is one of several local shelter pets waiting on a forever home> page 3 INSIDE see Teachers > page 3

First elected to the board in 2019, Sharpe served as vice chairman this year
Now Carter and Morgan are both hop-

Goochland residents continue to mourn the passing of Donald E. Sharpe, District 4 supervisor, who died unexpectedly on Saturday, Sept.Elected17. to the Goochland Board of Supervisors in 2019, Sharpe became vice chair in 2022. Prior to his service on the board, he spent many years serving on the Recreation Advisory Commission, Goochland Leadership Enterprise Board and Friends of Goochland Parks, and was an active member of Goochland Rotary.

Looking solely at their birthdays, veteran educator Dr. Maurice Carter and Byron Morgan, who graduated from Virginia State University in 2012 and now teaches pre-
By Roslyn Ryan Editor

Photo by Roslyn Ryan
Program working to help change idea of ‘what a teacher looks like’
ing that efforts like Longwood’s Call Me MISTER program can help to create a different picture for future generations. Call Me MISTER (Men Instructing Students Toward Effective Role Models),

school at Randolph Elementary School, come from two different generations. But there is at least one thing both men have in common: Neither can recall ever having a black male teacher until well into their own educational journeys.
“It’s hard to put into words how much I and the other board members are going to miss Don Sharpe,” said board of supervisors chairman Neil Spoonhower. “Coming on the board the same time and serving as chair and vice chair this year, I really felt like we understood what each other was going through and had a unique bond. I came to know Don as a passionate, full-throttle guy who would fight passionately for what he
Goochland Middle School social studies teacher James Bennett, here in front of his classroom’s Wall of Success, credits Longwood University’s Call Me MISTER program with helping him navigate his path toward becoming a teacher.

see Sharpe > page 2 SHARPE
By Roslyn Ryan Editor
Volume 66 Number 37 • September 22, 2022
Property Transfers
JJ&B Construction LLC, $256,666.12395 S Readers Circle, Manakin Sabot; Eagle Construction of Virginia LLC to Robert T. McKeag Jr., $700,000.12159Readers Pointe Drive, Manakin Sabot; Eagle Construction of Virginia LLC to David S. Meadows, $701,652.1956 Sheppard Town Road, Crozier; Wanda G. Henley to Holly Ann Donovan, $220,000.
“He was just a really solid guy,” said District 1 supervisor Susan Lascolette, “and he really cared about people.”
resented Goochland on the Capital Region Workforce Partnership, and as a commissioner to PlanRVA.
This charming picture was taken at Elmington (Belleview) on Shallow Well Road near Dover. The year is around 1915. The boy on the front row, third from the left, is holding a fielder’s glove. The boy second from the right is holding what appears to be a buckle-back catcher’s mitt. Both of the these gloves date to the 1915-1920 era. Sadly many of these fine young men remain unidentified. Those who are known: pictured in the front row, from left to right, are Hilary Bowles, Maurice Richmond (fifth, kneeling with hands behind head), and Smith Bowles (sixth with hat and glove). On the back row are Willie Briesmaster (third from left holding bat) and Argyle Mitchell (far right, wearing hat). Local historians hope that a resident will recognize someone in the photograph and will contact the Goochland County Historical Society.

Joy Monopoli
Lots 39-41, Section 4B, Mosaic at West Creek; HHHunt Mosaic LLC to HHHunt Homes LC, $302,724.Parcel; Walter L. Bradley Jr., trustee to
Photo courtesy of James Richmond
A century ago, a day of fun and fresh air
Matts to Valorie Campbell, $425,000.2788 Hadensville Fife Road, Goochland; Randy L. Myers to Lorianne B. Davis, $315,000.Lot 12, Section B, Kinloch; Kinloch Development Corp. to Roger J. Shawn III, $695,000.
believed in. I was immediately impressed with how he dove into his role serving not only the citizens of District 4, but all of Goochland County. It was because of that immediate full-throttle engagement and passion that even with his tragically shortened tenure he was able to make a significant contribution to our community. He served Goochland County extremely well.”During his time as a board member, Sharpe was active in multiple projects including the continuity of government operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, purchase of land for Sandy Hook Fire Station and Broadband expansion. Sharpe also rep-
Roslyn Ryan (804)Editor339-7956
3 acres; Trek Properties LLC to GVA Home Builders LLC, 0.896$389,478.acres; Michael Cross to Astrid Renita Woodson, $224,000.
2090 Strawberry Run, Crozier; Richard Oliver Carson to Kathryn L. Luck, $640,000.
Contributed report
Laura McFarland Managing Editor (804) 363-1577
Lot 22, Tuckahoe Creek; Tuckahoe Creek LLC to Andrew P. Scott, $350,000.
There are over 1,700 participants in the Budget Awards Program. The most recent Budget Award recipients, along with their corresponding budget documents, are posted quarterly on GFOA’s website.
Lascolette said Sharpe always listened carefully to both sides in any case that came before the board, “and the citizens really appreciated that.”In appreciation for Sharpe’s service, county administrator Vic Carpenter ordered the Goochland County flag to remain at halfstaff at all county facilities through sunset on the day of survived by his wife, Carolyn, son Stephen, daughter-in-law Mary and his grandchildren.
continued from >1
Cindy Adams
Award recipients have pioneered efforts to improve the quality of budgeting and provide an excellent example for other governments throughout North America.
Toll Free - (877) 888-0449 Office - (804) 746-1235
The FY 2023 Adopted Budget can be found on the Goochland County improvements.annual(
Robby Fletcher Sports Editor (804) 380-0497
SeptemberThursday 22, 20222 Serving Goochland County Since 1955 Calendar SportsSheriff’sOpinionObituariesClassifieds................................4......................13-14..............................4..................................6Notes.......................3.................................8-9 Cougars on win streak after beating Gators PAGE SPORTS8CONTACT US NEWS: What’s Going on in Goochland County
Goochland History Revealed

Denine D’Angelo Production Manager (804) 775-4624
2.268 acres; Habitat for Humanity of Goochland County Inc. to Lalage R. Vaughan,37.397$210,000.acres;Marian J. Kimball, trustee to John B. Constantine, $730,000.
12307 Beech Hall Circle, Manakin Sabot; Eagle Construction of Virginia LLC to Steven J. Lane,4580$661,443.Fox Chase Run, Gum Spring; James H.
Goochland has once again been awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA).This recognition was received for the county’s 2023 budget;and is the eighth time Goochland has received the award. It represents a significant achievement for the county and reflects the commitment of staff and county leaders to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting.Inorder to receive the award, an entity has to satisfy nationally-recognized guidelines for an effective budget presentation. These guidelines are designed to assess how well an entity’s budget serves as a policy document,
financial plan, operations guide and communications device. Budget documents must be rated “proficient” in all four categories, and meet the 14 mandatory criteria within those categories, to receive the award.
County again honored for strong budget presentation
“Everything I have in my life now is because of this program,” Winbush says, adding that the brotherhood and sense of community he has found through Call Me MISTER have been integral to his Tosuccess.Morgan, the value of Call Me MISTER comes down to opening doors for young people of all backgrounds and helping reshape the perception of what a teacher looks like.
“We are really becoming a global society,” Morgan said. Helping to create a more diverse network of teachers “just opens doors and reminds students that there is so much more out there in the world.”
Sealy, so named for his seal-like appearance, is a 5-year-old playful lab mix who is great with other dogs and people. He is not good with cats and cannot be placed in a home with the kitties. We’ve had Sealy out at several public events, and he has been a great ambassador for us. He is house trained, good on leash, knows some basic commands and is up to date on all his vetting. So, if you’re looking for a dog
Goochland County Sheriff Steven Creasey recently congratulated Deputy Chris Martinez on his graduation from the Police Academy. Martinez is a former dispatcher with the Goochland Sheriff’s Office.

