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INSIDE Barn destroyed in Manakin fire > page 2

Volume 57, Number 30 • July 29, 2010

Young Goochland pilot to fly across the country Fund-raising trip for Massey Cancer Center By Ken Odor jodor@goochlandgazette.com

Contributed Photo

The Goochland All Stars celebrate their victory, above, and will head next to Louisiana, where they will compete for national honors. “These kids are a great team, they play and practice hard every time they take the field,” said Coach Greg Harlow.

Goochland Minors headed for Dixie League World Series All Stars, aged nine and 10, are It’s been a whirlwind ride for ready to move on to bigger and the youngsters as well as a dedibetter things. cated group of parents, supportAfter capturing a championNext stop for the local sluggers ers and coaches who now have ship title in the Dixie League’s is Louisiana, where they will comstate tournament, the Goochland pete for national honors. see Baseball> page 5 By Jim Ridolphi Special Correspondent


News Calendar Classifieds People Feature

2 12 13-15 3, 5 4

Letters Opinion Sports TV Listings

6-7 6 8-9 10-12

SPORTS Golf tournament gets sizzle > page 8

Linsey Korblau got the flying bug on a “Discovery Flight” three years ago at Chesterfield Airport. “I got hooked,” she said, in an interview at Hanover Airport, where she was meeting her instructor James Benwell for a flying lesson. Korblau got her private pilot’s license in February 2010. She is now working on becoming instrument-rated, which would be an endorsement of her ability to fly using instruments without a visual reference to the ground. On August 4, Korblau and Benwell will take to the air in a four-seat Cessna 182 Skylane single-engine craft on a trip to the West Coast and back.


It’s a way to fulfill two goals: Flying across the country and raising money for the Massey Cancer Center. Kornblau has already collected $64,000 in pledges from fans of her “Flight for Massey.” Her goal is to raise a cool $100,000. Donors are invited to a launch part at Hanover Airport to cheer Kornblau on when she and Benwell take off. Their itinerary on the way to the left coast will take the fliers to Atlanta, New Orleans, Austin, Albuquerque and Phoenix. Then they will land in Los Angeles. The entire route will cover about 4,400 miles. They will travel at an altitude of 8,000 to 9,000 feet during the trip, said Benwell. The plane can do 160 mph with a range of more than 900 miles between stops to refuel. Along the way Kornblau will blog about her experisee Pilot> page 3



Teens learn money management skills at Tuckahoe Library

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