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INSIDE Habitat builds home for Iraq veteran > page 3

Volume 54, Number 37 • September 17, 2009

Schools vote to establish new account School Board wants to set up fund for federal money By Ken Odor news@goochlandgazette.com

Photo by Ken Odor

YMCA volunteer Willie Smith, left, and gMac student Dustin Flaccomio play Guitar Heroes at the YMCA last Thursday.

YMCA offers lots of activities and Goochland Middle School have teamed up to produce gMac, a threeday a week program for middle school Looking for something to do after students with some time on their hands. school? Short for Goochland Middle If you’re a Goochland Middle Activity Challenge, gMac offers stuSchool student, then you’re in luck. The Goochland Family YMCA dents structured recreational activities By Ken Odor news@goochlandgazette.com


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and help with academics. Tuesdays and Wednesdays student stay at the middle school from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. with YMCA staff and volunteers. Thursdays the 26 students already enrolled in gMac go to the Goochland

SPORTS Bulldogs maul Amelia 46-14. > page 8

The Goochland County School Board voted last week to set up a new fund for federal grant money. Approval for the new account must now be obtained from the board of supervisors. Superintendent Linda Underwood explained to board members that this would make budget preparation easier. “The grant period for federal funds is much longer than one budget year,” said Underwood. Also entering into the decision is the fact that stimulus funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) require a higher level of accountability, said Underwood. “What we are proposing is extracting all of our federal funds from our current operating budget and moving them into Fund 025,” said Underwood. That fund would include any stimulus money, plus No Child Left Behind (NCLB) grants and other federal grant money for various projects. Federal funds would then be appropriated for the term of the particular grant rather than the budget year, Underwood explained. Underwood furnished board members with a spreadsheet that showed the school system had been

see YMCA > page 2

see Schools> page 4




Reenacting history at Meadow Farm

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