Donated kits could help save students’ lives during emergency

Volume 66 Number 36 • September 15, 2022 Once a bustling village, Sabot now lives on in memory > page 2 INSIDE see Fairground > page 3

Cake, champagne and courage were on tap during a recent party at Sheltering Arms Institute in Goochland County to celebrate the release of a new book by a local publisher.
With an eye toward ensuring the safety of local students, the Goochland Sheriff’s Office recently donated 40 bleed management kits to Goochland County Public Schools (GCPS). The kits contain supplies necessary to treat injuries in the event of an emergency and control blood loss until medical help arrives. Pictured here are Deputy T. Carter, GCPS superintendent Dr. Jeremy Raley, Sheriff Steven Creasey, and Deputy C. Bollinger.
About 40 people gathered on Aug. 26, to celebrate the launch of A Different Kind of Courage —One Man’s Story of Triumph Over
see Book > page 2
By Roslyn Ryan Editor
Photo courtesy of the Goochland Sheriff’s Office
Barbara Slone, who lives at the corner of Maidens Rd. and Fairground Rd., described surviving a horrific head-on collision at the intersection while others reported having vehicles careening off of Fairground onto their property

Paralysis. The venue provided an appropriate backdrop for the story about Donald Bridges Jr., one of the longest living, ventilator-dependent quadriplegics in the country.
located his neck while playing rugby —and how his family was caring for him at home. She wrote another story when Bridges finished a graduate degree in health administration from what was then the Medical College of Va.
Contributed report

Author and journalist Paula C. Squires of Midlothian met Bridges 34 years ago while on assignment for the Richmond-Times Dispatch. She wrote a story about his injury—Bridges dis-

The book details how Bridges overcame
Those living near site of proposed subdivision say traffic is a major issue
One by one during the public comment period, nearly a dozen speakers implored board members to carefully consider the safety implications of adding more vehicle traffic to Fairground Road, a stretch they say is already treacherous.
A local developer’s plan to bring 40 single family homes to a 49-acre parcel near the intersection of Fairground and Maidens Road remains in limbo after county supervisors decided Sept. 6 that the best option would be to defer their decision until at least February of 2023.
Journalist’s book celebrates triumph after tragedy
The plan for The Village at Hidden Rock Park, put forth by Truett Real Estate Investments, LLC, will require a rezoning from an agricultural zoning classification to residential. But while it has gone through several iterations—growing from 23 lots in the first version to 47 lots last February—no amount of revision has thus far been able to alleviate the concerns of residents living near the site of the proposed project.
Sabot Village, once a thriving community, has almost completely disappeared. Sadly, only one of the buildings shown here is still standing. In the center of the picture is most likely Mr. O. B. Taylor, who owned the store on the left, and the flour mill on the right. In the background is All Saints Episcopal Church, built in 1884. Prior to the consecration of the church in 1886, it was known as St. Thomas Episcopal Church. In 1935, author Richard Wight wrote “Our home was the Dover Mills property at present day Sabot. All Saints Episcopal Church was built in the front yard by Mrs. Stanard and my father, William W. Wight.”

Bulldogs continue to roll in perfect start

Call 804-746-1235 for details.
Toll Free - (877) 888-0449 Office - (804) 746-1235
The Goochland County Sheriff’s Office will host a Motor Show from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sept. 17 in the rear parking lot of Goochland High School. This will be a free event, featuring a cookout, music and plenty of fun for the entire family. The recommended $20 registration for all vehicles—including cars, trucks and trick bikes—will help support the Goochland Sheriff Foundation and local high school athletics. Vehicles can be registered by visiting For more information, contact Sgt. Ryan Leabough at (804) 556-5349 or email
Calendar SportsOpinionClassifieds................................4......................10-11..................................6.................................7-9
Cindy Adams
Denine D’Angelo Production Manager (804) 775-4624
Steindler, $381,000.
Once thriving, village is now a memory
Property Transfers
1820 Hawk Town Road, Maidens; Crunchtime Properties LLC to Kelly Lee
Contributed report
Lot 4, Block A, Section 1, Kinloch; Joseph Lombardo III to BB Kinloch LLC, Lots,$425,000.Section
Beech Hall Circle, Manakin Sabot; Eagle Construction of Virginia LLC to Charles S. Arbogast, $719,029.1891 Cartersville Road, Goochland; Timbercreek Building and Design LLC to Phillip Zavertnik, $264,000.
lyzed patients. She includes a chapter about the physical rehabilitation hospital in the book’s final section, “New Hope for Paralyzed People.” The 114-bed hospital, which opened in June of 2021, is one of 14 federally recognized Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems in the country.
River Road West, Goochland; Dean L. Collings to Joseph Fanelli, $375,000.
4B, Mosaic at West Creek; HHHunt Mosaic LLC to HHHunt Homes LC, $1,109,988.
Poorhouse Road, Goochland; Janine E. Carter Hall to David Phillip Kenworthy, $325,000.
208 Willway Drive, Manakin Sabot; Vincent P. Brightwell to Ryan Mulligan, $365,000.
NEWS: What’s Going on in Goochland County
5030 Shannon Hill Road, Kents Store; Bradley R. Hargrave to Fernando Ibarra Balderas, $324,950.
Goochland History Revealed
15768 Mosaic Creek Blvd, Richmond; Style Craft Homes of Virginia to Charles S. Helms, trustee, $548,004.
Worley will be responsible for program outcomes and results in the area of Economic Development to include the County’s tourism initiatives, new business recruitment, and existing business retention.“As many already know, Goochland is a special and unique place,” Worley said. “I am excited to be able to continue my career in Goochland and to continue to serve the citizens and businesses of Goochland County.”Worley has been with the county for 17 years and has progressed throughout her career beginning as an office manager and serving as clerk to the planning commission to overseeing the Community Development Customer Service Center. Her most recent role with the county was economic development coordinator where she created the county’s first business retention and expansion program and was the lead on several economic development projects.
Sara Worley has been named the director of economic development for Goochland County.