GoochlandCares is a private, 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization that provides basic human services and health care to Goochland residents in need. Visit www. or contact Adair Frayser, afrayser@ or 804556-0301.
to take out on some adventures in your convertible Sealy would love to co-pilot! The Goochland Animal Shelter, located at 1900 Hidden Rock Lane in Goochland, has many pets available to a good home. For more information on these pets, call (804) 556-5302. The shelter’s hours are Tuesday and Wednesday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Thursday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. -2 p.m.
A new face on the force
“The biggest thing was that support,” says Bennett. “They basically said ‘Hey, you can do this.’”
Contributed report GoochlandCares will be celebrating 70 years of providing hope to local neighbors in need during the organization’s annual Brews for Birds event on Sept. 22. The event will run from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Kindred Spirit Brewing Company (12830 West Creek
As a first generation college student, Bryant Winbush says he always wanted to make his mother proud. Having heard about Call Me MISTER during his sophomore year at Cumberland High School, he soon realized that it could help him reach his goal of becoming a teacher and coach. Today, having earned his master’s degree in special education from Longwood University, he calls enrolling in Call Me MISTER “the best decision of my life.”
Pet of the week

3SeptemberThursday 22, 2022 Serving Goochland County Since 1955NEWS: What’s Going on in Goochland County WEARENOWOPEN ONSUNDAYSfrom11:30-8:00! Pleasejoinus. FeaturingBrunchitems from11:30-2:30 1601HockettRd.ManakinSabot,VA AtthecornerofBroadSt.andHockettRd
“He looked at me and said ‘You could teach Maurice,’” Carter remembers, crediting those words of encouragement for launching a career that would span over four decades and touch countless other lives. Now Carter spends his days mentoring students and working to help more young black students see the benefits—for themselves and for their communities—of having more black male teachers in the work force.One of the students Carter worked with was James Bennett, who first heard about the Call Me MISTER program during his freshman year at Longwood. Bennett, who grew up in Sussex County, says he knew right away that it was a great match. “I felt welcomed immediately,” says Bennett, who appreciated the encouragement and guidance the program offered.
than half of America’s public school students are children of color.
Goochland County’s Department of Fire-Rescue and Emergency Services needs volunteers and is accepting applications. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Fire-Rescue Administration at (804) 556-5304 or visit the website at
Photo by Sidney Warren
Parkway, Manakin Sabot, VA 23103).The proceeds raised will provide holiday meals for Goochland County families. Almost 225 families visit the GoochlandCares Food Pantry each week. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door, and can be pur-
chased online at forbeProvisionsMusic.liveingentryincludesBrewsforBirds2022.,antoraffleprizesinclud-ahoneybakedhamandmusicbyM.R.BrookingTheLegendaryfoodtruckwillalsoonsitewithfoodavailablepurchase.

Sheriff’s Notes
Annual for to GoochlandCares
Photo courtesy of the Goochland County Sheriff’s Office
County seeks Fire-Rescue volunteers
Teachers continued from >1
Advertise in The Goochland Gazette! Call 804-746-1235 for details.

which was founded in 2000 at South Carolina’s Clemson University as a way to increase the pool of black male teachers in the workforce, has surged in popularity in recent years and can now be found in nearly 30 colleges and universities.“Call Me MISTER’s founding was rooted in the virtual absence of minority males in the teaching force in early grades,” says Carter. “It is at these grade levels that the importance of male role models is highest, particularly in minority communities.”Threeteachers currently working in Goochland County Public Schools— Morgan, Goochland Middle School social studies teacher James Bennett, and Goochland High School special education teacher Bryant Winbush— took part in the program, which offers financial support through scholarships, as well as assistance with job placement.
Carter, who spent his career serving in roles ranging from teacher to administrator to superintendent, came out of retirement in 2012 to serve as the director of Longwood’s Call Me MISTER program. He says he can still recall the teacher who inspired him to consider a career in education.
Given the statistics, it’s clear there is still plenty of ground to gain: Nationally, according to a recent report published by the Stanford Graduate School of Education, black men make up just 2% of teachers, despite the fact that more
HENRY AND BARBARA QUINN Barbara Gail Grandstaff Quinn “Gail,” 72, of Goochland, Va., passed away on August 21, 2022 after a lengthy illness. Henry Quinn, 81, of Goochland, Va., passed away on November 17, 2020. The happily married couple requested a joint memorial be held to commemorate their many happy years together. Gail was born and raised in Goochland County and graduated from Goochland High School in 1968. After graduation, she moved to Washington, D.C. to attend Juliet Gibson Finishing School. She returned to Richmond in 1971 and began a 40-year career working for The State of Virginia. Gail enjoyed collecting antiques and crystal, travel-

Mystery Book Club will be held at the Goochland Branch Library from 10 – 11 a.m. for those ages 18 and up. Call (804) 556-4774 or visit the library at 3075 River Road West for more information.
Saturday, Oct. 1
Toddler and Preschool Storytime will be held at the Goochland Branch Library from 10 - 10:30 a.m. for ages 2-5 with caregiver. Participants will enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Call (804) 556-4774 for moreJoininformation.Nicole from the Virginia Cooperative Extension, and Joey Shelton,
Road in Manakin Sabot, will be hosting a free Revive! Training class from 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m., offering participants the opportunity to learn how to save the life of a person suffering from an opioid overdose. The training will demonstrate how to use naloxone nasal spray, and supplies will be included. For more information, contact Deacon AB Taylor at (804) 514-8649 or Deacon Howard Leabough at

Tuesday, Sept. 27
Jerusalem Baptist Church, located at 994 Three Chopt
Family Storytime will be held at the Cochrane Rockville Branch Library from 10:30 -11 a.m. Participants will enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.Call (804) 749-3146 for more information.
Thursday, Sept. 29
The Rev. Fulton Patrick O’Donnell, loving husband and father, died on September 13, 2022. He is survived by Martha O’Donnell, his beloved wife of 48 years; his three children, Kate, Kelley and James; his sonsand daughter-inlaw, Steve, Trent and Nancy; and his grandchild, Selene. Born March 12, 1953 in McLean, Va., Pat was a graduate of Wharton at the University of Pennsylvania, a Captain in the Marine Corps, a management consultant
years, he also worked for the Virginia Capitol Police. Henry was known for his love of planes and flying. His biggest joy was working as Santa Claus during the Christmas season and sharing the magic of Christmas with children. Henry was preceded in death by his parents, May Westbrook Quinn and Lofton Allen Quinn. He is survived by his two sons and their wives, Doug Quinn and Michael Quinn; and numerous other relatives and friends.
A joint memorial service was held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, September 17, 2022 at Perkins Baptist Church, 3146 Hadensville-Fire Road, Goochland, Va. 23063. Arrangements were handled by Norman Funeral Chapel in Goochland, Va.
Toddler and Preschool Storytime will be held at the Goochland Branch Library from 10 - 10:30 a.m. for ages 2-5 with caregiver. Participants will enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Call (804) 556-4774 for more information.
see Calendar > page 12
Friday, Sept. 23
SeptemberThursday 22, 20224 Serving Goochland County Since 1955NEWS: What’s Going on in Goochland County Forsubscriptioninformation ordeliveryquestionscontact: MichelleWall 804-775-2711 8460TimesDispatchBlvd., Mechanicsville,VA23116 DebraHoffman, AssociateBroker OFFICE:347-3878 Workinghands-onwith directcontactthroughoutthe BuyingorSellingprocess. Residentand RealEstate Broker Specializing inRural PropertyforOver30Years CALL DEBRA&HER WINNING TEAM!!

