bonino 19 Beverley Botter 7* M. Lisa Bradley 4 Kevin A. Briscoe 3* Elizabeth N. Bruskotter 6 Mark A. Bruskotter 7 T. Bennett Burkemper, Jr. 11 Ina J. Bush 7* Lance M. Child 6* Catherine C. Clark Monica M. (Tinder) Cosmos 9* Scott Davis 6* Richard C. Deck 14* William E. DeForeest 10* Jill M. Duffy 10* Joyce Esposito 28* William Evans 2 Doris M. Fankhauser 2* Robert R. Fischer 6 James J. Fitzgerald 10 Gayle A. ( Jacobs) Foote 13* Christian Franz 3* Janet J. Gores 8* Joseph Gregorwich 5* Bardella M. Guthrie Thomas B. Hammer 4 Kirk Hansen 10 Sandy J. Hanson 2* Michael C. Hirst 8 Karen (McLandress) Hollon 3* Jennifer L. Horner 4* James E. Hydzik 3* Thomas M. John 4* Colleen A. Johnson 2* Sharon J. Johnston 9* Teresa A. Jones 2* Jeffrey S. Kavadias 6* Cathy Kelleher 46* Sean Kelly 2*
Kathleen Freeman-Lorentz
Jan Bissett 3
Ms. Nancy A. McKay 15
James Cappello 4
Lisa K. (Cavett) Loos 5*
Moria A. (Harrington) Blair 10*
Nicole S. (Annis) McKay 10
Colin A. Caryl 14*
Greg Marshall 16*
Megan A. Boland 2*
Cheré (Byrd) McKeirnan 9
David Crouse 8
Margaret N. Mattson 3*
Geoffrey M. Boodell 6
Helen M. McMahon 5*
Amra L. (High) Custer 6*
Liza T. (Tulio) McCafferty 2*
Robert D. Boulds 3*
Mary (Hentges) Miceli 5*
Christopher James Custer 7*
John McDowell 6*
Ann Brown 16*
Robert J. Miceli 3*
John C. Deasy 5
Gloria Middaugh 4*
William J. Dixon 6
Tana P. Carosella 4*
Anna M. Miller 17*
Dennis P. Dougherty 5
Cristine M. Cashatt 7
Calvin Miller 3
Wendy S. (Campbell) Dougherty 5
Michael P. Mengert 5
Dac K. Randall 14*
JoAnn Gibbs 3
Shawn R. Schiffer 3
Kari C. Hopkins*
William Cook 3
Patricia A. (Rosson) Moore 8*
Michael Drislane 5*
Patricia B. Morgan 7
Philip Ratzer 10*
Patrick K. Glynn 10*
Kathleen Schroeder 3*
Edward Hounsell 4*
Travis Swenson 4*
Larry A. Coulson 3
Susan L. Norwood 17*
Kimberly A. (Larson) Droppo 6*
Milena Robison 12*
Michael Goldman 4
Scott Sevigny 10*
Catherine R. (Wolkenhauer) Huard 2*
Kimberly A. Thompson 6 Jody M. Tschritter 8
Molly Murphy 7
Siobhan M. Daly 7*
Sarah R. Parshall 2
Jamie Dudley 9
Stephen D. Rossi 3*
Geoffrey E. Goss 8
Matthew Smith 8*
Nikki A. Hyer 6*
Erin (Willis) De Klotz 10*
Paul W. Pennington
Daniel Duffin 13
Ellen A. (Morin) Nessen 8
Shawn Russell 4*
Kelly (Doyle) Graepel 2*
Erika E. Soublet 8*
Joel Jasperson 6*
John Tsoukalas 3
Stephen J. De Klotz 10*
Clarence A. Perry 5*
Tammy A. Erickson 12
Paul T. Ryan
Michelle Gray
Kelley (Cunningham) Spink 10
Ning Jin 3*
Lisa A. Verzani 7*
Carrie F. (Guse) Newton 6*
Trey L. Dolezal
Jeffrey R. Peters*
Brent Farka
Lisa Nicholls 13*
Michael Scheel 5*
Daniel E. Greenan 5*
Scott Spink 10
Kassi Kain 11
Ellen G. Weiser 18
Elisa Dumesnil 6*
Carl R. Peterson 2*
Amy (Nebel) Fernandes 10*
John O’Brien, Jr. 11*
Marianne (Bacigalupi) Schier 5*
Aida M. Fraser-Hammer 10*
Carolyn P. Stone 10*
Patricia J. (Reich) Kannberg 3*
Bryan Whitaker 5
Paul F. Eagle 3
Eric C. Peterson 3*
Ray Allen Fernandes 4*
Neil J. O’Keefe 4
Brannon Shalley 5*
Thomasin Hammer 4
Jennifer A. (Frei) Sund 7*
Brian Kealoha 8*
Lynda S. Wolf 14
Todd M. Ernst 11*
Virginia V. (Dennis) Preston 9
John F. Ferraro 3*
Janette ( Janaszak) Shalley 5*
Scott Allen Harmer
Jennifer L. Thomsen 12*
Dominique I. (Rigsby) Kiefel 4*
Class of 1996------------------------------------------------------
Robert Parnell, III 8*
Paul V. Essex 10
Jane (Alexander) Ratzer 10*
Stacey L. (Stonum) Fott 3*
Sabrina T. (Finer) Parnell 8*
Suzanne J. (Kozlowski) Siekawitch 14*
Carol Hartman 5*
Marie E. Toft 9*
Karina M. (Kutcher) Klein 11*
Heidi Swanson-Fellows 7*
Robert C. Rich 8
Blaine G. French 5
Joanne Smatlan 3*
Mike Hogan 10
Darla B. Truitt 5*
Kate E. (Doherty) Knop 4*
Mary Jane Parry 6*
Camille S. ( Johnston) Fitzpatrick 9*
Lisa A. Ringwood 2*
Jeffrey Garner 9*
Mary A. Patterson 2*
Sharon K. (Wieber) Sowers 2*
Gregg G. Hohman 4
Anne-Marie Tubao 3
John Kohler 5*
James E. Fitzpatrick 6*
Charlene K. Robins 5*
Kimberly D. (Swallom) Gill 8
Mark K. Perko 4
Donald J. Stewart 9*
Donna J. (Campbell) Hunt 5*
Joel J. Tubao 3
Tamara R. Korth 4*
Meagan Flynn 11
Michael Rodeen 12*
Gregory Gores 5
Joseph M. Stimatz 13*
Megan L. Isenhower 14
Amy (Botsford) Walker 14*
Brian Ladenburg 9
Camille H. Peterson 2
David Fonda 4
Amy Jo (Knapp) Rosson 17*
Anna E. Hayward-Goss 5
Kay L. (Koppleman) Peterson 2
Joan Stluka*
Marie Ivy 2*
Kristen J. (Petro) Wall 10*
Kristin Largent 3*
Judy Foster 3*
Robert S. Rosson 17*
Stephen Graepel 3*
Klaire L. (Fulton) Powers 7
Marissa M. Sullivan 2*
Megan M. (Burrell) Jensen 4
Martin J. Wall 9*
Stephanie (Ellis) Lauritzen*
Todd Foxall 2*
Joely K. ( Jepson) Round 17
Michelle Daltoso-Grammer 6*
Kelly M. Price 6*
Sheila Sumner 3
Kelly C. Winkler-Kelly 14*
Todd Weaver 8
Colleen Little 5
Maria Griffin 8
Mr. Gerald R. Swanson, II
Theresa M. Kochevar 11
J. Trevor Werttemberger 10
Kathleen L. Looker 4*
Eric C. Frimodt 10
Ray J. Round 17
Joseph M. Rois 4*
Mary Ann Fritchie 5
Heidi Ruckwardt 12
Soumya Haldar 2*
Sherry D. Rux 8*
James Tallaksen
Cheri A. (Brockbank) Krebs 10*
Julie M. (Bryant) Westland 9*
Peggy Sue (Lorang) Loroz 11
Colleen A. (Thompson) Fuchs 6*
David Sabow 9*
Timothy M. Hanigan 3*
Karen C. (Sargent) Sawyer 2
Robert A. Trivitt 5*
Paul Kuntz 6
Devin Wickenhagen 10*
Ray Lucero 5*
Cynthia D. Gallegos 4*
Jason M. Saldana 9*
Tricia (Moerkerke) Hansen 9*
Jan Wigen 3*
Graham Lang, Jr. 5
Barbara A. Wodynski 11*
Carin Anne (Wilson) Marney
Paula (Savenelli) Schulte 10*
Charles A. Gay 3
Carol A. Schindele 3*
Thomas R. Hitt 8*
Mary P. Shanks 3*
Jonathan L. Wilson 3*
Madeleine (Brady) Lapke 3
Heather M. (Kampp) Wolff 6
Tracy A. (Harding) McElvery 2*
Valerie J. George 7*
Sabrina K. Jones-Schroeder 13*
Michele E. (Gedrose) Hodges 9*
Carol (Korb) Sheridan 3
Christopher J. Wright 5
Heather M. (Balakier) Larson 5
Jason Wolff 7
Andrew McGuire 4
Tiffany M. Greco 10
Tyler Schumacher 10*
Becky Jasper 2
Eric M. Siedentopf 3*
Khalil Zewahreh 2*
Robert D. Larson 5
Robert D. Selle 14*
Carole Ann Keane 2*
Class of 1994------------------------------------------------------
Mollie Lesh 2*
Class of 1995------------------------------------------------------
Elizabeth (Barnum) McIntyre 4
Beatrice Harris, PhD 8*
Richard P. Siekawitch 14*
Shane M. Hatcher 4
Anne K. Shaw 2*
Dave Keller 7
Jeffrey S. Skeldon 4*
Patricia (Hunter) Hennessey 9
Donna M. (DaSilva) Singer 12*
Sandra L. Hooker-Kimball 5*
Christopher Standiford 17
Wm. Scott Hislop 11*
Jill Smith 4*
Patrick Kirby 8
Nate Steilen 10
Kevin Holland 9
Julie A. (Haigh) Standiford 17
Patrick S. Kirk 4*
Michele (Kegel) Stewart 4*
David Huard 10*
Alexander M. Stillman 4*
Kathleen (Fogarty) Kittilstved 9
Mark T. Strahl 3*
Mary Lou Johnson 17
Daniel Summerfeldt 7*
Karen J. (Bentley) Krantz 2*
Anne E. (Livingston) Thomas 14
Kimberly S. (Drivdahl) Jordan 13*
Luying Tan 2*
Eric Kuester 3*
Angela L. (Hession) Thompson 4*
Lara R. (Mihelich) Kammereck 5*
Daniel Eoh Taylor 3*
Linette C. (Gehring) Laiminger 5
Brad J. Thompson 4*
Daniel L. Keppler 11
Shannon T. (Kwasney) Thomas 6*
William C. Lapke 3
Thatcher Thompson 16*
Jennifer Kerley 4
Jill L. (Bethel) Thompson 9*
Philip Davis Leavenworth 2*
Paul N. Tranel 2*
Kevin Kerns 5*
Toby W. Tobeck 3*
Scott T. Loos 4*
Deanna M. (Cheney) Troxel 6*
Betty L. Kiemle 17
Peter H. Tran 15*
Terri L. (Bonallo) Luce 5*
Mark A. Ulvin 6*
Eric J. Kimball 4*
William Troxel 5*
Mark Luthman 7*
Mary (Guyette) Ulvin 6*
Colleen M. Kinney 5
Tina H. Ultican 3
Maureen A. Lyden 11
Staci L. (Demko) Urquizo 9*
Joanna Klobassa 4*
Mary Weaver 10*
Kelly A. (Delaat) Maher 8*
Greta Utigard 2*
Kathleen M. Kragelund 4*
Brenda L. (Marchesseault) Weber 7*
Tamara (Lehman) McGregor 9*
Nichole A. (Gray) Ward 6*
Nicole M. Kukar 3
Dan Wilson 10
Eugene J. Miller 3*
Thomas K. Ward 6*
Jonathan Kuzma 6*
Paul C. Winch 4*
Andrea J. Mize 6*
Christine M. (Hohman) Weaver 8
Deborah Lahue 4
Paula A. (Hummell) Zitterkopf 2*
Gwen Nyberg 6
Class of 1993------------------------------------------------------
Sara Williams 11*
Matthew F. LaMotte 7
Lara Zahaba*
Cynthia J. (Popiel) Leaver 7
Jolanta A. Kozyra 12*
Class of 1992------------------------------------------------------
Jason Lee 14*
Angela (Laca) Krauss 4*
Karen Lee Allwine 10*
Randall F. Legg 8*
Joyce W. Kubalsky 2*
John W. Anderson 7*
Roseann M. Lemberger 13
Robert N. Kuhta 15
Penny Atherton 2*
Tresa (Bos) LeVasseur 7*
Kirsten R. (Hastings) Lancaster 7*
Tim Aukett 17
Jennifer J. (Saunders) Liss 5*
Steven M. Lapke 11*
Bryce E. Ault 4*
Debora S. Marino 13*
Richard League 19
Stephen Baran 3*
Victoria A. (Ober) Marquis 2*
Lynne M. LeBret 12*
Chris B. Barnes 9*
Mark E. Mayeski 9*
Sam J. Lee 2*
Erin K. (McGillis) Beck 7*
Jack W. McBride 3*
Tonya M. Lockman 12*
Gregory Bever 4
Julie A. (Lopach) McCulloh 12*
Alice A. Stevens 4*
Ronald C. Nellermoe 2*
Mr. James T. Laidlaw, IV 7*
Sherry (Willey) Klepec 2*
sister christine samoie ::: eldoret diocese, kenya
Pattie (Bettin) Buller 12*
Carol M. (Solberg) LaMotte 11
Edward Kirk 4*
“learning here at gonzaga is overflowing. i appreciate the guidance and hard work of my teachers. they want me to succeed.”
