Center for Engineering Design & Entrepreneurship 2014

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School of Engineering & Applied Science

Center for Engineering Design & Entrepreneurship

Design Exposition Day Sponsored by:

April 30, 2014

Message from the Dean To Our Seniors and Design Exposition Day Attendees: On behalf of our School of Engineering & Applied Science, I would like to welcome all of you to the culmination of a year of very committed work by our seniors, their faculty, the project partners, and numerous others involved with these student projects. For many of our seniors, the completion of a Senior Design project is among the most memorable of their many Gonzaga experiences. The detailed planning, challenge, struggle, and accomplishment associated with these projects provide experiences that will be carried forward into the professional and life experiences of our graduates. What started as a simple proposal in September has evolved through the hard work of the seniors into the final design presentations that we see today. To our seniors: As your Dean, I take great pride in your accomplishments, creativity, and innovation – you truly inspire us! I am delighted to report that you have more than lived up to expectations through fascinating, challenging projects carried from concept to completion this year. I want to congratulate all of you for the effort and dedication that has brought you to this day, an effort that began not just last September, but when you first entered Gonzaga as a student. Please know that the faculty and staff of our School are proud of you and your achievements. We welcome you to a profession in which you can find lifelong excitement, continuing opportunities to challenge and improve your skills, and many occasions to follow the Jesuit tradition as you seek to serve both humanity and nature as reflections of God’s creation. Go Zags! Stephen E. Silliman Dean of Engineering & Applied Science

Message from the Academic Director Congratulations to our Senior Design Class of 2014! Your hard work and accomplishments are inspirational and we celebrate your success. Please keep us updated on your post-graduation engineering and computer science experiences! Thank you to SCAFCO Corporation for your generous support of Design Exposition Day and to all our sponsors who support the education of our students by facilitating senior design projects. Your gifts help sustain and grow our program. Finally, thank you to all the liaisons, faculty members, and Design Advisory Board members for guiding the work of the students. Special thanks to Beau Grillo for your talents in machining and Theresa Carpine for organizing this brochure. Go Zags! Toni Boggan Academic Director Center for Engineering Design & Entrepreneurship P. 2

Gonzaga School of Engineering & Applied Science

Welcome to Design Exposition Day 2014 Gonzaga University’s Center for Engineering Design & E n tr ep re neu rs hip w as established in 1992 to enhance the design experience for senior engineering students. The Center organizes projects for the academic year that are commissioned by sponsors in the private and public sectors. Prospective sponsors are sought throughout the year for projects involving all engineering and computer science programs. Some projects are interdisciplinary. Participating sponsors provide a definition, resources, and funding for the projects. They also commit a liaison from the sponsoring company to guide and support the students throughout the academic year. Sponsors receive several benefits from the Senior Design Program including a project completed by students and faculty members. Additionally, the sponsoring company has the opportunity to work with bright and enthusiastic individual with innovative ideas. This team experience is an opportunity to evaluate senior students as prospective employees. All projects are periodically reviewed by faculty and the Center’s Design Advisory Board (DAB). The DAB is comprised of engineering and computer science professionals in both the private and public sectors. They are instrumental constituents for the Center and a major factor in guiding the students. The review p r o c e s s br i n g s a n o u ts i d e perspective to the projects and is a component required to meet design guidelines established by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). Gonzaga Design Exposition Day 2014

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Student Design Teams Most Senior Design teams consist of three to five students and a faculty advisor who work with a liaison from a sponsoring company. The students’ initial task is to generate a plan and define strategies that will bring the project to fruition. Students must make effective use of available resources to manage their project activities. Specific milestones are identified, including written reports and oral presentations. Faculty advisors lend knowledge and experience to each team with guidance in the technical and managerial decisions required by the project. Liaisons help monitor team progress and assist in making the best use of the sponsor's resources and facilities. Several projects (pp. 21-22) are multidisciplinary, reflecting the importance of collaboration across skills to solve real-world problems.

Electrical Engineering Wireless Electricity, EE3 Kaitlyn Helsing Kevin Schalk Advisor: Bob Conley Sponsor: KEEN Foundation

In today’s world, wireless devices are becoming a necessity. Wireless technology, such as magnetic resonance, is therefore increasingly relevant. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of magnetic resonance as applied to wireless power transfer. The major challenge with this technology is the parasitic capacitance of the circuit, which can affect the efficiency to the point of causing the technology to be unusable. By tuning the circuit, our team aims to achieve optimal power transmission. We are studying and testing magnetic resonance in order to explore the feasibility of this form of wireless power transfer.

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Gonzaga School of Engineering & Applied Science

Electrical Engineering Winch Embedded Controller System, EE4 Kelsey Zaches Megan Nickolaus Troy Cosentino Advisor: Claudio Talarico Sponsor: WinchEngineer Group Liaison: George Moore Our team project was to create an embedded controller system for a battery-electric winch that will be used to launch sailplanes. Changing the launch technique of sailplanes in this way will increase the safety and decrease the cost per launch. Our team divided the project into three main parts: the embedded system, simulations for the Host Controller and launch physics, and detailed state machines. We have made significant progress toward a functional controller system with a complete winch as our goal within a year. We also worked with another design team, Glider Winch Host Manager (CPSC3), to unify each system development and complete the overall project to be ready for use by soaring clubs as soon as possible.

