The Goochland Gazette – 06/02/2022

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INSIDE Gizmo a special pup still in need of his own forever home > page 3

Volume 66 Number 22 • June 2, 2022

Registrar warns about incorrect voting mailers

Goochland celebrates ACA graduates

By Roslyn Ryan Editor

Photo courtesy of Goochland County Public Schools

Fifty-two Goochland High School students celebrated earning their associate degree in social science from Reynolds Community College on May 15. The Advance College Academy (ACA) participants who graduated from the program accumulated over 3,200 transferable college credits through courses taught by certified GHS teachers in the high school’s classrooms. For more on the ACA graduation, see page 7.

Elizabeth Kates Foundation marking 80 years By Roslyn Ryan Editor

Joan Dalrymple has met hundreds of women through her work with the Elizabeth Kates Foundation, an organization dedicated to providing inmates at the Virginia Correction Center for Women with educational opportunities and other resources needed to ensure a better chance

at finding success and stability once they are released. While the women may have varied backgrounds, Dalrymple said, they all have one thing in common: They need someone to believe in them. As the current president of the Elizabeth Kates Foundation, Dalrymple is tasked with leading a passionate group of fellow volunteers

undertaking a number of different projects, from leading book clubs to building bluebird houses for the women to conduct research. There are book mobiles, college scholarship opportunities and even correspondence courses, all of which the women of VCCW have enthusiastically embraced over the years. This year the organization marks 80 years since its founder, Elizabeth

Kates, first began the foundation. The first warden at VCCW, Kates believed that the facility should look as little as possible like a prison and should instead be seen as a place where women could rebuild their lives. “She worked hard to create something that would be uplifting for the women while they were there,” said

see Foundation > 4

As Goochland residents begin receiving redistricting notices in the mail, some may notice that their election district, precinct and polling place appears to be incorrect when compared to the information listed on the county’s website. According to Goochland County registrar Ryan Mulligan, there is no cause for alarm. The issue, he explained, is due in part to the fact that the notices were sent out before the redistricting process was officially completed in the state voter registration system. Mulligan noted that the entire redistricting process has been complicated by myriad issues, including pandemic-related Census data delays and incongruities in how different localities submitted their data to the state. Mulligan said that the most recent mailer only covers the Congressional, State Senate and House of Delegates changes and those residents that have local changes in election districts, precincts and polling places will get a second mailer soon explaining those changes. Mulligan said the issue should only impact about 20% of voters. Anyone who is concerned that the information on their mailer is not correct is urged to check the county’s 2022 redistricting website at Redistricting.

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