David F. McFaul 12
Susan D. Weitz 24
Donald Kesteven 4*
r o l l
Kathryn M. (Leonardini) Melancon 12*
Grace E. (Beauchane) Whiteaker 5
Donald B. Kennedy 7
h o n o r
r o l l
r e p o r t
o f
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
William C. Abt 7* Rachel M. (Herres) Allen 10 Lori J. Arpin 23* Sean D. Bailey 5* Mark Baines 4* Judith M. (Carroll) Baldus 9* Heidi K. Barth 13 Michelle C. Bengtson 5 Karrin M. (Grutz) Bianchi 14* TerryKay Birrer 12 Brad Boedecker 16* Christina (Dills) Bourekis Tyson Campbell 3* 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Shannon R. O’Dell 8* Kristin M. Omberg 7* Elizabeth A. (Evans) O’Reilly 6* David Osenga 2* Heidi Crider-Perry 5* Bradley D. Pinney 5 Daniel R. Puckett 2* Wanda Gay Quinn 8 Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing, and we would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please direct your inquiries to Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 800.463.6925 or
Christina Ashby Amy K. Bahrman 5* Daniel Blood 7* Alice M. Boyle Shepard 7* Clark Brekke 3* Jeffrey A. Brown 5 Loriann C. (Zent) Brown 9 Cheri R. (Soliday) Burnham 4 Matthew J. Byrd 11 Michaela A. (Patrenets) Campbell 2* Troy Campbell 4* Hal Charvet 4* Cheryl A. (Giem) Connors 12* Janet Lee Constable 6* Anazion Cordeiro, Jr.* Dylan J. Cunningham 7* Jason Cutts 10 Alison (Gibbens) Dice 10* Michael J. Doherty 7* Jasha G. Droppo, III 6* Matthew John Dudley Donna L. Duvon 3* Francesca F. Fabile 4* Matthew E. Fahey 3* Marci J. (Anthony) Fankhauser 3* Melissa J. Farmin 11* John S. Foertsch 6 Elizabeth A. (Wood) Fortunato 8* Tiffaney Fox Quintana 6* Ben Francis 6* Shannon R. (Brantingham) Garlitz 4* Sharon R. (Ladenburg) Gelbrich 11 Travis R. Gelbrich 11
Lynn M. (Arfman) Liedle 7*
Mary F. (Peterson) Actor 10* Peter Anthony 6*
Stacy E. Liedle 7*
Douglas Ashbaugh 6*
Lori A. Long 2*
Robert Baker 4*
Koleen M. (Kapptie) Lumpkin 6 Mark A. Luna 3* Michael J. Maher 7*
Susan Baran 6* William K. Barquin 10* Wade Bodlovic
Angela G. (Hendricks) Martin 2*
Chadwick Bogar 6
Jeffrey B. McDowell 10*
Shelley Jo Brooks 9*
Felix McGowan 5
Jay Buck 2*
Candice McHugh 8*
Jennifer L. Burdett 10*
Molly Ann McQueen 12
Debra J. Canaday 6
Anne T. Medhus 2*
Thomas Carroll 8*
Heather L. ( James) Miciak 7 Ryan J. Miciak 5 Christine (Grimm) Milliron 3*
Bradley Chalk Elizabeth (Koch) Charvet 6* Eric Cline 4*
William Moe 10*
Patrick O. Corr 12*
Patrick Moran 4* Teresa A. (Dues) Moran 3* Mark T. Neupert 3 David M. Newman 5 Jon E. Osterkamp* The Hon. Marie Palachuk 3 Margaret L. (Dillenburg) Pieper 5* Christopher Pouley 3 Michelle (Land) Quinn 3* Julie N. (Nordeck) Randall 14* Heather B. (Hosford) Rees 13* Jason W. Rees 13*
Kathleen A. (Schless) Dacunto 11* Britt-Marie (Bunch) DeForeest 11* Padraic Damien Essex 6 Matthew Feist 5* Mary Ellen (Ganley) Ferguson 8* Eric C. Franks 6 Elizabeth M. (Avila) Gaddis 2* Gregory M. Gath 10* Michelle (Busch) Green 7 Philip Green 7 Kathleen (O’Keefe) Gregg 4* Todd N. Gregg 4*
Peter M. Rosman 5
Robert Hall
Melissa M. Sadler 3 Shannon Saldana 5* Rachel Salter*
Renee M. (Kelln) Hawkes 8 Cary Heth 4*
Kinuko Sato 10* r e p o r t
Colin J. Hawkes 8
Lorraine C. Hoffman Mastin 3 o f
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
Kathryn Rae McKinley 10 Thomas McLaughlin 9 Michael D. Meighan 4* James Mentock 2* Rita G. (Reed) Michalak 7* Sandy (Taylor) Moore 2* James Mudd 7* Denise M. (dePinna) Mullins 10 James Newman 12 Tracie R. (Traxinger) Oergel 8* Maura (Drislane) Onello 8* Gabrielle E. Butler-Parrish 8 Marlis Pebles 7 Tracy (Stroud) Penna 3* Shawn Peroff 7 Julia A. Peyton 5* Jeffrey A. Price 5 Jennifer K. (Sprute) Proctor 9* Julie E. (Ward) Ragsdale 6* Jason Reding* Stacie M. Lewton-Rice 10* Lisa Rinaldi 3* Mary L. (Wilkins) Roberts 9 Jeremy Robinson 5 Janette R. Ronquillo 2* Howard A. Ruddell 6 Laura K. (Reinhardt) Rumpler Eric Ryan 11* Andrea R. (Stoneberg) Schenk 10* Heather C. (Roehl) Serres 9 Erik E. Simshauser 5* Shane Devey Smith 4 Charlie Steinmetz 9* Lynn E. (Atwood) Steinmetz 8* 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Phil Akers 11* Patrick L. Allamandola 7 John Allison 4 Julian Ayer 3* Stephanie (Kennedy) Ayer 3* Mary K. (Kenny) Balen 4* Melinda K. Baran 4* Bridget E. Beatty 2* Monica P. Becket 8* Jonathan G. Belzer 10* Audrey R. Bizzell 4 Mary Lynn Boardman 9 Charles Bolen Elisabeth R. Bollinger 6* Charlie Borberg 4* Steven R. Borchers 7* Mary J. Bozman 9 Maureen A. Branstetter 5 Robert Burnett 7 Carolyn (Henke) Campbell 6* Joann G. Caputo 4 Darlene (Barrier) Caruso 2 Michelle T. Cobb 2* Zachery D. Collins 6* Margaret Collyer Brandy (Anderson) Conner 5* Michael Costello 11* Rachel Cummins 5* Jennifer A. Curran 10* Joneil M. Custodio 2 Kathryn M. Canfield-Davis 7 Kristin (Kollmann) Davis 10* Madeleine DeBeer 3* Kelli Dilks 2* Colleen (Meyer) Downey 9* Kathy Edwards 4 Peggy Estey 4* John Evans 12* Timothy Fearnside 3 Leah M. Fenwick 4* Brett M. Flajole 6* Tricia M. (McCann) Flajole 5* Ann J. (Blackwell) Fleck* Dennis P. Flynn 3* Nicole M. (Kavon) Frye 6 Amanda Gentry J. Michael Graglia 5* Cleatis J. Grumbly 5 Marcie M. Haeg 4* :::
h o n o r
Alumni donors Gretchen Herbison 5
Laura A. Stanfield 12*
Doug J. Desmond 2*
D. J. Wilson 7*
David S. Loebach 3*
Katherine E. Connolly*
Randall L. Johanson*
Robert Mix
Mary Ellen (McGuire) Stephens 6*
Amie (Gregori) Durbin 3*
Ryan R. Wilson 8
Michael J. Masero 2
Laura Elizabeth Corcoran*
Wade O. Johnson
Dawn Katherine Morgan
Ann M. Sisk
Robert J. Stephens 7*
Christopher Durbin 3*
Aaron M. Wolfe 3*
Erin K. Mckevitt
Matthew R. Craven
Elizabeth R. Keaney
Brianna Morin*
Eli R. Skillen* Blake and Andrea (Hanson) Slonecker*
Paul W. Seiler
David Stimac 3*
Bradley E. Eayrs 5
Abigail A. (Pottenger) Wolfe*
Pamela S. McKinzie 5
Laura M. Curd
Zakary A. Kessler*
Jon and Monica (Corrigan) Morris*
Liberty Ebright 4*
Robin Wood 3*
Lynette (Escallier) McManus 8*
Alison Cushman
Jeffrey Kiely
Shelby M. Morrison*
Margaret (Fatta) Tillman 4*
Megan A. Ellingson 11*
Carolyn R. Zorich 6
Maria Theresa S. (Solis) Metz 10
Dominic S.N. and Denise DeCaro*
Cathleen M. Knutson
Ashley Munger
Laurie Slonecker*
Kimberly Tufts
George Erickson 5*
Patrick T. Dessert
John Knutson*
Sean M. Neary
Tana Marie Small*
Patrick F. Van Inwegen 12*
Jacqueline M. (Flynn) Fearnside 3
Class of 1998 – 10 th reunion
Gregory S. Miller 4
Stefani L. (Knudsen) Spilker*
Victoria L. (Nicacio) Van Inwegen 12*
John M. Finn 4
Daniel Vimont 7*
Cynthia Fitzgerald 8*
Mandee E. (Madsen) Vimont 4*
Sascha T. (Elloy) Flanigan 6
Michael Warner 9*
Shaun P. Flanigan 6
Deborah Weber 10
Richard P. Fox, Jr. 4*
Christopher Wood
Robert P. Freeman*
Todd E. Wood 6
Wade Gelhausen 3
Timothy J. Woods 5*
Joel Graff 8*
Justin Wylie 10
Katherine J. Grobe 8*
Randall J. Wyrobek 10*
Paul Halgren 4*
Dannielle S. (Haraldson) Zehner 3*
Jason M. Ham*
Eli Zehner 2*
Traci L. Harvey*
Melissa Lowdon 2*
Class of 1997------------------------------------------------------
Timothy Hays 2
Rose Higgins 20 Holly Hoff 7* Matthew R. Hopkins* Sheri (Loranger) Houck 9* Susan Hunt 2* Kevin D. Jablonski 5* Marcella James 4* Gregory C. Johnson* Brian T. Jones 6* Daniel L. Jones 7 Joel Judy 8 Timo P. Korkeamaki 2 Renee A. Larsen 5* Joseph F. Laubach 11* Joseph Litchfield 2* Thomas K. Lopach 5* Sherri A. (O’Neill) Lynch 10*
Christopher Aleshire 11*
Carolyn M. (Chey) Manhart 4*
Ivy Anderson 4*
Chaela (McKelvey) Manning 4*
Robert W. Balen 4*
Matthew D. Marshall 2*
Christopher J. Barnett 5
John Mastin 3
Ryan Barrett 3
Jason R. Maughan 7
Cecily A. Becker 6 Mary Pat (McCutcheon) Belzer 7*
Emily McKeever 6
Cindy S. Benson 10
Renee Goffi net-Meenach 3
Karen R. Kowalski-Bianco 5*
Christopher M. Miller 9*
Annie Bovone 4*
Russell R. Minas 4*
Shaun C. Bradley 3*
Dean T. Moorehouse 8*
Chase W. Breckner 12
Claudia M. Nunez-Morgan 3*
Sarah S. (Schmidt) Brenkus 7
Scott Morgan 2*
Ruth M. Brennan Anderson 3
Roderic R. Mourant 5*
Sheila Brunton 6*
Kevin J. Murphy 10*
Jennifer L. (Carr) Buhler 3
David Novick 4
Juliana T. (Kendall) Burnett 7
Chad T. Orebaugh 2*
Blaze Burnham 4
Marty Parola 7
Brian C. Burton 13*
Tammie L. (Williams) Perreault 10*
Jeffrey S. Busch 4
Daniel E. Price 6
Melanie J. (Green) Caldwell 3
Shelly Quinton 3*
Christopher W. Carr 3
Karin E. (Galbraith) Ray 10*
Michelle C. Storm-Carroll 6*
Andrew J. Rieder 3
Nathaniel Clinton 10*
Karen (Long) Round 8*
Uri Clinton 2
Patrick A. Round 10*
Joel R. Comfort 4 Eileen M. Conn 6
Susan (Blewett) Salas 3*
Marisa M. Connell 10*
Sydney C. Sambrano 4*
Rocky Conner 3*
Carli Schiffner 4*
John O. Cooney 4*
John D. Schmitz 2*
Kimberly J. Cronen 9*
Jack L. Smith 6*
Matt Crotty 5*
Scott A. Snider 6
Catherine E. Hannity-Cunningham 10
David Sonntag 10*
Reagan P. Cunningham 8
Cara M. (Clark) Spink 6
Drew Dannels 9*
Tomson Spink 6
Thomas A. De Boer 5
Judi Sposito 9*
Mark E. De Forrest 3
Jonathan M. Staben*
Camille M. (Turner) De Marco 4*
Shannon B. Boroff 4* Ann (Epler) Bryant 9 James D. Caldwell* Carol M. Caletti 6 Garrett T. Call 10* Yvonne M. Cargill 2 Jonathan M. Caton Matthew Corbin 4 Carl V. Crider 2 Renee K. (Frei) Crider
Allan C. Heller 9
Ryan D. Crockett 2
Paul D. Hill 8*
Patrick J. Cronin
Sean M. Hopkins 3*
Jocelyn M. Custodio 2
Rebekah J. Kaufman 7
Sean Dannen 4
Doreen (Locher) Keller 6
Bryan James Davey Claudia J. Davis 8*
Nathan C. LeBret*
Della L. Demerjian 2
Martin R. Ledgerwood 2*
Monica (Aguiar) Denison 7*
David Lott 5*
Louise Ann Desgrosellier 8*
Dana (Sells) Love 7
Sonja S. Devaney 10
Douglas Manning 7*
Louisa O. Diana
Christopher McCarthy 8*
Christopher J. Dorrington 4*
Alan McKee 2 Anne M. (Bucholz) Merrill 4* Julia Mitzel 4*
Rachel K. Ferguson 9
Timothy Morin 10*
Angela (Koelsch) Fish 3*
Kara Moss 11*
Katrina Freeburg 7
John M. Nemeth 9 Keyonyu X. (Smith) O’Connell 7 Arlene M. Peterson 6*
Eric J. Froisland Charlotte Graham 2 Elena T. Grassl 9*
Joe Poss 11*
Erin M. (Wong) Green 10*
Matthew A. Pyhala*
Christopher Grothkopp 2
Angela (Mobley) Rieder 2
Carl R. Hansen 3
Carol Lynn (Wolfe) Rison 9
Morgan J. (Hostetter) Hatcher 4 Bret N. Houck 7*
Anna Symkowick-Rose 6*
o f
Thomas D. Duvall Annie M. (Stoeger) Edwards 3 Christopher A. Edwards 3
Michael W. Moreland 5*
Kenneth J. Hydzik 5
Carie A. Schwede Weeks 7
Thomas P. Jenkins
Marc Shea 4
Belinda D. Jones
Sheri Shields 7*
Patrick Jones 6*
Dori (Senger) Sonntag 10*
Amy M. Jordens 11
Angela Splater 12*
Sarah (Calkins) Kelly 6*
Brant L. Stevens 2
Erin E. (Weeks) Kerr 7
Gordon R. Stoa 5
Anita Kotik 9
Pete Tormey 14*
Jill A. (Espy) Krueger 6*
Mark Van Loan 4*
Douglas J. Larson 3*
Patrice M. Wheeler 2*
Justin V. Laubach 2*
thank you
t h e
Jennifer (Majerus) Morales 3 Jeffrey W. Neil 2
p r e s i d e n t
David J. DeVolve
Ryan James Kreitzberg*
Jaquelene Makus*
Matthew J. Dolliver*
Ross M. LaCombe*
Patrick Nixon
Tony R. Splater
Kristen L. Doyle*
Anthony M. Lalli
Scott O’Brien*
Ryan M. Stanbery
Megan ( Jagelski) Ewens
Travis Lamb and Courtney Serpa
Christopher R. Odle
Brandon Stanley*
Robert A. O’Neill
Christopher Filios
Tony V. Le
Karen O’ Hagan
Sarah F. Stender
Kerry J. Patrick 2
Eric David Alegria*
Jill M. Fitzgerald*
Aaron M. Lewer
Wes and Rian Oliver
Brady L. Strahl
Virginia A. Payne*
David D. Anthony*
Daniel J. Galligan
Andrew and Kathryn Lockwood*
Jason S. Pankow*
Matthew and Brooke (Wilson) Sullivan
Theresa Petersen
Brock D. Athman
Andrea Genord
Daniel and Victoria (Olson) Lord
Regina Paolucci
Anna Sundberg*
Dan T. Phelan 9
Anne S. Bailey
Jesse Goldsmith
Dan Raymond S. Loyola*
Alicia (Innes) Pearson*
Tomasz C. Szelagowski
Molly M. (Gryziec) Reding 6*
Maria J. Barnes*
Mollie R. Haener*
Annie K. Luu
A. Joseph Peil*
Brian James Thompson
Angela (Frey) Ripke 8
Connor Barry
Courtney Hasse
Matthew J. Malinowski*
Kelli M. Piper*
Michael B. Tilford
Eduardo D. Rodriguez*
Peter Bauer and Mary Vancura
Stephanie L. Hawk
Holly N. Marko*
Jennifer Rose Porto*
Joseph Tomascheski*
Janet H. Rudnick 11*
Theresa M. Bauman*
Jason and Amy ( Jensen) Hawthorne
Avelino Santa Ana 3
Benjamin and Karen Bianco*
Patrick J. Healey*
Stephanie A. Mattocks*
Katie Prichard
David E. Uhl
Christine Scagliotti 5
Alastair L. Bitsoi*
Joshua J. Herrin
Dominique McCarthey*
Kelsey Raap
Jessica Valder
Marisa E. O’Neill
Nathan and Ashley (Thayer) Martin* Thomas and Erin (Fitzpatrick) Price*
Joshua David Truax*
Kathleen Schatz
Mark and Theresa (Timms) Boyer
Jared and Kara (Svennungsen) Hertz
Alycia P. McKenzie*
Michael Rafferty*
Amanda L. Van De Leest
Paula M. Schmitz 10*
Tricia Boyer*
Samuel Hess
Casey McNellis and Sara Larson
Krista K. Rammelsberg
Ana A. Vanderah*
Marjorie Ann Sebesta 5
Zachary James Boyer
Aaron D. Hill
Lesley T. Merkle*
Katherine Louise Rassette*
Justin W. Votava
Heather M. Seiler
Marshall Bratton
David and Anne Suminski Holt
Nicholas Merriman, Jr.
