The Goochland Gazette – 12/23/2021

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INSIDE Goochland history: The year electricity finally came to Rock Castle > page 2

Volume 66 Number 50 • December 23, 2021

Volunteer remembered as ‘best in the business’ By Roslyn Ryan Editor


It would be nearly impossible to estimate how many thousands of lives Samuel “Sammy” Smith Jr. touched during his many decades of service with Goochland’s Fire-Rescue department, but at least one

thing remains certain: those who worked alongside Smith saw him as a towering figure. “He was known as one of the best in the business,” said Goochland Fire-Rescue Chief Eddie Ferguson, who spoke during Smith’s funeral service on Dec. 7. “He always knew what to do while remaining

calm and handling every situation with grace and a personal touch of dignity.” Those who knew him point out that Smith, who died on Nov. 26 after a long battle with cancer, leaves behind an unparalleled legacy of dedication to Goochland County Fire-Rescue, beginning from the day he joined Centerville’s Company 3

Fire Department in 1965 at the age of 17. From there he would go on to become a charter member of the Centerville Rescue Squad and serve in roles ranging from secretary to first lieutenant of Company 3. He also served in the United States Marine see Smith > 3

GCPS students turning down offers to attend Maggie Walker Officials say increasing number of program choices could be reason By Roslyn Ryan Editor

Contributed photos

County once again rallies around Christmas Mother From the Rotary Club to the Sheriff’s Office and so many groups and individuals in between, volunteers turned out on Saturday, Dec. 11 to help deliver the Goochland Christmas Mother packages to those in need in the county. Pictured at the right, members of the American Legion Junior Auxiliary also stopped by the distribution center to present 2021 Christmas Mother Ann Casey with the proceeds they collected by selling their hand-painted ornaments.

Each year, Goochland County Public Schools offers the opportunity for the district’s academically gifted eighth grade students to apply for admission into the Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School, a public regional magnet high school in Richmond. But while Goochland is typically awarded seven of the program’s slots, this year school officials say they have seen some students turn down the placements they were offered. According to GCPS advanced programs specialist Beth Fowler, four of the seven eighth grade students at Goochland Middle School selected to attend the program declined the see Walker > 3

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