SCHOOL of EDUCATION at Gonzaga University
2014 - 15 Year in Review
THE DE AN ’ S PER SPEC TIVE Connecting with others has been the theme of the 2014-15 academic year for the School of Education (SOE). We have focused on bringing all interested partners to the table to build relationships as we develop our vision for the years ahead. The SOE faculty is a multi-talented group of individuals who attract others to collaborate in innovative ways, and the collective energy we have found - mental, physical, and spiritual - connects us to one another and to our passion for educating tomorrow’s leaders. Some of these vital partners include Catholic schools, public schools, Native American tribes and military families, all of which provide opportunities for faculty and students to engage in service, teaching, scholarship, collaborations, and professional development. The result has been the reward of respect and recognition by our community, state, nation, and international partners. The SOE is also embracing an era that is ripe for reinvesting in Catholic education in ways that we have never done before. Pope Francis instructs us to ensure that our teachers and principals continue the triumphant work they do each and every day; educating our students not only in the three r’s (reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic), but in the roots of the Catholic faith and teachings of Jesus Christ. In November 2015, I was honored to be one of 80 delegates from the United States invited to attend the World Congress on Catholic Education in Rome, aimed at reenergizing the Church’s commitment to education on a foundation of hope, tenacity and love. It was a tremendous opportunity to be with delegates from universities throughout the world and bring this energy back to Gonzaga and our Catholic partners. Out of this experience and our faculty’s steadfast passion, we have a vision for developing a Center for Catholic Education at Gonzaga University. Not a building with brick and mortar, this Center will be an idea that supports Catholic pedagogy by educating the educators, preparing faith-based leaders of tomorrow, providing direct academic and counseling services to our students, and ensuring that we have a cadre of highly qualified teachers to educate and nurture our students. Supporting our Catholic schools is not just an option – it is our obligation. We have an unprecedented opportunity to lift our Catholic schools to new heights, forge new collaborations among our institutions, and provide our children with the education, guidance, and love they deserve. Our School of Education perspective on this opportunity is this: If not here, where? If not now, when? If not us, who?
Dr. Vincent C. Alfonso Dean of School of Education PAGE 2
16-17 2014-15 SPOTLIGHTS
Z AMBIA Charles Lwanga College of Education (CLCE) is a Jesuit institution and one of few teacher education programs in Zambia. Gonzaga University collaborated with CLCE, as it began transitioning from a twoyear to a four-year bachelor’s-granting institution, which would require instructors to have a master’s degree. The SOE developed a M.Ed. in Leadership and Administration program that began in January 2013, and in December 2014, the 25 instructors received their master’s degrees from Gonzaga University in a ceremony in Monze, Zambia. Dr. Vincent C. Alfonso, Dean; Dr. Joseph Kinsella, Asst. Academic Vice-President for Global Engagement; Dr. Raymond Reyes, Chief Diversity Officer; and Dr. Jon Sunderland, former SOE Dean, represented the University and have been involved with various stages of this program. Gonzaga’s connection will continue as CLCE revolutionizes the educational experience for hundreds of Zambian students, and the positive effects of this collaboration are far more reaching than that. The possibilities are endless for our students to travel to Zambia, become involved, and enhance their own education careers as well. In looking ahead, we see Education majors teaching literacy, internships for students including nursing and human physiology, radio station work for journalism and broadcast majors, business students working on start-up projects, and sociology experience at the cultural center. Clearly, the future in Zambia will bring our Gonzaga students countless opportunities to make a difference in others’ lives while furthering their own education, which is truly in line with the Jesuit spirit of taking your knowledge and “setting the world on fire.”
and this program provides intense support for them to achieve grade-level competencies and beyond. SOE faculty, Dr. Anny Case, explained that candidates and students are guided by a cadre of professionals that include faculty, cooperating teachers, site-based instructional coaches, and university supervisors. This team of mentors provides crucial support in helping our candidates develop academically and professionally. All are actively engaged in designing and providing high quality instruction for both the GU candidates and the middle-school students.