Joel P. Reed
Richelle Wall*
Kellie Sheldon
Randy Brennan*
Kelsey Merwick
Samuel and Shelby (Ratto) Reed*
Eileen M. Walsh*
Erin K. Simmons 10
Keith and Kimberly (Bunkers) Brewer
Christopher and Camisha (Pauli) Hughbanks
Scott W. Meyer
Joshua J. Roberts
David A. Watt
Ryan S. Simms 2*
Bryson Nubuo Brunette
Bradley J. Hughes
Nicholas P. Michael*
Pedro G. Romo
Charles and Carlene (Bobbe) Wells*
Melissa M. (Poyant) Simpson 7
Ashley Burke
Gregory M. Hynes*
Molly J. Wicks*
Steven Chambers*
John Israel*
Brian and Sarah (Hawkins) Michaelson*
Patrick D. Ross*
Daniel A. Sjolund 5
Paul W. Schafer
Andrew and Kelsey (Posedel) Wilson
Quinn W. Smith 2
Joshua R. Comfort
Jeremy and Courtney (Coughlin) Misterek*
Megan L. Schaffner
Brian Zapotocky*
Jordan and Courtney (Goche) Janicki*
Class of 1999------------------------------------------------------
Nicole L. (Huie) Hydzik 2
Mullane K. Schwandt 2
Douglas J. Brajcich, Jr. 4
Chelsea A. Herron
Kristy L. Alldredge-Bartlett 9
Jason D. Innes 4*
Jeff D. Sebenik 6*
Lon Brown 7*
Michael F. Higgins 3
Carolyn C. Snipes 2 Matthew K. Tasto 4* Jeremy L. Thomas 10 Mary E. Tillery 4 Susan Trenkle Eileen M. Twomey 8* Mark R. Vatuone 5 Austin P. Walsh 5 David Watt 6 Jamie (Platt) Watt 4 Nancy K. Wilimek 11* Stacey Wunderling 4 Brigette (Livaudais) Yates 5 Jeremy P. Yates 5 Daniela E. Yau 5* John J. Zappone 4*
thank you
thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you you thank you
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Young Alumni president’s council Gonzaga’s distinguished leadership giving society for graduates of the last ten years. Spencer T. Abel*
Laura L. Norris 7*
Michelle T. (Messinger) Jelsing 3*
Jay Seifert 4*
thank you r e p o r t
Bradley J. Bilderback 2* Anne J. (Cannon) Boroff 5*
Marnie (Gerding) Rorholm 7
Barbra (Anderson) Ryan 6
Cheryl C. Jordan-Aguilera 11 Byron A. Bergeron
Michael J. Kittilstved 9
Colleen M. Mazurek-McCowan 2*
r o l l
Mary Alynn (Stone) Tatko 10*
Michelle M. Hereford
h o n o r
r o l l
Monica James*
Jonathan W. Bauter 4*
Kari (Rognier) Innes 4*
Stephanie Serventi 10*
Shelley M. (Engquist) Buckholtz
Ian G. Hizzey 3*
Benjamin D. Bianco 5*
William Johnson 7
Cody M. Smith 6*
Brendan Burke 3
Kristyn M. Ho 8*
Sheela (Gholamipour) Bilderback*
Laurel A. (Mitchell) Juergens 6*
Shannon B. (Stanford) Strahl 5
John B. Champion 4
Lynn P. Hogan 4*
Elizabeth I. (Hicks) Boileau 7*
Elissa Hill (Bean) Kadue 3
Veronica E. (Kelley) Sutton 3*
Stephanie A. (Carr) Champion 2
Pamela S. Howland 3
Katy J. Bruya 10
Kimberly A. Kamel
Shawn P. Taylor 2
Keely R. Chapman 3*
Camisha M. (Pauli) Hughbanks 7
Corey A. Buchanan Pigeon 6*
Paul J. Kelley 7*
Anne M. (Clear) Teerink 3*
Stacey N. Chatman 6
Lisa A. (Wasinger) Johnson 8
William A. Buckholdt, III
Karen Lou Lambert
David A. Thiebes 3
Corey T. Christensen 2
Jessica J. Kelley 3*
Katie D. (Russell) Buxman 5*
Amy N. (Welsch) Lane 10*
Don Thomas 8
Jeremiah N. Clipson 2*
Philip A. Kornachuk 7* Joseph J. Leahy 5*
Matthew D. Colley 3*
Jim LaPointe 4
Sabrina L. Thurman 3*
Jessica L. (Hochstein) Colley 3*
Rosemary P. Coulson 3
Samuel A. Little 3*
Peter O. Tuenge 8*
Joshua R. Comfort 4
Daniel G. Lloyd 5
Annette Davis 17*
Marycate Lumpp 3*
John M. Voight 3
Larry Cravens
Rachel M. Lopez 6*
Michael J. Dolmage 4
Colleen P. Mangano*
Robert Mark Waggy 5*
Laura M. Curd 4
Barbara M. Loste 4
Eve-Anne M. Doohan 4*
Michael A. Manzer*
Laura M. Wagner 7
Stacie M. (Baumann) Davis 7*
Melissa Migliuri 4*
Donna M. Elliott 10*
Steven W. Marlowe 5
Rebecca M. (Gibbons) Watson 3*
Dominic S.N. DeCaro 6*
Thomas P. Moran 4*
David Farrell 2*
Lisa J. Mason 5*
Cathi Weber 5
Christopher D. Downey 6*
Joel A. Morgan 4
Jessica A. (Stephano) Farrell 3*
Kim L. (Knight) Mathis 8*
Charles Wheaton*
Susan (Behnke) Dunfield 6*
Sean M. Mulholland 4*
Brenden M. Feist 2*
Elizabeth M. Monn*
Paul M. Williams
Todd Dunfield 6*
Teresa C. (Specht) Mulholland 4*
Marites D. Fiesta 9*
Charles M. Moore 9*
Angela K. (Daniel) Wood 2
Da Cam Duong 2
Ursula C. (Kortuem) Mullen 4*
Carrie A. Finnegan 6*
Kari (Leland) Moore 9*
Christopher T. Fiori 3*
Leisa A. (Lybbert) Mumford 4*
Christopher D. Frye 7
David J. Mullen 4*
Class of 2000------------------------------------------------------
Holly H. Fugate 4*
Lori-Anne M. Neiger
Michael R. Gamache 3*
Kathryn M. Nowak 7*
Scott D. Gambill 4
Vicki L. Olson 3
Kyle Jay Geditz 2
Bryan V. Pham, S.J. 3
James S. Gibson 9
Juli M. Pierce 6*
Michael R. Green 4
Thomas W. Price 5*
Amy N. ( Jensen) Hawthorne 3
Kathila S. Rajapaksa 3*
Jason R. Hawthorne 3
Janine P. (Adams) Reynard 2
Miranda Helm 3*
Abraham J. Ritter 4*
Christopher W. Herzog 2
Michelle L. Roy 5*
Janelle L. (Watts) Hizzey 3*
Meghan E. Ryall 6*
Elizabeth C. (Quigg) Hoss 8*
Eric James Sachtjen 5 r e p o r t
o f
Michael D. Aguilera 7 Margaret M. Albo 6* Kevin T. Andres 9 Kristofer A. Angle 3* Chi L. Ashbaugh 3* Daniel A. Ayers 2 Molly J. (Smith) Ayers James E. Barry 6 Julia E. Bergner 2* Dawnell M. Bivins 5* Matthew M. Blasdel 7* Timothy F. Bow 3 t h e
p r e s i d e n t
Deborah K. Firkins 2
Susan L. Munk
Paula J. Fortier 9*
Michael B. Nilson 2
Anndee J. Francisco*
Randy L. Oaks 4*
Antje K. Frychel 2
Rian Oliver 6
Georgia Gauron 6
Wes D. Oliver 6
Barbara Giem 15*
Eric M. Pedersen
Bradley J. Green 5*
Benjamin Powell 3
Bryan A. Greene 2
Erin C. (Fitzpatrick) Price*
Jessica L. Haddy 4*
Jerry L. Reed
Bradley J. Haines*
Marcus M. Riccelli 4*
Samuel S. Hansuld*
Christopher Richard 8*
Robin L. Haynes 4
Jill E. (Phillips) Richard 8*
Wendi Ann Helmick 4*
Rikki E. (Opheikens) Roden 4*
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
h o n o r
h o n o r
r o l l
“the environmental studies program has grown from zero to 29 students in the three semesters since its inception. the generosity of our donors makes it possible for an exciting new program like this to operate, as we are not a historically budgeted academic unit.” Jonatha n is acof f ::: assistant professor, political science ::: d i r e c t o r, e n v i r o n m e n t a l s t u d i e s p r o g r a m
Alumni donors Beth (Larson) Rousseau 3 Christopher A. Rousseau 2 Sondra K. Ruckwardt 8* Stacey A. St. Marie 8 Erin L. Sauer 6 Emily R. (Hubbert) Schlettert 8* Matthew M. Schulte 4* Caryn M. Sears 3* Darren A. Sekiguchi 2* Joseph A. Sicilia 2 Tina M. (McDermott) Sicilia 2 Anthony A. Smith 4* Michael A. Smith 3* Steven E. Smith, Jr 4* Anthony R. Splater 6 Holly M. (Kraemer) Stewart 8* Kimberly K. Ariola-Suskisaki 2* Kyndrin M. (Rowse) Tenny* Samuel M. Tenny* Gaetano J. Testini 7 Colin J. Thalhofer 6
Anahita Nahavandian
Kelly Frey 2*
Gina M. Walker 2*
Jourdan Robert Radloff
Alison Cushman
Sheila M. Newman 2
Travis K. Goff* Karen L. Franks-Harding*
Stephen H. Walker*
Krista K. Rammelsberg 3
Daniele K. Daugherty 3*
Patrick Nixon 3
Carlene E. (Bobbe) Wells 5*
Erin J. (Piepel) Ransdell*
Jacki M. Davis 2*
Kerrie Nollette 2*
Stephanie L. Hawk
Mary A. Wetzel 4*
Lindsay D. Ray 2*
Steven W. Derrig 2*
Sean Nollette 2*
Dane W. Hofbauer 2*
Patrick T. Dessert 3
Mara Oblak
Christi A. Hofland 2
Adrean Dills 3*
Michael P. O’Donnell*
Marla Honsky 2*
Jim R. Harris 5
Stefanie Balakier 3*
Rita A. Waldref 2*
Stuart J. Kerber 2*
Russell J. Yost 4*
Leilena T. Reyes*
Matthew J. Dolliver 2*
Karen O’Hagan 4
Keala Hopps 2*
William T. Hart, III 2*
Melanie C. Ball 2*
Daniel Wessman 2*
Kirk R. Klaas
Jennifer L. Zelko 3
Kathleen M. Roewe*
John D. Dwyer, IV*
Morgan S. Oyler*
Ryan I. Inouye 2
Jared W. Hertz 7
Shonna Bartlett 3
Janet K. Whitney
Sara E. Larson
Kara M. (Svennungsen) Hertz 4
Jason Bay 2
Paul Wolfe 3*
Raquel M. (Avila) Leal 2*
Class of 2004------------------------------------------------------
Aaron D. Hill 5
Sierra M. Bifano* Stacy A. Bjordahl 4
Class of 2003------------------------------------------------------
Sarah M. Lenneman 3*
Jayne Inouye 2 Cynthia A. John 6
Tony Bonanzino 13
Jason Kennedy 5
Tricia Boyer 5*
Paul J. Kenney 2*
Patricia L. Brown
Emily A. King 4*
Edward J. Bruya 3
Nicholas R. Knapton 7
Melissa Carstens 4
Tana D. Kornachuk 4*
Kevin Collins 3*
Kyle D. Kupers 3
Matthew S. Cox 5
Travis S. Lamb 6
Andrea D. (Macklin) Davey
Karen LaPointe 12
Elizabeth A. DeLong 2
Lani LaRock 2
Nguyen K. Do
Mary Saint-Laurent 6*
Nancy Durell 2
Justin B. Lee 3
Johnathan J. Evans 3*
Cynthia M. Lobosky 2*
Brian J. Forde*
Robyn (Davis) Lockett 3
Katrina M. Gunderson 2*
Andrew Lockwood 4*
Erin M. Hamor 2*
Kathryn (Harris) Lockwood 4*
Stephen R. Hansen
Jon Morris 2*
Daniel L. Hulsizer
Class of 2001------------------------------------------------------
Lindsey R. Morse 4*
Heidi L. Hunt 2
Sulochana (Hatcher) Abeid 2*
Rhiannon L. (Fabian) Nilson 2
Joan M. Hynes 3*
Meghan S. Anderson 5
Scott O’Brien 5*
Natalie D. (Woodland) Johnson
Christa M. Antoncich 3*
Christopher O’Neil 4*
Paul J. Kallmann 3*
Kimberly Arrasmith 2*
Jason S. Pankow 2*
Elizabeth R. Keaney 4
Jacob-Lee W. Baker 5
Jennifer Rose Porto 4*
Christina M. King 4*
Sara J. Becker 3*
Stephanie N. Quinlan 5*
Jessica A. King 3*
Eileen A. Bow 3
Jonathon D. Reilly 2
Rozalind A. Kitt 3
Theresa M. Timms Boyer 6
Elizabeth K. Rhode 4
Ryan Kuss 3
Paul Brown 4
Abraham L. Rocha 2
Hye Bin Kwon 2
Ramona M. Sanderson-Burglin 6
Faith K. Routh 2*
Anthony M. Lalli 2
Lisa M. Burke 3*
Malcolm A. Ryerse 5
Christina W. (Griffiths) Long
Daniel R. Buxman 2*
Brian J. Saeman 4
Nicole H. Lustig 4
Kathleen Carpenter 4*
Melissa A. Sanders 3
Matthew J. Malinowski 5*
Brigit M. Ciccarello 5*
Gabriel Saucedo 7
William M. Mast 2
Andrew R. Cooper 3
John B. Sauer 4*
Brian S. McConnell 2
Darlene R. Mitchell-Cowdery 6*
Sandra L. Monaghan-Schultz 4*
Brady C. McDonald 3*
Melody Crick 7*
Barrett Jonas Scudder 5
Barbara McGann 6
Fianna M. Dickson 6*
Honalee R. Smith 5*
Regina M. Ord 3
Sarah E. Ellingson
Rachel A. Svenson 4*
Mario E. Puccinelli 2
Albert Fein 4
Michelle M. (Smith) Thomsen 2
Jennifer M. Pursley 6*
Damian P. FitzRoy 5
Veronica L. Valdez 6*
Samuel J. Reed 2*
Catherine Frankel 2*
Tyson C. von Guenthner 3*
Christina M. Rooney 3*
Lisa C. (Wheaton) Franklin*
Ryan G. Wade 7
Joan H. Rostad
Benjamin T. Freeburg 5
Theresa M. Wessels
Cerra V. Sand 2*
Daniel J. Galligan 8
Judy S. Wood 5
Julia (Ruiz) Selfridge 3*
Alicia Gilb 3*
Maj. Michael T. Wright 3
Katherine Sherrick 19*
Harriett Godoski 4*
Michael D. Yates 2
Aaron P. Theisen 2
Class of 2002------------------------------------------------------
Joseph B. Tichy 2
Lea E. Conner
Robert L. Redmond 3
Justin M. Horgan 2*
Kelli M. Piper 2*
Shelby M. (Ratto) Reed 2*
Tena J. Merkel Baker 5
Matthew R. Hale*
Griffin G. Freels*
David M. Wakeman 2*
Kenon Willis 3
Siri A. (Fischer) Herzog 2
Harold Hakes 5
Kristin D. Frazer*
Aaron Naccarato
Claire E. Whitfield 3
Darren-Peter L. Meekin*
Meghann E. Good 2*
GaoSheng K. Moua*
Georganna Clifford 4*
James Leo Kelley, IV 5*
Ryan Hendricks 2*
Steven P. Wee 5
Renee T. (Towler) Clayton 2*
Danielle Perez*
Mary E. Vancura 3
Casey J. McNellis 5
Molly J. Wicks 3*
Michael J. Pellicciotti 4
Jason W. Troupin*
Catherine G. Ansiaux 3*
Joseph Tokimaru G. Harper 2
John D. Watson 2*
Michael B. Tilford 5
Timothy J. Harding 2*
Victoria G. (Olson) Lord 7
Catherine A. Tyrrell 6
r o l l
Tracy M. Abdo 4*