SEL Wireless Communications, EE5 Cat Truong Daniel McIntosh Collette Myers Advisor: Greg Braileanu Sponsor: Schweitzer Engineering Labs Liaison: Bill Burns

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories of Pullman, WA designed and developed a new 900 MHz radio for power distribution system automation. The purpose of our project was to perform testing as part of the validation phase to determine the field performance of the radios under real conditions. The tests involved Yagi and Omni-directional antenna configurations while conducting path studies to ascertain appropriate links for the desired attributes. Part of our work was to determine the effective range and receiver sensitivity, as well as design and test data input. The ending result is a white paper with compiled test results, path theory, software tutorials, and radio vernacular to benefit future SEL customers interested in this new wireless product. Gonzaga Design Exposition Day 2014

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Computer Science GoLumber, CPSC1 Garrett Sparks Patrick Anderson Doug Coulson Jacob Kingsbury Advisor: Shawn Bowers Sponsor: FTI America Liaisons: Cal Larson The global forest products industry is broad and complex with thousands of lumber mills in the United States alone, but buyers and sellers primarily communicate product inventories over email. Furthermore, the industry has not adopted a single standard of measurement, which complicates the process of locating lumber to purchase. Our project goal is to create a website that will connect buyers and sellers in the industry. GoLumber will allow mills to post their lumber inventories, which can then be located by potential buyers through a site search. GoLumber will present the inventories so buyers and sellers around the world will be able to view lumber inventories in desired units. The team is developing GoLumber using the Ruby on Rails Framework.

Schweitzer Mountain Resort Mobile App, CPSC2 Evan Shioyama Anna Olson Zach Quiring Cole Britton Advisor: Shawn Bowers Sponsor: Schweitzer Mountain Resort Liaisons: Sean Briggs and Dave Kulis With an ever increasingly mobile customer base, Schweitzer Mountain Resort lacks a way to bring together the customer community together in a competitive and engaging environment. In order to tackle this problem, Schweitzer asked our team to create an iPhone application for customers to use during their time on the mountain that will bolster the customer experience. The mobile application includes four major features: tracking vertical feet skied and other skiing statistics for each user, a leaderboard that ranks all users based on total vertical feet skied, a social share function to post accomplishments on Facebook, and a push notification interface with a built-in, up-to-date weather report for Schweitzer Mountain. P. 6

Gonzaga School of Engineering & Applied Science

Computer Science Glider Winch Host Manager, CPSC3 Gisela Arreola-Gutierrez Matt Dargen Alex Williams Advisor: Shawn Bowers Sponsor: WinchEngineer Group Liaison: George Moore The goal of this project is to develop the host software for controlling an electric winch that is efficient, cost effective, and easy to use. The winch, designed by George Moore, will be used to launch sailplanes, a gliding aircraft often flown for sport. Currently, the process of launching a sailplane is either inefficient or expensive. Our specifications are to write a user interface that will allow a user to store and recall values regarding the pilot, sailplane, and location involved in a launch, and then generate a launch according to those settings. The interface also needs to provide real-time launch data for the operator of the winch. Our approach is a Java-based user interface to take advantage of Java’s portability and usefulness in interface design.

Zag Life iOS App, CPSC4 Colin Knappert Lauren Joplin Patrick Mosca Advisor: Shawn Bowers Sponsor: Gonzaga University Liaisons: Sima Thorpe

Gonzaga University has many student resources and tools, but information about these resources is often spread by word-of-mouth, crowded bulletin boards, or overpacked notification emails. Zag Life, the GU student iOS app, streamlines university communication and student tools. The three main tools implemented in Zag Life are an interactive campus map, a Who’s Who directory of Gonzaga, and an event notification system. The campus map includes location services, clickable buildings, and event and parking locations. The Who’s Who tab incorporates all students, faculty, and staff through a secure sign in, as well as the ability to call, email, and add a person to contacts. The events tab contains Gonzaga’s Zagtivities and event notifications. Gonzaga Design Exposition Day 2014

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Mechanical Engineering Expandable Coil Mandrel, ME1 Kurtis Turner Taylor Hara Andrew McMannis Bryce Austin Kenny Hoener Advisor: Taylor Wagemans Sponsor: Haakon Industries Liaison: Ryan Leahy The goal of this project is to create an expandable coil mandrel for Haakon Industries. The current mandrels used are a set size. The mandrels damage the inside layers of the sheet metal coils used and consume a significant amount of time to install. Haakon wishes to eliminate this waste and shorten the installation time. We decided to create a mandrel with a pneumatic expansion system that will fit into the middle of the coil and expand to hold the coil in place. The new mandrel will fit the majority of the coils Haakon currently uses and will speed up the time to change coils in the sheet metal cutting machine. They will also be easy to expand to fit the inside of the coil with the simple connection of a pneumatic system.