Thursday, Sept. 22
Sunday, Sept. 25
Friday, Sept. 30
(804)Beulah337-5511.Baptist Church , located at 1633 Kents Store Way in Kents Store, welcomes all to join the church for its Homecoming celebration . Worship service begins at 11 a.m., with lunch immediately following
Community Calendar
ing and spending time in the mountains. She was known for her outgoing personality and her compassion for her family and friends. Gail was preceded in death by her father, Boyd Washington Grandstaff; mother, Alice Parrish Grandstaff; stepfather, Lee Roy Grandstaff; and her first husband, Warren Earl Loomis. She is survived by her dedicated brother, Boyd Grandstaff; sister, Sandra Able; nephew, Ben Able; lifelong friend, Carol Calder; and numerous other relatives and friends. Henry Quinn was born and raised in North Carolina. After graduating from high school, he joined the military to serve our country. He continued his career of service by becoming a firefighter. In his later
from James River Association at Tucker Park as they identify some of the most problematic plants in Goochland County and discuss management options. This free event will be held from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. and the rain date for Sept. 30. Free. All ages are welcome. For more information, contact Goochland County Parks and Recreation at (804) 556-5854.
The Rotary Club of Goochland will welcome officer Perry Barber, program director of Richmond Police Athletic League. The meeting starts at 7:30 a.m. and is held at The Residence Inn Short Pump at the Notch, 1800 Wilkes Ridge Circle.

Jerusalem Baptist Church, located at 994 Three Chopt Road in Manakin Sabot, will be hosting a free Revive!
and a Deacon in Catholic Church who lived and traveled around the world with his family before retiring in Virginia. Pat will be remembered for his devotion to his family and faith; and his love of great food, jokes, music and art. A Christian wake service will occur on September 22 at 7 p.m. A Mass of the Resurrection will be held on September 23 at 10:30 a.m. Both will occur at St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Powhatan, Va. A reception at the church hall will follow. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in Pat’s memory to St. Andrew’s School, 227 S. Cherry St., Richmond, Va. 23220 or to A Servant’s Heart Ministry, P.O. Box 9186, Richmond, Va. 23227.
Family Storytime will be held at the Cochrane Rockville Branch Library from 10:30 -11 a.m. Participants will enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. Call (804) 749-3146 for more information.

They must live or work in Goochland County.
Scouts with Goochland Troop 710 have backpacked over 208 miles and logged 250 miles of hiking this year alone. Girls Troop 710, which was established in 2019, had its first Female Eagle Scout in 2021 and two more are currently working on their Eagle rank.

5SeptemberThursday 22, 2022 Serving Goochland County Since 1955NEWS: What’s Going on in Goochland County VA’sLargestShow foroutdoorenthusiasts! seeyouthere! •225+Vendors •ProductDemos &Seminars •FunKids’Activities •LiveMusic •DeliciousFood •ShowSpecials •PrizeDrawings&more! rainor shine! justsomeofour2022 “don’tmiss” events... Experience Trailer admission& parkingfree forthe wholefamily! fun f 8am-6pm8am-5pm formore details scanthiscode orvisit:

the Handicraft Lodge. This program is for children ages 11-18, plus 10-year-olds who have finished the fifth grade. Families may visit any Monday and see what the program is all about, or visit the troop’s website
Courtesy photo

Looking for an excuse to get off your phone and be more active? How about learning some new life skills like getting CPR certified for a lifeguarding job next summer? Ever wanted to go hiking, biking, canoeing, or horseback riding with a group of friends? These are only a few examples of the world of Scouting in which young people can have a blast with their friends while preparing for life ahead and good citizenship. Boys and Girls Troop 710 can boast over 600 service
of Nov. 1. The application is available online at MyImpact. com, which can be reached through a link on the gpmga. orgForwebsite.more information, contact Rebecca Crow at (804) 598-7015 or
hours for our community, 250 miles biked, 208 miles of backpacking, 16 miles paddled and over 63 nights camped just in the last year. Boys Troop 710 has had over 90 young men become Eagle Scouts since the troop began. Girls Troop 710, which was established in 2019, had its first Female Eagle Scout in 2021 and two more are currently working on their Eagle rank.Both our boys and girls troops meet Monday at 7:15 p.m. at Camp T. Brady Saunders on the Cub Adventure side in

minimum of $25,000 annually.

Contributed Report
Habitat for Humanity of Goochland County is now accepting applications for the two homes they are building in 2023. Construction on these homes begins this winter.

They must have good credit.They must have a need for safe and affordable housing.
Classes will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The first class starts on Jan. 17, 2023, and classes continue through midApril. Training is followed by a 50-hour service internship. The application process opened Sept. 1 with a deadline
Master Gardener training class registration open
All of the following qualifications must be met before the family selection committee can begin to work with a prospectiveApplicantsfamily: must earn a

Planning is well underway for the 2023 class schedule for the Goochland-Powhatan Master Gardener Volunteer Training Class. Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who promote environmentally-sound horticultures.
release form is received, the family selection chair will contact applicants to discuss their housing situation. The USDA release forms can be picked up at 2948 River Road W., downloaded from the website, or requested by emailing,call(804)750-
Contributed report
Habitat seeking prospective families for two new homes
Contributed report
A Fire-Rescue show is planned for Saturday, Oct. 8, starting at 6 p.m. at Goochland High School in the back parking lot. Goochland Fire-Rescue will host an evening of fire and EMS dem-
They must sign and complete a USDA release form and email it to habitatgoochland@ signed USDA
onstrations for adults and children that will also kick off Fire Prevention Week. A small fireworks show is planned for the end of the evening.
This is a great opportunity to promote community
risk reduction, while showcasing the department. The department hopes residents will consider coming out and spending an evening with their local firefighters and EMS providers.
Scouting programs offer chance for both learning and adventure
Fire-Rescue show planned for Oct. 8
Editorial & Business Office and Mailing Address: 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Fax – (804) 344-8746
‘Safe zones’ for drug use, while well-intentioned, are not answer to opioid crisis
Classifieds Cindy Adams
In the five decades since Richard Nixon first declared America’s War on Drugs, the United States has spent over a trillion dollars to fight the problem. Are we to believe that, after all this time, we have come
to a place where the best we can do is to simply give in and accept addiction—which ultimately robs those who suffer from it of just about everything – as a part of life?
I just wanted to say how proud I am to be a part of the Goochland community and it should be shared!! Last night, myself and two children were in an accident. I had my son’s birthday cupcakes in the car to take to school to share with friends. They were
By Jim Ridolphi Contributing Columnist
Queen Elizabeth II visited more than 117 countries during
Phone – (804) 746-1235 Toll free – (877) 888-0449
The Local welcomes your signed letters to the editor on topics of interest to Goochland residents. Letters must include your address and a daytime telephone number. We reserve the right to edit letters. We do not guarantee that every letter received will be published. Letters reflect the opinions and positions of the writers and not The GoochlandSendGazette.letters to: The Goochland Gazette 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, Va. 23116 Fax: 344-8746 E-mail:
SeptemberThursday 22, 20226 Serving Goochland County Since 1955OPINION: Editorial, Letters to the Editor see Queen > page 7
© 2022 by Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. CAC Audited Circulation: 8,014.
But just as few would condone helping someone contemplating suicide to end his or her own life—using the logic that they were going to do it anyway—providing the means for an addict to continue abusing drugs flies in the face of all reason. If addiction is indeed a disease, those suffering from it deserve compassion, support and immediate access to treatment.What they don’t need are “solutions” that do nothing to help them reclaim their lives and put addiction behind them.
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,
When it comes to the way Americans approach the issue of drug abuse, and the people struggling with addiction, the past few decades have seen a number of positive changes.
personnel, where people are free to use illegal drugs without fear of legal consequences. More importantly, say supporters of these sites, those using drugs can do so knowing that, should they overdose, they will receive immediate treatment. Many of the facilities reportedly provide clean needles, sterile wipes and other supplies, all of it aimed at the ultimate goal of harmHarmreduction.reduction is an admirable goal, to be sure. But we also need to remember that illegal drugs cause harm that goes far beyond the end user. The drugs being used in supervised injection sites didn’t come from the corner market. They made it here via a criminal enterprise that brave men and women across our nation have given their lives to combat, a network that has filled our prisons, destroyed countless families and devastated entire neighborhoods in big cities and small towns alike.
Photo courtesy of Bethany Bonovitch
Editor Roslyn Ryan
sense.While it still remains a highly controversial measure, some cities around the nation have begun in recent months to explore the idea of safe injection sites. Just as the name suggests, these are specialized facilities, staffed by trained medical
Virginia was fortunate to host the queen on three separate occasions, and Her Royal Highness seemed to have a genuine affection for the Commonwealth.Earlyin her tenure, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip visited Jamestown and Williamsburg to honor the 350th anniversary of the founding of the first English colony in the New reports, more than 25,000 Virginians welcomed the royals to the newly formed Jamestown Festival Park.As a 7-year-old, I had little
Commonwealth and the queen enjoyed a special relationship
A sweet save: Goochland rescuers went above and beyond for boy’s birthday

