The Goochland Gazette – 1/6/2022

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INSIDE Goochland History: Decades ago, county’s ‘gold belt’ glittered > page 2

Volume 66 Number 1 • January 6, 2022

Local clinic says dental care still a critical need


Ongoing GRTC project to highlight needs across region

New hire will help to clear backlog of cases, says director

By Roslyn Ryan Editor

By Roslyn Ryan Editor

When it comes to providing crucial medical care for those in need, dental services may not be the first thing most people think about. Nevertheless, says GoochlandCares executive director Sally Graham, dental care remains a crucial part of the services the county nonprofit organization provides. “Dental is one of the most critical services we perform, GRAHAM because you can’t get dental care if you don’t have money,” Graham told county supervisors during a Dec. 7 board meeting. “You can go to an emergency room and get medical care, but you can’t get dental.” Graham told supervisors that the clinic is facing a backlog of dental care requests after having to close the facility’s dental clinic for several months due see Dental care > page 3

Supervisor: Micro-transit could be good for Goochland

Courtesy photo

blast of sleet and snow blanketed Goochland on Monday, canceling schools, closing business and knocking out power to homes across the region. Still, some chose to make the best of things, including Lynn Francis, who sent us this shot from her Sandy Hook backyard.


While residents aren’t likely to see regular bus service make its way out to Goochland any time soon, District 2 supervisor Neil Spoonhower is hoping to cash in on the county’s annual contribution to the Central Virginia Transit Authority. Thanks to a taxx on gas and groceries created by the General Assembly in 2020, 15% of the money each locality in the CVTA collects goes to Greater Richmond Transit System (GRTC). During a board of supervisors meeting on Dec. 7, Spoonhower urged residents to take part in a see GRTC > page 2

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