As part of her research, Squires visited Sheltering Arms Institute where she observed some of the advanced equipment and technologies in use today in the treatment of para-
405 Regina Lane, Richmond; Peter D. Yaffe, trustee to Paul G. Scott, $759,000.4378
Roslyn Ryan (804)Editor339-7956
incredible odds to survive for 35 years while paralyzed and breathing with the assistance of a ventilator. It also shines a spotlight on the changing field of spinal cord injury.
in The Goochland Gazette!
Laura McFarland Managing Editor (804) 363-1577
1582 Devon Way, Manakin Sabot; Susan Kaye Johnson O’Neil to Andrew J. Burguiere, $795,000.
SeptemberThursday 15, 20222 Serving Goochland County Since 1955
Photo courtesy of the Goochland County Historical Society
Joy Monopoli
3 parcels, 103.977 acres; Samuel Clyde Kelley, trustee to Olivers Trail LLC, $375,000.12300
880 Kempston Lane, Manakin Sabot; Boone Homes Inc. to Edward Shulman, $1,031,716.
Parcel; Richard C. Baughan, successor trustee to Barbara N. Unger,
Worley named Goochland’s new director of economic development Book continued from >1
Sheriff’s Office hosting motor show
Robby Fletcher Sports Editor (804) 380-0497
Dementi Milestone Publishing in Manakin Sabot published Squires’ book. For more information, go to comdementimilestonepublishing.www.
Rocky knows the odds are stacked against him – no one expects anything more than just a regular shelter dog. He may not be the most natural talent purebred type of dog but that just means he has to work harder than anybody else. Rocky is a classical mutt, standing about 1 foot tall, weighing exactly 31.8 pounds, around 5-7 years old, Heartworm positive but otherwise up to date on all vaccines. Rocky loves
to play fetch and go for walks. However, he may do best as an only dog.
from >1
WHEN: EveryTuesdayfrom September27thNovember1st(6classes total)
GoochlandCares will be celebrating 70 years of providing hope to local neighbors in need during the organization’s annual Brews for Birds event on Sept. 22. The event will run from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Kindred Spirit Brewing Company (12830 West Creek
For the second year in a row, the Goochland TEA Party will be hosting an event aimed at celebrating the United States Constitution and the role its creators played in shaping the country we live in today.
who will share their views on a variety of topics related to U.S. history.Caring for the U.S. flag and flag etiquette will also be a topic during the event, and attendees may enjoy a full picnic feast of barbeque, macaroni and cheese and cold drinks.
Parkway, Manakin Sabot, VA 23103).The proceeds raised will provide holiday meals for Goochland County families. Almost 225 families visit the GoochlandCares Food Pantry each week. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door, and can be pur-
3SeptemberThursday 15, 2022 Serving Goochland County Since 1955NEWS: What’s Going on in Goochland County WEARENOWOPEN ONSUNDAYSfrom11:30-8:00! Pleasejoinus. FeaturingBrunchitems from 11:30-2:30 1601HockettRd.ManakinSabot,VA AtthecornerofBroadSt.andHockettRd BECOMINGALOVEAND LOGICPARENT® ASix-ModuleInteractiveParentingWorkshop BroughttoyoubyGoochlandDepartmentofSocialServices
County seeking Fire-Rescue volunteers
chased online at forbeProvisionsMusic.liveingentryincludesBrewsforBirds2022.,antoraffleprizesinclud-ahoneybakedhamandmusicbyM.R.BrookingTheLegendaryfoodtruckwillalsoonsitewithfoodavailablepurchase.
Annual ‘Brews for Birds’ to benefit GoochlandCares
The Constitution Day Picnic is set for Sept. 17, and will be
Pet of the week
Constitution will be focus of upcoming celebration
The project first came before the county Planning Commission last May, and was deferred several times before commissioners ultimately recommended denial of the request.Chief among the concerns raised by the county have been the density of the project—which, at .81 homes per acre comes in below the standard of one home for every
COST: FREE! Snackswillbeprovidedtosession attendees. INTHESIXSESSIONS, PARENTSWILLLEARN HOWTO: •Avoidun-winnablepowerstruggles •Putanendtoarguing,backtalking,and begging •Staycalmwhentheirkidsdoincredibly upsettingthings •Setenforceablelimits •Guidechildrentoownandsolvetheir ownproblems •ANDMORE!
Goochland County’s Department of Fire-Rescue and Emergency Services needs volunteers and is accepting applications. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Fire-Rescue Administration at (804) 556-5304 or visit the website at
sentative John Lumpkins. And that plan needs to be developed with the Boardcommunity.”chairman Neil Spoonhower told those in attendance that, while he generally dislikes deferring matters before the board, he saw it as the best option in this particular case.“My heart goes out to the applicant,” Spoonhower said. “He’s trying to put a great project together and I hope we can get there. But it’s not tonight. While I hate voting for deferral, I would hate to make the wrong decision even more.”
Call 804-643-4414, ext. 3 Email:
GoochlandCares is a private, 501(c)(3), non-profit organization that provides basic human services and health care to Goochland residents in need. Visit www. or contact Adair Frayser, afrayser@ or 804556-0301. .

PleaseRSVPbycalling804-556-5875 orgoingonlineto:

held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 30 Broad Street Road (in front of the Broadview Shopping Center). The free event will feature activities and games for children of all ages, as well as Constitution-themed games and quizzes, patriotic songs and a panel of guest speakers
because a driver was attempting to avoid an accident.
TIME: 5:30PM–7:30PM GoochlandCounty Room270,1800Sandy VA23063
Contributed report
Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
The Goochland Animal Shelter, located at 1900 Hidden Rock Lane in Goochland, has many pets available to a good home. For more information on these pets, call (804) 556-5302. The shelter’s hours are Tuesday and Wednesday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Thursday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. -2 p.m. Registration-Form-Becoming-a-Love-and-Lo-89

two acres—and the fact that Goochland is currently in the midst of developing a plan that will lay out just what the vision for the Courthouse Village area shouldWithoutbe. this plan—or an upcoming corridor study set to analyze Fairground Rd— board members agreed it was simply premature to dismiss or approve the Village at Hidden Rock“Ifproposal.we’regoing to grow gracefully, then this board should be looking favorably on developments that are constant with a plan,” said District 3 repre-
Dover Baptist Church welcomes all to celebrate the church’s 249th homecoming celebration with a special worship service at 11 a.m. Lunch will follow, and all are encouraged to bring a side dish or dessert. The church is located at 635 Manakin Rd in ManakinSabot.