Caroline C. Allen* Elizabeth A. Barry 3* Theresa M. Bauman 6* Theresa (Arrigotti) Bettale 4 Michael A. Bjordahl 8* Marie (Ratliff) Bolstad 4* Sean P. Boutz 4 Leslie J. Bradshaw* Andrew Michael Brajcich 5 Mark P. Bridenstine 2* Stephanie Ann Brown 4 Jennifer Byrd 5* Heather M. Carlson Katherine Ann Cashman 4* Jacinta Elena (Caballero) Connall 6
Neil Tocher 4* Barbara (Nuess) Twohig 6*
Mellad Abeid 2* r e p o r t
Scott V. Alcorn 2* Eric David Alegria 3*
o f
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
Andrew M. Coughlin 3* Vicki Craigen 5 Roger J. Cramer 6 Timothy G. Curtis 4 Leah M. Dahlin* Anita Dahmen 4* Paul A. DiNenna, Jr. Darla Eaton 5* Becky (Milligan) Evans 3* Megan ( Jagelski) Ewens 3 David M. Fineran 3 Jennifer M. Forsman David R. Foster Joshua G. Gana 4* Kimberly Ann Smith-Garzon 5* Ryan M. Gee 2 Julianne R. Gehlen 3* Bernard Gerding 2* Brieanne S. Gershick Thomas Gleason 4* Heather Gores 4 Lauren M. Grant 3* Susan Hales 6 Joshua J. Herrin 5 Samuel Hess 3 Larissa F. Holland 4* Jennifer A. Holstein 2* David A. Holt 3 Nathaniel Hopper 3 Kristan M. Horgan 2* Bradley J. Hughes 5 Hana E. Hughson* Janet (Takisaki) Ingalls 2* James A. Jarosz 3* David M. Johnson 3 Aimee N. Jones 3* 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Matthew A. Long Dan Raymond Loyola 5* Rebekah J. Lunden 3* James P. Mahoney Tia (St. Andrew) Marchand 3* Gina Marchini 5* Kiesha A. Marusa 5* Kristen McCabe 2* Michael P. McCarthy 3 Tyler A. McLean Mary Katherine McNair 2* Kammi L. Mencke 4 Nicholas P. Michael 5* Keith A. Michels 3* Courtney E. (Coughlin) Misterek 3* Rya B. Naylor 3* Marvin Nelson 7 Stephanie Kathleen Neumayer* Breah Niemiec 2 Charles F. O’Brien 6 Patrick D. O’Brien 2* Lisa Louise Olson 3* James Osborne 5* Regina Paolucci 5 Krissy (Wood) Peck 4* Leah Marie-Jessica Peck 4* Eileen C. Peth 4* Jinny M. (Michelsen) Piskel Nicholas Joseph Pontarolo 2* Jonathan W. Pool* Edmund P. Quaglieri 3 Candy L. Reich* David Robinson 3* Jennifer A. (Tullis) Russell 3* Stephen G. Russell 5* Jennifer Sachtjen 4 Michael J. Scarpelli 4 Craig T. Schaefer 5* Megan L. Schaffner 5 Christopher P. Schlueter 2 Margaret F. Schott 4* Curtis S. Slatina 2 Andie (Hanson) Slonecker 3* Tana Marie Small 5* Leah Sottile 2 Cynthia L. Stachecki 8* Brady L. Strahl 6 Brooke E. Sullivan 2 Matthew J. Sullivan Anne M. Suminski Holt 2 Jennifer (Steichen) Tapia 5* Shannon J. Tegge 4* Brian James Thompson 4
Shelley A. Ajax David D. Anthony 2* Shana L. Berry 2 Erika R. (Oaas) Bibbens 3* Maria H. Bokulich 2 Brian M. Bradford 2 Marshall Bratton 2 Keith W. Brewer 2 Kristina M. Christensen* Katherine E. Connolly 2* James L. Cooney 5* Kathleen M. DeWilde 4* Kristen L. Doyle 2* Kelly M. Drew 3* Diane E. Eisenbacher Elizabeth B. Fineran 2 Sarah Flett 3 Mary F. Fontana* Elizabeth A. Galaviz 2* Harold K. Grover Sarah B. Haag* Courtney Haase 4
Mark Rosauer*
Calley M. Ekberg
Christine M. Park*
Andrea James 3
Gretchen Russo 2
Stephen C. Engelhardt 2*
Daniel M. Pearson 2*
Jessica L. (Lahman) Jenness*
Matthew St. John
Lynn Ferguson 2*
Jason R. Pellegrini*
Julia Keller 3
Sophia Paulette T. Santos
Aimee E. Fletcher 2*
Ellen Peters 4*
Tabitha L. Kowalski*
Jeramy I. Schmehl
Janet D. Foshee
Matthew J. Poth 2*
Ryan James Kreitzberg*
Nathan J. Schrandt*
Ryan Ronald Franklin
Brittany Price 3
Ross M. LaCombe 2*
Courtney Serpa 5
Daniel Futrell 2*
Mark S. Raleigh 2
Aaron M. Lewer 2
Joyce A. Silverthorne*
Sarah M. Gendron 2*
Jennifer R. Rebholz
Jaquelene Makus 3* David M. Mandick 2*
Blake D. Slonecker 3*
Andrea Genord 3
Joel P. Reed
Julie R. (Fanning) Smith 3*
Jesse Goldsmith 2
Anthony J. Rehberger*
Oscar Maria*
Stefani L. (Knudsen) Spilker 3*
Jason M. Gore
Dean M. Robbins 2*
Terrie L. McCormick Patrick M. McGah 2
Jacob N. Standerfer 2*
Jennet R. Gray 3*
Pedro G. Romo
Brandon Stanley 4*
Megan E. Haberman 3*
Paul W. Schafer 2
Sean R. McKinley*
Caitlin M. (Bond) Svendsen*
Douglas J. Haffie
Gavin Schroder 2
Sarah J. (Hawkins) Michaelson 3*
Tomasz C. Szelagowski 4
Colin Hahn 2* Douglas A. Halamay 3
Robert Seale 4*
Michael S. Miller 2*
Joan P. Thain
Robert Silvernagel 2*
Mariah Miloff 2*
Kristi M. (Aamodt) Theisen 4
Heidi Marie Hanson 3
Laurie Slonecker 4*
Jeremy Misterek 2*
Jacob R. Thomas*
Benjamin R. Harmeling*
Erik D. Solberg 2*
Lianna J. Montgomery
Michael T. Tollefsen*
Patrick J. Healey 3*
Megan M. (Miller) Solberg 2*
Dawn Katherine Morgan
Morgan Tomaso
Melissa Heid 4*
Gail Stevenson 4
Brianna Morin 3*
Tracy J. Tribbett
Alex Heinze 2
Mary Colleen Sweeney 3*
William T. Nash 2*
Bridget Troy 3
Brianna Hennessy 2*
Melanie R. Taff*
John Nevers, III
Travis C. Truesdell
Brad E. Herr 6
Bea L. Koempel-Thomas 3
Kathleen O’Looney 3*
Shannon Viel 2
Alicia A. Innes 3*
Janelle K. (Hood) Turcotte 2
Zachary P. Olson*
Justin W. Votava 3
John Israel 2*
James F. Twining 2*
Jennifer R. Opalinski*
Angela N. Wall*
Courtney B. (Goche) Janicki 2*
David Uhl 6
Nicole O’Rourke 3*
Zhen Wang 2*
Jordan Janicki 3*
Alan Utley
Stephen Owens*
Charles S. Wells 2*
Jennifer Johnson 4*
Jessica Valder 4
Mario J. Paolucci 2*
Hilary A. Whittington 3*
Laura Jones 3
Joann Waite 2
Roberta M. Plunkett
Kali E. Wicks 4*
Rob Kavon 6
Melanie R. Wilkes 2*
Katie Prichard 2
Nathan P. Williams 2*
Donna M. Kendall*
Ryan Witham 3*
Katherine Louise Rassette 2*
Courtney Wilson 2*
Zakary A. Kessler 5*
Peter A. Woodburn 2
Jennifer (Kaszewicz) Rehberger*
Karen J. Wilson*
Brendan B. Kolding 2*
Ivan A. Yanushev*
Peter S. Reich
Kelsey (Posedel) Wilson 5
Debbie L. Lane 2*
Lulu Yu
Brandon J. Rendon 2*
Jill Meredith Wobker*
Sarah LaRiviere 3*
Trevor A. Zandell 3
Paige Roberts 3
Adolf V. Zeman
Kevin Allen Lee 3*
Cathleen M. Knutson 3
Class of 2005------------------------------------------------------
Christopher Leinweber 4*
Class of 2006------------------------------------------------------
Michael D. Rorholm
Don Kopczynski 2
Hunter Abell 2
Brooke C. Kuhl 2
Valeri Adolph 4*
Shannon M. Haines 4* Tara M. (Boyer) Halko 4* Dennis Harrington 6 Jennifer M. Hedlund* Ann Heeren 3* Thomas M. Highfi ll 2 Ondria M. (Valerio) Hitt 6* David Ito 3* Randall L. Johanson 4* Joseph R. Kaessner 4* Jeffrey Kiely 4 Joyce M. Kirchner 20 Brian N. Klos 4*
Lancer J. LeRay Ryan MacDonald 4*
Joshua J. Kurz 2*
Jeffrey Ahern 2
Lois Locey*
Joan Allbery 23
John Mantello 3*
Amber M. Anderson*
Nicole T. Matthews 2*
Brock D. Athman 2
Marisa A. Maricich
Angela McNutt 3*
Linda Axtell 3
Kevin C. Meihaus 2*
Maria J. Barnes*
Andrew C. Meuer 2*
Rowena M. Beaudry 2*
Brian Michaelson 4*
David Berry 2*
Ashley S. Miller*
Nicole H. Boggs 2*
Jalene S. Moffet
Mark L. Boyer
Monica T. (Corrigan) Morris 4*
Jackson Brennan*
Amelia R. Nevis 3
Kimberly (Bunkers) Brewer 5
Joseph E. Newstrom
Ashley Burke
Ashley N. (Thayer) Martin 3* John A. Mascardo 2* Stephanie A. Mattocks 3* Dominique McCarthey 6* Sarah Jane McConnel Mark McCoskey Lesley T. Merkle 2* Scott W. Meyer Jill Michalak 2*
Katey O’Brien Randall
Jessica G. Celigoy 3
Michael Padraic O’Keefe 3*
Katie E. Chamberlin 2
Joseph Owens 4*
Steven Chambers 2*
A. Joseph Peil 3*
Andrew M. Clayton 2* r e p o r t
Ryan Leong 3*
o f
Robert W. Mitchell Robert Mix 4 Jennifer Moffat 2 Andrew C. Morgan 2* Shelby Morrison 2* Elizabeth A. Mosey t h e
p r e s i d e n t
Ashley E. Alford 2* April L. Anderson Anna J. Baccellieri* Anne S. Bailey Luke P. Barats Connor Barry Matilda J. Beadling* Michael E. Bestrom* Justin E. Bolster Zachary J. Boyer Christopher M. Brecht Bryson Nobuo Brunette Jaye Bucholtz 2 Kenneth L. Canete* Laura Elizabeth Corcoran* Luke M. Edwards* Cyril Eggers 2* Ricky J. Farstad 2* Matthew Fred Fergen* Jill M. Fitzgerald* 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Caitlin A. Ross 2* Lindsey M. (Kessler) Ross Elizabeth Sambach Emily Terese Schaffner 2* Paul W. Seiler James Shamrell 2* Ann M. Sisk 2 Sarah F. Stender Sophia A. Strand* Breanna Tarufelli 3* Kunpyo P. Tryon* Amy Turnipseed 3* Edward A. Van Brunt Sarah E. Vito 2* Eileen M. Walsh* Marc David Ward 2* Ian Warren Wehmeyer Christina Estes-Werther 3 Mark Westfall 2* Tori C. Wolf* Anna Wuitschick 3* :::
h o n o r
Alumni donors Class of 2007-----------------------------------------------------Spencer T. Abel* Lauren J. Altdoerffer John Jessop Barnard 3* Bob Bartlett 12 Felix A. Benavente* Alastair L. Bitsoi* Randy Brennan 2* Kathryn E. Burns 2 Demetre J. Christofi lis Jessica L. Corcoran* Matthew R. Craven David J. DeVolve Renae Dougal 2 Christopher Filios 2 Rachel Forte 2 Chas J. Frei* Maria Fussell 3 Andrew J. Gabel David P. Gardner Ali Gilson 2* Mollie R. Haener* Daniel Hennessy 2* Kathryn Hewitt 2* David Hinshaw 2 Lauren T. Huizinga* Theresa Hunziker 2* Scott H. Husbands Gregory M. Hynes 2* Cathleen Ito 2* Monica James 2* Robert Janicki* Richard W. Janssen Thomas Jarrard 2 Heather Jewell Wade O. Johnson Julie Jones 2 John Knutson 2* Tony V. Le Markus W. Louvier Kristen Lund 3* Annie K. Luu Rebecca L. Madden* Holly N. Marko* Marc J. Marshall* Meaghan McAuley 2 Robert S. McEwen 2* Alycia P. McKenzie* Nicholas Merriman, Jr. Kelsey Merwick 2 Joseph M. Miller Mary Jo Moore 3 Clayton Mortensen Ashley Munger Sean M. Neary David J. Nelson Christopher R. Odle Sarah M. O’Keeffe* Ophelia G. Orozco* Amanda Pinder 2* Megan Purcell 2* Aliya Jo Quidwai Kelsey Raap 4 Michael Rafferty 4* 54
h o n o r
r o l l
Melissa Refuerzo 3
Mary Ellen Jilek*
Class of 2009------------------------------------------------------
Mary Ryerse 4
Mohammed A. Rizvi
Alison Keck 4
Dana Anderson
Geraldine (Kiep) Sangiacomo 18*
Joshua J. Roberts
Stephanie Kennedy
Amanda Brown 2
Sandro Sangiacomo*
Patrick D. Ross*
Kelly Ketchum
Scott W. Campbell
Paul R. Seebeck 4
Diana M. Scherer 7
Russell Knight
Whitney Engle
Joanne Lee Shiosaki 8
Melissa Schickler
Timothy Knowles
James Hennessy*
Virgil Thompson, Jr. 3*
Zachary M. Scott
Jason Koch
Eli R. Skillen*
Kelsey Koenig
Adam Sobieski 2
Dino Kujundzic
Ryan M. Stanbery
Norm Leatha
Kelly Steinhaus
Sydney Lederhouse 2*
Anna Sundberg 2*
Kyle Leliaert
Joseph Tomascheski 2*
Kimberly Maiers
Joshua Truax*
Michael Maini
Falin M. Turner 2*
Dana E. Mannino
Amanda L. Van De Leest
Scott McCoy 2
Ana A. Vanderah*
Kenneth McKerlick
Class of 2010-----------------------------------------------------John Berg, III Katie Crane 2* Sheri Deist 5 Priyanka Fernando Emily McCracken
Stephanie Murphy 3 John Patrick Reid
Brian Zapotocky 2*
Michelle Miller
Michelle Magarifuji
Jenna Zarzycki*
Samuel Muse
Shane Maggart 2
Melisa J. Ziegler*
Cory Nelson 2
Sierra Tittle
Kathryn Zielony
Francis Normandin*
Teagan Towhey
Michaela Bader Meghan Barrett Kathryn Bates* Patricia Battles 2
Class of 2012-----------------------------------------------------Rachel Cregg
Margaret O’Phelan
Chelsea Davidson
Lauren Opstad*
Jennifer Gissel
Michael Ortman
Amy Horn
Anna Owens*
Cierra Moore
Francis Carman V* Lindsay N. Carr William Charters Melissa Coe Heather Corker Caitlin Crouchet Stephanie Danson Catherine Daze* Samuel Eaton* Tiffany Erdman Rabekah Everett Vincent Fiedler-Ross Kristen Fisher Benjamin Folger* Andrew Gardner
Patricia Glover* Daniel Grey Gonzales* Erin Grether* Matthew Grosodonia Anne Gumpert
Hannah Winters
Class of 2013-----------------------------------------------------Cambria McCallum Emily Wilson
Christopher Roof*
Other Alumni------------------------------------------------------
Nikolaus Schuetz
Kathleen M. Albi 4
Monica Shanta
Myles Anderson
Melinda Shelton
David Barbieri 4
Breanna J. Sherman*
