INSIDE Roadrunners on the Run at RES > page 11
Volume 57, Number 43 • October 28, 2010
Five questions for 7th District candidates Less than a week from now Goochland citizens will have the chance to cast their vote for their favored Congressional candidate. Who will 7th District voters choose to serve us in the next U.S. House of Representatives? To help you make an informed decision, The Goochland Gazette asked the three candidates to answer five questions; here are their unedited answers.
Rick Waugh
Eric Cantor
What do you believe are the most important issues facing voters in the 7th District?
What do you believe are the most important issues facing voters in the 7th District? Jobs. We all know someone who has lost their job or taken a drastic pay cut just to keep a job. Congress should be doing everything in its power right now to produce a positive business environment that will help create jobs. Sadly, many of the policies implemented over the past two years have only impeded job growth. I will work to bring an end to the assault on free enterprise and economic freedom. We must bring certainty to our nation’s job creators and signal to investors worldwide that our doors are open for doing business.
What is the single most effective way to encourage the creation of jobs
to reduce unemployment? We have to move swiftly to put our economy back on a growth footing. That means ending the uncertainty in the economy and making America a more hospitable place to do business, invest and create jobs. We should exempt small businesses – which account for 75 percent of all new jobs - from 20 percent of their tax liability. This will free up capital and provide a powerful incentive
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Boosting the economy and getting folks back to work is the most important issue facing our district. We must ask ourselves why it is so hard to make an entrenched party leader in Congress, like Eric Cantor, stand up, take notice, and do something about our district’s problems. We can’t put our country back on track unless we reform the campaign finance laws to stop multinational corporations from installing prepaid politicians. Our current system makes candidates choose between taking money from special interests, lobbyists, and corporate PACs and having it spent against them on
Floyd Bayne What do you believe are the most important issues facing voters in the 7th District?
Jobs and the economy. One leads to the other and both are in trouble because of the big spending and govbehalf of other D.C. politi- ernment intrusion into the cians. Since the Supreme private sector of both major Court’s “Citizens United” parties. decision, outside groups have made unlimited contribu- What is the single tions with little disclosure of most effective way the sources of their funds. We need real representation to encourage the in order to fix our problems creation of jobs to and work together toward reduce unemployour shared goal across our ment? district. That is why we Reduce the tax and regumust have campaign finance lation burden on businesses. reform, and why I am run- Do that and watch how fast ning for Congress. manufacturing returns to the U.S. see Waugh > page 2
What should be done to reduce the federal deficit - more taxation, reduction in federal programs or a combination of both? If taxes, which should be increased; if reductions in federal programs, which ones? see Bayne > page 2
Cougars back on top. > page 14
Attorney General comes to Pinchbeck for anti-bully assembly.