Candidates in teacher education are engaged in field-based instruction supported by a three-year grant that aims to ensure educational success for students at Shaw and Garry Middle Schools. The secondary education program is partnering with colleagues at Garry Middle School to achieve two parallel goals: a) Providing outstanding, field-based teacher preparation for GU teaching candidates, while b) positively impacting the academic achievement of middle school students.
The teacher education course, EDTE 221, Differential Instruction and Assessment and Field Experience takes place at Garry Middle School. Candidates meet at Garry two mornings a week with their time divided between teaching and supporting middle-schoolers and their regular course instruction, which is calibrated to reflect the real-time needs of the middle school classrooms. The 7th and 8th grade students are from diverse backgrounds and academic levels,
Field placements have always been a very important part of teacher preparation, but over the past several years, the Teacher Education Department has increased the intentionality around fieldwork. These efforts are proving to be transformational for all. In the middle-school field placement, the studentadult ratio for students in the classrooms is 1 to 4. The ongoing support seems to have benefited the middle-schoolers, many of whom are exceeding their past performance in school. Additionally, the level of competency for GU candidates is greater than expected after completing this initial, intensive experience in the classroom. Being surrounded by professionals who are invested in their teacher preparation and the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of children seem to be paying large dividends. This new approach to secondary teacher preparation is now at a point where assessment evidence can be systematically collected as part of a research project to assess learning outcomes of both K-12 students and candidates.  
RE THINKING NATIVE AMERIC AN EDUC ATION In summer 2014, Dean Alfonso and Wendy Thompson, director of Tribal Relations in Gonzaga’s Center for American Indian Studies, visited several tribes in eastern Washington to learn about the needs of Native American students in K-12 schools. These visits led to the idea of a series of symposia to address the instructional and learning needs of Native American students. Although there are many ways to approach these, a significant step is to “educate the educator” in the classroom to gain a better understanding of their Native American culture, learning needs, and best instructional practices. The first symposium in the series, Rethinking Native American Education: Building Bridges, was copresented with the Spokane Tribe in April 2015. The participants were the educators, future and current, from elementary, secondary, and higher education. Dr. Jon Reyhner, Professor at Northern Arizona University and renowned author, shared his first-hand experience and research with the group to gain a better understanding of American Indian culture. A very powerful session in the Symposium, was a Native American student panel of three current students at Gonzaga and one alumnus, who shared their personal experiences, which are relevant to all levels of education.
• When speaking about academic preparation and Gonzaga’s community, one student said, “Getting here wasn’t difficult. Being here was difficult.”
• A Native American educator shared with the panel she had experienced similar pain during her time at Gonzaga decades earlier. In response, another tribal member asked, “Is it ever going to be OK to be an Indian?” and a student panelist was too emotional to respond immediately.
• Another told a story of a teacher who responded by listening and correcting her when the textbook she was using had incorrect facts.
Change takes time and our hope and belief is that with additional information over months and maybe even years, we can create a culture change or paradigm shift in the ways we instruct Native American students. The SOE is working closely with Spokane Public Schools and its superintendent, Dr. Shelley Redinger, as well as several tribes. Dr. Deborah Nieding, Associate Professor in Teacher Education, has been involved in numerous educational projects and her input is invaluable. Dr. Nieding and Wendy Thompson co-coordinated the event and continue to collaborate on projects.
• “I see education as a triangle – institution, community, students; they need to work for each other.” Dr. Elaine Radmer, an SOE faculty member remarked that this statement from the student was one of the most profound things she had ever heard about education.
