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INSIDE Mair Conrad’s new book celebrates her life in Goochland. > page 3

Volume 55, Number 45 • November 19, 2009

Car crash kills Rockville man By Amy Condra acondra@goochlandgazette.com

Last Sunday Justin Bumgarner was killed in a two-car accident on Rockville Road. Bumgarner, a 22-year-old from Rockville, was driving near Saint Matthews Lane when Michael Ralph Roberts’ car allegedly crossed into the oncoming lane and hit Bumgarner’s vehicle. Goochland deputies responded to the crash at around 10 p.m. Bumgarner was pronounced dead at the scene. Roberts, 36, of Manakin-Sabot, was transported to MCV hospital and remains hospitalized for injuries sustained in the crash. Roberts is charged with driving under the influence and is due to appear in Goochland General District Court on November 23. Photos by Ken Odor

Above, The Goochland Middle School Chorus sings at the Veterans Day assembly last week. Below right, The Marine Veterans Honor Guard presents the colors at the beginning of the American Legion Veterans Day Ceremony.

Schools look at RIF policy

Celebrating our veterans

By Ken Odor jodor@goochlandgazette.com

Goochland School Superintendent Linda Underwood told school board members last week that schools needed to find another $205,478 they can trim from the current year’s budget. And the school board dusted off the old Reduction in Force (RIF) policy for revision, since staff reductions are expected to be needed next year. In response to a request from county administrasee Schools> page 5


Health News Calendar Classifieds County News

3 10-12 13-15 4 2

Letters Education Opinion Sports TV Listings

6 7 6 8-9 10-12

Storm didn’t dampen Veterans Day plans By Ken Odor jodor@goochlandgazette.com

Heavy rain from Tropical Storm Ida drove Goochland’s traditional Courthouse Green Veterans Day Observance inside last Wednesday. But the change of venue didn’t affect the spirit of gratitude for the sacrifices of our troops.

SPORTS Bulldogs take first bite of in playoffs. > page 8

American Legion Post 215 sponsored their traditional ceremony, which moved to the Goochland High School auditorium. The program included presentation of the colors by the Marine Veterans Honor Guard, and a stirring rendition of the National Anthem led by James Waldrop. The Goochland High School Band also played a selection of patriotic music. see Veterans> page 2




Veterans Day at Tuckahoe Elementary School

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