Combine Feeder System, ME2 William Pon Jake Harris Keith Davidson Briana Ruth Advisor: Karch Polgar Sponsor: Hanson Worldwide Liaison: Esteban Soto

Hanson Worldwide wanted to adapt the Combine Feeder System to be less expensive, to handle higher loads, and to be more resistant to wear while maintaining the existing qualities of the original, unbreakable product. To accomplish this, various material changes were made to lower costs, improve strength, and decrease manufacturing time. Welds were replaced by bolts, decreasing assembly costs without compromising the structure. The new design improved in the wear resistance, verified through Finite Element Analysis, and the overall cost of the system was reduced by 25%. The design was completed on time and put into production. Combines in the Washington Palouse will be using the new design this summer in the wheat harvest. P. 8

Gonzaga School of Engineering & Applied Science

Mechanical Engineering Thermophoretic Precipitator Nano-Particle Sampler, ME3 James Moody Sara Ratigan Jacqueline Davis Steven Klemp Advisor: Steve Zemke Sponsor: National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health Liaison: Arthur Miller The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Spokane Research Laboratory sponsored this project to develop a portable sampler capable of collecting nano-scale airborne particulate matter. The samples will be analyzed using electron microscopy to characterize potential hazards to exposed workers. Using thermophoretic precipitation technology, our team developed an efficient and portable design for the sampling device itself. Data collected from a prototype testing session was used to advance the design toward efficiency, portability, and usability. The Gonzaga team worked in partnership with an electrical engineering design team from Eastern Washington University to develop the control systems.

Hydraulic Pressure Transient Testing, ME4 Duncan Howard Danielle Mathews David Zietz Ian Shioyama Sarah Talbot Advisor: Mike Keegan and Steven Zemke Sponsor: The Boeing Company Liaisons: Thomas Wilson and Jim Alvarado Hydraulic systems in aircraft experience pressure transients which may be detrimental to hydraulic tubes and components. Hydraulic accumulators are put into the system to absorb these pressure transients. The Boeing Company sponsored this student project to design and build a test stand to simulate pressure transients seen on Boeing aircraft in order to test the effectiveness of a potential accumulator to be added to the plane. Students worked to procure the proper components and design the test stand in order to fit the required specifications, tested the accumulator and analyzed the data obtained from the testing procedure. Gonzaga Design Exposition Day 2014

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Mechanical Engineering Solar Panel Device, ME5 Adam Obenberger Charlie Siderius Paige Bernier Travis Carter Derk Westermeyer Jake Lindsey Advisor: Trevor Tollefsbol Sponsor: T&D Program/ Engineering Management Liaison: Peter McKenny While solar panels are a great source of eco-friendly energy, stationary panels do not take advantage of the total solar energy available. For this project, our team created a low-cost, solar tracking system that would optimize the solar energy collection throughout the day and record the accompanying data. Evaluating three different collection methods gave the means to compare the total energy collected versus consumed. We compared single axis, dual axis, and stationary designs. This design maximized the possible electrical output of a solar panel based off these different configurations.

Bulldog Baja Suspension, ME7 Drew McCurdy Andrew Asper Nick Gavenas Jeff Barnhart Jesse Baker Advisor: Ben Boyce Sponsor: GU Society of Automotive Engineers

Gonzaga’s Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) asked our team to design the suspension system for the 2014 Mini Baja car. The sponsor (SAE) requested this project to support their efforts to enter a car under Gonzaga University’s name in the 2014 SAE Mini Baja competition in El Paso, Texas at the end of April. Our team researched different types of off-road suspensions and explored accessible manufacturing capabilities in consultation with our sponsor. We decided to use dual trailing arms in the front of the car and single trailing arms in the rear of the car. The design solution met SAE’s specifications to include all suspension arms, shocks, wheel hubs to accommodate the clubs drive train, and attachment points on the frame. P. 10

Gonzaga School of Engineering & Applied Science

Mechanical Engineering Part Handling System, ME8 Skyler Trimpler Matt Eastman Kevin Roberts Sue-Jean Choi Mark Viger Advisor: Brent Fales Sponsor: UTC Aerospace Liaisons : Curt Russell and Jesse Delanoy Our team worked with UTC Aerospace to create a semi-automated solution for the loading, unloading, and inspection process for the manufacturing of Carbon Disk Brakes on CNC lathes. The current machining process requires a great amount of manual labor that creates an unnecessary strain on the workers. By selecting a robotic arm from the available market, designing a functional layout, and assessing the cost benefit of a semi-automated cell, the team created an animated visualization of the proposed solution. Factors such as maintaining the grain orientation of the discs and safety regulations were implemented into the final design. UTC Aerospace will use the animation and a benefit analysis package to realize this process.