When those who have power to name and to socially construct your reality, and choose not to see you, hear you, or include you… when someone with the authority of a teacher describes the world and you are not in it, there is a moment of psychic disequilibrium, as if you looked into a mirror and saw nothing. (Rich, Gair, Thomson & Miles as cited in Deer, 2006)
EDUC ATING THE WHOLE CHILD As long-standing partners with the Catholic Diocese of Spokane, we continue to identify opportunities to connect our faculty and candidates with the Catholic school teachers. President Thayne McCulloh and the SOE hosted the 1st Annual Professional Development Day for the teachers and principals with a theme of “Understanding the Whole Child: Spiritually, Academically, Physically, Emotionally and Socially.” “Meeting the Unique Needs of All Students” was a collaboration with Dr. Duane Schafer, Superintendent of Schools in the Diocese and its curriculum coordinator, Katie Rieckers. Rieckers structured the in-service event to align with the curriculum content for meeting the unique needs of all students and to provide a framework for approaching instruction of students in a holistic fashion. Faculty in the SOE presented 12 sessions geared to encourage teachers to be responsive to the diverse learning styles and needs of all students, while encouraging the desire for lifelong learning. President McCulloh and Fr. Steve Kuder, S.J., were keynote speakers.
AC TIVIT Y CL A SSES Gonzaga makes an impact on students every day in a variety of ways, and one example is the activity courses. Activity classes at Gonzaga are offered through the Department of Sport and Physical Education to provide a balance for emotional, physical, and social well-being, as well as to meet a requirement for graduation. Kristen Kavon, program specialist in the department, offers great insight into the activity courses offered and how much of a presence they have in students’ lives both on and off campus. For the academic year 20142015, more than 3,600 students took activity class credits through 32-35 different courses each semester. This opportunity for students to maintain a healthy lifestyle would not be possible if not for the graduate assistants who work tirelessly to plan and teach these fitness and activity classes. Kavon says graduate assistants are a huge part of the success of the activity class program; many of them either brought experiences from a teaching certification program in their undergraduate programs or from employment opportunities they had.
Lately, the most popular classes have been yoga, scuba diving, and barre, and often have waitlists for on and off-campus options. Yoga has remained a popular class for quite a few years because it allows students to press pause on their hectic lives of work and study and just breathe. The combined efforts of the School of Education and the Sport and Physical Education department have fostered growth in this program each year and allow Gonzaga to offer its students the most diverse options for activity courses possible. Kristen notes that, “We have had a lot of interest in our graduate assistant program in recent years, which has allowed us to hire individuals with experiences that directly relate to the classes that they will be teaching here at Gonzaga.” This indicates this program will continue to develop in the future and allow the students of Gonzaga to take full advantage of the wonderful exercise and activity class opportunities provided to them.
• aerobics • biking • bowling • cardio • dance • fencing • golf • judo • karate • pilates • racquetball
• scuba • skiing/snowboarding • soccer • softball • swimming • tennis • triathlon training • volleyball • weight training • yoga • Zumba PAGE 9
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FIELD TRIP TO L AKE ARTHUR Kathy Nitta, instructor in Teacher Education, in cooperation with St. Aloysius School, developed a project for her students and 5th graders to learn about inquiry-based field experience. Students in her science methods course experience most of their lab work through the “candidate as teacher lens”, but this project would allow a view of inquiry-based field experience through the “student lens.” The educational purpose of the study was to demonstrate how “field investigations help students become informed citizen scientists who add knowledge to the community’s understanding of an area in order to make issues of concern visible and share differing points of view about the preservation and use of community nature resources.” The first day of study began with on-campus instruction to learn the type of questions that guide field investigations: what are the essential questions? The next day, students at Lake Arthur observed the environment and made scientific observations by using all of their senses and recording observations in a notebook. The setting provided a choice of observing water, trees, soil, birds, clouds, smells, color, etc., and then formulating investigative questions. Each group was led by a candidate teacher to guide the students in the project.