Storytime will be held at the Cochrane Rockville Branch Library from 10:30 -11 a.m. Participants will enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.Call (804) 749-3146 or visit the library at 16600 Pouncey Tract Road for more information.
Tuesday, Sept. 20
Toddler and Preschool
Tuesday, Sept. 27
Sunday, Sept. 18
The Goochland Recreational
Community Calendar
The Rotary Club of Goochland will welcome officer Perry Barber, program director of Richmond Police Athletic League. The meeting starts at 7:30 a.m. and is held at The Residence Inn Short Pump at the Notch, 1800 Wilkes Ridge
SeptemberThursday 15, 20224 Serving Goochland County Since 1955NEWS: What’s Going on in Goochland County Our SecondCentury 359-4481 • —Established1897— CharlesD.Morehead,PresidentandGeneralManager BennettWest•Henrico 11020WestBroadStreet Henrico’sfamilieshavetrustedBennettFuneralHomes intheirtimeofneedforanentirecentury. Forsubscriptioninformation ordeliveryquestionscontact: MichelleWall 804-775-2711 8460TimesDispatchBlvd., Mechanicsville,VA23116 DebraHoffman, AssociateBroker OFFICE:347-3878 Workinghands-onwith directcontactthroughoutthe BuyingorSellingprocess. Residentand RealEstate Broker Specializing inRural PropertyforOver30Years CALL DEBRA&HER WINNING TEAM!!

Storytime will be held at the Cochrane Rockville Branch Library from 10:30 -11 a.m. Participants will enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.Call (804) 749-3146 or visit the library at 16600 Pouncey Tract Road for more information.
Thursday, Sept. 22
The Rotary Club of Goochland will welcome former Governor James S. Gilmore, III. The meeting starts at 7:30 a.m. and will be held at The Residence Inn Short Pump at the Notch, 1800 Wilkes Ridge
Wednesday, Sept. 14

Mystery Book Club will be held at the Goochland Branch Library from 10 – 11 a.m. for those ages 18 and up. Call (804) 556-4774 or visit the library at 3075 River Road West for more information.
from the Virginia Cooperative Extension, and Joey Shelton, from James River Association at Tucker Park as they identify some of the most problematic plants in Goochland County and discuss management options. This free event will be held from 5:30 –6:30 p.m. and the rain date for Sept. 30. Free. All ages are welcome. For more information, contact Goochland County Parks and Recreation at (804) 556-5854.
purpose of this program is to empower girls and women to adapt to the changes in their lives, and it will be led by certified life coach Veronica CastroAlbano. Registration is required at Roadlibrary(804)
Baptist Church , located at 1633 Kents Store Way in Kents Store, welcomes all to join the church for its Homecoming celebration . Worship service begins at 11 a.m., with lunch immediately following
A program entitled “Life Coaching and SelfDevelopment for Extraordinary Women” will be held at the Cochrane Rockville Branch Library from 6 – 7 p.m. The

Saturday, Sept. 17
Friday, Sept. 23
Friday, Sept. 30
Toddler and Preschool Storytime will be held at the Goochland Branch Library from 10 - 10:30 a.m. for ages 2-5 with caregiver. Participants will enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Call (804) 556-4774 or visit the library at 3075 River Road West for more information.
Center Community Yard Sale on Sept.17, 2022, has been postponed. For more information, call (804) 784-4358.
The Goochland Branch Library will be hosting a Chess Club for those ages 12-18 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Join the library for a night of chess with friends of all skill levels. Registration is required information.3075556-4774com/event/9344531.https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.atCall(804)orvisitthelibraryatRiverRoadWestformore
Jerusalem Baptist Church,
Family Storytime will be held at the Cochrane Rockville Branch Library from 10:30 -11 a.m. Participants will enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. Call (804) 749-3146 for more information.
Friday, Sept. 16
Sunday, Sept. 25
located at 994 Three Chopt Road in Manakin Sabot, will be hosting a free Revive! Training class from 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m., offering participants the opportunity to learn how to save the life of a person suffering from an opioid overdose. The training will demonstrate how to use naloxone nasal spray, and supplies will be included. For more information, contact Deacon AB Taylor at (804) 514-8649 or Deacon Howard Leabough at (804)
Storytime will be held at the Goochland Branch Library from 10 - 10:30 a.m. for ages 2-5 with caregiver. Participants will enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Call (804) 556-4774 or visit the library at 3075 River Road West for more information.
Thursday, Sept. 29
Toddler and Preschool Storytime will be held at the Goochland Branch Library from 10 - 10:30 a.m. for ages 2-5 with caregiver. Participants will enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Call (804) 556-4774 for more
An Action Figure Art Class will be held at the Goochland Branch Library from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. for those ages 12-18. Participants will meet local artist Curtis Brown and learn techniques to draw their own superhero action figure. All supplies will be provided, and registration is required information.3075556-4774com/event/9333125.https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.atCall(804)orvisitthelibraryatRiverRoadWestformore
Thursday, Sept. 15
For more information, contact Rebecca Crow at (804) 598-7015 or
Master Gardener training class registration opens
and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The first class starts on Jan. 17, 2023, and classes continue through mid-April. Training is followed by a 50-hour service internship. The application process opened Sept. 1 with a deadline of Nov.
The goodness of goldenrod