Stephen Barbieri 4
Anissa Shoemaker
Ann (Barbieri) Bell 4
Brian Side
R. Scott Berry 32*
Brendan Siefken
Corinne (Coombs) Burton 8*
Lacey Skalisky
Bob Davis† 2
Christine Soma*
Laurie Davis 2*
Emily Swegle*
Mr. Armond D’Inverno 3
Emily K. Talley 4*
Katie King Doree 7
John Thompson*
Susan M. Fandel 10
Michael Timothy*
Laura Cooper Fenimore 4
Katharine Tylee
Carol (Rogers) Ferguson 7
Kacy Walz
James F. Gravengaard 31*
Markus Weickenmeier*
Lisa Ryals-Greenlee 3*
Deborah Lang Westwood 5
James D. Havey 3*
Gregory Wildermuth
James Ivers 5
Lindsay L. Williamson
Jerid L. Keefer 5
Tommy McDonald-Wolff
David Kirrene
Sarah Hall Conor Henderson* John Hennessy Robyn Holder Ann E. Hortsch o f
Stephanie White
Brian M. Vogel*
Alina C. Hacker
t h e
David and Nancy Allen* Jim and Patricia Allen* Freddie and Becky Allers 3 Steven and Beverly Allnatt 2 Willem and Sharyn Alma* Kevin and Alice Amatuzio 4 Joseph and Marylen Amsberry 2 Greg Anacker and Lora Bennett*
Molly Smith
Gale Ferguson 7
Nathan Griffi n
Mark Alfi no and Michele Pajer*
Keri Pelton*
Katie Ferguson 29
Margaret K. George
Karen Albano 2* John and Sue Albrecht*
David Anderson*
Brett Venn
Dan Garrity 4
John and Katherine Akstin 2*
Gary and Paula Anderson*
Elaina Renius 3
Martha Buttry 2
Tod Marshall associate professor of English
Peter and Nancy Aiello*
Megan Morris
Kimberly Remick 2*
Diannah Fields-Brown
possible for our students — and members of the Gonzaga and Inland Northwest Community — to encounter talented contemporary writers and thus learn of literature’s vibrant connection to our lived lives.”
Joseph and Diane Ahern 6*
Elizabeth Moore
Kimberly Pray
Brianna Brooks*
Mike and Barbara Adamson*
Christopher Pay*
Emily Pfeifer
Ashley Bown
Monti and Maryanne Ackerman*
Valerie Passerini
Peter Peyron
Jeffrey Blank
r e p o r t
Erick Olson Sarah Olson
Patrice Pendell
Jamie M. Blanche*
Class of 2011------------------------------------------------------ “Your support has made it Jana Holcombe
Brianne Anderson 2*
Kirk Wood-Gaines
*= Annual Fund Contributor
Gary Agatep and Christine Hennig-Agatep 3*
Matthew Miller
Bethany Allen
Joseph C. Wilson 8*
†= Deceased
Patrick Ryan Moran
Elizabeth Meehan
Veronica Ahern*
Karalee Walker 2 Karen (Lindsay) Warrick 15
Kurt and Shari Adkins*
Darcy Wagner 3
Amanda Louise Affleck 2
Steven Venezia 15
Parents are a tremendous support to Gonzaga. This list encompasses parents who have made a gift while they had a student(s) enrolled during the fi scal year of June 1, 2007 through May 31, 2008.
Bradford Merkle 2*
Richelle Wall 2*
Class of 2008------------------------------------------------------
Michelle (Bass) Tucci 7
Parent donors
Lori Worthington
Mary Celeste (Mullen) Kuder 2
Alishia D. Zabalegui
Morgan T. McGrath 9
Jamie Zink*
Brougham Morris, Jr. 3*
Vinny A. Zito 2
Angela (Saccomanno) Naccarato
Lauren Zuckerman*
Theresa (Craven) Parks 4
Nicholas Zura*
James Rivard 8
p r e s i d e n t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
thank you
thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing, and we would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please direct your inquiries to Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 800.463.6925 or
John and Emie Anderson 3* Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott Anderson 20 Mari Anderson* Paul and Lizabeth (Rowland) Anderson 9* Sean and Roglenna Anderson* Stanley and Vicki Anderson 5* William and Suzanne Anderson* Susan Anderson Drougas 2* Jeffrey Andrus* David and Patricia Apy 2* George and Ann Arabian* Theresa Arciniega* Michael and M. Kristine Arkoosh* Greg and Lori Arpin 23* Roger and Roberta Arre 2* Stan Arrigotti 3* Tommy and Nancy Atkins 3 Carol Aubry 4 Keith and Sharon Aubry 4 Steven and Stephanie Ault 2* Peter and Nannette Auriemma 3* Steven and Ada Azuma 3* Theresa Babler 2 Gregory and Linda Bachand 6* James and Kathleen Bache 2* William Back and Mary Jones*
r o l l
Stuart and Yvonne Bader 4*
James and Kristine Bjorklund*
David and Sandi (Enoki) Bush 4*
George and Wendy Choi 5*
John and Judith Baldwin*
James Black and Patricia Penwarden-Black 2*
John and Donna Butler 2*
David and Jill (Legel) Christiansen 24
Gary Baltrusch 2*
Marphy Butterfield*
Donald and Lisa Chrzan 3*
Donald Bannister and Stephanie Jensen-Bannister*
Carol C. Blackledge*
Stephen Butterfield*
Mark and Carol Churchill 6*
James Blamey and Eva Sandelien*
Michael and Deborah Cach*
Alexander and Lisa Clarizio 4*
David and Margaret Baranski 4*
Kenneth and Linda Bloom 3
Damian and Janie Cade*
Christopher and Lorraine Clark*
Tim and Mary Barnard 24*
Lynette Boatright*
Shelley Cadousteau*
Cindy Clark 3*
Lance and Yolanda Barnes*
Lane and Kathleen Bockman 3*
Kevin and Nancy Cahill 3*
Dan and Linda Clark*
Mike and Sally (Solan) Barnes*
Garry and Mary Boevers 3*
Francis and Rebecca Calapristi*
Shelley Clark 2
Stuart and Susan Barnes 2
Harry Bondi 3*
Scott and Heidi Caldwell*
Steven Clark 3* Byde Clawson and Patricia Conolly 3*
Jeanne (Hewes) Barnum*
Jan and Sofi a Booker 3*
Robert and Judith Caletti*
David and Mary Barrett 3
Dara and Krishin Boralessa*
Steven and Patricia Call*
John and Carol Clemency 4*
Geraldine Barsanti 4*
David and Jeannette Borges*
Clifford Callahan 4*
Daniel Cleveland and Debra Unruh 4*
William Barsanti 2*
Steve Borman 2
Roger and Kathryn Calvary 6*
Ronald and Mary Anne Cleveland 3*
TerriLee Bartlett 3*
Richard and Margaret Bossi*
Greg Cambridge*
Gregory and Kathleen Close 3*
James Bascom 2*
Gregory and Anna Bostwick*
Martha Cameron*
David and Janice Colclough 3
Francis and Elizabeth Bastasch*
Jock and Teresa Bovington 2*
Michael and Dawn Campbell 5
Thomas and Jayshil Coleman 3*
Stephen and Mary Kay Bates*
Jo Bowers 3*
William and Carolyn Candee*
Deanna Collins*
Millard and Janet Battles 2
Robert and Laurie Bowie 2
Peter and Ann Cangany 3*
Bruce and Nancy Colton 2
Jeffrey and Kerry Bauman 3*
Charles and Sarah Boznak*
Peter and Nancy Cannon*
Donald and Deborah Condon 3*
Gary and Sharon Baumgartner 2*
Douglas and Ann Bradshaw 3*
Verl and Marilyn Canterbury 3*
Stephen and Elizabeth Condon 2*
Amber Bayer*
Mark and Nancy Brady 2*
Paul and Michelle Capeloto*
Rory and Sally Connor*
David C. and Nancy R. Bayley 28
John and Judy Brady-Finke 3*
John and Carol Caputo 3*
John and Kathy Conrad*
Alexander and Nila Bayudan* Randy and Rayne Beach 2*
Gary and Mary Margaret (McLafferty) Brajcich 30
Allen Bean and Caroline Wu*
Holly Brajcich and Tom Krzyminski*
Charles and Carol Bean*
Paul W. and Colleen Brajcich 23
David and Marcy Bean 3*
Matthew and Terese Brandenberg*
Rodney and Joy Bean*
Michael and Novella Bratton 4*
Alfred Bearden and Patricia Power-Bearden*
John and Karen Brennan 6* William and Mary Ann Brennan 4*
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Caputo*
Jeffrey and Anne Cook 3*
Michael and Shauna Carette 4*
Marcus and Joan Coomer 3*
Thomas and Mary Carlon 2*
John and Ellen Coppinger*
John and Judi Carlson*
John and Ann Corbett 2*
Michael and Julia Carlson 5*
Gregory and Stephanie Corcoran 3*
Melvin and Luz Carnes 3*
Sherri Corcoran*
Carlos and Violeta Carpenter*
Ann Cornely* Ronald and Nancy Corter 2 James and Anne Coulson 3*
Warren Beardsley*
Tobia and Denise Brewer 20*
Thomas Carpenter and Debra Loehrl-Carpenter*
Richard and Stephanie (Farrell) Bechtolt, Jr. 8
Benedict and Kathryn Brezinski*
Daniel and Patricia Carr 6
Michael and Kristin Bridges*
Michael and Sharon Bednarek*
Michael and Karen Carr*
Norman and Dianne Bross 3*
J. Neal Cox 2*
Todd and Bobbie Beese*
Ramon and Irma Carranza*
Richard and Laura Bross 3*
Michael and Danelle Crabtree 2*
Jack Behrens 5*
John and Maureen Carroll 2*
Tom and Judith Brosz 2*
David and Debbie Craig 5*
Thomas and Julie Carroll*
Chester Crank and Debra Reilly*
Jorge and Dora Cortez 3*
Philip and Leslie Bejar*
Eric and Debra Brown*
David and Mary Bell*
James and Andrea Carter*
Fred and Leslie Brown 9
Dean and Deborah Creager*
Michael and Susan Beller 2*
Brian and Janet Casciari 2*
Leonard and Debra Brown 2*
Douglas and Debora Creger*
David and Martha Benadom 4*
Michael and Jeannie Cashman*
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Brown*
Gina Crews 2*
Angelo and Nancy Cassaro 3*
Jeff and Beth Crick* Steven and Jane Cristallo*
Shawn Bennett and Julie Giles-Bennett*
Robert and Mary Brown 3
Bart and Deborah Castellitto 3
Steven and Mishal Brown 3
Patrick and Noreen Caycayon 3*
Steven and Shawn Brown*
Blair and Penne Crook 2*
James and Susan Cech*
Reedy and Katherine Berg*
Anthony Browne and Christine Spika Browne 3*
Dave and Cheryl Crosby*
Bruno and Snjezana Cekovic 2
Ted and Kathleen Crowley 3*
Brent and Stephanie Berge 5*
James and Theresa Browne 4*
Debbie Cerenzia*
Michael and Roxanne Cull 2*
Charles and Kimberly Bergen 3*
Michael and Jolene Bruno*
Daniel and Susan Benyak 3* John and Barbara Berg*
Arthur and Susan Berry 4*
Tony and Lucy Budde 4*
Brian and Mary Berry*
David and Bridget Bulger*
Gregory Berry and Susan Knowles Berry 3 Douglas and Deana Beyer 2* Gene and Susan Bielemeier 3 Craig and Lisa Biggs* Thomas and Elaine Bigley 4* Daniel and Leslie Bigos 2*
Paul and Pattie Buller* Dennis and Barbara Bunkers 6* The Hon. and Mrs. Frank D. Burgess 21 Dr. and Mrs. J. David Burgess 7* Bill and Kate Burke 2 Thomas and Marguerite Burke 5* Jim and Lisa Burkhardt 6*
Henry Billingsley 2*
Robert and Susan Burky 2*
Jake Bippart and Susan Sohrakoff 3*
Gabriele Busch 3*
Eddy and TerryKay Birrer 26
thank you r e p o r t
o f
James and Cassandra Chaffee 2*
Kimm Curtis*
Darwin and Mary Chaffin 2*
James and Diana Cutsforth 3*
Michael and Mary Chamberlain 4
Roger and Janey Cutting*
William and Mary Chambers 6*
Robert and Susan Cutuli*
William and Nancy Chambers*
Michael and Tami D’Agostino*
Dennis and Theresa Champoux 6*
Nina Dague 2*
Monica and Joseph Chapman*
Angela and Joseph Dailey*
Alan and Mary Chappron 4*
Loy and Therese Dale*
William and Linda Charters 3*
Erin Damron 2*
Craig and Anne Cheney 2
Francis and Vicki Danahey*
Ying and Rowena Cheng 3*
Dennis and Susan Daniels*
Maria Chiocchio*
James and Michele Daniels 3*
Steven and Susan Chirhart 3*
Kevin and Mary Jean Daniels 28*
thank you
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
thank you
thank you you thank you
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
h o n o r
Parent donors Benjamin and Deborah Danner 2 James and Francine Danson 4* Don and Melissa Dascenzo 3* Joseph and Teresa Dasso* William and Patricia Davidge 2* Constance Davidson 2* Loring and Lori Davies* Deanna Davis* Jeffrey Davis and Christine Moyer* Robert and Lauire Davis 6* Steven and Marlys Davis* Elizabeth Dawson* Timothy and Mary Dawson 2* Kevin and Joan Day* James and Diane DeAmbrosio* Charles Dean and Teresa Avery* David and Elsa Dean 3* Seymour and Diane Dear 2* Charles and Wendy DeBoer* Terry and Rhonda DeBorde* Nicholas de Chadenedes 3* James and Miyuki DeFranco 3 Steven and Patricia Degracia 4* Alfred Deichsel and Eleanor Lathrop* Mark De La Mater and Carol (Stewart) De La Mater 22* Diana Deland* Gregory Della* Victor and Oda Del Rosario* Mark and Vivian Delsman 2* Jerald and Deborah Del Toro 2* Thomas and Elsa Bettina Dembinski 3* Myles and Marilyn Dempsey*
h o n o r
r o l l
Peter Franceschi and Catherine O’Shea Franceschi 3