her 70-year reign as England’s monarch. Due to the immense demands on her time, a return visit to any of those destinations was unusual.
completely ruined in the crash! Cameron and CJ of Company 6 calmed my children down and reassured them they were safe. However, the next morning they went above and beyond and dropped off new cupcakes for my boy at Byrd Elementary. I hope these gentlemen know how much they’ve touched my heart and what amazing men they are!
Sales Representative Tom Haynie
Sports Editor Robby Fletcher
Production Manager Denine D’Angelo
By Roslyn Ryan Editor
Publisher Joy Monopoli
While in years past users were ostracized and seen as weak-minded or immoral, mountains of research and countless studies have now shifted our perspective. We now understand far more about the nature of dependency, how people fall victim to it and why it can be nearly impossible to free one’s self from its grip. And, perhaps most importantly, we have moved toward treating those suffering through drug addiction with far more compassion than we once Compassion,did. however, should not preclude common
God bless the people doing this work, and all of those willing to do whatever they can to help combat the skyrocketing death toll of our current opioid crisis. It certainly appears to come from a place of love, and the burnout rate for those staffing safe injection sites in places like Canada—where they are far more prevalent than in the U.S.—is reportedly approaching crisis levels.
Managing Editor Laura McFarland
shrapnel. They were exclusively for training purposes, and only sergeants were allowed to carry them.“You know, we could throw the simulator into their area,” I said, kidding. I wasn’t going to do it because they’re dangerous—the explosion could throw a rock into somebody’s eye or something. A corporal from North Carolina whose last name was Patrick said, “Well, give it to me, I’ll do it!” He grabbed it out of my hand, and before I could stop him, pulled the pin and threw it over the edge of the cliff.
Later that day, the queen was received at the College of William and Mary by 6,000 fans gathered on the lawn of the Wren Building.
I volunteered for the draft in the spring of 1971 during the Vietnam War, and Richard Nixon came through for me. In October of that year, after waiting for 10 days in Fort Lewis, Washington, to ship out to Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, our orders were changed to South Korea. Nixon had started a diversion, so I didn’t go into combat. I was in the combat zones in South Korea on the DMZ but we never got shot at that I know of, so it really doesn’t count. We just played games for 13 months, wasting two years of my life before I got out. My hat is off to the real soldiers, and I mean that. God bless you guys, everybody who went into a firefight and didn’t run is a hero. Every one of you!
One of our last conversations involved that momentous trip in 1976 and his role in the visit. As a member of the team who officially welcomed the queen at the Albermale Airport, he recalled his brief encounter withOnroyalty.thetrip from the airport to the campus, thousands lined up along Route 29 to greet Queen Elizabeth.
appreciation for the importance of the visit, but I could sense a special feeling of excitement as my father and mother loaded us into our old Plymouth for the ride to Jamestown.Wegota brief glimpse of the queen and her husband as she greeted the throngs of visitors who waved and jockeyed for position to get a better view of royalty.
One night I was Sergeant of the Guard, and we were just south of the DMZ, guarding an engineer company and their equipment. Everybody was irritated because nobody pulled guard duty for us, we had to pull duty both for our stuff and the engineers. There was a roughly 100-foot cliff the engineers had set up their tent at the bottom of, and our tent was above it on the ridgeline. My squad was standing at the edge of the cliff, looking down. I had an artillery simulator with me. It’s like a flashbang grenade as they call them now, only much bigger. It was a simulation of an artillery round going off, with a huge explosion and the flash, but no
“Oh shoot, I can’t believe he did that!” I thought. We watched it bounce two or three times going down the cliff. On the last bounce, it rolled into the tent. The simulator went off and the engineers came bounding out, bent over double, wearing nothing but underwear, coughing and blinded by the flash. I couldn’t believe it had rolled inside their tent! I laughed so hard I almost gagged. I couldn’t breathe. I went back to the guard tent and waited for the MPs to come get me for fragging the engineers, but they never showed up.
Stevens said, “You can’t pull guard duty; you’re the Sergeant of the Guard!”
I replied, “I am, sir.”
Editor’s note: The following contribution is part of the Gazette’s continuing series “Tell Me a Story,” in which we ask our readers to share tales from their own lives or the lives of family members.
I was feeling around quietly for something hard I could hit him with, and all I could grab were my boots. My cot must have squeaked, because he dropped the match and took off like crazy. His feet were pounding that dirt road for the longest time. I shouted, to speed him along.After things quieted down and I was lying on my cot thinking about how I had been waked up, a Jeep came sliding up to the front of the tent with the headlights on bright, and I figured “This is it, they’re coming for me.” I walked outside with my shirt unbuttoned, my dog tags swinging, boots on without socks,and no hat.
Tell Me a Story
on the campus for decades and was involved in many aspects of campus life.
Years after that visit I spoke with a man who served on the greeting committee at University of Virginia and he recalled his experiences that day as he accompanied the queen from the airport to the campus.John Herring served as director of Newcomb Hall
The guard duty rules with the engineers were that nobody had to patrol anything, but somebody had to stay awake. After the evening was wearing off everybody was bored, and the ones who were supposed to be on duty fell asleep. I had gone to sleep as well, thinking that when they change duties and wake up the next guy, they would wake me up also.
I saluted, saying, “Lieutenant, Sergeant Agnew, Sergeant of the HeGuard.”said, “Where’s your guard—who’s on guard duty?”
Queen Elizabeth returned to the area in 1976 to commemorate the nation’s bicentennial celebration and again visited Williamsburg and other portions of the state, including Charlottesville.
Queen continued from >6
That night (after the artillery simulator incident), we were in a big 20-man tent, and everybody was asleep, including me. I woke up about 3 a.m. when that same young lady kissed me on the lips. As I woke up she pulled back, shaking her head. She blew out the match she was holding, and like a whisper, disappeared under the edge of the tent. I was lying there on my cot, thinking, “Man, that was the best way I’ve been waked up since being in the army!”Afewminutes later, a South Korean thief dressed in all black struck a match, looking around for something to steal.
I never heard a word about the artillery incident and didn’t get busted down to private— that was it. Either the engineers didn’t turn us in, or whoever received the complaint laughed, since nobody was hurt and therefore everything was good.
7SeptemberThursday 22, 2022
the mother was, and that’s how I spent the afternoon.
I was fortunate to meet John late in his life as a neighbor. His kindness was immediately evident as he often left goodies on my doorstep for my three small children.
The headlights stayed on, and a voice from the other side said, “This is Lieutenant Stevens, Officer of the Day.”
John’s immense dedication to the arts allowed him to welcome numerous artists and musicians to the campus as he managed and produced the University’s Artist Series.
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Across cultures, a friendship blossomed
It’s just a small part of the legacy left behind of a relationship a queen enjoyed with Virginia, a state fortunate to receive her visits several times during her reign.
The first thing that came to mind was, “Sir, my men have been working real hard lately, I’m pulling guard duty for them. I’m giving them the nightHeoff.”was silent for a minute, then said, “Carry on, Sergeant,” and rolled off.
Earlier in the day at a village, I was teasing a young lady about how pretty she was. Her aunt or mother was with her, laughing at the girl’s discomfort because I was teasing her rather relentlessly. I think she was actually enjoying it, and I know
My friend and neighbor passed away in 2012, but the story survives and seems appropriate for this sad week in royal history.
The queen’s party departed early the next morning for Washington and a visit with President Dwight Eisenhower, and we made it to our home in Richmond. It was a visit my parents would recall for years. My sister and I were less impressed as we were probably too young to appreciate the importance of the queen’s visit.
As they progressed along the route, John attempted to ignore the piercing odor not unfamiliar to Virginians, the smell of a Accordingskunk.tohis account, the queen was curious and asked about the origin of the unique odor to which John explained, “That’s a Virginia skunk, Your Majesty,” he said.
A little bit of a clash of cultures there, but we stayed good friends for the rest of the time I was in Korea. She was a good girl, and apparently her mother had overheard the thief, and sent her to wake me up that night, to warn me. Although, I never told her mother how she did it.
By Jack Agnew Contributing Columnist
I did get to thank the young lady for waking me up, saving my bacon twice that night, once with the thief, and the second time when it appeared as if I was on guard duty when the lieutenant showed up. Her mother let us go for a walk in the mountains and on the way back, she started catching grasshoppers and stringing them on a weed, up through the collar on the back of their neck. I asked in my broken Korean (that I spoke pretty well), “Are you going to eat them?” She said she was, so I started helping catch them, figuring that they’ve got to be way better than what they give us in the mess hall. I could find, and she said, “No, that’s silly, you don’t eat the brown ones— they’re bitter! You eat the green ones” I said, “Well, how in the world would I know what color grasshoppers to get; I’ve never eaten one in my life! I’ve never even thought about it.”
Photo by Robby Fletcher
Cougars on win streak after beating Gators
The Cougars added one more in the second quarter courtesy of senior Mia Smutz to make the lead 5-0 entering the halfway point.
Alston had a few big plays during the game, including runs of 28 and 35 yards in the second quarter. On his 35-yard run, the junior nearly won a foot race to the endzone after his line cleared a lane down the middle for him
Photos by Robby Fletcher
Goochland football falls to 0-3 after loss to Armstrong