5SeptemberThursday 15, 2022
They must have a need for safe and affordableTheyhousing.must live or work in Goochland County.
Once the signed USDA release form is received, the family selection chair will contact applicants to discuss their housing situation. The USDA release forms can be picked up at 2948 River Road W., downloaded from the goochlandhabitat. org website, or requested by emailing For more information regarding this process, call (804) 750-3125.
Applicants must earn a minimum of $25,000Theyannually.musthave good credit.
Goldenrod may sound almost too good to be true, but it is a very beneficial plant for nature, the environment and your garden. When many plants begin to fade at summer’s end, its color adds beauty to the landscape well into fall. Visit your local nursery to find the best goldenrod plants for your garden.
Serving Goochland CountyWhat’s Going on in Goochland County
In the garden
Local Woman’s Club celebrates work of county dispatchers
Photo by Donna Cottingham
By incorporating perennial goldenrod into your garden, not only will you be adding long lasting color, you’ll also be offering nature a helping hand. According to author and entomologist Doug Tallamy, goldenrod leaves provide food to more than 100 species of caterpillars. An abundance of caterpillars is an all-you-can-eat buffet for birds feeding their young. The flowers are a pollen source for 35 species of bees as well as a late season nectar source for migrating monarch butterflies. Its seeds provide winter food for finches, juncos andTheresparrows.are nearly 40 species of goldenrod in meadows and roadsides in Virginia, providing blooms from mid-July through October. It can survive drought, making it an excellent choice for native gardens and in areas of water conservation. It prefers full sun and dry soil. Some species are known to increase nitrogen levels in the soil. And, as an added bonus, goldenrod is deer resistant.
By Donna Cottingham James River Master Naturalist
Yellow is a prominent color in the fall landscape, and goldenrod (Solidago spp) is one of the most abundant yellow plants in autumn bloom. A member of the aster family, goldenrod is often blamed for fall allergies, but that is a false accusation. Its large, sticky pollen grains are dispersed by insects, not wind. There are many reasons to appreciate goldenrod.
Photo by Anne Hardwick
Since 1955NEWS:
Habitat for Humanity of Goochland County is now accepting applications for the two homes they are building in 2023. Construction on these homes begins this winter.All of the following qualifications must be met before the family selection committee can begin to work with a prospective family:
They must sign and complete a USDA release form and email it to
Habitat seeking prospective families
Contributed Report
Planning is well underway for the 2023 class schedule for the GoochlandPowhatan Master Gardener Volunteer Training Class. Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who promote environmentally-sound horticultures.
Instructors are being lined up and dates confirmed. Classes will be Tuesdays
On Sept. 11, members of the GFWC Goochland Woman’s Club delivered baskets full of treats to the county dispatchers with the help of Sergeant C. Jones and Deputy T. Carter. The donation was made in recognition of Emergency Preparedness month and to honor those who serve. Club members Brenda Turner and Dawn McKelvey presented the baskets to Brad Brown and Jennifer Layton with the county dispatch office. Pictured here, from left to right, are Brenda Turner, Sergeant C. Jones, Deputy T. Carter, Dawn McKelvey, Jennifer Layton and Brad Brown. Not pictured is Anne Hardwick.

Contributed report
1. The application is available online at, which can be reached through a link on the website.
The fee this year is $145 plus an additional $35 if the trainee selects the printed version of the MG training manual. Cash or check must be submitted by Nov. 1 to the Goochland Extension Office (2748 Dogtown Road, Goochland, VA 23063).
I had to admit that I didn’t, nor had I ever given it much thought. I would guess I’m about as realistic about death as the average person—I know it will happen eventually—but I try not to think about it too much.As it turned out, the answer figures out to be around three generations, or roughly 80
And yet my friend’s comment also reminded me of something I hadn’t thought about in quite some time.
SeptemberThursday 15, 20226 Serving Goochland County Since 1955
Without warning, the bulldozers arrived this morning to clear the road. Our driveway, is part of an easement belonging to a timber company. The land behind us is now owned by a different timber company. Ownership has changed many times over the years.
Fax – (804) 344-8746
Sales Representative Tom Haynie
years.Of course, if the mark you leave behind is significant enough—if you are Picasso or Jonas Salk or Christopher Columbus or David Bowie— you will be remembered for far longer, but even then people living just a handful of decades after you give up the ghost will really only remember what you did. They won’t remember you, not the personal stuff anyway. Not the way you dipped your French fries in ranch dressing or cried over Super Bowl commercials.Maybe that’s sad, or maybe that’s just life. It’s fleeting, as they say. This is not breaking news.
CAC Audited Circulation: 8,014.
Phone – (804) 746-1235 Toll free – (877) 888-0449
The bulldozers pressed through like tanks armed by a militia. They came, they did, and with them came the chain saws, woodcutting tools and all manner of heavy equipment. The tractor trailers came and left hourly. Hardest were the times they paused too close to our well house or outbuildings.Wedidn’t agree to the timber easement over our land. We simply lost in the courts to “big money interests” just like many homeowners and
know what happened to them, and how America’s entry into World War II—just a few short years away—would impact the course of their lives. Maybe I want to know how they would compare their own high school years to their children and grandchildren’s’ experiences.
Seeds were salvaged and will spend the winter in my refrigerator. Come spring, we’ll all start over again. There’s a new wind blowing for everyone, plants and animals included. Climate change has opened our eyes. Lack of action is our only enemy. Take to heart what just happened to me.
Years ago, while catching up over dinner, a friend mentioned something she’d heard earlier thatDidday.I know, she asked, how long most people are remembered after they die?
A report called “The Nature Conspiracy” cites data
Virginia sweetspire (Itea virginica)Viburnum, particlularly Possumhaw (V. nudum) .
© 2022 by Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher.
reporter in me would love to
The Local welcomes your signed letters to the editor on topics of interest to Goochland residents. Letters must include your address and a daytime telephone number. We reserve the right to edit letters. We do not guarantee that every letter received will be published. Letters reflect the opinions and positions of the writers and not The Goochland
to: The Goochland Gazette 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, Va. 23116 Fax: 344-8746 E-mail:
Any remaining student would be over 100 by now and difficult to track down, but I’d love to know what they thought about the people they were back then, and what advice they would give their younger selves.
In any event, I know I’ve enjoyed looking at it over the years and wondering about the wide-eyed young men and women gracing its yellowing pages.It might not be the way they thought they would be remembered, but I suppose it still counts.
On the other hand, what was bulldozed is gone. Those plants will not come back.
presenting how the southeastern states were logged at four times the rate of the Amazon Basin from 2000 to 2010, making the our area the most logged region in the world. Much of the new demand is primarily for wood pellets that are burned in overseas biomass plants to produce electricity. The value of exported pellets in the U.S. has grown from around $250 million in 2012 to over $1 billion in 2021 servancy).logging-biomass-nature-con-(
Maybe it will find its way to a grandchild or another relative, and maybe it will serve as a reminder that we should cherish every day and that life moves so very fast. One day you’re posing for your senior photo, poised to take on the world, and the next you are watching as the next generation takes the reigns.
The timber companies claim they inform law enforcement, the public and their shareholders of everything they do.
As logging across region continues, native plant casualties mount
Editor Roslyn Ryan
What’s happening isn’t working for me, and it shouldn’t for you.
Remember the Rimrock? Maybe some still might
Editorial & Business Office and Mailing Address: 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, VA 23116
By Virginia McCown Contributing Columnist
Tucked away in a box in a little-used room of my house, wedged in between some old college textbooks, is a thin volume with a bright green cover and a plastic binding. On the front are the words “The Rimrock,” and a subheading that reveals it was published by the Delta High School senior class in Delta, Colorado, in 1938. Inside are several dozen neatly formatted pages that look very much the same as the ones in yearbooks published today. There are class photos, senior superlatives, team pic-
Casualties of the timber harvesting in our small neck of theCommonwoods: persimmon, (DiospyrosEasternvirginian)Prickly Pear, (OpuntiaEasternhumifusa)Yucca, (Yucca filamentosa)Trumpet vine or Campsis radicansButterfly weed or Asclepias tuberosa, a host plant for the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) in addition to a myriad of other butterfly species.
Virginia McCown is a master gardener and master food volunteer living in Central Virginia along with her vegetable garden and assorted creatures both great and small.
small landowners all over rural Virginia.Years of hard work bringing back native cultivars lay in ruin.Progress, development, and the culture of timber continues to jeopardize native Virginia plants and animals. Yes, the timber companies do replant what they remove. They just don’t replant with native trees.
Classifieds Cindy Adams
Managing Editor Laura McFarland
tures (the boys basketball team was apparently pretty good that year), and several snippets from the school newspaper, the Panther Pant.
I suppose I could send the yearbook back to a local historical society in Delta, and perhaps they could get it in the right hands.
OPINION: Editorial, Letters to the Editor
Publisher Joy Monopoli
I noticed the book decades ago in a junk shop, and scored it for the bargain price of 75 cents. Why? I have to admit I’m not exactly sure. No one in my family is from Colorado, and I’ve never even been there. So why do I have a book in which a bunch of students living there in 1938 listed their hopes for the future and smiled for photos they assumed they would show their children and grandchildrenMaybesomeday?it’sbecause the
By Roslyn Ryan Editor
They don’t.
Sports Editor Robby Fletcher
Production Manager Denine D’Angelo
Fortunately, we’re learning about plant resiliency. Our native plants have a sense for surviving calamity. If the roots survive, there is hope. A “hard pruning” won’t kill the native plants that once thrived along the edge of our woods.
Bulldogs continue to roll in perfect start
With the win, the Bulldogs improve to 5-0 to start the season and seem to build team chemistry with each passing win. There’s a certain level of accountability with the Bulldogs,
Gators roundup: field hockey, tennis and volleyball finding identities
7SeptemberThursday 15, 2022 Serving Goochland County Since 1955SPORTS: Youth, High School, College, Recreational, Professional
Saint Gertrude senior Tabitha Pickral makes a defensive play while senior Carolyn Cogswell supports from behind in the field hockey team’s home matchup against the Panthers on Sept. 8.