RCVD Run Load Disassembler, ME9 Bryan Cross Dylan Emde Anastasia Ashley Michael Parkhurst Advisor: Karch Polger Sponsor: UTC Aerospace Liaison : Roy Wortman UTAS Spokane is a manufacturing plant that produces carbon brake disks used on aircraft applications with a volume of around 75,000 parts a year. The goal of this project is to improve UTC Aerospace’s brake disc disassembly process. The furnace tech’s poor ergonomic conditions was the main problem addressed, as well as the dangerous practices used when separating brake disc units. Our team provided a proof of concept for an alternative mechanical method for the separation of the brake disc units. The alternative method adhered to Washington State and UTC’s safety and ergonomic specifications, as well as the brake disc care requirements.

Gonzaga Design Exposition Day 2014

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Mechanical Engineering Belt Feeder, ME10 Mark Dolinar Kevin Elliot Estefen Luna Ben Meyer Advisor: Andy Johnston Sponsor: FLSmidth Material Handling North America Liaison: Scott Nance Our senior design project revolved around a Linux based program called LIGGGHTS (Lammps improved for general granular and granular heat transfer simulations). FLSmidth, an engineering firm that primarily focuses on mining technologies, sponsored this project. Our goal was to run a simulation using Liggghts to recreate a previous test on a batch of material by FLSmidth. To do this, we were required to learn how to use the Linux operating system while simultaneously learning how to program in C++, which was both challenging and rewarding. Ultimately, FLSmidth asked us to create an intuitive guide for the further use of this program inside of their company.

Lifting Device for Ingots, ME12 Erick Lyons Nicholas Hall James Youmans Michael Beckett Advisor: Jeff Nolting Sponsor: Wagstaff, Inc. Liaisons: Brett Thielman and Mike Anderson Wagstaff is developing a new research facility with the capacity to cast larger aluminum ingots. The company asked us to design a device that attaches to a crane and clamps to an ingot (weighing up to 55,000 lbs.), allowing the crane to lift the ingot up and out of the casting pit. As a team, we created a design that minimizes the overhead space needed and accommodates a large range of ingot sizes. We developed a SolidWorks assembly and ran engineering calculations to ensure the structural integrity and safety of the lifting device. While designing, we accounted for overall weight, height, clamping speed, and clamping force. We also specified and configured prefabricated components that were crucial to the design. P. 12

Gonzaga School of Engineering & Applied Science

Mechanical Engineering Winch Drum Design & Analysis, ME13 Anthony Armstrong Dane Goodman Mitchell Heesacker Samuel Oyen Advisor: Robert Stiger Sponsor: WinchEngineer Group Liaison: George Moore This project provides an open source for a cable drum as part of a system designed to launch sailplanes. Other CEDE teams designed the control systems and drive. The design of the drum needed to be lightweight, weather-resistant, cheap and easy to manufacture while conforming to the sponsor’s numerical specifications. The rib-reinforced design is the result of a series of refinement of four conceptual designs and the sponsor’s reference design. We developed both shop and assembly drawings and a bill of materials that includes material and finish specifications, as well as a cutting template for necessary parts and pieces. We used ANSIS for stress calculations, and released the design with a 3-D license held by Gonzaga University.

Boiling Cold Plates, ME14 John Sousa Greg Hutchinson Ryan Kellogg Obadiah Schwartzel Advisor: Robert Stiger Sponsor: Parker Aerospace Liaison: Andrew Johnston

The project with Parker Aerospace is the development of an effective cooling system for high heat load electronics. Specifically, there is a difficulty in distributing a two-phase fluid evenly across an array of channels. The boiling fluid needs to be distributed evenly in terms of quality and mass flow rate. This distribution is important because it is directly correlated to the performance of the cooling system. We addressed this problem by designing and building a refrigerant test loop capable of testing different distribution devices, which were assessed on the basis of a temperature gradient across a set of heated channels. Parker will be able to use this project for current and future designing of thermal management systems. Gonzaga Design Exposition Day 2014

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Mechanical Engineering Rack & Pinion Conveyor System, ME15 John Cogswell Brian Thomas Braxton Garrett Ross Anderton Noel Younger Advisor: Nathan Ray Sponsor: FLSmidth Material Handling North America Liaison: Scott Nance FLSmidth’s existing mining equipment, the Mobile Stacking Conveyor (MSC) and Tripper (MSCT), has limitations on its tractive power due to a reduced coefficient of friction as a result of moisture, thus creating a low maximum incline angle. Our team developed a rack and pinion concept that is retrofittable to the existing machinery and raised the maximum incline angle to at least 14 degrees. To further present the concept, the team has produced a scaled model of the Mobile Stacking Conveyor and Tripper, including the rack and pinion. The model is complete with VFD control over the motion, as well as a gap between MSCs that the tripper needs to cross without jamming the pinion, similar to the real machinery.

