INSIDE Del. Janis discusses state budget challenges. > page 4
Volume 57, Number 5 • February 4, 2010
County adopts school budget for 2010-11 By Amy Condra
The Goochland County School Board last week unanimously approved its proposed 2010-2011 budget. School Superintendent Linda Underwood $24 million plan is almost seven percent less than the current year’s $26 million budget But spending is still $1 million more than County Administrator Rebecca Dickson requested from the schools last fall. Reductions include the elimination of the Tender Tots Program, the Virginia Preschool Initiative, the summer governor’s school, the
literacy and mathematics specialists and at least 12 teachers. There will be no salary increase for employees, and all staff contracted for 200 or more days will be subject to a four-day furlough. School officials say they have done the best they can to cut costs while maintaining programs. “With the economic reality we’re facing, there were some hard choices forced upon us,” said School Board Chairman Raymond A. Miller. “But let me be clear, any amount less than this budget will have dire consequences to our school division and county.” see Budget> 2
Photos taken Saturday by Joseph Turner at Shannon Hill, Western Goochland
Winter storm closes down Dickson recommends schools, knocks out power new fiscal guidelines
By Jim Ridolphi
winter storm settled into Goochland with a vengeance last weekend, causing 12-inch snowfalls and treacherous road
At a budget workshop meeting earlier this month, county administrator Rebecca Dickson recommended the Board of Supervisors adopt a series of financial guidelines that would provide parameters for budget planning, establish capital budget policies, debt planning and reserve policies.
conditions. Of Goochland’s 9,391 Dominion Power customers, 1084 were without power Sunday, said Dominion Power spokesperson Dan Genest. The outage primarily affected Western Goochland. County schools were closed Monday and Tuesday, and government offices experienced delayed openings.
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SPORTS Goochland duo will be key to R-MC’s success. > page 9
Dickson’s office surveyed eight localities to comprise a set of best practices that should enhance long term financial stability. In a handout provided to the board, Dickson listed the stated goals of the financial policy. They are: • State guidelines and goals that will influence and guide financial management practices. see County > 4
Henrico celebrates new spelling champion