Goochland football is still searching for its first win this season.Taking on the Armstrong Wildcats at home on Friday, Sept. 16, the Bulldogs got off to a hot start with a 90-yard kickoff return for a touchdown by junior Derek Pierce, but the Wildcats quickly bounced back and pounced on a young defense to the tune of 376 yards of total offense in the 26-14 final.
to fight until the final whistle though. That hard work pressuring the ball paid off, and senior Annie Smith found the net for the team right as the buzzer sounded to give her team a thrilling jolt of excitement as they walked off the field.
a penalty corner in St. Gertrude’s favor.The goal means so much more than just a point on the scoresheet for the rising Gators program. It was the first time since 2015 that the Gators found the net against the powerhouse that is the Cougars, and while the final result stayed the same,
SeptemberThursday 22, 20228 Serving Goochland County Since 1955SPORTS: Youth, High School, College, Recreational, Professional
Left, St. Gertrude’s Elizabeth Saunders looks to pass in the team’s 8-1 loss to Collegiate on the road on Sept. 15. Right, Collegiate’s Eva Lareau makes a play on the ball.
Goochland’s offense gener-
Collegiate could only be contained for so long though, as they added three more goals in the final period of play. After a great kick save from Boyd with 12:30 to play in the game, senior Izzy Lee got the Cougars back on the board after the pressure near the net proved too much to handle. Lee scored a long-range
St. Gertrude plays again on Thursday, Sept. 22 against Virginia Episcopal School at home while Collegiate takes on Deep Run on Friday, Sept. 23 at home.
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
ated 168 yards of its own during the game, 153 of which came on the ground. Running backs Jamason Pryor and Jack Alston had strong performances against the Armstrong defense, with the team’s sturdy offensive line creating lanes and punishing defenders to help create holes for their playmakers to hit.
Smith’s goal was a rebound near the left side of the net after
coaches Regina Ryan and Heather Nichols were ecstatic to see the fight their team demonstrated in the fourth quarter.
Goochland football players break the huddle in a game against Collegiate on Sept. 2. Goochland took on the Armstrong Wildcats on Sept. 16.
terback who was rushed into a decision from a well-executed was a fumble recovery from senior Nik Cotner in the third quarter. Cotner’s had a knack for being around the ball so far this season and can thank a good strip from interior rusher Chase
backhander to make it 6-0.
The Goochland defense had problems stopping a tough Wildcats attack, but was able to get off the field by forcing two turnovers during the game. The first was an interception from junior Austen Grady in the second quarter, who was the recipient of a prayer thrown on the run from the Wildcats quar-
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
In the 8-1 victory, the Cougars jumped out to a 4-0 lead at the end of the first quarter, stifling the up and coming Gators with crisp passing and fast-paced runs into the circle. The fourth goal came from junior Callie Rogers, who hit a rocket shot with five minutes to go.
TheBreedlove.Bulldogs will look to get their first win when they travel to Western Albemarle to take on the Warriors on Friday, Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. Western Albemarle currently holds a 2-2 record so far this season.
The St. Gertrude field hockey team took on the always dynamic Collegiate Cougars on their home field at their Robins Campus in Goochland County on Sept. 15, and the Cougars again put on a dominant display in front of their home fans.

The Cougars added two more after that one, with one coming again from Rogers with an unsavable backhander that saw her slice inside to beat a defender and lift the shot off her stick and into the net with 3:35 to Thego. Gators continued
In the third quarter, the Gators deserve a lot of credit for their halftime adjustments on defense, holding the hungry Cougars scoreless thanks to some strong communication and some nice saves in the net by senior goalie Camille Boyd.
to hit and bounce out of near the sideline.Pryor, meanwhile, scored the offense’s lone touchdown in the fourth quarter, hitting the endzone with a 5-yard score to make it a 26-14 game.
On the court directly next to her, No. 2 Sophie Sands
Buchanan ran the 5K race with a final time of 19:41.90, good for 112th place out of 180 runners. In 146th came freshman Maverick Rizk with a time of 20:57.10.
The Cougars saw two more 8-0 wins from their No. 3 and No. 4 players, as Claiborne Dillard and McKenna Boardman brought the team’s lead out of singles competition to 4-1. In the battle between No. 6 players, Collegiate’s Eloise Revere ended things on a high note in a good matchup with Neisha Schick, who battled hard and took two games, but ultimately fell in an 8-2 contest.Indoubles, Ottley and Dillard proved too much to handle for the duo of Kendyl Wright and Losch, winning that set 8-1. Sands and her teammates Jordan Gross also won another game for Collegiate over Woodson and Kruezer while Morchower and
For the Goochland Bulldogs, it was an active week for the cross country team, who also ran at a meet hosted by Fluvanna County on Sept. 14. Thirteen Bulldogs, some from Goochland Middle School, competed at Hardy National, led by a strong performance from eighth grader Hadley Harlow’s fifth place finish in the girls middle school 2.5K race and a
Cross country runners from Goochland, Benedictine, St. Gertrude and Collegiate came together to compete at the 2022 Fork Union Cross Country Invitational held at Hardy National XC Course on Saturday, Sept. 17.