something that can perhaps be attributed to the team’s leader-
The first meeting, which Goochland hosted on Aug. 25 in its second game of the season, saw head coach Rachel Jacobsen’s team win with sets of 25-13, 25-15 and 25-15.
ship at the top that eliminates any chance of finger pointing or
impact on the court this season, with Woodson winning four of five singles events and Kruezer winning three of her five singles matches along with three of her currently holds a 3-2 record so far this year, with a 6-3 win over John Paul the Great on Sept. 6 and a season-opening 6-3 win against Walsingham Academy on Aug. 25.
see Bulldogs > 9
Senior middle Layla Ford (7) goes up for a kill in Goochland’s 3-0 victory at Maggie Walker’s gym on Sept. 8. Ford had nine kills during the matchup.

By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
This time though, the Green Dragons made things a bit more difficult for the Bulldogs, including a second set that came right down the wire with a late Green Dragons run that made the traveling Bulldogs fight for every point earned. Ultimately, the Bulldogs won with sets of 25-17, 25-22 and 25-16.
Staff Report Goochland Gazette
It’s been an eventful season of fall sports so far for the Saint Gertrude Gators, with multiple teams starting things off strong.
The Gators volleyball team, coached by Sarah Kimbrell, have started the season with a 4-4 record. The team has generated some nice momentum after stringing together a pair of wins against Saint John Paul the Great on Sept. 6 and Walsingham Academy the next day. Both of those wins were 3-0 results.
Photo by Robby Fletcher
They’ll have a chance to come back strong after the loss to the Panthers with an anticipated matchup with the Collegiate Cougars on Sept. 15 before heading to Steward for the Steward Invitational on Sept.
The wins just keep on coming for the Goochland volleyball team.After beating Amelia County in a home matchup on Wednesday, Sept. 7, the Bulldogs traveled to the home gym of the Maggie Walker Green Dragons for their second meeting of the season, where the Bulldogs again claimed the victory with wins in three straight sets.
The team plays again on Sept. 15 in a matchup at home against St. Margaret’s School.
Photo by Robby Fletcher
The field hockey team, meanwhile, started the season with a win and loss, beating Steward in a close 1-0 thriller on Aug. 25 and falling to the Panthers United Field Hockey club 3-0 on Sept. 8.
Next to Smith at middle blocker was Layla Ford, who had an all-around performance demonstrating her versatility as a scorer and blocker. The senior added nine kills at the front of the net, four digs and eight blocks.Atrue standout defensively though was junior libero Amelia Capone, who had a hand in multiple highlight reel digs that saved her team a point and led to some riveting rally action between the Bulldogs and their
ego-driven“Honestlyplay.a lot of it is our attitude,” Jacobsen said. “Our seniors have really great mentalities. They’re really focused and bringing a lot to the table in keeping everybody together and focused.”Leading the Bulldogs in kills was senior opposite Nina Smith, who added another quality performance to an already stellar season with 12 kills and four blocks. Setter Nicole Brown added seven kills herself along with a team-high 22 assists to go with four aces.
As for SGHS tennis, senior captain Mary Margaret Losch, sophomore No. 2 Julia Kruezer and junior No. 3 Alex Blaylock have helped lead the team to some exciting matchups early on in theArguablyseason. the most impressive was a thrilling 5-4 win over Hampton Academy on Sept. 8 that saw them split singles and win two of three doubles contests. Kruezer and doubles mate Erin Woodson worked together to win the deciding match. Both of those players have left a strong
After a week’s rest, they’ll have five matches in six days, including their first tournament invitational at Chatham Hall on Sept. 24.
Photo by Robby Fletcher
Goochland runners run with the pack in a cross country competition hosted by the Collegiate Cougars on Sept. 7 at their Robins Campus course.