The Fishbox, ME16 Tabeel Jacob Will Kurtz George Dickinson Sam Cutler Advisor: Tait Carroll Sponsor: Spokane Tribe of Indians Lake Roosevelt Fisheries Program Liaison: Brent Nichols Our team collaborated with the Spokane Tribe of Indians with the project goal of building a machine that can be used to automate the process of monitoring the fish caught from Lake Roosevelt. The Fish Box is a two-year project that will count the number of fish in the creel, identify the kind of fish, and measure weight/length of the fish. Our team, consisting of three mechanical engineers and a computer engineer, designed a feed system, which consists of a centrifugal system which feeds the fish one at a time to the vision system. The vision system is designed to statistically compare the photo of the fish with stored profiles and identify the fish by finding the closest match. P. 14

Gonzaga School of Engineering & Applied Science

Civil Engineering Stormwater Monitoring, CE1 Doug Ehlebracht Charlie Roberts Ethan Rogers Colton Freels Advisor: Aimee Navickis-Brasch Sponsor: Spokane County Liaison: Matt Zarecor

Bioinfiltration ponds are a common way to handle stormwater runoff, by filtration through vegetation as well as infiltrating the water through soil to the groundwater table. Spokane County has asked our team to develop a design to test the influent and effluent pollutant concentrations in order to determine the effectiveness of bioinfiltration ponds removing target pollutants. In Western Washington, the Department of Ecology requires municipalities to demonstrate that stormwater best management practices (BMPs), such as bioinfiltration ponds, are functioning to acceptable levels. This will be required in Eastern Washington in the near future and Spokane County would prefer to have preliminary monitoring systems in place before it is required.

Enté Creek Spawning, CE2 Thomas Scott Garrett Benson Mohamed Sambou Dallas Dimock Jamie Gable Advisor: Sue Niezgoda Sponsor: Spokane Tribe of Indians Liaisons: Casey Flanagan and Brian Crossley The Spokane Tribe of Indian Department of Natural Resources wants to construct a spawning channel for fall Kokanee Salmon spawning in Enté Creek. The current creek houses several degraded beaver dams which have filled in with sediment to create a swamp-like environment at the mouth of the creek. The beaver dams themselves present major fish passage barriers. In addition to the dams, the flow in the stream is too shallow for fish passage. We will conduct an analysis to determine the current ecological health of the stream, as well as all current barriers to fish passage. Streamline Solutions will then create a final design that the Spokane Tribe of Indians can implement to restore Kokanee Salmon spawning to Enté Creek. Gonzaga Design Exposition Day 2014

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Civil Engineering Fish Passage for Blue Creek, CE3 Josh Seto Becca Ryan JJ Masterson Jack Siemens Advisor: Sue Niezgoda Sponsor: Spokane Tribe of Indians Liaisons: Casey Flanagan and Brian Crossley The Spokane Tribe of Indians contracted our team to help restore migratory Redband Trout passage from the Spokane Reservoir through the drawdown zone and onto the spawning gravels of Blue Creek. Currently, fish passage is limited due to low flow and no stream structure, which decreases the depth and the increases velocity of the creek. With resources of faculty, computer software, research, and local knowledge, our team proposed the development of an engineered roughened stream channel with a pump. This combination should increase water depths and decrease water velocities to an acceptable level for fish passage. By the end of the 2013-14 academic year, the Blue Creek senior design team will deliver project plans as well as material and labor estimates to the Spokane Tribe of Indians.

Civil Engineering

Freeman School CCI4 Removal, CE4 Kevin Evans Preston Love Jaymee Vaughn Zaeem Khalid Advisor: Russell Mau Sponsor: David Evans & Associates

The recorded concentration of Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) in the Freeman School District’s Production Well, prior to treatment, exceeds the EPA’s maximum contaminant level of 5 parts per billion. The goal for the project is to develop a treatment solution that would provide Freeman School District with potable drinking water with reduced concentrations of CCl4. We evaluated three active treatment alternatives, including Granular Activated Carbon, Air Stripping, and Reverse Osmosis, and one passive alternative, constructing a new well outside of the contaminated plume of CCl4. To evaluate which alternative was best fit for the needs of the school district, we assessed the following criteria: feasibility, life cycle costs, maintenance, operation requirements, and waste management. P. 16

Gonzaga School of Engineering & Applied Science

Civil Engineering CSO Residential Stormwater Treatment, CE5 Cody Meckes Roberto Silva Julia Pavicic Eric Spurbeck Advisor: Bob Turner Sponsor: City of Spokane Our goal is to provide comprehensive engineering efforts related to the development of sustainable technologies to reduce the stormwater contribution to sewer flows by treating runoff at residential sites in Spokane, Washington. Currently, Spokane relies on an outdated combined sewer system that has been rendered illegal by extensions of the Clean Water Act of 1972. The project entailed researching and testing low impact development (LID) ideas to reduce stormwater runoff at the site. We researched rain gardens, bio infiltration trenches, porous material, and dispersion as alternative solutions. The team created conceptual designs, decision matrices, and a cost analysis of the specified alternatives. The City of Spokane will use these deliverables to evaluate stormwater options throughout the city.