Ellen Greenblum 2*
David and Kathleen Herbert*
Patrick and Mary Elizabeth Dunn*
Samuel and Denise Greer 2*
Edward and Lorraine Herinckx 3*
Peter and Patricia Dunphy 2
Philip and Margaret Franco 2*
Michael and Joanne Gregorich*
Brad Herr and M. Lisa Bradley 6
Gregory and Catherine Dupont*
Alfred and Susan Franzoia 3*
Marc and Carol Gregory 2*
Steve and Victoria (Swain) Hertz 24
Nick and Vicki Durgan*
Larry and Jean Frazier*
Carl and Lori Grether 4
Robert and Lori Hervatine 6
John and Allison Durkin 25
Bruce and Kate Frederick*
Mark and Mary Griffi n*
Cathy Hess 3*
Frank and Tea Dysnthe*
Jesse and Rose Freeby*
Gerald and Annette Grimm 4*
Todd Hetland*
Patti and Brent Eaton*
David Freels and Jinx Godbey Freels 7*
Thomas and Janet Gruber 2
William and Tricia Ebert 2*
Stephen French and Kathy Swindell-French*
Kimberly Grusenmeyer 3*
Alfred Heydrich and Linda Duda-Heydrich*
Frank and Kathryn Guarascio 2*
John and Carolyn Hickman 2*
Colleen E. Gudreau 3*
Robert and Kim Hickman*
Gary and Linda Dunford*
Dennis Eckardt and Ann (Shelledy) Eckardt 23*
Daniel and Christine Friedhoff 2*
Paul Egly 2*
Bryan and Carol Friend*
Joseph and Barbara Eichhorn 4*
Daniel and Nancy Fry 4*
Ronald and Shirley Eike 3*
Robert and Anne Fuchs 3*
Marcial Eiland Felice*
Casey Funk 2*
Jeffrey and Carolyn Einerson 2*
Beth Gaffney 3*
Thomas Eling 2*
Michael and Patricia Gaines 2*
John Ellis and Wanda Hofmann 3*
Jeffrey and Susan Galbraith*
Dennis and Mary Ellison 2*
Susie Gale*
David and Sheila Ellsworth 3
Dana Gallagher 3
Robert and Jo Ann Emery 3*
Aura M. Gamache*
David and Valerie Enger 3*
John and Susan Gamboa 3
Cynthia Engle 3
Alejandro and Teresita Ganata*
Chris A. Eppler*
Dayne and Laurie Gardner 4*
Douglas and Pamela Erickson*
Kathleen Gardner*
Lori Erickson*
Richard Gardner 2*
Tamara Erickson*
Michael and Debra Garnreiter 4
Michael and Rhonda Erstad*
Jorge and Silvia Garre*
Jerry Guerreiro*
Martina L. Hiemstra*
Robert and Linda Gullette 3*
Ronald and Deborah Higgins 3*
Roberto and Evangelina Gutierrez 3*
David and Allison Highmark 2
Steven and Karen Gutowski*
Tony and Cindy Higley 28
Michael and Kathryn Haas*
Cindy Hill*
Robert and Raquel Haas 4*
Steven and Beverly Hilleary*
Daniel and Monica Hacker 3*
Traci Hiller*
Don and Sherie Hackney 31
Randall and Judith Hillner*
Richard and Susan Haener 8*
William and Karen Himmelmann*
Andrew and Marietta Haffey 7 James and Julie Haguewood 2
Neil and Mary James*
Thomas and Felicia Kirven*
John and Leslie Leitch 3*
Charles and Karen Manes*
John and Katherine Janicki*
Ken and Phyllis Kleinschmidt*
Daniel Lemiere 2*
Joseph Mangan and Carol Cooke 3*
Tim McKimmy*
Mike and Lisa (Millison) Janicki 20
Carolyn Klinger 4*
Michael and Josephine Lemieux 2*
John and Carol Manix 5
Mark and Frances Jansa 2*
Bogdan and Joanna Klobassa 4*
Gerald Lenocker and Sally Stickney 2*
Jay and Margarita Marchus*
John McKittrick and Mary Dalton-McKittrick 2*
Brian Jenkins*
Larry and Angela Knackstedt 4
Raymond and Linda Leopold 2*
M. Dan McLafferty*
James and Mary Jensen 6*
Ronald and Pauline Knowles*
Peter and Susan LeRoy 2*
Michael and Christine (Ruddell) Maricich*
Lester Jensen*
Thomas and Nancy Knowlton 2*
Tom and Joan Leslie 3*
Patrick and Patricia Markel*
Cecelia A. McMullen 3*
Jon and Barbara Letsinger*
Oscar and Mariaelena Marmolejo*
Daniel and Julia (Verhey) McNeal, II*
Steven and Mary Knox 3*
Michael and LuAnn Leverson 4*
Gary Marsh and Ann Allison-Marsh*
David and Julie McPherson*
Gregory and Claire Jewell 5
William and Paula Knox*
Fred Levine and Rosemary Wareham*
Jon and Gretchen Marsh 2*
Phillip and Crista Meade*
Dr. Spencer and Jane (Holm) Jilek*
Dr. Dan and Mary (Maurin) Kocarnik*
Guy and Carolyn Levingston*
James and Mary Marshall*
Carl and Cynthia Mealy*
David and Heather Koenig 4
Delbert and Susan Mecham*
Charles and Deborah Martin*
Marcia Medler 2*
Craig and Linda Hirai 3*
Tom and Cathy Kopitnik*
Richard Lewis and Julie Aadland-Lewis 5
John and Dianne Marshall*
Richard and Julie Hippe*
Craig Johnson and Shawn Underwood* Daniel and Joan Johnson 3
Klaus and Rita Liebelt*
Susan Martin*
Kenneth and Barbara Meehan 3*
Douglas and Lesley Hahn 3*
Kim and Carol Hochstetler*
Paul Koppe*
Duane and Janet Johnson 3*
Stephen and Linda Lightfoot 3*
Isidro and Maria Martinez*
Landis and Juanita Meeks*
John and Julie Hockensmith*
David Kosley 3*
Thomas A. Haia 4*
Gary and Joanne Johnson*
Kurt and Audrey Link*
Gregory and Donna Mashburn 3*
Allen and Kelleen Meeuwsen 9*
David and Barbara Haid 3*
James and Carol Hoffman*
Joseph and Eileen Kottenstette*
Hal and Valerie Johnson*
Matthew and Karen Little*
Edward and Diana Mason*
Edward and Jan Meigs*
Mark Hoffmann 4*
Thomas and Maite Kovis*
Douglas Hall 3*
Jennifer Johnson*
Allen and Peggy Litzenberger 8*
Winston and Susan Matsuura 3*
John and Mary Melink*
Stephen and Susan Hall*
Douglas and Katherine Hohbach*
Gregory and Roberta Kraus*
Kaye Johnson*
Jeff Lloyd and Karyn Temte-Lloyd*
Bruce and Jane Matsuzaki*
David and Theresa Melnick*
Kevin and Shirley Holcomb 4
Edward and Barbara Kreimier*
Bruce and Pam Hallvik*
Ralph Johnson and Melissa Crowell 3*
Gregory and Maryjo Lobdell 2*
Mary Mattecheck*
Neil and Joanne (Kiefel) Membrey 6*
Grady and Arlene Hamblen 3*
David and Melissa Holcombe 3
Donald and Tita Kroeger*
Edward and Roberta Jones*
Edward and Dawn Kropp*
Paul and Joan Lofgren 3*
Howard and Theresa Matthews 2*
Bertha Mendoza*
James and Sarah Holland, Jr. 3*
Evan and Susanne Jones 3*
Steven and Christine Krug*
James and Jacueline Maunder*
Nick Merlino and Lola Fonatan*
Jeffrey and Laura Krum 3*
David Logue and Clarisa Rosales-Logue 2*
David and Robbie Mawyer*
James and Peggy Merrill 2*
David and Susan Lombard 2*
Daniel and Wendy May 2*
Donald and Debra Merritt 2*
Dan and Jennifer Garrity 4 Juan and Virginia Garza 2*
Peter Evans and Kathleen Orr 2*
Rosario and Addina Gaspar 2*
Robert Hammel and Rorie Rettler-Hammel 2*
Craig and Donna Hollingsworth*
Thomas and Denise Gebes*
Paul and Cynthia Jones*
Mark and Carrie Everett 3
Jill Hammer*
John and Shelley Holmes*
Richard and Debbie (Niehus) Fagnant 22*
Robert and Lynne Geis*
Peter and Kathleen Jones 4*
Timothy Hanks*
Paula Homrig*
Kenneth and Patricia Krupski 3*
Eugene and Katheleen (Roth) George 28*
Rick and Julie Jones 24
Larry and Cynthia Hanna 3*
Russell and Mary Hood 3*
Jeffrey and Laura Krusel 2*
Eric and Susan Jorgenson 3*
Thomas and Patricia Hanrahan 5
James and Debra Hoover 2*
Scott and Laura Kubale 2*
Nick and Karie Josten 4*
Ronald and Anne Hansen 3*
James and Mary Horn*
Phil and Toni (Valentine) Kuder 23*
Jeffrey and Karen Joy 2*
Reynaldo and Mercedita Hapa*
Scott Horngren and Yone McNally*
Robert and Anne Joyce*
James Kuhlman and Paula Hansen-Kuhlman*
Thomas and Ella Harkins 2*
Lynn Hornsleth 4*
Konnie E. Kancilia*
Linda Kuhn*
John and Laura Hortsch 2*
David and Laura Kane 5* George and Anna-Lisa Kanick*
Patricia Fama 3
Bernard and Susan Gerding 6*
Donald and Carol Farmer*
Gregory and Margaret Gerlach 4*
Scott and Carleen de Recat*
Robert and Simone Farris*
Thomas and Catherine Gertsch*
David and Karen DeRego*
John and Tatiana Fassieux 6*
Terry and Kim Gieber*
Paul and Kathleen DeSantis 3*
Malcolm Harnois and Catherine Gibbins 2*
David and Anne Fein*
Kathleen Gierzak 3*
Allen and Chelsa Despot 3*
Steve and Tracy Harrington*
Kenneth Horwitz and Brigitte Schran-Horwitz 2*
Denise Fell 4
Robert and Elizabeth Gillingham 3*
Steven and HeyWon Harris*
Creigh and Janice House 2
Joseph T. Destefano 3*
Terence and Tiina Fennessy 3*
Joan Girvan*
Paul and Susan DeVine 2
John and Linda Harrison*
Terry and Mary Housinger*
Kurt and Barbara Ferré 3*
Robert and Ellen Gissel*
Pat and Valerie DeVoe 2*
Steven and Kathy Hartmeier 3*
Jeanne M. (McLeod) Hoversten*
Michael and Joanne Ferris 2*
Raelynn Dezellem*
Jeffery and Sena Harvey*
Bruce and Thu-ha Howard 4*
James and Roanne Fiedler 4*
Rainer Glade and Paula Emerson-Glade*
Brent and Anna Dezember*
Mark and Shelly Howe*
Mark and Joni Fields 4
James and Joyce Glaze 3*
Kevin and Ann Hassett 3* Larry and Rachel Hause 3
Kendall and Sharon Hoyd 2
James and Patricia Hayes 4*
Warren Hudgens and Sharon Murphy*
Winslow and Rita Hayes 2*
Mitchell and Wendy Hudson 3*
Patrick and Patricia Heffernan*
Steven and Carol Huff*
Wayne Heffner and Collette (Rouleau) Heffner*
Stanley and Sheila Hughes* Tom and Lori Huling 2*
James and Monica Diamond 3*
William and Cynthia Fierro*
Pamela Glen 2*
Sergio and Eleanor Diaz 2*
Stephen and Christie Filios 5*
Gary and Janis Glenn 2
Rhonda Dilts 2
Stephen and Lydia Finerty 2
Nick and Katy Goddard 3*
Samuel and Concetta Di Re*
Craig and Karen Fischer*
Randy and Barbara Goehner 3*
Francisco Discerni 2*
Kathy Fiscus*
Peter and Janet Goglia 3*
Bruce and Regina Hugo*
Linda Discerni*
Albert and Tamra Fisher 3*
Mark and Patricia Golding*
Don and Laurie Hege 2*
Andrew Dixon*
Kevin and Linda Fitzgerald*
Kevin and Jeanne Goldrick 2*
Jiri and Margaret Heger*
Cyril and Eileen Dodge*
Dan and Arleen Fitzpatrick*
Steve and Debra Goldstein*
Lori Hume 4*
Mark and Cora Heid*
Jack and Kathy Dollard 3*
Mark and Colleen (Reilly) Gonia 22*
Patrick and Marilyn Hunter*
John and Rose Flaherty*
Thomas and Joan Heinrich 3*
Michael and Deirdre Dolphin*
Michael Flaherty*
Daniel Huston*
Robert and Pamela Fletcher 5*
Leigh and Cathleen (Williams) Goodrich 3*
Allard and Lisa Heitkemper*
Susan Donaldson 3*
Donald and Jocelyn Helling* Cheri Helsdon*
Richard Hutchens and Mary Anderson*
Bradley and Darcy Hemmingson 3
Dennis and Theresa Hutchins 3*
Dana and Terrin Henderson*
Scott and Diane Hyndman*
Roy and Christine Hendrickson 3*
Louis and Hilaire Iani 2*
Mark and Margaret Donnelly*
Patrick and Therese Flynn*
Mark and Mary Donovan 3*
Robert and Rose Flynn 2*
George and Khrys Dooley 3*
Michael and Maureen Fohn 3*
Lance and Norma Dormann*
Thomas Foley and Charlene Padden 2*
Charles and Katherine Doty*
John and Bridget Ford*
Arthur and Regina Doucet*
Michael and Andrea Forner 3*
Richard and Mary Dreifuerst 3*
Steven and Leslie Forness 2*
Kevin and Jackie Driscoll*
Norman and Barbara Fortunate*
Patrick and Gail Duffy 4*
Nathan and Marcie Fox*
Denis and Linda Du Nann 2*
Thomas and Rebecca Frame 2* r e p o r t
o f
Nelson Goodsell 4* Colleen Goodwin and Darrell Haase 9* Rudolf Goossen 2* William and Brency Grabowski 5* Benjamin and Julia Graf 3
William and Janet Hunter*
Mark and Terri Hennessy 34*
Anthony and Diann Iarocci*
Marv and Anne (Gaskell) Grassl 31
Tim and Catherine (Sutton) Hennessy*
James and Patricia Infantine 2
Richard Gray and Susan Kennedy-Gray*
Steven and Kathie Henricksen 4*
Judith Inouye 2*
Michael and Mary Grainey 28*
Francis and Carole Graziano* t h e
p r e s i d e n t
William McMillen 2
Stephen and Karen Knox*
Janice Essenberg*
Nicholas and Robin George 2*
John and Edla McKerlick 2
Robyn Jensen*
Daniel and Susan Denton 3*
kristen tordillo ( ’0 9) ::: issaquah, washington ::: tr u s t e e s s c h o l a r
Paul and Marilyn Jerde 3
Paul Denning and Margie Hoffmann 4*
“i’ll either go into research, or i’ll teach. what kind of research? Maybe medical, or ag research. i’m about to take vertebrate biology in the fall, and i also like botany. for sure, though, i definitely would not be here without the scholarship support.”