REFUGEE PARENT NIGHT Each spring, Gonzaga’s SOE Social Justice Committee welcomes refugee families from Spokane and surrounding areas for a night of engagement and discussion with faculty and candidates on education opportunities for their children. Transportation to Gonzaga is provided for the families, and they come to campus full of hope. Many options exist for children who are refugees to this country, and our purpose is to provide the tools they will need to be able to go out and make the most of them. SOE faculty and candidates participate in conversation with the parents and instill faith in them that their children deserve and can achieve a higher education. Dr. Jerri Shepard, Associate Professor in the Department of Leadership and Administration, explains that three years ago, the SOE collaborated with World Relief Refugee Resettlement and Spokane Schools to provide an information night for parents who are interested in having their children attend college. The goal
was to provide information in terms of academics, college life, and extracurricular activities, as well as support services. Dr. Shepard reveals that, “as a faculty member who teaches about cultural diversity to undergraduate and graduate students, I realize what I do not know. It is humbling, and I am so inspired by these parents and all they have to go through to establish their lives in the United States.� This year, Dr. Michelle Ghoston, Assistant Professor in Counseling Education, invited one of her graduate students from Saudi Arabia to speak to the parents about her own adjustment to the cultural differences in the U.S. to help them recognize that advanced education is possible for their children as well. The stories and the journeys these parents bring with them change the perspectives of our candidates to be sensitive to the cultural differences and to foster compassion, warmth, and understanding within them.
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NATIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELOR OF THE YE AR Cory Notestine, a 2007 graduate of the Master of Arts in School Counseling program at Gonzaga, was honored by First Lady Michelle Obama at a White House Ceremony January 30, 2015 as the National School Counselor of the Year. The award, presented by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), honors the professionals who devote their careers to serving as advocates – often lifesavers – for the nation’s students. In his acceptance speech, Notestine said he often reflects on his time at Gonzaga and credits much of what he knows about the field of school counseling and how to implement comprehensive programs, to Mary Brown, former director of Gonzaga’s Masters of Arts in School Counseling, and to all of the faculty in the program. “They instilled the importance of excellence in the work that I do on behalf of students, and the necessity to advocate effectively in support of those marginalized and without a voice,” Notestine said. “I’m forever grateful to the department for providing an educational environment that has allowed me to flourish in my chosen career.” Mary Brown has been well aware of Cory’s impact on the school counseling profession through his ability to develop data driven counseling programs that result in significant measurable impact on student success. His impact is also visible through the numerous examples of his perceptive and caring approach in PAGE 14
helping students and parents find the pathways to success in high school and beyond. “I am so proud of Cory for who he is and what he has accomplished,” said Brown. “He is an esteemed and adored change-agent on behalf of students and counseling programs. I knew he would do great things because he did them in the classroom and in his internship. Cory is an extraordinary individual who relates like a regular guy – no wonder people flock to him and embrace his ideas.”
Dr. Adriana Wissel, current Director of the M.A. in School Counseling program said, “We are delighted to have an alumnus of our program receive this tremendous honor. It reflects the quality of the program and our commitment to educate our school counselors-in-training on the importance of attending to the whole person and creating genuine relationships with all students and families.”
A SSESSMENT CONFERENCE What an honor it was for Gonzaga University’s School of Education to host its first Annual Assessment Conference. The conference titled “Diagnosis of and Interventions for Students with Learning Difficulties (SLD): CHC Cross-Battery Assessment, School Neuropsychology, and Executive Function Perspectives” attracted over 150 professionals from the Northwest and throughout the U.S. The two-day professional development conference focused on topics within childhood assessment. The keynote speaker, Dawn P. Flanagan, Ph.D., a professor of Psychology at St. John’s University and an Assistant Clinical Professor at Yale University, addressed the Past, Present, and Future of SLD Identification. Each of the sessions featured renowned experts in their field. The sessions focused on: quality information to guide evidence-based education; seeing the whole child in context of their lived experiences, exploring what it means to work with unique learners who have wonderful strengths and richly complex lives, as well as challenges; and methods for assessing executive function deficits and intervention strategies for working with students who exhibit both learning and producing disabilities. Academic Vice President, Dr. Patricia O’Connell Killen, presented the Alan S. Kaufman “Excellence in Assessment” Award to Dr. Flanagan.