Willow Creek Bridge, CE7 Sophia Nespor Mitch Beck Greg Carter Nathan Sieler Advisors: Scott Marshall and Andrea Hougen Sponsor: HDR, Inc. Liaison: Jeremy Miles Willow Creek Bridge is located southeast of Lake Coeur d’ Alene in Kootenai County, Idaho. The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) evaluated the existing bridge as structurally deficient and in need of immediate replacement. Our project goal is to complete the design of a new Willow Creek Bridge. Project scope includes completing a hydraulic study of the existing and proposed bridges, a full structural design of the proposed bridge, and drafting all of our design results in AutoCAD Civil 3D. The Hydraulic design involves sizing the bridge openings and channel geometry in order to meet all FEMA floodplain and ITD regulations. The structural design includes the substructure and superstructure, as well as foundations capable of supporting expected traffic loads. The project scope also includes full roadway design to meet ITD standards. Gonzaga Design Exposition Day 2014

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Civil Engineering Padhar Hospital, CE8 Bruno Abreu Henry Rodgers Brenna Brown Damiano Seghetti Emily Cronin Advisors: Dan Tappel, Melissa Verwest, and Noel Bormann Sponsor: MSAADA, USKH Liaison: Kennet Bertelsen Located in a rural and impoverished region of India, Padhar Hospital and MSAADA, a nonprofit architecture and engineering firm, asked our team to produce preliminary structural system, wastewater treatment system, and stormwater management system designs for a proposed nursing school facility. Through extensive research of the building codes and construction techniques in India, we selected the specific systems using the simple multi attribute rating technique decision-making tool. We then created a Design Study Report, which includes designs taken to 20% completion of selected structural systems, a mound wastewater treatment system, and a grading site plan as well as our summarized research into this project.

Bridger Bowl Ski Lodge Structural Design, CE9 Colleen Walsh Caleb Erb Carson Thompson Ryan Andrade Advisor: Sushil Shenoy Sponsor: Eclipse Engineering Our goal was to complete the design and structural drawings for the Bridger Bowl Ski Lodge in Bozeman, Montana. Eclipse Engineering, the sponsor company for the project, provided the architectural drawings for the ski lodge, which is an already existing structure. Our task was to use these architectural drawings and create a preferred structural design for the lodge. Our team considered all applicable loads in the structural design, including dead, live, snow, wind, and seismic loads. We have completed a design of all structural components, including the foundation, structural members, and connections. Standard civil engineering references, codebooks, and design guides were used during the design and analysis process to ensure that all necessary structural specifications were met. Our team utilized our structural and geotechnical abilities to examine design options to ensure a low cost and sustainable design solution. P. 18

Gonzaga School of Engineering & Applied Science

Civil Engineering Gonzaga University Structural Assessment, CE10 John Strub Aaron Lee Lisha Sosa Mariana Brandao Advisor: Joshua Comfort and Andrea Hougen Sponsor: DCI Engineers Liaison: Joshua Comfort Our project is to complete the structural assessments of two of Gonzaga University’s existing buildings, DeSmet Hall and the Crosby Student Center. Our project scope included a feasibility study of multiple proposed changes to the buildings. As a team, we analyzed DeSmet Hall and Crosby Student Center with a Tier 1 Seismic Evaluation, identifying both existing and potential deficiencies within the structural systems of the buildings while offering the client recommendations of rehabilitation. We accomplished these studies through the use of current codes and structural calculations to determine if the proposed changes could be applied to the buildings while maintaining a life safety priority.

SCC Technical Education Building, CE12 Michael Lucas Andrew Schafer Bennett McLaughlin Sam Hardison Advisor: Heather Hirst Sponsor: Integrus Architecture

To address a shortage of skilled tradespeople in the Spokane area, Spokane Community College selected Integrus Architecture and our team to design a new training center for skilled tradespeople. Integrus provided the architectural design while our civil design team focused on developing a structural system for the building. After consulting with the architect and evaluating structural systems, we selected and designed a system composed of steel braced frames to satisfy lateral force resistance requirements. The gravity framing system consists of exposed wide-flange steel beams, girders and roof joists, satisfying the architect’s request to expose as much of the structure as possible. Other structural elements such as roof decking, columns, and foundations were designed around the steel braced frames. Gonzaga Design Exposition Day 2014

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Civil Engineering SCC Building 15 Addition Design, CE13 Kevin Schell Mitch Pearce Jared Erny Chaz Woo Advisor: Tony Stenlund Sponsor: Integrus Architecture Liaison: Aaron Zwanzig Spokane Community College’s Student Services Building has outgrown its current facility and requires additional space. The additional space of 25,000 square feet will expand the Student Services Department and provide the school with additional classrooms, administration offices, and space for The Institute for Extended Learning. We designed the structural systems of the building, which include gravity and lateral resisting systems, the foundation, and provided construction drawings and key structural details. The team compared material and design alternatives in order for the project to be cost effective and compatible with the client’s needs. Our design methods will conform to current and prevailing building codes and standards to ensure safety and effectiveness during construction and the life of the building.