While the heavy rain at Collegiate’s Robins Campus saw a delay to the race and some muddy conditions, it didn’t thwart the competitive edge found from the four schools striving for personal bests at the cross country meet on Wednesday, Sept. 7.
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
The Cadets will ride a great deal of momentum into a bye week this week, and their next game will be another road test when they travel to
Buleza completed 15-of-27 passes for 200 yards and touchdown passes of 80 and 30 yards to David Ngendakuriyo and Freddy Barber. The Tigers were able to force a few turnovers on
On his 18-yard touchdown late in the game, he showcased his speed as he bounced outside and won a foot race to the corner end zone marker against three Tigers defenders in hotBoehlingpursuit.wasn’t the only running back to make an impact during the game. Ryker Cook also added 65 yards on the ground on just seven carries, including a 26-yard play
in the fourth quarter.
Collegiate hosts Goochland, three others in cross country meet
Like they’ve been all season, the Cadets defense was again a nightmare to deal with. The defensive line found themselves in the backfield all afternoon, with senior T.J. Baldwin leading the charge with three sacks and seven tackles. His teammate on the line Joel Starling also added a sack from the interior rush.
It’s been just three games, but the Benedictine Cadets are finding their groove as a team early.Traveling to take on the Woodberry Forest Tigers, the Cadets overcame an early 10-0 deficit in the first quarter to run up the score and suffocate the Tigers offense to the tune of five forced turnovers, four of which were interceptions.
Washington, D.C. to take on the Jackson-Reed Tigers on Friday, Sept. 23.
The Cadets, now ranked 10th in the Richmond Times-
Contributed Photo
Robby Fletcher can be reached at
Benedictine senior John Garbett pumps up the crowd after a blocked punt in the team’s home win against Friendship Collegiate Academy on Sept. 2.

Strong second half propels Cadets to second win
After that 10-0 lead, the Tigers managed just one more score in the third quarter, while the Cadets railed off three consecutive 14-point quarters thanks to two-touchdown performances from quarterback Wes Buleza and running back Leo Boehling, winning the game 42-17.
Ngendakuriyo was Buleza’s primary target, hauling in seven receptions for 107 yards. The day was highlighted by the aforementioned 80-yard score in the second quarter, where Ngendakuriyo found a clear path to open field off a wheel route and hauled in a beautiful Buleza pass in stride.
Dispatch top-10, will look to continue their upward trend against a Tigers team that is 0-2 to start the season. The game kicks off at 6 p.m.
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
While the hosting Cougars came out on top in the total team scores, there were plenty of standouts from both the Cougars and Bulldogs in the boys and girls competitions. Alongside runners from
Liam Moore finished close behind to take sixth, seventh and eighth place, and Bolling Lewis rounded out the top10 to help Collegiate take the victory.Goochland senior David Johnson was the best among the Bulldog runners in the run, placing 16th with a time of 20:11.00 and his teammate Drew Meiller, also a senior, finished in 18th at 20:29.10.
In the secondary, three Cadets recorded an interception, with junior Khalil Moore being the star of the day with two of his own. His first interception in the second quarter was an excellent display of his anticipatory skills, jumping a pass in the flats at the Cadets 40-yard-line. Junior Khamari Veney also recorded an interception.Fellow junior A.J. Jackson had the play of the day for the secondary though, recording a pick-six in the fourth quarter by jumping a pass across the middle and taking it to the house for 25 yards.
Atop the standings among 68 runners in the boys event was Collegiate’s Stan Craig, who finished his home course with a time of 16 minutes, 53.40 seconds, 38 seconds ahead of Clover Hill runner Clinton Clancy, who came in second.Collegiate teammates Liam Harbour, Walker Angus and
Buleza’s passes though, picking off two during the game.
Boehling was the primary workhorse back for the Cadets, slicing through the Tigers line with power, finishing the day with 65 yards on 17 carries, including two touchdowns.
On the girls run, the top-4 runners were all representing the Cougars, with MK Myers placing first in 19:53.10 and Rosie Ferrell, Sophie Sloan and Giles Ferrell coming in
Clover Hill, Hermitage and John Marshall, the Cougars won the boys competition with a total score of 32 and the girls competition with a score of 17, while the Bulldogs finished second for the girls race and fourth for the boys.
SeptemberThursday 15, 20228 Serving Goochland County Since 1955 SPORTS: Youth, High School, College, Recreational, Professional
Megan Reid and Hadley Harlow were leaders for their team, coming in sixth and seventh respectively. Reid’s top time of 23:16.50 earned Goochland five team points.Both Goochland and Collegiate will compete again at the 2022 Fork Union Cross Country Invitational at the Hardy National XC Course on Sept. 17. The teams will compete against 54 other schools at the invitational.
Trinity added two more scores in response to the Davis house call, including a long touchdown catch from freshman sensation Davion Brown, who finished the game with seven receptions, 175 yards and two touchdowns. Brown was one of three Titans to record a touchdown catch, joining senior Navy recruit Trai Ferguson and Old Dominion commit Mario Thompson.TheCougars got on the board one more time after those two scores, with quarterback
ruled a Goochland point after a net interference call.
had a solid outing, finishing with 16 assists and four digs as the team’s setter, while her teammate Brinkley Davis, a middle hitter, added six blocks and three kills.
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
Robby Fletcher can be reached at rfletcher@powhatantoday. com.
After two games, Collegiate has already shown plenty of promise as well as instances that they are not quite a finished product just yet.
ing the winning kill for an early Goochland lead.
Jack Callaghan firing a deep ball to wide receiver Krystian Williams for a 47-yard touchdown.Williams beat his cornerback matchup with his impressive acceleration and had the pass right on the money with no safety over to help.
The Cougars can bounce back from the loss with a road matchup against NansemondSuffolk Academy on Friday, Sept. 16. The game kicks off at 7 p.m.