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In Fall 2014, Gonzaga University’s School of Law and School of Education co-hosted a presentation on the McCleary case. During the presentation, the speakers addressed the history and current status of the McCleary decision, as well as what might happen next.
SATURDAY LITERACY PROGRAM Teacher Education manages
the Literacy program that supports local students in their development of literacy knowledge and skills while providing important practical opportunities. During the academic year, teacher certification candidates tutor P-12 students from Spokane Public Schools. Feel free to stop by on a Saturday and see the tutors and the children tucked in every nook and cranny of the Rosauer Center.
More than 400 graduates, family members and friends attended the Annual SOE Graduate Reception for master’s degree candidates.
• Reception for the SOE faculty and School District superintendents
• Back to School BBQ for undergraduates and graduate students
• The Dean and the Council of Department Chairs – Pie Day
• Thanksgiving lunch for SOE • Christmas potluck dinner in the Rosauer Center
LOOK AT US! Those of us who live in the
Rosauer Center for Education can no longer complain about the lack of amenities on the east end of campus. The 700 block of Boone Avenue is a lovely brick walkway now, after removing the street and the trolley tracks discovered underneath it, and to make up for our loss of street parking, a parking garage was built on the corner of Boone and Cincinnati. Now that the John J. Hemmingson Center sits right outside our back door, we do not have to trek all the way to Crosby for coffee and bagels. Phase 2 of renovations in the Rosauer Center included converting space for a new classroom and removing a wall to create a larger one. Total classroom capacity in the building increased from 223 to 279 seats for students. The Graduate Admissions Office also relocated and a new sprinkler system was installed. The SOE is still considering the next phase, so prepare to be surprised again next year!
REFLECTION As practitioners, we realize the
importance of reenergizing ourselves and taking time to reflect. In April, Catholic school teachers and principals joined us for a “Day of Refection” at the Bozarth Retreat Center. This day of prayer, led by Fr. Jim Voiss, S.J., was an opportunity to join together to discuss, discern, and reflect upon the meaning of Catholic education today and for teachers to nurture their own faith formation.
CELEBRATION Annually, the SOE hosts a
breakfast to bring together members of our Gonzaga community, Diocesan administrators, principals, parish pastors and priests, teachers, students, and parents from the Catholic schools to celebrate our identity. Students from the schools entertained us with music and reminded us why Catholic education is important.
The conference is designed for professionals and parents in order to help all young children learn, grow, and reach their full potential. Attendees include teachers, psychologists, special education teachers, social workers, physical, occupational and speech therapists, pediatricians, nurses, and higher education faculty and students.
Last year was the School of Education’s first Year in Review, and it included a history and pictures of the J. M. and Jessie Rosauer Center for Education that was dedicated in 1994. In November 2014, Jessie Rosauer passed away at the age of 99. We will always be grateful for her generosity and commitment to education, which will continue to serve us for generations.
Annual event for Catholic school principals, teachers, clergy, students, and families.
2nd in the Series of Symposia for Current and Future Educators.
History, current status, and future - Hosted by School of Law and School of Education.
Developmental Indicators of Learning and Behavior Problems – Grades K-2 Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Informing Instruction – Grades 3-8
Assessment of Intellectual Disability, Adaptive Behavior, ADHD, and ASD.
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Dr. Al Fein, Professor Emeritus of Educational Leadership and Administration, specialized in the field of safety in education after being alarmed by a school shooting in Moses Lake which occurred in the early years of his career. In subsequent years more school shootings took place, and as the principal of Lincoln Heights Elementary school in Spokane at the time, Dr. Fein asked a question no one else at the time was really concerned with: what is the impact on leaders? “So I changed the topic of my dissertation to study the impact of school violence on the school and the leaders.” As we know, these cases are occurring more and more frequently, giving testament to the important work Fein has completed. His research has given some great insight into how these horrific and violent incidents can impact those in leadership positions within a school. Dr. Fein’s article, “Echoes of Columbine: The Emotion Work of Leaders at School Shooting Sites” was published in American Behavioral Scientist in a special 10-year anniversary edition of the Columbine shooting, and combined data he had previously collected along with interviews he compiled from the staff who were at Columbine when the infamous shooting took place. Dr. Fein is looking forward to spending more time with his family, traveling and enjoying leisurely mornings filled with coffee and reading. When reflecting upon his 17 years at Gonzaga, he fondly notes that, “The Gonzaga mission and the spirit of Jesuit education is inclusive, so it was easy to find myself in that philosophy. I worked with some wonderful colleagues and the best students anyone could have.”
