The Goochland Gazette – 12/30/2021

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INSIDE Historic photo highlight’s local hunting tradition > page 2

Volume 66 Number 52 • December 30, 2021

2021: Some hope, plenty of change In a year full of highs, including the arrival of a vaccine for COVID-19 and great strides made toward universal broadband, and lows – the loss of a beloved former supervisor, a brutal February ice storm that left thousands in the dark – one thing was certain: 2021 left us with plenty to talk about. As we prepare to ring in 2022, here are just a few of the stories we shared with our readers this year. See page 3

What we were talking about this year: (clockwise, from the left) 2021 saw many successful COVID-19 vaccine clinics held in Goochland; GHS students celebrated graduation; county administrator Kenny Young resigned; hundreds marched in the streets to demand justice for a Charlottesville man killed by State Police Troopers; and Field Days of the Past moved out of Goochland. File photos

County seeks feedback on proposal for redistricting Changes to local voting districts needed due to population growth since last 2010 census By Roslyn Ryan Editor

On Friday, Dec. 17, 2021, Goochland County released a proposed redistricting map, a document that outlines a plan to revise the boundaries of the county’s five election districts to ensure equal representation for county voters in future elections. According to county officials, the proposed revisions are to accommodate the county’s population growth based on the data from the 2020 US Census. The county’s current election districts were created after the 2010 US Census. The Proposed Redistricting Map follows all legal requirements and other criteria adopted by the board of supervisors. The proposed districts are substantially equal in population, contiguous and compact, the same basic shapes, and move the fewest number of voters. A full list of legally required and approved redistricting criteria can be found at The county is providing numerous ways for residents to provide their comments and ensuring that everyone’s comments are shared with the community through the Redistricting website, see Redistricting > page 2

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