Kevin and Kimberly Evans*
Anne C. Fife-Fahey and G. Scott Fahey 4
r o l l
Thomas Henry and Gloria Castaneda-Henry 2* 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Richard and Margaret Ingels* William and Abby Itule 5* Thomas and Linda Jaeger 3*
Valerie Loo 3*
Dave and Veronica Mayo 2*
Shayne and Dani Meskimen 2*
Felix and Patricia Lopez*
Terry and Bonnie McAninch*
Robert and Charlot Mezzera 3
John and Diane Lorenz*
Scot and Rosanne McBeth 3*
Bruce and Gail Miller 3*
Lloyd and Nhu Lorenz 4*
Sarah McBride 2*
Mark and Johanna Loury 4*
David and Francine McCaffray*
Donald Miller and Susan Mitchell-Miller 2*
Chris and Jill Loutsis 2*
Mac and Teri McCandless 6*
James and Pamela Miller*
Larry and Barbara Kulesa*
John and Lori Loutsis*
Jack and Mary McCann*
John and Jami Miller*
James and Lynne Love*
Joseph and Salli McCann*
Marty and Cathy Miller*
Twink Kaplan 2*
Dr. Daniel and Mary (Brajcich) Kunkel*
John and Kimberly Love 3*
Phil and Sandy McCarthey*
Paul and Pamela Miller*
David and Joan Karafi at*
Kenneth and Sharon Kunkel 3*
Michael and Dana (Sells) Love*
Kevin and Michelle McCarthy 3
Richard and Susan Miller 6*
Joseph and Sheri Kastenholz*
Mark Kuolt and Jeannine Torlai-Kuolt 5*
Laura Lucero*
R. Patrick and Susanne McCarthy*
Ronald and Annamaria Miller 3*
Melvin and Evelyn Lucero*
Timothy and Therese Miller 4*
Pierre and Kristi Labossiere*
Bruce and Janice McCaw*
Kurt and Teresa Ludeking 2*
Jeff and Cheryl Millman 2
Harry and Elizabeth Lachtman*
Bruce and Kathryn McClintock 3
Michael and Diana Lunas*
Anna Milner*
Francis and Denise (Durkin) Ladenburg 20
Fred and Lorraine McClure 3
Michael Lundy 2*
Burke and Heidi McCormick 4*
Janet Minielly* Robert and Catherine Minor 3*
William and Patricia K’Burg 2* Thomas and Jill Kelleher* James and Lori Keller* Richard and Nancy Keller-Scholz 4* Tom and Mary Ann Kelley 2* Benjamin and Eileen Kelly 3* Deanna Kelly* Dan Kelsey 2* Louis and Laurie Kennedy* Louise Kennedy 3 William and Janice Kenney 2 Peter Kepfer and Helen Smith* Eugene and Ellen Kersh* Gregory and Debra Ketchum 4* Timothy and Ana Killeen 4* Todd and Debra Kilpatrick* Paul and Chris Kilzer 5* Robert and Ellen Kinamon 4* David and Robin King 2* James and Mary Anne (Metcalfe) King 27* Theodore and Suzanne King* Neil and Pamela Kingsley* Carol Kinney* Lawrence and Christine Kirven 4*
Mark and Patricia La Haie 2* Lester and Teresa Lamug 3* Karen Landucci* Scot and Irene Laney* Lorene K. Langeberg 3 Charles and Teresa (Yeend) Langfitt 20 Reid and Ellen Langrill 3* Stephen and Sandra LaPalm* Jovic Lapena 2*
Jean and Anh Luong 4*
John and Deborah McCormick 2*
Randolph and Sally Lustig 4
Thomas and Nalini McCormick 4
Keith and Jennifer Miyata 2*
Ken and Dorothy Luthy*
Louise McCutcheon*
Rebecca and Donald Moak 23*
Frank and Janice Lynch*
Michele McDiarmid*
John and Linda Moffatt 3*
Jack and Paula (Rotar) Lynch*
Randall and Linda McDonald 3*
Douglas Molitor and Ann Valentine 2
Robert and Barbara Lynch*
James and Katherine McDonnell 4*
Gregory Moller 3*
Thomas and Jan MacIntyre 2
John and Joanne McDonnell*
Jon and Janet Moller*
Tim Mackin and The Hon. Tari Eitzen*
Dwight and Jan McDuffee 2*
Peter and Linda Moniz*
John and Kathleen MacMillan 2*
Joseph McElhinny*
Ronald and Valerie Monterverde*
George and Barb Maffeo*
Terence and Lisa McEwen 3*
Wayne and Julie Montgomery 5*
John and Rose Mary Magee*
Richard and Paula McFadzean 2
Steven and Barbara Mooers*
James Larsen and Karen Nicksic*
Dennis Maher and Catherine Thompson-Maher 2*
Joolee McGarry*
Brian and Debra Moore 3
Gerald and Billie Lasby*
Donald and Kathryn Moore*
Timothy Mahoney and Susan Curley 2*
Patrick McGarry*
Kevin and Harumi Laux 4*
Mark and Marie Makinson*
Gary and Cora LaPlante 4* Allison Largen 2*
John and Ninh Lawhon 5*
Douglas Malcolm*
Lan and Mac Lan Le 5*
William and Severina Malcolm*
George and Lynne LeBret*
James and Marynel Malcom 5*
Norman and Cathy Ledbetter 4*
Dan and Kathy Mallea 29
Brian and Carina McGinnis*
Lorrie Moore*
Felix and Debra McGowan*
Mark and Rebecca Moore*
James and Lynn McHugh*
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Moore 2*
Thomas and Diana McIntire*
Robert and Kathy Moore*
Joseph and Pamela McIntyre*
Robert and Sara Moore* Thomas and Margaret Moore* Thomas and Janet Moran*
Vernon and Carie Lee 6*
Ann Malman 3*
Gary and Wendy Leisy*
Dr. John and Molly (Parry) McKenna 6*
Paul and Kathy Maloy 8*
Keith and Denise McKenney 2*
r e p o r t
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p r e s i d e n t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
John and Janet Moran* :::
h o n o r
Parent donors Craig and Allison Morris* Stephen and Linda Morris* Ronald and Colleen Morrison* William Morrissey* William and Antonia Moxlow* Timothy and Christine Mruz 2* Paul and Yolanda Mui 2* George and Mary Mulcaire-Jones 4 Michael and Mary Mulcrone 2* James and Sheryl Mullaney 3* Richard Mullins and Barbara Lenfesty 3* Gloria Jo Mumma* Bart Murphy* Craig and Anne Murphy 4* Jerry and Marlene Murphy 2* Donald and Virginia (Baptiste) Murray* Patrick and Debbi Murray* Benjamin and Catherine Muse 4* Mary Namit* Francisco and Maria Navarro* Kevin and Carol Neary 6* Tracy and Barbara Neighbors* Joseph and Julia Neilson* Brian and Laurie Nelson* Christian and Rosemary Nelson* Joseph and Carolyn Nelson* Kenneth and Lyudmila Nelson 2* William and Mary Catherine Nelson 4 Robert and Bibiana Nertney 2* Eric and Anne Ness* William and Kathleen Neumayer 4* Jeffrey and Mary Neumeyer* Henry and Presentaction Ngan 2* Gene and Beverly Nicholas* Wayne and Elizabeth Nicholas* Drake and Rosanne Nicholson* Warren and Lisa Nicley 3* Robert Niedbalski and Debra Hughes* Richard and Lesa Niehuser 2* James and Margaret Niewiarowski 5* Rick and India Nishi* Sybil Nishime 4* Marie Noorani* James and Melinda Norman 2* James and Margaret Normandin 3* Charles and Wanda Norris* Richard and Cynthia Norris* Michael and Julia North 4* John and Kathy Norton 3 John and Margaret Norton* Joseph and Nancy Novack 3* Jose and Linda Nunez 3* Bart and Josee Nyandamu* James and Cynthia O’Brien 7 James R. O’Brien, Jr. 8* David and Colleen O’Callaghan* Richard and Catherine O’Connor* Thomas and Kathleen (Allen) O’Connor 30* Elichi Ogawa and Vivian Kanno Ogawa 2* Jeffree and Valerie Ohlstrom 6* Mark and Catherine Ohlstrom 26* 58
h o n o r
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r o l l
Jim and Jeanne Van Tighem*
David Wege*
John and Michelle Winter-Nolte 3*
Henry and Marilyn VanOostrum*
Judy Wege*
Ben and Teresa Wintler 2*
David O’Keeffe and Lindy Stormbert-O’Keeffe 2*
Jeffrey and Janet Pierce 4
Adam and Colleen Rosenblatt 4*
Randall and Patti Shearer 5
Jeffrey and Judy Stokes 4*
John and Hilarie Pierce*
James and Jeanne Ross*
Barnard and June Sheffield 3*
Dale and Dona Storro*
Mark and Nancy Jo (Erickson) Thomas*
John and Kathleen O’Keeffe 25*
Marc and Sherrie Pierce 3*
Scott and Vickie Ross 5*
Scott and Susan Sheldon 2*
Thomas and Kimberly Stoudt*
Ronald and Melinda Thomas 9*
Craig Van Valkenburg*
Scott and Kelly Wehmeyer 5*
Alan and Tersia Withers*
Charles and Cindy Thompson 3*
Ajit and Shakun Vasvani*
Joseph and Mary Weinberg*
Lawrence and Velvet Withers 2*
Jerry and Wendy Olds*
Louis and Kathleen Pilloni 4*
Mike and Linda Roth 22
James and Susan Shellooe 5*
Zachary and Vasiliki Stoumbos 2*
Alfonso and Charlotte Oliva 2
James and Jenny Pinkerton*
John and Mary Rowlands 6*
Daniel and Mary Sherman 6
Allen and Janet Stover*
Fredrick and Kirsten Thompson 2*
Bill and Anne Vaubel*
Susan D. Weitz 24
Gray and Lynn Withey*
Thomas P. Stoy*
John and Melody Thompson 6*
Daniel and Tracy Vaughn 3
Mark and Colleen Wells 3
Lon and Victoria Withrow 3*
Thomas and Jennifer O’Loughlin 3*
Debra Rowsell-Sachet 2*
William and Catherine Sheil, Jr.*
Chris and Diane Olson*
Francis Piscopo and Maureen Foley-Bensen 6*
Kevin and Nancy Roy 3
Mike and Mary Shields 30
Scott and Nancy Stratton*
Timothy and Mary Kay Thompson 6
Gregory and Catherine Venrick 2*
Francis and Barbara Wernette 5*
Thomas and Lori Wolf 3*
Emon and Vicki Olson 3
Michael and Kathleen Plass 6*
Paul and Janet Ruckel 3*
Noel and Laurie Shillito*
Joseph and Stacie Strong 2*
Einar and Melanie Thorarinsson*
Filiberto and Maria Vergara*
Charles and Tracy Weston 2
James and Aline Wolfrom 2*
Eric and Melanie Olson 6
Maury Plumlee and Nancy Bakkensen Plumlee 2*
Lowell and Kathleen Ruen 26
Jina Shin*
Mark and Kathy Stumbaugh 2
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thummel 3*
Jeff and Theresa Verwey*
James and Brigid Wethe*
Amy Wood 2*
Karl and Lorna Rufener 3*
John and Roxanne Shouse*
Timothy and Beth Stumetz 2
Christopher and Jessica Tidball*
Peter and Mary Vial*
Russell and Lourdes Whang*
Carlton and Kathleen Woodard*
Randall Russell and Juliane McKim*
Donald and Sandra Shrewsbury 2*
Keith and Corine Sturdivant*
David Chawes and Joan Tierney 4
Mark and Maureen Vierengel*
Dan and Janet Wheeler 6*
Douglas and Karla Woodside*
Thomas and Maryanne Russell*
Karen Shropshire*
William and Carolyn Sturgeon 3*
Antonio and Dolores Villanueva 2*
Darin and Helen White*
Jeff and Nancy Woodworth 3*
Mark and Geraldine Ruwe*
David and Daina Shutte 2*
Garrett Sugai and Kitt Lee-Sugai 3*
Dr. Diane (Ballard) Timberlake and Todd Timberlake 23*
Mark and Mary Volcheff*
Patrick and Denise Ryan*
Roberta Sibbitt*
Kirk and Lynda Sulenes 2*
Raymond White and Catherine Pendo-White*
Timothy and Diane Ryan*
Penn and Nancy Siegel 9
Harold and Joan Sullivan*
John and Cathy Sage*
Tom and Leslie Silver 2*
John and Joan (Radich) Sullivan 7*
Jeffrey R. O’Neil* Thomas and Frances Opstad*
Lee Poissant*
Thomas and Rhonda Orazio*
Steve Pontarolo and Regina Maag*
Steven and Emily Oren 3*
Frank and Janet Postlewaite*
Thomas and Julie Oresman*
Stephen and Elaine Potter 8*
George Ornelas 2*
Charles and Susan (Garber) Pray*
Chet and Jenny Ortman*
John and Mary Praznik 3*
David Ortman and Ann Marchand 2
Ann (Merriman) Price 5
Mark and Ruth Oswald*
Charles and Joan Price, Jr. 7*
Michael and Doriann O’Toole*
John and Deborah Price 2*
Daren and Cynthia Ott*
Kenneth and Karen Provencher 2*
Andrew and Martha Oven 4*
David and Laurie Purcell 4*
Dale and JoAnn Overfield 2*
William and Kathleen Pyne*
Christopher and Paula Overland*
John and Gail Queen*
