The Goochland Gazette – 04/07/2022

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INSIDE Thorncliff was once a monument to the county’s “Gilded Age.” > page 2

Volume 66 Number 14 • April 7, 2022

District 1 residents could have broadband by summer By Roslyn Ryan Editor

Over a decade ago, Goochland’s acting county administrator Manuel Alvarez—then a supervisor for District 2— made it a personal mission to help bring universal broadband access to Goochland County. It has been a long road, to be sure, but he and other county leaders now have reason to believe that that goal may be in reach. During a town hall meeting held for residents of District 1 on April 1, Alvarez updated those in attendance on the recent progress that ALVAREZ has been made in the Shannon Hill area of western Goochland, where the company Port 80 Internet has recently completed the installation of 17 miles of fiber. Should everything go according to plan, Alvarez said, residents in the area could be connected by this summer. Finally connecting Goochland’s underserved areas will mark the end

see Broadband > page 3

Virginia’s Mental Health Crisis

Time and space For local deputies, ongoing shortage of beds in mental health treatment facilities can lead to days spent waiting in emergency rooms By Roslyn Ryan Editor


hen it comes to responding to mental health emergencies, Goochland County Sheriff Steven Creasey and his deputies wh they need to do. know what Every member of the department has received specialized training in crisis intervention, including how to recogni a potential mental health emergency. They recognize h to de-escalate a situation before it spins out know how of con control and safely transport a person suffering a menta emergency to the hospital. mental Th The one thing can’t do, however, is control how see Mental health > page 3

Contributed photo/MetroCreative illustration

Patrol cars sit parked outside of the Chippenham Hospital emergency room as deputies wait for people suffering from mental health emergencies—who have been placed in temporary emergency custody— to be accepted to treatment facilities.

Mason to serve as new GMS principal By Roslyn Ryan Editor

For career educator Matthew Mason, deciding to accept the role of Goochland Middle School’s new principal wasn’t a tough choice. In fact, it was a little bit like coming home. Mason previously served as assistant principal of Goochland High School in 2016-17 and returns to Goochland County Public Schools after serving as principal of Sandusky Middle School in Lynchburg. The central Virginia native said he is excited about returning to the area with his wife, Tawana, and children, Hannah and Taylor. “To have the opportunity to return to GCPS MASON as the principal of Goochland Middle is special for me and my family,” Mason said. “Goochland continues to be a division and community known for its outstanding schools, and I look forward to leading the GMS team and families toward maximizing our potential each day.” The Goochland County School see Mason > page 13

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