INSIDE Gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds visit Goochland> page 3 Volume 55, Number 38 • September 24, 2009
Fire-Rescue chief to retire
Last day will be Jan. 1, 2010 By Amy Condra
Fire-Rescue Chief Ken Brown announced last Friday that he will be retiring from couny service as of Jan. 1 of next year. “While I look forward to the next chapter of my life I will be saddened to no longer be working with the many good people that I have worked closely with in the past,” he wrote in an e-mail to county employees. “We have made great strides in the past seven years as evidenced by the many accomplishments we have achieved and I know the organization will continue to be a mover and a shaker in the region,” he added.
Photo by Amy Condra
J.E. “Radar” Raynor of Richmond mans the Skinner steam engine, built in the mid-1920s, Friday at The Field Day of the Past. “Steam has the capacity to replinish itself faster than you can use it, he said.”
Field Day celebrates our past By Amy Condra
About 30,000 people were expected to venture to eastern Goochland County last weekend for the 18th Field Day of the Past, an event known for its unique presentation of the region’s rural heritage. The three-day celebration offers typi-
Calendar Classifieds News Letters
14 21-23 3,9 6-7
cal county fair offerings: funnel cakes, thrill rides and carnival games. But most of the 50 acres dedicated to Field Day were transformed into a setting where volunteers re-created turn-of-the-century agricultural and industrial workplaces. Visitors were greeted by the revving engines of tractors, the rattling of corn shuckers and the deep whistles that
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13 6 16-17 18-20
announce the startup of the steam-powered sawmill. At the Sorghum Mill, local farmers demonstrated how sorghum, grown in the Southeast as an alternative to sugar cane, is pressed and cooked down into syrup. “Back in the old days, wagons would
Bulldogs go on Fox hunt 35-12 > page 16
NAACP holds annual dinner By Ken Odor
At its annual dinner last Saturday evening at Quioccasin Baptist Church, the Goochland chapter celebrated the 100th birthday of the NAACP. The Reverend Donald L. Trent Sr. of Second Union Baptist Church was this year’s honoree. Goochland NAACP president Wendy Hobbs praised Trent for his community service.
see Field Day> page 2
see NAACP> page 5
Deep Run Park hosts weekend fun