Hydroelectric Generation Facilities Improvements, CE14 Jacob Schlador Doug Forkner Charles Stout Matheus Muniz Advisor: DeAnn Arnholtz Sponsor: Avista Utilities Liaison: PJ Henscheid Our primary project goal is to create a standardized design for new boater safety cables and safety grab lines at all six of the Avista dams on the Spokane River. A second goal is to redesign the trash rake for Nine Mile Dam. We created standards for the six Spokane River dams and their respective safety options. The location of the Nine Mile Dam is on the Spokane River approximately ten miles northwest of Spokane. Our team is conducting research on new and innovative techniques for debris management and boater safety on the water. This research will be worked into design options and presented to Avista Utilities with a recommendation for design and standardization of the boater safety cables and safety grab lines. P. 20

Gonzaga School of Engineering & Applied Science

Civil & Mechanical Sustainable Technologies Kitchen, CE6/ME6 Christopher Fragner Webster Ross Katie Neal Charlie Rogers Christine Ngan Paige Lawrence Krista Beyer

Advisor: Tait Carroll Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency Liaison: Noel Bormann

Our mission is to remediate the burden of disease in developing nations, strengthen cross-cultural relationships, and expand engineering knowledge, made possible through grant from the US EPA People, Prosperity, and Planet (P3) Program. Our project combines components of old technologies in environmentally and economically sustainable ways for use in rural Africa. Our products can improve health in rural Zambian homes by implementing easy-to-use water filters and a stove that emits fewer contaminants while converting excess energy to charge Zambian electronic devices. Design factors included cost, ease of use, sustainability, target market, construction materials, and consumer needs. Final research and designs were presented to the EPA in Washington DC. Our products will be produced in Zambezi this summer.

Benin Groundwater Modeling, CE11/ME11 Connor McGregor Cillian Wing Jessica Bladow Advisor: Stephen Silliman Sponsor: Gonzaga University

Cotonou is the largest city in Benin, Africa with a population of 1.5 million. The city relies on groundwater wells, some with increasing levels of salinity (salts). Certain wells have been abandoned because they exceed the taste threshold for chloride. Future groundwater development must be managed so long-term threats to water quality are minimized while the rate of water production remains sufficiently high to serve the population. Our team developed a calibrated groundwater management tool with a user manual that demonstrates how to modify the model. This management tool allows agency personnel to assess the impact of present and future water development strategies. The tool also allows agency personnel to determine the flow pathways of groundwater under various well location and pumping discharge scenarios. Gonzaga Design Exposition Day 2014

P. 21

Electrical & Mechanical Downtown Network Model, EE1/ME18 Marc Carlson Tyler Spilker Ben Rowland John Lopez Andrew Owenson Advisor: Peter McKenny Sponsor: Avista Utilities Liaisons: Martin Gulseth and Marc Lippincott A portion of Downtown Spokane’s electrical grid, the Metro East Network, is nearing full capacity. With load increases expected, reliable service near the network’s edges may be difficult to provide. Currently three feeders run from the Metro substation to the Metro East network. Avista Utilities asked us to design a fourth feeder to remove stress from the other three feeders and increase capacity. Adding additional cable underground poses problems from a heat-transfer perspective, so a significant portion of our efforts were spent analyzing the network from a thermal point of view. Our proposal will keep Downtown Spokane powered while maintaining the safety and reliability of an electrically robust and mechanically sound network.

Parkinson’s Voice Monitor, EE2/ME17 Carlee Quiles Dominic Norris Nate Gessell Advisor: Steve Schennum Sponsor: Parkinson’s Resource Center of Spokane & EWU Department of Communication Disorders Liaisons: Doreen Nicholas and Walter Jakubowski Our team worked with EWU Department of Communication Disorders and The Parkinson’s Resource Center of Spokane to build a Parkinson’s Voice Monitor. Our product is designed for use in medical practices, as well as, daily life. The voice monitor uses a sensor to obtain the vibrations of the larynx to determine if the user is speaking at a level that is clear for others around them. If they are speaking below this level, the user is notified. This device will help speech therapist and families to improve communication with individuals with Parkinson’s disease. To create this device, we brought our individual electrical and mechanical disciplines together. Writing code to be used by an Arduino Uno, this device works collaboratively with our student-designed circuit board to read, store, and give an output from the data that is obtained through the sensor. P. 22

Gonzaga School of Engineering & Applied Science

Center for Engineering Design & Entrepreneurship Design Exposition Day Schedule: Tuesday, April 30, 2014 Poster & Artifact Session – Herak Atrium, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Presentations – Various Locations, 3:10 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Senior Celebration – McCarthey Athletic Center East Lobby, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Location & DAB Members

HERAK 237 Chris Sharman, Richard Weeks, Mike Herzog, Chris Sharman, Ron Riel



CPSC 3 Glider Winch

3:15 p.m.

CPSC 1 GoLumber

3:45 p.m.

CPSC 2 Schweitzer Mobile App

4:15 p.m.

CPSC 4 Mobile App for GU

4:45 p.m.


5:15 p.m.

Wireless Electricity

ME04 Hydraulic Testing - Boeing

3:15 p.m.


ME02 Combine Feeder - Hanson

3:45 p.m.