The Cougars also finished 10th of 19 schools in the girls Patriot 5K led by a 23rd place
Collegiate tennis takes command at home over SGHS

Collegiate girls tennis has long been a powerhouse program that’s had St. Gertrude’s High School’s number when the two local teams met on the courts, and while the overall result was no different in their meeting on Monday, Sept. 19, St. Gertrude was able to walk away with a positive sign of progress.Thedynamic Cougars left their home courts with a 8-1 win to improve to a still perfect 6-0 record, while the Gators move to 3-3.
Everything else went Collegiate’s way, with No. 1 player and 2021 All-State second teamer Lucy Ottley winning her match against St. Gertrude player Mary Margaret Losch with a convincing 8-0 performance.
St. Gertrude will look to get back on track with a matchup at home against Virginia Episcopal School on Thursday, Sept. 22 in a game that starts at 4:30 p.m.
16th place finish from junior Megan Reid in the girls Patriot 5K.Harlow finished with a time of 10 minutes, 49.4 seconds among 67 runners in the middle school event, while Reid had an excellent time of 22:35.1 in a 5K race that had 169Incompetitors.theboys5K, Goochland senior David Johnson and juniors Luke Farkas, Kadin Nitsch and Jarin Evans all finished within the top-50. Johnson’s time of 20:15.60 placed him in 35th, Farkas’ time of 20:17.1 put him at 37th, Nitsch’s 20:20.6 result had him in 42nd and Evans’ 20:35.50 placed him in 48th.
the team finished third out of 16 teams, just behind first place Pacers Homeschool and Albemarle in the standings. The team averaged a time of 21:04, accumulated 89 points and had one top-10 finisher in a packed race.
Photo by Robby Fletcher
From left to right: Collegiate No. 1 Lucy Ottley, Collegiate No. 2 Sophie Sands and St. Gertrude No. 5 Erin Woodson compete in a matchup at Collegiate on Sept. 19.
That top-10 finisher, senior M.K. Myers, had an explosive performance at Hardy National that placed him in seventh with a time of 19:56.60. Collegiate had four more runners place within the top-50, with eighth grader Rosie Ferrell taking 16th at 20:43.50, sophomore Sophie Sloan finishing 22nd at 21:14.00, eighth grader Virginia Harris finishing 28th at 21:22.00 and lastly junior Giles Ferrell in 41st place at 22:02.40. The boys team also
Senior Stan Craig was the star of the show, running past nearly every athlete for a second place run of 19:19.10 that was 16 seconds behind first place. Craig just finished ahead of third place runner Biruk Beardsley of St. Anne’sBelfied.The
Goochland county teams meet at Fork Union invitational
Robby Fletcher can be reached at
The Cougars were again the better team out on the courts, but it was a positive step forward in the right direction for a Gators program that’s trended upward with a promising group that’s competed well in
Robby Fletcher can be reached at
run from senior Nat Lurie at 23:03.50.Thebest time from the boys Patriot 5K was from Cougars senior Whit Wallace in 25th place with a time of 19:51.30.ForBenedictine, it finished in 22nd in the Colonial 5K with senior Charles Buchanan having the best time among seven Cadets teammates.
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
the LIS. The two teams will face each other again on Oct. 4 at the Gators’ home courts.
The Cougars will look to continue their perfect start to the season when they go on the road to take on Potomac School on Friday, Sept. 23 at 5 p.m.
had a productive day in the Colonial 5K, finishing ninth of 25 competing schools with a team score of 225 and an average finish time of 18:10.
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
It was a productive outing for Collegiate’s athletes as well. In the girls Colonial 5K,
Ann Carter Arendale defeated Schick and Alex Blaylock, 8-2.
9SeptemberThursday 22, 2022 Serving Goochland County Since 1955SPORTS: Youth, High School, College, Recreational, Professional
Contributed Photo Runner compete at the Fork Union Cross Country Invitational held at Hardy National XC Course on Sept. 17.
dropped one game to Saint Gertrude counterpart Julia Kruezer, but she ultimately came away with an 8-1 victory.
The win was St. Gertrude’s first against Collegiate in nine years, something head coach Richard Razzetti said was nothing short of epic and a defining example to point to when discussing the strides the team has made over the past fewWoodson,seasons. a first-year tennis player, looked like a seasoned veteran out on the court, quickly jumping out to an early lead against Malone Morchower and running away with it late to give the Cougars their lone defeat of the day.
Cougars had two more top-50 runners in the event, sophomore Liam Moore, who ran a 18:19.90 result good for 45th place, and junior Liam Harbour, who finished 47th with a finish of 18:17.50.
St. Gertrude, who as a team finished 16th in the Colonial 5K, had a 74th place finish from junior Annie Adamson with a time of 23.41.50 and senior teammate Christa Tuohy finished in under 30 minutes with a time of 29:17.
That one win from the Gators side came from newcomer and No. 5 player Erin Woodson, who took down Collegiate’s Malone Morchower with an 8-1 set that meant more than just your average match victory.
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SeptemberThursday 22, 202210 Serving Goochland County Since 1955

