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INSIDE Byrd Elementary wins distinguished school award > page 2

Volume 57, Number 34 • August 26, 2010

Electronic signs stir controversy Sign ordinance change, landfill expansion both deferred By Jim Ridolphi Special Correspondent

Photo by Ken Odor

First grader Bayleigh Allen, above, looks out the window of her school bus as it arrives at Goochland Elementary School for the first day of the new school year. Below left, Teacher’s Aide Sally Hodges gets a hug from her buddy, returning secondgrader Tyler Price as he arrives for the first day of a new year at Goochland Elementary School.

Goochland goes back to school By Ken Odor jodor@goochlandgazette.com

Fifty-five big yellow buses traveled the roads of Goochland County Monday morning, bringing students to their first day of the 2009-2010 school year. At Goochland Elementary School Assistant Superintendent Peter Gretz and new principal Stacey Austin and staff waited to greet the arriving students. Most students came on buses, but some parents brought their children for the first day. Outside, P.E. teacher Brad Jackson


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greeted new kindergarten students, putting a piece of tape with their bus number on their clothes to make it easier on the afternoon return trip home. School Superintendent Linda Underwood met students at Randolph Elementary School. “Goochland always does a good job,” said Underwood. “Once the initial flurry dies down the students are in the classroom and instruction begins.” Underwood said about 40 percent of the bus routes had been changed but that any problems should be ironed out by the end of the week. “It was a good start,” she said.

SPORTS Queens of hockey continue reign > page 13

Is there another sign controversy on Goochland’s horizon? Probably not. The G o o ch l a n d Planning Commission considered a measure last week that would allow limited electronic signage in the county. There seemed little support for the new ordinance, and commissioners agreed to take the matter up again in 60 days. Goochland’s Director of Planning Bob Hammond told the planning board that neighboring counties have differing views on the limitations of the evolving electronic signage trend. Most rural areas do not allow scrolling of messages and most have “static” time requirements, meaning messages must remain in


place for a certain amount of time. Acceptable light intensity levels of these signs prompted a great deal of discussion on the board. And recent studies have indicated the electronic signs might detract drivers’ attention on the highway. The commission first considered the matter of electronic signs in June, but decided to appoint a two-person committee, comprised of Bill Neal and Courtney Hyers to study the matter. Then the ordinance change was drafted. Hammond said the goal of the change was twofold: First, the measure would consolidate all of the existing sign regulations in the county. Second, it would allow limited use of electronic signage in certain zoning districts. Members of the public expressed their concerns with the proposed ordinance change. John Lewis objected to the announcement regardsee Planning page 3



Catching some air at Laurel Skate Park

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