Ron Oscarson, Phil Pintor, Tom Zysk, Will Tiedeman

ME01 Expandable Coil - Haaken

4:15 p.m.

ME03 Particle Sampler - Niosh

4:45 p.m.

ME05 Solar Panel Tracking

5:15 p.m.

ME07 Bulldog Baja

3:15 p.m.

ME08 Part handling System - UTC

3:45 p.m.

ME09 RCVD Run Load - UTC

4:15 p.m.

ME 16 Fish Box - Spokane Tribe

4:45 p.m.

ME12 Ingot Lifting Device - Wagstaff

3:15 p.m.

ME14 Boiling Cold Plates - Parker

3:45 p.m.

ME13 Glider Winch Drum

4:15 p.m.

ME15 Rack & Pinion - FLSmidth

4:45 p.m.

ME10 Belt Feeder - FLSmidth

5:15 p.m.

EE6 Communications Analysis

3:15 p.m.

EE1 Downtown Network - Avista

3:45 p.m.

EE2 Parkinson’s Device

4:15 p.m.

EE5 Wireless Communication - SEL

4:45 p.m.

EE4 Glider Winch Control System

5:15 p.m.

CE12 SCC Tech Ed Bldg. - Integrus

3:10 p.m.

CE13 SCC Bldg. 15 - Integrus

3:35 p.m.

CE09 Bridger Bowl - Eclipse Eng

4:00 p.m.

CE08 Padhar Hospital - MSAADA

4:25 p.m.

CE14 Hydro Safety Lines - Avista

4:50 p.m.

CE10 GU Structural Assessment - DCI

5:15 p.m.

CE07 Willow Creek Bridge - HDR

5:40 p.m.

CE11 Benin Groundwater Research - GU

3:10 p.m.

CE01 Stormwater Monitoring - Spokane County

3:35 p.m.

CE02 Ente Creek Spawning - Spokane Tribe

4:00 p.m.

CE03 Blue Creek - Spokane Tribe

4:25 p.m.

CE06 Sustainable Kitchens - EPA

4:50 p.m.

CE05 CSO Stormwater - City of Spokane

5:15 p.m.

CE04 Freeman School TCE Removal

5:40 p.m.

COLLEGE HALL 239 Nick Questad, John Olsufka, Gary Weber

COLLEGE HALL 245 Les Bohush, J. McCall, Jim McCall, Patrick Sinner

JEPSON 111 Mike Perrin, Brent Barr, Michael Santora, Paul Robertson, Gary Holmesmith, John Gibson

HERAK 244 Tim Graybeal, Kevin Cary, Jim Roletto, Katy Allen

HERAK 245 Bill Fees, Dave Moss, Scott Marshall, Matt Zarecor, Bob Turner

Gonzaga Design Exposition Day 2014

P. 23

Thanks to Sponsors & Mentors Senior Design Projects are made possible with generous sponsorship by the following businesses and organizations:

Avista Utilities The Boeing Company City of Spokane David Evans & Associates DCI Engineers Eclipse Engineering Environmental Protection Agency FLSmidth GoLumber/FTI America Gonzaga University Haakon Industries Hanson Worldwide HDR, Inc.

Integrus Architecture KEEN Foundation MSAADA NIOSH Parker Hannafin Corporation Parkinson’s Resource Center SCAFCO Corporation Schweitzer Engineering Labs Schweitzer Mountain Resort Spokane County Spokane Tribe of Indians UTC Aerospace/Goodrich Foundation Wagstaff, Inc.

The following individuals graciously volunteered their expertise as members of our Design Advisory Board: Katy Allen, City of Liberty Lake Brent Barr, F5 Networks, Inc. Les Bohush, Electronic Communications Rob Bryant, Gonzaga University Kevin Cary, DCI Engineers Bill Choma, Avista Corporation Dave Duncan, Washington Dpt. Of Ecology Tim Erlandsen, Interlink Advantage Bill Fees, Washington Dpt. Of Ecology Troy Gibbs, ASCE John Gibson, Avista Utilities Tim Graybeal, Integrus Architecture Michael Herzog, Itron Corporation Gary Holmesmith, Kaiser Aluminum Karl Kolb, Coffman Engineers Greg Lahti, WSDOT Rudy Lauth, Triumph Compsite Systems, Inc. Scott Marshall, HDR Inc. J. McCall, Reiff Injection Molding

Jim McCall, Reiff Injection Molding David Moss, Spokane County Utilities John Olsufka, Telect Ron Oscarson, Spokane County Jeff Owen, Itron Mike Perrin, Monaco Enterprises Phillip Pintor, Coffman Engineers Nick Questad, The Boeing Company Ron Riel, Avista Utilities Paul Robertson, Schweitzer Engineering Labs Jim Roletto, Zanetti Bros. Inc. Michael Santora Chris Sharman, Soft Dev Systems Will Tiedeman, Haakon Bob Turner, City of Spokane Gary R. Weber, The Boeing Company Kathie Yerion, Gonzaga University Tom Zysk, The Boeing Company Matt Zarecor, Spokane County

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