INSIDE As Election Day nears, residents weigh in on best choice to fill School Board seat > page 6
Volume 66 Number 42 • October 28, 2021
County leaders: Bonds offer best path forward on projects Contributed report
When reviewing ways to fund upcoming capital projects, Goochland County leaders determined that asking voters for their approval to issue General Obligation Bonds would align with the financial management decisions that earned the county a third AAA rating last week (see story, page 2). Fitch’s AAA rating — as well as
the previously earned AAA rating from S&P and Moody’s Aaa rating — ensures that, with voter approval, Goochland County would be able to go directly to the bond market, secure the lowest interest rates available and benefit from the traditionally lower overall borrowing costs of bond funding. While there are other funding
options available, county leaders point out that financing through the bond market would move projects forward without additional administrative costs. “Using bonds to pay for the projects helps ensure that they are started and completed more quickly,” said Manuel Alvarez Jr., interim county administrator. “Additionally, issuing
bonds stabilizes the year-to-year costs for capital projects and spreads the cost of long-life major projects over time. Alvarez also pointed out that the entire amount needed to complete the projects will not be borrowed all at once, but over time, as the projects are ready to be constructed. “When any project is ready for funding, the county and its financial
She’s making her list... Goochland Christmas Mother Ann Casey and her team have been hard at work these past few months, and last Friday members of the organization joined Casey at a Goochland High School Football Game for a canned food drive. “We filled a huge SUV with so many cans there wasn’t room for a bobby pin left!” Casey said. Pictured here, Casey recently donned her Christmas trees and grabbed a clipboard to talk with Christmas Mother applicants. Information on how to support this year’s program can be found at Photo by Cole Freudenthal
advisors will undertake a careful analysis of the current market conditions, interest rates, operational needs, and debt policies before making a final decision to move forward with bond issuance.” Answers to frequently asked questions and other informational materials are available on the county website at
Voters warned of changes to three polling places in Districts 1 and 3 Contributed report
As voters prepare to vote in the November 2, 2021, General Election on Election Day, Goochland County’s Office of the General Registrar is reminding voters about changes to three precinct polling place locations this year. The relocations only affect voters in District 1 and District 3 and involve the 0101-Fife, 0301-Goochland Courthouse 1 and 0302-Goochland Courthouse 2 Precincts. District 1 Polling Place Relocation 0101 - Fife Precinct 0101 - Fife Precinct has moved to Mizpah Christian Church at 5257 Old Columbia Road, Goochland, VA 23063. It previously was located at Fire Station Company 4 at 2397 HadensvilleFife Road, Goochland, VA 23063. District 3 Polling Place Relocations 0301 - Goochland Courthouse 1 Precinct 0301 - Goochland Courthouse 1 Precinct has moved to the Goochland Sports Complex locatsee Polling places > 4