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Calendar continued from >4 HOME:
The Second Union (Rosenwald) School Museum, Inc. will be sponsoring a Spaghetti Fundraiser Event from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8. The donation per plate is $10, which includes spaghetti, garlic bread, tossed salad, a drink and dessert. Dinners are for pick up orders only and those picking up must have a ticket (no walk-in orders). Those
who would like to purchase a ticket may do so from any board member or contact Calvin Hopkins at (804) 457-3132 for more information.
Saturday, Nov. 12
St. Francis Episcopal Church, 1484 Hockett Rd (Rt. 623), Manakin
Saturday, Oct. 8
Saturday, Oct. 22
Eliminating invasive species to open up wooded areas to more sunlight can sometimes be counter-productive. Opening up the canopy to assist native species can also help invasive plants take hold. In my area of Central Virginia, I have a lot of autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata). Autumn olive berries feed many species of birds but so in turn the birds spread the berries and propagate more autumn olives. Same holds true for the multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) an invasiveMultifloraspecies.rose or Japanese rose is more often confused with blackberry bushes than
By Virginia McCown Contributed report
to their deep roots, roses will survive extended droughts. Feeding and pest control are minimal. Every region has some bane that affects its roses. Blackspot and mildew haunt regions with high humidity. Powdery mildew is a problem in hot weather. Rust, resembling orange spots on the undersides of leaves, is another problem in our region. Even hardy native roses can succumb to these blights.
Saturday, Oct. 15
Join Goochland County Parks and Rec from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for a day of anime, comics, manga, cosplay, games, contests and more. This convention will be complete with both live and virtual panels, cosplay contests, raffles, tabletop gaming, a fully stocked vendor room, food trucks and an anime café to sit and enjoy your snacks, treats and meals! The cost is $15 and all ages are welcome. For more information, contact Goochland County Parks and Recreation at (804) 556-5854. Ideas, Tips and
All roses need at least six hours of full sun per day. Most rose species such as Rosa virginiana do not require support. And….. thanks
Join Bee Kreative and paint a stepby-step Birch tree painting using acrylic paint! Aprons and all materials will be provided. Come ready to have a good time! This program will be held from 10 a.m. to noon, and
The wild rose can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 3a through 8b. It’s often seen in coastal areas where other plants fail to thrive. In full summer bloom, they’re a beautiful sight found near the seaside. They’re often the only plant growing other than beach grasses as the Virginia rose is resistant to salt spray. Here in Central Virginia, it prefers sandy soils or loam with a neutral pH from 6.0 to 7.0. Roses will tolerate a wide range of soils as long as the soil is well drained. They will not survive if their roots sit in brackish or boggy water. Roses have long, deep tap roots. A rose bed should be at least 2 feet deep. Fall preparation of the bed is recommended. Allowed to over winter and settle, the bed will be ready for spring planting. Keep roses at least 2 feet apart when planting.
Goochland County Parks and Recreation and the Matthew Smiles Foundation will come together for a 5K Color Run at 7 a.m. Matthew Cabral was a young boy that was full of life and love. In December 2020 the Cabral family and the world lost Matthew to suicide. The Cabral family founded Matthew “Smiles” to help other families find the help they need. The funds raised from this race will help with depression and suicide awareness in youth. The cost to participate is $30. For more information, contact Goochland County
A little bit of knowledge can a be dangerous thing
It’s not hard. I grew mine from seeds taken from rose hips I had gathered. I often collect the hips in autumn to prepare a tasty marmalade. Since there are more seeds than fruit contained in these shiny red fruits, seed saving is easy. It’s easiest to grow from seed. If this isn’t possible, a plant can be started from stem cuttings.
Virginia McCown is a master gardener and master food volunteer living in Central Virginia along with her vegetable garden and assorted creatures both great and small.
A beautiful sight: Adding native roses to your landscape
SeptemberThursday 22, 202212 Serving Goochland County Since 1955
Training class from 9 – 10 a.m. For more information, contact Deacon AB Taylor at (804) 514-8649 or Deacon Howard Leabough at (804) 337-5511.
In the Garden
Parks and Recreation at (804) 5565854.Nothing says “Fall” like a wellplaced DIY sign on your front porch. Join Bee Kreative and paint a predrawn wooden sign for your porch. Want to make your own? No worries! The other side will be blank for you to express yourself. Wood slice and all materials will be provided. Come ready to paint and have a good time! This program will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. and the cost is $45. Participants must be at least 16. For more information, contact Goochland County Parks and Recreation at (804) 556-5854.
The Carolina Rose, Rosa carolina, is also a native in the Central Virginia region. I have several specimens here on my property in southern Cumberland County. The Carolina Rose’s stems have straight, needle-like thorns. This trait differentiates it from R. virginiana and R. palustris, which have curved thorns. The Carolina Rose’s flower blooms have five light pink petals and a yellow center. Flowers are typically formed on the ends of the current year’s growth. There is no repeat bloom. The Carolina rose’s “hips” are smaller and less sweet than those from the Rosa virginiana. Rosa virginiana, on the other hand, repeats flowering its lovely red blooms at least twice a season.
How can I start a wild rose?
Providence Presbyterian Church, located at 3388 Three Chopt Road, is celebrating its 275th anniversary from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The celebration will feature a bluegrass band, games for kids, Brunswick stew and Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson reenactors from noon – 2 p.m. All are welcome.
The 1 to 3-inch flowers vary from yellow to gold, but here in Virginia they’re more commonly pink or dark pink.
with our native Virginia rose (Rosa virginiana). Multiflora rose can be distinguished by its clusters of numerous tiny red rose hips and a tendency to climb. Its flowers are often white. Multiflora roses were introduced about 50 years ago into Virginia and the Southeast near highways and borders of farmlands to prevent erosion and to help provide food for wildlife. Keep in mind: blackberry bushes form blackberries. Multiflora roses form rose hips. About 15 years ago I was dumbfounded when a neighboring landowner applied herbicides to dozens of blackberry bushes. He confused the native shrubs with the invasive multiflora roses. He thought he had done a good thing. He didn’t. After the herbicides washed into a nearby creek, the land eventually began yielding invasive plants including Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) as well as our new best friend, autumn olive. When removing invasive plants, it’s important to dig up most of the roots. If this isn’t feasible, apply herbicides before the fruits form. For further reading, on this subject consult the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) gov/blog/eliminating-invasives-back-yard-40/.https://dwr.virginia.
Saturday, Nov. 5
Sabot, will be holding a multi-community yard sale from 9 a.m. – noon.
Where can I plant a wild rose?
Stein wrote, “A rose is a rose is a That’srose.”not entirely true. There are as many roses as famous people that loved or hated them. Our own native rose, Rosa virginiana, sometimes called a wild rose or Virginia rose, attracts pollinators while flowering. Later in the season it provides food in the way of rose hips. Rose hips are what becomes of the spent flowers of a rose. High in vitamin C for all species, the hips serve as autumn food for birds and other creatures. Native rose bushes also offer protective areas for wildlife.
the cost is $40. Participants must be at least 16. For more information contact Goochland County Parks and Recreation at (804) 556-5854.
Tending to backyard vegetable gardens can fill many hours of enjoyable downtime in the great outdoors. What’s more, the bounty produced by such gardens provides healthy, fresh foods to gardeners and their loved Althoughones.spring and summer are widely seen as the peak of gardening season, the mild temperatures of autumn can be a prime time for planting vegetables as well. Certain late-season treats like carrots, kale, spinach, and turnips can thrive in fall gardens. Many different foods are quick crops that can go from seed to table in about six weeks. When sown in early fall, these vegetables will be ready to put on the table for mid-October feasts. Beets, green onions, broccoli, and cabbages can be planted in late summer for fall harvest.
13SeptemberThursday 22, 2022 Serving Goochland County Since 1955 CLASSIFIEDS: Call (804) 746-1235 x 3 to place an ad.

Pointers planting
A handful of unique factors need to be taken into consideration when planning fall vegetable gardens:

UserswhoneedaccessibilityassistancecancontacttheCountybyphone throughtheFederalInformationRelayServiceat1-800-877-8339forTTY/Voice communication. Meetingaccommodationsincludinginterpretersareprovideduponrequest DeputyClerk:804-556-5811
If using an existing garden site, clear out any detritus from summer plants and any weeds that have sprouted. If you are planting a new garden, remove any turf before tilling the soil.Amend
2022District5,2011District5-RZ-2022-00007ApplicationbyTheBenedictineSchoolsofRichmond,Inc.and BenedictineSocietyofVirginiarequestingarezoningof15.479acresfromResidential,Limited(R-1),withproffered conditions,toAgricultural,Limited(A-2),withprofferedconditions,at370PembrokeLaneonTaxMapNos. 66-8-0-8-0and63-39-0-B-0.TheComprehensivePlandesignatesthisareaasSingleFamilyResidential, MediumDensity.
Contributed report
The summertime loca-
Some plants may need a little protection as they grow if temperatures begin to dip. Cover with a blanket, cardboard box or plastic tunnel to insulate.Remember to water according to the vegetables planted and to keep an eye on readiness for vegetables. Turnips, beets, rutabagas, and carrots can be dug out when the roots are plump and crisp.
2022District4;2011District5-CU-2022-00010ApplicationbyNicoleandSteveTyrellrequestingaConditionalUse Permitforadetachedaccessoryfamilyhousinguniton2.8acresat780SneadRoadonTaxMapNo.63-1-0-99-0. ThepropertyiszonedAgricultural,Limited(A-2).TheConditionalUsePermitisrequiredbyCountyZoningOrdinance Section15-112,inaccordancewithSection15-285.A.TheComprehensivePlandesignatesthisareaasSingleFamily Residential,LowDensity.
Gardeners who live in hardiness zones eight through 10 (the southern portion of the United States) can plant fall vegetables as late as December. Many of these plants can tolerate light frost, which may even help sweeten the vegetables.
2022District2;2011District2-CU-2022-00011ApplicationbyNicholasandBrittanyFlemionrequestinga ConditionalUsePermitforunhostedshort-termrentalon2acresat3067ThreeChoptRoadonTaxMapNo. 21-6-0-1-0.ThepropertyiszonedAgricultural,Limited(A-2).TheConditionalUsePermitisrequiredbyCountyZoning OrdinanceSection15-112,inaccordancewithSection15-285.G.TheComprehensivePlandesignatesthisareaas RuralEnhancement.
PUBLICHEARINGNOTICE GoochlandCountyBoardofSupervisors Tuesday,October4,2022,6:00PM GoochlandCountyAdministrationBuilding 1800SandyHookRd.,P.O.Box10,Goochland,VA23063 BoardMeetingRoomSuite250 Viewcountymeeting: IFYOUHAVECOMMENTSONTHESEPUBLICHEARINGITEMS,PLEASESENDCOMMENTS TOBOSCOMMENT@GOOCHLANDVA.USORCONTACT804-556-5811.
Vegetable gardens need not cease when the last days
2022District5,2011District5-CU-2022-00008ApplicationbyTheBenedictineSchoolsofRichmond,Inc.and BenedictineSocietyofVirginiarequestingaConditionalUsePermitforathleticfieldson15.479acresat370Pembroke LaneonTaxMapNos.66-8-0-8-0and63-39-0-B-0.Theapplicantisrequestingrezoningwiththepreviouscase.The ConditionalUsePermitisrequiredbyCountyZoningOrdinanceSection15-112.TheComprehensivePlandesignatesthis areaasSingleFamilyResidential,MediumDensity.
2022District5,2011District5-RZ-2022-00008ApplicationbyJohnStefana/k/aJ.StefanCametasandJodyCametas requestingarezoningofa1.002-acreportionofTaxMapNo.66-1-0-9-0fromResidential,Limited(R-1),withproffered conditions,toAgricultural,Limited(A-2)at350PembrokeLane.TheComprehensivePlandesignatesthisareaasSingle FamilyResidential,MediumDensity.
tion of the garden may still be adequate, but be sure to choose a location that gets eight full hours of sunlight per day.
MetroCreative Photo
vegetables this fall
the soil with sand, compost, manure fertilizer, and any other nutrients needed depending on the types of vegetables you intend to grow.While fall vegetables can be grown successfully from seeds, it may be more timefriendly to work from larger transplants, advises the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension.
Dialbyyourlocation:+13863475053USor+1 5642172000US MeetingID:4864389308,Passcode:478521
Districts2&3,Monday,October17,6:30p.m. CountyAdministrationBuildingBoardMeeting Room250,1800SandyHookRd.,Goochland Districts4&5,Wednesday,October26,6:30p.m. ResidenceInnatTheNotch, 1800WilkesRidgeCircle,Richmond L3RyYzcvZ2dsWXVFa2RCZlpDQT09 Zoomusersclickellipses(…)inbottomright corner,thenclick“RaiseHand”.
SeptemberThursday 22, 202214 Serving Goochland County Since 1955 CLASSIFIEDS: Call (804) 746-1235 x 3 to place an ad. LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS 746-1235 ForthelatestinCommunity News,BusinessNews,Sports, Engagements&Weddings, BirthAnnouncements, StudentNews,Letterstothe Editor,CommunityCalendar Events,Obituaries,and ClassifiedAdvertisingread TheGoochlandGazette!
CU-2022-00012ApplicationbySteven&LauraMaestrellorequestingaConditional UsePermitforadetachedaccessaryfamilyhousinguniton15.01acresat6Roads EndLaneonTaxMapNo.67-10-0-24-0.ThepropertyiszonedResidential,Limited (R-1).TheConditionalUsePermitisrequiredbyCountyZoningOrdinanceSection 15-152,inaccordancewithSection15-285.A.TheComprehensivePlandesignates thisareaasSingleFamilyResidential,MediumDensity.
CU-1989-00014BApplicationbyColumbiaGasTransmission,LLC/TCEnergy requestingamendmenttoConditionalUsePermitCU-1989-00014Atoconstruct newcompressorsandauxiliarybuildingsattheexistingcompressorstationon29.6 acresat1436HermitageRoadonTaxMapNo.58-1-0-24-0.Thepropertyiszoned Agricultural,Limited(A-2).TheConditionalUsePermitisrequiredbyCountyZoning OrdinanceSection15-112.TheComprehensivePlandesignatesthisareaasRural Enhancement.