Dr. Jenny Nelson, Professor Emerita of Teacher Education, served the Gonzaga community for 23 years teaching the social studies methods courses. Dr. Nelson carries several inspiring experiences with her as she forges ahead into retirement including aiding victims of Hurricane Katrina and teaching students in Africa when it was forbidden to do so during the Apartheid. She represents Gonzaga’s mission of cultivating the whole person and has clearly embodied the idea of “setting the world on fire.” Nelson says of her experience in New Orleans with the hurricane victims, “I learned so much about poverty and kindness and mostly what a warm shower, clean clothes, a plate of food, and a caring spirit can do for those less fortunate than ourselves”. Her passion for helping those in need made Gonzaga a better place as she realized, “how [differently] the South African and the United States’ social studies curricula address issues of poverty. In short, South Africa, after the Apartheid era, does far more than the U.S. does in teaching and dealing with this social issue.” This inspired her to do her best in educating students of this serious yet often overlooked issue within our society. Now that she is leaving Gonzaga, Dr. Nelson, who will be missed dearly, plans to “enjoy every minute of every day,” and to expand on her interests in classical music, travel, golf, and tennis. Dr. Jon Sunderland, Associate Professor Emeritus of the Department of Sport and Physical Education and former Dean of the School of Education, has made numerous contributions to the education program at Gonzaga during his 36 years with the University. As he leaves to tackle that one last great downhill ski run, achieve a golf score under his age, and spend more time with his family, Dr. Sunderland reflects on Gonzaga as a place where
he “changed from someone who just saw and accepted things as they are, to someone who sees things as they ought to be, especially for those who are underserved, underrepresented, or less fortunate.” This idea of impacting the lives of others was truly showcased in the work that Dr. Sunderland completed in his time as Dean of Education. He took the lead role in the development of GU’s and the SOE’s relationship with Charles Lwanga College of Education in Zambia, Africa. He is proud of the fact that the delivery of a master’s degree to the instructors at CLCE will have a lasting impact on the education of teachers and their students, and sees this accomplishment as a perfect emulation of the Gonzaga mission. As a faculty member in the Department of Sport and Physical Education, Dr. Sunderland helped to envision and develop the undergraduate and the graduate programs in Sport Management. The program’s current popularity and success rates are testaments to the ideas and effort Dr. Sunderland put into making the area of study a possibility for students interested in the fields of sports, recreation and fitness. Dr. Sunderland has clearly left a considerable mark on Gonzaga and the School of Education through his passion for improvement and innovation and his dedication to carrying out the Gonzaga mission. Although these faculty have moved forward in their lives and leave Gonzaga in their rear view mirrors, the University remains forever changed and improved because of their achievements, as well as who they are: incredible human beings who were kind enough to grace this institution with their presence.
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B.Ed. in Physical Education B.Ed. in Special Education B.Ed. in Sports Management M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling M.A. in Leadership and Administration (U.S.) M.A. in Marriage and Family Counseling M. A. in School Counseling M.A. in Sport and Athletic Administration Master of Counselling (Canada) M.Ed. (School Administration) (Alberta) M.Ed. in Leadership and Administration (British Columbia) M.Ed. in Special Education M.I.T. (Elementary or Secondary) Elementary and Secondary Certification Principal / Program Administrator School Counseling Professional Certification 509-313-3594 502 E. Boone Ave. Spokane, WA 99258-0025 www.gonzaga.edu/soe