Left, the Cougars defense group tackles the Titans ballcarrier in the second quarter on Sept. 9. Right, wide receiver Krystian Williams returns a blocked kick.
Led by a 323-yard, fourtouchdown performance from sophomore quarterback Taegan Logan and a 167-yard rushing performance from running back Trey Grant, the Titans took a 15-0 lead at halftime and ran away with the game with a stellar thirdAfterquarter.going down 22-0 with just under 10 minutes to play in the third quarter, the Cougars finally were able to get on the board when sophomore Xay Davis returned a kickoff to the house for a thrilling touchdown that got the Collegiate crowd back into the game.
Smith then took over to close out the set, including smash-
Colonial District opponent. Capone added 24 digs in total.
While the Cougars defense struggled getting off the field against a balanced Titans attack, they did get one highlight with an interception coming from sophomore Ben Street in the secondStreetquarter.showed great anticipation breaking on a route inside and giving the Cougars some life early on.
After kicking off the season with a bang, the Collegiate Cougars football team ran into a dynamic Trinity Episcopal team ranked fourth in the Richmond Times-Dispatch’s top-10 that flexed its muscles with a convincing 49-14 win on Grover Jones Field on Friday, Sept. 9.

continued from >7
ing in the first half just before halftime with the Virginia Tech commit making an acrobatic grab with a cornerback draped all over him that put the Cougars at the Titans 4-yard-line, though the Cougars weren’t able to convert on that promising display after the team’s missed 26-yard field goal left them empty-handed.
On the Maggie Walker side, head coach John Feeney’s team that is now 2-4 on the season is steadily improving as a program, as showcased by the improved results against an undefeated Goochland side. They were led in kills by sophomore Gabby Hines, who finished with nine kills, two blocks and nine digs. Goochland resident and team captain Markella Stratiou also
Contributed Photo Goochland local Markella Stratiou (19) sets up her teammate Brinkley Davis (17) in Maggie Walker’s matchup against the Goochland Bulldogs.
In the first set, the Bulldogs jumped out to a 7-0 lead to start, but the Green Dragons were able to respond off a timeout to close the gap to 11-7. Goochland won the next four points though and later took a 16-8 lead thanks to a tremendous dig from Capone that allowed junior Adele Wheatley to tip one over the net for a well-earned point.

The second set found Goochland again off to a hot start with a 9-6 lead after Brown responded from a previous overshot out of bounds with a perfectly placed kill on her very next attempt.What felt like another set in Goochland’s control at 21-15 suddenly became a nailbiter, with Maggie Walker going on a 4-0 run to make it 23-20. In an exciting final point, Smith again hit the winner, charging the net with two shots, one that was blocked and the next being
While Maggie Walker certainly made things interesting again in the third set, Goochland looked ready to leave the gym with a win after Brown hit two straight aces and the team took a 24-16 lead that ended with who else but Smith finishing the job with a stuff Goochlandblock.will look to continue its terrific start with a road matchup against Fluvanna County on Thursday, Sept. 15.
It was Williams’ second big play of the game, the first com-
Cougars struggle to keep up with mighty Titans
Photos by Robby Fletcher
9SeptemberThursday 15, 2022 Serving Goochland County Since 1955SPORTS: Youth, High School, College, Recreational, Professional
HOWTOCOMMENTAND/ORREQUESTAPUBLICHEARING:DEQacceptscommentsandrequestsforpublichearingonthedraftpermit byhand-delivery,e-mail,faxorpostalmail.All commentsandrequestsmustbeinwriting andbereceivedbyDEQduringthecomment period.DEQmustreceivehand-deliveryand postalmailbycloseofbusinessandemailand faxcommentsby11:59p.m.onthelastdayof thecommentperiod.Submittalsmustinclude thenames,mailingaddressesoremailaddressesofthecommenter/requesterandofall personsrepresentedbythe commenter/requester.Arequestforpublic hearingmustalsoinclude:1)Thereasonwhy apublichearingisrequested.2)Abrief,informalstatementregardingthenatureandextentoftheinterestoftherequesterorofthose representedbytherequestor,includinghow andtowhatextentsuchinterestwouldbedirectlyandadverselyaffectedbythepermit.3) Specificreferences,wherepossible,toterms andconditionsofthepermitwithsuggested revisions.Apublichearingmaybeheld,includinganothercommentperiod,ifpublicresponseissignificant,basedonindividualrequestsforapublichearing,andtherearesubstantial,disputedissuesrelevanttothepermit.
2022District5,2011District5-RZ-2022-00007ApplicationbyTheBenedictineSchoolsofRichmond,Inc.and BenedictineSocietyofVirginiarequestingarezoningof15.479acresfromResidential,Limited(R-1),withproffered conditions,toAgricultural,Limited(A-2),withprofferedconditions,at370PembrokeLaneonTaxMapNos. 66-8-0-8-0and63-39-0-B-0.TheComprehensivePlandesignatesthisareaasSingleFamilyResidential, MediumDensity.
ItisORDEREDthatthesaidnon-residentdefendantsnamely,AudreyLewisWitherspoon andtheUnknownDefendantswhoarethe heirsofCharlieWalker,MelvinWalker, LeonessWalker,HoraceParrish,andRobert LeeLewiswhoarebelievedtobedeadandthe namesandpostofficeaddressoftheir widow/widower,heirs,deviseesandsuccessorsintitle,ifanysuchtherebeotherthan thosenamedinthiscause,areunknown,such partiesbeingmadedefendantsbythegeneral descriptionofPARTIESUNKNOWNdoappear onorbefore October25,2022at1:30p.m. and dowhatisnecessarytoprotecttheirinterest.
LegalNotices LEGALNOTICES LEGALNOTICES THURSDAYSPUBLISHEDONLINEEVERYDAY! www.gazettegoochland .com Visitustoday! Advertisewith TheGoochlandGazette Callusat746-1235or TollFree(877)888-0449 tofindoutabout opportunitiesto advertiseinTheGazette! ADVERTISE
Andaffidavithavingbeenmadeandfiledthat thatthedefendant,AudreyLewis Witherspoon,isanon-residentoftheCommonwealthofVirginia;theUnknownDefendantswhoaretheheirsofCharlieWalker,MelvinWalker,LeonessWalker,HoraceParrish, andRobertLeeLewiswhoarebelievedtobe deadandthenamesandpostofficeaddressof theirwidow/widower,heirs,deviseesandsuccessorsintitle,ifanysuchtherebeotherthan thosenamedinthiscause,areunknown,such partiesbeingmadedefendantsbythegeneral descriptionofPARTIESUNKNOWN.
SeptemberThursday 15, 202210 Serving Goochland County Since 1955CLASSIFIEDS: Call (804) 746-1235 x 3 to place an ad.
APPLICANTNAME,ADDRESSANDPERMIT NUMBER:GoochlandCounty;1800SandyHook Road,Suite280,Goochland,Virginia23063; VA0092428
UserswhoneedaccessibilityassistancecancontacttheCountybyphone throughtheFederalInformationRelayServiceat1-800-877-8339forTTY/Voice communication. Meetingaccommodationsincludinginterpretersareprovideduponrequest DeputyClerk:804-556-5811
PUBLICCOMMENTPERIOD:September08, 2022toOctober10,2022
PURPOSEOFNOTICE:Toseekpubliccomment onadraftpermitfromtheDepartmentofEnvironmentalQualitythatwillallowthereleaseof treatedwastewaterintoawaterbodyin Goochland,Virginia.
GoochlandCountyBoardofSupervisors Tuesday,October4,2022,6:00PM

