The Goochland Gazette – 03/03/2022

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INSIDE Goochland history: Years ago, local spot served up legendary food. > page 2 Volume 66 Number 9 • March 3, 2022

Proposed county budget maintains focus on public safety, avoids increasing tax rate By Roslyn Ryan Editor


Goochland County Interim Administrator Manuel Alvarez Jr. presented the county’s proposed fiscal year (FY) 2023 budget to Goochland supervisors on Feb. 22, laying out a plan that would continue to place a high priority on both public safety and edu-

cation while keeping compensation for county employees as competitive as possible. Alvarez opened his presentation with a brief assessment of Goochland’s current economy, noting that over $425 million has been invested in commercial development in the county. Unemployment remains lower than the state average at 2.2% Alvarez noted, and the county boasts the highest paying jobs on average in the region. Building permits and commercial permits continue to skyrocket, and the median home value in Goochland is now the highest in the

region at $427,000 per home, an increase of around $26,000. The proposed budget takes into account keeping the tax rate at 53 cents, which remains the lowest in the region. “I think this highlights our commitments to operating within our means and adhering to our conservative values,” Alvarez said, noting that those tasked with creating the county’s spending plan continue to seek efficiencies wherever possible. see Budget > page 4

Resident’s passion? Capturing nature’s fury

Photo by Dominique Turner

After developing an interest in storm chasing, Dominique Turner has spent the past several years photographing incredible weather events like this storm outside of Plainview, Texas. For more of Turner’s work, see page 15.

For runner, race is about helping kids heal after loss By Roslyn Ryan Editor

When Mariah Leonard crosses the finish line of the New York City Half Marathon on March 20, she’ll be thinking of the hundreds of young people she’s met while volunteering with Comfort Zone Camp, a program for children who are grieving the loss of a loved one. It is those kids, after all, who inspired Leonard to lace up her shoes and set her sights on the Big Apple. Leonard has served for over a year now as a recreation coordinator for Goochland County Parks and Recreation, a role she loves. But she also admits few things can compare to the joy she has found as a volunteer with Comfort Zone, which offers camps in Virginia, California, Massachusetts, New Jersey and North LEONARD Carolina and has welcomed young people from all 50 states and beyond. The program is available to children age 7-17, as well as young adults between the ages of 18-25, who have suffered the death of a parent, sibling, guardian or other significant person. The camp includes plenty of traditional activities like playing games and hiking, but there is also time to reflect and to grieve. “Words cannot describe the experience,” said Leonard, who has been volunteering with the program since she was 15 years old see Leonard > page 3

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