Claus and Carol Ovesen*
Kent and Margaret Questad*
Joan Owen*
John and Gail Quigg 3*
Sally Owen 2*
Daniel and Ane Marie Quigley*
William and Dara Paine*
William and Rachel Quigley*
Douglas and Michelle Palmer 3*
John and Diana Quinn 4
John Panasewicz and Sherri Lanton 2*
Timothy and Carol Salisbury*
Daniel and Rebecca Simmons 7*
Ti-Min and Ying-Sywe Sun*
Daniel and Renee Salvemini 3*
Ryle and Patricia Simons 3*
James and Mary Sutter*
Frank and Michelle Sample 3*
James and Carolyn Simpson 3*
Richard and Maurine Sweeney*
Jeffrey W. Sandler 2*
Mark and Stephanie Simpson*
David and Carol Swihart 3
Martin W. Savinsky*
John and Karen Skillicorn*
James and Marda Sydnor*
Dana Sawyers*
Karen Skoog 4*
David and Patricia Sykora 3*
Jose and Vina Scarella*
Lawrence J. Sladich 22
Reginald and Kimberly Synegal*
Geri L. Schaaf*
Michael and Julia Slettvet 2*
Timothy and Linda Szymanowski*
Theodore and Christine Schaefer*
Stephen and Sheila Slomski 4*
Morey and Mary Tabatabai*
Thomas and Vicki Schaub*
Paul and Nadia Smetana 4*
Ross and Noella Takahashi 2
James Scherzinger and Claire Carder 2*
Bruce and Joan Smith*
Michael and Palma Talamantes 3*
Kenneth and Maria Quinn*
Gregory and Susan Smith 4*
Craig and Morwema Schifter*
Garry and Diana Paradis*
Paul and Lisa Quinn*
Roger Smith*
Timothy and Mary (Geraghty) Talevich 9*
Kris and Melinda Schilperoort*
Anthony and Mariann Parasida*
Shelly Quinton 3*
Susan Smith*
Stephen and Diana Schiro 2*
John Raap*
Jeffrey and Jane Smyth 3*
John and Janis Parente 28*
Vincent and Jennifer Schlosser*
Alan and Janice Paris*
Patrick Radetzky 2
Peter Schmidt 3*
John Snyder and Michele Mietus-Snyder*
Mark and Kim Paris 25*
Michael and Suzanne Ramey 4*
Michele Schmierer*
Richard and Sharon Parker 3*
Gil and Julie Ramil 2*
Dave and Theresa (Craven) Parks 4
David and Molly Ramsower*
Michael and Diane Parrott 4
Clay and Carol Randall 9
Mich and Stefani Parsons*
Guy and Kimberly Randles 2*
Pete and Susan Trujillo* Alan and Ester Trusler* James and Maryilyn Tsolomitis* Anne Turner* Joseph and Virginia Turner 3* Robert and Joyce (Garnett) Turner 24* Chris and Julie Tverdy* Thomas and Wendy Tyner*
Mark and Teresa Tennyson 2*
Richard and Esther Underwood 4*
Reidar and Lynda Solberg 3*
Gregory and Mary Terrell*
Gary and Patricia Unger 3*
Mike and Kelly Soltwisch 3*
Robert and Lorraine Thalman 2*
Jaki Upton*
Donald and Susan Sommerfeld*
Gary and Linda Tharp 3*
Bruce and Penny Vadla 3
Mark and Terry Schnitger 2*
Scott and Colleen Southwick*
Elton and Janet Thayer*
Adam and Andrea Valenzuela 3
Steven and Pamela Schnoor 4*
Thomas and Lauren Spallino*
The Hon. and Mrs. Joseph A. Thibodeau*
Carol A. Vallely* William and Rita Van Cleve 2*
Clifton and Karin Thomas*
William and Phoebe Vanderboom*
William and Lee Schoentrup*
Eric and Judy Spangenberg* Thomas and Anne Sparks 2
Greg and Donna Payne*
Thomas and Nancy Reese*
Greg and Janquelin Schrag 2
John and Barbara Spindler*
Leo and Olga Payne 2*
Ted and Christine Rehwald 7*
David and Susan Schrieber*
Lynne Spitzer-Malone*
David and Jill (Perry) Payton 2*
Wayne and Kathleen Reid 2*
Michael and Susan Schriener*
Steve and Genene Staats 6
Charles and Paula Peach*
Mark and Lori Reiman 2*
Ritch and Susan Schubert*
Douglas Stacey 2*
Douglas and Karla Pearman 3*
Kurt and Catherine Reinke 3*
Douglas and Janet Schwarz*
Daniel and Alyson Stage*
James and Anne Pearson*
Dwight P. Remick*
Melvin† and Margaret Schwede 22*
Douglas and Lorene Stalheim*
Larry Pederson and Joyce Dickinson*
Claude and Claire Remy 3
Arthur and Mary Peil*
Craig and Gail Renius 4*
Anthony and Penny Sciascia 2*
Michael and Lori Pendergraft*
Greg Renton 2*
Craig and Nancy Scott 3
Michael and Kathleen Pendrak*
Brian and Margaret Reparuk*
James and Candace Scott*
Laurence and Eileen (Brewer) Perkins, Jr. 4
Edward and Lucinda Reuter*
Martin and Nancy Scott 4*
Doug and Lourdes Reymore*
William and Cynthia Scrivens 3
Scott and Anne Perkins 2*
Dean and Tracy Reynolds*
Merida Scully*
Richard and Mary Kay Perrigo*
Martin and Mary Rhodes 2
Walter and Rebecca Seaman 3*
Ricardo and Alice Persegani*
Mark and Kathleen Ricci 3*
Robert and Alice Seegan 3*
Richard and Drema Peters*
Renee Richard*
Michael and Patti Seely 3
Scott and Gae Lynn Peyron 3*
Timothy and Tonda Richards 2
Stephen and Patricia Sein 4*
Jerry Pfarr 3*
John Riegel and Mary Moineau-Riegel*
Stephen and Mary Semel 2*
Jay and Joan Pfeifer*
Thomas and Shelia Ripper*
Richard and Elizabeth Semke 3*
Lyle and Susan Pfeifer 3*
Howard Ritter and Karen Lorhan 2*
Patrick Sexton and Barbara Dalton*
George and Lyn Pfl aum 2*
Marcus and Barbara Robins 4
Daniel and Michele Seymour*
Bruce Phillips and Carol Hering Phillips 3*
Steven and Lori Robinson*
Lotof and Michelle Shahtout*
Chad and Jennifer Roeber*
Robert and Patricia Shangraw 3*
E. Wayne and Kathleen Phillips 2*
Craig and Sue Roessler 4*
Kenneth and Barbara Shank 2*
Krystopher Phillips and Yolanda Garcia Phillips 3*
Franklin and Mary Roller, Jr. 3
David and Diane Shannon 2*
David and Shannon Ronald 5*
Shree and Marie Sharma*
Kevin Rooney and Rachael Spencer*
Dr. and Mrs. Philip M. Sharp 3*
William and Barbara Rosenberger 3
Jack and Patricia Shattuck* 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
Stephen and Loretta Stech* Gary O. Steeves* David and Denise Stefani 2* Debra Steffes 3* Bruce and Laurel Steinhaus 3
Hank and Cathy Wagemans 3*
Russell White and Judith Qualy-White 5
Michael and Patricia Wagner 3* Rory Wakefield* Richard and Michelle Wall 5* Angela Wallace 3*
David and Kathryn Whitener 3*
Robert and Kathleen Wright 3*
Michael and Sondra Walsh* Michael Walz and Christy Lueck 3 Anne E. Ward*
Steve and Dawn Watts 2 Robert and Leslie Wayne*
Patrick Wick*
Joe and Dorothy Yamamoto*
Russ and Julie Wiegand 3
Perry Morris and Gloria Ybarra 4*
Gary Willard* Margaret Willard* Richard and Jo Ann Williams* Peter and Patricia Williamson 2 Gregory and Kathleen Wilmes 2* Ronnie and Kathleen Wilmoth* Alfred and Lisa Wilson*
Robert and Karen Wayt 4
Dan and Sandi Wilson*
Michael Weaver 28
Linda Wilson 2
Gary and Cathi Weber 5
Paul and Pamela Wilson 3*
Julie A. Weber*
Mary Winslow*
Clifford and Karen Webster*
Vince Winston, Jr. and Patricia Neidhold-Winston 3
Jerome and Katherine Wechsler* Ellis and Gail Weeker*
William and Amparo Winter 3*
thank you thank you thank you
thank you
Stanford and Shane Wyatt*
Douglas and Linda Wiley*
Paul and Monica (Shepard) Wasson* Stanley and Lisa Watters 3*
Taylor Wright*
Janice K. Whitt*
Joseph and Carolyn Wilkinson*
Wayne and Faith Washington 3* Evart and Aloha Watson 2*
Forrest Whitt*
John Wildermuth and Loretta Koerner-Wildermuth 6*
Xiaoling Wan 2*
Brian and Sharon Wartman 4*
Steven and Jane Wraith* Daniel and Deborah Wright 3*
Deborah Wallin*
Lawrence and Velma Warren*
Carol L. Wopschall 3* John Wortham and Cynthia Johnson 3*
Paul and Elizabeth Whitehead 2
James and Linore Wallace 4
Craig and Danita Tullis*
William and Mary Underriner 3*
Thomas Schneider and Valentina Ang-Schneider*
p r e s i d e n t
Jack Trotter and Genie Trotter*
Alan and Christine Telford*
Steven and Lilian Schomaker 5*
t h e
Larry and Teresa Trivett 3* Thomas and Kathleen Trotta*
David and Joan Tanonis*
Alan and Dana Reed*
o f
J Coleman and Dolores Travis 5*
Michael and Leslie Uchacz*
Chad and Jean Ray 2*
r e p o r t
Karen A. Torgrimson 3*
Anthony and Kristy Umek 3*
Ronald and Joann Parsons 3*
John and Barbara Pickett*
William Topalian and Julie Oswald*
Colleen Talkington*
William and Michelle Patrick 4
Sandra Phillips 3*
Curtis and Diane Togami*
Tow and Janice Yee* William and Tracie Yee* Kenneth and Jeanne Yorozu* Michael and Katherine Yost* William and Karen Young 3* David and Diana Youtsey* Robert and Christine Yrani* Daniel Zak and Louise Christensen 2* Irv and Angela Zakheim 2 Julie Zarn* David and Sherry Zembik* Richard and Dorothy Zielony* James and Maura Zimmerschied 3* Ronald Zipse and Sharon Stone* James and Ruth Zollner 2* Mike and Mary Zubovic 6* Ron and Carol Zuckerman 4* Joseph and Terri Zura 2*
thank you thank you
thank you
thank you
John and Kathleen Steinhaus 3* Anna Steinmetz-Wenzel* Gerald and Terese Stempson 2 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Stenstrom* Richard and Susanna Stephens* L. John and LaVern Stevenson 3* Steven and Suzette Stewart* Suzanne Stewart* Nicholas and Cynthia Stiso* Joan and Scott Stluka* Great care was taken to ensure the accuracy of this listing, and we would appreciate you alerting us to any errors or omissions. Please direct your inquiries to Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship, at 800.463.6925 or r e p o r t
o f
t h e
p r e s i d e n t
2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8
reflection s on ble ssings
“My education is important to every part of my life and my future. None of this would be possible without your help.” David Whitehead (’10) : : : San Antonio, Texas : : : Honors Program
“Thank you for making it possible for me to attend Gonzaga. Without this funding, I would have gone to a larger public school and would not have received the personal attention which has shaped my life choices. I want to be a professor of English and I feel as though I’m on the right track.” Mary Elder (’08) : : : Las Vegas, Nevada : : : Honors Program
inspired by your giving
our passion for Gonzaga sets a great example for students. When you give to Gonzaga, their explorations propel them further. They learn more. And they see your passion, whether it is for mission programs, academic projects, student scholarships, general support or other favorite programs. Whatever your answer, you can be confident that your gift to Gonzaga is making a significant difference in the University’s ability to inspire our students to make a difference in the world. You are a role model for today’s students, who are learning how to be “other centered” and who are at that stage in life when they are developing their own passions. Because of your support of Gonzaga, our students have the chance to participate in community service activities, research projects, interdisciplinary studies and many other enriching opportunities. Thank you for your passionate support of Gonzaga University and for inspiring tomorrow’s leaders with your giving.