CONTACTFORPUBLICCOMMENTS,DOCUMENTREQUESTSANDADDITIONALINFORMATION:BenCunningham;PiedmontRegionalOffice,4949-ACoxRoad,GlenAllen,VA23060; Phone:(804)659-2686;E-mail:benjamin.cunni;Fax:(804)698-4178. Thepublicmayreviewthedraftpermitand applicationattheDEQofficenamedaboveby appointmentormayrequestcopiesofthe documentsfromthecontactpersonlisted above.
2022District5,2011District5-RZ-2022-00008ApplicationbyJohnStefana/k/aJ.StefanCametasandJodyCametas requestingarezoningofa1.002-acreportionofTaxMapNo.66-1-0-9-0fromResidential,Limited(R-1),withproffered conditions,toAgricultural,Limited(A-2)at350PembrokeLane.TheComprehensivePlandesignatesthisareaasSingle FamilyResidential,MediumDensity.
2022District2;2011District2-CU-2022-00011ApplicationbyNicholasandBrittanyFlemionrequestinga ConditionalUsePermitforunhostedshort-termrentalon2acresat3067ThreeChoptRoadonTaxMapNo. 21-6-0-1-0.ThepropertyiszonedAgricultural,Limited(A-2).TheConditionalUsePermitisrequiredbyCountyZoning OrdinanceSection15-112,inaccordancewithSection15-285.G.TheComprehensivePlandesignatesthisareaas RuralEnhancement.
PROJECTDESCRIPTION:GoochlandCountyhas appliedforreissuanceofapermitforthepublicOilvilleWWTP.Theapplicantproposesto releasetreatedsewagewastewatersatarate of300,000gallonsperdayintoawaterbody. Sludgefromthetreatmentprocesswillmeet specifiedstandardsforuseanddisposal.The facilityproposestoreleasethetreatedsewage intheHorsepenCreekinGoochlandinthe JamesRiverwatershed.Awatershedisthe landareadrainedbyariveranditsincoming streams.Thepermitwilllimitthefollowing pollutantstoamountsthatprotectwaterquality:physicalandchemicalproperties,nutrients,organicmatter,solids,bacteria,and organics.Thisfacilityissubjecttotherequirementsof9VAC25-820andhasregisteredfor coverageundertheGeneralVPDESWatershed PermitRegulationforTotalNitrogenandTotal PhosphorusDischargesandNutrientTrading intheChesapeakeBayWatershedinVirginia (NutrientGP).
2022District5,2011District5-CU-2022-00008ApplicationbyTheBenedictineSchoolsofRichmond,Inc.and BenedictineSocietyofVirginiarequestingaConditionalUsePermitforathleticfieldson15.479acresat370Pembroke LaneonTaxMapNos.66-8-0-8-0and63-39-0-B-0.Theapplicantisrequestingrezoningwiththepreviouscase.The ConditionalUsePermitisrequiredbyCountyZoningOrdinanceSection15-112.TheComprehensivePlandesignatesthis areaasSingleFamilyResidential,MediumDensity.
PERMITNAME:VirginiaPollutantDischarge EliminationSystemPermit-WastewaterissuedbyDEQpursuanttoapplicablewater lawsandregulations.
Iaskforthis: GraysonS.Johnson,EsqVSB#12636 Johnson&JohnsonAttorneysatLawPC P.O.Box100 Rockville,Virginia23146 804749-3241
Theobjectofthissuitistoeffectpartition amongsttheownersbysaleorotherwiseof therealpropertylocatedinByrdDistrict, GoochlandCounty,Virginia,describedasParcelAcontaining5.91acres(TaxParcel17-2-01-0);ParcelBcontaining3.0acres(TaxParcel 17-1-0-59-A);ParcelCcontaining8.05acres (TaxParcel17-1-0-59-0;)ParcelDcontaining 36.65acres(TaxParcel17-1-0-55-0)andParcel Econtaining0.16acre(TaxParcel17-1-0-59-B).
2022District4;2011District5-CU-2022-00010ApplicationbyNicoleandSteveTyrellrequestingaConditionalUse Permitforadetachedaccessoryfamilyhousinguniton2.8acresat780SneadRoadonTaxMapNo.63-1-0-99-0. ThepropertyiszonedAgricultural,Limited(A-2).TheConditionalUsePermitisrequiredbyCountyZoningOrdinance Section15-112,inaccordancewithSection15-285.A.TheComprehensivePlandesignatesthisareaasSingleFamily Residential,LowDensity.
FACILITYNAMEANDLOCATION:Oilville WastewaterTreatmentPlant(WWTP);Oilville Rd,Oilville,VA23129
11SeptemberThursday 15, 2022 Serving Goochland County Since 1955

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