Thepublicisinvitedtoattendanyandallmeetingsin personorjoinviaZoom!
Byjoiningthemeetinglive,youwillbeprovidedan opportunitytomakecomments.
MondaythroughFriday,8:30a.m.–5:00p.m. Meetingaccommodationsincluding interpretersareprovideduponrequest. Telephone:556-5860(TDD711(VirginiaRelay))
Anyonemayattendtoexpressopinionsontheabove. FulltextoftheaboveinformationisavailableinthePlanningOffice, 1800SandyHookRoad,Suite280 Goochland,VA23063
Citizensareabletosubmitquestionsinadvance oftheTownHallbyemailingthemto:
TheGoochlandCountyBoardofSupervisors andSchoolBoardhavescheduled jointTownHallMeetingsinOctoberasfollows: District1,Thursday,October13,6:30p.m. ByrdElementarySchool, 2704HadensvilleFifeRd.,Goochland

Dialinuserswhowishtospeakcanraisetheirhand bypressing*9ontheircellphones.
RassawekVineyardLLCTradingasRassawek VineyardDBARassawekWinery,6276River RoadWest,Columbia,VA23038
Salesubjecttoallconditions,restrictions,reservationsandeasements,ifanyofrecordand nowapplicablethereto.
InexecutionofadeedoftrustfromASHLEY HAMILTONALLENandWILLIAMGARNETT DABNEY,datedOctober4,2018,intheoriginal principalamountof$111,559.16,recordedin theClerk’sOfficeoftheCountyofGoochland, Virginia,asInstrumentNumber180003093, SethE.Twery,P.C.havingbeenappointedSole ActingTrusteepursuanttothetermsofthe DeedofTrust,duetodefaultinpaymentofthe debtsecured,theundersignedSoleActing Trusteewillofferforsaleatthefrontofthe CircuitCourtfortheCountyofGoochland,on the4thdayofOctober,2022,at11:00a.m.,certainrealestateknownas4085CedarPlains Road,SandyHook,Virginia23153,situatedin theCountyofGoochland,Virginiadescribed asfollows:
Allthatcertainpieceorparcelofland,withimprovementsthereonandtheretobelonging,lyingandbeingsituatedintheLickingholeDistrictofGoochlandCounty,Virginia,approximately½mileeastofOldForestGroveChurch andcontaining3.08acres,moreorless,accordingtoaplatofsurveymadebyKenneth MKHartandAssociates,ProfessionalLand Surveyors,onSeptember10,1986,whichplat isattachedtothedeedrecordedintheOffice oftheClerk,CircuitCourt,GoochlandCounty, Virginia,inDeedBook207,atPage202.
JosephE.Liesfeld,Manager/Member Datepostedonbuilding:September14,2022
4085CedarPlainsRoad,SandyHook, Virginia23153(GoochlandCo.,VA)
FORINFORMATIONCONTACT: SethE.Twery,Esq. SethE.Twery,P.C. P.O.Box185 Lynchburg,VA24505-0185 (434)845-5285

15SeptemberThursday 22, 2022 Serving Goochland County Since 1955 CLASSIFIEDS: Call (804) 746-1235 x 3 to place an ad.

Theaboveestablishmentisapplyingtothe VIRGINIAALCOHOLBEVERAGECONTROL (ABC)AUTHORITYforaFarmWineryLicense tosellormanufactureralcoholicbeverages
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TOGETHERWITHapermanentnon-exclusive easementright-of-wayforaccess,ingressand egress,fromStateRoute611tothehereinconveyedpropertyasestablishedbythatcertain DeedofEasementandRight-of-WayandPartialVacationofExistingEasementAgreement, datedNovember30,2006,recordedinthe Clerk’sOfficeoftheCircuitCourtofGoochland CircuitCourtonJanuary18,2007,asInstrumentNumber970000195,andre-recordedin February26,2007asInstrumentNumber 070000982,whicheasementisshownanddepictedonthatcertainplatofsurveyentitled "PLATSHOWING2.82ACRESOFLANDSITUATEDONTHESOUTHSIDEOFCEDARPLAINS ROAD,STATEROUTE611,LICKINGHOLEDISTRICT,GOOCHLANDCOUNTY,VIRGINIA,"datedSeptember6,2006,revisedJanuary17, 2007,preparedbyHarveyL.Parks,Inc.,acopy ofwhichplatisrecordedintheaforesaid Clerk’sOfficeinPlatCabinetE,Slide26,referencetowhichisherebymadeforamoreparticulardescriptionoftheEasement.
NOTE:ObjectionstotheissuanceofthislicensemustbesubmittedtoABCnolaterthan 30daysfromthepublishingdateofthefirstof tworequirednewspaperlegalnotices.Objectionsshouldberegisteredat
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